EP150 Billou & Arpa - Status image

EP150 Billou & Arpa - Status

E150 · The Sovereign Man Podcast
80 Plays3 months ago

"Success is defines by doing something so well that other men will seek you out and pay you respect... Doing something so well that other men will seek you out."

Men chase success and how does it impact their status? Why do some men naturally rise to leadership positions while others shy away? Could it all boil down to a concept as elusive as “status”? What does it really mean to be a high-status man in today's world? Why does status matters so much in leadership and relationships? What does status mean for men and women, and how it shapes our interactions and societal roles?

Women often gain status through their problems, with higher status often linked to bigger challenges. This is a stark contrast to how status is perceived among men. For men, status is synonymous with success. Men are drawn to those who display their achievements prominently, whether it’s through wealth, leadership, or skill in various fields. The importance of focusing on personal success to naturally elevate status among peers. Be strategic and intelligent when defining and achieving success.

The critical advice for younger men is to prioritize success - developing their mind, muscle, and financial stability. This approach not only improves personal status but also attracts the right kind of partner. Women should be considered a side hustle, not a full-time job.

You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

Why is it that other men don't want to be in leadership? and It's because of status. What is status to a man all about? Status for men is success. The thing that's really funny now is how the feminine determines you know the masculine status and hierarchy. The more you focus on success, the better off you're going to be.
Welcome to Sovereign Man podcast where we aim to make men masculine. Again, I'm your man, Nicky Baloo. I'm here with my man, Rob Arpa. What's going on, Arpa? Same old, same old man. The sun is shining, blue skies, can't can't ask for anything more, right? Amen. So Arpa, today's topic is status. Yeah, status. That's a good one. so yeah Status, you know, this is something like I told you, it was a recent discussion I had with one of our teams. And it it came up because, you know, men in leadership are like, why why is it that other men don't don't want to be in leadership? And I'm like, it's because of status. And it's funny because in and our circles, we all know what status is for women, right?
or for the, for the feminine piece. Right. Well, I think we should explain it for men listening to this episode because they probably don't know what it is. Yeah. So stat status for, for the feminine is problems. And if you, if you, when you're looking at around at a group of women chatting, the one that has the highest status is usually the one with the biggest problems.
Generally speaking, you figure like the divorcee with two kids or or a widow with two kids, you know something like that will will garner a lot of status and that status brings you attention to other stuff. um Why does it do that? Why does status bring attention to women? Why do they give a shit about that? Good question, right? Like, why does it bring them status? And I don't know, like, you I know, I know sometimes, like, for men, we're addicted to problem solving. So, you know, that would garner status with us. So we would be looking towards, you know, fixing problems because that's what we do. And that's our inner nature.
ah But for women, I don't know. I don't know if it's ah just a social way for them to kind of figure their shit out or just a way for some women to make themselves feel better because they're not the one with the biggest issues or maybe they've got that, you know, a slight same addiction there where you know they they have this inner need to, you know, assist and nurture. What is status to a man all about?
So status for men masculine men or the masculine is success. Now, if you look at men like a group of men, men will inherently be attracted to the man that that displays the highest status. Now, I say displays, right? because like You know, if a dude's got, you know, $10 million dollars in a bank account, unless he's, you know, unless he's walking around with stacks of cash and showing it off, like it's on display, like no one's going to notice, but you look at like a, like a group of men, like for example, uh, again, a race track men men are inherently attracted to, to.
the the cars and the the ah drivers that are usually at the top at the top of the food chain. And men don't care about the men that are at the bottom. You know what I'm saying? or Or sports, like when you look at sports, you look at that the you know captains on teams and stuff like that, like these are the men of the highest status, because they're the ones that have the most success in terms of you know ah goals and points scored and shit like that. And they generally lead the team because all the other men are following that man that does the most or has the most success. So that's that's status for a man. The thing that's really funny now is is how the feminine determines
you know the masculine status and hierarchy that part's the wild part because she'll turn to to her man to see whom or which one of the men has the highest status and then she'll turn to his men to find out what his status is, right? Which is which is absolutely wild. That's why in in our circles, we usually, you know, we have some of these COVID events where we bring our wives, significant others, children, and whatever, because as they see as we are reading each other in and around our circles, they can determine our status and our worth in the male hierarchy.
So let's talk about this a little bit more. Okay, let's delve into this. So if a man is interested in developing himself, right, does this focus need to be on, I want to elevate my status, or does this focus need to be on, I want to elevate my success? So it sounds like the two of those go hand in hand anyways. You know, no shit, right? Like ah um a man with high status, is like that status is going to be feeding his ego, right? And not necessarily in a in a bad way. um yeah You know, like you take like a doctor that had figured out how to treat some some disease, that that that success is going to, you know,
feed his ego, but the desire to achieve that success is also very ego-driven and ego in a constructive way, right? um So yeah, and if you and if you look at if you go back and we look at the the human race over the last few hundred years, ah the the the pursuit of status has us do all kinds of wild and crazy stuff. Uh, you know what I'm saying? Elon Musk is, you know, trying to get to Mars because that's, that's definitely going to garner some status. Crazy amount of status, you know, um amongst him and the few other billionaires that are out there. Uh, but then you can get any, any, you know, any billionaire was ah with a, with a $1,000 cell phone is recording these videos on YouTube and, and they're getting a lot of attention.
Like look at but a man like Andrew Tate, the way he presents himself, you know, that garners a lot of status, he gets a lot of status. and with that status comes a lot of privilege too because look at the way he, you know, some of the, or at least the way he portrays the way he is with women, that he's getting a lot of women because women are attracted to them, to men with status. And that's that's the thing with women too, right? They're they're always going to go after the the man with the highest status that they can attain.
God bless them. They're quite mercenary at in this fashion. But women? Yeah. Yeah, they're quite mercenary in this fashion. and you know You can be a good man with them. But it's nature, right? like you this That shit you can see all over in nature. like You can look at a group of chimpanzees and whatever, and you'll see like that there's certain certain female chimps will will mate with the higher status chimps, and others will not because they cannot attain and maintain
that chimp of the higher status. So what does it say about a woman who gets a man of a certain status and then there's another man of a higher status who starts chasing her? You know, um I mean, theoretically you'd want that woman to be loyal, right, to you if you're the man who doesn't have quite the status that the other man did. ah yeah And there are women who are loyal, but there's also women who are not go for the men and with the highest status and dump them at the lower status.
A hundred percent. And like, that's, that's generally what's supposed to happen. In the, in the dating phase, right? You know, the ah part where, you know, the phase is that we call short-term recreational, right? Where it's all kind of fun. Uh, and that's really where, where. you know, women need to determine like how much of a, how much status or high how high of a status man can they can they maintain, right? Because on the flip side of that coin too, like we read from the Arneal book, you know, a woman will visit is attracted and will keep a man that she can
that she can, ah she not that she can't control, but that she can, there's just that little bit she can't control, right? He's accommodating to a certain point, and then after that, she loses control, and she's she's they they inherently seek that control, right? And and once they we get that control, they're looking for the higher, the next next status, the next but next level, and they'll go until they they reach they reach a point where they can't can't get over, right? And that's that's kind of where they where they fall in that hierarchy. But for men in our our circles, it's good to have the the women come around the men every so often, and they they can see what kind of status we hold. And then and because we we know about this, we can always play play with that a little bit to portray a higher status than we actually have. Amen, man. Amen. um Yeah.
So I think like if if we were going to give advice to men, if they're like 25 or younger and on the dating scene, your primary focus in life should be success. Success is defined as you know doing something so well that other men will seek you out and pay you respect.
gifts and whatever, right? By that definition, not not necessarily dollars, right? Because ah the the dollars itself will follow, but what you should be doing is doing something so well that other men will seek you out and the money will follow. And then the success will increase and your status will with that will increase.
I think that's very important. I think that's something that's lost in our day. There's a guy named Richard Cooper. He runs a company, coaches men, entrepreneurs in cars. He's done a lot of videos from his car, which is kind of fun, kind of cool. And I like Rich. There's things that he says, which I
don't necessarily agree with because, you know, he wasn't a marriage. It didn't work out. He's got a daughter out of it. And now he's a bit cynical about women, unfortunately. um But he's also very, very on point when it comes to um hypergamy, women wanting to be with high status males and with a man needing to focus on success. And ah I think he's absolutely right about all that. 100% more you focus on success the better you're going to To do and the better off you're going to be And that's not fact as a man if you're focusing on other things It's not gonna work. There's a um there's a woman on Instagram named Dana. She's got this channel called Dana disagrees and And she speaks mostly to women about how to treat their men. And she's really good at it, thankfully. But one of the things she she says is that a a man really ought to just be focusing, you know, a young man, especially on his on his mind, on his muscle, and on his money. M3, right? Mind, muscle, money. I think there's a lot of truth to that. Mind, muscle, and money. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And all all three.
All three are intertwined, right? They are. You're not going to get a lot of money if you're if you don't exercise your mind. And and part of part of you know being the best at something, you have to be smart about it. um Muscle. Everyone thinks that like you know there's that the the term works smart, not hard. And everyone thinks that that's meant to uh, bypass working with like a physical job. Uh, and you know, everyone's clamoring to be a lawyer or a doctor or a banker, which by the way, AI is going to wipe off the face of this earth first. Uh, and, and, and the reason, the reason being is like, there's no muscle involved. Right. A man, a man should work with his mind and his muscle, smart, meaning getting the job done better.
and not and not having to you know risk injury of sorts. yeah i Yeah, I believe that as AI becomes more sophisticated, there'll be a lot of jobs that are going to be unnecessary. yeah And there's going to be other jobs which will never be wiped away. Anything physical, any any any sort of labor is going to be in greater demand than ever. And I think if someone has a corporation which provides services like yours, like ah architecture, landscape architecture, um gardening, painting, cleaning, that sort of business is gonna end up doing very, very well. Yeah, well, time time will tell, right? Because machines machines are fantastic.
ah Don't get me wrong, I've got a ton of machines. And the the more that we can invest in, the better for us.
But you know when it when it cut like even with this whole AI revolution, the one thing AI is not going to garner and won't have is that that's a desire for success, which leads to creativity, right? And like look at everything that we've created. you know a machine by design, unless it's prompted to do something, we'll sit there at idle. AI is no different. It's not going to sit there and dream up a new landscape. What AI can do after is take the idea from a human and and start to put that into a a way where it can visualize. Now, I'm kind of lucky because as a kid, I used to play with a lot of Lego. and and Back when I was a kid,
They weren't these elaborate sets that these kids play with now. They were generic blocks. So a lot of creativity was used. and And I have an ability where i can I can almost visualize something that's not there. I can kind of visualize how things come together. And that skill helps. So for people that don't have that skill any longer because it's lost, they'll be able to take a snapshot of like their and interior of their home and turn to the AI and say, you know what would my walls look like if they were blue? And it would render that for them instantly, you know, or you know, what if I see, you know, put a natural stone, it's not some of those walls blue for them is what I'm saying. You're still going to not you know no no an organization to do that for you.
No, the AI debt that's going to be able to actually do or the machinery for that is probably 20 or 30 years off But they you know, they there are our companies like Tesla's working on that humanoid robot Which would be in my eyes fantastic at you know moving cinder blocks and passing you tools and stuff like that Yeah, I believe the next 30 to 40 years easily are going to be a renaissance for um companies involved in skilled and semi skilled labor businesses. And I think that if you're smart, you're going to go get into the businesses like that. You're going to look for a way to to grow that kind of company and grow that kind of organization. And if you're a status seeking man, a success seeking man,
smart for you to figure that out. um Back in the day, 40 years ago, everybody would look down on jobs like that. I think today, those jobs are the hot jobs. Those companies, those those corporations, those businesses are the hot corporations. That's my take on it. You know, it's ah it's funny. Now we're talking about corporations and linking it back to status. And it's like, If we look at like certain brands out there, certain brands, their whole business model is based on status. And you know, the one that keeps coming to mind, or two for me anyways, rather are ah like one is Ferrari.
right yeah internationally known for it for its status. ah yeah right And then the other one ah that is doing in my perspective very poorly right now is Mercedes Benz because they've they've they've got themselves to port and into a pickle where the only people buying their cars were people that already own their cars. So their market share is not growing. It's actually quite literally dying off. um
Mercedes don't have status anymore. Too many of their cars are not high status cars. So they've hoarded the brand around a bit. You know what I mean? But no that's not entirely true. Like they still, they still have some really high end luxury vehicles and such. Yeah. But as a, as a whole, the brand doesn't, doesn't espouse that anymore. It just doesn't Ferrari does. You think Ferrari, you think only high end cars, you think Mercedes, you don't think that anymore. Yeah. Ferrari, you think very high end. You know, and and the truth, the truth is like when you look at these two vehicles, with these two brands in ah in a very logical sense, because that's that tends to be my thing nowadays. You know, there's there's not one thing that either brand does better than any other car out there. That's just all horseshit. You know, like maybe, maybe maybe one car is a fraction of a second faster than another. But truth be told,
that there's very, very limited situations where that evil comes and it can you know is useful. But in the day-to-day life, it's absolutely fucking bullshit. um Yeah, you know, because I've always had people who go, why don't you go get that, who buy this, get this brand, get that brand. It's like, why? so could do it what Why? Why should I be loyal to a to a brand because they market it you know in this in this way? I don't give a shit for that. I'll stick with what what works with me you know financially and what gets the job done right.
Absolutely. And the advice of a young man is chase success and status will follow. Yeah. the other way success Chase Chase the women. Don't get me wrong. Chase the women because that's how you're going to figure out which woman is right for you. and Qualities are right for you. ah But women should be a a side hustle. I think that's the best term for these for ah younger men. Yeah. It should be a side hustle, not a full time job. Yeah, that's a good way to put it. Chase your success, focus on you, get your mind right, get your get your muscle right, work out hard, be strong, and get your get your money figured out. And um you're a man who exhibits those qualities. The kind of woman you want is going to be interested in you. And that, at the end of the day, is that. Art, as usual,
Fucking great talking to you. Great topic. I think we nailed it once again. The conversation has been fun. Yeah, it's been good. All right. And men, if you're looking for a place where you're going to be pushed to be your best self and to ah chase success more powerfully, check out sovereignman.ca. um We have a organization that runs a ah group called Sovereign Circle. And you can come check us out. We allow any man to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting over Zoom, free of charge, so that he can see what's possible when he's with a group of men. And as the great Robert Glover said, um the average man is craving masculine-only spaces but doesn't even know it. That's you. You're the average man. You're craving a masculine-only space, but you don't even know it.
Come check out what we what we do at Sovereign Circle. It'll change your life. Yeah. All right. And that, my man, is a wrap. That's it, bro. Be for the Saturday. Yeah, man. Great way to start off the weekend. Yes, sir. All right. Take care. Be well. All right, chap. We'll see you later.