EP157: 5 Political Positions A Sovereign Man Should Have image

EP157: 5 Political Positions A Sovereign Man Should Have

E157 · The Sovereign Man Podcast
93 Plays2 months ago

What does it mean to be a free-thinking individual in an era marked by rising censorship and control? How do political positions define a sovereign man today?

In a society where freedom and sovereignty are increasingly at risk, it's crucial to stand firm on the principles that matter most. In this episode, we explore what it truly means to be a sovereign man—someone who values independence, cherishes freedom, and rejects being controlled or silenced. Join us as we delve into five key political positions that every man should embrace to safeguard his autonomy and defend his way of life.

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It goes without saying that free speech is the cornerstone of a society of free men and women. A censorship is a tool of the devil. Capitalism is the best and fairest economic system ever devised by man.
Taxation is theft. You ought to have the ability to choose how to live your life. False accusations of racism. If you're a sovereign man, you will never let anybody falsely accuse anyone of racism in front of you.
You're a man living in the modern world in a time when men and manhood are not what they once were. You live life on your own terms. You're self-sufficient. You think for yourself and you march to the beat of your own drum. When life knocks you down, you get back up because in your gut, you know that's what men do. You're a badass and a warrior. And on the days when you forget, we are here to remind you who you really are.
Welcome to Sovereign Man podcast, where we aim to make men masculine again. I'm your man, Nicky Baloo, and I've got a great show for y'all today. This is inspired by my good friend, Ryan Mikler of the Order of Man podcast. He does a um weekly segment on a show called Friday Field Notes.
and This past Friday, he went into eight political positions that he believes a masculine man should take. There's an election coming up in the United States, and he wanted to walk men through what he believes are eight masculine political positions. And I really liked it. I listened to it. I thought it was great. And it made me think, well, what are some of the political positions a sovereign man should take?
And I came up with five, which I thought every sovereign man would want to know about and would agree with that these are the types of political positions a sovereign man would take. So these are the five political positions a sovereign man should have. The first is around free speech. It goes without saying that free speech is the cornerstone of a society of free men and women. And to me, free speech is an absolute, a censorship is a tool of the devil. And today in 2024, there are plenty of political parties and movements and in even corporations that support censorship.
And to me, this is an abomination. these political parties, movements, and even corporations that support censorship must be shunned. Absolutely must be shunned because they are the enemies of freethinking sovereign men. Censorship aims to tell you how to think.
And to me, if you're a a sovereign man or aim to be a sovereign man, then you ought to be somebody that supports parties, movements, corporations that support free speech. It just makes sense. It makes total and complete sense that a sovereign man would support free speech and would be the mortal enemy of those that seek to censor free speech. That's number one. Number two. This is a good one. I know you're going to really like number two. Capitalism is the best and fairest economic system ever devised by man. And the reason for this is that all
good things come from capitalism. Capitalism has allowed more poor people to be lifted out of poverty than any other system in the world. Capitalism has allowed innovation, has allowed rapid growth to really seize the world by storm. And anybody who understands this and supports capitalism deserves your support. And those that oppose it were that they're the handmaidens of the devil himself, and they are champions of the forces of darkness.
The folks that are opposed to capitalism really are saying they're opposed to freedom because capitalism and freedom are the same thing. Capitalism is just an economic system where you are free to choose and free to trade your time, your expertise, your resources with another person without the dead hand of the government trying to force you and tell you what to do.
The enemies of capitalism are for your enslavement. Make no mistake about it. Political parties that are against capitalism are tyrannical. They want you enslaved, and they must be forcefully opposed with every fiber of your being. Now, on the other hand, political parties and movements that support capitalism therefore your freedom, therefore you having the opportunity to live life as the best version of yourself. And as a result, they must be supported with every fiber of your being.
Capitalism or death really ought to be a sovereign man's motto. The great American patriot Patrick Henry during the time of the Revolutionary War said, I know not what choice others may make, but ask for me, give me liberty or give me death. And I'm telling you, capitalism is liberty.
So you ought to support capitalism. Number three, this is really important. Taxation is theft. Politicians that understand this and support lowering and eliminating various taxes, fees and whatnot, they're your friends. They believe in you and that you ought to have the ability to choose how to live your life.
And today, there's not just one type of tax. There's dozens of types of taxes and fees. And those that support increasing these taxes and fees, they're your enemy. Why? Because what they're doing is they're hiding a deep-seated bias toward tyranny in their thinking. And what you need to understand is that folks with a deep-seated bias toward tyranny are your enemy.
You've got to resist them with all your strength and all your will.
Because the government doesn't need to tax you much for it to just follow through with its basic duties. A limited amount of taxation is more than sufficient.
But a tyrannical government wants to tell you how to live, what to do. They want to pay for unproductive aspects of society, like, for example, migrants that are coming here. They want to give them money. It's disgusting.
And you need to see this and you need to say, no, taxation is theft. And I support those that are the enemies of taxation. You want taxes reduced. You want the amount of taxation in our society to be reduced by 80, 90%. Because honestly, that's all the government needs is 10% of what they currently spend. And they they have more than everything they need in order to create a government that does what its citizens need for it to do, but is consistent with liberty, is consistent with freedom. And government uses force to collect taxes. They're like gangsters. They're like the mafia. That's what the government is like. And politicians that support taxation
They support the mafia and politicians that don't, they're your friends. Folks like the great Ronald Reagan, the great Donald Trump, Ron Paul, they're your friends. And if you're in Canada, you need to support Pierre Paulieff and Maxime Bernier. These are the folks that are going to stand up for you. All right.
Number four, there are only two genders, male and female. Period, full stop, end of story. Anything else is a lie that's designed to make you doubt the truth or make you know the truth and be too afraid to speak it. And that's how they're going to control you. There's only two genders, there's male and there's female. And politicians who pretend that they can't tell the difference, they're evil. They're the enemies of your family.
and of a humanist way of life.
Period, full stop, end of story. Now, those politicians that have the courage to say that they can tell the difference, and that there's only two genders, male and female, and that they're ready to protect women's sports and women's safe spaces,
from men with mental problems that are pretending to be women, they deserve your support. So in the Olympics, there were two male boxers that the Olympic ah organizing committee allowed to compete as women. They both won gold medals by beating up women. They're men that beat up women. And it's a prime example of the government the evil government of the Olympics, the Olympic organizing committee, pretending there's two there's more than two genders and pretending that men can be women. That's bullshit. It's bullshit. You as a man need to support those that understand there's only two genders and that gender ideology theory is a pernicious evil meant to destroy our way of life.
period, full stop, and end of story. Number four. Number five.
False accusations of racism are a political tool used by the forces of evil, aka the modern left, to shut the opposition up and to normalize their own fascistic views.
This is a strategy that they use in order to silence those who oppose them. It is right out of Saul Alinsky's evil playbook from his horrible, horrifying, devil-inspired book, Rules for Radicals.
And what you need to understand is that what the left does is they go on offense and they accuse you of what they're already fucking doing. So when they call you a racist, know that they're the evil piece of shit racists themselves. Never, ever for one second recoil. Cause it's a good person you're going to want to instead punch back quarters, call them a racist, call them pieces of shit. Say one finger, finger pointed at me.
has three fingers pointed back at the real racist. You leftist, racist, progressive piece of shit. Remember, progressivism is racism. Woody Wilson, Woodrow Wilson was the original racist. He was open about it. But that cocksucking piece of shit Lyndon Johnson taught the left how to hide the racism behind. Highfalutin.
protestations of not being racist. But the left is racist, and anyone who calls you a racist deserves a fucking literal and metaphorical punch in the nose. Now don't literally punch him in the nose, even though they deserve it. Because you go to jail, and I want you to go to jail, but know that they deserve that. They deserve it.
and metaphorically punch them in the nose, metaphorically tell them they are the racist pushback. Politicians that do this deserve your pushback in the strongest possible terms, in the strongest possible terms. And those that understand that this is an evil pernicious thing done to silence the opposition deserve your support.
but you need to be the one to stand up. If you're a sovereign man, you will never let anybody falsely accuse anyone of racism in front of you. You will push back hard and you will make this tactic go away. You will you will normalize attacking false accusers.
false accusations of racism and you will shun them and you will make them as evil as the actual racists have been made. That polite society will have nothing to do with the false accusers. I will name some of the false accusers. You must hate and attack folks like Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada. You must hate and attack Jagmeet Singh or as I call him Dogmeet Singh and the NDP Party of Canada.
You must hate and attack Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and other evil leftists. Hate and attack them. Push back hard against them. If you're a sovereign man, you will never put up with false accusations of racism. I hope you've enjoyed these five political positions that every sovereign man should take. I hope that you agree with me.
And I hope that you will adopt these positions and you will attempt to persuade the persuadables who have not yet made up their mind in upcoming elections in the United States and in Canada to vote for politicians that are like-minded to us and support the five positions that I believe a sovereign man ought to support and strongly oppose the enemies of a freethinking sovereign man who has the opposite of the positions that are of