EP161: BILLOU - The Importance Of Confidentiality  image

EP161: BILLOU - The Importance Of Confidentiality

E161 · The Sovereign Man Podcast
89 Plays1 month ago

Have you ever shared something in confidence only to have it betrayed?  What does it mean to truly be a man of integrity?

Trust seems to be in short supply, maintaining confidentiality is more crucial than ever. Whether it’s in business, personal relationships, or within a close circle of friends, the ability to keep a secret is a hallmark of a truly masculine man. But how often do we see men falter in this area, succumbing to the temptation to gossip or share what should remain private?

If you want to be part of a circle of high-value men—men who are achieving, thriving, and leading—you need to be someone they can trust.

You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

Men have become feminized, and because they've become feminized, they go and they gossip like women. It's the thing women do. It's feminized behavior. And it's fine amongst women. It's not fine amongst men. You want to be somebody who's a trusted member of a serious inner circle? Maintain confidentiality. A man who can maintain confidentiality.
is a man who can help you navigate dangerous waters. You're a man living in the modern world in a time when men and manhood are not what they once were. You live life on your own terms. You're self-sufficient. You think for yourself and you march to the beat of your own drum. When life knocks you down, you get back up because in your gut, you know that's what men do. You're a badass and a warrior. And on the days when you forget, we are here to remind you who you really are
Welcome to Sovereign Man, podcast where we aim to make men masculine again. I'm your man, Nicky Baloo. And this is a solo episode featuring Nicky Baloo. So I want to talk about an issue that's very, very important for you as a man to understand, and that's confidentiality. I was in a situation where I had a conversation with a man the other day and it involved, um,
a decision he was making that included another man. And I told this man, hey, you know what? I don't think you should do this with this other man because of X, Y, and Z. And this fellow got all butthurt that I said this and said, oh man, you're slagging your competition and I don't really appreciate that. And I said, first off, this man ain't my competition. I'm not in the same business as him.
Second off, I'm not bad mouthing him. I'm simply speaking the truth, and I'm telling you that you shouldn't do this with him for X, Y, and Z. Well, this man was still all butthurt that I said all this, and then he went and he blabbed what I said to this other man. What happens to be a friend of mine? What I said about this other man was true, 100% true.
But the conversation that I had with this man was a confidential conversation. It's not that I had any problem with telling the first man, that's a friend of mine, this to his face. In fact, I've said it to his face before. But this fellow went and ran off to him like a girl and said, blue bad mouth you to me and said blah, blah, blah, blah about you.
It left me in a situation of needing to go speak to this man who's a friend of mine and explain to him what I said, why I said it. And I asked him point blank, I would say this to your face. I didn't mean for this to bother you or hurt you in any way, shape or form, because you're a friend of mine, but I'll say this to your face. So eventually you need to deal with. And he agreed with me. um But it took 10 minutes of my time in order to have this discussion with him and smooth things over, because this man,
couldn't keep his mouth shut and decided to go blab to the Southern man. Here's what happens, man. There's a thing called confidentiality. Confidentiality. You know what it means? It means keep your fucking mouth shut. Do not go and share a conversation that one man has with you with someone else.
Unless he has explicitly told you, I don't have a problem with you sharing this conversation because confidentiality should be maintained between men. Unfortunately, since the sixties, men have become feminized and because they become feminized, they go and they gossip like women. Women go and say, do you know what someone said about you? Oh my God, let me tell you, bla blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
It's the thing women do. It's feminized behavior. And it's fine amongst women. It's not fine amongst men. It is not fine amongst men. If you're a man and you want to have the respect of other men, if you want to even have the respect of yourself, your own self-respect, you gotta learn how to keep a secret, to keep information confidential.
Because if you don't, then you're just another feminized Nancy boy. And no man should trust you. No man should fucking trust you. We have men's circles. And in these men's circles, right,
One of the things that we do is we talk about sensitive topics. Man might come in who's thinking about leaving his job to go to another company. And he comes to the circle in order to reveal himself, to get feedback from other men, to try and help him decide. Now, if a man in that group decides to blab about it to his boss, he could get fired even though he hasn't made the decision to leave.
And it could hurt him because some man in the group was a feminized little Nancy boy who couldn't keep his mouth shut and have to go run off to somebody and share confidential information. Loose lips sink ships. This is the saying from World War II. Loose lips sink ships. Your inability to keep your fucking mouth shut could hurt another man.
It absolutely hurts you. Your reputation goes to shit. You are no longer thought of as a trustworthy, reliable man, because you can't shut your fucking mouth.
And that's a fact. And if you can't shut your fucking mouth, no man should trust you. Ask yourself, how often do you violate confidentiality?
Do you hear something from a man and just go blabbing about it to other men? That could be a little thing and it might not matter. But if you're in the habit of blabbing things to people, you're gonna be one of these little Nancy boys that other folks are very soon gonna make sure they don't take into their confidence. I was at a conference last week with the legendary Patrick Bet David of Valuetainment PHP agency and the PBD podcast. And he was talking about the importance of having an inner circle. And who ought to be in your inner circle? And what are some of the some of the key characteristics that the folks in your inner circle need to adhere to for them to get to stay in your inner circle? One of them is the ability to keep a secret, to keep your mouth shut and not go blabbing sensitive things to other people.
So if you're a drunk or you're somebody who's high on weed all the time, you don't get to be in the inner circle of someone like a Patrick Bet David or a Nicky Baloo because we don't fucking want idiots like you blabbing your mouth to other people. You could hurt us by revealing things that we've shared in confidence that we're coming to you with to get help and advice on. In confidence.
You want to be somebody who's a trusted member of a serious inner circle, then God damn it, learn to maintain confidentiality.
There's nothing more important than you understanding that being a man worthy of the respect and the confidence of another man or other men, especially men that are, I hate this phrase, high value men. I got to find a better phrase in high value men. You know, men that have achieved a level in life that are at a certain station in life. These men, these men want men they can rely on to be a part of their inner circle.
men that maintain confidentiality, men that are able to give feedback and advice to them, that is going to help them navigate challenging circumstances in their life. This could be in their business. This could be a situation where they are looking to hire someone, to fire someone, to make a massive investment, to take out a big loan, to bring on investors,
This could be a situation where they're looking to merge their company with another company. It could be someone who's a CEO at a large company who's looking to jump ship. It could be someone who's looking to start a company for the first time or wind one down. It doesn't matter. What matters is that they have trusted members of an inner circle that they can speak to and they can get good advice from and they can rely upon to maintain their confidence.
It could be that these are men that are dealing with issues in their personal life. Perhaps their wife has cheated on them or they've cheated on their wife and they're trying to navigate that. Perhaps their child has been caught doing drugs and has been arrested. Perhaps their child has crashed their car while driving drunk. Perhaps their best friend stopped talking to them. And they're coming to you as a member of their inner circle to unburden themselves,
and to ask for advice, to ask for help. And if this is the case, my dear friend, it is imperative that you be somebody who can give them that good advice from a space of wanting what's best for them, but you also be somebody who can keep their mouth shut, who can maintain a confidence somebody who's count-onable, somebody who's reliable. Because the whole concept of the inner circle is about you
It's that simple. Maintaining your confidence is a big deal. It's a huge, huge deal.
Nothing more important from my point of view. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
You gotta have men around you you can trust. Now my organization, The Sovereign Man, has something called The Sovereign Circle. We have an inner circle of sorts we've created for men that they can come to and they can be a part of.
And one of the key things that we insist upon, if you're a member of the center circle, is that you maintain confidentiality.
A man who doesn't agree to maintain confidentiality or who agrees to maintain confidentiality, but then breaks his word, is a man will exit from the fucking circle as soon as possible, which is to say right away.
Because that man is dangerous to all of us. That man is a man whose inability to shut his mouth can cost marriages, can cost jobs, can cost businesses, can cost employee relationships, can cost reputations out there in the world.
In contrast, a man who can maintain confidentiality is a man who can help you navigate dangerous waters in tricky times in your marriage, is a man who can help you deal with a difficult son or daughter, who can help you make wise decisions in business when it comes to hiring and firing and investing and borrowing and selling, is a man who can help you do the right thing to get yourself in the best physical condition of your life. It's that kind of man. It's that kind of man.
You, me, We're the best version of ourselves when we're men who are in an inner circle and who have an inner circle and when we're men who have the ability to maintain confidentiality.
An inner circle will take your life, your business, your health, your marriage, your relationships to levels that it has never ever been at.
in inner circle, while maintaining confidentiality and having men in your circle that can maintain confidentiality creates such a bond of strength and trust that you will soar from level to level. There's a book called 10X, It's Easier Than 2X. It's written by Benjamin Hardy with Dan Sullivan.
And the concept of getting to the next level, 10X being easier than 2X, strongly relies upon being part of circles of confidentiality that you can trust to maintain confidentiality.
If you're interested in being a man who can take 10X leaps in your life to become fitter, I took a 10X leap myself when I dropped 60 pounds from 227 to 167, when I entered a bodybuilding competition, having energy to burn, having six-pack abs, having vascularity. Those of you on video can see my bicep right now.
All of this became possible because I chose to put some people in my inner circle around this issue.
Okay. When I wrote my first book, that was a 10X leap. And I did that by having a man in my inner circle, Raymond Aaron. Raymond Aaron showed me how to write the book and how to self-publish it. It was a 10X leap for me and took my business from meandering in the 30, 40, 50, 60,000 a year all the way up to 250,000 a year rather rapidly.
That 10X leap came because I trusted Raymond and he trusted me and we maintained that trust by keeping certain things confidential. And that was really, really important, having that trusted inner circle.
And right now inside of my business, I've got a trusted inner circle with my beautiful lady Teresa and Mark von Muser. And we've published our next book, Get Booked and Get Paid. This book has been all about helping people get booked on podcasts and getting paid from their appearances with lead sales and clients.
This book's a game changer for us. It's our next 10x leap. It became possible because of the inner circle I have with Mark in the confidentiality that he has maintained in our relationship to help me be able to execute this project without worrying unduly about sensitive information being released out there into the world.
Are you getting the picture? Is this starting to make sense to you? Do you understand the value of confidentiality? Do you understand the importance of being in an inner circle where confidentiality is a bedrock principle that is adhered to by everyone in that inner circle? Do you? Or are you still clueless? Because if you're clueless,
Rewind this podcast, listen to it again from the beginning, take detailed notes. But if this is sinking in for you, then here's what I'm saying to you. Get your butt off this seat.
share this episode with another man who you know is a feminized pussy but has it in him to be a man, to be a good and great man and tell him you need to listen to this message and you need to absorb it and adopt it. You do that, you're gonna help that other man, you're gonna help yourself.
And to recap,
A man that cannot keep a confidence is a man that cannot be trusted. A man that can keep a confidence is a man that can be trusted. If you're a man who cannot be trusted, you're not going to have strong masculine relationships with men, and you are always, always going to be less than your best.
If you are a man who can keep a confidence and can be trusted, men will gravitate towards you. You will be part of strong inner circles that will make you better as well as make them better. It's a muscle.
Confidentiality and the ability to maintain a confidence is a muscle. You need to work this muscle and make it strong. Start by making a vow and a determination today.
that you are a man who maintains confidentiality. Repeat after me, I'm a man who maintains confidentiality.
And be a man who expects and holds other men accountable for maintaining confidentiality too. Do not congregate with or tolerate other men who do not maintain confidentiality to be in your circle.
Do not share your confidences with them. Exit them from your inner circle. They can be people you say hello with, you can have a drink with them, you can share a meal with them, you can watch a baseball game with them, but they can never be a part of your inner circle ever again. And you need to make that clear to them. I thank Patrick Bet David for explaining in detail the concept of the inner circle from his point of view because it definitely enriched my own concept of an inner circle from my own point of view. And I thank Patrick that David from really emphasizing the importance of confidentiality and being able to maintain secrecy because that assisted me and helped me to be able to articulate this for you today in this podcast. Thank you, Patrick.
And I thank you for being a man who cares enough about being a better man to listen to this podcast. And if you got value from this, give us a like, give us a rating, give us a review, that helps us with the algorithm. So please make sure you do that right now. And if there's someone that you know is a feminized little pussy and needs this message, share it with them and tell them that they need to listen to this episode. Baloo up.
Thank you for listening to The Sovereign Man podcast. If you're ready to take charge of your life and become the man you've always wanted to be, we invite you to join the movement at sovereignman.ca.