EP153: Billou - The Assassination Attempt on President Donald J Trump - Reflections On Courage     image

EP153: Billou - The Assassination Attempt on President Donald J Trump - Reflections On Courage

E153 · The Sovereign Man Podcast
77 Plays2 months ago

“We’re living in times when you might called on a moments notice to demonstrate unbelievable courage.”

On Saturday, July 13th, at 6:11pm, an assassin attempted to kill Donald Trump. After dropping to safety and after several secret service shielded him, he rose to his feet pumping his fist in the air, saying, “Fight, fight, fight!”.

How would you react when faced with a life-threatening situation? What does true courage look like in today's perilous times? How does this apply to you? We’re living in times when you might called on a moments notice to demonstrate unbelievable courage.

Ask yourself: How can I be more courageous in my life? Take inspiration from President Trump's example and lean into your courage. Stand up against evil, pursue your goals with determination, and be a strong, courageous leader in your own right. Push back against harmful ideologies and supporting leaders who embody true courage.

Every man wants, deep in his heart, to stand up for what matters. What does it mean to demonstrate courage? When you’re faced with evil, you stand up and you fight, and you do everything in your power to push back and stand up for the things you believe in.

You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

What does it mean to demonstrate courage? It means standing up for the things that matter and the things that you believe in. You may be called on a moment's notice to demonstrate unbelievable courage. When you're faced with evil, you stand up and you fight and you do everything in your power. stand for bigger things, better things for everyone around. I'm going to go after the things that I want in life. I'm going to go after business and make it happen for myself, for my family, for those I love.
You're a man living in the modern world in a time when men and manhood are not what they once were. You live life on your own terms. You're self-sufficient. You think for yourself and you march to the beat of your own drum. When life knocks you down, you get back up because in your gut, you know that's what men do. You're a badass and a warrior. And on the days when you forget, we are here to remind you who you really are.
Welcome to Sovereign Man, podcast where we aim to make men masculine again. I'm your man, Nicky Baloo. This is a solo episode. And today's episode is on courage. This past weekend on Saturday at 6.11 PM, an assassin attempted to kill, assassinate President Donald Trump. At the last moment, President Trump moved his head to the right and the bullet, instead of hitting him in the head and killing him, pierced his right ear. He very quickly ducked down and took cover. The assassin was then killed by Secret Service counter-stipers and the Secret Service picked up President Trump and attempted to get him out of there. But he said, wait, wait, wait.
Like a boss, he got up, he raised his fist in the air and pumped it three times and shouted, fight, fight, fight! There was a photo taken by an Associated Press photographer, a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer, that's gone iconic because it's a photo of Donald Trump raising his fist in the air. blood pouring down his face from his ear, a resolute, strong, manly look on his face with the American flag waving in the background.
It remains an inspirational moment, a moment where every man watching could say, damn, I approve. That's who I hope I could be in a situation like this. A few weeks before that, in my offices in Toronto, the man who was my business landlord, another strong man, was ambushed by a weak man who took him into the office holding a gun on him and murdered him and his female business associate.
It's the first time I've talked about this publicly. And I can tell you that it was a horrific moment. This man who murdered and then killed himself. I believe what he did was cowardly. I believe Sneaking up on somebody and murdering him and his female associates cowardly. And I believe that killing yourself afterwards is cowardly because he won three families, his own and two others. But a great man, a strong man, in the case of my business landlord, was murdered. And another great man, a strong man, in the case of Donald J. Trump, was not. He escaped assassination.
And I think showed great courage under fire. To me, we're living in perilous times, times where our crazy people, people that are mentally unbalanced, go do things like this. Go try to kill people, and in the case of my landlord, actually kill somebody. And if you're a man today and you're wondering, how does this apply to me? You're living in a time where you may be called on a moment's notice to demonstrate unbelievable courage.
and What does it mean to demonstrate courage? It means when you're faced with evil. And let's make no mistake about it. Evil lurked in the hearts of the killer and the would be killer. When you're faced with evil, you stand up and you fight and you do everything in your power to push back against evil. Courage. means standing up for the things that matter and the things that you believe in. It's my belief that President Trump did that and has continued to do that since the assassination attempt. And it's my belief that every man, every man on this planet, whether it's a man who's listening to this podcast for the first time, whether it's a man who's a regular listener to our podcast, deep in his heart, wants to be brave.
wants to be courageous, wants to stand up and do the right thing day in and day out. And we live in a day and age where the very idea of being a courageous, strong man has been under assault from a lot of different corners. But thank God that on that day, July 13th, Donald J. Trump demonstrated, nay modeled what courage looks like for the rest of us. And I think if you're a man and you watch what happened and you watch how Trump reacted and the grace that he's shown since, you can't help but admire him. But thank God that this man was spared.
and thank God that he's running for the presidency again, and that he's very likely gonna be the 47th president of the United States. Because we need leaders like this, strong leaders, courageous leaders, bold leaders, that when the shit hits the fan, these strong, courageous leaders, are gonna stand up and they're gonna do the right thing. They're gonna inspire the people like Donald Trump did. They're gonna stand for bigger things, better things for everyone around them. That's what courage looks like. Courage looks like Donald Trump getting shot and then picking himself up.
and raising his fist in the air and pumping it three times and shouting fight, fight, fight. That's what courage looks like. And I've been inspired by this to speak out, that's the least I can do. I'm gonna speak out against the left in their evil ideology every chance I get. I'm gonna go after the things that I want in life. I'm gonna go after business and make it happen for myself, for my family, for those I love. I'm gonna stand up and be counted. What about you? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna look at this example of courage and ask yourself, how can I be more courageous in my life? I know what choice I'm making. I'm leaning into my courage.
Doesn't mean I ain't scared at times, because I'm fucking scared at times. And I'm encouraging you to step into your courage. Take heart from the example of Donald J. Trump. Take heart and show some courage. Now I want to say a couple things about this. This assassination attempt needs to be laid at the feet of the evil left because it's their hateful rhetoric that, quote unquote, Trump is literally Hitler and that he and his supporters are quote unquote, racist, and fascist. This dangerous rhetoric, irresponsible rhetoric,
is what has led this mentally deranged individual to take a shot at Donald Trump because in his warped worldview, who wouldn't kill literally Hitler. So the left must be called out and this irresponsible hateful rhetoric is deliberate on their part because they want to destroy their enemies. So we need to push back and knock them out of the public square. They got to be read out of polite society. That's the facts. And the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheadle, that that woman, she needs to be fired. She's into diversity, equity, and inclusion. She's hired all these small, tiny women who can't even do their jobs. Listen, I love women. Women are great, but small, tiny women don't make great Secret Service agents. You need big, hulking men who can cover their protective with their bodies. That's their job.
So that's number one. She needs to be fired immediately. Joe Biden ain't gonna do it, but he should. And honestly, she may have been complicit in this. Who the hell knows? But this is disgusting. We need to push back against the left. Any attempt they make to reintroduce this rhetoric needs to be met with the strongest possible pushback. And we got to do everything we can to make sure Donald J. Trump is elected and that the left loses this election. And in my home country of Canada, we got to do everything in our power to make sure that Pierre Poliev is elected and that the left loses the selection. Justin Trudeau must go. Must go. He's terrible. He's evil. Simple as that. And what it looks like from the perspective of courage on courage is that we stand up, we speak out against these evil people, and we encourage the persuadables to come over to our side.
You're not going to get the hardcore lefties over to your side ever. Don't even try. But there are people, normal people, that are horrified by what they see and they're persuadable. We need to bring them over to our side. And that's really what it's all about. I thank you for taking the time to listen to me. Bulu'el.
Thank you for listening to The Sovereign Man podcast. If you're ready to take charge of your life and become the man you've always wanted to be, we invite you to join the movement at sovereignman.ca.