EP154 Billou: The Assassination Attempt On President Donald J Trump -- Reflections On Courage Part 2 image

EP154 Billou: The Assassination Attempt On President Donald J Trump -- Reflections On Courage Part 2

E154 · The Sovereign Man Podcast
76 Plays2 months ago

“You need to be strong and you need to be kind.”

What does Donald Trump’s reaction to a life-threatening situation reveal about his character as a leader? How can his example inspire you to show strength and grace in your own life? On July 13th, an assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, marked a crucial moment not just for Trump, but for the concept of leadership itself. Amidst a chaotic and dangerous situation, Trump’s response highlighted a profound example of strength and masculinity in leadership.

Embrace challenging situations with resilience and inspire those around you through your actions and demeanor. It’s not just about political views but about how to embody strength and grace in your own life. Remember, true leadership involves demonstrating both strength and kindness. As you strive to improve, consider the values of "Lift Heavy, Be Kind," a philosophy championed by Mitchell Hooper, the 2023 World's Strongest Man.

You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

Men look for men to follow that are strong. Women look for men to follow that are strong. Donald Trump has come to exemplify not just the MAGA movement, but the movement of all Americans. who seek strength, manhood, who seek masculine behavior from their men leaders. As a man, you want to follow and admire great men. Donald Trump demonstrated what leadership and manhood and manliness look like.
You're a man living in the modern world in a time when men and manhood are not what they once were. You live life on your own terms. You're self-sufficient. You think for yourself and you march to the beat of your own drum. When life knocks you down, you get back up because in your gut, you know that's what men do. You're a badass and a warrior. And on the days when you forget, we are here to remind you who you really are.
Welcome to the Sovereign Man podcast where we aim to make men masculine. Again, I'm your man, Nikki Ballou, doing another solo episode for y'all today. And I want to talk more about Donald Trump. And I want to reflect more on his strength as a man and his strength as a leader. By now, y'all know there was an assassination attempt on him. on July the 13th in Butler, Pennsylvania at 6.11 p.m. He turned his head at the last moment, a bullet hit him in the ear, he ducked down, a bunch of Secret Service types jumped on top of him, he got up, he raised his fist, and he yelled, fight, fight, fight, three times. Since then, his standing with the American public has risen.
um His opponent in the election, Joe Biden, ah has withdrawn from the race. He withdrew from the race on July the 21st. And this is the first instance since 1968 when Lyndon Baines Johnson withdrew from the Democratic race in the primaries that a sitting president has decided not to seek out the nomination. And in Biden's case, it's even more startling because he had won um renomination. He'd won all the delegates. And he was losing to Trump so bad, and it was so clear that he was not going to be able to win, that the Poobas and the Democrat Party forced him out.
Van Jones of CNN said, a bullet couldn't stop Donald Trump and a virus has stopped Joe Biden. So that's a stark differentiation between the leadership strengths of these two men. And I use the term men ah deliberately for Donald Trump and know loosely for Joe Biden. Donald Trump saw that the people in the audience were shocked and stunned by the assassination attempt. And he knew that as their leader, he needed to step up and stand up. So he did. The Secret Service wanted to carry him out on a stretcher. He said, no, I'm all right. He got up and he pumped his fist three times and said, fight, fight, fight. And the crowd roared its approval. But in that moment,
That iconic moment, Donald Trump transformed himself from a nobody, really, in the eyes of so many, even though he was a hero in the eyes of quite a few people. There was a lot of people who saw him as nothing, a nobody, a zero, ah not a good guy. But he was transformed in their eyes to the status of an icon of a hero. because of the strength and courage that he demonstrated by standing up. That was such a badass moment. Mark Zuckerberg met at Facebook, said, that was a badass moment. And Donald Trump, in his badassery, demonstrated what leadership and manhood and manliness look like. And he knocked out his opponent from the race.
You think about this because it was clear his opponent was going to lose. Now he's been replaced by a woman, Kamala Harris, Biden sitting vice president. And it's my belief that if anything, she is the worst candidate than Joe Biden. She's very unpopular and she will lose the selection. But nonetheless, the Democrats want to cling to some forlorn hope that they might be able to win with her than the certainty that they would lose with Joe Biden at the helm. What does Donald Trump, in his response to this assassination attempt, say about him as a man and as a leader? First of all, it says that he's mad enough to overrule his Secret Service detail and know that his people needed to hear from him. And he was a strong enough leader to recognize in the moment what they needed. They needed to see their leader or their hero stand up, bloodied but unbowed,
defiant, spitting defiance, showing strength.
He realized this in an instant, and he rose to the occasion. Men look for men to follow that are strong.
And that's why a lot of men who are unsure about Donald Trump are not sure about him. Women look for men to follow that are strong. If anything, it's more important for a woman, for a man to demonstrate strength. Donald Trump did that. But in the aftermath of the assassination attempt and the speech he made to the Republican National Convention, he also showed grace. He made a ah plea for unity. And in making that plea, he transformed himself from just a candidate for president to an icon in American history. Donald Trump has come to exemplify not just the MAGA movement, but the movement of all Americans who seek strength, manhood, who seek masculine behavior from their men leaders.
And to me, this is something that we all can learn from. I have sought to stand up tall and strong and not back down since that happened. I've also decided to be somebody who is um more gracious, more forgiving of others. So on the one hand, not backing down and being strong. On the other hand, being gracious. What can you learn from this? Well, I want you to learn the same thing. I want you to learn how to be strong. I want you to demonstrate strength in your life. I want you to lean into the difficult situations and inspire those around you by your comportment and by your demeanor. I also want you
to show grace, to show love, to show kindness. I've discovered a brand of workout clothing called LHBK. It stands for Lift Heavy, Be Kind. The founder of this brand is a fellow named Mitchell Hooper. He was a 2023 World Strongness Man champion. Lift Heavy, Be Kind. Be Strong, Be Kind. Be strong, be kind. This is what we all need to do. Be strong, but be kind. If you're a man who's listening to this podcast episode, you need to be strong, you need to be kind. I recommend that you become a leader
of yourself, of your family, of your community. I recommend that you become a reader of books about history. You need to read about the great leaders of our time you know previous time and times and eras. If you're an American, You need to know who Jimmy Doolittle was and what was the raid on Tokyo that he led. You need to know who Abraham Lincoln was and what was the Emancipation Proclamation.
You need to know who Ronald Reagan was and why his speech is about the Soviet Union as an evil empire.
gave courage and hope to refuse Nixon political prisoners in the old Soviet Union to keep up their struggle against attorney and an evil ideology.
You need to know who JFK was and why he said, we will pay any price, bear any burden to ensure the survival and success of liberty.
You need to know who Richard Nixon was and why he decided to go to China. You need to know how the deep state deep sixed his presidency.
What the unbelievably phony made up Watergate bullshit story. You need to know who George Washington was.
and why it matters that after his two terms, he returned to his family farm, like Cincinnatus, and refused to become a monarch. These are things that you need to learn about, you need to read about, and educate yourself on, and model your own behavior after.
As a man, you want to follow and admire great men, great men. And there's plenty of them out there. Plenty, plenty, plenty. Donald J. Trump is a man among men in the tradition of great men throughout history. It's my hope and my belief. If you're listening to this, you understand that.
You want to learn more about this man. You want to deposit your affection and admiration for Donald Trump out there into the world. And you want to learn how to emulate him in your day-to-day life. I commend you for that. I think it makes you a better man. And I want you to share this episode with other men for looking for men to admire. So they too can admire you and Donald Trump and the men in the American tradition that have been just like him. Thank you for listening to The Sovereign Man podcast. If you're ready to take charge of your life and become the man you've always wanted to be, we invite you to join the movement at sovereignman.ca.