EP158 Emanuel Rose - Why Men Need Peer Groups image

EP158 Emanuel Rose - Why Men Need Peer Groups

E158 · The Sovereign Man Podcast
101 Plays1 month ago

no man is an island.”

How can young men design their lives for lasting success, rather than chasing fleeting victories? perseverance, vision, and continuous learning, these elements play an important role in achieving sustained success.

If you want to take control of your path to success, start by reflecting on your vision, seeking out mentors, and surrounding yourself with a supportive peer group. Success isn’t an accident, it’s a result of intentional design and the right action.

Emmanuel Rose is an entrepreneur and seasoned marketing expert who began his career at 19, founding a mail-order business that sold hemp products. He is dedicated to helping others harness their potential by staying grounded in service to others, cultivating a network of support, and embracing continuous learning. His story is one of resilience, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

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Mentorship and Classic Literature for Personal Growth

Our job as humans is to serve the men who are successful over a long period, have a vision, a network of help, and can anticipate the threats, the obligations, and the opportunities. It's better for a man to spend time with the ascended masters and the classic literature than it is to spend time with people who are going nowhere. And the more mentors you can have, the more accelerated your growth and change will be.
You're a man living in the modern world in a time when men and manhood are not what they once were. You live life on your own terms. You're self-sufficient. You think for yourself and you march to the beat of your own drum. When life knocks you down, you get back up. Because in your gut, you know that's what men do. You're a badass and a warrior. And on the days when you forget, we are here to remind you who you really are.

Introduction of 'Sovereign Man' Podcast with Emmanuel Rose

Welcome to Sovereign Man podcast, where we aim to make men masculine again. I'm your man, Nikki Baloo. We're a very special guest today. Emmanuel Rose. Welcome, Emmanuel. Thank you so much for having me, Nikki. I'm really happy to have a conversation with you. I'm grateful that you have chosen to grace our humble show with your presence and to share your wisdom with us.

Keys to Business Success for Young Men

So, Emmanuel,
The topic of discussion today is around sharing your vision, your expertise on how men, in particular young men, can generate business success for themselves. And what struck me when you and I spoke, because I was on your podcast and we've had a couple of other business discussions, is how
Matter of fact, steady as she goes, your demeanor was and is. And it strikes me that that is an important part of your success. Am I wrong in surmising that? No, that's pretty accurate. Yeah. I call it perseverance, right? Dog and persistence, sometimes that's what it takes.
There's no question that that's all true. But why don't you, for the benefit of my listener, share your story, your success journey, as it were.

Emmanuel's Journey in the Hemp Industry

Yeah, well, the success journey, for me, I'm a ready fire aim kind of guy. And so I see where the opportunity is. I started as a
19 year old I Had a mail-order catalog and an event attending business where I was selling hemp products and and I Learned about hemp in the early 90s. I got really excited. There was not a lot of people doing it so I just I dove in I I found all the products I could and I went and proselytized the virtues and benefits of natural fiber
I came from a family that was a working class family. We don't do business, right? So I had a very steep learning curve. And that was about 35 years ago. And since then, the ebbs and flows of working for other people, having my own business, being a product manager, an electronics company,

Vision and Perseverance for Long-term Success

And now, most recently, in this marketing agency world, I've always been drawn to whatever is the most cutting edge, but with the fundamentals of the most internal fundamentals possible, if that makes sense. Well, it's a high level.
discussion but say more. So our our job as humans is to serve and so we have to find places to serve people and there's there's lots of clowns and shapeshifters who make a lot of money really quick and they typically have flash in the pan success.
The men who are successful over a long period have a vision, have a network of help and support, and can anticipate the threats, the obligations, and the opportunities. And I want to talk about men like Warren Buffett and even Elon Musk.
that have a long-term view of things. And so

Overcoming Career Setbacks

everybody wants to shoot the bow, but no one wants to pull the string. That's a maxim from the Asian cultures. And what that says is that we have to do the work in order to have the benefit. And we see a lot of people with a lot of money very quickly, and they usually go away very quickly also.
So why don't you share your story of how you came up with your vision and the business that you currently want? So I got fired from a job where I had been hired to be a change agent. And they told me not to make any changes for 90 days. And after about 110 days on the job, I was fired.
And that was after I had my previous job, I had quit because I had a big bonus that was owed to me that I got reneged on. So I had, in the course of four months, I had two very devastating, perfectually devastating events happen. One, as I didn't get the money I earned and two, I got fired. So I sat myself down.
And I say, wow, this is here's a pattern. And and the thing that I see is that it means if I'm working for other people, I'm at their whim, no matter what their what their commitment is. And so I need to work for myself. And, you know, easier said than done. I was able to cobble together in a short term, a couple of clients, two clients, three clients

Continuous Education and Learning Platforms

who were
Also seeing that social media was going to be a big Change in the world that we lived in an important marketing Activity and so I got these very small clients and started cobbling together Enough work to be you know to be a marketing agency and and that's because I had been in sales and marketing, you know for the 20 years before that and
And I like to read, and I think that's another critical area that sets men apart from other men, is accepting the obligation for continuing education on a daily basis. You know, I think that's very important. I believe in that very strongly.
Jordan Peterson is launching the Peterson Academy, which is his answer to conventional university education. And for $449 a year,
you basically can get the equivalent of a university level education where if you went to Caltech or Harvard or UC Berkeley, you'd be paying between 45 and $65,000 a year. So it's honestly 1,100th of the cost, 1,120th of the cost.
And I think it's brilliant. I signed up for it. I mean, I graduated from university with a master's degree decades ago, but I'm a continuous learner. And I think that one of the reasons we're here on this earth is to learn, to grow so that we can contribute better. So I'd like you to expand on your comment I like to read.
Well, I'm with you. I'm a lifelong learner, and I have zero college degrees, but I've been to college a number of times, and I haven't found one that can contain me yet. But that being said, there's this thing where they say, well, most salespeople haven't even read a single
book on sales, right? Well, I'm the guy that's read 150 books on sales, and I can tell you the different structures that generally exist in the sales world, because that's just how I'm wired.
I'm getting ready to learn how to play the guitar. So I order the guitar. I order the guitar theory book. I order the cheat book and I sign up for the course on Udemy on how to play a guitar. Right. Like that is the process. I want to learn how to shoot a shotgun so I can be a better hunter. Then I go through that same process of I get the magazines, I get the books, I watch the YouTube videos. I hire a coach to teach me how to shoot a shotgun.
And in that way, I have a full view of what it is to take my skill from beginner to novice. And if I want to move past novice, then I know what my commitment is to myself, my time, my family, my finances in order to be experts. And I have to pick those things carefully about where I allocate all the resources that I have.

Coaching and Peer Support for Success

On Saturday, August 10th, I did my first ever bodybuilding show. And a year and a half ago, I was a fat fuck, weighing 247 pounds. At the show, I weighed 167 pounds, so 60 pounds down. I was ripped. I was shredded. I didn't do this by myself. I hired a coach. I had a team with me. I had a dream team of winners ready to help me win and be victorious. That's awesome.
Hiring a coach, I think that's really smart.
I think it's important for a man listening to you to understand that you should hire coaches, you should assemble a dream team, and you should immerse yourself in whatever the fuck it is you're trying to get good at, right? Absolutely. Yep.
So culturally, where I'm from, in California, from a working class family, it was an embarrassment to ask for help, right? We had to figure everything out ourselves. But we know that on my own, I'm inadequate. I need the tribe. I need the dream team. I need 12 people who think and act and believe like I do. And hopefully, I'm the poorest, dumbest, fattest, ugliest guy in the group.
and that I'm being drawn off to the next level by the people that are surrounding me. And that's the real secret to assembling friends and who you spend your time with. So you want to be in a peer group and you want to be the least impressive member of that peer group. Absolutely, because you're going to be raised up. It's called reciprocal co-onigenic structural coupling.
which is we survive, we survive based on the stories that we are attracted to by the people that we're surrounded with. And so if we're around people who smoke dope and play video games and that's our peer group, then that's, that's what we're going to value and do because in our, in our lizard brain, that's how we survive is by being part of a tribe.
So what is that term that you use? Say it to me, I wanna write it down. It's called coontogenic and then an ontogeny is a shared history. So coontogenic reciprocal structural coupling. And it's from Fernando Flores, who's a philosopher from South America.
So spell COANTOGENIC for me, because I've never heard that term before. C-O-O-N-T-E-G-E-N-I-C. COANTOGENIC, reciprocal structural coupling. And it is. We simply, in order to survive, we have to be like the people who are around, which is why your mom said, you can't play with that boy. He's a bad boy, and he's going to drag you into things that are going to get you into trouble.
And that's just a fancy phd-level word to say that Yeah Okay That that's pretty
That's pretty much genius. And I think that's going to be the name of this episode. Co-ontogenic, reciprocal, structural couple. And I think that's fucking fantastic. We'll baffle everybody. Baffle them not with brains, but with bullshit. I love it. I love it. It's very important for men that are listening to this to understand that success is something that happens by design and not by accident.

Value of Literature and Thoughtful Company

And a big part of that design is peer group. Yeah, and so it's better for a man to spend time by himself with the ascended masters and the classic literature and Jordan Peterson's university than it is to spend time with people who are going nowhere. You know, that's pretty much genius as well.
with the ascended masters than with people that are going nowhere. History. History. Then with people that are going nowhere. I agree.
I'm part of a number of different peer groups. And I know there's people saying, oh, you should only be part of one. I think that's bullshit too. I think there's different peer groups that are important for different reasons. There's business peer groups. There's peer groups for learning how to shoot a shotgun. There's peer groups for learning how to get fit. There's peer groups for learning how to be a better man. There's peer groups for learning how to play guitar. And all of these peer groups have their value.
Yeah. So I would love to hear your thoughts on that and maybe have you speak about some of the various peer groups that have attracted your attention for yourself throughout your life. Yeah, I mean, I go through the process of every what every young man in California, the United States does, which is we have our school group, we have our sports teams groups, then we have our church group.
And that's kind of set up for us, just structurally. And then there's, for us, for me, it was my best friend, and then it was our extended group of friends. And that's based on an immature, and I say that without any judgment, but an immature decision-making process, which is, who am I having fun with? Who do I like to be around?
And it changes in college. I spent a lot of time by myself when I was that age. And then I spent a lot of time in the bars with people that I don't even know anymore. Right. Completely wasting time. But then I hit an age about my early 30s where I had all my friends had gotten married or moved away. And then I had to purposely find a group of men.
and friends. And that's when I became a Freemason and I joined a Masonic Lodge that was in my area. And that was probably one of the most important things I've done in my life, which was to join a group of men who were focused on making an impact in their community, bettering themselves and supporting each other, where we could talk about anything except for religion and politics.
And our goal was to make a profound difference in the community. That's powerful.

Community and Self-betterment through Freemasonry

You know, I've heard of Freemasons, but I don't know a whole lot about them. Educate me. So Freemasonry is the oldest fraternity in the world.
Every man in that organization has to believe in God and has to not be a felon. Now, what God it is that you believe in is not a point of discussion. It's just, yes, that you do believe in God and you can articulate who that God is. It could be a higher power. It could be any of the eight major religions of the world.
Once you meet those criteria, then there's a series of initiations that happen into the fraternity. And then you're a full member of that Masonic Blue Lodge. And each lodge has very local concerns. And there's lodges all over the world of Freemasons. Cool.
Yeah. Cool, cool, cool. Wow. There you go. I don't look into this and learn more about it.

Role of Peer Groups and Multiple Mentors

I think
Men should be a part of a group and a lot of younger men today are looking for answers. They're looking to learn how to be a man, how to be a successful man, how to be a man that's self-confident and able to go out there and win in the world. Win at finances, win at career, win at the game of relationship, dating, win at health and fitness.
A big part of what'll make a man better is who his peer group is. And the more peer groups you can sample and become a part of, the faster you can elevate your success. That really essentially is what you're saying to me, correct? Yeah, I think there's two parts to it. There's the discipline and the work that we do on our own time.
And then there is getting help in some form. And the more mentors you can have for the disciplines that are important to you, where your interests lie, then the more accelerated your growth and change will be in any given area.
You know, this is very well put. The more mentors you can have for the disciplines that are important to you, the more accelerated growth you will have in those areas. I'm really enjoying this conversation, Emmanuel, because I believe
Every man needs to hear this again and again and again and again. The more he hears this, the more he'll step into being a part of the right peer group. The more he hears this, the more he'll take on great mentors. The more he hears this, the more likely he's gonna be to be successful.
no man is an island. You would agree with that, right? Absolutely. Yeah, that's, that's certain.

Reflective Solitude and Personal Growth

But we have to have that time alone. That's, that's part of it. We have to have the time disconnected. That's where the values clarification comes through, through meditation, through journaling, through just sitting and watching the wind blow through the trees.
That that's that's critical. That's a critical part of any any personal growth milieu is is time alone and then there has to be time in in prayer and deep reflection and time of learning and then time to test what you've learned and so we're constantly in that process of developing a you know battle tested or
This idea of how far we've been able to to move so for instance for me It's golf right like my wife loves to golf. I've learned how to golf because she loves it and I'm in a space right now where I I could practice great and I play terrible and so I know that it's something here that is is the breakdown and I've got to go and get some help and in terms of my game theory and
changing the way that I approach, the way that I play the game, not practice the game.
I like it, I like it.

Core Components for Achieving Success

I like everything you've said. Your understanding of the secrets of success is very fundamental. And you boil it down to a few things. One is to actually have a vision for yourself. You gotta have a vision for yourself, right? So that vision is super, super important. Secondly is mentors and peer groups.
I think that's super, super important because you will be able to accelerate your success with the right mentors and the right peer groups. And thirdly, it's taking action with a feedback loop, you know, and to me,
Vision mentors actions VMA At the end of the day is what will allow any young man To get a start that will end up in a Place where success is his
Success is yours in the most uncommon of hours. If you take the right steps towards success, you gotta create that vision. And that's where time alone is important, right? Time alone, deep prayer, reflection, super important, super, super important, right? And then mentors and peer groups. This is where you learn.
Right? This is where you learn. This is where your mindset is strengthened. And then action. This is where you apply. This is where you see results, good, bad, or indifferent. This is where you course correct and adjust.
So Emmanuel, we just created the Emmanuel Rose success system here, which you can start to market and sell to men. VMA, the Emmanuel Rose success system right here. I love it. I'll be 20 grand, Emmanuel, for helping you come up with that. Thanks a lot. Yeah, you bet. I'll target all Andrew Tate's viewers, and we'll have this sold by the afternoon.
You know, interesting you mentioned Andrew Tate.

Controversial Approaches and Elder Wisdom

I think Andrew Tate is an interesting character and there's a lot of things he says which are sensible. Yeah. But he's 36, 37 years old and no offense. There's a lot of things he says which make him sound as dumb as a bag of hammer handles.
One thing I'm going to say to young men, there's nothing wrong with following men that are your age, especially if they've attained a level of financial success or physical success that you want. But don't be a dumbass. Go talk to your elders. If they've survived this long, they've got battle scars.
that they can show you a dumb shit they've done that they can help you avoid doing. And no offense to Andrew Tate. There's no fucking way he can say that. I mean, he can say, OK, I was arrested and falsely charged. All that's true. But dude, you're still 36, 37 years old. There's too much that you haven't gone through, won't go through for another 10, 20, 30 years.
And young men should not only look at a dude, see how much money he has, how many girls he gets, and how ripped or jacked he looks and go, I want to be like that. I mean, that's good. They should also go, I want to follow someone like that. I want to have a character that I can be proud of. I want to be the kind of man that 10, 20, 30 years from now, I'm going to go, you know, I'm glad I took that road.
I mean, again, no offense to Andrew Tate, but he started making his money by selling naked video streams of women to other men and making fun of them for being dumb enough to pay for that.
And I gotta tell you, I can't respect that. I have zero respect for that. Like less than zero respect, to be honest. And I say this as someone who's read a lot of things he says and goes, this makes a lot of sense. I'm glad that he's got the balls to go out there and put it out to people. But I'm just wondering what your take is on Andrew Tate and who he is and what he's all about. Do you think he's an unalloyed good? Do you think he's a mixed bag? What are your thoughts?

Defining Personal Success

Well, I think he's an exaggeration of an archetype. He's the archetype of the warrior, and he's also the archetype of the clown. So that's fine. I don't find that his success is interesting to me at all. I've defined what success is for myself, and that's what I think we need to do as humans is say.
What is the level of having this that I need to have in order to take care of myself and my family and my future? And how do I want to live my life? And who do I want to live it by? If I can lay out those parameters and fulfill those ambitions, then that's a success that no one can ever take from me, even if they arrest me and put me into Romanian prisons or take all my money out of my bank account. I have the power.
of my own success. Yeah. Andrew Tate is an interesting man.

Persuasive vs. Manipulative Communication Styles

And I think that he's a product of our times. And if it wasn't him, it'd be someone like him saying the things that he says.
I think he's a master manipulator and a master persuader. And I admire his ability to persuade. I am less sanguine about his ability to manipulate. I get, I subscribe to his email list and he sends some extremely manipulative messages to people in those emails that if basically, if you don't respond positively to my message, you're an idiot, you're a stupid, you're gonna be a loser. And I gotta tell you, fuck you, man. I'm not interested in,
telling people that they're dumb if they don't buy what I'm selling. Sure, so I assess it this way, which is, is he acting from his heart? And I say no, that is, he does not have a message of love. Jordan Peterson is acting from his heart and his morals and his ethics and his beliefs. That's a man that loves his family, loves his daughter, spends a lot of time on camera with his family, right? Like you can feel that.
So Tate is a clown and a showman and uh The things that he has can be taken away. He will get old. He will not always be in shape He can have all the possessions taken away and he can lose everything right that is So what that's an old story Yeah, amen Amen, although, you know
this day and age there's a lot of people that stay in shape their whole lives and for me I want to stay in shape for the rest of my life so I don't know if I buy that part of what you said but the rest of it is yeah he will get old and he's definitely going to be hit hard by life harder than he's been hit right now and he's going to learn some lessons or not and I think that
I think that what you have to say is a lot more interesting to me than what he has to say, which is why I'm grateful that you're here on the show. And it's a beautiful thing to learn from someone who I just met, but have already got enormous respect for. And I thank you for taking the time to share your VMA.
Emmanuel Rose, success methodology with everybody. I think this is brilliant, honestly. This is the basis of what could be a fantastic methodology and program that could be very valuable to a lot of people. So thank you for your time, brother. Thanks for coming here and sharing
your wisdom with my listener. And I'm looking forward to having a conversation with you again on the podcast for men. And I'm looking forward to having you join us at one of our peer group meetings with the men. I think that'll be a great thing for all involved. Yeah, I'll enjoy it. I appreciate the invite got me out of my cave and talking to another sentient being. And that's always a good thing.
Thank you for listening to The Sovereign Man podcast. If you're ready to take charge of your life and become the man you've always wanted to be, we invite you to join the movement at sovereignman.ca.