listener friend. There is no new show this week, I regret to say, but Miss Elizabeth and I will be back next week with another all-new episode of Hello, Smileton! We'll be delighting
Preview of Upcoming Segments
your senses with an all-new Lance Brock's Rock Talk, a sterling new edition of Miss Elizabeth's podcast Ketchup, and the second installment of our latest brand new segment, Small Town Big Marketplace. Lots of fun in store next
Reason for the Break
We're taking it easy because it's been a hectic week this week in Smilton. We need the rest but we'll be back bigger and better than ever next week. Make sure
Encouragement to Enjoy Past Episodes
you check us out and in the meantime to keep yourself occupied, why don't you listen to old episodes of Hello Smilton or its spiritual forebear, the Smile Syndicate Music Hour. There's
Hosts Sign Off
plenty enough to keep you occupied for the upcoming week. We will return next week. Have a good week in the meantime dear listener friend and we'll talk to you soon. Bye bye.