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Ugly can be cute sometimes. Ugly can also be just plain old ugly. Snubbull is popular with the ladies. It may have an angry lil stinker face, but it is truly a timid, little sweetheart in the end. Then when you have trained it for a little, it becomes a monstrosity that can't even lift the wait of it's own head. Enjoy!


Introduction and Tongue Twister

Are you ready to talk about the fairly scary bully who's also a fairy? Welcome to Daycare Diddos.
I gave myself another tongue twister. The fairly scary bully was also a fairy. Bully! Bully for you. I am... Go for it. I was gonna say technically the second fairy type. Yeah, technically the... Pokemon, you mean. Fairy Pokemon. Yeah, yeah.
the second fairy Pokemon.

Meet the Hosts

We are the Daycare Diddos. I, as always, am Peter. And then with me, in random order, is Steven. Who let the dogs out? Sarah. I don't have anything better than that. I should have done that. Oh, man.
And Dave. That's not a dress. It's my excess skin. Yeah, yeah.

Main Topic: Snubbull

Thank you for joining us today. We are talking about Pokemon number 209 Snubble, the fairy Pokemon. But before then, how is everybody today? Hanging in there. How are you?
I'm, uh, yeah, I'm all right. I hope that everybody listening is all right. I didn't find any, uh, cool video games in the trash. So that was my first question. Yeah. Um, well, Dave just got back from magfest. Oh yeah. Always good to see all of our, uh, fellow nerds at magfest had an awesome time. My, uh, our good buddies were there.
My coworker Adam was briefly very into listening to Calling All Creeps and now somehow
I don't know, figured out that you guys were somewhere and he was like, where's Dave at? Um, I don't know. He's like, yeah, he's, he's there. He's there with Nick. And I was like, Oh, um, could it be magfest? And, uh, and yeah, so you've got, uh, you've got a stalker. Where is he? I will come to him.
I would kill him. All right. I mean, he probably rated you five stars, so you have to kill

Humor and Off-Topic Jokes

him, right? That's correct. That's what we did on that podcast. Yeah. Yeah, we don't kill anybody on this podcast yet. Well, you just make you faint. Yeah. This might be the first episode. I was going to say, oh, my God. You sent us a very interesting Pokemon video.
I sure did. Oh, my God. It made me very emotional. And you think like, oh, it's 10 seconds. So it's out of context. Yeah, I can't be that bad. No, it's completely in context. I'll tell you that right now. Yeah, that snowball fucking died. Yeah, it did. And then it turned into a ghost and then it just faded away while its trainer cried. And I'm like, oh, my God. We haven't even gotten into it yet. I know.
just like ow what a deep cut. I look forward to you explaining it all to me because I was at work and I looked at that and I was like I don't have time to process this right now. No oh my goodness. Sure yeah but we should start with some happy stuff I think. Yeah. Because that's what this Pokémon deserves.

Snubbull's Characteristics and Comparisons

So uh what does this fairy Pokémon look like? What does this Pikachu look like?
It's pink and black and it's mostly pink. It's got like black tips on its ears. It is a bulldog. So it's got, it's cute little underbite with some angry looking eyes, but it looks like it's spread at least. It looks like it's coming for you for a hug with its arm spread open. It's really cute. It's got some, it looks like it's wearing a dress with some blue accents. Very, very cute, but doesn't look very snuggly.
Yeah, so you do think that snubble is cute, Sarah? I think it's cute, now that I know more about it. Yeah. How many use in that cute?
Um, well, I say, well, I say the word cute with the intent of a butt coming right after it. So cute, but okay. So I would say, I'd say snumble falls on the little stinker category. No, I do not know. Absolutely. No, but just by looks alone, a little stinker and presence and anime presence too. Yeah.
This guy's a little stinker. In the anime, heavily featured, always biting Meowth's tail. Well, Meowth's a little instigator. Yeah, but Snubbles- The Pikachu would be a little stinker for electrocuting Meowth half to death every single episode. Hey, that was self-defense. You know what? I think Pikachu could go in the little stinker category too.
I just love how Snubble completes the cat-mouse-dog dynamic and turns it into a true Tom and Jerry cartoon. I will be honest, as a child, I hated Snubble. To be honest, I hated Snubble up until I did research for it.
Yeah, even as a kid, I was like, this Pokemon looks like my nutsack. I think it's yeah, that's what I was going to say. Like what Dave said, it's got it like a skin dress and that's really uncomfortable for me. I never saw it like that until you just said so. But I'm this this Pokemon also featured in Detective Pikachu Pikachu. I forgot. I think I blocked it out of my memory. I have to look this up. It's pretty skin dressy. Oh, that's unfortunate.
It's like the police officers, like, uh, Oh, I remember. Oh, yeah. Um, it's, Ew, you're right. Skin dress. Yeah. Very skin dress. Ew, it looks so bad in detective Pikachu. That's offensive. Like it's kind of cute, but no, no, not at all.
Snubbull is a fairy type, but it's also 75% female and 25% male. It's two feet tall and weighs 17 pounds, which I think is pretty appropriate for a dog. Yeah.
Bulldog? That sounds bad, right? Maybe a little heavier. Yeah, bulldogs are definitely heavier than Snubbull is. Snubbull is sitting at 17, an English bulldog. It's like, they're short, but they're like, I don't know, 50, 60 pounds. What about like those pugs? Is it more like a pug size?
If people were saying that Snubbull was closer to a Frenchie, but I think it looks like an English Bulldog. But yeah, maybe pog sized. Yeah, pogs could probably be. I can see a Frenchie. Yeah, but Frenchie's are a little bit more sturdy than that, too. Frenchie's are cute. I would say closer to a pog, yeah, in size.
my cousin had a pug growing up and I feel so bad for those dogs because they just sound like they're suffering their entire life. Yeah, maybe a bull's interior. I was shocked when I heard that the pressure for pugs, like the eye pressure can sometimes pop their eyes out. Yeah, it's pretty disgusting.
And the vets will just put it back in. Yeah. Like it's no big deal. And I'm like, what? No, that's that's bad. What? Like what? Poor creature. I know. It's such an unfortunate species to exist or breed to exist. Did you know that when you have to cut an eye out of an animal, that's called an inoculation. Oh.
Now, probably probably a human as well. It applies to anything. Yeah, calculation. Yeah, and that'll sometimes happen if the pressure in their eyeball gets to be too too great. That must feel so uncomfortable. Oh, yeah, I mean, it's got to be like very painful. Have you heard them breathe? Oh, just their whole existence is just uncomfortable.
I don't know. Why are people still breeding them? Just put them out of their misery. I mean, there's no problem with breeding them. It's just the inbreeding for like purebredness that is messing it up. Because if you look at pug breeds, like old pictures of them from dog shows, they look very different and more like a real dog, but they're just bred to have certain
I don't know. Issues, really, unfortunately. It's the same thing with certain cats, cat breeds as well. Did you know sometimes with pugs, it's a no bones day? Oh, that was such a cute little pug. What? Did you ever guys ever get to that trend, the no bones day or the bones day?
No. It's a guy with an ancient pug and he would every single day kind of do a check-in with his pug. He tried to get him to stand up and if he like flopped back down it was a no bones day and if he stood up then it was a bones day. Yeah and then he would kind of be like
It's a no bones day. Take it easy. You know, the punk decided that we're going to just chill out today or like, it's a bones day. Like do your best. Like, um, it was just like, yeah, like a cute little, uh, Instagram page or Tik TOK or whatever it was. Yeah. Yeah. I can't wait until my next no bones day. Yeah, for real.
Make every day a no bones day. Yeah. Aw, I like how frumpy this guy looks. Yeah. Are you looking up no bones day? I am. Yeah. I'm going to figure out what the dog's name is so he can give it credit. Yeah. Sorry, dog. We're not crediting you. Ah.
noodle noodle that's a good dog name noodle the bone slash no bones day dog it's a solid dog name yeah my next novel that i catch is going to be named the noodle love it yeah but i mean that's that's the basis of of this uh pokemon snubble is it's um
a bulldog, but it's also super pampered. And it's got like a little frilly, like a neck lace type thing. It almost looks like a bib, very childlike. And yeah, it's just, it always gave me the impression that it didn't want to look cute. Yeah. Like it was like begrudgingly put in this little dress thing because it's trained or made it. Yeah. Yes.
I gotta be real with you guys. I didn't know much about Snubbull, and I was expecting to read a whole lot of Pokedex entries that tilted it one way.
And all the Pokedex entries tilted the opposite way of what I was expecting. Yes. Likewise. You would think, just based on what Snubbull looks like, that it's mean and aggressive and just ready to chew your face off. But Snubbull is actually very cowardly and timid. And it's very affectionate and just really wants to love you.
And I think that's so cute because when you look at Snubbull, you're just like, ew, you look like you're going to bite my foot or something. But it just wants to love you. Yeah, it looks like it just peed in the corner. But really, what it did was went in for a nice big hug. Yeah.
I think my favorite one was entry was by bearing its fangs and making a scary face, Snubbull sends smaller Pokemon scurrying away in terror. However, this Pokemon seems a little sad at making its foes fully. Yeah, like it's so sad. And then another one I liked was that it gets bullied by other puppy Pokemon. Oh my, Snubbull gets bullied? Like Snubbull isn't the bully.
Very sad. I like this too because you look at it and you don't think this, but silver says it has an active, playful nature. Many women like to frolic with it because of its affectionate ways. No. It does not look like a frolicer. It does. And it's a little dress. It definitely does. But I mean, the mad face. It looks like you'd be like, we frolic in and it'd be like, no. I don't want to snub.
Yeah, I mean, that was... I mean, usually we hone in on the Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokedex entries, but yeah, in Silver, they use the word frolic and it's immediately my lock on for a Dex entry that I want to inscribe into my heart.

Fairy Lore and Cultural Interpretations

Aww. Other thing that they said, this is something...
forget what it was, about the people that have snuggles. It's like the trendy, cool person's Pokemon. Yeah, it's popular with trendsetters, also with the youth. The heart of a child sees through its gruff exterior and sees to the heart within. It also sleeps a lot. Yeah, half the day. So it's kind of like a cat.
It's devoted and loyal, not aggressive, tends to scare away rather than fight. And it's very easy to bond with and it's often very spoiled. Same. But it's also like a regular dog and it does have a keen sense of smell and is sometimes used to track things down.
Yeah. Hence the, uh, used by the police force, uh, in detective Pikachu. And then if I recall correctly, uh, you can get into battles with police officers and the second generation too. And they'll oftentimes have growl with and snubble. Or real life too. Yeah. Just, uh, wouldn't recommend it. I'm often getting in, uh, in fisticuffs with the police.
Snubbull was originally normal type turned fairy type. I think we kind of mentioned that alluded to it. We also mentioned alluded it to the fact that it was the OG fairy Pokemon, because its category predates the fairy type. Snubbull is the fairy Pokemon. And
That is maybe a little confusing, but it actually makes a little bit more sense in Japanese because they don't use the word fairy in Japanese. They use the term yosai or yosii. I'm sorry, I don't know how to pronounce it properly, but it's a different word which does translate usually to fairy, but could also be translated as bewitching spirit.
And the Wikipedia article, I'll just read this little caption, the house spirits Zashiki Warashi are described as being the size of a five or six year old child and prone to playing harmless pranks and occasionally causing mischief.
So it's more fairy in the sense of trickster, like little goofy trickster kind of fairy sprite. Definitely a little stinker. Stinker. Yeah. Like we were saying, it's a little stinker. Absolutely. Yeah. But then later on, when they introduced the fairy type, they gave it to it, which I think the fairy type also plays by the rules of old time fairies.
Cause it's like, um, super effective against dragons and weak to steal, which I think if you want it to ward off fairies, you need like a steel charm. Yeah. Iron specifically. Gotcha. Yeah. Yeah. This is like Guillermo del Toro fairies.
Yeah, I mean, I learned all about the fae from Dungeons and Dragons, the Dresden Files. I always thought fairies, blah, you know, they're little girly pixies, they float around the part of the Twinks Club.
Hey, listen. Yeah, Navi. Yeah, exactly. But yeah, the fae can fuck you up. You don't go into the court of a fae and not, I don't know, get your tongue stolen or get tricked into eternal servitude or, you know, turn into a flower for all eternity. So
That sounds awful. Yeah, can be. That's why you always have to watch your work. Listen, if you're going to come away from this episode knowing one thing, if you find yourself in the fae, watch your words. Don't make any promises. If somebody says, this was a meme I saw the other day, it's a well-dressed fairy comes up to you and says, hey, may I have your attention?
And you say, yes, well, now you have ADHD because they took your attention. So I don't get it. Careful. So, uh, Yossi and Yokai.
Is there something there? Is that anything? Actually, they say that yōsai could also sometimes be used as a reference to ghosts from the Western culture and that yōkai are specific to Japanese culture.
So they're like, yokai are our ghost stories and spirits, and your ghost stories and spirits we'll call yosai. And then I think there were a couple other categorizations as well. Like maybe Chinese ghost stories fell into a different category. But yeah, there is some similarity in the words for. OK. I like that. Is there something there? Is there something? Am I doing this right? This podcast thing?
I mean, I wish I knew more about the Japanese language to tell you like what the actual words meant and the similarities. But yeah, it's just, you know, if we I guess we could categorize the stinky cheese man as yosai.

Food-Themed Pokémon Speculations

Oh, yeah. Is there a stinky cheese Pokemon?
I feel like we've gotten there yet, right? A cheese Pokémon? Yeah, like a stink cheese Pokémon. Like a blue cheese Pokémon. Blue cheese? Why not? I don't know. We have so many different dogs, we couldn't have one cheese Pokémon. There are no cheese Pokémon. Seven forms of the apple. That's true, yeah.
Apple and a nice Brie. Kidding me? Ooh, yes. What are all the food Pokemon? We've got the ice cream Pokemon, tea Pokemon. We've got the cake Pokemon. Oh yeah. Milk. Tea. We got Fido. Oh yeah. Oh right. Bread Pokemon.
Yeah, no, she had a no cheese to go with fighter pizzasaurus. Uh, tons of tons of like, like, uh, oh, uh, small live. Oh, right. Yeah. A lot of little like, yeah.
I mean technically- Oh, Scovillion or Scovillion. Yep. Mm-hmm. The peppers. Mm-hmm. Tauros. Execute for eggs. Tauros. Yeah. Yeah, Tauros is beef. Oh, I guess. No, I'm just kidding. That's like- Then I guess we got Miltank. Yeah, Miltank for titties. I love full Mila titties. Yeah. You could drink any water Pokemon, I'm fairly sure.

Snubbull's Name and Historical Inconsistencies

There are so many, I looked up dog Pokemon. There's a lot. But they also list some Pokemon that are not dogs. Like who? Like Ninetales. Yeah, not a dog. I don't know, that's a fox. Yeah, and even like Delphox was on the list and I'm like, bro, it's either a Del or a fox. There's no dog in there. But then there's some that I'm just like, oh yeah, I guess you're a dog.
Well, the question is, can they fuck and make an egg with one of the foxes? Well, well, well, we'll get there later. But for now, we're talking about our good friend Snubble, spelled S-N-U-B-B-L-E. Okay, so how many of us actually spelled that correctly the first time?
I spelled it wrong. Absolutely spelled it wrong. So you guys know we always go back to those tops trading cards and the Pokemon first movie with Pikachu's vacation where those cards
accidentally took the playground rumor of Pika Blue from someone, it was like a reverse, some guy that works at Nintendo. He took like his nephew's info instead of vice versa and it fucked up. You can listen to that in our first April Fool's episode.
where we discuss legends and myths of the Pokemon playground, or the Meryl episode. Snubble also, at that time in the novelization, was spelled incorrectly, S-N-U-B-B-L, and also on those trading cards, he had his Japanese name, which was Buru, which at least they had the name correct on those cards.
Pika Blue came out of nowhere. Pika Blue, yeah. Gentoo is Wild West, like just a trickle of information coming in over from Japan.
I feel like every single Pokemon release recently has just been like, oh, it got released in Japan and now we already know all of the English names, all the levels that they evolve, all their abilities, all their moves, what all of their moves do. People are now analyzing how they'll be in competitive play. But back then you would just kind of, I don't know, just look at a Gen 2 Pokemon and be like, huh,
Well, I would name him this, so. I miss those days where there was more of mystery to the game where like you didn't know every Pokemon that was out there because social media told you already. Yeah. Yeah. And I know, Steven, you were really disciplined in making sure that you didn't look at any of the stuff that leaked for Scarlet Violet, but how did that end up panning out for you?
So I ended up looking at the starters, but every every gen I always tried to avoid as much as possible so that it would be unique. And I think it worked, honestly, because I still sometimes come across Pokemon, I'm like, wait, what, what the fuck is that Pokemon? I've never seen that before. That's so cool. I think I'm gonna do that next time.
It really happened primarily with the Ultra Beasts.

Gaming Nostalgia and Strategies

We always bring that up every time I'm like, what is that Pokemon? It usually ends up being an Ultra Beast. Yeah, you posted one the other day and I was like, oh, Steven, that's like the first Ultra Beast you see in the games. Nail Ego or something. It's just like, what is this? I've never seen that one before. That's the first one that comes over from the Rift.
don't know shit about any of those games. But yeah, poison type. I mean, there were times where I was watching the Scarlet Violet trailers and I'd be like, Oh, that's a new Pokemon. And I think Dave would be like, No, that's from the other game. Okay.
Yeah, but that's cool because you still have that element of surprise, you know? Yeah, but it does. Once I start playing the game, though, then eventually I do start looking stuff up because I have to look up like evolutions. Yeah. Am I wasting my time on this thing? Exactly. But imagine playing a Pokemon game like y'all did when you were kids. There was no internet to look up how you evolve a Pokemon.
Yeah, no, I remember having to call my friends up all the time and read me from their strategy guide. Oh, that's so cool. Oh, yeah. No, I'd go into the fifth grade directory that they would give to children and their parents so that you could, I don't know,
just call for homework or yeah call for homework man remember those days holy moly i'd be like have you beaten ganondorf i don't know how to kill him yeah i mean you know it's um i remember even too when i think it was i was a sophomore in high school when somebody first got an iphone and i could look up on their iphone on game facts and i was like oh thank god you're here because i would have been stuck on this for days like
It's just yeah, it's too easy. Yeah. Nowadays, a game gets released in the speedrun community, figures it out within like 24 hours or two. Yeah. Or it's leaked even before the game's out. You already know the whole run. I booted up an SNS game the other day.
called Lemmings. I still don't know how to play that. I've booted that game up 50 times in my life and I get to the first stage and I don't know what I'm doing and then I quit out.
you basically just need to because the whole thing about lemmings they say like a lemming the leader will jump off a cliff and all the other ones will jump after so the whole point is to by manipulating everything around you have to get the first guy to the end of the level so that all the other guys will follow okay it's like you are the world mr magooing this little animal
But then you also have certain actions. You can do a staircase or mine a hole in this wall or something. So you have to plan out, OK, when do you start building the staircase so that they can follow them up here and then cut a hole in there? And then you don't want them to fall down any pits or gaps or hurt.
See, I still didn't open up game facts and I can nowadays. So just goes to show you I still have that that old brain mentality. True gamer. True gamer. I'm sitting here right now next on the desk here is Super Mario Sunshine official strategy guide. Oh, yes. Yes. Dave and I have been streaming that a couple of times a week, if you are.
I want to see my first childhood game that I completed. Oh, yeah. I was watching you guys the other day. I just didn't say anything. Oh, here. It's just fun to look through and see like these crazy screenshots that were taken. Like they might as well just be like photos. Yeah, it's just it's wild that like you would have to go to borders or somewhere to get this like taken care of to get everything together. Yeah.
wild times yeah hey uh guys let us know if you're a true gamer yeah if we have any true gamers out there you have to tell us that's right you know how they could tell us if they're true gamers that we didn't say how to actually spell snubble yeah try to spell it then look it up and if you're if you got it right that you're a true gamer yeah yeah
And no saying booroo because that's just cheating. That's cheating. You're a cheater.

Origins and Media Portrayals of Snubbull

This actually, the names here were interesting to me because this was the first time where in Japanese, booroo just comes from the word bulldog. But snubble comes from the word snub, bulldog, or bully, and could also involve the word snuggle.
Oh, cool. So like the English name now has all these like double meanings that the Japanese name just doesn't have. Yeah, Japanese names like it's a fucking dog, dude. Just look at him. I mean, yeah, get off my dick. It's a dog. He's pink. We made him interesting. Yeah, I like that about.
I've always kind of liked Snubble because we got that early animation in the Pokemon Detective Pikachu, well, not Detective, what am I saying? Pokemon on Pikachu's vacation. And he was kind of like the badass, like bad guy crew. It was like- Who else was in there? It was him? Meryl? Meryl, yeah. And- I have the card open, I think. Cubone and Raichu. Okay. Yeah.
and they were at the Pokemon theme park. And then we got Madam Much Money and her Snubble, which is from the Johto time in the Pokemon series. And that was the first debut of Snubble in the episode Snubble Snobbery. Madam Much Money had a Snubble that ended up leaving and chasing Meowth throughout the entire season. So Snubble was the...
Jigglypuff, I think more recent, it was, God, what Pokemon? I mean, Wobbuffet, they had Wobbuffet. There's always a extra Pokemon that follows them and is like the meme Pokemon. Yeah, rogue wild Pokemon. Yeah, but I can only think of Jigglypuff, honestly, because I didn't watch a ton of the anime.
What's the it's on my tongue. I even started reading the manga and absolutely fell off of that too. Can you describe the Pokemon for me? Oh, it was Mimikyu. Oh, yeah. Mimikyu chases. And then I think like Jesse owns the Mimikyu or something. OK. I forget how that plays out, but.
Yeah, she'd probably be friends. That's another Pokémon that just wants to be friends. It's just a little horrifying. Yeah. I love Mimikyu. I would be friends with a Mimikyu.
Yeah, Mimikyu is not a little stinker. Mimikyu is a little horror. Yeah. Well, yeah. Suck your soul out. Other than me, I'm just a little horror. A lot of sluts. Yeah, Mimikyu, the creepiest thing is that it has its own
part of the game where like you have to snap its neck first before the animation like when you're battling it, it gets one hit where you break its disguise. But the animation is so like snapped neck. It's super creepy. Yeah.
I heard that there's a corrupted cartridge where... Stop, I'm scared. I'm already too scared. Pokemon Piss Edition? Yeah, it's Pokemon Piss Edition. Because when you play it, you'll be pissing. Yeah, you'll be pissing.
Snubble was also in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Red and Blue Rescue Team. He was in a team with Lombre and Bellsprout.
And then apparently they also turned some of the events of Red and Blue Rescue Team into an anime episode, kind of like a little TV movie. And it's the adventure of Charmander Squirtle and Chikorita as they rescue Pikachu.
And yeah, Snubbull is in it. Snubbull actually evolves in Red and Blue Rescue Team into Granbull. Oops, spoilers. I thought this was interesting because it's the first time
Um, apparently, um, in the game or the first Pokemon to evolve on screen. And when, uh, snubble evolves, it looks at itself in the river and it gets, uh, sad because it's like, I look so different. This Pokemon just continues to break everyone's heart all the time. Yeah. Yeah. It's like when I look at myself in the mirror and get sad because I'm changing too. Yeah, but you're only getting cuter.
Yeah, but I think it eventually it accepts it and it's totally fine as is I think the plot of most of the mystery dungeon games. Everything usually seems to just be fine. I enjoyed the later games. I know they look awesome. I I own Pokemon mystery dungeons explorers of the sky because I heard that that one was a fantastic one.
And I bought it before it, I'm sure it's shot up in price now, and I'm very much looking forward to finding time someday, whipping out my DS Lite and playing it. Yeah, that was the first one, it had the idea and it was okay. They actually remastered it for the Switch, but it was like the worst one, and they remastered it pretty much like for like. But yeah, those are definitely the best ones. The ones that you were saying. There's a space one and a time one.
Yeah, I don't remember what the other one is, but the one I have is Explorers of the Sky. Mine's Explorers of Time or something. I forget. But they're good. They're fun. You get to be a Pokemon. I just remember that I was a... I think it was a Munchlax. Oh, you get to do that questionnaire at the beginning, that depends. Yeah. And I think I saw a...
speedrun of it once, and the ideal Pokémon to get for the speedrun is Skitty. Really? Yeah. Because it might have changed since then, but apparently Double Slap is very powerful. I think my first run through I was a Mudkip. I remember Cody, friend of the pod, was a Machop.
That was kind of fun when that game came out because if you died, you'd lose your stuff and you need somebody to rescue you. So there'd be a code on the screen and you'd have to give it to your friend and they'd have to play the same dungeon to go find it so that you don't lose your stuff. So we'd die and walk through the other person's dorm room and be like, hey, I died, get my stuff back.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon's Explorers of the Sky is an enhanced version of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness. That's it. So you have like the... I have the emeralds, yeah.
Good to know. Yeah. Yeah. I got the shame into your Giratina and Dialga. Oh, is that the game that has primal Dialga in it too? Pokemon that's very specifically for those games and is like legendarily powerful if it was ever brought over.
Maybe I don't know if you could take Pokemon out of those games. I don't remember ever doing that. Yeah, I think they gave him base stats, but it's no there's no way of actually transferring the Pokemon. So it doesn't even matter in the explorers of the sky game. Primal Diablo. Yeah, it's just got some like red veins. Yeah. Is there a primal Palkia? I don't think so.
Fuck that. I love talk. Yeah, I really love both of the Both of them Like both those legendaries are so much fun. Yeah. Oh, well, I mean they gave it the horse legs and Arceus, right? Yeah, I hate I hate that though like that sucks. Yeah They keep making things like a horse Didn't they do that to the fucking genies too? I
Oh, yeah, the Landorus, like land version or whatever. Well, that's more like a panther. It's, I don't know. Why is everything a horse? They changed the legendary beasts in gen two. They gave them their new paradox forms, and they all look very interesting.
interesting you say yeah any other sort of interesting facts that we could talk about with this fine little pup

Snubbull in Anime and Emotional Moments

Yes. We should mention what we were talking about at the top of this episode. Death and dying? Yeah. Let's talk about death and dying. There is an episode of the anime called The Power of Us from Pokemon Journeys where there is a character known as Harriet and Harriet used to have a snubble and
When Harriet was a child, there was an incident at a power plant, and the building was burning down, and Snubble went to retrieve a key, and as the building comes burning down, Snubble jumps to try to avoid an explosion, and hands off the key just as the flames engulf it completely.
And the next scene in the anime is actually the ghost of the snubble comforting her. It's actually quite horrific. Painful. As far as I can tell, I don't know if this trivia is accurate or not, but might be one of the only instances of a Pokemon actually being killed on screen as opposed to just passing on or, you know,
Because there have been other Pokemon that have been like...
My time is done. Farewell. Cuban's mother dying. Yeah, or or have just like, you know, been absorbed by some, you know, black mass because of some crazy destruction event in some movie, you know, like Pokemon have like disappeared on screen and like died, quote unquote. But this is the first time, yeah, where it's like, oh, that died at an explosion in a fire. That's really
Really quite sad in front of their loved one. Yeah. But they were like reaching for like a Faberge egg on a stick or something. They were like, quick, save the magic bell or whatever the fuck it was. No, it's it's a key to the power player or something is what the Snubble was trying to grab for Harriet.
Yeah, I guess I should watch the episode now and see because it seems like a hell of an interesting episode. But I think really snubble is featured a lot. We see snubble quite a lot in in anime and movies and cards, you know, it was one of the first gen two Pokemon introduced to us. And then snubble in the games is like very different.
It's one of those ones where I'm like, I feel like the anime is hyping it up to be like, this is a great Pokemon. And then I catch it and I'm like, but is it? Yeah. Yeah. I've never ever kept one on my team for very long. And also the shiny is disgusting. Awful. I mean, truly, it just looks like a, like they de-saturated snubble completely. It looks sickly. That's what I said, described it as a sickly purple color. Yeah. Yeah. It's very gross.
Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm sad to say I actually have never used this Pokemon, not even for a second. Not even a little bit of a second. Not even for a, you know, we'll evolve it. Let's ask the same question. We'll turn up. Oh, go ahead. Before we do the shiny rips. No, we just talked about how it looks sickly. I just had to come back because I just remembered, did I say that I had a shiny one?
No, I had a shiny when it was my only like one of my early first like good shinies that I caught from a swarm in a diamond. And I was like, it's so. Weird and cool. But. I don't want to evolve it because we'll get to it. We'll get to this next Pokemon. I saved it in my notes for the end to talk about it, because now we're moving to Granville.

Granbull's Design and Critique

Oh, wait, just real quick. Secret sitting cutie segment. Sitting cutie is pretty good. It's pretty good. I think they did make a detective Pikachu plush for Snubbull, too, just like they did for the Mr. Mime and the Snubbull one is horrifying. Yeah. Well, it's horrifying in the movie, too. So that's like they just at least yeah, at least they were consistent.
Yeah, a sitting cutie. It looks like it's got its hair up a little with the ears. It's very cute. It looks like it's a good sit, too. A good sit. It's doing a good sit. You want to have a treat, Snubble? It's got a good sit, though. Good sit, Snubble. Yeah, I'm going to post the Detective Pikachu plush in the chat so everybody can take a look at how inferior it is. I actually really like the shiny Snubble. Right? Me too. I don't like it. Ew, why did it make its eyes plastic?
And its nose, its eyes are like, are like plastic and they like, no, that's not cute. I think it's kind of funny. It reminds me a little bit of Scooby Doo. Like the outfit. I think it's pretty accurate to the, I mean, it looks cuter than the one in the movie. Yeah, I'll give you that. Yeah.
But I'll tell you one thing, it's not great. I also posted somebody's depiction of a shiny snubble in the group chat. Forbidden. Forbidden? Yeah, 403 forbidden. I'll just have to go to Fur affinity then. Oh boy. Look up shiny snubble.
What is it called? Fur what? Fur affinity. I don't think you want to go there. Oh, it's just like a normal dog sitting. Yeah. Yeah. Sparta dog. Yeah. If you just Google shiny snubble, it's like on the first page of images. Yeah. That's cute. That's pretty good. It's just like a dog wearing a little skirt. Yeah. Yeah. That's nice. That's nice. All right. Sorry, I'm binging it so I didn't see it.
I guess, have we turned to level 23? I guess so. Yeah, nobody likes you anymore. Because you're level 23. It's kind of true. That's a Blink 182 reference for all you true Blink fans out there. It's kind of like an underground band I listen to.
Uh, yeah, it's like grunge, right? Or would it be more like country? Oh, it's like a perfect combination of grunge and country, actually. Grunchery. Yeah. Grunchery. We call it grundle. Do you think Granville listens to grunchery? Yes. Absolutely. It's got the face of somebody who's listening to grunchery. Yeah, I would say so. It's got the face of an ugly dummy.
I feel so bad for this Pokemon. What an ugly mug. I mean, it's got an unfortunate, what do you call those? Proportions, the proportions are awful. Okay, my biggest problem with Granvolt is, so it's evolved into a much bigger bulldog, but its underbite is now so overwhelming
And its fangs look like it's poking through its skin, because its fangs are the same color as its fur. So, are the teeth inside its flesh, or have the teeth become flesh? The teeth have become flesh. That's my question. So, are these fangs furry? I don't know, but I sure am. Hi-oh, waka-waka.
Because the fangs are pink and just like flush with the rest of its mouth and head And then you see white fangs on top that actually look like not fur covered teeth So Say I would say it is flesh. Yeah, right flesh teeth and then what I would also like to point out about Granville about how this Pikachu looks and
in at least the first couple of generations, they might have scaled it back later on. But the head is like a majority of its body. Right. Yeah. So even the Pobljax entries have said,
can't hold its head upright because of how heavy its fangs, its mouth is. But yeah, I think the head is bigger than its body in its first couple of generations.
I mean, speak of getting inbred, like that's, that's just, that's just fine. And for, for some proportions for you, it's four foot, seven inches and 107 pounds. And I think about 70 of those pounds are its head. Yeah. Yeah. Later on, um, body got bigger, but in the beginning. Yeah. Got some hips, grew some hips later on. Yeah.
because it's still 75% female. So that makes sense. Hips for days. Yeah. I wish there was more to its design. I feel like Snubble has thought and care put into the dots on its dress and its little frilly color. And then Granbal is just like, yeah, here's a purple dog with teeth. And it's got those grunge wrist bracelets. Sorry, Gruntery.
Gruntery, excuse me. Gruntery wrist bracelet and gruntery collar. Like the choker. I don't know. You couldn't put some like blue dots on its stomach to at least like have it thematically flow. Like, I don't know. When I see Granbull, I just see like very basic design. Like it really does just look like a Tom and Jerry's. Or at least keep its color. It's a totally different pink, purple-ish color.
It's so plain. A lot of unused space where like... I really struggled even to pull Pokedex entries because I'm like, it's the same shit. It's all the same shit. It looks meaner than Snubbull does, but it's still extremely affectionate and timid and shy. Not shy, but it's not very aggressive unless you bother it.
Well, they're also saying, like, it's a good biter, but it won't bite. Like, that's it. Everything's just, like, good. It'll only bite. Even if it's attacked, it'll just flail around to fend off its attacker to the point where it's like, oh, sorry, I attacked you. I feel bad that you're defenseless little thing. I'm going to just go now while you continue to flail like a weirdo. I mean, I don't know. It also says that it's too incompetent to be a guard dog.
So I don't know why they got a shit on it, too. I know. It's ugly and it sucks and it's not good at its job and fuck it. Like, come on, man. I mean, also, I would never have either, like we mentioned. Yeah, it's just very sensitive. Poor thing. I mean, I'm not putting one on my team, but still doesn't mean you got to be rude. I mean, at least the young people like a grand bowl.
Yeah. So at least it's cool with kids. Yeah, I conflated snubble and grandble. The youths like the grandble. The ladies like the snubble.
But yeah, that's basically it. It's not a good biter, even though it can. It doesn't want to. It just doesn't know how to fight or doesn't want to fight. I mean, I would look at me like if you put me on a Pokemon team, I wouldn't want to fight either. I'm not a fighter. Just keep me off that team. Make me make me do the HMs.
Give me a surfboard, make me surf. That's right. So let them do the whirlpool. Should we talk about that shiny? Yeah, let's talk about the shiny. It's just tan. Yeah. It's just tan. What really bothers me more and more and more the more I'm seeing it is just the
the change of the colors of Pokemon from generation to generation. Yeah, that's been bothering me for quite a while. Because in the original sprites, it actually has one gen two, it actually looks like the same color as snumble. And then in crystal, we get purple, we get like magenta, and that stays all the way until like
I don't know. I guess I'd say black and white when it gets this faded unsaturated purple and then it just keeps getting more unsaturated and more unsaturated and more unsaturated. And then we get this weird pink flesh color. Yeah, they want to make it flesh. I don't know why they want to make it flesh. Leave it pink or make it purple.
Right. Right. And then the shiny. I mean, the shiny. I mean, OK, so the shiny right now, I can kind of see this being a color of a real dog a little bit. I guess so. Yeah, it looks naked. It does look naked. Yeah. I wrote in my notes that it had a shaved cat coloring. It does. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it's too skin colored. I should be able to see six nipples. Right. Yeah. You have a little polka dots from snowballs. Oh, man. Yeah, it's not good. I want more for this Pokemon. I want.
I don't know, something more frilly, something more ridiculous. I think like the males should evolve into something tougher. And then maybe the female ones become like
You know how like a Gallade and a Gardevoir or even just have, it doesn't even have to be like male, female, just have like a like whimsical evolution and then like the ugly evolution, like give her a chance. You're onto something because it would be cool if it was male, female, because males would be so rare because they're only 25% male. So that would be like a cool thing.
Yeah, or I don't know, even give it like bows or like a little tiara crown or something like get that like cute aspect in there somehow, because right now it reads as menacing. And again, the Pokedex says the very opposite. It does. And I don't know too, too much about competitive, but it didn't seem like it was too great.
No. And about that list of like Pokemon Day. Yeah, this one's not showing up anywhere.

Breeding and Competitive Play

And any favorites. Yeah. Snubble had some some time to shine. Snubble still comes around. I like Snubble. I fucks with Snubble.
Speaking of fucking with snubble, do you guys want to go who you want to fuck first? Heck yeah. All right. So I thought you'd never ask. So this is the game. Who are you going to fuck? It's where I list for Pokemon. You let me know which one if bred with our Pokemon snubble would not create a baby. So I was going through and the theme this time was dog Pokemon.
So, I picked a bunch of little pups, and you are going to let me know which one, if bred with snubble, would not produce an egg. Okay, so this is what you have. Lillipup, Electrike, Riolu, and Smirgle. Oh, interesting. I'm gonna say Riolu.
Okay. I'm also going to say Riolu. I'm going to say electric. Unless I think of something else. Yeah. What was the, Lillipup, um... Lillipup, electric, Riolu, and Smeargle. I'm going to say electric. And it's Riolu. Yay! Do you know why? No.
because you're not allowed to fuck a baby and Reeloo is a baby Pokemon. Oh my goodness. So Lucario would count that. Lucario counts. Reeloo does not. I thought maybe too they would. It's not. It's not. You go right to jail, right to jail, right to jail. No, every single fucking dog Pokemon is in the field type.
Everyone the field group except if it's a legendary dog, but I knew you guys would pick that out immediately Yeah, well we didn't pick out. I mean at least I didn't the baby part. Yeah, but that's that's why I tried to be tricky I didn't even pick out the baby part to actually I just really does not I mean it makes sense, but then I think about
It's like real who doesn't need to be produced with like an incense. And that's kind of what my, what my baby, uh, monitor is telling me. I just thought they wanted to limit the amount of Lucario's in the world. So they're like, nah, you can't just fuck with that with anything. But yeah, that's that. Uh, Graham, Graham and snubble are fields and fairy type.
Oh, so they can fuck with a lot. Yeah, I didn't. None of the ones listed were fairy type as well. So it was all fields. Lucario is such a weird Pokemon to me. It is. Yeah. It's very sexualized. Yeah, it was gen four, right? I just that that Pokemon is cool. It just it feels like a like Digimon esque to me. Yeah, I can see that.
Digimon-esque is a word that we like to use in the biz. The biz? Yeah. Well, I'm glad we got that, even though we couldn't put words to our feelings. We made it, and that's all that matters. I hope I guessed the right numbers today, too.
I think you might. All right, so we're moving on to the trading card game, where everyone will guess how many Pokémon cards Snubbull and Granbull appear in the trading card game. So let it rip. How many do we think Snubbull appears on? 20. 17. 25. All right, Peter. You guessed it. You won it. It's actually 16, but you were the closest. Okay.
Yeah. I think I did see some Detective Pikachu snubble cards out there too. Yeah, I did. I saw them and they were nasty. That's that's why I was going higher. Me too. I was like, there's got to be some other promotional out there somewhere. They were probably very low number counts until Detective Pikachu came out. And then yeah, anyway, really bad, really ugly cards. The Detective Pikachu don't recommend you look those up because you might have nightmares.
All right, moving along to Granbull. How many Granbull cards do we think, um, we have? 15. 12. 13. Ah, we have a tie with the Kuiper brothers. The answer is 14. What other price is right rule Steven would win, right? I'll give it to Peter so he could win both.
I won all three. No, Steve, then we have to split it. Take it for the Kuipers family. That's why we won the... What was that award that we won? The Team Spirit Award? The Team Spirit Award, yeah. You guys are the nicest brothers ever. Thank you. We learned it from watching Dave.
Just me and myself and how well I treat myself.

Final Thoughts and Listener Engagement

Self-love, yeah. That's an important type of love. Yeah. I don't have that, but... Hey, you should. Someday, maybe. Maybe, but like, why? Am I right? Yeah. I know that self-love. Why did I know that Seth Rogen was on here?
It's me Seth Rogen. This is what I sound like. Donkey Kong. Well, I love yourself when you can love Snubbull. It's true. What did we learn today? Learn that Snubbull is not aggressive at all and is actually quite a timid, sensitive little stinker. Yeah. I learned that Snubbull is not fireproof.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. I was going to say that too. I learned that Snubble died. Yeah. Poor Snubble. Yeah. That's yeah. I learned Fire Blast is very different from a Fire Blast. Yeah. Yeah. If it's from a Pokemon, then that Snubble would go to the Pokemon Center. If it's from a house fire, it dies.
Well, you know, just goes to show you that Pokemon's just a game. It's just made up. Yeah. And house fires are real and will kill you, so. Yeah. So remember to check your smoke detectors, make sure that your family is not like a snubble and burns alive. Yeah. Make sure you know where all the exits are and that you have an exit strategy. Make sure to use the back of your hands to rub your snubble after it's been exploded to see if it's still hot.
It just leaves the key behind. It's not worth it. It's not worth it. Yeah, I mean. Was the key needed for their exit? I will watch the episode to get back to you. I'm not quite sure. Okay. You're a real hero. You're going to come back a changed man. Yeah. After you're done watching that, watch the episode of Full Metal Alchemist with Nina and Alexander.
I'll watch that other Pokemon episode where that like Stoutland passes away and it's very sad. Yeah. I think that was also Pokemon journeys. No, I'm not going to watch Pokemon journeys anytime soon. It's okay. I mean, they come back as ghosts and they're like, it's all right.
We love you. That's nice. There's Pokemon afterlife and they all get to see Arceus. I mean, how many times has Ash died, really? Yeah, that kid just can't stay alive. He's only 10. Yeah, for a 10 year old, he's kicked the bucket quite a few times. Yeah, he knows what's on the other side.
Thank you for listening. Thank you for Carl Jerm for our music. He's a swell guy. You can find us on the media, the socials. We are on the Instagram.
And I know for a fact that we put a lot of care in curating our media to you, so please consume. Like a meowth's tail, just put it in your mouth. And you know what comes at the bottom of a meowth's tail? That's where they do their farting.