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328 Plays11 months ago

This bug is a friend. It has a big horn and a bigger heart. It will suck the sap right out your starters back and is so strong it can throw your house across the county. He can Mega evolve, but he will be a little sore the next day! This is Heracross!


Podcast Inspiration and Beginnings

No time to be lost. We're not cross to provide you the sauce on this horny boss Heracross. Welcome to Daycare Diddos.
Ooh, that was so smooth. Nailed it. I rhymed cross with cross. That's fine. Throw it out. The sauce is boss. I mean, uh, I believe it was Fred Durst that said, uh, you know, well y'all be loving this shit right here. L I M P biscuit is right here. And that's the first two lines of the song. So like,
Yeah. Fred could do it. We could do it. That's right. That's what the main rule this podcast goes by. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I, I was nervous when we first started this podcast all those years ago. Uh, and, uh, I said to myself, if Fred Durst couldn't go on stage and perform his heart out, then damn it. So can I.
That's right. You do it all for the nookie. Yeah. Yeah, that's how I live my life.

Heracross vs. Pinsir: A Pokémon Showdown

I think this episode is a total fan favorite. I think Heracross is universally loved. Do you guys agree?
He's fine. I like him. I like him better than Pinsir. He's been a mainstay for sure. And I yeah, of that like little trio kind of turned duo. I think Heracross is the most interesting or one of the more interesting ones. But but lots of people love Heracross and I mean, heavily featured in the anime, right? Mm hmm. Yeah.
That guy hair across my heart and hope to die. Okay. I just wish I knew more Stick a wheedle in my eye. There you go. All right I thought all of a sudden I was here in tepid waters, but now the water is getting hot. So I'm happy We are the daycare dittos in random order I am here. I'm Peter. I am here with Dave. I'm gonna suck Bulbasaur's nipple
I know what you're referring to. Yeah, it's a weird energy to start with. You gotta be in the know. You gotta be in the know. That's gonna go somewhere. I'm gonna introduce my other two hosts and then Dave is gonna explain himself. Sarah. I'm a fan of Butterfreeze.
All right. And Steven, you better watch out. I'll flip you on your tummy. Oh, now, Dave, explain yourself, please. So so Heracross sucks sap. Yeah, he's a sap sucker. And there is an episode where he kind of latches on to Bulbasaur's little bulb on the back. Yeah. And just starts like nursing on it. Yeah. And a little little babe.
And Bulbasaur is very confused. It's a very weird animated scene of Pokemon where where Heracross is just Sucklin, Sucklin on that Bulbasaur. Yeah, it's weird. If you could suck along one Pokemon, who would it be? Not Bulbasaur because doesn't Bulbasaur not smell great? Venusaur probably doesn't because it's based on the corpse flower. I mean, Vanilla. Yeah. Yeah.
I'm thinking... I think it has always got to be miltank. I am very curious about Moomoo Milk. I would have to say... Laura Lee's nipples. Oh my gosh. Oh man.
Alright, sorry guys. So, we're talking about Heracross. This is a one and a half Mon.

Mega Evolutions and Pokémon Trivia

We haven't had a one and a half Mon in a while. We've got Heracross and Mega Heracross. Yeah, but I mean, they better learn their Megas because they're going to need to know them.
soon, you know. Learn their Megas? Legends is coming around, right? It is. Everybody needs to learn their Megas. Yeah, 2025. Some of these I didn't even know about. I'm learning new ones left and right, actually. Which ones? There were a lot of them that I forgot had Megas, yeah. Florigis? Mega Florigis? I was like, really?
Oh shit. I was gonna say don't stump me and now you're stumping me. Does Flora just have one? I think so. Alright hold on one sec, don't look it up. I'm gonna name some Pokemon and you guys tell me which one does not have a Mega. Alright, I had to stop myself from Google searching so I typed in Mega FL and the first Google result was Mega Fleshlight.
That's I don't know if that one's gonna be in a Pokemon Legends All right, so let me list a few So is it this is gonna be like who you're gonna fuck game you're gonna list Three of them that are and one that is not we have to guess the one that is not I think I'm just gonna throw out three I'm gonna throw out three Pokemon and everybody guess which ones have Megas ready, okay
Um, okay. Houndoom. Mawile. And I don't know, Absol. I think they all do. Yeah, they all do. Uh, okay. Uh, it's hard to, to like, yeah, just go out there and have one.
Yeah, you know, like just pick like a random ass like, especially because we've done so many, like just to find a generic Pokemon. Manectric, Diancie, and frickin' Raichu. Okay, it does seem like I have been tricked, as there does not seem to be a Megaflourges.
But there is a mega flashlight. There is. Yeah, the mega flashlight is true. But no, I guess it was just a very, very convincing fake. But when I when I.

Heracross: Traits and Rivals

Googled it. There was like a Pokemon wiki entry for it. And so I was like, oh, it must be real. But when I clicked on that, it was just a link to the deviant art. So I was just going to say it's a porn porn site, the porn hub account. Do starters starters have megas? Do legendaries have megas? Yes, they do. Yeah, it's really weird how this all works.
So I feel like I'm a cheater because I played this game at Nozium. Did you? Yeah. So you knew them all? Yeah. Well, I don't know all of them. I mean, I definitely forget that some of them have. No, definitely not.
I forgot Latios and Latias at Megas. What? No, I knew those. Metacham has a Mega that's wild to me. Yes, I remember. I remember hating that Pokémon a lot. Abomasnow. This is why I was caught unawares. I need to learn mine Megas. Abomasnow. Man, now I'm more excited for this game because I actually know it. Yeah, I feel this is the first time I feel prepared for a kind of remake.
Nice, nice. Well, you'll know and you'll be good because you have your good friend Heracross. Looking at all these Megas, I thought of this really inappropriate joke. Looking at all these different Mega Pokemon. Yeah. How did Arceus' son die? On the Heracross. Yeah. Oh.
That's a good one. That's the one. That's the joke. Uh, man, we're getting all of our watch back to earth to show the way. Uh. OK, I'm going to name three more again. You got to tell me if they have a mega ready. Uh. Sharpedo. Glalie.
And low punny. Yes to all three. Yeah. Okay. This is not a good game. I can't. I can't. Oh, Dino has one. That's nuts. Yeah. That was a huge Pokemon in X and Y. Oh, Dino. That was a bad ass Pokemon. I love that. Metagross has one. Oh, that was a huge Pokemon in that game too. Man, I need to play this game again. Yeah. I mean, if it wasn't like Charizard and Mewtwo, I have no idea. We're slow, bro. Oh yeah.
Oh, and first had a very, very good one. Steelix. Yeah. Some of the starters that got them were pretty interesting. I mean, starter wise, you got Swampert, Sceptile, Blaziken, and then the three. Kanto. Kanto starters. Yeah. But also you got your Gengar one. That's kind of fun.
I always loved Alakazam with all his spoons and his cool beard. So wait, one second. In the game, right, I know you have to give the Pokemon the item, right? So for every mega evolution you needed this item,
for that specific Pokémon, yeah. Did you have to like buy them or did you find them? You could buy them, you could find them, you could... Yeah, some of them you needed to do like in-game stuff to get them. Did they completely clog up your inventory?
Not that I remember. Because I mean, there's so many. I feel like if you have a whole bunch, unless they have their own pouch, there's like 30 items you're not using. I don't remember having an inventory problem for items. I remember having a box issue because that was the game I did a live decks for and I had a crazy big Pokedex in that game. But I don't remember having an item issue inventory item inventory issue in X and Y.
Yeah, some of you had to choose like, like you would choose a one of the canto starters and x and y and so you'd be locked out of getting the megastone for the other two.
But yeah, I mean, there were a lot of them, but they were also kind of split across the two games because they introduced Megas in X and Y, and they also introduced them in ORAS. Right. Gotcha.
But yeah, I mean, a lot of times I just simply, you know, I chose a mega because you could only have one mega on a team and then I just would not get the other evolution stones, mega evolution stones. Yeah, that was the one thing I didn't like about the game is that you could only have one per team and then you could use it only one time per battle.
a little annoying because it's just like, all right, well, when do I use this at the end? Do I use it at the beginning and just obliterate everything? I don't know. It became almost cumbersome in battle for me. I just didn't enjoy mega evolution. Yeah, and anything that you hold as a held item, you need to take into account that you're not holding any berries. You're not holding choice items. You're not holding any. Yeah.
Any boosters of any sort? I mean, we'll even see how they approach it in Legends, because Legends is completely different anyway. So the structure of the game and everything, maybe they'll operate the mega system differently. Yeah, maybe. I'm excited. I want to see more megas. That means we're going to have to go back in time and hit up all the Pokemon that we missed megas for.

Heracross in the Pokémon World

I don't think we did. We did discuss megas.
The ones I'm looking at right now that we've talked about, we've talked about a bunch. Yeah, but if they introduce new Megas in- Oh, that's true, yeah. 2025, we're gonna have to have a Gen 2 and wrap up of anything that was new since then.
You know that the any 151 Pokemon like there's got to be at least one more that gets it. Yeah. What's your bet on who gets one? Hmm. Raticate. Mega. I could see that. Yeah. I mean, it got it got a. Alolan. Yeah, regional form. Mega Mr. Mime. Ooh. I was thinking the same thing. Does Jigglypuff have one?
No, I've just got the paradox form. That's true. They probably wouldn't do it again. And Mr. Mime has a regional form, too. Yeah. What about Jinx?
I don't think they're just leaving Jinx alone. Yeah, no. It's just like one of those Pokemon where they're like, it exists. It's fine. So some Pokemon that have nothing that they've done to them that I can see is so Nido King and Nido Queen have nothing. Hmm. I could see that. But they're a stone evolution. So you never know. Also Arbok. They've never touched Arbok. Right. OK. So maybe that maybe a Starmie. They've never done anything with Starmie.
Yeah. So my thing is going to be Nido King, Nido Queen, because I feel like that they're they're pretty legit. That would be cool. Yeah. Yeah, they're iconic forms. They they look like the traditional, you know, monster egg group Pokemon. Also, they when you're looking at like the megas and how they kind of grow them, they would kind of fit that.
evolution with just more spikes and armory things and just your tits bigger tits. Yeah, that's what I was really going for. They need just huge tits. Yeah, they'll have like, like teenagers as kids instead. And they're just like rageful parents.
Yeah, it could be the Nido King with the mega Kangaskhan Nidorino and a mega Kangaskhan Nidoran. And then a Nido Queen could have a third boob. So guys, we digress. What does this Pikachu look like?
Blue. Blue. Blue beetle. Kitty cat face. It is actually kind of cute. Like for a bug, it's kind of cute. He's got the colon three. It looks like a bug, but also a friend. Yeah, it's definitely a bug. I wouldn't want to squish if I saw it. Yeah, no, it looks like very heroic and like helpful. Like you would like, you know, walk your grandma home type of bug.
Um, not like Pinsir or Scyther who like look like they're going to kill you if they see them. Right. Although I still might be afraid of a Heracross just because it's 411 and 119 pounds and any bug that's bigger than like my big toe I have a problem with. So I mean, I don't know, still a little scary in person, but as a Pokemon that I just get to observe, pretty cute. Oh, by the way, guys, you just reminded me.
You just reminded me it's 311. Oh, yeah, happy 311 happy 311. We're recording this on 311. Yeah, yeah She put some some midi tracks in here to uh, really amp it up amp up those tubes Yeah, if you have to uh mix the two audio files together and you need a midi to go with it Let's do a 311. I think we need the 311. Yeah
So yeah, Heracross, whenever I thought of him, when they introduced Pokemon natures to the Pokemon universe, I always thought Heracross, as a whole, looked fairly jolly. Yeah. A jolly Pokemon, as blue as can be.
with yellow eyes, a big old horn, two little antenna, big carrot.

Heracross: Characteristics and Strength

Well, actually, the male and female are different looking. The male has a cross for horn, and then the horn on a female is heart-shaped, which I thought is real cute. That is very cute. Kind of like Pikachu.
Exactly like Pikachu. Yeah. Yeah, very cute Has wings underneath a like a Beatles carapace Has
It's bipedal. It's got front claws and back claws that it uses to latch onto trees or get sort of like the leverage it needs to flip people with its horn. But yeah, just happy looking. It's got a colon three face, like I said before, like a little kitty cat's mouth, but not really a kitty cat's mouth.
Just looks so helpful and nice. Yeah, it doesn't look like it'll murder you Yeah, I mean, you know in terms of of bugs like beetles are kind of I mean to me fine, you know, like if I see a spider I'm cool with them as long as they're not Running at me or whatever. But when I see a beetle they I mean they do get huge beetles
Yeah, they do. And I mean, if there's one crawling on me, I'm like, oh, hey, buddy, what's up? You know, like, I'm not too, too afraid of Beatles. I'm just like, get off me, maybe. Yeah. Yeah. The only time I was really freaked out by a beetle was when I went to Arizona. I think I might have talked about this before. My grandmother used to live in Arizona. She had a house there. So whenever I would go and visit her, there would be Beatles that were I'm not trying to exaggerate like four or five inches long.
And just so freaky. Okay. Just the weirdest looking bugs. And I was just like, you know what? I don't think I'm going to fuck with you because I think I might die.
Oh, yeah. I mean, we don't get them near that size, but we have like wood beetles in New Jersey. And there have been times when you can hear them flying in the house. I'm like, no, you got to go outside because I can't hear you flying. That's the one thing. Beatles have like a loud fly. You can hear them real, really easily. And it's deep. It's like it's like they're the like the basketball players of bugs.
What? Because they're so big, like they're just so big and like just there. They're the low flying helicopters of bugs. Yeah. So, yeah, Heracross number 214, the single horn Pokemon. He's horny. Got him.
And as Sarah said, four foot 11, 119 pounds. The weight will come into my math equation later. Same thing with mega hair across, a little bit bigger, five foot seven and 137.8 pounds, which will also come into my math equation later. I think we did the same math. We all did the same math.
I think I did. I'm excited for the math time. Yeah. Steven loves math. I do. I didn't do the math this time. Oh, thank God.
Yeah, I did some different research. Okay. I mean, that's why you're the creative host, because you always come up with the facts that we don't delve deep into. Oh, yeah. I mean, everybody loves a little Wikipedia dive, so. Yeah. Yeah, I'm usually too busy on WikiFeet, so.
Are we on there yet? That's really the claim to fame. I mean, podcasters don't really make it there too often. We've got to start describing our feet. Maybe they'll upload that audio description somewhere. Five toes.
Did someone ever make that kind of thing for cat and dog feet? Isn't that a thing where like you can sell your cats like Tobin pictures or something? That sounds amazing actually. That's genius. I've heard rumblings of that on the internet. I don't know if that's a real thing. It's not there yet. You know what we should do? We should make Pokemon feet. They have that.
Yeah. It's their footprint though, actually. We would just have to fill in the sprite. Right, right, right. Some Pokedex entries do have footprints, yeah. Yeah, but we can rank them. Who has the cutest feet? Some of them are just dots. That's kind of cute. Some of them don't have feet, like Magneton. Yeah.
I guess I would say that a majority of the feet are either non existent or just little dots. Yeah, sometimes or sometimes you got those long feet, like a Pikachu feet. It goes as those long like. I changed a lot, but they got those like long rabbit feet. Yeah, yeah, they do. Her across has got an interesting footprint because he's got a huge ass toenail. Yeah.
Yeah, they talk about his clawed feet a lot in the Pokedex entries. I've mentioned it before, but first fact of the sword, he has sure footing thanks to his clawed feet. Yeah, take that to the bank. I loved this one. It's proud of its thick horn.
Yeah. We don't need to read the rest of that one. We could just stop right there. Did you write down every single thing that they used to describe Heracross's horn? I have a couple. I have unparalleled horn. Oh, I didn't even get that one. Yeah, unparalleled prize torn. Yes, that's the one they use the most often.
Yes, proud horn. Yes. Steel hard shell. Mighty horn and thick horn. And her human strength thrusts its prized horn into the enemy's belly. I found one that said thick horn. Did we see that one yet? Yeah, we did say we did. That was the first one.
So, I shit you not, listener. I would say about half of the Pokedex entries are just describing Heracross being proud of its Proudhorn, Mightyhorn, Pricedhorn, or Thickhorn. Thickhorn, Leghorn. Yeah.
But I mean, why wouldn't you be, you know? I mean, it is a call to fame. It's a single horn Pokemon, and competitively, it kills you with a very strong base attack, and a very, very strong, I think it's like 120 powers, like 70 or 80 accuracy move called Mega Horn, just kills things, just kills them.
So can I take this Pokemon in a fight? No, it would kill me. Yeah, it's pretty strong. It could lift and throw objects a hundred times its weight, which is significant. Yes. Could throw a couple of, and probably throw all of the daycare dittos at once. Yeah, Dave and I probably did the math.
But here's the. Yeah, we sure did. Oh, were you saying, Stephen? No, I want to hear this math first, actually. So Heracross is 119 pounds. And can throw or lift 100 times its weight. Yes. So Peter. That's eleven thousand nine hundred pounds. Or I kind of did a rough Google image search look up. So did I. About the weight of a UPS truck.
or an African elephant. Okay. Do we wanna say the mega? Yeah, let's do it because it's within the same vein. So it's 137.8 pounds and it can throw 500 times its weight.
Yeah. So that's, uh, 68,900 pounds. Or if you round up 69,000 crazy. Yeah. The Pokemon just spoon feeding this to us. Just hitting left and right. Yeah. Hit that blunt. What, what weights do you have for that? Because the ones I had are all like kind of very similar. I had a loaded cement or dump truck.
Yeah, construction vehicles. Yeah. A houseboat, a fire truck or a mobile home, it says. OK. That's crazy. It's crazy because the land mover that it showed that that's the way that is the one that ran over my car while I was in it. If only I had a Heracross to save me.
Yeah, heaviest Pokemon, that's Pro, oh Celesteela, 2,204 pounds. So that means that both of these could lift easily the most heavy Pokemon.
Nice. At one point, I think the heaviest was grabbed on, but my. I just an old brain. You guys ever watch videos of Beatles like this, just whipping fucking other Beatles into the air? Of course. Oh, they they fucking rip them into the sky. And I don't understand this part of the information about Heracross. It says that Heracross will throw
It's, it's, it's foes to get food, but like it doesn't eat them.
Yeah, so I think this is alluding to the nature of the Japanese rhino beetle that it's based on. So they like fight and compete against other males and will simply just flip them

Alliances in Alola

either out of the tree or away. But then they will do that in order to access like sap
or other foods or like a female um to mate or something like that so i think that's the thing is like hair cross will flip you and will go nuts and just like throw you out of the way and be aggressive but it's not actually gonna hurt you because all it cares about is like tree sap yeah we'll even topple a tree to get to that sap they don't even care yeah
But I did some research on the Japanese rhinoceros beetle, and they actually describe male interaction and behavior down to four stages. That's it. That's how males interact.
yeah stage one the encounter two males see each other but have not made physical contact stage two is shoving the males make physical contact if we get to shove each other stage three is prying at this point the males will use their horns to try to flip the other onto their back and then it'll go to one or the other which is chasing um
where the larger male will chase away the smaller one, or stage 4B, which is flipping, where the one beetle will flip the other one and kind of like take over more or less. I've seen this before. The next stage is always kissing. Yeah, but it's like stage five kissing. Kissing.
Yeah, gooning. No, it's they they do say that there are some alternative behaviors where Beatles will act in what they describe as sneak like behavior. So they'll simply basically try to run up to a male behind it and flip it over before they like actually meet head to head. So does that mean that means Heracross is a little stinker then?
Oh no, look at that face. Listen, all I'm saying is Heracross, if it sees some sap and you're in the way, you're getting flipped. Little stinker energy. That's some stinker energy. Yeah, but I would do much the same thing to get to some delicious sap. So that means you're probably a little stinker too. Oh, bite your tongue. Not my theater. The older I grow, the stinkier I get.
You know something I learned about stinkers? This is very different, but I learned that Steve Jobs didn't bathe for 20 years and a lot of places wouldn't carry the original Apple computer because he was number one an asshole and very rude to them, but also smelled like shit. Oh, that's so funny. He's like not the fun kind of stinker. He's a strange man from what I heard. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Stink different humans.
Human BO, I can handle a decent amount of BO, but once it hits that threshold. No, I cannot. Yeah, I mean.
Let's say, right, you've been working on the yard, a hard day's work. You've showered the day before, you're entitled to like the, you know, you're working hard in the yard. It's hot out. You're drinking some some lemonades, you're hydrating, but you're sweating, right?
That's a good B.O. because that's a B.O. of a hard day's work. But you wash that away, right? As soon as possible you wash that away. So I would say a one day's worth of hard work B.O. is a pleasant B.O. But if it goes on any longer, then it's a lingering bad B.O. You heard it here.
Matt has been Peter's BO chat. Yeah. I like that. It's you know, I mean, it's a little bit of BO's fight. Yeah, we all we all do it. Right. But humans stink, definitely. But just get rid of it. Yeah, you don't want to you don't want to sit in it and marinate in it because that's that's when it gets a little stale. Yeah. But. Yeah, we all we all enjoy a little sniffing of
Hot male pheromones. I don't know about that. Maybe you should speak for yourself, Peter. I am speaking for myself. We all... Don't you love just digging your nose right into the nape of your bro's neck, you know? Giving a good whiff, saying, hey, bro, you smell good today, bro. Sarah, do you not enjoy your own stink a little bit? Just a little bit?
Um, no, not particularly. Maybe that is just a guy thing. I'm just like a guy thing, but no, I don't also like my smell late. My sniffer has been very sensitive lately, so maybe that's just it. But, you know, I love putting my hand directly into my armpit sometimes. No, no, no.
No, thank you. Pooping on my lower upper lip so I could smell my poop. Just smell it

Heracross in Competitive Play

all day long. Yeah. I love farting into my own eyes. I mean, listeners, chime in if you think that I'm the weirdest, grossest man alive.
No, I think a lot of people like the smell of themselves, like their natural pheromones. For me, I guess I'm more self-conscious about it. I'm like, damn, if I could smell myself, that's not good. I got to go shower. I freak out. I'm always paranoid that I smell. Oh, yeah, me too. And then honestly, I mean, I'm only saying it because I actually am the type of person to not smell that that much.
uh i think that's my only saving grace i just don't i i don't sweat as much as some people do so generally by the end of my day i'm just like like uh like we've all been saying i'm a little stinker i'm not a big stinker i just i just have a little stink to me and then it gets washed away and so like it's novel to me if i stink a little bit and i'm like oh i stink a little bit interesting
I'm like the guy who has like a deodorant at work. I have like stashes. I'm like that Thomas Jane Punisher movie where he has that room where he just like punches something and there's a gun hiding in it. It's just like that, but with the deodorant. Like I have stashes hidden all around the tri-state area.
I can smell Dave's deodorant all the time. There really is nothing worse than leaving for work in the morning and realizing you haven't put it on. You forgot. Yeah, that is the worst. Not for me. I've definitely done that and stopped at a pharmacy and just bought
Deodorant. I'm like, absolutely fucking not, no. I always have backup. I would leave it in my car sometimes, but then it would get so hot in the summer. Then it melts. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Man, you want to know how I know that there's not many facts about hair across? Well, okay. You want some facts about hair

Cultural Significance of Heracross

across? Well, we do. Actually, this is a good segue. We're talking about scent, and it uses its two antennae to search for food by scent.
There you go. Yeah. Yeah. So I guess it lacks a nose, but it's got too little antenna. Yeah. It's also got a big old rival. Yeah. I love when Pokemon have rivals. Multiple rivals. Yeah. I hate Vikavolt. Well, so it hates. I learned this. I thought it was pretty cool because Heracross's normal foe is Pinsir.
Yeah. But this you love this. Vincer and Heracross in Alola team up because they both just fucking hate Vikavol. That is such a great that's that's such a deep friendship between two.
Pokemon that absolutely despise each other, but they're bonded by hate. And I don't know if you've ever had friends like that or coworkers like that where you really just don't like a coworker, but you both fucking hate your boss or you fucking hate your other coworker. And you know what? You're not so bad because so-and-so is so much worse. Yeah. There's nothing more American.
Me and my best friend Dan, the reason why we bonded so quickly was because we were, for lunchtime in the sixth grade, there was the two of us at a table with one guy that we absolutely hated. So we just teamed up. Man. You guys are literally Heracross and Pinsir. Yeah.
Except that I don't know if you guys hated each other, though. Oh, no. No, never hated each other. OK. So I posted a picture in the chat. It's a very famous picture from the anime of a pincer and a Heracross that are in love with each other. And this is actually Go's Heracross.
So go is the replacement Ash, right? I'm sorry. Yeah, I might need some help here because I'm not too familiar with the anime. So go is basically he is with Ash. He is like a younger Pokemon trainer that's going on an adventure with Ash. Yeah, it's like kind of like his apprentice. Yeah, he's like a Misty and Brock rolled into one.
And I saw that he he's he's actually trying to catch them all. So he actually does catch lots of Pokemon because I saw on his page it would said he had like 58 or something. I was like, whoa. Yeah, dude, actually listen to the theme song. Yeah. But yeah, there's an episode where he ends up getting a trading a hair across and this hair across is in love with a pincer and that specific episode.
trades it from Kricketina Kiley. Weird about that too is that it's one of his like three Heracrosses that he caught. Like he caught a bunch for trading. Yeah, I think it was six actually. And then that's crazy. The one was traded to go.
But yeah, Pinsir and Heracross just once again teaming up just this one time. But Ash also, as a parallel, had a Heracross who did quite well for themselves. Yeah, that's the one that sucked on Bulbasaur's little back nipple. Yeah. Did you know that they dropped the Gotta Catch Him All from Pokemon boxes after Gen 2?
Yeah, well, it's kind of impossible to do at that point. Heracross's name is Heracross. Heracross in Japanese. Next. The Hercules beetle, which is the hirakarus caressu okabuto.
So it kind of like Heracross comes from Heracouresu. And then the French and German names are more interesting. They're Skorino and then Scaraborn in German. Skorino was French.
all based on scarabs, rhinoceros beetles, scarab and horn. But the Japanese Hercules beetle is actually pretty cool, I found out. So
There is a thing at the end of the Wikipedia article. And there's a section, Uses in Oriental Medicine. And I had to check the sources on this section, but it links to a research paper from the Entomological Research Journal, a link to a study from the Royal Entomological Society.
as well as a research paper in the National Library of Medicine. So get ready for this. Entomans did this? Yeah, Entomans. Those guys. Yeah, that's crazy.
No, so alo myrena dichotomy, the rhinoceros beetle, has been a popular ingredient in Chinese traditional medicine for almost 2,000 years.

Heracross in the Anime

But research has corroborated that extracts have potential health benefits. Studies showed that larvae extract can significantly decrease the expressions of genes associated with fat creation.
The study implies that Japanese rhinoceros beetle larva could function as a potential anti obesity food supplement. Another study discovered that two proteins in the larva exhibited antibacterial activity and they demonstrate significant activity against other resistant strains of like MRSA and stuff.
Do you ever think that this is just like a prank that Entomans is pulling on us to make us eat bugs? Make us eat Japanese rhinoceros beetles? Yeah, they're just like, I know how to make them eat bugs. Just tell them that it will cure their obesity.
Apparently, yeah, if you're sick and you with MRSA, which is very resistant to antibiotics, you can maybe eat rhinoceros beetles and it'll help you. But I looked that up and I was like, wow, that's crazy that like that's that's real. Like, yeah, if you eat these bugs, it could do some good stuff for you. So big.
Huge. Apparently, they're also very great for research because you can set up like a community of them pretty quickly and easily. And they don't like kill each other or anything. Like I said, they just kind of will flip each other. Yeah, they just kind of play pogs with each other's bodies. They're just crazy bones, the fucking species. Yeah, that's awesome. Imagine the crunch eating one of those.
Yeah, I'd have to put it in a sandwich or something I know but I hate MRSA so much that I would probably be cool with it Yeah, I put it between two slices of pizza Yeah, like a Ninja Turtle. Yeah, like a Ninja Turtle meets Tomoden Pumbaa
yeah salty yet satisfying um speaking of names uh one of the things that um you know i'm i was big into gen one big into gen two and then when gen three rolled around that was still of the time where uh you
only knew, you know, you could see Pokemon's, like, names, but you didn't really have much information about them. So there's, of course, Heracross, and then one of the later entries in the Gen 3 Pokedex is Metagross,
And for whatever reason, I put the two and two together in my head that Metagross must be a like a Heracross like evolution or something. So for the longest time, I thought maybe in Gen 3, there might have been like a Heracross evolution, but nope, totally different line. Do you think we'll ever get one? A Heracross evolution? Yeah, I don't see them rushing to it anytime soon.
If we do, we'd also have to get a Pinsir one, I would guess. I think Pinsir could use one. I think Heracross is a very strong Pokemon in its own right. And if you gave it an evolution, like we've said in previous episodes, like the Shuckle episode, it would get a chance to wear an Eviolite, which is for unevolved Pokemon. And it might be too powerful. So.
I think right now, hair crosses in, I could see a regional, is in NU, and it dominates, might be banned, who knows. In the past, it's been in UU, dominated, and then before that, it was even in OU and dominated. So whatever tier it's in, it's a good Pokemon. Good to know, good to know.
What other facts do we have to share? Heracross is one of the few Pokemon that in Gen 4 could receive foreign Pokedex entries.
Um, I had to remind myself on this a little bit and I might get some of the details a little hazy, but gen four was one of the first gens where you could trade with people kind of, you know, um, more, uh, than just on the playground, you know, like with the DS, uh, wireless and everything, it just made things easier. So they added a feature in the game where if you've got like a French or Japanese trade, um,
from the Pokemon would originate from France or Japan, you would unlock the Pokedex entry in that language. I guess just as a reason to kind of encourage you to trade more and get those perks of trading with people around the world, because I believe also international or Pokemon from different regions also give different breeding advantages as well.
if I remember that correctly. Yeah, you're more likely to produce an egg if it was from a different region. Yeah, so Heracross was one of 14 Pokemon that
This was available for. I never knew that. Yeah, it's only in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. There's a guy. His name is the Meister. And he talks to you and says he'll basically download something onto your Pokedex to allow this. And then he'll ask you to trade a Magikarp for a Finian. And his Magikarp is German, except for in Germany, where your Magikarp would be Japanese.
And so then you would unlock the German Magikarp entry and Be like, oh cool. Now I can do this for other Pokemon In later games because of course they remade it You do talk to him, but he kind of is like, oh you actually already have it available to you because Yeah, the now you can
in the modern day and age of Pokémon, these Pokédex entries are much more available.
I would never give my Pokedex to a guy named the Maestro so that he could download something onto it. That sounds like a scammer. Yeah. That sounds like a modern day scam. Yeah. They also apparently did have a GTS event in 2007 where you could trade an American Ponyta for a Japanese Psyduck and a Japanese Roselia for an American Heracross.
Again that hair cross representation. Yeah, it's it's kind of you know, all over hair cross has some staying power, you know, I I never mind seeing a hair cross. I'm like, there's that guy. He's so happy and jovial in a strong. Yeah, I like hair cross hair cross is a good Pokemon. I just like I said, it seems like it has such a
big place in the anime that I just don't know about. Yeah, I am. I'm also very surprised

Mega Heracross: The Pain of Evolution

at myself for I have a lot of history playing through every generation of Pokemon game to the point where I've used a lot of Pokemon on a team before, and I've never actually used a Heracross. And I think that stems back from the fact that
Uh, you would have to headbutt trees for Heracross and Gen 2. And I just wasn't, uh, wasn't gonna do that, so. Too bad. You hug trees, you don't headbutt them? I hug trees, yeah. Fair enough.
Yeah, me and my friend Dan, we got two things, two things in common, also many other things. But those two things are hating the kid that we sat at the sixth grade lunch table with and loving trees. What's your favorite tree? I love trees so much named 10 trees named 10 trees. Yeah.
I don't want to like sycamore sycamores are really cool trees, oaks. Everybody loves a good oak. We have a huge oak in our backyard that they actually just chopped a bunch of it. Thank God, because it was having some precarious branches there that were like.
right inside for this windstorm we're having. Oh my goodness. What about trees? Our parents had to get rid of some recently too, and it's like a double-edged sword because you're like, man, I love trees, but also trees could destroy my house. This oak tree in our backyard has got to be over 150 years old. It is the largest tree I've seen in a backyard, I think, ever. It's like if something goes wrong and that tree falls over, we will not have a house.
Yeah. Oh, and for our top 10 tree list, I just RIP chestnut. Gotta give a shout out. Oh, yeah. No, if you want to if you want to talk for hours and hours and hours about trees, the American chestnut. Yeah. Lots lots of so uncovered there. Such a sad story. Yeah. Now I gotta look this up. What's going on with chestnut trees?
They're dead. They're gone. Really? Yeah. If you want to see Chestnut, you got to watch porn. So what do we have in the way? We only got Chestnut, the Pokemon. Oh, yeah. Oh, I hate that Pokemon. That's probably one of my least favorite Pokemon, above Clefky. OK. So we'd rather Chestnut die than Chestnuts, yeah.
Chestnut can die and we can keep chestnut trees. Yeah. Sounds like a fair trade to me. I'm going to give you the firm handshake and we'll make it happen. Love it. Uh, we got anything. Oh, we got to do mega. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I think I only have one note about, uh, mega and we've already talked about it.
I just, the thing with mega evolution, we talked about this a lot with the other megas we've discussed, but this Pokemon in particular really goes into the fact that mega evolving is very painful. Oh yeah.
Yeah, and it just makes me feel really bad. So Heracross in particular, when it mega evolves, it has a very high body temperature. So it opens up the shells of its arms and torso to allow this heat to escape, which in turn makes it look more intimidating. But it's just because it's hot and bothered. So that sucks. And then after it's done mega evolving, it's left with muscular soreness for a little while, which also sucks.

Gender Differences in Heracross

So I mean,
I wrote down on my notes that this isn't a mega evolution. It's just like in its 30s. It was like thinking it could do all this good battle stuff and really go nuts, but then the next day it just feels really sore.
And it looks pretty similar to its non-megaevolved form. Its horn is just enormous. Haha, very funny, funny horn. It's more erect, I would say. It's got a shiny tip. Shall I go on? It looks more like a Hercules beetle, that's for sure. It does, yeah, definitely. There's no gender difference now? Did we mention that?
No, the mega loses the gender difference Hmm interesting. I don't know if we mentioned this but they're both bug fighting type. Yeah Which is a good a good Oh, yeah, it's a good combo. It resists a lot The only problem is that it is four times weak to flying type moves. Mm-hmm. So keep it away from your Pidgeys and whatnot
Are there cards of it? There are cards. Oh, actually, other thing I'm going to say is that there's not really a beta of this Pokémon.
but they're kind of is. We discussed it in the Pinsir episode that there is a Pokémon that looks a lot like Pinsir with a weird face mask. Oh, I remember this guy, yeah. Yeah, but they think that they scrapped that to make Heracross instead because
uh Scyther got an evolution and it was the foil to pincer so they needed uh someone to fill that spot so they they brought in Heracross to be the foil to pincer as Scyther got a promotion yeah funny enough uh competitively uh Caesar is uh
the Pokemon that edged Heracross out of the tiering lists that it was in because Cezor was just ever so slightly better Pokemon. So there was no need to use a Heracross if you had a Cezor in your party. Man, that, you know, some Pokemon just get all the like, the love. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, rightfully so. Very badass Pokemon in Cezor.
Alright, do we want to do the card game? I would love to. Let's do games. Games are fun! Okay, so we're gonna play the card game where our lovely co-hosts are going to guess how many Heracross cards our pal has in the trading card game. Who would like to go first? Seventeen. Nineteen.
I was gonna say 20. And Dave, you would be correct because, well, you're not correct. You're the closest. There's actually 22, which is nice. Yeah. Go Heracross for single evolution. Not bad. Is that including megas? That is including megas and there's only one mega card. Oh, interesting. All right. So now we're rapid firing. We're going to do who you're going to fuck.
Uh, I am going to play this. Uh, I'm going to list four Pokemon. You're going to tell me which one if left at the daycare with Heracross would not produce an egg. Here we go. Uh, Dwebble, Surskit, Snome, and Orthorm. What is Dwebble again? Dwebble is that little like hermit crab. Oh, right. Okay. Could you list them again?
Dwebble, Surskit, Snome, and Orthwarm. I mean, it's got to be Orthwarm. Orthwarm, yeah. We did this last week. Yeah, I'm going to say Orthwarm, too. Yeah, yeah. It's literally the same exact one as last week, just because there was a fact here that said that it is the only fighting type in the bug.
Egg Group. Bug Egg Group is crazy because every single one's a bug. I was just testing you guys to see if you remembered last week, and you did. Yeah, because we were notoriously bad at that. If you throw little curve balls in there, you're going to get me eventually. I'm trying. If you put Orthworm next week, I'm going to be like, oh my God. I mean. It's got to be Orthworm, right? Or it's got to not be Orthworm. It'll start messing with my mind.
I'll get mean. I'll get mean again. I just think you guys have learned so much that it's hard to trick you now. Yeah. Maybe. I mean, every once in a while. I think there's certain groups that are just easier in certain groups that are very hard. Yeah. Bug is very easy. Fields is just everybody. But you know. And water is impossible. Yeah. Yeah. Very hard. So. All right.
We did it. Yeah. Hey, thank you guys so much for learning about hair across of us. And thank you to my co hosts for always hanging out with me. That's really nice of you guys. Sarah, I want to thank all the well wishes we got on the Instagram.
Yes. Thank you so much. We, uh, Dave and I visited the daycare and we got an egg out of it. So yeah, we posted that and we got a whole lot of congratulations. So we really appreciate everything. Yeah. We have all the listeners. We have a fifth host, uh, technically now. Yeah, technically they're just listening in and they're getting their, uh, they're getting their exposure to Pokemon real, real early. Uh, and they'll be here to talk about it in September.
Wonderful news. Yeah. We'll force them to host Gen 23. Yeah, they'll be able to babysit Chainsaw so he's not alone looking at me with sad eyes at the door. That's true.
um yeah i mean uh if you want to keep up to date with all of the hottest news like when am i gonna uh i don't know have uh chinese food or something or yeah when am i gonna have uh beat up an apom or uh
When can you fight Aaron, our guest from last episode in an open field? You have to be up to date with our social medias, so find us on Instagram. Thank you to Carl Jerm, as always, for being a great musician and allowing us the privilege of using his music as our theme song.
And if you want to hear me on their podcast, the every FNF podcast, you should check it out. I was on this most recent episode. Yeah, you did a phenomenal job.
Yeah, well, it's talking about a very fun game. And I love that game, especially because of all the transformations and evolutions. So yeah, you know, yeah, check it out. Final Fantasy 10-2. Yeah. Yeah. If you're done playing Pokemon, you want to play a Final Fantasy, might I suggest 10 followed by 10-2? Very, very fun stories, very different games from each other, but both wonderful. And you can get them together.
Other news always have to mention so Rest in peace to Akira Toriyama who in many ways is kind of the grandfather of the Pokemon series A lot of inspiration was drawn from Dragon Warrior or as we know Dragon Quest So, you know and especially his art style is a huge in
in the video game world, so that was a big bummer. Yeah, no, that hit hard. Like, I was not expecting that. Yeah, you gotta just cherish what the ones who have passed on left the world. And yeah, definitely one of the biggest influences in my young life, for sure.
That's right. Yeah. And I mean, I figure out a way to say farting. I'm yeah, I don't really want to after that little heartfelt thing. So maybe a somber farting like. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, man.