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475 Plays6 months ago

Did somebody say Ska? Cody makes his triumphant return to daycare dittos and all because of the first three letters of this bird's name. Tell me that isn't dedication to the craft! Skarmory is a big metal bird. While that seems reductive, it really isn't. It's a big metal bird that makes swords without even trying! Swords are great. Enjoy!


Musical Evolution and Pokémon Music Discussion

You're a shining scar No matter who you are Shine bright to see Scar Marie Shining scar for you to see Skamari is a real G. Welcome to take care of this Wow It's a beautiful that was Your yeah, I know you said you're doing music but like it's gone to a ah whole new height I'm so proud of you. Yeah, it's like an airplane um so I I can't
I can't confirm that I'm going to be able to keep it up, but, um, I now think that our podcast is more musical than, uh, every FFF for sure. And those guys are musicians. So crazy to think of shots

Copyright Jokes and Musical Comparisons

fired. I don't think we've ever actually discussed any of the the tracks in the Pokemon games. Have we? I don't think so. No. Do we want, do we want to do like a top five? I know. Um,
Curtis has a another podcast called it's the vgm draft the v draft VG draft ah v vg drafts and they did a everybody had their top Final Fantasy tracks so we could do something similar just yoink it from them Oh, yoink anything. Yeah. What's he gonna do, sue us? Yeah. Kidding me? He loves us. He refuses to sue us. I know. I mean, we discussed the one and only song we need to discuss, which is the coil song. Oh, yeah. That's a good song. That's a good song. Do you know who else makes good music? Who's that? The daycare did us.
Yeah. Oh. We are the daycare dinos. We are the daycare dinos, but. I was going to say Skarmory makes good music. That's my favorite Skakor band. They really kept the scene going in California when all the other bands were not really doing anything cool. So we heard the catchphrase, Ska, so we know that we have a special guest.

Tall Birds: Comedy and Critique

ah ah Cody is on the podcast. Say hi.
ah Cody was on the last time for Magikarp, wasn't it? yeah And so we don't have to do half of our um are guest introduction, so thank you for that, returning guests. And also, random order, we have Sarah. That's me. Steven. I'm a big old metal chicken.
And Dave! Don't look at my sprite, I'll change it. Oh man, you guys are so good at your intros. I think I'm the worst, honestly. Nah, you're the best. i One day you're just gonna drop one that's 50 times better than all of our combined ones. That's right. But am I the best I ever was? Yes. Here we go.
i was gonna I was also thinking about that today. At some point, we're just gonna have to have like a medley of the Pokemon theme song sung by each of us. I just want to do... I think there should be a like grindcore, uh, poker rap. Mm-hmm. Just, yeah. But we'll see what happens. But, uh, Skarmory.
Yeah, so today we're going to speak on Skarmory Pokemon number 227. The Armor Bird Pokemon standing at a whopping five feet, seven inches tall and weighing 111.3 pounds. I'd be afraid if I saw this in real life. Right off the bat, I'm just gonna say it. This bird's too tall. I think it's too big. What do you guys think?
I think it's a scary motherfucker. I don't I don't think it's heavy enough. Yeah. Yeah, that's not that much for how big it is. But well, we we'll get into why it's not that heavy later. But yeah, it's it's it's deceivingly light for sure. It's got to be made out of like aluminum.
I guess that's how birds are, though. they're Yeah. They're deceivingly light. Yeah. And six feet tall. Sometimes. Sometimes they are. But I bet you a bald eagle's wingspan is at least that much. I'm just going to come out and say it. I don't like birds that are six foot feet tall. Not me either. I'm going to Google birds that are six feet tall. Ostrich.
birds are six feet tall. All right, so we got number one emu. Wait a minute. Are you doing tall like foot to head or wingspan? However the eye doesn't. Yeah. Tallest extant birds. All right, here's the ranking it only starts at number three is bullshit. All right, number one common ostrich don't like it.
They can kill you. They will kill you. And they have, like, naked, creepy man legs that are going backwards, and I fucking hate that. It's mostly neck. It is mostly neck. And it's also bald and weird. It's like it's hiding its genitals in its huge middle. And I don't know if it has them in there, but I don't want to see it. They kick you in the gut until your guts fall out and you die. Yeah, it's bad. Second is Somali ostrich. same Same reason to not like them.
Next is an emu, which is just a bird, but someone stretched it out too big when they were resizing it. And it looks, I don't know, I don't like them. This one, I'll build a case for it. The Greater Flamingo. Flamingo's all right. Flamingo? Maybe if you stretch it's a little neck out, but a flamingo's not six feet tall. What type of flamingo is it? I don't know, I think they're bigger than you think.
i' Oh, this is the greater flimmingo. There it is. Yeah. Because the ones I've seen are probably the, just the lesser flimmingo. The smaller size. Yeah. I gotta look at this. That's a tall, averaging 110 to 150 centimeters. ah What's that? I know, right? Yeah. We're in the US. Come on now. Be America. 74 inches tall. Oh, that's up to 74 inches tall.
Hold on. We're so we're going to say about six feet. 110 centimeters is 43 inches. So that's about like that's all like almost four feet. Not even. They just found one dude. That's like you're like, oh, you know, Dave. Yeah, Dave's extremely tall. I've seen Shaquille O'Neal like bullshit.
All I'm saying is these tall birds are assholes. I don't like six feet tall birds. I'm done with them. well then you can How many of those birds can actually fly? ah Only over the flamingo? Just the flamingo. filmmigo The You're the flamingo. Wait, I thought ostriches could fly. No. Just like short distances, if anything, they flap there and run mostly. Yeah, but they're naked, gross legs.
Saddle build stork is very big and it was it's actually kind of pretty looking but if I saw one up close I oh liar it says it's 5.9 feet these guys are all count all of them are listed at 5.9 feet that's not what I asked for A bald eagle's wingspan can be up to seven and a half or eight feet. Yeah, I'm thinking wingspan here. That thing will just like push you off the side of a cliff and kill you that way. You know, it's just going to run full speed at you. Knock you off the mountain. Here's why I won't. i ah I'm too smart when I'm by cliffs. what One thing people say about me is when I'm by cliffs, it's like I got eyes on the back of my head for all big birds.
What it doesn't understand is that I always have my wingsuit on. Yes. And I'm ready to go. Big Bird wasn't on that list. He's not. Big Bird's pretty tall. But I think that's like Big Bird's nice, though. He seems nice. Oh, man. Big Bird is scary as fuck. I don't know. He gives me the creeps a little bit. OK, Big Bird is eight foot two. Big Bird? Yeah, he's like the Andre the Giant of Birds. Oh, that's too much. That's no. That's a little.
I mean, when people start calling you Big Bird, you got to be big. There's big and then there's unreasonable. But alliteration, they're not going to call him like Huge Bird because that doesn't roll off the tongue. Wasn't in Hideo Kojima's first strands type game, Death Stranding, wasn't the baby just called BB? Yeah. So the fetus thing. Yeah, the fetus.
little baby you carried around with you. Yeah, got him got annoyed when there was ghosts around. Tell you detected the ghosts. Yeah. Um, so now they say like big bird. Sorry to interrupt again, that big birds name can't be big bird.
But I learned that ah his

Skarmory's Musical and Rivalry Discussion

species is the biggest canarius and that he finally settled on a name he likes. And Big Bird's name is Roy. Oh, Roy's our boy. our boy. Good for Roy. Good for Roy. My sweet baby Roy. If you name yourself after one of the Koopa kids, the Koopalings, then that's always good. Yeah. Yep. So.
Cody, putting you on the spot right now, why Skarmory? Well, common fashion for me is mostly just the joke of it being Ska-related. But, I mean, this one's pretty cool too. ah Almost a pseudo-legendary in some people's eyes, and stalwart in the the competitive world.
I also like that it just made a comeback in the the new game as like the sprite for flying around in the DLC. I don't know, mostly just the Ska joke. Wonderful. and yeah And you like Ska? You know I've been ah and around the Ska scene once or twice. Have you ever had to knock on wood?
yeah Yeah, I've ah i played that song a couple times. My buddy's college roommate is the trombone player from that band. My college roommate though is just Dave. So so who who won? I am. I'm the guy who dances for the real big fishes. Actually,
You know what? cody We talked about real big birds. Yeah, ah Cody should be on Kyogre or Dondozo someday for like just real big fish. Ooh, okay. You guys are making way more into it than I thought. We're gonna find excuses to make any Pokemon sky, Jason, and we're just gonna take you back on. Yeah, yeah. So who else is in Skarmory's band? Obviously, we got Corviknight.
Well, they're rivals, so maybe they're in rival bands. Yeah, but it could be like ah dual singers or something like that. I think you got a screamer and a singer. Yeah. Okay, I like that. You need a, what about guffita or guffail? Yeah, definitely. Very checkerboard. Very checkerboard. Or maybe Ivysaur or ah Operation Ivysaur. Yeah. That's the drummer.
You got a guitarist's toxicity. I think I have like a million of their card. That's good. It's like in every pack you get a toxicity now.
Rillaboom. Oh yeah, Rillaboom drummer. Yeah. Oh man, someone must have made like a party of just like a whole band.
Yeah, absolutely. Puff could be you're like like like ah if you want like an Evanescence touch to the band. Yeah. Did we pop a scream tail? Mr. Mimes just that weirdo in the corner. That's me.
ah So the thing I like is that Scarborough, I think I wrote this in my notes. They named Scarborough because some people think that it's sky and armory other people think that it is scar and armory okay and some people think that it's ska and mori povich and that is one specific person who we have on our podcast today that was that's what i said i made no i made that up but bring up an argument the footage okay prove it
Did we we watch Maury Povich sometimes? Oh, probably. I don't think I've ever watched Maury or Jerry Springer in my entire life. Well, I'm from the the land of Jerry Springer. It's true. You were born on a Jerry Springer set. As as most of us in Fairfield County are. Yeah, but I mean, if you know, you're not the father, sometimes the Mother feels like it's Unfairfield County. Me and Jerry always make jokes like that. Me and Jerry are tight. Is he dead? He should be dead, right? so Somebody is dead. i That's a good way to put it. Yeah. Jerry Springer is dead, question mark? What was that? Oh, yeah, he died. Yeah. Pancreatic cancer. What about Steve, the bodyguard dude? Oh, let's see.
Steve, the bodyguard. Dude, Jerry Springer, Steve.
Dead. Steve Wilkos, an American personality at law enforcement. He was a Chicago. I'm more of a Judge Judy kind of guy. Yeah, Judge Judy is great. Yeah. Steven John Wilkos is 60 years old. Still kicking.
Good, i don't know I don't know who any of these people are. I just know Judge Judy and her hot, tight bailiff. All I know is Steve's still a bastard. Yeah. Yeah, take that. Dude, I've been googling up a storm this time. I'm feeling good. What other stuff do we want to know about? This and that thing is full of facts. I never watched jackass. I wasn't allowed to.
um Didn't Google like really fail you today when you were researching Skarmory? It sure did. We'll get to that. I have that at my notes. All right. Let's circle back to ah daytime television. ah What did you guys watch? No, what does Skarmory look like? It just looks like a metal bird with, I don't know. It looks like a metal bird that looks like it's going to eat you.
and maybe razor your face off. No arms. It's just got wings and and feet with a three pointed like claws at the end. Yeah. And the wings kind of are like serrated knives. Yeah, it looks like very sharp, thin sheet metal. And technically, they're all individual wings. There's eight wings.
Yeah, I've never really loved Skarmory's head piece. It kind of looks like a shark's head with like the fin and everything. But it kind of makes sense if you're thinking of aerodynamics of some sort. and Yeah. and And also they said it's very crane inspired too. And that makes more sense if you think of it as like a crane more than um like an eagle or, you know, any other

Design and Competitive Analysis of Skarmory

type of bird like that.
But it looks robotic to me a little bit. I think it's the neck because it's got like one of those extendo necks. Yeah. And some of the wings are red. um Like the underneath part of the wings are red. Yeah.
don I mean, it's it's a fine design. When it comes to like originality at this point in the the Pokedex, it's pretty good. It looks like a Pokemon you would see in the area zero and violet. Yeah, I think this is another one of those Pokemon that as a sprite is awesome. And then you like see it flapping around and you're like, oh, no, I don't want this. Yeah, some Pokemon really got dirty. I think Skarmory just loses a lot of its like um intimidation when you kind of see it walking around and you realize like, oh, it's just kind of waddling around on two feet. Yeah. It's a sp chicken. Yeah.
As a sprite, you're like, holy shit, that fucking like war jets. It suffers from ah mo the Moltres effect. Because the sprite really does look like it could be a legendary, like it looks like that. ah What is it? Reusing? The little ah white dragon cannon Pokemon. Well, if if you want to get into legendary stuff, that's why I was like pseudo legendary, because Like, on the top of the the temples in in gold and silver, you don't see the respect of, like, legendaries in there. It's basically a Skarmory on the top. That's the place setter for both of them, almost. Yeah. it It looks kind of like Keurim, almost, to me. and I was going to say, is are were you referring to Keurim? Yeah. OK. Keurim is really cool looking.
um Unfortunately, I don't have black to white too. So I know that cure him actually played a big role in that. So one of the biggest roles to Oh, to be a legendary. Yeah, I guess Skarmory because of certain things. But also there are facts with like we we just went over Sudowoodo and how that felt like a big deal because of ah having like an HM for it or an item to move it was, you know, made it feel more important than it was. And I think too, it kind of is a testament that Skarmory hasn't had anything done to it at all since its debut. It was just kind of like, here's this really good Pokemon.
Yeah, and it's been really good. And it's always been really good. It's like they kind of created something nice. And they're like, all right, we don't have to change it or mix it up. That's fine. It's fine. Yeah. Which is what they do with bird Pokemon. Realistically, every new game, they were just like, what bird's outside? It's in the game now. But Skarmory, uh-uh. It's a razor blade. It's like a Swiss army knife.
I always try to think about, uh, Pokemon, if I had them in real life, what I would, uh, have them help me with. And Skarmory would, uh, help me shave my face or i just take care of the rich.
as we say Open cans. Oh yeah. Yeah. He would, he would help me, um, He would help me, oh shit. What's that word murder? No. Allegedly. Why am I so, such a square now where you ah poke a hole in the bottom and top of a beer can and just shotgun. He would help me shotgun beers. Oh yeah, yeah. You could help eight of us shotgun beers at the same time. Yeah. He would help me take my arms off.
You would help me with the sweet release of that. You could sit cutely. Oh, I didn't even think about a sitting cutie. I just posted it in the chat. It's a good one. It is a good one because they did the right thing and they actually put I think they put beans in its butt. They just plopped it on its butt. Yeah, it's it's so cute. And I love that its little feet are just sitting out there like in front of it. It is actually I'd like it better than the actual Pokemon. I think so.
I like ah the reviews. A simple lad, nice fella, the goodest boy, best bird, cute little guy. 27 ratings and they're all five out of fives. Yeah. That's probably the best one we've seen since we started looking at the reviews. I would die for him. Very wonderful. Sits quietly and dangles its feet off its shelf.
ah what What kind of stuffed to animal doesn't sit quietly? I don't know, dude. What about the back end view, though? It looks good from that side. It's that's very good. All things considered, some of these look very bad. I would expect Skarmory to also look very bad, but they did good on this one. ah Apparently this one, one of them enjoys snacks, according to Christian C.
Oh my God, that was Jesus that stood for Christian Christ.
Chris Kringle. The wings are pretty limp and don't stay up, but that's fine. He, he's cute. He sits five stars. Just like me. I love this. Cute and sits.
I love this little guy so much. He sits perfectly on my shelf watching over my room and I love his cute wings. And then they typed a heart. That was Jaden S. Jaden Smith. Oh, my gosh. Oh, it has to be Jaden Smith, because why would Pokemon customer service respond to them saying we are so pleased to hear that you are happy with your recent purchase? Very soft for a steel type. Oh, that guy's funny as fuck. That really got me.
That got me in the the gut. That's that's silly, because, yeah, I also wanted to post in the chat the trading figure of Skarmory because it's pretty dope. Mm hmm. It's ah it's in a dive bombing position. So it's on like a little clear stand and it's just going straight down with its wings all out. I don't know if that. ah I mean, for. Oh, there we go. My third time's the charm.
Yeah, it's going down. You could just look up Skarmory trading figure. You could look up Skarmory, 9-11. Well, that's a Photoshop that we could do, but we'll not. But hey, everyone listening, do what you want. Yeah, it's a cool figure, though. Skarmory is the steel beams. We're getting close to 9-11. Yeah, I know. That's scary for Dave and I because That's like right before our baby is due to be born. and Oh, and you're not on that day. please You're hoping not. Yeah. Yeah. We're like, please no. No, that's all right. You don't have to be born on 9 11. Yeah. I know somebody who's born on that day and I always feel bad. Yeah. Well, no one forgets their birthday. That's true.
Eventually it'll become like Pearl Harbor day or something like that.
so um So we've seen the sitting cutie. We've rated the sitting cutie. We know what it looks like. We know what it can do for us. ah Let's get into the the nitty gritty. Let's get into the facts. Skarmory is a Pokemon. That Pokemon has facts about it. Let's talk about them now.
So something we mentioned is its weight and how we were kind of all shocked how light it was. Big reason for that is because its wings are hollow. yeah So that makes it a little bit easier for Skarmory to fly, which apparently it can fly up to 185 or 190 miles per hour, which being a steel bird,
It's like that's kind of scary. Imagine running into that or crashing into a plane or something. Oh, shit. Yeah. Immediate blood cloud. You'd be dead. Yeah, you would just come like it would be a ghost ship. yeah shit Exactly. You would just be sliced like a ghost ship. You ever see ghost ship?
Yeah, ghost ship. Yeah, ghost ship. There's the scene when the wire goes and slices people like like a deli cutter. Yeah, everybody ah look up ghost ship and then I'm too scared. Yeah, ghost chip. Yeah, i'll go for that. I would look up ghost chip, but I would not look up ghost ship. It was it's very cool scene. I can't stand Gore, so. Oh, well, Carl Urban was in that one.
there's a photo of Carl Urban everyone thinks him as a tough guy and he's but Billy Butcher and the boys but there's a great photo of him buying Gundam toys in Japan in like the 2000s and I always think of that that's a good Google too when you're done watching people get cut in half on a dance floor look up look up Carl Urban Gundam yeah Good palate cleanser. Yeah. Okay. So for the Pokedex entries, it keeps talking about different things about like the scratches from thorns make the chick's wings hardened. Like, like what what is feel like you think? Like, and then losing the, uh, the broken or whatever, not as sharp wings, like,
i keep picturing things like wolverines hands coming out or something like oh
But they say that these steel wings are susceptible to rust, even, and that they have to tatter and bash them. And once a year, they grow back completely restored. So. I think it's like a cat and a scratching post or just I keep picturing things like any. Wolverine's hands coming out or something.
any animal that needs to you like yeah a beaver that needs to uh chomp on trees or else it's um its teeth grow too big. I think when I was a vet, we used to have to just take a nail file or a nail clipper and just like clip guinea pigs teeth down. It looked awful, but like it's just part of nature. That's better than used to be picturing them like pushing blades out of their back.
Yeah, so the mothers will give birth in a thorn bush and the thorn bush will scratch at a baby skarmory until it's ah its metal wings are are shiny and hard.

Mythological Influences and Sprite Evolution

so Another cool thing too is when it does shed its quote unquote feathers is what they're calling it. um People will use those shedded feathers as a sword.
Yeah, a sword or a chef's knife for the finest chefs in all the land. Which is great, because somewhere around here I saw there was like a... Each one has a specific pattern that comes out in their wings, so that made me think of like Damascus Steel or something like that. Absolutely. You know like when you find a really good stick when you're a kid? Oh yeah. And you're like, damn, this is a sword. Imagine if you just find an actual fucking sword.
Because you find feathers in the backyard and stuff. That's crazy. You become king of England then. Pretty much. Pretty much. It's crazy. ah Another fact is that the sprite for Skarmory was made for the Space World demo and was not changed um even though the art that was made for Skarmory looks very different.
So if you look at the original art for Skarmory, it had like two tails and a bigger kind of backside on it and it's had a crooked nose more so than like a beak. It looks like it had a little mouth and a nose. um So that was fixed in Crystal, one of the Pokemon that they came in and fixed for Crystal. So in those first two games, it kind of looks odd, but they ah streamlined it.
so It's a little confusing. There's a lot going on in that sprite, but they really fixed it. Yeah, I mean, with a lot of the sprites in the beginning, um
They they kept on playing with it until they made them perfect and ah good for them. Yeah, I mean, Rumble Rush is really where they were find the designs. Always. Always. I mean, if you look at the Skarmory, it's just perfection.
perfection Rumble. Smoothest little chicken you ever. I just looked it up. It looks like a ah it looks like a shark.
That's like, I don't know, shitting at an umbrella? Like, I don't know what's happening here. Nah, it's fine. I just, I love to because you, I mean, for those who have played Rumble Rush, you know, these things just kind of drag across the floor. They don't even really actually walk or anything. I'm a Pokemon Trozae guy myself. Ah, yeah.
Line them up and you're on your way. Yeah. I don't know if you guys have ever played pick cross, but I'm all about that now. I do have that on my, uh, my DS. I just never played it. I don't know how to play it. Can you teach me? Sure can. Oh, absolutely. his ah nezz Nuzzle up on the couch with me. We'll play some pick cross together.
I can't wait to play. I've got ah decks of cards ready to play with you. I've got a bottle of whiskey destined for your house one day so that we can just do a speed run. Yep. I'm ready. Great things on the horizon. That's right. ah Magical mystery a must.
While we're still on the topic of sprites real quick, the black and white sprites are just so good. It's like revving up its wings constantly. It looks really fierce. Is that the one when it's staring into the sky, like ready to go? No, that's HeartGold, SoulSilver, and Platinum. That one's pretty good, too, because it's staring you down like, yeah, I dare you to move. Yeah, the black and white sprite looks like it's about to, it looks like it's charging itself up to beat someone up. Yeah.
Again, that's where it like it almost looks like it could be a legendary for sure. I like that its tail is actually just a can opener. Yeah. That's probably the best edit they did to any Pokemon. It's literally a Swiss army knife. It is, yeah. The only thing, though, is that like you must really want your can opened if you're going to shove it right up against this bird's butthole. Easier to butt chug with, my dear.
A little butthole friend. Yeah, the other side for it is for the shotgunning beers that Peter's talking about. Yeah. Can't believe I didn't remember. I mean, it's because we've played so much Frumble. Oh, yeah. Why use a knife when you can use your head? Yeah. Well, when your head's a knife, who gives a shit, man? It's great. Feeling the lump on my forehead right now.
From when you Frumbled? You guys Frumbled real hard. and ah for those I was more of a stumper. I was more of a stumper. Yeah, Stump. Stump Supremacist right here. I'm looking up Frumble online. Is that something we came up with? Like Chime Toss? No, I think it's, from I think Frumble's a real gate. I'm gonna look up Frumble.
drinking game. I think there was this lightning outside. This sucks. There's probably it's probably one of those games to where like it's regionally called different things. Probably.
ah The greatest drinking game is not a drinking game. No, Frumble.
How do you play the Buffalo drinking game? Oh, of course it's Urban Dictionary. Ian Dave's favorite click. Quite possibly the manliest method of drinking a can of beer ever. To fumble, one shakes a beer can until the carbonation builds up inside the sides of the can. Until the sides of the can become hard, then one proceeds to hit the center of the can's side against one's forehead until the pressure causes the can to slightly rupture, spraying one's forehead with a fine misting of beer.
Apparently one bites into the side of the can near the bottom while holding it upright, pops the top and proceeds to drink the beer through the hole in the side as if it was shotgunning a beer. I didn't bite it. No, there was more in there than I thought we ever did. I used to just hit it until it would pop and then it would start firing out the side and then you just drink the spray. I think you'd at least crack it open and let it go.
quicker maybe a little yeah I think at that point for us it was just like if you cracked it now you gotta chug it that's right but also you could be feeling Frumbly the groggy feeling when you wake up feeling you need a shower and that you really need to change your clothes that's a that's a ten dollar word for everybody today apparently Frumble may have started at SCC water ski tournaments
That's just what we needed. Just what we needed.
So I'm just fart? I was closing that ah closet door. It sounded like a fart and I loved it. I have been farting. This whole podcast? Yeah. Oh man, you're really good at it. I had no idea. I didn't even smell it through the microphone. Yeah, normally you can.
i So Cody was so eager to bring this up that he was talking about it pre-podcast. But Skarmory is super well-known competitively. Cody, do you do you care to comment on that? I'm not very good at the competitive stats stuff, but from what I remember, is it's kind of like the the thing to stop a Snorlax with its resting and stuff like that or um know something with its spike ability to people leaving and coming back and from battle competitive battles. So there
I don't know if it was used exclusively on stall teams or if it was used on every team. I think it was more of a wide-ranging, but especially on stall teams. Garmory was an ideal physical wall. um And then Blissey, I guess,
I always thought it started in Gen 2 because both of them are Gen 2 Pokemon, but apparently in Gen 3, Skarmory and Blissey were a tag team where Skarmory would be your physical wall, Blissey would be your special wall, and it was just impossible to to break down these walls.
So ah then, um Snorlax was a very, like, it was on every team. It was super overused. It was a powerful ah physical attacker. So Skarmory was the check to that. ah Later on, I don't think it started as a spiker, but ah there was a Pokemon move called Spikes that um you could lay down hazards on the battlefield. And as long as a Pokemon
ah quote, unquote, touched the ground, they would take ah damage from it every single time they switched in. ah In the beginning, ah you could lay down a single layer of spikes and then later on, it would ah progress to you could put down three layers of spikes.
You could also put down toxic spikes, two layers of that. Skarmory doesn't get that, but I'm just talking about entry hazards now. And then pointed rocks with the move called stealth rocks.
would uh would be uh the thing that would take care of people that were uh i think i just stealth rocks just hit everybody but anyway uh that began it began uh entry hazards and skarmory was very good at that as soon as it got spikes um yeah because spikes there weren't even um what was what are those called natures or would it In the beginning, there was no Pokémon natures. ah There was no... ah And when it was introduced, it wasn't even over there, so it got kind of retroactively added. Yeah, Pokémon has changed a lot over the years um to the point where I just don't know...
I used to know all of the moves, but now I don't know half the moves that there are anymore. um Even some are gone now, which is like crazy. Oh, they took a ton of moves out.
ah Yeah, it all it all helps progress the meta. ah So entry hazards were pretty unanimous, then they kind of cut them back to specific Pokémon being able to use them.

Pokémon Meta and Skarmory's Adaptations

Then there was things that could take away entry hazards, and those were pretty unanimous. And then they kind of cut back on those as well, ah which Pokémon would get that. And they do a really good job of balancing that all. But Throughout the generations, Skarmory was a wall, always an overused, and always a ah a good part of your team, if you needed one. ah Flying and steel are pretty good defensively. steel is
and ah has always been and has been nerfed over the years just the best defensive typing. And so you'd have to think of special ways to get a Skarmory off your opponent's side of the field and keep it on your side of the field. So even come up with um special sets where a Skarmory would be kind of specced in a way that they could use hidden power to take out the opponent's Skarmory. So this is all just the meta as it evolves. And even nowadays, ah people still battle specifically jen one pokemon specifically jen two ah rule sets Gen Gen 3 rulesets, and even those metas are changing.
So one of the facts about Skarmory is that when Corviknight was introduced, they fight over territory. Corviknight is also a flying seal type. And Corviknight is one of the things, ah the the Pokemon that kind of unseated Skarmory as top dog. That's because ah even though they're very similar, Corviknight's spread is a little different It's a less less ah pinpointed on defense and more across the board, right? Yeah, it's spread a little bit more across the board. It it has a little bit better special defense, it has a little bit better um attacking stats too. That actually worked to its advantage. Usually you
kind of want a Pokemon to be lopsided, but in ah and this instance, Corviknight, kind of like spreading them out a little bit more, ended up being a big benefit, so. Not bad.
Yeah, and I mean, I guess it's worth noting too that, you know, in the last episode we mentioned Skarmory's initial stats were supposed to parallel band tines. So Skarmory unfortunately kind of fell into that pigeonhole where Corviknight can kind of be whatever it wants to be, you know. I know it's not really competitive, but I think overall just because Corviknight was part of the earlier part of the game and Skarmory is kind of the late part of the game thing that like was easy to just get into Corviknight as opposed to probably some people unless they were really really competitive probably didn't mess around Skarmory actually that much
I do remember though, as a kid, steel was such an exciting type since it was one of the new types that, you know, when you found a steel Pokemon or when you can make like a steel Pokemon, it was exciting. Like I still, whenever I play heart gold or soul silver, I try to evolve a steelix just for the the sake of it. Just cause I want to put that metal coat to use, you know? Yeah. I think the biggest thing hurting this Pokemon is that it didn't evolve.
and they never gave it anything to evolve into because it was already so powerful and realistically like a little metal chicken smaller you know evolution is really not gonna yeah you can't give it an eviolite yeah it's not really like it it should have had uh like it didn't have any megas or anything right i feel like that that would have been a good move for it if it didn't i don't Yeah, I mean, it's still on the table, like a regional Skarmory. That would work out. Well, you'd think it would have already been in this this new game then, because, like I was saying earlier, it's, at least in the DLC, it's the Pokémon that you travel with. Like, it's the thing holding up your basket or whatever the... They always have a different, interesting trend transportation
So they used they switched Corviknight being the taxicab to Skarmory in the DLC? Yep, I believe so, yeah. Yeah, they did in the blueberry whatever thing? Badass. Which like, i that I've been waiting for this episode since that game came out. I was like, oh sick, this is a new thing I can say about it that's relevant to now and not just the things from back when I was...
Did anybody actually have a Skarmory on their team ever? No. I mean I definitely caught them or something. and I did enjoy catching them but I never really wanted to use them. Like Steven's talking about how Steel was so exciting and stuff like that and I agree that I'd want it but that I didn't know how to use it. I still barely know how to use it in some sense like You get smoked by anything fire type. Well, they made the ah rock, paper, scissors into rock, paper, scissors, cardboard and metal and like fairy. I'm like, what is this pixie dust now is in the rock, paper, scissors? What is the other thing that's ah that's weird to me is ah they say that Skarmory and the little Skarmory babies, they stay in the bramble in the nest when it's raining because they'll rust and it'll hurt them.
yeah And I'm like, that's not a weakness of theirs. But it would be cool if they made it a weakness of theirs, but. Yeah. Water attacks rusted them and slowed them down. I know the steel type has changed over the the years.
So I guess in generation six, they nerfed it a little bit. um that's what I was gonna guess is that they kind of had to dial it back a little bit so let's see this chart that I'm looking at is not very good for parsing so
I will. From Pokemon X and Y onwards, it lost its ghost and dark resistance. Oh, there you go. Those types now dealing neutral damage. When originally it had 10 types being not very effective against it and poison having no effect.
Thank you for that. Yeah, because I'm looking at two different charts, and I noticed that something has been taken off the chart. But of course, your eyes at 9.14pm after you've worked art all day are not very good at quickly on the different scams yeah figuring out spot the difference but yeah it used to resist um one two three four five six seven eight nine ten types and now it only resists one two three four five six seven eight ten types
What the hell? I guess they added fairy into the mix. These is about the difference games are getting harder and harder. They're getting harder and harder. Oh, well. But yeah, I just assume that everything resists steel if it isn't weak to it. And the only things that it's weak to are ah fighting ground and fire.
um So Skarmory, the Ska is the ah only influencing the American name. None of the other names have Ska in it. They are all ah in Japan. It's called R. ah Airmd. It's Air-MD. Oh, so he's got it he's got his doctorate over there. Nice. Yeah, exactly. That's PhD to you. But yeah, Airmd. And then French name is Airmure from Air and Armure, which is armor. And then the German name is Panzerin from Panzer and Aero and Iron.
And then we mentioned already the English name coming from Sky and Armor or Armory or, you know, the Scar. And I think it's also worth noting that um lots of different ah mythologies have metal birds in them. The Greeks had a man eating bird called the Stymphalian bird, which had beaks of bronze and sharp metallic feathers that would launch themselves at victims. And they also had poisonous dung.
And then the Gagana in Russian folklore were miraculous birds with iron beaks and copper claws. The Alicanto is a ah mythological bird from Chile and had ah shining bright wings of metal and eyes that emitted strange lights And then they also do mention too that it kind of resembles a wyvern in a way. Wyverns are dragons that have just like two legs, no arms, and wings that can fly through the sky.
so um Skarmory kind of fits that and in one of the Pokedex entries they do mention that Skarmory is a popular element in heraldic heraldic designs. So kind of taking the place of wyverns and dragons in medieval designs in the Pokemon universe. Nice. Yeah. Hells yeah. Skarmory is cool. You know, Skarmory is like a good design. they They used it all the way back in ah the medieval Pokemon times.

Imaginary Evolutions and Fan Art Fun

i um You guys want to talk about the evolution? What? Yeah, the evolution. Skarmory 2? Yeah, if you so I Googled Skarmory. The fourth wave. And when you Google Skarmory, there is, does Skarmory evolve? Because now Google uses AI.
oh So if you click it at the bottom it says evolve level to which oh on here on my phone I got These facts, to evolve Skarmory into Sparkmore, Skarmory needs to be at level 40, and you need to either use an Electric Stone or Fire Stone, and that'll determine the type. That'll determine what type it evolves into. And then also on this one, it says Pokemon, it evolves from our bird starting at level 28. Okay, wait, but i I looked up Sparkmore, and there's a hand-drawn drawing of Sparkmore,
a Skarmory evolution that's like a pterodactyl? Yeah. That could be electric or fire. ah Coming from Chickmuri. Oh, I see Chickmuri. It is, yeah, it looks like, ah so it's interesting because spark more looks to be ah colored in with color pencils, but Chickmuri seems to be a Crayola marker.
what's one legit it's So Yeah, ah the AI is just like, I got you, buddy. and it It filled that into my my Google search. So I like how Chick Marie is also ah has the red underline like it's spelled the wrong. Yeah.
Oh yeah, it's great too because when you click on Chikmuri, you can see all the pencil lines from where they screwed up and erased. And it also looks like they spilled some sort of yellow juice, probably piss, all over. And then top comment is Eviolite Skarmuri. Kind of looks watercolor-y too. It does. Maybe Sugimori did this.
Crazy. Yeah, so, uh, Google... I do like the idea of, like, a robotic electric fire-winged pterodactyl. That's really cool. That's pretty neat. Oh, somebody made Scar Foundry. I found a Scar-tillery. Psychover. Psychic Seal Skarmory Evolution. Guys, why don't we just start making up our own shit, too?
Like, uh... Skart-head.
That's mine. It's where he- Scarding! He's scarding, yeah. And it it ah it becomes poison type and its head becomes real big and it looks like a big metal ass. You got scarcinol, which looks like a grenade, chick. Like the egg is a grenade. I i was gonna go chick too, that way where it scumlet.
where it's like it's egg metal eggs are so hot and that it becomes an omelet and it's like a guy scumlet and he also plays a saxophone and it's checkerboard and that's where the name comes from it's a good one yeah scumlet all right guys everyone put scumlet into google until we change it i'm gonna change the wikipedia right now to have scumlet
oh I'm a alright scumlet apparently a scumlet is um like a stool it's it looks like posts for like a bed frame maybe I got us I got a sketch it came up to I found a long way at it yeah Auntie Sarah's Womlet, and it's like a weird disgusting waffle, but it has like, it's a waffle that looks really burnt with avocado on it. Sklarmageddon armlet? Sklarmageddon? Sklarmageddon armlet, yeah. It's $17 at the Friendly Toast. Oh, that's cool. It's built to kill, watch out.
um Skarmory has a cool Pokedex picture in the DLC, um or rather, Cyndaquil does in in the DLC. The blueberry Pokedex picture in Scarlet and Violet has a Cyndaquil on a bridge battling a Skarmory, and this is a reference to hot matches where a Skarmory battled Ash's Cyndaquil.
It's just a little reference. Skarmory also appears in the Pokemon Stadium 2 stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Yes, he does. yeah Also has a trophy and a spirit. Yeah. That's the spirit. Remember that? That was a guy from ah Rocket Power for you guys.
Oh, yeah. I don't remember, actually. a Throwback show. He used to love that show. Oh, we have riders on a mission. That's great. Best best Halloween costume. I've always wanted to be Eddie Prince of the netherworld. Oh, yeah. You've been mentioning that for decades. Yes, I have. Eddie Prince of the netherworld. Very good. Very good and great.
Skarmory gold actually helped Faulkner catch a Skarmory in the manga. That's good Good tea work Yeah And then the shiny is pretty cool it's gold with the Wings underneath the serrated knife wings being instead of red green in color melt value on that guy's way higher
Yeah, for once, it kind of works out because the gold kind of goes with the green nicely. So. Yeah, I just thought it was a different gold.
From the back, it looks like the knives are gold, but then from the front, they have like a red coating, I guess, on them or something. I don't know. But the back spray definitely is different than the front spray.
Yeah, I still never got far enough to even come to up to one in the the DLC, but I did see it being used. I mean, it's one of those things where you're on an episode, you talk about it long enough, you research a Pokemon enough, you see it and you're like, you know what, fella, you're coming with me. Yeah, I'd rethink. I might be rethinking some Skarmory. Why not come along on my adventure?
Yeah, I have my Aerodactyl, my Skarmory, my giant ancient rock birds. I do think it has, like, I was kind of mentioning earlier, but the Corviknight thing is like Corviknight at least made it on my team really early and, you know, I had it from the beginning. I think that's yeah like, especially, even though it is steel, it's still, I already had, I always just used the bird I get at the beginning, the whole time, so.
I didn't have space for another flying thing usually, so. Well, that's the president that's been set by Pidgey and the Pidgey at fucking Powerhouse. No, I'm a Fiero guy. I know that Dodrio is even better, but I'm a Fiero guy. Nothing touches Staraptor, though. No, I don't think it touches Staraptor. Staraptor is so good. Actually, I'm a big fan of Toucannon as well.
Okay. Now guys, I know that the link looks sketchy, but please click it anyway. Hey, that's all I need. Local single. Whoa. That's beautiful. Yeah. Love that. Yeah.
posted on the Fur Affinity website. um It's a beautiful picture of two Skarmorees, one normal, ah one um shiny, as if they're like cranes with a nest and an egg in like a cherry blossom tree. It's very beautiful. Very beautiful. They look less metal. it's It works really well. Do you want me to do my Skarmory impression? Oh my god, yes. Do, do, do. Is that then the noise it makes? is that Of course it is. It sounded exactly like it. No, but I was. Is that what it sounds like in the anime or was that the the the cry? and That was the yeah the what? The Game Boy speaker at its best. yeah
Give me a. ah A Psyduck.
I'm not 100% sure. What's the one you always do? There's another... What's someone that's like... be doooo do do better do doo doo do There's a couple. Fetch Jinx. Jinx, yeah. and But there's another one that's the same. It just sounds lower.
dood do doooo oh ah
play Hypnose? Yeah. me Yeah, hip. Now that's what I was thinking of.
You ever do that that game online where it plays a cry, you pick the Pokemon and you get 10 tries to get a perfect score? Yeah, I usually was, I tried gens one through four and I was like nine or 10s across the board. I'm not gonna lie. I was pretty i was pretty good.
I'd fail so hard. Unless it was like, ew. And I'd be like, oh, I know that cry. That's a cat boy if I ever heard it. A cat boy? Yeah, it will. Let's go, Evie. Oh, and what? Yeah, I'll play that tonight. I'll let you, I'll report back what I get. What generation do you want me to try?
ah Five. All right, that'll be a little harder. I know. Oh, damn, somebody thought there was going to be a ah mega jinx. Hmm. They data mined it, so it's got to be real because they went into the mines. My uncle at Nintendo, he went to the Nintendo mines. Yeah, he is one of the Chilean miners. He's been stuck in the Pokemon mine for a decade.
And he came back up and all he wants to do is talk about Mega Jinx. Oh, people are saying actually that they may have found it in Pokemon Legends, the ZA one.
Because there's a mysterious cry that's similar to Jinx that's going to be in Pokemon Home. You heard it here first, not from this guy's ah YouTube video, Shiny Lotus. don't Don't give him the credit, give him the credit. Because when it's wrong, you can yell at him.
I forgot that game was coming out. I'm excited about that game. I'm really excited about that game. Legends was so fun. Yeah. Will it be for this or Switch 2? When is it coming out? um They were saying probably announced within the end of the year um and out next year. That's the ah hope. but Yeah, I think it just says 2025. Maybe it's a dual generation game.
Is the talks of a new system like totally out the window now or? What do you mean out the window? That sounds like it's done. Like they're not doing it. Yeah, that's what I'm asking. No, that's happening. It's supposed to be coming out in April. Yeah, they were saying that. That's what I heard. I think What's His Face, somebody at Nintendo said March. 2025. And it's supposed to be like another switch or just like. They haven't announced what it is exactly yet, but.
I mean, it would behoove them for it to be backwards compatible and run on the same web store. Well, I did hear that it's at least supposed to be upgraded a little bit and that like we should hopefully be back to getting some games at release for multiple consoles and not six months later after it's been turned into a phone version and then made into the Switch version or something.
The phone version is the best way to play, if you ask me. I'm still waiting for Stardew Valley to update on the Switch. Yeah.
That could put another 70 hours into it. Just saying, there's a whole lot of stuff they added. I still haven't been to the island, and I'm ready to play it again, so I think it's time.
Island is fun. yeah like Yeah, I made it back for the but is version 15 update or whatever for that So the latest update is not on the switch yet, not yet. Okay, I'll wait for that then i have to do that I Don't know if it's been announced when but it's already been out on the other system or on yeah on a concert gala and PC, at least. Concerned Ape usually, you know, works on it whenever he is feeling comfortable. And he says he's... whatever He has time between all the things that he does. Yeah. Haunted Chocolatier and some other Stardew Valley update I'm sure he's working on too. All the music for it. Yeah.
And he's got more money than he could ever count, I'm sure. So... Good for him. Oh yeah, well deserved. I'm just saying, he doesn't seem like he's in a rush.

Pokémon Media Excitement and TCG Trivia

You know another game that I'm interested in?
Uh, the trading card game. That's right. I'm excited. Heck yeah. All right. Um, so we're going to play the trading card game where every everyone, except for me, is going to guess how many cards Skarmory appears in the TCG. Uh, Cody, do you want to go first or would you like someone else to go first? Uh, I'll go first. All right. All right. How many cards do you think we have here?
right, well, our guest wins. Everyone's super low ball. There are 26. Whoa, geez. Yeah. Dang. I guess it makes sense. There's a ton of them. Now that I'm remembering, there's always a Skarmory card around.
And I like i I came across a couple of the pictures of them, not enough to count out of all of them or anything. But they were the artworks pretty good on them. Like everything we're saying it didn't have in the sprites and stuff definitely comes across better in the the card game art. Mm hmm. It works, it works. And that's that's it for that. Damn, quick. And now we hit you with ah the game. Who are you going to fuck? This is a game called Who are you going to fuck? I'm going to list for Pokemon. You're going to tell me if left at the daycare.
with our Pokemon, which one would not produce an egg? Here we go. We are going Yanmega, Dragonite, Corviknight, and Sigilith.
I'm gonna say Sigilith. Yanmega. What was the options again? Yanmega, Dragonite, Corviknight, and Sigilith. I'm gonna say Dragonite.
Yeah, I was going to say Dragonite. I think Skarmory needs a ah thick boy. Oh, and the winner is Peter. Janmega, while it has wings, is only a bug type. Dragonite is a water one and flying type. Corviknight is also flying and Sigilith is also flying in the egg group. So that's That's an interesting pair. Yeah, really.
Oh my god, we were just watching that thing on Netflix that's like, uh, the guy who birthed a thousand babies. Who has, well, he didn't birth them. He didn't birth them, but he has one over a thousand children across the world because he was scamming, um, sperm donor clinics and like doing private donations and shit.
and like changing his name and going traveling to countries to just jizz and stuff. ah But I just thought about like that one ditto at everybody's daycare. Literally, that's the guy. Oh, somebody just signed on to AIM. Somebody did.
aye Thank you for listening. Thank you, Cody, for being with us today. ah My pleasure. Always a pleasure to have you on and to be with you and to hang with you and to scowl with you. um But sometimes if you have too much of a sweet thing, your tummy gets a little hurt and then you start farting.