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276 Plays9 months ago

Nothing to see here, just some little gooshy fellas that will melt the skin from your sizzling bones as your marrow cooks from your vicinity to them. I mean, there are not a lot of choices for Fire Pokemon sometimes, so why not risk it?


Spring Arrival and Weather Humor

Hello and welcome back to the Daycare Diddos, where the only thing hotter than our Pokémon is our beautiful lovely co-hosts. Oh, thank you.
I feel honored. Because there's really not much else hotter.
Not much else, Hodder, no. Maybe this day, am I right, everybody? Yeah. Oof, phew. Spring has sprung. It is here. It's sprung like a big wiener. Yeah, just on what? Saturday, two days ago, people were talking to me and they were saying, oh, man, when do you think the weather is going to change? And I was like, very soon, I am sure. And I was right, so.
You're always right, and that's what I appreciates about you. Even when you're not, I take everything you say as a word because I trust and believe in you, and I think you're a smart cookie and a good handsome guy to boot.

Special Episode Introduction

I don't even think I believe half the stuff that comes out of my mouth. I just try to... I try to make things right, but who knows? Don't worry about the stuff that comes out of your mouth. Worry about the stuff that comes in... Anyway! This is a special, special episode.
Yeah, this is a special episode because Dave, Steven and Sarah are either going to say one phrase a lot or try not to say it at all.

Pokémon Magcargo Discussion

I just want to get in front of it. OK, we all know what the right on episode explained it all, I think the right on episode. And we all know what we want to say, and it has to do with one of the Pokemon's names. Is it the bigger Pokemon?
Maybe. No. What is the bigger Pokemon in this one? The bigger one, Magcargo. Yeah, Magcargo Vroom. Gotcha. You got me. Wow. At least we got ahead of it, because that was going to be on my back the whole ride otherwise. So what were you guys going to think? I was also thinking Magcargo Fast, but I like Magcargo Vroom. I like it better that way too.
Yeah. I mean, of course, uh, slugma. Yeah. Oh yeah. That is like my baseball bat. Oh yeah. That one's visual out of the park. Home run. Uh, so yeah, we're talking about slugma slugma whole Capri sundown on a hot day.
There are just so many things you can say after Slugma. Just those two, I think. I can't think of anything else. Is that all? Is that all? I think so. I think we can become a little bit more creative. I think that's it. Do you have something in mind, Sarah? You know. Slugma, car go fast. Got him. Look at their face.
Look at Slugma's face. Look at Slugma's face. No, Sarah, what were you saying? Sorry. I don't know. You took my Slugma

Slugma and Magcargo Attributes

joke. Was it? Slugma, my car come fast. Yeah, so we're talking about Slugma and Mad Cargo today. But with me always are my wonderful co-hosts, I, of course, and Peter, in random order. Sarah.
Hey, slug my butt. There we go. Steven. I'm as hot as an average human. That's true. And Dave. Slug my jugmas. Is that it? No, I feel like we're getting closer. I don't know. That one's it. We're getting closer. I mean, we know we have to end the episode with farting, but maybe I don't know. Or we could we could maybe we'll get there. Maybe we'll get there by the end of this episode.
Uh, and so we're beginning this journey today. Uh, a two banger today, uh, Slugma in Recargo, uh, with Slugma Pokemon number 218, the lava Pokemon, uh, two feet, four inches tall, 77.2 pounds. What is this Pikachu look like? It's like a slug. It's like a bread slug.
Yeah, except it's got kind of a cartoony eyes. I don't like its eyes. It's got some eyebrows. Yeah, a little bit. There's some flaming brows. There's a game that's out now on all consoles.

Slugma in Anime and Games

It's not a Pokemon game, so we shouldn't talk about it. But it got me thinking about rare games. Not like hard to find games, but rare games. Like Rare. The company Rare. Because there's a game now called
another crabs treasure. And it's a souls like game for people who enjoyed and 64 style rare games. And I heard that I'm like, what do they mean? And then I looked at the characters, the world in the eyes. So I think this kind of has like a slugma looks like the generic fire slug villain from like a Banjo Kazooie, or like a Donkey Kong 64.
Yeah, definitely N64 era. There's in the Fire Temple in Ocarina of Time, they have these little slugs and I'm always reminded of those guys too. I was also reminded of the Wind Waker fire centipedes. Oh, yeah. I don't know if you remember, but
They curl up in a little ball. Yeah. Yeah. Use them to activate switches. They were fucking annoying. Yeah. But yes, like what is your traditional? Yeah. Fire, lava, magma monster. I got to say in the anime, super cute. Yeah. Very, very cute in motion. Stationary picture looks like it's got warts and boils and it's not not as appealing, I don't think.
Yeah, he's bubbling. They do be bubbling. You'd be bubbling. But yeah, I mean, if you want to learn about this Pokemon and probably some light lava and magma facts along the way, even though I didn't copy down a lot of those, this one's for you. Oh, I got a joke I made up. Yeah. Uh,
What do you call a slugma outside? Outside? Yeah. I forget. Outside is... It's a slava? It's only slugma when it's underground. Yeah. That's a real good one. Everyone's gonna laugh later.
Think about that. I didn't even copy this down. So yeah slugma is uh, well steven's gonna tell you later i'm sure but it Play on the word magma, uh, but it is the lava pokemon. So, uh, you know pick a lane nintendo Lava

Slugma's Physiology and Evolution

of course being uh magma outside the earth and magma being lava inside the earth
Yeah. Very, very felsic in nature. It's got a lot of iron in it usually. It's all that good stuff in the earth all heated up. Felsic. That's a word for all of you listeners. This is what we bring to the table as number one Pokemon podcast in
I, so I, I tutor on this side and actually, uh, one of the girls I was tutoring recently was learning about, uh, volcanoes. And it was fun to learn about it again, all the different kinds listener. If you want that word, just, uh, go to the end of the chapter. It'll be in the vocabulary section. Yeah. When we finish.
I'm pretty sure it just means like iron. It's very ironess. It's got a lot of the element iron in it. Felsic. Felsic. I've heard ferric. Yes. Feline. That's because cats have an iron will. Fahrenheit. I don't know if that's actually. Yeah. Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World.
Tim and Ferric, awesome, still a great job. Farting! Farting, yeah, a lot of iron up my ass.
one of my favorite facts about this little fucker is slugmas circulatory system is composed entirely of magma like which delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to its organs like yeah speaking of iron blood our blood contains iron and a set of slugmas probably
But if it's if it's circulatory is composed of magma, does that mean it's blood is magma? Or does that mean it's all of its like organs are magma? It's interesting, too, because it also takes baths in magma. So it's like, I guess the same idea. Well, I guess it's like we're 70% water, right? And we take water baths. Yeah, but it doesn't heal us.
Yeah, you can heal you every single time I hurt my back I go into the tub and actually yes, I soak Yeah, huh Wow my circulatory system. Yeah, it can heal your brain
It's just staring at the waves of the ocean or the currents of a river, good for the brain, pitter-patter of rain. Everything about the liquid we call water is probably how slugma thinks about lava, spewing lava. I love drinking that stuff too. Drinking? Water? Yeah, absolutely. I turn it into pee, which is also mostly water.
That's sick. Yeah. Shout out to all my peeheads out there. My peeheads. When you get t-shirts made, Peter's peeheads with all the, you know, you get a logo going for Peter's peeheads.
Yeah, for all the people who love, respect, and are into the number one episode we've ever done, the Slugma episode, you now have a commemorative shirt that Dave will now be contractually obligated to make. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. P-heads. Yeah. I do like how Slugma, like a shark, can never stop moving.
you know, a predator in nature, just like the shark. Slugma can't stop moving because if it does, it'll cool down and harden and solidify and it'll its body will turn brittle and chunk off. So if you don't use it, you'll lose it.
Is that the truth about sharks too? They just have to keep moving? So they can't pump like water through their gills. So in order to like oxygenate their body, they have to constantly stay in motion to force the water through their gills. So you'll see sharks kind of like incapacitated and just floating around sometimes.
But some eventually the the water will kind of turn into their gills and they'll kick back up. But they don't really like die immediately.

Slugma's Game Mechanics and Stats

But yeah, they do need the waters current to get water pumping through their gills as opposed to fish which can kind of like breathe in the water almost. Yeah, so slugmas sharks and spunk.
Yeah, gotta keep moving. Don't stop. Slowing down is dying. It's just like the speed movie. Yeah. This slugma is going one kilometer an hour. It's fairly body horror too, right? Could you imagine if you got a little sleepy and slept for the night and you wake up and your arm just becomes like falls off and crumbles. Yeah.
But like, let's be realistic, these guys don't got a lot going on, other than just like moving. They just kind of are scenery, and I love that about them. They're scenery. Yeah, they're also, what, a sign of the times, right? Because they aren't super populous when volcanic activity on Earth is...
is reduced, and then they are super populous when all your volcanoes are about to erupt. So if you if you see slugma and mad cargo pooling in an area, you might want to get the hell out of there. It it is a shame that they were not in sun and moon, because I feel like they would make a great addition to like the tropical island
I was wondering the same thing. I have that in my notes that like out of all the games for them to be missing, where you get like a Diglett Alolan type that has to do with like the glass left from lava. Like why wouldn't you put them in? It just seems like a no brainer.
Yeah, I mean, that's Hawaii's whole thing, right? All the volcanoes and all the different islands, but I don't know. I mean, I mean, if you look at Slugma's stats, it makes sense why they got rid of it. I think it's still a missed opportunity just for lore and stuff like that. Yeah, I agree. But, you know, we got that really great form of me out that looks like Garfield. Oh, Berserker? Is that what you're talking about?
No, Berserker was Sword and Shield. Sun and Moon was the Alolan Meowth that looked like Garfield. I just loved that one. I mean, yeah, no, it's purple. That's true. I'm a Berserker fella. Big fan.
Perzurker was one of the first Pokemon that I went over to a party once and there was a guy playing a switch in the corner and I was like, hey, dog, what the hell are you playing? He's like, I'm just killing the Elite Four with my Perzurker. And I was like, hell yeah. And so that was one of the first Pokemon of that gen that I was brought up to speed on. So great party.
Love it. I feel like we've ended up at parties where we have just discussed Pokemon the whole time.
Whenever, when we were younger and Dave and I were putting them away, probably most of the conversation revolved around at a certain point Pokemon entirely. Definitely. Yeah. Or, or hitting the beer pong table. Oh yeah. Go team venture. Yeah. Man. We challenge anybody listening to a beer pong bout if we're together.
Yeah. And I can guarantee we'll try. We'll try our hardest and we'll make it fun. Yeah, we'll have a really good time. Yeah. Let's all have a fun time playing fairly. Yeah, man. As long as we're doing Cincinnati rules, am I right? Yeah. You have to allow Cincinnati rules in order for me and Dave to play at your table. Yeah.
we still aren't sure what they mean but yeah if you're not sure what those mean uh we aren't either uh
Any more? Yeah, I bet there's a bunch. I was just saying like at the end, I'm usually like, hey, is there anything else we want to talk about? But I'm just like, we don't start. This is going to be a short episode. Yeah, unfortunately. There's there's a couple of things we could talk about, though. I alluded to the stats being pretty poor. It's the lowest base stat total for all fire type Pokemon. So that's even including like Magby. Yes.
Yeah, it's a baby. Like imagine if you were

Magcargo's Evolution and Appearance

like walking through town and a baby kicked your ass. Yeah, but I mean, in all fairness, a baby could kill a slug. Like that's that's that doesn't work. But could a baby kill a magma slug? Probably. Yeah, baby. I mean, I guess it could. I guess it could have it stomped on it and it stopped moving and then it just became a rock and died.
Where the baby was so beautiful that the slugma was just stopped in its tracks by the beauty of life and then it died. Yeah, that's how they usually get main babies.
But then Slugma also has the lowest base Special Defense stat of all Fire-type Pokémon and is tied with Torkoal, Litwick, and Mega-Camerupt for the lowest base Speed stat of all Fire-type Pokémon. So it is slow with not very good Special Defense. Has the lowest base stat total. And I mean, this is Gen 2. This is before the split. Water-type moves are special.
I imagine, right? So that means that all water type moves are, you know, going through your special defense, easy peasy, and dealing extra damage.
so why what's the point of even making this pokemon you know except for uh i guess the only point is just so it could be a huge joke i mean no it's fun and cute what was it gen gen 4 gen 5 where they didn't have any fire type pokemon i think they would have appreciated a slugma yeah but slugma and gen 4 gen 4 only had um
the fire, the starter and then the fire monkey. And I think that was it. Yeah, it was in Fernape and then they put in Ponyton Rapidash. Yeah, that's it.
not great. And there was a fire type. There was a fire type elite four member with if I recall correctly, just those two and then like a low punny and Lux Ray just not not fired. Could have had a mad cargo. They could have had a, you know,
Nice Platinum they gave him a mag mortar which isn't a Pokemon that you could find before that point in the the game. I Mean better than nothing, right speaking of
Slugma is one of those types of Pokemon too, where it was introduced in gold and silver, but you didn't actually have access to it until you beat the main game. It was in Kanto. Spoilers for, you know, gold and silver. If you have the main game, you get to go to Kanto.
What? And play it all over again. I can't believe it. You know something nuts I learned this week? The current which this will probably change the current running rate of a complete not even sealed heart gold soul silver.
is like $450 right now. Does the sealed game come with the poker walker too? Because I imagine that's probably a big appeal as well. Like we were looking at one recently, a friend of the pod Craig was looking to get one and he found one at a decent price at like 350 and it was missing the cardboard inserts. Like that's how much like just to have the whole thing is worth to people. It's pretty nuts. Wow.
Pretty crazy, pretty crazy. Yeah. I wish I picked up those games. Yeah. Not having that, not having Emerald and not having- We have the cart, the Soul Silver cart between us. Yeah, that is yours, Steven. That is not mine. What a good older brother.
Yeah, but it's in his possession right now, so if he wanted to play it, he could. I could play it. And then Black 2 White 2, I don't have those either. Oh, we're getting that at some point. I'm going to become a Pokemon archivist and I'm going to get Black 2 White 2. That's the last thing I do. Sorry, there's some sort of
Banshee or demon driving by our house. Again, it's very warm. I have the window open. It's the slugmas. They're congregating around your house. They can't stop though, so it's like not really threatening. They're just on their way by. Yeah, they're just heating up your home. It's working. It's working. Yeah. I mean, we've been talking about how slugma and magcargo aren't very useful.
certain metas I'm sure you can make them work like in a Gen 4 MU or something like that yeah I watched a couple videos actually for for mad cargo so I'll talk about that more in in their segment but

Magcargo's Battle Strategies

And for the most part, that is the theme.
there's some things you can do there are but slugman has bad stats mad cargo has
slightly better stats but much worse typing so oh yeah but I mean in slugma it being pure fire type so in this generation now we can change typing so oh is that a spoiler for your maybe my cargo strategy for later oh you know what this might have just gotten interesting
I think it's been interesting the whole time. You hear when I send my cargo crew? No, no, no, I'm just saying, the Pokémon itself, like, you know. That was crazy.
Um, I, I don't have anything else for my, uh, good friend. Um, so we, we do have the, the little Pokemon short that we should talk about with the slugma powered home. Uh, if you have not watched it, uh, you don't take, take five, six minutes on YouTube and go watch it. It's, it's adorable. Um,
But the basic premise is that this little girl goes to her grandparents' house during the winter, and she wants to see all of her grandparents' Pokémon. But there's one Pokémon that kind of hides, and it's a Slugma that heats up and powers the whole house. And so it's just her kind of running around the house and finding all different Pokémon and trying to find the Slugma.
At the end.
that the grandparents say you'll know the slugmas you know saw you if it if it does a little toot toot and she's one happy as well well yeah out the chimney you know it does a little like a blow of smoke out the chimney and as she's walking away it does its little toot toot and it's very adorable so um but yeah i mean an anime little short all about slugma and it's it's really adorable so
Um and grace and grandma really do have a fun menagerie of pokemon that they find uh They they live with and uh work with from day to day. So it's really cool There's a darumaka and an ax you and stuff. So yeah, you know, it's fun. Check it out
Slugma also it's shiny is like a gray metallic silver color. I think it's so cool. It's very, very cool. And again, I think it's a reference to the fact that like magma and lava is very rich in iron and hardens into like a dark, dark color. So.
Yeah. And then finally, I do have the names. Japanese name is mag mag. So wonderful. Yeah. Simply delightful. The French name is le magma because a wee wee for the magma. A le massé is a slug and then magma. And then the German name is schnek mag.
Yeah, because a shnek is a snail, and mag is the magma. So yeah, that's pretty much it. Flannery owns two slugmas, nicknamed mag and mag. Did we talk about them? Oh, that's cute. Flannery has them. She's pretty
I saw. Yeah, I saw a video of hers evolving, actually, in an anime episode. Yep. That's all I was going to say, that one of hers evolved. So Flannery, as we all know, gym leader in the gym battle, Ash, of course, sends out a trico. Intelligent cheese. Well, you want to do this. He felt he felt bad. He wanted the slugman to have some time to shine, you know.
Yeah, but then so shocker Well that that's a big egg a goose egg on a Ash's part so he sends out core fish and a core fish also gets his fucking shit kicked in and Pikachu does does work though Yeah, it's always Pikachu, right? It's always Pikachu. I
So I thought that was kind of silly. And then, yeah, later Flannery's... I think it's Mag evolves into the next Pokémon. But yeah. And Evolution is the name of the game.
Because at, or about, uh, level 38, you may evolve your Slugma into a Magcargo. Which, like, is insane. It's so late. 38? Why? Why? Good luck getting it there. It's like you really have to commit to having a shitty-ass Pokémon for a long time. To get probably an equally shitty Pokémon. Yeah, like...
Who's doing this work? I think it's because it shows up in Kanto. That's after you've beaten the Elite Four for the first round. Very true. So most of the Pokémon you catch are already much later. Fair enough. Okay. But then like now in any other game,
You're screwed. You're always going to be level 38. I don't think they change levels that Pokemon evolve at anymore. Yeah. Or ever. He's a little cuter though. I like Hit the way he looks better than Slugma because to me he's got like, he's got like a Yoshi face, you know?
Yeah, but Yoshi nose and those Yoshi eyes a little bit more like a turtle face kind of. Yeah, it's got like that big honker. All right. The sitting cutie of slug mode, not not so great. The macro go is slightly better because it does have like a little tuft of felt coming off of it. That's like the fire. Yes, I do like that shell. Yeah, they're not.
bad. It's not bad. I see worse. I think the slugma really, really looks like a crazy bone. Oh, it does. But I think that's kind of why I like it. My only concern with the macargo is that guy going to fall over. That show looks a little heavy. Yeah. The eyes also kind of are a little buggy. They're not so great. But as always, the Pokemon Center has a like polaroid picture of the Mac cargo chilling by a campfire. It's adorable.
I need to look up this. Sorry for tap, tap, tap in a way.

Magcargo's Design and Role

Tap, tap, tap and go for it. The listeners should realistically be doing the same. So yeah. What are you guys doing? Pull over. I like the shell pattern on the sitting cutie. Yeah.
Pokemon, man. Total insanity. The shiny is nice and purple. Does that make you feel, Sarah? It makes me feel euphoric. Very happy. Is it a good purple?
Um, no, it's a bad purple. It's a bad purple. It's a very bad purple. It's like, so it's one of those, again, like I definitely have talked about this again. I am a pure purple person. I'm not a pink purple person. And this is definitely a pink purple. You're also a lavender purple person. Lavender is still not pink.
So I, okay, I like the shiny sprites and gold, silver crystal and even Ruby emerald and leaf green. Then after that, once a diamond, platinum and heart gold and all that came out, it turned magenta. You know, I would say that the golden silver even almost looks a little blue. Yes, definitely. And that's kind of the areas of purple. I tend to stick near more blue, heavy than red.
ish um but yeah as we get later they definitely turn pink and it's very annoying yeah well did you know uh that uh magcargo is a very hot pokemon sexy or that's why i called you guys all very hot at the beginning of this episode
My cargo is 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit. That's hot. That's hot. It's 1,000 degrees Celsius. It's an internal body temperature, too. So I wonder what body temperature it is when it has a fever.
It probably likes having a fever like that's like it's fucking shit. Yeah, it probably yearns to be sick but apparently if a If anything were that hot it would burn purple. So Yeah, I mean
So the surface of the sun is apparently like 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Oh my goodness. If you believe in that thing. So I guess it is hotter than the sun. Yeah. Um, sorry. Um.
But yeah, this is the Pokedex entry that really makes people go nuts. It's the Pokedex entry that makes people say, yes, a 10 year old is probably writing these Pokedex entries and not paying attention and is just riddling it with
Misinformation. Misinformation. Hyperbole. Yeah. It's kind of like the sun's probably a million bajillion degrees. So, but the big difference is that Magcargo is sitting at two feet seven inches tall and 121.3 pounds.
So it is very hot, but it also is very small compared to the sun. So worry not, a magcargo is very hot and you don't want to be close to it, but it's probably not going to be world-ending.
I mean, if if water touches it and it will vaporize the water. So if it rains, there will be a thick layer of fog and steam around it. And I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure most of my body is water. So, yeah, I don't know. This isn't this is not a hugging Pokemon. No. Yeah, now you wonder why that little girl didn't get to meet the house slug.
Yeah. Gotta keep it behind bars. Grandpa, I craved it. Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I said that.
um but yeah and you know it's it's even that thing where uh you can touch things very very quickly that are very very hot so if you're going to give your magcargo a hug you have to approach it quickly hug it quickly and then run away from it quickly but you might be able to
If only like third degree burns, no big deal. Yeah. First mooch from your number one pal, Matt cargo. Absolutely. Worth it. Worth it. Another thing that was really hyperbolic was, uh, they can live tens of thousands of years. Yeah. But at the same time, if they stop, they die. So it's like, will they, I guess is no.
Yeah, so a mad cargo has technically had a part of its body hardened. Yeah, it did. It has a shell, whereas a slugma would have a bit of its body that had stopped, crumbled off.
This slug mode will become smaller because of that and have to be in a lava bath to rebuild itself. Magcargo has a permanent hardened hump. So maybe it's a little bit better at regulating things. Maybe it's a little bit worse at regulating things, but, um, but yeah, less, less of an issue still has to move around a heck of a lot to maintain. Gotcha.
Gotcha. It's, uh, I had a Macargo in my games and I would use it pretty regularly. It would be in my party, but not for battle. Oh, I know why. Do you know why? Please tell me why.
Uh, it's ability. That's correct. Okay. Um, my cargo makes for a good hatch and mama. That's right. A good warm butt for your eggs. Yeah. A warm AS. It's a flame body, right? Or I'm not sure if it's, yeah, I think it is flame body. There are at least two different, uh, abilities on Pokemon.
Uh, that will speed up egg hatching. It has flame body or magma armor. So I think it's flame body. Yeah. Okay. Let me that. And I think, uh, camera also has something similar. Oh, let's find out. I'm sorry. I'm researching on the fly. That's fine. We all fly.

Magcargo in TCG and Cultural Origins

uh let's see uh from emerald onward if a pokemon with flame body is in the party even if it is fainted the number of cycles it takes for a pokemon egg in the party to hatch are halved uh this does not stack with itself magma armor or steam engine so those are the other two uh flame body magma armor and steam engine
theme engine, of course, being something I've never heard of before. The ability for the Rolly Coley line. Oh, I forgot about Rolly Coley. That's one of those that's just like, huh? I liked that evolution line. That's for colossal, right? Yeah. Yeah. Also a rock fire type, just like Magcargo. So because of that, you are four times weak to
Ground type and water type so just stay away or die Stay away or die that's all we have to say
Um, so I guess I could talk about the, uh, way that Magcargo can sometimes be effective in battle. Like some of the things you could do with it. Nah, I'm just kidding. Hit me. I want to know. I want to hear, I want to hear.
apparently mad cargo did you know kind of take storm a little bit in in some of the the lower used categories because the the big thing that you can really use with it is what's it called the shell smash yeah
So it'll lower your defense, which Magcargo has absolutely a ridiculous amount of. And then it'll raise your attack and your special attack and your speed, I believe. Yeah, it it halves your defenses and then doubles your speed and attacks. That's
Got you. Now somebody also, in the one video I watched, they paired that with a held item called the white herb, which would kind of normalize the defense hits that you would take on one of the shell smashes.
And then Slugma, or sorry, MatCargo has the ability weak armor as well. So when it gets hit by a physical move, its defense will go down, but its speed will go up. And you basically get it to a point where its speed and its attack and special attack are actually pretty good. And then you can just kind of wipe from there.
So, you know, you'd set up with some other Pokemon, maybe lay out some spikes or something. So the coming Pokemon gets hurt a little bit and then you would shell smash with your Magcargo. Sexy. Yeah. And then the other thing is that obviously it's typing is kind of poor. So with the
scarlet and violet you can have terra type and change a pokemon's type a little bit um so in this case uh they actually terra typed to a water uh slugma um to kind of you're still unfortunately in that case four times weak to grass type moves but your fire type moves can kind of take out anything that's going to switch in that could hurt you so does terra typing change
I think it changes just I believe your primary type. I think your secondary type stays, if I'm correct. I read a guide about this once. There's also a move called Terra Blast, which I believe takes the type of your Terra type, so that will give the slugma then a water type move to use as well, which can help.
I love when people find they rediscover a Pokemon and they breathe life into it. What were you going to say, Sarah? For me, the teratyping is just getting a little too complicated for me. I have to think too hard about how I'm going to make my Slugma good, so I'm still not going to use it. Even though I can make it good, it just feels like math to me. I don't want to math in Pokemon.
Yeah, I think, too, a lot of this boils down to what Dave has said a lot of the times with, you know, why he likes what's Shed Ninja, right? Is that, like, with the pterotype just adds that extra mind game into it, you know? When you see a mad cargo, you're like, wait, why aren't they using a mad cargo? Nobody would ever use a mad cargo. Yeah, that's true. That's true. What are they going to pterotype it into? Right.
Yeah, it just adds that extra layer. But I think that you're really only using that and playing with that at a more competitive level that I definitely don't play these games at. So I'm like, oh, cool. It's got a flying pterotype. What do I care? It gets little wings on its hat, a little crown.
So this says here that this changes the Pokémon's defensive types to its Terra types, removing all other types. So maybe it retains offensive typing, but changes its defensive typing to the pure Terra type. I don't know, it's really hard to
We'll get back to you listeners. Yeah, we'll get back to you. We can barely say to rasterization. I just every time I see the the terror types and the terror and stuff, don't you look cute with your little hats? Yeah, that hurt your head, your little crystal hat. The steel type actually just has an axe in their head. Love that. Just like Team Fortress 2, we just got to add hats to it. Makes everything better.
Um, mad cargo has a lot of sprites. Oh baby. Uh, no, they, they just, um, there's gold and silver had somewhat unique sprites. Um, but then in this case, um, for crystal, they decided to touch up one of the sprites. Um, so they actually technically have one for each game, a unique one, which is a little special.
And I have to say the the crystal mad cargo sprite is very nice. They touched it up quite nicely. I love a good sprite. I always wonder if we're going to get sprites again at any time. And I highly doubt it, but like, you know, holding out hope.
It would be great even if it was just like a side game. I get it for maybe not the mainline Pokemon game, but I would love to see a game bring back the sprites. Like kind of what they did with BDSP? Yeah. Yeah, that was cute. It was a little too bubbly, you know? Well, that was more, yeah, they went like chibi. Yeah, yeah.
I saw a fake trailer for a Pokemon game that has those
this original watercolor uh painting says the sugumari yeah i've seen that before i think if we've seen the same one i found it out through uh the latest youtube video for uh the youtuber super ipatch wolf and i lost my shit because it's not
It's not a real game, obviously, but somebody made a fake trailer and it is the tightest, dopest shit I've ever seen in my entire life. Just hearing you say that has me fucking ready to run through a goddamn wall. Tight and dope. We have two Gen Z terms there. Tight and dope is not... That's not Gen Z. Way older. Tight and dope is probably...
a straddling Gen X and millennial. Gen X, come on now. That's old millennial speak. Yeah, no cap. Definitely. That's that's Gen Z. That's Gen Z. Gen X, get Gen X out of here. They don't even exist, right? I prefer Gen sex. Yes. With a willing individual and consent. Am I right? Fart.
Uh, what else we got about this? Let me go into my fucking notes. Uh, Mccargo, here's a note I wrote. Dark Mccargo is very silly. That's a, that's a note that I've- Dark Mccargo? Yeah. From Pokemon Go? No, from, uh, from the card game. They had a Dark Mccargo and, uh- Oh, spoilers that there's a
card for meh cargos no but it's a dark one and it's so there's two different ones the one i'm talking about is the one that's just mostly a cast shadow you just spoiled it again there's at least two yeah look at him he's just like get fucked his eyes scream get fucked
Yeah, it definitely looks like cover art for some album or something. Some stinker energy in there. Oh, yeah. Stinking it up. You know, I think Sarah said it, but like I really can't see it as anything other than like a Yoshi character. Yeah, I know. Like it really does look like a Koopa. Yeah. Yeah. There's no stink in that. I don't know. No stinker energy for me.
The other Dark Macargo is pretty interesting too. It looks like it is mindless, driven to madness. It's ready to burn down. Down with the sickness? Yeah. Vaporize the towns.
Um, mad cargo is called mad cargo in pretty much every language. Um, it's including French
Except for French. Jesus. Yes. Magcargo is a play on magma and escargot, which is snails in French. But in French, they decided to go for something a little bit different. So they called it a Volcarapod. What? Volcarapod. That sounds like such a badass Pokemon. Yeah, it's from Vulcan, volcano and gastropod.
That sounds like such a badass Pokemon I'd love to have on my team. Volkerapod. Well, just get a mad cargo and you've got one. A little bit of a letdown. Just smash a shell. I wasn't gonna say it, but. Just break a

Pokémon Breeding Trivia and Wrap-up

shell and it'll move a little faster and hit a little harder and it'll be fine.
Yeah, I think that's that's pretty much it. So if that's it, we can. You guys want to play the card game? I fucked up card game. You fucked up. Yeah. Well, we at least know there's a card game. Yeah. I mean, we can play some we can play some card games. But yeah, I mean, I would hope there's at least two. They've been around for.
a while you know but yeah let's play let's play some guessing games let's guess how many slugma and my cargo cards um my cargo cards there are in the trading card game my cargo fast oh fuck sorry sorry guys uh 16 oh yeah we'll start with slugmas you're saying 16 slugma cards yeah okay 19 19 and
uh 20. Dave you're right um well you're the closest you're the closest there's 22. Which is a healthy amount but also again like I also remember when Dave and I were opening cards that I would always see you slug my card. I thought that there'd be a lot just because I imagine in the card game they could probably change like the stats and the hp and the moves a little bit more and it's probably just a good fire pokemon to include.
Yeah, I guess. Something quick for the bench, you know, a defensive type to hold out or something. That's a good point, yeah. Better use in the card game, I imagine. Than the real game, yeah. That's a good point. You know, that's something we never really discuss too much, is like which Pokémon are better in the card game versus real game. It's hard to say because generation-wise, they keep having to make things better. Yeah.
So it's like, you know, yeah, the card meta is always evolving and oh sick putt fucking
Nailed it. Oh Killed it there. That was awesome. I did but but it's just I mean, you know There's cards that like people are like, oh we'll never use this card and then they go back and they're like But this card was actually amazing. Why did we never use? Yeah, I really liked learning that I passed the initial The initial like
What am I trying to say? Back when the cards first came out, everybody was having, like, these damage sponges, and Chansey had 120 HP, and a basic Pokemon had that, so it could soak up a lot of damage. But then they found out, much later on, nobody ever played the Jungle Lickitung cards, because it had less HP, but
It turned out to be a better tank because it had the ability to like flip a coin if heads your opponent can't damage it next turn. So yeah, if you wanted to stall and you were using a Lickitung because you didn't have a chance, the chances are you were doing it right, but nobody did it.
I love that because now I feel like a new card comes out or something and it's just like yep that's what you do now that's it that's your choice yeah it's different yeah and you have 22 chances to do it slugma all right moving on to my cargo
How many hearts do you think this little fella has? This little Yoshi. Fire Yoshi. At least two. I was gonna say at least. At least two. Dark. At least two dark ones. Well, I'm gonna stick with 19 then. Because instead of before, I'll say it again. I'm gonna say 26. Ooh! She!
Damn, that answer was bussin'. 22. That answer had a lot of Riz. Dave, you take it away again, but the correct answer is 23. No cap again. That's all I have to say. No cap. Yeah, it's because... So, Macargo has more cards because it has a lot more drip than Slugma.
i feel like i'm cursing when i say these new slang words let's get rizzed up and do who you gonna um cop uh so this is a game called who you gonna fuck where i will list uh four pokemon you will tell me which one if left in the daycare with slugma and macargo would not produce an egg
Uh, here we go. No theme on this one. Just fast and dirty like they do in the daycare. Oh, that's right, baby. Al Creamy, Goomy, Gallade, and Dreepy. I think it's Gallade. Al Creamy, Goomy, Gallade, and Dreepy. I'm gonna say Gallade. Yeah, Gallade. I'm gonna say Dreepy.
You know, everyone's been getting them right. And it made me upset. So I was like, fuck y'all. I'm going to make a hard one. Everybody's wrong. Oh, really? Who is it? It's Goomy. Goomy. So Al Creamy, Gallade and Dreepy are all in the amorphous
They are Gallade and Dreepy? Yes, because you have I've done this before. This is the only chance I gave you. I knew it. I knew it wasn't Gallade. We discussed that before. And Dreepy is like half see through as it evolves because it's a ghost, which puts it in amorphous. So a lot of these are amorphous, other than a creamy amorphous and another. But weirdly, Gumi, just dragon.
That is crazy. Yeah, and I win. You got me. Got you guys. It's been too easy. So I wanted an unwindable one. So there you go. You got us. That's for sure. There you go. There you go. I'm gonna have to slug my something. Well, that is another episode of daycare Ditto's.
Yeah, thank you for listening. We never got it in the end. We never made it all the way to- We didn't go all the way to home base. We didn't go all the way to home base. Do we make a home run now? All together? Do we wanna- I don't even know what you would say. Do you wanna all just tune out to what we, just vibes, you know, what we think it might be?
Just vibes. Thank you, Carl, for our theme music. Visit us on the social media. Catch us next week where we will be talking about Swinub, a fan favorite. And I can't tell if you're joking or not. I love Swinub. Speak for yourself.
mama swine is just a fucking mess are you kidding me mama swine is like kidding mama swine is wearing the same dirty sweatpants to school for the third day and i'm not talking about joggers no you are wrong
You know what, Dave? You could slug my balls. Oh, you could slug my nuts. Nuts. You could slug it to a slim gym. That's the one. That's it. Oh, Steven got it in the end. He got it in one. All right. McConaughey room. Pinsir, check it out. There's longer here. So nice. Step up your game. Bye. Bart.
farting, farting