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This has to be the most Studio Ghibli Pokemon out there. What started as a pink fun water pal, pulled our a mirror and showed you the true villain to blame for it's demise. Twas man who destroyed the reefs and Game Freak wants you to know!


Introduction to Daycare Diddos and Corsola

What's up, you polyps? Welcome to Daycare Diddos. Well, today we're going to talk about Corsola. So get your body, mouth, tentacles, and calicles ready because here we go.
Whoo! Whoo! Come to the sea. Come to the sea. As always, I am your host, Peter. Beastats in the doobly-doo. And I am joined by my lovely host in random order, Dave. I had polyps in my ass once. I know. You can hear about that on another podcast. Sarah. I have never had polyps in my ass.
Wonderful. How high and mighty. Well, well, well. Stephen, a polyp check. You know, I choose not to know, but I'm also spiky and long and wet all over. Wonderful. That's my brother.
And I'm home to many animals. Yes.

Hiatus Reflection and Listener Appreciation

We are, of course, referring to coral. Corsola is a piece of coral is known as the coral Pokemon. We're going to get into that right away. But first scheduled small talk. How are you guys?
We're back. Yeah, we are back. We might have, uh, gone on a hiatus that is now, uh, since been rectified. So you've probably listened to a couple of episodes back to back to back, but it was, oh, it was really nerve wracking

Pokémon Numbers and Corsola's Characteristics

for a while. We were just recording for the ether. We were recording for ourselves and for no one. Yeah. So, uh, we were able to fix our feed.
If it happens again, thank you to everybody who gave alternate hosting options. That's gonna be the next big thing. But we made it back after a lot of support calls and texts and things, but a few weeks and we're back. Yeah, we're a small community, but we're a community nonetheless. And I mean, I always try to remember to say it at the end, but thank you for listening. Thank you for helping. Thank you for following us.
It's Pokemon number two, two, two. Every single time I see just like a two, two, two, three, three, three, one, two, three out in the wild in normal day to day info numbers. It just it's just that little spice to the day. So thank you, Corsola, for bringing me the spice. I mean, I'm also just, you know, in Pokemon, always excited to see who holds that spot. Yeah. You know, that special little number spot.
Thank you for listening
Yeah, I'm always going back and I'm thinking to myself, well, who's Pokemon number 100? I think that is my Torby boy. Who's Pokemon number 200? Who's Pokemon number 300? Yeah, well, I have the 111 is Rhyhorn. So yeah, special. I feel like we've asked this many times, but who's 666?
Oh, that vermilion or the butterfly that has all the different forms. Yeah. Unexciting. Yeah. And they don't even sugarcoat it either. They're just like, here's a Satan number right in your face. Missed opportunity, I think. Wait. And then another that we I think we do this all the time. I think we're talking Bellsprout, maybe. Pokemon 69.
no shirubi oh yeah 420 and then of course one cannot forget plusle and the color of its energy pokemon 311 everybody
Yeah, and I was right about Bellsprout being 69. So who's the number 1000? Are we there yet? We're there. Yeah, it's gimme go gimme gimme glow or whatever. Oh, okay. Yeah, because gimme cool is 999. So Oh, that's cute. I like that. Yeah. Speaking of Corsola being 222 I think it would look very cute in a tutu.
Absolutely, they would. Of course that's such a cute Pokemon. Is it cute? What would you say it would look like? Like a piggy bank.
Ooh, I can see that. It's kind of like a piggy bank but with like spikes on its back. Yeah. It's modeled after Precious Coral, which is like a very beautiful pink color and has been used to make like jewelry and beads for like years. If you look up Precious Coral, you'll see all sorts of like sculptures and stuff in it. It's very beautiful. Not to be confused with Precious Carl, who is our friend.
Yeah, so Well, I guess this is the what is this Pikachu look like? Yeah, we're in the Pikachu looking like right now.
But the thing I was confused about up until now is I was like, if it's coral, why is it like skin colored? That's what I never liked about it. That it was like skin color. It's the same very

Coral Biology and Corsola's Ecosystem

pink, but it's the same color as like Clefairy and Jigglypuff and like the normal. Yeah. Corals also like a color, right? Like you can get a crayon called coral. Well, my whole thing is dad pink.
This is dad pink is either coral or salmon. That's usually what they call it. And looking at this coral that you showed us, precious coral is dad pink. Like that is dead in nature. Yeah, but I wouldn't say that Corsola is like flesh colored.
but it's Pokemon flesh color. No, I don't think so. I think it's very coral-y pink. When we've seen other fleshy Pokemon, they're usually this pink color, you know? Again, I'm thinking like the Lickitung pink. Yeah, but for me, I just know that this is a different texture than like a Lickitung. Oh, yeah, but it's the same. I don't know. It just looks too smooth to me to be coral.
I don't know. I disagree. I think it does a very good representation of coral. I think if you also look into the coral, the gold and silver, it's like pink pink. It's not quite that fleshy pink. There's a lot of shades of coral apparently. You've got dusky coral, you got desert coral, you got coral rose, you got coral blossom, you got sun-kissed coral, you got Australian coral, you got coral bisque, you got
Oh yeah. Coral orange, you got coral red, you got calypso coral, you've got okay coral, you've got coral, you've got light coral.
Well, I mean, you know, we'll, we'll kind of maybe talk a little bit more about it later, but coral is essentially, you know, like the plants in the ocean and stuff. They're like, they are living organisms, but they act as, you know, homes and defense for many organisms. And there's a symbiotic relationship between the coral and the coral is the reefs created by coral is 1% of the ocean, but home to 25% of ocean life.
Yeah, so, so it makes sense that just like there's tons of different types of plants out there, there's tons of different types of coral, and they come in all sorts of different colors and shapes and sizes. Yeah, size of a pinhead, size of a basketball, and then their coloration is
They're actually, their own color is a translucent color, but they get their pigmentation from the types of algae that live within them, and it also produces a lot of their food supply. Yeah. It's weird.
that, like, the ocean has trees. But then I think about SpongeBob, and I'm like, all right. Like, right? It's weird. It reminds me of where I am in One Piece, Skypia, how, like, they're in, like, the sky ocean, and how there's, like, skybirds. So coral is not plants. Coral is animals. It is, but it's their trees, though.
Right? It's it's it's kind of I mean, essentially, what it really is is like their skeletons. Yeah. So they they secrete limestone skeleton called a calico.
I secrete stuff, I'm an animal, but I can feed trees. So these calicles are sort of their bones and the base of their society and they kind of share it amongst each other. Oh, that's beautiful. They grow and replicate and sprout and breed, just like anything else. We also kind of talked about it a little bit during, I guess it would be tentacle and tentacle.
But, you know, the jellyfish are also, you know, they form polyps and branches almost like a plant and they spit off little little living jellyfish. So, whoa. Hello. Hello. Who just got honked

Urban Planning with Trees and Allergies

at last? Honk if you're horny for jellyfish. Any one of us were very attractive. Yes, someone wanted to share their bones.
But yeah, no, it's cool how in the ocean, there's all of these living things that are part ecosystem, but also part animal. I don't know. I also recently was watching a documentary where they took plants and they sped them up and showed how they
move and grow and change and attack each other and fight for resources. And seeing them sped up, you're almost like, wow, these are like organisms all on their own too. It's so fascinating. I love watching sped up plant time lapses.
Especially viney plants. Yes, those vines because they really are like like fingers just pulling and crawling and moving up things and yeah. Yeah, you don't need to look much farther than your backyard to find all sorts of different living organisms that all share the space. Um, I know we did small talk at the beginning.
but stuff people may have missed. Steven, you're a plant guy. I am now I started your big plank I now I don't know if you see it I've been following you on Instagram you're getting like special plants you can name the different plants and stuff. Yeah, and you get in like ones that you like and it's super interesting for you to share stuff and then I Google and I'm like, huh,
That's awesome. Yeah. Well, what I've also come to realize too is, you know, once you get a plant, um, part of it is probably going to die. Um, but, uh, you actually can, can grow new plants from your plant if you're a, if you're good enough. So, um, now that's just being good with your money.
Well, I bring it up partially even because it's going to come back with the coral like coral is is plant like in the fact that it can be broken up and split apart and Propagated and propagated. Yeah Wow and That's that's a
It's just so interesting to see how something as small as just one little vine can be enough to grow in a whole big plant. I mean, yeah, like in real life, vine grew all the way into tick tock, if you really think about it. You're not wrong there. Really makes you think ruined all of our attention spans. It's a
I was gonna throw the word, did we? It's a roundish Anthozoan Pokemon. Hmm. That's a word that I don't know. Yeah, I could click it and it'll send me to a link. Hold on. Anthozoa. Anthozoa is a class of marine invertebrates, which includes the sea anemones, stony corals, and soft corals. Oh, there you go. Damn. That's their name. Learning some words.
I heard daycare dittos. And the basic unit of an adult is the polyp. Yeah. Which grows in Dave's ass. Yeah. Oh, Wikipedia does. Full circle. It's crazy. Wow. Did you know that Corsola is 75% female? I was pleasantly surprised by that. Me too.
Because I'm so used to recently just always being like, yep, 50 male, female, 50, 50 male, female. So whenever you get any kind of difference, you're like, oh, cool. And it's great that Corsola is primarily female. I imagine that also has to do with their
how they breed, you know, and how they're able to like replicate themselves, maybe tends more towards female. I don't know. But I just looked up, I was like, do corals have gender?

Coral Reproduction and Corsola's Breeding Traits

And they are, they do not. Most coral species are hermaphroditic polyps are both male and female, while about one third have separate sexes, gonicoric.
There are two modes of sexual coral reproduction broadcasted spawning and gooning. I mean, oh, no, it's just brooding, brooding. Sorry. That whole thing you just read sounded very sexual. I mean, it was is all about corals doing fucking. I am. But it is similar to plants, even to then, you know, where they have in most cases, both, you know, sexual organs and are able to reproduce
You know? Their plants are different. It's not like your Christmas tree's got a whole dong on it. Like, it's... Plants are different. Yeah. I'm lost. I don't know how we got here. I've learned a very interesting fact that's not at all about Pokemon, but about plants. Did you know in a lot of metropolitan areas and urban areas, the cities decided to plant only male trees
because a lot of female trees make berries or fruit or things that are very messy to clean up once they drop. So they're like, fuck the female trees. Let's only plant male trees without thinking that male trees are the ones that produce pollen and female trees are the ones that absorb the pollen. So what all of these cities did was create
Uh, nowhere for any of this pollen from the male trees to go, except our noses and makes us die. So you can think, you can thank your city officials for saying, fuck you to the female tree. Dude's rock. That sucks. That's shitty.
I mean, yeah, I feel bad for people who are allergic to pollen. Yeah, people who have allergies just look like they got their face microwaved. I mean, I have to say, I'm not even allergic to pollen, but there was one time when I went on a roller coaster that was right next to a garden. And after I was done, I was like, my eyes are tearing up because I feel like the pollen was just pushed into my eyes. Yeah.
And think if they planted female trees, you would have had like an apple. I could have grabbed the apples as I'm going off the roller coaster. Yeah, you like just go ah, and you get like a mouthful of berries. And oh, when the picture gets taken at the top of the last hill and bite into the apple, it'd be great. So if they have a male and a female tree, I know that there are some trees that are male, some trees that are female, some trees that are just both.
In some cases, they don't even bury if they don't have a male pollinator in the area. So they could have probably just accomplished the same thing by just planting all female trees, like Jurassic Park. Make me an urban planner.
So let's talk about this guy. We've established plant or animal.
I mean, I know for sure coral. Yeah, I feel like you got to understand coral to understand this Pokemon because yeah, that's all there really is to it. Yeah, I believe that yes, this this Pokemon does require a bit of homework to fully get everything that that you learn. So let's take it from the top. Corsola sheds and grows.
And at the tip of its head is a prized treasure for collectors the tip can absorb fresh water for nutrients But cannot survive in pollution Hmm so much like much like our friend the the coral in the reefs Soon as you toss some pollution in there they start to eject their
their their algae and they start bleaching because of course uh their see-through and so basically all you're seeing is their white skeletons underneath so um much like our coral uh regular coral does not uh like pollution captain planet captain planet
Yeah, they mention in the Pokedex that a South Sea nation, the people live in communities that are built on groups of these Pokemon, you know, referencing the fact that, you know, a lot of people do live near coral reefs and use them and fish in them and, you know, have harvested from them. Just like, you know, in this Pokedex entry,

Corsola's Natural Predator: Marini

Um, and also just like in real life, um, course, uh, yeah, Corsola is pursued by marini. Um, because marini are like, I guess starfish, a type of starfish. Kinda. They're so weird to me. Marini. Cause it's like, I guess it's, what's the evolved form called again? It's a toxic. Yes. I guess it is kind of a,
Cause I thought that was also like a type of sharp, sharp coral. I guess it is a star like body and head.
Oh, but its whole body is like the sucker. They reference this one called the crown of thorns starfish, which apparently does feed on coral and is like a purple color, like a really nice purple color. So but yeah, I mean, it's marine are the the natural predators of of Corsola. Damn, I'm looking there is a very useful
like diagram that they drew on a Bulbapedia of how Toxapex like moves in the water and how we see Toxapex is basically like upside down kind of. It like turns its hair inside out to grab its prey. Scrumptious like a hand. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It reminds me of you guys seen the
Godzilla movie with Jack Black and The the army men fall into that pit and then the guy's head gets like devoured by that spiky worm Yes, it's like gives you nightmares and super fucked up. It reminds me of one of those Toxapex was a defensive powerhouse for a while. Really? Yeah, also a lot of porn about Toxapex. Really? Yeah
Oh, my God. That's so upsetting. I should Google it. Yeah. No, I don't even know that it works. Hold on. Private browser talks. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to write sassy. Oh, that's a nature. I'm not going to get anything. Yeah. All right. What should I get instead? Name like something like a that's not like new smiling sex. Smiling curvaceous curvaceous smiling.
Actually, let's do the game or I'm just going to Google toxapex on Google image and I'm going to start scrolling. And you have to scroll bottom right. Bottom right. Actually, no, it's a little weird. It's like a little girl if she was dressed up as a toxapex. There's nothing sexual. Oh, yeah. The row right below it. There's like a or maybe that's not two sections. I don't know. There we go. Yeah. Why? Well, all it is, it's just like a curvaceous lady.
that's pink and her hair is toxapex hair. You're asking the wrong person. There it is.

Corsola's Cultural Significance in Jewelry

I'm more of a... Who's the chicken?
I'm more of a Blaziken guy myself. I can tell. Don't even know. Of course the will snap its branches off as a diversion to escape from the marini and the toxapex.
I also thought that was slightly amusing to imagine a corcelar running away. But don't worry. Yeah, don't worry. Even though it drops its branches when it's being attacked, it'll grow them back, I think, overnight, as quickly as overnight. So it's OK. It's OK if it gets attacked and it becomes branchless. Yeah, no, there's two conflicting Pokemon and Pokedex entries. It's like one said one overnight, the other said up to three nights.
Regardless, it'll grow back. It's pretty quick. And there is a running theme in all of these Pokémon of the the branch branches being able to to break off. So yeah. And then I guess since there's a lot of marine in Alola, they talked about Corsola having in that region having more of a stubby horn. So from breaking it off so much.
Poor, poor babe. Yeah, but like, I don't know. It seems like those horns are like keeping your buddies fed. People are making jewelry out of them. Like if people wanted my arm or something and I would grow a new one every one to three days, like why not hook someone up? It even says that some people keep Corsilla branches as a charm to promote safe childbirth, which I thought was very nice. Aww.
That is very cute. I need a corsilla branch. Yeah, at the metaphysical shop I worked at, they actually sold fossilized coral. Aw. And you could get little palm stones of it. It's actually very, very beautiful to look at, even in the bleached fossilized form, because it has all these amazing patterns and shapes to it.
Yeah, if you get a chance to look up some fossilized coral, or you can get your hands on some, it's quite beautiful to look at. And I think it's used for those reasons. That's awesome. Yeah. I'm looking at it right now. It's really nice.
The Japanese name for Corsola is Sunigo. It is a combination of the word sunny and sangho, which is coral in Japanese. The French name is kind of fun. It's a karaon.
So, oh, and that comes from Corel, which is coral and rayon, which is ray of, you know, light or whatever. And then, you know, upon on crayon. The German name is also fun. It is Corazon.
Uh, so coral is, uh, coral sown is sun, and it is a play on Corazon in Spanish, I believe is heart. Uh, and then the Chinese name is the last one I, uh, thought was interesting, which is, uh, Kosanho, uh, from coral and Sanho, which is the Chinese name for coral. So nice.
Yeah. Did you guys know that Misty had one? I forgot. Yeah. So Misty caught one in the Whirl Islands in the episode, A Corsola Caper. There is a family that lives in Yellow Rock Isle and you meet their daughter, Andrea, and
all the Corsola are all nice and good, but then there's one very energetic Corsola that's just fucking shit up and ruining the farm. And earlier Misty had seen a Corsola or I, what, what was the professor? Maybe this professor, no, I don't think it was professor. Okay. I got to look that up, but he was talking about them and made Misty all like excited about Corsola. So she actually caught Corsola using a lore ball.
Yeah, just kind of nice, but then I think they completely forgot about it so they completely forgot about the special ball that it was supposed to be in or even just that she had a Corsola I'm looking in it. It was kind of done after Ruby sapphire. Yeah, I think from the From the YouTube video. I stole all of my information from I think a gentleman called professor silver look him up. He actually
I don't know, he seems very smiley. He was talking about how Khorsula had one of the best win-loss ratios of all of Misty's Pokemon. She still has him. She used Khorsula.
to defend her gym when she got back to it. She used her devotion towards protecting Corsola against a trio of cheating brothers. Tentacruels is what got a Gyarados to join her side and stop rampaging.
And she really wanted a Corsola and she's still ultra fond of her Corsola. That's that's one of her one of her ride or die Pokemon right now. It was Professor Elm. Yes. Was talking talking up the Corsola. I like Professor Elm because he's a nerd bomber. Yeah. And also it helped her. She won. She won the Tour de Altomare mare.
Which was like a water race, like a Tour de France. By just hugging a piece of coral. Yeah. Of course, it does not have good speed, so shitty choice. Base stats. Come on, Misty, look at the base. Peter could beat up a course. Yeah, Peter could be Peter could kick the shit out of a course course. Let's go recover. I don't get recover. I just get worse and worse as the day progresses.
I don't know. I think you could one hit KO this. If it doesn't have sturdy, you're fine. I could try punching a piece of coral and just break my hand on it. Yeah, I think this is a stomp. I don't think I could break any rock types, honestly. I mean, here's the thing.
Well, spoilers for later, but I think humans have done a pretty good job defeating. Yeah, just global war, global warming that that guy just using some hairspray for a while and it'll die on its own. Yeah. So I got a bummer kind of.
shifting into that line of thinking. I feel like we've been focusing on the happy and the positive. And meanwhile, this has just been looming in the corner the whole time. Yeah, so Corsola, of course, they will migrate to nice and sunny weather. They'll migrate south for the winter. They like it to be warm.
But when things get too warm, that's no good as Sonic would say.

Climate Change Impact and Galarian Corsola

Do you remember being a very, very young child, maybe like in the first grade or so? I remember specifically the teacher saying to me, the Great Barrier Reef is dying because people go swimming in the ocean with suntan lotion. I remember this, yes. Yeah.
So I'm sure that there was suntan lotion that had some chemical in it that was not great for coral. But just like anything else that they say, oh, it's because of this, it is our old friend global climate change looming its head again.
You know, there's there's pollution and then there's global climate change and that's that is killing off and bleaching all of our coral again where takes up 1% of the ocean, but it's home to 25% of the oceans creatures. And so.
in um oh shoot what what's england in pokemon again gaylar yeah in in the gaylar region uh you've got uh galarian corsola who is a bleached uh is uh
rock ghost type or no pure ghost pure ghost no rock left no part of the original exists within the the new hotness uh and this is just a uh reference to uh just the sadness of uh coral uh reef sty
Yeah, Galarian Corsula, it has just a permanent sad face. It looks very distressed, and it is very distressed, so makes sense. What happens
when coral gets bleached is all that good algae that Peter was talking about before that gives it its color and gives it its ability to produce energy and all sorts of other good stuff. The heat causes it to leave the coral's body and
the coral as a result can, you know, die quite quickly. It's a pretty delicate balance, these ecosystems. So once, you know, you can imagine once the trees are gone, it's even if you grow the trees back, it's hard to bring all the animals back too, you know, so. And these reefs have existed and been built for hundreds of thousands of years.
within a generation where
They said between 1979 and 1990, there were 60 major episodes of coral bleaching. The previous last one happened in 2016, but there's actually one going on right now in 2024. April, 2024 is the fourth global coral bleaching event was confirmed.
There is some good news. Maybe I'll throw it in right now so we don't have to hold this over our head the whole episode. But I watched a video where researchers in Hawaii are working with the local community to gather what they call opportunity coral, which are tiny pieces of coral that have chunked off
from a turtle hitting it or something just naturally falls off. They're collecting it and they are selectively breeding this coral to withstand temperatures that they predict the oceans will reach all the way up until 2075, I think it was.
coral that are being bred and reintroduced into these environments that will hopefully be able to withstand, you know, the rising temperatures of the ocean. But this is such a delicate thing that they were saying 85 degrees in temperature in the ocean is enough to start it and 95 degrees is, you know,
where it gets really bad. And we're seeing some of those temperatures in the oceans at times. So these will outlive us. These coral reefs that they're growing and hoping to grow should outlive us. And that makes me at least a little hopeful already. This is actually one of the GMOs I'm rooting for. Yeah.
Yeah, you know, and all they're doing is they're taking these reefs and they're shocking them with heat and then taking it back and, you know, getting them resistant to these these changes. And then as that gets passed on to the new coral that sprouts and grows, they're able to, you know, keep that trait going and pass it along. So, you know, what would be a simpler solution is addressing global climate change.
Yeah, I mean, unfortunately, even if we addressed it right now, immediately, we'd still see some effects for quite some time. Yeah, we've got a bit of a tipping point. But we got to start sometime, right?

Coral Restoration Efforts in Hawaii

Yeah. Best time to plant a tree is today. Yes. Or I guess 10 years ago, the second best time is today. Yeah. Don't forget the female trees. Please don't. Please, please don't. Please don't.
But yes, I mean, we I think this is actually quite interesting that Pokemon did this. Yeah, I think it was it was very I'm sure many people didn't even know that this was a thing that was going on. And so for Nintendo to use one of its Pokemon to draw attention to this, I think it's quite a quite a big thing. Yeah, I love it so much. I was explaining it to one of our bosses today.
And they were, they have not played Pokemon since like the second gen. And I was like, no, Corsola is in that. And he's like, oh, that little pink thing. Like, yeah, I remember it. Why does it need a form? And I explained it all. And they were like, that's awesome. That's so cool that they would do that. And like, yeah.
Even in one of the Pokedex entries, I had to look it up again to make sure that I wasn't putting it into my own words. S.H.I.E.L.D. Sudden climate change wipe out this ancient kind of Corsola. So yeah, they just don't say, they don't really sugarcoat it. They're like, yeah, sudden climate change. I guess the only thing that would make it
punch here is like a sudden man man made climate change. Yeah. But they're spunky little guys because they live in prehistoric seas and they're often mistaken for just regular looking rocks because they're just so like dull and sad looking that they just don't look like a living thing. There's like my favorite Pokemon card and they put it on the
page for it. Did you guys see it? No. Oh, wait, I think I did where it's just like knocked over on its side. Yeah. So, yeah. Corsola, Corsola does. No, this is just Corsola, the Larry and Corsola. What it can like retract. It's a little. God, what can I think? It's like branches. Yeah, I guess there's still branches if they're like ghostly branches, but it's just a photo of it like
poop down onto the bottom, like a little pit, just sitting there like, ugh, like it's the saddest. Like dead eyes, dead empty eyes, just big ass frown. It looks like kind of like a, like a sea rock, but you know, when it's mistaken for a sea rock, like sometimes people will kick them by accident, not mean to, but they get mad about it. Yeah, they curse you. Yeah.
So they are ghost type Pokemon, so they will curse you for kicking them and not acknowledging that they are a living thing. I just posted it in the chat, by the way. I was looking for it, but then I posted it and it killed the link. Yeah, that was the one I was looking at. So we know there's at least one Pokemon card.
Well, that counts as we're going to put them together, right? Cursola. Oh, yeah. Oh, of course. Yeah. One thing I didn't put together was that Galarian Corsola is the parallel to Farfetch'd. Yeah.

Gym Leaders and Corsola's Regional Forms

And sword and shield that blew my mind because my main man Alistair. Has a Galarian Corsola.
And then it evolves, of course, into a curcilla, which we'll get to. But then if you play, is it sword that has B and B has a far fetched and surfetched. So. I thought that was cool.
Yeah. And then that was one thing that I didn't know about the version differences. And I always forget that, uh, B and Alistair are version exclusive gym leaders. And it's the same thing with, uh, Melody and then some other guys that I've basically never thought of in my entire life. The only thing is that like, I believe that I think Alistair and B are the two coolest gym leaders.
from like Galar. Yeah, definitely. Oh, and Marnie's brother too. I like Marnie's brother. Yeah. Yeah, he's pretty sweet. The first gym leader below the the grass type gym leader just does not look like he is a human man.
He looks like he's a mascot costume of a person. Yeah, he looks like he's like a a thumb man. I don't know. Let me take a look at his picture. Oh, yeah, I know him. Yeah, he's just weird looking. I guess so, but
He's quite handsome. He's got those big muscles, you know. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, he's got those those farmer muscles. He's supposed to be like a. But like he's got gentle giant. He's supposed to be a jelly green giant man. He's got no nose. Yeah, you don't need one in the Pokemon universe. Krillin is in the chat. It's weird. The other thing, too, is in all the art, he's a ginger. But he kind of is like
his hair's kind of dark in the game. He's still a ginger it looks like. Got to represent my people. He's got like that. Catlin Stark hair. All burn. It's something about his calf size too. Like his his from his knees to his feet. Something's just really off. It's the uncanny valley. Something's just not working. Yeah, poor me low. Well,
Let's get over him. Yeah, something happened when they were using the creative character sliders that got all fucked up. I also don't really like hurting all of the woo-woo, so points off there. Points off, you're gone. Let's still be an Allister. Allister is a Shy Guy Mask, that's exciting. Yeah. Yeah. Mule facts. Galarian Corsola is the only Ghost-type Pokémon to have an insectoid body.
Mm hmm. That's weird, right? It's that's referring to the picture of it in your inventory or something. Oh, yeah, I was gonna say that's strange, because I always think of one of my favorite Pokemon, Sheninja. That is literally an insect. That is the literally all it is is the shape of an insect. It's the shell. But that may be
The we didn't mention it before the regular Corsola shiny is like a pastel blue. And the two of them together are just so cute. Like it's just beautiful colors on either of them. The Galarian Corsola is just a little bit of a darker gray. So it's cool looking. But yeah, you just are going for tones of bone there. Yeah, exactly.
Um, do we have anything else? Oh, uh, Galarian Corsola is the only Galarian form currently unavailable in Pokemon go. Yeah. I thought that was very strange and I wonder why. Um, yeah. And Corsola was also in the trading figure game that we mentioned out in one of the previous episodes. We got some of those at Zap and they sold like immediately. It was pretty cool.
Yeah, it's, it's one of those things where like, as soon as I figured out it was a thing, I was like, Oh man, I gotta have one. I'm sure most people are like, wait, trading figures since when? Well, if you need one, we'll figure it out. We'll get, we got you.
We got you. I want I want that. I mean, I don't actually need it. But if I really could have my way that that drippy for alligator. Yeah, we didn't have that one. That's the coolest one. No, yeah, that's probably the rarest, most expensive. No, they're not that expensive. You know, keep $5. Oh, it's too rich for my blood in this economy. That's a bag of Doritos. Mama Mia. All right, so.
What happens if you... Where the fuck is it? I know I put notes in here of when you evolve. When you're Galarian, Cursala, and you reach level 38. 38. That was the number. Yeah. Fun fact, that was the same level that our last friend evolved at, too.
Really make you work for it. Yeah so You will evolve into another said Pokemon Pokemon number 864 Cursola also known as the coral Pokemon 3 foot 3 heights 0.9

Cursola's Ghostly Transformation

pounds because mostly made of ectoplasm Yeah, actually
Corsola is 11 pounds. Cursola or sorry, Galarian Corsola is one point one pounds and then Cursola is point nine pounds. So this Pokemon evolving got lighter. Yeah, it lost weight, taller and lighter. It's probably been on a diet, probably losing all of its algae. Yeah, it's dead. It's very dead. It's dead.
Well, the soul way, but like in a good way, you know, in the way it needs to be. Yeah. Are we going to have full metal alchemist this might as well. There's the first episode or one of the first two episodes of full metal alchemist brotherhood where Ed Elric is sitting there talking to.
my girl Rose, and he breaks down every single thing that the average human body is composed of, and then he just says, yeah, and that's it, and that always, as much as a human body, and there's no, there's no weight for the soul, like, soul doesn't weigh anything, probably doesn't exist. So edgy. How edgy? So edgy.
I hope I'm floating that right. I just remember that. They weigh all the piss in my body. That's the I don't have a soul. I'm just full piss. Edward was weighing the piss as well. I'm sure he's a scientist. You know, they say that the average Dave's body is 15% piss.
I drink a lot of water to fend off the headaches from all the stress, and I have to, as a result, like, I think I pee like at least 15 times a day. Oh my god, I have you beat, man. Yeah. I sure do. That's because everything's pressing on your good old bladder now. That is the truth.
So it's 35 liters of water, 20 kilograms of carbon, ammonia, four liters, lime, 1.5 kilograms, phosphorus, 800 grams, salt, 250 grams, salt, peter, 100 grams, sulfur, 80 grams, fluorine, 7.5, iron, five, silicone, three, and trace amounts of 15 other elements.
Takes yeah, and then he said you could buy that all on like a kid's allowance humans are cheap So if they're salt peter, would you have salt steven in you? I've always meant to look up salt peter because you don't hear about it and then all of a sudden you're like ha ha and said my name I
uh potassium nitrate oh that's probably why i don't hear it called salt peter because i feel like i've heard of potassium nitrate before but i didn't know that the two were the same for all you uh chemistry heads out there feel free to let us know below if you knew that salt peter was potassium nitrate please don't salt my peter yeah it sounds like some like
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater meets the Salt Peter. And they have like an epic duel. And you cut up the pumpkin, you put a little salt on it, roast it. Delicious. Not much to say about Cursla. I feel like Cursla was only in one game. So we have, what, a pair of Pokedex entries to go over. Yeah, it's got a cool ability.
Oh, yeah. What was the ability again? Its ability is called Parrish Body. It's the only Pokemon have this ability. And if it gets hit by a direct attacking move, then it inflicts Parrish, Parrish song on both Pokemon. So they die within three turns unless they get switched out. Yeah. So, I mean, I can imagine that you can use that pretty effectively if you want to like.
have fun with it. Throw a cursor out there, have it get hit by a move, swap it out. If you have traps in play, that could cause your teammate to have to switch out. I could see it being a fun ability to play with.
At the very least, it's probably good in the game proper because I'm sure the computer AI gets confused. The big thing that really got my goat is that
from Galarian Corsola to Cursola, we have the winner for the largest decrease in base stats from Evolution. Really? Yeah. So Corsola has on average, well, exactly 50 more base defense points than it's of all form, Corsola. Yeah, it goes all into special attack and special defense.
I wonder if it's because it's dead. Yeah, it's brittle, so no defense, but it's a ghost, so it's got that special defense. Just like when I turned 38, I have a slightly larger bank account, but I can't move my knees anymore. The trade-off, you know? Yeah. It also...
uses the word ectoplasm a lot, a lot, a lot. Yeah. And the thing too is like, Cursula is just like we said, like the ectoplasm bursting out of Galarian Cursula. Yeah. So it's just like it finally cracked all the sadness. It's been filled with all the debt and it spews forth and grows out of this huge pillar. And it's like,
Ugh. That's just like, I'm here. The shell overflows with ectoplasm. The ectoplasm protects this Pokemon's core. And if you touch the ectoplasm, apparently it will turn you to stone. Yeah. Well, you get stiff like stone. Okay. You think that's used as Pokemon Viagra? I was literally just going to say that. I was like, I wonder. Yeah.
You've corrupted me over the years, Dave. I apologize. I apologize. I'm like the, uh, maybe I'm the guy drawing all of these, uh, toxapex. Uh, the, the Japanese name is Sunny goon. Um, so goon and goon. And, uh, no, that comes from Sunny go, which is the Japanese name for Corsola, but then, uh, Gorgon.
because it can turn you to stone. Oh, yeah. So and the German name does the same thing. It's Gorgazan from Gorgon and Corazon, the Corsella in German. And then French is kind of like English. It's a Coraion. So Coraion and Fantome. So I really want to know about their little moonlight rituals.
Yeah, that was the like most bizarre, but also like kind of cute and a little sad. Like they have this ritual where they gather under the moonlight and they take their branches and they rip them off and they send them up to space. It doesn't. I mean, like the one thing that I liked about their very little information from the Pokedex
It's all sad and weird, except when it says, Cursula can be seen wobbling while wandering. And I was like, Oh, that's cute. Where are they wandering? To go under the full moon where they could rip their branches off and send them into the sky, like the fuck. And then they're like, Yeah, this is a really weird thing. And it's a ritual, but it could also just be that's how they communicate. Yeah, it was like, I think they wanted to make it
like more interesting. And then they're like, I think we're getting too deep into lore now. And you were good, actually. Sorry. So I don't know. It was like cute. They could have just left it alone and just been like, Oh, that's mysterious and cool and very ghost like. But they didn't. They sure didn't.
Like I I'm even looking up where they give that information because it's not in the Pokedex or anything, but it's on the official website for Cursola on the sword and shield dot com website. So it's like. It's like nobody asked. You didn't have to tell us this. This this strange full moon thing. Especially like it sounds like it could have been a cool in game little event.
Yeah. But no. Well, it's a beautiful and fantastic sight to behold in your mind. Must be nice. Why not us? Why can't I watch? They do say that Cursula enjoys the lightness that its form gives it. So you'll see it wobbling back and forth, I guess, in the small amount of joy that it can have.
That's optimistic. They gotta give it something. I know. Poor things. Um, that's really it. Arcalarian Corsola just dead Corsola?
Yes, because the spikes where it's coral used to be, there are now like ghostly ectoplasmic spikes. So they're just like completely round, dead porcelain.
Okay, yeah, because I feel like the other regional forms are like divergent evolutions, and then Galarian Corsola is just dead Corsola. Oh yeah, I see what you're saying. Yeah, they're not like, this is a different type of Pokemon. They're like, no, this is that same Pokemon, just dead. Yeah. That makes sense.
I guess there's no way for them, unless they did a divergent species, which didn't exist then. Huh. Yeah. I hate how sad these guys are. I know they're so depressing, but you know what? We need this sometimes because good on Pokemon for reminding us, hey, you're playing a game, but remember what's going on in the real world. Yeah.
Yeah, and they needed to balance out Mr. Rhyme with something. Ew. You know, Mr. Rhyme was just too fun. Yeah. Pokemon hasn't been edgy for a while. I haven't had a rival kick me in the balls in a couple of generations, so. Balls need to be kicked. Yeah.
game time game time I guess the downer of an episode but to be fair after all this it just makes a lot of sense and it's great that they did it and also I'm just gonna say it Corsola on its own was kind of just there
Yeah, I'm glad they did something with it. I'm glad they, you know, and they did it right, you know, there are just some Pokemon that have been neglected for so long and then they're like, all right, let's make its ass eat its face and call it a forever rig. And, you know, like, at least this one had some cool, like, real world context into it. I thought of a couple of Pokemon when you said have its ass eat its face.
Like who? Slowpoke. Oh, yeah. That's another one.
That's another one. Well, I'm good for game time if everyone else is. Go for it. Let's do it.

Pokémon Card Game: Corsola and Cursola

All righty. Welcome to the trading card game where Dave, Steven, and Peter are going to guess how many Corsola and Cursola cards appear in the trading card game. Galarian Corsola and regular Corsola are in the same number. Yeah. Yeah. So how many Corsola total cards do we think
Exist. Seventeen. Nineteen. Fifteen. All right. Dave was the closest. There's only 13 combined. Galarian and regular course. I was going to guess 13, but I thought there were more Galarian. I know. I heard you go to do the TH sound. I'm like, oh, he's going to get it. He's going to get it. Nope.
Not this guy. Gotta go with that gut instinct. Yeah. I thought since Corsola was just a base type one and done evolution for a while that they would just be churning them out and be like, yeah, we just have to think about this one Pokemon. Yeah, but I feel like there are so many other water kind of Pokemon that. Yeah, they are the most bountiful Pokemon type. Right. Especially in Gen 1, I feel like.
All righty. Well, remembering that our friend Cursula is number 864, how many cards do we think they appear in the trading card game? Two, four, one. Ah, we got a tie. The answer is three.
So then I went to Peter I win for winning Steven when you track the stats later you can you could give us both the way Yeah, you both win in my book Yeah, I mean we're getting close. I'm gonna have to start rounding it up soon Everybody wins when there's love in the air this one is
You guys better get it right. So this game's called Who You Gonna Fuck? It's when I will list four Pokemon for you. You will tell me which one if left at the daycare with our Pokemon, Corsola, would not produce an egg. So here we go. We have Jellicent, Pinchurchin, Toxapex, and my dude, Wugatrio.
Jellison, Pinchurgin, Toxapex, and Bugtrio. I'm gonna say Jellison. Well, who's Pinchurgin? Pinchurgin, he's literally a sea urchin. He's like, he looks just like Pookamooka or whatever. Yes. And Snome, they're like all three of them are kind of like very similar. Yeah.
Could you list them one more time? You know, I'm going to be, I'm going to say that you don't, uh, love and, love and hate, don't mix. I'm going to say, no. Oh, this is hard. Hey, who needs the first one again? I'm going to say Jealousyn. What trio? Final answer.
Sorry Are you gonna change or no, are you sticking with it I said I heard I don't know All right, sorry Peter Sorry Peter if you read in the notes on bola pedia, it said Galarian Corsola is the only ghost type Pokemon In the both water one and water three egg groups
So I threw a ghost Pokémon in there. So while it is a water Pokémon, Jellicent is part of the amorphous with the other ghosts. But isn't it a part of water too? Water as well?
It is a ghost water Pokemon, but it is only part of the amorphous egg group. While, but yeah, it was one of the, you know, at the bottom we get those notes, one of the notes. Yeah. The trivia, one of the notes is that it is the only ghost type Pokemon in both water one and water three, and they can only be in two at a time. So.
Interesting. So, Jellicent is the choice? Amorphous. Yep. Yep. Jellicent is only amorphous. Pinchurch, Intoxapex, and Wogtrio are all within either water one or water three. Okay. This was hard. The water types. Yeah. They get a little confusing sometimes. They are the most confusing. So, I at least wanted to give you guys a chance if you did your reading
Just kidding. Every time we research five minutes before we go on, let's, let's be honest.

Episode Conclusion and Humorous Farewell

Every time I see anything about egg groups, my, my brain just glazes over. Yeah. It's like no new information today. Thank you. I'm good. No, thank you. All right. That's an episode. Hopefully people will be able to hear it. That would be nice. Yeah.
Well, we hope you're listening. We thank you for listening once again. Thank you to Carl for our music. Find us on the Instagram. And once you're dead, you can no longer be farting. Actually, when you die, don't you shoot everything out of your bowels? Yeah, but that's, you know. That's shit, not farting.
That's the last shit and fart. What's your actual actual that you don't make no more gas? Well, you probably do make some gas through DK Donkey Kong. DK. Donkey Kong is here.