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Lock your doors and hide your Eggs. Sneasel is in town! Dark type started off even darker than we remember. This Pokemon is hungry for violence and eggs, and it's all out of eggs.


Introduction and Egg Contest

Welcome to Daycare Diddos, the only podcast where I am going to challenge Sneasel to an egg eating contest. I hope I win.
As always, I am your host for Gen 2, Peter, joined in random order by Sarah. I think I'll eat. I'll win that egg eating contest. I love eggs. You're going down. No, I'll win. I promise. Steve Isle, Steven. This is the Pokemon Snuff film you all were waiting for. No, Snubble was a couple of Pokemon back and Dave. Sorry, Pidgey, but we're having these eggs scrambled.
That's right, that's right.

Egg Consumption and Humorous Tangents

Okay, I will tell you whether or not you've won this egg eating contest right now. How many eggs did you eat today, Peter? Four. Oh, I win. I had five. Damn. I'm a two man. So I had two this morning and then I had some real intense cravings for egg salad. So I made myself egg salad with three eggs.
Damn. Well, I mean, uh, Sarah, you got to play, uh, an extra game today. The egg, uh, an extra egg game today and you won. So, uh, you're one up. All right. Go me. It's the chancey mini game. Yeah. I mean, from now on, we're just going to do, uh, how many eggs did you eat today? Uh, to, to start off the podcast and farting to end the podcast. That's perfect because eggs, especially hard boiled make you fart.
yeah yeah and they smell like farts when you're eating them sometimes they do but it's a good fart you ever have a fart that you're like yeah it smells but it's not bad like i could sniff it for a while
Yeah, that smells, but I did that. Wait, we were just talking about BO last time. Okay, but BO is different than fart smell. Oh no. Yes. If you could appreciate one, you could appreciate both. No, no, no, no. BO is a totally different smell than fart smell. Completely different.
Wow. Wow. Completely different. It's because fart smells dissipate like BO like you got to take care of that shit or not going anywhere.
I see your point, but again, I think we're talking about two different things. You're talking about fresh BO, like just out of the gym. Yeah, if you let it sit in your shirt all day, that's different. That's gross, bud. Do you guys have air purifiers in your apartments and respective houses?
I literally just muted myself to turn mine off while we were talking about this because I'm like, I wonder if they could hear it. Does it have a air quality light that shows green when the air is pure and red when the air is impure?
No, that's a thing. Yeah. Have you ever farted in a room and then it immediately turns red and you're like, yes, I did that. I was just thinking, I'm like, how many times do you just blast off into that thing? As often as I can. Yeah, man.
oh that's so funny and it knows the proper joy it knows that the room is now uh a tainted room and it must be cleansed and it works harder and the room the funny enough smells like your taint um

Sneasel and Its Characteristics

We're good on eggs, we're good on farts. I mean, we should start trying to explain where the eggs are even coming from, right? Yeah, we should probably explain why we're having an egg-eating contest during this episode. We are talking about three, count them, three different Pokémon today. We are talking about Pokémon number 215, Sneasel.
Pokemon 461 Weavile and Pokemon 903 Sneezler We're gonna start with the baby Sneezle the sharp claw Pokemon 2 feet and 11 inches tall and weighs 61.7 pounds if it was born anywhere other than the Hisuian region and 59.5 pounds if it was born in the Hisuian region
What does this Pikachu look like? Well, I always knew that this Pokemon hat or this Pikachu had a huge stinker energy just based on the way it looks. Because if you look at its face, it's got these evil eyes and its smile. That's like, yeah, I'm going to fuck shit up.
Yeah, this Pokemon will tabletop you. One of them will go behind you. The other one will push you down and it'll laugh at you and it will steal all your eggs and eat all your eggs. Not your legs, your eggs. I don't know. Maybe your legs. Maybe your legs.
It's got some powerful toenails and fingernails, claws. Very, very sharp claws. It's got some feathers on its butt and in its hair. And it kind of holds a macaroni. Yeah. It's very cat-like. It's kind of like a black cat and a weasel kind of, too.
The name Sneasel kind of explains that on its own. But yeah, Sneasel's always been a very interesting Pokémon.
It also has red eyes and yellow gems on its forehead, kind of like where the third eye would kind of be, and then on its chest as well. So pretty cute. I like it. There is a male-female difference. If it's a male, it will have a longer feather in its ear. If the female has a shorter feather, which is cute.
They have little gems on their head. That's fun. I feel like gems on your forehead, very like of the psychic, dark, fairy, love putting a gem on a forehead in the Pokemon world. Yeah, they don't really talk about it in anything, really, not in the Pokedex entries or anything. But I think it's just like one of those extra like cat things, you know, like it's very reminiscent of Meowth, I think it'll feel.
and there's one on the chest too, like a nice brooch right down the middle. Yeah, the feathers and the gems, the decorations, I heard on a YouTube video from, I forget that guy's name, that they're potentially indicative of like Egyptian or Native American headdresses, so I would believe it.
Yeah. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. I was just going to say, I think you, you see that a lot more when it like evolves as well, but that didn't come for quite some time. Yeah. And Sneasel, I think also appears in, in Arceus in both forms or something like that. Like I think, so yeah, it's a pretty, pretty ancient Pokemon. So that, that could, uh, I don't know, maybe it's spiritual in that way. It just, who knows how Sneasel came to be and has been around for a long time.
This is gonna resonate to a few people. It looks like it could be a Sonic character.
definitely yeah if that makes sense to people how sometimes i'll be like this pokemon is a neopet this one could be a sonic character it needs some like shorts and maybe like a backpack or something like a vest yeah oh definitely well it means headphones if you put big shoes yeah big shoes and headphones and this is a sonic character
Much like a Sonic character, best stat is its speed stat. So it's got to go fast. Yeah. It's just the hottest. Yeah. I hear the Sonic movies are good. I want to watch them. I do, too. I hear very good things. I watched the first one. It was pretty good. I hear there's a rumor that I have to look right now that
They still haven't cast Shadow the Hedgehog for the movie, because apparently that's the main deal with the third one. Yeah. Sonic is Urkel, right? Only in the original cartoon. OK. Then it's John Ralphie, I think. OK. In the new one. But Hayden Christensen, Anakin Skywalker, is like,
the biggest rumor to be Shadow, and I'm like, that's pretty good. Yeah, get him. That's right, that's pretty good. I don't know, anytime I say who I want to voice any character, it doesn't matter what franchise, I'm always like, oh, Danny DeVito. And Idris Elba's Knuckles, right? Yeah, yeah. That's pretty fun. That's so hot. That's so hot of him.
It's like the sexiest way for him to be. Yeah. I never even looked at Idris' elbow. I was like, who's that? Where's that? I don't care. And then he started voicing Knuckles. I was like, oh, tell me more. And Tails.
Uh, God, I keep there's so many games and stuff. Yeah, it's a of course. It's Colleen O'Shaughnessy. Duh. Oh, Shnasty. If you if you will. Well, if you're a sonic person, you ever do the thing where you look up your name, the hedgehog. Oh, yeah, absolutely. I have. And I haven't saved on my phone to Peter, the hedgehog. Yeah, 420 friendly.
Oh, did you know that the voice of tales was also the voice of
girl number one and girl number three and danny phantom damn they got girl number one and three and three that's rain sonic frontier did they just get like the sonic i mean the tails voice i don't know this is not we're going into the the sega side that's the exact opposite of where we should be right now yeah
Yeah, I mean, it sucks that Nintendo stole Sneasel as a character from one of their unreleased games, but, you know, it happens and, you know, the victor goes to spoils. Sneasel's a better Pokémon anyway.
Yeah, Stiesel's a great Pokemon. I am not in the first two generations it was introduced. It really sucked in Gen 2 and in Gen 3. Couldn't beat it up, unfortunately. I'll tell you, anything that can claw into tree bark to climb a tree to steal Pidgey eggs is probably going to get my heart and stop it, so.
Not only that, but it's really sneaky and vicious and not a nice Pokémon. And you don't even really have to provoke it. It's just an asshole, like an all around ass. So I wouldn't mess with one. If I saw one, I would probably run immediately. Yeah, I mean, I can I've never seen an episode with Sneasel in it, but I can tell you what the premise is going to be. And I'll probably 90 percent right.
There's a town, they get to the town, there is like a Squirtle squad, a Sneasel squad, and they're going around like gangs, going into people's refrigerators, stealing all their eggs, eating all their eggs. And somebody says, Ash, Ash, if you want to be a Pokemon master, please help me get my eggs back.
They see toga pee, and instead of hearts for eyes, they have eggs for eyes, and they steal toga pee, and then they- Devour it. Devour toga pee, and they poop out toga pee, and toga pee got that really angry banana face, and blasts them off, and then Team Rocket was there, and then Team Rocket steals all the eggs.
and then Pikachu zaps them. And then everybody, all the eggs fall down. And because they were zapped, everybody eats a giant omelet from all the eggs that have fallen to the ground fried. Do you know the actual name of the first Sneasel episode? The Great Egg Heist. No, think sillier. Okay. It's Sneasel. Okay.
The Sneasel easel. It's an art episode about a Sneasel who was kicked from the group because all it wanted to do is draw. Very close. It's called Pop Goes the Sneasel. And it's about a Sneasel that is protecting the flame of Ho-Oh. But of course Harrison catches it. We all know Harrison.
He, uh, in the silver conference battle, he fights Ash with it and it beats Pikachu, but Totodile takes it down. Yeah. We call him, uh, nasty Harrison. That's what we all call

Evolution to Weavile

him. Yeah. We, uh, but funny enough, Sneasel debuted in the, uh, celibate, the first, uh, the celibate, not the first movie. Every time there's a Pokemon movie, they call it the first movie.
Mewtwo returns Pokemon the first movie The four of me this is yeah, it'll be the fourth movie the first movie Which celibee the voice of the forest? Is my favorite I think my favorite Pokemon who's the voice of celibee you gotta know Is that our post our guy ocean nasty?
Ocean nasty. Yeah. Girl number three, girl number four. You know what? This movie is actually called Pokemon forever. Yeah. Like, like four of four.
But where do I get the voice? I want to figure out who the voice of Celebi is. It's probably going to be impossible. But they really called it, right? They knew that Pokemon was going to last forever. And I mean, it's still... Is that the movie where they have that picture where it's Celebi all beat up and it says like the lettuce on my hamburger? Yes. That is 100 percent.
Oh, the voice of Celebi. Of course we all know that it's Kazuko Sugiyama. Sugiyama, sorry. We all know that. I said her name wrong as a joke because we're so close. We're close friends. Dave the Hedgehog has red hair, Dave. Did you know that? Uh, it depends which one. I did put one in the chat. If you look, it's, uh, yeah. Weirdly enough, when I looked up a Kazuko Sugiyama,
there is a deviant art and it's not like the normal deviant art that we usually get because like it's not this nice older woman naked uh but i just have to post it it's so good when you search this voice actor it first thing that comes up is a nice painting somebody did of her of her hugging bomber man that's adorable i would also love to hug bomber man i was thinking about bomber man today even
I want to look this up just to figure out why, but I think we have to save this mystery for the episode on Celebi.
Yeah, certainly will. Sneasel. Bless you. Thank you. Sneasel, we know the English name is weasel and sneak, kind of, is the snee part of it. They said, too, that it could be kind of like the sound of a sneeze in order to hint at its ice type, potentially.
But the other names were really cool and this kind of reprises my Steven's demons corner because we got some cool international demons going on here.
The Japanese name is Nyula, and it comes from Senyu, which means sneaking, Nia, which is the sound of cat meowing, Yu, which is a weasel, and Nora, that is a stray.
So it is the stray weasel meowing, sneaking creature. But it's also apparently based on the Japanese yokai, the Kama Itachi. Did any of you see that in the notes at all? I did.
I did. It's Naruto's friend. Yeah. Itachi and Naruto are sick friends. They're real close. They introduced this in Sonic the Hedgehog Ghost of Tokyo Olympic Games, right?
Yeah, definitely. No, actually, the Kama Itachi is featured in a lot of things up until the point where it actually has its own TV Tropes page. So I'm going to link that so you can see there's Digimon that are based on the Kama Itachi. And I believe there is a Naruto character who summons a weasel with a sickle. But that's the Kama Itachi. Kama means sickle, and Itachi means weasel. So it is a weasel with a sickle.
um one of the first things that pops up on this tv tropes is uh all in caps i'm a weasel motherfucker yeah that's that's the note on the picture yeah um so the kama itachi uh was basically um i'm also getting an ad for a shirt that says i heart cock oh i am getting a pill for uh disrupt itch once daily pill to stop itching damn
I'm just getting like tutoring advertisements. I don't know what y'all are looking up. Dude, this ad is scrolling through the important safety information and I'm scrolling through it's long. I don't want to itch but at what cost? Fever, sweating or chills, diarrhea, muscle aches? Guys, talk to your physician before taking Rynvok.
Yeah, and if you are walking through the cold air and you get like cuts on your legs and arms out of nowhere, contact your doctor because you could have a Kama Itachi. The whole idea behind the Kama Itachi is that like if you're walking in the cold and it's like biting winds blowing against your face, cutting you up, that's this monster attacking you, this weasel with sickles for its arms and legs.
It's interesting because obviously the name has no reference to Kama Itachi. And the reason why is because is anybody familiar with the move silver wind? Yes. In Japanese, it's called Kama Itachi. Oh, I think I think you're talking about razor wind. Oh, sorry. Yes, razor wind.
But either way, they already had referenced it in the name with the move. So for this name, they went a little bit different. But I was like, oh, this is such a cool little monster, this little weasel that flies through the air. And it's supposed to leave behind feathers and stuff because it can fly on the winds. And yeah.
Also featured in Final Fantasy, Golden Sun, Ghosts and Goblins. If you want to go to the TV Tropes page, there's a lot of references in there. But yeah, Kamatachi, cool little creature. And if you check the link I just posted? Oh.
So what I posted is this is a weird thing with Sneasel because it technically has two beta Pokemon. So beta Sneasel, which I just posted, is way more Weasel-like. And it's just like a brown Weasel with like a big bat-like tail. And bat, I mean like a baseball bat. And it's got these huge claws, but it's like a smiling nice guy, but it looks way more like
razor weasel. Like it's literally just a weasel with with Sneasel's claws. And this was the original beta, but one thing that I never realized is that the sprite of Sneasel changed drastically from gold, silver, to then crystal and the rest. Have you guys noticed the original sprites?
I have really, I knew that a lot of colors have changed for a lot of different Pokémon. I knew that Sneasel was one of them, but I didn't realize from reading this that it's changed three times.
So if you click the new link I posted, it'll show you the golden silver demo, Sneasel, two golden silver, and then the official Gen 3, which we got in Crystal. So Sneasel, when launched in the game, looks a little bit different and is actually brown. It's brown and the feathers are teal.
And it has kind of like a different body shape and it's jumping out. It looks kind of like the Sneasel we know today, but it's a little more stinkery. It kind of looks like a bug to me. Yeah, so the reason for that is that this
Pokemon was created, and then Sugimori went and did the redesign and the actual watercolor painting that we usually see after.
So this game, the sprite reflects the original design created for this Pokemon, but not the final that Ken Sugimori did. So his art changed it, and then they updated everything based off of that official Sugimori art for Sneasel. So that's why Sneasel only looks like this in the gold and silver sprite, but all other stuff has been updated to what he looks like in Crystal in Gen 3.
OK, because it's usually the opposite. Usually they made the sprite based off the art or vice versa. This one's the the opposite. So I thought that was super interesting, that it the sprite kind of predates like the normal art that we get. But yeah, and so that's the three looks of Sneasel.
Yeah, I mean, if somebody can pull it off with three different looks, then it is definitely Sneasel. One of the things that, you know, Steven had mentioned was the fact that Sneasel is supposed to be like a
like a street cat or, you know, sort of like have that sort of a vibe to it. And so what got neon its name? Yeah, it's a neon cat. But one thing that I never really noticed about the design of Sneasel is that it does have one it has one full ear and the other ear is partial and the rest of it is one of those feathers.
And that's supposed to be indicative of like a cat who has, uh, gotten its ear trimmed because it has, uh, you know, either been to the catch and release spade and neutered or a cat that has been in more likely a, uh, a cat fight and lost part of its ear in, uh, in a fight. So I thought that was really cool to notice that. That was really cool.
Maybe that's why it's a huge stinker of a Pokémon. Yeah, such a stinker. They really do describe it as just like the ultimate asshole. What did they say? Breeders consider it a scourge and will try to drive it away and eradicate it. They will cooperate to steal eggs from nests by luring the parents away while another one steals eggs.
Yeah, I thought it was really interesting to know that When you bring your Pokemon to the daycare center, there's a non-zero percent chance not in the games mind you but in the lore that a Sneasel will combine steal one of the eggs. So Yeah, I mean that's that's true weasel like behavior. Yeah, they always be stealing eggs always be stealing eggs, you know
Yeah, and then one of the other things that a Sneasel will try to do is they'll try to, you know, feast on live Pokemon as well, specifically a Sandshrew, but they will break their claws on Sandshrew's armor.
And it's not until later on when they can evolve and they can fight more effectively in groups that they go for larger prey. That's, yeah. It's always weird when Pokemon go into actual animal behavior of carnivorous
I don't know, just like eating each other. Yeah. Like it's like they tried to get around it with eggs, but it's like, yeah, they're just like eating. Yeah. Once you get to Weavile, it's a whole nother story. Oh, it sure is. But what happens if they open a Pidgey egg and there's like a little Pidgey chicken there?
Do they eat the chick oh sure they do deserve it's called dessert It's quite terrible, but yeah that there's a blue life thing Mm-hmm. Yeah
bloot yeah it's the uh the the what's it called mowgli's friend uh it's yeah i don't know i mean it's a natural part of life yeah but it's also pokemon where it's just like they could be like they eat puffleberries and everyone would be like all right cool and instead they're just like
They scare away the Pidgeys and cut tiny holes under the nest and slurp out the embryo of the egg and chew it and spit their bones into the Pidgeys dad's face. And it's actually pretty metal that they'll take one of their little claw nails and they'll make a clean hole in the top of the egg and slurp it out.
Yeah, it's like cat burglar stuff where they do it with the glass like, yeah, they'll hide in the cover of darkness waiting to attack prey extremely vicious and will not stop attacking until the foe is incapable of moving. Yeah, like they're they're monsters. Yeah, but.
Well, you got such a low base defenses. It's like any dad will ever tell you. You don't start a fight, but if you're in a fight, make sure you finish it. Has any of your dads ever said that to you? Not mine. But if you're a sneezel, for sure. Yeah.

Sneasel in Different Cultures

I mean, it's weasily weasel out there, you know? Yeah.
That always told me to break some bones if I ever got into a fight, make it so that they really, like, ruined the day they messed with me. And I was like, Oh, okay. We sure put those skills to use. Yeah. In our Pokemon games. Yeah. Your dad told you to speed run.
You like mid max to beat the crap out of everybody on the playground. It's like, what happened? And she's like, I don't know. Peter was badly hurt when he showed up because he said his moves would go faster. But he was running through the school like.
Yeah, animations turned off. So we couldn't even see if he punched people. That's a great speed run joke for anybody who doesn't know. And you should be laughing right now. And if you're not, then we failed you. And you have to go back to our first episodes and learn about red bar. Everybody knows about red bar status. Everybody knows about red bar. If we we should have a speed running Pokemon bar called red bar.
Yeah, who I'd actually be really cool red bar. Yeah, I really not that it's related, but I really did appreciate when they made actual like red bar music and it got like real intense when you were in like like black and white. Yeah, that was that was the list. Um,
I mean, one of these days I still do intend to come over your guys's house and do a run through of the first gen games and drink and have a good time. I'm ready. We're ready. We'll find a night. Yeah. After season, when we finish up the season or we got a break, we'll find time to do it. Yeah, absolutely. And then I'll have to stay over because it sounds like you're going to get me drunk. Yeah. Hells yeah. Let's do it.
Right now, what are you guys up to tonight? You know, I'm just doing Sneasel episode. Yeah, sounds good. Yeah, the funny enough, the most metal Pokedex entries are not Sun and Moon for Sneasel. It was actually Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. BDSB.
It feeds on eggs stolen from nests, it's sharply hooked claws rip vulnerable spots on prey. It is extremely vicious and will not stop attacking until its foe is incapable of moving. Both BDSP. Both brilliant diamond and shining pearl. That's right. The beginning was diamond, the second was pearl.
Yeah, I was I was into Sneasel and then I read that and I was like, the fuck? Yeah, I love that it eats eggs. But at the same time, you're like.
it's gonna like beat the shit out of the parent and then eat the egg. I know, it is a truly awful Pokemon. I thought like it was gonna have this, so when I read the first part of it being like half cat, half sneezel, or like a blend of both, I was like, oh, this is gonna be like a scraggly cat story of them like persevering through hard times and just being like, you know, I don't know.
like a decent pokemon but it's just an ass i i hate this pokemon it's just trying to survive but no no no no like there's their survival then there's like pillaging and that's what this does
But the thing is originally like dark type, now it's kind of like, ooh, they're like purple. Like mystical. Yeah. Yeah. And like mystical art. Back when it was like fucking evil. Like that. Yeah. That was what they were going with for dark type originally. Oh, I see. It won't help your grandmother across the road. Hundower. It'll trip her and steal her cane. Hundower came straight from hell and will bark at you and bite you.
Yeah, like crunch was like the move. Yeah, like it was supposed to be like the vicious type of Pokemon and they moved away from it since. But one of the measles moves was just called beat up. Yeah, it was supposed to be the bad boy of Pokemon. Yeah, sure is. I'm trying to see what else what else we got for Sneasel.
So going back to the names real quick, back to the demon corner. The French name is Farferet. Yeah. So, Farret is obviously kind of a translation of Farret, but the real pun here is in the French word farfetet. And a farfetet is like a
French sprite or an imp or a demon, basically. They're not necessarily fully evil. They are small, wrinkled and brown skinned. They generally wear tattered brown clothing or go naked. And they said it said that they can be helpful if you leave out a bowl of milk for them.
um they'll do uh complete odd tasks and um apparently if you're too nice to them uh you'll frighten them away so don't like give them clothes or anything like that but yes the farfadette is like a french imp
And so our Sneasel is also like this little impish creature, the Farferette. One other real quick thing I noticed was that also this could be a section of the scouts in France. So I like how like, you know, we have like a
What are the ranks of scouting? You have like your cub scouts and then your whatever. In France, yeah. Well, what was it? In France, you just call them farfidettes. You call them like little imps. Oh, that's cute. That's so cute. Yeah. But again, like they're supposed to be somewhat helpful.
Yeah. And then the German name is not as interesting. It's Snibel. And that's just because Sneasel kind of works. But Dieb in German means thief. So it's just adding that thief element into it. And then the Korean name was interesting. It is Popuni. And that comes from Parkpong, which is the word for storm. And Syra Sony, which is a Lynx.
So it's the storm links. That's cool. Yeah. But yeah, we've got the razor weasel from Japan inspiring this. In France, you have like the ferret imp. In Korea, you have the storm links. And then in America, you have the sneasel. The sneak weasel. The sneaky weasel.

Hisuian Sneasel and Sneezler

Yeah, I guess the only, like one of the only major things to cover is, I had hinted at, it's got a regional form. So you can find now in your games, potentially Hisuian sneezels. I love them.
Oh, I wonder why. I want to guess why. I love bad boys. Well, no, I was going to say I only love the way they look. They can still get fucked. Yeah, they can.
But they're cute. They're a good-looking Pokemon. Like, come on now. They're supposed to be kind of opposite of the Sneezels, because I know that the Legends Arceus Pokedex entry from for regular Sneezel, because again, you can get both a Hisuian and a regular Sneezel in Arceus.
But the regular one says- They're not regular anymore. Now they're, what, Jotonian? Jotonian, yes. Jotonian, yeah, that's what they say.
So the regular sneezel, you know, says shares roots with the sneezel of his suey. But unlike that species, this one is spiteful in personality. So that means the his suey and sneezel are actually apparently supposed to be less spiteful and I guess nicer as a result. Yeah, not a little nicer, but there's still a little stinkers. There's still little stinkers. Yeah. Aren't we all? Yeah.
I don't know. The Hisurian ones, especially if you look like they just have this little stinker look on their face. Like, yeah, I know I'm real cool.
So like the thing with the Hisuian version is that they have venom on the tips of its claws. So this venom, if you are penetrated with a claw of a Hisuian Sneasel, it'll attack the nervous system of you. And like, you'll probably die. I mean, it's still like, I mean, still don't fuck with a Sneasel. Being around one of them, I'd have a very nervous system.
But it's really cute, man. It's like a it's like an off white cream color and all of its accents are purple. Still got those red mischievous eyes and those yellow gems. But I think this is a good looking Pokemon. Yeah. And the shiny is real good, too. Oh, did we mention that? I'm so sorry. Did we mention that his Sui and Sneasel is fighting poison?
uh not yet so uh regular sorry uh i i just uh did a little uh little fake chiding of steven for saying regular but i can't stop saying regular either regular sneasel is um is uh a dark ice and uh then uh hissuian sneasel is uh fighting poison
Yeah, which is a little unique because that means that they don't share any types between the regular and regional. And usually regionals do have at least maybe one type in common. Yeah, they usually do. I think these are the only case, the only instance where they're both dual types and they share no typing between the regions. And they did say, too, that this is the only regional form that has a gender difference.
Oh, OK. I looked and apparently in Scarlet and Violet, there's only one Pokemon that has a gender difference. Really? Yeah. Huh. It's also the only. Sorry, go ahead. I was just going to say it's it's the pink pig Pokemon, the form of not LeChonk, the evolved form of LeChonk. What is it called? I want to say LeChon, but that's a Spanish freaking thing that my grandma makes.
Um, it is called wink-a-loin. Yeah. It was like a link something. Wink-a-loin. Wink-a-loin. Oh yeah. That's the one that's got like horny eyes. Yeah. It's really, I, I was, I like LeChonk way better. Me too. But that's the only one with a gender difference in Scarlet and Violet.
That's kind of the name of the game, I feel like, for Scarlet Violet. They got a lot of good little guys. Like, I mean, we'll get there. Yeah. Yeah.
Hey, if I drink too much during our little speedrun adventure, maybe I'll still be hungover by then because I'm in my mid-30s. Same. Hey-o. Yeah, so the Hisuian Sneasel, I guess the poison type is probably linked to the fact that Sneasel and Hisuian Sneasel have claw-type weapons.
Of course, in a lot of lore, you would have those little concealed claws that would be sort of your assassination weapon of choice, and they would usually be coded in poison.
Yeah, and I mean, we'll talk a little bit more about it later, probably, but Hisui and Sneasel, they're also like claws kind of for free climbing mountains and stuff as well. Yeah. A little bit for Faian and a little bit for climbing. It is, of course, the free climb Pokemon, as we all know. Yeah. Rock gym Pokemon.
Yeah, Jotunian Sneasel would use it for fighting and climbing trees, and then Hisuian Sneasel is also using it for fighting but climbing mountains. Yeah. I guess we should mention Sneasel is the sharp claw Pokémon. Yeah. In case we weren't already. Make that point pretty clear. Yeah. Did we say it's typing? Dark Ice? Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
in my mind. Yeah. And do we have any other little little things to say? Yeah, I got a couple just a rattle them off real quick. We didn't mention the Jotonian shiny, which is like a pink lemonade color. That's the perfect way to describe it. Yeah.
pink with yellow feathers. So it's very jarring, I think, to look at. But it's not bad. It's just strange. I guess because Sneasel is such like a dark Pokémon. And then to see it so bright and lively, it's like, whoa, where'd that come from? Also, this Pokémon is like a counter to Gligar.
because they both have typing that makes them four times weak to stuff. They both got evolutions around the same time. So they're somewhat similar. And then my last thing is we mentioned that Harrison, who's our very, very good friend, we're very familiar with Harrison. Oh, good old Harrison. Yeah, everybody knows Harrison. So he had one, but also Harry.
Someone we might be a little bit more familiar with is Silver had one in the manga. And Silver, as we know, is the son of Giovanni. So Giovanni gave it to him as like a gift. It was his first Pokemon. So yeah, that's I think that's all I got.
That is our good pal Sneasel. Lots to talk about. Yeah. Do you guys know the name of the item that you hold in order to evolve into Weavile? I didn't write it down. It's like the shark claw? The razor claw? Razor claw. Okay.
I've already forgotten is it's trading at night or it's left just a level up. Okay, so Yeah, you got your razor claw you give it to your good friend Sneasel. It's nighttime you guys Tackle a couple of strong opponents you level up You are in generation four plus you're gonna evolve into a weevil
Also the sharp claw Pokemon. Three foot seven inches tall, 75 pounds. What does this Pikachu look like? Like a sneezel with more like of a headdress type thing. More of a stinker. Yeah, less of a stinker.
Um, it's amount stinker. I'd say maybe like less stinker because it's more calculated looking now. I don't know. It's got that one snaggle tooth. It's still got that like really menacing eye. I think part of being a stinker is being like somewhat buffoonish in your, you know, uh, mischievousness. Okay. So more vials a little bit too calculated. I think it's more just asshole stinker jerk.
Stinker, you have to have like the, oh, you like, you know what I mean? So our Sneasel and Weebile just like straight up assholes. Is that a category? Um, we're like, what's the category for just describing a Pokemon? That's like a dick. Oh, little dickholes. Little dickholes. Yeah, this is definitely a dickhole. Yeah. Look at that tooth. That smile is just like.
I'm gonna fuck you up, bitch. That's exactly what it just said to me. Yeah, it's gonna steal my money. It called you the B word. Yeah, it did. Just thought I could only say we vial. That's crazy. It said it said bitch and we vial. There's a if you guys listen to the podcast Dungeons and Daddies, there's an episode where they say there's a special
circle of hell for people that use the b word if you say it you instantly get teleported and then uh i forget what the the dude version is i have to think about that i have to think about that yeah i'm just gonna like go out on a limb and say that if you're killing santrews you're not a stinker anymore now you're just a murderer
Will you elaborate on how brutal the Pokedex entry goes into Sandshrew murder? Yeah, I kind of alluded to this snuff film we're about to witness at the beginning. So one wee vial will trip a Sandshrew and flip it over and then another wee vial will deal the finishing blow with its sharp claws.
Yeah, so all of a sudden, Sandshrew walking along with its good pal, Aaron, right? He's like, Sandshrew, I love you. And then all of a sudden, one Weavile will be behind the Sandshrew, the other one will push it over its back, and then one of them just stabs it in the kidneys. Sandshrew, no!
The thing that's different though is the Sneasel will fight each other for the hunt for the prey, but because Weavile has grown and is more intelligent.
Uh, I forgot which one this is. I didn't copy. They'll travel in like packs of four or five and work together and like they choose one of them to be like a pack leader. Yeah. To like organize the crime they're about to commit. But it says they dwell in cold places. This Pokemon's main food source is Alola. In Alola is Vulpix and Sandshrew, which they carefully divide amongst their group.
But they get bold sometimes. Sometimes they go after mama swines too. That's the part two where I was like, oh shit, they're like using their team to like fucking take down bully mammoths. This is the velociraptor of Pokemon.
but the verb in that Pokedex entry is divide. Which means they're like, you get a leg of Vulpix, you get a leg of Vulpix. Like they're carving the fucking turkey. Yeah, they're putting it on the barbecue. They're doing barbecue sauce. Barbecue sauce.
But very cool like such a I think like I I always thought Sneasel looked like it needed like a little bit something else and I feel like we've all just kind of completes Sneasel out Yeah, I mean Sneasel was not a complete Pokemon until we've all came. I'm just talking from the stats and competitively. I
Um, but yeah we file when it was introduced. I was Pleased with it. I think it is a Good poke. Yeah people liked it so much. They put it in poke in tournament Yeah, it's it's one of the the available fighters Uh for people who don't know poke in tournament is the fighting game where you can fight as a lamp if you'd like to yeah
Shandalor is a playable fighting character, so you could have a weasel fight a lamp. It's a real fun game. It actually is really fun. It looks so awesome, but I always suck at fighting games, so I've never touched it. But Weavile's finisher move, I did look up,
He traps you in a tornado and then his claws grow to like a huge size and he just cuts through the tornado and then it explodes as one does in a finisher.
So Sneasel I didn't say this at the beginning because it didn't rank Sneasel did not make one of the top Pokemon Pokemon of the Year lists, but Weavile ranked 22nd overall for all Diamond Pearl Sinnoh region in the worldwide one of 2020 so
Right behind turtwig and in front of frost last. Oh Those are good neighbors to have I like both. I love frost last not bad. Not bad Yeah, I can't wait until we get there
The names, Japanese name is Manula. So it's, you know, the Nuula we had from Sneasel and then MA is added in the beginning, which MA stands for demon.
Um in french i'm a demon, uh in french, uh, we have demorat, uh, which is uh dim Which you know is a demon and uh for it. So demon for it i'm a demon uh german German name is a snybuna So we still have the
original German name for Sneasel, which was Snibel. But I feel like in this one, they were like, Oh, yeah, it looks like a bunny. So they added Buna at the end. And then the Korean name is Papunera, which is Popuni. And then just adding that like, Nyah at the end of it. So yeah,
And then, of course, sorry, Weavile, the English name, we have Vile and Weasel. That's very accurate. Yes. Vile is a very good, strong word to describe Weavile. Maybe that's a category we make. Vile Pokemon. Vile Pokemon. Just Pokemon that are like sins of nature.
I don't know. I think if you use vial, I'm going to think that's pretty metal. Yeah. I mean, if we vials in the category, that's a pretty metal category. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, we've already talked about them being groups of four or five. They can start a metal group if they wanted to.
That's so true. That's a good thing. The vial, we vials. Yeah. Oh my god, it writes itself. They're banned, which is be called we, like W-E space vial. Yeah. We vial. I was gonna, I was gonna say five vial, we vials. Oh yeah. Has a little bit of that alliteration.
But how would they play the guitars with their clawed hands? Oh, we weren't thinking. That's their pick. No, that's their pick. Exactly. How are they going to play the drums? That's the real... With their claws. Their claws are the drumsticks. You are the music of the bunch. That would be creative.
The one thing we didn't mention about WeVile is that it does use its clause to write messages to other WeViles.

Weavile's Traits and Popularity

Yeah, this was crazy that they have their own written language. They have over 500 distinct signs recorded. Yep, which is like
Somebody's out there and counted them all. But yeah, it can send signals to others by carving odd patterns in frost-covered trees. They mention ice and boulders as well. So yeah, they just leave little trail markers and stuff to communicate, which is really cool. Yeah. I mean, honestly, that's kind of what took Weavile over the top for me, too, because I just think that there's a very
You know, it's a very interesting Pokedex entry compared to a lot of the Pokemon that we end up researching and seeing. The fact that they have a written language over 500 patterns that they leave as signs to communicate with one another for hunts or otherwise is insane.
It really is. It's just I don't know. They don't like. Do you know any other Pokemon that kind of fit this bill? Like it's very unique to be this far down and all the Pokemon that we've done so far.
I'm trying to think of anything else kind of fits this with like a written language, kind of like the pack hunting, the brutality. Like there's been a little bit of each, but this feels fresh, fresher than most that we've had recently. I know the Alolan Marowak.
Had a way of like they left trail markers behind. Oh, yeah there was I feel like some other Pokemon that did also have some kind of language or Way of communicating with each other whether it was like singing or talking. Oh, was it Clefairy? Don't Clefairy kind of talk to each other. I Think so. There's like language where they speak to each other and a lot of telepathic language But I wasn't sure about like a written
There's got to be one. There may be others that I feel like we maybe had at least one other Pokemon that had something like this. But it is, again, very unique. And I think it lends to that kind of like warrior theme for Weavile, just with like the, you know, the feathered headdress and the feathers around the neck creating like a kind of necklace almost. It's very like warrior like, which is just cool. Just a great way to round sneezel out, like I said.
And we do have the unknown trying to contact us about our extended car warranties. Very true. But that was it. Weavile, if it scratches you, you will get frostbite. So, watch out. That's... I don't know why, but like...
the ice side of Weavile? I don't see the ice theme. I didn't get the ice theme when I first saw it. Yeah, it was only after knowing about Steven's demons. Yeah, that we see that. Because like when I ice was not the main part that I always remember about Sneasel.
Cause like it's so dark and tough, but it's cool that it completely switches its typing too. Yeah, I always figured it was just a location sort of thing that it was just found on the side of Mount Silver. So it was, I don't know, cold climate and it just had part ice, but it didn't even have any stab moves. Same type of attack bonus moves until like it evolved into Weavile. So.
And when it is Weavile. Actually, no, I was thinking of Sneezler when it came to moves. Yeah, we can we can move on shortly. Everybody can get their last licks in with Weavile. You'll get your time. I don't want Weavile to lick me. I'm good. OK. Yeah, I think that's about it for Weavile.
Alright, so let's say you got your Hisuian Sneasel. Much better Pokemon in the eyes of the Lord. You're giving them the Razor Claw too, but you're not doing it at night like a sneaky thief. You're leveling up under God's beautiful sun. It's warm and it's filling you with vitamin D. I was waiting for that. At least he's consistent, y'all.
Yeah. So then you're going to evolve, not into a Weavile, disgusting Pokemon for disgusting criminals, I'm going to say. But you evolve into a Sneezler, the free climb Pokemon, four foot, three inches tall, weighs 94.8 pounds. What does this Pikachu look like?
Big nerd. Tall Sneasel. Yeah. You know, you know, in Mario Maker, they added that mushroom that made Mario like weird, big. Yeah. It's like it's like that, but with Sneasel. It looks like a teenager, a teenage version of Sneasel, I think, like Hasoon Sneasel. Like it's got like the goth hair with its feather. It's like ombre.
You know, it's got these like, oh, it's got those like goth gloves on. Yes, it's very a scene kid. It wears skinny jeans. Yeah, definitely wears. Yeah, but these are like boot cut. And they're wet at the bottom. This Pokemon doesn't know what to do with its hands. Yeah, you know, like it outgrew itself. To be fair, like what would what would you do with your hands if they went down to your toes?
Yeah, I just feel like the design is a little uncomfortable. It's too human looking. Like it looks too much like a human just wearing a costume. But also like.
I fucking love history and Sneezlers so much. I do too. It's so weird and it makes me so uncomfortable, but in Legends Arceus, it's how I just walk around the world. All the time. I'm just in this little bucket on its back. I think one of the reasons why I feel so uncomfortable about it too is that the animation, when you're in the basket in its back, your eyes are just these like two circle eyeballs, like cartoony eyeballs. You look like you've been taken captive or something.
Yeah, you look like, yeah, like Krampus got you. Well, and anything's better than being held so tenderly by the Machamp in Sun and Moon. Yeah, no, but like it's it's also to what I saw the height. I was like, wait, it's only like four foot eleven. It's carrying me in the basket. It's only sorry, four foot three. And it's 94 pounds. Like it's like no way.
Are we supposed to be like 10 years old in the game again? We're always 10 years old. And we're always for whatever reason, just we look like we're three feet tall in comparison to some of these Pokemon. But this Pokemon is taking me in a sack on its back and it's climbing me up a mountain like straight vertical and it's 94 pounds. And look at those scrawny arms like where? Like how are you doing that? Absolutely not.
But Pokemon, they said, no, it's you know what, it doesn't make mathematical sense, but Pokemon never has. So again, it's got very a chip is 88 pounds and it could probably break me in half. So but it's not going to carry me up a mountain on the back.
Yeah, it doesn't have physical strength. It definitely has strength in the fact that it's very poisonous. But I agree with Steven, like, physically, I don't see the strength it has to climb all these mountains and carry things and have you considered the power of friendship? Okay, I'll tell you what, I'm I'm five, six, I weigh 124 pounds, and I cannot carry a 10 year old on my back. Like, no.
It's not happening. I can't even carry myself up a mountain. Really? Have you considered that Sneezler is just built different? That is true. That is always a possibility. It's my favorite thing to say now, because I've just built different whenever somebody is just like, I'm tired today. I'll just be like, I guess I'm just built different.
The magic of Pokemon makes a sneezeler able to do all this stuff and I'm thankful for it because honestly Some of those mounts in that game are better than others
And, uh, Sneezler was, was my favorite. I do like how they, they kind of admitted to the fact that Sneezler's name could just be, um, Sneezel with the ER suffix, meaning more Sneezel. Uh, so, you know, you could be like, yeah, here's my Sneezel. He's kind of Sneezley, but this one, this one's Sneezler. Yeah.
I'll give it to Pokemon. I did give a little bit of an explanation as to why it became so long and lanky. And it says it's because in the Hisui region, there's it adapted to the life living on the cliff sides and frozen highlands of Hisui. So fine, I applaud the evolution. You know,
I don't know, like adapting, I suppose. But I mean, overall, it's just kind of like long sneezel. Yeah, that's it. I mean, it is a fighting type. So, I mean, fighting this entire type is just like, oh, strong person. I'm myself very excited for Pokemon Legends AZ.
Wait, what's it called? Oh, you're talking about the new game. The new Legends one. Yeah, that's where we're gun or ZA. That's it. We're going to get sneezel-iest. Oh, is it going to be like eight feet?
I don't know what they're going to do, because Sneasel, Sneasler and Sneaslist is going to be just really big. Like instead of Pollard, maybe double wide. It's just going to be a fucking ladder. It just chode it out. Just yeah. Maybe a big chode. Just chode it. It's it's just going to be a jet pack that you strapped to your back. Just going to have two more clawed arms and it's just going to be a Machamp.
It's just a Machamp with four guns, the strongest Pokémon. I do like that Sneezler. Instead of, you know, looking for its prey in packs, it decides to do everything alone. Very, very seen, very emo, love that.
don't understand. Yeah, I just don't understand. I'm gonna I'm gonna go venture this world alone with a basket on my back with a hostage. It's the opposite of weave island sneezel in every way.
solitude and high up in the mountain. I did like apparently there was a picture of Sneezler published before Sneezler was actually like identified and it's just a picture of like its shadow climbing up a mountain.

Sneezler's Introduction and Tangents

And I'm going to post it in the chat for everybody to see in case they didn't because it just looks so silly. Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah, yeah, I remember this. For Arceus, I feel like also too, when they did the Zerua announcement, they were really going for sort of a like found footage type thing. So there's lots of like pictures and screenshots of Pokemon in the distance and far away and shadowed up and stuff. But yeah, you just see the kind of the outline of a sneezeler with a basket on its back, that famous basket.
Of course, that is a very specific sneezeler because God is God's friend. He climbs the mountain to be closer to his Lord.
He's a special, he's a special guy. Oh, it's a she, I think. Oh, is it a she? Let me see. The one in the game? Yeah. A special Sneezler is worshipped in Hisui due to her being descended from one of the 10 ancient Pokemon who received the blessing of Arceus. In particular, she's the only ride Pokemon who resides in the Coronet Highlands and assists humans.
Yeah. So it's like sneezers like it's just like, uh, imagine if you guys are just like chilling and it's just like, Hey, yeah, I'll give you a lift. Uh, my, uh, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was, uh, the disciple Paul. Huh. I'm Paul. That's a for your, uh, you Bible heads.
Yeah, I was listening to, uh, uh, calling all creeps the other day. And then you did a, uh, the entire walls of Jericho story. Was that because I was, I had asked, I had asked Dave about Jericho once. I was not raised religious, so I have no understanding of religion in it and anything like that. So.
Dave is very helpful for enlightening me. We were talking about Jericho. We were talking about Jericho because we were watching a show and there was a character named Jericho. And I'm like, that's a cool name. And you're like, do you know the story of Jericho? And I'm like, no. Every now and then there's some Bible stories that are just wild. Like you ever hear the one about the Bears? The Bears. I mean, I pray for victory every season, am I right?
so there was i forget the the name of this guy uh but he was like some guy who god liked and he was going like back and forth between all like the places or whatever and some like nerdy kids uh like stopped him on the road
And they started insulting him. It was Elisha, Elisha. And he was going back and forth and doing stuff for God. And a bunch of kids were making fun of him for being bald as he walked up and down the roads. So he prayed to God and God sent two bears that murdered all the kids.
And then he was just like, now who's laughing? And that's the whole story. It's funny because sometimes my mom says to me, it's like, it seems a little bit weird to just pray for things that you want, right? And I agree with her. It's like, doesn't God have better things to do than listen to you worry about, you know,
trivialities where you could be praying for world peace or something bigger or grander. But let's not forget that you can just pray for bears to come and kill shitty kids.
So this, okay, it says then he went up there to Bethel, and as he was going up, by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, Go up, you bald head, go up, you bald head. When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number, twenty-five, this is the next verse, and he went from there to Mount Carmel.
And from there, he returned to Savaria. I just love this guy, where they're like, you're fucking bald. And he's just like, get fucked, God, get him. And for a while, I was like, wow, these bears killed like a few kids. And it was like 42 kids.
42 kids? I don't know. There's no way all 42 kids were like, this guy's bald. Some people were probably like, my dad's bald, that's fine. Honestly, if you're in a group of kids, it only takes a couple of bad kids to make you all look bad and give you all a bad name and make it so that you can't hang out outside of Skater's world anymore.
Yeah, and the Bears will come for you. You know what, this would have been a much better story to tell in the next episode. Yeah, for 10 years though, we'll reprise it. Yeah. We'll reprise that time that God sent Bears to kill teens. That's always funny. Teens are so bad in New Jersey that they're not allowed in malls anymore unless if they're under 18 years old without a parent or guardian.
Yeah, it's because they're afraid someone's gonna pray at them, and then we'll have a bear issue. So, speaking of...
bear would you like to bear witness to the the card game are we there yet i think we're i got sorry just just want to quick throw these in so the japanese name is uh on yula um o stands for big and also could be from on yudo which is a giant monk yokai
kind of alluding to maybe also the fact that it's a little bit like revered in Arceus. The French name is Farforex and the Rex at the end stands for king. German name is Sneibos.
Uh, so, you know, write that one down. He's the snowballs. Um, and then we have, uh, popu nikkyu, uh, which is, uh, in Korean, uh, popuni with sneasel and kyun means, uh, big.
And then I just want to give a shout out to the designer of Hisui and Sneezel. And Sneezeler is Hitoshi Ariga. And done some pretty cool Pokemon. Done a lot of regional variants. Did Necrozma. Did the absolutely horrendous fossil Pokemon in Sword and Shield. Fluttermane. Oh, that's such a good one.
a favorite of mine, Espatra, the like, kind of like Roadrunner peacock desert Pokemon from Scarlet Violet. And then most notably, probably recently is the Ogre Pawn. He designed Ogre Pawn from the DLC from Scarlet and Violet. Isn't Hitoshi Ariga also a started off as a Pokemon card artist, right?
Uh, yes. Uh, illustrations in 2011. Um, and then started doing designs starting in, um, what was it, uh,
The one with the Hone Edge and the swords. Which one was that? Was that Sun and Moon or X and Y? That was... X and Y. No, I thought it was X and Y. I think it's X and Y, yeah. I was gonna say Black and White at first, but then I was like, no. I'm not sure. I know they were definitely in X and Y. I'm not sure if that's where they debuted. That's where they debuted. Final answer. 99% sure. Gen 6.
x and y y x and y so yeah started off as a card illustrator turned into full-time uh pokemon uh design designer so ain't that the dream very cool one day you too can design necrosma that's right no you can't it's already been designed
Well, your own personal Necrozema. That's it for next episode. Everybody has to design their own Necrozema and send it to us and we'll post it on Instagram. All right. All right. But for now, Sarah, lay down that card game.

Trading Card Game and Humorous Games

All right, let's play some cards. All right, y'all, so we're going to guess how many cards that Sneasel, Weavile, and Sneezler appear in the trading card game. So we'll start with Sneasel. This will include Hisuian and... Joe, what is it, Peter? Jotaunian. There you go. So we'll start with both of those combined. How many Sneasel cards do we have? 17.
22. 20. All right, so Steven's the closest. There's 24. Dang. Yeah. Yeah. Good for Sneasel. Yeah, right. That's a good number. I feel like you want to know what though, when I was looking this up, I remember Dave and I pulling so many different Sneasel cards. I feel like Sneasel's always in the trading card game. Yeah.
All right, moving right along to Weavile. How many Weavile cards do we think? 12. 14. 15. Peter's the closest, but you guys were a little stingy. It's 19. Wow. Yeah. Wow. All right. Last but not least, our buddy Sneezler. It's two.
Zero. Three. Peter got it right on the money. Oh. Show me the money. Uh. Now we're going to play that game. Who are you going to fuck? Which is a game where I will list for Pokemon. You will tell me which one would not produce an egg with our Pokemon, which is sneezel. Worth worm. And today I'm doing a special version called food porn. What?
You ever hear of food porn when people post images of delicious-looking food? That's what it's called. Food porn. So here are your four choices. Eggs-a-cute. Let's see, okay. Roll pics. Roll pics is not a food. Sandshrew. Sandshrew. And Mamoswine.
Oh, you're saying these are the things that it eats. Yes. So these are all the Pokémon that Sneasel would eat. Execute, Sandshrew, Volpix, or Mamoswine. Execute. I will also say Execute. Yeah, this one's too easy. Get fucked, guys. Execute. I just thought it was funny. I just thought it was funny.
I need to make this game harder. I feel like we're gonna have to retire this game after this gen. Yeah, I need to come up with a game. Every single time we record, I'm like, I'll come up with something eventually. And guess what? I'm not a creative. I never do. We'll get there. We'll get there. Oh, final thing we have to do real quick. Let me do Sneasel.
I thought we were googling it to see how fast we could find porn.
Well, we we DeviantArt warmed my heart today by having that adorable photo of that the voice of Celebi hugging Bomberman. So Sneasel is okay. He's a little stuck up, but Weavile is perfect. Weavile may be one of the best I've seen. Best in the business. Such a good sit. Sitting is 10 out of 10.
Cutie, also 10 out of 10. Yeah, Weavile right up there. And of course, we don't have anything with the Arceus yet. That's not true. Well, there's a plush. There is a sneeze. It's OK. It looks it looks like it looks like it's doing like the hand motion for like gabagool. I don't know how. Yeah. Like, oh, it looks like it's cupping someone's balls. Yeah, it's doing like a like, you know, the Italian hands. Yeah. Very fun.
If a sneeze wants to cup your balls, don't let it. Don't let it. Especially this one. It's the answer covered in poison. Give you my own. I hope that's not some sort of curse word. I've just heard old boomers say that word.
Oh my gosh, really? You don't know what that means? No, I don't. Stop. Yes, you do. No, I don't. It's Italian slang for balls, which means you actually said it. I said it wrong. I thought it meant like, like, fuck. No, I'm pretty sure it means balls. Oh, hold on. Let me look this up. It means stupid. It means stupid or silly. Oh, OK. It says.
I thought I meant balls. I don't know. I just looked it up. It says marone is a term used in Italian to describe someone or something that is stupid or silly. It can also be used as slang to describe someone who's drunk. I don't know. Oh, there's the stoogatz. Yeah, I think do God's means Yeah.
Yeah. Well, thank you for listening. This was a doozy of an episode. We knew it would be because Maroni plural means testicles. Hey, I knew it was coming from somewhere. I knew it was coming from somewhere.
Maromi is the name of a cute mascot for the anime, Paranoia Agent. Why don't you guys watch Paranoia Agent in the time between our episodes? I recommend it.

Conclusion and Next Episode Hint

Thank you for listening. As always, I've been Peter Joyd with Steven, Dave, and Sarah.
Thank you for your support. Thank you for your ears. I hope you had a good time. We'll be back next week with Teddy Ursa. You can find us on the social media. Bam! You can find us on the social media. We're on the Instagram, powered by Meta, owned by Mr. Zuckerberg. Thank you.
Thank you to Carl Jerm for just being him and for letting us use his music for our theme song. Thank you for Dave editing. And thank you for Steven for being my brother. And thank you to Sarah for being my friend. And if you eat too many eggs, then you might not enjoy the smell of your own party.