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Embark on an adventure deep into the endless ocean and then soaring on the clouds. This Pokemon can do both and that's about it. Who would have thought Remoraid would be the interesting one? Not us! A late baby Pokemon addition tried to save our marriage with Mantine but did it stick the landing? Find out on Daycare Dittos!


Season's Musical Beginnings and Pokémon Themes

I want to ride man-tike sicko. I want to ride man-tike Welcome to daycare dittos Did not expect that one I I think I started the season with music and now I want to end this season, uh, try to wrap up with all musical numbers, but I don't think I can do it for all of them. Like, what are you going to do for Raikou? Oh, I got him. I am not going to Raikou. Yeah, that's, that's it. I'm not going to sweet tune. Uh, Entei.
We'll figure it out. Yeah. All right, we're good. Got them all covered. Yeah, we're writing them as we go.

Main Topics and Introductions

ah Welcome to Daycare Diddos. This is a podcast about talking about ah ah two things and two things only. Pokemon i by their little family groups and then sometimes growth stories or farts.
As always I am your gen 2 host Peter. like If we can make it to gen 3 I'm gonna pass off. And ah with us as always in random order, and I know it's probably not always random. Steven! Mahalo dudes! Sarah! What's up? Dave! Having the man time of my life. I feel like my random order always has Sarah second.
Really? but I never noticed. I was second for a while. So okay. Yeah, I think it's quite random. All right. ah So, Steven, I am a random number generator now.
I just say no. You're the RNG master. You're actually the one flipping those switches. When they blame RNG, they're blaming you. Yeah. If a ah if ah photon from a sunbeam hits me just right, I might glitch. Yeah. Why don't you even know give me Dark Knight Halberds? Yeah. Yeah. What's the deal with that? Why don't you give me Mantags? Yeah. Why don't you? What's the most random thing?
I play Path of Exile, so I've never gotten a good drop in my life. so ah Why'd you fuck up my step count? white Why no shiny, please?

Mantyke's Origins and Baby Pokémon Debate

um So as Steven and I both alluded to, today we are talking about two Pokemon ah in reverse order of how they ah came to be ah because one's a baby and one's an adult and we just decided to do the baby first. Today we are talking about Pokemon number 458, Mantyke.
The kite Pokemon and then also the kite Pokemon Pokemon number two hundred and twenty six man time We As I mentioned, we'll start with the baby I introduced in generation four two generations separate these these guys it's I the thing to do is that like I don't think I thought about man time and even a little until mantic showed up and i was i thought mantine was new like i feel like i just completely slept on this pokemon yeah i mean the whole time i was doing research i just kept thinking to myself like
why Mantine? Like, I know, and like, Gen 4 introduced a lot of baby Pokemon, and and I know that baby Pokemon in general don't necessarily, like, have to serve a purpose, but I'm still just scratching my head of, like, okay, so you had a Manta Ray Pokemon, and then you made it a baby? Why? I don't know.
mantaaries needed a win ever since steve erwin
That's it, we have to see. When was Mantine made? So let's see. Oh, that's a good point. So Gen 4 Pokemon.
Generation 4 is what? that Diamond Pearl? Yeah. That's Diamond Pearl. That was when I was a junior in high school.
Yeah. So that was 2000. It released in September 28th of 2006. Let's see. Uh, Steve Irwin death. That was September 4th, 2006. Oh man. So they were hot. but You think they were like, Oh, cut it, cut it. They were like, but back then they couldn't do a day one update. They were like, fuck, we're putting the baby, the fucking merger baby into this.
Yeah. I don't know. I just like, if you think of the gen four baby Pokemon, like what do we have? We have munchlax, right? Here's the thing. I couldn't think about that generation at all. I was still reeling from that horrible death two weeks prior to the release. But ah I'm just, again, comparing to the other baby Pokemon, we have munchlax, Ellikid, Magbee, right? Awesome. Those were introduced gen four.
No, no, no, no, no. Those were all Gen 2. Okay. Except for Munchlax. Munchlax, Bonsleur. Okay. I guess why not in Badoo? I don't know. there's There's some like baby Pokemon where you're like, okay, I get it. Like beloved Pokemon. We take it. We add a little baby. Everybody loves the baby too. um I think Mantine's cute enough. I'm just gonna be, I'm just gonna say it. I don't know if we needed Mantic.
I mean, Mantyke is definitely cuter, but they did. Oh, they did. Oh, the cuteness. Yeah. No, the the babies that they added in Gen four. Weird. I think like out of all of them, maybe. I give i don't know. Sly to thumbs up. So here we go. I'm going to go down the the and you're going to give me a year now if you do to exist, but do.
yeah na say I'm saying a yay because it makes it a three form evolution and it kind of works because we got roserade then too. Yeah, im the same I'm a baby and an evolution. I just also in this context, I think it makes sense because like ah Roselia was already a fully bloomed rose, but this is the bud. OK, cool. I'm fine with that. And it's cute. Yeah. Chingling. No.
No. That way, yeah, not so much. I'd say get rid of Chimeco too. I think for this... Chimeco is interesting to me also because Chimeco is the last Pokemon in the Pokedex coming right after like Giratina, Palkia, and Dialgo. What are you... Deoxys? What are you doing?
like all the way. Oh wait, I'm gen three, so it would be writes like right after Groud on Kyogre, Rayquaza, and then all of a sudden Chimeco. What are you doing back? Looking after thought, kind of. Yeah. Yeah. Bonsley, no notes. Yeah, I love Bonsley. Perfect. Perfection. Mime Jr., contentious. No.

Mantyke's Battle Potential and Pokedex Inconsistencies

I think it's cute. I like it. I like, yeah. Mime Jr., more than Galarian, Mr. Mime.
Yeah. and My junior is the best of the bunch. And when we went into like the Pokedex entries for Mime Junior, I was like, okay, this is cute because it really is like a little kid just, you know, mimicking and whatever. Happening.
one I think it's cute. I love it. I like happening. But is it necessary? It kind of makes Blissey make sense in my head. And I think it joins the the cute pink ball brigade. Yeah. True. There's a lot of those. Igly buff, happy. It's like all my testicles.
Munchlax, I think, is good because yeah I still don't want there to be um um a Snorlax evolution. No, I think that would ruin it if they did a third evolution. babies what if What if they made a second evolution? Nah. Oh, like an alternate evolution? Yeah. Like Snorlax was the final evolution, but there's one that they just discovered in the middle. It's like when Cookie Monster became Vegetable Monster. Oh, there you go. Reeloo?
I was fine. I like Rialoo because Lucario showed up and was like kind of a ah weird one. So it was it made sense. And then Mantyke, which is whatever. It's fine. It's cute. But it's like. I just think like Mantyke for the same reason, I don't really like Chingling in the sense where I don't really think that this baby Pokemon really is that different than it's fully grown, other than it's just it got bigger. Like, you know,
um I want the baby Pokemon to like actually make sense and and flow in the the line. and you like yeah Add to the story, add to the evolution. Yeah, I know the baby Pokemon's not introduced to be the fighter, you know but then make it interesting. I don't know if Mantic did that. I was looking up images and it all makes sense now. This is why they did the evolution. Hold on.
think the best baby Pokemon. Oh my gosh, TV and art. ah No, no, no, no. See this this sexy man who is bottom half man time, top half ah sexy dude needed a little baby who's top half baby bottom half man type. No, that's not no.
No, I'm fine I have to say there is one interesting thing about man tyke Where it being a baby is is actually quite interesting um Because because I like I said I was like why why man tyke like why of all pokemon like did they do man time into this and I don't know peter. You're usually the base that guy. do Do you know man tykes base stats? I could be in a fight um
Yeah, as long as you're not using any kind of special attack, because Mantyke has 140 special defense, yeah and if you give that thing an Eviolite, that should up it by 50%, right?
Technically, it will. I'm sure it's HP stat is lacking as well as the fact that it's four times weak to sure. But I'm I'm saying right. If if you have a man take one hundred forty special defense, you give it an Eviolite. It now has two hundred and and ten special defense. I have a ah list here of Pokemon by their stats. And just give me one second to pull it up.
So it was what was the base special? It's 140. 140. And then you give it an EVO light. 210. 210. That's more special defense than Regi Ice. It's only beaten by Shuckle and Eternatus.
Whoa. Which have 230 special defense and Eternatus has 250 special defense. So Manti can have quite a lot of special defense again. Damn, you'd be the Steve Irwin. Against lightning moves, you're going to be still really fucked. And then I was like, oh, but like in the new game, you could terrorize it and then it would be different. But no, it's not in this gen, probably because they knew it'd be busted. Yeah.
so let's take a look i'm looking at regi ice versus man type now but yeah i mean man takes one thing that ah it's got for it is like an interesting stat distribution i mean regi ice also is not a i mean as much as i like it right it's not a stellar pokemon okay but i'm just saying man take being too away from eternatus and that's you got to give it credit credit where credit's due for Mantyke. Yeah, but Eternatus can wear held items too and it's gonna help it fuck you even more. so wait We gotta give it something, Peter. Come on. yeah We're giving it an episode. Is that not an enough? I guess so. Can't we put it first when it didn't come first? Yeah.
Yeah. But it exists, so we have to understand why. Somebody in a thread also was like, I don't understand why Mantyke's a thing. like Why don't people use Mantyke more? And the first response was, ah because we have done spars. Fair. I mean, it's got like little eyeliner, like little baby eyeliner. That's fine, I guess. It's got a smiley face on its back.
Well, the other thing too is there's so many interesting and neat things that happen to it that we can discuss from its, uh, it's, it's a Pokedex entries, right? Like how it's an effective swimmer.
I just want to go back to this Eviolite thing really fast because Steven brings up a good point that Eviolite is a very good item. Do you know who is the once and best special defender who's capable of holding Eviolite? Shuckle? No. Two. No. Chansey. Ah. So Chansey has a special defense stat of 105.
Multiply that it's a one and two one fifty seven point five i so Clefairy is also a good holder of that and So was ah what's it called? Porygon 2 is also a beast. Porygon 2 is also, but we're going to use Clefairy because we're just talking about special defense. yeah Now Madtike has a base HP stat of 45. Chansey has a base HP stat of 250. So Chansey wins.
No, chance he was. I also did get it a little bit wrong. I was looking at Mantine's stats. Mantine only has 120 special defense. Oh, you stomped that into the ground, Peter. Peter, you would hit him so hard. But wouldn't know it hit him. I do wear glasses, so I at least do have a little bit of special attack. I get it. What is this Pikachu look like? Oh,
Oh, he's a cute little manta ray with cute little eyes. And that's it. Little pancake. Little sphere. He's actually a baby at 143.3 pounds. so That would kind of scare me, I think. Yeah, three feet, three inches. Especially after Steve Irwin's demise. Yeah, I assume that's wingspan. Three feet, three inches. Yeah, maybe.
ah Also in Japanese, its name is Tamanta, and that comes from Tama, which is ball and manta. So it is like kind of it's a ball with two little wings kind of attached to it. Oh, all i right. And then let's do let's let's shoot the straight facts, huh? We've talked about special defense. We've talked about what's Pikachu look like.
It's ah antennas are used to sense ocean currents. Did we say what this Pikachu is like? Yeah, we just did. I guess. like a man Where you been, man? It's literally just a mentor. Yeah. Because I was looking at it a lot. It's always in the same pose. I wanted to talk about this. It has no other pose other than kind of waving at the side. Yeah. And I've just been staring at like the drawing of it. And if you get rid of its like right arm that's sticking out, like stage left its right arm. It just looks like a weird little dick.
I guess so. really Like his body's a little ball sack and it's like a dick. It's like a weird little dick this guy. I don't know that's a stretch I think. Yeah stretch his weird little dick. But Dave, he always has to be waving because he is a super friendly and easily taped Pokemon who likes to wave at boats. I'd wave too because if my arm was back I'd look like a strange little dick.
um I'm looking at the sitting cutie and from the back it actually kind of looks like a ps5 controller or something Like you could really easily grip it from the sides the two fins like a controller whoa, I accidentally only searched sitting cutie and Overload too much cuteness, but too much sitting. How are you gonna rate this? I I think it's it's ah solid, you know four out of five. It's it's not amazing but but Do we think it is actually going to prop up like that, or is it just gonna be laying face down most of the time? That's what I'm saying. Yeah, I think you have to angle it. Plus they don't have a really nice Polaroid picture of it, so that detracts too in my opinion. Unless, if it's beaded on the bottom, then it would probably sit upright really nice. Oh, but I don't think so. Yeah, I need to see this thing in action. Have you looked at the profile, look at the profile picture.
Oh, yeah yeah. Like the side picture. Nah, this shit is definitely face flopping on the ground. I see somebody selling it on eBay. It's just laying flat. i Listen, I went to the customer reviews. This is the first time I've ever seen a four star review on the a sitting committeeie and the four star review says it's a hard time sitting.
But overall, cute and soft. So, again, I think four out of five. It's a good one. But it doesn't sit right. Mantike. is kinda freakish. Not great. Hold on. Let me share that. Mantine, you mean? Mantine, yeah, that's it. I sent you guys- Oh, the Mantine sitting cutie? I love it, because it looks like it's sucking on a lemon. It does, but its eyes are bulbous and weird. Yeah, it's a little too- Oh, I hate it. It looks scary. I love the lemon sucking face. I like this review. I know. He got a five stars and it says, beautiful sea pancake. He is just a little sea pancake and I love him dearly.
There are two four-star reviews here. So the first one is, not only is he super cute, but he makes an excellent study buddy for my college courses. Perfect for marine, bio major like myself. But you gave it a four. Yeah, and the next one also is a four, but also has no actual criticism. It was very cute. My friend loved it. Only thing is that it seems small when you get it, but it is. It just seems small. What? This didn't make any sense.
take Take with that what you will listen to. But if you're also on the Pokémon Center website, they sell a Mantyke pool floaty. So you can ride your very own Mantyke if you want to. That's kind of cool. Splish splashing with Mantyke. Have a good time.
about not to be able to record the rest because I'm on the Pokemon Center website. Yeah, there's also this really adorable ah holiday plush of a Piplup with a gift bag riding a manticke like a sled. So that is also incredibly adorable and available if you want it. I just want to point out that all the reviews are done by 20 to 30 year old people.
Of course, who else has the money to buy this stuff? Five-year-olds are not going to leave reviews yet. Yeah, that's true. Give them a couple of years. Oh, we have one 31 to 40 year old. I was just reading it. Super cute. It was the perfect size for a two-year-old and

Humor in Pokémon Reviews and Game Ideas

cleans up well. Well, there you go.
yeah Yeah, my two year old puked all over it, but don't worry, it's okay. It's a water Pokemon, so. Oh, this one rips. You can write your favorite Pokemon character in your review. So this one is ah five stars. It says soft baby. This sitting cutie is so soft and such a baby. Oh, so cute. Felipe G, favorite Pokemon character. Honestly, all of them except Basculin, age 20 to 30.
Pokemon Center website's the best. This is a lot of fun. We should just do one where we just read shit. yeah we It would need to be a visual podcast, though. We would need to like stream. We should do an episode when we're we're tired and we don't want to, ah you know, you know As one of my good friends growing up, Mike used to say, we we just don't give a fuck that day. So then we would um just spend an hour on the Pokemon Center website, spend a couple of G's and then look for the best reviews on here and then just come to each other with like two or three good reviews and then just like laugh at them.
Or I would, ah we can do a game where somebody collects a bunch of the reviews and then you read them and you have to guess which Pokemon it is. Maybe we do that at the end of this generation. I will collect a bunch of reviews.
ah Like for example, this is one. and it is lava frog good. It is a ball with limbs and a face. How could you not want anything more? Jesus P, age 20 to 30. Lava frog good. A ball with legs? This one's hard. I would have to give you the gen. I think it's gen four actually, it's a legendary. Oh, ah that's, what is that guy called? Volcarona. No.
What's his name? Magmort. No, not Magmortar. He's he's that steel ah fire type. He's hot. Yeah, that's still. He gives off the heat. The heat miser clothes.
Oh, what's the Pokemon? I guess tell you. Yeah, what is it? I'm going to get his name. I can't I can't remember what is it? Heatran.
That's it. Heatran. Heatran, Heatran. I guess he is kind of a ball with legs. Yeah, I didn't even know he was a frog, but that'll be an episode in eight years. Yeah. Guys, you know what's crazy? In the Sinnoh iceberg race, Go catches a man, Taik. Yeah. Yeah, man. He uses it to ice beam a Kingdra. Yeah. Well, he doesn't actually even ice beam the Kingdra. He ice beams around the Kingdra, and then Inteleon does the work, so.
Also, it competes in the Pokemon iceberg race, which like good for you, a baby in a race. That's crazy. Good job. Good job. I guess it is good for ferrying people. um Listen, the Pokedex is a big old liar on Mantyke, too. I'm going to be honest. they They lie up and down this Pokedex. They say that Mantyke is ah friendly, easy to capture. And that's that's what that's actually a one no it's actually a lie. So ah the catch rate of Mantyke is 25. Whoa.
Which is on par with Snorlax, Steelix, Sizor. That's crazy. Yeah, like ah Orthworm. All like very, very hard Pokemon to catch, actually.
um But then in Arceus, they changed it, and then they made it easy to catch. So I guess they're they're not lying. um They also, in seven different games, say that the patterns on Mantyke change, but they don't. Ever. Like, there's no variation. Even in the Shiny, there's no variation on the patterning. So it's it's just a lie, and they repeatedly say this comment in the Pokedex,
But it's just a lie. Why are they lying to us? Pokemon, defend yourself. They're liars. We know that they have the the capability.
um They changed. Someone just signed off of AIM. Yeah. i
Right, the Arboks have different sprites depending on what region they come from, right? I think so. Or is that just something I made up in my head? No, I think they gave up after a certain while too, right? If I remember the Arbok episode correctly. ah We can't remember everything that we've ever done exclusive research on. Hey, oh, you think I am, hey, oh. So I don't know if they're regional, but it does look like the design has changed a bit over.
the years.
I know there was the Vivillion that had all those different forms based on what region you caught it in. Yeah. I mean, the other thing that I can't say is there was a beta. And the only difference is that it was the colors of Mantine. That's it. Great.
That's about it. Yeah, there's really not that much shit to say. It's a it's just like a little and a Steve Irwin killer. Yeah, I guess in Arceus, they actually do fly in and out of the water. So if you just kind of sit back, they'll be in the water and then hop out and fly above the water, like flapping their little wings and then go back down under. Got you. That's really need that much attention, man. Time. Really?
other fish is just having a good little time. It's just having a happy go lucky, you know, jump out of the water.

Mantyke's Evolution and Type Vulnerabilities

Mantek seems like a pretty chill Pokemon. Any Pokemon that the Pokedex entry assures me is friendly. I immediately think to myself, oh, that would be a good Pokemon to have. I just want friendly Pokemon.
um So, yeah, I could see myself with a Mantike. Even though the patterns are all the same, mine would be unique and different. We'll be yours, and that's unique and different for me. I'm just saying, they had all the way up to Shining Pearl to change that fact, and they just kept going with it, and it's just not true. Don't lie to us. A Mantike as a Pokémon is already lying to us on so many fronts. I don't need more of this. Fake news!
I mean, just wait till the next thing that comes because that's a whole nother lie. They're always figuring out something fun to do, like the two and three segment, the Dunsparces, the Mousehold family groups. I like that Pokemon's always thinking of some fun thing to do. Yeah.
um they are uh also the only pokemon that evolves uh through the aid of another pokemon at first i thought it wasn't true but then i really had to think on it and i'm like i i guess so there are some really weird ways to evolve the only one i was thinking about was uh nincada uh who um I was trying to remember what the specifics were. It takes a Pokeball from your inventory. As long as you have an open spot in your inventory, a Nincada will evolve into two Pokemon, a Ninjask and a Shininja. So it's one Pokemon that becomes two. That's right.
Yeah, that's the only thing that really comes close, but this is the first time where the presence of another Pokemon is is needed. yeah Again, i we we talked about it a lot with the Shelder slowpoke thing and that lore-wise kind of exists, but does not exist in the games.
um this is actually like required like you cannot you can have a level 99 level 100 mantike um you know as long as you never put a remoraid in your party could you imagine if they made a generation of pokemon where uh mantike uh existed but the remoraid doesn't I was just gonna I was just gonna say so that means there's no game where mantike is that remoraid is not Correct. Yeah, they're they're kind of tied from now on. Right. And again, it's it's a little weird until we get into the origins of it all, because it really did start with its introduction and just carried over to this Pokémon.
um Oh, man, now that I'm thinking about it, maybe that's why Mantyke existed. Just so that they could be like, oh, ah we could cover our bases. Here you go.
Oh, that does make sense. See, we figured it out. I guess so. Well, the other thing that I think is weird, and this is the facts I have from Man's time is even though they discuss Remoraid and Man's time being together so much, there are no sprites with Remoraid.
The the Mantine sprites with Remorade stopped after like Gen 4 with with Mantic and they said that it's probably just because since the Remorade doesn't get like used up in the evolution they didn't want it to be like oh yeah exactly they didn't want to confuse people and make make them think that Remorade like got added to their Pokemon. Got it. I was confused that it was the reverse.
Yeah, so, uh, Remoraid, uh, there was a Remoraid present in the sprites in gen, uh, two and three. And then, uh, and then starting in generation four with, uh, Mantike, there's no Remoraid present.
yes again even though it's referenced in the pokedex and it is required so pokemon did like fix their oopsie i guess but they just left more issues i feel like so was it worth it i don't know it's cool i guess
Last thing I have is just the last two little names. ah The French name is Baby Manta. Right on the news. I'm sure it's not pronounced like that at all, but I have to say it like that. And then the German name is Manturps. And that's because in German, the word knurps means toddler. so Yeah, I'm going to go to the bathroom, make some manturts.
Yeah. And then I did we mentioned water flying? I think we did. But it's all right. Yeah, I said briefly when I was talking about special defense that if you have like the best defense or the best special defense in the world, it's not going to save you if you're typing.
a leaves you open to a lot of weaknesses and Specifically anything that you're four times weak against Is gonna it's gonna really hurt you. Yeah, that's why Waterflying types always have a hard time because of i one of the most common attacking moves in Pokemon history is, or just commonly used by special attackers, is electric coverage. Yeah. I mean, I've watched the False Swipe gaming video on Mantine, and they did mention how like even Magmortar has access to Thunder Punch, so it's pretty much useless.
Yeah, I mean if you're... um Well, that's even worse because Thunder Punch is ah is a electric type move that goes against Mantine's regular defense.
Yeah, no, absolutely. But I'm just pointing out, you know, fire Pokemon, you're like, oh, this water Pokemon should take out any fire Pokemon. It's like not the case. Fire Pokemon can very easily have access to electric type moves and then you're screwed. I also watched the false swipe gaming thing and he said that the only redeeming quality of water flying is ah not a weakness to grass. You game like, a you know, just uh standard damage against grass type moves interesting yeah and then i guess because there's a lot of water ground types as well right but that's not necessarily as egregious for them because uh grass type attacks aren't as common for coverage reasons so also there's a lot of like
like not many grass attacks that are like heavy hitting. Like what's, you know, a flame thrower or something generic that people use a lot of that's grass. Like a grass knot maybe, but when you're- Energy ball. Oh yeah, I forgot. Wood hammer. Yeah. Which is also the a little pink balls, but they' are the wood hammers on top of my little pink balls.
Little pink balls. That was my joke. I like that.
ay Mantic is sluggish in the cold Galarian waters. So likes the heat. Doesn't like the cold. um People will often go on specific ocean tours on ocean liners.
Just to catch a glimpse of Mantyke and Remoraid frolicking. yeah ah And again, Mantyke and Remoraid, they repel attackers together. They're good friends.
um Yeah. Was that Mantyke? Were we on Mantyne yet? No. We can evolve. We can level up in the presence of a Remoraid. Wait, hold on one second. Yeah. Come in.
Come in. Yeah, you could be. Remorates here, we could do it. and They were waiting in the waiting room. Been chilling with the Remorates long enough. When you said you can do it, I was just like, mm. You know, it's like, you need a Remorade to evolve into a Mantine. And it's like, whoa.
Why? You need a Remorate to evolve into a Mantine, and you need a special incense for a Mantine to produce a Mantine. It seems like difficulty's all around. Here's the thing. So you need to set the mood? Is that what you're saying? No. yeah I can explain all this very easy. Did you guys listen to our Remorate episode? i yeah yeah Yeah. You only become a man when you get a gun.
Yeah. Time to strap this gun to this air glider. And if you're just like, if you're one of those hippies with your incense, you're a baby. Hey guys, do you like my kite gun? Whoa, is that a man? Strapped up with my 20 Remorades. Watch out.
Yeah, so that's it. Only men can, adults, humans, no, this is Pokemon. man I'm just talking in circles and I'm doing a bad job. If you have a gun, you have the right to fish arms, I guess. Yeah, I mean, like they're really pulling the idea that, um what's it called? It is, sorry.
basically like you know the animals are working together there's a specific word for it yeah um but because of that they were like oh yeah let's have this Pokemon that is two Pokemon attached together they grew up together now they're you know working together but underneath it all they're like yeah but let's make the manta ray into like a fighter jet and the remorates are the guns so It just bothers me that, you know, the remarade doesn't, it just always stays a remarade. Like, Octillery wants nothing to do with them. Yeah.
ah The Remorates are described as like um taking leftovers and scavenging off of the Mantine. The Mantine just does not care. It doesn't even recognize that there's anything there, apparently. But the Remorate are there to just scavenge. It doesn't even say about like helping defend or anything like that, because Mantyke, they do say that. They say they work together. So I thought it would be more like symbiotic. but Right.
Yeah. Well, they also, one of Pokedex entries kind of mentioned that Mantine will eat anything that swims into its mouth and... So does that mean one of Oremorates swims into its mouth by accident? I don't know. But apparently, Mantine's just kind of like a... It just kind of waits for it and then just chomps.
It's a little life. Yeah. Not much thought behind those lemon sucking eyes. ah It's called mutualism. Yeah. It's a form of symbiosis in which two organisms depend on each other. I see what you did there. Thank you.
So ah my favorite thing about Mantine is the manga. yeah Lively Lugia part two, where gold catches a Mantine and nicknames him Tebow, like Tim Tebow. The famous jet. ah And then it uses it to attempt to defeat Lugia, but it just straps it up with like a million Remerade and uses it as like a flight, like like a glider with like a million guns on it. And we've shared that image between ourselves multiple times.
It's my favorite, I love it so much. It saved on my computer,

Mantine in Manga and Real-Life Inspiration

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Yeah, if you Google man-tying tbo, you'll get what you need. You'll get that. ah I mean, we have to post this, right? We're going to post this. There's so many just bangers. The one of him just screaming while he's like holding a rod and they're all shooting at the same time. Just sick.
Yeah, when he's like now and it's like it just all the all Unleashing there. Yeah, whatever it is Water pumps so many two one two three four five. I think it's 20 Yeah I was just seeing if the number match you can't even have that many pokemon in your party cheater to fly it uh all the manteins no all all of the remorates face backwards and they shoot their jets so that it blasts mantein even faster very fun very silly and fun and good yeah i um they do build up a
bit of speed in the water and then launch themselves above the waves and they can glide in the air for 300 feet. And then they are often during that that gliding motion, misidentified as birds.
so Yeah. I mean, this is something I believe manta rays actually do. Like you can watch videos of them online, like doing backflips in the water and stuff. Do they really glide though? Or is it just kind of like a little jump then? It's the ones I've seen. It looks more like a like a whale kind of or like ah kind of just coming out of the water and doing a little backflip. Right. um But I imagine that if you're out in the sea and you don't have access to fresh water and you're looking out at the ocean and you see these things flying, and you're like, what is that bird doing? Slap it across the water. I mean, they're pretty big, like their wingspan, I guess. Well, I don't know if it's doing height by wingspan. I would guess it is 611, 485 pounds. So that's a pretty big that's heavy bird if you think it's a bird, you know what I mean?
You might want to mute that YouTube video I just linked before you start it, but they're flopping all over the place. They're so cute, too. Yeah, that was very loud. Sorry. No, it's OK. I didn't realize I had it up so high. I listened and I was like, no one tells me, but this is crazy. They flap. They flap their wings so well. It almost makes me wish they could fly a little longer.
Yeah, they're so cute. So like, it kind of makes sense that they would turn them into these, you know, um kind of like, what is that called when you have like, that it's the ah paraglider or whatever in Mario Kart, right? they're They're like little paragliders, they hop out of the ocean and then they glide for a little bit. um In the Pokemon game, Sun and Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, you can fly in or surf on them.
Now, is there an evolutionary reason as to why they do this or is it just for fun? Are they trying to catch something in the air or? ah The lady in the video just said that they're still unsure. They think they just do it for fun. Okay. But yeah, there there is no, that's weird. That's really weird.
But yeah, I never played Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, but apparently there's a minigame where you can surf on a Mantine. And it looks super fun. You get to like launch yourself off of a ocean wave and do all sorts of tricks. And I think you can get a surfing Pikachu at the end of it all. Oh, that's sick. Is it like Tony Hawk?
Yeah. It's like Tony Hawk, like going off the half pipe and doing tricks on your way down. Oh, this is cool. Yeah. I never played. revis so I should revisit ultra moon because I got it right after sun.
cause they came out like back to back. And then it was basically just the same game, except for a little harder. And I got kind of sick cause I just, you know, I'd just gone through the game and I didn't really want to go through it again. Cause of all the unskippable cut scenes, but it's been long enough that I bet it would be fun. Sarah and I each got, cause this was ah one of the blind spots of us

Challenges in Playing Pokémon Sun and Moon?

playing. So we got it and we stopped early because there are so many just Unskippable cutscenes at the beginning. It's just dialogue after dialogue. It's like an hour of just talking Yeah, it's a long time introducing your phone and introducing clothes and introducing like yeah Yeah, I it was the same issue with Sun and Moon. I think that's why I stopped after a while.
And even to the point where they don't use a traditional gym battle and stuff and to figure out what you're going to do and doing, you have to really like listen. So it's just kind of like, is this the stuff I actually have to read or, you know.
Yeah, kind of skip over this all. and Just ignore it. Yep, yep. So do you guys know that Mantine also had a ah beta? And unlike how Mantykes is very boring and unassuming, this one is actually pretty bonkers and crazy.
If you click on that, you'll see what Mantine originally looked like. It was a winged stingray and it has a tail like, um who it? A tail, kind of like war turtle.
It's very angelic. I love it. Very flowy. It was supposed to be like the bottom of it was white and it kind of looked like toga tick in a way toga kiss maybe. I love it. It's awesome. The top of it is black and it has like a kind of evilish looking demon face. The top is kind of demony, but the belly is kind of angelic. I love this. I'm so mad they changed it. Yeah. So this is what it was supposed to be. Gorgeous. It doesn't really look like a Pokemon to me.
And the thing is, I think it's also because of the art that somebody did, but the sprite on the right is what we would have gotten. And it's kind of flat looking if you see it from that side. Yeah, it definitely like...
you to show off the effect you you lose the Pokemon in it all yes I think so I think mankind sprites were better overall yeah but if they did this design in a Pokemon like nowadays in the 3d realm I think that would be very effective yes please I also like Mantines got some designs on the back of its head. I always thought they kind of were like eyeballs on the back of its head But apparently those are supposed to be They're called like roundels. It's like the little bull's eyes that they paint on the side of war jets. Oh And that makes sense and then man tyke of course they changed it to like a smiley face Because babies don't do war
babies. they shouldn Yeah, they shouldn't be. They shouldn't be. Um, one of the more interesting facts about Mantine, they didn't even reference in the Bulbapedia. I was kind of shocked. I'm like, Ooh, do I get to edit Bulbapedia now? um But Mantine is a parallel to Skarmory stat wise, they're kind of flipped.
oh So Mantine and Skarmory both have 65 HP, um but their attack and special attack are flipped. So Mantine is the special attacker, whereas Skarmory is the regular attacker, and then their defense and special defense are ah flipped. So Mantine is the special defender and Skarmory is the regular defender.
um Skarmory is the better Pokemon. So, it's unfortunate, but like Peter said, Skarmory does not really have any four times weaknesses, or Mantine does, and that's one of the big things. Steel typing was even better back in the generation it was introduced.
as i It was a dominant physical wall for a very long time. There was even ah an entire strategy in Generation 2 called Skarm Bliss, which is if they throw out something that wants to special attack you, throw out Blissey. If they set out something that wants to physically attack you, send out Skarmory and just stay there.
Yeah. So um it's like a cool little thing to have these Pokemon that are similar, but switched. And it makes sense, I guess, to have, you know, the steel flying and the water flying and have that parallel there, too, as well.

Mantine vs. Skarmory: Battle Analysis

But um ultimately one ends up needing a lot of help to become even viable, whereas Skarmory was just.
Good. Yeah. I mean, we'll talk more about Skarmory soon, but... I have to remember if Skarmory has any other evolutions or anything. No Skarmory? Nothing. Yeah, nothing. Just just itself. In my head, I was just like, am I forgetting something? It's weird that and I feel like Skarmory would have fit really well as a paradox. Like they could have done some cool stuff with it. I'm also like, if they're parallels, why didn't we get a baby Skarmory? That would have been cute. I think we're doing Skarmory next, aren't we? We sure are. Yeah.
A little ugly chick Pokemon. That's like made out of steel. It's it's a weird looking thing, but again, i will I guess we'll save that more for our guest for that next episode. That's right. A guest. We have a guest. I am a guest just thinking of our guest.
But yeah, that was not even mentioned at all on the Bulbapedia not once. So I was like, oh, that's interesting. That's something I feel like is kind of important to what Mantine is. I'd agree. That's that's I mean, there were a lot of parallel Pokemon back in the day, and it made sense when there was so little, especially. I mean, were they different games as well?
Were they available in every game? and Were they were exclusive? I don't think they were version exclusives. I don't think so either. But I mean, it made sense for version exclusives, especially. It says here that Skarmory is on Route 45 in silver, but trade or event in gold. So let's check with Mantine if that's the flipped.
um For Mantine, it's gold Route 41 and Silverish Trader event. So yeah, they're exclusive. Okay, that makes sense. exclusive Crazy. Yeah, apparently to Mantine could only be caught right before the Elite Four kind of like it was on the road to it on Route 41. So Mantine was not a Pokemon you're getting until kind of late in the game.
Yeah, although the Elite Four for Gen 2 is like halfway through the game. Yeah, no, technically, but.
It's one of those. Yeah, it's one of those ones where at that point you might not be looking for Pokemon, so you might just have completely skipped over it, you know. Yeah. It was at that point in my game where I realized my my team wasn't good, and then I had to throw out the pseudo-woodo that I'd been training the entire game. And the giraffe rig? What did I have that wasn't working out? A knock towel, a pseudo-woodo,
I had a, a, uh, like an Onix. I was trying for a Steelix, but Sunflora. Yeah, could be.
um Yeah, they tricked us all with Sudowoodo. Yeah. having it like Because it was a special event, in-game event kind of Pokemon where it's like, ooh, it's like Snorlax. This is like Snorlax. That's what I thought. And Snorlax was so good. Snorlax was dominant. Yeah. Sudowoodo was great.
Yeah. Other facts about man time. It inspired the Alolan people to take up surfing and is thus popular on a lot of Alolan postcards. It is course to the touch.
Yeah, I thought that was interesting. Is that a normal thing? I feel like I've touched a.

Manta Ray Texture and Cultural Name Origins

Yeah, I've touched like manta ray boots when I went to Tennessee and I went to like a cowboy boot store. They had all sorts of different animal boots and it is kind of like sandpaper when you touch it. So.
Two things I missed you're the only ten I see yeah Also, I didn't know that ah They wore boots They were made for walking yeah yeah, I mean I've I've it's been to aquariums too and on the touch tank and of course I in the water the manta rays are very smooth and that's that's where i was coming from beautiful and adorable they were very like so not slimy really but smooth so that's when i heard that i'm like i guess out of the water it's a little different yeah and like when it's made into like a leather um but i don't know how i feel about that that made me a little sad to be honest well that was actually the one that killed stever those are revenge boots
Yeah, he wouldn't have wanted us to get our revenge. He would have wanted us to forgive. Yeah, and that look where that weakness got him. Come on. Bindi needs a new pair of boots. I wanted to say too soon, but it's it's been quite a wit bit, actually. i We're going on 10 years in two years. Pretty crazy. Yeah. Rest in peace. We all miss you a lot.
The Japanese name is Mantane. It comes from Manta. And just like with the English name, it's kind of a combination of brine or tine. Tine is like a sharp pointed thing, like a single part of a fork would be a tine. So you know the Manta Ray has like a pointy tail. So maybe that's what it's referring to.
um And then the French name is Demanta. ah Demont means awesome. Demont is a demon. And a Manta, obviously, is the origin of that one. And then in German name, it's Mantax. a And that comes from Manta and taxi. So I was gonna say men and taxes are two things I don't like.
Yeah. I choose the bear over taxes and men every time. I would choose the bear over taxes, too. And not the same way that RFK did, just to be fair.
ah What else we got on this water-loving friend? Majestic and docile. Yeah, I only have one last thing, which is that the shiny is kind of like a lighter ocean blue, as opposed to like a darker navy blue. I like it better, I think. Yeah, it looks much more natural to me. And it goes in line with Mantyke's coloring a little bit better, I think. um But the cool thing about the shiny is we mentioned that the Remoraid is gone after um Gen 3.
um And the shiny in Gen 2 and Gen 3 doesn't really show this that much, but if you transfer your mantine, your shiny mantine to um Pokemon Home, you can see your Remoraid and the Remoraid is purple. Oh, that's awesome. It's a little shiny too. ah Something weird, if you go onto Bulbapedia, the color of mantine is listed as purple.
Hm. Liars. Yeah, not true. It's like a teal. i A lot of said. A lot of lion. Definitely it's blue, though. Well, you know what doesn't lie? The card game. Sarah and the card game. Are we there? Let's do it. Yeah, shoot.
All right, let's play a game where everyone is going to guess how many cards our friends Mantic and Mantine appear in the trading card game. We'll start with Mantic, but remember, this is gen four Pokemon, so just a little hint there for you. I'm gonna say nine. At least one. Eight. Is one is one your answer? No, that was just me being silly.
I'm going to say, uh, Steven said... He said nine. We have nine and eight. Okay. I think we got ten.
All right, well you're all way off. There's only four. Ooh. Wow. A little baby. Oh yeah. That's a little baby. A little baby. Babies don't get baby cards. Yeah. I was a little bit surprised by this number. I thought there were a few more of these, but I think I'm confusing them with Mantine because they just look so similar. No. So when I googled, uh, why Mantyke, uh, cause I was curious, like I mentioned before, one of the first things that came up was, uh, why is the Mantyke card so expensive from the TCG subreddit?
Um, and I was curious, I didn't want to click on it just because I didn't want anything spoiled. And they said, um, up until recently, there was only one man type card and that's why it was so expensive. Hmm. That's interesting. They said until paradox rift, this was the only man type card and it was in the diamond and pearl base set. So yeah, man type, uh, has some, has some stake in the TCG it seems.
weird Anyway, sorry, didn't mean to. No, you're good. That's a very interesting fact. Absolutely. Well, there's four of those little guys currently. And then um moving on to Mantine, how many of these fellows do we have?
Eight. Thirteen. Twelve. Right, Peter got it right on the money. There's 13. Yay! Lucky number 13. It feels really good to play this game and get it right on. Yeah. yeah Well, Peter's the random number guy, so. Yeah, that's true. that's right you Peter just go with his numbers.
Peter, you know what else feels really good? This is a game called Who are You Gonna Fuck, where I will list four Pokemon, you will tell me which one, if left with Mantine, not Manticke, you absolute monster, ah with Mantine in a daycare will produce an egg, and who knows, maybe you're a little Manticke. So here are the four Pokemon, Dragonite, Wingull, Ducklet, and Altaria.
That's Dragonite, Wingal, Ducklet, and Altaria. Altaria's the dragon bird. Dragon, yeah. It's the dragon in the cloud dragon. Dragonite, Wingal, Ducklet. Got you. Yeah, I'm going to say Altaria. I'll say I'm going to say Altaria as well.
Altaria is correct. So Dragonite before was a water one flying. Wingal is a water one flying. Ducklet is a water one flying. But Altaria is a flying and dragon. And I tried to trick you guys because Mantine, not a flying, not in the flying type, just water one.
Oh, okay. Yeah, can't fuck birds. Well, some birds. Good. Some birds like Wingull could fuck Wingull. That's a bird. But like a like a water bird. Yeah, like a Pidgey. That's not fucking a Pidgey. Crazy. Yeah, unless the Pidgey can get on them in the 300 foot glide that it can do. I mean, they can. I mean, live your life, chase your bliss. They're just not going to make an egg. That's not enough time to finish.
All right. Well, thank you for listening to us listeners. Thank you to Carl for the theme song. Find us on social media. I'm going to start by engaging my thrusters, calibrating, calibrating, calibrating, partying.