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Hey Tone, meet us at da Poke mons center afta the Badda Bing, Giovanni wants us to find that yellow rat.

Witches and Mobsters? It must be the Halloween season. Another special Sarah joins the Daycare Dittos to discuss this really cool and all powerful bird and its murder.


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Introducing Guest Sarah with Sopranos Theme

Hi guys, welcome to Daycare Diddos. We were supposed to, well, I was supposed to try to get a special guest today. And I was thinking, you know, Panchko, he's like a big mafioso guy, a big boss guy. And I was like, perfect. I know a guy from New Jersey. His name is James Gandolfini.
We'll get along the podcast. Never watch The Sopranos. Don't know a lot about the guy. It turns out we can't get him. We can't book him. But his son. We'll play him. Yeah. So I thought immediately, like, who's the other toughest machoist, mafiosoist person in the entire state of New Jersey? So with us is a special guest, Sarah.
Hi. Say, like, a tough jersey thing. I went to go say, I thought about, like, how do I say that? And I almost said, like, a fucking firing. Yeah. You motherfucker. Have some coffee with that chocolate. Why don't you? You want some gobble, ghoul? I got you a gimme ghoul.
Probably like the least toughest person, so. I also have never watched The Sopranos, so I have no. Oh my goodness. It's a good show. Do you want to disgrace to us New Jerseyans over here? It's too violent for me.
It is. It's also a bit depressing at times. Oh, it's very depressing. If I want to be depressed, I'll watch Steven Universe. It's a secret comedy. There's lots of very funny moments in it. And also, it's a really great flashback to 2001 to 2004 New Jersey. Yeah, definitely. Stupid show couldn't even end, right?
I know. Oh, my God. So there's one thing, too, like you'll point shit out. It's like that means it's going to strangle me. It's like that meme of Leonardo DiCaprio, where he's like pointing.

Sopranos Filming Locations in New Jersey

You know that one where he's pointing at the screen and he's like, oh, like there's a scene when he gets pulled over by the cops heading to fountains of Wayne. Yeah. On Route 46 to record his hit single Stacy's mom. Yeah, actually what they're named after. So he gets pulled over the cops. You see the lights go on when he's outside of Jose Tejas.
Yeah. But when he gets pulled over and he pulls into a parking lot to film, he's in front of where Toys R Us, Kids R Us and Office Depot was.
But the problem is he was heading, I guess that's 46 West. So we're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. That doesn't make, that doesn't add up. That doesn't happen. He was going the wrong way. It didn't happen. So like little things like that. Also, I know I don't wanna dock to you, but the parking lot in front of the KB Toys you worked at is in it too.
There's a place I drive past all the time in Paramus where I'm like, yeah, the first episode of The Sopranos, Tony just beats up a guy right in front of that fountain. And everybody watches, and I'm just driving past it all the time.
It's a good show. I dated a girl and she kept on saying that her neighbor's house was used to film an episode. Oh my gosh. I feel like most places that you go to in Jersey have like a little practice. The Sopranos were taped here. Well, yeah, I grew up, the middle school I went to was a block away from where the last episode was filmed.
No joke, my favorite restaurant that I go to, I was like, it's an episode where Tony and Carmilla go and they're like, oh, it's our special place. It's our favorite. And I was like, that place looks good. I looked it up. It was like down the street from me. I was like, well, I'm going and it was great.
Nori sushi, right? Nori. Yeah. I love it, too. It's so Jersey because she always calls it Nori's. Nori. She's like, you went to Nori's without me? Like, I love that too, because I work at Zap Comics and still all the moms there call it zaps. I don't know why it's a very Jersey mom thing to add an S to places to pluralize. Yeah. So in other words, fuck Pokemon. Everyone just get on your watch the Sopranos. Go on your Max app.
Well, and it's a prerequisite for this episode, is it? It is. It really is. You do. Well, I blew it. So sorry, guys. You blew it. Well, I mean, have you seen any of the Godfathers? Nope. Nope. I haven't. Me neither. I haven't either. OK. Do those take place in Jersey?
Uh, no. I think I'm good. I think I'm good. My old commute to work used to be half of the the Sopranos theme song. Yeah. So that's why I would describe it to people. Like literally, I was driving home and I couldn't get home because a bush was on fire. And there was like this whole tree line that was on fire. And to show people at work what was on fire, I literally just went through the Sopranos theme song, paused it and was like, that whole thing was on fire. And they were like, that part by the graveyard?
Yeah, right down the street from Pizza Town. I know exactly what you're talking about too. That's the sad part.

Sarah's Pokémon Journey & Starters Discussion

It's a very Jewish graveyard. And every now and then they put stickers on some of the graves and I never got it. I always send traffic traffic next to it. And the part that's on the other side of the highway, there's a lot of like Jewish graves. They're like tons of stars of David and stuff like that. It's like a whole section. And for some reason, every now and then they just put big like circle stickers on the grave. It probably has to do with like upkeep or something.
Yeah, I always thought it was weird that it was just like you were a good dead guy. You get a sticker. Gold star. Why not? Yeah, you didn't come back. Gold star. Way to go. No Jewish zombies. You didn't come back as a what the fuck are they? What's like when they put a spirit, a golem? Oh, come on. You don't come back as a gravel or a golem. Yeah. Um.
So Sarah, we're going to ask you a series of questions that we ask most of our guests. Okay. Um, and, uh, my first question for you is, uh, who is your favorite wrestler? Oh, man, it really depends. Um, I mean, I'm a big Keith Lee fan. I love Keith Lee. Um, my favorite wrestler though. I'm trying to think of like, is there one of all time, like someone who really takes it all?
I don't know, I think it changes. Currently it's like Keith Lee, Adam Cole. You know, I love hate MJF cause you know, that's the gimmick. That's probably it. That's all I got for now. After this, I'll think of like 10 others. I'll be like, yeah, they're my fear, they're my fear, they're my fear.
Yeah, well, we can record this again. Dave has nothing but time on his hands. My favorite is El Toro from the Jackie Chan Adventures. No, I mean, our first question is usually just a simple one, but it usually takes the longest.
Now, we all are here because we love Pokemon. And... Speak for yourself. Dave's here because he's on the fence and we're just trying to get him to take the plunge. And I think we're nearly there. But I think what would really help Dave in this trying time, and this time where his faith is being shaken, is to... Would you be able to tell us your personal history with Pokemon?
Yeah. Man, I remember seeing Pokemon as a kid and being like, wow, that's really cool. I really want to play that. And my mom being like, no, that's for boys. And being like, all right, I guess not. No. But my first time I got to play a game was on Gameboy Color. It was Pokemon Gold. And the only reason my mom bought it for me because I was saying I didn't feel well and she didn't believe me. And then I passed out.
And she was like, I think she felt bad. So she bought it for me. And you felt fine. You just really wanted to. Yeah. You know, I almost cracked my head open just for Pokemon. That's fine. Okay. Important. Were you okay? I was fine. Yeah. I might've had like a, they weren't sure if I had a concussion or not, but my mom didn't want to take me to the hospital because we were in like Pennsylvania.
So she, the doctors are just like, or the EMT was just like, yeah, just don't let her fall asleep in the car. Uh, take her to the doctor tomorrow to keep me awake. So, um, I think that's how I swung that.
That's much cheaper than a hospital visit. Yeah. Right. Like my mom also at one point was like, okay, you could get these teeth pulled or if you pulled them out yourself, I'll buy you a video game. There you go. Oh my goodness. And that my friends, international listeners is American health care. That's it. That's it right there.
Um, yeah, but to be fair, the, the Pennsylvania doctors would just be like, it seems he got some shit in your John. Got him. Oh boy. Um, yeah. So after that, I mean, like, I remember the only other thing I came closest to getting for Pokemon cards was, I guess like Burger King was doing a

Humorous Health & Food Dye Stories

promotion. So I convinced my mom to like, I guess go to Burger King a couple of times and get kids meals. So I got like those cool little Burger King.
kids meal cards, but I never as a child, own like an actual pack of Pokemon cards. So when I was older, I did buy myself a pack and it was like heaven to open my first pack ever. And so I played like- Do you remember what your first set was? Oh, I don't, I don't, I- Do you remember who your first starter was? I was probably, I don't know, I feel like I was a super basic bitch, so.
Gosh. Don't say it. Was it? Was it Chikorita? No. Gosh. It would have been more funny if you said, God, no. I was a kid, but I wasn't stupid. I had a concussion. I wasn't thinking right. I don't even remember. This was so long ago. I was like 11. So this was like really long time ago. What if you had to choose now? Yeah.
Oh boy, who are the starters in that game also? Cinequil, Totodile, and Chiquita. Those are the only two. There's only one right answer.
and it's totally that's the one that's the right answer what were those the starters for that one or no not gold i'm sorry it was yellow i'm i'm an asshole it was yellow oh well then it was uh charmander squirtle it was probably charming no in that one you just started straight pikachu did you oh yeah that's right that's right yeah never mind you got all of them
Yeah, if you were, if you talk to people. God, we were so, we're so far away from Gen 1. That's how long ago it's been. I'm like, I can't even get the name of the game right. I mean, they're both sort of yellowish or ancient. It was in my bright green Game Boy color. Some even refer to gold as yellow too.
I don't think so. There is a distinct difference between gold and yellow the colors. Yeah, no, I'm just in the games. Yes. I'm just an idiot when it comes to remembering names. So good luck. It's all right. You had a concussion. Yeah, you get a pass. Yeah. Um, yeah, so since then, I mean, like, I feel like as an adult, I've definitely gotten back into it. I've played like a few of the games.
over the years, again, you know, that childhood concussion really just killed my memory. So I don't really remember. Yeah. Just kidding, guys. No, but especially now that my daughter is getting older and she has started taking interest in Pokemon, we play Pokemon Go pretty much every day. She's been playing Let's Go Eevee and stuff like that. So that's wonderful. Pretty much the wonderful thing to bond over. Right. That's pretty much what we've been doing. And I feel like I've
now I'm more into Pokemon than I was even as a child. Do her favorites kind of change from day to day or does she have a true blue favorite? She likes Snorlax and pretty much any of the purple Pokemon. Yeah, because she's the best kid on the planet. I wonder who is the biggest influence on her favorite Pokemon. She loves like. Sarah's not a bad influence.
I may have had a couple of conversation with Sarah's daughter. Yeah. It's okay. Your son's going to be a Diglett boy. Diglett, Tengla, and Dunsparce.
So the other day I saw in the every FNF discord, Alex posted a reaction to me posting a purple Pikmin with a picture of a purple Pikmin that said purple, P-Y-B-R-L. And it's made me laugh ever since. So I wanted your take on it, Sarah. How do you feel about purple?
The way it's spelled? Okay, which Sarah? Which Sarah? Any Sarah who wants to comment on this right now? I mean, I don't give a shit how it's spelled. If it's purple, I love it. No, purple. It's purple. Purple sounds like a toddler is trying to say purple and can't. I like it though. That's a rug wrap purple. Purple as a color, I feel like is bluish. It's like that 90s purple.
Like it's like the Play-Doh purple, if you know what that means. Smells like plastic. Yeah, purple smells like plastic. Maybe it's close to that one fucking Starburst, that purple-y one. You know the one I'm talking about. I know their purple Starburst.
Yeah, it's like one of those weird ass ones. You know something I learned that really pissed me off today? Because Sarah's not gonna let me wife Sarah. My wife Sarah. Not Growlithe previous guest's wife Sarah.
Wow, you're the third of your lineage to come on this podcast. That's right. We had Jason, Justin. Yeah. Anyway, Skittles are now banned from California. You can no longer buy them in California because they have carcinogens in them. Oh, fuck. I was eating Skittles today.
Well, time to find a new wife. To some extent, everything will give you cancer. Exactly, but you could still buy fucking cigarettes there. Imagine if it's like, are you 18? So this is a little embarrassing, but maybe it's something we all need to talk about. So I got Captain Crunch Oops All Berries, and I ate it, and I had to throw the box out because twice my bowel movements were green. They were dyed green.
What the fuck? And I was like, I looked it up and apparently the dyes from the oops all berries won't make your poop oops all green. So interesting. That's very interesting because my aunt has colitis and it was started. It started when she she said it started like a couple of days after she ate a whole box of Captain Crunch.
Oh, I wonder if there's like a class action. I'm just saying it made me start to think like what other things are passing through my body that like all the worst things. Yeah, I used to buy the Flaming Hot Cheetos brand. He's not allowed anymore. Oh, well, they don't make it any he's not allowed to buy any Cheetos anymore. Okay, it's my public noun. He's not allowed to eat Flaming Hot Cheetos of any kind any brand anymore.
Well, I had an issue because my poop was oops, all blood. And at first, I thought it was like, oh, it's probably the food coloring, then they ran out of them at the store. It's funny, because multiple people were like, you know, why does whole food get rid of their Flamin' Hot Cheetos are so much better. And the red poop kept going. And then I was just like, Oh,
This has been blood the whole time, hasn't it? Yeah. There was some rapper who- You can hear the entire saga on our predecessor podcast. Yeah, calling all creeps.
Somebody, some rapper went to the hospital for eating too many hot Cheetos. They're not allowed in this house anymore. That's it. Well, to be fair recently, I had to go buy something from 7-Eleven down the street. So I walked there and they didn't have it. But they did have a ghost pepper flaming hot Cheetos. Yeah, also not allowed in this house anymore. I want to try that. Yeah, they're very spicy and very good, but they hurt coming out fiery and hot.
Do they hurt on the top or the bottom like indigestion or are you just shitting yourself everywhere? No, I wasn't shitting myself. It's just I had to poop often and it was very hot. It burned my little moral of the story. Don't buy flaming hot anything. I chapped lips. Now I'm just curious. I haven't had any and now I kind of just want to try them.
They're very good. I want to see how much fun it holds up. Go out, get some oops all berries, some Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Oh my god. I've never had issues like these before, but the only thing close to that is drinking too much red wine in the night and then throwing up the red wine and looking like blood.
Yeah, my friend drank a cherry slushie and thought she was going to die when she threw up. No, it's just the cherry. Yeah. I remember I was cleaning my apartment way back when. And it's when I started drinking gin and tonics because my dad liked them. And I was like in the mood. I was like, I'm fucking doing it. I'm cleaning everything. But I was like, I'll cook dinner at one point.
And then I didn't and I just kept drinking gin and tonics and didn't eat dinner and got so drunk that I literally cleaned the grout of the tiles and everything, but didn't have anything to eat when I was really drunk at night and just started eating a bunch of boo berry cereal.
And the next morning I woke up and threw up Boo Berry so violently that I bruised my sternum on the front of the toilet and also just puked straight like the most fluorescent pinkish, bluish. It was beautiful.
Yeah, that's a good time. That's art. That was my first apartment that I like rented. And it's like a memory I'll always. This is in North Arlington? No, this is in Wayne.

Passing Pokémon Nostalgia to Next Generation

Oh, in Wayne. God, I'm doxxing us. But people, this podcast, they could figure out all of our like trajectory and shit. Yeah. Like, I'm watching the Sopranos episode. Fuck it. Wayne's huge. They're not going to find me. I dare you. You just doxxed yourself. No one knew you were in Wayne until just now. I'm six foot three and yoked.
Yeah. Have you seen his base stats? Yeah. Fuck. We have those. We don't know what state. Oh, shit. Oh, damn. Yeah, so Pokemon. We discussed what we're doing today. I don't think we ever came up. Yeah, we didn't finish our special questions. Oh, my God. So, uh,
And that concludes your history of Pokemon, including you ushering the good word onto the next generation. Yes. Right? Yeah. It's just me wanting, like I want to be wanting to play Pokemon and then like vaguely doing it, but then more getting into it now with my little daughter. Yeah. Some people have to be the bug catchers in the Viridian forests so that your daughters can become the Ace Trainers. Right.
It needs to start somewhere in the family. But sadly, if she's going to be a Pokemon master, it means Justin's got to go because dad's just don't happen in the Pokemon world.

Deep Dive into Murkrow's Characteristics

Sorry, man. Sorry, you can come back later to help with the octuplets. You need to marry a Mr. Mime. Yeah. Yeah. Um.
And then our next question, of course, is, uh, you're on for, and we're going to announce this finally so that people who couldn't read the title will know who we're talking about. Uh, Pokemon one hundred and ninety eight Merkrow and Pokemon. I don't have the right number for Hunch Crow. Uh, and Pokemon number 69, 420, 311.
What do you got, Steven? It's $1.99 for Merkrow, right? Oh, probably. That makes sense. Let me look at it. No, no, no, no. For Merkrow? For Honchkrow, it is $4.30. OK. $4.20 plus $10. Yes. See, Peter had the wrong number for Honchkrow. I had the wrong number for Merkrow.
I'm uh yeah I'm just completely uh I take my notes nowadays like it's like uh it's 10 minutes before a test um so why have you chosen uh of all of the the pokemon what made you spiritually connected or just like you know vibe with merkrow or hanjkrow
Honestly, I really like Marco, super spooky. You know, looks like a witch, which is like, I'm like super into it. I also like birds, which is a weird thing to say. Since I've started working from home, I've become a little bit of a birder, like to watch birds in my yard, go for walks in the park and watch birds. So he's a spooky little bird.
Um, and I just, I see like this little sadness in his eyes. If you ever, I don't know. He just, he just looks so sad, but spooky and I can relate. I love that. Yeah. We're all a little sad and we're all a little spooky. Yeah. That's why I vibe with Marker the most.
Yeah, and if you come to Wayne, New Jersey looking for me, I will mess you up. My face attacks you. Are you more of a, Peter, you're more of a hunch pro, I think. No, I'm more of like a man tyke, probably. Your stats are way better than a man tyke. We got you, we got you.
There's one picture of Hansgrove that I see. I mean, he just looks like a three musketeer type of little guy. Very regal. I can see that. The Pokedex entry paints him way differently. Yeah. Yes. But you could definitely see it. He looks almost a little romantic, Hansgrove. Yeah. I'm looking at one of the cards right now. He looks... I don't know. There's something very elegant about him. He's...
I mean, he's just, he holds himself, you know, like, like just all those organized crime guys, it's all about the slicked back hair, the nice fresh outfit, just the macho stance, the, you know, grooming yourself wearing the fancy suits.
projecting power. I definitely got that. I also have Hodgecrows, the water fish Pokemon. So that's weird. Well, I like this sad little Merkrow grows up to be like this, this regal, elegant, badass Hodgecrow. It's like the street kid that gets taken under the wing, pun intended.
What? Is this like a Bronx tale, but for birds? Yes. OK. A Bronx tale, but for birds. The title of this episode. Yeah, we could do that.
I do love how all the birds in Gen 2 are like weird birds. Like, you have Noctowl, who's like a dark little owl. You have Zatu and Natu, or like psychic birds. And then you have, like, Markrow, who's like the dark bird. Yeah, we don't really have a pigeon this generation. Yeah, in Gen 1, you had Pidgey, Fearow. Pidgey, Fearow, Doduo. Doduo, yeah.
And now you have like your dark, mysterious psychic birds and stuff. They're all real cool and gentle. Yeah, that eventually get to like Sigiliff. And you're like, the fuck kind of bird is that? Sigiliff sounds like a like a curse word or an STD. Oh, not both. Yeah. That's why I have a medication action. I don't want to catch Sigiliff. You are pregnant or expecting. Do not take Sigiliff.
I take twice daily Sigilith. Yeah. Oh man, that should be a game. Is it a Pokemon or medicine? It is. They do that online. The thing is like, yeah, I saw a thing and I was like, Oh, everyone sends this to me. And it's very clever. Somebody made like a game for their friends. And it's a
like a PowerPoint at home. And it's always just like Snorlax. And people are like, Oh, that's a medicine. Nope. But there's, you know, lacks in the name. Yeah. Yeah. But there's there's very few others sleep and shit yourself.
Yeah. I mean, people like to be like, oh, yeah, you have a Pokemon podcast. I bet you can't name every single Pokemon. I'm like, well, how long do you have? Because I can probably name most of them and it's going to take forever.
Yeah, no, I'm not. I'm not going to remember black phalan or whatever, like the dot Pokemon. Yeah. Any of the ultra piece. I'm sorry. It always comes down to the ultra piece. I'm never going to remember them. Literally, Moza. I could probably like I'm good to name probably 900. I could probably name about 900 as well. I think I can get 900 out there like pretty.
I feel like you got to give me a lot of time. Yeah. Yes. And also like pictures help. Like if you show me pictures, I can name a lot more than if I have to come up with them just off the top of my head. But like I get Gen one from top to bottom. I'll be able to name those for sure. Yeah. Um.
It's good if you have a pen and paper, and it's good if you have little squares that you can fill out, too. But anyway, we digress. We were talking about Murkrow. Sad, witch-like bird. Now, honestly, the design for Murkrow is what I really appreciate in Pokemon. You take an animal, you add a little spice, and you got a perfect form. This is a spooky crow.
A little bit of sadness and a witch's hat. Perfect. Kind of creepy. And I learned today when I was learning or when I was reading about its biology that its tail is a broomstick. Yeah, I was just going to say that they got the witch's hat and the broomstick. Yeah. A little tush.
When they're flying around, it looks like they're like a witch on a broom. And then they say, like, it also is kind of a nod to crows and ravens being like familiars to witches and stuff. Well, yeah, like, like a murder of crows is a group of crows. Mm hmm. And Merk Rose are referred to a group of Merk Rose is also referred to as a murder. There you go. To make it even more spooky.
So, I mean, if you come up to me and you say, what does a murder, what does the Pikachu look like? This Pikachu look like, uh, yeah, you now know. Corvid. Yeah. Somebody was farting in their car. So, yeah. Um, it was a Murkrow. Could be.
The one thing that really bummed me out is that people don't like Murkrow. And maybe it's a little warranted because Murkrow don't seem to love people either, but it still bums me out. Well, Murkrow are not very nice. No, they're not. Don't they lure people to their death or something like that?
they will okay so when they feel like they try and make a kid friendly game you know like yeah wait until we get to yamask drift blimp or yeah no some of the pokedex entries have been pretty nuts with death and
things like that, especially all the ghost Pokemon. But yeah, Murkrow is not kind. I mean, it when it's feeling threatened in particular, it will like and specifically when it's being chased by something, I don't know what's chasing a Murkrow, but it will try to lose the attacker by like leading it down like a dark path or mountain trail or like some alleyway and make the traveler get lost.
And it likes to do this because it's like a mean spirited prank. And it's just like, yeah, you're going to chase me and antagonize me. Well, look what I can do to you. Right. They are set to bring misfortune and bad luck.
Yeah, and they even like, there's all sorts of like sayings and stuff associated with Merkrow and Hunchcrows, which are really cool. Yeah, like I love this. They awaken at dusk and take wing in the twilight leading to the expression, get home before the Merkrow fly. I'm like, that's so cool. Like a little saying related to Merkrow.
I loved this especially because so Murkrow I always appreciated but never had on my team until Legends Arceus I had a hunch grow and the Legends Arceus
Pokedex entry is widely shunned as a bearer of ill fortune upon crossing paths with this creature I've been told one must chant work um work rum work rum bad luck don't come as a protective incantation which work rum is merkro backwards
which I think is also supposed to be a little nod to the shining with red rum. But I love that there's like folklore and like little witchcraft kind of things that's added into like the game that, you know, folklore and legend would come from. So I loved that so much when I caught it that I was like, yes, you are now my friend forever.
Yeah, I was thinking too, like, why did I not really have a Murkrow? And then I read that it's actually not available in Gen 2 until Kanto. Yeah. Those are some of the Pokemon that are new to the generation, but could only be found in Kanto, just like Slugma, Slugma Nuts. Condor, right? Yeah, Hundower. That's probably why I never
had one, I have to think, because it's also not that great of a Pokemon. Sure. But I think as a kid, I would have just been like, that's a cool. I wish bird needed.
Exactly. You could replace Girafarig. He hasn't done much. I was so pissed off I couldn't get Hondur. I wanted it so bad. And then when I finally got it, I was like, oh man, I already have a Tyranitar. That's the problem. You're so late in the game, you already beat the Elite Four of Johto. It's like a victory lap at this point and you appreciate it, but
the stats are all really high you're not going to start a new team that's kind of why i appreciate um the dlc's for sword and shield and new ones because like all the pokemon there are all kind of fresh and you can start fresh you can make a new team and have fun so the um
Yeah, I guess a lot of the things having to do with, with Murkrow too, are kind of things that, that people will say about, you know, crows as well. They're, you know, smart enough birds that they'll remember people who have done them wrong. They can be, you know, spooky or, you know, bringers of bad omens.
And I see that a lot mirrored in Merc Rose. Yeah, it sucks too because like Crows, Ravens, these things that are maybe associated with like bad omens or whatever, they're like
one of the smartest birds, like they're super smart and like murders of crows will like, if animals die, if one of their own dies, they will like try to figure out like how they died. And if they figure out that it's like a person or an animal, they'll like chase after it. Like they have, they're very interesting animals. And it's unfortunate that they're associated with bad stuff.
Um, that's why we like them too, right? Because we're, you know, there's a lot of people who really like, like, oh, yeah, no, that's, that's that, that's that edgy shit. And I'm like, yeah, I live for that edgy shit.
Yeah. Gonna take an edgy shit. We have a friend, Sarah, we have a mutual friend, guest Sarah, also named Sarah, who actually has worked on befriending the crows in her city and apparently has been working. Yeah, if you befriend them, they'll bring you shit. Yeah. They're good to have on your side.
They've been trained to like collect cigarette butts and stuff that they are discarded. Or if you train them to look for like coins or money, they'll like find it and just drop it off for you. Can some, they're all Corvids, right?
That's like the the name of like a family of uh, like the animal family of crows and and jays and because that's where like corviknight comes from too um Are any of them capable of copying human speech because apparently merkrow can Yeah, ravens can mimic human speech and I believe there's um A video i've seen a couple times. They say nevermore, right? Exactly. Yeah
Um, but yeah, I, they, I believe they can. They're one of the few animals that will mimic human speech. Um, just to be like, you're going to die. You're going to die. Yeah. Yeah. If you look it up, there's a video of a woman with a Raven, um, that's talking. You can find that on YouTube. Okay. Um, they also love shiny things, which is another thing that they talk about a lot. And.
It's so interesting. They're just like Meowth and what's the other one, Gabite?
Yeah, they will, Murkrow and Meowth will loot one another's stashes. The Murkrow will sneak into Gabite's, you know, because Gabite is like a dragon. And the dragons have hordes. Yep, so Murkrow will go in and search for that treasure. They will take the rings right off of women's fingers. And yeah, just it loves shiny and sparkly objects.
I think it's more like, yeah, it's like more shiny kind of motivated than it is like value. Like Meowth is like Meowth is all about the value of things. Murkrow is just like, Ooh, shiny need it. Thanks. Been there. Yeah. And I mean, the house came out of the Pokeball and Smash Brothers 64. He was always throwing his coins at me.
Well, that's because you thought you were sexy because you were playing as Captain Falcon. So you were false. I was a Kirby and Pikachu back in the day. Well, still stands. Believe it. It's the perfect human form. Yeah. Kirby. Exactly.
um the names are a little interesting so english the inspiration is murder and murky mixed with crow
we have some similar stuff in other languages the japanese name is yami karasu which yami is darkness and karasu is crow so it is the darkness crow and uh i was like oh yeah that makes sense yami yami yugi is like the dark yugi
In Yu-Gi-Oh cuz I got to bring it back to Yu-Gi-Oh. Yeah, of course The French name for Murkrow is Korna bray Sora Kornay is a crow and Tana bray is darkness. So Korna bray is a crow of darkness and then the German name is Kramorks
Which is a cry a cry is a crow Or a rabbit rabbit is a crow and mercs means to to botch up so you have crumb works Which is the crow who like messes things up? Yeah He's a he's a little little troublemaker a little stanker. I
Yes, we were talking about this before. Definitely a lot of little stinker energy here. Tons of stinker energy on this one. Yeah, I mean, I think in the anime, from what I saw, like the spiros were replaced with merkros. Like the angry bird was merkros.

Life in New Jersey & Gardening Anecdotes

Yeah. And they fired them at a pigs from their little slingshots.
as most Angry Birds are done. Did you know that in the anime, uh, Murkrow, who really loves, so the episode's called All That Glitters, and three Murkrow stole Ash's Batches.
And then they joined forces with Ash's knocked out against Team Rocket, of course, and eventually gave his stuff back. But I kind of love that Ash's badges are stolen and he loses his shit when he should have just been like, well, easy come, easy go.
Couldn't he, because he's already beaten these gym leaders, couldn't he go back there and just be like, hey guys, you know, I beat you, right? It's the most humiliating day of your life. It's just like moving your license. Is that badge the only indicator? Is there some formal paperwork that they need to fill out? That seems a little loosey-goosey to me. You need eight points of identification.
It's like $5 plus shipping and handling. I don't want to do that. Yeah. Got to activate your badge again. You got to create a new password and PIN number. It's gross. No, thank you. An app. You got to download an app for each one. Yeah.
I actually have to go to the DMV really soon to finally 100% officially change my name since Dave and I got married. And I just am dreading it because the DMV gives me so much anxiety. You're going to change your name to Dave too? Yeah, definitely. No, it's actually going to be also Dave. Okay. Supposed to be chainsaw's original name. Right. Chainsaw also Dave.
um just wish you had like five more cats that way um i would totally have five more cats we were talking to like if a kitten i had a dream that like a kitten was like we found it in the pumpkin patch like in the back which would be so cute if we had a little it was an orange pumpkin too so we could have named it pumpkin but it was a dream and not real life but if we found a kitten we would probably take it in
Definitely. My pumpkin or yeah, the pumpkin patch died today. Today was its last last day. Too cold.
Yeah, so we kind of live on a mountain, and last night it got down to like 38 degrees. And pumpkins, yeah. And pumpkins are good up until 50 degrees. Anything below 50, they really struggle. And it's been under 50 for quite a few days in a row now. And then last night was just really, really cold, so I had to call it, so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you had to put dynamite in all the pumpkins and explode.
No, they're on my porch now. Yeah, exploded all over the porch, like the guts of the pumpkin. They look amazing. They're really cute. They're very green. They did not mature to the orange, but it's okay. It's okay. Immature pumpkins.
One of them was really big. One of them was like exceptionally big, like much bigger than some of the other pumpkins that are actually orange that I've gotten in the past, but it's still very green. So I'm wondering how big these pumpkins were supposed to get, you know?
Yeah, they have nice shapes, too, though, because sometimes they're too round. Yeah, one of them. So we named them all. Well, Instagram helps name them all. And Stephen, thank you. You're a large contributor to naming all these pumpkins. I'm glad I could help. Stephen's the names guy. Yeah, I just I used a lot of over the garden wall references. And well, you also named Lil Stinker because we did have a pumpkin named Lil Stinker. Need it.
Yeah, so he's very round. So is Jack, and so is Greg, our pumpkin. But it was fun. Just spray paint them orange. No one will know the difference. That is a good idea. Look at you. That's a great idea.

Nostalgia's Influence on Subcultures

douse it in acrylic paint. Speaking of some more names, I love names of Pokemon in the games and we have Ebony and Murky who appear in the Pokemon contests in Diamond and Pearl.
As you may remember, Pokemon contests in Diamond and Pearl, you would have a Pokemon, and you could decorate it with little accessories and enter it into a contest. Loved it. Something I have actually never done in those games. I used to do it, but just for fun. Just to dress up my Pokemon with the weirdest accessories. Yeah, mine too. I loved doing that. That was my fucking jam in that game. It was so good.
But you will see and go against some Merkros at one point, and one is named Ebony, and one is named Murky. Additionally, the rival Paul from Diamond and Pearl has one in the anime, and Silver has one in Pokemon Adventures. They both evolve into Honchros at points, but they start off as faithful little Merkros.
Merkrose is very close to merkin. It is. Which is the term I always think about. Yeah. It's just so wild. For those who don't know, a merkin is a pubic wig. Oh, yeah, I was trying to remember what that was. Yeah, often used in the theater.
Oh, like other than that, though, do you think people use them? I guess I do now. I think there's you do. Yeah, sometimes when you're at the urinal and you're afraid someone's going to look and you want to look real neat. Yeah. Yeah. A little like a spiky little mohawk going down there. Something fun. One time I just wrapped a Koosh ball around my balls and someone thought I had like sea urchin balls and I got a promotion at work for it. Nice.
That's really alternative of you to bleach your ball hairs. It's crazy. Is that a tattoo? No, it's Sharpie. Oh, even more impressive. You no idea looking. You got the job. Thank you, the president. Thank you, Mr. Biden. I will be the president of Pokemon. And that's why I got the job. I did put little eggs cute faces on my testicles. Thank you. Yes.
If I remember correctly, I think that merkins historically were used mostly in Italian operas. So I think it's more of like a historical thing than anything, but it is a way to appear nude without actually having to be nude. Oh, fair enough. Yeah. Because you could just kind of put on like underwear that looks like it has pubic hair on it and then call it like that's basically a merkin. Okay. That makes sense.
So if I put on like a like a fursuit is just a full body merkin. Kind of. Yeah. Love it. Really good. This one goes out to all the furries. But if you give your furry a dusk stone. Before we move on, I do have to say shiny is pink, which I love purple. Yes, it's it's it's purple. I'd say it's pretty purple.
It's okay, sure, purplish pink. It used to be pink, I'll give you this. It used to be pink. It looked like a double, and then it went kind of pink, and now it's like a pinky purple? Either way, I think it just goes to show that you could be cute and spooky. You can be pink. That's the goal. You can ride a broom and be a witch. The goal is just so cute and spooky.
Exactly. What I like about the entire like, goth aesthetic is that you can be like, you know, completely dark, or you can have the most wonderful rainbow hair. So I learned something the other day, one of our dear friends has a daughter who is 16. And they were telling us how there's different types of goth. And this blew my mind how like the young teenage kids now
have different categories of goth. And some like to Peter's point are more colorful and some are just straight up like wearing all black. And I just, that just blew my mind because when I think of, I was in high school, like it was all black, you know? We had cyber goth. Right. It would be like, it could be all black, but you had like maybe an electric color hair or something like that, but it was usually like darker makeup, darker clothes with like,
either dark hair or some type of crazy hair. Right. I definitely remember a time where the concept of goth was gate kept and my friends would fight about who was quote unquote, the most goth. And yeah, it's a little ridiculous, but that's how it was back in the day. You know, there were more clicks back and in our times even and I don't feel like that's
You saw clicks and you still have like people making groups and friend groups and whatever, but I don't think it's like hard set boundaries. These are the nerds, these are the cops. We finally killed some preps. We did it by integrating with them, but by becoming them and adopting their good qualities, because that's what diversity is all about, right? I guess because like, well, our generation grew up or even like the generation slightly before us grew up.
the case so much anymore?
And I guess a lot of us were just like loved like video games or what would be, what would have been considered like nerd culture back when we were kids.

Cultural Shift in Anime & Nerd Culture

And now all of our kids love it. So now so many kids, like I see so many kids with like anime t-shirts, anime backpacks, like.
Star Wars stuff like you didn't see that when we were in school It's just trendy now I think it has become trendy specifically I think because you know our generation the generation like before sir I don't want to say Millennials But that generation like we grew up loving those things and now we're instilling that stuff into our kids like absolutely there's so many times where you know
We'll be hanging out with like you know some of Abby's classmates or you know my daughter does Girl Scouts and one of the things was we had to put for a donation put together like a Pokemon basket and one of the ladies was like oh yeah you know like why would they ask to do that that's such a boy thing and I was like no it's no it's not it's like I must have missed the memo my daughter must have missed the memo it's not just a it's not a boy thing
Like I know so many little girls who, we're breaking barriers over here. No, no, but I just feel like these things have just become so mainstream now and they're so accessible to these kids. Like it's super popular. It really speaks to how like nostalgia in adults
really carries on to the next generation because do you think that a lot of these like anime, you know, video game kind of things would be so popular if they weren't in our generation when we were kids? Well, also COVID really, I mean, we kind of started this out of COVID for the fact that Pokemon had this whole type of rebirth with people of our generation. And I mean, it never went away.
Anime was also really hard to access when we were younger. We had to go to the mall, buy a box set of DVDs and hope it wasn't trash. And it was expensive. Thank God for your brother-in-law, Sarah Guest, buying and spending all that money at Suncoast in the mall so that I could access Gundam Wing.
Nerd. Yeah. Hey, it's your family, man. Yeah. Casual nerd Jason. Yeah. Casual nerd Jason. Yeah. You may remember him from his episode. He actually posted a lot on his YouTube channel during COVID too, and I was just like, oh good, a friend on my YouTube that I can watch. That's wonderful. That's a wonderful man. Yeah. Good dude. Good dude.
I'd say him and his brother are wonderful. That whole family is just great. Yep, great family. 10 out of 10 as we're recording this episode on 1010. So I sent a link if you guys want to give that a little click. This is beta.
Murkrow. So Murkrow not changed too much. Only thing is they gave a little Santa ball at the end of the hat that's red, very tiny, and then a little stripe across the hat that's red and a little strip before the tail brooms out to make it more broom-y. Yeah, this thing looks like a witch elf on crack. I don't know what that is. Yeah, so instead of the hat really puffing out, it goes into a
cone that wraps around. We'll post it on our Instagram, but they really leaned into the witch side of this and I feel like it's too on the nose. I kind of like what we got instead. I don't think it's witchy enough in my opinion. Really?
It looks a little too elegant and regal and like elf like. It's the shape of a hat and a little ball at the end. I like how the Murkrow we got is a little bit more like must up and a little like, I don't know, edgier and dirtier looking. It looks like it seems some shit. Yeah. Like it's thrown down a couple of times. It's ruffled its feathers.
no pun intended all the puns intended every pun
So a Duskstone comes across our path. That's actually a fact in and of itself. It is.

Introduction to Honchkrow's Mafia Theme

You evolve a Murkrow with a Duskstone into the Waterfish Pokemon, Hawnchkrow. But Murkrow is the only
is the only non-ghost Pokémon that evolves via the Duskstone, which, yeah, I think it puts it into an elite group. He's spooky enough to be part of the ghosts, but he's not a ghost himself. As we all know, these two Pokémon are dark and flying types.
Oh, Murkrow is also the lightest dark type of Pokemon. So that's kind of like a, you know, play out words. It is. I was going to say very confusing. The lightest dark type.
Uh, so then you, uh, you know, Murkrow didn't have an evolution until gen four is when Hauntrow came along. Yeah. Diamond and Pearl. And so we had one generation of Murkrow, a second generation of Murkrow and the third generation. And then finally Murkrow gets his older brother, Hauntrow. What does this Pikachu look like? A boss ass bitch.
This Pokemon looks like it's got like a fedora sombrero kind of combo hat. It's got a big beak. It's got real menacing eyes. Yeah, it definitely has big dick energy for sure. It's got like a white stole around its neck, kind of looking almost like it's got like a big puffed up chest with like a suit jacket over top of something. It's got a little like ascot or something. What's going on there?
Yeah, he's got like these awesome crescent moons under his eyes. Yeah. Which are super cool. Kind of like almost like a Pidgeotto or Pidgeot kind of two in like the the shape of it. He's got a large breast that makes him look very, very buff, very like. Yeah, very swole. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Looks like a real Don.
Fun fact about this, I did not know it was the Mafia Pokemon until- Me either. Me either. Really? And it's called everything like that. Yeah. Until I saw the, like its category, it's the big boss Pokemon. I was like big boss. I was like, wait a minute. I was like big boss. Like wait, like one of the legendaries I would think would be a big boss Pokemon. Cause like you think like Zelda, Oh, I'm going to go face the big boss now. You know? I think if I had Metal Gear Solid,
Well, it's the cause. Yeah. Honcho Crow is like head honcho, like the leader or whatever. So.
Yeah, I think I did know about that. But I will say that if you look at it, you might not get that from it. It might look kind of like I think somebody said it before, like three musketeers type. Yeah, not right away. I wish they made him bigger because he's only two feet, 11 inches and 60 pounds.
If they doubled the size of him, I would have a lot more respect for this mafia-foss type of- I don't know. Good news, Sarah. This is very merciless. It's a merciless bird here, just so we can talk. Yeah, but I don't know. Pokedex is just like, do not fuck this guy. This does not forgive mistakes. They will hunt you down and punish their little cronies for not getting them what they want.
Yeah, because I was like, oh, Murkrow, oh, he's a little misunderstood. And then I was like, oh, Hunchgrow, he's the boss, OK. And then it was like, will make people pay for betrayal. And I'm like, oh, God. Not people, Murkrow. So it controls hundreds of Murkrow at a time, and if one of them fails it,
it will like it will make sure it leads a painful life and then ultimate death. Yes. So one Pokedex entry says it will absolutely not forgive failure from or betrayal by its goons. It has no choice in this if it wants to maintain the order of the flock. It just sounds like an abusive emotionally abusive parent. The mafia is abusive.
it's the mafia yeah it's the mafia like hands down it's like no it has to be this ruthless because otherwise the mercra will revolt or whatever and it's like jeez if one utters a deep cry many mercra will gather quickly for this it's called summoner of night
That's so cool. Like, I mean, okay. At this point, now that we know all this information, if the next time we all have a Haunt Crow on our team and we don't name them Tony Soprano, I mean. I had a Haunt Crow on my Scarlet playthrough team.
Too bad it was just absolutely dominated by my new favorite boy, Flamigo. Flamigo? I was like, yup, he's gonna say Flamigo. Fighting Flying, such a good type. Yeah, I mean, also too, they say that it can summon so many Merkra that it will... One would think the curtain of night had fallen, plunging the world into jet black darkness.
Can you imagine that many crows just flying around? Yes. Every once in a while.
It's very spooky. It's like anytime I've been in a situation where there's so many birds, it like blocks up the sun. I'm like, oh, I know why they made that movie Birds Now. Birds are scary sometimes. When me and Steven had our apartment together, there was actually like this abandoned train track that I would walk along just to, you know, take my walk. And it was a

Bird Encounters & Pokémon Parallels

through a heavily wooded area and it was you know really cool to just be walking along this train track that led to nowhere and one time there were just an unlimited amount of birds it seemed like just all around me and i was like this is cool this is terrifying
Yeah, birds are pretty scary. So Dave and I moved kind of up a mountain a little bit, like we're kind of like at the base of a mountain. And there are
Oh my God, Siri. No one was talking to you, but okay. But there are these rude. You want to know what's so crazy about that is like anytime I say the name S I R I like I'm not going to say it now because now it's listening to me. But like anytime I say that and I wanted to do something, it won't fucking listen to me. So.
Very annoying. The AI is trying to take over the podcast. Honestly, honestly. Anyway, as I was saying, once we moved here, I noticed that there are these very large birds that have like a crazy long wingspan and they just are very loud and they're definitely hunting shit. I don't know if they're vultures. I don't know what the hell they are, but they very much remind me of what a hunch crow might look like in the air and how scary that shit must be if there's many of them in one space.
Yeah, it might be turkey vultures. I was just gonna say that I wasn't sure if like turkey vultures actually fly. I mean, I guess they're small. Yeah, they do. Okay, yeah, those are some like, they fly very elegantly. And then when they're on the ground, they look like big old doofuses. Yeah, they are. Yeah.
And they are really gross when they tear into carrion. I saw a bunch of them on the side of the road just decimating a deer car. Oh, yeah, yeah. There's tons of rabbits by my house. And I guess one got hit by a car overnight. And of course, I'm outside with Abby. And it's just literally of turkey vulture just dragging this rabbit across the street trying to get him like, oh, boy. Is she so freaked out? No, she was like, what's going on over there?
And I was like, oh, you know, just nature doing its thing. She was like, yeah, rabbit looks dead. I was like, yeah. Is that bird eating it? I'm like, yeah. Yes, it is. And she's like, all right. And then she walked away. OK. What a great kid. OK, thank you. That just went a lot better than I thought it was. And.
Yeah, I mean, in some ways I was a little bit less sensitive to those things when I was a child. I think it bothers me more as an adult now. Yes, definitely. I agree. The one disappointing thing about Hodge Crow that I have to say is shiny Hodge Crow. This is straight up pink. No, yeah, this is terrible.
I like it. I love it. I think they could have been like a deeper, I don't know, a better, a better color. The color definitely is not the best, but I still just love the whole idea of like, you know, I'm the spooky big head honcho Don, and sometimes I like to wear pink. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I'm up with that. I just don't like the color scheme. I also don't like the color scheme of regular hunch pro. I think it needs to be like a deeper gray or black or something.
Uh, no, I kind of like it. I think it's, it's kind of like, you know, like a pinstripe suit, you know, like a blue.

Tech Preferences & Smartphone Stories

Oh, okay. You know what? That makes me feel a lot better about it. Thank you. I need to get that. It's cool. Steven, how's your pink phone doing? I love my pink phone. Your pink phone looks pretty good with how you accessorized it.
I know I actually was like really debating which one to put on because I was like the Kirby would look really good right in the center of the magnet. Yeah. But I also think I'm just going to every once in a while change it up.
But yeah, I got the new iPhone because it's pink, but also, actually, primarily because of the USB-C. It's just easier when you live in a house with an Android user to have USB-Cs around. Yeah, I can imagine. Yeah. But it's also pink, and I like pink things. So HunchGrow Shiny, it's right up my alley.
I got a new phone too, but it was just a replacement phone because I updated my new phone, my iPhone. And you have the purple one, right? I do have the purple one from last year. I updated it and it destroyed my phone to the point where like my battery wouldn't last more than like five hours. So I complained and I'm like, please replace my phone. And they did, no questions asked. Very happy. So now I have technically a new phone, technically. That's good.
Jealous of Steven now. So I'm thinking about getting a new phone, but I just if it's an iPhone, let me know. No, Peter won't do it. Peter. No, I don't want it. I don't want to learn anything new. I've been with Android for too long. It's fine. More pink phones for the rest of us. And I posted on my Instagram, but it's the same pink as the Nintendo DS light. It is such a good pink, actually. So I like I had to I just had to.
Hunchkrow should be the Nintendo DS light pink. That would be, see, I would like Hunchkrow a lot better if it was the Nintendo DS light color. Yeah. Yeah. The names are pretty interesting. So we have Hunchkrow we talked about in Japanese. It's Don Karasu. So Don and Karasu we said before was Crow. So he's the Don Crow.
The French name is Corbos. Corbo is like a crow, and he's the boss. And then the German name is Kromchef. Krom is sorrow, and chef means boss in German. Yeah, I looked it up to see if it was related.
as in yes chef, is a French word based on a Latin word that means head. So kind of similar inspirations. Like ratatilly. Yeah. Get some of that chef head. Little chef. That chef chef. But yeah, it's interesting that the word chef in German is boss. So grom chef, I thought it was a good name.
I like that, yeah. One of the podcasts I listen to, I'm listening to it all through again. It's about Dungeons and Dragons. It's just a group of people playing through a couple of campaigns. And there's like this small little like side story that they're doing. And one of the characters named their monk Corbo and has it sort of like a raven or bird-like appearance with like a little plague doctor mask.
And they were like, oh yeah, because that's, you know, what, what did you say?
French? Crow. Crow. Crow. It means, yeah, Crow and French. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, that's interesting. But I'll never remember that. And then just today, it's just like the next day Corbo. And I'm like, Oh, shit. The frickin damn, like, you know, it's learned something. It's one of those things where it's just so weird that you go your entire life without hearing it. And then you hear it twice and twice. Yeah, definitely. Gotcha.
Yeah. Um, I've, yeah, I've been working in collusion with the, uh, touches the stragas podcast to lay those crumbs out for you. Yeah. With Jake Hurwitz of, uh, college humor of the name. Oh, I wish. Um,
So Honchkrow, big boss, scary dude or whatever, but also like a little bit of a wimp. Mercrose are forced to bring it food and it spends most of its time grooming itself and it will not attack. It'll send out its Mercrose to attack unless it can deliver the final blow. So I want to say this is also like so specific to
the Sopranos because during the day they're just normal people and trying to work on themselves and trying to be better people, but then at night they're just these mob bosses. They have their goons making their hits and then sometimes they just will be there and will do the final blast in the head with a gun or something. It's just so perfect and so similar to the Sopranos.
Yeah, it's one of the things I love so much about the Sopranos is they make you really like the characters. And then every now and again, they have to remind you like, no, they're, they're my people. They do bad stuff. Like you can't love these people. I'm a sucker for someone for a show that like gives you psychology of your character development and stuff.
Like, I'm such a sucker for that shit. It's like, oh, well, I understand why you behave this way. Not that I excuse it, but I get it. Yeah. I too am a slut for character development. Yeah.
I'm a dirty fucking little toe licker for a good character arc. So true. Zuko's character arc in Avatar the Last Airbender. Oh, so good. It's like edging. That is probably the most... That show knows how to do character arc. And just Iroh is just the lube.
Zuko? Like, okay. Sha-bang.
Love Zuko because Zuko's solid. Yeah. Guys, we just got to second the Shabang that we got in the chat. Shabang in the chat. It's good. Honchkrow, big boss Pokemon. From the evolved form of Murkrow, Honchkrow recruits many Murkrow to travel with it and spends most of its time preening its feathers. That Pokedex entry was Ashes.
which i think is interesting that you get that in the anime that it's like because you do get in the anime uh hunch crow as the big boss sending out his army of mercro and it's just like
I don't know when you get little bits of nature with the Pokemon because in the anime more than likely you show up and there's just one random one that's just like on the fucking path that they walk up to or every now and then it's just like, hi, my name is generic name. I have a farm and this is the one Pokemon I like. Oh no, a bad guy's coming and then Team Rocket tries to steal it. Like you don't get like Pokemon and how they act in the wild.
It's always just like little Timmy and his fucking Machoke with one arm. Me and my pal Scrappy here have just been going to school and respecting our parents.

Honchkrow in Competitive Play

Yeah, exactly. Have you heard a good word of Jesus? Me and my coffee have been farting for the Lord. We're just making this industrial poison on our poison farm.
Team Rocket's just like, we like poison. What if I get big tits and try to steal theirs? And then it's just like, wow, we learned that big tits sometimes are bad. Your Pokemon's good. Great to see you. Goodbye. Thanks for the badge. If Giovanni had a Caterpie on his team, he would say, yo, Meowth, thank you for this lovely silk sweater. And then I'd be the cat's Meow again.
Let me tell you that when you said sweater, it brought me there. Like that was literally, I had got chills. Sweater. Yeah. Now we're talking, this is a good podcast. Yo, this is sweater weather. It is though. I have to say, it is so awesome that we got to this episode right in the midst of spooky season. It's perfect.
Yeah, we have a great lineup for spooky season. If only this was Friday the 13th then. Oh, coming up three days. We blew it, guys. Well, our episodes mostly come out on Wednesdays. So by my calculations, we'll never hit a front ender. Damn it. But we'll never know when to stop dreaming. Yeah, there's nothing spooky than the water fish Pokemon.
Which one is actually the water fish? Is that whooper? I think if I pick it, I just put the notes over top of like a Claude's eye or quags are yeah. Yes, whooper water fish. Okay. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's a good thing to be called.
One thing I'd be remiss if I didn't bring up, and I don't really know so so much about how they were competitively, but
Yeah, Honchkrow was pretty good in the tiers that he was in as an offensive type. I think he was in like the never used tier, which doesn't really sound good, but it's an entire tier filled with Pokémon that are below underused.
And underused is, you know, got a lot of powerful Pokemon in it too.

Pokémon Moves & Game Mechanics Discussion

Recently Garchomp, which was a powerhouse all of its life, fell to underused. Really? Yeah. Wow, that surprises me. There's just so much power creep. And then with the Dawn of Fairy types and, you know, with a lot of other Pokemon being able to fill his role better.
So Hachkrow was good in the never used tier for most of its life and
Murkrow actually was used to some pretty good effect, not its debut season. But later on, I think he's one of the Pokemon who gets the prankster ability, which means that he gets priority on like status type moves or, you know, non-attacking moves. So he'll do haze to clear status.
Is it status conditions off Pokemon or is it, uh, I don't remember, but it's, you know, good. Uh, it's a good move to have to, to keep your team good. Uh, I think it had a move called, I never even heard of this move before quash or squash, which just means that in a double battle scenario, um,
that Pokemon will just go last, so that's always pretty good too because Speed is king. So yeah, Murkrow was also used for utility on certain teams back in the day too. I don't know where they are now. I know that I used Honchkrow a lot in my playthrough and he was a good Pokemon, so.
Yeah, Quash is a move I have never heard of, and I just looked it up. And that is so interesting. Yeah. I also learned about moves today that actually have no effect. For example, Umbrians used to be able to learn the move, I think it was just called Synchronize.
which you can use against only Pokemon that share the same typing as you, except for Umbreon is a Dark-type Pokemon, and Synchronize was a Psychic-type move, and Psychic-type moves always fail against Dark-type Pokemon, so it was a useless move. Cryagonal used to know Attract, but it's a genderless Pokemon, so it would always fail.
Um, just the way. Yeah. I just think that it's really cool that Pokemon overlooked have some Pokemon having moves that actually just can't work.
I mean, like, to be fair, if you were like, Dave, use backflip. Like, yeah, I could give it a shot, but it doesn't mean it's going to be effective. Yeah. You'll, you'll conk your bonkers and you'll be entitled to an entire Pokemon cartridge. I try to protect my bonkers at any cost. Yeah. So yeah.
I think we've reached the end of our facts. We got a lot of good guesses coming, I bet. Yeah, it's time for some games, I think. I think we're ready for some games. How do you all feel? Mob games. Some mob games. If you get it wrong.
You're gonna lose a finger. You're gonna lose a limb, a finger, maybe an ear. Depends how I feel, boy. Tony, me and the boys were going out back to play a little bit of spin to bottle. Or you're going out back to play the trading cod game. Cods. You wanna come back and play Cods? Cods. You want in on this game of mash?
We're gonna see if Paulie marries Alyssa or Maria. And see if they get a baby out of it. Oh!
20 or 100 a tone check out my egg moves hey yo he was my favorite character oh my god Paulie rip right he just died Paulie Paulie Paulie walnuts
What a good guy. Anyway, in the spirit of Poli, let's play this trading card game. So in this game, we are going to guess how many cards that our buddies Murkrow and Hauntcrow appear in the trading card game, the TCG. Now, I always give the guests an opportunity to go first or last. So Sarah, up to you. Would you like to go first or last?
Oh, definitely last. OK, that's that's the normal answer, but some people are very confident, so I just like to give them the opportunity. So boys have at it. I'm going to say Merkro. Let's go with 15. I'm feeling 18, 12.
Wow, you guys, come on, like 23. Wait, Sarah didn't get the shoes. Oh shit. Oh my God, I'm so used to- Oh wait, hold on, hold on. Sarah, yes. I was gonna play Price is Right rules and say 19, but- Okay, no, but you're the one anyway. I'm so sorry, I'm used to having like just the dudes. It's so nice to have another girl and another Sarah on here. Another Sarah. Oh my goodness, my God, so sorry.

Murkrow in TCG & Breeding Challenges

Okay. So what's 23 the answer then? You can redeem yourself in the next game. Yeah. So 23, we have 23 Merkros, which is accurate I think because I feel like we have a ton of Merkro cards. 23 is a big number.
I look through all of my cards, and granted, most of them are all still from the base set, so there's not a lot of dark types, but I still think of- I feel like I always pull a Murkrow. Yeah, maybe they're haunting you. Maybe you're accruing your 100 to be your murder, and- Oh, so am I the Haunchcrow, and I'm just getting my Murder of Murkrow? Yeah, so that you can prune your feathers.
So I'm the boss. Got it. Yeah. All right. All right. Well, how many bosses do we think appear in the TCG? How about you tell us first, and then we'll guess. Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I'm going to guess 15. Um, 17. 19. 16.
Dang. Sarah, would you have said 17 if it wasn't said already? Yes. Then you win. There are 17 Hodgecrow cards. That was me. I was like, it's going to be somewhere in there. I actually don't have a Hodgecrow card. I have a bunch of Merkros. There's nothing against the rules that say that we both can't choose the same number. Oh, OK. Yeah.
Yeah, you guys choose the same fuck. Speaking of which, it's the fuck game. Who you gonna fuck? This is the game where I do. And your options are, I give you four Pokemon. You tell me which one, if they fuck Murkrow or Hauntcrow, they would produce no egg. So I'm going to give you four Pokemon. One cannot breed.
with entrepreneur Murkrow. So one cannot make a baby. One cannot make a baby. Here we go. Pidgey, Aerodactyl, Gliger, and Flumigo. That is Pidgey, Aerodactyl, Gliger, and Flumigo. Are we guessing which one they can't fuck? Well, you can fuck them. They're not going to produce an egg. Well, I'm going to say...
I'm gonna say Gligar and I'm also gonna say Flamigos, you know, too good for Murkrow but then I feel like actually that's not true because Murkrow is pretty cool. Agreed. Murkrow is pretty cool. I just wanted to love on my boy Flamigo. He's a good one, yeah. I say Gligar too. Yeah, same.
Yeah, this one was hard because it's a flying type and only flying type and it's just a lot of birds. Yeah, like it was the closest I could find. This is the first time I think everybody wins. Oh, I do. I this might be a good time to bring up this one other fact, which was that like Murkrow had an egg move that it couldn't actually learn because the punishment.
Yeah, because the only Pokemon that could give it to it was, where is it, Volby and Mandibuzz? But they're all females, so they can't pass down egg moves. Exactly. And I was like, oh, I did not realize that Mandibuzz and Volibee were female only. I don't know. I did know that for some dumb reason. I don't know why I knew that. Because you like the band.
Is it? Mandibas? Yeah, 100% female. I didn't know that. Yeah, I had no idea.
Why? It's just something that yeah. Is Gracie already 100% male? Yes. Maybe. Okay, there you go. Okay. But also like, what sense does that make? Just because he's an eagle, like he's the male and cuz I don't know cuz a rock. We'll get there. Yeah. That's it. Volibee is the diaper to Pokemon. I love that. Is that really what it is? Yeah. Oh my god.

Thanking Guest & Closing Remarks

So, Sarah, thank you so much for joining us. Anytime. I hope you had a good time. I see someone's honking because I'm so excited. Everyone loves you. I had tons of fun. I hope it was a good guest.
Every time a guest is on, it makes my job that much easier because then I get to speak less and that is my number one goal in life. Well, I'm happy I can help. I'm happy I can help you achieve your goals. My goals are achieved today. I would like to thank Carl Jerm for our bit
little intro. He is very talented. He's a musical genius. I've seen him open up for Coheed and Cambria. He is just the cutest. You can get updates and little snippets and get your viral on by following us on
But Instagram, I always forget what social media is because I don't use it. And you can catch us next week for a Time Warp episode because this is the first time we've recorded things a little bit out of order, so see if you can't figure out where the timeline skipped.
And then, as we always say, we were talking about Skuntank a little bit before we started recording and what's Skuntank known for farting.