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The most pettable Pokemon of Gen 2 is here! Bring on the Pigs! Sometimes simplicity is all a design needs. This line shows that some brown fur and a cute nose can go a long way. Put on your parka and hop into Swinub with us!


Humor and Wordplay

I was drinking the other day and You know, I brought it up to the bedroom my glass of wine and I just passed out on the
on the bed and then I woke up and I was like, oh no, where did my wine go? It spilled all over my pillow. And I was like, that's not my wine anymore. That's pillow's wine.
Dang. Dang, what the hell? Your laugh was funnier than a joke, no offense. That was a very good joke. That was an incredible joke. The whole time I'm like, how's he, where's he going? I knew he was going to be like swine something. I'm like, he's swine somewhere. What are you used to being romantic? I thought I was going to talk about like his boner and call it a swine nub. Like, I don't know. But that was even better.
I heard somebody say something the other day, and I'm not gonna be able to remember it on the spot, but I was like, that just is the perfect term for an erection. And I think if you just kind of open your ears, listeners, and listen for once, listeners, if you open your ears and listen, you'll find a lot of common things can just be used in lieu of the word boner. And I think that's a very nice thing to think about.
I mean, and that's coming from someone named Peter. Yeah, exactly. My favorite term for boner is a chub. Oh, yeah. That probably predates Tim and Eric, but Tim and Eric made that one famous. I got chubs for you.

Meet the Hosts: Peter and Steven

Very good.
Very good. So yes, as you can hear from the little play on words that I did, we're talking about a fan favorite. Dave might not agree, but he can slug my nuts. We're talking about swine up.
Pillow's wine and Mamma's wine, the big brother. And of course, we start with Baby, we start with Swinub. Also, in no particular order, I'm Peter, your host with the most. With me, as always, is Pigman. I'm sorry, Steven.
Oink, oink, oink. I'm pygma. I'm pygma. That's also a Tim and Eric joke for all you Tim and Eric heads out there. For all your P heads and your T heads and your E heads out there. Yeah. Tommy Wiseau stars in a hit film with Jessica Alba called The Big Man.

Pokémon and the Chinese Zodiac

Look it up. It's in a book. Dave.
I don't have a pig joke, I think. I'm sorry. I'm the unfunniest pig next to cops. You got that good laugh on you though. And Sarah. I guess I'm technically a boar because that's the year I was born in. Ah, the year of the boar.
I don't remember mine. I know that one of my friends is always so happy to be born the year of the dragon and I got like year of the failure or something like that. This year is the year of the dragon too. I'm year of the monkey.
Feel like let me look it up 1989 now, you know my birth year Peter you're a snake. Oh That's not so bad. You're like a darn dirty snake. Yeah wonderful listeners tell us your zodiac signs actually
Wasn't swine up Like here's a quick fact for you guys. I didn't even write this down in my notes, but wasn't swine up partially created so that We could have a Pokemon for every member of the Chinese zodiac. Yes Pilo swine
And that's something I wanted to bring up. And I mean, let's let's just do it now, because I was like, wait, let's let's hit it up. It's perfect. Who are the other ones? Like, so rat is rat is obviously ox torus. Yeah, tiger. I was guessing like arcanine probably. Yeah, rabbit. I was I was like jigglypuff was kind of funny like.
You have to realize this has to be up to gen two. Yeah. So and I imagine if pillow swine was because it was said that pillow swine was supposed to complete it.
So I was like, OK, so I guess they're all from Gen 1. Gen 1 and Gen 2, maybe. Well, pillow swine kind of closing it out. But either way, so a rabbit, I was like Jigglypuff Nidoran, maybe also. Oh, wait, I found it. I just looked it up. The one that people suspected to be. No, this is somebody made this. So Dragon is Dragonite.
or the Dragonite line, Snake, Eggins, Horse, Ponyta, Goat was the one I was like, I have no idea other than Abra. I guess Abra's vaguely goat-like. I guess so, yeah. Monkey has to be Primeape, even though I guess you could also make the argument of Pig.
But rooster moltres. Got to be that big old chicken in the sky. Yeah. And then dog. I was guessing Eevee. Yeah. And then pig pillow swine round. Or Growlithe. Well, Growlithe would have been for Tiger. Yeah. So, yeah, I was like, OK, well, I guess if that's why you invented pillow swine was to round out the Chinese Zodiac, then
You clearly have something in mind, but some of them I was a little confused on. Especially goat. I was like, I know Abra is kind of goat-like. You didn't really get a good goat until Go Goat. It's the only other one. Yeah.
Just look up goat Pokemon and try to find anything else. People are listing Ampharos as the goat. Interesting. No sheep. It's a sheep. Yeah. It's a big difference. Sheep and goats are not the same people. You're the dragon. Yeah, dragon, these notes across your face. I wish. So we're here to talk to you about wow, we're getting there. Pokemon number 220.
Swinub, the pig Pokemon, weighing in at 14.3 pounds and standing at a colossal one foot and four inches tall. What's this little piggy look like? It's like a Roomba covered in hair. That's so perfect. Like if you just bought like craft fur from the Michaels and you wrapped Roomba up in one. Yes, actually.
Steven got it. We, I don't think we have to say anything else. It's got a cute little pig nose. Got a pig nose. Looks like it's got sad sleepy eyes. Yeah, this is the only one that, well, in the middle you can't see its eyes, the middle evolution, but a little guy and big guy, you can see the eyes. It would make a good like themed slipper. Oh, yeah. Like, you know, those slippers where you're like standing in it, like,
I got you Chewbacca ones, but get on that. If you look at the Paldea Pokedex, because they have the little screenshots, you can see one kind of yawning actually in the portrait. It's quite adorable because you can't really see the mouth in a lot of pictures. Oh, yeah. And it looks very shaggy. It's you can see his little toes, toes sticking out little feats. Yeah, it's a good photo of it. Good photo. It's like a little pig mount.
Yeah. Little furry pig mound. Same boner. Chubby wubby. Furry. I showed you my furry pig mound. Please respond.

Charm and Evolution of Swinub

So does anybody have any personal anecdotes about this line of Pokemon? How are we feeling about Swinub? What's the vibe check of the room today?
It's cute. I was pissed off that I did not use Swinub and Friend sooner. I did grow warm to them much later on in my Pokemon journey. Yeah, I mean, I would say probably mine is
like, similar to what you're probably gonna say, which is swine up and pillow swine, like, whatever. But when they brought in the mama swine, I was like, heck yeah. That's what you were sounding like. I was revving my engines. I was ready to hit the road for mama swine. But yeah, I mean, like, you know, swine up is really cute. I really do like swine up. I always have pillow swine is like, you know, whatever.
Pilswine's there, but then Mamoswine, it's where it's at again. I have a fact about Mamoswine that I was like, oh, hell yeah, when I read it, I'll save it for that part. But it's funny because I even forgot about Mamoswine while doing the research for this really. I was like, only two. And then I was like, oh, how did I forget about this little fella?
The fourth generation added a I cuz I don't blame you the fourth generation added a lot of evolutions for You know lesser known lesser loved Pokemon with the exception of tangla. I know you're a tangla Lover, but even I forget licky-licky. Yeah, licky-licky. You've got your you know Magnezone you've got your
uh yeah yeah hunch crow uh miss majeus magn order electivire yeah uh great designs
Yeah, Gen 4 was great, but I feel like no other generation added the sheer amount of Pokemon that just needed a little boost and given them that boost. Yep.
So mama's wine was uh was part of the the friendship group in uh in that but it can be hard to remember, you know, um because our brains are uh as carl and uh Oh, I guess carl says it the most. Uh, we're gen one pilled. We're gen one gen two pilled so It can be forgetful and we're also uh getting on in years, you know
Yeah, some of us are like 30 years old. I am 84 years old. Every day I wake up and I'm like, if it gets any worse, I don't know. The aches, the pains, the forgetfulness, the. As long as it's not a hard ache, I'm fine with it.
Yeah, because we got you. Yeah. Why does my pillow smell like wine, you know? You know, back in the day, my grandmother used to get us cans of apple juice. They had like little cans that would come in like a six pack. I bet you that was refreshing. And we would have that and we would always pretend it was beer and then like fall into things. Me and my cousin and pretend we were drunk.
And for some reason he would say that he'd be like drunk on a bottle of swine. So every time I see swine I might think of him acting like a old drunk guy. Draining his little apple juice. Drunk me and my brother and him saying drunk on a bottle of swine.
Yeah, and if Swinub was looking for a delicious refreshing can of apple juice, how would he look for it? Probably that good old sniffer. Yeah, wonderful sniffer on this man. Great sniffer. Yeah. There's one thing I know about pigs. It's that that honker. Yeah, it's good for something. Majora's Mask taught me that too. Yeah. So this is playing off of the
I would say moderately known fact that if you're looking for truffles, which are a fungus that is... A mungus. Yeah. A super freaking expensive and totally not worth it in my opinion. Then you can get a dog to look it up, but traditionally you're going to get a pig out there and the pig is going to help you search for truffles.
And you'll maybe have learned this from playing Stardew Valley or by being an amateur fungus man. But yeah, that line of lore runs strong within this swine of family. Are you a fungus man? I'm a funny guy. That's what I was just going to say. Well, apparently the
Reference if the one Pokedex entry to the swine up finding hot springs could even be a reference to a story of King Bladud of Bath in England who's heard of pigs found hot springs that cured his leprosy.

Historical Pig Tales and Truffle Hunting

But I guess, you know, there's just always been stories of pigs finding stuff for people. And leprosy. And curing leprosy. Yeah, leprosy was everywhere.
Everybody's everybody with that leprosy and shit just all the time follow the pig to the hot spring It'll make you all better. Yeah, I mean I always thought that leprosy was a you know
Non-issue and I think it's it's treatable and curable, but uh still around apparently so yeah, I heard on a podcast recently uh armadillos You don't want to touch them because you might get leprosy. So I haven't touched one yet. Steven. The problem is I really want to touch them I know me too. I heard that and I was like damn it because I would totally grab armadillo No, I wouldn't I respect nature. But yeah, what about a penguin?
I mean, if if if one was handed to me by a professional zoologist, I would I would accept it. But I'm not running out into the wild. I would first make him show show me their skin. So I'd be like, where's your leprosy? And that way I know it's clean where I would put my whole body in a condom, then touch the armadillo. Yeah. Why don't we have body condoms? We do those suits like the guys who the guys who went for E.T.
Mm-hmm the hazmat suits the hazmat suits are like whole body condoms That's why they knocked on the door and they say we're here to fuck that alien Man, that scene scared me so much as again. It is very scary and it was brought to you by Trojan. It sure was
Oh man, that was sad. Oh my gosh. I remember crying, crying at ET when they found him like in that stream. The ditch. Yeah. Works out in the end. I wouldn't show that, uh, that movie to your, your, your child though. Let him grow up a little bit. Yeah. ET. Gotta be at least eight. Aren't they going to remake it or something? I'm not sure if that's actually happening, but I remember seeing stuff about
Like the redesign for ET is shit. Like, you know, if there's a new movie, then the only reason I know is because somebody somewhere's complaining about it. Yeah. Drew Barrymore will reprise her role. Yeah. He's like, I wouldn't fuck this alien. New ET, horrible. New ET gone woke. I don't have a swine up looking at this alien design.
come out those are the good old days but movies meant something yeah great video game too um yeah i was i was oh yeah atari i was really into i was scared by et but i i was really into space so i was you know kind of into et and then i also remember getting uh
all like with the back to back to back from the library would be like ET close encounters which I don't remember anything about short circuit no not short circuit rips what was the one batteries not included that was the one that I watched short circuit I didn't watch until later but that one was really good too but weirdly it's a white guy they painted brown to protect
Be an Indian guy and that's kind of fucked up and but I had no idea as a kid Yeah, just like all the Native Americans used to be played by Italian people Look it up. It's in a book Swine up the thing I like about swine up is Just it's like nubbiness and it's right in the name. That's like we're cutting to the chase here. I
But realistically, this guy is just a little furry pig. And that's all it does. And that's all it is. It's just a little furry pig, which is exciting to some trainers like Dawn, the Misty replacement. Yeah, she had one. We're gonna talk about her a lot because hers kept going.
Yeah, no, I had no idea that I'm a character. Yeah, she had a Pipla. Yeah, that's all I know. It was all in a hat. Yeah. And her brother was along for the ride. Their dad was the the the gym leader. With the slacking, right? No, that's me. No.
Yeah, that's me. No. Yeah. So nobody knows, so it must be true. I know the X and Y protagonist, what was her name? Selena. Ash got the second base with her, so that was cool. What? I think Ash has canonically kissed Selena, a Latias, and
I think it's just a whole bunch of Pokemon pretending to be humans and then just one human. Yeah, but isn't second base like touching boob? You're 10. So this is like a kiss that leaves just the slightest bit of moisture behind on your lower lip.
Okay, you gotta change it up because I'm not thinking, I don't know about 10 year old bass. Yeah, I always thought that second bass was like a titter ass grab. Yeah. Like first bass you get your kissy kisses and...
That's holding hands or sharing in a particularly sweaty Pokemon battle. Or sharing two straws in one malt. Yeah, two straws in one malt. I love that. Can we guess what Dawn's other Pokemon are?

Dawn's Pokémon Team

Because I have the list in front of me and it's pretty wild to
the spread of these. I would have not a single clue. Think like cute, cute, cute animal Pokemon. Patrisu. Yes. Yep. Patrisu is on the team. Girafarig? Not Girafarig, no. Cute animals. And she was Diamond Pearl, right? Yes. Yeah. She's in four. She's in four. Shelos? No.
Lots and lots of fan art of this evolved to form. So Bunyere is there. So you've got Piplup Bunyere Pechirizu. Is that a Bidoof? No, there was a Buizel on the team at one point. Togekiss Quilava and then Mamoswine.
And I'm like, wow. Yeah. You, that mamos one's that like anchor, you know, yeah, when things are going rough, you bring out the mamos wine. No more fucking around. Here's a mamos wine.
And she wasn't a battler, right? She was... No, yeah. So I did lie about her father. Her father apparently does not exist. Yeah, most of them. A lot of immaculate births in the Pokémon world. But her mother was a top coordinator, so she wants to be a coordinator. And that's when they did introduce the, like...
beauty pageants and stuff yeah dawn's mother is famous in the um that circuit along with what phantina uh uh gym leader no yeah i i want to correct myself with immaculate births i don't really think that was true more so than uh a lot of uh home visits from professor oak yeah it's either professor oak or uh brock's dad
Yeah, we knew he was fertile. Yeah. Fertile fella. Yeah. How did Professor Oak get that? Like. Like he's not a perv, right? No, he's just like the only dude in Pallet Town. But it's also like the point of the game is she's just like, here's a Pokemon, leave me here with your mom. Yeah, I think that's where it came from. He was like, all the little guys get out of the town, leave me here with your moms. Mm hmm.
And the movies, it's like Professor Oak is always hanging out with Ash's mom. They always show up together. Yeah, the town is a population of like two and then a guy who's wandering around outside. That fat guy outside? That fat guy outside, yeah. Pokemon is world. Start of journey. Bye bye. I've never talked to anybody in Pallet Town.
And then it's all of his employees, but you can't do anything with your employee that would be so, think about the HR department of Pokemon. The dynamic would be terrible in that office. Yeah, Swineup really, I mean, one thing that I think is funny about Swineup is it has such a unique type combination that it is the only Pokemon that is always weak to every single starter Pokemon.
So like guaranteed fucked by every starter Pokemon. Yeah. I mean, if you're going to be an ice type, right, you're weak to most things is, I think the type with the most weaknesses and ground sort of just rounds it out. Well.
I guess in this type of combination, the ground is doing the heavy hitting for weaknesses due to it being the thing that is weak to grass and water.
They do say it does resist all of the different weather effects. So it might be weak to all the starter types, but it is resistant to all weather damage. And it doesn't need an ability to do that. Yeah.
Go for this little guy. Yeah, he gets to if it's hailing, he just chills out. It's no biggie. Yeah, but they changed his most recent generations. They changed it from hail to snow. So the the hail no longer causes damage. So that just means that the sandstorms look at you could do. Do damage. Gotcha.
I think I forget what light snow does on top of that. It just doesn't do damage anymore, but it adds like vibes. It adds something else to the the weather effect. I am.
the only other uh there's not a ton for these guys i'm gonna really is it say but the one of the things that i liked there's there's two things that i like that haven't been touched yet um his nose can penetrate the frozen ground very strong goes on this man uh and uh also

Swinub's Behaviors and Evolutions

He looks like a little lazy pig, but if you smell something he likes and he likes a lot of things Particularly mushrooms though. We talked about that runs headlong for that sweet sweet mushroom smell and I think we can all agree. That's something that I do to Love him a big mushroom guy. Yeah big mushroom guy man. You can eat all of our mushrooms We are not a mushroom household David and I
Nope. So tasty. I guess for me, it's more like, it's not so much the taste as it is the texture of them for me. Same. One cool thing I'd like to point out is it's shiny, has changed multiple times. Oh. Yeah. And gold, silver and crystal. It's like a bluish purple. And then I like it. Yeah, I do like it. And then we go to Ruby Sapphire emerald and the fire red leaf green. And it's like gray.
So it goes from blue to gray. And then finally, diamond, pearl, platinum, we get that green that we still kind of see today. Yeah.
Um, the green is not so nice. It's I wish they kept the blue. The blue is nicer. I think the green it eventually landed at now is okay. But yeah, the greens are kind of rough before it kind of just felt like that queasy green for a while. Yeah, moldy kind of green or something.
They also have the same sprite in both gold and silver, which is unique because most of the Pokémon in those games had slightly different sprites in both of the games. And I just have to shout out the crystal sprite because it does a little like sniff sniff animation and it's so cute.
crystal spray is is absolutely adorable but it's it's um yeah i mean swine up is not a very uh remarkable pokemon on its old on its own uh it's tied with snom for the lowest based special defense for all ice type pokemon so um you know it's uh it's just a little baby it's not it's not here to
It's not here to win any major battles. It's here for evolving. It's here for evolving and for joining in whatever it is that Dawn does with Pokemon.
Little uh little dance competitions and dress them up. Yeah, come on a mammal swines can dress up too um I do have to shout out that uh swine hub is in uh pokemon unite as a playable character. Um, that's that uh You know, uh league of legends type pokemon game. Um, I was really into that for a little bit. It was pretty fun
Yeah, I'll talk more about it later because, you know, again, in that game, you don't really stay a swine up long, but swine up is in it. So we should shout it out. And then for the names, the Japanese name is
And that is a combination of Oribo, which is a wild piglet, and Bubu, which is an onomatopoeia for oinking pigs, apparently. So you have Orimu, which is the Oribo Bubu.
In French, it's the marca crin, because a marcassen is a wild pig, and a crin is horse hair. So it's like a wild pig that has covered in horse hair.
Um, that all sounded like Tim and Eric stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Markhausen is a wild piglet. Krin is horse hair. So it's the maka Krin. Um, and then in German, its name is quite cool. Uh, because quite can is to squeal and a fair goal is a piglet. So it's quite cool. Uh, cause it's the squeal and pig.
Anyway, do you guys know that the first Beanie Baby pig's name was Squealer? That's a good fact that you guys now know. That's a good, good fact. Do we have any sitting cuties for this sitting cutie? We must have this one probably has a very good sit. I mean, it's like it's a 90 percent flat.
It's cute. It's got a good sit. To be honest, it doesn't look like it would sit. It looks like it's like a bread roll.
It does look like a bread roll. And I and I love the picture of its backside is like one of the most featured pictures on the Internet. Oh, yes. It's just a little nubby tail in the bag. But it's it's little pig nose is adorable. And I love its sad little droopy eyes. But the pillow swine sitting cutie.

Piloswine and Mamoswine: Features and Adaptations

Very good. Oh, it's just like a pile. I like that. It's very good, though, because I can see that one being easy to mess up.
Yeah. Yeah. Hats off to you. Oh, the pillow swine has the tiny little pinhole eyes under the. Oh, it's so cute here. I'm going to try to post the picture so y'all can see. Is it pillows wine or is it pilos wine? It's whatever you want it to be. Tomato tomato. I just posted the picture. Oh, it is so cute. That's a 10 out of 10.
Very good. Yeah, the eyes make it. Oh, I love it. Yeah, I'm sorry. The swine up one just looks like an uncut hot dog roll. Just like a boner. Yeah, that's what I call it. So are we evolving? Are we level 33? I think we are.
So next we've reached level 33 we're going to evolve and we're going to Originally the end of the line for the swine up, but now middle mon Pylos line also known as pillows wine. I don't know the swine looking it up. Yeah
We'll get a reporter out in the field. Three feet, seven inches tall, 123 pounds. Dense boy. Yeah, just a thick man. Don pronounced it pilo swine. All right. So it's a pilo of swine, not a pillow of swine. Pilo swine. I like it.
So, what does this pile look like?
it really honestly just looks like a pile of fur on top of a swine-up. It looks like, okay, so you know how Steven said that a swine-up looks like a Roomba with fur? This just looks like a Roomba with all the fur. It's collected and piled on top of itself because it has nowhere else to put it. Yeah, boots with the fur. Boots with the fur. Wumpier Roomba. It's got a big old badonkadonk.
Huge donk, huge tusks, made of ice. Yeah, that was something that really interested me about Pylo and Mamo, is that they got tusks, but they'll poach in these guys because it's not ivory on their faces. It's big old chunks of ice.
It's like when you're out and it's really, really cold and it freezes your beard. Yeah. Says the tusks can be lethal. And I believe it because I know there's reports of people dying from falling icicles from buildings and shit. So I can only imagine how deadly these tusks must be if they come charging at you.
Every winter after a big old snow, I swear I see more and more people just driving around with hundreds of pounds of snow on their car. Oh, yeah. I'm just waiting for a final destination to happen to me.
Somebody drew fan art of mega pilots wine. Oh, send it over. And it's just like the back part is just like so high up in the air at the top just looks like a butt. I'm sending it over. That sounds mega. It's amazing. Just one big mega butt.
Um, there she is. Yeah, that, you know, honestly, the back of pile of swine looks kind of like the, uh, the background of Mario, like the rolling mushroom Hills or whatever. Yeah, definitely. Especially the shiny version. Cause you got that green. Um, it's just a lump in the beginning. They got better. Cause then they, from the back, they added a little tusk in the front. It's very good.
Little ear action. The mustache is the best part. Yeah. Very good. Yes. Its face is covered in hair. As we mentioned before, like you can lift the flaps of hair in the front and see tiny little pinhole eyes, which is really adorable. It's kind of like those dogs with the floofy hair on the front.
It's referenced so much that in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, if you have a Pyloswine and it levels up, its level up text is, I leveled up, but I still can't see to the front. Yeah, and because I can't see, it has very sensitive hearing, those big ears it's got.
But it'll still try to charge at things no matter where it is, even if it's charging at nothing. It just uses its hearing to try to charge at things that are potentially dangerous to it. But it's doing it blind. Yeah, so this guy's got a good snout, a good hearing. Just can't see shit, so.
And you know what, as a glasses person, I wish my other senses were good to make up for my shitty eyesight. Your beautiful eyes. My special eyes. You view these with your special eyes. It sucks when your eyes fail you. Am I right? Yeah. Why'd you get glasses, Dave? Fourth grade. I was a sixth grader.
Oh, how'd you take it? I hated it. Me too. You look handsome now. Very distinguished if I might add. Same to you. I like the look of them. I still hate wearing glasses. Same. You can't fall asleep in them?
You ever want to like read before you go to bed? You got stigmatism. It's real hard. You got to kind of like close one eye the whole time. It's very annoying. Yeah. You want to smooch your lover square on the lips and then you come away from them. And it's been a particularly sweaty day and you just got a big old smoosh stain against your lens. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the hottest thing.
The smush name. Yeah. Yeah. That's actually my nickname. Yeah. Smush stain. We got we we got that one from Jersey Shore. Yeah. They're called Making Love Smushing. Did they really? Yeah. Joe Smush. Oh, my goodness. I know. I've never seen it. But apparently, like recently, they thought the people thought that their code name for drugs
Uh, went over the head of the producers and the people filming, but only recently where they're like, no, we, we're not fucking stupid. They would ask how many like, I forget what it was. I was going to say trays of ZD, but that's what, that was a Sopranos. Yeah. I forget what it was, what they said was going to be. Yeah. Something like that. Code name for drugs.
Oh, how many girls are gonna be there? Oh, really? And the numbers equated to increments of 10. And they'd be like- That's a very sophisticated system to follow. They'd just be like, how many girls are gonna be there? And then that's how they knew how many drugs to get. Oh my god. Damn, I didn't know this. Yeah. I just knew about smushing. I learned everything about romance from the Jersey Shore reality TV show.
It's a good one. Yeah. Never watched it. Honestly, made fun of it.
I thought all of the characters, all the people were likable for the most part for the couple of episodes that I saw. I'm not like. Most of them are not even from New Jersey. Oh, is that right? I didn't know that from New York, like New York and stuff. Oh, that's a shame. Snucky is from Poughkeepsie. Yeah. So, you know, everybody who said it gives Jersey a bad name, it's like, yeah.
It's fine. People really hate you, Jersey. I enjoy it. It was, I mean, the entire show was based on a true life episode or something. It was like true life down at the Jersey Shore and they followed some guy around and it was such a hit episode that they turned into the show, the Jersey Shore. So.
Uh, and in the true life, this guy is like drunk on the corner at some place, just try to get cheese balls. And he's just shy. Hey, give me my cheese balls. I want my cheese balls. And he's like getting into a fight with the people alive. He's like, no, I want my cheese balls. So that's good TV. Yeah. I went, I got the cheese balls. They were pretty good.
If you if you give me a doodle or a cheese it or You know a crunchy Cheese doodle or cheese fear or just cheese. It's all gonna be good There was a guy I saw online where he put flyers up in the city and I think he met it like Union Square and he was like come watch me eat an entire barrel of cheese balls and
And like everybody showed up and he showed up in like a wrestling mask and like got the crowd hyped. And then I don't even know if he finished it. I just saw the stuff about how like only in the city will someone spread like, Hey, come watch me eat all these cheese balls and like a huge crowd. Yeah.
I'd do it. Honestly, I would gladly, if I had this free time, which is very unlikely, gladly just watch somebody eat cheese balls. It's just a simple pleasure. There's nobody getting hurt. It's just one man, me enjoying myself, cheese balls. I mean, that's what they should do in between like UFC matches. So it's like all the violence and a lot. And they're like, and now this guy's going to eat a whole thing of cheese balls.
I wonder how many people walked away from that and were like, man, now I want cheese balls. Yeah. I think in the beginning, yeah. But near the end, they were like, oh, it's a lot of cheese. I want some right now. I was going to say, like, now I really want some. Like, anytime anyone says any sort of food these days, I'm like, fuck, I need that right now. Right now.
There's a gift card for a food place right in front of me, and I'm thinking, if it was open right now, I would just leave this podcast. Just walk right on over there. We should talk about Pillow's line. Pillow's line. Nah. Can't see shit because his hair keeps him warm. His tusks are bigger on males than versus female.
Okay, interesting and they get thicker during the heavy snow too, right so they can plow their way through Yeah, usually mine gets smaller when it's cold out, but you still plow Damn you're so good The hair keeps it warm but also will puff up like a little cat when there's an enemy near I like that and
Anything with it's cute and fluffy, nubby, I'm here for. And this Pokemon, it's got a lot of it. And I didn't notice that. Yeah. I would say gen two. Pillow's wine. Most pettable. Oh yeah. That's, that's saying a lot. Most pettable.
You heard it here, most petable. Most petable. You heard it again, most petable. Most petable. It's like rugged hair though, it's like thick and matted. It's not petting hair. But I heard somewhere that it was most petable. I bet Dawn keeps that soft and silky.
Hmm, maybe yeah, you're gonna have to do a lot of calming and maintenance Yeah, I'm not talking about dawn. I just so I'm talking about don't the trainer. Yeah Don dish soap dish soap might help though might help you might cut through all that grease a greasy little bacon Greasy little boy that little pig. Hey, so I didn't check if this Pokemon made it to the top Pokemon of the year
Oh yeah, probably not. That's the most petable. That's why I didn't check, but most petable, I didn't know if that was part of this then. Yeah, no. Wait, wait, that was just one year though, because it could for the next year, you never know. It could be right, nope. Oh, but I forgot all about mammal swine, mammal swine, crowd favorite, cow favorite, absolutely not.
I wonder if Mr. Zwanzi got in his vote because he was a Mamoswine proponent. Here's the reason why I told you to slug my nuts, because I was fighting for his honor. Love it. If that episode, or if any of these episodes ever find the light of day. Yeah, we're having issues.
We're in a fight. We'll see if the beginning of this episode said Powered by Zencaster or not. That'll give a good... We'll find out. Yeah, we'll see. The Japanese name is Inomu, because Inoshishi is a boar, and Bubu, like I said before, is the sound of a pig oinking. So Inomu. Then we have Koshinyon,
in French. A cochon is a pig and a chignon is like a hair bun. So it's a pig with a hair bun. And then yeah, and then the German name is Keiffel because Kyler is a boar. Fel is fur and Kiefen is too shriek. So it's a hairy boar that shrieks.
man that kind of makes me not like it as much yeah if it's just screaming all the time i mean you know it's always charging doesn't really know where it's going it should uh probably screams pay better attention to its uh credit card it's always charging
You should put that credit card on ice. Do people still do that? Do they still actually put their credit card in a block of ice? Oh, so that they can't use it? Yeah. Some people might. I feel like that doesn't work anymore because you could just do like everything online. If you know the card number. So on my phone, Apple Pay. Yeah. Well, that's why you got to freeze your phone too. Yeah. There's probably like a freeze your card app. Put it on ice.
So this is probably a good time to bring this one up before we move on That there's basically two Three technically Pokemon but two sets of Pokemon that may have become swine up and pile of swine so First I am going to share with you
this little piggy. I'm gonna put it into the chat for everybody. So, we were, ew, I love this little guy. This is not a pig, this is like a- It's a boar. It's like a moose boar.
OK, so for the listeners at home, this is a Pokemon that was discovered in 2020 with the leak of the Space World demo. So there was a wild boar Pokemon that had like deer antlers. And it kind of reminds me of like it's kind of like an Akira like Toriyama style. Bad guy from like a Dragon Quest kind of game, which is cool, but it's just a pig with antlers.
I love it. I really enjoy it. I would go to say that I would prefer this to Swinnup. I wouldn't go that far. It's too confusing for me. What? I just think he's cool looking. But this is what's more confusing because people also believe and I think we've talked about these Pokemon. These will go up on our Instagram whenever you're hearing this. So there were two ice Pokemon that came out and they were thought to be inspired by Tangla.
And they are ice Pokemon with claws that are hidden by wolves fur so it looks like they're wearing the skins of wolves and they're peeking out through the mouth the eyes and Many people believe that this is kind of the precursor between

Influence of Unused Pokémon Designs

Swinub and Pyloswine and Sneasel. And Weavile. Kind of a mix like it broke off in that way. But they think we got the boar and then they took the shaggy hair from this Pokémon and that's where we got Pyloswine. This guy is so badass. I love it. Yeah.
I can see why they didn't include it because it looks like it's wearing the corpse of another Pokémon. Yeah. But it's very cool. This will be on our Instagram. I'll post these up. Yeah. So, yeah, it's the we sadly lost that cute little boar, but they added the furry ice element of that Pokémon. And that's that's what we got. Yeah, it's
the ground type and ice type are uh Always really good offensively really bad defensively. So um But then I think later on these guys also got like a It might just be mama's one. They they get like thick fat to help counteract some of those weaknesses I don't know why i'm talking about typing all of a sudden, but
Very petable. Yeah, but my mind, it wanders. Speaking of moves, what happens if you teach your Pyloswine ancient power? Well, funny, you should say that. If you teach your Pyloswine ancient power and you're in generation two, nothing. If you teach your Pyloswine ancient power and you're in generation three, nothing.
Alright, that's been the podcast everywhere. Generation 4 and on, you will level up, you will know Ancient Power, and you will actually, surprise, evolve into Pokémon 472, Mamazwine, the twin tusk Pokémon, standing at a massive
eight feet, two inches, and 641.5 pounds. That's a big fucking dude. That's a big fella. Big dude. What does this Pikachu look like?
a wooly mammoth a wooly mammoth with a pig nose with a big nose. He's got like ski goggles for around his eyes like a little blue patch surrounded by a white patch with some eyes in the center. The tusks are a little bit like I don't know where his mouth is.
Doesn't really matter. But the tusks do look like a little bit further, like down into the side, not really like around his mouth at all. Also made of very hard ice. Yes. This I thought there was going to be some really cool stuff about it. Yeah, me too. It's just it's just a wooly man. Yeah. But is he as strong as he looks?
I mean, maybe it might because it can endure harsh cold and hunger for almost an indefinite amount of amount of time. And I think that is added in. So the whole idea of this, the reason why you could learn ancient power or whatever.
But if you are an ancient Pokemon like let's say a woolly mammoth that's been frozen in the Arctic It's you know, it's ancient ancestor in a way before they did all the his sui and stuff But the world is getting hotter global warming. The ice caps are melting and that's where we got mammals wine. I
Yeah. Mamoswine is, I think, just a little simple in its design. I feel like the back needs a little something going on. It's just kind of like, I don't know.
He's just four legs and a torso. But I will say, bringing it back to what I was saying before, Mamoswine being in Pokemon Unite, pretty good outfits. Ooh, that's really the best part of the game.
Yeah, I'll post the link in our chat, but you can have the holiday outfit where it's wearing a little Santa hat, or the hip hop style where it's got some beats headphones and a baseball cap, the night style where it's got a little night's helmet, the practice style where it's wearing a hoodie, or my favorite, the tuxedo style where it's wearing a tuxedo with a little top hat.
Damn, I stopped playing that game once all the outfits really came out, and that's truly a shame. Some of these outfits are incredible. I just want to play as a little top-headed Mamoswine my whole life. What is Pokemon Unite?
What is it? Yeah. What do they call it? A dota? MOBA? MOBA? It's a dota boba. It's like a League of Legends dota type game, but with Pokemon. Oh, here in the round trying to defend lanes and capture whatever's.
Here in this little panel for Pokemon Adventures, the comic, you do actually see Mamma's wine has a mouth. And that immediately makes me feel a little bit better. You need one of those.
yeah so he can eat it's it's right underneath the uh mustache beard combo he's got going on all right good um we were worried i am worried yeah i was very worried um
Oh, I asked before, does Mamoswine look as strong as, is he as strong as he looks? And there are very few Pokedex entries for this guy. And one of them basically just says, Mamoswine looks strong and he is.
The most common one is I think the one that Dave wanted to talk about which is I might have just been guessing at this but The The scientists found a 10,000 year old mama's wine that was covered in ice and they unearthed him and thought him and the mama's wine woke up and
so that's a a full cute little story that uh mammoths wine can just preserve themselves in ice and much like regular woolly mammoths they um
they cannot thrive outside of an icy environment so yeah with the decline of the ice age was the the decline of mamma's wines so now they are a very rare pokemon which always makes me a little sad to hear we'll bring them back yeah teach an ancient power across the globe

Scientific Ambitions and Mamoswine's Strength

My father is really hoping to see the day where they crossbreed Aya. They take woolly mammoth DNA and they manage to somehow get that within the womb of an elephant to get a hybrid going. Interesting. I don't know how possible that is, but who knows. For my dad's sake, I hope it happens. Sounds like a sci-fi original horror movie. Yeah.
The thing. The pig guy. The pig guy. Pig mad. I'm pig mad, I'm pig mad. I just want to show my hand. I'm out of facts.
I got some names. Japanese name is Mamu, because it's mammoth and boo boo. And then in French, we have mamoshan, which is mammoth and koshan, which before we said was a pig. And then in German, it's mamoodle.
which is from Mammoth Zottle, which is like shaggy, and then Elephant. So Mamutal. Yeah. And the shiny is like a golden greenish color. It's not that great.
That's it. All right. Card game and get the fuck out of here. Heck yeah. Proud of us. You did it, guys. We made it through this.
sorry but mediocre line they're cute but they're meh their facts are like hey guys this one's like a boar hey guys this was like a woolly mammoth hey guys this is a fig i think you're gonna enjoy the pokemon more in playing with it than in reading the pokedex yeah i mean i always liked writing the mama swine in pokemon x and y i mean that was always kind of fun
I gotta say, I talk about this fairly often, but I was invited to play in a tiny tournament for people who are not super competitive battle-oriented, and it was monotype battles, and I was the ice team. And I did not know
How to shore up my team. I didn't know who was gonna be good because I'd only ever battled NPCs before and all of those battles revolves around Setting up and sweeping which I guess normal humans are also that's the goal But they're not gonna let you do it like an NPC will
And anytime I didn't know what to do, I would bring out Mamma's wine and he would be there for me. Aw, what a good guy. Yeah. Mamma's wine was so strong and so bulky that he would let me soak up some damage and he would... Things that I said to myself, oh, there's no way this is going down.
Annihilated by this man mama's wine was so um I warmed up to him so fast and uh, he is Uh a pokemon that in my heart of hearts. I know that I can trust and depend on now. So That's my that's my mama's wine story All right I love that. What was its name? Uh, did you name it or was he just mama's wine?
he was just mama swine hey that's fine i also had a wee vial that i made shiny and that guy was killadilla too could not could not survive even the slightest uh touch from anybody or anything speaking of wee vials are actually the natural predator of mama swines yeah
I don't see that going well for the Weavile. All he needs to do is a good sit and he's done 600 pounds. That's like me. My number one enemy being like trucks and I just like hanging the highway punching trucks. Yeah.
Well, let's find out how many cards our friends appear on. So Peter, Steven, and Dave are going to guess how many cards Swine Up, Pillow Swine, and Mamma Swine appear in the trading card game. So let's start with Swine Up. I got a number in my head. It's 22. I love the confidence. Uh, 18. Uh, 24.
All right, so Steven is correct. You guys were really optimistic for this line. There was only 13. Oh, geez. Yep, yep. All right, so keeping that in mind, how many people swine cards do we think? Somebody go. 16. 12. 13.
Dave, you're the closest. There's 14 cards. Damn. And then moving right along, remember we're in Gen 4 for Mamoswine. Nine. Six. Ten. Peter got it right on the mind. There's nine. Nine Mamoswine cards. All right.
So each of you won, right? Yeah, each of us won one and it feels so good. Man, I love that. Teamwork makes the dream work. And you know, also makes the dream work some fucking some fucking this game's called who you're gonna fuck where I'm gonna list for Pokemon. You're gonna tell me which one if left with mama swine would not have a mama's egg.
right out of its little loins. So I went with Pig-ish Pokemon. So here we go. We got Tepig. We got Spoink. We got Manky and Drowsy. I say Drowsy. What is this Spoink?
Oh, this is a this is a hoot nanny. This is a hoot nanny. Drowsy. Oh, yeah, it's Drowsy. Fun fact, Drowsy is not even a pig. I just couldn't find one that could not be able to read. It is the human like. And I believe it's supposed to be a shrew, but a taper, right? Yeah. Which is kind of like elephant pig like it's pigish. Yeah.
It's got a piggy nose. It's like me. Little pig man. Taper? I hardly know her. How is Chainsaw outside my door screaming now? He's going on both mics today. Because I've ignored him. So now he's like, all right, fuck this human. Let me go to the other one.
Well, thank you for listening, listeners, if you can listen. We're battling the good fight to not be censored by the internet. We have social media where you can see all of the things that Dave, Steve, Steven, Sarah, and myself have been speaking on today.
We like to thank Carl Jerm for our music and that's that's about it. I love you and party!