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397 Plays1 year ago

Your torch cuts through the darkness like a knife through jello. It's thick, damp, untouched for lifetimes. The wall illuminates and that is when you see the markings. They seem alien yet familiar. Was this the language of early man? Maybe even before? Pokemon?

You spend hours staring up at the wall. Your eyes strain as you copy the markings down into your notebook. Did they move or is it the flames light licking dancing on the stone?

You copy down the last letter just as the Unown descend on you.  You utter the same words the beasts spelled out.

"who farted?"


Introduction to Liquid IV and Humorous Pokemon Comparison

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Got an upcoming beauty pageant and the paufins just started hitting right? Are you a career man and you can't tend to your gym because you're always in a Zoom meeting? Or maybe your ESP classes at the local gym have you worn out? Then Liquid IV is the liquid multiplier that can hydrate you with just one small stick and 16 ounces of water. That's less water than a sunkern and will hydrate you twice as much as that regular old bottle of water you gave that guard.
And flavors, we have them. White peach, probably tastes like an all-creamy or slurp puff. Green grapes, I'm guessing that's like a cherim. And lemon lime, I bet an electrode would have a sick lemon flavor. Flavors, hydration, base stats, Eevees, Ivies, it's got it all.
Time to go from a pre-evolved dehydrated baby pokemon to a fully evolved hydration monster. You'll have so much water in you that you could flood the local area in some sick kaiju battle for no reason, or if you need to cure that hangover from eating all those legendary sandwiches obviously, then all you need is just one stick of liquid ivy.
No artificial sweeteners and zero sugar, no rare candies here, and a proprietary amino acid allose blend provides a sweet taste without the calories or raised blood glucose levels. No spike in sugar means you won't be slacking off on your next turn. Contains 8 vitamins, calcium, iron, I don't know, maybe, and nutrients that are needed for everyday wellness and 3 times the electrolytes.
You'll have so many electrolytes you'll have an elegant sucking on you like an outlet. And this is a non-GMO product. Team Rocket cruelty free. And free of gluten, dairy, and soy so no wanted tummy aches or Pokemon were hurt in the making of this product.

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Again, that's 20% off anything you order at, where you use offer code DITTOES at checkout. Daycare DITTOES used liquidation. It was super effective.

Confusion and Humor: The Podcast's Theme

Hey guys, how are you? Hanging in? Yeah, doing okay. Yeah, everybody's good. What Pokemon are we supposed to do today? Aren't you supposed to tell us that? I forget. Do we know? It is unknown. Oh. Alright. I don't know what Pokemon we're doing today. The answer is unknown.
I guess we're not, I guess we're not doing the podcast. I thought one of us would do our homework today. No, Peter, the name of the Pokemon is unknown.

Misunderstood Song Title: A Personal Story

You know, I had a real life, uh, situation like this when I was young. So when I used to get ready for school, uh, maybe it was like middle school. Yeah. It had to be middle school. I would watch VH one music videos.
while I got ready for school in the morning. And then there's this one song that came on and you know how like in music videos in the beginning of the song and at the end of the song would have the name of the song and the artist. Yep. So that came up and the song was called unwritten. And I'm like, huh, the title is unwritten.
Oh, I guess they haven't come up with a title yet. And then the songs kept going and they in the chorus, they would say the word unwritten and I'm like, Oh, I'm just dumb. Got it. I actually have a similar story where it took me until like my late 20s to realize that whenever it says like, so and so feet, so and so I
I was just always like, why does that just say feed? And I realized that featuring, so then finally somebody let me in on it. And I was like, oh, that makes sense. I'm so dumb. Yeah. I was always really confused why every first episode was named pilot. Yes. Who is this pilot? Why are they so important? Yeah.
So, listeners, is this still going to be in spooky season? This is sort of a spook. I think spooky season just finished up. Okay. This is like a, this is a mystery Pokemon to, you know, not spooky enough to make it into our spooky season, but like residual spook.

The Pokemon Unknown: Catching Alphabetic Variations

Yeah, I like that.
is Pokemon 201. Pokemon's name is unknown. It is the symbol Pokemon. When was the last time we did a single Pokemon episode? Damn, I don't know. No evolutions. No pre evolutions. I'm gonna look now. Do you consider this to be a single Pokemon though? I mean, technically not really.
What, 28 forms? That's pretty hefty. Okay, I have a follow-up question. Who of us has tried to catch every letter of the other? I have. Yeah. Me too. Probably Steven. Yeah, not me. Definitely.
I'll tell you a quick little story about my hatred of Unknown. When I picked up Gen 2, I did all the wrong things. I got all of the Pokemon that didn't evolve, tried to force them to work. And my first foray into that awful, awful experience was unknown. I was like,
Of course, the ruinous of Alf. They're so cool and mysterious. You have to do a puzzle to find this Pokemon. There must be something special about it. No, no. Just a really bad Pokemon. I really can't, I'm struggling to think. I mean, there are worse Pokemon. But I'm not sure. I really am not sure. I can think of one. Who's that?
What do you think?
I actually haven't. I haven't like, I mean, shit on Klefki in a while. Well, you know, it's funny because Klefki, now that you mentioned it, kind of looks a little bit like an unknown, like a gray unknown a little bit. It looks like a set of keys and that's all it is because it's lazy design. If you look at like the cue unknown, it's kind of Klefki looking. Looks a little bit like a key, even. Yeah, but at least unknown has like 28 other
Yeah. Yeah. 28 forms. I mean, Puffkey is just a set of keys, that's it. I always feel like the question mark unknown really rounds out my team, you know? Yeah. Which was bad. Which puts that oomph at the end. I didn't know that the question mark and the exclamation point came later.
Oh yeah. I remember when they were added, it was great for unknown fans. When I read it, I was like, oh yeah, 20, it says, oh yeah, there are 28 different forms. I'm like, yeah, that makes sense. They're like, yeah, the extra two because, you know, there was only 26 letters came the next generation. And I had to think about that. I was like, oh yeah, there are only 26 letters in the alphabet.
Wasn't it also like they weren't even available in like Ruby and Sapphire, you only could get the or Firewood leaf green or something. Yes. So it's like they introduce them and they're like, yeah, but you're not getting them. Right. Yeah. I should have watched the how it was unknown, actually. If there is one. Yeah. I can give you a synopsis of it. OK. It's not.
I pulled up this while you guys were talking, the smog on just like, you know, how to utilize it. It just says waste of. You know, this this Pokemon kind of ruins a lot of things. It's ruining all of the games in our podcast today.
It's ruining all the games. Oh, yeah. It's ruining every single game that we play, because the first game we play is what does this Pikachu look like? I mean, are we going to sit here forever and describe all 28 unknown forms? The alphabet. Boom. But it doesn't, because some letters don't look like the right letters that it's supposed to represent. OK, so that's, I think, the more interesting thing. Let's talk about the ones that don't actually look like the letters. Yeah.
because, um, F is okay. Um, yeah, but, um, I would say why I, I mean, I don't like our, I mean, I don't like you. You has too many. Oh, why do you not like me? That was fucking funny. I can see that Steven.
The G also is not a big fan of the G. V also has a weird

Favorite Forms of Pokemon Unknown

little nubbin at the top. Which one? V. Yes, I was going to say V as well. They say if you ain't nubbin, you're loving? I don't know. I do love how bored the exclamation point at question mark look.
They are in fact the only two that have half open eyes. The rest of them have a fully open eye that just penetrate your soul. Yes. As long as we're getting penetrated. Well. Oh, I also have a problem with the letter B. That's ridiculous. What's your favorite one? I'm actually a big fan of F and L. I like K. I think K is super cute. It looks like a little bird.
Yeah, Kay's really cute. So I feel like I'm a purist, so I really like I or O. Yeah, it looks good. I kind of like C.
Yes, he's cool. He's a little weird, but I do like C. It's just got a nice curve to it, and M is fun. Oh, C kind of looks like the chrome icon broke. Yeah, it does. It does. It does. H looks like Darth Vader's TIE fighter, so I enjoy that as well, too. But yeah, I think C and M really get me there. Maybe U as well. Yes, C, U, and M are the ones I really am. I'm also a big fan of C, U, M.
Yeah. Only the big fat load kind. Yeah. And then my second question is, when you picture an unknown in your head, what is the unknown that pops up in your head? Oh, that is a good question. I think it's F. I'm going to tell you why it's F. Because F is the one that I feel like is always the sprite that's represented.
You know what I mean? It's very like the one that looks most like a hieroglyphic. Yeah. I feel like I always see F. I was going to say S. For some reason, my head pictures S. Same. Yeah, I don't know why. I think for me, it's the H or the A. Yeah, both of them, too. The A, especially I was looking at the crystal sprite. And the A is the one shown and featured. And it's just really adorable.
They're very cool Pokemon. We might have a short episode on our hands. Which is pretty cool. Which is good for us, yeah. Oh, I have an update. Go for it. The last single Pokemon that we covered was Mew. Wow. Gen 2 has not had a singular Pokemon since the beginning. With guest Frostlord.
Always a pleasure to have our good friends on with us. I was so pleased with the way our Murkrow episode went as well. Big thank you to all of our guests. Huge shout out to other Sarah because she sparked a lot of conversation about what it's like to bring Pokemon to the next generation of our kids. Yeah.
so uh yeah gen two as it is gen two yes exactly so um yeah um so i mean we kind of already covered what this Pikachu look like oh it looks like but it's it's letters black letters
completely almost two-dimensional black hieroglyphics with a eyeball dead in the middle that's either wide open or half closed if you get to the two that are punctuation. Yeah, they are one foot eight inches tall, so they're big. Watch out for them. But they're also 11 pounds, which is pretty dense, I think.
Yeah, that's pretty leafy. They're like rocks. Yeah, I guess. I mean, they're like a type. They're in like ruins. So I always imagine they'd be like boulders. I guess just because I always see them as text instead of the actual Pokemon. I just assumed that they were a little smaller. But but yeah, they're they're like the kind of the placeholder hieroglyphics of all Pokemon now. They said before the unknown were introduced, they used Braille.
in certain Pokemon animes and adaptations. But the problem was it got fingerprints all over your Game Boy screen. Yeah. You know, the Game Boy had a really hard time creating the dot matrix for your hands. I always love that meme where it's like somebody, they have the Playboy Braille collection.
that actually exists. Did you guys know this? Really? I did not know that. Yeah. There's a Playboy Braille collection. But of course, it's just the articles, a collection of all the articles. But it's this guy who's blind sitting in bed and he's like, damn. Oh, my God. But, uh, yeah. That's it. It's just that guy. I think it's funny. Yeah. I think that guy is funny. So it was
I saw one recently. It just brings joy to me. There is a blind YouTuber of some name who
It was pretty big back in the day, kind of just answered Q and A videos. He seemed like a very solid guy. And I saw his interview with Tosh.0, on Tosh.0 with Daniel Tosh. And I was just like, that was a good show. I know, like my mom always says, I know that he's, oh, he's so bad, but- Oh, he's so bad. Oh, he's so bad. He's a real stinker sometimes. Yeah, he's a bit of a stinker.
dare I say it he's a naughty boy I liked his web redemptions those are always good when he would talk to the people in the viral videos I'd like to see what they've been up to it's nice yeah he was always very kind to them I thought yeah
He seems like a kind soul with a twisted mind. You don't really see much about him anymore.

TV Shows Comparison: Ridiculousness vs. America's Funniest Home Videos

I hope he hasn't like done awful things and maybe have to cut this all out.
They've got to make way for the 12 hours of ridiculousness. I was just going to say Rob Dyrdek showed up and changed everything. Yeah, kids don't watch YouTube anymore. So my dad watches ridiculous and says that the blonde haired girl is fairly cute. And my mom really likes the black. So.
Is this real? Nobody likes Rob. Yeah, that's real. Oh, that's great. See, there's something for the whole family on Ridiculousness. Yeah. Except for she changes the channel as soon as somebody gets her, which is like immediately. I was going to say, all the time, get slimmacked in the nuts and have to go to the emergency room. Yeah.
It's crazy that like it's a show. I'm just thinking about this and this is dumb, but it's like you watch a TV show of people watching a TV show. Yeah. Well, I kind of just see it as like the modern America's Funniest Home Videos. It is. Just like here's a collection of like the best internet videos that people laughed at.
i mean look at all the reaction videos on youtube it's just the same thing people want to see how other people react to this it's like validation it's like is my reaction you know similar to other people's reactions then
A lot of people need to be told how to feel about things. I was watching The Wheel of Time, which is an Amazon adaptation of the book series. It's a book series that I read and really enjoyed. Every single episode I would finish it and I would be like, how do I feel about this? Let me go to YouTube and find out how I should feel about this.
Yeah. And that's how I form my opinion, because I'm a basic man. I don't have time to think about things anymore. Things? Who has time for it? Stuff? No time for that either. Yeah. So, I just buy Hulk Hogan disposable babes. Did you buy a Hulk Hogan or a Half Hogan?
Well, uh, that's one of my favorite. This is a random meme that I love. Somebody was selling a Hulk Hogan action figure on like Facebook Marketplace, and they were like, I have a and they spell it like whole as in like whole milk. Oh my God. Kogan like K.O.G.A.N. So anytime we get one at the comic shop, we'll be like, wow, we got a whole Kogan here.
I don't even think I can eat a whole kogan. Would you want to split it? Yeah, what a piece of shit that man is yeah Well, he'll be happy to know that his vapes aren't moving so oh Well, he's a wrestler so he probably won't be moving much longer either. Yeah So now you know what this picture looks like and now we're going to go into the
years and years and years and years of local accent. Yeah, all three of them. Did you know that their shapes look like hieroglyphics on ancient tablets? What? That's crazy.
Yeah, I like how it's basically English and they're like, oh, this ancient writing that's basically the same. Like, come on, at least mix the letters up a little bit or do something. I saw this one picture one time where it was like, you know, the unknown and it was like reading this makes you feel like you have a superpower that you don't actually have.
They are a little bit difficult to read, though, just at first glance. You do have to look at them and be like, all right, which is that? OK, got it. OK, moving. OK. And what do they all say when you put them together? Yeah. Speaking of when they are together, they have an odd power.
So they seem to be a little bit more powerful and can kind of telepathically communicate with one another. Much like people joined in prayer, there are power in two unknowns together. And then if you add more, there's more power. Yeah, like Goku Spirit Bomb. Like Goku Spirit Bomb, exactly.
I guess it's to explain like why they group up and make words.

Psychic Abilities of Pokemon Unknown

And the idea is like, you know, the more words, the more power. It says also that when they're in great numbers, they have the capability to distort reality. And it kind of speaks to Yeah, well, it kind of speaks to their psychic typing, but they're only able to do that when a bunch of them are together. So you need to have like a book's worth of
unknowns for them to be able to do some weird shit. And, you know, if you were a kid sitting in the movie theater watching Pokemon, the third movie, you were like, oh, shit, that those unknown are crazy. And then you play the game and it's like, what the hell is this? Yeah, that's like just being like, holy shit, what kind of Pokemon do you have? And it's just like Helvetica. Like, no one fucking cares.
Yeah, actually, I've been doing a complete run through for spooky season of, uh, Dave's, uh, where he cut his teeth doing podcasting, calling all creeps. And there was, uh, that one where you did, uh, the game where, uh, you're giving, uh, your co-host Matt hieroglyphics and ask what those spelled.
Well, you select to play games and calling all creeds. Just some fun to have games, right? So we had very good games. So we we had some games for this episode, but lo and behold, it got all fucked up. Just a little fucked up. Just a little. Every single game we can't play.
No, you can still play it. I just can't participate because I know one of the answers. The internet ruined the game, the card game, and the biology of an unknown ruined the fuck game. Yeah. Well, so the fuck game is ruined. So instead, I decided to make a little game. If you wouldn't mind going to your email, we're opening our emails. There are four.
Let's specify not the listeners. You don't have to open your email. We did not spam you. I promise you did not. I will post these when I post the info on Instagram so you can read them as well. I have made my own walls of Pokemon hieroglyphics and they go in. I have to look at this on my computer.
or your phone, whatever works, but they go in a varying degree of toughness. So they're labeled one, two, three, and four. Yes. So who would like to take a shot at number one? Oh, you need to send them to me again. I never got it. Oh, no. You said you got the email. I got the Zencaster email twice.
I'm sorry, you guys can play. You guys can play. Hold on. Oh, I'm closing it. It's okay. No, no, hold on. I'm closing it. Please wait. I gotta send them in order to you. Okay. Add. All right. It sent, did it send? Okay. Yes, it sent them in order as a text. All right. Thank you. Got him. This is the wonder of podcasts. There we are. So they're on your phone now. All right. So we have unknown number one.
Shall we hit it? Sarah, you ready? All right, who would like to answer? So number one, let's see, buzz in when you have the answer. We have to do the whole phrase. Yeah, in your head, and then whoever gets it first.
I'm trying, I'm looking at this and I don't know. Okay, so here's the thing, to make it harder, to make it harder, there are no, okay. I know it, I know it. All right, all right, so Peter, you buzzed in first, can you say? No, no, I was working on it. I just got the first two words. Me too.
I got it. My diaper freaking stinks. That's correct. I got them my diaper and I'm like, Oh, here we go. All right. All right. So one, one point for Peter. Now we're going to move on to number two. Ready, set, go. Buzz in when you have it correct. Oh boy. I think I got it.
All right, he buzzed in. If you get it wrong, you lose a point. Okay. Okay, go. Oh, fuck. Ham and cheese. Oh no, I was too fast. I know it, I know it. You wanna steal the point? Lunch. Lunchable. Yeah. The second one was ham and cheese lunchable.
I was going to say sandwich, but then I realized because I buzzed in too fast, like it was some sort of jeopardy. All right, guys. Number three. Ready, set, go. What the fuck? I have it wrong. This one's tough and it's not even the phrase.
Got it. Peter? Oh, I got it too. Damn it. Arceus takes the wheel. Yes. That's correct. All right. Now this is the grand finale. What the hell? We're going to be here for 50 years. Are you kidding me? This is the best one. Ready? Oh my God. No, I, oops, sorry. Oh, I know.
We are going to be here for a while. Forever. Why would you do this? The concentration is real. Yes.
I realize this doesn't make good audio, so I'll talk to the listener. How you doing today? What you been up to? It seems we're in a spooky little temple. And we don't know what's gonna happen, but there's some markings on the wall that say some crazy stuff. You guys can give up and I can just read it. I mean, I got part of it. No, not invested. Okay, okay.
You gave us a whole novel here. It's one sentence. It's not. It's a whole book. No, there would have been unknown punctuation if there was. Oh, boy. Can I just... Can we just sound it out together? Yeah, let's sound it out together, okay? So it's, I bet the rise... No.
The that's an R, right? Yeah, I bet there. Oh, there is there is you. You also confuse the S's with Z's, I think. A ton of Mario Wonder Elephant.
Well, I was guys on the Internet already sworn on the Internet already. No, no, the word in the middle is hentai. Oh, the phrase is I bet there is a ton of Mario Wonder elephant hentai on the Internet already. Let's see.
By the way, because our next episode is Miss Maggius when I was making the art. I forgot to tell you guys there was a because sprites did not exist at that generation, really. Somebody made their own sprite of Miss Maggius Vore, where it's just Miss Maggius with a huge belly because it ate somebody. There is so much Mario Wonder porn. It's kind of crazy.
That's really good though. I never got over Bowser. Bowser? Oh. Yeah. I'm just saying Mario Odyssey Bowser with his coiffed hair. What a handsome man. What a handsome little devil, yeah. Who would think to make a piranha plant sexy? Oh, I do. I did, yeah. Yeah, I did. I do that. I just can't draw, but I think about it. You did a good job.
I wish you could draw a butt, because then I would commission you to draw me some butt. They give it big titties and big balls in a dick. It's very good. Yeah. I mean, that's the ideal form. Really good, really good artisanship here. They gave the dick a lot of veins because it's a plant. Very good. I love the internet.
uh so did you enjoy my game i did it was i there was so many times where i was like i've got every word except for one and i can't seem to make sense of these letters like champion can i can i give you a little reveal i don't
get that much excitement at my desk job. And then I come home, I'm like, oh, I got a podcast, but I'm really not feeling it. And then I have to, with a second to spare, uh, sound out the word lunchable in unknown letters. I'm, I'm like, I've got an adrenaline running through my veins. It's a catharsis.
It's a superpower. Yeah. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed. I'm glad everybody enjoyed and had fun on this, our first adventure into the, the ruins will also be posted on Instagram. Uh, I'll share them there. They could be also, maybe I'll just post them on our discord. Yeah. And let's, maybe we can come up with some new ones. Yeah, that'd be good. Since they're all spoiled here.
Yeah. Send me some phrases. Send me some phrases. We'll get them working. Hey, if you, if, if, if you don't want to be spoiled for what they are, uh, just don't listen to, uh, the last, uh, couple of minutes. Yeah. I mean, we'll give you a spoiler warning at the beginning, but if you somehow think to skip forward to this, uh, then just don't listen to like skipped and try them out.
We could edit that before, but I like your answer better. Nah. We don't want to make anybody do any more work than they need to. And there's going to be one listener in 1000 years that's going back and we're open.
uh listening to this podcast and they will have foresight because they're the last man on earth to uh go and uh skip and work out it will they'll have the foreskin and they'll make sure to do it they'll sit on their throne of mario wonder and tie and they'll say ah what a good life this is
So let's talk about the names. So like unknown is unknown. And in Japanese, it's also unknown. When are we going to find out what it is? They're thinking on it. You know, it's really hard. It's unwritten.
I mean, so obviously, right, the gen two Pokemon, we've had all sorts of, you know, Miss Magia Scott, her upgrade, hunch, Merkroka hunch crow, you know, so like, they're coming back for unknown, they'll name it soon. Yeah.
Unknown to capital letters. Well, actually, they are capital, so they'd come back for lowercase, lowercase. Yeah. Yeah. No, I know. I'm saying unknown. When I was looking up stuff online, I saw a lot of people saying that there should be like regional forms or something maybe based on the Japanese kanji letters or something. That would be really cool. I don't know. Just something with unknown and there's potential there. I like the idea of a serif and sans serif unknown.
Yeah. Um, but I, I did enjoy the French and German names for unknown. Um, so in French, the name is Zarby. Oh,
And the reason why it's that is because in French, there is this popular thing called the verlon, which is taking a word and just kind of switching the first and second, like, you know, sounds in the word to make like a new word. So if you take Zarbee and you mix it around, you get bizarre. So, yeah, there were also.
Well, that was penis. I kind of likened it to pig Latin, you know, where you like kind of, you're saying the word, but you mix it around. So it has like a different sound to it. And this was, yeah, apparently like a popular thing to do in French. They had another one where français becomes se fran.
Um, but I love that city. That's where the site say France city. Yeah. Um, so yeah, we got Zara B little old Zara B. Um, and then the German name is I coke Nino, uh, which is a mixture of icon and incognito. So I really liked the, uh,
we again listeners because uh the card game was ruined for me it was uh there was specifically in the the trivia section of bulbabedia uh the the answer but right after that is the name origin and on there it's just like unknown just means unknown it it comes from on its own it literally is just like i get stop reading this fuck off look i'm sorry mr bulbabedia i didn't mean to
Sarah, the song unwritten is that the one. The best. Yeah, that's the one. Yeah, I didn't remember what the artist's name was. So I just. Yeah, it's amazing. That's such a good song. Yeah, very good. You know, songs been stuck in my head this week. Candy by Mandy Moore.
What's that? I like candy like candy. Yeah. Yeah. Just get candy by Aaron Carter stuck in your head instead. All right. Well, OK. There you go. That's the season for that. Natasha Beddingfield. Yes, that was it. That was unwritten. Yeah. I've had. Yes, I've had a ring of fire stuck in my head by Johnny Cash a week.
Oh. That's basically like the, uh, Manny Morse candy of his time.
Brian David Gilbert put out a song called... Breezy Slide? No. That's one of my favorites of his. That one's really good. That was a collaboration, but he has another collaboration on there called Beautiful Mind. It's been stuck in my head for two fucking weeks. He's really talented. Let me tell you, he's super talented. He did the poker rap a couple of years ago, but now he's going to have to do it again because there's got to be at least 200 new Pokemons since he's done it.
Yeah, well he didn't even do all of them the first time. I'm calling him out. He did the legendary interpretive dance instead of saying them.
Also, there was a point where he put a bunch on a screen behind him and had all the audience pick some and yell it. He was just like, chances are all of them wearing it. But still, it's an incredible feat. It was at like 800 at that. It was really good. I actually don't, you know, I'm not mad at him for not actually doing all of them. He did the best thing ever. I'm reverse mad at him. I'm happy at him.
the best pronunciation of Skrullp. Skrullp. Yeah. Oh, man. That episode is going to be crazy. I think we're just going to say Skrullp the way he does it, like just randomly throughout the episode. Skrullp. I wish I could. I can't roll my R's, I hate to say it. Well, you have a few years until we hit that episode. Master it, yeah.
is anything else about him that oh do you know something i thought was funny you know a shiny like i remember at one point i wanted to get like my initials as like shiny unknowns or like right far as shiny unknowns but um shininess
Uh, for an unknown in these games matter on their IVs, but at the same time, in gen two, but at the same time, what letter you're going to get is, uh, dictated by your IVs as well. That's determine what letter the unknown will be. And just coincidentally.
I and V are the only letters that could be shiny because with the correct IVs to get a shiny, those are the letters that would pop up.
Which is very crazy, but also Ivy is obviously a fan made term. So it's coincidental, but it is interesting. And they did eventually give unknown its own special value, which determines which character it represents itself as. And apparently the punctuation unknowns are even
different than the regular unknown by like, not a battle way, but just like a, I don't know, value way in how it is represented in the game.
They're just they're very interesting Pokemon. Sarah said like that, Peter had to vet it for us. But the trivia section is huge, because there's just a lot of really weird stuff that goes on with unknown.
Unknown Chinese also blue. It's fine. Yeah, it kind of looks like a faded black almost. Yeah, it kind of reminds me of the old watercolor paintings. Yeah. Speaking which the unknown were created by Ken Sugimari, and we're not originally Latin characters. They were all just going to be like a few different little symbols and hieroglyphs. But then people were like, Oh, what do they say? Let's try and read them. And he was like, fuck it.
So he turned them into the Latin alphabet. Not only that, but I was very confused, and I'm sure we asked this in a previous episode. I was like, Dave, past Dave, asking future Dave,
Were there like other alphabets for different games and localization? As we've already said, no. But do you know that in those games, the language in which they're localized to, it's the words spelled out in the Latin language. Okay.
Did we, so like, let's say, you know, I don't know other languages. So like, let's say it would be like, I don't know. House. And it would be H-O-U-S-E in the English game. But let's say there is one that's in Spanish. Instead, it would be the unknowns, C-A-S-A. Yeah.
but even with like Japanese or another language, it would be basically writing the sounds out in the Latin alphabet. Yeah.
Makes sense. Uh, I mean, you don't have some of those letters. I know that you don't have like a, like an Ennier on top of like any unknowns for, for Spanish. Well, no, that's a, you have a, a Weedle that just kind of hangs out on top. Yeah.
Um, there was in the third movie, uh, you see some unknown in, um, like pictures that the professors have and in tiles, some other, um, unknown shapes, uh, that are in like Cyrillic or the Greek alphabet. Um, they kind of look a little different. They're a little bit more like evil and angelic looking almost, uh, kind of like the last boss and Kirby 64.
um the eyes are just a little bit more sinister um but they did exist in that one image but nowhere in the game um yeah apparently that is the only media that has other forms of unknown and it's just like
in the third movie on Professor Oak's computer screen. It doesn't even look like it was designed by like they look like something else. It's probably Pokemon designs. It's like Pokemon world's deviant art. Yeah. Like instead of making porn versions of everything, they just make real mad ones.
They just used early Google to look up eyeball alpha symbol and just took the first image. And Professor Oakes is just like, wonderful. This is the only way I can come. You were close. You were close. I am close. I'm edging.
I thought it was really cool and cute how the only two official artworks for Unknown are the G shape and the F shape. So like the
If you look up the old school style, what are color paintings? There's only been two that have been created. The G shape was made for the release of Pokemon Gold and Silver. And the F shape was released for Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green. And the G and the F kind of stand for Game Freak maybe. It's just, it's a cute little nod using the unknowns in that way.
Ken Sugimari said it was for his girlfriend, but he was just lying because he forgot their anniversary. No, he just really loved Faygo. He's a real... He's down to clown. That's a fact. Write that down in your journal. Write that down. Write that down.
The Unknown and Jens who were founded the Ruins of Alf, there are four different puzzles that you can solve. They're little slidey puzzles and you will either have to create a picture of a Kabuto or an Omenite or an Aerodactyl or a Ho-Oh in order to solve the puzzle and those puzzles solving those puzzles will bring
a new set of letters into the rooms of the elf. So it kind of splits them up, you know, in four separate intervals with the Ho-Oh puzzle just releasing X, Y, and Z.
um so it's not necessarily even um and the ruins of alph are supposed to be super odd and mysterious and there's different ways to get into them and you know game free kind of decided that you know there are different entrances it's hard to miss um and everybody keeps on saying oh this is super mysterious like there's a big mystery in here and again
Nothing much happens there. Um, so the big mystery of the ruins of elf is that there isn't a mystery, but it does sort of, uh, like touch upon an ancient race of people who, who lived with Pokemon and revered Pokemon and used unknown as their language. And this group of people was kind of related to the Sinnoh and Johto regions.
And then in Gen 4, have you looked up the cutscene that happens that triggers when you bring an Arceus into the Ruins of Elph? No. It is a wild looking cutscene. It's like one of the weirdest things that ever happened.

Unique Cutscenes: HeartGold, SoulSilver, and Arceus

in a Pokemon game, and it's so niche because you're not going to have a legitimate arses. Very few people had that, but let me find it really quick so I can send it to you guys. I want to see. Ruins of Elf. It's HeartGold and SoulSilver, right? Yeah. I'm watching it right now.
Whoa. All right. It's a little bit long for a podcast medium, but let me dump it. And you don't have to watch it right now. This is very intense. Yeah, very intense. And I mean, I'm not watching with the sound. I put the sound on for a little bit, but Jesus, this imagery is wild. Yeah.
So I mean, the music, it's very like, like it's like the trumpet's like, so there is a connection with Arceus, the god of all Pokemon and
and the unknowns, but they don't really get into it. It basically has Arceus. He makes a big glyph happen in the background. Then there's actual just images of cities and highways and power lines and power grids. This is fucking crazy. What the hell? The ending is crazy too.
At the end, there's images of blood cells and Arceus in front of a glyph and then an egg form. Well, OK, there's the Earth. The glyph forms around the Earth and then an egg forms and cracks and then it's over.
Yeah. The very end of it before that with the egg and everything looks like it could be like the intro to Evangelion. Yeah. For real. This whole thing should be set to the Evangelion soundtrack. A hundred percent. All right. We got to do that for our Instagram.
for a TikTok. Yeah. No, Sarah, I agree with you. If that happened to me, like organically, naturally playing the game, I would think my game got like hacked and I would be very afraid and scared. All right. That's way too cool for most Pokemon games. Like that's the coolest shit out of all those Pokemon games I've seen. The coolest shit in any Pokemon game is Nearby from Pokemon Policy.
So I'm watching like a larger video of the event as well in the game and it looks like even before that cutscene plays like Cynthia brings you to this pedestal and Arceus stands in the middle and the unknown swirl around him.
It's very cool. It's really interesting to kind of like plays into the other fact about unknowns that they live like in a totally different dimension. Like they have their own dimension that they live in. And like when they come into the Pokemon world, they kind of don't really do much, but just become engravings or ancient texts. So this could kind of be like maybe how they interact in their own dimension. Also, like it was weird when I think it's come up a lot in the recent episodes.
They came from other dimensions. They're these like all powerful esque, like weird kind of mystic beings. But can't you just like turn them into little letters that pop out, like enslave them in your pokeballs with your Pokemon so it could say like poop when you throw your pokeball out. Do you remember in Diamond and Pearl? Yeah. Yeah, I would say that it could probably just be because they can't really function in like the Pokemon world dimension, you know.
I was actually thinking, like, the Pokemon world does like to show how humans in Pokemon cohabitate by like showing little scenes of like
the taxi drivers that have the Corviknights or the people heating their house with the slug bug, shy slug bug. It's like my nuts. Yeah, stuff like that. Do you think there's some kid out there that's like, hey, dad, do you want to play a game of Unknown Scrabble with me?
Oh, probably. It'd be a very large scale scrabble because they're heavy and big. And then Arceus is just like, honey, I'm home. And it's like. You see like a nuclear bomb and like the cell splitting, a baby being born, aging and dying.
Yeah, I cannot stress to you enough listeners that this is sort of like 2001 A Space Odyssey like the ending where they see the old knowing all seeing space baby in the sky. It's just trippy shit.
At the end, apparently you also get a Giratina, so. Oh, hell yeah. I didn't, you know, I do basically five minutes worth of research for- Cynthia then says something along the lines of, oh, did we just witness the moment an egg was born into the world? And then she says, oh, I think Arceus was trying to tell us that the world is like an egg, and soon it too will crack and die.
Like, it was why Cynthia is the coolest Pokemon character next to Mirabe. Mirabe likes to dance and Cynthia likes to do goth shit. They ponder, you know, the mortality. Perpetual existential crisis. Like me. Yeah, suck it, Diantha. You were an awful champion.
Unknown, also, peered in Super Smash Brothers. Yes, smashing people up. It kind of took the spot of Beedrill, right? Because they do that same swarming attack. And I think I did it better.
Yeah. Cause they did it kind of like at different angles. So they would kind of come instead of Beedrill, we're always like horizontal. These would come at like weird lines and angles on the screen. Yeah. Pelsenia. Steven and I used to just put on all the poke balls. Oh yeah, baby. That's the way to do it. Yeah. Um.
We kind of mentioned it, but they were also like the feature of the movie, the third movie. It was called Spell of the Unknown. And I mean, maybe we'll talk about it one day. It's a cool, interesting movie. I wanted to look more into the third movie because I remember how it was basically the anti and unknown movie. But I know that we're eventually going to watch it together. So
Yeah, I mean, all that you really need to know is that they're the thing that warps reality in the movie and causes all the conflict. And they're really interesting little creatures in the movie. They're like a little mischievous and kind of like warp reality and try to make things come true in a kind of be careful what you wish for kind of way.
But there, it was definitely cool, I thought when I saw it. Yeah, I mean, it's a very good looking movie from what I remember. And I also remember The Unknowns having like this like, ethereal sort of cry to them that was very cool. They
They were 3D animated, whereas the rest of the movie was 2D animated. So it did kind of give them like a otherworldly feel in the movie. It's worth a rewatch, I think. We'll probably end up watching it. I mean, we better or else I'm just gonna watch it myself. We'll watch it. We gotta watch it. If not for this one, then for Entei, I guess. Yeah.
He's not hente. He is daddy in the movie. The god of hente. Man, we gotta make that. That should be our mascot, hente.
Yeah, he was the father figure. He turned the little girl into like an adult, like ace Pokemon trainer. You're right, Hente is daddy.
Um, one other really interesting thing about unknown that's like, again, these, these trivia facts are like so specific to unknown because of course this is only going to happen with unknown. Um, when you look at your menu in the game, your Pokemon sprite is usually mirrored looking in the other direction.
in some of the more modern games. Because the unknown are letters and the letters sometimes do not have symmetry, they have to have specific right-facing sprites just for the menu so that the letter still reads and is not weirdly flipped around. Oh, got it.
Yeah. Like, you know, normally you have your Squirtle sprite looking to the left in the Pokedex. And then if you go into your menu and look at your Pokemon Squirtle's face into the right, the unknown, they need their own special sprite. That confused me too. I was like, I am having a hard time visualizing what they are saying here.
Yeah, it's it's just because like, you know, normally they could just reuse that sprite for both and just flip it digitally. But the unknown, you just can't do that. So they need their own separate left and right facing sprites unless they have symmetry. They they worded it in a weird way. But yeah, talk about bilateral symmetry. Fuck off. And I love that they're just like, and the ones that they could use were a H I. And I'm like, yeah, I know. Like, I know.
Like I'm gonna be like em since when Yeah, we got anything else
Can't learn any status moves. Yeah. Hidden power was it's well, not hidden. It became it's it's one and only. Yeah. And because of that, too, there's been times where certain stats of unknown just don't matter because they don't come into play.
his, uh, well, their, um, attack stat doesn't really get used all that much. Um, it only gets used for how much damage it does if it loses all of its BP and has to struggle or when it hits itself, confusion. So ideally you would want an unknown with a minimized attack stat. Yeah. Um,
And then the only other really big thing I think is that it's really one of the only non-legendary Pokémon that you won't see trainers having. I think in Gen 4, they pointed out specifically, like no trainer has that Pokémon or uses that Pokémon. I guess just because it's supposed to be like, you know, the weird one that like, you know, doesn't show itself to humans all that much.
Or maybe trainers are smart enough to leave it in the PC. Yeah, because it's a piece of crap. Yeah. They either communicate via telepathy or electronic impulses. Researchers don't know. Researchers don't know a lot about that. That's why they're super mysterious. And that's why we don't have a lot of folks on it. Do you think they're the aliens of the Pokemon world?
no they're much cooler aliens in the world there are and some lame ones like cosmog yeah you hear that noise i made that's the noise when you deoxys now that's what i mean but i mean like aliens like like these are the most mysterious beings they've seen like
They have extraterrestrial Pokemon, sure. That's nothing new. But these guys, there's not a lot to know about them. Clefairy's the alien. Yeah, they're cross-dimensional. These are interdimensional beings. Okay.
In terms of like, yeah, Pokemon that we really don't have that much information on, I feel like Unknown is probably number one. There's named aptly. Yeah. So yeah, so they'll either communicate telepathically or through electronic impulses. But the idea of it being electronic impulses makes out holds a little bit of weight because you can tune your radio to a specific station in the ruins of elf.
in gen two and probably gen four as well and you get like a creepy radio station that basically has the unknown like weirdly community as well more for your creepypasta thing oh yeah and then i was gonna say too in arseus don't they kind of like lead you and you have to like find them in weird places yeah um
Yeah, it would be like specific screenshots or areas you'd have to go to to like find and discover them. Each letter of the unknown. Interesting. They show up every now and then, but I'm waiting to see them again soon.
Wait, were they in Scarlet Violet? That's what I'm searching right now. Yes. Don't they have the Pokedex picture? Yeah, they do. I liked them a lot in Arceus. They were fun. They're always in little trees and shit. Oh yeah, you gotta find them. Yeah. I gotta play with them. Which is a collector's best thing to do for a collector. I loved collecting the little unknowns.
Oh, there's a full art Silver Tempest Unknown card that's pretty sick. Pretty cool, pretty cool. Are we ready for our card? Yeah, one by one. All right, so the card game is interesting this time because the card total is so crazy that it made it into the main article of Bulbapedia under trivia.
Peter already knew what it was because he's like awesome and does the most in-depth research and just learned it before all of us so I had to message the other or the whole group today I was like don't look at the trivia section the answer to the card game is there so Dave and Steven are the only ones who don't actually know the answer so they're gonna be the only ones playing today so
Unknown. How many cards do we think unknown appears in the trading card game? Dave, do you want to go first? I'm gonna go lower than expected. I'm gonna just go 20. So I'm just gonna say one, because I feel like maybe that's the trick of this. Okay, so it was either one side or the other.
get ready for this because when I saw this I was like, what the fuck? There are 92. What the fuck? It is besides Pikachu, if you're not counting Pikachu, Unknown has the most cards in the trading card game out of any Pokemon.
Whoa. Whoa.

Trading Card Fame: Unknown's Numerous Appearances

Ridiculous. And I'm like, wait a second. How is that possible? And I had to I had to look and look and look again. And I'm like, that cannot be right. And it is.
I remember when they were introduced in the card game, in that one set, there were a whole lot of unknown cards because their hidden ability or their, what do they call those? Pokemon power? I don't know. You had to spell out like a word in unknown in order to trigger it. So there were at least 26, at least 26 in one shot.
Yeah, okay, that's fine. But then I'm surprised they did it again. Yeah, crazy. Absolutely crazy. I couldn't believe it. And then I have to correct myself. Unknown is not in the Scarlet Violet games. So that's also, you know,
interesting to me that they have so many cards and yet still like not that featured in the games all that much oh i guess 92 yeah each letter has about three cards some of them have four so and some of them have two yeah you had more faith in unknown than i did it's really crazy yeah it's crazy but still pikachu takes the cake do you guys remember how many pikachu cards there were
It blew my mind. It's like 100 something, right? It's probably more now. It was 207. Now, as of now, there's 207. So Pikachu has the most and then unknown at 92. So never unless there's another Pokemon that just explodes in popularity, never will we see another number this high.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to Unknown Two. I'm really looking forward to one we get to Ludicolo number three. I'm just guessing. All right. Oh, yeah, because we don't have another game. Well, who does unknown fuck everyone? Everybody.
Anybody wants to. Only only the ex unknowns when they line up. It'll probably it probably has a bunch of babies in its own dimension. Yeah. Yeah. Just materializes them. Yeah. I wonder about Pokemon that don't read. Where do they come from? Are they just like. They just appear into thin air. Yeah. Another dimension. Yeah.
This went longer than I thought it would. Same. Which is just, it just goes to show you that you think you don't have a lot to talk about. There's one, two, three, four, five, six lines on my notes. And we just, we know Pokemon a little bit more than we thought we did. And we learn, we teach a little bit and we learn a little bit, share with each other.
Another dimension, another dimension.
We had 28 to go through, you know? This is gonna take a while. All right, let's start again. A. B. C. D. D's nuts! E. Farting! Thank you to Carl for the song. Visit us on our TikTok. Visit us on our Instagram. We love you. Farting forever. Farting, farting, farting. Bye.