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400 Plays10 months ago

If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise
If you go down in the woods today,  get ready for sticky guys
For these pokemon will tear you apart
Teddiursa wants honey, Ursaluna? Your heart.
Today's the day the Poké bears have their picnic


Introduction and Episode Overview

What do you call it when a teddy Ursa shows you his bare butt? An Ursaluna eclipse. This is the day gear, did it?
We're glad that you survived Shakequake and Solar Eclipse of the Heart. And you're here with us for another episode. Today we're covering Teddy Ursa, Ursaring, and Ursaluna.
But first, let me introduce us all. I am your Gen 2 host, Peter. With me in random order is Dave. I'm excited for the next Hocus Locusts. I think it's the next thing we're getting over here. Beautiful. Sarah. I like honey. Yes, we do. And Steven.
Steven used fake tears. Sometimes the tears are real. Sometimes. Yeah. Most of the time.

Teddy Ursa: Features and Behaviors

So, yeah, as I said, we're covering Pokemon 216, 217 and 901. The family of Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Baby Bear.
And you blood bear and blood bear blood bear a cocaine bear. Okay. Yeah And the line starts with the little bear Pokemon Teddy Ursa at two feet tall and nineteen point four pounds This little guy is adorable What does this Pikachu look like?
It's just like a little teddy bear guy, a little cute friend. He's really cute. I think I really want him as a stuffed animal. He's got he's orange. He's got a little crescent moon on his forehead and he's just he's just got that typical baby bear look.
Yeah, always sucking. Yep. So we're going to say sucking on that thumb. Yeah. Always be sucking and OBS. Yeah. Lots of lots of crying and fake tears because it's it's kind of baby like it's not a baby Pokemon, but it is the little bear Pokemon, but it is the little bear Pokemon. Definitely. What Pokemon is the Franklin Pokemon? I feel like very few people will understand that.
Hey, listener, what you're hearing now is a zinger of a Nick Jr. joke. Yeah. Which one's the Gullah Gullah Island Pokemon? What's the Maggie and the Ferocious Beast Pokemon? Oh, I forgot about that show. Yeah.

Cultural References and Pokemon Comparisons

Maisie Mouse Pokemon. I mean, Dragonite looks like a Dragon Tales.
Yeah, it's Dragon Tails. It's Dragon Tails. PBS though. Yeah, PBS dudes. It's part of the extended PBS universe. Sorry, I had to take a drink of water. Cut that out. Cut that out. Got that on a post. Editor, cut that out. Editor, cut that out. Thank you. Let me hear from the editor.
Probably won't actually do they tripled it. Yeah, it's crazy Listeners I drink get over it So, yeah, that's Precisely what Teddy Ursa looks like cutest little bear. I think you can visualize him in your mind's eye if you don't know him and Yeah, he's just a
But not a little stinker. He's just a little little honey. Little cutie. Little cutie. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, uh, sitting cutie. It's got to be good. I don't even need to look it up. It probably doesn't sit though. What? It's got to sit. No, it probably doesn't unless they put beads in its butt, you know? That's kind of their thing. They're bead butters all the way. Yeah. Oh, it's adorable. It is adorable. And it looks like it sits just fine.
but Ursaring somehow, don't wanna get too far ahead, maybe even better. Maybe top tier, because that grumpy little face. Yeah, with that sit and cutie. That is, it's sitting cute. I gotta give this a, I think this might be an S tier sit and cutie. Wow. Ursaring. Ursaring has a real good sit, and so does Teddy Ursa. Yeah, but the face too. Yeah, that face is good. It is a grumpy fella. Glad to hear it.
You heard it here, guys. We have an S tier sitting cutie. I love the Teddy Ursa. Oh, my goodness. Get your wallets out and use code daycare to check out. Yeah, but it doesn't actually work just as you're hitting checkout. Yell daycare. I love how the Pokemon Center has like little Polaroid pictures of the sitting cuties sometimes.
Like they went out into the park and just took some cute photos. Yeah. Here's Teddy Ursa and a Mareep just chilling on a rock together, just sitting around being cute. God, I love it. Very fun. Very good. And luckily, well, unfortunately now we'll have to do this entire episode distracted because you're on the Pokemon Center website. Well, there's the other thing, too, on the wall, we're on the Pokemon website. There may be.
a large squishy Teddy Ursa that has to do with one of our previous guests, but we won't, man. Find that out on yourself.

Teddy Ursa's Honey-Making and Diet

Some things to look at, potentially. Hell yeah. So something that our previous guest worked on that's out there, go take a peek. You'll find it, just Google. Do a little Google, Teddy Ursa. Anyway. I would love to snuggle with Teddy Ursa.
But don't know. It would be a really sticky hug. That's what I was going to say next is that would be the one thing it's like hanging out with a toddler. Like you're going to get sticky. Yeah. Anyways, a toddler after piscatios.
But they do mention that every Teddy Ursa loves to suck on their paws. They collect different fruits and pollens and stuff. And every set of paws has a unique taste, which I don't know how they documented that. That's exactly my note. Like who's going around licking all the Teddy Ursa's and be like, this one's different. Yeah. And they're like, you freak. And he's like, this is for science.
like how different can honey taste, you know, for it to be like, I imagine it's like a fingerprint to the point where I was gonna say, they're like, Okay, I come to the police station, we got it. Well, the other thing about it, too, I learned because I originally read from a different website than my normal by accident when I was rushing through. And they did not mention this fact, which made it like, okay, this makes it a little more reasonable.
It says while teddy Ursula is able to make its own honey by blending pollen collected by Beedrill with fruits. It is also known to seal honey from combi nests, which it finds by stealthily following the combi. It's kind of like everybody makes a different smoothie and you the one person puts more milk one person puts more fruit.
So you never know, like it might be like a banana strawberry honey, while the other one's like an acai kind of thing. It's like in Stardew Valley when you can get the different pollen in your honey and then get the different strawberry honey or whatever. Yeah. I wonder if Combe and Beedrill, do we ever, I know we did Beedrill, but did Beedrill hunt Teddy Ursa because I guess they must really bother them a lot. I mean,
Probably I don't know. I I would say What the the teddy ursa are? stealthy, right and They seem to be able to sneak into the the hives and they're not actually they're taking combi honey But they're not taking beedrill honey. They're taking beedrill pollen and
Yeah. But how do you turn pollen into honey? You don't. Do you just like spit on it a bunch? I think they meant honey. Like dry. No, it said pollen. It said pollen. I know, I know, but. I think they are teaching kids.
So honey is made from bees and they get, yeah, that's like refined nectar, but I think they also do eat some of the pollen, or pollen is used potentially to make royal jelly, I'm not sure. They feed it to the larva. I'm not an apiarist.
So I guess... But I don't think pollen is used to make honey. I think Teddiursa are just mad scientists. Yeah, Teddiursa uses bee drill pollen and fruit to create... See, here's the thing why the English language is so crazy. Is it bee drill pollen and like regular fruit like an apple? Or is there a fruit of the bee drill? Mine says with fruit.
So it mixes pollen collected by bee drill with fruits. So it's like pollen from bee drill.
And then it has to go and find different fruits to put that pollen with. Yeah, either way. So they are calling something that is more akin to a fruit smoothie to be honey, which I think is false. But I'm not going to tell Teddy Ursa that. But also the pollen thing is definitely wrong. The more I think about it, it basically just has allergy-ridden sticky fingers. Yeah.
The teddy ears is the crescent mark will glow when it's nearby, honey. So, I mean, they know more than I do about this shit. I'm just going to let them do whatever they want to do. And what would your head glow when you were near like chips? Yeah, probably Pringles chips now. My red hair would glow bright red hot every time I was near a flaming hot genome. Yeah, I would.
uh probably a uh just a bottle of whiskey uh and uh some uh cheese it snack mix yeah or maybe like a pancake platter like if i was nearby pancakes i think that would be another one y'all are making me very hungry get me to like uh scramble bag i want to go to ihop now i really want ihop
24-7! Right? I know. Maybe. Disclaimer, this daycare ditto will not be going to IHOP after this recording. Yeah, Peter's going to Waffle House to start a fight. Meet you there. He's not really hungry, but he really wants to throw a chair.
Did you see that the, what's the latest Tekken game? Is it Tekken 8? The creator kept on asking why people are tweeting at him to create a Waffle House stage in Tekken 8 and somebody had to set him aside and say, listen, Waffle House is an eating establishment in the United States where fights always break out.
Well, yeah, that's what happens when you're open at like two a.m. Right. And people come there after they drink and all they want to do is start a fight. I have to say I've been to many a waffle house, but usually at like two p.m. on a Sunday. So there's no fights going on. It's usually quite lovely at that hour. I've never been to a waffle house, but I've I've been hung over at several Denny's. Yeah, Denny's. I've been to plenty of Denny's in my time.
in my time in my time uh yeah so the stickiest most delicious hands on a pokemon um if i had a teddy ursa i'd probably not lick its palms but i cannot confirm that oh a team of teddy ursa and a smooch him
Perfect. I can I can make that work. Um, oh, yeah, kasmuchum Explores the world with its lips first. Yeah It's always cleaning them to make sure uh, and then uh teddy ursa also licks it lick licks its palms to get over its nervousness and uh Apparently all that's all it needs to do if it's nervous lick its palms Right as rain
I wish I had something to get over my nervousness. Well, how many times you look in your, you could fit your whole fist in your mouth, I bet. That would make me feel better. Yeah. I mean, next time you're nervous, I'll just stick my fist in your mouth. I love that. Well, that helps with nervousness. The other thing too, because they're so good at head glowing and finding honey. If they can't, if their head's just not glowing, they will save their honey.
and hide it in different places. Because it's kind of important and weird to me that Teddiursa do not Hibernate. Yeah, it seems like this entire family, even though they do... I mean Ursaring is also called, spoilers, the Hibernate or Pokemon.
But it seems like they're not hibernating. It seems like they are still active in the winter months and they just are a little bit worse for wear because their food supplies are running low. There's no berries or anything out there.
Yeah, they display some hibernation-type behaviors, but when I saw it, Ursaring was the hibernator Pokémon. I was like, oh, there's going to be some Pokédex entry about it, and there's

Pokemon Evolution and Complexity

none. There's nothing. I do not mention it at all. And of course, my favorite one, Ursaluna, we'll get to what type of Pokémon that is, but it is kind of close to my name.
Mm hmm. Just a little bit. Yeah. So they they each have different. They're all different types of Pokemon, which I feel is fairly rare.
Generally, in a family of Pokémon, you will have at least two of them sharing a category, I feel like. Most of the time, yeah. It's very rare when you get all sorts of different categories from a Pokémon, but I saw today even, too,
On Reddit, somebody posted a picture of all of the different types of evolution chains that are out there. And people were commenting about how like some of those structures were specific to Pokemon. So like Eevee is the only Pokemon that has like an eight branching evolution. Yeah.
But yeah, I was like, oh, there's actually only a few different types of evolution structures. It is getting a little bit more complicated as the generations progress.
Like they they are trying to think of uh, you know different cute ways of uh doing it while maintaining the fact that there's Only ever going to be a basic pokemon Yeah, uh an evolution and then a second stage evolution they you know have not gone further
Somebody was commenting or joking that like they should have a convergent evolution of like two different Pokemon that just evolve into the exact same Pokemon. Yeah. That's very Digimon. Yeah, definitely. That was the thing that really that really interested me in Digimon is that their family trees, quote unquote, are a wide web and tapestry.
Yeah, it makes no sense. Yeah. Yeah. Especially you can start in completely different places and end up in the same spot. Yeah. Always end up with the poop monster. Remember when we watched the Digimon movie and realized that it wasn't good? Oh my god, that was almost torturous for me. That was a year ago. No, that was more than a year ago. Two years ago. Yeah, April for this.
I'm pretty sure we went into it with the knowledge it was going to be bad. I didn't. I was like, oh, I've never seen Digimon. Let me give it a shot. And I was like, oh, my God, I don't think I can watch this whole thing. When I saw it in theaters with you, Steven, when we were your sweet babies, I thought that it was a cinema, a cinematic masterpiece.
I liked it better than Pokemon the first movie. Oh wow, that's some fighting work right there. I stand by the fact that the first part is pretty good, but the second part, or third part really, is quite rushed, and I remember being very confused.
as a child and an adult yeah it lost me i was totally lost i'm like did i drink too much like am i not understanding what's happening here no but yeah they introduce far too many new things too quickly and skip over a lot so um the only thing i liked was is he kept on eating thai's mom's cooking and thai's mom's cooking sounded atrocious and that that was the second part of the movie and i the first and second part are pretty good but then you get to the third part and it's all like ska and stuff and it's uh
I mean, not because it's Scott's bad. No, no. I don't know. I mean, ideally, like the sky was the best part of it because it's the only part I remember. So well, I like the part when like Ty is meeting Graham on for the first time as a kid, and it's like kind of Godzilla esque and they're fighting in the streets. That's the best part of the movie.
Oh yeah, absolutely. Like people almost die for real. Yeah, everything else was kind of hogwash if you ask me. Yeah. Watch My Summer Games or whatever. That's like the evolved version of the second part of the movie. So way better animation.

Design Inspirations and Cultural Links

The Digivolved version. The Digivolved version.
Teddy Ursa is based on an Asian black bear, potentially, because they have a V shape of white chest fur, which kind of be reminiscent of like a like a crescent moon of some kind. It also its Japanese name is suki no waguma, which literally translates to ring of the moon bear.
So there's kind of a connection in Japanese with these bears and moons. We also have a connection between bears and the moon because we have Ursa Minor and Ursa Major, the little bear and big bear constellation.
And so yeah, we just see the same themology of bears and moons now take form in the shape of a Teddy Ursa. So we have Teddy Ursa because Teddy bear and Ursa minor and Ursa major.
And then the Japanese name is Himeguma. Hime means princess, or it could be like a small version of something. And he is a crescent moon, and Kuma is a bear. So you have tiny crescent bear. Himeguma. So cute. I love it. Yeah. In Korean, we had a different name.

Teddy Ursa in Games and Media

It's Kakami
uh sorry kakami gom which a kakami kata is small and a gom is a bear so it's a small bear and then every other name just used teddier so so that's uh that's pretty much it teddiers is very interesting though it's um one of the only one of the few pokemon that had gotten those um
foreign Pokedex entries that we mentioned in the previous couple episodes. They were in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. And this shocked me, actually. The trading figure game. Oh, yeah. Did anybody know that this existed? I did. It was like right down the middle. I remember them being clearanced when I worked that one summer at KB Toys and I'm kicking myself for not picking them up. We have some at Zap right now, inbox, I think.
Yeah, I looked it up. Apparently, it started in 2006 in Europe, Australia, and Southeast Asia, and came to America and Japan in 2007. But in America, it was discontinued already by 2009. So there was a very short period of time you could have bought into this. But some of these figures are actually really interesting and cool. And they're very cheap. Here's one of a Feraligator.
I was just going to say the Feraligatr is the best one. Yeah, it's like melting out of the water and gooey. And then there's another one I'll post as well, which is a Kyogre and it's like half splashing out of the figure. They look wet. That's kind of cool. Yeah. And that's the Kyogre one.
But yeah, there's 42 figures in total that got released. And some of them are even of like Brock, Misty, Brendan and Red. But Teddy also was one of the few figures you could get in this in this game. So I think I think we have Brandon at the shop. Let's go, Brandon. So I don't know if you guys noticed my links that I put there. Click the first one.
uh the gengars yes yeah you're right i was on the pokemon center they have something called the gengar micro bead plush keychain and it is just a really fat orb like gengar with a tiny stinker face on it you can get it in keychain or you can get it in like pillow but for some reason the keychain has way more stinker energy i think it's like
I don't know what it is. I think it's just- It's more squished. It's more squished than the face is tinier. That's my merchandise spotlight. I have something odd to share about Teddy Ursa as well. Yeah. Well, they said that Teddy Ursa is kind of the foil to Phamphy, but really was replaced by another Pokemon.
uh, Cyndaquil. So there originally was a Pokemon called Hanaguma and Hanaguma was a fire, the original fire starter for, uh, for gold and silver. I just put it in the chat and it was a small fire bear.
After a while and in development, they ended up replacing it with a Cyndaquil, but kept the sprite as a small bear Pokemon. And there in there, you should see there's the sprite of the in between when it was slowly becoming Tedirsa, but then after the final sprite. But there's even sprites for its full evolution that have been found. So I'll post here.
The Hanaguma looks like a fire type Raichu almost. Well, it also looks a lot like Gorichu, which they were saying. So the next one I'm going to show you is cut the evolution. One thing that people will really enjoy is the final evolution. The fire bear is on all fours. And it kind of has that main around it like a Eevee.
Ooh, I like it. Yeah. It's a really, really good evolution. Something that I don't see all the time when it comes to the sprites, I feel like the Hanaguma is the weakest one, sprite wise. It's kind of crazy. It also looks like he has like a pot leaf on his little belly. It does. A little bit. Yeah. It's supposed to be, I guess, a flame symbol, but it's just a little too pointy.
Very interesting. So Teddy Ursa, almost the starter, almost the fire starter, which is so weird. Like you'd expect it to replace something like unneeded and like a bad design. Like, I don't know, Chikorita. But instead, instead, one of the bangers here, it was almost lost. So yeah, I thought that was pretty interesting.
I like how they were like, we'll retain this very cute bear as a very cute bear and make way for the very cute Cyndaquil. Yep. Yep. I mean, it makes sense to have a, because like the bear Pokemon before this, can you think of the bear Pokemon before this? Snorlax? Yeah. Which is weird because you don't really think of Snorlax as a bear all the time. No, you don't. You just think of it as a Snorlax. Yeah. But technically that is the original sleeping bear Pokemon, but
This, they went way more bear-like on it. And instead of doing the fire, decided to lean into Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and all the bear stuff we've talked about today. Yeah, it's very cool. Also, you can lick its hands. Yeah. I love the little sprites where it's kind of like you could see it sucking on its thumb. I know. It's adorable.
I like the shiny for Teddy Ursa because it reminds me, just because Teddy Ursa reminds me of like a teddy bear that I'd love to snuggle with, but the shiny Teddy Ursa is like a fluorescent green and it just makes me think that it would be a glow in the dark teddy bear. How cool would that be?
That's way better than what I envision it as, is like a moldy bear. Oh, come on. It's not, it doesn't have the moldy color. It's like a pastel-y, like fluorescent green. He's like, mold is darker, I feel like.
I don't know, I've always imagined like, I guess more so with Ursaring, it's like, you know, hibernating, it's sleeping, it's a little green and moldy. I'll tell you what. It's a bright mossy color from bad hygiene or sickness. So yeah, I was gonna say the silver sprite looks like it's about to puke. Sitting down and covering its mouth and its belly is all fat and it's like, oh no, you're gonna be sick.
But I like your envisioning better, so I'm gonna stick with that for a while. Low in the dark, bud. Yeah, it's a little teddy bear. Yeah.
Um, they liked, uh, Teddy Ursa so much that they made a unique sprite for it in fire red and leaf green, even though you can't catch it in those games.

Ursaring: Characteristics and Role

So if you traded your Teddy Ursa over to fire red and leaf green, you got to see it with a unique sprite. You were in for a big surprise. Yeah. It's the only non generation one Pokemon that had its own individual sprite for those games. What an honor. Yeah.
Yeah, but then they took it out of Gen 8 and it was not in Sword and Shield. So what a dishonor. Yeah, what a dishonor. I
and kind of bummed that we didn't get sun and moon because you could tell that there was going to be some real wax shit in the Pokedex because like if this guy's like just sucking down hands then you know they're going to be like some of them like to lick feet and also work for Nickelodeon like something like fucking nasty.
but now we didn't get there. They could have just done a recipe. Teddy Erso does, you know, frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, a bit of cinnamon, cinnamon pollen.
Yeah, I was going to say pollen for some reason. Yeah. And then they've got to like kill and eat cutie fly because everybody does. Oh, do they? Delicious. No, I mean, in this fake Pokedex entry. Oh, yeah. The fake one. Yeah. It's specifically cutie fly. Cutie fly or like the the plankton of the. Yeah. The Pokemon world. Yeah. Yeah.
Everything starts there. Are we ready to hit our 30th birthday? We sure are. Happy birthday! Yeah, so at level 30, Teddy Ursa can then begin to decide whether it wants to evolve into Pokémon 217,
Ursaring the hibernator Pokemon standing at five feet 11 inches tall and two hundred and seventy seven point three pounds. What is scary? Yeah. What does this Pikachu look like? He looks like a big grump. Big bear standing on all and all his feet on his hind feet. And he's doing his big pose like I'm going to eat you. Yeah. Got shoulder pads. I was going to say he's got some shoulder pads like he's a little general.
He's got an O, a yellow O on his belly, which I guess now that I guess following the moon thing, it could be a full moon. I think it's actually supposed to be a new moon. Ah, okay. So I think it goes crescent new moon, and then our last one will be the full moon. Got it. That makes sense. Yeah.
But yeah, it's a bear. It's an angry bear. Yeah, it's it's basically me height. Peter is a little taller than this Pokemon, but it's a full sized man height, you know, and can't beat it up. That's for sure. No, I don't I don't think I think you'd have trouble, especially because like the one to one of this is kind of like like, you know, this is just a bear. And I don't think many men can just beat up a bear.
Yeah, 277.3 pounds, five foot 11. So those are those are some heavy stats. It's yeah, a short wing. What? Five foot 11, a short king by by modern standards. And maybe as myself, don't even look at me if you're not six feet or taller. But it's a wide range.
it's like what five percent of the the population um probably most likely yeah um this is a bad pokemon um although
I meant bad as in he'll rough you up bad. Like bad, bad boy. Yeah, like a bad, bad boy. I was like, yeah, Steven. Wow. I love getting these opinions. Which Pokemon we hate, which Pokemon we like. No. So the reason I bring that up is because there are many rivals and bad people that will have Ursa rings in their teams.
So if you're a nasty person, you might gravitate towards the Ursaring. And I just feel like people exploit a part of Ursaring's personality of being very protective of its cubs. So in turn, it would probably be very protective of its trainers. So even if the trainer is an ass hat, Ursaring is going to protect them and do it violently if it needs to.
Well, isn't that what what coughing said the one time, right? There's no bad Pokemon. There's just bad trainers. Right. Pokemon are just loyal. Right. So.
But Paul, who is Ash's rival in the Diamond and Pearl anime series, he has an Ursa Ring. And Silver, who we mentioned in our Gliger episode, has a Ursa Ring. And he actually gives that Ursa Ring to Giovanni, the OG bad dude. So. Yeah, sure.
I guess it's nice to give your dad a gift, even if he is a jerk. Yeah, do it for daddy.
When one I gathered, it will snap trees in half. Yeah, this is also a thing that I didn't get. I'm a little confused by it because it says it sleeps in treetops and gathers food throughout the day. But it's very skilled at climbing trees, and it gathers food by snapping them and collecting whatever berries or fruits fall down from them. So does it snap the trees in half?
Well, it's kind of like when you're playing a video game where you have to do collecting stuff. And if you break the tree, if you just destroy the tree, you can collect anything instead of just harvesting the tree stuff. Got it. So I mean, like, why climb a tree to get all the berries? If you just smash the tree, all the berries are on the ground now. True. I was sort of trying to think about this from
environmental perspective, it's probably not smashing the best berry trees, right? It wants to keep the best berry trees producing. So I'm thinking in my head that it's doing something like its own form of
like agriculture so it's selectively breeding the the sweetest berry trees because if it kills the ones that don't necessarily produce the best fruit then he just gathers them and then the next harvest will be good and then also trees that fall on the ground are good for the forest
You know, you see a forest and it's not just healthy, upright trees. It's trees that have fallen to the ground, making nests for little ground animals. Things will be in sort of the tree fall where the roots have come up and kind of like
brought the soil up with it. You know, mushrooms will sort of start growing on that and decaying. So that's where I was coming from when I was thinking about Ursaring because it sounds really stupid for him to just snap trees in half. But also they're making pollen honey too.
in my mind, I thought of it as like a Yogi bear type thing, right? Where like, you know, when you go to the camp out in the woods, and you leave your food behind, like the bears find it. And so Ursaring, yeah, I could climb trees or whatever. But if it's the easiest way to get the food down is to just like knock it over. It's just like,
whatever I'm gonna you know get the food however I can because they do say too that it can distinguish any aroma and will unfailingly find food even if it's buried deep underground that's a good point that reminded me of like a quote because somebody said
obviously throwing out your food, storing your food, that's something that you actually have to worry about when you're in the wilderness because bears can just come up and rip your bag open and eat your food. So people are always like, well, how do we solve this problem? And the answer is that there's a big overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest hikers.
So, you know, bears will find a way no matter how hard you try to bury it in the ground or hoist it up in a tree. If it is wanting to get your food, it's just going to break the tree and get your food.
I think also, that's a great point. And then going back to Peter's point about like, kind of knocking down the trees for like an agricultural perspective, I thought maybe it might be knocking them down for a territorial one, because it does say that they mark their trees with their claws to mark its territory. So what if it's knocking down the trees that have been marked by other Ursaring, so it can like dominate the territory it's in?
aggressive. Yeah, it is aggressive. It's not aggressive and ferocious Pokemon. So it makes sense. You know, these are just theories listeners, but I think they're all damn good ones. And you should listen to them. Do you want to know? Do you want to know when it's the most ferocious and I can totally align with this Pokemon. It's the most ferocious when it's hungry.
Yeah, I mean, basically every single time I get angry is because I'm hungry. Yes, me too. I'm a pretty even keeled guy. But let's say it's like, I've been in a meeting and it's three hours past lunchtime. I'm sitting there wishing everybody were dead. You can't skip lunch.
Yeah. You're a different person when you're hungry. Yeah. It's so true. What I found, too. Singer said it best, Steven. Yeah. Exactly. I like to eat every day at noon, right? Just at noon. Noon is my lunch time. It's always been that way. Most people want to eat around their lunch around 3 o'clock. That's like three hours offset from what I wanted. That's too late. Yeah.
But that's that's when everybody heads off to the lunchroom. And I don't know if I'm just working in a place where everybody's a freak. No, I have to tell you, Peter, I was my job takes me to all types of work environments. And I was at a shipyard last Friday and it was eleven thirty and a whistle tooted. I was going to ask people whistle tooted.
everybody walked out and went to lunch and they were gone for a full hour. So 1130. It's so early 1130 to 1230. That was their their lunchtime. So see I well of course lately I've been eating like every two hours but under normal circumstances I'll have my breakfast around 10 and then my lunch around one and then my dinner like five.
And then, of course, a snack at eight. Yeah. And then another snack at midnight. Yeah, exactly. I'm like a 730 a.m., 12 p.m., 6 p.m. sort of guy. I embrace chaos. You know something that's really cool about Ursaring? It is now viable in game.
What does that mean? Because of the Eviolite. Oh. Yeah. Yeah, so this is what really threw me for a loop. I thought this entire time that Ursa Luna was a divergent evolution from Teddy Ursa. I didn't know that it was an evolution of Ursaring. Yes, me too. Yes, I thought it was from Teddy Ursa also, not Ursaring. So this absolutely floored me. Dave, elaborate.
It's odd how this all panned out, but I'm trying to find it in my notes. So here we go. I can give you value. I can give you value. Stantler and Hisu and Quilfish, all of their evolutions and like the requirements to evolve them.
are not in Scarlet Violet, but they are programmed into Scarlet and Violet, as well as Cleevor too. So just that they are all on there, their methods are disabled from evolving, but their evolutions are coded into the game. So even though you can't get a Peat Block to evolve
Ursaring into Ursaluna, it counts as a pre-evolved Pokémon, so you can use Eviolite to boost its stats. Yeah, and Eviolite takes Defense and Special Defense up one stage, which I believe is multiplying it by 1.5.
So yeah, I mean that turns a Pokemon that used to be a fully evolved Pokemon into a powerhouse, defensive powerhouse.
Um, it's also, um, I don't know if it still is, but in, uh, the Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness speed run, uh, you would catch a Teddy Ursa and use, uh, an Ursa ring, uh, along with your, uh, Espeon or Jolteon, uh, to run through the game as fast as possible. So, uh, yeah, used in speed runs as well for Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness.
I just found my Pokemon XD Galer Darkness, I'm very excited. Damn, that's the worst mistake I ever made was selling it. Did you sell it to Funko Land? Because that's where I bought mine used. No, I sold it to GameStop. I sold it for full price and I was like, that's gotta be a mistake. Nope, just a rare game. And not worth more than that, so. We'll play it together. Yeah, it's a good game. Yeah.
So, any of you guys have peep blocks laying around?
I have a couple more facts real quick, if you don't mind. So Ursaring's claws change all over the place. So in the original artwork, Ursaring has four visible claws. In the anime and heart, gold, and silver artwork, it has five claws. In the generation two games, it has three claws. From Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire up to and including Pokemon Platinum, it has four claws.
And HeartGold and SoulSilver onwards, it has five games in the in-game sprites. So yeah, always bouncing around between five, four, three. We have some reason to believe that the number four is probably something Pokemon wants to avoid with the number of fingers. We've seen it with
A few others as well, I think like maybe Haunters, Fingers Changed, and Machamps. Yeah, Polywhirl, Polywrath. Yeah, it's the finger shortening of the Yakuza.
yeah and not that that's like obviously the reference but they just want to stay away from it as much as possible so they got letters i forget what episode we discussed that in and maybe polywhirl or mr mime i feel like it's one of those yeah but um five claws seems to be the standard so if you're drawing uh your ursa rings out there just make sure uh five is uh
the acceptable amount. And then I just wanted to mention, even though Ursaring is a very mean and territorial Pokémon, and it will fight with prime apes and stuff, I did love this one Pokedex entry. It usually wears a hardened expression, but when it's licking up honey, which it loves, the joy it feels will cause it to break into a wide grin.
Oh, that's so sweet. Yeah, that was the entry of the of the that that really brought me the most joy. Yeah. So I just wanted to give it a quick shout out before we grab our little peat block. Yeah. So do you know what peat is? I had to look it up.

Ursaluna's Evolution and Unique Features

Yeah. I was like, what the hell is this shit? And it's supposedly not all the way decomposed dirt.
Yeah, it's sort of like a like a mossy, like loamy, like boggy dirt or mud. I mean, if you imagine where you see them in Arceus, it's kind of like that kind of dirt.
It kind of reminds me of the shit that would get stuck in my soccer cleats after a game or something. Some people talk about Scotch as being peaty and they're kind of talking about the smell of this dirt, I feel like. And then maybe it's even, I don't know, used. I'm not a...
Brewer, um, but the reason why I know what Pete was was because we used to have The the president of the college I went to his name was I think Peter Mercer maybe And he would give his little speeches up there and he's like, my name is Peter He sounded like hermit the frog. It's not Pete because Pete is something that you find in the British bog And that is not me
And so that's how I knew what Pete was. And so you take that, you put it into a block, you give it to Ursaring to hold.
I think you just use it on it. You use it under the full moon in the Hisuian region? Yeah. Okay. Now I got it all right. Nailed it. Nailed it. And then your Ursaring will evolve into Pokemon number 901, Ursaluna, the Pete Pokemon, which is cool that it has the same nickname as me.
7 foot and an inch tall, 639.3 pounds.
scary. Yeah, that's a big boy. That's a big boy. Now there's also a very specific other form of Ursa Luna that we'll talk about later. This one is eight feet and 10 inches tall weighs 727.5 pounds. So bigger boy. Jeez Louise.
And we should mention short King. So short, so short. We're all short kings ground normal type. So it was originally just a normal type Pokemon. Now we have ground normal. Yeah, just like diggers be
Everybody remembers Digger's Bee at all times. Digger's Bee is my most hated Pokemon. That's a bad Pokemon. It's awful. That's an abomination. I think that's the universally daycare ditto seal of disapproval Pokemon. Yeah. It's awful. It's offensive. Yeah, Digger's Bee can go dig a hole and then just be in it forever. Yeah.
It's like there's a photo of, guys, imagine this meme. There's Diggers B and it says you. And then there's Diglett and it just says, the guy your girlfriend tells you not to worry about. And then it says, the guys your girlfriend tells you not to worry about. And it's Doug Trio. Nice. And then it says, but also you. And it's you hanging out with Doug Trio and you're like all kissing.
Yeah, you're blushing a little bit and he says, is this okay? And Doug Trio says, trio. That's the best joke that's ever been on this podcast forever. We're done, guys. We hit it.
Alright, out of the episode, thank you for Carl, for Carl Jerm, for being the best. So yeah, this is Ursuluna, a Pokemon that I learned about a lot because we're into the territory once we approach and hit and surpass 900. It's a territory that I basically don't know in terms of the Pokemon world.
So yeah, it's the Pete Pokemon because Ursuluna lives primarily in swamps and has learned to manipulate this Pete soil at will. It'll clad itself in it and it becomes harder than iron.
So so they do say that it can manipulate Pete at will. And I think it really just means it can dig. Yeah. Ursula. No, it could just be like, hey, Peter, I bet you can't jump over that fence and then Peter will be like, say I won't. I will. Exactly. Oh, that that works, too. Yeah. I imagine it's like an earth bender from that. It's our.
Well, in Arceus, it's one of the Pokemon you can summon and ride. And then its special ability is you can use it to dig. So yeah, I think it's just trying to hint at its use in the game to be able to dig through the peat and find things underneath. And it's a good sniffer. Yeah. That's why you can smell all the good stuff under the dirt. And then it can dig it. Can you dig it? Suck up. Can you dig it?
The names real quick, the Japanese name is Gatchiguma. Gatchiren is a round moon, and Kuma we mentioned is a bear. So round moon bear. The French name is Ursa King. Korean name is Datugum. Dal is a moon, Datum is a quarrel, and Gom is a bear.
The moon fighting bear datugum and then the chinese name is interesting it might ring a bell to to some people is uh ua ua xiong And ua is the moon and xiong is a bear so the moon moon bear I really do like all of these uh names for teddy ursa ursaring and ursaluna These are uh strong contenders
Yeah, no, they're they're very interesting. Teddy Ursa was was pretty unanimous across the board. But I liked how by this point, pretty much everybody had their own name for, you know, Ursa Luna. So it's Ursa Luna is a good Pokemon. I like it is. I like this. Yeah, it's scary. It is. It was an intimidating fight.
Because in Arceus, that's the one where, like, when the Pokemon chase after you, you really are like, oh, holy shit, I do not want that hippodon to hit me. Yeah, but once you are able to ride it, it's like, oh, you're so cute. Thank you. But then the Blood Moon Ursulina is like, oh, boy. Wait, the what? The Blood Moon Ursulina.
Witness the blood moon's rise. When its red glow shines upon the land, the endless spirits of slain monsters return to flesh. Just as they did in a war long past, the world is threatened once again.
Zelda's such a drama queen.
Drama princess, thank you very much Yeah, her dad the king of high rule hasn't the king of the red lines hasn't croaked yet It was a die like five more times. Yeah Yeah, and now I know nothing about blood moon or saloon as well Did it wait? Did everybody play the DLC cuz I I have my own Okay
But have you? I downloaded it, but I did not get it. Same. Got you. Well, so so Blood Moon Ursa Luna is you in the DLC, you go to another like city and
Blood Moon Ursuline is not part of the main story whatsoever. It's actually a side story for completing the Pokedex. If you complete the Pokedex to 200 Pokemon, this photographer is like, hey, there's reports of this monster Pokemon in the woods. Come with me and do research. So you go over and you do this absolutely atrocious mini game where you have to take photos of Pokemon in the woods. Pokemon Snap.
it's basically pokemon snap but i'm telling you like
Not fun at all. That's the opposite of Pokemon Snap. There's like, there's eight Pokemon you have to take pictures of, but like, there's, you know, in Scarlet and Violet, the Pokemon wander around, right? But no, they just remove all the Pokemon except for these eight from the game. So like, the woods is just completely empty until you find like one Pokemon running around and then you're like, press A, move on to the next one. It's like,
it's so boring but anyway it doesn't matter because afterwards the the you know um your your partner i think her name is like lin or something she actually is uh modeled after this uh character in legends arceus um she's people really like her design um
I'll look it up later, but either way, she leads you and you find the Ursaluna and her Blood Moon Ursaluna, and her camera flash blinds it and makes it go into a rage, so you have to fight it.
capture it. And it's really, really cool looking. When she first talks about the Pokemon, she shows you like a photo that she took of it. And all you see is like the red glow from its head and like the one glowing eye and it's
It's pretty intense. It looks badass. It looks so cool. Yeah, I did not know this about the Pokemon, but I learned that its whole thing is that its special attack is its powerhouse. Yeah. So Ursa Ring is a really good attacker. I'm sorry. Ursa Luna is a really good attacker. And then Blood Moon Ursa Luna is a really good special attacker. So.
Yeah, so what's interesting is that these are the same species of Pokemon. They're both Ursuluna, but they are
the same Pokemon in the way, and I'm sorry if this is treading upon too much of Dave's expertise, they are the same species in that if they breed with a Ditto, one of our fine Ditto in the daycare, they will produce a Teddy Earth.
their base stats are completely different their abilities are completely different their move pools they're different so their cries are different so it is it kind of like i was thinking it was like a ashes grand ninja kind of thing yeah i would i would say yeah because what they're saying to the legend behind it is that
this blood moon beast is from Hisui times. Yeah. And it had drifted across the sea to arrive at Kitakama. So it's like a an ancient, like legendary beast kind of in the same way and they play with that and like this region where those animals that you use that are basically your mounts, what do they call them? They're a
Like the god Pokemon or whatever. Yeah, they're like legendary. The chosen. Yeah, the special. It's worshiped. It's a descendant of the 10 ancient Pokemon blessed by Arceus. Celestial? Maybe, yeah. I don't know. You use the celestial flute to summon them. Yeah. Right. So this is just like a special version. Yeah.
And it's all supposed to be a tieback to Arceus anyway, because it's the timeless forest is the one where you find it. So it's supposed to be like a forest that's, you know, stuck in time. And the photographer, her name is Perrin, P-E-R-R-I-N, you can look her up. But her design is modeled specifically after the diamond leader in Arceus. It's supposed to be her like,
his great, great, great granddaughter or whatever. So I love that it has like armor kind of. Yeah, it's supposed to be like the dripping mud, but it also gives it this kind of like undead look, especially when it's standing in its arms hang. It kind of has this like zombie esque look. But you can see it's pretty much just the same exact Pokemon except that mud cover that the normal Ursula has is in a different format.
If you really look at it, the bare bones of what's under it is the same. If you look at a standing Ursa Luna versus. This is one of the most badass Pokemon they've come up with in a long time. So we talked about a universally panned Pokemon in Digger's Bee, and now we have a universally loved bats Pokemon. Yeah, this is.
this is what um diggers b wishes it can be and this is what diggers b could be if it had a foursome with a dike trio i posted the uh picture paren shares with you in the chat of uh the blood moon ursa luna and it how terrifying it is oh that's badass it's got one little green eye which they say too it it looks like a blood-borne screenshot it really does
Yeah, so one eye is like scarred and it only has the pupil and it's like bright green. It's very cool. So check that out. Check that out. That's a good one. Any other facts about Blood Moon Ursuluna that you can get in the Hidden Treasure of Area 0, Part 1, the Teal Mask?
Yeah, I just wanted to share in the other languages what Blood Moon translates into. Yeah. Japanese is Akutsky. German is Blutmond. And French is Lunvermil. Ooh. Yeah. I mean, they all just kind of literally translated to Red Moon or Blood Moon. But I think Zelda said it best. She really did.
She sure did. Oh, and then the Blood Moon Shiny technically exists, but technically doesn't exist. It is a Shiny locked, so you technically cannot get it. But its Shiny form was visible temporarily if you had a Blood Moon Ursuluna and had a previously registered Shiny Ursuluna.
And so you could view it and we can, you know, see what a shiny Blood Moon Ursulina should look like, but you can't really get it unless you cheat it into your game. So. Oh, and now I'm looking at it. Yeah, it's it's like a bit more orangey red in the fur. It's actually a really good shiny, but don't don't try to capture it because you can't. So yeah, if you got one, it's not it's not legit.
Mm-hmm. That's it. That's all I got. Alrighty.
Uh, with that, do you know what you can collect and, uh, is legit? Pokemon cards. We all love Pokemon cards. Yeah. Let's play a game. We're going to guess how many cards Teddy Ursa, Ursa Sering and Ursa Luna appear in the trading card game for Pokemon. Um, so let's start with our cutie little guy, Teddy Ursa. How many cards did we think Teddy Ursa has?
23 18 28 my god you guys are all so confident um
Whoever said the lowest number is correct. What? Oh, that's me. I said 18. Yeah, it's only 14. That's bullshit. I know. I agree with you. I agree with you. Doing Teddy Ursa dirty. Yeah, I agree. But it's so funny because I feel like whenever I find out how many cards there are, I always think about how many cards Dave and I have because we have a 300 pound river made container of Pokemon cards. And I know we have a ton of Teddy Ursa cards.
But I guess they're all the same. Yeah, they just keep re-issuing. Yeah. Well, and there's that one figure. So, you know, chalk that one out. Yeah, yeah. Plus one figure. So, 14 of this little guy. What about our friend Ursaring? Um, 15. 14. Oh my god. Oh, 11. Okay, so Steven, you got it right on the money. There's 15.
Wow. Yeah. So they liked Ursa Ring so much. Better. More.

Trading Card Popularity Discussion

Isn't that crazy? I don't know. I feel like Teddy Ursa. Much cuter. But I guess like just for the dynamics of the game, maybe Ursa Ring is better. Who knows? Yeah. Or there's like special Ursa Ring cards here and there probably. Right, right. Okay. Moving right along to Ursaluna. Three. Two. One.
Okay, Steven's on fire. Last off. Three on the money. Woo woo! Heck yeah. I'm the Bear King. Bear King! Good job, Steven. That's the best I've ever done at that game. Yeah, you did fantastic. Yeah. Can't do much better than that. Nope. Well, I think there's one more game I can try my hand at. Yeah.
Uh this game is called who you gonna fuck it's when I uh list four different pokemon you tell me which one if put in the daycare with teddy ursura and the evolutions would not produce an egg this one has another special theme i'd like to call the bears these are bears and you tell me which one would not produce an egg we got cubfu chub chew pan chew no pan jam and beware
Aw man, this is hard! Can you say that again? I'm gonna say kup-fu. Uh, beware. And the winner is Sarah.
It's a legendary, right, consider? It's yeah, it's like a one of the rare Pokemon where it evolves and you get one and there's different forms, but it is. Yeah, no eggs discovered. Oh, man. For for the life of me, I didn't know what most of those Pokemon were. Cuffoos, the little karate bear. OK, the what was it, the armor aisle or whatever? Yeah, the armor. Yeah. All right.
Nice. That's a pretty tight episode. I have some breaking linguistic news. Breaking news. So Dan introduced me to this wonderful new verb. So the verb is to farred.
And to fart is to apply makeup to yourself or to like clean yourself up in a mirror. So I just want to play a quick little excerpt from the Miriam Webster podcast. We were greeted at the door by a young woman with heavily farted cheeks.
And I have a couple other uses of the word, if you'll allow me a second. Ladies of the court were often observed farting with excitement. Farting was not limited to women. Men of the Renaissance era also partook in farting. The portrait depicted the noblewoman farting with a serene expression capturing a moment of timeless elegance. Despite her advanced age, she retained the skill of farting.
I have a sentence to use that maybe we can all work on. How about this? Yeah. Okay, scene. A rock and roll concert. A man goes up and knocks on the door and says, hey, is the rock and roll band KISS ready to go and play their show? And the man in the dressing room says, in a little bit, right now they're busy. Farting. Farting.