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354 Plays1 year ago

A Pinecone, a clam, a bagworm, and a grenade walk into a bar.  All of these Pokemon are the same Evolution line. This isn't a joke. I'm just really confused. 


Listener Appreciation

Hi guys. Hey Peter.
How is everybody? I wanted to start this podcast really quickly. I want to do this before the intro, but a lot of people showed us that we were on their Spotify wrapped and I want to dedicate this episode as always to all of our fine listeners. It makes me very happy. And now with the intro,
And I didn't write it down, so give me one second. I'm bad at improv. How did I want to phrase this one?

Pokemon Challenges & Humor

Um, you know how there's like mono type Pokemon challenges. Yeah. Yeah. And then you can just make up your own challenge. People, some people decide to, you know, be the lowest level, the fastest. And some people will do monotypes. Some people will do a run through of their favorite game with a team of their favorite Pokemon.
And so if I were to do that with only fortress, it would be my team fortress. Wait, what if you played it a second time? Oh, that would be my team fortress, too. Yeah. Yeah. What if I had a team fortress? Oh, then that would be your team fortress as well.
Great one. I was trying to think of like a catchy Team Fortress 2 quote, but I literally forgot them all. I played some of the hours. You played it a lot. Jar Piss, watch out. Yeah. That was part of The Orange Box, which is like the only time a video game company has ever been like, yeah, here's all of our games on one disc.
It was like $20 or something. It was super cheap. They did what?

Gaming Nostalgia

I think they had Team Fortress 2, Half-Life, Half-Life 2, all Half-Life 2 and Portal.
Yeah, they didn't have the first Half-Life. It was just Half-Life 2 and then the episode 1 and 2. Was it Half-Life 2, just be for full life? Yeah. Half-Life. Got him. As well. Toki Toki Life. Or was it Life Game, I forget. Or the Game of Life, the board game. That's what it becomes. Two Half-Lifes equal one board game. What was that thing that we were doing briefly was a Nintendo app? Tomah.
Oh, Tomodachi Life? Tomodachi Life, yeah. Yeah. No, that's amazing. And then they made it on like the 3DS, right? Or was that like something else? I had that. I remember producer Chib from Calling All Creeps was very into Tomodachi Life. Yeah. Very good. There were so many amazing videos that people made of just like the most ridiculous characters singing the most ridiculous songs in that me voice. And
Yeah. And, and yeah, it just kind of went away. Yeah. I played it for like all of the one week and then I was like, I know this as much as I can. You're just like, I beat it. Yeah. Done. Hundred percent. So, um,
Yeah. Much like we'll milk this tree. Yeah. For all it's worth. Yeah.

Pineco: The Enigmatic Pokemon

So in this episode, as always, we give a little snippet at the beginning, a little sneak of who we're going to be talking about. But you're going to have to wait for fortress because we are talking today and starting this episode with Pokemon number
204 Pineco. Whereas I found out a lot of people just assumed that it was Pineco. Okay. I was going to say I have a confession because until we all started talking about doing this episode, that is exactly how I pronounced it. Okay. Thank you.
You're you're not wrong because other people have have adopted Pineco as the way they say Pineco. It's just like to me, when I first saw this Pokemon, I did not think it was a pine cone. Yeah, it's blue. You know, I mean, there's a lot about the looks of this one that make no sense. Right. Just visually, it's quite confusing as a Pokemon. I think the only reason I knew how to pronounce it was because Brock had one.
Yeah, which I even forgot about, but he's a lovable little guy. Yeah. So, yeah, Pineco, it is pronounced Pineco. Yes. You take that to the bank. It is the Bagworm Pokemon. Yeah. The only one? No, it's what? Four of them. Yeah. The Bagworm Pokemon are Pineco, Fortress, Burmy, and Wormadam. Yeah, which is interesting to me because
realistically they are kind of the same like this is I feel like one of the few times where it's the same animal and the same concepts but two completely different pokemon yeah they said uh you know
We really like that pinecone fortress but we're not going to give them any regional forms. We're not going to give them any mega evolutions. We're just going to introduce very bad Pokemon of the same category in Generation 4.
Probably. It was four, I think. I think that was just like they wanted to revisit the concept because they had all of those terrain things, like, oh, evolved by the ice rock, evolved by the grass rock. Like, that was that game, right? And so it was like, oh, if you evolve it in the sands, it turns into this type of thing. And I feel like, you know, Wormadam becomes the more realized version of this concept.
But, you know, humble beginnings. Pineco, I have a lot of respect for Pineco now, actually.
Yeah, I like it a little bit better than I did because before it just annoyed me that it was supposed to be a pine cone. It didn't look like one, but I'm fine with it now. Yeah, a pine cone called the Bagworm Pokémon. Right. None of us knew what a Bagworm was, and now we are all going to learn what a Bagworm is. Yeah. And I mean then- And against our wills. Yeah. And then the evolution is just like, wait, what? Yeah, like why? Why are you that? Why would you like that? Exactly. Why are you like this?
It's because they invented steel type Pokémon. Yeah. Which is wild to think like this is what they invented steel type Pokémon for. Yeah. Right. Like this is their. Their real life. We'll get into it. But like I at no point was just like, oh, yeah, when they made steel type Pokémon and made Fortress, I was like, I always thought like Steelix, Skarmory and Caesar were like the premier.
Pinecone is two feet tall, weighs 15.9 pounds, and we've already said he looks like a pinecone.
So one of the things that I find really funny about Pineco is that Pineco's eyes are not actually like fully rendered eyes. They're just on the ridge of the like pine cone piece. You know what I'm saying? They're basically completely flat.
right on the square of the like ridge in the pine cone. So his eyes just end up looking really like painted on. Yeah, I can definitely see that. I guess like what they were trying to do was like make the shadow like make it look like it was under the shadow of
No, but if you look at like the scarlet and violet, because that's again, like when this Pokemon was invented, it's just a stationary maybe blinks. But if you look at it, it's scarlet and violet. The eyes are literally painted on to the other side of the particle. Oh my God. Yes, that is really bad. It's like kind of. Yeah, that's bad. It looks like not fully made.
Right. Yeah, I don't like that. I also like. I wish they kept the sprite and the color scheme of the gold and silver sprites and didn't really just take off with the crystal sprite, because at least in the gold and silver, it looks a little bit more like the color of a pine cone almost. But then in crystal, it just became really like ice blue. It just doesn't make sense unless it's I don't know, it just doesn't make sense. What makes more sense is the all of the shiny versions.
They should just swap them.
Yeah, you're right. So I just posted a picture in our group chat where you get a really good idea of like how they're just painted on to the underside like. Oh, wow. I was trying to look for a picture and that really, really takes the cake. So all of the top ridges of the pine cone are like lifted up by a spike at the top and underneath it, every single bottom face of the rectangles are black.
and then the eyes are just flat on the ridge. What sort of N64 shit is this? Yeah. Come on, Pokémon, this is supposed to be Gen 2.
Yeah, it kind of, it's like a Banjo-Kazooie character. It does look like a Banjo-Kazooie character. I could see it just coming up to talk and being like, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, b
Yeah, but then also don't forget it's not a grass Pokemon this one. Yeah, but it's a bug when you think it's a pinecone. I know that's but that's the thing is like you again, we as Americans, we looked at this and we were like, oh, pinecone Pokemon. Okay, thumbs up. Why is it a bug type? But everybody who is like, familiar with the bagworm is going to be like,
Oh, okay. It's not actually a pine cone. It's a worm that has wrapped itself and it looks like a pine cone. So it's obviously a bug. It's like, fuck you. Yeah, but pine cones are still not blue.
I mean, okay, so it's not actually a pine cone, it's just collected a whole bunch of stuff to look like one. Okay, so here's the other thing, too. It rolled around a blue paint chip faster. Okay, fine. Steven, can you do this in your rich guy voice for the rest of the episode? Yes, I can. James, are you here with us?
There are very few things in nature that are genuinely blue. Things that are almost blue, like for example a blueberry, are actually purple.
I don't, maybe a flower or two are genuinely in nature blue. So I need to know, like, and I can't, there's no information on it. Like what sticks or raw material to make itself a pine cone? Is this thing picking up? Is it from like Chernobyl or like, I don't know. Why is it blue? It bothers me.
Doesn't it adhere pine cone cones to it with its spit that hardens against the air? Maybe it's got blue spit. Okay, so is it saliva blue? See, like, that I can get behind. I mean, the eyes are painted on. Why not the rest of it? Right. Yeah. Maybe put on some makeup. Yeah, Grabber should put a little makeup. Yeah. He wanted to. Yeah. That was a funny video.
The Japanese name is Kunugidama. So kunugi is a sawtooth oak tree, and tama means ball. So it's the sawtooth oak is I guess, where bagworms are kind of
found, and they produce like little acorns, and they have these really cool like sawtooth leaves. So again, I think it's just kind of taking it and putting it more in the Japanese kids context.

Pineco in Battles

And then in French, we have pom de pic.
So a palm to pin is a pine cone in French and a pick is like a peak. So I guess that's supposed to be like the little point on its head is like the peak. So it's like a pine cone with a peak. And then I love the German name. It's tons of very burly. Yeah. So it's supposed to sound like the word panzer. But then a ton is often is a pine cone in German.
And so I think maybe this is also a good segue into the fact that, like. Pineco is a grenade. Oh, yeah. It's like a pinecone grenade. Yeah. Yeah, because that was the whole thing is Brock would pick it up and it explode. Which, yeah, it kind of took place of like Gen 2 Voltorb in the in the anime.
Yeah, it would just kind of come down and it would explode and it would be like the Oh, you hit that tree? Oh, you think you're safe? Boop, there's a little pine cone and it exploded. Rock is blasting off again. Yeah, exactly. And then it, of course, was also the thing that would pop out and be like, Brock, you're getting a little too horny. We got a
make you explode so you back off. That would legitimately solve all this horniness problems. Simply explode. Simply have a forcible explosion. When I'm too horny, we get the horny hand grenade out. But again, I mean this is something that
realistically if you are familiar with the bagworm makes a little bit of sense because if you go to the Wikipedia for the bagworm there's a video of it crawling around and what it'll do is it'll kind of jump forward a little bit and then grab down and like pull itself and it's very reminiscent of like a Mexican jumping beam which is also just like a little bug inside of a
a bean and when it hops it just kind of like explodes and bounces around um i didn't know those were real i always heard the term mexican jumping bean but didn't know that was like a torus trap like uh toy that you would buy toy i'd say least like loosely because it literally was just
I remember going to a store and seeing them and you could buy like a little box of them. Yeah. I think I've seen them in a commercial setting before. They're just bug larvae with a worm inside writhing. So they say so many times people would like they'd end up in somebody's drawer or junk drawer or something and the worm would hatch and just die.
Yeah, a lot of them would just like die inside the casing. But it's like a fun little thing to be like, look, it's magic. It's just jumping around the little bean, haha. But the the bag room kind of moves around similarly. And so if again, if you're familiar with that, you're like, oh, yeah, it kind of explodes with energy. It jumps around and, you know, pops down and will, you know,
jump and explode. But if you're not, you're like, Okay, pine cone, you go off, I guess. Yeah, so bagworms are real creatures, they, they kind of make themselves a
like a protective shell out of whatever is around them in the environment for the most part, right? It's kind of like a hermit crab host, I feel like. Hermit crabs are really fucking cool. Yeah, they are. I used to have a lot. I used to have a lot of hermit crabs as a kid as like a pet.
Yeah. Don't they smell? They smell disgusting. They're very disgusting. They're so small. Why is it because they poop in their little houses? They do. Oh, it's all the poop they like. Oh, my God. They smell so bad. I mean, like bad. So don't recommend if you're a parent and your kid wants a hermit crab. Just say no. What if your Dave wants a hermit crab? No. Sweetie, no. I'm sorry. No. Not in this house. The stink group. We can name it Dwebble.
Oh, we're going to get to Parisek, Dwebble and then stink at you because that one will be the fart stink one. I got I got one that was in a Wiley coyote shell. Oh, that's awesome. And I named it Wiley Crabote. That's so good. He was my favorite. He lived for like three years.
and smelled like shit all the way. He smelled so bad. Oh, it was disgusting. Maybe that's why like as an adult, I have a very poor sense of smell. And maybe it's because when I was a kid, I had those hermit crabs in my bedroom. And maybe my nose just died. Like my nose or my smelling whatever. Maybe they smelled even worse. And you were a little bit, we always just smelled poorly.
Yeah, I don't know, but that was bad. You said my wife smells. I was gonna say maybe you just smell bad. I was like, no, smell poorly. I'm the one who smells bad in this relationship. I'll tell you very.
I'll let you know. Babe, I've hugged you so tightly before and you smell fantastic. He's got a good smell. I like his pheromones. I'm paranoid about my stink. Listen, everyone poops and sometimes everyone stinks. It's part of being a human.
Yeah, but some people excel at stinking in the same way I excel at shitting. Ooh, now that's an impressive stink. I'm a king-sitter. They can compare to the way that you shit. Yeah. Yeah. I gotta say, as I've been growing older, my deodorant doesn't last the entire day no more. Mm-hmm. Same. Especially in the summertime, woof. Yeah.
So, stay away. Do you think Pineco smells, Pineco, Pineco? Yes, covered with his hardened spids. Yeah. And they do say, I like the thing about the elderly Pineco. Yeah, they're huge. They describe it as ridiculously huge too.
So like it reminds me of an Arceus where you could actually get like the extra large or the super small Pokemon. Like there must be, you know, we have the two feet Pineco, but maybe there's like a four foot Pineco out there. And I love that it says it's unbothered by the weight of its shell and it'll just patiently hang from a tree waiting for its prey, which I need to remind everyone. Pineco is a bug type Pokemon and its prey are insects. So also bugs.
Yeah. What else? It kind of sucks. Yeah. It was like if humans, like our prey was like humans. I mean, it technically is kind of. That's true. Yes. There's a lot of, yes, that is true. We just don't eat them often. Bye. Oh, sorry. Go ahead.
No, no, I think we were going to say the same thing. That they like, uh, we'll say it together. Pineco's favorite prey is cutie fly. So many things eat cutie flies. I know. I feel like they were designed to be the prey Pokemon. Yeah.
I mean, if you're a bug, right? What else are you going to make your prey, just weaker bugs? I mean, it's not gonna eat an entire dragonite or something. No, I get it. What about like, maggots? They eat like really large things. Yeah, why aren't they eating snobs or charge of bugs or blip bugs or those guys, sizzle peas. Joel ticks. Eat those. Yeah. Leave cuticley alone.
I don't know. I'd eat that cutie little pie up. I'm interested to get to Cutie Fly and read its Pokedex entries to see like this Pokemon is often prey of others or to others. This Pokemon, let me tell you, fucking delicious. This Pokemon's really good with a hot sauce. Let's see. Because it's going to be so long and forever. We're never going to remember. What is that, Gen 7?
I don't even know what Jhin we're on now. Yeah, no, because Alola, right, is when QD5 was introduced. So that was 7, 7 or 6. 0.4 pounds, 4 inches tall. Eats flowers.
tastes like delicious hamburgers hangs above the heads of people with auras that are like flowers is a pollinator which like flies are not so right I don't really know why but flies are not cute so that's true you're right there they can pick up the aura of other living things
Look at this listener is you're getting a two for one episode. Yeah, that's true. Sure. I mean, I don't think it's because Pineco doesn't have a whole lot to talk. Maybe one of the things we could talk about, which is one special thing about Pineco is it kind of competitively. One of the things that's great about it is it can lay spikes.
And that was a concept introduced in this generation, Gen 2. And actually I looked it up. They only introduce traps in even numbered generations.
Interesting. So in Gen 2, they introduced spikes. In Gen 4, they introduced pointed stones and poison spikes. In Gen 6, they introduced sticky web. And in Gen 8, they introduced sharp steel, which was a G-Max move from Kuberaja.
But yeah, they have only ever introduced these arena traps in even numbered gens. And spikes was one of Pineco's like best things that it could do because now your gen one issue of, oh, well, you swap to this and then I swap to that and then you swap to this and then I swap to that gets eliminated because every time you swap, you get hurt a little bit. So.
Um, and then the other great thing, uh, about, you know, maybe we'll talk a little bit more about it with fortress is that, uh, there's ways to then get rid of that too. Cause, uh, it affects both players, uh, individually. So it makes sense too, because, um, pineco is also supposed to look like Cal drops. Yeah. There's, there's like heavy.
like weaponry themes that go on with this Pokemon, and it makes it make a little bit more sense, which is why I respect it more now. And we actually get this too with another Pokemon in this gen that makes no fucking sense, but that's later. It's all weaponry. Very militant. Yeah. I wonder, does Pineco ever show up with Surge?
Yeah. I really do like it in the manga. I need to start reading that again when Lieutenant Surge has like a Voltorb launcher.
Yeah. But so one of the videos I watched of a competitive person playing with Pineco, what they did was they laid poison spikes with their lead, which was kafrigorous or however you pronounce his name. And then they switched out to their Pineco.
who was level one. And what he would do is he has sturdy. So he would, you know, survive a hit from another Pokemon as long as he was at full health. And then he would use pain split and split his health with the other Pokemon who's level 100 and a legendary gets all of his health back. The legendary hits him. He's sturdy.
He pain splits again and so on. And then the legendary eventually dies from the poison spikes. Damn. So you could basically take out an entire team with a level one pine co just consistently pain splitting and watching them poison themselves to death. Oh, that's sick. Devious. Yeah. I was like, oh, that is that's quite the strategy there. I love that.
Yeah, I mean, it obviously depends on a lot because Sturdy doesn't work if you get poisoned. So you can't get poisoned by one of the opposing Pokemon's moves. Clear poison spikes from the field. Yep. But if you're just, you know, going up against some random person on an online battle and they're not prepared for that, then you basically get a free win. So it's a cool little strat.
I like that. I'm trying to see if there's anything else that's super exciting. You know that Pineco is a little grenade in the Pokemon Stadium 2 minigame Eager Eevee. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. And that's a game where you are all Eevees and it's kind of like, I guess musical chairs in a way that like there's a barrel with an a-pom above it and
You are like the music will stop and it'll lift up and whoever gets to the fastest eats the most berries But sometimes he'll lift it up and there'll be a pineco and if you hit that you explode and then you don't get to dash the next term because you Have PTSD and shell shock. Yeah, I Don't remember the stadium too many games as much because I didn't have it we didn't have it but
Thank you for describing it to me, because now I remember it. The Cliff Fairy game was the best game. And probably as a kid, again, I was just like, OK, sure, Pineco is the bad thing. But I feel like that was lost on me. I think it was lost on a lot of people. Literally, I think the anime did a lot of heavy lifting for my understanding of this Pokémon, which sometimes, like, did the opposite.
Like how many times did you see an episode with a Pokemon and you're like, this thing's a fucking powerhouse. And then you actually, like I remember thinking like, here it goes, I'm gonna use Metronome. And then like, I'd be like, oh, fuck yeah, I'm using Fire Blast, but my stats are crap. And it's like, doop. Like, because in the show that was like the end all be all Kamehameha, like it always pulled something insane. Yeah, I still think
using Metronome is the most fun you could have in Pokemon though. It's like rolling the dice. Little gambler in me wants to hit big money, big money. I love that. I play every now and then I get into Marvel Snap, the phone card game, and I have a bunch of cards that I use in my decks that's like, it will transform into any card or you can draw any card. So it may not fit in my deck, but it adds that kind of like wild card. Like literally it could be something like, how will this fit now? It's fun.
Um, unrelated, but I have to, I was just reminded of this and I've got to say it real quick. Um, on the every F N F F podcast, uh, Curtis mentioned this ridiculous Pokemon run. Peter, did you, did you listen to that? Yeah, I immediately was like, this is sick. Curtis knows exactly what I want to watch. I immediately laid down in bed, uh, put on the video of it and just was in heaven.
Do you want to explain it? Maybe you could explain it a little bit better than I have, Ken. OK. So basically, there was a content creator who saw somebody playing Pokemon with a blindfold on. And he thought to himself, I wonder if there is a way to 100% without fail
put in a series of inputs from the very, very, very beginning of a Pokemon... I forget if you had to specify whether it was red or blue, but it was...
Pokemon Red or Blue, and just

Pokemon Memories & Experiments

100% beat the game without taking a look at the screen or listening to any of the sounds coming out of it. So he would have to account that
Every step might be a random encounter So you'd have to take that into account like the game throws different, you know Random battles at you throws critical hits at you throws You know different Pokemon's moves being thrown at you and
You can do an attack and there's a range to your attack So you might take out your opponent or you might not or you might crit and take them out When you normally wouldn't so they might be on a different Pokemon in their rotation So he had to take into account every single thing and make it so that every single input would beat the game No matter what no matter what within like
a like one billionth probability because there are some things that if you get the worst luck ever, you're just never going to be able to guess what's on the screen. Yeah. But it basically like, you know, if you take a step, you've got to put all the button combinations for if they get into a battle, if they get into a battle with Pidgey or if they get into a battle with Rattata, if they don't get into a battle.
And then that button combinations would, you know, fix basically anything that goes on. And so you could run these millions of button inputs and beat the game no matter what, no matter the RNG, no matter anything. So it's just like, it's such a cool run. Yeah. It involves starting Charmander.
It involves getting the Magikarp from the Pokemon Center outside of Mount Moon. It involves using the Daycare Center a lot. It involves using a Master Ball on Articuno.
What else did he use? It was nuts. It was insane. It was a really good time. He's like, oh, I saved 10 hours by realizing this. That's so great. That's incredible. Do you know that there's also somebody who has just has a Pokemon, I think it's like Ruby or Sapphire, and it is just using Pi?
for the inputs. And it like has yet to leave the first town. But it's starters like level 72. So it's using every single digit of pie? Yes. Okay. Once it gets out of there, it's gonna be watch out. Yeah, but it's still once it gets the rocket tile puzzle.
all about it back in the day. Oh, and when Pokemon Go first came out and everybody was outside and smiling at each other. That was so nice. You would just talk to random strangers. It was such a good time for me because I'm very introverted most of the time. 2016 was not a good year for me. That was just such a breath of fresh air.
it's gonna be wild.
Just like, you know, going into the wild, literally going into the wild and meeting people that were into the same nerdy shit I was, was just like insane. I mean, like I, I went somewhere today. I was doing my job. I sat down at a desk and I was like, oh, he's got Pokemon cards on his desk. You know, you get excited still when you see those like little things.
It's, uh, but it's, yeah, now I just, I'd look at the Pokemon Go subreddit and see everyone just complaining about like raid chances and pass money. And it's just not the same game anymore either.
I would play it trying to catch as many Pokemon as I could, and then I ran out of Pokeballs because I was a bad shot. Like, I just kept on missing. And then I was like, how do I get Pokeballs? I have to go outside for that. All right, unasoul. Very counterintuitive, very against the spirit of the game.
Well, I think that's what a lot of people mostly are frustrated with when it comes to these topics of raids and blah, blah, blah, is that it's designed for people who live in cities and it's fun to play in cities, but for the people who are out rurally, it's not so great. And then when COVID happened, they actually added all this stuff where you could remotely play in raids. And so that helped the people who were in these rural areas to play a little bit more. And then as soon as
you know, it was there for a year or two, then they started monetizing it. And that's when it became like, kind of soured. Yeah, people always be monetized. And I'll tell you what, you know, a, a, b, m, always be monetizing always bowel movements. I gotta have a bm right now. Abnormal bowel movements. Um,
Yeah, I mean Pineco is a bagworm. Pineco will fall if you shake a tree. It will hang tight to the branches. If you shake a tree, it will have an ABM. Yeah, a sudden blast moment.
The shell makes it almost immune to birds because birds will try to get at
the innards of the Pineco, which is what Pineco actually is, a worm within a protective shell that nobody knows. Yeah, but okay, fuck you, Pokedex, because I'm not defensive against birds. I'm a bug type, so it's super effective. So you're lying to me.
Oh, good point. I guess it means that it can withstand damage, but it won't get eaten. I think what it's saying is true in a, you know, why the bug does this thing. Like that is a true scientific fact, but as a child reading the Pokedex, that sets me up for failure.
It says that I'm more protective against bug, or sorry, birds, and I'm not. They fuck me up with their flying-type moves. Well, against flying, it doesn't say against flying types. It says against bird types. Oh, so missing no. So only missing no, yeah. Got you, got you. Yeah, actually missing no versus Piedco is the movie I've been waiting for. I mean, the other thing too that you always have to take into account is that like,
You're the dumb kid writing the Pokedex. Yeah. So. I honestly think. It's got yourself to blame. I honestly think Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Nintendo, they could make a better Pokedex. Oh, agreed, of course. I always. Although they did do real well with Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire. Yeah, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon. That's what I meant, sorry.
Yeah, those those are chef's kiss. Somebody was was on some shit that day. That person needs a raise. Yeah. A person probably went on to Reddit.
I was gonna say what's like the best job you can think of at the Pokemon company. Oh, professional plush quality control. Yeah. Yeah, cool. Plush quality control. Yeah, plush hugger.
Yeah. Professional plush hugger. That's right. They are the sitting cutie. Yeah. The sitting seat, the sitting chair of the sitting cutie. Ooh, wait. Sitting cutie segment. What does the Pineco sitting cutie look like? Oh, yeah. This is going to be a disaster. Sits. I don't know. Every now and then.
Sometimes it's got beans in his butt. Oh, it looks so bad. Oh, it looks so gross. I love it, actually. Oh, its eyes are painted on still, too. Oh, oh, yeah. It looks just like a ball of fringe. It kind of looks like somebody like if there was like a

Fortress: Evolution & Strategy

like a plush maker, somebody just like put the sprite into it and it got kind of fucked up in the translation. Like it looks like some sort of computer something or other didn't translate. Yeah, looks AI made, like it's hands would be all fucked up. I have to share this. Somebody just has it held upside down and it still looks correct.
Oh, it's real bad. I love it. The last interesting thing I have to say about Pineco is that the animators probably hated the fact that Brock caught it in a quick ball because every time it came out, they had to animate a fucking quick ball.
Hey, quick balls are my favorite kind of balls. Take that for whatever you think that means. They're cool, but anytime you have to be like, oh, we have to remember that it's a fucking quick ball and then animate that one part now spinning differently than the other parts, it's like.
Fuck that he caught it, a Quickball. Why'd we do that? Quickballs are the best. They're my favorite Pokeball. And the other thing is Panko held around for a while. Panko was one of the most featured Pokemon in the anime. Wasn't really. Other than Pikachu. Well, yeah, Pikachu doesn't count for anything. So in the anime,
Where is it? I know I put it down. So when Brock went to Hoenn, Fortress, which was Pineco, was the only Pokémon he brought with him. And he kept him until Sinnoh.
Yeah. And so he had been in three hundred and twenty three episodes, which was the record, but then was matched and broken three episodes later by Jesse's Wobbuffet, which we talked about, you know, being in a lot. I mean, maybe even to this day, who knows? Yeah. So Wobbuffet, Pineco and Pikachu. You never think they were. What do you think, Pokemon? You think those three?
Oh, all the time. You bet. Yeah. Waba. Waba. What's this? Genta Pokemon is where how Pokemon say their names in the anime starts getting shifty to me because I didn't watch the anime. I looked it up so that I could make sure we pronounced it correctly. So Pineco was Pineco.
And then that actually did it specifically for this next one, because I was like, how the fuck do I say this? Oh, is it is it? Oh, I'm gonna need a lesson. Yeah. So it is for a tris for a tris. Okay. All right. I'm speaking of for a tris. When you reach 31, you can evolve into a for a tris. I'm just gonna call it fortress for my notes. Anytime I typed its name, my app, what are my
Fun would substitute the name for forgetters. And that's how I feel about this Pokemon, because I always forget that it exists. So in my mind, I'm like, Remoraid evolves into Forretress, right? Oh, yeah. Well, that makes more sense. But no, Pineco evolves into this fucking clam, I guess, right? Bug steel type? Like, what the hell? I thought it was a clam.
I can see that. No, you're thinking about the bivalve, Pokemon, the bivalve. It. Yeah, it reminds me of the the boss in Star Fox 64 when you're in the underwater level. Yeah. And it's it really does look so much like a clam, but what you have to imagine
listeners, it's that you know what a fucking bagworm is. And you know that this bagworm ditched its wood and just decided to grab some steel. You know, that's just lying around. So. So fortress is also the bagworm. Pokemon is three feet, 11 inches tall. It weighs two hundred seventy seven point three pounds packing. Yeah. And it's supposed to resemble a
a obscured, like faceless bug bug Pokemon that's sort of within a steel walnut shell. Yeah, which like, God help you if you knew that. Like it doesn't look like a walnut. Yeah, that totally reads. It barely even looks like steel. Like it looks like a purple shell kind of most of the time.
And the pumps coming out of it just look like a fucking clam. I don't know what else to say. And it really is kind of actually, in a way, the bug steel version of Cloister. Oh my goodness. Now I can't unsee that.
Well, so like it's basically cloister, but it doesn't have cloister's weaknesses other than it has a four times weakness to fire. There are no other weaknesses that fortress has. It either takes normal or half damage to every other type except fire. Fire will fuck it up. So it's kind of like, oh, here's your cloister, but it's just super effective with fire, so.
Yeah, don't get hit by something that you're four times weak to, uh, general rule of thumb with your Pokemon. Especially Fire, because like every fucking Pokemon learns a Fire move. Like, I feel like... I'm just... I'm surprised at...
I mean, basically, most like in the beginning, if you had a Pokemon Gen one, you'd be like, Oh, my moves are slash ember flamethrower fire blast. And now Pokemon can learn such a myriad of moves. We're really spoiled for choice nowadays. Back in my day. What's what the fuck's an egg move?
Yeah, I've never actually taught any of my Pokemon an egg move, but I've hardly ever bred Pokemon So now that you know what this Pikachu looks like Yeah, I mean it just got like like four little cannons on it it's got two little eyes that it is
I mean, you see them most of the time on the sprite, but we're led to believe that they're almost always primarily obscured, that it mainly lives within the shell.
and like we don't even have any idea what else is in the show other than the eyes yeah we can only see the eyes because apparently uh scientists have been researching fortress with high speed cameras and when it goes to eat the cutie fly as it's want to do um even the
like the fastest cameras or the most observant scientists has never been able to see the speed at which the inside bagged worm has left its shell to munch, clamp down and eat on prey. So. Just what a mystery. Just shitty, just shitty scientists. Yeah, I mean,
I don't know. I can't you just dissect one. Yeah, I'm like, wow, that seems like a very lazy scientist because I would like wreck the shit out of a dead one. Yeah, open it. Yeah, just take one of your angle grinders with like a diamond tipped or like a carbide bit or like a pincer. Yeah, there you go. Pincer could get through that.
Dave, are you going to reveal a little sprite to us? Actually, yeah, I was. Are you talking about the beta? Backworm? Are you going to reveal yourself to me? I just posted something in. The. So there these are technically Panko.
but also technically not pineco. So there was just a straight up. Bagworm Pokemon. That evolved into a like butterfly. Kind of like what we got with like wurma dam.
Yeah, we got with Burmy and Mothim. Burmy and Mothim, that's what I was thinking. Yeah, so it's like that, except the only difference is that the Moth looks like he's covered in hot dogs. Yeah. Makes me hungry. So Gen 2, within that really big leak of the beta, they found that there was a bagworm in Moth Pokemon that was created. In the end, was cut to evolution. It's fine.
I mean, I don't think it really fit with this gen with what it needed. It's very Tamagotchi looking with the art, but like the sprites are weird. The moth with all the hot dogs on its chest. Yeah, no, I don't like the moth, but I do like the first evolution. It almost gives me like an electric type. Yeah. I was going to say ground more so. The moth kind of looks like it's like a super meat boy butter free. Yeah.
Definitely. Yeah, and I'm, I'm seeing actually another sprite for fortress too. I don't know if you have that one. I do not. Well, the scientists might have to do a little bit more looking because this sprite has a little bit more of fortresses face.
I just posted it in the chat. We'll post these on Instagram, of course. Another one, too. Oh, wow. It's got a chin. Yeah. Well, it looks like a hair across and a pincer put together.
Yeah, well, the bottom right one is something else completely. But the bottom left and top right, it kind of is still fortress, but it almost has like clasped hands in front of it almost. It looks like it's almost given like a little Krang type of vibe. Krang vibes for sure. But
Yeah, realistically, Fortress, like Cloyster, or was it Shelder, I guess, because we kind of see Cloyster's innards, but we don't really know what's in there. Yeah, we do see Cloyster's innards. We sure do, front and center. Yeah. That vertical clam. Yeah, Fortress being the horizontal version.
Um, the other names are not interesting. Uh, Japanese is for a toast. So same inspirations of forest fortress and maybe like turret even too. Um, so again, with the artillery.
And then again, this makes a little bit more sense to me where I'm like, okay, it was a grenade kind of spike type thing in the past. And now it's like a turret fortress. Okay, cool. Get that now. But just lost on me as a kid. I was like, why is my pine cone turning into a clam? Like the colors don't even stay the same either. No, there's zero continuity for this whole Pokemon line.
It's very confusing. It feels like a glitch almost. But Fortress is not bad as a Pokemon. It's got a good type kind of.
And the other thing that fortress does great is that I kind of alluded to before is it rapid spins, which will knock the spikes off of your side of the field. So you can lay the spikes with fortress and then knock them away from your side so that only your opponent has to deal with the spikes on switches. So did they give like squirtle that to engine to.
Yeah, other Pokemon can learn Rapid Spin, and it's one of those things where if you prep for it and you have somebody on your team to dismantle those arena traps, it's great. But it is one of those other things where if it doesn't get used, now you wasted the move slot for a move that kind of sucks, but serves just that one purpose.

Competitive Pokemon Strategies

uh you know it's always a gamble when you're making these competitive teams yeah rapid spitting could be blocked by ghost type pokemon uh i think they eventually made the move defog be able to clear hazards as well so there's options there's
I'm always surprised at how very very deep competitive pokemon battling gets and to the point where I just want to use the guys that I like so I'm not going to be a competitive pokemon battler. There are just so many variables that you have to think about and it's like whether or not you cater your team to defend
against one scenario, then you leave it weak to other scenarios. So it's just like, I think at the end of the day, you can pick Pokemon you generally like and make it work for whatever you are thinking. I don't know. I think it really, I think, I think it really depends. It's just, it's so complicated and nuanced that I too am not interested in competitive Pokemon for that same reason. Yeah. When, when I participated in that,
one, uh, small, uh, like not against other non competitive Pokemon battlers, Pokemon tournament. I can't tell you how much adrenaline was pumping through my system with every move that I made. I was just like,
I just don't want to lose badly. You're sounding like my rival in Scarlet and Violet talking about the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Yeah, but she loves it. No, you gotta love it too. No, I don't love it.
It's really one of those things where you can plan and prep for hours and then somebody throws out a Psyduck and you're like, what the fuck are they doing with this? People come up with new move sets all the time. All of a sudden, something
Some moveset fits into the competitive battling niche at the moment and topples everything on its head. Some Pokemon will go from not very often used to almost an essential part of every team.
Yeah. Fortress was part of the OU, the overly used. So it did get some use, but one through four. I think that from what I heard and what I read, there are some other steel types, maybe one that we'll discuss later that might be a little bit better. You know, what's interesting about Fortress 2 is that it technically technically was the first steel type.
in the National Pokedex because Magnemite was technically not a Steel type in Gen 1 until Gen 2 came around. So technically, Fortress is the first Steel type. So what a Steel type it is. Yeah, pretty handsome. It makes no fucking sense. But we have it. Yeah. Is there anything else about it other than
Just a couple of quick effects. It has a reflex, you know, just like if the doctor bops your knee, you'll reflexively move your your leg. Oh, no. Something happened? No, you're fine. Okay. I saw a little pop on the knee. Yeah, I saw a pop up that says temporary loss connection. And I'm so paranoid.
Ah, that old Zencaster trick. Yeah. This is all going into the podcast. So people know made on Zencaster. We've we've we've been we've been having trauma. We have trauma now. We have trauma. I hope everybody listened to the last episode backwards because there's a secret message. Yeah. So Fortress has the reflex of if it
you know, senses danger in, it doesn't even really have to sense it, since it's so reflexive, it'll shoot out part of its shell in defense. And it attaches to tree trunks so tightly that it cannot be moved. It just simply cannot. It also used to hobble and hop around, but
I guess the general consensus nowadays is that it just levitates to get around because that's just easier. Just makes a lot more sense that way. Yeah. So, um, yeah, a fortress, the bagworm. The shiny is awesome. I mean, it's silly, but it's awesome. It's like a gold, right? It's gold all over. Yeah. I like it.
It's like they took a fortress and they just dipped it and gold-coated it. Gold-plated? This is a 10 karat gold fortress. It starts the auction at $1 million. Yeah, 277 pounds of gold. It's like the alternate universe bender.
It's just cool too, because obviously if you're going to release a shiny Pokemon, not only is it gonna come out gold, but it's gonna have a little star shimmer effect. So it really does look like gold. Apparently, I'm looking right now, if you have 77 pounds of gold that's worth like,
$1,882. So then if we look basically double that, yeah, you got like a $3 million fortress right there. All right. Sorry, what the fuck is a Troy pound? I'm going to figure this out on my own. We can we can move on.
A Troy pound is when you get a good pound from your friend Troy. Yeah. Did you know that one Troy pound is about 12 Troy ounces? You don't say. Yeah. A standard pound is 16 standard ounces. So, you know, it's a little different. 5,760 grains. What the fuck units are these even? Their kids will do anything.
Oh, the Troy grain is equal to the grain unit of the avoid rope pool system. Who's making this shit up? Are you having a stroke steal? Oh, no, it's French. That explains it. Okay, okay. Do they not use the metric system? They they adapted to the metric system. We are the ones who are using the old archaic system still. Yeah, because we suck.
First system, best system. I guess. More like breast system. Oh, God, I'm nipples. Yeah. But that's the next game. We need to do the first game first. I'm sorry. I just want to post this one little thing.
this really great diagram that compares the pounds of Tower Pounds to Troy Pounds to Merchant Pounds to Avoir Du Pois Pounds to the London Pound. So all different pounds you can weigh yourself in. So while Steven pounds it out, you want to play a game about pounding?
All right, we're skipping it over to the last game we're going to reverse this is a game called who you gonna fuck It's a game where if pinecone fortress got lucky with four of these lucky Pokemon bachelors Which one would not produce an egg?
So it's a buggy, good time in the city, and watching this fuck would look shitty. Here we go. It's Caterpie, Weedle, Sunkern, and Trappinch. I'm gonna say Trappinch. I'm gonna say Sunkern. It's gotta be Sunkern.
The brothers take the win. Sunkern, it is. Trapinch is a bug? Yeah, it's like a little scorpion, right? Or no, it turns into Vibrava. Yeah, which is like a bug. So Trapinch does not look like a bug, but is in two different groups. This has fooled me many times. Trapinch is in Bug and Dragon. I was going to put Gligar in it again because I always put Gligar in and you guys always forget it is bug. Gligar is bug. Must remember. Gligar, bug.
I didn't want to do that again because Gligar's coming. I mean, like, okay, this is really the generation of bugs that don't even look like freaking bugs. I mean, okay, to be fair, there are some pretty wild looking bugs out there in the universe. Yeah, I guess. I went to Arizona and I saw some really strange looking bugs once.
It's like everywhere I turned, there was just something crawling on the ground that wasn't a rodent, but it looked like a bug, I suppose. It had several legs. But yeah, it's a wild, wild west out here in the world that's not Pokemon. But anyway, who wants to guess how many cards that our friends appear in? We're gonna play a little game. Let's play a game.
and Steven and Peter. You're gonna tell me how many cards that Pineco and Fortress appear in the trading card game. All right. Let's start with our little Pinecone bro, Pineco. Yeah. What's your highest bid? I'm gonna say 15. 12? 16. All right, Peter wins and the actual number is 14 Pinecone cards. Nice.
Nice, nice good number. I love winning. Winning's good. Winning is very good. All right, moving right along. Can I sweep? Can I sweep? Oh, sweep the games. Yeah, maybe. Hat trick. Is that what they call it? Hat trick, yeah. Hat trick's three. Yeah, that's it. Do it. What do you think? Oh, shit. I'm going to play so safe. I'm just going to say my lucky number 13.
Okay. Um, I'm going to stick with 12. I'm gonna say eight. Wow. So Peter did end up winning, but all of you super low balls because really? Yeah. 18 cards. Yeah. This one surprised me a little bit. I thought there were definitely more pineco cards, but nope.
Yeah, that makes no sense to me. Yeah, I agree. You learn a little bit new every day about mating habits and card choices. I get so excited for this game because it's so interesting to me just like how popular certain Pokemon are, but then also when it's done, I get to look at all the card art, which is the best part.
I also forget that sometimes it doesn't have to do so much with the popularity of the Pokemon, but it's typing. Like in the actual playing of the trading card game, you know? Yeah. And also just like how easy is it to draw? Because I feel like the easier it is to draw, the more willing they are to put one in a deck or something. Right. Yeah. Some of these early fortress cards are real gross.
Oh, but they kind of, wow, they even have one for Paldea with the little Terra type crown on it. That's so cute. Oh yeah, look at that one right now. That one's cute. Oh, they have a shiny version. Oh, did we check the sitting cutie? Yeah, it looks like a hamburger. Like the cannons don't come out nearly far enough. Oh, it is a hamburger. So here's the thing, as a Pokemon,
Plush terrible. As a failure of a Pokemon plush, it's hilarious info. Top notch. Top notch failure. Are you gonna fail? Go ahead, like this. That's pretty good. It's a good one. It's fine. It's fine. My little red hamburger. It's like raw meat hamburger with a frozen bun.
From the side, it kind of looks like an Octorok. Yeah, a little bit. All right. What else do we got?
Um, are we ready to Pokemon related?

Personal Stories & Health

I wanted to quick, just, uh, give a little shout out myself. Uh, I was recently diagnosed with Celiac's disease and, uh, you know, shout out to anybody gluten free. It's a, it's a tough out there to not eat gluten. And, uh, you know, I just want to, yeah, hopefully not so much anymore.
No, I mean, yeah, that's what's crazy to me is I'm like, wow, so my my digestive system's just been dead for a while. And I had no idea I was eating bagels every day and not knowing I was putting acid in my stomach, essentially.
But I stopped eating gluten stuff for about a week or two and I feel better than I have in a very long time. That's fantastic. I am really excited to hopefully continue this path because it honestly, it felt like the depression and the anxiety of the pandemic was still stuck in me.
And now I'm like, oh, yeah, that stuff's still there too. But it was, I was actually poisoning myself. And that's what really was making me feel so miserable all the time. So. So your HP was just getting sapped a little and little with every step you took, you were losing one HP. I had those poison entry spikes every day I wake up and I'm poisoning myself.
Um, but you know, it's, it, I just want to share this to say that, uh, took me 31 years to figure this out. Um, and, uh, you know, for, for anybody out there who's struggling, um, sometimes it's just, you know, going to the doctor one more time and you figure something out that you never knew and you feel better and, uh, you know, just, just keep, keep at it.
And make your doctors listen to you. You have to be your own advocate.
It's really tough too, because when someone has what they're calling an invisible illness, we're like, you don't look sick. You don't look ill. Nothing is physically apparent. You're in the hip hop way. Right. Well, no, like, or you're younger, you're, you know, twenties, thirties, you know, a doctor is going to look at you and say, nothing's wrong with you. Stop being dramatic and send you home. And it's just.
unfortunate. But there is a large community out there of people who can support and yeah, I mean, to be
To be perfectly transparent, I have a huge anxiety with going to the doctors, like insurance and money and surprise bills and getting not great care. It's like something I'm all too familiar with. But I was able to find one person who I was like, yeah, this is what I'm feeling. And they ordered one little blood test and my life got flipped, switched upside down. But, you know, in the best way possible, I guess.
And it's hard to advocate for yourself when you feel so miserable all the time. Which is again, why I just, you know, for anybody out there who is struggling with these feelings. You know, it took my whole family and support system pushing me to go to the doctor for me to finally end up doing it. And I, you know, can't thank everybody enough for
just pushing me to go and continue going because now I can finally start healing. So shout out to everybody out there who's, you know, making it work. Amen. This is the best way to end any episode.
Take that the fuck game and no games, no games here, just good people and a good support system. I'm happy that you're feeling better. Sarah, I'm happy that you're feeling better. We just want all of you to feel good and know that we're here to listen. Always. If you or anyone you know is struggling with an illness of this sort, autoimmune, invisible, anything,

Podcast Connections

I mean, you got a support system here, so you're not alone out there. Even though it does feel lonely going through it, you're not alone. What other podcast wants to listen to you? Right. Where can these people find us if they do want to?
right and earned, you know? Sure. You can find me and Dave on the street somewhere behind a dumpster to tell us the secret passcode will tell you what our Instagram is, which is daycaredittos. Steven, Dave, and Sarah post amazing, wonderful things that I trust them implicitly with.
as long as they're not posting my social security number, that's good. Yeah, actually, we might have a little giveaway coming up soon. Or this, it may be after it.
Well, there was there was some delay in the merchandise. So, yeah, I'll announce it now and we'll do it after the holiday season. But we will be doing just a little giveaway. So keep posted to the Instagram. Wow. This is nice to me.
Thank you to Carl Jerm for our theme music. He is a wonderful person and a wonderful musician. And instead of saying farting, we're just going to say good health. Ready? Three, two, one. Good health. Through farting. Through. And farted. Farting is health. My dumb ass farted. Yeah, I farted, guys.
Oh, I heard it. Yeah, bye.