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Gligar & Gliscor ft. Jason ( Dave's Brother!)

S2 E27 · Daycare Dittos: A Pokemon Master Class
324 Plays1 year ago

There are so many brothers on this episode you would think it's a Mcelroy Podcast. Dave's younger brother and long time Pokemon aficionado Jason joins the daycare dittos and makes the brother count 4! Gligar is a flying nightmare in the shape of a lil stinker and we want to talk about it. Whether Gligar is clinging onto your face or hugging your heart, you will enjoy this one!


Superhero Introductions & D&D Teasers

I am the protector of the unprotected. I am the defender of the undefended, the champion of the righteous, the sworn enemy of all evildoers everywhere. With Gligar by my side, I fight every foe of goodness. I am known far and wide as Peter.
With me, as always, is Dave. I'm the Joker Pokemon. Steven. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. Sarah. I have an itty bitty little stinger. And special guest, you might have seen so in our title, gives it all away, this week is Jason.

Favorite/Least Favorite D&D Classes

Hi, Jason. Hi. As always, when we have a guest, we ask the same two questions. So we'll run right into it. Jason, who is your favorite class in D&D 5A? And who is your least favorite class in D&D 5A?
My favorite is Cleric because you like that. And my least favorite is
You know, one of them. I hear I hear Rangers are pretty weak. I don't think I play a ranger. They get cool dogs and stuff sometimes. Yeah, that's kind of like Pokemon. Druids get cool dogs, too, and they just look funner. You know what? You're right. And I appreciate you and your brain. Oh, thank you. Druids get like, oh, no, I was thinking of monks, how they like punch real hard. Yeah, monks can punch real hard. Druids can
transform into animals and have animals and command nature. Animorphs. Yeah, I'll say it. Monks are dumb. Oh, I don't know why. I'm just gonna say it. Yeah. Well, most monks are celibate and don't know about the internet. So take that. You don't even know to Google
I think the only smart class out there is what, the Wizards and the, aren't Artificers also intelligence-based? Yeah, and Beifs technically, or Rogues technically. Okay, cool. No, the actual real question,
I like to do this nowadays, where I give somebody the little sneaky, sneaky side question. Very rogue of you. Yeah, definitely. A sneak attack. Yeah.

Jason's Pokémon Journey

Well, Jason and Dave, you know each other very well, right? Yeah, Jason's actually my DM. Yes. And Peter's DM too. No, but Jason is my little brother. Yeah.
And so maybe some of your Pokemon journey is similar, but maybe it is different. So Jason, in as many or as few words as possible that you want to use, tell us about your history with Pokemon.
Okay. My introduction to Pokémon was being jealous of Dave and Ryan because they both got it and I couldn't read. So then I got mad and complained about it and then my grandparents bought it for me. And then I learned to read because of Pokémon. Oh, that's great. Yeah. So I got it in the fourth grade and I could barely read, so it helped me a lot too.
I mean, I didn't know what was going on at first, but, and then from there, it was just, we played the first two games and then we all fell off. And then I remember for Christmas one year, we got Best Buy gift cards and I ran and bought Sapphire and I hated it. And then high school happened and Diamond and Pearl came out and we all played it and I haven't stopped since. Or even, I remember picking up a Leaf Green and Fire Red too.
Right. I think that was after I tried Sapphire and I was like, yeah. Yeah. I remember you getting Sapphire and being like, I would think I was like sick or something and you're like, you should play it. And I'm like, but I would delete your whole file. And you were like, whatever. And I was like, whoa. What a sweet younger brother.
Yeah, but like when somebody doesn't give a shit about the Pokemon that are on there whatsoever, you know, you're unimpressed. But it was also those in between years. Yeah. That's right. The game still hurts for me.

Pokémon Game Value & Economics

What was your first game again? Were you read? You would read first. OK, because I remember you were the only person that had yellow in the family. I think every single one at one point, I've had every version at this point.
like just me like i i bought emily my wife uh no saying correctly do the borat when my wife there we go nice man just like borat himself i remember the first time i realized i had a problem is when black and white came out i bought a bus both each a copy and then three months later i bought myself another copy of white for no reason just want to play it again well because she wouldn't let you or she was like into it too right so you couldn't just take hers
She was offering it to me and I said, no, you can't do that.

Dumpster Diving Adventures

Because you were because you were sentimental about her Pokemon. Yeah, got it. Okay. And black and white are my favorite games. So I was like, I'll keep every copy ever. Well, now you take that to the bank because they're worth more money. That that is true. That's called an investment.
Yeah, I looked up the prices of black to white too because I was like, that's the only one I haven't really played. I want to play it now. And it's very expensive. Yeah, it is. What are we talking like? What's expensive? Like, I think it was like two hundred dollars. Oh, wow. Her cart, maybe. Let me look it up real quick. How is it sealed? I mean, I think it's refurbished. No sealed is probably.
Hold on. $197 for black two. Yeah, I'm good. Just a loose cart. Yeah, not in a no manual, no case, just cart that is supposed to work. And then let's see white two is.
it's not findable. There's no there's no cards remaining. Sorry. Well, here's one listing for $300 and another for $200 as well. So very expensive. I mean, I will say black. I always group black and white, black and white two is one game in my head. But I think black and white two are my favorite games of all time. A lot of people really like those black to white to and I know nothing about them other than
The third gym leader in Black 2, White 2 is this punk poison gym leader. And the music in that gym is a lot of fun. And they spell coffins Japanese name, doggers. Love doggers. So a sealed copy of Black 2.
Right now goes for around 250. That was sold last week. A decent graded one. The last graded copy sold for $591. Wow. That is just too much. That was on the DS, right? Yeah. I think mine is actually like right next to me right there.
It was it was the last game that they use sprites for. Oh, OK. And the last game that I could really put a lot of time into like the random side city cities and just new Pokemon in general. Yeah. Give me long enough and I'll probably find it on somebody's garbage someday. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You want to share with the world? What? What? What?

D&D & Pokémon Parallels

Yeah. Your dumpster dive finders big score. Peter went Peter went and he dove so far into a garbage can. And this is what he found.
Yeah, so it was the weekend before the one where I made my big find, I was walking along and I found an unattended 12 pack of Lagunita's beer and I was like,
on the curb yeah why is this just here so i just grabbed it and i took it home and so the next weekend i was uh i was tired but i got home early enough uh that there was still light out so uh and it was gonna rain so i i went for another walk around the neighborhood
And I saw that one family had a whole bunch of trash out. And one of the things that they put on the trash was a clear bag. And I was like, that looks like there's something interesting in there. And so I
they were actually pulling out of their driveway so I waited for them to pull out so I wouldn't have to talk to them or they didn't see me sneaking and I found in there it's also a good sex technique yeah and meanwhile they're just watching you from their doorbell camera that they definitely have they might have um peter trash man they call you yeah uh an entire nes an entire playstation one
And then a ton of NES games with their manual, with their box, including Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, Mario 1, Mario 2, Zelda, Link 2, the adventure of whatever that one was called. Yeah, Zelda 2. Zelda 2. Tons of stuff. Yeah. It was a huge score.
So I have that and I'm sitting on that now and I haven't tested to see if it works. Kind of smells like cigarettes and there's some like dead bugs in there somewhere, but I don't care. So wait, so this place had just beer on the sidewalk and then a week later they have like old vintage video games. No, it sounds like they're trying to catch you. Like next time you go there, make sure there's not like a big basket above with like a little rope
You were going to find a suitcase with like a million dollars cash in there. A frame picture of me. Oh, nice. That's a nice piece. No, the beer I found, do you remember when I went to Zapp to tell you about how my

Exploring Pokémon Lore: Gliger

father used to hang out in your house? Yeah. So then I was walking past the donation.
station that they have there next to the dumpster by Zap and Whole Foods. And there was just right over there, seemingly being donated to the poor was a 12 pack of beer. So that's where I found that beer. You know what that probably was? What's that? No, because the liquor store is right there around the corner. Yeah. My guess is that somebody bought like alcohol for somebody underage and left it there for them to like scoop up.
Oh, you just ruined a 16 year old's night. Yeah, but that's way cooler for us. It's a better story that way. Take that teens. It's all right. I had a coffee with me and when I bent over to pick up the beer, I spilled the coffee so they could have drank that. Yeah. Yeah. Fair trade. Anyway, that's my that's my good finding story. Yeah.
I also found a Mega Man action figure buried in the woods somewhere. Man, I want an American Pickers show of just Peter fighting weird shit. And he'd be like, today on Peter Pickers, he found... Peter Pickers. Oh, what do they donate? Is this beer? Like, I can see the commercials now. It's like, what'd you find? And it's like, oh, this stick kind of looks like a gun. And that's exciting. Peter, it just seems like someone I want to take a walk with. Yeah.
I take nice long meandering walks and every once in a while I'll see something interesting. Every once in a while I'll see something creepy and I'll have to run away. When I was sitting there picking up the beer, there was an Electrolux vacuum over there too.
And it was unplugged, and all of a sudden, it started making noises at me. And so I was just like, I don't know, this seems haunted. The ghost of the 16-year-old whose beer you stole. Could have been your friend. It's like a new friend to have. Yeah. Like a lonely toaster situation. It could have been like a brave little toaster situation where it was asking me to adopt it. And I said, no, too scary.
uh that's incredible um i'll tell you what else i find when i go on my next walks that'll be the next segment peter's peter peter pix uh yeah i'll pick a peck of pickled peppers so jason your
I'm trying to think but yeah because you when our older brother got out of Pokemon I was so lucky to have you to keep into Pokemon yeah to extend my reach through but black stars that's right but yeah I guess when it comes to Pokemon you've always really
other than that little break there, like you've played consistently since Diamond Pearl, I feel like. And not only that, but like things that we don't even get into, like online battling and the online community, you've played that too, right? Yeah, I usually watch more of it than I play it, but I think usually like when the last Sword and Shield came out, when Scarlet and Violet came out, like the first rule set, I always try to play just because it's the most fun. And then I just watch after that.
first rule set as in of the current generation or before. Yeah. So usually like it's like, okay, it's only the Pokemon in this game. So a lot of things that usually won't be good would be good or can be good. Yeah. Um, so, or you can just try out weird stuff and get pretty far, which for me is more fun. It's like team building with, you know, not some set way to play. Like now with legendaries, it's like every team's basically the same and granted it's still skill and everything like that, but that's not what I'm good at.
What is Fluttermane is like the for a while I saw everybody had Fluttermane. Yeah. Fluttermane. Great tusk. Hershey Fu. Yeah. I really like Slitherwing. I wanted to bring that. I just completed my Pokedex for the beginning of Scarlet Violet before I start the DLC. And I am obsessed with Slitherwing. It looks weird in the Pokedex, but once it like sits up on its legs is adorable. Yeah. Definitely worth a Google.
Um, so next question, Jason, and this is something I'm even interested in. Why Gliger? It's, it's actually a kind of stupid story, but when we were playing going silver the first time, I remember like, I always had trouble picking like my favorite Pokemon. And I remember vividly, like right after Claire's gym, I went to the grass and found Gliger.
And I called it and I loved it, but I was too embarrassed to say I liked it a lot, because it was kind of lame. And I think either you or Ryan made fun of it. And I was like, OK. So I kind of put it in my team and never talked about it, ever. And then pretty much over time, I kind of was like, you know what? I like it. And the more I was more OK with the idea of cool or funny Pokemon with personality or more interesting to me than anything that's quote unquote cool, I kind of stopped caring that much. And then I want to say, like,
When I played Black and White 2 the first time, I waited till the game was out for a while and I just loaded in a Mudkip and a Gligar. And that was like the, this is definitely my favorite Pokemon thing. And I think it really is just like, I think the thing Pokemon does the best is just, when you look at something they create, you're like, that thing has a personality and I don't know why. And I think Gligar kind of is the best definition of that, where like you look at it, you have no idea what he is. You're gonna say he's a bat or a scorpion, but like,
It's not really any of those. He's just kind of like a thing. And you look at, look at his face and just like that thing looks like it's fun no matter what you know, how you look at it. And it just, yeah. And he's just like a silly little guy and I appreciate silly little guys. Definitely, definitely strong little stinker energy, I think. Oh yeah. Gonna ask, yeah. Like strong little stinker. That little tongue he's got, he's got sticking out there. Yeah.
He's like kind of, well, in the beginning he was kind of useless. Like in Gold he couldn't do anything. He was, he had no moves, he was just kind of useless. He was just kind of there. But over time he got better. But I just think it's like, he's just, you know, you look at him, he's just like a happy little bat guy who probably does a lot of stuff. And if you, I remember like,
reading the Pokedex entry stuff, and it's like, he'll fly into things faces and inject a venom, or if it likes you, it'll fly into your face and hug you. And it's like, okay. I also I know he was featured in the anime too, which always made a Pokemon better.
And especially when you were playing those games because it gave context, like it made Pineco cooler and like metronome could have been the end all be all move according to the show. So I think Gliger in the anime kind of, uh, defines like the way that Gliger is drawn where like he's like a, an overexcitable skittish idiot. Yep. And Ash just doesn't know how to fly. And that's like the whole thing is he has anxiety about flying.
But he like, he's really pumped about everything else. And it's like, yeah, that's, that's what I imagine. It's just kind of like a little odd ball. I like that. Coming off the Dunsparce episode. This is exciting. Yeah. I was going to say too, like it has so much personality that even the sitting cutie has it like embedded in it. Um, because it's also sticking its tongue out, uh, perpetually. Yeah. Um, do you have the sitting cutie Jason?
No, I only have a couple gen five ones, because I didn't realize that they ever made it like your plush or anything like that. Because it's kind of like a weird pic like there's not a lot of stuff out for glagger other than Pokemon cards. Yeah, he's kind of forgotten, which granted, I don't blame people because it's kind of came out a weird time. And his typing makes no sense. And he's kind of like a bug. And people don't like those type of Pokemon too often.
I think Gen 2 and Gen 5 had a lot of those oddball Pokémon with personalities. And it makes sense that you would start with 2 and resonate with Gen 5. Yeah, whenever I think about it, all my favorite Pokémon are just silly little guys. Silly little guys for the win. I agree. We're big fans of silly little guys on this podcast. Yeah. If there's one thing that you can take to the bank,
It's that the daycare dittos are really into silly little guys. Daily little guys. Little stinkers. Little stinkers are good. Yeah, we still have to do a I wanted to do a a overarching giant tier list of all first evolutions that are not like bigger fellas of like little stinker.
I forget our whole thing. Didn't we have a whole... We did. We did that that time. We made Peter's base stats. Yeah. We had to bring those up again. We made Peter's base stats so that when we thought Peter could kick a Pokemon's ass, we'd be able to check his base stats to see what the battle would be like. They posted on our Instagram if anybody wants to see it. He's like, I could stomp the shit out of that. And we'd be like, yeah, your attack is pretty good. You could probably get him.
I feel like if I were to give Peter stats, it would just be Dr. Bustown or Hitmon Top's stats. That's it. I think we actually figured out the base stats during one of the Hitmon. Maybe? I think it was. Yeah. One of the Hitmon episodes. What you could kick the shit out of was very important. Yeah. I can look that up while we're doing it.
Although it might not have been that episode because I feel like- It was during the A-POM episode. And what did we establish that I could beat up an A-POM but not an A-M-B-POM?

Terrifying Disney Experiences

I think that's what we- Yeah, I think that's what we said. I'm gonna go to, uh, Gliger's stats right now and see how you would do. I'd be too nervous because it would suck my blood.
Well, it doesn't suck blood. It hugs your face and poisons you. Yeah. With its little tail. Yeah. Even better. It hugs your face and just stabs at you. Which is fine. So let's see your base stats.
base stats of this little fella are, where the fuck are they? Weren't they usually at the top? I'm scrolling for days, it feels like. I gave myself first evolution with no proper evolution stats, somewhere like the 500 range. The stats are a little after the Pokedex. So Peter definitely has way more HP than a Gligar because he's got 90. Oh, there we go. Gligar only has 65.
Yeah, attack your you punch for punch tied at 75. Nice defense. It has more defense than you probably because I was like a carapace. Yeah, I don't have a carapace special attack. You've destroyed it 35 and you have 60.
Uh, yeah, special defense. It has 65, you have 70. And of course it's faster than you double your speed, 85, 45, but I think you could kick the shit out of this little Pokemon. Definitely. Also too, if it's a cold, like it is now where we are done. Glider is dead. Yeah. So.
Now that we've established the most important thing, who would win in a fight, me or Gliger? What does this Pikachu look like, guys? Well, we've already talked about his big fat tongue that he loves to stick out. I would call him a more pinkish purple.
Yeah, it's definitely not right away. Yeah, no, no, it is not a good purple. Definitely not. It is too pink. It's that it's that. OK, so when it's the color that people when I tell people I love purple, this is the color that everyone thinks of. But this is not genuine purple. Yeah, you want spooky purple. This is the I want spooky purple. What was that Jason? This is the color I think grimaces.
Grimace is more purple. A little darker. No, I just say, I just say when I think of Grimace. Oh, this is a liger pilled. Yeah. Are you guys looking at the picture on a Bulbapedia? Yeah. Where he's like standing on his little feet. He's like doing a little pose with his hand in the air. His little pincer hand in the air. His belly. That's our guy. Yeah.
He's got a big belly. He's got big belly. He's got little shoes. He's got little shoes and horns. What I like about Gliger too is that it kind of looks like a kid in a super suit. Yeah, I get that. Like a little Batman costume sticking his tongue out. But yeah, Gliger is like a purple little bat with scorpion claws and a stinger. I think crab for some reason. I think the way I describe him to people is just imagine a bat
with a scorpion tail and crab hands for no reason. Yeah, I don't get scorpions at all. There is a reason. It's really the tail. Yeah. When you see that tail in action, it's immediately, you know, scorpion. Do you know the reason why there's no... I'm more like that. What was that, Peter?
You know the reason why there's no, you know, you've got your basic Pokemon, then you have your second stage, and then you have your third stage. Do you know why there's not a fourth stage? Why? Because they would all turn into crabs. Oh, yeah. I believe that. Carcinization. Yeah. We all just turn into crabs. We all turn to crab. So, Gligar is a purple
Corruptorin Pokemon, which is, it means flying mammal. Did you guys know that? It's a mammal? It's a mammal? Yeah, I don't know why. A Corruptorin is a flying mammal. It says it's a Corruptorin. You know what, only mammals are gonna have bellies like that. Yeah, because they're saying it's got like flying squirrel in it too. Probably. Those kitties got milk. Them kitties, baby milkin. I agree.
Um, they, they don't do say, I think that glider can't really fly it more. So just like climbs up and then we'll glide from, from high places. Um, so they're probably likening it to, uh, flying squirrels in that way that they, they don't really like flap their wings to fly. They more so use them just to glide. Aren't bats flying mammals? Bats are. Yeah. Yeah.
But I mean, the funny thing too is that they also say that maybe, maybe it's for Gliscor, but I'm pretty sure it says that with a, with a nice gust of wind, they can fly around the world once or glide around the world once. Yeah, that's Gliscor that it can fly around the world on just one little breeze.
Yeah, but that feels like a fucking little kid. Gliger does it to go right to your face. For hugging. Yeah, or clamping and killing one or the other. That's a hug to some people. Okay, so we keep we keep dancing around this and I want to finally say it. Do you know what Gliger is based on? Gliger is based on the face hugger from Alien.
Is it really? Yes, that is no, that is legit the inspiration when they made it. Really?

Return to Pokémon: Anime & Strategy

Yes. So I am going to send you the original beta sprite. I see the link. And it was made to look it was originally read, but it was made.
to be the face hugger from Alien. That was its original inspiration when it was made. And when I found that out, it made so much sense. That's scary looking. I think if I was a kid and I saw that Pokemon, I'd have nightmares about it.
It wouldn't be my favorite. And that's why because it doesn't really make sense that it would hop onto your face as like a bat or a scorpion. So it really didn't make sense to me about like, why would it hug onto your face and all the language they use? It's because it's inspired by alien. Yeah, like scorpions don't usually jump at your face in real life. I don't think. Yeah, now I'm even just looking up the face hugger and
It's pretty similar. The long tail. It's just, uh, Gliger's less spider-like. Stabbing you at the face, trying to get at your mouth. Yep. Trying to impregnate you. Who you going to fuck game is going to be interesting. Everyone.
Um, yeah, no, I watched, I watched Alien when I was way too young. Uh, that is a face hugger and I never want to watch that movie again. Did they ever tell you the story how our parents scarred us for life at Disney the first time we ever went? Oh, yeah. Oh my God. I don't think I know the story.
Do you want to tell Dave? What's up to you guys? So there was something called extraterrestrial. And it was a ride where it starts off with like a cute little Disney thing. And then you get put into this like little room where you get strapped down and they're like, we're going to show you an alien. Aliens are like these, you know, they're like Disney aliens or people painted purple or whatever.
And they're like, the ambassador of this planet can't wait to meet you. We've learned how to teleport and we're going to teleport him right into this room and he's going to meet you. And so they, of course, something goes wrong. And they're like, we found him. We dropped him on this planet. We found a life form. Should we say it's like, it's him. It's him. Pull him up, pull him up. And instead in this tube in front of you is a giant alien. It looks like like a huge like men in black style. Uh,
like the cockroach at the end. And from then they're like, well, as long as it's in the glass thing, it should be fine. And then it breaks through it. But the whole time is like, there's...
like air being blown at you, noises, the chairs shake. And then like the lights will go out and it'll turn up and it'll be, you'll like feel it breathing on your neck. And then they had the puppet in like the hallway. Then at one point a live actor goes out on the catwalk with a flashlight and pulls it up and it's in front of them. And then it, they turn off the lights and they have noises of him being eaten and they spray hot water. Oh yeah. For I remember it was like they ripped him in half.
I, and for context, I was five and I was afraid to go on the airplane to go Disney and I was still stuck with the light on in my bedroom. Yeah. And my parents always ET theme. I think that's what they tell us. You would have straps on your shoulders that would kind of like bounce up and down and it would make it like the sounds would make it sound like it was on your shoulder, like jumping. Or I think even at one point there was like a little spike in the chair that would like hit you from the back.
Um, they rebranded it as a lead low in stitch. They did. I think it's still not great. It's still pretty terrifying. So people died on it, which is crazy. Like a man, uh, I think a man had like a heart attack. Yeah. But the whole thing is nobody dies in Disney. Yeah. So he did, he did not die there.
What do you mean? That's like a thing? Like people don't die at Disney? No, what they do is they drag you off the premises or they take you to a special room that they see. Oh, my God. And then like you just die in there or get the fuck out of here dead at that place. Yeah, they declare you dead. No one has ever died in Disney. That's bullshit. Oh, my God. I've never been to Disney. I'm not. Yeah, I don't know anything about Disney or Disney lore or anything like that. So that's insane.
I will say it's more fun as an adult or as a at least teenager to adult than it is when you're a kid. I think that would have scarred me too. This one just has a big photo of it what it's like I just sent it for the people listening it's called extraterrestrial alien encounter Disney.
Oh, that thing's huge. Yeah. And they had a puppet in the top. They had it in the hallway, like in the aisle, they had one of the puppets too. And the glass like shatters and falls down. Like it was intense.
I think either you or Ryan realized that it was gonna be bad. It was me. They had those videos at the beginning when you're waiting for people to get out of the bathroom and you're in the hotel room where it's like, and don't forget to get terrorized and have your shit stuffed in by our alien who will drink your blood and rip your dick off. And I'm like, wow, we should avoid that.
I remember when we went back when we were in high school and we went on the Lilo and Stitch one and even way online, I still had like repressed memories of being on there and I was nervous just being there. Oh my gosh, wow. We were like less than 10 when we were there.
Did your parents, like, were they laughing at you guys or like? No, we were like screaming disaster mode. Yeah. Oh, my dad and my mom are trying to block like the fake blood getting squirted on us and stuff like that. Like the whole thing, too, is that you're you're in the dark for most of it. So was there like an age recommendation for this, sir? Sure was. And what was the age? Not six.
See, like I had a panic attack at Disney World, but I was like 24 years old. So that's the what is it? Mail storm or whatever. Oh, I love that. No, see, I have a really big thing with I don't like like water indoors. I don't either. And especially when the gnomes, the trolls raised out of the water. That was creepy, but.
Well, then they shoot you backwards into like a stormy sea and like a tanker oil tanker and the waves are splashing. And I was like, I don't want to be here. I don't want to be here. It was a nightmare inducing. Maybe that's why you like Gliger so much because he reminds you of that creature. And he's the gap between my fear and happiness.
I mean, I used to have nightmares about Yoda and then our uncle brought the cassette tapes for me to watch as a kid and I loved Star Wars. That's what started my, I used to have like nightmares about Yoda just from seeing him and not knowing what he was. He came out of the bathroom. That's right. Yeah. I thought there was like a bathroom stall in the woods out back and he was in there in my dreams.
Yeah. It says, furthermore, children under the age of 12 were recommended not to visit, prompting complaints from their parents. Disney halted the version of the ride and spent several months and an extra 10 million on improvements. So apparently they lessened it, but, uh, we went on like the, like fresh ass bad one. They didn't have like the live actors getting murdered later on. And apparently there's still complaints about Twitch. About.
The stitch

Gliscor's Design & Battle Analysis

one. Oh, OK. Yeah, that apparently is very intense. They also have a part where he's supposed to burp in your face and it's supposed to smell like chili dogs or something. But people complain that it smells really noxious. Yeah, that sounds disgusting. I mean, Disney loves to do like smell stuff. Oh, hell no. I don't want to go to Disney.
No, the more you guys are talking about Disney, the more I'm like, fuck this place. It's usually more like, oh, they'll make it smell like fresh baked goods in like this area. Do you know the name of the guy who ran Disney? Bob Bob Glagger. Oh, really? No, it's Bob. It's Bob Iger. But it was it's a good transition. Yeah.
I was talking about like Smellovision stuff too. Do you remember the Wild Thornberrys and Rugrats movie? Yes. It would give you like a little scratch and sniff ticket when you saw it. Oh, I never saw it in the theaters. One of them was Donnie's feet. Any of you. Let's talk about facts on Gligar.
Like his chubby. He's a little chubby boy. He is 142 pounds, this little guy. Holy shit. Three feet, seven inches. Could you imagine that actually grabbing your head? Your head would collapse onto the ground. Or you're really strong and wonderful and there'd just be a cool hug. Yeah. Strong neck. You know, whatever you're into. Yeah. His French name is score plane. Yeah.
score plan. German name is a squergla. But they're all just kind of based on scorpion and glide. And in French, plein air means to hover. So that's where plane comes from. Wait, I don't get Gliger.
glide and gargoyle actually, which is interesting because I recently read that apparently the etymology for the word gargoyle is that when they fill with rain, they gargle. So they're called gargoyles because they gargle.
I can't imagine going on like top of a creepy building at night and it's just like they were originally used as like gutters to you know move the rain away from the cathedrals and stuff so they're meant to be gutters and gargle
I'm going to make my own called guzzlers. Yeah, there's guzzles. Apparently, there's a word for ones that do not gargoyle. I don't know what it is, but. Did I learn that fact from you just recently, Stephen, or did I? It was on Reddit. So. OK, so we just. Yeah,

Cultural Impact of Pokémon Episodes

we just. And I was like, oh, shit, let me screenshot this because it's going to come up with Clyde Gargoyle.
Um, one thing that I think is interesting about it is, uh, Gliger, it's colors and shiny kind of, it's one of those like reverted colors. Cause Gliger was like pink in early gens. Yeah. And it's shiny was like purple, a dull, dull purple.
I kind of liken it to the Aerodactyl purple. Yeah. Like a grayish purple. And then in Gen 3, it became like purple purple and its shiny became blue. And it stayed purple for a bit. Then it went to pink in like heart gold. And its shinies have kind of danced between a
purpley a blue and up in a periwinkle I'd call it yeah it's just interesting how it's like if you look throughout the generations it's really hard to kind of separate because like its original shiny is so close to what it became and like platinum I'd say
Platinum's the weirdest color of all of them. I think it's the most inconsistent color of every Gligar because basically it's shiny. Yeah, more or less. A little darker. It's very odd. Yeah, colors have been weird for this Pokémon, but I am happy they went with a pinkish purple and the teal wingspan I always loved. Looking at the beta again and the sprite of it, it looks like a Doom villain. It's so fucked up.
I don't like this beta. Take it off the screen now.
Gliger might be based on the facehugger, but apparently there's also another Japanese scorpion lobster ghost called the Mikiri that Gliger can also be likened to. It's just an old yokai that is apparently a flying
What is it? It's a flying serpent bird or lobster. Did you post that on your Instagram recently? And I did. Yeah, it looks. Yeah. And I said, what I want is I said, who's this Pokemon? And then somebody said Pikachu. That's always Pikachu. I do remember I remember when I was looking to it a while back, I do remember it being based on Yokai first.
yeah some some like ancient lore spooky monster thing yeah but make it make it cute make it funny yeah it literally the amikiri looks like a um like a flying uh snake body with lobster claws and kind of like a bird like head almost um so gligar is a little different from that um
But, uh, it'll never beat the sushi, this Sushi Noko. Sushi Noko. Yeah. Because it's showdiness and, uh, it loves beer. Yeah. But Chodesnake. Yeah. Chodesnake loves beer. Our good friend Chodesnake. Yeah. Looking at this, it is, it's a weird one.
And shout out to Zwanzig, too, who pointed out there's there's a Suchinoko in Metal Gear Solid 3, which I did not know and made me so happy to hear. Really? Yeah, you can find one in the jungle. And I think if you carry it to the end of the game, you get the unlimited ammo like
cheat or whatever. I know that there are snakes and Metal Gear Solid 3 special snakes, but I didn't know that that was one of them. There's one, yeah. Dunsparce is in Metal Gear Solid 3. I know that you could actually find the solid liquid and solid as snakes. Yeah, and that's there in the battlefield at the end. Yeah. Anyway. Play that game if you've never played it. It's great. Kill as many crocodiles as you can. That's all I did. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
So, do you guys know Gligar can be considered the counterpart to Sneasel?
Yeah. Well, no, actually, I just learned that, which was it's crazy to me. It makes sense. Just looking at the two of them. And not only that, but they both got evolutions via razor type items in the same thing. They have the same base stat total, and they both have four times weaknesses to another type.
Their type matchups are very similar. What would these Razor-evolving Pokemons name him? Razor Ramon?
Maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll do that. I feel even more bad for Gliger now because Sneasel was definitely the more popular one in that generation. Yeah, because he was edgy. Yeah. And just better, I think. I looked up a little bit of the competitive stuff just in case we wanted to talk about it. So Gliger is four times weak to ice.
And his defense is his best stat. Like his special defense sucks. And what are ice moves in Gen 2? They're special. So, Gligar kind of had really bad stats for what he needed to be. So... He was useless in Gen 2. Couldn't learn Earthquake, which... Nope. Actually, he could if you got the special distribution from Pokemon Stadium 2. Yeah.
I love when they do that. I used to get some dope shit from my poco walker like a Munchlax that knew explosion was it or self-destruct. I forget which one
Yeah, they always have fun little, uh, things like that. I think Munchlax learned self-destruct. So it was, it was the other move. It was explosion, I think, and you could only acquire it through poker Walker. Okay. It was an interesting one, but, uh, then in the anime.
He, which, Peter, you alluded to this in the beginning. Yeah, Gliger. Gliger debuted in The Superhero Secret, which was a superhero, starred a superhero named Gliger Man, who had a sidekick that was a Gliger. And Gliger Man was named Mr. Parker. So it was like a Spider-Man reference. But he basically was Batman. Except he owned a toy store and he would
be Gliger Man to sell toys and do stuff, but he would also fight crime by going on his Gliger Cycle, which kind of was a common rider thing, and he had a Gliger Cave, but he was very old and out of shape and kind

Evolution Mechanics & Competitive Play

of shitty, so it was like Mermaid Man.
Yeah. And he had a save togepi. So he saved togepi from Team Rocket. Then at the end of the show, togepi recognizes Mr. Parker and they're like, wait, are you Gligerman? And he's like, no, Misty. And she's like, I never told you my name. And Gligerman is just like, this ash guy seems legit. I'm going to make him my you could be the new Gligerman. And instead, his daughter shows up and saves the day as the new superhero, Gligirl.
Oh, that's so much better. Yeah, and Gligar gets to stay a superhero with Gligar. I do remember this episode and I made such an impression on me that I, you know, still reference Gligar Man. Gligar Man's sick. I know we should all dress up as Gligar Man.
I love it when people become superheroes, even as cringy as it was in Dragon Ball Z when Gohan became the great saiyan man. I was just like, yeah, I hate this, but I also am eating it up. I mean, they basically were superheroes. Yeah.
It's like when at one point I realized I was like, wait, Power Rangers are just superheroes. Yeah. They're just going about it all weird. Oh, something crazy. I learned like we're getting so sidetracked this episode. I found out that there's a specific mountain where they do all the explosion shots for Power Rangers and those kind of tokakatsu shows, you know, where like they pose in the background explodes. Yeah. Apparently on certain days you can like rent that mountain out and pay to do it like an explosion. Nice.
That's like one of my goals of life to like strike a pose and then have a big explosion happen I actually would like legitimately like that. I think that's very cool. Yeah, I think we watch the same video day, baby Yeah, this is the stuff that Instagram feeds me
There's a guy there's a guy named Sea Dog who does a bunch of weird things in Japan. He lives in Japan and that was one of the videos him and his friend went and just did really terrible fake scenes and had explosions in the background. That's great. I love the one of that Yellow Ranger. I think it was from like Beast Fury or something when like she like turns and does the the peace sign but how she leans it looks like a fart when she explodes. It's like one of my most used gifts.
when I'm really blasting off down there in the bathroom. Yeah. Honestly, if I were to get a day's worth of filming in, I bet you I could make an even better Power Rangers episode than a lot of Power Rangers episodes. Totally. Can I be the guy who owns the bar in your Power Rangers episode? Yeah.
Yeah, I wear a Hawaiian shirt and I will just be there. I want you to be bulk and skull. Like a double roll. Where it's just you and like give me your bully voice. Hey, idiot. Alright, now do the other bully. Like the more obnoxious one. Hey, hey idiot. And now the guy owning the bar when they come in and they're starting trouble.
Hey idiots, get out of here. Wow. The range, he's a triple threat. Print this, print. People say the I-word takes you places. I'm going to be the monsters because I'm a big fan of Breaking Bad and Malcolm in the Middle, so.
Who isn't? Yeah. Do you ever see his episode? Bryan Cranston? He voiced an alien on Power Rangers? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't remember who he voiced, but I know he did voice one. It was one of the later ones. Yeah. Let's get back to Gligar. Yeah, somebody talk about Ash's Gligar.
I don't know anything about Ash as well. I talked about him a little bit, but, um, apparently he meets Ash at like some, I think something happens and there's just a bunch of clogger, like, they're annoying a city. Oh, sorry. They're trapped in a city because, um, you know, like bats, I think they use like sonar to get around and the city obscures their sonar. So they're all just trapped in the city.
Right. And then something happens to the Glizz Core. I think maybe they all leave or something like that and the the the glogger that can't fly stays with Ash because like Ash helps him save all his friends or something.
Yeah, I think Ash's rival catches the glyph score and is like, Ash is like, no, you can't. He's like, whatever. I don't care. And like leaves. My name is Paul. Yeah. And then Ash's. Paul. Yeah. And then Ash's Glagger, the one who becomes Ash's Glagger, is the one who like takes the lead and helps everybody get out, but then stays with Ash ultimately.
But, uh, I, the, the only reason I know as much as I do is because somebody actually did an AMV on YouTube. And I was like, okay, if somebody's going to make an AMV dedicated to ashes, I have to watch this. Was it Lincoln park? Was it like, you know what I could, it was not, but it was something similar. I could find the exact bodies at the floor. Oh shit.
It was some inspirational song actually like you can do it or something like that because his ashes glider has a fear of heights and flying and Ash actually gets like the razor fang at one point and it's like no, I'm not gonna let you evolve until you get over your fear of flying and He he does and so it's all about like this emotional AMV About ashes glidescore overcoming the odds

Competitive Pokémon Strategies

The music is from the artist Blue, the song is I Can. That's so sweet. Yeah. There are a lot of Gligar and Gliscor AMVs now that I'm looking at it. There's at least three. Because he's the people's champ. Yeah. People love Gligar. I think, like I said, I think the way that they made his Gligar just like matches the way they draw just
He's goofy. He doesn't really I mean for the whole time. He's glad he doesn't really do anything He just kind of pops out and hugs ash's face and is just happy and that's it isn't fight. He just kind of He just the vibes guy. I don't even use that term, but I did it for you guys right now vibes guy. Yeah And you know what the vibes in here are immaculate today, right? Uh, speaking of which are we ready to move on to gliscor?
Yeah, I am. I'm ready. Let's do it. Gligar's a little fella and we're going to evolve into a Big little fella. Yeah Big little fella cuz we're holding a razor fang. Yeah, it's trade with razor fang, right? Where is it? Leveled up. Okay at night too. Oh really only comes out at night. Oh
Because he's more like a like a vampire bat scorpion combo. We should say Gligar is the fly scorpion Pokemon. Yeah. Gliscor is the fang scorpion Pokemon. Yeah. Did we mention that they're ground flying?
Now I did. Okay. I just thought this was a weird, really weird typing. Ground flying type. But it's great because you have immunity from your electric type moves with your ground typing. Sure.
Yeah. And with the flying typing, you have immunity from some stuff too, I think, maybe. The ground. Yeah. Just if it gets cold out, you're fucked. Yeah. Are they the only- And water type moves also will fuck you up, which are quite prominent, so. Right. Are they the only ground flying type Pokemon? No. There's- Is Landorus too long? Landorus is ground flying. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. I love Landorus. I don't.
Well that's the only one. Oh yeah. That's the only other one it says.
We were talking about this recently. If there was just one of them, I'd be cool with it. I just don't like that there's a bunch of those genies. They all just look too similar. They grew on me because I just think they're funny. You just look at all of them and they're just angry guys that all look the same and that's it. They remind me of the frogs from Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. Yes. Oh, okay. They remind me of the heads.
Well, now there's four. There used to be three. And now they get like horse legs for no reason. That is too much for me. Yeah. Once I was in forms, once I was finally settling in on them, they got horse legs and I was just like, I'm back, I'm back. I got my eye on you horse genies. Yeah. Hornatus was actually, it might still be the only Pokemon that is only flying type.
I think so, yeah. Flying bird type. A flying bird type. Yeah, so we've evolved into Pokemon number 472. Gliscor, as I like to call them, or Gliscor. We didn't bother looking that up. I say both. Yeah, and you can too.
Gliscor or Gliscor is 6 foot 7 inches. What the fuck is this slam dunk on me? Yeah, but this is the weird part. This is the weird part because remember, Gligor is 142 pounds, but Gliscor is 93 pounds. Lost weight. This motherfucker went on a diet.
It's that belly. And look at his cinched little waist now. He's got such a tiny little waist. Yeah, he's working it. Keep it tight, keep it right, Gliscor. Keep it tight. This is a cool looking Pokemon. No, but he's so cool. No, he looks so cool. Can I say that I don't really like Gliscor? What?
Except I love the original Gliscor. I love the original sprites and the back sprite of Gliscor and Diamond and Pearl is like, oh, beautiful. Like, I love the original sprites. They're a lot more menacing. Once you get to the 3D, I'm like, OK, he's just a weird little gremlin. Yeah, he does lose it in the 3D. I always I think the Gen 5 sprites always been my favorite.
This is the one I remember the most. Well, he moves all creepy. Yeah. And Gen 5, I think, still has that, like, ominous, menacing vampire-like quality.

Pokémon World Expansion

But I just feel like Gliscor isn't... I don't know. I feel the same way about Weavile, honestly. So I'm like, it kind of works that they're counterparts, because I don't really like either of their evolutions. I feel like they could be better.
I think, I think to me, Gligar is just so funny and perfect. Gligar's so much better. And then Gliscor, I always, I do like Gliscor too. He's a Dracula. But I like him in the, I mean, the other game he's cool. And then in the new games, he's just like, if you look at him in the eyes, you're like, you're just, you're just a dumb little guy. Or I guess he's a big guy. He's a, he's a light guy.
Yeah. The one thing I don't like about Okostar, go ahead. No, no, go ahead. I just don't like that he has like a toddler looking bottom half. Like his little thighs and feet look like he's just a baby sitting on the floor.
Yeah, he's got a little weird. He's got like Mega Man bad guy kind of look. They should have filled him out a little bit more. Yeah, I agree. I don't I don't think they should have made him like Magmortar chubby, but like give him more of a middle. Some some girth, you know, he doesn't need to have that cinched little waist. He doesn't look any bigger than Gligar. He just looks like his jaw got bigger. Like that's it. Yeah. It looks like he got jaw filler.
Yeah, and he's got that big ass chest plate with two pointy ass nipples. He's got two nipples he can impale you on. I got more teeth. Oh, that's good for him. I like his eyes too a lot. I think the eyes are very cool.
Yeah. And again, if you can look up the Pearl Platinum back sprites, they're just they're so cool. Also the palette color palette. Nice. I love the color palette. Yeah. And the shiny is nice, too, honestly. Yeah, the shiny. So the color palette is like a dark charcoal gray ish with a hint of blue in there and then its accents and its ears and arms and waist are red. But then it's got these really
like powerful yellow eyes and then its wings are like a they're black but it's still not like pitch black but the shiny is really cool because everything that was that charcoal-y black is now like a light blue and then everything that was red is now yellow yeah well it's not sure it's like purple he's purple it's not purple
yeah it's like charcoal like gray a gray or purple it's purple look at the old sprites he's he's purple yeah yeah very purple yeah very purple in the old sprites for sure but then you get to like x and y and then he's like gray
Oh, yeah, no, definitely. If you look at the later gens, it's more grayish, but which I'm sure I'm sure people say all the time. But I think the biggest issue I have with Pokemon right now is I feel like the color palettes are very washed out. I mean, I know it's just sprite difference with 3D models, but I just like a lot of Pokemon just lose like the color. Yeah, the saturation seem like. Yeah, I feel like saturation kind of makes them fun.
Yeah, especially now the lighting in this new game changes the look like how many times have I seen a fucking ghastly and been like this one shiny, but it's just how like the see through purple mixes with like the time of day in that game.

Competitive Balance in Pokémon

Yeah, it's rough.
But what else have we got? I mean, Gliscor is basically just a Dracula Pokémon and has a tendency to hang upside down from trees and wait for its prey. It feeds on the blood of other Pokémon species, grabbing prey using its tail, then biting their necks with its long sharp fangs. Yeah, and it's proud to do it. It likes it when it's very proud of itself when it fully drains its prey of blood. Like it just does a little dance, I guess.
I'd be proud. The yummy dance. Like, yeah, I ate all the blood. I'm so happy. Also, I can't walk. Oh, yeah. Those baby legs. I can't walk. I'm not surprised.
I think even competitively if you're using Gliscor you're gonna do I think what they called a poison heal setup where you poison like somebody who's stalling and then you just heal off of them and outlive them basically. I think you use a lot of times you use Tailwind also to set up speed with that and like knockoff to knockoff like
I think like commonly I think when he got big Eviolite for like a bunch of weird Pokémon was big which makes the defenses or special defense I don't remember for like unevolved Pokémon higher. Yeah both and it uh... All stats I think. No it just boosts defense and special defense by 1.5.
Yeah, and then knock off just knocks whatever item off and that usually messes up strategies, but I Think a lot of times he's he's good. He's better in singles than doubles, but He kind of falls off that Landress exists Because Landress was on almost every game for a long time still is just has better stats in general I think and has intimidate and everyone loves intimidate more than anything in the world. Yeah, I
Yeah. I mean, in, whenever I pick up a Pokemon game for the first time and I'm trying to produce a team out of nothing, the first Pokemon that I get with intimidate, I usually keep along with me at least for a little bit because it makes for an excellent, you know, opening to immediately lower your opponent's attack. So I get it. It's very strong ability.
Other names are Gleeon in Japanese, from Glide and Scorpion, just like Goliscor is from Glide and Scorpion. I think we're all noticing a theme here.
The French name is Skorvoll, from Skorpion and Voll, which means flight in French. And German is Skorgro, from Skorpion and Gross, which means large. It's just a large Skorpion. That's sick.
Yeah, the names were pretty across the board. Pretty good. Pretty okay. I still think Score Plane was the best. Yeah, nothing beats that. Nothing beats that. Watch out for that Score Plane. One of the things they do in the Gligar Man episode too is, is it a bird, is it a plane? But they say, what's that up in the sky? Is that a Pidgeotto? A Charizard? No, it's Gligar Man.
And that episode came before Gliscor, right? Yeah. Yeah, because that would suck. Imagine being Gligerman, and then they found Gliscor, and you're like, fuck. And somebody else becomes Gliscor Man, and you're like, I'm ruined. I mean, isn't technically Gliscor actually did exist? They just were like, oh, I've never been out of the country before. Oh, yeah. Somebody was asking me about that the other day. They said, Peter, in your infinite wisdom,
Do they just keep on finding new Pokemon? And I think really what they're doing in Gen 1, they kind of played it like, oh yeah, we found new Pokemon. These are new Pokemon. And then afterwards, it's always just been like, oh no, you're just getting on a plane. And this is just what the Pokemon are like over there. Yeah. We all knew about it. You didn't. Yeah. And then to make us embarrassed that we didn't know. Yeah.
about the different fucking sanctuary or whatever. Well, don't they say there's 150 or more to see? Yeah, but that's kind of fucked up where they're like, there's 150. That would be like, Hey, you like the alphabet? There's four of four letters. Hey, or more. You see that squirrel? That's a squirrel. You see that goat? That's a goat. These are animals. There's like 150 or more. Yeah.
Wow. Trying to see, we talked about a lot of the stuff, the updrafts, how it can fly around the world. It's lighter than its pre-evolution. It'll silently go through the night and approach prey and land critical hits in an instant, like a goddamn psychopath. Yeah.
Glisker is Ash's first Pokemon to fully evolve from Sinnoh. It's the only one of Ash's Pokemon that needed an item to evolve. It's the only one that needed a time of day to evolve. Pretty interesting. It leaves him after it evolves to go hang out with Professor Oak and it becomes friends with Leaveney and Noctowl in Professor Oak's lab.
Okay, I like it when Ash's Pokemon get vacation time and they just get to be good friends with all the other guys. I found out recently that Ash held on to the Thunderstone
that was given to him to evolve Pikachu into Raichu, just in case Pikachu ever did want to evolve. Yeah, did you send us that video where they basically rehashed that one episode again? Yeah, it was the exact same story.
But in it, Ash basically revealed that he held onto the Thunderstone the whole time just in case. He's secretly hoping that his little buddy would nut up. Yeah, he's like, cut the shit out. We've been joking for four seasons, right? Yeah. Are we doing this or not? Yeah. What a supportive parent. Yeah.
I have steroids. Well, I mean, Ash withheld the Razor Fang from Gligar. So it's kind of in his nature, I guess, to dangle evolution in front of his face like a freaking carrot. Yeah. I like you. But if you wanted to change everything about yourself. That'd be cool. We could sell more toys.
Pikachu never evolved. Well, that story's over. Pikachu just stayed Pikachu.
Isn't he the one who defeated the super mega super awesome big old Leon Charizard? I Would assume so I still just think it's funny. Yeah, it was a dope battle. It was so fucking good again. Mr. Zwanzig said how really good Pokemon is to watch and I was never sold So now I do have to watch it and now just watch watch that final battle just to get the taste. It's beautiful. I
Okay, I would say watch the final season. Me and Ellie watched the first half of it and it was actually fun because it got rid of the gym formula just like hey, we're just two dudes doing things and things are happening. And then all the characters come back and there's cool fights everywhere. Yeah, I think one day.
When I, I never get a chance to just chill out or veg out, but one day I'm going to go online. I'm going to type in watch Pokemon online free. I'm going to go to town. If you go to the Pokemon website, there is legit a how to watch all of it. Yeah. Like where every single thing is and how to go to it. And some of it's a free on like Pokemon's app or whatever, like their channel or website. So.
You can also watch the Netflix TV show, which there's like four episodes and they're like 10 minutes long and it's very cute. You do that. I also need to watch Pokemon concierge. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, it's like it's real cute. It's cute. It's like, but you're like, you're not going to get anything from the plot. It's like for babies. Yeah, it's yeah, it's a very, very juvenile.
put it on and just be like, that's cute. Yeah, that's cute, too. Did you guys see the YouTube anime stuff? There's like one for like the Legends Arceus. Yeah, that was so sick. Yeah, that's one of my favorite. They do some sick, sick shit on the official Pokemon YouTube channel. They also did it for Sword and Shield, which is like a bunch of stories about the gym leaders and stuff and ends with like your character.
Yeah, those gym leaders, I remember I had my last job. All of a sudden there were two children in my office that their grandmother had to step out ever so briefly. I just went on to the Pokemon YouTube channel.
And I searched up those. And I was like, you'll like this. And I put it on because they weren't really into Pokemon. And I was totally into it. And they weren't. They wanted to watch YouTube videos of, there's this like dad who films their children
like they'll put Pokemon in the house and then he'll forces kids to go around the house throwing Pokeballs at it, but it really seemed exploitative and I really hated it and then I realized that that was an entire genre of YouTube videos where people just film their families and do very like lavish setups and they just make
You know thousands off of YouTube revenue and that stuff's creepy. Yeah So anyway don't do that But you know you can do Play with Pokemon cards. Yeah, I would love to play with Pokemon cards. Shall we do the card game? Yeah, let's do our games
Who doesn't love games? All right, all right, here we go. Welcome to the trading card game on Daycare Diddos, where everyone, including our guest, Jason, will attempt to guess how many cards each of our lovely friends, Gligor and Gliscor, appear in the trading card game. So, Jason, we give the guests the right to choose if they want to go first or last in our games, so let us know. How are you feeling?
I want to go last because I have no idea. OK, awesome. All right. Give me some guesses. Glide guard 16. I'm going to say 18. I'm going to say 12. I was also going to say 12. I'll say 13. OK, damn it. Well, it's well, a pair of brothers are tied.
and it goes to the Kuiper brothers. No, our brothers. Yeah, we were discussing this before we started recording, but we are all related in some way. Like half of us are related in a way. Cause like Peter and Steven are brothers, Dave and Jason are brothers. I'm married into Dave and Jason's family. So just one big happy family here tonight. I love it. But the real answer is 17 cards.
I drink a pint of Peter's blood. Well, apparently Jason and Peter are married. We learned that before the podcast. It's a circular thing, yeah. For years. One year less than the marriage to my wife. Every year has been just another blessing.
Um, so wait, what was the total? 17. Just like the fact that we were blessed, yeah, with 17 Gligar cards. 17. It's the card billion. It's a decent amount. It's not the worst amount. We definitely had more popular Pokemon, I feel like have fewer cards. Yeah. Like unknown. Oh yeah. They had no cards. What are you talking about? They were so popular. They had so many. That's a joke.
They had the most. Okay, moving right along, what about our friend Gliscor? Gliscor is a Pokemon that has solid 11 cards. That's confident. 15. Damn, what is that? 16. No. Me succeed, you 15. Okay. Me succeed, you 15.
Dave, you need some more confidence. Do you want to share 15? We'll share 15 and 16. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Well then we need a tiebreaker cause it is one of those answers. Oh shit. So Peter, I don't know. So Steven and Dave. I mean, it has to stick to our original. Yeah, we'll stick to our originals. So mine was 16.
All right, so Dave is the winner. Hey! You still win, Steven. I like it better when they won together. Yeah, right? You win together. You know what else you could do together? Fuck. This is- No, because we're all family! No, but I don't mean us, I just mean people. Like, what's something you can do with another individual? You could fuck them with- If you have consent. You can high five and get an egg, Jason. Is that how it works now?
That's how Pokemon works, right? I mean, yeah, eggs, they don't really describe how the eggs come about. They just appear. You said it in that sentence. So I am going to list four Pokemon. You will tell me which one, if bred with Gligar, would not produce an egg. Jason, you want to go first or last? I can go first. All right, so here are the four Pokemon. Zubat, Scroopy, Paras, or Forretress?
Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat. Zubat.
This whole gen, and it's been messing people up because I'm like, Gligar is just bugs. Gligar and fine card, just bugs. It's just bugs, but everybody remembers. I'm so proud of us that it took us all the way to the Gligar episode to finally get Gligar correct.

Bug Pokémon & Bat Category Confusions

You even threw in the trick of Fortress, who is a bug, and you'd never know. I did. Fortress is a bug, and also to make it even more confusing, I picked the Bat Pokemon. But yes, Zubat is only in the flying egg group, not bug.
And then another fact that we need to add is Brian Cranston played Snizzard, a lizard and also the voice of Zordon in the 2017 movie. But yeah. All right. That's all I got. There are a lot of bat Pokemon.
Are there? Oh, I guess there are. There's Wubat. Wubat. Neuvern. Neuvern. Yeah, that's true. Zubat. Liger. What's that, the moon? I always forget its name, the legendary. Lunala. Lunala, yeah. What's a bat? Kinda good. It's like a moon-shaped bat. Yeah. I love that Nirvana song. I've been trapped inside your moon-shaped bat.
Yeah, Lunala, Wubat, Crobat, Noivern, Noibat, Swoobat. Oh, yeah, I always forget about those guys. Bliger. Yeah. Swoobat's my favorite. I love that there's just Zubat, Golbat, Wubat, Crobat, Noibat, Swoobat.
What's wrong with that? It's just like I'm kind of on the nose. I mean, I like that Wubat's just like a cotton ball with a single tooth. Yeah, that's very good, though. But imagine if it was just like Growlithe was like Growldog and everyone was just like E-dog. Fido-dog. I guess it's like the Poryon-eon ending, but that's like not like exactly the animal.

Chaotic Farewell & Humor

Well, thank you, Jason, for joining us.
Thank you for having me. Anytime. Also, a hearty thank you for listening to us, listener. Thank you to Carl Germ for our theme music. You can find us online.
uh... and uh... that's all folks you know what happens when uh... the glass core comes up and grabs your head and then he starts stabbing you with his butt and he goes farting!