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373 Plays1 year ago

This is not just an episode, it's a celebration! The Daycare Dittos have made it to Steven's favorite! A guest turned host is taking up the guest spot once again as we talk everything Dunsparce! Count you segments, bury yourself in the dirt and get ready for a fun episode!


Introduction to Dunsparce: A Dramatic Beginning

In the Pokémon world, there are two separate yet equally important Pokémon, two segment and three segment the Dunspars. These are their stories.
Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-spash Dun-spash Dun-dun-dun-dun-spash
Dunsparce! Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun Dunsparce! Dunsparce! Dunsparce! Yay! Dunsparce! Dunsparce! Oh my gosh. When is this open on Broadway? Are you guys ready to parse the sparse? It's over your Dunsparce. Yeah.

Daycare Diddos Episode and Personal Memorabilia

Welcome to Daycare Diddos. Welcome to Daycare Diddos the Musical. Welcome to probably the best episode of Daycare Diddos.
I already have just the biggest smile on my face. I'm so excited. Steven, who are you wearing today? Everything done spires, really. I have all of my memorabilia here to talk about at any given point. And yeah, I mean, it's no surprise to anybody who's a listener that I'm excited for this episode. But I'm just going to save it. Yeah.
We've all had, at this point, some of our favorite Pokemon covered already.

Steven's Pokémon Journey and Favorite Choice

So this is a special day for Steven. I'm very happy for you. Thank you. Steven was a guest on one of his favorite Pokemon, Abra. And he just had to stay until we got to his ultimate favorite.
I know. This is actually my last episode. I'm bowing. No, I was gonna say, are you a special guest on this episode as well? I mean, in a way, but at the same point, my boyfriend Dan was like, Oh, you don't have to do any research for this episode, huh? And I was like, actually, damn.
I hate to break it to you, but I have to do all of the research, because I don't know shit about Dudsmores. Everybody is expecting you to know everything. I know, but I think now that I've researched him, I actually did know everything about him. I think that's a common misconception when you have a favorite Pokémon that you're really into, that you just know everything about them, including all of their weird Pokédex entries, but that's just not the case.
No. Yeah. I mean, uh, the, the story of how I chose Dunsparce is, uh, I mean, in a way Dunsparce chose me, you know? Um, but yeah, should I just tell the story? Yes. Y'all want to hear it. I mean, so I was looking, I was sitting on my PS3. Sitting like a cutie. Oh, do say that you have, uh, how many you have sitting cutie?
So I have the Dunsparce sitting cutie here and I also have the Dunsparce plush, which was a Christmas present. So I have also Dave drew me a painting of many Dunsparces and then I have a card here of a Dunsparce as well. So I'm surrounded by the Dunsparce.

Dunsparce Fandom and Collection

I have a sitting cutie on my shoulder and if you haven't heard, Sarah has a sitting cutie.
Yeah. My sitting cuties have done sparse hers is chainsaw the cat who is. Whoa. Yeah. Here he comes. ASMR. Yeah. So I actually wanted to read one of the comments on the sitting cutie, but it would take too long for me to pull up. But one of the comments was they were basically all five stars because I mean, Dave, is it good? It is possibly one of the best.
It's so good. So somebody rated it five stars and said, it's perfect. It's my little comfort potato. And it is actually basically the size of a potato.
It's very soft and fluffy, very nice to the touch. And it's just Dunsparce. There's nothing else about it. We're getting all over the place so distracted.

Username Origin and Community Embrace

So the story of Dunsparce is I was sitting in my PS3 trying to make my PlayStation network name.
I had hooked up an ethernet cord to my PS3, which was like revolutionary to me. I was like internet on my game system. That was probably our first, like I had an Xbox 360 that never touched the internet. That was our first time actually hooking a console up to the internet.
Yeah, and I really just wanted to play TF2 from the orange box on my PS3, and I did for quite some time. But every username that I was picking that was like, quote unquote, my username was taken. So I was just sitting there for like an hour, literally just picking usernames and trying them. I was like, nope, take it, nope, take it. And Peter had this
poster. It was the what, 10th, 15th anniversary. We went, I mean, Dave went to Bryant Park. We sure did. Met Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan was there. That sounds not true, but
Yeah, no, it's it was it was the 10th anniversary was a different time in Pokemon. I feel like like it was different than it is now, even just the world of Pokemon. But yeah, Peter had this poster on the wall.
And I was looking at the Pokemon, I was like, okay, pick a Pokemon, pick a Pokemon. You can't do Charizard. Everybody's going to want to pick Charizard. What's the Pokemon nobody's going to pick? Dunsparce? I forget about Dunsparce. Let's use Dunsparce, and it was free. So Dunsparce I became, and I...
then made it my Twitter and I was in a group of other Pokemon Twitters who were single named Pokemon and they would just say their names in the group chat. I love that. They would just say Charizard if it was Charizard and Gengar if it was Gengar. But I think
Whoopsie, I tweeted too many sad things on that account. So I deleted it. Oh, no. Yeah. Twitter is no more for me. Well, yeah. Now you got to go to X. Yeah, I've debated whether I should or not. And I think I'm just going to sit it out, especially. Well, now they like block you to write if you don't have an account. I don't know.
That just pisses me off. I actually, I go to Reddit, but I go to the website Reddit. I don't download the app and they actually block certain parts of the website for me. If I don't have an account and they block like the celiac subreddit, if you don't have an account. Yep. I experienced the same exact thing on Reddit and the same way. And I'm like, no, I'm not making an account on principle. Like fuck you go somewhere else. Um,
But, uh, yeah, anyway, so Dunsparce, how I picked Dunsparce and how Dunsparce picked me is that I was like, what's the most unassuming, forgettable thing? And that is Dunsparce and welcome listener episode of Dunsparce, the Pokemon who doesn't really do a whole lot. Well, you've made Dunsparce alive to all of us. Uh, and I feel like you were probably a, even though Dunsparce was alive for a while before you picked him.
Uh, you were probably still one of the earliest Dunsparce adopters.

Dunsparce's Odd Charm and Fan Love

And I feel like there are, uh, there are many of you. Oh, there's dozens of us now. Um, so actually, um, Bulbapedia has the, uh,
like a page for Dunsparce, but they actually have an interesting article specifically about Dunsparce. And I'm trying to find it here. Okay, it's called On the Origin of Species, Dunsparce. And it's like actually like a
you know, 10 paragraph essay, just about Dunsparce. That's great. Start reading now. I'm not going to, but I am going to read the ending. I think it is quite fitting that a mythical creature so beloved in Japan inspired a Pokemon that Western fans ended up embracing despite, or in many cases because of, its apparent oddness.
Um, and yeah, that's, that's kind of the story of Dunsparce is that he started off just like a little weird and odd and very unassuming. And now people over time have been like, yo, this guy's just been hanging here the whole time. Let's, let's love on this guy. Let's, let's love this dude over here because. Do you remember him? No, I didn't either, but he's the best cause he's just there. Right. Like, huh.
That's what I love about Dunsparce. I just love silly little dudes who hang out and don't really need to be there, but just are. So I've been going through the sitting cutie reviews. They're so good. They're incredible. So your story, I feel like this fits with that. This one I'm going to share, it's called A Perfect Friend.
Anyone else ever encounter an adorable Dunsparce in Pokemon Gold as a kid? Have it run away so that you try and try running around in the dark before you even had Flash to catch one. Finally succeed, try for ages to level it up and evolve it, only to be disappointed since it doesn't evolve, but become too attached to it to take it out of your party? Yeah, that was me. 20 years later, this Dunsparce is an adorable reminder of that tale he's tiny and nice to hold. Perfect stitching and the cutest.
Okay, so we gotta follow a format, I'm sorry. Should we talk about what this Pikachu looks like? We should introduce ourselves. Oh, yeah, who are we? I am Peter. We're just gonna go through it real rapid fast because we're already there. With me, as always, is Dave. Yes, I'm Fluffy. I am a cute Fluffy loaf, 100% recommend. Thanks, Matthew M.
I'm here with Steven. Hyperdrill. Yeah, you're a good boy. Very cute, very dunce, much love. And Sarah. It is me. What is my review? There's no dunce in this sparse. This is the cutest one by far. These are all so cute. And what does this Pikachu look like? Perfect.
It's okay. It's cute, but it's yellow. If it was a different color, I'd be really happy with it.