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Hoe, Hoe, Hoe! Please close your butt sack, the neighbors are watching.

It's fitting this bird looks like Santa because he's got a bag full of treats. Maybe if you're stranded he will feed you bugs from deep inside his sack. Delibird is a wild gimmick Pokemon that becomes and even wilder robot. Pokemon is neat. Merry Christmas?


Introduction and Host Intros

Signed, sealed, delivered. I'm yours. Thank you for taking care, Diddos. I love that we're getting out in front of it immediately. Yeah. i mean just I went online, I said I'm going to continue with musical themes, i got Stevie Wonder's Sign Seal delivered, and then I thought, does my voice have it in me today to sing? And then I thought, no, but you don't need to sing every day. Spoken word poetry is just as good. Yeah. This is The Daycare Diddos. I am your host, Peter.
As always, in random order, i let's see, Dave. ah Look at my sack, it's full of treats. Steven. Santa lives on in space, gathering power. Sarah. Don't judge my tail, it's a sack. By your powers combined, we are the daycare dittos. Oh, they found us. Did you guys also hear that, Simon? No, yeah. Okay. Because if the the for the listeners, there was a siren. I'm not just yelling things. All right. Sorry.

Focus on Delibird and Its Characterization

ah This might be our last episode because they did Flybave. And by extension, Sarah. So it's going to be a brother podcast for now. Call it red handed over here. Yeah. um Today we are talking about Pokemon number 225.
and Potentially, we didn't talk about it, but we've been doing it this way, right? Pokemon 991? Yes. okay Because I have notes on both, but we could always figure out exactly what we're going to do later. i always I just always forget. I mean, we might as well group them together. They're related enough. And I don't think 991 needs its own web episode. Right. So I was just thinking, too, actually, do you think 225 is for a reason? but two Which one's 225?
That's Deli Bird. Oh, Deli Bird 225. Hey, we're not at the line at the Deli. It's delivered. OK, we talked about this on that episode, right, that we were like, holy shit, how has it been that? And we never realized. I don't know, but there's it's in the show and I looked it up and they do call it Deli Bird. OK. So it is supposed to be the play on the word delivered. which makes so much sense so much sense i can't believe i didn't see it sooner yeah but it was like one of those uh i'm today years old moments like oh my gosh duh yeah but but 25 and delivered and uh you know is that a coincidence right
I don't, I don't get it. Because Christmas is on the 25th. Yeah. I could see that. I don't get it. February. I don't think delivered really looks like Jesus is all I don't understand. What does Delibert look like?
I, I heard it. I heard it spoken out loud earlier. It's I mean, it kind of looks like a like an owl. Yeah, yeah, I can see owl. Maybe, I don't know. But it's got like, ah so it's ah it's a red bird, two feet, 11 inches, pictured in your mind. um There's like a white owl-like feathers around its face, giving it almost like a beard or a Christmasy hat-like. All right, we're dancing around it. No more war on Christmas. This little fucker looks like Santa Claus. Yeah.
Ho, ho, ho. And he's got a little sack. Ho, ho, I am a bird. Bowl of jelly. Yeah, I mean, and and you know what? that That's the Pokemon. It's really just Santa. It's just here to be Santa. You know, he kind of looks like a penguin and an owl fused together yeah with like a sack of toys in the back. Penguin body owl head. Right. hu And yeah, that but with the sack I did not recognize, I did not realize is its tail. Yeah, hollowed out tail.
It's like a pink sock. Like his butt hole inside out it. it's It's kind of gross if you think about it. um But actually in the anime they show it and it's really just like a it's like a big long tail feather that's kind of rolled up. So it's not actually. his wets aren't showing because also he keeps food in there which is very unsanitary to keep it in your extended butthole many things are left inside there not just food probably poop also poop I bet chipmunks put it in their little cheeks I put it in my belly button for safekeeping we all do it differently yeah yeah
But yeah, no, Delibird. I mean, I guess I would have known that if I had caught it and used it in battle, but nobody ever has. I mean, also, why would you? The move set is atrocious. I really like Delibird. I mean. I like Delibird. I just, ah usefulness is where I'm concerned. This is a Pokemon that's only for the joy of the Pokedex entries and not for the joy of battle. This this Pokemon is for bringing joy to the little kids and not to the to the dog fighters. I'm still not over the fact that it's sack is a tail, which means it's flesh. Yeah.
Because like now I'm looking at it like a body part and it just looks uncomfortable. But talk about is it flesh before? It's all flesh, baby. It's top to bottom. Yeah. It's less ah worrisome to have a flesh sac to me than a flesh hair. No, and no, no, no. You're all thinking of it all wrong. Imagine it's like a peacock plume, right? And then it puts something in and it just rolls it up. It's not actually. It's a joint. it's I stopped listening when you said pee and cock, which is two very funny things. But it's, ah it's it's very wholesome. Okay, I'm just I don't know, man, like I'm having a hard time keeping a wholesome in my head. That's just that's just a big ass sack. yeah It's backwards. it's It's wholesome, but it's got some hole.
It's a hole and a sack. So it's like, oh, no. The joy left me when Dave said pink socks, so. Yeah, it's goatsy. I mean, if you love sacks, just wait for the next one, so. What's the next one? You mean the next one we're gonna discuss? Yeah. Nine-eyed one? Yeah, it's pretty crazy. It's pretty crazy. But, uh. Yeah, Delibird. So a Japanese name also Delibird, believe it or not. um French name is Kadoizo, which comes from Kado, which is a present, and Waiso, which is a bird. Which is a Tommy. Yeah, Tommy Waiso. I mean, his his last name probably means bird in some language, too. Who knows? Yeah. um And then the German name is Batogo.
uh which a boat is a messenger and a vogal is a bird so it's the messenger bird we knew that already didn't we steven we did that's also dutch for yeah bird so but they pronounce it a little different i like that yeah damn i'm learning shit look at me yeah now pokemon will have you learning stuff we learn all sorts of stuff about animals and plants and shit And also shitting. Oh, yeah. And farting. Yeah. the The the the gas that expels from your shit. Exactly. Do we know that? el birdr Farts from a sec. Oh, like he opens it up a little bit. Let's a rip. Yeah, it probably makes an incredible like, but but yeah. Yeah. ah Delivered isn't omnivore. That is true.
Yeah. What did we, yeah, we learned, uh, we learned flush Pokedex entries that, uh, it will share food with humans and that food can range from, uh, like nuts and fruits to bug type Pokemon. Yeah. So you're going to be trapped. at the top of, ah what was the ridiculous real life Mount Everest? Mount Everest. I was gonna say, yeah, so Mount

Delibird's Roles and Anecdotes

Everest exists in the Pokemon universe. Yep, of course it does. Of course, why not?
So you're at the top of Mount Everest, you're dying and deli beard comes up and pulls a half of a scroopy out of its butthole. It's butthole sack. Yeah. And you're like, thanks, I'm dying, so I'm going to eat this. It tastes like bird ass, but I'm alive. Thank you. Choke on this cutie fly. Yeah, it's always cutie fly. I think I'm all out. Oh, wait, in the corner of my butthole. I forgot about this. The cupboards are bare, much like my butthole. Time to feed the masses.
so i mean There are tales of people who have been saved by the food that it has delivered. so so you know I didn't say it was bad. It keeps a very clean butthole, I've heard. if life if it gave you If you were trapped on Mount Everest and a Delabird came and gave you a bug, would you eat it to survive? Yeah. but If I'm dying, yeah, probably. I'd eat anything to survive. I'd catch that motherfucker, too. We'd be on my team. After it saves you, that's like that's. Pokemon episode etiquette. See, I mean, I would dip it in some snow first, at least, you know, a little coating, give it a little crunch. Yeah. Try to try to mask it as much as possible, like those lollipops, you know, with the scorpions. and I might have said this story before, but maybe I haven't. And it's not going to paint me in a good light. This is going to be a monstrous thing for me to say. But I did used to work at a vet's office. No.
You monster! And I would be there for, I don't know, 13 hours at a time, but no breaks. So I would just work and I wouldn't be able to eat. So, you know, I would have like crammed breakfast, got there, didn't have lunch, and then if emergencies keep on coming, then I'd be there until like 11 o'clock or midnight. And sometimes you have a surgery that you need to do where you take something called the electric cauterizer and use a little,
uh like blade that cauterizes uh something as you're cutting off like a like a growth or something and then since it uh is also burning animal flesh while you're you're sitting there sometimes it just kind of smells like somebody's cooking meat and then my belly would get rumbly and i'd be like this is awful this is absolutely terrible so um Yeah, no, that's just something that I have to to to live with that somebody got like a abscess off of a ah dog one day and I was like, oh, that smells pretty good. ah you I mean, that's at least a little better than some of the other stories you tell us where it smells horribly, horribly bad. Yeah. Which sounds like most of what happens at a vet's office. Yeah, no, it's bad smells.
Yeah, animals and almost stink. We love them and they're adorable and so cute. and you know But they smell bad sometimes. So anyway, I think I could eat a bug if I was hungry enough because you don't even have to not feed me for less than a day. And ae you know my my stomach is already like, yeah, just put anything in me. I don't care. See, I'm the exact opposite. Like I go on vacation and I wake up with a tummy ache and I'm like, oh, I got a nurse applesauce. Like.
a but Yeah, but if somebody had like a good snack, like they're like, hey, what's that? Oh, I have a kind bar up my ass. Like you'd be like, thank God. Ah, pre melted and everything. Amazing. I don't even have to chew it. That's not melty chocolate, Steven. o It's a bug type. Well, it would be more like yogurt, right? Because some birds shit like white. have a deal Yeah, Yeah. Oh, well, I found a picture of sexy deli bird. Oh, matt yeah. Stevie and art always. It's a it's a lady one, too. I would have gone with like a big ball sack. Muscular man. But yeah I'm going to share this in the chat if anybody was wondering.
I just wanted to see if there were more photos. I looked up Deli Bird Bag, not even Sack, on Google Image, and it's this lady. Well, now you gotta look up Deli Bird Sack. Let's see what pops up. I'm sorry, I'm wrestling a cat right now. Understandable. On the more wholesome end of things. No, Juicy, you No, Juicy. No, Juicy. Delibird will spend all day carrying food also to its awaiting chicks. ah It has little babies that it will feed and it will also throw food at opponents if it's attacked. So this food is really versatile. Gift that keeps on giving. Yeah. Presence delivered.
Yeah, brought. And I do love how they did reference Delibird being in the Alola region. They're like, although it naturally prefers colder locations, Delibird and Alola seem able to withstand the heat to a certain extent. So Santa likes to hang out in Hawaii every now and again. Yeah, he's always wearing there's always that silly photo, but also there's a lot of penguins in like coastal areas and yeah tropical areas, too. I mean, they're different. There's like puffins and stuff and I mean, when you look at Delibird, it's kind of adjacent to all of those. There's an entire Christmas song about Christmas in Hawaii, so. Yeah. Ikitiki, what is it? Ikitiki Mako is the way to say, or whatever. Kalikimaku, something like that. We're not that Pokemon yet.
I'm not happy birthday, Peter. mela kalikiaka Yeah. is the way to say merry christmas I had this thought earlier, but then I forgot it right away. Do you think that because in Japan, sometimes you go to KFC for Christmas that the Christmas Pokemon is a bird? Maybe. It would be more chicken-like. Yeah. And fried. And fried. I'm coated in breadcrumbs. So some more ah interesting facts is that there are two notable Delibirds in the Pokemon anime. And they are owned by very different people. So one of them is, of course, we'll just skip to this one because, of course, is owned by titular, well, not titular, what am I saying?
cannot canonical character Santa Claus in Pokemon. yeah Santa is here and in Delibird Dilemma, Santa Claus has a Delibird and Ash's Totodile just snipes it out of the sky and ah with a water gun propelled snowball. And because that happens, Pikachu and friends then need to finish delivering the five presents before midnight. Yeah, it's one Pokemon really jumped the shark. Yeah. Meanwhile, Tim Allen killed that Santa Claus and then had to find his Deliberate in the Tim Allen Pokemon crossover special. The other one is owned by Team Rocket, and it's called This Is Great because one literally works for Santa and brings joy. The other one breaks kneecaps. Yeah. So Deliberate brings the pain. It's ah from the main series. It's do's and don'ts. Do's spell D-U-E-S.
ah And it is affiliated with an elderly talent scout ah from Team Rocket. And this Deliberd followed Jesse James and Meowth up until they left for Hoenn because they owed money. So this Pokemon collects all of the debt and fees that are owed. And I never thought about it. But because they're constantly buying new hot air balloons and robots and all this stuff, they're like Amazon bill must be through the roof.
Giovanni's probably been footing the bill. Yeah, I always wondered because you kind of find out that James is rich, but I think he's kind of cut off. So yeah, yeah, no, they they go up to the talent scout and they flash their membership and she's like, that's expired. ah You're not in the system at all. And then they like go to figure out what's going on. And they're like, basically fired from Team Rocket because they owe so much money. And she kind of gives them the deli bird to uh not even really gives it to them it's just like this thing's gonna follow you around until you pay your debts like it's it's just gonna watch you and take your money um and uh it corners them at one point because they're trying to run away from it because they're trying to duck it um
And they get called. That's also another Pokemon. Yeah, Ducklet. And then also, at the basically near the end, they end up getting a whole bunch of money from like a heist. And the Delibert just comes and takes it all and runs away. And you see it a couple more times after that. The one notable one was it comes and it gives Jesse and James a Charizard and an Agron. And then later on in the episode, it takes them back because they were actually for Butch and Cassidy. And that's so funny. Yeah, I was just like, oh, that's really funny. Like I also just never saw any of these episodes. I guess I was watching at that point. Yeah, this was a weird thing because you'd like to think that it's all. Wouldn't call it like a season two during gold and silver, but Orange Islands really broke that up. Yeah. Yeah, I think I watched
all of Orange Islands, and then that might have been the break in between episodes where I just had to stop watching. Yeah.
ah um sure So did we talk about Pokemon Sleep? We did not. I only know one person who ah plays Pokemon Sleep still, and that is Sweet Matter. It was a guest on our podcast. Shout out because she also dropped off some fun Pokemon stuff from Japan. that we just got, and it's very sweet and very cool, so thank you. I have to say, the coolest thing she gave us was a Snorlax Chapstick. Amazing. So, very cool.
But, yeah, she is one dedicated Pokemon sleep player. I give her kudos because I don't know anything about Pokemon sleep. I just the one thing is I don't I can't sleep with it. ah My phone in my bed with me. Yeah. And that's like the main thing about it is you're supposed to sleep with it on in your bed with you.

Pokemon Sleep and Delibird's Paradox

And I'm like, my bed is too small and I don't have a charging port near it. And I also. Yeah, that's the point I was going to make, too. Like I wonder about how charging works. Does it get the phone too high? Like. Yeah, that's my one my one thing holding me back from from trying it out at all but I tried it for one night and I was like I can't I'm good. Yeah. um But I think you you basically as far as I understand you you put the phone in the bed with you you sleep with it it monitors like how well well you slept
It gives you a little rating. And then it also gives you like a Pokemon to kind of represent how it thinks your sleep went. And you can raise and grow certain Pokemon, I think, within its order. You could connect something like an Apple Watch to it because I see Apple Watch. That's what I wanted. I was like, if I could sync it with the Apple Watch, that would be perfect because I sleep with the watch on. but Yeah, I think there is ah like a Pokemon sleep watch or thing that you hook onto it. ah Yeah, there is like a wrist. It's the Pokemon Go Plus. Oh, OK. You can use that if you have it. Got you. Well. But yeah, what I'm seeing right now is that gamers have one big request and it's to put it on the Apple Watch or any smartwatch. Because then I would probably hop on to it. Yeah, same. I'd be on that every night. Yeah. Wait, I could win while I sleep? Hell yeah. That's all I want.
Well, you can raise a little, little Della bird. Yeah. And it, uh, where's the fact about that? Della bird is known to sleep while occasionally reaching inside its tail to pull something out. So it'll reach up deep inside itself, even while it's sleeping or maybe it's not wink. Is that considered a sex dream? Uh, I don't know. It's reaching for something. It has an inch deep in it's gross to me. Just think I can't get over it now. It's slightly ironic anyway, right? Because the whole thing about Delibird is that it has insomnia and a hidden ability that also keeps it awake. Yes. like hustle It's Yeah, no, vital spirit. Vital spirit. So it has two abilities that keep it awake and make sleep like not effective against it. And there it is in Pokรฉmon Sleep, just mocking you.
I noticed in Pokemon Sleep that as you like upgrade it or whatever, the sprite changes and gets sleepier and sleepier, which is kind of cute. That's kind of fun. That's kind of cute. Yeah, it looks really cute. I just, I don't know. Can't sleep with my phone in my bed. Another cute thing is ah when you're working at UPS in the Pokemon world and they make a mini game out of it called and Pokemon Stadium 2 when you're playing Delibird's Delivery. And that's when you're like just taking toys off of a conveyor belt and just shoving them into the back of like what looks like UPS trucks.
But ah also, Dilla Bird is the delivery boy in Pokemon Channel, something I never played, and ah it's for a shop called Shop N Squirtle. So I don't know if it's Shop N Squirtle or if it's Shop N Squirtle. But either way, it's odd. yeah interesting yeah um sitting cutie is 10 out of 10 very very cute and a good sit uh steven and i looked at this earlier during work ah we were just no i don't no no no we were like this this guy could sit
He's such a good sitter. the The best sitting. And then they have a little picture of it and a Stantler under a Christmas tree. Yes. Also 10 out of 10. And then to top it off, even they have another delivered little key chain where it's on top of a swine up. It just you can't beat it. And then my favorite thing actually, too, is there's a little Amazon screenshot that shows just like a like gray hand holding the Delibird for scale. But it's like you too can be the proud owner of this sitting duck. Yes. It's just so good. Yeah. I love them. There's that and ah that might be
ah One thing that I don't like is that we we talked about its its move, Present, which was its yeah trademark move that could only be taught by... It was the only Pokรฉmon that could be taught it by leveling up. And they say that that's no longer the truth. But Iron Bundle's the other Pokรฉmon, so I'm like, that still counts. It counts, yeah. It still counts. Also, the betas of this are hilarious. Of course, go to our Instagram if you want to take a peek. I just dropped them in the chat. So Delibird ended up having three separate sprites. The first one is literally just a Santa bird. It's just a Santa bird. The second one, they tried to get away from it a little and gave instead of having like a Santa like hat just crazy spikes. And it's fins were kind of like
odd and in front of it. Not a huge fan site their arms. Yes. I literally like site their arms. And then the third one because the other thing too is the bag was just a big puff behind it. So instead they added the tail where he's holding it like he's dragging the bag and the other hand is waving up in the air. But something that's interesting is that the reason the ah original sprite has a beard is not intended it's more that they deleted the fin from the second sprite and left that gap that's why there's that weird shape instead of the three you know how it usually has like the bushy chest yeah yeah so that caused that and then they went away they got rid of that when they uh finally made the art for it very interesting
Yeah, but the first one literally is just like it's like a duck Santa Claus It's a hundred percent just penguin Santa. Yeah with a little heart on the tummy. Oh, yeah, and it's like it's Fur on its head its feathers literally just a Santa hat like it is Santa. That's all it's just Santa Claus Yeah They're cool I'm going back to the move thing real quick.

Delibird's Unique Move and Type

Delibird does only learn two moves by leveling, which is Drill Peck and what Dave mentioned before, the present move. And then also, I didn't know what the present move did. So I looked it up. And it's actually pretty variable. It's like a dice roll kind of. So there is a 40% chance that it will deal 40 base power, a 30% chance it'll deal 80 base power,
a 10% chance of 120 base power move, and then a 20% chance that it'll heal a fourth of your max HP. Your opponent's max HP. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. Of the target's max HP. Got you. Yeah. So that could be ah that could be pretty awesome, actually. And Deliberate does learn other TMs as well. So you can, of course, and improve its ah move pool. but By level 25 you're not getting anything else. So 40 damage is something akin to like a tackle. 80 damage is akin to like a thunderbolt or something like that. And then 120 is kind of close to your hydro pumps, your fire blasts and things like that. Yeah.
So if if the right thing hits at the right time, it could be really awesome. And otherwise, it's just, a you know, it's just a tackle. Yeah, it's sort of like a move like magnitude, very variable, like a metronome even, um but but less random than that. um Yeah, generally in Pokemon, you kind of want to be able to do the right amount of damage at the right time. So Even if it was on a stronger Pokemon, especially with healing a quarter of your opponent's max HP on the table. I don't even think if it was on a very good Pokemon, if it would be used, but who knows? Well, that's a really strong power because it's something that you can use outside of the game. Guilt. You can be like, oh, you're going to hit me when I just healed you? Yeah, real classy, dude. Oh, thanks. Yeah, real nice. Thanks.
I think that could work. I think that could work too.
um Last couple of things. I don't know if we mentioned it, but Delibird is an ice flying type, which means that it is the only other one to share that typing with is Articuno. So Delibird and Articuno are and two peas in a pod. Equally powerful. Yeah. Equally legendary. And both both help people that are stranded on the edges of mountains. That is true. Yeah, but same. Like I haven't done that yet, but if I was there, I would help. I'm basically Articuno. I'll give you a bug. Yeah, I'll i have a I'll give you the bug right out of my ass. I don't even care.
And then um the last thing I'll mention is what we usually end with, which is that the shiny is like a pinkish purple color, more pinkish, but it's it's cute. Also, much like in humans, the Delibird with the biggest tail is Austin the boss. Oh, yes. The leader of the pack. Yeah, I know for a fact my boss got a big juicy ass. Yeah, it's got the most. No, I was gonna say scrumptious big old ass on my boss. That's why he's number one. Big old thick homes means more room for snacks.
Yep. Go boss, and you're big ass. Love it. Juicy. That's why you rule. That's the second time we've said juicy this episode. Once to skull the cat, and the second time to love on a boss.
um So how we transition normally is we say, well, if you grow to level 30, well, the difference is, well, if you wait, uh 22 years yeah and then some because paradox pokemon are distant to the future oh i just went like in between when the games came out yeah i believe this is our first future pokemon we've we've covered some past paradox pokemon but none of them from the future what about donfan
No, that's an upcoming episode. comingnning we don't know I mean, never mind. No, we watched Pokemon in the first movie. So we actually do kind of know. Yeah. But yeah, no, I think this is our first future Pokemon that we have encountered. I'm confirming that. I'm confirming that. Yeah. And actually, I was kind of curious because I think ah Dave and Peter ah firms did and me and Sarah Violet, right?

Paradox Pokemon: Iron Bundle

um So I'm curious, Sarah, what do you think about the future Pokemon?
I don't like them. yeah I like the past Pokemon way better, way better. I think these are really dumb looking personally. And I'm also learning about Iron Bundle. Also, then their names, i mean both the names from every Paradox Pokemon are dumb. like They're just dumb. Yeah, but at least the the past ones are like two interesting words instead of the same word over and over again. Yeah. Yeah, I just I don't know. And then like learning about the iron bundle Pokemon i' just like so it's just in like an AI droid robot, I guess. Yeah, I feel like every Pokedex entry boils down to like, this is a Pokemon, but in the future, yeah, it's like it has cables that attach itself to them. So someone had to make this thing like this doesn't
This isn't like a like this is this is why I say ai I'm like, how did it create itself in nature? like you know It's not possible. You know, I like I do like parts of some of the future Pokemon, but I just I feel like they drop the ball. Yeah. And they're not cute. No, like you're not. I don't know. I like them a lot. but future pokemon i do yeah i do i think iron bundle is probably the best one i mean this looks the most like dealt like it's original pokemon ah
I don't know. For me, like, okay, going down to area zero was probably like one of the best parts of that game. And I just ah think that like going down into that area and seeing all the past paradox Pokemon is such a cooler experience than being like, why are all these tin can robots out here? Yes, I like I like iron thorns. Was that That's Tyranitar. Yeah, he's cool. And the iron jugulus is interesting. like there's Again, there's parts of them that I do really. I mean, um iron valiant, the Gallade one is probably the best one. Yeah, that one's cool. Because the Gallade already kind of looks robotic ah a little bit. But then I'm like, OK, so but your name's iron valiant? That's not even easy to say. Yeah. I like Slitherwing a lot.
which is Volcarona, but when you look at the normal photo of it, it's not good, but when you're using it, it like sits up on its butt and it's very cute. That's the ah one of the scarlet ones. yeah But yeah, Iron Bundles, great. I don't even like Iron Hands. Oh, I like hate Iron Hands. That's probably my least favorite one. I like Iron Thorns, Iron Valiance, cool. Yeah, there's a few good ones, but Roaring Moon is... kind of cool. It looks a lot like mega salamands. So I thought that was cool. Well, I mean, it does say that Iron Bundle is a delivered based machine built by an ancient civilization. So like my thing is, is like, okay, if they were like manmade, it sounds like, right? Yeah. So then are all of them in the wild manmade? Or do they like figure out how to breed? Well, no, because they have no egg group, right? So like, Yeah, but they're not the only manmade Pokemon.
yeah but i don't know i just i don't know because aren't voltorb and electro technically man-made in the same way but they're more like porygons well yeah porygons yeah i guess porygons in the same vein yeah you too you choose a clone though so it still feels more natural than this robot
Yeah. I don't know. Again, at the end of the day, I feel like you have like scream tail where they're like, here's this Pokemon, but it has something interesting and different about it and something that it like grew out of versus these are all just like, yeah, no, it looks just like it. And it's made out of metal. Mm-hmm has cables everywhere and and yeah, the designs are cool some of them and like they're very like interesting for sure and I'm sure they're great Pokemon even to use some of them, but I just I think we can all agree that every single paradox Pokemon has 570 base stats
Is that true I believe so Agreed yeah, I'm just gonna go off what he says Peter knows he's the bass desk guy. Yeah, he's the only one that hasn't so that's uh, that's higher than your starters and that's less than your your legendary Pokemon so they've got a lot of They got a lot of stats to work with, but it really doesn't matter in a Pokemon whether or not you have the stats if they're all put into the wrong places. yeah So Iron Bundle puts it all into Speed and all into Special Attack and because it had a combination of um
Hydro Pump and Freeze Dry, that meant that nothing could resist it, and it was banned from competitive play for being too strong. So right off the bat, we've got a future Pokemon, a Paradox Pokemon, Iron Bundle. Too good. Too good. You heard of your folks. Well, I mean, with that Fart Cannon, it's got, I mean, of course it's untouchable. Tell me about the Fart Cannon, please. Well, instead of a flesh sack, it has a metal fart cannon that it uses to propel itself when it walks. And when it's running, it looks like it's skiing because this fart cannon is just so powerful on its butt. Realistically, this should be the mascot of daycare dittos. Really? Honestly, yeah, you're right.
To the point where there's a section on Bulbopedia, where it like demonstrates itself using its fart cannon. It's literally a fart cannon. I was laughing so hard at that. like I even called Dave over it. He's like, yeah, I know. I love it. Now, this is not to I don't want all of our listeners to think that every Paradox Pokemon is a grade A killer because we've already talked about Fluttermain as well, also banned for being too powerful. yeah The next ones we're going to talk about are Great Tusk and Iron Treads. Great Tusk was like, I don't know if it's it's still on almost every team, but it was on almost every team.
So very powerful in its own own way. so yeah got thats So we got some of the good ones right right off the bat, and then we'll go into the stinkers later. Yeah, I think mechanically they're all fine and everything. But also too, I was shocked by the typing. Yeah, yeah, me too. It's water, ice. Yeah. Um, I was like, where's the steel type? Uh, I thought that was their whole thing and stuff made out of metal. Yeah. Uh, but, uh, yeah, ice water. So that's, I mean, it's a, probably a better type anyway. Cause I looked up ice steel and the only other thing that is ice steel is, uh, a lowland sand slash and the, uh, defensiveness on that is just pitiful, I think.
is also ice water how refreshing yeah very nice typing just uh just interesting caught me off yeah shares it with cloister lapras dugong yeah clearly a good typing doors i think competitively you kind of want to drop the ice uh if you can uh because it's not a good defensive uh typing i You can, the gimmick in Scarlet and Violet, of course, is Tara, terrestrializing, terrestrialization. So you can pick one of the Tara types or choose a completely different type. so
um You could lean into the offense and go, uh, Tara ice, or you can, uh, try to, to lean away from, uh, getting super effective moves against you because you're not very sturdy to begin with and go straight water. So, uh, I think you probably opt for water most of the time if you're using it. Yeah. I trust you more than anyone in my life. i Watched a five-minute long video from one year ago to to teach myself. So no nice. Yeah, yeah, that is I think a Indian competitive Pokemon player by the name of frizezae so shoutouts freeze outs freeze-eye Do we have any other facts I
Yeah, I got some names. o The Japanese name is Tatsu no Tsutsumi, which ah stands for like iron sack. yeah I told you if you love sacks, get ready for it. But it's actually the longest japanese pokemon name in romaji with 15 letters and it is actually longer than the character limit of pokemon nicknames in the western releases you are only allowed 12 letters so if you tried to rename this pokemon you could not
rename it its original name. It's very long. The French name is Haute de Ferre, which is translated to Iron Sack. The Spanish name is Ferrosaco, which is Iron Bag. ah The German name is Eisenbundl, which is Iron Bundle, and the Italian name is Saco Ferrero, which is Bag of Iron. Man, they're all so good. Yeah, I love these other names, but then we just get like Iron Bundle. like They're probably thinking the same thing in Italy. but.
I mean, fair Osaka, come on. Fair Osaka. Hot to fair? Ooh, I'm hot to fair. Hot to trot. uh... and then also the shiny is just very silvery medley color uh... politics entries say there have only been two reported sightings of iron bundle which is crazy to me because that means that two people have seen a future pokemon in this present day and age yeah i i think that though i read they put it in like uh... movie or an anime episode or something like somebody had one as a pokemon so i was like
It's gotta be more than two. Yeah. I think a couple people saw it. um Again, it's 10 year olds writing an encyclopedia. yeah Yeah. Two people saw it. Violet saw it and Scarlett saw it. Yeah. Professor Turo and Professor... ah What's the girl? This lady.
I don't know. it's she's the guy She's the reason I got Scarlet. it was She was cool. Yeah, but I got it for the hot professor guy and they're barely in it. So I don't know his name either. You remember this. Sada and Turo. Got you. um Yes. No, apparently Iron Bundle appeared in Challenge the World.
And that is some kind of Pokemon aye movie that was released on the YouTube channel. no Oh, cool. So, but somebody has a iron bundle. You have to scope it out. A looks lot of good things to watch on the Pokemon YouTube channel. There's a ton. They do a lot of originals and the production quality on them. incredible yeah really good uh game time yeah where are we on time are we gonna are we gonna wrap this up in record time oh is our sureest shortest episode we're at 46 minutes i think that might be record time yeah well we gotta work ready ready set play the song now
Welcome to the trading card game. We're going to guess how many cards delivered appears in the TCG of Pokemon.

Games and Trivia with Delibird

Who would like to go first? 12. OK. Oh, 10. I'm going to say 13. Well, we have a serious winner today, Steven, right at the gate. Oh, 12 on the money. Heck yes. Alrighty, moving right along to Iron Bundle, who came way later in our Pokemon journey, so keep that in mind. One. Two. Who said two? I said two. Zero. Zero, oh my. Well, Steven takes it away because two right on the money again. Heck yes. Twelve seems about right for Dellon. Yeah, there's some really funny ones too. Some really crazy drawn ones.
Uh, but that doesn't matter because right now we're going to play the game. Who you gonna fuck? It's when I tell you four different Pokemon, if left in the daycare with Delibird, which one would not produce an egg. All right. So here are our flying friends. We have Hoot Hoot, Mantine, Pelipper, and Pelipper, and Wubat. I think Wubat. Mantine.
Um... Mantine. Finally, I win. The answer is Hoot Hoot. Mantine? Really? Yeah, so Delabird is a field and water one. Water? Yeah, so Mantine is a water one. Pelipper is a water one and flying. Wubat is a flying field, but Hoot Hoot is just flying. Water? It's an ice flying type. That's dumb. Hey man, what happens when ice gets warm? Yeah, but this is a nice boy. Not when it's hot out. Uh, we officially are longer than Pinsir. Fuck! Sorry. Oh well. We didn't even add the intro in either, so. Yeah. Oh well. Well, uh, thank you for listening to Deli Bird and Iron Bundle. Uh, we'll be back again in your feeds shortly. Uh, when I believe we are hitting up Man Time. Um,
Followed by... You already got a sneak peek of that. Followed by Phamfy, followed by... We're getting we're getting close there. Skarmory, followed by a bunch of baby Pokemon. We're skipping. Stantler. And then we're getting into like the Raikunite Suikuns of it all. Yeah. Home stretch of gen two. Here we are. And then, who knows what we'll be doing? Probably we're gonna change to our real passion, which is Final Fantasy or... What? Farting? Farting. Farting!