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BRRRRRAP BRRRRRAAAAAP SUMMER here at Daycare Dittos. The Daycare Dittos are strapped and look like Ursaring, because they are baring arms. Don't know what I'm talking about? Niether did we! Learn more about the weird gun Pokemon that could have been.


Introduction and Podcast Overview

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's remorried. That was absolutely stunning. That was my best performance yet. Welcome to Daycare Diddos. It's a podcast about Pokemon, every single one of them, and we're making it, and we're going, and we're going strong. ah I am here with my co-hosts, and I'm going to introduce them once again in probably not random order. Steven. Ah, hello. How are you, listener?
I too am a shadow of my former self. Wonderful.

Special Episode and Listener Engagement

Dave. rap bra oh That's the sound of the ocean. 12 Cops Dead. Sarah. um I'm dead because that was very loud. I'll have to put it down. It's it's for the episode. That's a very special episode. This is a very special episode. It's a Pokemon. I can't even say it with a straight face because I know basically nobody who's ever said this is their favorite Pokemon. If this is your favorite Pokemon, you are very unique. You're very special and we want you on.

Sitting Cuties and Personal Collections

we come back around the second time yeah when it gets a mega evolution or something yeah you can come on uh you can send in a quick clip of yourself uh seeing a an epic poem about remarade or octillery in your remarade cosplay yeah i mean i don't i don't want to spoil one of our future segments but uh the sitting cutie is still available so that that does say something well now i gotta hop on the google for a second And so as a person who kind of just sits there and smiles when you guys talk about sitting cuties, are these like really sought it after? Is everybody sitting on these cuties? I mean, most of the like really big Pokemon are sold out. There's there's but you could still get your hands on quite a few of them. um I went through recently and I got a couple for Dave. So sure did. I got my little Dugtrio and Tangela sitting in the corner over here.
Yeah. And I, I mean, I don't know if we ever talked about the tangle of sitting QT, but it's so good. Very good. So listeners, if you ever want

Remoraid to Octillery Evolution Discussion

to have a friend or a brother that makes you feel like a real miserly fellow, you got to have generous brothers and friends like David Steven. We skipped some good ones. I just found a Swampert and what a grumpy Gus. Yeah, the Venonat is also really good because it's very hairy, like ah like a puffball. Skip, squamper. I was going to say, I was so confused that by that first time. No, I don't think we were doing city sitting cuties for them. Yeah, but Swampert's in Gen 3. Yeah, we didn't we didn't do them yet. You're right.
Well, a little preview of that episode. Music Grumpy Gus and Available on Amazon for $23. $23 for a sitting cutie? Yeah, he's old. Oh my god. Well, Octillery is sold out and there's only $11. Yeah, Remoraid is $11. Very cute. Remoraid is quite cute. I don't think it would sit. No, no sitting for Remoraid. Swimming, probably. ah swimming cutie There's a photo where they just like threw it in a river and they're like, what? Yeah, Google Remoraid sitting cutie and then hit Google image. It's one of the ones they did like an outdoor photo shoot.
They just like whipped it into the river because it refused to sit. Oh, breaking news in the podcasting, Daycare Ditto's World. This is now a six pod six cat podcast. Oh, yes. Yeah. So if you hear a cat, don't be alarmed. Yeah. Uh, so, uh, banter over, uh, that's the first section of this podcast traditionally, uh, on my notes, uh, it's scheduled banter, uh, then, uh, introduction to the Pokemon that we're covering, and then what does the speech look like? So I'm going to talk about today. but banter Could banter last like three more seconds?
Uh, yeah. It's not in the time, but yeah. Uh, Swampert's still available, sitting QTs on the Pokemon website, $11. Didn't want to give misinformation. Avoid Amazon. Go to the source. All right. Uh, well, we're going to need to pause now while I purchase it, because I think Swampert Mudkip might be my favorite starter, so. Agreed. Uh, and Sarah likes Bulbasaur probably best. I do enjoy a good Bulbasaur. Steven, who's your favorite starter? Oh, we know the answer to this question. It's Cyndaquil. Oh yeah, absolutely we do.
All right. So, Dave and I always bet 100. Everybody else kind of falling somewhere in between. um Ouch. No, Syndical's great. I i loved Syndical because you loved Syndical. I mean, if anything, it's surprising that a fire starter is my favorite because I tend to love the the water and the grass starters usually, but that That little boy he's just so cute. I also love the prodigy Firestar oh ram um brapa bump Did we talk about that in an episode recently how anytime they fight in the 90s that plays We've talked about it a couple times. I saw the matrix recently Yeah, we need more fight scenes that start with industrial music
I'm going to introduce Pokemon now. I mean, this Pokemon inspires so much enthusiasm. It's it's quite the heavy hitter, right? ah Yeah, I've i actually looked up the false white gaming um ah YouTube video on this and it started off as never used and then it switched to untiered for the rest of its career because nobody used it.

Personal Anecdotes and Gaming Experiences

oh No, I think with some pe stop it's already dead. Yeah, that's like gym class. You don't even get picked and they don't even let you line up like No, you go over there. You have to take health class every quarter I wish I Did really like the break of health class, especially if you had it during like the the summer months say you wouldn't sweat your asshole. actually I Actually actually
Jim was great because I guess for whatever reason, and I don't know if every school does this, you kind of share a gym class with some of your upperclassmen, and then Dave and I just had the best memories. Oh yeah, that's really where we did most of our early bonding. Yeah. Dave was so cool, and I was, I just reminded you of Eric Wareheim, so. You were my Eric Wareheim. But I was just a chippy. Where's my chippy? I found you. We're talking about Pokemon number. I always have a little heart attack thinking that I didn't update the number in my notes. I just make notes over the last word doc that I have. Pokemon number 223 and Pokemon number 224.
We're going to start with a Remerade, the Jet Pokemon, at two feet in length and 26.5 pounds. It's a solid weighing fish. My dad would be overwhelmed if he'd pull out a Remerade. I would be too. Yeah, that's a solid sized fish. One of the first things I remember my dad talking about when he talked about how cool my mom was when I was growing up was that she caught on her first and only time casting a line out into what are the largest pike he's ever seen in his life. Man, that's true love.

Design Changes and Cultural Insights

Yeah, that's one and done right there. Yeah.
ah So, what does this Pikachu look like? It's a fish. It's a fish. It's a fish, but I don't know. When I read about its biology, they're like, yeah, this is totally a gun. I'm like, what? I don't know. I'm just like, because you look at this fish, and it's a fish. In no way am I imagining this thing looking like a gun at all. Like, it's just a green little fish with his stubby little mouth and his buggy eyes and fins. It's a fish. That's it. Google search Remora, it's probably the same thing. I'm going to do that right now. A Remora looks somewhat like a Remoraid, not like fully. It's a little flatter than a Remoraid, I would say. Yeah.
But the other thing that is kind of lost to us, I believe, is that the Japanese name is Teppo Uo. And that comes from Teppo, which is gun, and Uo, which is fish. But the combination is the archer fish, which is a fish that spits water out of its mouth to like shoot bugs into the river and eat them and stuff. And so I'm like, oh, well, if this was called like the archer fish or something Pokemon, I might get it a little bit more. But as a remora, I'm like, Okay, whatever. It's a fish. I just want to say something about it. Yeah, gunfish would have been a ah really, really good name. ah fit Just like they were like, Oh, this one. It's fucking gun.
I mean, I'm kind of trying to dance around like the only big thing to talk about with this Pokemon. But I just. Digimon, right? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. There's there's the in the one anime, there's the rabbit who gets the Gatling Gun Arms. Revolvemon, Gundramon. Dude, have you ever scratched his balls so he could just blast his whole crotch off? His whole arms are fucking. He's a Renamon with an AK-47. We opened Digimon card packs, and we I think we even reviewed the sexiest Digimon at one point. tell and And one of them was it had guns. It was Beelstarmon or something. Commandremon, Assaultmon. Yeah, I feel like there was more to this Pokemon and then they stripped what was interesting away from it. And what we were left with was just a fucking fish. Right.
and And they stripped everything cool and interesting about it. They ruined its design. And they were like, all right, well, but here you go, fish then. It's those damn liberals taking away our gunfish. They are. I mean, they are. I mean, should we should we just talk about it? This is all you could talk about. It's the best. Guys, you gotta, yeah I think I need to post this first day. You have to see the beta sprites for this Pokemon. And they fumbled this whole evolution line so hard.
I mean, they even reference it in one of the later Pokedex entries, the fact that because they ruined this design, everybody was like, wait, why does a fish evolve into an octopus? like what the Everybody is like, please explain this to me. And for the longest time, I was like, I have no idea. And now I'm like, oh, it's this random ass sprite that was never even actually in the game. And it's just a gun, which they reference. They reference the markings of the Pokemon. that they had when it was a gun, but like it's all lost on us. Yeah. So, so, so listener, get this. It's not supposed to be fish into octopus. It's really supposed to be Magnum revolver into tank. Yeah. Right. And that makes so much more sense for some reason.
It makes perfect sense and I love it. We're the sitting cuties for these fellas.

Octillery's Battle Abilities and Strategies

Jesus. Bring him to school. no Only in America. ah It's wild. It's wild. Yeah, it really is the gunfish. Even in the Korean name, it's chong-yo, and chong means gun, and eo is fish. So in Japan and Korea, they called this thing gunfish, and we got remarade. I like gunfish. Stock the loaded. Even the only thing they really kept, which is kind of silly, is if you look at its bottom fin, it's still the trigger. Yeah. That's kind of funny.
But it's bad. They made it bad. It was a good. It's terrible. they They were scared. Wait. Do you think Team Rocket had a rumor aids in the, did they? Um, I don't think Gen 2, I don't think anybody had a rumor aids. I think, um,
like they kind of stuck to their Zubat's call things, Ekans's, uh, Hondoom's, Hondower's. Just, uh, un route two thirteen fisherman kenneth locked and loaded on the
Yeah, um they they call Remoraid the Sniper of the Seas, so... Yes, swimmer Erika never leaves the house without it. I didn't have a question to ask because I can't remember what I had for lunch this week. We haven't done Mantine yet, have we? or have We have not. But like we kind of have to talk a little bit. This is almost like a one and a half Pokemon this episode. Yeah, because we are gonna have to talk about Mantine and Manticke a little bit.
Uh, I've got to talk about Remoraid real quick and I'm looking at the moves that this little fella has in the game and I'm seeing moves like lock-on I'm seeing moves like bullet seed I'm seeing a lot of beams, aurora beam, bubble beam, flamethrower, octozuka, ice beam but the bullet seed and the lock-on it's pretty pretty gun-ish side beam a lot of beams and and blasts coming from this little little sidearm. Yeah, I mean, it could shoot you from over 300 feet away. That's so impressive. So many feet. Yeah.

Cultural References and Media Portrayals

It's like you're never safe. We also talk about recoil. The attack ah propels memory backwards to help it escape. But this memory stands its ground castle. law Yeah, that's why there's that thin blue line through the middle of this memory through the sprite.
um The shiny is purple, but in the original it's black. And again, I feel like that would have been more cool if it was like a black gun. And I feel like maybe that's more what they were going for. And then they were like, no, no, no, it's purple. It's purple. Yeah. Well, even its own color has kind of evolved because it kind of started out purple. And then it turned blue, like very blue. And then it turned green, like this weird like puke green teal. Like a teal-ish, yeah. The colors are are definitely all over the place. Yeah. But that's, as we've come to find out, pretty normal. Mm-hmm.
If I could just have a thing against any Pokemon that just kind of resembles a fish, like Barraskewda. Just any of those guys, I'm just not even gonna waste Pokeball on you. i All right. I think I i touted the um the line, like every Mon has as its rose. like it There's a there's a mon for every occasion. You know, there's beauty in every Pokemon. I'm starting to disbelieve that. Oh, what do you when once we get to Sizzle Peed, your mind's going to be changed. I like Sizzle Peed because I like his charger bug. ah So much bug is good.
um s snow um sizzle peed What was the gym leader who had him? He was the best one. Well, Cecil Pete has the ah the mega or the Giganta, right or something? Yeah, that's another thing. Remoraid and Octillery, spoilers for Octillery. They don't have anything since Gen 2. Most Pokemon in Gen 1 and Gen 2 have gotten a little bit of a, you know, some scraps at this point. This is the Pokemon most deserving of a regional form. Yeah, you know, they did mention that Quillfish was supposed to be like a parallel. And I was like, but that doesn't really make sense because Quillfish never had an evolution. And then when they did give Quillfish one, they didn't do anything for Octillery.
I feel like they should, they should. Good point. I don't know. If they're going to be parallels, they should give them equal treatment. Help them both out. little I don't really see many Pokemon as having parallels for the most part. I mean, i I can see that they kind of tried to to make it so because of the version differences. ah But in ah many cases, these Pokemon are vastly different, like you got your Pinsir and your Scyther, right?
no Everybody just cares about Scyther. Nobody cares about Pinsir. I don't know about that. I think we should speak for ourselves on that one. I think it is interesting, again, if we think of the parallel as Remoraid and Octillery being gun tank paralleling Quillfish's like mace caltrops theme. Yeah. But again, I think it's so like a loose parallel more than anything else. Thank you, Sarah and Steven, for reining me back in. I've i've become a loose cannon. I mean, I wasn't too too pleased with Pinsir myself. but Yeah, I don't like Pinsir. I'm just saying. so really does I don't like um I don't know. They're okay. They're okay.
If you take offense to me not liking Chikorita or Bulbasaur, I'm just like... um I mean, I do. I'm going to lean into that. But if you wanted to defend Pinsir, that's your right. It is your right. Pinsir is the Pokemon that if Pokemon lived in you know in our universe, that's the Pokemon I think I'd have nightmares the most about. Yeah. I would have this reoccurring dream of a wake of opening up my eyes from bed and just having a pincer looking at me with its disgusting mouth, trying to eat my face. Oh yeah, I forgot. It's got a really bad mouth. My mouth is terrible on on that. Lots of weird finger-like teeth. I think I'd rather be sliced to ribbons than crushed to death in the pincer balls. So, so either it is.
um so So Remoraid is kind of related to Mantine and Mantine in a way. I mean, they're not. So, you know, don't get it twisted. They're just BFFs. They're just they'd like holding hands every once in a while. So we haven't explained to you what a Mantine is yet. But imagine uh a uh the thing that killed steve erwin yeah a stingray a flap flap um but uh for some reason uh they will have remorates on them uh but only sometimes and not in the most recent sprites so if you're looking in sword and shield you won't find them but in a lot of the old games man

Unique Design Features and Evolution

tines always appeared with remorates under their um
like wings, and that could be a reference to the Remora, which is a blood sucking fish. It will latch onto other ah whales and other ah fish, ah but like big fish, and suck blood from them. So that is something a Remora would do. um However, it got me thinking. I was like, well, if Remoraid's supposed to be a gun, then does that mean that like Mantine is the plane and Remoraid is the gun on the plane? And then I went to Mantine's page and I found this picture ah which I'm posting in the chat from the manga and hell yeah he's a gun on a plane.
ah For those listening, it's ah like I guess gold or silver and he's flying a man time like a paraglider and he's got like 10 remorates on each side of the wing just shooting water blasts. It's saying forbidden on ours. Oh my gosh. I was able to bring it up in another browser. Yeah, that's sick. I copied and pasted the URL of clicking on it and it is the sickest picture ever and i'm like man that is just a warplane like just ah firing on all barrels like there

Pokemon Card Game and Trivia

are 17 uh remoraid uh clinging to the underside of uh a mantine uh there is uh
That's probably gold, right? Gold paragliding from v the and all of the Remoraid are absolutely unloading. Yeah, it's just like the coolest single panel of Mantine I think I will ever see and will ever exist. I really got to start picking up Pokemon manga again because I got so many good little factoids from it. Yeah, but so yeah, if we're continuing on with this theme, like Mantine is kind of a flying creature and um yeah, Remoraids being under its wing are like little guns under its wing.
But they again, in recent games, they've kind of hidden the Remoraid. They're not really seen anymore on the Mantine sprites. so As far as I know, you will need a Remoraid in your party from Mantyke to evolve into a Mantine. That is true. You do need that, yes. Yeah, from Gen 4 when they introduced Mantyke on, which was also in interesting how Mantyke just came out of nowhere. Yeah, i um I always had a hard time remembering that man type existed because if the adult form exists before the baby form, unless you're Munchlax and Snorlax, I have a hard time remembering you. Yeah, that's fair. I guess that's the thing with most babies, huh?
Um, yeah, I guess. But yeah, I barely remember Leafa, Iglibuf, Pichu's there in my memory because of Super Smash Bros. Yeah, just any of the babies. Bonslai? Bonslai, I remember because of the butthole. Yeah, you gotta you gotta remember the butthole. Yeah.
uh so and then also uh remoraid uh cling to man time uh for leftover food and also to help avoid its foes um do we know who uh remorates foes are they kind of just have a blanket statement that uh remorate has foes in uh pokemon snap octillery is being preyed on by a survivor which is kind of weird uh but there's that they talk about no birmy is what they prey on yeah they eat birmy yeah they can archer fish yeah they archer fish them out into the
I mean, it's like a shooting gallery. Burmy, Burmy, not a Burmy. Dragon Ball Z. Burmy, Burmy. Come get me. They also use their their wooder that they suck in and shoot out to kind of like swim around and escape if they need to. So they'll like just shoot it out and swim backwards kind of to launch themselves away if they need to. And when evolution draws near, this Pokemon travels drught downstream from the rivers. You know what the shooting backwards reminds me of?

Closing Remarks and Social Media Shoutout

I will not tell you what it reminds me of. Well, mine isn't very um appropriate either. It just reminds me of when seahorse give birth. And they kind of like have to like water jet themselves backwards and just shit out a bunch of babies.
It reminds me of my brother, my brother my brother and me, where Griffin mallet McElroy says, if you come in space, does it shoot you backward?
That's it. I mean, we'll never know. at Or will we? And this is why... There was a married couple in space. They probably did it. I mean, they're married. It was their God-given right. Yeah. If not, it would have been a sin.
That's true. What were you gonna say, Dave? Oh, uh, I was gonna say that we need to start a Patreon so that we could get up into space and shoot, uh, shoot jisms. I'll have to get married first. It's okay. God can't see you in space.
Made it so void-o-voilicious. Um, one thing that I thought was weird is that you're saying like it goes downstream when it's going to evolve. Yeah. But from how they talk about it, like the sniper of the sea and everything, you, you don't think of it like in rivers. Yeah, and but then also too, I'm like, okay, so like the salmon swim upstream, you know, you're kind of inspiring this like fish thing, but they go downstream to evolve into octopuses. So like, what's what's even going on here? I don't understand. But um yeah, and and not very much makes sense about Remoraid. I feel like
You know, they had something good and then they they panicked and they were like fish and everything just got lost on us. This was like a Pokémon I feel like was very procrastinated. Like they were, like you said, they were like, oh crap, game's about to come out. We have to, we got to fix this. ah Fish equals octopus. Done. Yeah. Also, too, like, OK, where do you think Remoraid attaches itself to the Mantine? Like, what part of the Remoraid do you think attaches to the Mantine? It's Suckhole at the top. It's got a little sucker, probably a little Suckhole.
Apparently, it's supposed to be that first spike in the front on its head. That's the dorsal fin, right? That's the dorsal fin. But I'm like, how? It's not really a sucker. It's like a spike. It looks like it just gets spiked into the mankind. It's a very sticky little wiener sticking out of the top. It's sticky right on there. It's a Megazord. That is the explanation. It's Megazord. Yeah. I guess so. I have a little story of Remoraid as well. I'm borrowing this story from a friend. It's one of my close friends, Dan, who I've talked about on the podcast before, who has not told me to not use his first name yet. He caught a Remoraid back in Gen 2, said, I've caught a Magikarp before. I know it's coming.
Trained it, evolved it, level 25, saw Octillery and was so pissed off. What took it to the name raider, uh, said, yes, I want to change its nickname named the fucker. So whenever I see Remorator Octillery, I just think, Oh. My friend's favorite Pokemon. Fucker. Yeah. To be fair, cool name for a gun. Yeah. Oh, that's my gun. Fucker. Now we all know the best names for guns are from the Devil May Cry series, Ebony and Ivory.
Or whats what's, there's one that's just like a giant missile launcher laser. That one's pretty cool too. I know the one in Fallout was the missile launcher. Maybe it was Matilda? Matilda was ah yeah a Evil one, right? Maybe. The Chicago typewriter. The Kalina Ann. The Kalina Ann. In Devil May Cry 5, you get dual Kalina Anns, and then you can combine them together and it shoots a giant laser beam. Man, if nobody out there has played Devil May Cry 5 yet, please play Devil May Cry 5. It's so good. You're seeing it, Megazords.
um I mean, so much in Devil May Cry 5 Megazords, you get ah dual maces that combine into a motorcycle. So that's pretty neat. Yeah. Well, it's a good game. Right. ah Pokemon Game Freak, they were kind of nervous. ah They made their Pokemon not a gun because it would have ah canonically been the first gun in video games. But think about how much how much faster we would have gotten Devil May Cry guns if only they had the cojones to put out Remoraid.
Yeah, I was actually interested. Bulbapedia has a whole page on weapons in Pokemon, and it has every depiction of any kind of weapon that appeared in a trainer's hands, like in the show at all. Even up until recently, Ogarpon from the DLC has a giant mace. So they showed off the giant spike club to mace that Ogarpon has. But yeah, it was just interesting going through and just being like, Oh, you know what, there actually are guns in Pokemon. Like, of course, look at Blastoise. It's like one of the first starters. It's like, those are guns on its back. Like, what the hell was the problem of Remoraid? Yeah, I guess maybe if they just made it look a little less magnum revolvery and more like water pistol. Yeah, they're kind of hosy. Yeah.
Should've just made it a power washer. Done. And they should have made Pokemon Gun Edition. I'm still so upset by them. Yeah. Cowards, I tell ya. Steam Summer Sale has Devil May Cry for $10. You heard it here. If you guys have $25, you can get yourself Devil May Cry and a Swampert sitting cutie. Oh man, sounds like a perfect night. Yeah, you could also get ah for you like $100, Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. I think it's more than that now. Yeah. Steven, Dan, you did really well, both of you, for when you picked up a Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver because there's no way in hell that would have been ever picked up by any of us at the current prices.
Yeah, well, I'm my dream of black to white to his flag slowly, further, further away, but maybe I'll i'll just emulate it. Yeah. Legally, somehow, I don't know. Sue me, Pokemon. Should we ah get to level 25? Yeah, why not? All right, you get to level 25. You have the opportunity, if you don't press the B button, to evolve into Pokemon number 224, Octillery, also the Jet Pokemon. yeah Two feet, 11 inches in length, 62.8 pounds. What does this Pikachu look like? It's another fish, right?
Uh, I'm just a little disappointed by its size because Remeride is a decently sized fish, but Octillery is like a small-ass octopus. And I don't know, like I just would imagine it to at least be like five feet, you know? I just wanna say that octopuses are some of the coolest animals in the animal category. I agree. And there is not a cool octopus Pokemon. Cool, that's ah um that's a weird way to say scariest. Clobbopus, Peter? That's the other one. Oh, I wanna fuck you up, yeah. That's probably even worse than Octillery. Okay, listen, I don't like Grapploct, but I love Clobbopus, it's so cute. That sounds like- How's the sitting cutie?
I don't know if they make sitting cuties for that. It comes right after sent to Scorch, so you know it's in good company. Oh, OK, that's X and Y. Oh, dude, sword and shield. If I was like a ah roller derby lady, my name would be Clobbopus. Oh, he yeah. That's a good name for a roller derby. the name That's a good roller derby name. The only thing you need to know about what this Pikachu looks like is that it looks like a red octopus with yellow suction cups. That is it. Nothing special. Oh, no, it's a mouth. It looks like, uh, Octoroks, early Octoroks from Zelda. Yeah. Yeah. McDonald's themed. Oh, you guys forgot all about Inke. Well, they're like squids. Yeah.
i squids I feel like Octillery did kind of get to keep a little bit of its theming because at least me as a child I knew that like octopus and stuff whatever or whatever like shot out um ink out of their mouths at least from like Mario so i I feel like the whole idea of it shooting and being like kind of like ah you know a gun carried over whereas with Remorated didn't as much you know yeah because it's got like a real like a patouille mouth yeah and i mean didn't it have i don't know if it was like its signature move but didn't it have like an ink shot move or something well octozuka yes exactly it's got the zooka as in bazooka and i doubt they're talking about the font
yeah Remember bazooka font that was like one of the early cool guy fonts that they were too afraid of they got rid of it even do you remember on the Game Boy, we had a game called Parodius. Oh, I love Parodius. Is that like this area between your genitals and your butthole? So the Parodius? Yeah, it's it's Gradius. It's Gradius, the game, but it's like a parody version of it. So the bosses were all like cat pirates. And one of the bosses, which is Probably to me the most memorable and famous boss is like a giant showgirl lady And you can't actually kill her or destroy her You just have to like fly under her legs as she dances around so you don't get stopped by her um but yeah, there's all sorts of like octopus and Like ah Easter at high island head Really really fun my statues with sunglasses on
And you play as either Vic Viper from the Gradius Games or just looks like one of the ships. Love that guy. But you also can play as a flying octopus spaceship. You can play as a flying penguin spaceship. Nice. Yeah, I mean imagine giving your child who's probably four years old a Gameboy and saying here play Gradius you remind to My hands were not designed for that game boys
I remember it was our grandfather who bought that for us in Holland and the game that I forced him to return to the ah the video game store because it was too hard for me and i it scared me and I didn't like it. was a Castlevania game on the the Game Boy. And then we got Proteus so much better. for You know, a type of game that I can just never get into bullet hell is like now the genre. Yeah, I just can't do it.
Yeah, I feel like Gradius Parodius, it's a little bit before the bullet hell, but it's still there's there's so much. What is that? What is bullet hell? So bullet hell games are like there's so many bullets on the screen that you can't even see your ship. But because the one pixel that is your hitbox is not touching a bullet, you're alive and you just have to navigate that. I'm sorry, guys. Can we please use good language? It's bullet heck. That's yeah bullet hex the only bullet heck game I played is Ikaruga and oh Yeah, that's that's very good game. We I think we lost those discs, which is sad because um That game is also worth like yeah nice fortune. I don't even want to know how much I
we're on with Yeah, but bullet hell is ah is a pretty popular game ah style where you're just kind of navigating and dodging bullets more than you're doing much else. Dodgeball. Got it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, dip, dive, duck and dodge.
um Octillery is, ah he's a hard fucker and he'll grab you and he'll smash you on the head. That was my favorite fact about Octillery because it talks so a lot about how docile and like calm and relaxed Octillery is, but then it's like, well, sometimes it uses its rock hard head on its foes. Interpret that how you like, listener. Yeah, the I mean, they said ah tries to immobilize it. um And yeah, we'll just basically smash you um against the head with its head, trying to knock you out. And then if it doesn't, it'll just ah shoot ink and run away. Specifically with its rock hard head.
Well, the ink also um reduces your sense of smell, I think, right? The ink also makes certain Pokemon sense of smell weak. Also, it's delicious. ah It's delicious. did you Did I read that wrong? no you're you're right yeah it is um the ink it spits out is special it contains a substance that dulls the sense of smell um but then also they use it uh spits is also used for cooking cooking yeah i don't know what they use it like well i guess there is squid ink in cooking like real cooking
Yeah, I think it's just a reference to that. I mean, I've never eaten squid ink anything. No, me neither. So I don't I have no idea what the flavor consistency is, but I know you actually get better and gone. You know, it's impossible to get off. I tried to ink somebody when I was scared of them and I went to jail. ah So I'm a look up squid ink food. Let's see what we're going to eat. It's a black substance that comes from the ink sack of squid. No shit. Ooh, you could put it in risotto. Squitter is supposed to have ink, right? Weird. Do octopus actually have ink? Google? I'm not sure. Octopi have ink. Typically octopus and squid produce it. Oh, okay. They both can ink. They can both ink, okay. I learned the flavor that ink is is salty.
okay huh well sack it up sack it out ink go just if it's salty why not just use salt yeah it's everywhere told you it's crazy that uh people think that octillery could be a distant relative of amistar okay crazy helix it would make sense too because uh he's got a hard head Yeah, he evolved from not knee in the shell Scott Hardhead. Artillery doesn't have a beak, right? Most no octopuses have beaks, but this guy does not. No, it's more of like, ah you know, Super Mario Sunshine squid with the little mouth spinning yeah instead of that, that creepy beak like thing.
Yeah, he's got uh, the ocularies mouth Get ready guys. This joke's gonna age great. He's he's got like a hawk to a mouth Wait, that's a little let people laugh. They're still laughing I don't get that new thing. Is it just supposed to be? No, you got to spit on that thing. Yeah. The girl said it on the Internet. I think she's signing a reality TV contract right now. Catch her. Catch me outside. How about that? Remember that one? I do. She also has a very prominent career. What's that? What other ones are there? I like totals. I think it is actually
I still thought Charlie bit my finger boy on a yacht recently. what What were you doing on a yacht? I was just on YouTube. youtube He was on the yacht. So, I mean, if you get famous on YouTube, you've made it. You get to go on a yacht. You get to go on a yacht. That's a part of the deal. Octillery is, um I feel like, a more well-known Pokémon than Remoraid. I feel like you think of Octillery and you're like, oh yeah, Octillery, that single Pokémon, no evolution, nothing there. um And so much so that, like, Octillery appeared in Detective Pikachu,
Um, Octillery was the company logo for the Galar Fire Station. Um, Octillery just, you know, appears in all sorts of different places, uh, still to this day. And I don't remember the last time I've seen Remorade. I thought and i so speed when I first started playing Pokemon, I thought, um, Remorade was part of a Mantyke. Like I thought that was one Pokemon. Yeah, I think it makes way more sense to have those connected than these Pokemon connected. But um I guess it's one of those like slowpoke shelter things where like they'll just never be together. Right. Just in, you know, lore. Yeah. Just in the little things held down. But yeah, out of all the ah Gen 2 Pokemon, Octillery was one of four to appear in Detective Pikachu. So.
The others were Sneasel, Snubble, and Apom.
That's fun to say altogether. Yeah, Sneasel, Snubble, and Apom. Apom, of course, easily defeated by Peter but based on base stats. Oh, yeah.
And Octillery also has a gender dimorphism or whatever it's called, which I did not know until I was like, why are there so many sprites on Bulbapedia? But if you it's true. If you look at the suction cups, they're a little smaller on the female. Cool cups. Yep. I love it.
Something I thought was cute was that it's a relaxed Pokémon, but loves when its trainer fusses over it. I thought that was cute. I'm like, I don't know how much fussing I'm going to do over an Octillery, but OK. They're kind of cute.
I mean, like I would imagine they're kind of slimy, so I wouldn't really want to touch one. I also talked about the false swipe gaming ah ah video about how Octillery is not very good competitively I don't know if anything's changed but Octillery does have a hidden ability by the name of Moody which I think once per turn you decrease at random one of your stats by one to increase one of your other stats by two at random
And that leads to all those fun videos you've seen online of the Bidoof absolutely wiping the floor with an Ubers team. So, Octillery is a better Pokémon than Bidoof. So, Octillery can just sweep an entire team of Ubers if you'll let it. Still not good because I think Moody is banned. I don't think you're allowed to use Moody Pokemon competitively anymore. Oh, well, I guess I'm banned. ha Get him, man. Get him. Fuck him up. That was awesome. Thanks, thanks. Steven, you should know that you are banned because I'm the only human being allowed to beat up a Pokemon with my bare fists on this pocket.
Yeah, you're the only one with legit base stats. Yeah. Next season, we'll have to work on some more. Yeah. ah Does anybody know a good plug, a personal trainer or like steroids, anabolic steroids? I just want to be able to beat any, I don't know. Just ah have some pee pee up, some calciums. I know how to get your pee pee up. Good as new. It's anytime I'm in a room with you. oh baby ahie much because he's got that missing no glitch whoa
um As I mentioned before, ah the Pokedex even calls out the weird evolution inconsistencies because Arceus has this entry. While Octillery still shoots water from its mouth, the drastic anatomical difference between it and Remoraid meant that for a long time, no one believed the former evolved from the latter. here So even Arceus was like, yeah, no one ever believed that this was real, but it is. They still shoot water out of their mouth. Exciting. And they they could touch stuff with their hands like that's just the only new thing we learned. They're like, um do we know their head hard? They touch things. And I'm like, thanks, guys. Very important.
Yeah. I think, too, maybe the hard head thing made more sense with Octillery's original sprite. I don't know if we brought that up yet.
But... Oh, we did not! It's a little tank! Yeah, oh we we talked about that it was supposed to be a tank, but yeah, its original sprite had a helmet, and its like little mouth was supposed to be like the cannon of the tank. Yeah. Which would have been cooler! Yeah, and it had like a little thing of armor too, so it actually looked like it was rolling in its own personal tank or something. It's a its really cute, but yeah, they they just kind of scaled it back. um But the Japanese name is Akutank.
And the Korean name is, uh, dipo Muno, which comes also from dipo, which is cannon and moon EO, which is an octopus. So cannon octopus. And then we got artillery. Like I said, check the Instagram. I'm going to be posting both of these immediately because they're so good. Yeah, it just helps so much. Yeah. Uh, are we going to play the game? We got anything else? Last thing is the shiny. It's like a sepia yellow goldish color, which is whatever. Fine. It's fine. PP water. Yeah, yeah. Definitely PP water. All right, game time. Game time. Game time. All right, friends, let's get some cars. We're gonna guess how many cars remarade and artillery appear in the trading card game. Let's go first.
I'm going to last this time. 12.
11. OK. 14. Peter wins. Even though Remorade is a very forgettable Pokemon, it shows up in 15 cards. Oh, different. Which, like, so Dave and I are selling a lot of our Pokémon cards because, you know, baby on the way and, you know, that takes up a lot of space. And... I'll buy some cards off, yeah. Oh, you're so sweet, thank you. But... I was going through a bunch of them. At one point I had tried to organize all of our cards into, like, typing. And the amount of Remerade cards we had was ridiculous.
It's just absolutely ridiculous. It's like me as slowpoke cards. Yeah. So 15 for these little guys. What about Octillery?
Uh, 18. Uh, 17. Uh, 13. Man, Peter right on the money with this one. 13. 13 Octillery cards. Congratulations. Less popular than Remoraid. Wow. Imagine that. I don't know why you guys chose the numbers that you did. I just assumed that maybe Octillery would have more and maybe some special cards, some like special cards or something. I don't know. I guess not. I guess.
I also just don't know why there are so many Remerade cards. That doesn't make sense to me. but That also means that there's this there's so many sets where they were like, yeah, just Remerade. You don't get knocked out. Why? so and Someone loves a Remerade in Pokémon. Whoever makes like who decides what Pokémon are going to show up in the card game really loves a Remerade. yeah because there are so many like and I don't know they're always commons and they're always just like flooding every pack it's just bothers me too is um there are um most of the Pokemon in the Pokemon universe if you break them down by their types there are more water types than any other type um yeah so why you gotta put the spotlight if you have so many other water types to choose from on Remoraid
That's exactly the point I'm trying to make, yeah.
OK, this one, this Remoraid card isn't even of Remoraid, really. It's just it the tiniest little part of its head sticking out of the water, and that's it. The rest of it's just ocean. That's the best way to see a Remoraid. I guess so. Do they fuck? They sure do! You guys, I hate to play the game. Who you gonna fuck? It's a game where I will list four Pokemon. You will tell me which of these, if left in a little pond with Remorade, would not produce an egg. And the theme of this one are water Pokemon that we completely forget about. Here we go. You're gonna have to- We're all gonna lose this one. You're all gonna lose. We have Gorobus, Dupiter,
Huntail and Binacle. I don't even know what Gorbice looks like. How can you forget Gorbice, the alternative form of Clamperl? oh That was the first one I thought of because it's one of those that you're like, what the fuck? Just like, just like, humble what were the other ones? Yeah, but don't Google them or else it'll. Well, no, I'm not going to look at. I'm just going to look at what they look like because I have no idea what some of them are. z Do do pider. That's like the spider with like a bubble on its head. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I do that one. Huntail, which is just like a mouth going with like an eel.
puntail And then Bionicle is just like a hand coming out of the ocean. I would have never remembered Huntail. You said Gorbus, not Huntail, right? No, I said Gorbus, Dupiter, Huntail, and Bionicle. Okay. I'm gonna say Bionicle. Yeah, me too. I'm gonna say Dupiter. It's Bionicle! What is Binocle in? What group? Water three. Water three are all the weird weird fuckos. ah One and the others are water one and two. I just wanted one that you may guess. Binocle's kind of rockish, so. Right, that's why I guessed it. yeah All right.
That's that. Yeah, I'd like to thank you all for listening to a, if this is your first time listening and you're a total remoraid stand, then thank you for joining us. ah We hope you did your Pokemon justice. Thank you to Carl for our theme music. Visit us on our social medias. We're on, what are the names of social media? We're on Pinterest. We're not, we're on, I said, what's the one? What's the one that we're on? Instagram. Instagram. Catch us on the gram. And then when you just eat cheese, start farting. Farting.