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311 Plays1 year ago

This Pokemon almost killed Homer Simpson and somehow you always forget that it was part of gen 2. It got a new regional form and evolution and somehow you missed that as well. Qwilfish meant nothing to anyone until the greatest discovery happened on this episode. Is Qwilfish just the water voltorb? ::GASP:: Find out here!


How Many Pokémon Are There?

How many Pokemon do we have left? One, two, three, hold on, four, five hundred, six hundred. To the fifth power.
They keep making more. The limit does not exist. The limit does not exist. The light does not exist. My guess would be in the 800s.

Introduction Challenges

800s? Yeah. I think you're right. Kind of makes you want to... Yeah. Lose the quill to live. Welcome to thank you for those.
Fuck. Damn it. I don't think I've gotten an intro out without stumbling over my words in like five weeks now. Come on, man. Don't quill yourself over it. You're doing a great job. Okay, thanks. I quill. Yeah, I think that reaction was a little over quill. Yeah. Bitch. I mean, at least you have
intros and puns. I just am sitting here laughing at all of yours. Sarah, you're gonna have to introduce next season. Oh, Lord, hell no. Uh-uh, Stephen. Here's your intro. All right, we're doing this Pokemon.

Quillfish: The Forgotten Pokémon?

but hey bitches, time for a fucking... Who's the third one? Puchiana. Puchiana, bitches. Let's go. Hey, take a look at this hot wing Pokemon. This one looks like a penis. What? All of a sudden you're very mob accents. Is that what our next season's going to be? Forget about it. Forget about it. Forget about it.
Uh, this week, uh, it is my, uh, our honor to talk about Pokemon number 211, uh, Quillfish, hence all the quills. Uh, this is the balloon Pokemon. Um, and, uh, he is a Pokemon that is often forgotten about by me. How do you guys feel about that?
Um, same. You're not alone. I mean, how do you make a Pokemon that looks more like a fart than coughing? I feel like Quillfish just looks like a big old fart. Really? I don't think so. Let me introduce our guest, Twirl and Curtis. He does love the poison types. He does like the poison types. For good reason. A man of class. Yeah, he likes the little farters.
I mean, if you look at like the early emerald sprites and stuff, it kind of, you know, it looks like a fart. Um, I

Guest Introduction: Poison-Type Fans

mean, this is another week where again, I just was not looking at the sprites. I mean, I actually did watch a YouTube video about
Oh, look at that. It's a little fart. Do you mean, Stephen, do you mean like the little shit that's coming out is but is the fart or the whole thing is a fart? I just think the Pokemon in general embodies a fart energy. OK. That's kind of interesting that

Quillfish in Video Games: A Landmine?

you would say that, Sarah. So you're kind of saying that it is a fart that is also indeed pooping. Right. So it is. So yeah, one of those. But it is a fart. A very rare poopy fart, if you will. Yeah.
Okay, so it's a fart? Okay, so imagine this. Imagine this in your colon. It's a fart. It's the last fart before a shit. It's a puffer fish, ladies and gentlemen. If I farted this Pokémon out, that'd be painful.
this Pokemon looks like it would only exist in a video game to act as like a landmine in like a water surfing level, where if you bumped it, it would be like, and you'd be like, whoa. You know what I mean? Yeah. It also just the thing is, is once they introduced the Hisuian quillfish, I was like, okay, that's an angry fish. The original, he just kind of looks like no thoughts behind the eyes.
like it looks the same the only the only thing is i wish that the eyes on the normal quillfish were a full circle because he would just look so lost and i appreciate that
Well, I have to agree with Steven. I think they did a better job with the accents around the eyes and the Hasouian quilfish because it definitely looks more angry and mean than the other. It's got those like shadows under

Shiny Quillfish: Voltorb or Poliwag?

the eyes that make it look like.
pissed off and you know, and then it's also got like little Yeah by the nose like little eyebrows whereas the other one it's I shape just looks like it's got a permanent scowl So it looks just like a like a little blobfish just kind of floating around Stinker we should Do you see the the shiny one what it looks like with the art? Mm-hmm
So when you look at it, if you colored it right, it's literally just Voltorb. Yeah. Spikes and a little like, no, a Poliwag mouth. By all accounts, this should be my favorite Pokemon, though.
It is, oh, holy shit. It's just a spiky. It's just a spiky Voltorb. This is now with a Poliwag tail and a Poliwag mouth. Now it's my favorite Pokemon, guys. Oh, man. I'm so pissed off. We tricked you into being our special guest. Congratulations.

Podcasting and Pokémon Preferences

So tell me about my history with Pokémon. Okay. You do a podcast about it? Yeah. What does this Pikachu look like? We've kind of already described it. Yeah. Spiky Voltorb, Flaptail. The tail has like two dots on it. It kind of in the earlier sprites almost makes it look a bit like a skeleton head.
like an alien or skeleton. Yeah, I feel like it. You know how like pirate ships or whatever, you know, you got the skeleton head or like if there's like a danger sign, there's like a skeleton head or something. It kind of gives them that vibe where it's like danger. Watch out. And I can see that Hasouian has a Q. It's like a lowercase Q or if it's facing the other way, it's a nine or the other way, it's a P.
Got options. Yeah. Yeah. I like the Hasuian quillfish coloring so much better. It's like a dark, I don't know, purplish? Maybe just black? It's black. Black with like pink tips. Looks really punk rock. Yeah. Pink tips are awesome. Yeah.

Real-Life Pufferfish vs. Quillfish

Yeah. I mean, it's just a puffer fish. Imagine a puffer fish, if you will. The puffer fish are
They make homes in most places. I think most countries have some sort of puffer fish that is native to their aquatic populations.
I, to be honest, I did no research on puffer fish for this. I can talk briefly upon puffer fish. I just thought it was funny that Bulbapedia has like four paragraphs dedicated to it being like, yeah, it's different kinds of fish. They reference so many different fish in this.
To quote every F in FF, do you remember that episode of The Simpsons where Homer eats the poisonous pufferfish? I'm glad you brought it. I'm glad you brought it up because as research, we watched that episode. Yes, we did. I'm so proud of you guys. I was discussing it at dinner with Sarah and I was like, we should watch that episode. So we put it on.
It's an episode in which Lisa gets the family to go out to eat and they go to the new sushi place. And Homer ends up enjoying so much sushi that he wants to try everything on the menu, including the fugu. And the sushi chef that is like the
Like the padawan sushi chef and the whole time the master is basically like you suck You're not good at it and stuff and when he asked to prepare the fugu The sushi chef is actually out in the car having sex with mrs. Krabappel so he's unable to help prepare it and meanwhile Homer's screaming and he says come on brother fugumi and They feed him the fugu the master inspects it and says you have 24 hours to live or your until your heart will explode and then he has to live his final day
Which is, it was kind of a sad episode because he was just going around like spending time with his family and like made a whole list of things he wanted to do in his last day alive and I was like, oh my God, this is so sad.
Oh, doesn't he want to cuddle with Marge? Yeah, no, he wants to be intimate with Marge. Oh, yeah. He's like, what do you call it when we do that thing? Be intimate. And he's like, yeah. Very good. One of my favorite lines in that whole like he ends up going to jail and when he's in the holding cell, there's just a guy in the background playing harmonica.
And he's just like, what are you in for? And the guy just goes atmosphere and then keeps playing the harmonica.

Fugu Preparation: A Deadly Delicacy

And then when he's going around saying something nice about everybody in the family is like, oh, Maggie, you're so like, Lisa, you're going to make us so proud. And then he's like Bart.
nice sheets. I don't know. Early Simpsons are so it's so good. Yeah, it's a good episode. Oh, man. Well, that's Simpsons Minute brought to you by the every FFF podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Apparently,
The internal organs of most puffer fish are super poisonous. And it is because they eat things that are covered with a super poisonous bacteria. So they're not actually generating the poison themselves. It is actually produced within them from bacteria.
And even if you nick any bit of any of the internal organs, I think specifically like the liver, the ovaries, other organs that a fish might have, your blade is poisoned. Everything that you've touched, every bit of your kitchen area is poisoned.
So you really have to be very careful about how you're preparing it. The chefs themselves have to train for five years. You have to be licensed, although some of them aren't.
officially licensed. And the only reason why people mainly like this and let me stress a lot of puffer fish are being hunted to extinction because people want to eat them is because humans really want the thrill of death shoved in their face.
That's the whole that was the whole conversation Dave and I were having at dinner when he was telling me about Fugu because I had no idea it was a thing. And I was like, well, I mean, I don't understand why anybody would want to take that risk. You know, like you take a risk anytime you go out to a restaurant of food poisoning, you know, like that's poisoning to like another level. I mean, I don't know, I wouldn't and like you probably have to pay a pretty penny to get this anyway.
So I don't think I would it's kind of like how those people paid like quarter of a million dollars to die in the freaking Titan whatever thing submarine. You know what I mean? It's just not something I'd want to do if I had money. Yeah, it's a it's a rich person's

Hisuian Quillfish: Battle Characteristics

thrill like writing Everest and you know,
launching themselves into space or going to the bottom of the ocean. And specifically, the most haunted to death puffer fish aren't necessarily even the ones that taste the best. It's the most poisonous ones that are the most popular. That is ridiculous to me. Yeah, because people want to be able to say, oh, I ate the most poisonous fish in the world.
And I don't necessarily know how dangerous it is if somebody who is trained is preparing it for you, but lots of people have died of ingesting incorrectly prepared puffer fish over the years. So, odds aren't, yeah, it was illegal. And it was also illegal in the 1800s
around the time that Legends Arceus came out. Yeah, yeah, which is I guess why they did Hisuian quillfish to be time accurate. Literally, it's based on that, which I thought was kind of cool. Yeah, apparently there were speakeasies specifically so people can ingest pufferfish. That's wild to me. I don't know.
I don't know. Can we just like think of SpongeBob's driving teacher and just like, you know, think of Quillfish in that, you know, fun loving way and not try to eat them and die. Yeah. Well, they didn't have SpongeBob back then. Shiny, um, Pissouian Quillfish kind of has a Mrs. Puff look to it.
I can see that the colors. Yeah. Yeah. It's a lot lighter in color. And I mean, like kind of white overall with a little bit of purple. Yeah, it looks like a light lavender purple. Looks like it drives boats. Yeah.
So one of my favorite facts is that in order to attack, Quillfish has to drink 2.6 gallons or 10 liters of water to inflate its body. So it sucks in all of that water, but because it has so much water in it, it kind of sucks at doing anything else. And sometimes to escape, it will just blast that water out and fire away.
That's really good. That's like the best part about this Pokemon. Sorry to take that one, guys, because that's very funny. That's a hydro homie right there. It sure is. He's a professional sucker. Do you want to know what else is interesting? Can I do this joke real fast? I'm sorry. Yeah, of course, yes. Hydro pump. This guy's a hydro pimp. It wasn't a good joke. I just needed to do it. All right, sorry. It was bad. No, I was just going to say. Trying to bring the energy.
The energy is here, man. You told me about the 2.6 gallons of water that they have to ingest. 10 liters. That's so many Pepsi bottles. That's a lot of gallons to ingest. I wonder how quickly they can do that. But anyway, what I was going to say is when they ingested that much water and they're fully round and huge, they can't swim very well. So they become just fish that float around in the water until they
you know, spew their guts. Yeah, or knock into something and explode or or that inject their poison into something. They can also use that water pressure to fire poisonous quills or just I guess before they're poisonous. No, it's still poisonous quills in the original quillfish. Yeah, they're both poison types. Mm hmm.
So apparently regular pufferfish can and will also suck up seawater in order to inflate themselves. And quillfish can do it instantly, so he's a little bit better than actual pufferfish. Pufferfish will take about

Evolution of Quillfish Design

15 gulps of water to inflate themselves to three times their normal size. And then quillfish can do it
I mean, 2.6 gallons would basically, I would say, triple its size, but it says that they can inflate until they are the size of their opponent, which makes me think of a quillfish trying to intimidate a whale lord.
Like a Gigantamax? Yeah, just like a huge guy. So what you're saying, Peter, is you wouldn't be wrong in saying that this Pokémon sucks. Oh yeah, oh yeah. I mean, I was gonna say that to get the homies riled up, but now it's my favorite Pokémon, so it sucks in a cool way.
Well, it does have a lot of good friends because it is the balloon Pokemon along with Jiffloon, Wigglytuff, Jigglypuff, Iglibuff. All those, all those homies. All those buffs. Yeah, and it is the parallel Pokemon to Remoraid. Yeah, which was surprising to me. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like it doesn't have as many similarities to other
like foil Pokemons in the past, especially because it didn't get an evolution until much later. That was the thing that really, for me, broke it. I was like, I get all the other stuff. Like, this one only appears in this game, and that one only appears in that game. And then the same, they spawn in the same place. Sure, OK. Yeah, but like, yeah, they would be getting evolutions together if they were parallel Pokemons. Exactly. Yeah.
And apparently Quillfish has been in the works for Pokemon for a while. This is one of the first times that Bulbapedia has shared the beta sprites. Did you guys see that? Oh yeah. It did. I liked what we got better.
I did too, but they're also like other than... There's like two sets of beta sprites for this guy, right? So there's puku? Yeah. Which is like, you know, fugu related. It literally is just a different looking sprite. It's just quill fish. And then there is shiburifugu, which is its second evolution, which
What's this Pokemon look like? It's a blobfish with a lightning bullet on its forehead and nipples for eyes. Yeah, I saw that guy and I was like, this has to be a water electric type because the lightning bolt on it said. Yeah. Let me see.
I'm trying to send the thing to you guys, but yeah, it's just, it's fine. I mean, we did not get that second evolution. And I think the Hisuian Overquill is way better than Shibery Fugu.
Yeah. Yeah. And now that I know that

Palworld vs. Pokémon

Quillfish is Voltorb, I know that the design is perfect. Yeah. Actually, can I derail us for just a brief moment? I'd love that. Sure. Okay. Dave and Sarah, I know that you guys were playing recently the Pokemon Killer.
Can you give us like a two minute synopsis on why Pokemon is now dead to us and how we're going to be pivoting to the pal world podcast? No, not to me because I don't like killing the Pokemon. It's cruel and unusual. But I will say that I will be surprised if this game lasts
maybe two months on the internet, because the similarities between their Power World creatures and Pokemon are ridiculous. There are some Power World creatures that are spitting images of Pokemon. But anyway, the idea of the game is like, imagine Pokemon that you beat the shit out of in order to catch them in a Pokeball. It's still, you still have to catch them in a Pokeball. And then, whatever.
But then also imagine a little bit of Fortnite and Animal Crossing because you get to build houses and shit, which is kind of fun. It's mainly a survival game. So it's a survival game. It feels kind of Minecrafty. It's actually very close to the LEGO Fortnite thing.
with kind of like the building and the survival, maybe a little bit of Russ without the third party people fighting you, like other multiplayer. There is multiplayer, we didn't play. Things I will say is that even running it on the wrong hardware, running it on a Mac and having to translate it, it looks infinite times better than Scarlet Violet. Definitely.
infinite times better you can do way more the controls are cool and it's just it's interesting it's a game that i feel like i can spend a lot of time not really collecting the pokemon but doing different things like we built a two-story home it was funny we uh had a fire
that would have to keep us warm at night. You have to eat. You have to keep yourself warm. You have to do all this stuff. But our problem was if you run into the fire, you light on fire. And we set our little cat to go do stuff. But he was so good at running that he would also run through the fire. And catch on fire. Yeah, so he would just be on fires running around screaming. So we would have to catch him back into his ball and then let him go in the ocean so that he wouldn't burn alive.
Uh, when you do beat the Pokemon, it's not gory or gratuitous. Uh, they just get like little swirls over their eyes. Like they got blasted off again. It just doesn't feel right. But also like the items you get from them is like their meat and stuff. So it's like, you know, exactly. But it's enjoyable. It's very different from Pokemon, but it's like if somebody, you know, it's just
It's a survival game, which is big now if you like those. It's interesting. We didn't really get into the exploration because we were really just building a home so that we could survive. You built your two-story house and then you were just, all right, let's watch the Simpsons episode.
Yeah, we had Bartholomew, who was our little chicken, who obviously was just a sprite lifted from Harvest Moon. Kept getting beaten to shreds by grass type Don fan.
Yeah, it was just giant Donphan. We realized that if we built a bunch of campfires under it, we could use what was killing our cat for good. So we like lit it up here. It was pretty silly. It was and you have like Dark Souls roles. So it kind of has that feel of Arceus where the Pokemon are trying to kick your ass too. Oh, and then when you die, you get like the little you died across the screen too, right?
I don't remember. I don't think so. Not really, but it is similar to like the Souls games where you have to go back and get all of your stuff that was in your bag and inventory and things like that. How many Estus Flasks did you guys get? None. We just had to eat the eggs that we got from killing all those chickens. Interesting. But also you can put a little pan and you can make like a sunny side up egg. Delicious. And eat it, yeah. So it was fun.
Uh, if you're like a fan of Pokemon, you, you could skip it. Like if you're just in it because you like Pokemon, but it's more fun as just like a weird survival and exploration game. And it's kind of funny seeing all the stuff that they just lifted. Like I'm pretty positive the treasure chests you find are just re skinned. Uh, like.
Fortnite treasure chests not the main ones but like the the blue ones that make the different noise if you were We're kind of saying we wouldn't be surprised if an AI made this game. Yeah Yeah, and just took whatever was on the internet. I was just like, here's a here's a game. It's impressive and I think it's good that this game came out because Like I know we've said it here it's it's
It's crazy that

Pokémon DLC and Hisuian Return

Scarlet and Violet had a trailer that started off with like, like return to the beautiful world of Haldea. And it starts like, it's just the graphics couldn't make like the stairs on the video. I'm like, that's how you start it. Like the original game couldn't, like the opening cutscene, the textures were off on the legendary. And then you start like a pay us more money and it looks awful.
I actually got a thank you card for my friend's wedding. And within the thank you card he wrote, because I helped him with his living decks. I never get letters in the mail and in this letter it's like,
Yeah, there's no way in hell I'm picking up the Pokémon DLC. That looks like garbage. My living Dex is dead because Scarlet and Violet suck and I was- Oh my goodness. I was kind of happy to get like- But for the low, low price of $30, you too could be the proud owner of a Hasuian quilfish. That's correct. Oh yeah. Bring it back. Bring it back in, Steven. Why is that?
Because, well, despite being an absolutely horrible addition to the main game, pretty much, the DLC does offer you the ability to catch Alolan Pokémon and
All sorts of other Pokémon, including the Hisuian Pokémon Quillfish. I don't think there's any other... I mean, it's still relatively new, and I don't think Quillfish news is hot goss. Everybody was rushing to catch their Quillfishes. Hisuian Quillfish is the only Hisuian Pokémon that can be caught presently outside of the Hisui region.
Yeah, they they are able to grow in the cool environment of the I forget what it's called. Pal. Pal day or the. No, it's the school you go to. It's like the Blueberry Academy living in terrarium. Oh, it's in a terrarium of I was like, that's a weird name for the world terrarium.
Well, the world is a giant terrarium and it's split. It's like a big circle that's split into quarters. And each quarter is like, here's the ice place. Here's the desert place. And then because they have like a tropical area, you get the Alolan Pokemon and, you know, that's why you get all sorts of different Pokemon in this same terrarium place. It's it's again like, you know, Dave, you're saying pal world was how much?
I think it was $30. Even if it was $60, the DLC in Pokemon was $30, and you get this terrarium, sure, but in between dividing it are just these big white blocks. They literally are the cubes in the dev tool in your 3D design thing. It's just the blocks dividing and building up. They're like, oh yeah, here's where the Pokemon Center is. It's just white blocks.
I'm like, you can't even build a building around it. What are you talking about? You can't get the DLC without paying the initial $60 for the full game, correct? Correct. Yeah. So this is a $100 thing. Yeah. And I could overlook a lot in Scarlet and Violet, to be honest, because, you know, it was also.
I don't know. The world was weird back then, so I'm like, I don't know what happened, but I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt. But the DLC, I'm like, come on. Like, Palworld was maybe made by an AI, but I wouldn't be surprised if this DLC was made by AI. Yeah. Like, there's just, I don't know. Again, I felt like the second part of the DLC was improving significantly, but it's just, it was not, it wasn't enough. How are the Waifus and Husbandas?
Um, I didn't like the new main characters they added. But in the second DLC, I think your teachers come back and there's some there's some, you know, teachers. Yeah, the teachers were nice. I like the teachers.

Pokémon Game Mechanics and Arceus

Cooking teacher. He's a handsome dude. Yeah, I think my half a teacher. Yeah.
My takeaway boyfriend from Scarlet and Violet was, what was his name? Arvin? Oh, yes. Professor's son. Yeah. He was just the right amount of edgy that I liked him.
there's a scene loved he loved his his poke so much and that was so sweet yeah there's a scene where though it's you know spoilers to anybody who hasn't played the end game of scarlet and violet but where you're finally like descending into area zero and everybody's hopping on the uh legendary pokemon as it
is gonna glide down and like you're kind of the last to jump on and Arvin in this cutscene like grabs you by the hips and like slabs you down on the Pokemon and I'm like, ooh, Arvin, what are you doing? It's just, I don't know, if you ever played again, take a watch because Arvin really is grabbing your hips. It's getting a little too close for comfort.
Love that for him. Love that for us. Yes. I've got some interesting names. Hit us with the names. This Pokemon in Japanese is Harrison.
name is Harrison in Japanese. That is so cute. If I ever get a quillfish now, I'm going to name it Harrison. I'm going to name it Mrs. Puff. Harrison is coming from the word Harrisonbun, which means porcupine fish in Japanese.
And in this particular case, too, Harrison, the Sen means thousand. So it's basically translating to like thousand needles, its name, but it's pronounced Harrison. That sounds like a cactuar from Final Fantasy. I thought the same thing. I was like, I wonder if the cactuars are named Harrison too.
But the German name is the only other unique name. French took the same English name. German name is Baldurfisch. And it comes from balloon, a dorm, which is a needle. It's kind of like a needle used in, like,
making threads and stuff you kind of like wrap thread around it but um but yeah it's like the balloon um needle fish that's actually how you guys have you guys played belters fish three uh yeah i have have you yeah i did i didn't finish my character's name is girth canal
I started and I haven't finished. I'm halfway through the first act, so I'm not very far at all. I don't have a system on which to play it. You have my old computer.
No, I'm taking a short break from video games. I'm going to come back to it at a different time. Yeah, that's fair. Tough but fair.
Yeah, I just, I don't know. I could buy a PS5 and then I could buy a whole bunch of games for it. And then I could, you know, spend all that money or I could wait and maybe buy it later. So I'm going to do that. But how are you going to get, um,

Quillfish's Cultural Names

how are you going to romance Asterion with not playing video games? I know I want to so bad.
I want to be in on it all. I'm like reading the threads and they're like, what's the most amazing thing you've done in this game? And I'm like, I don't know what any of you are talking about. I don't know who these people are. I don't know what these words mean.
But that was the thing too, like with Game of Thrones, it's like when you don't start it, you have no context, so people can say whatever and you won't remember a fucking word. As soon as you start to know who the characters are, that's when the spoilers hate you. So I'm like, I have no problem coming to this later. It'll be around.
And it's like asking a Dragon Ball Z, it's somebody who doesn't watch Dragon Ball Z, what the difference between Goku and Kakarot is. Once you step beyond the veil, there's no going back. Yeah. Well, anyway, I don't know who I'm going to romance yet, but, uh, Asterion looks pretty nice. I just heard you can maybe have sex with a bear. Um,
Oh yeah, you can probably have sex with a bear. Like an actual bear? No, oh, with an actual bear? No, this is a druid who's... Yes, a druid who can become a bear, right? Yeah, yeah. So they're in their wild shape. The only person that has flirted back with me is Satan. Like, Satan shows up and then they were like, I mean, I'm doing bad stuff to your friend, but like,
All right. And then they're like, actually, no, why am I doing this? I got to go. And I was like, oh, man. I think you could have sex with a tentacle monster, too. Oh, that's going to be fun. That's right up Girth Canal's alley. Yeah. But, uh, yeah, so one, one thing about this Pokemon. Do we have anything else to say about this Pokemon?
only thing I was going to say is, uh, sitting cutie is, uh, gonna, I don't know, to me again, it gives stinker energy. It's a little bit stinker energy. Yeah. It actually looks like it's displeased with its own smell. Yeah. Right. Like it just looks like uncomfortable. But I will say it does do a good sit.
Oh, yeah. Lots of needles to, you know, keep it level. Very good. Is this the only one that on the Pokemon Center, they have a photo of it like outdoors? Are you guys seeing this? Yeah, a little ledge there. It's a little snapshot. It looks cute. There's another one of it just like on a stick in the middle of the water. You know, I was saying this to

Quillfish in Competitive Play

Dave earlier, but Quillfish is somebody's favorite Pokemon out there. I know, it peters now. Yeah.
But like really? Yeah. Yeah. Like really? Really? It's Peter's. He's up there. I mean, he jumped from number 900 to probably closer to, you know, 20s or 30s. Oh, wow. That high. Damn. Good on you, coil fish. Yeah. I mean, the sitting cutie sold out. That's impressive. Yeah.
Um, baby shoes posted. I love Quillfish as a Pokemon, one of the coolest water types. I am. Oh, I remember it was one of the best UU leads in gen four had one on my most successful team. It always managed to get a couple layers of spikes up and would end up blowing something up pretty often to LOL. I just wish they didn't nerf explosion. I'm you and me. Yeah. I'm with you.
Yeah, I was surprised to find out how good Quillfish was in the UU meta game for several generations running. Baby shoes never used because they fucking blew them up. Yeah, that's cool. I kind of like the idea of water
Voltorb. I mean, explosion and putting down spikes. It's just the moves make too much sense for the Pokemon where that doesn't happen all the time. Well, there'll be like a Pokemon, it's like double kick and it's like, bitch, you ain't got no legs. It's got spikes, it does water gun and it explodes. That's right on the money where it needs to be.
Apparently its move pool has always been really deadly. It learns a lot of the things that make a Pokemon good in the hands of somebody who knows what they're doing.
Kid me is all attack moves all gas no breaks, but this is the type of Pokemon that requires finesse like using haze toxic taunts Like

Quillfish's Environmental Impact

risking it on a hot cheeky hydro pump instead of like going for like a hydro pump
Yeah. You know, all of those, like, moves that, like, Destiny bonds, all those moves that you're a real stinker for using, and you need to, like, read your opponent in the play that's coming up, and I'll never be good at that, so...
Also, pro tip for all you people who are catching quillfish out there. Expert fishermen say that the best time to catch a quillfish is after they're rendered defenseless when they've already launched their spikes. So provoke them, make them fire their quills, and then go for the moment. Yeah.
Just like a man is most vulnerable post-ejaculation. That's what they say. They do say though that Hisui and quillfish are despised by fishermen because of its poison, wreaking havoc in the seas it lives in. So I wonder if it's like the same idea of like when you cut one open, if it like kind of infects everything around it. Probably. I mean, I have to stress,
how poisonous pufferfish are and how quickly they'll shut down your nervous system. So just try not to, try not to die. Just avoid them. I know we mentioned that they're poison type, but I don't think that we mentioned that they're both dual type, but different types. So the regular quillfish is water poison and then his suey quillfish is dark poison. Yeah.

Pokémon Arceus: Innovation Praise

poison type is really good defensively. The water poison, of course, is your tentacles of the world. So cool stuff. And I think, are we ready to level up while knowing the move Barb Barrage as long as we are from the Hisui region? That's correct.
No, that's the Scarlet Violet. The Hisuis, you gotta be in the strong style. Oh, really?
Yeah, you got to. So in Pokemon Arceus, you have to use barber rush 20 times in the strong style in order to evolve to over quill. Oh boy, that's annoying. Yeah, try to figure that one out. You're gonna have to explain to me what the strong style is.
So in Pokemon Arceus, which is a phenomenal game. And if you're thinking of playing Palworld or Scarlet and Violet, I highly encourage you to instead play Arceus. It doesn't look better, but it plays so fun. It's so, so fun. But there you can actually kind of train your Pokemon into different styles, the strong style and the agile style, I think.
And it basically you can use your move. And if you do the strong style, I think it gives you more attack, but you don't attack again as quickly, I think, because turn order is also different in Arceus. OK. Like Pokemon can attack multiple multiple times in a row.
Levels are different in Arceus. Stats are different in Arceus. The whole mechanics of Pokémon is way different in Arceus. It's really fun.
Yeah, all the status conditions are slightly different too, right? Yep. The way the Pokedex works is different. You have to catch the Pokemon multiple times in order to unlock more things and fully fill out the decks. Catching the Pokemon once is not enough to complete it in your decks. And then using certain moves, certain amount of time, stuff like that also adds to your decks and progresses the game.
Yep. You get really large ones or really small ones. So you can have like a Bulbasaur that's bigger than like a Machoke. A Bulbasaur? Yeah. The people in the town have like issues that need solving by specific Pokemon. So you need to be like, hmm, they have an issue where like,
they need to have their field wooded. Oh, I caught this Pokémon. That works. And you give it to them and they're like, oh, thanks. We love this Pokémon. And sometimes it just comes down to like, they need to know the specific move. They need to be this specific type of Pokémon. Sometimes it's like a riddle. Like it's Arceus is just amazing. Yeah. Play it,

Introducing Overquill

please. Ten out of ten. Yeah. Hands down, one of the best to come out in a long time. But not really for Overquill. That's
I mean, Overquill's okay. Overquill, now that we're Overquill. Overquill is just like the elder punk rock person you see at a concert. Yeah, this is Pokemon 904. This is the pin cluster Pokemon. Yes, although, sorry, I just finished a rant. I'm going into one again.
Um, so they did say that the category is different in Japanese, but they didn't tell me what it was. So I, I had to really do some sleuthing. Um, and I figured it out. The Japanese category is, um, the, um, 10,000 needles. No, that's its name. Um, it's the category is the Kenzen Pokemon and Kenzen.
in Japanese is a tool that is used in ekibana, which is flower arranging. And it's this little pin cushion that you put at the bottom of the vase that you can stick the plants into so that they hold their shape in the vase. So it's kind of like a pin cushion, but slightly different connotation in Japanese where it's like,
I think the other name they called it is a spiky frog, because that's all kind of what it looks like. That makes sense. Yeah. One thing about this that you guys explained, but I was so confused about is they say that the Hisuian ones get their poison by eating poison, but they also make poison.
Yeah, so this might be a reference to the fact that pufferfish don't produce their own poison, but the bacteria off of the things they eat makes poison within them. So I just wrote down, does that mean that it would be like, Dave makes piss, but only drinks piss? I'm like, I cannot sustain myself on piss alone. No man can. No man can, but quillfish.
Bear Grylls was the closest. Yeah. Over Quill. Piss Champ. Yeah. It says his diet consists of poison. Yeah. Slurps on poison for nourishment. So you gotta be aware that he's not just eating, he's slurping it up. What a sea fiend. Yeah.
Well, he's called a sea fiend because he's got a real short temper, so he's a big stinker. He's got a little stinker. This guy's a big stinker. Also because he's eight feet, two inches, and 133 pounds. Could you imagine seeing a puffer fish that big? Yeah, that's probably his resting weight too. That's flaccid. Yeah. Yeah. Flaccid. Rock hard. That baby, wait, three times? Yeah, three times. Shit.
Oh my god, I can't get out. That is such an appropriate use of the term flaccid. 24 feet, 6 inches, hard? Yeah. That's a grower. That's a turgimon right there. I used the word flummoxed the other day and nobody knew what I was saying. Could you use it in a sentence? I was very flummoxed that nobody knew the word flummoxed.
I don't know the word flummoxed. It's confused, right? With the will-durd. Yeah. So, word of the day is... Flummoxed. What was it? Engorged, erect, flummoxed, and turgid, flaccid, yeah. Those are our words of the day, every day.
Yeah, this over-quill, it's got big brother energy, just a big spiky quill fish with a short temper. And when over-quill falls asleep, you're still not safe because if you get close enough, the quills will react even when it's sleeping and shoot out and stab you.
Probably kill you, so. To death. Yeah, kill you to death. And those are needles that can't be removed because they have barbs on the end of them. Oh my goodness. Can you imagine? Oh, I hate seeing pictures of animals that have been porcupines, so.
Oh my gosh, homeward bound. Yeah. That poor dog got hit in the face with the porcupine needles. Yeah. There's some cactuses too though that are like so prickly that if you try to remove them, they just get stuck on another part of your body. Yeah. Happens. Good times, good times. Yeah. Don't get near anything spiky ever.
Unless it's your friend. Oh yeah. Or a cool haircut. Yeah. Good. Your frosted tips, friends. Yeah. Your good friend Harriman. Yeah. That's, uh, that's Quillfish's Japanese name, Harriman. I thought you said Harrison. Harrison for Quillfish. Quillfish over Quill, sorry, is, uh, Harriman. Okay. Um, and in this connotation, the muh,
replaces the Suh because- Oh, that's funny. So you could summon nuts. Hey, got him. Take that Pokemon. I got him. Take that all of Japan. All right. As you were saying. So Sen means thousand and man means 10,000 or myriad.
So technically, Harriman is 10,000 needles. Damn! Man. There's so many needles. I called it, and that's also Final Fantasy, so... Also a cactuar, yep. Yeah. Good old Harriman. German name is Myriador. From Myriad and Dorn, which again we said was the needle. And then French name is Quilpic. Nice. Which is like cuter, I think.
I think so. I think I need something more over quill. Sounds I love the name. I do have to give them that. The name is amazing. It is. Yeah. Yeah. 10 out of 10. I agree. Oh, did you guys spell quill fish wrong? Yeah. Of course I did. Yeah. You know, they do. Yes. I spelled it. I was close. I spelled it with two L's, though.
Was very oh my god, wait, I just noticed there's no you in it. Yeah. Oh my god. Okay, so so listeners quillfish

Quillfish Wordplay and Trivia

is spelled q w i l f is h Yeah, I I just noticed right now. There's no you next to the queue. Yeah Yeah, they're being edgy
Wheel. Wheel. It's the one thing in Scrabble where you can do a Q word that's not with a U after it. Yeah, if you're playing Pokemon Scrabble, that is. Is there any other way to play? That should exist. That would be very cool. That would be very cool. I mean, it would exist. Just play, yeah. Pokemon. We should play that.
We should actually, although I think we would not have enough letters. We need like two Scrabble boys. Also, we would spell them all incorrectly. Oh, absolutely. Did anybody ever get Snubble right? No, I still spell it wrong. Well, there is other games. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. Everybody's telling me. I got you had the two to the end.
Oh, man. Good. That's why you're the smartest man. A fee. This is a fun game, Scrabble. But are there any other games we could play? Before you do that, and because you mentioned Manaphy, I do want to just briefly mention the brilliant dining shine, brilliant diamond shining pearl. Yeah. BDSP reference to over quill.
If you go to the Canaleave Library in BDSP, you can read a book called The Sea's Legend, which says, once upon a time in the East Sea, there was a Pokémon known as the Prince. A brave human asked Pokémon living in the sea to let them see the Prince. Mantyke, Buizel, and a quillfish with huge spikes acknowledged the human's bravery and joined them.
Together, they set off in a boat over the sunset-streaked sea, sailing through the ocean gate stretched over the waves. News of this reached the ears of the prince, who went to meet the brave little party at the seaside hollow. And if you do exactly that and bring that team to Legends Arceus, you will meet Manaphy at the seaside hollow. Whoa, that's cool. What a journey.
Yeah, so Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl alluded to Quillfish's evolution before the official announcement of OverQuill. Interesting. That's just a little neat. It's a shame nobody ever played that game. It's a shame they can't read. Well, I did hear rumors, actually, that they're going to be making a remake of, what was it, Gold?
and silver, heart gold and soul silver. They're gonna make it in another gen two remake. That'd be cool. I think they're doing a remake of something I think before the switch gets phased out. If they did like a like a let's go Eevee version of gold and silver, I would be great. Yeah. Yeah. But it looks like they might do black and white, but we'll see. We'll see the switcher for the new console.
Who knows? I'm for both, so. Yeah. Yeah. Both of them are good generations. So are we ready now? You play some games? Yeah, I'm horny.
Let's do it. I was flaccid, but now I am a wreck. Oh, we're doing mine first? I don't, I don't remember. Well, it sounds like Peter needs to be relieved. I need to be relieved unless you need to scramble together your, uh, your buddies. Let's do it. Uh, so this game is called, are you going to fuck? It is a game where I will give you four different Pokemon. You will tell me which one if paired in the daycare.
with Quillfish will not produce an egg. This one should be easy. There were spoilers on Bulbapedia. Let's see who remembers. So here are our four Pokemon. Tentacool, Goldeen, Magikarp, and Sharpedo. Someone just got off of aim. Yeah, somebody did. Can you repeat that?
Tentacool, Goldeen, Magikarp, and Sharpedo. Oh, it's Tentacool. Yeah. I'm going to say Tentacool as well. And why would you guys say that? Because Peter did. Because Quillfish is the only water poison type in the water to egg subgroup. That is correct, which is why I put a poison one in there.
It is Water 3, congratulations to everybody.
Well, I have to be honest, I started reading it and I was like, I think that this is probably something related to breeding and my eyes glazed over it. So I read it. I read it. I wrote it in my notes and I still didn't register that that could. I was just like, well, the other ones are all like fish. So I know in the past, too, Dave, you've said that fish
all usually go in the same category. Yeah, one or two. Three is like all the wild ones, like the random ass things like the the gooey stuff. And one is like like your squirrels and stuff. But yeah, you're you're turtles and you're ducks and stuff. That's right. That's right. All right. Our game types of things. Yeah. Sorry, Sarah, for forgetting the order in which the games progress.
Are you flaccid now? I'm flaccid now. Okay, very good. Now we can move on to the trading card game, where the three gentlemen here will guess how many cards Quillfish and Overquill appear in the trading card game. So let's start with our buddy Quillfish. How

Podcast Conclusion

many cards? 17. 12. I'm going low. 14.
We have a tie, but it's okay because I have a tiebreaker. So, Dave and Steven, you're tied. How? The answer is 13. Then he wins. No, you said 12 and he said 14. Oh, I meant the other way, yeah. So, tiebreaker, how many of the 13 cards are Hisui and Quilfish? That's what I was gonna say, fine, two.
All right, Dave, you win. It's two. Hey, I meant two. I was right the whole time. Hooray. Cool, cool, cool. All right. And now I'm moving on to Over Quell. How many Over Quell cards do we have? Two. One. Three. Peter, you're the winner. Two. Hey. All right. What a fun time to be here.
Yeah. Talk about this fish. Talk about Harrison and Harrowmont. My two hairy mons. Yeah. Hairy mons. Spiky mons.
Well, listeners, I hope you're having a turgid and flaccid day. Thank you so much for listening to us. Thank you to Carl Jerm for the theme music. Go kiss him if you see him in the streets. We have social media. You can find us on the Instagrams. And what happens if you have to poop but only the gas comes out?