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Anna Kendrick's b00bz image

Anna Kendrick's b00bz

S1 E13 ยท Headed Weast
34 Plays1 year ago

New Rear's Resolutions and a disney princess


Return to 2024 and Nostalgia

Okay, all right, you know we might be we might be 2024 we might be back a little bit
Uh, it's been so long since I heard that. Yeah, it really has, but it's going to crack, crack some up in here. Fuck. What? I should have saved that for right now. I, I already made my little mixy. I'm Jerry. You're going mixy. Yeah.
You know, that's not a bad call. The mountains weren't blue, so I couldn't, uh, by the laws of nature, drink them. I gotta wait. You know? Yeah, no, that's an unwritten rule. Yeah. You have, otherwise it's like just drinking piss. And I don't like the taste. I'm not Patches O'Hooland.
but it's sterile and I like the taste. Exactly. Exactly.

New Year's Resolutions and Consistency

Well, hello everyone. Welcome. Welcome to 2024 headed. Uh, I mean, I'm happy to be back. Are you happy to be back? I'm thrilled. Yeah, which is beautiful. Quite whimsical.
That's, that shouldn't be the nature of this pod, but you know, we, we'll, we'll get, you know, a little bit more consistency going for the people. Yeah, that's got it. Right. That's, that was actually my new year's resolution. I was just going to say mine too. That's crazy. Cause my first one was consistency. And my second one was to last longer than 12 seconds in bed. Dude, 12 seconds.
Yeah, that's like, that's like a millennium. How many times can you get in there like six? Yeah, no, that's the thing. I'm not a duration guy. But like, I'd say I'd probably average more pumps per minute than the most than than the average guy. You're like speedy Gonzalez in there. Yeah, last time I checked, I think I ran like a
Oh, I said it was like a 18 second 40 pump dash. Dude. Oh my God. That's over two pumps per second. Right. Yeah. Holy shit. You're a freak of nature. They call me Jusane Bolt.

Hanukkah Traditions and Menorah Symbolism

That's, that's a good one. Do you get it? Cause I'm Jewish and I'm quick. I like that one.
How was your Hanukkah? By the way, you know, I haven't asked you. Yeah. I mean, the last time we did this podcast was, was that before Hanukkah 2022? You know, I think it, I think it was, I think it was before your birthday. Excuse me. Yeah. No, lots of, lots of change since we last did this Luke Lucas. Yeah. My Hanukkah was good. Um, I lit my menorah every night.
And I said a prayer. What does the menorah do? Does it like keep you safe or something? The menorah, it's symbolic. So the story of Hanukkah basically says that they had these candles that stayed lit for eight days and eight nights. Yeah. And it was a miracle because a typical candle that you would get from like
Pottery Barn? That's only gonna last you like, if it's running 24-7, it'll probably last you like maybe a day and a half. Dude, is Pottery Barn even a real place anymore? That's a good question. I don't remember the last time I've seen one. Yeah, I haven't seen one in a while. But I thought you like light those candles and they keep your children safe from Stephen Hawking or something like that.

Instagram Fame and Workplace Humor

That, um, that used to be it, but I'm pretty sure he's dead now, isn't he? Yeah, but I mean, come on, Jack, you're never safe from Steven. That's true. A lot of people were shocked to see my name on that report. Um, whoa, whoa, whoa, Jack, were you like, was it a connecting flight? Cause you got to explain yourself here.
I wasn't one of the adults on the island, if that's what you're insinuating. Do you need somebody to talk to? I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. Okay. Okay. Let's move on. People were pretty shocked. Once they saw that, I promise you, I got five more Instagram followers. Oh, wow. That's pretty good. It's been a crazy week. I think that's worth it for five.
Yeah, my ad revenue is just shot through the roof. It's been good. I was able to buy myself the extra nice water bottle today at work. Is it branded by your company? No, no, which is kind of fucked up because they don't even give us water. What? I have to buy my own water. I have to buy my own health insurance. I have to buy my own water.
That's fucked. Corporate America. It's so, they didn't prepare me for that. They never prepared me. They just taught me like what the Mesopotamians did, you know? And who the fuck even are they? I can't remember. Yeah. But if, I'm sure if we were around, when they were around, we'd probably be like the smartest people there.
I'd probably be like, hey, you go do this. You go do this. And they'd be like, no, I think he's right. I should go do that. I could show them like a Baja blast and they might have an aneurysm on the spot. Yeah, like, yeah, no, I know. I know what you're saying. I'm just trying to kill him. Right.
You have to be careful. So like, okay, that's

Time Travel Jokes and Historical Figures

another thing. If you were like to time travel and you were going to go back to, let's say like 1800s Britain. 1800s Britain. Is that like when Napoleon was there? I thought Napoleon was closer to our boy Christopher Colombo. Oh, 1492 baby. Yeah. The oceans were blue.
They were now they're not anymore. Because of pollution. Sad. There's an island in the ocean that's literally just trash. Trash land. I would actually like to go there. Is it called trash land? I think it's called the garbage island. Oh, it's a great garbage patch. That's what it's called. Here's the thing. Do you think in
If you don't think so, then I have another alternative method. But do you think that we could land a plane on the garbage patch and like go vacation there? Just like for a week of absolute like downright buffoonery, you know, we're going to get rinsed on the garbage patch. You think we can land a plane? I have a few things to say.
Yeah. First off, I saw this TikTok video talking about it, and there's an indigenous colony on there. No way. They're going to kill you if you try to go under their island. On the garbage island. I don't know what island it was, but it looked pretty garbage. Oh, so this could be just a different garbage island? Could be. I don't know.
I'm talking about the Texas garbage island. Is it the size of Texas? There's one that's the size of Texas. Look at me. I'm Texas. I was going to go in a completely different direction with that, but you know. Oh, and the other thing was like, if we did go like spend a week on the, on that island,
Maybe just like two days, maybe it's like Vegas. If I brought Febreze, would that help? You could take a bath in cologne before and that'll seep into your skin so much so that you, it'll fry your nostrils and you'll be fine. That's not a bad idea. And I think that also could help with the ozone. I think so. I think you'd be doing a favor for the earth.
Have you ever thought like, Hey, I could probably save the earth. Was that whatever crossed your mind? Yeah. Like,

Geographical Humor and Saving Earth

like, what do you, what do you mean to save it? Like, um, that was a pretty good one. What do you mean by save? Well, it's dying dude.
It's like it's like I could give their CPR basically is what I'm saying. Oh, dude. Yeah, we just got to find Earth's mouth hole. And if we can find that we if we can find the mouth hole, then we can find some other things too. Desserts have a butthole. Dude, Earth's got a butthole for sure.
Okay, but where is it? Like, is it in like, Mesopotamia? Don't say it. Wait, what do you think I was gonna say? What did you say? I said Mesopotamia. Oh, dude, it's totally in Mesopotamia. That's why they settled there. No, what do you think I was gonna say? I thought you were gonna say, like, Kenya. Oh. What's that one place that doesn't have any food?
Can you? No, it's, oh, Ethiopia. Oh, the either novians. Yo, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, cut it, cut it out. I don't know if you can say that these days. Is that cancelled? Can you get cancelled? Probably. You can get cancelled for anything at this point.
You know, I could go outside with no pants or underwear, get canceled just like that for no reason. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. That was great timing. Is it still going? It went about six or seven times. You know what that means. It's time for Jack's joke of the week.

Credible Hulk and Fact-backed Rage

Oh boy. I'm ready.
Are you? I don't know if you are ready. No, I'm ready. Okay. Who said this quote? You wouldn't like me when I'm angry because I always back up my rage with facts and documented sources. Oh God. Oh, how is this going to go into a joke?
Was this like, was this like Greta Thurnberg or something? No, I'm going to repeat it one more time. Okay. So who said this phrase? You wouldn't like me when I'm angry because I always back up my rage with facts and documented sources. Rage. I'm just thinking of the Hulk right now. That's all I can think of. And it's kind of like clouding my mind.
Do you want me to tell you who it is? Yeah, can you tell me? The Credible Hulk. Oh, dude, I wasn't halfway there. Yeah, you were. You were right there. Oh, my God. Damn it, Luke. I should have thought incredible, but nobody thinks the incredible these days is credible. It's the Credible Hulk.
I know. Well, no, I know. But if I thought incredible, then maybe I would have made the connection. Right. Oh, he's credible. Right. Because he has documents. He has read. Have you seen that South part? I have a less PG joke. If you want to hear it. Yeah. Okay. How do boobs get around? Okay. Okay. Okay. Let me think of boob related things.
You got- Just think about some boobs. I think that'll help. Oh, I'm thinking about boobs. I'm always thinking about boobs. Whose boobs are you thinking about right now? Oh, I can't say. Oh, okay. Madeline Klein. Those are okay. Dude, those are some fantastic boobs. I'd say they're fantastic boobs. I've seen better boobs. Whose boobs would you be thinking of? Anna Kendrick.
Those are great boobs, but those are not better boobs than Madeline Klein. Anna Kendrick is hot for a different reason. I would completely disagree. Anna Kendrick is hot because her face just has something to it and she has a shape. I think we need a third party opinion. Okay. Who you got? Mason? Yeah. Hey, Mr. May, you know who Madeline Klein is?
On a scale from one to 10, what would you give her boobs? A seven. He said seven. Seven? Yeah. Okay, now ask him about Anna Kendrick. Hey, May. Yeah. You know Anna Kendrick? Yeah. On a scale from one to 10, what would you rate your boobs? An eight. He said an eight. What? Wait, I got to look up pictures now. Dude, are you kidding? Maybe there's like an iconic... No, look up Anna Kendrick doing the cup song.
Okay. And then just go to images. Oh, yeah. But yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. That's fantastic. Okay. But here's the thing. No, no, I don't want to hear the thing. No, I'm not. I'm not. I haven't even looked at Madeline Klein yet. I'm just making a comment here right now. I'm just making an observation. Okay. Yeah. They filmed this.
with the intention of showing off her boobs in this scene. You can't deny that. That's all Hollywood ever does, dude. I'm not disagreeing. I'm just saying this scene, Anna Kendrick's not the star of this scene. It's her boobs. I would argue that her boobs are a part of her. Did I just look up Anna Kendrick boobs?
Yeah. No, see what comes out. That's like. Oh, okay. Wait, wait. That's a total like fifth grader Google search Anna Kendrick boobs. Which is on the mom's iPad and they're searching up big, big, big boob, big boobs, big boob girls kissing. Yeah. Big boobs. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I'm looking at, um,
I'm looking at Madeline Klein now and you are correct. I was, I was overthinking her boobs. Madeline Klein is hot for many other reasons, including her boobs. But you are correct. Yeah. I would give Anna Kendrick the boob edge here. I admit defeat. Okay. Let me think of a different pair of boobs then. What was the joke again?
Oh yeah, it was how do boobs get around? Okay. Do you want to know the answer? No, because I haven't even thought about the answer yet. I need to, I need to, because whenever I say it, let me think about boobs, then you start thinking about boobs and then you just forget that there was even a joke in the first place.

Humor on Movement with a Punchline

No, I'm, I'm, I'm, I just want to get the answer off my chest.
That was pretty good. Thanks. Did you like that? Yeah, that was really good. Okay. This is clever. Do you want to know the answer now? Yeah. By motorboat. Shit! Yeah, you should have got that. These are two you should have gotten. To be fair, you gave me no time. You made me think about ladies boobs and then wouldn't let me formulate my own thoughts on the joke.
I'm doing trivia. Do you want to do a trivia section?

Trivia Game Introduction and Banter

Yeah. Okay. Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to ask you a question. And if you get it right, then we switch turns and then it's no, if you get it right, then we'll give you a applause. And if you get it wrong, you have to drink. Okay, I'm going to need a new drink for that.
You don't have one next to you? I just finished it. It's been 20 minutes. Are you stupid or are you just dumb? The drinks were cooling in the fridge, Jack. We talked about this. It's the laws of physics. The mountains weren't blue. All right, I'm gonna just go get a new drink quick and I'll entertain them with my jokes. Okay, I'll be back in 45 seconds. Okay, here we go.
Did you hear about the plan to prohibit the use of Roman numerals? I, for one, think it's a terrible idea. I used to be addicted to masturbation, but now I'm addicted to sex. You could say my addiction's getting out of hand. What kind of shoes do kidnappers wear?
white vans, but um, wow, those were all three, like pretty good. What do you call a restaurant that only sells beans? A gas station, but um, those are all, did you just look those up online?
What does a doctor do when he gets frustrated? I fucking hate you. He loses patience, but um... Did you hear that? Yeah, I heard that. Nice. Are you ready? I'm opening it like a can of beans, dude. Oh, and then on your phone, pull up some trivia questions. Okay, one sec, one sec. Ooh, I'm drinking socket now. Here's another one. I stole a board game the other day. Turns out I'm a risk taker, but um, it's...
I know my insurance quote got sake all over it. That's okay. Hopefully that doesn't matter. Growing up, I never thought I would hear you say that sentence ever. My insurance just got sake on it. Okay. No. Okay. Let's go. Let's go. Are you ready?
Oh, that's bad. Um, yeah, I'm ready. I just, you sent me this gift and I haven't taken my eyes off of it for the past two minutes. I've come to it twice during this podcast. I don't blame you. Yeah. Ready? Yeah. What is the name of the biggest technology company in South Korea? Samsung.
Ding, ding, ding. You're right. Thank you. Thank you. Does that mean you have to drink? Uh, sure. All right. You asked me one now. Okay. Did you just look up trivia? Yeah, I just looked up trivia questions and then clicked a website. Okay. Um, shit. How long is an Olympic swimming pool? 50 meters. Shit.
You're right. Drink now? Yeah. What is the most consumed manufactured drink in the world? What does manufactured mean? Just don't stress about that. What's the most consumed drink in the world? Alcohol or all inclusive? It's all inclusive. I'm going to say
Coke. The correct answer was T. Fuck. Drink. What? That's some bullshit. Alright, you wanna play that way? Yeah, I'll play that way, you little bitch. You little bitch. How many languages?
are written from right to left. Two. The correct answer is 12. Oh yeah, list them. I can't, it just says 12. I'm assuming it's like Hebrew, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese,
There's probably a few Middle Eastern languages that are written. Yeah. Okay. I have to drink. When Walt Disney was a child, which character did he play in his school function? What the fuck? I'll give you a hint. It's a Disney character. Mickey Mouse.
Why would he play Mickey Mouse? I don't know. It's a human role, I'll give you that. It's a human Disney male role, yes. In his school function? Yeah, he was turning up at the school function. How does this make sense? Because he founded Disney, so how was Disney a thing when he was in school?
It maybe it wasn't maybe this character was a thing before Disney and then he brought it to Disney Shit, dude, you're fucking smart as hell Human Disney characters who's a human Disney character? Dude, this is terrible. We only have so much time No, sorry
The correct answer was Peter Pan. Oh, wouldn't have got that. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I drank a drink. I'm going to give you one that's a little easier, you know, that you can get this, but it might trip you up if you're just like being stupid. Okay. It probably won't. It probably won't. Yeah. What is the name of the world's largest ocean?
the Pacific Ocean. Did you just fucking look that up? No, I had to think about it. Am I right? You are correct. Wonderful. Not including Great Britain. A majority of adults have how many permanent teeth? Let's go with
The Great Britain part was a joke. Oh, just because they have bad teeth. Because they have bad teeth, yeah. It's Tuesday. It's Tuesday. I'm going to say- Fancy ship. Sorry. Wait, like permanent fake teeth? Sorry, what was the question? Adults have how many permanent teeth? Like original teeth. Mm-hmm.
Uh, stop counting them in your mouth right now. 24. No, it's 32. Sorry. The correct answer was 32. Oh my God. You're on the same website as me. Really? I just found them. What is the most consumed manufacturer drink of the world?
No, I've been on three different websites so far, so. Okay. Okay. Ready? Ready for this one? Yeah, I'm ready. How long is New Zealand's 90 mile beach? I know this. I think I know this. Is it 48 miles? No, it's 55. Oh, shit. None of that makes sense.
No, but I've seen that question before. Damn it. Holy shit. This one's a good one. Charge. You know what that means. It's time for our next segment. Yeah.

Predicting 2024 Trends

Brought to you by Luke Begin. What can you put in your head?
What's the, what, what segment did you prepare for us today? Oh boy, gee golly. Do I have a segment for you? This is called welcome to 2024. And we're going to try and predict the trends, the ins in the outs, you know,
From 2024 what's going to be out and in 2024 what's going to be in? Do you know what I like to say? New year, new me, right? I'm so ready to just be a new me. Yeah. Yeah, like so much so that you could be reincarnated into a new you.
yeah because i'm so done with this me yeah me too dude me too what's that song like this is real this is me this is i think that's a disney song no it's not and maybe from like a disney is this sorry
No, wait, you go first. You go first. This is on my mind. I just got to get it off after. Dude, every time you say a sentence, it just sparks a new song. Because you're in my mind, in my head. My fucking brain is all over the place right now.
My brain works nothing like that because you're so good at putting song lyrics and names and artists and bands together. And we've played these games before. I'm so shit at it, like horrible. A song I could love, I won't know the name or the artist, you know? Yeah. Yeah. No, I know. Except for Fred again, just because you hear his name all the time.
because Fred is autistic and I'm a little bit acoustic. So like, you know, if you hear his name once, you're going to hear it again, again, again, again, again. Anyway, anyway, can I say what I was thinking? Yeah. Did you know, also I'm going to have to send you a TikTok that's just triggered another thing.

Bridget Mendler's Astrophysics Revelation

Did you know that
Bridget Menler, the, the girl. Good luck Charlie. Charlie. I'm familiar. Has a PhD in astrophysics and went to MIT and is now working for NASA. This feels like one of those, I saw it on puberty's Instagram and I believe it.
No, dude, dude, this is for you. You've researched this and it's like, I've looked it up. I've looked it up. And on top of that, she also has songs on iTunes. They're not great. You know that they are songs. She was probably the cringiest Disney character of our generation. But I loved her.
She was making terrible movie lemonade mouse. You remember that? That was that was probably the worst Disney Channel original they ever made. No, no camp rock was way worse. Oh, okay. Yeah. But that was a huge characters. Wasn't it? Camp rock. Yeah, that was bad. But lemonade mouth was a was a close second.
Yeah, hold on. I just want a quick shout out. He's back in America. He's probably listening to this episode. The only true dedicated fan that this podcast has ever seen. Mr. Bameron Bone. Thanks for tuning in, supporting the pod. Really. I mean, that's why we came back today. We were talking about Rick. I wonder how Bameron's doing.
He's eating a lot of sandwiches. Great account. Fantastic reviews. Great reviews. This podcast is brought to you by It's a Sandwich.
You're out. They, they got the money to sponsor us. That's pretty good. But I've brought you, but it's a sandwich. Your one-stop shop for sandwich reviews. Can I read you, Bridgett Menler's, um, her education history? Yeah, but hold on. I need to, I need to, it's, it's a sandwich.
ISSA underscore sandwich. It's a sandwich proud sponsor of headed. That was beautiful. Thanks. Uh, you guys can, by the way, you guys can use that on your Instagram. If you want, you can plug that snippet.
You should use that clip. You really should. I think you should really use the socials. Post it to your social. Post. Okay. Ready for this? Post it. Post the ad read. Post it.
That was lovely. Sorry. Okay. Are you ready for your mind to be blown? Where'd you go to high school? High school. I don't, I don't give a fuck about. What do you mean? It's like the most important part of a child's education. It's high school. Yeah, but we're talking about like, I got my PhD from yada yada. I went to heart. I don't give a fuck. Where'd you go to high school? Those are the, I never mentioned Harvard.
even though she did go to Harvard. She's low key, one of my favorite Disney actresses. And she's like low key hot too, you know? I feel like she would be someone who would fuck me and not me fuck them, you know? She would take control. I feel like she would be a very controlling woman in the bed.
Yeah, but, but also if she's got a master's and a PhD, she's a little bit autistic. Like, okay. Here's the thing. We have five minutes left and read off the read off the thing and then have an important question for you. Okay. Undergrad undergrad USC Southern California. Yep. Masters.
Um, MIT. Oh, that's right. Yep. PhD, MIT, and Harvard. Uh-huh. Like, what? She's fucking genius, dude. Yeah. I mean, and that just shows that you can't be smart and good at acting. Because she was- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Bridget, that was Jack. That was not me.
I think you are great at acting. And if you are listening to this, please hit me up on Instagram. Bridget already follows me on Instagram. I don't follow her back though. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking right. Go, go fucking shit yourself.

Disney Channel Crushes and Nostalgia

Okay. I want to know of our childhood actresses now, not back then, because that'd be weird, but who is the hottest Disney channel actress that you think
Yeah, that's it. That's the whole question. Really for like, for like, how are they, how have they held up to now is the question. No, no, no. Who's the hottest one? Who did you have a crush on back then maybe? And then who do you think is hot now? Okay. Back then. Here's the thing. I haven't seen much of them now, so I'm going to have to look while I'm talking. But back then Miranda Cosgrove, obviously, uh,
Fucking what's her name from Zoey 101 Zoey Jamie Lynn Spears Jamie Lynn Spears. Did she get robbed with my team? Yeah, she did. She did because she was banging when I was like, I think it was Dan. It was Dan Schneider's kid. Oh, dude. Oh, no. I was surprised. I didn't see him on Jeff Epps list. You know what I'm saying?
Actually, great point. Have you looked at the list? I don't know. I'm going to send a tweet out right now, though. I'm going to look and I'm going to see if his name's on there because he probably should be. Will you like my tweet? Anyway, yeah, well, her Miranda, obviously Selena. I had a low key thing for Bridget.
Candace from Phineas and Ferb because she was Ashley. Isabella was way hotter than Candace. Dude, you're fucking right. That's only because Candace was a ginger. No, that's not why Isabella was hotter. Oh boy. Do I have a photo to send you?
Oh god. I said you that before. Oh, it's super fucked up. It's like Furbin. It's a balance. It's like hand fucking each other. You can see all the private parts. Do you remember when we were in Italy just sending each other air dropping people at the bar just horrific photos? Oh my god, that's my new favorite thing to do. It's hilarious. It's so good. Okay, we're at we have one minute left.
One minute until what? Until this is over. We have 50 seconds. We have to wrap this

Podcast Conclusion and Future Anticipation

up. We're only doing a 40 minute. We're doing a little teaser for the new year? It's the 2024. We're doing the teaser. So whenever this gets to 40, we're literally stopping. We have 40 seconds left. You need to hurry up. What am I doing? What am I supposed to do? We have to see the outro. And you have to do your fucking ad read. Oh, this episode is sponsored by UPS. What can Brown do for you?
You're so stupid. What? Thanks everyone for tuning in. This was Headed Weest, 2024 edition. We're going to be more consistent and we're going to try the second thing too. Thanks for tuning in. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful week. This will, I don't know when this is dropping. Okay, bye. Bye.