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Rajneesh Tim Apple (Patreon Leak)

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Controversial Video and Audience Reaction

as children they're not reading their Bibles and it's not these rebellious children but the rebellious children of the generation that came before us this is gotta to be the video li go out of our get the n-word out of them n-word mic check n-word mic check why the hell why the hell would they do that and now they're replacing it with a drag queen story
Oh, come on now. Let's go. He's almost there. make no like yeah This is like a yeah audience fucking school shooter manifesto. They're replacing the Bible. with drag queen story after men dressing up like women and manipulating children. Oh my God. Drum roll of the N word is to tie this all up. He has to be getting to it. And it's not just my opinion. It's the truth. My opinion.

Reflections on Society and Media

He's gonna go Michael Richards on this shit. And it says that in 20, in two, in three,
22.5 I believe it is. Let me find it. I have not read it yet. How many views or how many likes does this have? 11. Oh man, this is deep cut. 135 weeks ago he was alive. Talking shit about gays. Deep track. 45, 22, one of the two sometimes I guess. It's crazy that people make videos like this. For 11 years. deuteronomy chapter twenty two verse five
so Not too long ago, we were making a podcast for about 18 viewers. so We've said some dumb shit, but we're not we don't have a school shooter manifesto that's permanently connected to our fucking Instagram. Yeah, there's some.

Personal Anecdotes: Vacations and Mishaps

Not so much school shooting, but shouldn't play dress up and dress like women and women shouldn't dress like man. He's speaking. He's speaking facts. Amen, brother. but I've said what I need to say. All right. Let's keep, uh, keep this train rolling live on my main Instagram account.
and you go live on this one and this We'll have to keep searching for the worst for the hard art. Yeah but ultimately that doesn't matter Maybe he just randomly says it at the end of this and how much longer does this this now just like a second. right All right bye bye yeah No, that's it. All right. Well, it's not that. We'll keep on moving. you' see boxs and Paul, how was the vacation? Did you do anything crazy? You chop your finger off by accident? No, just caught some fish. That's that's crazy. Got really sweaty at a bar. Oh, yeah. It's always wicked it hot in that bar and they like won't open the windows or turn on the fans for some reason.
And I don't think they have um AC there, so. Just show up like Bobby Bakova. Just solo in the woods at a bar and just have to fucking take somebody out. I

Anonymity and Public Personas

drove. Okay. It's usually how you would commute there. I walked inside. like absolute but
forgive me i just riling in pain
I'm find it, dude. Let us know when you find it. He's climbing that thing. Oh yeah, he's on top of that thing. No, I'm finding it, dude. Well, you're searching, just take it a little bit away from the mic so we don't have ah a fourth mic autistic, fourth autistic

Public Perception and Technology

guy on the the recording. We do not.
Oh, man. All right. Well, let's see. We're working hard for you.
I didn't get to finish the the ah stolen valor of ah RFK calling himself Bobby is just fucking such a false, bullshit way to get people to vote for him. Yeah, I mean, even ah RFK was I get that's his initials, but no one calls him Bobby. No, no one calls him Bobby. If anything, that's a way to like distance himself from being RFK Jr. and One thing too. Yeah. Go ahead. His focus group you know comes in and they're like, so ah yeah, we um we have the results of the surveys. And um you know people really like that you are ah born in America. that They really like that. They like that you are um you were a teacher.
people that really pulled well, ah they don't like that you're RFK Jr. They're aware of who you are and they don't like that. um The other thing is, and I know this is on the list of no-no topics, but that they did say that it was impossible to listen to you talk. I know that we weren't supposed to bring that up, but it was the thing that everyone brought up.

Internet Addiction and Societal Issues

Like there's no chance he goes through a drive through forever. They would think it was, they would think it was broken. They'd be like, sir, uh, hold on, sir. We gotta, I gotta get it to fix this before you just come around to the window yeah because I can't, uh, the, the microphone's broken and I can't, and I can't hear you right. And he's like, no, that's how I talk. Every time he either goes right to the window or he just goes inside. And they like he never acknowledges. He's like we' like, why don't we just go through drive-thru? He's like, well, this is the way it's supposed to be done. It's like, oh, it's just because your voice is fucked up. Just admit that.
Just admit that part. Oh, man. Yeah, that guy's on stolen Bobby Valor. And my only other note, too, is just 3D printers. And I don't know where I was really going with that, but 3D printers are just absolute bullshit. a Yeah, dude, when I when I quit urban before I started working for our place, I applied for a bunch of. That seems makes me feel like 3D printing was kind of new then.
ah But there's a company that came out of MIT called Form Labs and I interviewed there, but then ultimately did not get a job there. Their cancer. I don't know anything about, I didn't, I think they probably didn't give me the job because I was like, I don't know anything about 3D printers. I just think it was kind of interesting. And they were like,

Humor in Cultural Norms and Stereotypes

yeah, we kind of need somebody who can like, I was like, well, it was a sales job. I was like, I can learn what I need to know to sell these things. And they were like, uh, maybe not.
But yeah, they're pretty weird. I mean, even back then they were pretty crazy. And now it's like, it's crazy that I don't know. It's like, it's like, uh, that kind of technology that I missed out on and now like kids a generation below me know all this shit about 30 printing. It's just like normal for them. They're like, yeah, I bought a cheap 3d printer and then use it to 3d print a better 3d printer.
kids in the south side of Chicago know it better just for printing guns they had to that was a thing they had to like the manufacturers of them had to ah basically make you can't set up their programming logic in them that they you know like you know like Apple can tell if you're like sending like Like you can't, it won't let you make a sticker out of like nudes or something. Oh wow. That's hilarious. Like, no, it's like a boob detector boobs activated. You can't do that. Um, the 3d printers know, well, I guess some of them, the software knows if you're trying to print a gun and like, won't let you do it. Cause you could 3d print a one shot. Like there are plans online for like a one shot gun.
um that obviously would make it through a metal detector just fine. ah So that's kind of interesting too. It's hilarious to think about that. ah Indian Apple engineer in India, that's so horny. And he's like, wow, man, we we can't do boob stickers, man. But I'll take this project up. No no problem, boss man. I think this project is going to be great, man. Yeah. So this is a little weird, but we need we need an we need an A.I. that can tell the difference between um breasts and things that aren't breasts. So, you know, like ah like a ah water balloon with the not facing outwards or like a dumpling. We those should get through, but human breasts should not. So you're going to need to go through
uh tens of thousands of pictures to train the air he's like oh this is very bad but uh i if if i'm if i'm the one you need to do oh man this this not good but a i uh i think i can do
He's just trying not to crack, trying to hold it all in together, trying to realize what he's how far he's coming in his life. Telling his wife

Economic Disparities and Social Challenges

he's working. Fiercely looking at different boobs. It's my job.
Tim Cook is depending on me. ah
i They said no stickers, no want stickers, they give me boob stickers, no more! He has both of his hands over his desktop monitors trying to fucking hide him. but Just terribly like a teenager. Don't look, not nothing!
Oh my god! Renage Nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon
but yeah we say i'm the only man that can do boob stickers no please stop please please please He's actually just he doesn't want anybody else to get on the project is actually why he's so defensive about it he doesn't want to say he doesn't give a fuck if this is why he knows what he doesn't want anybody he else to work on it he
Oh, my God. That's so fucking funny. It's crazy how two sides of the fucking two sides of the coin can flip for those guys where it's either Delta a vape shop or we're making four hundred thousand dollars a year at Apple being an engineer. But I guess if you own a Delta Vape shop, you probably make the same amount. Just like, let me do fine yeah, they just go in as a fucking, they have a, they have a, uh, uh, algorithm for it for sure. I think I honestly think there's like a.
I don't know. I'm thinking about that

Public Opinion and Societal Behavior

like mobile, uh, convenience store by our old work yeah that like got taken over by, I shouldn't say taken over, got taken over by like an Indian family. And it's just like, yeah, they got another cockpit of the mobile. It just like changed him. It was like, you know, like they, they just send over a whole kit on like how to run an Indian store. Like suddenly there's, there's like hookahs suddenly on the shelves. but but This used to be a breakfast sandwich stand like who now Open the door we have knives to but we are friend we friend we are franchise owners now i Oh My god
We make you very good offer for mobile one, you open up the cockpit.
good Oh, man. We sell Kirito, Mendelte, and Ucozna. Oh, fuck. Oh, man, that's so good. It's so true, though. Two sides of the pendulum right there.
Did you find the n-word video yet, Paul? I think you deleted it. Nah, now you're just in the k-hole. The conferential k-hole. He just done on pumpkin reels by now or something, ran them into the algorithm. I his brother's Instagram. Oh, great. It's somehow worse. because he's got the same tism, but he thinks he's like a fucking Riz king. Oh, Jesus Christ. Doing like.
No, I don't know what I'm looking at here. He's got his knee on the bathroom, so he's doing a thirst trap. Yeah. Get a plaid

Cultural Identity and Societal Norms

jacket and red pants. I'm telling you, beat these kids over the head with a baseball bat. Got to see the. the ah Whatever the caption on that one. His brother, his brother got to like Christian misogynist.
Kind of tism and he got to like he got to like pick up artistism. Yeah, yeah. But he also just writes the word in every single post. this is crazy john nine fourteen
The fuck does that mean? I'm gonna have to look that one up before I say it. What are those? What are those all called? Are those just Bible verses that people always wear on their shirts and stuff? When it's like Leviticus and some numbers? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This Saw that yesterday at Chick-fil-A. is crazy. What's the word, John Pobs? You can say it on the Patreon. 914. Oh, it's not a word. It says, he wrote, my pronouns are 16 over 11, 16 slash 11.
What the fuck does that even mean? I don't know if that's some Hitler thing. It's his max ages of girls he likes.
This is Psalm 1611. You may know... No, he's not religious. It was his brother, right? They're both religious. They're both yeah. They're the same person. True. Ahem.
I don't know. I don't really care. Oh, man.
Well, that's great. Fuck dude, I wish you didn't delete this video and it's also impossible to find online because what the hell do you search? Yeah, you can't search anything. Weird autistic dude saying the N word. There'll be millions of results. Yeah. Let's see. Count. brand Maybe on YouTube or something. Here we go. Count, French list, 1611 says the N word. Looks like there aren't many great matches for your search.
Oh, maybe it's still on his Twitter. What are you going to search through his Twitter now? No, it's awesome. I don't have Twitter, so I can't.
Yeah, none of us have Twitter, but we all have a Twitter. Yeah, exactly. I deleted mine. It's for you. Only insane people have their Twitter and like their bio still. Oh, God, just get a fucking. People who use it to like as their actual brand for like with their opinions like if I'm going to have one, it's going to be impossible to. ah Pinpoint who I am. I had a note like your 3D printers note, Aidan, which was just, uh, uh, why do, you why do people, uh, or do people who go running think that they like look good? You just see somebody going for a run.
Why do you think they look good? No, like what, ah well what is that? People just going for a run? Yeah. People going for a jog.
They all look ridiculous. They all i just in general. Yeah. no Well, yeah, it's true. That was my thought driving driving ah to work the other day and had to put it was like, do joggers do all joggers know that they look stupid? Yeah, I guess I think so. I think most of them do. Jogging on a treadmill is so tough though, so I'm like in between always like running outside. I do feel like I look fucking ridiculous. Yeah, it's one of those things you got to do anyway. Maybe I just do walking, walking for like 10 miles. It takes so fucking long though. Yeah, it does take long. You do treadmill.
It's over with pretty quick. You just have to hit the treadmill. Just have to lean into the or be like, embrace the fact that you look like an idiot because everyone else has a gym does to just clanging on the treadmill all the time. You got to wear headphones.
Hard incline treadmill, 26 minutes.
Holy shit, dude, we should have this guy on the podcast. He's also a 9-11 truther. Dude, get him on. Calfranchila. Get him on. Send him a DM, dude. No way. I'm not gonna DM him for my fucking... I only have one Instagram, dude, and it's my Instagram. Okay, let's get Gucci to DM him and set it up. Yeah, there we go.
We gotta make sure he's a Patreon member. I just asked him. he's Maybe he's asleep, but it's like only eight o'clock there.
He's on there, right? I'm not sure if he is. There's... I'm not sure which one he would be. I think he's, um... Yeah, maybe, yeah. We'll see what he says. What's the King James version of the Bible, Jared? It's the one that, like, the Protestants use. What's a nefarious, no various. It's just a, it's just a particular translation of it. What's like a Navarian church, uh, Catholic or now an old Navarian Christian. <unk>arian Yeah.
Navarian Nazarene Nazarene. Yeah. Yeah. Nazarene. Bavarian. Nazarene? I mean, Nazarene would make sense. Yeah. What is that about? Nazarene Church. Church of the Nazarene. Yeah. It's just a kind of Christian. Oh, okay. There's like, there's like thousands of different kinds of Christians because you can just be like, well, we think that the Bible should say this. Church of the Nazarene. Well, Jesus was from Nazareth, so.
Nazarene means from Nazareth. Is that like a normal? Sure, I mean, probably just being like ah probably the most normal is just being like a Protestant. OK,

Public Policies and Social Welfare

like a like an I don't know. Depends on what you mean by normal. You could be like a Unitarian, which is a kind of Protestant and they like they're like the most chill Christians. They they can't cancel church during the summer. You just get to go on summer break from church. That's pretty sick. Yep. Um, Methodists, uh, Presbyterians are pretty normal. Methodists, Presbyterian, Unitarian, they're all probably pretty normal.
And then you get to like seventh day Adventists and stuff and it gets a little weird. What'd you find, Pobs?
his YouTube and it's even crazier than his fucking Instagram. He has a 12 minute long, he has a 12 minute long video about internet porn addiction. Oh good. He also has a, um, there's definitely some ad words in there. Let's say I'll just copy this. I think he just watches too much of the, uh, all the like motivational speakers on Instagram that talk about how like, how to like be a man and then they're also like be, and that that also somehow becomes being Christian and then like not looking at porn. And then you also have to like buy my supplements and only eat raw kidneys. So you just keep going down a rabbit hole like that. He's got a diss track A diss track? Yeah, he makes songs, dude.
He's got a diss track against internet porn. Oh, man. Good for him.
Well, there's no way this dude's not jacking at five to six times a day. ah like I was going to say if that dude's ah fully sell a I mean, that definitely does contribute to the school shooter thing.
He's got a bunch of videos of him preaching to, holy shit dude, this guy's crazy. Preaching to people or just to the camera? Just the camera. It'd be hilarious if he got like, you know, like you can just, he like goes to an old folks home. Just preaches to a bunch of people who are in wheelchairs and don't have a choice. Isn't speaking in tongues, like don't they do that in church, but what are they against it? Hmm. I told you that this story about my. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. My relatives down south. I went to church with them once and that was the vibe. Very fucking weird. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing that's just like a whole bunch of them and like. Any of those like mega church people, they're all kind of their own, you know, kind of Christian.
And, uh, yeah. I mean, there's definitely ones like Catholic, if you tried to ride the run on the ground and, and say you were speaking in tongues, it'd be like, get the fuck out of here. Yeah. yeah Get a hold of yourself, man. We don't do that fucking shit here. Take that to the Baptist church. Come on, come on. We my fucking kneel and then we stand and then we kneel and then we stand. i season The body of Christ is just bread.
I see one where you people rolling around on the floor. You people closing this church down.

Musical and Cultural Influences

What is evangelical? Evangelical? Also Baptist.
They're the ones that go, praise Jesus. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. That's like fun church. Yeah. There's no such thing as a fun church, bro. Church is gay, religion's gay. yeah You fucking waste every fry or every so Sunday to spend an hour listening to some douchebag read out of a book. And then he tells a little story. Yeah, to try to make you feel bad about yourself. He improves the story about how you need to give him money.
Something's got to hold on me. So I bet you are grand. No, we're done watching the internet porn or else I'm releasing my, my fucking God soldier count, fragile on you. and That's why, that's why Catholics are great. You just got to go back to the church, go into the little booth, be like, father, I jerked off and he's like, say, he'll marry and you're fine. And then you're good. You don't need to tell me that.
ah My seventh grade. Theology teacher in Catholic school, so. What year do you get confirmed? It just depends. I

Public Personas and Societal Expectations

didn't get confirmed until I was like 17. Yeah, I think that's later. I think whatever. Maybe it was eighth grade first communion. No, it wasn't first communion. It was somewhere because it was middle school. So it was either seventh or eighth grade. And I don't know why, but the school was making us all do confession. Maybe it was just a thing they were starting to do or like maybe it was because it was we were going into high school and they wanted to like symbolically clean your slate.
But the theology teacher made it a point of telling us that masturbation is a sin and you have to confess it. That's gay. To a bunch of like. He wants to know that you're jerking up? Well, to a bunch of like 13 year old kids. So I guarantee, so then we did confession and this is a class of what? 300 kids. So call it 150 dudes. go to confession and have to tell the all tell this priest they jerked off. Jesus Christ. I've been jerking off every day for the last year and plan to continue. He's like, oh my God, you're like the 80th person to tell me this, please. He had to go back to the teacher and be like, don't don't make them talk about that.
Please stop, please. Just fucking and gripping the sides of the, uh, enough. So is there just like a voicemail I can call and like leave this four times a day? So it's going to be throughout random times of the day. Oh shit, jerking off. That addds and that adds another six Hail Marys.
I'm going to be doing Hail Marys for about four hours in the beginning of each day. Just getting in front of it. Father, is there any way we can just like... ah ah Can I just say the Hail Mary while I'm jerking off so that we're just like...
Is there like a Super Hail Mary and like a booster? Like a booster of that I can do throughout the day just to get me over?
Someone like hanging over me the whole day knowing that I sinned. But religion's insane. Women couldn't show their ankles until after the 1890s. Yep. 1890s is like two people ago. Mm hmm. You're great. Your great, great grandmother wasn't allowed to show her ankles or else she would get whatever whipped. Yeah, whatever they do. I think they just stack rocks on you till you can't breathe anymore. Fucking tie you to a chair and kick you into the water and make you say make you admit to being a witch. That's insane. That's two people ago.
got Let's record a podcast from Chinatown in the next couple months. Oh man. We go to that part by the gate where they have the like chess tables and the setup thing. Yeah. Sitting a bunch of cigarette smoke recording a pod.
Just the stinkiest food all around. I was watching a livestream or one of those ones where they're just walking through New York City. It's just like, Jesus fucking Christ, it's insane. Afterwards, we could go to the place of the soup dumplings, China gourmet.
I've never had a soup dumpling. What is it? Just a long bow. You

Public Discourse and Societal Impact

just take one bit full of soup fucking explodes. You just slurp all the soup out of it. Okay. That's not too fun. ah But they're wicked good. It's like a little, it's like a ravioli filled with soup. Where are all the fucking rats at in this goddamn city? I need to see those.
NYC rats. Yeah, we got to see that. I don't see any walking around the streets.
I don't know. Nah, no rats allowed. Sorry, buddy. Eric Adam. What's no, what's his name? What's the mayor of New York? Uh, yeah. Eric Adams, Jalen Bronson, or, uh, wayne Brady, Wayne Brady, Eric Adams is like, get out of here. Get out of my city. You rats. My brother go Nicks. the If you, if you get money here, you owe us 60% of how much you make, get money, go next. We all, all of the crazy immigrants, you guys can live here for free. free yeah
Bro. And no one's as bad as Massachusetts. Yeah. You guys just given hotels away. I can't even fucking get a reason about hotel there anymore. Only stayed in the country. I think that has the right to shelter law. You show up here. I think New York has a similar thing like New York city, but not the state where I think New York, there has to be enough beds for the number of homeless people, which is kind of close to what we have, but Matt, all of Massachusetts, right to shelter. If you're here,
Uh, you have to be able to get, uh, like a hotel room or a, you know, like not just like a shelter bed, but like a, here's a house for you. Okay. Except they just decided that you can't sleep in Logan anymore. Starting on the ninth. I mean, it was pretty fucked up that bit. It's been going on for a year. They just, Jesus Christ. They were just like, it's too hard to figure out. Can you go in? Can you like leave and come back to the airport? I don't know why you'd be out of there.
You can't claim squatters rights anymore. If you leave, you'd be out of the secure area. So you wouldn't really like be able to loiter around. I think it's probably just anywhere on the property, I would assume. ah They've all been sleeping in terminally. Yeah. You could probably just stash in the rental area, the rental car area. That's true. there's ah There's a whole big atrium in the rental car area and there's not really ever No one's put them in there. No one is. Put some tents in there. You'd be pissed if you lived in East Boston this week. As soon as they kick everybody out of Logan, it's just going to look like the walking dead. How many people are sleeping in there? Fucking lot, dude. Yeah, we gave you guys eight days. Figure it out. Pretty much. I mean, it's been it's been months, like.
I don't know. This is definitely an ignorant question, but I'm like, OK, you what was your did you have a plan like you've been in there for like six months? Did you have like ah what was your exit? You knew that this could live in the airport forever. Nope, no exit strategy. I mean, I don't blame him if I was stuck in fucking cartel land, I try to get away to, but oh I don't blame it for coming here one bit, but then like. I don't know. Then like, okay, you don't have anywhere to go. You're in your internal E of the airport. Oh my God. There's so many of them sleeping in here. Uh, what is like, what is there had to have been a, I don't know, maybe not food for these people. Yeah, I think so. Jesus. You can't just let them like die. Yeah. I can't just come into a bunch of dead people in the airport.
Imagine having to fucking do the floors in this place. It sucks. Oh, yeah. I mean. Great. My shift sucks now. I can't get around. They have fucking tables and shit. What the fuck, dude? Well, it's just funny because the city has like no real plan for homeless people. So they're like, yeah, we we drive down mass and cav like once a year and just knock down all the tons. Do they do it? Yeah. It's crazy that, I mean, yeah, I don't know. How often do you think they do it now, Jared? Once a month? Well, maybe not that that particular spot, but I've got a friend who, ah well, actually I should say a guy who I used to buy weed from who works for a charity called Warm Up Boston.
Uh, it's a CEO. Yeah. He posts on his Instagram all the time when the cops come through and like, you know, like just throw away all the tents and stuff and encampments. And I feel like I see those posts like once a month. What's he posts? You just posted on a story. Just ha ha. No, he's crying. He probably writes. and No human is illegal. Yeah, it's that kind of stuff. It's for sure that kind of stuff. It's like a lol. It's like the you know, the then the the but Nazi Boston police came through again and tore down all these tents. People have a right to live in the public parks and Karen Reed was right. She should have kept running over these Nazis.
which like it's tough. I, uh, you know, I agree that sometimes people need help to get back on their feet. And for some, and some percentage of those people aren't ever going to be able to get back on their feet, but there's gotta be, I gotta bring back and insane asylums. Just start fucking pack yeah put them back in there, dude, and load them back up. I mean, it's like when there's public, when it's a public space, like a park or even, I mean fucking the terminal E of the airport, you also like, I don't know, like, do I not, as a person who pays taxes and lives here, have a right to, like, enjoy a public space without being like a shanty town? Do me, a rich man, need to come out of my apartment and have to step over a homeless man to get my coffee? I'm just saying. It's like, I get it, they're leaving somewhere fucked up, but they're just like, you shouldn't be allowed to bring kids into the terminal either, just fucking sit there forever. That's fucked.
that's just i guess so we're to boston it's somebody else is going to figure this out fors it's like jesus christ They saw the playbook. They saw all the people going from California to Texas. And then they're like, you know what? We could go fuck up Massachusetts. We'll just go from Texas to Massachusetts. They saw the the playbook from Hurricane Katrina and the Superdome and they said, yes, that's it. I mean, that's again, like to to your point, Pabs, not whole, not blaming anyone for like, okay, you're in Senegal and like the pirates are going to kill you or whatever you got to get here.
And you only had money to get the plane ticket to Boston. And then put like now you're like, OK, you're in the airport terminal. Like leave the airport. Yes. All right. I'm here. I guess I'm going to sleep on the floor of the airport until. What? We'll figure this out, figure this out for me. I have no idea where to go now.
Like I don't know. I mean, I guess you can't really walk from the airport anywhere, but it's just it's got to be a better way. Yeah. i going to Got to get count of French along so you can go while we have a lot of homeless veterans living on the street in Anchorage, Alaska, freezing to death because they don't have good sleeping bags. And instead we give a cell phone and a hotel room to every illegal N word that comes into this country. um his is not mine I'm start cleaning them up myself. Someone has to take care of this. As long as they're not gay veterans or anything, I want to try to do something about this.
But being gay is a sin, so. yeah ah During Covid in Vegas, the like, I don't know, city council or whatever, whoever is in charge of Vegas passed a regulation that they had. You had to. You had to make it possible for the homeless people to socially distance. But there's no homeless shelters in Vegas like there's so many homeless people because you can make, I guess they can probably make a decent amount of money panhandling because the strip is so, has so many people. But then during COVID when no tourists were coming and all the homeless people were like, oh shit. ah They were like, well, we have to house these people. We have to give these people like a way to safely socially distance. So they just took over like some of the parking lots.
and taped off 10 foot by 10 foot squares. yeah how yeah And they just like gave each homeless person a square. And they were like, that's your square. You can do whatever you want in your square. Don't go into anyone else's square, like six, you know, six foot apart from the next square. And it was like, bro, this is still Vegas. It's like 110 degrees. You put them in a parking lot. like there's There's literally 80,000 hotel rooms in this city and nobody visiting. And you put them in a parking lot? Yeah, they but they got to watch the windows, too. They don't know what's coming down from there.
Steven Paddock in his grave is like, wow, you guys are making it really easy for me this time. They're just laying down in boxes. It reminds me of that episode of South Park where they send all the homeless people to California. Walking towards California and they're like, change.
We're going to put them in parking spots, homeless parking spots. If you go good to the home i s you go to Boston anytime soon, you're going to have to carry an emergency cart and a cigarettes and a couple of beers in your backpacks and can get bombs to leave you alone. They get outside of the airport and they're like, fuck, we can't even walk anywhere out of here. We're on a fucking island of airport. And like almost a literal island.
He'll start sleeping in the fucking landing gear and then falling out like those guys trying to get out of Afghanistan a couple of years ago. Oh, how the turntables turn, my friends. Oh, now you guys want to play nice on the plane. Yeah. and Oh, my God. Guess what, guys? Get off. We're not falling for this trick again. Bombs over Baghdad.
This plane is not going to what they have one of the bus, uh, things that says

Cultural Identity and Public Space Usage

where it's going on the outside of the plane, not going to Washington or New York city. Don't even think about it. We're going to Maryland or anywhere around the vicinity of Washington DC. This plane's actually going somewhere worse. Uh, this one's going to North Korea, so you probably shouldn't. Oh, we shouldn't get on planes going to, uh, Wyoming. So don't even think about it. See, no, nevermind. I can't. It was like two podcasts ago. I was roasting Britain for sending all their homeless people to Rwanda. Now you're kind of like you're agreeing now. No, no. I was like, listen, there's only 600,000 people in Wyoming.
And that's a big state. You could just build a you could build a city in Wyoming, an entire city, and it would just be a homeless city. they can They can run all the stores and drive the buses and be the fire department. You're just like, the buses anywhere they show up anywhere they show up, everyone sends them to the homeless city in Wyoming. Give them good stuff. Put them next to a river. make some farms and stuff so that there's like a lot of resources, like, you know. They got it. I realize I'm i'm describing the reservation system. Give them one star link so they can all fight over the start. Dude, do it nice. Do it nice. Give them the Internet. Give them. ah Give them like a. Five guys, like a good place to get burgers and they just do all the jobs.
They'll figure it out. They'll figure it out. Oh, my God, I just dropped into a random town on West Virginia on Google Street Maps and like the last time and they even ran a car through this shithole. It was in 2009.
That's crazy. like Yeah, we're not even we we can't even fucking go in there.
Jesus and Christ, they don't even bring the Google card through these fucking places. Nope. No, they got the pictures once and they were like, all right, we're good. We're out of here. We don't need to come back here. Put the 2009 one up. It's not going to get better. Maybe that's like the biggest place in West Virginia.
They've like mapped all of Guatemala, but there's parts of West Virginia that they're just like, hmm.
Nah, we can't do that. That's that's a scary road. I went on some scary roads driving through Appalachia where you're like, I might be on someone's land right now. West Virginia, man, this place probably sucks. Country road.
Take me home. They got a Taco Bell and stuff around there. where West Virginia yeah or in the homeless city, West Virginia. Yeah, they probably got talking bells there. They probably got like a bow jangles and.
Yeah. You know, checkers, they definitely got some checkers or some rallies. Oh, yeah. on Rallies, I should say. I mean, I'm going to have a street view of this town I grew up on. They don't have street view in. Conagerie and grab the gathering. Yeah, no street do.
Some of these towns ain't bad at all. In West Virginia? Yeah. Dude, I i sent you the house I was looking at there, right? Yeah. A town of like 400 people. Pretty highly pretty dope. be you and 17 Cal Franchulas. Yeah, dude, that's the thing. She'll be at the fucking, they'll be at the BJ's because you know they don't have Costco there. and Like, hey, Jared. And that's, you for sure know everybody. And
it was a It was a situation where there was like ah there was like a hundred acre farm near the place and it had the only grocery store, the only gas station, and the only post office for like an hour. Jesus. So you're like, okay, that's just where everyone goes to that little like parking lot where those three things are. What's this yerba mate you keep asking me about? yeah
Yeah. they here in Crazy towns in West Virginia. They still have the gas station, still has old school pumps and shit only. Oh, yeah, dude, I told you about the. ah So when I was driving the Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway, just like.
assumed i would ah I would encounter a gas station at some point, which is not a thing. You can drive six hours on that without ever passing a gas station. So get to the point where I'm like a half hour of driving away from empty. And I was like, shit, I should start looking for one because we've been driving for five hours and I haven't seen one. um So start go off of the Parkway and start driving through like even weirder small town roads. And I'm literally like, I'm at this point now. down to 15 miles of debt, like, yeah like potentially bad. Yeah. But eventually do find one would within that like last eight miles of gas. But it is like the you, you you know, you roll over the strip and it dings so that they know somebody's there. And it's like ah ah no credit card, credit card, not payment, not possible. No. Your cash on you.
Yeah. All right. That's anticipated. Or they had an ATM inside, but you couldn't. um And then it was like, yeah, it was like the um analog number, you know, like a like actual rotating number thing showing you how much gas you're using. It was just it was it was surreal. You're like, this thing is older than me.
So they do it wild. So they do. fucking ohio jesus christ people that live in ohio in ohio is crazy that's all i got say about that you know piio i mean there's some shitholes in ohio that i see too i'm just on google maps just trudging through all these random places If you're a subscriber from Ohio, we don't want you. Sorry, my bad. Just kidding. We do want you. You get it. You get it.
You can stay. Ohio. I mean, there's some cool, you know, not all these towns suck. There's some cool stuff in them, you know, in Ohio. No, in a West Virginia town. Oh, yeah. I think West Virginia is, I mean, the problem with West Virginia is I think it's like the poorest, stupidest state in the country. Yeah. So I think you just have to like you have to be able to be like, OK, I'm going to go to like the store. Any time I interact with somebody, I'm going to be interacting with probably one of the dumbest people I've ever met and just be like, that that life be OK with that.
Yeah, you could just be a lawyer there. Yeah. well Everyone would think you were gay because you were just like. You'd be like, oh, no, that's not how um you push the button to make the window go down. they're like What are you queer? All right, here we go. Here's the power rankings. Puerto Rico, the most poverty followed next by Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, West Virginia. And number four. Number five. Well, I guess four, if you don't count Puerto Rico, sure count Puerto Rico. So for, uh, Kentucky, our Kansas, Alabama, DC, Oklahoma, DC, South Carolina.
in the
What was the last DC do one DC was in there? Wow. That's pretty nuts. Looks like the lowest poverty rate is New Hampshire.
It's because like eight people live there. Looking for Ohio. Ohio's number 17. Okay.
Man, you ever notice how communist Arizona's flag looks? It's just a giant orange star with a rising sun pattern behind it. Oh, it is. It does look kind of cool though. Shout out Gucci from Arizona. But it does look like, uh, yeah, it does look like it could be like a Russian of cigarettes. Little CCP flag. Yeah.
Just put some Cyrillic letters on top of it and it would not not look out of place one bit. One bit. I was thinking about New Mexico's with the red, like, square sun on it. Got them confused at first when you were saying that.
Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. At the Walmart.
Don't bring up my past. I don't like going but it. brings home I was a Democrat and I said the N word. Oh yeah, that's a shitty flag. Sorry Arizona. Arizona's just a different world of what's going on over there. They got dirt floors. yeah All your appliances are outside. Can't grow grass there. All your appliances are out outside. It doesn't rain. That is, that was a weird thing that was true of Vegas too, where people had like, um, like actual couches out in the yard because it doesn't rain often enough. Like it rains maybe like once a year. So you just hope that you're home when the rains and you take your couch inside, yeah take all your ah items inside all your TVs and shit.
Um, but it was very weird going over to people's houses and they just had like a TV and a couch and stuff in the yard. Like, all right. Kind of weird.
All right. Well, that's the Patreon folks. Hey, great app. That's a Patreon. Thank you. Catch you next week. Thank you. Goodbye. Goodbye.