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103 Plays6 months ago

Sorry 4 the wait. Aiden moved again for the 100th time in 6 months, back to gayville.

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Introduction and Banter

Welcome to Dudes R Us.
Now let's start the show. Like random Instagram seller. That's like, we're back. Yeah. Why did you keep my email? Speaking of that, we're back. Oh yeah, dude.

Life Updates and Moving Adventures

So we took a change. Uh, how do we took a week off? Not because we don't love you, but because a life happens sometimes.
Yeah, we had to do it. We had ah we had ah some moving issues that came up and now we're all moved in and we all live in the same under the same roof. Yeah, yeah and an inflatable nightclub. yeah Yeah, we bought that. We bought the inflatable nightclub. I moved back up north with my family and moved us into the inflatable nightclub.
It's pretty dope. The lights are built in. It's all black, which is great for like ah energy costs. like You don't need a heater at all ever. yeah so And it's like a perfect rectangle, so it's really easy to decide how the rooms should be laid out.
That's exactly right.

Humor and Hurricanes

Do you want to talk about when you were, we were driving last night and you were yelling out of the window? You're, I think it was, I couldn't really hear you too well, but I think you were a young like digger, like throughout the school. Oh, you didn't hear me say that. It's like, I was like, must be talking like an excavator or something. Yeah, dude. I saw, um I saw mad construction equipment. You know, like how, um,
You know how like kids will see like a truck and they'll do the hand thing to get it to, to be bad. You to be bad. Yeah. There's another thing that not many people know about and where you just yell it, uh, like back hose and you're like, yeah, you're a digger. You fucking digger.
Yeah, dude, that's like, uh, you were saying, and yeah, you heard that's what you were saying. You heard me. I mean, we were driving through, well, you know, where we were driving through. So yeah yeah there was no chance of encountering anything that you could have misheard. He's like, huh. Okay. This makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, um, that's my autism. I'm very into caterpillar construction equipment. Cat cat one, cat two, cat three.
Let's check in on the local hurricanes coming through. Oh my God. Are there now? I have no idea. Let me look. I bet there is a quarter hurricane odds increase of development of tropical storm and Caribbean while new. Nope. Hurricane Sarah.
This is a hurricane. Is that ah RFK anniversary of hurricane Katrina? Wow. Is that today? No. Thursday marks 19 years since hurricane Katrina. Jesus Christ. That's crazy. I remember that so clearly. Just a bunch of dudes in long shorts getting rocked by a hurricane. Oh my God, dude.
Japan urges 4 million to evacuate as lumbering, typhoon, Shan Shan threatened south with up to a meter of rain. Dude, where do 4 million people evacuate to you on Japan? Where do you go? Just everybody files to Ohio or something? yeah You're on an island.
Yeah. Take some, take those boats that they're like standing on and pushing with like a broom down the, down the middle of the ocean. I mean, that's kind of how they did it though. I think about that shit trips me out sometimes when you're like,
Like, uh, whoever, like there was people on Hawaii when like white explorers on like ships, proper ships got there. Okay.

Polynesian Navigation and Japanese Building

And they like arrived from somewhere in like Australia or Indonesia and they got there like 3000 miles of open ocean on like a canoe.
basically like a canoe with a, with a sail on it. And they just followed the stars and they did that. And that takes like two months and they were just like, cool. I'll just catch fish and like shit off the edge of a canoe. And then they made it to Hawaii. And then they also made it to like South America. That shit's crazy actually.
They can do that. And then what? They leave Hawaii eventually. We're out of here. Well, like all the islands in the Pacific like had people on them and they got there on these like canoes. But like Hawaii is like so remote. There's like nothing. It's not like you're like would stopping at an island every fucking every like day. It's like there was there was months, weeks, if not months of just like open ocean, no site of land where they were just like, we'll eventually hit land.
And they did. Was they just drinking wine and eating bread the whole time too? I don't think so, dude. I think they're like Polynesians. they I think they probably brought like, like roots. They probably brought roots. They probably caught fish on, they they just caught fish. That's a good point. Uh, they probably like, maybe you can, maybe you can like, I don't even know if they had arrows, but you can, maybe you can shoot a bird or something. Although the birds probably lead you to land. You probably want to follow the birds.
I don't know, dude, that's I open oceans like terrifying on a cruise ship, open ocean on a canoe when like a rogue wave could just kill you. Not about that. Not about that. Pray for Japan. Yeah, dude, 44, 400 million Japanese people are a meter of rain. So just a a meter out.
Yeah. Think about a meter of rain and that's everywhere, which means like if you are, you know, low lying place, that's not quite, that's not great. That's like two meters of rain and that's taller than you probably. Oh, the houses are like built out of.
that aluminum shed fucking foil that comes on like the cheapest shed that you can buy. Yeah, famously, Japan, houses in Japan are like as expensive as houses in America, maybe not exactly as expensive. They're not cheap. They're still like. Over two hundred thousand dollars, but they make them out of their life made to be disposable like no one in Japan assumes they'll have a house for 30 years.
that Everyone just moves every four years. So all the houses are made of literally like rice paper and like and bamboo and shit. um Because they assume that an earthquake or a tsunami is just going to destroy their home. Yeah. So yeah, which I guess if we're talking about this typhoon, they're not wrong. But yeah, all the houses in Japan are just like. Are like three little piggies houses.
Mortgages are like four years there. Yeah, exactly or Rushing out of the state of Japan I Can't go anywhere Chinese people don't like them Korean people don't like them. I guess they can come to America. We're okay with Japanese people.

US States Challenge and Road Trips

I man. I did name all 50 states last or a little bit ago, too. I still can't believe that. I'm not positive. I mean, I think how long did it take you? About. Maybe an hour and a half. Oh, OK. Off the dome. Maybe like an hour, maybe an hour. Yeah. Yeah. dive That's not easy, though. Not looking at any map. No, of course not. No, just driving. That's not easy.
all 50, not in any order. No. I mean, there's ones that like, like I've done that challenge where they're like, can you write down all 50 states in like five minutes or whatever? And I've never, obviously never succeeded at that. Um, last ones were Utah and Montana. Good one to forget. Montana, I feel like would have been like present in my mind, but I forget.
Iowa is a real place pretty often. ida Idaho and Iowa were were together in my mind. Yeah. And then there's always one that you're like, holy fuck, how did I forget like Oregon? Anytime I try to do something like that, somebody's like, you're missing a very obvious one. And I'm like, I don't know. And they're like, Vermont. And I'm like, oh fuck, you have Vermont. Nebraska.
Nebraska or Kansas. I couldn't even, I can't even guess where Nebraska is on here until let me, I got it up. Uh, where is the, brat I'm like it's like somewhere in the middle you it's a near Colorado. Colorado. Colorado, South Dakota, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois,
Illinois took me a while. Illinois. Yeah, it helps if I mean, I guess if you know, like if you think of like major cities and I get to like, like, where's Chicago? Oh, yeah. I think Kansas is just dead in the middle.
ah Virginia's low key, a big state.
Virginia is like no joke when you especially when you're driving through it. Up and through it is a fucking bitch. There's a lot of Virginia. I'll say that.
Drive was really nice from a visual perspective, but like very narrow two lane highways like through the mountains on that truck fucking sucked. Really sucked. Just in a way where you're like, im I don't know, like am I going to die?
You got hard hands, brother. You don't got soft things. That's right. You whipped a rig. That's right. I've been from Tucson to Tucan Carre. Imagine driving from coast to coast is nuts. Uh, no way. Well, in a car, I'd be fine with that. Truck drivers, mad respect.
I don't think I'm ever driving far again. I think I'm done. No, I'd still do it. I kind of want to go to do a fucking road trip out to like Utah.
I guess there's longer ways to do it. Like if you go, I'm looking at the map, if you go like Miami to Washington, that's pretty crazy. Oh yeah, dude.
that And it's not like you get to go on a straight line, like the highways are going to like make you do some weirdness.
No, I've done. ah I mean, it was with my brothers and so we split driving, but I've done Boston to L.A., which was oh, God, a lot. And we didn't do like a direct route. We like stopped in El Paso for a while and shit like that was like. Not a straight shot. It was fun, though.
Research chemicals. Test, test, to test, test, test, to test, testing. Shout out Patrick C. The research chemical. bug Chill. Shout out. Ain't chill. The big dog. That big dog. Yeah. no that dog in um Big Big dog.
go but Big dog. Big dog.
Oh shit, Hurricane Katrina. That's my impression of a Louisiana man seeing that Hurricane Katrina is coming. Yeah, dude. Damn, this shit's crazy. Shooting at it, trying to get it to turn around.
Yeah, they're like spinning their tires at it as fast as they can.
Squirt syrup all over it. Oh my God. Dude, Katrina, what's that about? Oh man, you might like this. We're at

Assimilation into Houston Culture

hanging out with some people this weekend and their brother lives in Houston.
And yeah he just moved down there maybe like, you know, a few years ago. and So I'm like, have you fully assimilated into Houston culture? And he goes, what do you mean? And I'm like, you know, have you started listening to like Paul Wall? You got like, uh, some chopped and screwed music and all this. And he, he stares at me for a minute. And then he goes, I don't understand anything that you just said to me.
I was like, all right, I guess you have not assimilated into Houston culture. You you have not assimilated. um He's missing out on the best part of Houston. Yeah, you got to roll up on the slab. If you're not into that, you're just into deadly, deadly intersections. Yep.
I told him he should listen to that first Paul Wall album. Might change his mind on things. Does he enjoy living in Houston? He said he loves it. All right. OK. I guess it's probably like any city where you're like, it's big enough that there's got to be good parts, but.
Not for me now.
You know, I definitely want to be the top, you know, top of my list of places to live in Texas. Chaos in Tejas. Not too ideal. Maybe if you had a low rider and a bottle of syrup, you might like it. Get fucking flooded out there.
Well, this is going down in the town. Welcome. Welcome to the show, Paul. Yeah. Oh, dude. Um. Um. What are you? I didn't have anything. Uh, RFK

Political Eccentricities and Campaigns

sucks. Sucks. Another another animal accusation I heard. Oh, dude, that actually was great.
Honestly, like if you're, if you're at the point, head off. Yeah. If you're at the point, life-wise, where you drop out of the presidential race and endorse, uh, Donald Trump, and then your, your own daughter is like, Oh, you think you know shit about my dad. Listen to this. One time we were on a beach and he saw a dead whale and he chainsawed its head off and took its head home. This is how fucking crazy this man is. Um, that's pretty dope though. I just don't understand why the universe keeps presenting him with like dead endangered animals. yeah That's the part that I think I'm scratching my head is like I've
lived my whole life, 30 something years. I've seen a moose once. I've seen a bear like twice. I've never encountered a dead whale or like a dead bear or really any dead animals besides like mice and squirrels and like raccoons and stuff. So this guy's got like a, like that's his, uh, everyday superpower. He doesn't know it. That's his MO. He'd go to, he'd go to,
X-Men school and professor X would be like you your powers that you find dead animals And he chops their fucking heads off well, that's the other thing that's one and It's one thing to see them I guess and then to be like his first thought is like ooh ooh dinner I want that in me and ah That's weird that's not I don't think typical yeah And it doesn't surprise me that he got a brain worm No, it's maybe he thinks that they all like killed his dad and his uncle or whatever whoever it was both of his uncles I think he thinks it's the FBI Yeah, I'm out on ah RFK I've been out but
Oh yeah, I mean... So what, all the money that he raised for his campaign just goes away basically? No dude, because... Does it return back to the people? Not even, because of how amazingly fucked up our country is, in just some of the best ways you can imagine. Uh, if you... if you...
truly end your campaign, then you do have to return donations. He suspended his campaign, which is the same thing. You're just saying a campaign suspended. And if you suspend your campaign, you legally do not have to return any money. Oh my God. And he wasn't.
Yeah, he wasn't like making, you know, Trump or Kamala money. Like, I think Kamala said she bowl pulled in half a billion last month, which knows, but like RFK is SEC or ah not SEC, FTF, what is it called? Federal elections, f FEC they disclosures were like ah three million a month.
And who knows how much of that he was, I don't think he was spending 3 million a month on like going on Joe Rogan. So he just gets to keep all that. He probably got made a cool like 10, 12 million off of running for president. Um, which is interesting. He can get a new voice box for 2 million at least. You got to figure that they can do something. They could do something. There's gotta be a surgery.
something dude, you can, you can get a face donated now. Like if you're like, ah if you're like a veteran who got really badly burned by an IED story for that, they'll give you, you text they can give you face transplants. You can get your,
Weird-ass throat replaced get his ass dude get his ass get him I Bet you 400 out of the 500 million that Kamala got was probably from other Indians Probably from all the horny Indian guys Mm-hmm. They all just sent their their rupees. Yeah Yeah Come on. Let me see your boobs, please. Here's, here's $200,000. Oh my gosh. And over again, there's there's, there's like all these, there's all these memes right now, uh, or not even memes, I guess, but all these like AI generated images from like, like libs of tick talk. And I think Trump shared one and like Vance shared one, but it's like people doing AI.
pictures of like Kamala as like a communist dictator or like holding a communist flag. But they something for whatever reason, the AI gives Kamala like really like satiny giant tits and yeah all of them. It's crazy. Awesome. ah i I don't know what they're doing, posting those because it's only helping her.
oh Man, what do you what are we what are we thinking is how much I mean? I don't think it's a score, but how much does she lose by? And when is the ah when is it November? Yeah, November's First Tuesday in November 5th or 7th or something 5th this year. Oh man No, I think she might win. She might win. Holy shit. Hmm. I think she's like, you know Fairly likable. Yep, I agree. What's she running on? up That doesn't matter. she's She's running on being like, she's literally running on like, I'm not that guy. Yeah. And also like I'm been like not saying anything. I mean, pretty much, which is like, that's, that's how, I mean, that's the thing is like, that's how much people or not everyone, but that's how much a lot of people just like dislike Trump.
is that you can just be like, Hey, I'm not that guy. I'm like, I'm like pretty sane. Look at me not be weird ordering a coffee at a coffee shop. And people are like, Oh, fucking thank God. Thank God. Somebody who, I think there's like enough people who just, who don't really care what the policies are and just want to not have to think about what's happening in the news.
Like, for better or for worse. when Trump was president, it was just like nonstop. Everything was like the end of the fucking world. I don't know that it was, but it was like, this is this new fucking crazy thing that Trump just did. And then people from the right would be like, it's not that crazy. It's not crazy to want to make sure that the Islamic people coming in are not terrorists. It's not crazy. And you're like, okay, can you just get somebody just talent? Like, why is this?
happening right now. And that was just like every day was like some new thing where Trump would be like, I'm going to buy Greenland and everybody like you can't buy Greenland. And I think people miss when politics was like, oh, oh, that's cool. There's something happening right now.
I've just been thinking like I can't, I can't, I just can't, I don't know. You get shot and you lose, ah you lose. That's too, that's tough. Dude, it's tough, but it's also like I a hundred percent agree with you. It's, it's a possible dude. It's a Testament to how, how much they're like fumbling right now that he got shot and no one's talking about it anymore.
And he's like, I mean, he's not losing, but he's like, he was, he was winning hard under Biden and he's like tied now. Yeah. He's like, fuck. And like, no one cares that he got like, everyone's like, what are you going to tell the story about how you got shot again? Like get some new material guy. And you're like, how did you know? So it's interesting.
Shout out Patrick C. Shout out Henry. Is that his name? Hank? that out hank chi Big dog. Shout out the big dog. Hank chill.
Right? Gucci. We don't need you to come back. We just want to know you're okay. ah I forgot about Gucci.
on to the next one uh fuck i think somebody unsubscribed from the reddit i'm okay with it though your loss your loss your loss how about you fucking die
i ah What the fuck is this that you posted? Just a black guy with two mozzarella sticks in front of him. i think So I think it's, yes. And then it gets weirder cause he eats a giant waffle. Uh, so yeah,
I mean, I don't blame, I don't blame you for leaving the sub. It's not just a waffle. It's not just a waffle, but it's the, uh, in the middle of it. Yeah, it does. I fried chicken. in it It's the style of the video. He's doing a like double chunk chocolate cookie of mozzarella sticks like double chalk chocolate cookie. They've like they've had an impact where this guy's like, if I just act like I'm like really performing excited about what's in front. Like you've seen a fucking big mozzarella stick, but it's it's fine. Two little bitches come out like bottle service and pour syrup all over it. Yeah, dude.
but he's just like over the top about it. And so I thought, and then he does a little dance. He does a little dance, which was kind of, that's what I was like, this is stupid. And I hate this. And then he, after he took a bite of the waffle sandwich, he did a little dance and I was like, all right, you want me back.
It's a double chunk chocolate cookie.
Um, everybody go, uh, look at bandana eats on Instagram. Who's that? Is that something I know that I, uh, send you that he just eats so much food and like, Oh God. Yeah. Like 25 minutes. That guy's nuts. Shout out bandana eats. Right. That's a, that's a crazy thing to like, not crazy, I guess. Like do whatever you want. I don't care.
But like, make that your identity thing. What'd you say? Hit him with a quad stack. Yes, exactly. You know the vibes.
About to hit him with a quad stack of pizza. Yep. Hit him with a, he's like eating like insane amounts of food. That's what I mean is like, that's your thing. So you got to keep it going. Got to watch beard versus food.
And then fucking and then you like get known for it. Like people like recognize Jeremy Fragrance. So like that dude's on his way to like he goes to a restaurant god and they're like, they're like, oh, it's you. You're that guy. Will you eat 15 pounds of food here? And he's like, dude I'm here with my girl. I just want I was just going to have a burger and they're like, eat 10 burgers. And he's got to do that. He's got to hit him with the quad stack. You've got to have a quad stack.
i am I am chewing a drive driveway gravel. I am not swallowing, though. I like that all those new videos are him like sniffing that chicks foot and then spraying it with a bunch of cologne. Oh my God. I watched one of him today just dancing as hard as he could. and that what That girl that he picked off of his email and she and like I'm sure that that was like their first date and he was like, just come to my, come to my house. And then she gets there and and he's and he's just like all coked up.
And he's fucking, and then he's like, he's like, I smell your feet now. Your feet smell warm and supple and youthful.
Then he's making like ground beef and like sweet potatoes in like a boiling pot for him. This is good. This is weak. We call this not none. None and get done. I was like, what the fuck is this guy? This guy from the Netherlands or something. He's like, it's very good. Good stuff. I have company coming. like Oh my God.
yeah I assume it's family, but imagine if he's like, you know, like if it's like people who fans or whatever and you're like going over to somebody and you're like, he's got like millions of followers. He, this guy lives in a mansion. He has like all these fragrances and you think you're going to have like a nice dinner and he serves you fucking borscht. Borscht literally just like potatoes and ground beef boiled in water. Like the most criminal, literally like my dog has diarrhea food. Yeah. It's like meatballs boiled some for some reason and like, yeah, just like two potatoes on a meatball. It looks like he lives in, like I picture that he lives in someone's like guest house in their backyard. Yeah. He's dancing around it furiously.
It's funny, I was at, a I went to a barber here and last week and he's, a has like all these fragrances like stacked up around, like on this thing. And I had to ask him, I was like, I have to ask you, are you a fan of Jeremy fragrance? And he's like, psh, guy's a clown. We don't appreciate him in the community. Oh my God. Yeah. He was a real fragrance dude. He's like, I was like, Oh, okay. and He was like, you you're in the fragrance? And I'm like, um, not really, man. I just had to ask you to have them like displayed all over, like three rows displayed on your fucking booth over here. He's like, yeah, so there, um, you know, Tom Ford is what I'm waiting on. Like a Tom Ford drop next week and stuff like that. I'm like, Oh my God, I can't believe that this is real. People do this.
I just don't like, how often do you need to smell like something? Smells, terrific. I was like, what's your everyday carry bro? He was like, he had to think about it for like two minutes. He's like, if I had to choose, probably, probably. bakara rouge Probably the Bentley one. I was like, hell yeah, dude. Okay.
Tom Ford's got some pretty legit suns now waiting, yeah waiting on the drop. I was like, tuscan something cuskin leather baby what do you what are you waiting? That's money and clone. Is there a factory or something? That's like producing only like a hundred bottles or something. And you're waiting on getting one. Where do you buy these? Is that what's keeping Macy's afloat right now? It's just these guys in the fragrance community.
Where else are you buying cologne? Sephora. Really? Yep. I decided I can't. I was looking at this being like, Oh my God, this is stupid. You're paying like $300 for a bottle of cologne. that And then I was like, i I bought like four knives last month. I probably should sit down.
Versace, I think I, I think I wore Versace blue cologne. I mean, honestly, if I could afford cologne, I'd probably rock some every day. I wear um just like a Target cologne, honestly, that I've had with some I've had it for like two years somehow, it just doesn't get empty. Hmm.
Yeah, I've got one from Target that I use if I need to smell like something. Yeah, this is the one I always had was the Versace. Ooh. Fry she. I don't know what the fuck this is. Yeah, the blue one. Yeah, the clear bottle or gold cap. I'll send you it. Let's see. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. ounces. I might get a, I might get a bottle to smell like 2012.
What if I just get it? It just smells terrible. You're like, Oh my God, I smelled like this for like five years. Yeah. I thought I was so cool. Like spraying a lot of this on me and then going to eight sprays.
I've got a little bottle of Tom Ford cologne that Shannon got me. Nice. I used to have some, what is it? Ode wood. O U D wood. Tom Ford. That was a good one. Yeah. It's your favorite. I bet. Yeah. yeah That one's unreal, dude. That one smells so good.
Jared. That's what you go. That's what you go by in the the underground scene. Old wood. oh now o o e Not old. Sure. Sure. Okay. Jay wood. they would yeah old Old wood. Old wood. I'm old wood.
I'm old wood. Come get some.

Cultural Escape and Social Media Oddities

I'm old wood. Can I can i sniff your butt?
you're on the You're on that bus that goes around Boston. I'm old wood. That bus. Yeah, that bus that's like in two pieces. Oh, I had to have been on those buses. What the fuck is there's like, it's like, there's like an under armor sleeve that can join us together. and fall
What the fuck is up with that? Dude, that's just the, uh, that's like the long bus. It's like, oh, it's just so it they can get around the fucked up corners and streets in Boston. It's not, well, yeah, for how, cause it's double the length of a normal bus, but also it's like, this is what trolleys are for. You should have just built a trolley line. took them all out dude They haven't changed. It's segregation.
Oh man.
I'm old wood. but
Very good show starts pretty soon, right? What does the great British baking show? Oh, does it? Yeah, it's usually started sometime in October, I think. That'll be some good. What you call it? Brain. Bleach TV, and new TV, you know, brain piss, brain piss.
Can't just watch my dude John McGinnis do his crazy videos on Instagram to bleach your bleach your mind every day
You guys still- you guys into that guy as much as I send him over? Which guy is that creepy dude that wears business shirts and he does like the video where he's like pouring stuff over something and he does the- Oh, the fucking weird CP guy? Yeah, ah yeah he's- he's- he is great.
My boy John, dude. John McGinnis on Instagram. And sometimes he's in his, like I said, he's in like his fallout house in Canada neighborhood where he's just throwing the bottle on the ground to the beat. then ah That's the guy I posted on the Reddit. He's drinking out of Saran Wrap as a straw. He just does every day. Every day, bro. Every day to the same beat.
um What is he doing? Play his normal videos. That's a little... Oh God. Oh God. I have to find a man. Yeah. Him and Chef Mike just using the same sound clip.
and You only have to pay one royalty. What is a normal video for him? What does that even mean? The one where he's pulling stuff off. Yeah. <unk>illa ah For you listeners, that was John McGinnis pouring, I want to say, orange fanta Although it's unclear. ah but like god I want to say it's Orange Fanta out of a Coca-Cola glass into a Ziploc bag that's tied with strings around his neck and then he kind of and then he kind of does a thing where he like sways his hips or like rotates his hips so that the bag swings back and forth without the Fanta spilling out and he's
and open mouth smiling, like Tim Wall's smiling the whole time.
it's either that or he's pouring like fake cheese on something or syrup and as hot as he pours the liquid on it he takes a bite every time every time quick bite right out of the sundae pan that never get I didn't see the he just has a loose hot dog pouring cheese on it and the hot dog is like fucking gray yeah he probably boiled it
Dude the cheese and the hot dog are the same color John hitting that shit, bro. Oh My god, he's just such a G
I think I'm just jealous, but it kind of pisses me off that like him and the Costco guys and all those people and just are just getting mad money for doing nothing. I don't think John gets any money. Maybe not John, but like the Costco guys. Yeah. Once you send that video of how fucking long it takes them to actually record something, I was like, actually, this seems like a nightmare.
Oh my god, John, dude. He's got 8.6 million followers on TikTok. Yeah, dude, it's crazy. He probably is getting some cash. He's definitely getting some cash. yeah But why does he live in like a fallout town in the house? Is that why he has more stuff in the background? of He's just buying like Black & Decker toasters over and over. He's got a lot of settlements to pay off. Yeah.
You know, they don't, they don't build nice houses and places he can move to. Maybe it's like he has to, and he, he's registered in that area. that's what i mean yeah He found a house that's like a thousand meters for our feet from, uh, you know, and it's like, there's no, it's hard to just find a place like that. He doesn't want to re-register and walk around his neighborhood and introduce himself again.
I'm John. In spite of what you may think, I do have 8.9 TikTok followers. However, the state of Montana requires me. Canada. Don't get it twisted. Hello, everybody. Oh, he's a Canadian? That's a Canadian. And I just ate at my uncle's house. There's my uncle.
Three times you removed from my my mother's side, the Colonel. So I just say that I can't see. That's my uncle. It was good. I had a three-piece box meal. Everybody have a good Saturday. That's my meal. I didn't film it. No, I didn't. put on take
Yeah, he's altered a lot of people's lives.
He's dramatically shifted a good amount of people's lives unfortunately.
He's so fucking crazy. but That's what I mean with that. I mean, like the guy who eats all this stuff, you're like, you found this niche and like is making a money or whatever, or even if it's just fulfilling form for like the attention and whatever. And like, this is the shit you have to do every day. Now you're like, I think today's a,
uh pour soda into a plastic bag kind of day yes he's dude his house is he has like a total autistic guy house he has like it's one two three he has eight like lanyard keychains that are like on display like but in the like the the like walkway hallway into like his living room like on the doorway side where you would have a door going into the living room just the lanyards hanging up as display nice and then a bunch of Canadian flags and Autistic guys are did they get like a McDouble wrapper and clean it and then they're like posted on their wall in their house yeah it's like I'm proud of you want to remember yeah
They fucking hang it up on their wall with like eight screws. Okay. What about this though? John, I noticed he does have this special ice that you like so much. Who me?
Yeah, whatever that ice cube machine is, he has one. He's got a Hoshizaki. Yeah, dude. He's definitely, he's making money doing it.

Quirky Purchases and Costco Adventures

Holy shit. That's an autism purchase right there. That's an extremely autistic purchase. Uh, that's also like 9,000 home Hoshizaki, probably like five grand, but still.
Definitely a Canadian one. So it's probably like 200 bucks. Off brand version of that. But if you, if you're like, I really want the clear flaky ice at all times, it's not that one. Nevermind. I thought it was, it's the one that has like the hole in the middle of it. Oh, I don't fucking know. Not a Hoshizaki, but still.
chair After I watched those Costco guys make that video and they just kept reshooting it. Not ruined it for me. I think I'm done with them. Which one is that? I didn't see that. Paulson, it's like a behind the scenes, like them recording a video with ah some guy. They're like, dude.
You have to say double chunk chocolate cookie. I got to watch this. um But they're like kind of arguing about like who talks like when do they say who says what and like when do they say it and they do retakes? And I was like, oh, fuck. Like this was like six minutes. It took you to record like a 15 second bump. The Rizzlers not even in it, dude. It's not even worth watching. ah Yeah, the magic was ruined for me. It was like seeing Uh, it was like being a child and seeing a Disney character with their costume off, like their head off. And you're like, Oh, Tigger's not real. You got to peek behind the curtain, dude. After the Jeremy fragrance videos of him smelling that girl, or is it it's definitely after that? This was only like two days ago, right? I can find it.
Maybe they took it off the internet because it just destroyed so many people. I gotta see this. Cause it's a double chocolate cookie. Oh dude, what the fuck is time? This is so much further back than I would have guessed.
It seems like it's so, I gotta, they're like, you gotta to get on your mark. stay on your mark of chunk chocolate cookie he says it perfectly the same time every single time bandana eats shout out bandana eats this wasn't from before oh yeah i don't know you guys know hold on i think i saw it on twitter too maybe i saved it
It's been wiped. Damn. That's what I mean. They were like, shit. Shit. No. Describe it. Describe it in detail. All right. There's like a Hispanic person. He's sitting in between them and they have a chicken bake and a double chuck chunk of cookie. And he's supposed to say which one is a boom or which one's a doom.
And he immediately says that the chocolate chunk cookie is a boom. And then dad gets mad at him and says, you need to try them. Oh, yeah, he's like, you know, you got to try him first. He's like, oh, OK. And then they try to reshoot it and they mess it up again. Oh, my God, it was the worst.
It's like, I got to, I got to get out of here. Do it one more time. Yeah. find Someone's got to find this. I definitely got a weird vibe that, uh, they don't enjoy it as like your, this is like their job now. So they have to, but then you're like, they don't seem to like enjoy it that much. I mean, imagine being out there Costco and seeing that happen.
That would be the ultimate. I mean, seeing the video was bad enough. Like that already ruined it for me. If I was like, if I was like trying, like Costco's already a chaos nightmare having to go there. Shout out to all the boss boys. Uh, if I were there and then there was also a bunch of nonsense because they were filming there, I would be, that would be tough.
And then you see that, then you see them rehearsing and like doing multiple takes and you're like, this isn't just how you are. I like it.
That's crazy, dude. It doesn't even say like this post has been removed. It's just Instagram just. Swoped in.
Can't find it. I need these guys to be ruined from my mind. I think it's. Hold on.
Hold on, hold on. ah What are they called?
Costco boys. Is that true?
We're Costco guys. Oh, there was a fucking hilarious fucking. I'll never be able to find it again. But it was an A.I. It was A.I. Like an A.I. Dub using their voices. But it was like, we're Costco guys. Of course we deny the Holocaust. We're Costco guys.
Uh, I can't even remember. It was really fucking, it was terrible, but it was funny.
Uh, let me see if I can find this. Oh, here it is. Do I still have, I don't have TikTok on his phone. double trunk trunk of cookie big eat too
Uh, no, this is from seven hours ago. This must be it. Here is. what you did actually and this is o or do for the dollarile to cook ah go and then what's on to
and i That's it. that is That's the right one, but i I only found it as like a somebody's podcast. I keep talking. You're fucking this up, dude.
snow house we here were jake kind of buck is no i wonder pi we're here were ja pter funy first on area
this a one ready
that double much chuck Ready? And action. And this is all or don't. A chicken bake. Or the double chocolate chocolate cookie. I gotta go with it. The double chocolate cookie. No, you gotta taste it. You gotta take it. First taste the chicken bake. Then taste the double chocolate cookie and then give your answer. Yeah, try the chicken bake. Yeah, it's ruined. It's ruined.
I mean, you can't be perfect every time doing such a good project. ah Scorsese was perfect on every film ever. ah It's just it just sound I understand that. I guess they're shooting art. It was stupid of me to think that it was, you know, some it wasn't a production. But I just the magic, I think.
Gotta to let the artists make art. Yeah, don't show me how the sausage was made. That's why, that's why it got taken off Instagram. Nobody wanted to see the sausage made. That's a nightmare. Guys, they're so, they're, they're worse than the Jewish record producers and the fucking fifties. These guys, they're fucking trying too hard. That's what I'm saying. Give me the but the bandana guy eating. Give me John.
Those are the real fucking guys putting in the work. Yep. Not just doing the same shit. I can't wait till these fucking people are done. Oh my god. Did you see the video of Tony P trying to do the athletic thing? Yeah. Unbelievable. So bad. What happened? I did not see that. I sent that in the group to, I don't know, you just watch him run. The dude can't run. No, he can't do anything close to athletic. He's trying to throw a football and he's throwing it all fucking god Oh, yeah. I mean, last year during like whatever season, he did some like fake, you know, like quarterback pros. And it was I was like, what the fuck? This is even worse because he's trying to kick a soccer ball, throw a baseball, throw a basketball, everything. You can't do any of them now. This whole thing is he's what he's a 55 year old guy stuck in a 25 year old body. Yeah, dude, he watches like a monk.
He is monk, dude. That's so good. He watches burn notice. Yeah.
It's a double junk chocolate cookie. All right, I'm back in.
I mean, all I have to. All right, I'm back in. I just have to hear a video where they do the song. If I hear the song, I'm like, yeah, this song is so good. This is a fucking banger. All right. The song is so good, dude. I'm actually going to the Costco tomorrow. What are you getting?
Probably a double chunk chocolate cookie. You gotta say it. You gotta do say it. It's a double chunk chocolate cookie. Go up and just order it like that. i I guarantee people do and they probably hate it. fuck What the fuck are you, what? have The like six Haitian guys that work at the one we go to are all like, shut the fuck up. Ah.
ah Okay, you didn't understand you anyway, if they're on the they're on the phone anyways, I can't hear you Yeah, they're like order order from screen Point to what you want man Yeah, bro, yeah, bro point to what you want she gonna bake Oh
oh my god They're like these ah these Americans eat all this stuff and then like they're like eating a pizza from 7-eleven two hours later on their fucking way home Fuck yeah
It's a double junk chocolate cookie, John. John, get John on those motherfuckers, dude. John would never do that. John. Yeah, John working keeps the same. He's consistent and no one else is doing what John is doing. No one's swirling a Hawaiian punch around on their neck. That's right. Tell him. You got to do that. You're do that. Have your roommate come out one time and you're doing that.
doing what you're either doing the syrup on the two Oreos stacked like on top of each other or you're doing the bags swirling around your neck. Oh dude, when I did that, when I did the sandwich guy video for you guys, uh, he was home and I had to like, just pretend like I wear like a collared shirt tucked in and at nine PM men be like, can you go in your room? I'll tell you, I'll tell you why later.
Yeah, yeah, it's a double chunk chocolate cookie. Go on your own.
one I said Digger. I said Digger. Digger! Winnie the Pooh character. It's like an excavator. That's what I call it. Jesus Christ.
Take out, take, yeah, take two, take two more spin drift. Come on. Get out. Go, go back in your room.
Yeah. Yeah. I'll take the, I'll drink the grapefruit. I'll drink the grapefruit. Just get out of here. Not, not far off. Put your headphones on. Grapefruit sucks as spin drift, dude. It's not a good one. Brutal. It's David's favorite. and It's how you, it's how you get to, uh, it's weird. Every Starbucks, the only spin drift they have is like grapefruit. It's nonsense. They probably get like a ah deal on it. Cause it's cause it's gay trash. Yeah. Yeah. Starbucks. Step the game up. Yeah. Get the raspberry lime. What are you doing? Fucking game up, bro. Get the coffees. Boom. And again, get the coffees all good.
It's actually in insane how expensive Starbucks is. People on Reddit hate Starbucks so much. I had a tall pumpkin spice latte the other day. Guess how much that was. Fuzz. Guess how much that was.
oh $8. Two bitcoins. $6.15, $6.25. And then you got taxed on it and then you, they still asked you for like a 20% tip. Yeah.
That's like 8 or 10 bucks fall all in for that coffee. A tall dude just gave it to you, just disappeared in your hand. they were yeah do you get the Did you grab the coffee?
Tall. You finished it in two sips probably, dude. A tall is like, what is it? Like like six ounces. I savored up. I love pumpkin spice. Pumpkin spice. When did it return, dude?
Earlier this week, I think. Wow. Were you waiting for it? Maybe last week.
Was I? Yeah, every year. Did I love that shit? Hell yeah. You're outside the door like the NBA 2K is dropping. Yes. It's a pumpkin spice latte. Doesn't have the same ring to it.
no that was you ordered uh they're like yeah that'd be 695 you're like oh i just ordered i just ordered the the coffee like yeah that that old ass guy thing oh no i just i just had the one coffee um yeah no it's 695 it's still the same you're gonna scan your app or you're gonna
That's crazy, dude. Just get to get the creamer and then just pour your coffee. It tastes the same. It's not the same, dude. What is even a latte? Is it just extra milk in the coffee? Yeah, I think latte means milk.
That's why I like the tall size, honestly, for a latte is probably the most reasonable one. Is it the same thing as a cafe a lot? I don't know. That's that's my question. Hey, baristas, if you're listening, join the Discord. Let me know. There's a latte and a cafe a lot the same time. Yeah, someone join the Discord and disrupt Patrick C. Get it, get them going. True. Shout out Patrick C. You guys ah buying pounds are $75 somehow.
I'm curious about that. he's plugged He's plugged in at the local dance hall. That's what you got to do. That's me, dude. dan That's what I'm going to start representing. Dance hall, local dance hall 785.
Like the union, local dance hall 785 strong. It's me and a bunch of Jamaicans.
your I was saying in the car the other day, uh, was like, I don't smoke pot anymore, but it's like the smell of it is something I want. Like I might just start, start buying pot and rolling it up and just burning and smelling it. So just like burning a joint and just not ever not even taking a drag of it.
Mm hmm. That's might be worth it. It's like I might just might start just smelling like a whole fucking half in a week or something. Yeah, I get that. I just get to that level. It's like um I don't really like coffee, but like the smell of like roasted coffee in the morning is like a good smell. oh Yeah, of course. Yeah. just It's just got to but ah but like I I'll just like enjoy the fact that like a kitchen smells that way. Like if I'm like staying in somewhere, yeah but not have any coffee. Cause I'm like, that'll make me feel gross. So I get that with weed. You'd be like, fuck did you guys hate everything I love?

Coffee Preferences and Astronaut Updates

I love coffee.
Dude, have you tried breakfast soda? I might wait better. There's just no smell. Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola at but breakfast doesn't have a smell, but coffee is fire. Breakfast soda is the way to go. Just roll up a whole two grammar and just smell the whole fucking thing.
roll up eight smell it all dude smell it before and after it's lit. I'm watching the Kensington have ah Philly live stream all these just you know all these black dudes just outside a convenience store and I can't tell if they're fighting or they're hanging out.
They were just all dapping each other. I'm now they're angrily talking to each other. This, uh, this fan head is trying to sell one of them a phone. Now in the picture, this is awesome. Cam five Kensington have stream on. Oh dude. Well, are we recording the Patreon? Yes. We're on the Patriot wall. I'll save it for the picture and put it into, we're on the, par we're just going to keep going. Hell yes.
Um, have any of you seen these videos of like Venezuelans going fucking nuts in Colorado? No. What are they doing? I saw that where they've got like the apartment building taken over. You know, like Venezuelan immigrants are like with like fucking AK is like took over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado. And like it, I guess I don't know because like the news is like nothing's happening. But of course that's what they would say.
And then there's like TikTok or like TikTok and like Twitter videos of like, like literally people going door to door with guns. Like I'm like, is this, real is this real? Is this like really happening in America? Uh, that's fucking nuts. I don't know. I don't know what that's about. That's nuts. Fucking gangs, bro. Taking over. Is it, are they all in the gang?
I guess instead of dealing with it with the cops, they should just like bring all these Philly guys out there and have them just battle them. Oh my God, dude. Could you imagine? like Nothing. I think nothing Philly guys, like Texas guys, like nothing would make them happier if you were just like, Hey, you get, uh, the legal authority to handle this however you want.
yeah we need but You just need to take back the apartment building. And they can't just start like and it has to be like natural. like You guys can't just go in there fighting and shooting automatically. like You guys need to have a couple days of like getting into like natural altercations. You guys need to walk by each other a few times and be like, what the fuck did you say? What did you say?
And then like naturally pop off, you know, what it needs to, it needs to be a, a slow burn, but, and, but then all out war is fine, but I can't just be, you guys need a reason you, someone needs to like, yeah, yeah you gotta get probably what the reason is going to be. What's that? It's going to be Gavin Newsom passing the, um,
new bill that's going to give undocumented immigrants one hundred and fifty up to $150,000 for a 20% down payment and then a 0% interest loan. it Can't be real. I swear to God that's real. What is how do I get? They get a hundred and fifty grand up to a hundred and fifty thousand for a down payment plus a zero percent interest. Holy shit. That's crazy. How do I can I renounce my citizenship? You just have to be Mexican. Yeah, you renounce my U.S. citizenship. You become a Mexican. You need to just tap into your roots.
Yeah, I literally could just it would be like reaching out to some cousins that I haven't seen in 20 plus years You got a crossover into Mexico and then he legally crossed back into California yeah deny that i'm When they're like, do you have a passport be like no say you got to start like doing like Insulation on houses and like the really the really shitty jobs. Yeah door dashing and Insulating houses and stuff Bossing tables. Yeah, I saw somebody post that the other day I thought I was just like straight rage bait and then I had looked it up and I thought it was rage. I've seen it I mean I have seen it and I definitely in California. Yeah yeah Thought I was rage baby cuz like that so it's like he's like, oh, well, you're still not gonna be able to afford any houses here um It would actually low-key be like it I
You know, if you apply for that loan, then they deport you. yeah' trick It's all it's just a dragnet. That's how they got El Mayo. He applied for one of those. Oh yeah, you just got to come pick up the, you just got to come pick up the check.
El Mayo was like, wow, this is too easy. It's actually kind of funny because that's how they arrested a bunch of people back in the eighties. They said they want a boat. And when they showed up for it, they just fucking arrested him. Yeah, get on the ground, you fucking idiot. They're like just like a five foot two brick shit house Mexican guy and like a sailor's cap.
He's got shorts on for the first time in his life. He's got a hurly bathing suit on and a sailor's cap.
work boots on bathing suit. That's so funny. These Philly dudes, I keep going in and out of like, ah it's either a convenience store or someone's house. I think it's a convenience store, but they've all walked in and out 2000 times. Must be the most successful convenience store ever. They'll never buy a full pack of cigarettes. They're just buying one at a time in this store.
50 cents each. Yeah. Marking them up, dude. This is crazy just watching these dudes outside there. They must know that this camera is live streaming YouTube.
Y'all on the YouTube. I'm on YouTube.
They probably think Dave Chappelle sucks. Definitely. He's problematic. think there's Yeah.
Oh, it's definitely a convenience store. Let's go. Kensington Ave convenience store might be the play. You got if you can hold it down securely, you're making so much dough.
well Whoa.
Drop some knowledge, Jerry. Ah, let's see. Oh, I think we talked about it the last time we recorded and I said that the astronauts were going to be stuck in space till like September. And then, yeah, immediately after that, we're like, it's actually going to be like eight to nine months. No, yeah, you said that would be up there another eight months.
Oh, I did. I thought we had only said it was going to be like till September. They were like September at the earliest. And then I said, which means it's for sure going to be way longer.
And then not Zuckerberg, who the fuck? Elon was going to was going to rescue them. um Actually, I think SUNY Williams is, isn't she from Massachusetts? Anyway, they're gonna be stuck there till February. yeah And then Elon was going to rescue them. There's only supposed to be there for like six days. And now they'll be there till February at least. And possibly, you know, who knows? Get, not make it back alive. Uh, Elon was going to rescue them, but the space suits that they have on the international space station. Well, I guess,
There was something I read that there was like, they don't have the right kind of spacesuits to come back on on a SpaceX aircraft. But then I'm like, could they send the SpaceX aircraft up with spacesuits in it? But then probably the spacesuits have to be like pretty carefully calibrated to you. You probably can't just like get one out of the box. One size fits all. Yeah.
So who knows? Uh, but they basically, I mean, it's interesting. We talked about it already, but it's like, there's not like backups. You're like, Oh shit, we just need to build a new rocket. Like you don't just have one line around in a, in a fucking warehouse somewhere. So there's that, um,
what else is going on?
Uh, the founder of telegram got arrested. So if you use telegram to buy illegal drugs, yeah, we might allegedly have a member that's into that. So this is your warning. Um, the French authorities are about to have all of that data. So it's a new stroke road. I don't know what the good one is now. I think signal's still okay, but signal was never like ideal.
Um, the one we used to use to talk. Yeah, we used to use signal. That was the one Jerry had his on. There's that one that the, um, Mexican cartels use that, but you have to buy their phone. I can't remember what it's called, but it's like, it's, it's, and it's its own network and you have to buy the phones so that it's end to end encrypted. And so as long as you, as long as the FBI or like the federales never get one of the phones,
Then it's, then nothing can be intercepted, but that's a lot of work.
so that's What it take you to become like or a bird scooter guy permanently? Like the guys that own the bird scooters. Like you are like a bird scooter franchise owner. No, like you like the guys that buy the permanent ones that go I'm like Walmart and that's your transportation instead of a car. Just, and just like 90% of your travel. Hmm. I mean, I think if somebody bought me one for free, I'd probably like going to, going to Whole Foods, going to Costco, Costco, I'd have to carry shit back. Like well into the winter time too. Yeah, I'd do that. That's fine. You're like, you're getting around like slight light slush until you got to put it away. Dude. I'd whip that thing on 95 free people out on the left lane. What are they going to do? You got that dude. Costco coming back with a cardboard box of shit. Yeah. Just like, um,
just on my back, just get like a big laundry hamper on my back. What the fuck? You guys areas still use, uh, are you guys in an area that doesn't use plastic bags? Um, but yeah it's so depending on the town here. So, so the town I live in go on make laura town I live in, you can get,
paper bags, but not plastic. There's like a town over that's no bags. Like if you want a bag, you have to pay for it. Yeah. I'm actually trying to think the last time I got a liquor stores, I still get plastic bags. You're right. Like a blackout bag. ah Target and like Walmart still do plastic. OK. But it's where it's Target gives you a free reusable bag now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Um, but yeah, it's definitely a thing up here. Very, um, bad conscious. Yeah, they are. Which is funny because then you go down south and you can't even recycle. Yeah, exactly. Hey, whatever. It's cool with me. Yeah, I'm not hating either way. Other than like, sometimes it sucks when you're like, Oh, I didn't. I mean, I guess it it's,
You're mindful and you do it once and then you never forget again. But I have ADHD and forget every time to bring my reusable bags and you'll get there and be like fuck to buy like a dollar twenty five cent another dollar and twenty five cent reusable bag because I don't have anything and you don't offer bags.
It was like a big Y. Big Y premium, premium grocery store. Oh yeah. Tell us about it. Tell us about your first time in a big Y. Just incredible, incredible vibes. h The ah butcher. Great. Fantastic. They have, um,
The marinated chicken thighs are already in all different flavors on the on the butcher block or whatever at the at the case. I'm extremely happy with that. that's That's mostly my draw. Yep. It's fucking great. And everything's always on sale for some reason. I don't get it.
But yeah, but what you're having already marinated stuff is so clutch. Yeah, very. And it's in the case. It's fresh. It's good. It's good to go. Ready to go. I don't have to do yours. Marinated skewers. Already made. No skewers. No. No, no, no. You can eat skewers. It's okay. No, dude. No way.
Just make it regular. You don't need it on a skewer. No, you definitely don't. I don't understand why they do that, but it's fine. You don't need it on a fucking skewer, dude. Yeah, but you don't not need it on a skewer. Just eat it normally. It's kind of fun. No, dude. I got some of those, uh,
I got those Cape Cod pizzas today to try out. I can't wait to try those. Yeah. You got to give us a review. What's your take on them? Because it is, uh, isn't that what Paul got? Paul, didn't you get those? Yeah. It's like a, it's like a so frozen. fars Yeah. Right. You throw it in the oven at like 500 degrees or something. It says. ye good too All right. I'm fucking pumped, dude. I saw those. I immediately got those.
Paul, you, um, what Jared brought up earlier on ah RFK thing. Are you still, are you, um, RFK and any mice lately? We haven't gotten an update in a while. I killed like five of them in a month and then I haven't seen any in a little bit. All right. So it was the most recent execution.
About two weeks ago, a week ago. Okay. So they're still, they're, they're treading lightly still. Yep. They don't have to fuck with me now. You still trapping them the same way? Yep. I just got them stuck to a sticky trap and I put them in a Ziploc bag and crush them with a rock.
Do you close your eyes when you crush them with a rock or you're just watching the whole thing? do it um You watch. It's disrespectful not to. Are they like crying when you fucking pick them up? Yeah. Oh Jesus Christ. but Oh man. And even if they were, they're just a mouse dude. Yeah, that's true.
The only one I felt bad is I hit the one so hard, it like exploded its body. Oh my God. That's fine. I didn't tell you about that. I fucking like over killed it. Oh my God. I went to hit it and I missed its head and I hit its body and I hit it so fucking hard. It's like skin separated from its insides. Oh my God. provide Getting a little too too used to this. Yeah. Letting out some rage on that one. Yeah, exactly.
The one I had to hit twice. That's the only one I felt bad about. Yeah, that's fucked I like hit it in the head and I didn't really hit it like didn't commit And it was still alive and I had to whack it again There's this home improvement guy that I so i found he has a pretty cool invention that he has you should get it it's ah It's like a vacuum that captures them all Like literally like they like step on

Creative Solutions and Controversial Histories

something. It's just goes true It just sucks him like a hundred miles an hour
It's a shop vac engine on a mousetrap. It's so fucking awesome. i'm into some Dude. And then you would, I mean, I guess you'd have to like kill like eight at a time in a barrel, whatever it captures. You could drown them. Can't you just drown them? I feel like that's less, less humane than just putting them in a Ziploc bag and hitting them with a fucking rock. Should just throw them in your fire pit on fire.
Uh, yeah. Why not? Or just feed them to like a fee. I guess you don't have a cat. Have you thought about getting a cat? Yep. No, son I can't let the chickens out. Oh, good point. Just put a chicken on the case, dude.
chickens will eat mice. I bet they can get them. Seems like they'll eat. You feed the chickens the corpses of the mice and they're stuck to the sticky trap. Ah, right. Yeah. Fair point. Fair point. You get them. This is the chicken stuck to the trap.
Then I got to hit the chicken or the rock. There's people that like scrub them with oil to get them off the trap, which is fucking insane. Yeah, that's a lot. Have you had any more chicken mishaps since, uh, whenever the last coyote? Nope. They were going crazy today, but I had to go out and put them into their, uh, you put them in up by something, put them on a Ziploc bag and crush them with that.
They were just being real loud, so I went out and killed them all. Yeah, I had a really big Ziploc bag.
Crushed them all. I've been selling the eggs. Nice. Selling them? Yep. Oh, yeah. How does that work? Five bucks a dozen. All right. Well, you put them at the end of your driveway.
I've just been solving people at work. All right. You just repackage and eggs you buy the at Costco. Just getting one over on them. Oh, yeah, these are farm fresh. Yeah, totally. Hormone free. Yeah, they're perfectly white and round. They all look the same.
Oh, man. What do you sell a dozen eggs for out of curiosity? He said five bucks, dude. Oh, I wasn't listening. Sorry. Yeah, dude. howt you Why don't you listen some more? Why don't you open your ears, dude? Stop doing test chemicals. Open your mind. That's true. I should stop doing that.
Stop doing fucking test chemicals and estrogen or whatever. a ah ah a
Uh, what are you going to be for Halloween this year? Dude, I was thinking about, um, I don't know. RFK just hold up a dog on your shoulder. RFK is not a bad idea. the only The only good idea I've had that I think probably a lot of people will do. And if you didn't see civil war, then it won't, um, it won't really register. But, uh,
Todd from Breaking Bad character in Civil War in the military fatigues in the red sunglasses. I was like, that's a low effort costume that a lot of people will get. And I can just wear fucking camo jacket and red sunglasses and carry a AK 47 and just be like, what kind of American are you? And people will think it's good. That's the only idea I've had so far.
You know what I thought was pretty lame about that? Not that idea, but that part of the movie. What? Is that all the the trailer makes it seem like, you know. He's talking about North or South, but really, it's just like you fucking Mexican. Yes, yes. Oh, dude, that movie was so disappointing, like textbook. You made.
Like I wanted to watch the movie, to be honest with you. I just saw that part. I wanted to watch the movie that the trailer made it seem like it was going to be. a And then the movie was like bad. It was it wasn't bad. It just like wasn't the movie that I went to. It wasn't the movie that I wanted to see. ah You could have done that idea better. And I now and now I feel like you kind of can't because they already did it.
Um, but yeah. Agreed. I'm like, Oh, this is going to be a cool scene. And then he's just like, yeah, you fucking fucking Chinese. Yeah. What are you? One of them Chinaman. It's like, Oh, this is just stupid. Um, yeah.
Oh, you want hear some good, good, uh, So Bayer like they are like the aspirin company also was like founded by Nazis. Correct. All right. So remember a long time ago, we talked about that book that I read about the Nazis and how they bear was making like Ziklon B and shit like that. Yes. For the war effort.
Well, today I'm reading another book about Nazis called Blitz. It's about um the use of methamphetamine by the Nazis. Sure. Yeah. And still is. They talk about Bayer and like night it would do in post World War One. And, you know, Bayer actually found heroin and invented heroin and put it out onto the market and marketed it as a miracle cure, like a way to get colicky babies to go to sleep. Among other things, headaches, general malaise.
a Now, anything that you can think of to take heroin? I mean, it was probably pretty tight until they realized how bad it was. Well, yeah, I mean. Just goes to show you that, like, Merck, Merck also. Oh, my God. Don't put it in Merck's fucked up. I almost worked for them. Merck and Bayer, both pieces of shit companies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We make aspirin, but just ignore the fact that we made heroin, put it on the market. Yeah. And don't. There's no consequences for that.
Nope. Down the road. Jesus. Um, yeah. I mean, you can't really, well, you sort of can, but I guess you can't really fault them for, you know, we, we found a thing. It does a thing. There weren't as much like standards for testing and making sure things are safe back then. But at some point, I think you got to go back and be like, oops.
I was a little off on my time period. It was actually 1898 when they founded heroin. Oh, so they were, they went from heroin to helping the Nazis build concentration camps. That was correct. didn't hear once small It was all for the war effort. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you know, and meth.
That makes sense. Makes you real like energetic and confident. It's exactly what you want. Your soldiers just. Run into no answer to the gills. Yes. Yes. They probably still do that. Put a little method in MREs.
Perfect. Get him go when what did you say? Purvitan was the name of the meth pills that they took. Oh. But then the funny thing is that meth, like that they obviously didn't know that, ah again, that it was like life alteringly terrible. Yeah. So the Pervidin pills were, let's say like five milligrams, I believe. Then they had this methamphetamine laced chocolate that like you and I could buy. You didn't have to be a.
you know like a soldier or whatever. Mm hmm. And those things were like nine to 18 milligrams, I think. And they recommended that you ate like four of them. Damn. I think maybe that company knew that the meth was addicting. Yeah. do it Well, like yeah, you should just eat a shitload of this good for you. Yeah, it's fine. What else are you going to do?
I can talk to your kids.
Um, that's tight, dude. I mean, I wanted, I wanted to be like, the world used to be way more tight. And then I'm like, actually, you can buy whatever you want right now on the internet. If I actually wanted to find heroin, it would not be that hard. I just don't, I don't want to just go to downtown Boston, dude. Probably want to be that hard in general. It just feels like the consequences were less back then. You could be like,
I tried this new thing called heroin and people would be like, oh, what did it do? You'd be like, well, I slept for 12 hours. And I'd be pretty tight, yeah pretty tight. You could go to India and just walk through a poppy field. I know.
Get the raw shit, dog. Get that raw shit. Get that opium.
Get it. Go to New Bedford, get that get that raw shit. Right.
Do it. All right, guys. Yeah, go to Fall River. Get that. Yeah. Good stuff. Yeah, you know the fucking vibes. Yeah. Get that cross that bridge. Get that crazy shit.
You like that raw shit? Yeah. We do Bedford Wailing Museum. Get that. Yeah. Get fucked up and go to the New Bedford Whaling Museum. Pretty much. Pretty much.
So, Pops. Yeah, what are you thinking about? Just looking at the DEA museum, they have a ah opium pillow. It's a ceramic device that was used as a headrest for people who smoked opium. Oh.
God, man, this opium's got me so tired. I'm just going to lay down on this fucking wicked heart ceramic pillow.

Tragic Events and Podcast Closure

Like the solid keep you up. So we talked about Disney killing that lady and then telling her husband he couldn't sue because he had a Disney plus subscription. What?
Guess we didn't. Excuse me? x Excuse me? No, this was like two weeks ago, but I think they like I think Disney realized they were being fucking idiots.
Is that why people were all pissed off at Disney? Yeah. This woman was at like a Disney resort restaurant and like, um, she has like allergies and asked them to make the, make sure the dish shouldn't have like any dairy or nuts in it. And she asked like five times and they were like, it's good. It's good. It's safe. You're fine. And she ate it and went into anaphylactic shock.
Uh, and died, which sucks. Jesus, that sucks. And then her husband sued the restaurant and Disney for like wrongful death and whatever. And Disney was like, well, you actually signed up for Disney plus, uh, two years or a free one month trial of Disney plus like two years ago.
And there's a terms of service that any disputes have to be settled through arbitration. So you can't sue us. And I tried to pull that shit and then everyone freaked out and was like, yo, fuck you.
And then Disney was like, Oh, we were kidding. We're good. We're just going to, so we're just going to settle the court. Yeah. there We are not going to do arbitration. and We're going to go through the courts and like, it'll be fine. And you know that they're just going to settle because, uh, yeah, they're fucked. I mean, they're fine. You can kill disney can kill people all they want, but you just got to pay, just got to pay up.
Yeah, I was eating at the, um, at the Daffy Duck restaurant and it was, uh, I guess it was their time to go.
ah That's crazy. Oh my God. That's fucked dude. RIP. Yeah. That could have been in your mushroom gummies. Dude, that could have been in my weird fucking
Mescaline. Uh, yeah. Yeah. Well, we're, but we're back. We're back at it, guys. Thank you for the the fantastic episode and we'll, we'll, uh, I need last words for anybody. Um, um, digger.
All right. Peace out.