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Dudes "R" Us
31 Plays15 hours ago

Shout out to the tron boyz aka the pack n ship boys


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Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless you. Dutesara saved my life. Hello everyone, it is me. I would like to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day. I hope that everyone here is able to spend the day with those who are important to them.
Why does not America look like Dubai in Germany? And why doesn't America look like Russia and Persia? And where is the money go?
So I know Trump is innocent. I support Trump against his corrupt two-tiered justices. That's why I'm here to show my support as a black man for Trump. And I wear my shirt niggas for Trump 2024. And I mean that.
My buddy told me this is just a micro dose of mushrooms and he was lying. So I'll be honest, I thought I was in waves of glory for most of the time that I was out there until it sort of settled down and then I realized holy f***ing time at the NHL all-star game. So I know we talked about this yesterday, but with some of the feedback that I get, you know, I feel like I need to do a part two. I just want to let you know, just because your dog is raised in a black household does not make your dog black.
Sending positive vibes and good energy to everyone. Let's have a day, people. So even though the podcast is doing really well and the response has been great, I am going to take a pause on it for now. We are not able to get the type of guests that I'd like on the show, like say Jack Harlow or Drake or Post Malone.
So anyways, in reference to this, like part two of the previous video, this man tried to claim he thought he thought my ass was too round.
claims that his job has cost him several relationships. Please welcome Robert Faggot.
Welcome to Dudes R Us. We are locked in this week and will never be stopped. We are the best dressed yuppies in the podcast industry. Please review us on Spotify and iTunes.
why a
Hey, let's fucking go.
We're here. It's us. Good evening. Two thirds of us. Good morning, good evening. Yeah, we're back on ah on the microphones and recording of a radio cast.
doing our radio our online internet radio show this this is my rendition of the show Frasier the the dark dark Frasier black Frasier
Okay. Yeah. Oh, I thought something was coming. My bad. the That's what it was. That's what it is. What had never happened. So I would have never got picked up for a pilot. So that was my ah number can't even recast T'Challa.
This, this is my, um, this is my impression of, uh, Peter Griffin.
Next, this is my, this is my impression of Simon cow.
Next, this is my impression of George H. Bush.
Next, this is my impression of Reba.
I know that you're not gonna, but I really want you to clip in. I don't even know if I want it to be actual impressions. Clip in the audio in those spaces. I think it's gotta be that.
This is how legends get made. oh who oh
You guys haven't commented once on the ah the incest retarded Iraqi guy that I send you guys eating stuff all the time. Which guy? The guy that is looks literally like out of the the pictures of like, what is it? What is it? What's the word I'm looking for?
What is it when ah you you know the word? It's on. It's right on. Right on the ah the guy eating like sliced pears. Yeah. What is it? What the fuck is this?
I mean, respectfully, he looks like a Neanderthal at the museum. yeah what is What does in Instagram handle? Oh, my gosh. This is a Instagram. Chikobaba.official. H-I-K-O-B-A-B-A, period official. Oh, yeah.
There's two of them to maybe the other one died or they they got into like a brawl and one died or something. But I mean, it could happen. But he's always just like eating, eating pears, like how they crush cars in the junkyard like over. And then he always like does like a like he waves his head back and forth like it's like, holy shit.
Yeah. That guy, you haven't caught you. I've been sending you guys that for like a week. Really? Yeah. Sometimes they get buried. The guy is um looking horse and and then every now and then also just cause you've burned me so many times. If I see a weird person looking like they're about to eat food. Uh, sometimes I just don't watch those cause I assume it's going to be a some fucking bird crunch or like a crab video, but this isn't,
He doesn't necessarily eat gross. No, the guy is just kind of gross. He looks like he. Yeah, he kind of has a fade, which is funny, but then also like whoever takes care of him, gave him like. Like, is do you have to get that haircut? Yeah, I guess maybe that's just the way his head shaped. I mean, you gave him the haircut that would make his head look the smallest at the top that you could.
like very tight on the sides and then you gave him like a like a straight line bangs situation very edgar haircut actually he definitely is at the the level of retard where he just makes definitely just grunts and makes noises oh yeah they're iraqi grunts a ah so i'm just eating the pears
yeah I do that guy's the man the pair guy. Yeah, I gotta to dive deeper. This is my first it's ah My first pair guy i He looks like he's been in a cage forever He looks like below from Borat is even this language This is my brother below oh
Oh, there's a lot of videos. Holy shit. Who let him hold a puppy? I want you to have mice and men. Exactly. yeah that i could get over my a pepsi That was also the dirtiest. I've been clean for almost two years. I never thought anybody could tell me that I could have some tea.
yeah you get over your attentionion i give god to praise my weighted off ah giving over pepsi i had used to need four or five peps he in and i haven't almost
they're Playing with a pigeon they found yeah, yeah, it's not nothing good's going on over there. Oh God Um, that's tight I'm gonna have to check that out later um fuck lord thank you for getting rid of my addiction pips this is my other guy everybody needs it once this guy blows up i know it'll be from me because it's literally um one it's just seven likes and one of them's me shot sean s
ah You can't play while I'm talking, dude. Sorry. Fucking this whole thing up. Can't get in the way of our top tier production here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah Just it fix it in post. Sean underscore ah Sean S E A N underscore M A L A Fronte.
f r o n t e underscore
This guy is, uh, this guy is the biggest Massachusetts, New England guy possible. He just does videos in the front of his car after going to the gym. I think he played college football this week. Yep. He definitely has those lines. We lost him during regular season, but I know we can beat him. And then with when that we'd probably play the Texans.
so September 27th, 2024, right there, I did 10 miles on a bike fast. Um, 15 skill mills, 16 and 16.7 stay between 15 and 17 dollars. Those 20 and there and 18 and 22 in the open field, be fast, be quick. Um, after that, like I said, the swim pool workout, around some pool, lower body, tires, drills on tire, and there you go. All right. I'm elusive and shifty. Yes.
45 years old too. And he is, uh, I don't know if he's doing these workouts. He wears one of those, uh, tight skill caps that wide receivers wear, but he just rocks them all day. He wears two chains. He's a white guy with a goatee, by the way. And, uh, yeah, he just seems like he's just at the gym every single day somehow. Well, dude, he's just training up for when, uh,
Yeah. When he gets drafted. Yeah. He's trying to be he trying to still get an NFL. I like it. yeah You know, they don't usually draft. Well, they really don't draft guys his age. Uh, but he's not any, he's not any guy. He's he's Sean Malafrante. Yeah. Malafrante Delmon.
What else is, uh, what's going on in the world? Dude, uh, really for, pre for the first time, that's probably a lie. I'm going to hedge that and say like second, maybe third time this year, or like since like May, I had a fucking Double quarter pounder. Nice. And then this is the week that they have an E-coli fucking recall thing. Oh, yes. I had it on Monday and they recalled them on like Tuesday.
you feel Sunday night, must've been Sunday night. No, I feel fine. I think I dodged it. Do you think so? Yeah. I also don't know that my body could like, what the hell's this? Yeah. I think it would just be like,
ah ha too hostile of an environment for E. Cola right now.
Um, but of course that's now a conspiracy. As conspiracy of what? Well, that, that like the, ah like the CDC is here while he was at, well, you could say two things, right? There's like people on the, the, there's,
and I would say people on the left making jokes like, oh, Trump works at a McDonald's for four hours and suddenly there's an E. Coli outbreak. But obviously, like, you know, that's a joke. Well, I hope you know, that's a joke. But then there's on the other side, then there's people on the right being like.
The CDC is like punishing McDonald's for like letting Trump do a press thing. um yeah They were making up this thing about E. Coli. So then there's people being like, i'm yeah I know this E. Coli is fake, so I'm going to eat this poisonous quarter pounder in protest. that's kind of funny Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
Um, everything about our country is extremely sane and level headed right now, which is my favorite thing. You can just know that everyone's thinking about things rationally and not developing weird gay crushes on old men or women. And that's pretty dope.
Then the left is like, wow, Trump's works out of McDonald's for three hours and now McDonald's has E. coli and the right is like, wow, thanks a lot for the E. co e coli, George Floyd, wrongfully imprisoned Derek Chauvin. Thanks a lot. Oh, they hate that. They're so mad about that. They bring it back into that every time.
Oh, every time anything happens, they're like, what were you doing when they were burning down Kenosha? Yeah. When they were, uh, over alleys on parts, Trump gets in, he's going to prop, he's pardoning Derek Chauvin. And then he's going to pardon Todd Krizley and, and, uh, everybody else. Yep. Get in, get in here.
What if he does the right thing? He pardons them and makes them just work out of McDonald's and liked in like the middle of like fucking some, uh, where's, where's a tough, mc where's a tough McDonald's to work like Atlanta airport. yeah honest Yeah. Honestly, in the form, in the, in terms of like how your tax dollars are spent and like what constitutes like rehabilitation. I feel like chain, like a chaining somebody behind the register at the Atlanta, Atlanta food court McDonald's is both a worse punishment and like way more likely for them to not ever do anything bad. It's bad again, you know? Oh yeah. Yes. And there's no quitting. There's nothing that you can't, you can't show up every day. That's like your sentence. Yep.
Um, yeah, I think that they would probably, a lot of folks would rather be in jail. Yeah. Lock me up. Bring me into Folsom. Lock me up. It seems like jail's kind of clean. Not fun. We've talked about this before. I mean, obviously not to the level that like a Swedish prison is. No. Yeah. Those rule. But, uh, I don't know. You get to like, do you, they get like iPads now and you get snacks and stuff. You can just be playing for, I mean,
My life right now is not that far off of a prisoner's life in a sense that I play Xbox a lot all day and don't really leave my house. Yeah. i As soon as they let you get an Xbox on your commissary, like if that if that comes up in the next five years, it's it's game over. Yeah. You'd be gaming hard. Give me Red Dead 2 and that at least will keep me busy for like eight months.
Yeah. Then it's just like, uh, there's guys on Reddit that I, on the red dead form, they've played it. They're like, this is my 12th play through that dude's doing 25 years easily.
Or it's just like the most autistic 42 year old living with his parents still. The guys on the red dead form are literally locked. They're like, yeah. So I just like camping and kind of kind of hunt on red dead for most of the time. And I'll just spend hours out here. And it's just a screenshot of their guy in the Hills. I'm like, Oh my God, that's nuts. Yeah, dude. I guess if you're, if you're locked up, that's escapism, right? Yes, absolutely. You can then you'll run bets on Matt and MBA games, like all the sports games, you'll just be bed and commissary on basically.
It's a good time to be in prison right now to sports. You have every sport going on the world series. You got the basketball just started football's mid season. There's a lot of betting going on. So that's most of the fun and in there.
Now, Polly market, you can just bet on anything. True. Yeah. It's, uh, it's, it's, you know, this would be prime time. Summertime is probably rough, rough you know, then, um, mostly everyone you get every prison you go to, there' you get pancakes on Saturday, but you only get usually two meals on Saturday, Sunday, because they're understaffed.
Kind of got to sit in your cell on Sundays unless you're in like a bunk, like a really minimum security. But I heard that they got rid of minimum and just medium and maximum now. But I think that's bullshit. I think there's still a ton of bunks because it saves on space. If overcrowded, overcrowded cities, you'll be in a bunk and minimum, which kind of sucks. Get your shit stolen. But being in a minimum,
an open door and you get fucking, you get good sell, you'd be fucking good, dude. You'd be chillin'. You'd be chillin'. That is crazy though, to get rid of minimum security. Yeah, that's retarded.
I mean, that's like the ones in the Netherlands is just, that's, that's not even real. Right. I mean, they only get 12 years from murder there, basically. Yeah. I could, I could, I guess be like, okay, if you got rid of minimum security, but then you also like, we're just like, we're not going to put people in jail who do things that are like stupid. Yes. Like if you were like, you had a bad day and you were stupid.
Uh, or like not even just a bad day, but you're just like a habitually stupid person. Uh, but you're not going to go to jail for that. Fine. Like make them do something else. But if you're going to jail and now in like a minimum, or if the minimums are crowded in a maximum security prison, and it's like, what did you do? And it's like, I, uh, yeah, falsified business records. Yeah.
It's not even like Enron shit or like Bernie Madoff shit. It's like, yeah, yeah dude, I like, uh, yeah, it's crazy. I just was like, um, I found out that I could just generate fake receipts. So I was submitting fake receipts for, uh,
for reimbursement and they caught me. I was getting $20,000 in a whole two two year period.
ah ah That's the kind of shit we're on right now. That's how it happens. Yeah, my business, you know, I was writing off fake receipts for, you know, car rentals that didn't exist. And they caught me like, what? Yep. Now I'm doing two years.
And you're fucking IRS in jail. So you're in jail and then you get out and they just get their money back still. Yeah. They somehow get their money. They, they tax you. They fucking put liens on your, uh, shitty as possible job because you will have, have a six year gap in your work history from being in jail. So your, like your live, love jam at seven 11 in San Diego, uh, fucking making cookies and and put in the little taquitos on the roller and your $15 an hour take home pay is getting fucking half of it taken by the IRS for the rest of your life because it's also they've fucking took interest on that $20,000 over those six years and all that shit.
Yeah. You're fucked. You're fucked. They own you now. That's why you should just, that's why you should just throw them behind the counter at the Atlanta airport McDonald's. Cause at least then they're, they're, they're working. Yeah. Do six months, 40 hours a week. Yeah. Oh God. Could you imagine? You have to do it good too. There's like certain rules. Like I said, you can't call out.
and You get two PTO days and and you you have to like try your hardest every day. Oh, that's the thing you'd have like, it'd be like a work release program kind of thing. And you'd have like the manager who would be like, if I tell if i tell the parole officer that you were slacking off, I don't know what the step up is. Not even, there's a parole officer that's there. They just see it.
Instead of having like guards. Yeah, there's like there's a guard that's just there all the time making sure you're working. And then it sucks because you you have to be the guy that tries hard so then everybody else. and Yeah, they're all pissed at you. No, they're slacking even more because they know that's going to pick up all the slack.
Ideally. Yeah, that's true. Always how it happens. There's always one guy at any airport McDonald's that's actually trying to help get orders through and everybody else doesn't give a fuck. That's the last time I was there.
They were just they just had a woman working the drink machine and one they also didn't have ice. They were out of ice that day. But they weren't telling her what like there wasn't a screen where it was like, oh, yeah, like make a Coke, make a orange soda. She was just asking people as they walked up, like, what'd you get? Oh, I got a Dr. Pepper. All right.
Oh, I have no ice. And they'd be like, okay, forget it then. I want to but and don't want a half gallon of of room temperature Mountain Dew. That's, that's Duncan, dude. You order Duncan, uh, pickup, like I'll do it and get donuts for my kid. And every time I pull up, they're like, what donuts did you get? I'm like, I fucking ordered it. I would use the fucking thing that tells me to use. And every time I have to figure out what I go, I didn't, I don't fucking know. Are you fucking kidding me?
But yeah, that's the same energy. you know I'm not surprised. i should Fix your shit, Duncan. You're better than that. So, uh, yeah, what else is happening in the world? Anything crazy? I've missed anything. I haven't been looking through anything. It's better off that way. Let me think. The politics thing is always a good fun thing to talk about. Yeah, there's that shit going on on it, but just 10 days away or something. no not ten Holy shit. Uh, it's right. I found out about that the other day. My wife, twelves I can't do math. I thought it was the eighth, but I guess not.
13 days, almost two weeks. It changes every the day that it's always this the second, you know, the first Tuesday in November. So that can be somewhere between like the I guess the first and the like seventh or eighth. Uh huh. What else is going on? There we go.
stuff. You're addicted to to pub G now been playing a lot of pub G. Well, fair amount of pub G, especially cause, uh, call of duties over. Yep. Call of duty. And I don't want to download, uh, going back now.
Um, fucking, oh, did you see fucking, or did we talk about that last week? Yeah, we did. Fucking Elon Musk's robots and stuff. Oh yeah. Fuck those. That was the day suck dude. X sucks too. Like I said, I have my troll account and I have 300 followers somehow and none of them are real people. I just get two followers every day. Yeah. And it's like bullshit. and there's It's always, uh, like Savannah. Yeah.
You tweet anything from any account that immediately you have someone replying and I like and it's like, wow, click this link. It's just some fucking fake link. It's, it's horrendous. It's the valuation of the company to want drastically down. If you were to just look at it on paper. Oh yeah. That's the funniest part about it is, um,
So the I don't I don't know how to explain it well enough to like be accurate, but basically like a bunch of the, you know, like hedge funds like Wall Street hedge funds own the debt that.
Or like that loan to Elon, the money to buy Twitter, the collateral on that debt is Twitter stock. Right. Okay. So if you loaned him, whatever the number was $20 billion dollars and the collateral on that loan was $20 billion worth of Twitter stock. And now that stock is worth $6 billion. dollars Like they all lost a shit ton of money without anything, you know, like, so there's a bunch of, there's a bunch of those hedge fund guys who just like,
Probably hate him. Probably want to kill him because they just oh yeah miss their bonuses and all that shit for the last like six quarters because Elon Musk can't just can't control himself. It's like you all you had to do actually was let it run the way it was running. It was fine.
hu But every time he tweets some fucking. He's like tweeting about Diddy and Epstein um like and you're like, dude, you were there. Yeah, you were on the list, too. Exactly. ah So I imagine they just watch that and every time that every time he just does something unhinged like that, they just see their fucking. The value of of their asset shrinking. i Is Twitter a public company? I forgot about that. It was public.
And then Elon bought it and made it private again, but he didn't like, he didn't buy it in that he like went into his bank account and gave somebody $20 billion. dollars Right. Oh, he just sourced it. Right. Yeah. He got, he like jesus rich guy stuff. I mean, that's the thing that's, that's honestly the best in my mind argument for like,
I don't know the the people who were like socialism or whatever, like, or like Bernie Sanders, like there shouldn't be billionaires kind of stuff. Honestly, the best argument is like somebody like Elon has so much money that it doesn't matter to him. Like you'd be like, uh, Twitter sucks now. And it's like ruining a bunch of, I mean, granted like wall street bankers lives, but like,
He could run it into the ground to the point that it's worth zero dollars and it wouldn't matter to him. There shouldn't be people who are so rich that they can like destroy something that everyone enjoyed or that was like fine and it doesn't harm them in any way. Right. Correct. That's probably true. Like yeah like Jeff Bezos could just decide that he didn't like could just like shut the doors of every Whole Foods. And I'm not, you know, not a top ten top tier grocery store, but like I think probably a lot of people get their food there and it wouldn't hurt him. He would still be he would still have more money than he could possibly spend. And there would be like a lot of people who would have issues with like finding food and stuff. So.
I shouldn't be allowed, probably. Probably shouldn't be able to do that. At what point, and it happens to some people, it happened to Elon, and is' it's not, ah it's it's where you just maybe like kinda, I don't know where your mind focuses on just of the the dumbest shit possible. It gets like all you could talk about type of deal.
You know what I mean? Like, if I if i only could talk about PUBG, that's what he does about, like, I don't know, socialism, whatever, fears or whatever. I have no idea what it is. I don't even look anymore, but I'm like, dude, shut the fuck up. you And one thing, dude, you're not American. How about that? I'll say, I'll say it. I'll be the one to say it.
You're not even fucking American, bro. And not even like about all this shit, not even like a place where we'd be like, OK, you're not American, but you're like from England or from the UK. So we're like we kind of get each other. It's like you're from South Africa. No one cares. That's like that's like ah that's like the wound socket of the country. Exactly. Exactly. Like who's from there?
No one cares about that shit. He's a grifter, dude. Big time grifter. All these people are grifters. Yeah. Just, you know, sitting on towels, being grifters,
sitting on towels, Jared, November 5th, who wins all everything aside. Oh my God. If you had to put, if you, there was a coin flip and it was like, all right, pick one right now. And if you're correct, you win a million dollars.
ah If we're playing that game Do you think the Democratic side pulls Another fast one and I don't well for it. I don't as some magic and gets it to win um Some magic maybe we know would be the way that would be the way that it happens Yeah, okay um No, I think i think you know I think political pundits will be talking about in the hindsight of this election and saying, was it smart for the Democrats to recognizing that they need you need to build a, what do they call a coalition, right? you you You have to get a bunch of different kinds of people together to vote for you.
Yeah, when you can't just be like, oh, everyone likes us. So you've got like, they're pretty sure they have like 70 percent of women, which is great. And then they need like, I don't know, like like reformed Jewish dads. They need they need young gay Latinos like they get, you know,
to do that. So I think they'll look back on it and they'll be like, was it the right move to for ah for Democrats to have like. Like people from the Bush administration and like Liz Cheney and stuff ah like celebrating those endorsements are like.
I thought that George Bush was the worst person alive. Yeah, he hates black people. Before, you know, meet me in twenty and 20 in the year 2000, me in the year 2002 to like whenever thought he was the worst president we could ever possibly have.
Uh, he was, I don't think it's what guy had the worst president term of anybody. Things happening. He did. Yeah. he So I acknowledged that I like went through his presidency in like middle school and high school. So I was like, I'm, I was ah more naive than you couldn't even vote. tech nine Yeah. All that.
Uh, but I don't think it's the flex they think it is to be like, Oh, uh, fucking Dick Cheney. Yeah. Yeah. Endorses me. Does the, does ah the nine 11 Bush endorse, uh, endorse them? So he hasn't, so he hasn't said anything like he hasn't endorsed anyone. So people are taking it as like, uh, if he's not endorsing Trump,
if a Republican former president isn't endorsing Trump, it's a tacit endorsement of Kamala or Kamala.
but But I think there's, so that's the thing is I think there's a lot of people in maybe the, cause the younger generation, like I think the, The younger, younger people, 18 to like 20, late twenties year olds on the Trump side are like super energized, right? Obviously. Yes. I think the, I think that same age demo on the democratic side is like, what the fuck? Like instead of embracing us, us meaning them, like the younger, like the gen,
the side of ah the population and like what they care about. the The DNC was like, oh, we're going to go for old people. We're going to try to we're going to try to build our coalition with like elderly Republicans who think Trump is too far is too radical or like too far right. And like they don't recognize the party anymore. That's who they wanted to bring into the Democratic tent at the expense of like.
You know, younger people who are like, I just want a ceasefire in Palestine. I just want to be able to like afford housing. I just want some relief from student loans, like things that they cared about. Not even talk like no one talks about student loans anymore. But we do. We talk plenty about fucking. How Kamala would put a Republican on her cabinet. It's it's I think it's bad. I think we'll look. but I think they'll I think it's a bad strategy, I guess. I think that the it'll be you know the post-mortem of this they'll be like yeah that was probably a mistake okay so anyway that was a long way of answering your question i'm uh i don't think the democrats have it okay but the pubs are a little nervous because your boy went to mcdonald's
Oh, there I mean, that's the thing. That's why it's like it literally is a coin flip. I think it's extremely. But toss up right now, it's going to it's going to be even worse than 2020 in the sense of or yeah, 2020 in the sense of is going to come down to. Fucking 13000 votes in Wisconsin, ah like literally.
It'll come down to shit like that. It'll be like last year was like there was a play with Nevada. There was a play with Arizona. There was a play with Georgia. Those are pretty much the ones that but were kind of like. On the table in terms of. Shit, I literally think is going to come down to like either Pennsylvania or Wisconsin is going to be. That fucking thing where.
Um, or like some shit, it's going to be real close. Like that's why they were trying to get Nebraska to like change its electoral college law so that they didn't, uh, didn't give two and one because it could literally be, that could literally be the difference for the Republicans is like that one vote that the Dems will get from, uh, the, the urban part of Nebraska.
They need Kamala to go out and do a half court shot at one of these NBA games. That would do it. ah That would be huge. There was rumors she was going to go on Rogan, which I thought would have been interesting.
He's fucking retarded, dude. Yeah, exactly. I think he's a very, um, Wow, man. Yeah. ah Yeah, that's the thing is like he talks a big game or not a big game, but he talks a very like clearly like. Right, libertarian leaning ideology on his show, but I think if you put anyone in front of him. Yeah, he's like, man, you're just agree with them, right? He'd be like, wow, I never thought about that. Yeah, you're right. We should redistribute the wealth. Like, I think he's just like he's like that kind of like hollow vessel type person, which is why he's like a good conversationalist probably.
because he doesn't really get in like fights with people and he's kind of like of a fucking white sheet that you can dye any color. um
But I don't know. Yeah, man yeah. Reminds me of my, my days, um, when I, uh, was up in Burbank, it was Burbank. It was good. We were, uh, you have, uh, yeah, no, it's a good point. Traeger love Traeger. You know, use my Traeger late at night, jalapenos and elk real good. Yeah. Oh yeah. Man, those Boston days, Boston days. Yeah, man. Boston. Yeah. From Boston, from Newton.
Don's gonna be on Rogan cast soon. Yeah. Yeah. He ended up scooping that up. Um, but yeah, they're definitely nervous on that side too. Uh, I thought the McDonald's thing was rent free move. Yes. Rent free in the head move and, and, uh,
Rogan would throw him a bunch of soft balls. I still think a fucking retard. That guy is absolutely retarded to to have these grifters around him. It makes it's, it's pretty wack. RFK, neon are like the two, two biggest retards. ever That is the, that is the thing where I'm like 90% of the time when it's like, who's going to be the president? I'm i'm like, I mean, I care.
sort of and I care because like some people that I care about care but like for me personally as like a dude it's not going to affect me that much either way um but then I think about like just how Like chaotic Trump was.
And that was with like his first picks for everything. Yes, exactly. And now all those people are like in jail or hate him. Yes. And are like actively telling people not to vote for him. There's like almost nobody from that original administration besides, I guess, his like kids who would possibly serve in this one. So it's like you've moved to like tier I mean, he really cycled through a lot in his first one anyway. So you're really moving to like tier three and tier four people like Laura loomer fucking like psycho pass your RFK is like, where was RFK fucking in Trump's first term. Like he was alive. He just, so it's like, you're moving to this, like people who are weirder than Giuliani, people who are fucking weirder than, uh,
his like secretary of state weirder than Mike Pence. Like that's what that's, I guess probably is the thing that worries me the most is like, I know that Trump will never give up spotlight.
He'll always just be the, like he'll be the same person he was in 16 where he's just like, no one else really gets to do anything. hu But he'll, he could like croak a week after he takes, that would be reasonable. Oh man, you got JD Vance up there being a weirdo. That would be, that would genuinely be bad. That shit's, that shit's crazy.
Um, maybe Vince last year was like, this guy fucking sucks. They're like, what do you, why did you say that? He's like, what, what was that? I know. It's weird to me that, I mean, I guess people kind of have asked him, but the way that like interviewing and like debates and stuff work is they can be like, they can be like,
Uh, Senator Vance, and in 2016, you described Trump as unhinged and a threat to democracy and the worst fucking human on earth. And now you're his running mate for president. Can you explain, um, what changed your mind? And he'll be like, well, uh, if we're going to talk about how people have changed. Maybe we should talk about how Kamala changed her opinions about fracking in Pennsylvania. And four years ago, she was against it. And now she says she will. And and can you trust somebody who changes their mind this often? And they're like, OK, JD, we'll move on. yeah He didn't answer the question, though.
So I think people have asked him, but he just doesn't really say why. And, and because of what would it be? It'd be like, no, I still think he's a fucking really lunatic, but this is a huge opportunity for me this is got to be the vice president for a guy who's like.
If fucking natural causes, it doesn't take him. Somebody tries to shoot him every fucking six weeks at this point. We didn't get him at the golf course. So, you know, maybe they'll get them soon. Oh, brother.
bra Bruh. So anyway, it'll be a shit show. That's for sure.
Oh man, interested to see. Oh, it's also stupid though. Do you remember when, uh, the place we were working back when like Trump got elected and they sent a company wide email that was like, this might be a stressful time for a lot of people. It's going to, it's going to be that ah we're totally it'll be a return to that kind of stupid where everyone's just like, like everything coming from The presidency is stupid, but then everyone's reactions to it at all is also stupid. Oh, yeah. Like he's just going to do something unhinged. ah But then everyone would be like, this is the end of democracy. like Bro, he just he's just dumb. He's just saying stuff. Oh, man. It's good. He's going to pull. He's going to pull the Ukraine stuff away, dude. He's going to stop it all anyways.
So that's the thing. I think he he pulls Ukraine funding and then somehow Ukraine pulls a fucking rabbit out of their hat and like and like occupies Moscow anyway. Blows everything up. Yeah, they've got he ziency has got like a a contingency plan. It's elected. He's he's he's planning for what he'd have to do to keep, keep it going. Or they just, they just band together secretly. I mean, that's the other thing is all Zelensky would have to do is go on TV and talk about how like handsome Trump is. yeah
He loves him. We, he, the way he dance with hands trumps over there. Very good dance. Cargo pants. The next day, cargo pants and like a fleece quarters of just like him. Yep. That's all you'd have to do. It's literally that simple. He just, he likes people who compliment him a lot. And if you are mean to him, he's, uh, he has like no mercy.
I think I think my time is my time is coming on um sports betting. It's not been not been too well for me, but now everybody that's out there. That's a betting with me. We need some locks. Then one short on on some life changing parlays recently, so we'll see. Yeah, see where we can hear that. That's surprising. I thought I'd be like one of your weird autistic skills.
It's just a random fate of everything, you know? Yeah.
Just like tonight, you know, one guy shot six threes. Couldn't make more, couldn't make two. Me only made one. I needed over one and a half. And what do you know? Just fucked me out of the, fucked me out of the parlay, guys. NBA season's back. It's like they knew. Let's go.
Uh, man, you gotta, we gotta do got a, you gotta shout out to Patrick C. Got a shout out to Jill. Got a shout out. Fannie. Fannie Dantum is worried about Patrick C today. Thought he was off the discord. I was like no im sick about it, dude.
Can you imagine? I thought he was. I, I, uh, everything. I forgot that he, he might scrub up some, some data every now and then. but Yeah. Yeah. It's too, uh, we all do it. Caught me off guard though. I was worried. Shout out to the big dog.
Big dog. He was an extra in the TV show, The Bear. Pack and ship. Pack and ship. They had him doing pack and ship. He was packing, shipping shit out of there.
Well, sorry on the ah political clock, guys, but we had to do it. So we're in a prime time of our lives. It's an interesting topic. People are gay. People are are gay extremely that are slim, shady for certain political. Oh, fuck either side. Either side. How ridiculous was that? though So gay. You can't slim, shady for political people. I don't. That's the other thing. and I'm sorry. I know you're like doing a wrap up, but that's the fucking other dumb thing. I think they'll have to look back on with the Dems and be like, is parading around a bunch of celebrities?
yeah Is that the move? That's not cool. Like, why what is what is the logic that, like, well, if Eminem or Beyonce or Taylor Swift is going to vote for this person, like, what do they fucking know? And what do I and what do I have to like dick ride some billionaire who, who doesn't even like experienced the world the same way as we do. You need to get, they're doing it wrong because they don't have, they don't have, uh, uh, the retarded worst Kennedy possible on there. They don't, they need to, they need to get at least one retarded worst Kennedy on their team. And then yeah I would agree with that shooting up.
I can't even eat that. No, none of their family likes or talks to anymore and is disgraced from the family and no and no one cares about. Who would be the Republican version of a can of Bush? You get Jeb Bush. Oh, you get him. Oh, yes. You're not Jeb. Who's like who's the even younger Bush? He's not even he's not disgraced from the family. He's still he's still good in the hood. Yeah, that's what I mean. You got to find a weirder one. You got to find like like Clarence Bush.
Who's the, who's the, is there a bad Cuomo? Yeah, there's multiple bad comos. Yeah. Get one of the, get Anthony Weiner back in there. Oh fuck. Is he like, that's how you know, ah there's like, like, uh, in 2016, there was a lot of fucking, you know, conspiracies about the Clinton's killing people. And it's funny. It's funny to talk about in a, in a joke way.
Uh, but obviously then you get people who think to take that stuff too seriously and then they like go shoot up a pizza restaurant.
Um, but the way that you know that the Clintons can't just have anyone murdered is that Anthony Weiner is still alive. Exactly. Exactly. Right there.
Huma Abidine does not want him alive. The Clintons don't want him alive. He persists. Yes. Yep. Fucked it all up for them.
Now look. Now look. Yep. That's what you get. You need, uh, you need Anthony Weiner. You need, uh, you know, I was had thought that comes to mind. Uh, world of shirts, world of t-shirts. They need to get, get him out there. That'll be there. Anthony Weiner.
Yeah, that's not a bad point. Throw it up all over the place.
I'm voting for Kamala Harris. What but what's the video you sent where he was like being interviewed by some black girl? Oh my God. Well, yeah. ah fresh for saying to the At first when I saw it, have you seen the videos of that? Whatever that show is where like a guy will walk up and they'll be like red balloons and they pop them if they like it's a no. Yes. That was my first thought when you sent like before, when I just saw the thumbnail of the video, I was like, he's on the fucking balloon pop show. did Which would have been awesome. Honestly would have been better. The sailor or captain's hat on and tucked in his shirt. and Oh yeah, she was like, i I'm going to give you a six out of 10 because you could be wearing a belt. He's like, I am wearing a belt. It's a Gucci belt. I am wearing, it's actually a Gucci belt from
the San Francisco store and in San Francisco, California, actually, which then there's another black guy on the side is like, all right, OK. Yeah, which respectfully also ah respectfully to everyone also shows you how fucking.
Shallow people are where she up to score to an eight because he had she realized he had a Gucci belt like nothing about that man change she was like oh o people say People send you designer stuff it pains to his Gucci belt says picture but it's like over the belt it It was everything about it was wild. Long ass cargo shorts. And he's like, and I'm wearing Michael Jordans too. And she's like, okay, okay. Nine point two, nine point two. And he's like, yeah.
He's, and then the other, blood the black dude judging it all on the side, he's like very, he's like thoroughly actually impressed. He's like, damn, okay, hell yeah. He's got, he's got some retro threes on and world of T-shirts is just drinking a gin and or a ginger ale and whiskey hammered on this show. That's insane.
He's in Spain like this last week or this week, dude. He just wanders around the world throwing up all over the place. it's a We could get him on here. I think we probably could. I'll send him a message. Yeah, message him. See if you can get him on. I'll do your podcast. I have like $300 in my bank account.
Yeah, we'll send him, uh, I'll call, buy him some liquor. Yeah. You have to, I think it's with him. He'll do anything. If you like, send him like a cash app for like 50 bucks. Oh, that's easy. I can do that. He's like the blind happy birthday girl. Can't believe I didn't know she was blind. I still feel bad about that. I had no idea she'd blind as hell.
Damn, you blind as hell, girl. But if she has ah if she wears a Gucci belt, then she's a 9.2. Yes. Getable. Yeah. Oh, man. Do you think AJ Bufomo is voting for Donny J? I don't know. ah big The a j big Big AJ?
I think he probably is. Of course he is, dude. Look at him. That's the vibe. We're going to give Kamala a doom.
Oh, if Trump did a boom or doom at Costco, dude, he's, he's getting my vote easily. i it' hard It's hard to imagine it. I wouldn't vote.
It's yeah, it's hard to imagine being able to resist. i'm I might make. Yeah, exactly. That would that would make waves.
Imagine that exchange of him emailing who AJ.
That'd be awesome. Wow. This is, this is terrible. Both of these are very bad.
No, no, no. You have to take, you have to take another bite and you have to, you have to go boom. Oh man.
you recently if You've have you gone to Costco the last since the last time I've been on the podcast two weeks? No, I need to go though. I i was going to go today. I need paper towels. wow That's it. Specifically. But then I always end up getting a hundred dollars worth of nonsense. Just get paper towels at the grocery store and pay three extra dollars.
It's right there. What is the price difference? It's closer to me than the grocery store. All right, that's fair. It's the closest place to me to to that sells. I need the price difference if it's only like $4.
Uh, it's who knows. It's, and there's no way it's like, Oh, I'm saving $13. But they put it in the, they put it in the the way, way back because they know I'm going to go walk through everything to get there. Of course. You pay for the membership too.
yeah That I'm that I'm a, I'm a guest on someone else's ah what thats nice. You could just walk through the exit, right? I heard that works. Um, they've got, uh, at least at mine, they've got, um, they don't have a separate entrance and exit kind of, well, maybe I guess they probably do.
but they've got the receipt people at the exit. They've got an idea. They've got a scanner now. You have to let it's like at the gym. You've got to like scan. Yeah. Jesus Christ. Um, because yeah, you could just show, just hold up a screenshot back in the day, but no, it's fine. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. What gym do you go to?
Uh, Planet Fitness. Nice. Same here. That's right by my house. Same here. It's good, good, good gym. Yes, good gym. Anytime fitness seems nice. Yeah, there's, uh, honestly, if I were... You can go anytime. You can go anytime. If I were a little more well off, there's a lifetime.
Why is that nicer? Lifetime's really nice. Yeah. Really? Yeah. Is it like an L.A. fitness? No, it's nicer than that. Damn. Lifetime has like a restaurant in it. It's got a pool. Yep. No way. You get you get ah within your membership, you get like classes and like a trainer and stuff. That's kind of gay. It's a lot of stuff.
Ah, that's dope. But it's like the hoity toity, like. Like, uh, yuppie Jim is it like playing fitness, working, working man's gym. Yeah, dude, there's guys in jeans. They're just one so not even making it up. I know. Every time there's like three people in khakis. And and as long as I'm there before like three 30.
It's like pretty much empty. Yeah. It's pretty dead. Some, I go on the weekends too. It's dead on the weekends before three on the weekdays and then weekend weekends is just dead. Yeah. People taking showers after they work out there is wild. ah Mine, uh, it's a nasty shower. Mine has the showers out of order for inexplicable reasons. No way.
No way, really? Yeah, there's a sign that says, all and it's just the men's room showers are out of order right now.
Not that, i I mean, again, I live a half mile. So not that it's a, I don't even go in there because they have the lockers outside. Oh, they do. That's nice. They have the lockers ah inside. and So they have, they have the, they have like full size lockers in the actual thing, but then they've just got little like those. That's nice. It's a nice plan of fitness.
And it's close enough to me that it's like, I don't need, like I can leave in my gym clothes and stuff. So I just throw my keys in my wall and stuff in the locker. And then what are you doing? What are you doing at the gym when you get there? Like, what's my routine? Yeah. What do you do? Uh, I usually you will start with like 30 minutes on the treadmill. Nice. 10 to 30 minutes, depending on like what I'm trying to,
do like if I'm going to run or if I'm going to just kind of do like a four mile an hour job. Nice. Walk thing. Nice. Do that. And then, I don't know, today I did, uh, well, so, okay. New to this. So I'm just, I want to get comfortable or with like the weights and stuff. Yep. Right now I'm just mixing up with the machine. So I'll do like the, uh,
What is it? The one that gets your like upper back muscle muscles. Yep. I do that too. la Is that what it is? Lat press or some shit to do that. Then I'll do, uh, the leg press or the, yeah, the leg press. Then I'll do a little more cardio at the stair climber or more running. Nice. And then I'll do the.
uh, chest press, and then I'll do like some curls. And that's usually like a 40 minute or an hour ish. And then that's like, and then I'll switch it up the next day. And like, so I'm not, I mean, this is describing what people do at the gym, but like not doing the same muscles two days in a row kind of thing. Okay. But I'm still trying to figure it out. You like the rowing machine.
I haven't done the rowing machine yet. I want a rower so I should try it. I had a rowing machine there is nice. Yeah. I'm still working on like, I want to figure out like ah maybe like a three day a week and like, and then like divide out what each day is going to be so that I'm not.
Um, cause like some days if you just overdo it and now I'm like, I can't lift my arms above my shoulders. That's not great. That's good. That's good. No, it's good. But I mean, it's like, no, and I can, but it's like, you're like, Oh, a that's good, dude. Yes. Um, but, uh, yeah, I'm still figuring it out.
That's good. What are you doing? I just usually get that scan in and then I usually just, you know, do golden showers for 30 to 40 minutes. Yep. Do like, uh, snow angels and on the floor of the showers. Yeah. No, I just kind of, you know, just go shower to shower and 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get out, you know, get some water and, you know, just head ah head out of there. get Get back, get back home. Fuck yeah.
Yeah, it's like under the skin, it's like skin, it's 72 days in a row. Keep it up.
Yeah. Make sure you're getting your money's worth. Good time. Now I recommend the road machine. Road machine's good. yeah I'll check out the road machine. I don't know what the hell that room is. I don't know if yours has, it's like 30 minutes. It's like a yellow room. What is i can't going on in there? It's all the way over there. It freaks me out. There's no one in there. So if I go in there, it's like somebody going to jump out and be like,
Hey. Yeah, no one's ever in there. I don't know what the hell's going on. I'm Glenn. Yeah, exactly. I'm here to help you with your 30-minute workout. I'd be like, oh no, now we've made eye contact. And it's going to be weird if I'm like, oh, I'm just looking around. Is there anybody that does the free weights at yours? Yeah, dude, there's so that's the other thing. It's like, um'm I'm I don't want to like intimidate it isn't the right word, but I just like don't know what I'm doing. Yeah, I agree. But they're all but they're all there's like a there's a corner with mirrors that has like the bench presses and stuff. And there's just a group of six like black kids. and They probably all play football.
And they just, they just guard that whole area. It's just Anthony Edwards over there. time So even if, so even if they were all just standing around on their phones or whatever, and like the, and it were free, there's no universe where I would go do that. And with an audience, I just, I could not. There's goofy ass boy wear cracks over here. but Absolutely not. And then yeah, and then the free weights, there's just a whole bunch of,
I don't know. Again, I know it's like, if this is all in my head and no one cares, and if anyone were to be like, Hey man, your form is like bad. Let me show you how to do it. I'd probably be thankful. Yeah. But you're also like, I'm never, I'm going to a lifetime. I'm never coming here again. Yeah. So that's also why I'm sticking to the, the machines. Cause they have a little picture on the machine of what you're supposed to do. So I'm like, all right, I'm good here. Yeah. i have Anything that I see people like moving ah components around.
I'm like, I need, I need some time and then maybe we'll get there. Yeah. there's I mean, the three whites isn't, isn't necessarily like I could, I just don't, I, so I, I don't really know what I'm doing there either. Yeah. Okay. And the idea of being the guy who's like standing, looking at myself in the mirror as I like curl dumbbell, I was really, I'm not there yet.
They have the bench, the bench. That's like the automated or the assisted automated ones. Nice. Yeah. Oh, and then fucking started. Cause you can't really, you can't really fuck it up. Yeah. And then there's always the, uh, what do you call it? the It's not lunges. You know what I mean? What is that called?
squats, the thing that does like the squats, yeah yeah but it, but you don't need a spotter. Yes. Those are like, I have never been in when that wasn't just being completely like there's always people there. Yeah. Okay. People like the squat machine, squat rack, squat rack, that shit sucks. Um, but then every, like when I was initially doing research,
Uh, and I'll obviously, I think they assume that you were, that you want to do free weights because it's like easier probably, or like it's easier. Maybe it's easier for them to write the guide because they if they're like, Oh, use this like fucking leg extender thing and then your gym doesn't have it, then you're like, well, this guide sucks. Yeah. So every fucking one that I was looking at first was like, yeah, you need to do squats.
buck that Do squats is the best exercise you can do. And, and then, um and, and then everyone fucking there is using the machine. But I also don't think I, I don't know. It'd have to go on like off hours, figure it out, give myself some time to figure out how it works. Go like an hour before closed. Yeah, that's true.
So yeah, if anyone's a fuck you, how about that? Yeah. Fuck you. If you're good at going to the gym. Yeah, dude. Listen, fuck you. It's not cool. It is what it is.
Well, that's a good podcast. Yeah. We got there. RIP. Thanks everybody. Next week's the Halloween episode. Yep. Spooky episode.
probably talk about Elon Musk and politics. kidding We on there. Who knows what'll happen between now and then. Anything could happen. Uh, shouts out hack chill. Shouts out out out. Everybody, everybody packing ship, packing ship. Peace out y'all later.