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White Guy Haka

Dudes "R" Us
91 Plays3 months ago




Life Lessons: Loyalty and Silence

You learned the two greatest things in life. Well... Look at me. Never write on your friends and always keep your mouth shut.
We're back, niggas.

Morning Realizations: Embrace the Day

It's dudes or us.
3.34 in the morning woke up staring straight at the ceiling and said to myself, it's not just another day, it's today. And maybe that's just another way of saying attack this day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.
Good morning, I'm collecting CDs. So if you have any CDs, for sale for free, and you live near Tagara, give me hi, is camera is on? Sorry, I don't know. Can you afford 1000 to 1500 dollars?
When you two were working, What type of wood do you like to use? I myself am very fond of using pine.
athletes movie stars you live in big houses live on cruise ships you live on boat you live on airplanes whatever it may be i want you to get me a call i want you to hesitate
I fucked up.

Podcasting Debut: Chaos and Humor

That's what happened. I fucked up. I found a guy who looks just like Dave, who can take huge notes.
Three, two, one. We've never podcasted before, so this is all. Happy the first time. Do do what you did on the last recording. When I go, oh, shit. Oh, where? Oh, fuck. Oh, we're we're we're live on the air. This is a lot of shit. Oh, my God. Dude.
Back after, I think, a month. Hiatus, 27 days.

Back from Break: Keep Grinding

because Yeah, the last time we recorded was the week before Halloween and it's now the week before Thanksgiving. That's a good break. we' needed that' skip but so Exactly. I mean, really skipped the like gayest part of the fall, I think. and We needed people to want it.
Yeah. Yeah. Shout out to ah everybody. Shout out, most importantly, that our boy Hank Chill, who got us, got our heads out of our ass, said, you guys got to keep grinding. and You can't give up. Rise and grind. Get in that grind set.
Kind of forgot about this honestly, but it would got you bro. Say the last one. So it's been hard. ah yeah so they keep what they capacity Yeah. Oh
Do that. Do that a apart again. Oh shit. Let's just do that part all over. That's the sound I make when I get fucking headshotted by an M 12 or M 24. Yeah, fucking 900 meters. Just been super fucking angry. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. When I get fucking. Picked off driving a car. Yeah. Oh, shit.
All right, so it.

Eclectic Interests and Neighborly Tales

In the meantime, we're back, though. We're happy to be back. Shout out to, once again, the Hank Chill, of course, like I said, and and other boys of Fanny Dantum and Patrick C., wherever wherever Patrick C. is.
Yeah, I hope you're okay. Still haven't got his address. Pretty disappointed in that. center um no I sent the address for Wrigley Field. Did he send the address to Wrigley Field? No, I don't know what he sent. out Okay. Well, I hope everybody's listening to this on there their morning work or commute on the Thursday, the beautiful Thursday.
that we're having and I hope you hope this sets to right into your into your ears and your brain and you feel you feel a new like injection of energy coming over you right now injecting injection coming all over you they're back. Holy shit. The guys that talk about cum toilets are back and and other cru chips, other stuff, cum chips, other stuff. The guys, guys that are cool completely cool with other races and
Identifications of people, right? The other races are my favorite kind of races. Yeah. Yeah. Jared got, got the head nod from the African Americans today. said Damn boy. Nice outfit. Yeah. It was my neighbor. ah No way. We were like leaving our apartments at the same time. Damn.
Loved it. What'd he say? That was basically what he did. He was like, what'd you go? No! I just ran.
This Napoleon dynamite ran away from him. He started filming him. okay
I can't breathe. 17 inch iPads on. This is for both of our safety. See, I say what you just said. Say what you just said. Say what you just said.
So he said, nice outfit, right? Yeah. What, how did he say it was a damn. like that And then, and then he specifically complimented on it cause I was wearing gym shorts and it was 55 degrees today and he was like a good day for shorts. he and that's And our cars were also parked next to each other. So then I was like, no, thankfully we both parked the same way. So it wasn't like, uh, I was like back then and he was, and you were, ended up,
next to each other next to each other. Oops. Excuse me. so yeah yeah that wouldve been no I had to have wait back. Go ahead. that's on you go Go right ahead.
We were, uh, we also both drink, uh, jugs of Lake, uh, uh, Poland spring water jugs. Wow. Do you bring that to your juggernaut? Bring a jug to the, not to the gym. No, not to the gym. It's always just, there's always one in my car and there's always one in my house, but now. Okay.
Never like the, uh, spring one where it's like the side handle or the classic one liter handle. Uh, there's like, uh, the one that's like, uh, like the one that's like shaped like normal. It's like juice hat maybe has them in there too. And then there's other Poland spring notes, like shaped like a, like a fucking pipe bomb kind of a bomb.
It was just the dense that you hold the handle. Yeah. so on yeah That's the one. All right. Hell yeah. So thirsty.
No, you're specifically not allowed to bring those into the planet fitness. and It's literally in the rules. That's awesome. No big leader bottles. Yes. I mean, that's, yeah, that's an update. The update from that from last time to, um, I broke up with planet fitness and now I'm a YMCA guy and it's fucking awesome. Nice. I'll tell you that. I'll tell you how to get out of your membership. I just went online and canceled it.
Check up on that. They make it real

Gym Switch: YMCA vs Planet Fitness

easy. You got a YMCA near you? I'm not going to the Y. Why? Why not? What did this is, what is the, I mean, I'm not, I'm not going to play basketball. So what is the Y have that? That's true. And if fitness doesn't a pool, I guess, but like, am I going to go swimming? Am I going to do like swim some laps? Depends. Depends on where it's like, you know,
I played, I played two hours of basketball today and there's the gym is right next to it. And then there's, uh, the sauna steam room. That's the good stuff. Two pools. If you want to go swimming, it's good. Just having an option. Like, Oh, damn. Yeah, I guess so. When maybe I'll go swimming today, you know, when I when i get there, nice lock this get a locker.
We got a locker. Don't have my own locker. Good atmosphere. Good pride. Nice stuff. I trust you. More options, dude. Planet Fitness. I'm not hating on it. I was just there. I was just, I'm just saying why is, it why is like when I walk in there, I'm like, okay, hell yeah. Now we're talking.
There were, is there plenty a plan to finish guys that yours that like, I don't, I'm not hating on them, but there's just dudes working out in like jeans, like old guys in jeans and like normal pants. No, dude. So there are, there are gene workout dudes, but it's like, there's this crew of three or four, like have to be high school freshmen, like that scrawny. And they all come in, like they just,
I don't know. They just reached the age where they're like, Oh, we, we like girls and they want to like get in shape and they work out in jeans and flannels. And it's the fucking weirdest thing. No way. Yeah. They got like floppy, like Timothy Chalamet hair and they work out in jeans and flannels. No, it's awesome.
It's the best. That's crazy work. It's like a weird like cough emo kid workout crew. Eric and and Dylan. Yeah, literally. That could be that that is awesome awesome. There's a homeless guy, one homeless guy. so It's actually really funny. There's a, there's a homeless guy.
who rides a bike around the town I live in. And in the summer, there's a bench across the street from my apartment ah that faces the train tracks. And in the summer, he'll just like lay in that bench almost completely naked, like underwear only, like tanning or something. I don't really know. what Like oh yeah a past time when you're homeless and he's not doesn't appear to be a drug addict anyway. But ah he He also doesn't go to that gym, but I think he's like their mascot or it's like less effort to just let him come in than it is to like fight him off every time. So he comes in. I see him sometimes when I'm there, they let him shower. Yes. And also he steals.
like so many paper towels. Like he's just got a plastic, you know, grocery store baggie. And he, and he just is, you know, like pushing the lever on the paper towel dispenser, just like dispensing a whole roll of paper towels into his bag.
Um, and that's chill. And sometimes he just yells like he'll just start yelling. And then they kind of give him a look and he kind of, he doesn't like get the picture, but that's usually like around when he winds down and leaves. But it's just that one guy was like, fuck the first time I was like, is this some fucking tweaker gym? Um, but it's just him. And so it seems like he's the only one that they let in. So that's fine. I think it's kind of, it's like having a,
I don't know, like in the Harry Potter books, they have like ghosts that just like haunt certain places. It's kind of like having that. It's kind of fun actually. Yeah, that's a good one. That's a good comparison. It's a progressive gym. They allow literally, it's point of fitness rules. They allow it. There's no, no judgment. Well, I think they do expect you to pay money, but I think he's the one exception. And I imagine it's because he,
just comes up and is crazy. And probably the very first couple of times they were like, we have to call the police and the police come, maybe they come out eventually, but it's like, it's this guy, it's the fucking bicycle homeless guy. Like, come on guys. So they've, they've just, I think realized that it's easier to yeah let him steal paper towels and take a shower.
the show A little bit like a little bit of yelling but not crazy yelling and everyone's wearing headphones in the gym anyway That's true. Who watches the tea? I don't know how to even I never figured I was like the TV on the you hook it up and it goes into ah Plays off of your like fucking treadmill somehow. Oh, I've never I'd never even realized that was a thing I guess it makes sense to where all those buttons are I know that company that does it it's called like
robo talk or something, not robo talk. That's wrong. Uh, whatever the company that does their TV screens and music, actually no idea. I don't think anybody knows that besides you. Um, I don't know why I spent a lot of time talking to them at NRF last year.
I don't really know. They were really interested in taking it over our music. I was like, Spotify is kind of fine, dude. Yeah. Spotify works perfectly fine. ah It is crazy, the TV situation. So I'm assuming it's pretty much the same everywhere, but ours, it's the whole row of TVs, the whole length of it.
And it's ah Fox News. Yeah. They have every news channel they they cover. No, this one doesn't show MSNBC. dan They might have CNN. and not judge ahgra I mean, yeah. And then there's always a channel. It must be TBS or something, but I go between 11 and four, but it only plays bar rescue all day. Bar rescue.
yeah It might be like the but like ah on smart TVs where you can just pick a channel that's only like this old house. It might be that for bar rescue. ah There's one that plays a weird, same same thing. i don't even I haven't figured out what the show is called, but I think it's Ryan Seacrest and the oldest brother from Seventh Heaven, like in a supernatural cop drama.
There was an episode where they chopped off Paris Hilton's head with an ax, but then I think she turned out to be a robot. What the fuck? And I also don't know if those two actors are correct, but that's what they look like to me from a distance. Um, but it seems like it's too recent. It's not like Buffy or something. It's too recent, but I have no idea. Like I don't know what daytime TV is like other than that. So there's like that show appears a lot.
I don't think any of them. and The one I don't know, I'm thinking they only had, they didn't have MSNBC. They'd see it CNN. Yeah. CNN and and Fox and then some random daytime. There's always like HDTV. that to I wish Pobs had hopped on because the episode of it, of whatever the TV, uh, HGTV show that was on was like an, uh, like a weird Bizarro version of him and his wife.
but so I can't really like just appearance wise. It was like a a tall, you know, like slightly Husky dude with like a red beard and like a very like petite

Haunted House Escapades

wife. And I was just like, that's, that's kind of funny. Crocs. Yeah. They was, I mean, I couldn't hear the audio, but it was just like, it was just so funny. You know, like it, I don't know. They were, they were, they looked pretty similar.
All right. In a funny way, I almost took a picture and I was like, this is that stupid. Why would I do that? And, um, since we haven't recorded since Halloween, you have to, uh, I haven't even heard your, uh, house retard guy story. It's it's, it has faded in my mind a little bit, but like, let me give you the, the so break down. So there's, uh, so awesome. This is awesome. No, it wasn't. So there's a, uh, like an outdoor haunted house kind of thing in somewhere in New Hampshire. I think it's called a haunted overload. Uh, you can probably Google that and find out where it is. that That's his stop and grounds hang chill knows where haunted overload is. It's a, it's popular at night because they have actors there and they do like lights and sound and shit like that. And it's genuinely scary, I think, but it's also like, there's a long wait, but you can go during the day.
And there's no actors and there's no lights or music. So it's a more like chill like a museum. It's a scary museum in the day. It's like a walk and all the scary props are still out, but there's nothing like jumping out at you or anything. So like if you had young kids, it would be better or whatever. So anyway, my ah my friends who have a four year old ah they go with him every year and I've gone the last two years, or this would be the third year that I've gone with them. So we went daytime. I think it was a Friday. um It might've been a Thursday, whatever day it was. um And we get there and it's like pretty empty, the parking lot anyway, but then like behind us, like two legitimately, two short buses pull in.
Yes. And we're like, Oh, that's weird. Here we go, brother. Um, we made an attempt to get in before them for what should be kind of obvious reasons. kind of like they're Running off that thing so fast.
Yes, breaking off of that thing. Oh, and then the other thing I'll say is ah just the layout of it. So it's a windy like it's probably honestly, it's probably like a fairly small area, but it's really packed in like a really meandering pathway that like you end up passing the same areas you did before and you're like, oh.
like just on the other side of this wall. That's where we just were kind of thing. yeah um So they really like utilize the space well and you go through like parts of it where it's just like ah like a picket fence, but then there's like all these like bodies impaled on it. And then you maybe be a part of it's like a tunnel that you go through that looks like an old mining tunnel. And like there's little doors and like hidden passages that are meant for like the actors. Like an actor would be in there to pop out at you or the actor would like go through this tunnel thing to like get to the other side of it faster so that because they probably let you through in like waves and this actor scares you at the beginning and then he runs through his little tunnel to the other side and then he scares you again and you know, further down kind of thing. Anyway, so that's like the layout. It's a long walk. Probably took us a half hour, maybe a little more than that. um
So we're walking along. I don't think we made it in before everyone. And so we were kind of in the middle of like two short buses or in other people. No, we're kind of in the middle of like one group of the short bus and then ah in front of us in one group behind. But it's fine. No, it was like, yes, let's slow down and get up to get sandwiched by this is going to be awesome. I mean, I was like I was. ah It was funny for sure.
But also, I i don't know that the the folks I was with thought it was this funny. But anyway.
So the first, like I guess, kind of objectively funny thing that happened was like they just kept like going in the wrong places. It's pretty obvious where you should be. like You're walking along a path.
um But, you know, like maybe you're like, Oh, what if I go through here? But you would be very obvious immediately. Like, Oh, I'm not supposed to go through here. Was not obvious to them. So they just, yeah you just kept seeing them like in the scenery, like just like had crawled into like the leaves somewhere and like that. No, you're not supposed to be up on those bales of Hey, for sure you're not. So that was awesome. Just having the time of their time of their life. They're going a different. They've never No one's ever explored it that way. They're unlike that aspect was awesome of just like chaos chaos path. But the better part was, uh, this group that had like two chaperones and then like five, uh, short bus people that were ahead of us. And you would assume, I don't know,
I would hope the chaperones have some fucking common sense or whatever, but but they kept getting lost. And two of the two of the people in the group were legitimately having like,
panic attacks or whatever, you know, like they're like doing the like biting their finger and going like, you know, just like overstimulated by scary things. i just think There's no, there's no nothing really scary, right? Cause it's a daytime or is it just, it's no, i something there's no one jumping for sure. But there is like,
scenery that is your neighbor is there. Oh, noch yeah. Like there's like a panic attack. There's like a room, you know, there's like a room you go into and they made it, I mean, it's all fake obviously, but they made it look like, you know, the walls and the ceiling and everything are made of bones. So they have like skulls lying the walls and there was like a chandelier made of like rib bones and stuff. And like,
It looks good enough that I think if you were a kid, you would be scared even if it's not nighttime. OK. My buddy's kid is just an exception because he it like loves skeletons and thinks like he carries around a tiny skeleton as like a his stuffed animal. He was a chaperone. Yeah. ah So anyway, those kids are freaking out. The adults don't know how to get out.
And they keep complaining and being like, they were like like at one point kind of near the end, they were like, don't go that way. It's a dead end. Uh, we can't figure out how to get out of here and you have to, I don't know. I didn't want to be like a Dick and be like, it's definitely this way. Like I don't even know how to explain to you what you're doing wrong because like you go through, like it's a path.
You just keep, you just stay on the path. So I was just like, oh, we're going to like take our chances. Uh, I guess we'll turn around if it's a dead end. And they were like, okay. And then they like didn't follow us for a minute and then ended up coming back. And when we got to the part where they were lost, it was literally like you walked into a, you know, like a fake house that was just like a tunnel kind of thing.
And then you come out on the other side and you're basically at the end. And they were like, they were like, Oh, we didn't think you could walk through the house. It's like, and it's not like there's a door on it. It was like, you know, like clearly you walk through this house to keep going. But I was like, Holy fuck, how are you in charge of these, like,
One, actually one, whose idea was this? To bring like a variety of, of mentally handicapped people to a haunted, to a haunted like outdoor walk. Like I get that you probably, whatever, like rec center, got to get all at usually like you got to find activities there probably gets dull. Are they, are they, do they have classic, are they down syndrome or?
Every manner. That's the other thing. There's some, there's some downs ones that are just like, it wouldn't matter what it was. They were just having a good time. And then there was, I think just some like emotion, like there was like that group with the woman that got lost were like. Emotional retarded. Yeah. I think like is a very like autistic, like can't like nonverbal and like she scared, like scared. but She was like, there was some flashing lights in there and it really,
Messed him up and I was like, yeah, of course there was it's like a Like it's a haunted house um So whose idea was this oaky house ah Whose idea and and and and then I would think you'd ask questions if if you were like, oh, what about that haunted overload?
Like, let's take them there and then and be like, hey, are there like any loud noises or flashing lights because some of these kids will like shut the fuck down if that happens and be like, oh, yeah, you probably shouldn't do that.
um and And she kept complaining that it wasn't handicapped accessible. OK, lady, it's like a it's like a path through the woods. ahy I don't know what to tell you. The woods aren't like handicapped accessible. Yeah, dude, they need to be more accessible.
um so that oh that was what she said when when i was like oh you didn't realize like when we went to the house and she's like i didn't realize you could go through the house because there's no handicap ramp and i was like oh my god i mean i don't know you're frustrated at this point what about that what are the downs guys are the downs guys just like fist bumping each other and Fucking high five in the whole time. That was just, they were, you they just kept popping out at like this whole time. I should say you would like, they would like come out of, you know, one of those tunnels where like the staff uses and you just see like three. Yes. Just like. rose just like yeah Three of the bros just hanging soda. so So that was great. and Yeah. That was just like,
maybe the most entertaining part of it, but I was like fixated on these, this like wayward group that I was like, how are you in charge? How are you in charge of these like kids who can't handle themselves? Um, so anyway, it was pretty awesome. It was wild. It was genuinely wild and it was pretty funny. Totally awesome. Totally awesome.
wow so on of us po Wow. awesome sim yeah
I mean, come on. idea like I we lost connection just now. Retard haunted house. Whose idea was it?
No, um, game of throne shirts or anything. I don't even remember. It was like, I mean, it's been a minute. It's not fresh in my mind, but it was, I'm sure there was like, uh, you know, there had to be, uh, some wwe WWE shirts and obviously, uh, who knows. Okay. And then on that, on ah that, that was Halloween time, right?
Yeah, that was, uh, that was the week before Halloween or whatever. Nice. That's awesome. Yeah, it was pretty dope.
Then now, uh, Now we got the, um, on more recent news, uh, the, the, uh, we've been wanting to talk about this, this, this stupid, um, Haka courthouse thing. If anybody sees that video of the fucking lady ripping up thing. What is it? Go ahead. Maori.
Oh yeah. So the Hawk is like that dance or whatever. Yeah. Or the New Zealand fucking football team or rugby team does it. Yep. Yeah. Uh, it's like a Maori thing, which is the name of like their main, I guess indigenous tribe. Yes. Um,
But what's going on right now, which i like I said, I think we talked about it earlier and I was like, when I, I was prepared to be like, Oh, that's tough. I see what like, maybe this isn't the right way to like get your point across, but I see what you're doing here. But, uh, I don't know. So, uh,
back in the day, by which I mean like 180 something years ago, yeah nowhere close to back in the day today. Back in the day, when the English were like invading everything or or whatever, they and they got to New Zealand, I think instead of like doing what they did in India and just like killing a bunch of people, they were like, hey, we could kill you all, obviously. yeah or ah Or sign this treaty basically saying like, we're in charge.
or like we're in charge or we'll share power called the Treaty of Waitangi. I don't know if I pronounced that right. There you go. You did your fucking back. You did though i did some research. All right. I'll get to the point. The English used to do this to a lot of people and it's kind of awesome, but also terrible. Where obviously the ah chiefs of the Maori couldn't read English.
So they would have a version of the treaty translated into, I don't know what the Maori language is called. I hope it's called Maori. I don't know. Translated into Maori. They would give them the copy translated into Maori that said something completely fucking different. And then they would have the English version that they the Maori people couldn't read that said what they actually wanted. So like the English version of the treaty was like yeah unconditional surrender. We own this island. Only white people can vote.
and the And the Maori version said like, we'll share power. The 400 chiefs of the Maori get ah you know equal power in parliament or whatever. And then obviously it's the English version that they actually enforce. okay um But now we're in like modern times where things are better and you can't get away with that kind of thing.
So over the last like a few decades, the Maori have been successfully kind of like regaining power in New Zealand through like the legal system and got like a whole bunch of money from the government for being fucked up. And I've gotten like seats and they're like government and like stuff that's good, right? Like reparations and stuff that fine.
But so what's happening now is like the government, but but it's all because there's these two different versions of the treaty. Like the English back then didn't like thought they'd just get away with it. And now like both of those documents exist and the Maori are like, well, you can read this now. And our version says we get all these things. So like you sign the two treaties, they have contradictory information on them.
like, shouldn't you and then they've gotten the courts to agree, like enforce some of the things in the Maori treaty that are like more beneficial to us. What they want to do now, this like bill that they're protesting is basically saying like, Hey, we acknowledge that what happened 184 years ago was fucked up and let's like fix this and like have one thing that says what is like that we all get to be treated the same Maori English or whatever, you know, I guess they're New Zealanders now, but like we're all, we all, the laws apply to all of us the same. Uh, no one gets special treatment. No one gets the opposite of special treatment. Like we're all good.
And they're like, fuck that. We want, you know, like the treaty she tore up was basically like, let's all be equals now. Like we, agree like we acknowledge that things are fucked up in the past, but now like we have a system where like people aren't being treated the same yeah because like the level playing field. Yeah, that kind of thing. Yeah. like And, and I get why, you know, if you have, if you're getting like,
you know, if you're getting like benefits from the government and they're like, Hey, let's stop. So that's basically what's going on. But at the that's where I'm like, Oh, damn. On one hand, you're like, cool. But on the other hand, you're like, how, why are you against everyone being like, Hey, let's like, just like,
make it clear in the law what we meant or like what, you know, things were fucked up back then. Let's fix it now and just like be stopped dividing each other into like different, you know,
But anyway, you had strong feelings about us. He will not divide us. He will not divide us. They all... He will not divide us. If you think about it, the... the haka is kind of the pussy hat of...

Cultural Protest: Haka and History

That is so true. That is so true. Oh my god. That's so true.
So they're mad. They're like, we want to be, we want, you know, we want the, the reservations, but do they have the reservations? i don't know that they do see Basically they have like a the version of the treaty they have is like, was like meant to make it really good for them so that they would sign it. But the British thought they would never have to, they wouldn't ever be able to enforce it because they were like, they'll be gone by then. And now they have this like,
essentially like legal document they can keep pointing to and being like, nope, this treaty says we always get 400 seats in parliament. And they're like, God. for They're like, all right, like, but we can't keep doing that. And I don't know that that's actually what it says. I'm just making some shit up. But that's basically where where they're like, no, this this thing gives us some benefits that we like. Like we want to keep these bennies. So this they want to keep the bennies. And then this this girl is or this this this lady is
in the courtroom on the video. I'm sure everybody has seen that's what she's ripping up, right? Is the yeah they want the in the bill that is supposed to like fix everything. Everybody gets treated the same. Yes. Do they still get like a stipend or something? I don't know. I don't know. i They still get a per diem every day.
All right, here's your here's your per diem for the the crystal meth and all of the ah with a hair gel. I think I don't know this. I know that like Australian Aboriginals are kind of like Native Americans here that were like they're kind of like they've definitely been fucked up hardcore and like alcoholism and like drug use are big on reservations here and stuff. I think the Maori kind of like don't aren't that well yeah they have people in the fucking the courthouse or the parliament or whatever yeah i think they like figured it out how to like actually fight back effectively there's zero like of the there's like it's not like there's like a bunch of like hawaiians or native americans and like the senate you know what i mean no i don't know that there's any yeah exactly
So I think that there, maybe that's what they're like worried about. I don't really know, but, uh, they're like, Hey, you guys can have the whole Senate or how does 375 bucks a month. So deal.
They said it immediately. Deal. 10 beads. Yeah. Deal easy I get it on I get it somehow. I own a hard rock casino. Okay deal fuck. Yes Maybe it's not right i in the Maori. I just in my head I'm just assuming they're the the people on dog the bounty hunter in Hawaii and the Native Americans into one and the Dwayne the Rock Johnson yeah Yes, yes
um But you're not wrong that the Haka dance is like kind of cringe as fuck. I hate it. Stop. rugged The rugby team doing it before a rugby match is kind of I guess so. but Kind of because you're it's like an intimidation tactic. And I think that historically you did that before war. And then you kill and then you would kill and eat your enemy. So it kind of like that, bringing that tradition to like sports, which I feel like are kind of like civilized proxy wars. It's kind of like, that makes sense. It's like the New Zealand team goes up against
the fucking, I don't know, Australian team and you do the hockey dance and it's like, we're going to fucking kill you and eat you. I guess I get that. You got to look up them doing it in the Olympics versus the US basketball team. but They do it in like weddings now. they're Maybe they always did. Derek Rose is like, what the hell is going on? We're going to beat this team by 40 points. i mean
These New Zealand hockey guys are picking up the basketball and running around on the court. Facing Lebron and Eric and everybody. Go do the national anthem and then it's like, and now please, uh,
Please prepare yourselves for the New Zealand haka. Yeah. ah
So that's what this girl is doing in the video and fucking looks insane. Looks fucking eyes bulging out. I hate that. That was craziest eyes on purpose, obviously, but You're ripping it up and they're they're like, you know okay, that the ripping it up is just for clout on the, obviously there's somebody filming it. obviously You had someone go in there and film it. You plan this, you're like, oh, we need you to flick this up on on your iPhone. ah And again, the screaming and crazy eyes.
i Get when you're about to go to war furious enemies like these people are fucking crazy We'll give them the rugby game to whatever in the regular record. No one fucking watches it anyways Cuz whatever that's actually ah Thursday football does 10 100 times the numbers than any rugby game in the world. And that's Thursday night. We don't even want to talk about Monday or Sunday night. Yeah, that's just not playing fair. Wanna get in like in jaguars game does 100 times the number of any rugby game. Go on in like court in court or like at a hearing like a parliament hearing because you're upset. I'm just like,
This is probably counterproductive. Yeah. you know ah You know who should be able to do the haka? Jewish people. They should be allowed to have a haka. Give them a haka. What would the Jewish haka be? It's just so shrill and angry. Just very shrill and and just pissed off. very That might be the scariest one.
I feel like they kind of have that now and it is. It's just all talking over each other very like loudly and quietly. Whenever Israel bombs like a ah like a daycare center in Gaza and kills like 200 babies, then they get to then the news. they They all do like a thing, their version of the haka, which is like calling up.
the news executives and being like, don't talk about this. Yeah. And then the news is like a daycare center in Gaza randomly exploded. We think that it was storing Hamas bombs. We think the Hamas was using the daycare center to
to build bombs and and they did it and they did a bad one and it exploded it. So that's crazy. Yeah. Don't fucking bring it up. I'll blow your fucking soap in your pocket. they're holey the jews The New York Jews ah run across the street very fast that's yeah yeah during the marathon.
I don't know if you saw the the, like, there was like that. I mean, it was on news for like two weeks because of course it was where like, um, there was a, I think it was like a Jewish soccer team. And, uh, I, that was in Amsterdam, but I don't know if it was like the, I don't know where Amsterdam is. I get it wrong every time. Denmark, Holland.
Hold on. Netherlands. Oh, it was close. Oh, okay. Same thing. All the same thing. ah It was in the Netherlands, but I don't know if the team was in the Netherlands. It must've been a team of an ah Arabic country, but I don't know that for sure either. Anyway.
The news story was that there was like the first pogrom in in Europe since the 1980s or whatever, or maybe it was even longer than that. It just happened. A bunch of Muslims in Amsterdam attacked Jewish soccer fans. That was the story everybody ran with. All the news was like, these poor, innocent soccer fans leaving the soccer game got attacked and this is horrifying and Israel sent like, literally Israel sent like military jets to the Netherlands to like rescue the soccer fans. Like it made that big of a deal out of it. And that is like, if that were really, if that were like the case, I would have been like, holy shit, that's fucked up. You can't do that. Like,
But then like after the story has you know made a big splash and everyone thinks they know what happened now, like it's coming out. They're like, oh, the Jewish fans were like, the Jewish soccer fans were like like ripping up.
Like, like, like brought Quran, Qurans with them to like rip up and we're like burning ah ah Palestine flags and like spitting on people. They were just being like total assholes. Pulling guns and flinching at people the whole time. Literally, they were just like, like, like frat kids in a city they don't live in where you're just like, I'm going to like run full speed at this newsstand and knock it over kind of behavior.
Yeah, so we found out the um Jewish fans, they, you know, when Robinhood, you know, stopped the whole food trading on GameStop, they can do that at the moment's notice. They just kept pulling it and they're like, you see this, they had the app of Robinhood on the admin mode. Halt, they halted everybody's money. To crash the net on stock exchange for for two minutes. Spitting on them, blowing stuff up.
but um cutting in line So yeah, long story short, that's, I think the Jewish Hawkeyes is, uh, you know, we only get certain information and that's cool. Then, uh, what is the, what's the white guy Hawkeyes? Is it, uh, is it white guys just freestyle rapping and and it could just saying, I think you should leave quotes over and over again. I mean, that's not bad.
That's not bad at all. Or just like, Oh my God, these guys are fucking nuts. Deeply identifying with like Tony Soprano and Scarface. Tommy Shelby. Knowing being able to quote every line from Scarface.
they They're doing Tony Soprano Scarface. I think you should leave and they're dressed as Tommy Shelby. They yeah they have the Peaky Blinders haircut and hat on and stuff. You were friends with me at my worst and now you want to be friends with me at my best. Nice try. I don't forget. I never forget.
That's hilarious. That's so good. ah Freestyle rapping over everybody in the courtroom just just the guy he stands up in in the Senate He starts doing the M&M thing. He's like animals the animals go but he' gone there This is going to last like seven or eight minutes. yeah We're not allowed to stop him. It's culturally insensitive to stop, to make them stop. Yeah. we cant We can't, I mean, his dad owns a roofing company around here. where he's He's going to crash the economy. The only roofing company.
He's going to put the economy down if we stop him. Yeah, he's got deep connections.
Oh, my God. I stopped. I hated every time you brought it up this week. I was so mad about it. Just, you know, whatever. I'm glad I found your ah Asian dudes.
eating eating crabs, eating fucking squirrels and crunching crabs. Oh my how Well, how about our, um, we got a new Instagram guy that we got to have everybody support and be nice to his cult. Cult. Uh, let me see. Cult. He's in New Mexico. He's a pretty good dude. He just plays call of duty. Cult Duffy.
at cold four two five zero two clocking in at 8400 followers we're early on this so if anybody's fucking a Those fucking LA fucks on lemon party blow this kid up and start talking about him next episode. You know, you damn know they listened to this podcast and don't fucking give his credit. So Cole, my guy, he just eats entire bowls of Lucky Charms. Can't tell how old do you think he is? Like 32. He's definitely two. Yeah, he's probably late twenties, early thirties. What's the odds of him being on disability?
I think yeah how could he not be? yeah's the There's no possible idea how much Dairy Queen he eats. No, that's not that's the yeah that's Seth, dude. This is called the Call of Duty kid. ah Wait, you're mixing up two greats. Oh, Cole is the, what's up everybody?
Just he's the guy. No, his his gamertag was like, uh, under bulge or something. Mr. Under bulge. Yeah. He's such a sweet guy. Jared, he posted a screenshot of his Call of Duty game and his gamertag is Mr. Under bulge. Okay. And now, all right, I'm oriented. Uh, yeah, that dude has like,
Yeah. On something on disability or like has a very, um, what would it be? Like a very nice grandma who just, he's a, he's a good boy. He's just, he's just, he gets into trouble. He's the caretaker of his, uh, of his grandma.
Yeah, he's just got like he's got to like lives in grandma's basement kind of situation. He's got half the house. He's what I keep saying. I keep saying to you guys, he's the only guy in the world that is that would get in the trouble and in the pitot trouble, but is not he's completely innocent of being a pitot. Yeah, he just he did. He literally thought he was having a roblox meetup.
yeah he He met those kids on Roblox and they were and they were actually going to meet at the park yeah just to like hang just because he wanted to like just to talk corn dogs with him. He just talked wrestling. He wanted yeah he literally wanted to show them his corn dog. Yeah, he literally he he's literally going to show him wrestling moves.
That's it. yeah
Dude, I wish I could post fucking pictures with the episode goodbye. Everybody get four two five zero two C-O-L-T four two five zero two Instagram.
His bio is, I like playing video games, listening to music, watching TV and movies. I love cars and trucks and animals. No punctuation at all. No commas, nothing. Just smiley face. Yeah, dude, that dude rules. Rocks. He's just got so much, dude. ah He's just living a life.
yeah. Hey everybody, what's up? Hope you all had a good day today. Hope you had fun, enjoyed yourself, been safe, and enjoyed it. So I do want to let you know that I do have a Twitch channel now and I do stream playing carded. So if you guys come and watch now some fun, pick up my link tree on my Instagram profile. You got a crazy on point goatee by the way. You think he does that himself?
deaf easily did easily That goatee is wild. My dude, he has a bowl of fruity pebbles with somehow only the marshmallows from luckyy Lucky on it. You could probably buy those, but do you think he does? Or does he have the kind of tism where you really like separating them? Grandma picks those up, dude. he He's a, no, he doesn't have the tism on that. His autism part is him just, he just destroys food every day. Yes. He is. There's a bowl of ice cream that has six, six scoops of ice cream in it. Styrofoam bowl. Love it. And I didn't know it snowed in New Mexico until he posted that one day.
Oh man. And also I've been sending, I still have been sending everybody that picture of Darius in the mirror with the white fedora and stuff. It's a good picture. Really good picture. I've sent probably a half of my contact. Listen, no one texted me back on it.
No one fucking no one no one even I i thought it I think it's hilarious. No one fucking no probably some context it is missing yeah i think so Everybody's probably doesn't think I meant to send it to him, but no I did oh I did
Yep, oh yeah. What else is what else is it going on? We gotta start taken taking listeners from so Matt and Shane's podcast that's falling apart. so we They're all falling apart. I think Lemon Party's falling apart.
Yeah. the family Didn't Ben launch a new podcast today or tomorrow or something? Oh, I

Podcasting Landscape: Community Dynamics

don't know. You don't do that. If you're like, if it's working out solo podcast yourself. Yeah. He, maybe he needs us to run an ad for him. should I email him and say that.
Hmm. You need us to run an ad for you.
He's exactly, um, what you, what, uh, he's like a ah Reddit user in real life. Yes. It's there. He used there. He used to, it's there. He used to.
and Jerry, what else do you, what else do you got going on? Oh dude. Actually I wanted to ask you, do you have any, cause I had a fucking, I had like a, I don't know why I cared. I think it just snuck up on me, but I had the like, Oh fuck. It's like Thanksgiving next week realization today where I was like, shit. Um, but do you have any like black Friday purchases you're eyeing?
uh, black Friday purchases, you buying anything, dude? Uh, no, I ah bought Madden 25. Well, I mean, it's a pre black Friday, but I bought that. Nice. Um, what was I thinking about buying? No. I'm just, you just got really, uh, really addicted into, uh, buying sports cards. So maybe if there's any basketball cards for sale, I'll buy that sick. I think there's like a,
I have no idea. I was about to make something up, but I lost it. What are you going to buy? I don't know. I don't need to buy anything, but I just, when I had that realization, I was like, okay, I have to do some shopping before it gets like stupid. actually of the grocery store Go ahead. They had like, uh, pallets of like onions just in the middle of the aisles and stuff where I was like, what the fuck are all these onions for? Like, why do you have like,
eight thousand potatoes that aren't even on the shelves and then i was like oh it's about to get fucking nuts ah yeah i forgot thank god i'm not cooking anything for thanksgiving or anything i'm just frying a turkey i think i got away with i used to make sides and stuff but now that i'm the guy who knows how to fry turkeys i'd just get away with frying a turkey every and it's so easy Luckily, my cousin is like, no, she doesn't accept anything. I'm like, thank God. That's awesome. I know. I'm like, you want us to bring anything? No, absolutely not. I'm like, yes. Do not. This is the best. I'll be offended. Yeah. So, I mean, you definitely did that thing with your socks and onions. You just fucking like... I didn't do the socks on. Yeah. You're like, there's so many onions. I'm like, okay. Dude, if I could have made... All right, onion guy.
If I could have made socks that looked like those Malbon socks that I paid $16 for. They look exactly like it. Out of onions. If I had known I could have just gotten white socks and put onion skins on them. I would have done it. The ones I saw you wearing, they didn't even look like the closer the ones you sent me.
their tie-dye socks are all going to look a little different. Not even. They looked more like the onion socks. ah They looked exactly like the onion socks. I knew what you were getting at when you sent that when you asked me to do this and I was like, she definitely saw those socks and thought I'd onion dyed socks. you But how can I, there's nothing I can Say to prove to you that I didn't and I'm not I wouldn't be embarrassed if I'd onion and there My side go on the side. I just didn't is there a tag on the socks? There's an and there's an embroider. There's the M logo You probably be like you could have sewed that on yourself. You probably photoshopped it
Yeah, right, dude. You fucking put those, you squeeze the- you got the shell of the onion or whatever and put them between your two socks and yeah, the onion's getting on you. Dude, if I knew how to do shit like that... I wouldn't. I think that'd be great. How doesn't that wash out, by the way? You just don't wash or just smell like onions? I think you, uh...
If it works, if onions work the way that like dyes worked in like chemistry, you ah would soak it in like a really basic solution. So like, like I don't know, lope ah low pH, and then that like fixes the dye.
It like causes some reaction. It doesn't change the color, but it like makes it so it doesn't, it's not water soluble anymore. So there's probably a step where they like put it in lie or something and it makes it stick. Okay. It seems like you know a lot about this. Cause I have a degree in chemistry.
Sure. Sure, buddy. And I might have got it in reverse. No. I think I'm probably right. These saw PUBG games we've been going through been absolutely brutal. I had a i had a good one. ah Us as a duo. Terrible. Last night was great, though. I forgot that we added on that banger of of one last night. So I had. All right. last The last game we played, I'll admit.
And it'll, and it'll make what I'm, what I say after that sound like it's bullshit, like it's cope, but it's true. So the last, last night game I did die because I was looking at the map while driving and I just drove into a rock. Oh my God. Wait, what it was that? The Last last one, the last last one where we went, we were trying to get to the market and we were in different cars and you know where you were. So I was going to try to see if I could intercept you and get the blue chip. And so I was looking for you on the map and in that like two seconds.
hit a rock hard enough then the last one was the one where we were within oh that's true so the second to last game yeah you're right because i think that was the one where i was like gonna go to bed and i was like wow i mean we can't go to i can't go to bed with jared just ran into a rock uh yeah correct so Like I said, it's now going to sound like this next story is bullshit, but ah I died. the So my first game that I played today died the exact same way. Oh, no, but not in I wasn't looking at the map. I was just driving a straight line through like
lightly wooded field and then like the rock hadn't rendered in yet. Like I couldn't see that it was there and then I crashed into nothing. Okay. Died and then it showed like, and then the rock rendered in. I swear to fucking God. I love that. Um, so I was really mad about that.
and then And then the other two games are pretty good. Got five kills, number 10 on the last one I played before the pod. And everyone's talking about hot drops right now. What is that? It means like dropping into like the first most populated area on the map because you'll just end up like in a bunch of firefights.
OK, I guess there's like a thing. The game's like incentivizing it right now. Like you get some like loot if you do a certain number of hot drops. They're just a fucking death sentence every single time. Yeah, that's the thing. But i did I tried it once and I got five kills and then I got killed. Nice. I put I put the backpack on last night at that last game and got three three kills. Mm hmm.
I just did the i did the thing where it was all set. On to the next one, all set, down. Yeah, that was really nice. On to the next one, all set. You were like my, uh, security guard or something. I kept being like, Oh, there's a guy there. And then I couldn't kill them. And then you'd be like, God, we're having 16 for scope, baby. Let's go. Yeah. I think I had the Mark 12 with no scope or something, but you do where you you had to have a scope. I don't think I did. But I do remember every time I would.
Every single if I did whatever either way. I'm just giving you credit for like every time I'd see someone and then you'd be like, oh, I got him. You're not giving me. You're like, I must have not had a scope. Well, I I'm just trying to be like, oh, I I didn't contribute anything. And there must have been a reason beyond that. I'm just bad at the game. You did. You were you. you've You got them. You know, you decoyed them every single time. There we go. I was the fucking In the fucking post apocalypse movies where they have some bitch in the road who seems in trouble and then they try to help her and then everyone jumps out. That was me. Exactly.
Oh, that's a good, good episode there. Hop on the, hop on the pub G now. All right. We'll be back. Well, this is a great, great, great first episode back. Once again, thank you to Hank chill for, for getting on our ass and, and reminding us that we have a job to do and we've, we need to fulfill it for you guys.
And I love everybody that listens to the to this show. Yep. Shouts out all of you. Yep. All right. We'll have ah Paul back probably next week too. Yep. He's been busy filling dispersing sand onto a golf course, which is extremely difficult. Yeah, it seems shitty. Peace out. Stay black.