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1000 Bottles of Lube

Dudes "R" Us
103 Plays5 months ago

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Celebration and Rumors

Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless you. In Springfield, they're eating the dogs, the people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there. You are absolutely right. You don't get the pleasure of me denying
All right, no offense, not to sound like one of those higher people, but I don't remember interacting with you. The chef got a major surprise. Watch how I do with that. You've never seen this before. Chef, you magnificent. You've never seen that before. You've never even seen that before. Tough time never lasts. Only tough people last.
You got soft hands, boy. Germans make really good cars. I think the Japanese make better ones. Germans had a really cool leader at one time. Oh my god. I'm drinking ice coffee. I'd one day like to have a wife. Thank you.
Let's go. Hire baby. Hire baby. Hire baby. We're trying to do a poison beam? We're trying to do a poison beam?
Hey everybody!

Personal Revelations and News

Welcome to Dudes R Us. We can't be stopped and we'll do anything for you. Please subscribe and join the Patreon so Jared does not die. Hell yeah. Check, check, check. Check one, two, three. I don't know. Check. We're back. Yeah. Alright.
We're here after a couple of weeks. He's the craziest two weeks. Two weeks. We have a, uh, there's bear with us. Be back on a normal cadence. Now. One of us is having a kid. One of us is move cross country and one of his is gay. Yep. Guess which one I am. Bear with us. We're here though. We're all coming out the other end.
You're spitting is up. Truin is up. Spitting is out, I should say. Truin is up. Shout out, Patrick C. They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets. They're eating the dogs. Dogs. They're eating the dogs.
Ah, that's old news anyways. Now, right? That's the crazy part as I was like thinking about, uh, everything that's happened in the last, I guess it's been two weeks. I'm like, holy shit. That, that story came and went. Actually, I don't know if it came and went. I think that other shit. Yeah. He like got covered that some guy tried to like shoot him in at the golf course. And so now the news, the news changes.
Those, uh, you know, LA fags that locked out and got us on a paid advertisement already covered both of those on there. So you've, we don't need them anyways. Yeah. We don't need Ben Avery and fat brother and needle voice anyways. Fuck you guys. Fat brother. Hell yeah.
Yep. Now, whatever.
Whatever. We like them anyways, but we're going after them. No holding bars. We're a war. Pod war.

Content Theft and Criticism

They covered. They stole, if you've rehearsed back to our episodes before theirs, and there's some weird, there's some weird ironic pairings of them covering stuff. You know, a few episodes after us identically discovering our Instagram people, we discovered first and tracking them closely.
Makes you think makes you think makes you think no one else but us knew about the Costco guys we were on them early I Feel like it's been so long what they probably like killed themselves by now or something happened probably yeah, they're definitely laying low After that video that everyone hated and was like, oh wait is uh, I
Is out AJ a fucking asshole? He was like abusing his kid and it's like, well, yeah, anyone who's, anyone who's putting their kid on Tik TOK before the age of 18 is, uh, should have their kids taken away. But, uh, no, I'm kidding. Kinda. Yeah. I haven't seen much. I haven't seen much from them.
Welcome, welcome to TikTok, you motherfuckers. What do they got going on? They're putting out even shitty, your fucking content. They're just doing the same thing, the chicken bake thing over and over. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the thing is like, um, it's true that like, if you find something that works, like they just found,
I think that guy age, I had tried a whole bunch of different stuff. Like if you go way, way back in his account, he, there's like, when that kid's still like a baby basically and he's like picking out meat at Walmart, um, you know, like, okay, so you've, you've tried this, but he found one thing that works. So you do it over and over again, but eventually people are going to be like, okay, but like, what else? You can't just like rely on having,
I don't know, weird other TikTok people in your videos and that makes them interesting. You're like, let's do the same thing, but now the Rizzlers in it.
Oh man. They up there and with those Boston tool bag comedy guys, Tommy Gore, you know, and prosciutto poppy. Yeah. Right. Buddy. That's not what people are like from Boston. You fucking losers. I've never seen that. Do I have to look at that? They're just two guys, two douche bags with perfect trim beards every day.
Oh no, you're right. I do. I do know that. When you're in Boston, this is, this is how it is. Everybody's fucking, you know, let's do a fucking skit about when you're at, when you're angry in traffic, those are, that's what the fuck those guys. Oh yeah. They're all over this name a town that they're actually from Jared and they claim from Boston.
Oh, they're probably from that probably means they're from like Arlington. Got them. God. Got their ass, dude. They don't even they don't even take the tea into the city. They're probably fucking there's no you can't even get it. You live in like Belmont, Arlington, Lexington. You can't even take the tea. They're fucking they all drive cars there because they're rich. They're fucking driving automobiles up there like losers at the battle green.
Oh, fucking Maine. Oh, my God, that's actually even worse. People who are people who are from like Manchester, New Hampshire, like, well, I'm from Boston, like fucking Boston. No. Yeah. I can. If you live within if you live within 95 and you say it just to somebody because it's easier than explaining what fucking I don't know what what a goddamn
Newton is pass. Go fucking go kill yourself. But, uh, yeah, if you're from fucking, I guess Belmont counts, but you know what I mean. Fuck that. Fuck you guys. That's not what people are like. It's not what people look like up there. Well, here I should say. Up there in Chelsea.
Shout out Patrick C. We're back. We're back. Packing up and shipping out those labels, getting my guy, keep grinding.
Keep hustling, keep that head down, keep packing up and shipping out t-shirts and labels. Pack and ship. Pack and ship, you know what it is. Pack and ship, pack and ship. Pack and ship, pack and ship. We're strong, we're out, we're firing on these subjects, I'll tell you that. Dude, we're just destroying this list.
Storing this list I thought would take two hours. This highly organized fucking list what we sure did prep for. Yeah, we've got show notes guys. They're being off for two weeks.
We pre-meet before the pod and discuss what we're going to talk about. We rehearse this. We have a big whiteboard in studio that we draw on and eat salads around and think of what we're going to think about.
So anybody order in lunch, anybody order in dinner to pre-pod, pre-pod, pre-pod, Panera dinner? Oh, Panera flatbreads. Everyone gets one. Yes, exactly. Yeah. The white monsters and some Panera flatbreads. Is there any, uh, where can we get pizza around here? What's some good pizza around here? I mean, there is a Panera. There is Panera. There is a Panera bread. Have you had there?
Tuscan white pizza. Ah, man. Yeah. Who's ordering a white pizza? Get real. Get real. Get real. I am on the tip though. I am preferring since I'm back in New England. I do. I've made my decision. I prefer a Greek pizza over NYC pizza. Oh, I mean, of course.
The only the only people that disagree with that are people from New York. Yeah, that doesn't count though. Go get go back to Albany. Fucking losers. Yeah, exactly. Great pizzas. There's just nothing better. Let's see. Let's see. What's what's what do you got for your notes here? What's in my notes? Oh, I got a lot.
You saw that you saw that did he got arrested today, right? Yes, I was last night right or last night might have been last night. Yeah, he's Is he being held in jail or did he get out? No, I think he's in I think he well, I don't know. That's I don't know if they posted Bail or anything for him. I feel like you wouldn't know friend to it's always denied bail Wow. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like you wouldn't when he's like I
Cause you know, he would get on a jet to like, yeah, he'd get away. Um, found a thousand bottles of lube in his, in his Miami house.

Diddy and the Lube Rumors

No way. Yep. When they rated it a thousand bottles of lube. Why do you need that? Could be his investment company. I mean, I guess.
Maybe like, maybe some like, you know, some black dudes, like how you put a hand lotion in your hair. Maybe that's how they get their wave shiny as they just lube up their head. I mean, I didn't think about that. Their waves are spinning. I didn't think exactly about that. Also, for the record, I use pomade now. Oh, okay. Oh yeah. Pomade. I got you. I thought you were talking about, um,
What's the dish soap? Palmol. Oh, that'd be crazy, dude. That's so good. I'm actually not using hand lotion anymore. I'm using for the record though, for anyone out there who likes, uh, you know, a nice like slick hair, uh, and you are sick of paying fucking $30 for a puck of like lay writer suavecito.
Uh, I swear to God, just get like, what do I use? Gold bond, medicated hand cream. It works. It works exactly as good. And it costs nothing. Um, no, I'm currently, what am I, I'm currently using, cause I'm a sucker for fucking anything that's like, we, we are these guys who made this thing.
Um, we're from Seattle. We make, we make, uh, you know, pomade that's not, it's like literally that is what I got suckered. Um, what is it called a Highland? Yeah. If you want to sponsor us, I will accept Highland glacial clay pomade, but it's like these two guys from Colorado. And they're like, we've tested hundreds of ingredients to make this.
pomade that has none of the gooky chemicals in it. I was like, all right, I'm sold. I'll give it a try. So that's what I'm using right now. Works great. Works great. Honestly, endorse glacial clay pomade, but I will say to my previous point about not being psyched about spending 25, 30 bucks for a puck of pomade. This was 25 bucks. So I'll probably buy it once and then move back to a gold bond, medicated hand cream.
God damn how many fucking, uh, how many, um, how many ounces are in that? I don't, God, it's like, it's probably four. I don't know. They're not big, but that's, but, but it's also, I like, I don't, I can't blame them for that because, um, let's see. Oh, this is okay. Maybe I can blame them.
It's two ounces, which is pretty fucked up now that I think about it. Because a puck of lay right is and like lay rights, honestly, the best same price of twenty five bucks, puck of lay rights, four and a quarter ounces. All right. I take it back, glacial clay pomade. I didn't realize it was two ounces. You're on watch. That's man.
If I could do some math, then that would be, you know, per ounces, et cetera. Oh man. Did he add AR 15s to with his three of them? That feels like a normal amount though. Like for, like for a guy like him with a ma with multiple houses to have like three AR 15s at your Miami house. Like that feels it's legal. It's probably honestly.
He probably has more. There's probably like a hidden armory there that they haven't that they, they're, you know, you have to like tilt the picture in a certain way or something. He's kind of three is kind of pussy actually. Maybe that's the currency. Maybe he had six. He traded three for however many thousand bottles of lube. That's nuts.
That's like the most damning part of it is like, what do you need that much lube for? It's impossible to know what things are true now. Um, because even news just says whatever shit they're like reports on Twitter and you're like, no, you're the news. I, I would, I expect more from you.
but they're saying he had like crazy orgies and shit. And that's what he needed out of the lube for. He'd have like, he'd have like insane sex parties that lasted like multiple days and he'd be doing some like Jeffy Epstein stuff.
black guy version though, just walking around. Yeah. Like Epstein was walking around with like some novels or some weird, weird shit. This isn't an official conspiracy because, um, I made it up in my head when I saw a picture while looking at this news story. But I think that that's why LeBron James is gone. Where's he go? Where's LeBron James? I think that that's what's going on. He, uh,
No, he's not going anywhere. No, he was a, he was at some of those parties. I think he was an informant. He's he's undercover. Yeah. I think he's undercover. I like that. That's great. Everyone, everyone was talking shit. Everyone was basically, basically the tone of Twitter today has been post any
post a picture of Diddy with anyone and then talk shit about that person. So it's been like, here's a picture of Diddy with Trump. Here's a picture of Diddy with Hillary Clinton. Here's a, and then it was like everyone. And then it was a picture of him and LeBron and everyone was talking shit about LeBron. He's like, he's probably a pedophile. And I'm like, I bet he was a confidential informant. Yes, dude. Wow. He's bigger than Epstein. Then he's just with everybody. Literally like everyone, but also like he's been around forever.
There's probably pictures of me with him. I mean, it says like one of the headlines, which isn't fair, is did he rate ends with feds finding baby oil? So I mean, that's just I mean, you know, can't that's that's what's supposed to be in his house. Honestly, if that we need to know if they're considering baby oil lube. That is an interesting question. Maybe it sounds worse when you call a baby oil. Yeah, but his skin is very smooth looking. It could be baby oil.
I need to get on his council. Honestly, like the, the, the part about using lube as hair, uh, yeah, whatever. When now that it's baby oil, maybe instead of lube, I'm, I'm more convinced. I'm stepping in on council here. That it's probably, sir, that was, that was for our hair.
Your honor, they're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats, they're eating. No, I think you could get away with that because like moms will buy like 86 bottles of Sunny Delight because there was like a good coupon. Oh yeah. And it's like, you're gonna drink them anyway. He could probably just be like, hey, there was like a two for one deal, so I got a thousand bottles. I'm fucking rich, I can do that.
That makes sense, real world. A real world example, yesterday I walked in to Dollar General to grab some paper towel real quick and there was a lady in there and she was a mom and she's like, I need your help to get this off the top

Consumer Oddities and Speculations

shelf. I go over, it's like two liters of Diet Coke. She goes, it's three for five, get me three.
Then she goes, just give me the rest of the shelf. And I unloaded like six to eight, two liters into her car. That's so you're exactly right. Nail on the head. She goes, you know what? Just give me the entire shelf, whatever's left up there. So Jesus Christ. I mean, you're going to drink anyway. Maybe he did that. That's I bet that he was probably a dollar general. Then they were like 10 bucks a case. And he was like, you know what? Yeah.
You know what? Or it's his new business or he's a drop shifter. No one's considered that. No one's considered. I mean, he's probably got a lot of like homies that just kind of like couch guys that live there.
Yeah, could be like yeah could be one of those guys drop shipping business drop shipping lube. It's like Instagram post where it's like, you know Lube's one of the most successful items on Amazon that you could resell for $17 a bottle extra. Let's do that. That's $17,000 Yeah, I mean you're netting 17 K if you profit I
Yeah. Here's what you just get the big bottles, the big fucking jugs of it. You, you know, you cut it up into two ounce bottles. Yep. Got a markup on all those.
then maybe they're cutting it with baby oil to get even more bottles. Yeah. Yes. I like this. I mean, that's a crime, but it's like the, that would be the best outcome of this is that the thing they can charge him on is like counterfeiting baby oil. Sex trafficking of that. So yeah. Uh, we, after a thorough investigation, uh, turns out the three, uh, assault rifles were legal and had serial numbers.
And, uh, the only evidence of crime we could find was that he is, uh, he and his associates have been counterfeiting baby oil counterfeiting lube with baby oil. Yeah.
baby oil is a skin moisturizer lubricant can be oil, silicone or water based. Baby oil, primarily made of mineral oil and fragrance. Okay, so there is a big difference. I don't know. That's what we need. We need to know was a baby oil or was it just straight lube and what was it both?
It's funny that right now the, if I Google baby oil, it's ads for Johnson and Johnson baby oil. And then Diddy. Yeah. I mean, he was raking in profits, $17,000 every thousand bottles he bought. Why wouldn't you fucking do that? The news needs to get their story straight.
The Times of India says 1,000 bottles of baby oil seized from Diddy's freak off den. I told you. Page six says 50 Cent Trolls Sean Diddy Combs over massive lube stash. Which is it? I mean, 50 Cent's over. It's already doesn't obviously know there's that baby was mineral mineral oils, not, you know, water based or silicone based like lube is.
Are we going to get like, uh, made fun of after this episode and in black people are going to be like, these guys don't know that we use baby oil as lube. Then I'm putting them on game. It's what AI said is it's not, not recommended. Not recommended. Not recommended. And maybe, maybe it's just for girls dancing. No one's ever said that yet.
Yeah, that's also true. They do like to oil themselves up. Yeah, exactly. I'm not mad about it either. Especially the African American ones. Yeah. Yes. You could look at any, any movie ever. And if that's the, that's, then they're, they're using baby oil. New York post says cases and cases of lube and baby oil.
Oh, double. And now he's putting us in a tough spot. Now we have to go back to the cutting of the cutting agents. I could send this all over to him, probably get it to him somehow. Yeah, we can probably get in contact with his people, especially if you're offering legal representation. Wow.
Yeah, I see it. Everybody's retweeting anything that has anything to do with Diddy. Just literally just pictures. Here's Trump and Diddy posing together at like an award ceremony. What? Look at this asshole. Get Elon Musk and him together in a picture. Tell me where that is. It's probably out there.
Maybe he is, maybe Elon Musk is the white Diddy. Ooh. Interesting. Cause he makes more money. Yes. Elon Musk is like fully lost his mind. He's like, I don't know. Like I, uh,
I guess he's like, I don't know. He's just on Twitter every day, just sweating Trump's nutsack. I mean, we've talked about this before, but that's the most insane part is like, I get that you reach a certain level of rich where like money stops being interesting anymore. You're like, I have so much money that every, every additional million I make is, it's not even like,
There's nothing I can't buy in the world. So like any more is meaningless. But then why is this what he's chasing like? So like you can just like live a life of like peaceful relative obscurity. There's like a lot of billionaires out there that like no aren't household names. But yeah, to your point, he's like. He's just out there like chirping.
Yeah, he's, he is, uh, Facebooking on, on all of his platforms. He's just like, all right, Taylor, I'll put a baby in you. He's full dad mode on Facebook right now. It's really, uh, it's crazy. It's absolutely crazy. And then he's got like his own fucking kid being like, my dad's an incel.
Like, Hey, Elon Musk, you're not even from this fucking country. I'll say it again, dude. So you can't be dead on Facebook unless you're from this country. Also true. That's why those, all those guys get a free pass. You're like, uh, you can't be this autistic, not from the country, not from the USA and acting like USA. Bullshit. I'm from South Africa.
go get those fucking people. Do you see those? Uh, your, your astronauts were on the, uh, or I guess maybe not. They were before the Patriots game this week. They were, they were on TV. Yeah. They were like, shout out to they were just looked, they were just fucking floating around up there looking real old and shit.
Yeah, that makes sense. The lady was kind of like, you know, it's the best time of the year in New England. All the, all the leaves are changing. I bet. And really wish I could see it, but let's go Patriots. That's true. She's from Needham and the leaves are changing. It kind of sucks. Oh man. This lady's bumming out a little bit. Maybe not. Maybe she's that big of a nerd.
She'll be fine. She's like, you know, I wish that. Oh, that was like an apples are are ripen. And I wish that somebody could send an apple up here in a spacecraft, but you really can't. Like, oh, man, shots fired. Yeah, what it. What do you what do you get now, lady? Yeah, she's fucking hating on it, dude. I mean. Oh, I do. I get it.
They should just do that with people like Epstein and Diddy, where they just put them into one of those space capsules and send them up there permanently.

Space Punishments and Mechanical Mishaps

That would be an idea. Like they have food supplies and stuff, but like ration's pretty thin and they're just, there's no way to get down. I mean, that would be the most fucked up kind of incarceration. You're like, you get to live, but you have to, you have to poop in a tube.
You have to eat the taco meat out of a tube. You got to strap yourself in bed or you'll float away. Yeah. You don't, um, you don't get to go to jail. You don't have to go to, like you tell me, like, all right, we have two options. You don't have to go to jail. They're like, Oh, thank God. Right. But we're sending you to space. They're like, okay, forever. And you're by yourself and, uh, and over time your bones dissolve.
Oh man, let's jump to topics. I haven't watched this video yet of our live life jam guy here. Let's see what's going on. I got the mechanic coming to my house. My bank account is like empty.
But I'm going to worry about that later, bro. Hope you all can respect it. Hope you guys can respect the grind. And yeah, dude. What's that brother doing? I don't. Sorry, man. But yeah, dude. You guys have a blessed day, all right? Keep it pushing.
Hopefully I don't pop this bubble on my hand and pray to God like you guys said that it's not my alternator or something. I pray to God that it actually is my battery. I pray to God that you can fix it. And I pray to God that I didn't just waste all this money for nothing. Because the guy said that once I try to put it in, it'll be worthless. So yeah.
It's layers of insane. I don't even know where to begin. Oh man. He's calling a mechanic to his house. So whoever it is, if you're concerned or if your car's not starting or it's starting weird and you don't know if it's the alternator or the battery or something else,
And you're worried because if you use the battery, it's going to, you're not going to be able to return it. If it doesn't end up being, if it's the alternator or something else ends up being the issue, don't buy a new battery yet. The mechanic can test the battery to see if it's good or not. You take a battery from another car for a minute. That part's crazy to me.
uh, needing a mechanic to install a car batteries and saying to me, yeah, like that's wild. It's like, I'm not, I'm not going to pretend I know how to do much with cars, but that's like one of the easiest. That is something you can, you don't know how to like change your battery, change your headlights. Like that's a problem. He might not even have a wrench. I don't know, but yeah, you just get a jump. And then if it jumps and it's your battery, if not, it's your alternator. Uh,
I don't know what like I haven't followed him for a while. This was this. This hit me out of nowhere. I don't know what his job situation is. I don't know what the bubble on his hand means. I assume he's got a blister.
He, uh, I'll go through this leading up to this videos, but I watched a video of him yesterday for the first time in weeks and, uh, he was still going for the in and out. They, uh, he said he got through always like how he's like, I got through to then they offered me the job and then they, they called me back and said, like, we're not giving you the job. He's like, so I went there and I like asked the manager, I got her and while she was in the back and.
She was like really like freaked out from me. I don't know what it was. I assume it was my smile. And she was like, I was like, why didn't you give me the job? And I was trying to get an answer. And she was just being like super weird and not really answering. And I was like, dude, everybody in the comments was like, you're terrifying her. That's why, dude. What the fuck is wrong with you?
He's got a wrench
to get that bolt off, but I was using the wrong wrench and I found the right wrench. It's eight millimeter wrench. So I just got to continue to fucking just make my way downtown walking. I just got to keep on making my way downtown. I just got to keep on doing my thing though, getting these bolts off. And then after I get the battery out, then I'm going to worry about, you know, getting a new battery. And then I'm just going to retrace my steps, just go backwards.
Fuck, man. Dude, I called my boss. My boss is cool with me, fucking coming through tomorrow. He says that he understands, lowkey. But, fuck, man. Why? Why? So fucking bullshit, dude. Damn, bro. I just fucked my hand up, man. So I finally got the fucking battery free. Ow.
Oh, dude, it's it's bubbling up. It's bubbling. All right. He looks like it's the smallest thing ever. He must have clipped it. That solves the gig. You got himself a little blood blister. Yeah. Oh, man, he's having a hard time. I'm just going to take a picture and walk down to the store and figure it out later. He's about to cry. Yeah, I am.
can't really he's like i don't think he's even like watching any youtube videos on how to replace this either he's just undoing bolts in his plates he's probably like so many bolts removing the thing that holds the battery in place yeah
Oh no. Yeah. He fucked. He ripped like a wire out of words. Oh, that's awesome. Turn the comments off on his last video. Um, I noticed the comments were off on the one where he was fucking just hauling the battery. You've been getting some hate lately. Everybody's saying that we know your eyes.
Oh man, I need to get enough. We need to, I need a banking on an update now with this guy. Holy shit. Yeah, dude. That was, that was a great update. I had not heard from him. I forgot he existed. Uh, live, laugh, jam, never disappoints in the Zins now too.
That's good. Yeah, this dude's... Yeah, this is, uh, oh man. Yes, sorry. We're off track a little bit, but Live Life Jam is spiraling down.
And it's crazy because I think every time, every time we go, we have like a, I don't know, a moment of, of following him. I'm like, all right, this guy's like, shit can't get any more fucked up. Or am like, okay, you had like a job at a roofing company or whatever, and now you're like at 7-11. And I think like he's hit rock bottom. And then now he's like, I think unemployed and his car battery, and he's clearly on fucking meth again.
Uh, so yeah, it's been, it's been, it's been wild. We need to get a serious answer out of this man. If he's high, are you high or not? Need to take a piss test. That could be why he's not. Maybe he's like, oh, I don't know why there are no one's hiring me. He's just failing hot for piss every time. I was like, I'm assuming you just like they do the, because it's always, they're waiting on the background check.
And then they never get back to him. So I'm assuming the background check comes back and like, I don't know, somewhere in his, in his history, he has like a B and E or like he chokes, he chokes some girl or something. Yep. That's what they said is he has a felony, a felon felony, burglary, burglary charge. So he's, uh, you know,
He is, uh, you know, definitely not going to get a job like that. Yeah. I mean, he needs to find a fucking, like you're like, why are you getting, why are you trying to get like corporate front of house customer service jobs? Like you, you're never going to get hired working the register at in an outburger. Like you need to get like an under the table.
like working in a factory, working construction, that kind of thing where they don't give a shit who you are. That's what he's doing. He's working construction. What is, uh, what's your take on the zins? Uh, Jared, I haven't ever actually ever had a zin. Oh, okay. Um, I was a big, I mean, as you know, was, was a faithful,
Um, normal smoker, faithful smoker for 20 plus years. Yep. And never, uh, I mean, never really strayed from that. Even, uh, through the early vape days when all my friends quit smoking and had those dumb fuck things that looked like a taser. Yes. Um, actually I should say really the very first thing we're like those blue e-cigarettes.
that looked just kind of like the fan, big fan of those. Yeah. It looked like the vapes now pretty much. And then everyone was like, wait, I don't want to pay $30 for this. And then suddenly those like vape juice tasers were a thing. Yes. Uh, my friends had those and it was like just these giant milky melon flavored clouds and these dumb
things they would like, you could like ma mod, um, like get weird attachments for. And I just was like, this isn't smoking anymore. Like you have a different hobby. It's okay that you have a weird, like multipurpose electronic tool that also lets you vape, but like, that's not smoking anymore. And then everyone, then that went out and that was stupid. And now we're kind of back to like,
Well, the elf bars and things like that are kind of the thing now, but it's back to being just like one of those taser ones shrunk. Yeah, they shrunk them down, but it's equally stupid. But no, anyway, long winded, smoked for 20 years plus, but always been a cigarette guy. You know, dipped in high school, but always preferred six.
And then like snooze and zen were just a thing like when I was way too deep into SIGs. Heard good things though. Heard real good things. Yeah. Now zen. I don't know.
I feel like they're definitely cool. I did them before they were cool. I did them like four years ago. But yeah, I don't know. I feel like with all nicotine products, you get a ton of anxiety and then you do them and you get a little more anxiety. Then you need another one. Is that kind of the cycle of it?
Um, I mean, the last couple of years of me that have led me to now having quit cigarettes for a year. That was definitely the cycle was just like, was like a stress relief, but then more stress when you're like not smoking kind of cycle. Yes. Uh, and I know not everyone can live a, I mean, just whatever.
You know, I know not everyone has like the luxury of being like, my life is pretty stress free. But I'll at least say better to just kind of find ways to not feel so stressed and to use that stuff unless Zinn wants us to sponsor them. Zinn's entered the market in 2014, gained TikTok fueled popularity. Now they're owned by Philip Morris.
Oh, no way. Really? They must've bought them out, huh? They bought them a couple of years ago. Let's see. Let's see the, the nicotine product scanning youth popularity. Yep. Okay. Oh, I guess I kind of forgot the jewel era. That was big for a minute there.
It was like one of the hardest things I ever quit was jewels was fucking God damn those things ruled so hard. But yeah, I was like I fucking needed every second. Well, that's the other thing is is people don't realize that like. If I were to smoke a pack of cigarettes in a day, I fucking knew it. It was like very obvious and I felt it.

Vaping and Healthier Alternatives

Um, the like, and then I think people assume that like, okay, like one drag of this jewel pod is equivalent to, you know, a drag of a cigarette. And then you realize it's like six times. So if you, it's like, I'd say, you know, stand outside work or something, smoking a cigarette for seven minutes. If you were standing next to me and we were kind of like, and you were just hitting a vape,
You just smoked like five cigarettes. Okay, elf bar contains says vapor shop directs as 48 cigarettes in the elf bar. And I know 22 packs of cigarettes and one.
Okay. So it's like two to three packs, two to call it three to four packs of cigarettes and an elf bar. A lot of people I know do a one a week. So they're smoking call it four packs a week. That's yeah. That's a good amount, right? Yeah. That's a, that's a, that's, that's, that's a good amount. I mean, obviously that's not pack a day smoke, but like, yeah,
People tell me they're like, Oh, I go through about one a week. I'm like, you definitely do two, two at least two a week. Yeah. And that doesn't seem crazy, right? If you're like, Oh, I just go through two of these a week. You're like, you're a pack of day smoker. Yeah. You go, or I want to one a week. No way. You do two of them a week. And it's different from, I never have.
Like multiple packs of, or there's no point. Like if you had multiple packs of cigarettes kicking around, but it's like, I know people who have like, Oh, this one's like the candy apple and this one's the like pink lemonade. And it's like, okay. You have like three of these in your, in your bag, like different. I'm not hating though. Do whatever you want, but, uh, yeah, do whatever you want. I'm just here to, I'm just interested. It's interesting.
If I could do them without any recourse, I would, but. Oh my God. I would go back to smoking cigarettes. Even if they're like, Hey, vapes are a hundred percent good for you and you're fine and you don't get a ton of anxiety when you don't have them and you don't need to hit it every two seconds. I would do them. The day, the day Philip Morris is like here, here's a cigarette that doesn't give you can actually, it actually cleans your lungs.
They can fucking, they have to be working on that. I'll pay $100 a pack for that. He literally would be too. I would, I would like ruin. I would financially ruin myself in order to get like a pack a day. Yep. They have to be working on that, right? I think that's just what I think that's, I think Zinn is their answer to that. They're like, we took it. We took everything out of it. It's just a pouch of nicotine.
Uh, we get it that you can't smoke it. That's not, it's not as cool, but, uh, but this is, this is the best we can do. Are you happy? Jesus. Jaycek Olgizak is the CEO of Philip Morris international. I mean, they, I know they, but they have the smokeless side and you know, the other side, like they have to be working on something for the good guys, right?
Why are all these guys like European? Where's Philip Morris based out of? What the hell? Philip Morris is owned by Altria.
William Gifford, Werner, Barth, a manual Babu, a manual Babu. Hell yeah. I gotta know more about a manual Babu chief financial officer. Uh, Werner Barth, what are these guys fucking from? Oh dude, Babu fix your fucking teeth, man. Frederick D wild. Yeah, they're all from Boeing could fly a fucking jet through those teeth. I know.
Pretty embarrassing. Yeah. He's, uh, wow. It's like cigarettes will disappear in 10 years. Philip Morris, CEO says that. Oh, come on, brother. Don't do that. I don't believe them around until I'm like 80 years old. They'll still be smoking cigarettes in Malaysia. Yeah. Oh yeah. Of course. Uh,
vision to, he has a vision to deliver a smoke free future. Yeah, right, dude. You can estimate all the tobacco farms or whatever they get. I want, I want them to be like, like, here's the thing. No one expects Philip Morris to be, you know, like all this bullshit stuff. That's like,
companies have to talk about how they're like helping the environment and like how now there's anything wrong with having like, obviously nothing wrong with having like a diverse board of directors. But when they're like, our diversity plan is blah, blah, blah. It's like no one expects any of that from Philip Morris. They already think you're fucking evil villains who want to kill everyone in the world. Yeah. Brace it.
Feel like our goal is a cigarette in every hand in America. Just say it. Correct. So, yeah. Philip Morris, if you need a new CEO who's not a pussy. I will. I will be your guy. I will not make I will not make America smoke free in 10 years.
I'll make cigarettes cool again. Everybody's like, hell no. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like don't do that. How about you don't do that? Yeah. Leave it alone, dude. No, no one's asking for that. Stop this shit. Stop making shit up. The people who are asking for that aren't your customers. So like, what do you care? Person who's like, we need to shut down Philip more cigarettes or
Cigarettes are the worst thing ever. That person's never going to buy any. So what the fuck do you care what they think? Just let them be. Just let it be. I'm going at the rate. They're already almost. They can have fucking salary. I don't know what those people do. Yeah. We already see it. I already see it dwindling, but keep it going.
What else, uh, what else do we got? Dude, did you, uh, I posted, I put in the discord cause I, as I was like looking into it, did you see this thing with the, with the beepers, the pagers and Lebanon? No, what's, where is Lebanon again? Lebanon's in the middle East. Okay. It's North of Israel. All right. Um, Israel, because everyone in the middle East hates Israel for reasons we'll never know.
Um, there's a terrorist group in Lebanon called well Yeah, they're a terrorist group, but you know, they wouldn't call themselves that There's a you know

International Incidents and Festivals

a group in in Lebanon called Hezbollah if you've never heard of them Hezbollah it's the short like guy that looks like he's a baby. Yeah, that's the one
So they're not down with Israel. I know Israel's Israel's mostly beefing with Hamas, which is the Palestine one. But they also got other beef with Al Shabaab and Hezbollah and Al Qaeda and all that. So while everyone's paying attention to Hamas. Because Israel's, you know, killing everyone in Palestine. They're secretly Israel is like Israel has like infiltrated the
factory where pagers are made.
And Hezbollah uses pagers instead of cell phones because it's harder to trace them like Israeli counterintelligence can't intercept pager messages, I guess. OK. So rather than try to figure out how to intercept the pager messages, Israel just made a whole bunch of pagers with bombs in them that were also that were also fully functional pagers.
Uh, so no one would suspect anything. And then, and they knew like, Hey, if you're in Lebanon and you're using a pager, it's because your Hezbollah, no one else does that. And so, uh, earlier today, like three o'clock Lebanon time, they just hit the detonate button on all the pagers and killed like 10 people and like injured another. I think, I mean, who knows, but Lebanon said that the.
And the injuries are over 3000 people injured because it's just dude dudes in like the grocery store, do the restaurant dudes on the bus and the fucking pager in their pocket just explodes. Oh my God. Which is a.
That is awesome. I mean, there's like levels of there's like levels of fucked up there, but but to your point, it's also fucking awesome. Yeah, just on their nightstand, it just. Do they in their pocket while they're holding it? It just. Yeah. And simultaneously, like across Beirut, the capital city in Lebanon, like, you know what I mean? They just literally like at the same time, they all just went nuts.
Oh, God, that rules. And, you know, if you heard about nine, that it was at least double that in actuality. Yeah, dude, you got to hand it to Mossad. They don't fuck around. No. Do you think they actually like sent out like a like a like a beep to everybody before it went off to say all like pick. Yeah. Yeah.
And, and the other thing is like, Oh, it's just so, it's, it's so fucking brutal. Cause you're like, they, they didn't care. Like in their mind, they're like, you know, you know, the natural question to whoever presents this idea at like, you know, like Israel backdoor meeting where they're like, what do we do? We know that they're not using phones.
And then some guys like, what if we put bombs in the pagers? Yes. And like somebody in the room is supposed to be like, and then blow them up. Like, what if there's a kid there? Like, what if the pagers and they're like, nah, we don't care. Yeah. Any collateral damage is, is welcome, actually.
Well, that kid's actually in hospital. So yeah, the kid has, if you're the child of Hezbollah, you're Hezbollah. Yeah. You're next to him on the bus. So too bad. Shouldn't have been associating with Hezbollah on a bus. Don't have a fucking pager going off next to you. And they just do crazy stuff, dude. The fact that that got out of, uh, the brain, no bad ideas in brainstorming. I endorsed that fully. The fact that that made it out of brainstorming.
they were like, they were like, yes, what if we manufacture a ton of pagers and they're like, what? And they're like, hold on, stick with me, stick with me. And it's not like they couldn't, they couldn't have figured it out. Like they could have, they could have done other stuff. You've got like spies. You've, you could, I don't know. There's other ways. And they were just like, no, we like this. This is, this is creative.
Yep. So we're going to manufacture all of them. Then we're going to fucking, you know, we're going to take care of them that way. We're going to, that we know it's, and then it's just poor guys, like 90 year old guys that still use one and living on getting doctors probably. Yeah. Yeah. Donna doctors. Oh my God.
And they obviously haven't admitted to it. It's just like right now the news is just a bunch of pagers exploded in Lebanon. Hmm. Hmm. And they never have to admit to it. You know that it was them. It was the Jews. Oh, fuck. That's fucked up. I mean, every now and then, I mean,
you go on Twitter or whatever and everyone's like, why do we support Israel? And then you, and then something like this happens and you're like, which side do you want to be on? Yeah. Okay. You want to be on the side that just has beeper bombs or the side that's like, I don't know. Not that cool. Pretty fucking genius. Gotta say pretty. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
And ballsy. I keep coming back to like that made it out of. That made it from like somebody bringing it up and has an idea and they were like, yes, here's the money. Make it happen. Manufacture all of them. Do you open up? How many more shops do we need? Open them up. Let's go. Jeez. Israeli counterintelligence beeper factory, dude.
God, too good, too fucking good. What else do we have? I need, I need something to, um, God damn, that was great. Fire festival to what people got left somewhere.
No, that's like a, that guy, what's his name? Billy McFarland or Billy McFarland. And I think he announced this week that, that he's going to do, uh, I think he's actually calling it fire festival too in, in April. So it's actually going to be fucking successful. Has to be. So here's the thing is I read the article.
And it's like the same concept. It's it's a private island in the Caribbean. There'll be music. There'll be a high end accommodations. There'll be private tours of reefs and shit like everything that he was promising last time. And he's basically just like, listen, I wouldn't be doing this again if I hadn't figured out where everything went wrong. Like I'm going to do it right this time.
Yep. And the lowest ticket price you can get is $1,400, which doesn't include getting there. But, uh, I'm like, I mean, I'm not gonna, but I was tempted when I saw 1,400, I was like a plane ticket and $1,400. Like I can afford that. And like, he's kind of right. You'd never do this again unless you figured it all out, right?
That's Jesus Christ. No, I'm kidding. It'll be a fucking disaster again. No, it has to be right. And just the fact that he announced it this month and it's planned for April, which if my math is right is, uh, seven, seven months away, which means nothing's been planned, actually planned yet.
He had all the time in jail to think about it. Like think about it. He has the concepts of a plan, but like he was being interviewed and they were like, how are you going to, how are you going to make sure that it goes right this time? And he's like, well, I put the, I put the building stages and building tents and stuff like that in charge of like a professional company that does that. And first of all, Mike, you didn't do that last time.
Apparently he didn't. No. But it's going to make money off of it. Good for him. Yeah, exactly. All right. Like it's still going to be a shit show, but you you didn't you get to then have other people who are like going to have to figure out and be like, the reason it sucks is this company that I hired couldn't figure out how to get a bunch of tents to this Caribbean island or like whatever the fuck. Like it'll just be another. It'll just be a different kind of disaster.
He could just push it off. Yep, exactly. All right. Fire Fest 2. I've heard about that. I'm glad he's actually doing it, I guess. Whatever. I still kind of want to go. It'd be worth it for the shit show. Yep. It'd be all right. Were there any crazy hurricanes coming up? I don't think so. I don't even, we don't have to worry about them. Well, I guess I... Yeah, we don't have to worry about them, but...
Let's see what's out there. Forecasters watching two areas with potential tropical development. Looks like one is in the ocean between the Yucatan Peninsula and Jamaica. Nope, that's Cuba. Cuba. And then the other one's like in the middle of the fucking ocean.
halfway between Africa and they've been cooking. They just been randomly disappearing. So I mean, some, some of these come up. Listen to me now, guys, something big is going to happen. Well, everyone was saying that. I mean, everyone, meaning me, was saying how like the surface temperatures and in the Gulf were very the same temperature in like March or April that they usually are in August. And so it was going to mean that hurricane season would start early. And I guess it did. But everyone's like, there could be like,
40 storms this year. And it seems like that's not what's happening. Not to say that it still hasn't been fucked up and every single one is fucked up, but. It seemed like people were predicting a worse season than it has turned out to be so far. So far, it's been literally nothing. So we'll see. Yeah.
What else is going on? Did you see that? Did you see that video? I think Paul sent it of Jane's addiction. Uh, I have no idea what Jane's addiction even is. All right. Word. That's a, they're a, they're a rock and roll band. Okay. That was where we go. Uh, but nah, they were founded Diddy's raid too. They were founded Diddy's raid. They were doing a show in Boston last week, I guess. Yeah, it would have been last week.
Um, and the singer who I think is named Perry Farrell. I should also say they they've been around forever. They're old guys now. Yeah. It sounds like, I know the name. I know the name. You know, that song. All right. That's how he sounds like. I don't know what to tell you. Uh, they're like halfway through their set at MGM. I want to say,
uh, whatever venue in Boston and the singer Perry Farrell just like randomly attacks Dave Navarro, who's the guitarist. Oh, okay. That's weird. Um, just like literally just like snaps and like goes after him and starts to like, you know, gets, gets up in his face and, and it looks like he's trying to like punch him or like choke him. And then another guy holds him back and they fucking end the show early. Um,
But then Farrell's wife has come out and been like, it's been a stressful tour. And Perry was angry that them that every night it seems like the guitar is drowning out the vocals and it's too loud and like, bro, that's not Dave's fault. If you think the sound levels are off, like take it up with the sound guy. So that's obviously bullshit. I mean, it looks like he just had a psychotic break like he just
Like, if you look at the video, watch the video, he just snaps and then just like in that way that people who snap just like sort of go after. I don't know. It's like when a dog just picks a person they hate. Oh, yeah. It's like he just like looks overseas, Dave, and it's like, I'm going to kill that guy. Uh, it was like that look. Middle of the song he did this. I think, yeah, I was pretty much I think maybe it was like
middle of the set, middle of like the show. So, you know, whatever you paid 70 bucks to go see him, you expect to get an hour of Jane's addiction. They were only like a half an hour in. But yeah, the song had like just started probably like 10 or 15 seconds and maybe more than that. But, you know, less than a minute into the song and he just like lost it. Oh, God. It's it's.
I mean, it's funny because who cares, but it's sort of fucked up when you're just like that dude, like lost it. Dave Navarro is the black, black nail polish hair guy, master guy. Yeah. He's not an original member, but he plays guitar for them now. Okay. Yeah. Good for him. He can go fucking self drowning out the vocals every night, dude. Yeah, dude. That's what you get. You fucking die, dude.
Maybe it was like, uh, did the, the sneaky, uh, Kamala trick. He was like, Hey, Dave, no one's coming to your rallies, buddy. No one's coming to your show. That's why you have to join us or Perry. And then he jumped on his ass, dude.
Got him. That was the best trick in the book that she pulled on. Big D dog, big Trump dog. Wait, what? Oh, the handshake. No. Well, the handshake was very awkward. She big dog. I can't believe he wasn't going to give her a handshake. You always got to give anybody. I bought a lawnmower off a guy today. I gave him a handshake. You don't see me fucking crying about it. You give handshake. What are you going to do? Not give a handshake? Yeah. I mean,
Yeah, he was very awkward about it. Yeah, it seemed like he wanted to get away with not doing it. Yeah, he walked right to his podium. I'm not going to shake you. I'm not going to shake your hand. She's dirty. No, but she triggered him very easily when she was like, yeah. And I heard no one's going to your rallies to leave. Oh yeah.
He's like, excuse me. Oh my God. She fucking Austin off course. The whole, I mean, it was not a, she definitely fucking won. It wasn't like a decisive fucking, like he had good moments too. I thought, but for sure that moment, which was like in the first or the second question or whatever, it was like early in the debate. Oh yeah. That just put him on.
Like he was seeing red the whole time after that and just like to, to even address it is, is such an L to have to be like, and she says that people are leaving my rallies. She has to bust people into her. No one gives a fuck about this dude. So tactical dude. So yeah. Um, yeah, I was looking forward to more of that, but it sounds like, uh, he was,
He backed out. He's not doing anymore. You guys can get mad and say it's not true, but I don't know. That was, that's some soft shit to be like, you know what? I'm not doing the next one. I don't want to. I won the last one so hard. That's the thing is he's just such a fucking brat. You're like, dude, you lost. You got, you got, you didn't plant, you didn't prepare, which was like very him. And that's fine. You thought you could go in and like,
and just kind of like smooth talk your way through it. You didn't expect that she had spent an entire week like practicing answers, but everything she said was like very rehearsed, which is fine. Oh yeah. Um, you didn't, but you didn't expect to go in there with somebody who like did a bunch of work and, and she fucking got one on you. So you're like, Hey,
I mean, you don't have to, you don't even have to say like, I got fucking beat. You can say, I think I held my own, but I understand if not everyone agrees, but like, you know, I'll see her again in two weeks. But for him to be like, you know, when you're a fighter and you win, you're not, you, you're not trying to fight again. And I won and all the polls say I won and I'm the best. I was probably my best debate performance ever. And I don't need to do another one. You're like, fuck you, man.
Like literally just fuck you. I don't want to. I won. I won so hard. She's wrong. She's wrong. Oh God. The moderators gave her the answers. Yeah. That, uh, I mean, you gotta be better than that. That's all I'm going to say. Yeah. He just got, he got, uh, he got triggered, like you said, way too early. And then he, and then he was just talking about, I mean, he's the other thing that like,
I'm, I'm pretty chronically online these days. Like I spend a decent amount or I'll spend like, you know, more time than I showed on Twitter and shit. So like, I definitely knew the fucking Springfield, Ohio story. Um, most people do not. So like some of that shit he was going off on, you're like, that was a joke. Yes. That was like a joke, a bunch of like, you know,
4chan people came up with and you saw it and believed it and there and there. That's all they like. Those people who make that shit up don't have ideology, really. They just think it's really funny when that stuff happens. And it's like you fell into that trap, too, is like if you're. If you're digesting that stuff and not realizing. That it's a joke.
That's what he said. I saw it on the news. That's even worse in my mind. I saw it on the TV. He showed his ass on how old he is. Oh yeah, that guy, David Muir or whatever, was like, we contacted the city manager of Springfield and he said there was no reports. And I saw it on the television. The man on the television said, God damn, it was bad. It was bad.
I think Joe Rogan, what did he say? He said this week he thought Kamala was winning or whatever. Eating his ass up, stunning him with one punch at a time. Would have liked to, like I said, would have liked to see another one, but.
I honestly, cause I think he could have come back and it would have been more competitive, but I'm from a middle-class family. Just keep repeating that the whole time, dude. She's still, yeah, we get it again. Like I'm a little too online and she liked did an interview today with the, so in my mind I'm like, okay, you can get, if you're like a comedian, you know, you watch like Shane Gillis special or John Mulaney special or whatever on Netflix.
And you know, they're, that's not new material. Like they did that. They did 80% that set every night for months. Right. Exactly. But once you do the special and like everyone's seen that, then you have a new, then you start doing new material. Correct. So I'm like, she, so all these interviews that she's done the last few weeks,
where she's using like line for line things you can tell she rehearsed for the debate. And I'm like, no, dude, everyone saw you in the debate. So you need new material now, because now when you say those lines again in an interview with the.
uh black journalists association it it sound they sound rehearsed it doesn't sound natural because you're you're literally like i'm about uh opportunity economy and i want to give opportunities and you're like nope all businesses word for word said the same thing like and it's not like a you know like be one thing if you're if it's like a tagline like a campaign tagline i can get but when you're just like
repeating the same sentence. I'm like, yeah, I can like you spent a week debate prepping and they gave you some answers to say, and you're just kind of like doing it's like that's what's bothering me with her right now is like. God, you need to get better at like if she wants to win and and stuff, she needs to get better at just like speaking on the fly and not sounding like an insane person. Yeah, I know. It's the same. I mean, not the same thing. Hillary had, but it was like a very similar thing where you're like you
can't just sit in a room and talk to people without sounding without just like word vomiting. And so she leans on stuff she's rehearsed, but then it sounds too polished. It's like Tom Brady calling the first football game. It's like, Yes, exactly. Just let it fly a little bit. Yeah, also a little bit. You know, come back in will be he will still be here listening. Even the same thing, brother.
Yeah. We're here for you. We're going to listen. We're, we like you. Don't worry. It's not hard to be, it's not hard to, to, to announce the game, how you want to see it out there, but you start going all crazy. We ain't kind of want to hear it. That's, that's the, uh, I'm from help small. I mean, you know, my mom went to the laundromat sometimes and that's what we're going to do.
Oh God. Yeah, it's, it's nuts. I know. We know, we know. Cause I feel like she has, she has, it's like hers to lose right now. Okay. All right. All right. I think I don't think it's going to be a landslide one way or the other, but I think she's got the mom or I mean, she has the momentum or really coming out of that debate. She had the momentum.
And all you had to do is kind of like, you know, like send it home. And in the last couple of weeks, I've just been like, what the fuck are you doing? No, no. I mean, I don't, you know, it's whatever either way. Um, but you know, in a news cycle where like you fucking, you got Trump that good. And then like,
What's happened since, and then like what, like everyone's been talking about Haitians and then Trump gets not even shot again on a golf course. Just some guy was in the bushes with a gun. Yeah. I, you know, not saying that wasn't serious, but it wasn't in a, no one ever, no one fired any bullets at him. Come on. He's dead.
And like no one's paying attention to anything she's doing right now. And you're like, all right, you just don't know how to dominate the news cycle. And all you have to do is just like be there is like, do some stuff. She has to get shot at next. You could go on NBC if you want. Like you could do any. And she's just like, well, I better just like go on a radio show where they lob softballs at me. Um,
I don't know. I guess it's like a, I appreciate political strategy. And you're just like, who is, who, who is running your campaign? Cause they fucking suck. I love it, dude. It's Tim walls. He's actually good. Seems I have an, I don't know anything about, he's like, oh, he's a, I mean, I'm not going to pretend he's not like an awkward dude. He's got like, he's got like,
a different kind of dad energy than like my dad had. He's got like a, like a dad, like a dad who had like four daughters. That's good. Um, that's a good meatball right there. Yes, exactly. We said that before. It's so true though. Um,
But when he speaks, like when he's doing speeches and stuff, he has everything that like she lacks in the sense of like he can just go up there and and talk and make some like good zingers, but also like make some points along the way. And if he's in just like a like there's a there was a video that was going around
maybe over the weekend where he was like at a frat house or something. I don't know why. He's like talking to a bunch of frat boys. Like you would, you would 100% assume these dudes are voting for Trump. Like a bunch of white dudes, uh, white dude frat boys. And he's like telling them why they should vote for Kamala. And like, I don't know if it will move the needle for any of them, but they weren't like,
being dicks to him. They were listening and they were like, yeah, that's a good point. You know, like that kind of thing. And I was like, she could never do that. Yeah, no way dude. Um, so yeah, he's a, he's a good, he's a good foil to her. Um, but ultimately she's gotta be the one to be able to like prove to people that she's like a human being and not a,
construction of the democratic party. That's the problem is you're like you it would have been I think it would have been better for her if Biden had dropped out before the primaries because she still would have got the nomination. She would have had she would have had time to like build her own campaign staff. I assume right now it's just everyone who worked for Biden moved over to her and it's
You know, yeah. Shifted to her. Yeah. Makes sense. It's, it's the people who were planning a strategy for him being like, okay, uh, well, you know, just kind of making things up on the fly. And it's like, I don't know if they're the best people for this. He did like, she should be doing, you know, he's done like, I'm not saying, but he did like Theo Vaughn. He did, uh, Lex free or Lex, uh, yeah, Lex Friedman, like she should be doing podcasts.
Nope. Nope. She should come on dudes are us. Oh dude, get her on here. Um, but she's not, she's just doing like pretty much almost exclusively like, you know, like local radio. She'll appear on like Atlanta, local radio shit. And she did the way she did the black journalists association, which I probably got that wrong.
Um, but the one that Trump had done like a couple last month where he just, yeah, that one, he did that. She did that same one, but that was like the biggest interview she's done since the debate. So you're so black and late.
Wow. Sad. CPT. Yeah. I guess it is true. What? Nothing. Nothing. You're wrong.

Questionable Deals and Online Shopping

You're wrong. Um, so yeah, Philip Morris, you need a CEO. I'm your guy. Kamala Harris. You need a campaign manager. Um, I'll do it. Yeah.
Hell yeah, brother. Wow. You see team who has a thing that you spin and you can get a hundred percent off three times. Do you think it ever lands on a hundred percent? A hundred percent times three. That means free. Just say free. Free is way better than a hundred percent. What the fuck? I didn't get a wheel.
It just shows me joggers immediately. It's on joggers. I just go on the, uh, I go on the safari website. Maybe that's why. Cause I've already been here. Oh wait. Bonus coupons up to 90% off. Nope. I got, Ooh, I got a hundred dollars off a hundred dollars off.
I mean, this has to be bullshit, so I'm not going to claim it, but it says I won $100. It's probably right there. Just give away stuff on there, dude. This is, this chair is insane. Who would want this chair? A hundred percent off. I do want this tiny dirt bike, though. What does a hundred percent off even mean? Um, it should mean that it's free.
Something tells me there's a catch. What's the, what is the catch on this app? I don't know. Rocks. There's no way that it's just letting you pick anything you want on the website and get it for free. There's gotta be some fucking
you spend $200 and then you get something free or whatever. But maybe, I mean, I don't really, I don't know the magic of team. Maybe they just let it decide for you. A hundred 4k, a hundred inch 3d screen, a hundred inch suitable for outdoor indoor projection. Oh, screen. Okay. I thought it was like a TV, not just the screen.
I have, what am I going to do with that? What should I decide on guys here? This is tough to decide from. Do they have incorrect? There's a bunch of, wow. There's a semi automatic toy gun blaster with a manic. It looks like a real gun. How is this possible?
a laptop one piece 16 inch. There's a bunch of security cameras. I already have those wrench set now.
two year boy wireless doorbell. What am I supposed to do with any of this stuff? I just, I didn't even, are those all the things you can get for free? Yeah. More BB guns. Yeah, dude. I mean, get the BB gun. Smartwatches. Get the BB gun and give it to your friend Jared. Live mics. More BB. I could get you a BB gun to get. There's a gold one that's engraved. It's a beard trimmer. I don't need that.
You get the hundred inch, uh, here's a phone wallet case that like folds out to like 800 pieces. I don't need that either. I do need a new wallet, but I don't want one attaches to my phone. They have a bunch of BB guns on here. That's just trying to give away. Cause no one, no one wants to get shot by the police anymore with it. They have a bunch of weird mini cameras too. They're like the size of your fingernail. That's interesting.
interesting demographic. They've, they've clocked you. Well, there's like a million, probably like $20,000 in movie prop, uh, money. That's fun. Can you get the like, um, little guns that shoot the money out? Yeah, I could do it. I mean, it would be all in one, right? Yeah, that'd be cool. Which is a money gun.
to this gold money gun is only $15. I've been thinking about ordering some stuff off here recently, but my God, just do it. What if it, I'm like, for some reason I'm always like, well, what if it blows up? I mean, probably will blow up, but like, whatever.
It's all just dropship stuff, right? It's the same shit you'd get on Amazon. Is it really? I think so. They don't like a team who doesn't make anything. It's all just from like crazy Chinese places. I thought that's where everything's from. Yeah.
Let's see here, what do we got? A lot of money guns, a lot of money guns. A lot of BB, a lot of money guns, a lot of lube.

Episode Wrap-Up and Farewells

Well, I think that's an episode, we're at like an hour 24 here, guys. And you'll be hearing from us again. We're not dead. We're back. Sorry. Sorry, whatever, fuck off.
Yeah. Fuck you. Yeah. Fuck you. LA faggots. Fuck Ben. Got you. Got your asses and every sounds like John Mulaney anyways. True. All right. Y'all keep, uh, keep listening and stick with us. We'll see. We'll talk soon. Goodbye. Bye.