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Eat dat coon (racoon)

Dudes "R" Us
82 Plays1 month ago

Controversial Beginnings

Welcome to Dudes R Us. Thank you for joining us for another year. We appreciate you listening to us. Patrick C. started the L.A. fires. He manages a skateboard shop in Washington, D.C. Go after him. Enjoy the episode. Shout out to Darius. Amazon did 9-11.
We don't need the other products. We don't need their milk. We got a lot of milk. We got a lot of everything. And we don't need any of it.

Life Stories and Humor

understand the hate that I get. When you become a legendary, dominating athlete like I become, people become very critical of all your performances. I was at the bottom of my class. I started doing heroin. I went to the top of my class. Suddenly I could sit still and I could read.
mama wemo werela game i a good drunk i would get flued up i' i been your adventure to the whole town hi e mama well To my Jewish niggas, your ability to turn hardship into hope is inspiring. This inward pass is for you with love.
Let's go to fucking federal prison. Federal fucking prison.
No, Mr. Yakimoto. Not a kiss in my mouth. I want you to piss in my mouth. Piss, pee-pee, whiz. All my cameos are half off till Christmas.
This is Frankie McDonald, my own team's ancient life in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Major winter's moment ahead towards Atlanta, Georgia on Friday, January 10, 2025.
Several users here have commented on my breathing, and they asked me why I breathe in the manner that I do.
Turn the gay down just a little bit. It's at max. What's it gonna be? that It's at Banana Republic on the level of gay. Oh my god. ah Express. Dude, when was the last time you were in a Banana Republic?
It's maybe like 16 17 years ago Yeah, it sounds right There's one in town. I was pretty gay. They just would you just shut it down. Oh That's crazy. I think there's one at the mall near where I live, but I It's like there's like a row of like J. Crew Banana Republic then there might be something else I Mm-hmm.

Government and Budget Discussions

Like a third one. That's just stuff that are made well, and I don't even know what made well Maybe doesn't even have men's clothes, but just like a bunch of stores. I'm like I can't imagine myself going in there Is a banana banana republic just expensive Old Navy It's a fraud
I feel like that's what. Oh, that's true. They're like owned by Gap or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, they're all fucking all under the same umbrella. That's true. expensive old Navy dude. and
Old gravy. Get him. we're recording. We're recording. We've been recording for two minutes. We're on FM radio nine point seven.
He hit record after you said the n-word does, so you're good. Yeah, we'll bake that in.
We'll put that in there. We're we're back and um but been a couple weeks holiday hiatus buying we're buying Canada and we're moving forward.
where we needed Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. Wait, I love that. That makes sense. Did you not see that that clip? Yeah, that's fucking hilarious. It's really good. I saw it at the gym. ah Still wants to buy Greenland or actually said like, he was like, Denmark doesn't even have a claim on Greenland. A lot of people think they don't even have a real claim. So there's only 45,000 people that live there. They should just give it to us.
they They showed up. They were mobbing in Greenland. I saw a video of them. Donny Jr. is in Greenland. He's like, this is the first ever house that this fucking person lived in here. We're here. say you're Probably psyched about it. du honestly no Like of all of those things, obviously that Greenland's the least valuable one, but also like the most likely thing to happen. Or that could happen. Like if those, any of those 45,000 people are like, yeah, it would be extremely tight to be part of the United States versus being part of Denmark. That could like happen. All of them should be stoked about it. Canada, you should be stoked about it. You get that. Not Panama. Panama's fucking pissed. Oh, really?
Panama's losing their shit because he wants to take back the Panama Canal. I love this. Hell yeah. Dude, we built it. Panama City and the Panama Canal. There you go. We built it a hundred and and some odd years ago and then we gave it back and now... He should move the White House. Some call that Indian giving. I would never say that.
He should put, he should just move the white house to like fucking like, like I said, like Panama city, Florida, just have the white house right there. That's basically what Mar-a-Lago is. And he's talked about doing that with some of the other agencies, you know, like, like last time, like late in his administration, I feel like he talked about, you know, he was like, why do we pay to have all these,
you know, like Department of Interior employees in Washington, D.C., that we then just have to fly out constantly to, you know, the West Coast or Midwest or whatever is like movie offices. And so I think, you know, in part, probably doing it as like, a you know, because if you're trying to fucking balance them, take two trillion dollars out of the budget, it's not because some fuck needs to fly a plane to San Francisco a few times a month.
Um, but also I think probably as like a thinly veiled way to like reduce government employees probably. Cause if you're like, Hey, you used to have a dope, uh, you could live in like Arlington, Virginia, or like falls church, Virginia, like you used to have a dope place to live, but now we're moving your offices to like Dubuque, Iowa.
You probably like fuck that. Brooklyn, New York. Brooklyn. Brooklyn. Move the White House into New York City. That'd be crazy. Not anymore. What's a good good spot for them to move the White House at?
I mean, strategically, it doesn't make any sense where it is anymore, right? You probably want to move it like under Cheyenne Mountain.
Put it right on this off the strip.

Cybertruck Fiascos

Ooh, be a good fucking time. That'd be kind of tight.
I'm down with that. Other than fucking white guys blowing up their cyber trucks. That's true. Well, I just blew himself up. He just put the C four on too long and just blew his old fucking car up.
I think he he, do you think he didn't mean to? No, i I don't know anything about the story. I'm asking mostly just for day too he definitely meant to blow himself up. Yeah, for sure. Meant to blow himself up. Cause he shot himself in the head. Also allegedly ah how are you? I mean, I guess you could have like a remote trigger thing where like if, you know, like in movies where if you let go of the trigger, it explodes, but he shot himself in the head and then blew up his car, which is funny.
Um, and he didn't even have like, you know, particularly good explosives. I think he was in the military. I think he went, he was at Fort Bragg and, uh, or maybe formerly in the military and you, I guess they probably don't teach you how to make bombs in the military. It feels like they should, but he clearly didn't know.
like even like anarchist cookbook bomb making because he just had fireworks and Coleman camp stove tanks in his trunk. That's it. Like you can do better.
Just a bunch of, um, but any event, just just what's that small propane bombs? Yeah, literally just packed the, uh, the bed of the cyber truck with fireworks. He bought in New Mexico and fucking camp stoves from like REI or some shit, yeah dick sporting goods just stopped off before he went to do terrorism. Um, so that's funny.
Damn. And like, I don't know, his politics are unclear because he was pro Trump. And so he did it. He blew himself up in front of Trump Tower in a cyber truck so that people so that people would get his message that Trump's going to like save America. Damn. Which feels. a He's on which feels weird. And then the guy in New Orleans fucking.
He had like a letter where he wrote that, uh, you know, I don't know what his politics were either, but I think he had like, uh, Abu Abab Shabaab name. So yeah. He was the guy that, uh, he was the line back around the Vikings like two months ago that got suspended for taking that guy's head off. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, but he had a note that was like.
you know, like about him being radicalized and how he needed to do something to like shake Americans out of there. Uh, whatever you call it, like complacency. And he was like, I considered killing my family, but I didn't think it would make the news enough. So I had to do this. Oh my God. Imagine fucking leaving that fart in the elevator when you go. Imagine your family. like I mean, you definitely, watch a bullet on that on you definitely be relieved, but you'd also be like, really? Like he was like, I didn't think killing my dumb family would get, would make the news.
So I rented a ah F-150 off Turo and fucking went to town on Bourbon Street. Dude, an electric Ford truck. Heavy, heavy, heavy truck. What, he just ran people over? or Was he shooting out of the vehicle at the same time? No, he just like... Well, no, I think people were shooting at him. Maybe he was shooting. I don't actually know that part of the story. But he definitely just like fucking rammed his truck into a bunch of people, which is pretty fucked up because They're supposed to have bollards. But they weren't up. But they weren't. They were like allegedly repairing them in time for the Super Bowl. Of course. But you got to be like, OK, maybe that's true. I mean, the conspiracy theorist in me wants to be like, hmm. That's interesting timing. But even if I'm like, OK, benefit of the doubt and people are stupid. Uh.
how do you think like okay we want to have the bollards ready for the super bowl but but first night, not a important reason to have any security measures. Like the pictures were like they had those orange, like plastic barriers that you just, that you can literally, I can go to like Costco and buy. Yeah. Not even do they sit like a cop car halfway parked across the road. Yeah. So even then, even if you were like, okay, the bollards are out of commission,
Get a fucking Jersey barrier. They sell like big fucking blocks of concrete. You just had to block two ends of the street with it. um So that's kind of nuts. But so I hope, you know, I hope someone in New Orleans city government Well, I guess I just hope the city pays something or something because you got to just be like, you got to punish stupid, even if it's like, oh, it's no one's fault. That means it's everyone's fault. You think the person that was repairing the ballerge was the same person that was repairing the storm wall? Good question. Can't keep water out.
can't keep uh radicalized former soldiers out either yeah yeah exactly so you think you probably saw that on the news and was like fuck i'm so gone i'm on my third strike i thought i was clearer since hurricane kachina He's like, babe, we're not going on that trip to the Bahamas. Fuck. We're not going to Mobile, Alabama anymore, babe, for beach day. We're fucked. I got to.

Insurance Woes and Fraud

We got to we got to start watching our our our fucking budget.
Yeah, we got to get on rocket money. We're a little bit fucked right now. We got to start reviewing our apps and what we're using. Babe, how much do you use Spotify? Do you need Spotify? Why? ah Just checking.
He's starting to do the crazy deals. He's like, whoa, if I prepay with T-Mobile for the next 10 years, we can get on Spotify for free.
I just got my new car insurance and it was like paying full by February 10th and get $200 off. And oh, I kind of want to do it.
Oh man, is car is is is ah car insurance expensive in invest ah Massachusetts? I'm curious because mine went up a lot. i wasn't I wasn't in an accident this year. And in fact, I feel like an accident should have dropped off my record this year. um But yeah, mine went from 1700 to 2300. That's not bad. Same plan.
a Let's see, 2300.
trying to think of florida was the worst because of their laws oh okay uh yeah it's about where florida is 1700 okay yeah i mean yeah that's that's right about where it is i guess i paid 1700 now a little less yeah 23 is like florida insurance just get that shit re-quoted take it down Yeah, yeah, I got to look into that. So it is a little a little expensive then, I guess, because of Florida, they you have to get covered because anybody could just be like, we have a neck broken that accident. You get fucked. Oh, yeah. And you don't have to have insurance down there or some shit. Yeah, you don't. ah You do. But the it's like liability on whoever is in an accident, no matter if it's your fault or not. Oh, I gotcha.
yeah yep oh yeah oh yeah that seems fake my ability no matter who who was in the accident yeah that's why you see all of those uh all those billboards everywhere there because who it's like you can claim uh like you can claim injuries for anything on either side of the accident i'm pretty sure something sketchy like that. So that's why everybody has dash cams and stuff. It's like Russia. And billboards are all over the place there. Really easy state to get paid out of a car accident.
Maybe that's that's what that guy was upset about in New Orleans. Everybody claimed liability whoever got hit that survived. Yep. I'll do a harm to beer. Did he change his name after the military? Had to, right?
ah Oh, No, have whatever name you want. It's probably a shitload of Abdul's and such.

Radicalization and Security Concerns

He had like a while, isn't it? Do you think that the military would make you change your name because it sounds too Middle Eastern, dude? Well, no I think I'm saying that he got out of the military and became radicalized and changed his name.
Oh, like you did like a Muhammad Ali. Like his name before is just like Jason Kelly or something. And then now he's like, oh, this clay yet now now exactly now I'm Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
Said his real that's his real identity. He's just a real estate agent with that fucking with a six piece name. Where is his name? Perpetrator. Yes. Salint. Shamsood Din Bahar Jabbar. That's wild. Such an unfortunate name. That's a wild name. And I don't think it's like Asian names where the last name's first. So his name is Shamsa Din hyphen. Shamsa hyphen din. Um, no, that appears to be his given name.
OK, all right, good for him. Jabbar FBI already had him, but. Oh, yeah, I mean, come on. Once again, he slips through the cracks.
Yeah, him and the dude who blew himself up. I was yeah aware of both of them. I believe so. That's insane.
ah At some point, you got to. Like, I know this is not super good for freedom, but what if there was a TV show where the FBI was just like, you know, like back in the day when they had like, um what the fuck is his name when they had American Idol and you could vote by texting? If the FBI, if we had a show primetime and the FBI just went through The people they're watching and they're like, yeah, sorry, here's what happened. He's ah he was. ah Caught um when he was like 10 years ago, when he was younger in high school, he had written letters about shooting up his school. And ah recently he's been ah we've been surveilling him and he's taking the
ah radioactive stuff out of smoke detectors and collecting it. And also he has six guns. What do you think? And then we vote like, yeah, that guy put that guy in jail. That guy's fucked up. Or you can vote like, no, it seems pretty normal. It seems like they can't figure that shit out.
What do you think about that? I don't hate it.
Gotta be some, somebody's gotta help them. Cause clearly there's no one in the FBI who's, who can see this stuff where you're like, yeah, that guy was clearly a problem. And you just kind of like let him go either that or there's just a file on all of us. So every time yeah you hear like, yeah, the FBI was aware of this and you're like, Oh shit. But then if you actually went into like the FBI computer, they literally have a file on everyone and they know every fucked up thing you did.
So then it's like, okay, well, you yeah, you just have too much data to sift through. I don't think they know that much because obviously they're, I think they're missing some key elements.
Maybe they just have the ones like if they're like, oh, yeah, we have ah this guy, you know, scanning stuff that he buying stuff. He didn't scan at Target. And that's like a lot of those film and then they're missing the key ones, which guys like stabbing to people at hotels and stuff and getting away with it. Oh, yeah. They just barely miss every time. I bet they fought every year. They're like, shit. Our Wi-Fi crashed at the time. We didn't have it all set up.
dr It was in my outbox. i I was writing a letter. I was typing the email to order the having him arrested, cut into protective or put into ah interrogation custody or whatever you call it. And I hit send and then I closed my laptop really fast. And when I reopened it on Monday, I realized it was still in my outbox. So that's that one's on us. Our apologies to the Families of the deceased. Man, this guy this guy does look kind of gay. His hair is a little bit fucked up. Jabbar? Yeah. I don't know if his name is... He's got like Tracy Morgan hair. His name is in Jabbar. It's Shamsa Din Jabbar. That's what the... Oh yeah, okay. We gotta go. We gotta be correct with correct with this.
It's Jabbar, I was right, right? Poor man. He looks a lot like, he looks like he could be Tracy Morgan's son. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Tracy Morgan, he's playing. Yeah. That's, let's go. Come on. I'm rude. We're rooting for you, the FBI. You got this.
Damn, we should've, has LinkedIn got deactivated? We should just start flagging people from the FBI on LinkedIn and what their crazy LinkedIn posts are. oh Here's why I don't tip my waiters and waitresses to just read three dots in a two fucking page article of them thinking, thinking for clickbait. Okay, come on. Just people sending subtle jabs at their employer.
via LinkedIn. Instead of having a conversation, they repost an article that's like six ways that managers fumble their best employees. Use how I don't fumble the bag on my employees. Every day I wake up, I thank them. Every single day. God. Or they don't even repost it and they just comment on other stuff, just even more slight

Workplace Satire and Influencer Issues

jabs like that. Yes.
you think you think bar like City of New Orleans removes bollards for repairs and time for so
He just puts the cap emoji under that. cash
That's so funny. Then it's that and then just back to normal post for him. He's like, what's up with these LinkedIn premium messages? I'm not gonna pay $80 a month. I know I wasn't personally selected for a survey, LinkedIn. You're not fooling me. ah Preach. I'm sad. My guy right here.
oh my god just commenting for reach just a picture of bourbon street of like an aerial view from like uh new orleans like city department and it's just him just with like the thinking face emoji underneath it like six likes on his on his comment he One of the like crazier stories from it is that he went and wore those meta glasses that that tweaker that we follow on Instagram has. Just like walked around and made recordings of the street a couple times. Jesus Christ. Looking like a fool plotting on everybody, dude. God damn.
That dude, by the way, yeah Live Life Jam definitely on drugs again, fully on drugs again. Did I text you? he he I don't know when, because I don't check up on him that often, but between the last time I looked at him and the and yesterday, he had removed sober from his like Instagram bio. Oh, man. Because he smokes weed, dude. Oh, okay.
Is that why i think he's really open about the fact that he smokes weed. But the other day he posted a video where he was just standing next to his juicer with like a real vacant look on his face. And everybody's like, oh, well, you're high.
but you
he's ah the zos got you and i was like i don't think you saw yeah I'm pretty sure he's just tweaked out. He's definitely geeked out because he's ah trying to sell the fake, clearly fake shoes. It's like he kept showing the receipt and the teller on the receipt was like tins on or something. I'm like, dude,
Jesus Christ Yeah, I don't it's that shit is fucking crazy Stolen beats by Dre so clearly These have so much like did you put this dust? That's like a comical amount of dust that he's just doing it bad That's like the more frustrating part is like you hate not that you have like a million followers, but you have enough of an online presence you could be like, Hey, sometimes like my followers send me stuff and it doesn't fit me or it's not quite right for my style or whatever. And so like, I just want to, you know, I'm just like doing this thing and not be like, yeah, I've just had these, these fucking Christian Dior shoes for
fucking years in my closet. I'm like, no one believes that. Like, dude, literally two days ago, you like, we're talking about how you have no money and you haven't, and you lost your job. You would have, you would have fucking sold those immediately. Yeah. You had, you're, you're going to pretend like you have thousand dollar shoes just kicking around and you were like, Oh yeah, I forgot I had these.
and He's got a he's got one egg on him right now currently. I'm pretty sure he's got he's down to one egg Trying to get some trying to get some money scrounged up Yep, like dude brother. You just bought a whole new cooking set like two days ago Yeah, it's a return the extra long hose for his pressure washer. So something's going on What's the pressure washing I don't know. He bought a pressure washer and shit. I think he's one of those guys who thinks he's just going to start a ah pressure washer company, not realizing that it's like not actually easy at all. That is one of those like hustles that I've seen on that on Instagram where they're like me. I make two hundred thousand dollars a year working for myself. Yeah, I feel like people don't understand that it's not it's not easy.

Business Challenges and Ethics

It's not easy. And I think if you fuck up, it's pretty detrimental. Fuck up.
And I would question, you know. The Twitter that shows up to your house. Yes. Well, not even just that. and Maybe if you live in the right area and maybe when you're just starting out, because you can like convince a lot of people in the area that they need, who's like fucking sidewalks have never been pressure washed. And then once you've done it once, it's like really not going to call you again for a few years.
at least bro dude the thing is it's like uh i saw my neighbor get hooked on being a pressure washer bought everything besides getting clients first new truck all the pressure washer gear signed shirts i'm like dude there's thousands of people doing this out there you see pressure washer signs everywhere especially in florida bro you're competing against nothing can't can't even go for that bro yeah it's definitely something you start where you're like You know, your clients are your like friend circle and work circle and stuff before you are like, all right, I'm going to drop fucking 10 grand on a whole bunch of shit. good, good amount of content, a good amount of new content coming out too. Like a lot of, a lot of stuff you'll, you know, I'll get a video in my feed and then it'll be, I'll be like, whoa. And then I'll look at it and it was eight weeks ago and I'll be like, oh, that's dumb. Darius content. I have the same reaction. Like today where I swear he was just fucking handfuls of eggs.
And I was like, there's no way that I have, that I am stumbling upon eggs for the first time. And I looked at it and it was like posted four hours ago. And I was like, holy shit. This is, this is like hot off the presses egg, egg eating. What is you doing?
So deep. was
like a elementary school fire alarm ah day we got eggs for you over here he fucking wolfs them down god it does seem kind of weird that she would post all that stuff doesn't every day it's as bad as any parent posting their kids. Like it's as bad as, as AJ. No, it's not as bad as that. Come on. It's not as bad as AJ, but I guess I mean, it's the same kind of shit. Like I don't think she, I don't, I don't know. I don't think she's posting him in a way that's like, ha ha. Look at my, like let's all make fun of my son. I genuinely don't.
No, of course not. She's autistic too. She has no idea. Yeah. so So in that sense, she's just, yes, she's probably using her son as a way to make money without working.
And that's fucked up, but there's a lot of people that do that. Oh, she's work. She's a professor somewhere. That can't be real. She posts her dancing in class, and all the kids are like, what the hell? That can't be real. Remember, she brought Darius in for his birthday, and he's just standing there like, he's just frozen. Dude, there's one... Make some pancakes, Darius. He's like, just frozen in front of everybody. that's why this That just seems so weird, dude.
He's uh, I think there was one today where she made him pose pose with like all the fucking girls Ollie ball team. Yes He's ah really good. He's a beast. I love it. He should he should keep going out there doing what he loves to do Just loves just watching videos of people making spaghetti on youtube all day yeah I mean, thank god. There's just an endless amount of content on youtube for him too. He plows through it probably he saw He's probably on 14 hours of screen time, I bet. Mm-hmm. Laptop, TV, probably many other things. iPad that they got him. He's just watching porn on all those devices at all on full blast. Because he doesn't care.
Darius! ah You jerking off in there?
What day is today, Darius? You jerking off again? ah
to the yeah ah every day they post somehow though that's it's ah I mean it's it's incredible you put out pure content purely proud of them just waiting for the big boom and Darius collab that's gonna be huge
They bring dairies into Costco, have them just destroy a chicken bake. Oh my god. Have them crush a chicken bake. That would actually be awesome. He legit ate eggs in a matter of seconds. Just handfuls of eggs. and like Yeah, nothing on them. I can't watch that. That's terrible. Not observably chewing.
Like also just the, you know, like the, the intervals between handfuls of eggs. You're like, no, there's no way you chewed and swallowed those eggs in time. But he did. No. Yeah. Clumping up in his throat, dude, just waiting for water.
Hard boiled eggs, no salt pepper on them. Probably that he just eats a bunch of chickpeas too. Just eats cans of chickpeas at a time.
That's like, you know, hey, he's he's he's actually probably Keto.
Yeah, that's true. Keto Darius. What is you doing, Darius? You got your pants hanging off. He just but came on busting the sag one day, his mom momm almost lost her mind. Yep, she's a math professor. Look it up, guys. Oh, that's crazy. She knows what she's doing.
She knows what she's doing. My autism star on Instagram, everybody. Oh my God. See him just getting out of the house one day.
He eats. He's eating healthy. It's egg whites and spinach.
No, that's tangerines. There we go. cobrings He's wearing a Carter two shirt from little Wayne. That's awesome.
I love that. You see him take all the popcorn from his like six year old little cousins too. Just as much as munches dude.
Jersey Joe Club. Damn. What a fucking day. Yep.

International Food Perceptions

Do you see ah North Korea banned hot dogs? Was that real? Yeah, I saw that. It's real. That was not a bit. It wasn't not a joke you saw.
No. Important business going on in North Korea right now. Kim Jong Un like, you know, called a national press conference. Everyone in the country has to stop what they're doing and watch TV. No way. And he was like, hot dogs are Western filth. Oh, okay. Hey, that's good. And they're no longer allowed. Anyone eating a hot dog will be thrown into the ocean.
everyone was and Everyone was like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. We love you. We love you. That's perfect. That's a great impression. That's what North Korean sound like. Yeah. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And it was all in synchronized too. They don't clap like we clap just like everyone claps and it's loud in North Korea. They all are synchronized clapping.
Everybody losing their fucking minds. Yeah, it's like fucking there's no comparison to it here Like I can't think of who could go on stage and everyone would react the way that people react to him like I don't even know like I think him I think him in America. Everybody would probably give him a good round of applause.
Whoa, this guy's here. This guy's here right now. This is nuts. Yeah, that'd be I've done that before I think he maybe not recently but he used to do that had like a fake we Again, the FBI knew he was doing it Uh, would like but you had a few like passport as like a Chinese person. And we'll sneak to like, go to Disney world and stuff. You'd do MF doom concerts in New York. It's not him, but he would be such, so show so but some other Asian guy would show up and act like it's him. This is like MF doom used to do. That's so funny.
There's little assailants and then literally they know he's at Disney World. Yeah. Hey, I mean, he's locking in. You got to go to Disney World. Oh, yeah no, I'm not. I don't question him putting his life at risk to go to Disney World under like an assumed identity. But when the FBI is like, yeah, we knew he was doing it like and you didn't take the shot. It goes into our earlier subject about them. They're just there's like Nick fucking go.
Like that guy will so will have to fucking. Prostitute spies spray nerve agent on some guy at the airport because he's because he's like his half brother and he doesn't want to ah like ascension dispute. just You won't.
But you won't fucking push that guy into a crocodile pond? Yeah, exactly. Or just MK Ultra. Yes. Slip of a bunch of of ah fucking super strong LSD.
That wouldn't be bad. It'd be funny. Hot dogs, come on, dude. Do they even sell hot dogs over there? In North Korea? I mean, I guess they did.
It seems like a good food for them over there. Cause it's like mystery, you know? Yeah, that's true. That's a good, good food to eat with like fake crab in your truck.
Um, and I also wonder how far they take it. Like, is it specifically like, you know, like a cayenne hot dog or is it like all all forms of meat tube ballpark. No ballpark. Frank's in here. Yeah. Cause there's like, I don't know. There's probably like Asian, I don't know, a version of salami or something Asian, uh, prosciutto. Yeah. They gotta have that. Right. Okay.
Is that cool? Are they like, no, you can have whatever that is. like that ah There's a grocery store in Cambridge that I took a picture of it years ago, but it's like it's got a. What are they fucking called? I think they're I legitimately think they're called Bong's like B-O-N-G, but it looks like ah it looks like a hot dog, but it's like.
It's like a convenience store food for them. Like you'd go, like we'd get chips and they go get this like little sausage that they call a bong. Okay. Is that okay? No, that's, that's probably no bun. I think maybe they're, they're like, don't make it into a hot dog. Yeah. All right. That's fair. So it's really the putting it in the bread that makes it. I think that elevates it like above, like, you know what I mean? You know, deck shaped items, dude. Yeah. hey I mean, then you're,
No popsicles.
they had No popsicles. They probably don't have freezers there. They probably don't even know what that is. no That's true. they rules dude oh it's not like They have nothing, nothing to freeze. Yeah. That's what I mean. It's crazy how like, um, uh, their government lies to them so much that like, they don't know. It's not even that they're like told that America's evil, but they don't know what the actual world is like outside.
Like such as, I mean, um they probably have freezers, but such as something like that, where you'd be like, they just wouldn't be aware of like Doritos as a thing that exists. Not even like that's a thing, but we don't have it. Uh, such to the extent that like when those North Korean soldiers that they sent into Russia were like given phones and access to the internet, they just like went nuts. Just immediately became addicted to porn. Yeah, of course, dude.
That's like, that's like, give them a little dose of reality, get them a little bit charged up, then they'll re-think all this stuff. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Imagine those guys, the hijackers on 9-11 having an iPhone, they probably wouldn't even have gone.
They never would have fucking showed up. Give him an iPhone with some strong Wi-Fi. Maybe give him like a PS5 at the time or a PS3 at the time. They're good. Only Saudi Arabia had had Chuck E. Cheese. I mean, there's got to be a Disney World in China, right? No, there's no way.
I think there has to be. And where would it be, Beijing?
Oh, there's a Shanghai Disneyland, you're right. That seems crazy that they would allow that. You should know, dude.
I guess it's like diplomacy in a way. They probably like there's only certain things they let be there. Probably aren't allowed to have Spider-Man. Why? Why no Spider-Man? I don't know. I'm just making shit up.
Just feel like the Chinese wouldn't like a man spider kind of situation. Probably treaks them out. wow It should be Chinese, be extra small too. We get around way quicker on the webs. Way more. So efficient.
I mean, it looks pretty tight. Their castle is definitely better. I mean, I can't tell the the size difference. So maybe it's tinier, but Just on appearance alone, the castle at Disneyland Beijing is better than the one in Florida. Is China the next, uh, the next North Korea.
Uh, they have that another ah new prone big virus happening over there, huh? Do they? Oh yeah. What is it? Bird flu a epidemic in China right now.
That can't be real. what What is this? What is this set up? I don't know. They have some sort of virus or something going on. I think it's just the flu. You know, that's what they said about COVID. Yeah. Now look at us. HMPV. That's do many letters.
That's just a flu, right? Human metanemonia virus. Okay. I don't like that. The scandemic dude. I don't like how close it is to HPV. Yeah. Maybe that come up with a better, come up with a better name for it. HMPV. Not good. Maybe they misspelled it.
Also, I don't like this. God damn.
Why are there still airports running? What do you mean? Not for us, but like, don't like maybe international travel. No. Why? What's going? What is it? Is it bad? Keep it out. Just keep it out. I don't know. It's another scam. Damn, dude. I'm fine with us continuing to do whatever we want. But if you're coming between here and China, you probably like just stay where you're at. That seems fine. That's reasonable.
All right. HMPV deaths. I don't think there are any deaths.
No. All right. This is just a flu. X would say the risk of another COVID like pandemic is low. Heard that before.
I still, you know what? Abundance of caution should close the airports to Chinese plants just to be safe. Got Chinese new year coming up. You don't want to, we don't need any of that.
That's all coming over, dude. What? They're putting it in all of our phones.
Honestly, Chinese new. And then when Google predicts what you're going to type. First result, Chinese new virus. Second result, Chinese new year. Figure that out. What a disrespect to their Christmas. Yeah. Um, okay. Dan. Well, that's done.
So is this their new year, their new year? Like 2025 starts for them later on. That'd be great. January 29th. Then then they' that'd be great if they're like, yeah, they're 29 days behind us. I think it's also like year 5,000 for them. Yes. Yes, dude. They just restart it.
Get a good hot dog over there.
yeah They can sell internationals in China, right?
I wonder, would anyone eat them? Yeah, of course. They all love eating weird shit. ah Yeah, that's true. I guess that's true. Is hot dog are weird, weird shit. I do wonder that. I wonder what other because maybe we talked about this for like, um,
You know, like sometimes there's Reddit threads. They're like, this is the American section at this grocery store in Germany or whatever. And it's like Jeff peanut butter and Doritos and fucking. Like Hershey bars and shit. um But I wonder what they would consider our like lootfisk.
Probably hot dogs is pretty gross. If you think about it. Heavy disrespect on those sections at those, there's always just like mustard there and that's it. Oh, international food sections. Yeah. Or the, the American section. I'm saying. Oh yeah. It is funny. The American sections. I'm always like, no. Yeah. No, we don't have French as much. It's always like a thing that they have a version of. That's obviously like they think they would think is better.
And I'm like, this is the American version, like yellow mustard. but I do like yellow mustard. Yeah, you know, mustard is great. It's not all we eat, though. thats they're They're making it seem like that's all we eat. Might be like maple, like Aunt Jemima's maple syrup. Yeah, just all comments. I need to put just a bunch of steaks and shit over there. Get the good shit going, peaches.
Yeah, I'm looking at this one in England. Hershey's syrup, Aunt Jemima's syrup, peanut butter, Pop-Tarts, Twinkies, fluff, okay Oreos, Apple Jacks. Now we're cooking. Which again, that's also, I mean, I guess it's not that surprising, but there's some things on there where I'm like, wait, Pop-Tarts are like an American thing only.
Let's see. Here's one in inc another England one. Here's New Zealand. Cementos, Crunch, Pop-Tarts, Skittles, Gobstoppers, Cracker Jacks, Nerds, Reese's, M&M's, Sunkist, Canada Dry Soda, French's, Mustard, Green Relish, Minute Maid, Lemonade in a can, which is Borderline ah hate crime against us. ah dam And it may have eliminated a can kind of rules, honestly. That's that's like always the thing that was like in the downstairs fridge for four years and never got touched.
All right. A lot of repeats. Yeah. Snack game is pretty good, though. it's ah It's not bad. And then there's things that I'm like, that's not even us. Like what? Bacon?
like i don't Like Swiss Miss hot chocolate can't be like... That's us, dude. That totally is.
I guess Snyder's pretzels, but it's like that's not that weird of a food like surely Germans have A bags of pretzels. Xavier Laguette, the super southern wide receiver for the Carolina Panthers, eats raccoon. Yeah, he does. That's fucking weird. I guess that's I mean, that's definitely weird. Eat that cool Christmas. Someone goes out there. A lot of people eat raccoon, dude. A lot of people eat raccoon. That's a fucking nasty thing to eat. Who eats raccoon? A lot of southern people. I bet you. Right.
Bet you that dude in our discord from Texas has seen raccoon before. Do this. That's sexual. In. I'm going to ask him right now. So have you trash and has raised. That's crazy. Raccoon. Yeah. There's got I mean, I get that they're probably the easier of the things to hunt because they just come to your trash.

Culinary Curiosities

That's got to taste crazy. Probably just tastes like chicken. Oh.
According to most accounts. When. Roxy poultry like turkey or chicken. Yeah, can beat me to it. Oh, my God. You know what I can do instead to just just get some chicken or turkey cooked at his plate of raccoon meat with I think it's sweet potatoes. That's this looks horrifying. ah No, it's linked that in the chat. I got to see that. Yeah, it does. That looks very terrible.
I think those carrots said that I said that over. I got to see that.
yeah at combbra It's like a recipe website to that same guy. They were like, what are you like? We played in Germany this year. How'd you like that? He's like bad. I hate Germany. And there we go. They didn't even know what lemonade was. Oh, yeah. That is hilarious.
Yeah. Look at this picture. This looks like something. Oh, it's got bones in it. God damn. Oh God. Why do you just get chicken? Just get, you know what I mean? Bro, it's free. You just got to kill one. Then you eat it. Yeah.
yeah That's, uh, that's next level. Coon hunters. That's crazy.
He's not that much meat on him either. there Like what do you have to gut like two of them? Yeah, you definitely get one meal per raccoon. One person meal per raccoon. You know, one of my coworkers eats roadkill. No. Don't fucking don't fucking snitch on them like that. Well, he's not eating like a roadkill possum like deer and shit here. Yeah, OK.
He'll pull over and take a deer if you found if he finds one dead. I guess ah RFK does that, so it's not that weird. That guy's gonna be our 48th president. I'll ask him if he's even ever eaten a possum. Or like anything besides deer. Possum also, I'm like... Not much meat on it.
Yeah, I feel like a possum is deceptive. Like when you see a skeleton of a cat and it's like, oh, there's nothing there. I feel like a possum is probably pretty similar. Eat that comb, bro. Or on alone when they fucking trap like mice to eat. And you're like, that's, that's barely food. Like the Indian guys, they'll eat all that stuff.
pemmican they make pemmican out of it you think the indian guys that are like living like in the loft apartments outside of boston are like trapping raccoons and skunks and shit and just eating them oh those kind of indians just preparing them in like a room where everybody gets amazon packages just a guy fucking indian guy preparing fucking raccoon and his jeans do you think so I think they something they were only allowed to eat like chicken and goat. Anything besides cows, right? Maybe. I guess I don't know enough about goat to know, like, you know, when you're at the Indian place and they have goat dishes, or I'm like, that could be armadillo.
Yeah. you sleep What do I know? Anything could be goat. Like where are you just going to have goat on the ready? Even, even some dark meat chicken, sometimes you get like, especially at a Chinese food place and you'll get like, I'm like, I know what fine meat looks like. What is this? How did, how did you get a cube this large of like quote unquote dark meat chicken? Chicken's reasonable. It's not like it's expensive. You know, you can get chicken, you get chicken, you'd be chilling. Yeah. And if you,
You know, obviously you get like, uh, like if you get a whole chicken, it's actually not that expensive. Once you, you just have to be comfortable breaking it down into parts. So if you're getting boneless, skinless chicken breast, yeah, you're going to pay like still not that much, but like that much. Yeah. Not that much at all.
But you, but basically like two boneless, skinless chicken breasts packed that way is the same price as like a whole chicken. You just have to do work. Whole chicken. You just break it down, which ain't hard. No. Break it down, shred it up. And then you find those problems pointed out. A raccoon is free as is apparently a skunk or a wildebeest or whatever else. It is free.
Oh, I guess. I mean, I I knew it in principle. But yeah, I mean, every time I'm fishing and there's some Asian guy with a Home Depot bucket full of perch eating all of it. Yeah. I'm like, of course, this is actually good, though. Perch is not good. I've only had perch in the form of gefilte fish, and it was the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. So I guess that's not fair.
taking your bone out and then you just make little perch nuggets out of them. All right. But you did that for fun. You did that as like a fun. never I just know that you can do it. I'm just. That's fine. I feel like. Stolen valor. If you were I were to eat perch, it would be like as a novelty, like we're camping and it was it was like a cool thing to do. I'm not like at the local recreational fishing bond, catching all the perch to like bring home. You you get what you go. Nice. Yeah, I probably probably want to eat. Fucking know I can feed my family. I probably want to eat fish caught in any of the bodies of water and mass. I mean, that's the other thing that is grown. Yeah, that. i Yeah, that I suppose only those we are aware of.
PCBs, and golf course, a little water fishing, eating those fish will be next level. or Fuck no, I would never eat one of those, too. Chinese guys. How often I've seen, allegedly seen, someone put a boom over a fucking too close to a body of water.

Video Shoutout Culture and Costs

Wait, what does that mean? Like a sprayer. Boom on the sprayer. Oh, sure. Or like a boom.
oh god That's my favorite video probably ever where it's them AJ and his son doing cameos big justice it's like oh i know it's Sorry about your brother dying ah well, he gets five big booms boom boom ah How crazy is that Yeah,
yeah that was fucking That was awesome Hey, sorry about your brother dying. Well, we'll give him five big booms for dying. Next level. $150.
Boom, boom, boom! I've gone down a rabbit hole. How much are there cameos? Rabbit, what are you doing? I'm just looking at Google images of, like,
possums and armadillos and stuff. It's all fucking crazy.
Oh, God. Armadillos, that's so much work to get it's just like um a whole ass monkey in a, you know, like a roasting pan that you'd cook a turkey in. I didn't. I mean, not that I'm like, you shouldn't skin the monkey, but like not even skin monkey, just like.
You fucking stomped on its head and just like put it in a pool of brown liquid and now it's roasting in a pan. God. It looked even gross. I saw him like in the locker room trying to get people to try the raccoon and in a video and it looks like, like stew meat. Like that way it's like prepared where it's like, you know, like shredded apart. I'm like, that's nasty.
Yeah, I mean, there's and there's no way I would eat a raccoon. What's wrong with just putting like a cheeseburger on the grill? You know, just keep it normal. And I bet if you fed me ah ground raccoon meat in the form of a burger.
I think you're telling the difference. I think you're, I think I'm telling the difference, but am I telling the difference so much that like, obviously if it's from the guy that eats raccoons, I'm taking one bite and I'm like, what the fuck is this? If I'm just at your barbecue.
And I'm assuming it's beef and then I eat it. And I'm like, Hmm, am I going to am I going to not finish it? Like, I guess I don't know how different. But if it if it just tastes like dark meat chicken, I'd be like weird, weird burger. But it's fine. This tastes edible. I think when I was maybe like, you know, nine, we were at a ah cookout and someone told me to come over and try the steak and I tried it. And then he was like, that's dear. I'm not going to tell the difference.
Um, uh, Adrian big justice is $150 for video. yeah Damn. That was a good guess. How much is the, uh, the big black guy that sings all the songs? Big daddy Mac. That dude rules. That guy rocks. The N and the B on the keyboard should not be next to each other. Here comes the boom. Here comes the boom. That guy, big daddy Mac.
It's time to play the game!
It's all about how you play it!
Oh my god, dude. I thought you guys were trolling about doing five big booms for the dead bro. No, it's genuine. It is so fucking funny. Yeah, we're real sorry about your brother dying. but i what Best we could do is five big booms. I can't believe when my brother died, you guys didn't get a cameo like that for me, dude. It's a live life jam. Hey, what's up, brother? ah Sorry, your brother died. ah Sorry, your brother died. You know, oh, my God. Yeah, I'm just washing my laundry. I'm getting I'm getting right today. Just does like the normal. We cleaned my whole kitchen today. OK, what the fuck? He's just throwing out clothes.
No, what the fuck was that? Everybody knows you just go to any grocery store parking lot and throw them in the bin at least where all the clothes get collected. Yeah. Yeah, that's the other thing. The fucking that video to trash guy is gonna come and see when he dumps the trash into the truck. It's just full of jeans. Yeah, that's that's extremely sketchy.
yeah so the other day when i was throwing my clothes out i had like two hundred dollars in my pants that i threw away so like i don't know what's going on man life's unfair brother but you know keep it positive and and staying up all right later brothers like shut the fuck that's his video every time now yep
it's unfair because they said that the my register was short like $20 but a guy came in and said here's $40 to fill up my truck and you keep the change so I did I do this is the worst worst story of all time yeah you're not even accurately like how math works, like then your drawer would have an overage. All the comments were like, you said you said it was eight dollars on live the other day when it first happened. Just gets put on blast every time in the comments. It's all about the game and how you play it. Time to play the game, time to play the game.
I love that dude. Nah, that guy rocks. You see him in concert? Standing there. he's He's a unit dude. He's huge. I would go see him. Like those guys that are like that way where you're like 400 to 500 pounds. Like what's the daily intake going? Like how many Like how much pizza at one point are you putting down? Like for a judge, like is it too like a full pizza? You've seen ah with that that dude that Snoop Dogg was beefing with.
The really, really fat rapper who sits on the purple couch. that danling Oh yeah. What's his like name? Like fat, fat Dave or something. I don't know what the fuck that guy's name. Like, that dude is that guy. I don't even understand how you get that fat. Like, the the retard dude who's singing all the time, that one I can kind of understand. No one ever told him that he probably shouldn't be eating, like you said, 10 pizzas or whatever. He's tall, too, so I get it. He's but he's just a big ass. He, like, he could slim down and play old linemen. Like, the young fat Dave or whatever, the guy on the couch, I think it's about done. He needs oxygen. He's, like, 18 years old. you That's crazy work.

Passion and Personal Struggles

Big Daddy Max singing from his heart.
All about the game and how you play it. Someone play a ah live life jam clip before we ah end the podcast. Let's get one for the ah the audience here to so they can understand them.
Let's see. I feel like he's always like holding a gun to his daughter's head whenever he's like with her, too. I'm a great dad. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yo, I got my daughter. I got her. I got her. I got her Lego set.
like It's always like, yeah, I go i got my daughter, a you know, bartender's friend, and she's just been dumping it all over the place and playing with it. She's having such a good time. What is that one? What is he describing? um I think he got a free slice of cake.
um go go home and put it in the freeer
Oh my God. Oh, he was a, I missed the potluck. He was okay. He is ramen. At least he could buy, right? It's like free.
I mean, I don't even understand that dude. The other day I went to the grocery store and I got five things of ramen for $5. Oh yeah. It's free, dude. Like how are you hurting so bad? And that was like, I'm pretty sure you can get the gigantic like 20 pack of ramen for $5 if you just go to Walmart. yeah yes You just get go to wall you get ground beef for like three dollars to some part and fucking just do that ramen dude you'll be fine or eggs reals like a box of burrilla pastas a dollar 79 dude that's a pound of food he's he doesn't think that he's like what let me get the the donuts they're gonna throw away today and that will really get me that will get me um really over till whatever like what when does he get paid in like
18 days probably or something. He's just trying to live off chocolate cake. That is, that I mean, I get that people have addictive personalities and stuff, but being like, yeah, I'm going to rather smoke weed than eat. Yeah. What does he say about smoke? Does he just, was he just like, yeah, I'm just buying weed. He's just smoking weed, dude. There's a video of him with a bowl in the background. Oh shit. yeahly he's He's buying that fake weed at the pimp shops. Even though he did fucking California.
bro ahead share Hater-ass comment, but his wife is fucking beat, bro. um ah yeah Oh Hell yeah. That's mad rude, but she really is. That's so funny. Oh, man. All right. Well, hey, that's a great great way to end the pod here, guys.
Shout out Patrick C. Shout out to Hank Chill. Shout out Fanny Dantum. And I miss anybody. Those are the top, the Mount Rushmore, right? Yeah, there was that one guy that popped up. Yeah, the the bot the ba guy. Was he a He's a bot or FBI probably. Oh, that's fair. George Droid. George Droid's going to save save us. He's going to buy Canada.
George George droid George droid out georgerod shut out Zeppo I guess unless you're the FBI in which case you doing man post some shit du prove you not post your fucking your social security number should we gotta to verify we gotta verify it yeah yeah that's it goodbye