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Chili Chug 2.0

Dudes "R" Us
56 Plays5 days ago

Shout out to the tron boyz aka the pack n ship boys


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Welcome to Dudes R Us.
Now let's start the show. I think it's working. Yeah, it looks like it's working. Hell yeah.
a Welcome back. Another episode. Like and subscribe. Hit the little bell. Hit the bell. Shouts out. What did they didn't say? Shouts out. Patrick C. Shouts out.
Hackchill. Shouts out. There's other people. He knows all the names, though. Fanny Dantum. Fanny Dantum. Shouts out Fanny Dantum. Pack ship. I think that might be it. Yeah, I think we got it.
All right. What's going down? The
The conspiracy subretta is letting me know that there is some truth to the microphone earrings that Kamala was wearing. Just wearing earrings and every interview. I've noticed oh I saw that today where, yeah, people were saying they're like where I remember from the debate, people were saying they were microphones. And then ah and then people were like, no, they're these Tiffany earrings. And I was like, I don't know. Who cares?
And then, yeah, everyone's like, OK, she just wears one pair of earrings all the time or not even all the time, only when she's in during doing interviews. Could be. Could be. Very nice earrings. Like expensive Tiffany earrings, which is a choice. um But also, I don't know. I guess there's part one. Do I care? And I don't know what the answer to that is. Yeah, I don't think I actually care. Just the first thing I saw.
Yeah. Um, then I'd be like outside of the debate, which I know the rules of the debate where that you couldn't have any of that stuff, like notes or anything where you'd be like, okay, that's, that's cheating, I guess. But otherwise, like if she had a mic in her ear during like an interview, I don't know that I like, like It's, it's, it's tough cause I'm like, have you tried to, have you ever tried to talk when someone's talking in your ear? Like it's too distracting. I'd be like, it's less of a thing where I'd be like, she's there feeding her answers or something. I'd be like, how could you listen to somebody in your ear while like answering a question? Like I don't, I don't even think that's like, I mean, I'm sure, I don't know. I don't know.
Do with that what you want. I don't actually care if she's cheating that way. There's worse things that both sides are doing, I'm sure.
Well, I thought then ah this is isn not related, but the idea says they killed um the Hamas leader. Oh, yeah. What's his name? Sinwar Sinwar was a Hezbollah that they killed like two weeks ago.
Uh, the pager thing was Hezbollah. Yeah. Didn't they say they killed the leader of Hezbollah too? Maybe. Yeah. I'll look that up. And they got what Iran or Iran's. Supreme Leader or something, the guy they killed in the helicopter. thinking of Maybe that's what I'm thinking of. Yeah. That was like in the summer or something. But yeah, I mean. Oh.
Don't fuck with the IDF. Wow, they're just dropping people. Dude. Looks like the video that they showed. It looks like it's fucking harm. It's like blown off and he's covered in dust. and Yeah. Did you see the drone video? That's what I'm. watching It looks like it's crazy. I mean, I guess because you're seeing it from a drone, it looks like a like a cut scene from like fucking college. I was just like, holy. First, I thought it was a.i. And then I was like, no, that's definitely fucking real. It's crazy that you that's crazy that something like that can possibly leak. But I guess.
from their perspective. Fuck it got seeing it. Yeah. Seeing it. It's like a, you know, I guess nobody cares to conspiracies over whether bin Laden's alive or not, but like never really saw his body. Nope. Just some fake ass video and and pictures could have just, you know,
I mean, if that dude shaved, put that, get that dude to shave, put him in a suit. Yep. He could be living, he could be living among us right now. He could just be working at a seven 11. That's true.
You know, it's the power of a beard.
Hmm. Speaking of drones, do you see fucking Elon's like robot army? Yeah, they saw kind of. I just think it's, I don't know. Did you see I robot when we were like, it's like everything, everything you showed on that thing was just like, like, I think that was meant to be a, I don't think you were supposed to take inspiration from that. The,
Creator I robot called them out on it. Not yet, just not even like the like the like even the aesthetic of it where it's like, OK, you clearly got some inspiration. I do think it's funny. I was thinking about it after I saw the day I saw it. I was like, all of this and I'm not and this isn't and I'm not saying this in like a I don't know. I mean, like a woke way. But I'm like, all of this is just like putting a lot of money and R and&D and stuff into reverse engineering slavery.
Yeah, it's like that's been the dream. It's been a dream forever. It's like, Oh, we can't make people do things for free anymore. Fuck. And then we've had the last, like, what has it been? Like 200, 300 years where you had to pay people to do work for the most part, unless they're prisoners, I guess. And we're now at the era where they're like, all right, we can, we can solve this problem. And again, have,
people people like things who will do work for you for free. I have a solution.
And where does that lead? Hmm. Speaking of Elon, I listened to, let's see, somebody that we know posted about this Rogan podcast with these two, I don't know,
doctors that were talking about childhood obesity, Alzheimer's, but basically how like ultra processed food is killing people in America. Yeah, I think that's probably true, but go on. And a lot of it sounded good.
But then I like mentioned it to my wife and she looked up some of the stats that they were saying and they like weren't even close to the actual like quoted stats that you can find online. That's good. Which, you know, pretty suspicious. I would have to go back and listen again just to make sure I might be lying right now. But that was, that was our assumption when we, after I listened to it. Yeah. So maybe like halfway through the the pod, he starts like going on and on and on about,
how the only people who can save us from red 40 Kellogg's ultra processed food is Donald Trump, RFK Jr. and Elon Musk. And he thinks that Elon Musk should be like the, not the surgeon general, but like the person who takes a look at healthcare care and revitalizes it.
Yeah, I mean, you could just make whatever position you wanted and just be the your little like health czar or whatever. But yeah, I'm thinking like, what does he know about health care? And they're they're the thing that they said is they were like, oh, well look at what he did with X. He made it like a much better company. That's like as a fucking leap. What the hell does that even mean? Yeah, I mean, X, I think it's objectively worse. yeah At the best you could say about Twitter is that it's the same.
Like, oh, it doesn't really crash. So I guess it's fine. But I think as you, as like a, I dunno, as like a quality of discourse perspective, I think it's probably gotten worse. That's not even politically speaking, but just like, even if you were to filter out all the politics side, you used to be able to like have ah an on-topic conversation in a Twitter thread. And now if you were to ever try to Engage in a thread. The top 10 replies are just people with monetized accounts who are just posting something that's like clickbait. So anyway, that's nothing new. Everyone knows it's fucking worse, but it's also the only thing we have, like we're going to mask it on. Come on. Breads. Yeah, exactly. I think it's stuck. And the other stuff that Elon like SpaceX and stuff, he just audit. He didn't.
He doesn't know anything about rockets. Well, and just to say that, like this crazy, all right. So then after I listened to all that, because I was like, these people just, this just turned into like a, uh, uh, campaign. And the way they were saying is they're like, Oh, no one else can do it. And then I'm starting to think like,
You know, when we were in high school, well, you were probably like out of college at this point, but when we were in high school, they took like like Obama and his wife focused a lot on childhood obesity. And I can remember when they took regular sodas out of like all vending machines went away, you kind of buy regular soda at lunch.
thanks obama and i think it's like insane to say the only person who's taking it seriously is donald trump who is like notoriously fat and eats fast food like the whole he doesn't care the whole thing was just say it was like I didn't really understand where the person was coming from. I felt like some of the stuff they said was probably good. but Yeah, I was going to say, i on the first point, whether there's evidence or not, I probably am pretty sympathetic to it. And the problem, I guess the first thing I'd say is,
Most of the food, like most of the highly processed food you could get, like I just I saw it target ah Buffalo, Buffalo. What is that right here?
Oh, just Buffalo, Buffalo, crunchy Cheetos. How could I not buy them? Right? There you go. That's like the epitome. um But like that, that is like a food product is much is much more like chemistry than it is food. as Somebody is like somebody who cooks.
maybe does a little bit of baking. Like how they make that is like an industrial, it is an industrial process. Yeah. you And then I couldn't make that in our kitchen. Could not make it in a kitchen. And even just like, I mean, I'm not going to go through reading an ingredients label. You can do that, but it's like the stuff that's in there, a lot of the stuff that's in there is like, is a synthetic, you know, product of petroleum refinement and stuff like that, rather than being like something that came from a plant or an animal or like the dirt. Uh, so you got to wonder, like we humans spent what, like a hundred thousand years, you know, evolving or whatever, and, uh, eating like plants and, and meat and stuff. And really the last,
60 not even maybe more than 60 the lack generously the last like hundred years diets that have a lot of sugar diets that have a lot of these like random ass chemicals um diets that have a lot of salt and it's like that's probably a big contributor if you just look at like wire disease incidence is higher that's probably like the biggest one um i don't necessarily think there's malice to it like i don't believe that there's a but like Conagra or like Kellogg's has like a conspiracy where they're like, ooh, we're going to poison everyone and make them impotent. Like they don't, that's not their motivation, right? They're just like, like it's capitalism. Like what is the cheapest possible?
thing like this needs to taste like cheese but cheese is too expensive is there a chemical that tastes like cheese but isn't cheese oh yeah okay and maybe if there's any malice to it it's like hey you get a study that's like oh if you eat you know a thousand grams of this cheese flavored compound, it can increase your likelihood of cancer. And maybe that study's a little bit wrong and it's actually lower than that. And also they're like, well, no one's ever going to eat a thousand grams of these Buffalo chicken flavored Cheetos. But then you're like, delicious cheetos these delicious Cheetos, they're actually not that bad. Um, but then you're also like, okay, what if this chemical is in every food product you eat? So like maybe.
Cheetos can get away with saying like, oh, we're only using a tiny amount of it, but then it's like in 20 other things. And if your diet is mostly processed foods and you're like really accumulating that shit. So I do think it's a problem. I don't know what the solution is. Cause it's kind of like, you just have to convince people to not do that. Like, I don't think you can regulate that. You can't like if it's now is genuinely fucked up stuff. Like, I don't know. I know people have been talking about like red 40 or whatever. I don't actually know what the deal with that is, but like,
If there's one like that where it's like, there's just genuine evidence that this is like harming people. Sure. That should be illegal. But in terms of like, this is just kind of gross. Like I'm thinking about like high fructose corn syrup or like things that have a lot of sugar in them. And there's always these pushes every few years that are like, Dan sugary foods. And you're like, sure. But also like as an adult, if I want to eat a pop tart, I should be able to. And like,
I don't know that the government has really a role to play in that. You just like, it's more about convincing people like, Hey, if you're like, if your kid only eats like Swedish fish and pop tarts and like those fucking root beer barrel, like neon colored juices, like that's a problem. Like that kid's going to die. I know.
And like me and like me, I don't know, teach teaching people or like, how do you like how to make some food on their own? I don't know. It's a problem, but I don't I would agree with you. It's a big problem.
Uh, it's multifaceted and that, you know, there's some aspects of regulating how processed foods are made. There's some aspects of like teaching people about nutrition again and, and like, what's in the shit you're eating and why like there's a difference between eating an apple and eating a fucking, I don't know, like a neutral grain bar, even, um, or like Kraft Mac and cheese. Like, what is that actually? Like it's really good.
It doesn't mean you can never have it, but like if that's a meal that somebody's eating like multiple times a week, that's probably bad. There's other part, you know, there's stuff about food prices, right? Like it's like if good food is more expensive than processed food, like that's an, that's an issue for, you know, people who,
don't have the the income. So it's tough to say that I would believe that Trump and Elon Musk and RFK are the dream team to handle it. Not that I think the other side is necessarily making that a big priority either. Yeah. And then I watched maybe I would say four and a half minutes of
Oh, yeah. Yeah, sorry. I watched maybe like four and a half minutes of the Tucker Carlson Elon Musk podcast. I just like popped up in my. Mm hmm.
So I don't have my YouTube track, my viewing habits. So it gives me whatever like the most popular videos of the day are. yeah And that was one of them. And I watched legit four minutes of it and I was like, I don't understand how anybody could like Tucker Carlson or or Elon Musk.
Because the first thing like the first thing they start talking about is like how Elon Musk is a super villain. I don't like this dude is just a fucking fat loser. Yeah, he's literally like he's wicked smart and he's done some really good things. But I think that his public persona is just terrible. He's like a fucking weird like like a troll in cell like autistic guy who just like, you know, among all the like in cell autistic guys, there's got to be like a king, right? There's got to be one that kind of broke, like broke through.
And he's he's their leader. It is the weirdest thing because he because he he not that he changed, but I guess he changed politically. Like, I think he was like he didn't change in terms of he was always a weird dude. Very weird dude. But like five years ago, 10 years ago, he was like a weird dude that was like more of like a cultural oddity.
like he's a rich dude. He's weird. He's kind of funny. Um, and then he got like, and, and like politically, I would say he was pretty like average, like for anyone, for anyone who was like for a rich person, a rich person, like anyone who's like kind of a public figure who's like a CEO, you were like, Oh, I'm like,
probably like middle of the politically neutral, if not Democrat leaning and like doesn't have major issues with like diversity shit and like gay shit and stuff like that. Um, and then you like, and like a lot of people liked him. Like I know people who were like,
He's my idol, like that kind of thing. And now that he's changed politically so much, um those same people, it's like ah it's like a tug of war where they're like, well, he's still a brilliant guy. And like, you know, he's going to be the one who gets like, who makes like commercial space travel possible. And like, I don't know, like the political stuff, I just like try to stay out of that. and they a big offens They got to do some like mental pretzling to,
Uh, not that you're like, I don't know if you're smart. I don't know your political beliefs. Shouldn't I honestly just wish like on both sides, like him and Taylor Swift, like don't really care what your opinions are. Politically speaking. Uh, if you've got enough money to take a private jet from like, like You know, like the equivalent of me going from like Boston to Worcester on a private jet because I don't want to drive 40 minutes. Uh, fuck you. I also like that they both are like, you can't track my airplane. It's like, it's, um, it's actually literally you can it's public, public information you don't on the sky. Um, yeah.
That's, that's smart though. I should go do, I mean, every now and then, like probably like every few months I'll just delete all my history from YouTube. Cause I get, cause whatever I'm into at that moment, it like, it just forces you into more of that. yeah Until you're getting like, you know, like if I'm like, Oh, I'm weirdly into like, I don't fucking know. Like, like right now I've been watching a lot of videos about like,
what different what different like cultures wrote about their first encounters with other people, where it was like, oh, the first European to land in Japan, and like what what did they how did they describe each other, and or like the first ah you know like British person in Africa or whatever, and like all those like firsthand accounts.
But so you start watching like it, when you go down those rabbit holes, like you start out with like the popular channels and stuff. And then it's like, instead of being like, all right, let's move on to a different topic. It just like digs you further and further down into whatever that like, where you're like, okay, now I'm like watching channels with like 34 views. And there's gotta be other stuff out there. Cause this isn't even interesting anymore. So yeah, that's a good idea.
Well, I just saw that it was an option and I don't really like the idea of Google mining all of my, like I know that they are anyways, but I like to at least have the option to be like, well, maybe don't track every single video that I watch or interact with. Yeah. They know it anyway. PayPal, bro. PayPal just sent me a thing that said they're going to start, um,
sending me offers from companies that they think I would like based on my purchasing history. Yeah. You can opt out of it. But I'm like, that is insane that that's like, that was somebody's million dollar idea in one of the boardrooms. Hmm. Yeah. I had this, uh, not, not super recently, but Whatever it was, probably a year ago. The only but only good investment thought I've ever had among everything I've ever put money into. I could put a lot of money, probably like a year, a year and a half, go into ah Shopify.
Because they were developing these warehouse robots, basically. And I was like, that's going to be something. And Shopify, you can build a website. They do payment processing. And then they were doing warehousing and logistics. And I was like, all right. They're controlling a whole supply chain for businesses that you find on Instagram. Right? I think like.
Yeah, I think like Amazon and like Walmart and shit have it locked down of like if I just Google some shit I want, like tennis racket. I'm going to be pointed towards like a big company that has that and they just do like third party logistics, get it to you. But if I'm like, oh, this person who makes fucking I don't know the key chain. Yeah, custom tech decks.
on Instagram like that. They, you know, whereas like, if I were that person, I'd have to like personally have a bunch of inventory in my house and I'd have to like, uh, ship it when people ordered it and stuff. Um,
Shopify would just like, oh, we'll just buy all your inventory, warehouse it for you. And then when people place orders on your website, we'll just fulfill the orders. Just thought it was smart as hell. Anyway, invested in them. Uh, shit. I blabbed too much and I forgot where where I got, how I got on this topic.
Um, Oh, uh, PayPal is tracking your Oh yeah. And I thought they're really cool. And prior to having any money in them, I was like, Oh, I don't like when the options of how you pay and it's like pay through Google pay, pay through Apple pay, pay just with your credit card pay with shop pay. I was never using shopping and then I started using it because I was like, well, I should probably do that. Um, and that was cool for a minute. And now,
that they have like built a profile on me because they know all the things I bought. Like it's all consolidated. Whereas if I just use my credit card with different websites, there's no way that all of those websites know what I bought from other websites. Whereas like now that I'm using Shop Pay, Shopify is like, oh, he buys like this stuff, this stuff. Now it starts just sending me recommendations. It's like, oh, we found this thing you might like. And it's like Dr. Swatch.
It's like stuff where you're like, you kind of profiled me. Like we, so we noticed that you bought, Oh, cause I bought the, uh, that like pomade I was talking about. And so it's like, Oh, you're a guy who buys grooming products. So now I'm just like bombarded with Dr. Squatch stuff from Shopify. And I'm like, I, I am aware of this product. I have nothing against it. chiular deodorant It's good. Yeah.
Um, so yeah, it's kind of the thing. Any, anyone who's doing anything for you for free is, is mining your brain.
You ever, uh, totally, totally different topic. Just jumping around tonight. That's the, it's the whiskey, um, very into like Barbie queuing and smoking stuff, smoking meats. And.
I have found that like the weird off cuts that people will smoke on YouTube are extremely hard to find in our area. Like maybe Austin, Texas, we could find it. But do you go to like a butcher where you can ask, or is it just like, I want to the local butcher that is like,
my neighbor told me I was like, Oh, they got everything. They have like kangaroo and stuff. And I'm like, all right, I bet you they'll have beef cheek thinking. beef i get a real tag Yeah, exactly. Not that hard to find. I go and ask for beef cheek. They're like, no, we don't do that. And then he took my name and number down and said he'd call me if they could get it. And then I never heard from them. So I was confusing to me. Well, yeah, I mean, I don't understand why they couldn't get it. So I went to the,
Out where my parents live, there's a really big butcher shop. It's kind of like a chain, but it's very, it's a big one though. It's not, it's like a local chain. I guess there's three stores, right?
So I go in and I ask for beef cheek and they have everything in there, dude. They got like pigs hoofs, oxtail, all sorts of those weird, like awful cuts. They have full rabbits and bags. yeah yeah So I'm like, you have any beef cheek? And the guy goes, no, we don't carry that. I'm like, what the fuck? Like, how do you not have that? Then he comes back and he's like, actually, I lied. We do carry it. So I'm like, okay. And he's like, it's frozen.
Um, I'll bring some up for you. And then he comes back and he's like, well, how much do you want? And I'm like, you know, I need to know how much it is per pound. Cause I'm not going to say I want like 10 pounds and find out it's $10 a pound or something. yeah So I got five pounds. It's like five bucks a pound. And the guy brings it up and he did, he did tell me it was frozen, but beef cheek.
generally is like this big gelatinous blob and looks like fucked up nasty. I'm making barbecue out of it. So it doesn't matter how nasty it looks cause you're just going to take it all the way until it shreds, right? And you want all that like fat and gelatinous stuff in there to make it good. And he brings it up to me and it's like legitimate frozen sheets of beef cheek.
Like, so they must take them and then run them through their band saw and cut them into, they're probably like half inch, quarter inch thick, like sheets of beef cheek. And at that point, like I, I was like, huh, I don't really, like, that's not really what I was envisioning in my head. I kind of wanted like the whole, yeah the whole deal.
But at this point, I feel like it had gone too far because they had asked me like four questions. They've been out of the basement. I'm a thousand percent with you. In that situation, I would have just been like, even if I throw this away, I can't just be like, oh, actually, actually, I don't want that. And he had like brought up in the bag to like seal it and everything. So at that point, I'm just like, all right, whatever. It doesn't look like what I was expecting, but like.
beef cheeks, beef cheek, right? I don't know. It can't like not be what I'm looking for. So we're going to find out this weekend. I'm going to cook it Saturday day and hopefully it'll be done by Sunday. Hell yeah. We'll find out. We'll find out. We'll make some tacos out of it. The fucking beef cheek that's been in the basement freezer for got three years.
It's like actually, you know, where it's thawing out really nice. It's like nice and deep red and everything, but. That's hysterical. The fact that he didn't even realize they had it, I was like, fuck, it's like a little bit of a red flag, but. I did just chug a bucket of chili today, so I'm. I'm game for mystery freezer meat, like it's not Frostburn or anything, so it must be somewhat fresh, right?
or they like do a good job of vaccinating it before they. Yeah, I don't know. or they this rubb fine i don't I think they probably have like. Like, I guess I don't know, but in my head, I would think if you were a butcher. Because of like the penalty of selling food that is past the date that you're allowed to sell it or whatever that they just wouldn't fuck around with that, especially like maybe if you know them and get like tight and then you can ask for weird stuff and it's like,
Not quite above board. But it's kind of like, I don't know, like brisket. I want to make a brisket, but they're so fucking expensive, dude. Even at $4.99 a pound, which is not a bad price. Like the shout out Connecticut Cows Costco, they had prime briskets for $4.99 a pound, which is what they sell them for choice near us.
And, but they only had like 20 pound brisket. So it was like $110. Like, fuck, fuck dude. I don't like, I can't, I mean, I can, but what the fuck am I going to do by a hundred dollar piece of meat? And then if you fuck it up, like at all, you're just going to be bummed. Like, so then I'm thinking, you know, want to find some of these weird off cuts, but then they're so hard to find.
I bet it is probably more like regional. We don't really have like Mexican marketplaces around us or anything where you could go and get it. Yeah. You got to go south. You got to go into like Providence. Yeah, that's true. Maybe I could check them out down there. Call them. I feel like if I could find a Mexican marketplace, I could find a lot of these things and that would solve this problem. Yeah.
What is, uh, is beef cheek, what it sounds like? Is it actually like jowls of a cow? Yeah, it is the cheek of the cow. It's not butt cheek.
Yeah. Yeah. It is facial cheek. That's why it has so much like sinew and like jalette in it. Yeah. Interesting. And that's why you have to,
Like if you get it whole, you can slice off like all the nasty fucking fatty sinewy shit on it. And you'll have like a nice round piece of meat that you could cook like a brisket and then slice. And it would be like really good beefy flavor. But, um, obviously they didn't sell it that way to me.
And my intention was to make barbacoa. So if you buy it with, you know, just like the blob with all the stuff attached to it, you just like throw some salt and pepper on it, throw it into the smoker. Then eventually you have to kind of like braise it in its own tallow. we Just shut it up.
But I guess this all goes back to what we were talking about with like real food, right? The price of of beef is outrageous, dude. Yeah, it is crazy. <unk> got those cras here right now We got those the other day and the choice steak in the case that you can just like grab and go was 16.99 a pound. And I like didn't think they looked that good.
So I went over to the case just to see like the butcher case and the prime one was only $18.99 a pound. So I'm like, why the hell would you ever buy the choice one if for like literally $4 more and two pounds, you can get a way better steak. But then also it was like $36 for two steaks, which seems insane. Yeah, it sucks.
it It's crazy. Um, yeah, I don't know what that's about because you would think shit like that. That's like. I don't know, foundational should be cheaper. Yeah, you're like, oh, this is like I'm doing most of the work like you broke down a cow. That's definitely a lot of work. But then everything after that, in terms of like making it food, I'm doing. Uh.
So I don't know. That's a whole fucking thing. Nothing's ever going to get cheaper either. Well, I would even like to try to find like, um, and it would be expensive because it's a very large piece of meat, but it's called a shoulder cloud. And you, again, you cook you'll like, uh, like a brisket and it's kind of like an old school type of barbecue piece cut. Right. Cause it's truly like something that you can't do anything with.
You can cut it into its individual pieces, but they would all be like super tough. But like, who the fuck around here is going to sell a full shoulder cloud? I bet you if I went to that butcher shop and I asked, they'd be like, yeah, we don't. I guess that's we're never going to get that in. What I'm confused by. And I guess it's probably like my. Yeah, I think.
I think you're right in in that if you were in the south or or the Midwest or like anywhere that has like actual cattle ranching, then you're probably able to find a butcher who like legitimately gets a cow in.
and they break down. Like it sounds to me like a lot of the, like what you're encountering is like, they, like it's a butcher, but they get in, like, they're still getting in just like a larger portion of a cow where they're like getting in, like,
I don't know how to talk butcher. They're not getting in just like a whole cow and then breaking it down piece by piece. They've are they're getting like whatever like those big slabs that are like the towel roast cut in half hanging by like one leg kind of thing like they're getting that in and then breaking that down into just like steaks and fucking whatever whatever the other cuts are. Because because in my head, I'd be like, if you just went to the guy and you were like, hey, can I get beef cheek. And he was like, Oh, well, we don't really do that. But, you know, next week when we like break down the cow, I'll save the beef cheek for you. Right? Like I'll cut off the cheeks of the next few cows and give them to you. But I guess that means they don't actually get the, like those butchers aren't getting like a whole cow. They break down, which I guess makes a kind of sense.
I don't know. It's just like, you can buy them at, uh,
you can buy them from Walmart, but the only Walmart that yeah, but the only Walmart that had it was like way up north. I think it might've been North borough. I like even past that. So I'm like, well, I'm not going all the way up there for.
Like maybe being able to find us. Yeah, that's the other thing. What's special about Northboro? I wonder. I don't know. Bunch of your cousins live there. Yeah, right. I guess maybe it's probably just the area.
I feel like I tried to make birria one time out of like oxtail and like bone marrow and just like, you know,
like the weird, the weird cuts asipbuco and stuff. And I just never actually cooked it long enough. So then when I pulled the oxtail out like 10 hours into it and my Instapod or whatever the hell it was in, it's still one in shred. But at that point you're like, all right, I have to eat dinner tonight. So yeah.
Like, wasn't I wasn't prepared for the idea that there's a piece, that there's like a cut of meat that takes, you know, whatever, 15 hours to go tender. Now I am, you know? Now I feel like I've watched enough videos, I'm ready. We're gonna find out, although I bet, because it's sliced so thin, it probably cooks fast, or whatever. Renders faster. Yeah, that's the part that I'm like a little bit confused about now, is because it's not a big blob.
How long should I smoke it for versus how long should I throw it into a pan to braise? Because you want it to cook in its own fat. You don't want to. but you render it all out yeah and You're not adding like beef stock or anything to it. Gotcha. Guess we'll find out. Yeah, we'll be fine. and The worst thing that happens is if it sucks, we just order some pizza.
Yeah. That's not that's not bad. I hope you always got to have a plan B. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Oh, dude, speaking of going back to conspiracies that I know nothing about, I'm hoping you have ah context.
Was there I saw I saw something in passing about a What the fuck was it? ah The bunch of drones that were like circling a military base for like three months. Is this is this registering at all for you? Hmm. Maybe not three months, maybe like a month.
Pentagon confirms incursion of unauthorized drones over Air Force Base.
Uh, this was yesterday. Okay. So I saw it recently. Damn. I'm fucking blurs together. How about that? A fleet of unidentified aircraft flew over Langley air force base, as well as over the area that includes the Navy seal team six home base. Holy shit. Langley's in like Virginia, right? Or whatever. Like near DC. Yes. Yeah. It's in Hampton, Virginia.
That's sketchy. You would think that the air force would be, uh, extremely aware of anything flying around them.
Yeah. I don't understand why they want to just shoot it down. I do wonder this is going to, this is like the worst fucking who even cares. Uh,
This is so bad. I wonder if the reason that, like, no politician really is willing to be like, hey, Israel, cut it the fuck out. Like, stop killing children. or How many children do you have to kill to be satisfied? And you've and you've killed the guy now. Sinwar, whatever, like you got your bin Laden. So, like, cut the shit.
Like, uh, Biden, every time they ask him, he's like, I'm working tirelessly end of night or day and night tirelessly to get a ceasefire. And you're like, dude, it's, you've been saying that for like months, months, like.
At the very least, the like I'm working day and night tirelessly can't possibly be true. You're like working on it when you have time. So at least so at least just say that be honest enough to be like it's important to me, but like it's not the most important thing. But anyway, back to I wonder if like like what if those drones were like Israel and that was them being like, hey. Like we've got some shit you haven't even seen yet.
don't fuck with us." And we're like, we're not going to fuck with them. That's an extremely Israel move right now from the pager bomber IDF to be like, if we were gonna like if they heard that Biden was about to like have a press conference where he's like, i am you know, halting all financial and military aid to Israel until a ceasefire. And then, you know, a bunch of drones swarm around Langley and they're like, you just put a scare, a scare in and be like, all right, we're not going to poke the bear on that one. Here's another billion dollars.
That's that's probably my theory. That is that does sound plausible.
It does seem kind of weird that we want to just shoot him down. Yeah. We shot down that fucking weather balloon. oh Yeah, and we would we didn't even have to it was just like it was just like you can't well you can't let it get away like we knew it was China we knew it wasn't like it didn't like steal any sensitive information and honestly the value of shooting it down was pretty minimal because you're like well it's gonna it's gonna hit the earth and explode and like hopefully not kill anyone and
But they did it anyway, because you have to just to show to show that you have cojones. You got to be a big dick president that shoots down the Chinese balloon. And why would he shoot on the drones? Also, I mean, he like, what's the worst case scenario? They're just like some dude's drones that you can just be like, well, you're showing them and flying around in our airspace. Yeah, I guess I'm like, maybe this is maybe drones are too new, although it feels like they've been around for fucking ever. ah I guess I assumed that like Langley Air Force Base would have some counter, some like autonomous counter drone like measure, right? Like it I would imagine them having like a bunch of laser guided missiles
that are meant to like shoot down anything unidentified that comes within some amount of like the fact that they're not, that's the other thing is like, even if, okay, let's say it wasn't Israel that was doing it and it was just some guy or it was Russia or it was China that the fact that they did it, we didn't shoot them down.
We didn't capture them and we don't have an explanation for it. We're like the press that the Pentagon is saying it's like mysterious drone, unidentified drones that proves we don't have anything to counter them. Like if you don't have them at Langley Air Force Base, you don't have them at the White House. You don't have them at the Pentagon, right? So that just proved to whoever did it like, oh,
We have no countermeasure against this and they can't even. They can't even get their shit to get. We did it for two weeks and they couldn't get their shit together to do something about it. Not good, not great. Well, sometimes I wonder if it's just us. But Well, why would you make news? Yeah. Like all the alien stuff. I guess if you're.
It could be the like Air Force version of like a pastor burning down a church so that people like donate money where you'd be like, if it's like budget season and the Pentagon, not that they don't ever get all the money they want and the Pentagon wants to like justify why they should get a trillion dollars of budget money.
you do some stories that scare people or you're like, yeah, we need we need a billion dollars or we need three hundred billion dollars for anti-drone research. DARPA is going to figure out how to have an anti-drone curtain around all of our air force bases.
Yeah, I mean, I feel like if Israel can shoot a bunch of fucking shit out of the sky at all times that we should be able to. Yeah. I would agree with that. Or at least we would invest in like, you know, I'm trying to figure out how they're doing it. It is an interesting. Like you got to, I guess I have always assumed that like, we don't need to talk about it, but that like DC probably had an iron dome around it too.
I'm like, we we would never know because we've never needed to use it. um But like, why wouldn't we? But now I'm like, we probably don't. What does all the military money go to? We give. Military gets more budget money than anything else. I want. I want an iron dome. Yeah, I want missiles visible on every rooftop. I want my old iron dome. I want people know not to fuck with us.
I'll let them put a missile launch around the roof of my house. Oh, yeah, dude. Absolutely. Turret defense. Yes. I'm fine with that. I'm pretty sure that the forest near my house and Natick had missile silos in it because you weren't allowed to go in that forest.
There is a decommissioned nuclear like dirty site near me. Hmm, interesting. Yeah, whenever I go to get Chinese food, I see it. What does that mean? Something got into the soil there, so it's like a black site. Like ah it's clear though it's not just like a super fun site. I don't know. man I don't know. Maybe I just lied in my head. I like to think that it's nuclear.
Is it just like the town landfill? No.
um I think the like maybe the the second or somewhere in the top five most polluted superfund sites in the country is in Walpole. Well, here's an article from 2018 that said
there was a complex on the street that was in the vanguard of the infant nuclear industry, creating nuclear fuel elements as well as other sophisticated parts. Okay. And the radioactive residue remained in the soil. All right. Well, that sounds like you, uh, you were right. I was right. That's interesting.
But yeah, I think what is it called? Blackburn Union and Pro and privileges. Like a super fun site in Walpole. It's like one of the most polluted places in the country because it was. You know, back when like people didn't know you couldn't just dump chromium and shit used for like tanning leather or whatever, it like just you could just dump it in the on the ground. There's like so many places and in like New England, especially. Well, I think like All of the water here is fucked up. All the water here has like mercury and PCBs in it um because of just how old industry was or how industry took off here before there was an EPA. ah Yeah.
The lake we used to swim in as a kid as kids is called Lake Kachituit. And it's like ah it's like super contaminated. There's like a laboratory on the on the like banks on one side that and something exploded and it dumped a bunch of chemicals in the lake that you're like, like, obviously not supposed to drink the water um and like all the like wildlife around there when it initially happened, like all the fish died and then all the wildlife that would like drink water from the lake all died, like all the deer and stuff.
um But we didn't know. Still, you're not supposed to eat the fish that you catch out of that pond. And I was like, we swam in this when we were kids. What the fuck, mom? She's like, well, you didn't drink the water. I'm pretty sure Even if you were like, oh, you're going swimming, just like don't drink the water, you'd be like, what does that mean? Like, I'm not going to. That doesn't mean I'm going to like dunk a cup in it, but I'm going to get water in my mouth. That's just how it works.
This decommissioned slides pretty crazy. It's fucking huge. And it backs up to a lake. I'm looking at it on the map now. And there's houses that are like right next to it. Imagine living in one of those houses. Probably. Probably pretty cheap, like all those houses in Philly near that oil refinery that exploded. Yeah. Um.
What's that gas that you can have in your basement? Radon. Radon. My house in and New York, we had radon gas in our basement. And we had a room down there, like a bedroom. Yep. And, you know, like my brother lived in it for a while. I would have sleepovers down there. I'm wondering, like, you know, how dangerous is radon, really?
I mean, it's fine if you, the issue is that radons way more dense than normal air. So if you even if you had like, down there yeah, but even if you had like garden level windows or something, the circulate, so it's like, it's fine if there's air circulation. The issue is like, if there's a lot of stagnant air in a basement that has radon, the radon is just collecting at the bottom. But if you have vents and shit,
or if there was like good airflow going through there, then, you know, any raid on that's like leeching up is is just getting because like that' that's happening out, right? If you've got right on collecting your basement, it's because you've got.
Uranium ore in the ground beneath your house, but that's also like that means radon is also like leeching up through the lawn and stuff and like it's you know Over a huge area. It's not just your house, but it's like if it's outdoors. It's obviously just getting mixed with regular air Let's see. It's I don't know so if you were down there in the air in the basement wasn't stagnant then you're probably fine and Yeah, I mean, it was a unfinished like dirt floor almost. I won't i won't say dirt, but it was like, it was like somebody poured concrete and then never like smoothed it out. Not actually everything had like a nice fine dirt, dust, particles all over it. Yeah. Kind of floor drain.
It's like hard to say, you know, I can't really. It was so long ago. I was pretty young. I can't remember if there was windows in it. Yeah. I want to say there might have been. We would go in and out of the basement because it was attached to our garage. And that's how we would go in the house sometimes.
um We had a we called Called it my dad's workshop, but it wasn't a workshop. It was just like the room that the boiler was in.
in our basement. um But he also kept the booze in there. um But it was like a strict like, do not go in that room. Family rule like that's dad's workshop. No. um But don't go in there. And I assume it was i I guess in as a kid, I had assumed it was because.
ah There was booze in there or just like whatever. But I would obviously go in there and it was like fun. It was like a good room for like hide and seek, whatever, because you could like kind of hide behind the boiler and like people were scared to go in there. And then I found out in my like adulthood. It was like, oh, no, that room had asbestos in it. I was like, no, we just didn't want you to go in there because there's asbestos in there and and explaining asbestos to a kid is impossible.
I got a board up one of the crawl spaces in my basement because it has vermiculite.
So has the chance to be. Contaminated with asbestos. Yep. Yeah, it probably is based on the timeline of that house. Yeah, it would have went in in the 80s.
Which is enough. There's a light bulb in there that did work when we first moved in. So somebody was crawling in that crawl space and changing the light bulb. Hmm. I mean, it's like old time or so. They don't give a shit. Yeah, I can. They say that this gives and get cancer, but I've been rolling around in it since I was six. All right. i
Yeah, we're going to find out, I guess. um That's another one that's like, it's not like it. If you're not disturbing it, then it's mostly fine. It was like, you know, like when vermiculate, obviously like people who installed it and like uninstalled it or like worked on houses or like demolished houses, like they were the victims of it. But it's like the the stories that like made it to the news were like kids who got uh, lung cancer from, you know, vermiculite and it'd be like, why did you let your kid play in the attic? Like, yeah, your kid was like rolling around and you're like vermiculite attic without that's on you. Well, I don't know. It was dangerous. I don't know, man. Probably should have thought about that.
Oh, it's midnight. That's why it says that. Well, it says what? I was hoping that the Mets would win their series. I just thought it would be a New York Mets, New York Yankees World Series. Thought that would be cool. It's been a long time. Oh, that's. Yeah, I heard about that.
but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Is it like over or just looking, looking bad? It's looking bad. The Dodgers are up three, three games to one. Smacked them today. 10 to two. I didn't know it was a Dodgers. Kind of got a kind of got a roof for the Dodgers and that.
Yeah, think I got Mookie Betts. Yeah, Mookie Betts. In that Japanese guy. Yeah, show how everyone. Botany. That's my nephew's favorite team.
The Bills Jets football game Monday night is probably one of the worst football games I've ever watched. That makes sense.
I love I love the bills, but that game was just yeah there was two hundred and four yards of penalty.
That's ridiculous. That's what I'm saying. Was that just like sloppy play or were was it like refs being ridiculous? Both. OK, there was some legitimate like holding and stuff like that, but
They called a unnecessary roughness hit on Aaron Rodgers and post-game Aaron Rodgers was like, yeah, that that was not unnecessary roughness. That was ridiculous. Yeah, that's dumb.
And they ended up losing the Jets lost in the end. The bills did win, but the game just sucked. Just like wasn't even fun to watch. They're blowing the whistle every other play. I feel like.
The fact that you have refs and you have like discretion built in to some extent, and I don't think anyone would ever like admit to it, but it's like there's discretion. ah And there's like in all in in football, but in every sport, too, there's like, you know, there's like certain plays you're not allowed to review and stuff. So it's like, oh, that was a call and I can't review it. So it's like that sucks. I feel like if you're a ref and the game kind of sucks and you have discretion, you kind of got to like lay off. I feel like I don't know if that sets like precedent where you'd be like, well, in the other game, you didn't call this kind of thing. But I'd be like, if this game sucks and everyone's like, this sucks.
probably like shit, like unnecessary roughness. It feels very subjective to me where it'd be like, I don't know. Maybe don't call that this time. Yeah. A lot of it was just, I don't know. You're like watching it and they're calling, um, pass interference on one thing and then you see it and it's just like, well, what the fuck is even pass interference? There's neither of these.
You know, if these two things that are like exactly the same are not both being called past interference, like what is past interference? That's fair. That's kind of the opposite of what I was just saying, but it's true. Got to be consistent or not being being consistent and it's being like.
I mean, you have to call holding, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. But then when they're calling things that probably aren't pass interference, pass interference and then. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, that's stupid. If it's on the line, if it's like debatable and this game sucks, then again, I would say like, let it go it go. Right. Keep the game moving. But when it's, you know, something obvious like holding, you have to call, you really can't let that go.
But I don't know. The game just sucked. Long and short, the game sucked. It wasn't. It was not fun to watch. Bum me out. Stayed off until like midnight to watch with the Jets. Fuck the bills. Fuck the NFL, fuck the Dell. He's still the commissioner. Patriots are so bad. I think so.
Yeah, he is.
I bet he's probably not. That seems like it was a while ago.
I don't know. I guess he is. That is, yeah. know Need aid in here for the sports talk. He would have known that right off the top of his head.
Not my, uh, not my strong suit. not your real house Unless it's, uh, unless it's occasionally, I know what's going on with MLS soccer.
They ever say what that dude did. No, God, I want to tell us you miss arena. You must have done something really fucked up, dude. I don't think he did anything. He was touching guys, wieners in the locker room. I don't even because I think most of the players backed him like not enough to like throw their careers away, not enough to be like, well, I'm going to like quit the team because you're firing Bruce Arena.
But enough to be like quiet, right? Um, I think it was just like some political bullshit. Maybe he got too comfortable with the guys and was using racial slurs around them. Like that's probably what I think is like maybe not even a too comfortable thing or I guess a too comfortable thing, but you're like, you have a certain like rapport with the team or whatever and like talk a certain way.
Um, and then maybe somebody new comes in and you're, and you don't, and they just choose to make an issue out of something.
And it's like some of that. And I guess there's like, you could, you could say, depending on what it was, like, if you actually, if we actually found out, it would just, it would definitely be worse. It would just become worse than it actually was.
So you're like, it's almost better that they kept it secret because especially like where we're at as like, uh, I was like a society now where you'd be like, uh, depending on who you are and how like Twitter is feeling that day, if you are, I don't know, like who was that fucking Red Sox player that like called someone a fag or whatever, like a heckler.
And then, like, had to I don't even know what happened. He got suspended. He probably lost endorsements. I don't even know what his deal is now. But it's like on a different day, that shit can just kind of like go unnoticed or just like it doesn't hit anyone's radar and on. And yeah I guess he if he's still I'm assuming he still plays. So he's probably mostly like rebounded from it. um But on a different day, it can be like a career under he just like, you know, if it was like Bruce and he was just like,
yeah I don't know. like Like at halftime, it was just like, we got to win this one and called them all fags or something. And then, uh, someone shake chooses to make an issue out of it and then it's like ends your career. And then that's always a story. Whereas if it's like remains mysterious, it's kind of like, Oh, it could have been politics. It could have been this it could have been that. Who knows?
I just want to do one of those. I know since it's been a long enough and they like they like the league like rescinded his whatever his like disciplinary. Whatever.
Yes, that makes it even worse. Yeah, then you're like, OK, it can't have been actually that bad. Or it was like a James Gunn thing. James Gunn got to make like pedophilia jokes and then he still directs Disney movies.
Just waited long enough and people forgave him. You're good at stuff. If you can make, if you can make guardians of the galaxy movies, like billion dollar movies for Marvel, they'll forgive you. You can, you can make jokes about 13 year old girls. All you want is the, is the lesson. I guess that's the lesson. Hmm.
That's no good. Yeah. Well, that's sometimes the lessons no good. And that's a podcast. That's a Woody Harrelson. No, not the right guy. No, I know who you're talking about. What is that guy's name? What is it? I remember the Allen Woody Allen. that's so Yeah, that's a Woody Allen takeaway. That's right.
Well, good talking. and Yeah. ah Shouts out.
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