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Counterfeit Francs

Dudes "R" Us
94 Plays2 months ago

Introduction and shoutouts

It's Dudes A Russ. Sorry the audio cut on us at the end. We apologize, love you, Merry Christmas. Shout out Hank Chill. Shout out Patrick C. Shout out Fanny Dantom.
Welcome to Dudes A Russ.

George Floyd sightings in Paris

Now let's start the show.
We're just not doing a countdown. You're not going to tell me we're recording now. George flo Floyd is in Paris. No countdown. Still alive in Paris? Is that, is that what's going on?
George Floyd never dies in hiding out in Paris. That makes sense. yeah in Asking for asking for a cheesesteak and ketchup on a baguette in Paris. They do that. Probably have a cool name. Y'all got naked cheeseburger?
I don't know what the French word for steak is. A freak. Steak. Right. Steak fromage. Y'all got bacon cheeseburger.
This French ass bullshit. New Orleans Saints play you. That's actually a pretty good joke.
She's wack as hell. What if you just saw George Floyd, you turn on your, your TV is just these, uh, doing the weather on the news channel for your local Boston news. I'm like not trying to be racist, but I sent some of those memes I made on Twitter to a different group chat and none of them knew who it was. so ah So like, I guess what I'm saying is what I, like I,
Like if you're just walking through the city, you, there's probably some people I could mistake for George Floyd. There's a hundred people.
Absolutely, dude. So if it was like, if it was like, uh, I'm going to know who George Floyd is and let's Fox 25. They're like, and it's an exciting day here at the Fox 25 studio. We'd like to introduce to you our newest weatherman, George Floyd. And then it was George Floyd that I think I would be like, holy shit.
That's like a crazy unfortunate name and resemblance. Wearing a fucking two oversized jacket, two oversized suit jacket, doing the weather great. Dude, that's like a thing that... We gotta bring that back. We gotta bring back NBA players wearing...
gigantic suits that's a good point though it's no white person is going to recognize george floyd in the city literally they could do the same thing and they could be his name's forged loyd and you'd be like oh okay cool you would need to have literally like a two cops on on kneeing on the back of them and they were oh shit it's george floyd let's be george floyd is that tamiya rice it's like when you're trying to think of a word you're like oh who Oh, I know this guy, I know this guy. Oh, oh, Floyd, George Floyd, yep, boom.

Humorous name associations with George Floyd

Michael Floyd, Floyd Mayweather in their head, they're thinking of Black Eyes with the Floyd name, Floyd Mayweather, Harvey Floyd. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, George Floyd, boom. 2020, COVID, that's what all of their progressions go. Coney, 2020, Coney, 2024. Coney.
Masks, Dr. Fauci. Oh, that's that. Oh, okay. O'Reilly auto parts, George Floyd, boom, right in their head. That's the last progression. Yeah. And his wife is sitting next to him on the couch hits him and is like, no, that's, that's Joseph Coney. That's not George Floyd. That's, that's, uh, it's like watching, uh, Russell Wilson scan the pocket on a pass. He's just going through every progression possible and then finally gets it, boom, gets it out.
Mike Tomlin. Nope. George

UFO sightings and parking woes

Floyd. Oh shit. Well, so what's going on, Jerry? Uh, you just picturing drones now going over everything that you have going over the planet fitness. Um, I mean, I don't care. Like um maybe what are the, what are all the possibilities? Like it's aliens. Okay. What are we going to do about that? It's some government shit. That's like bad. What are we going to do about that?
It's some government shit. That's like the theory about like nuclear weapons or whatever. And I'm like, all right, they know what they're doing. Uh, or it's like fucking no other shit. So, uh, it, it's funny. And so yeah, it was, uh, uh, get it. I was at the gym or I was actually parking at the gym.
And because it's, uh, because high school and college are on vacation right now, it's impossible to park anywhere near the gym. So I had to park a Panera. Um, and there's just a guy standing in the parking lot outside his car, doing that thing that people do where they like want someone else to acknowledge that they want to say something without being like, Hey man, that he was walking around, like looking up and like waving his arms around.
Waving his arms around yeah, and he was like am I bugging am I bugging? No, okay. I can take a guess at who this is yeah and i yeah And I'm like oh go like you know plugin man but You're not bugging man, and he's like he's like I saw these ah He's like I saw these He's I've been following these since Mass Ave. So these these bat symbols in the air appear. Which were ah without doxing myself, if he was following them when he was on Mass Ave based on where I live, he had been he had been following it. He had been following it for at least five miles. That's awesome.
Uh, and then got out and then like parked at a Panera to be like to like record it or whatever. Um, and then there was like more people and he was like, that's, that's them. And I mean, I, I live between two airports.
ah Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That tracks, I live near an airport too and people are complaining about them. So I, uh, I mean, I looked up at it and it was clearly a plane, like extremely a plane. He was like, nothing goes that fast. And I was like, that's the plane you know planes go that fast. Um, but I was like, yeah, man, it's crazy. It's some crazy shit going on. You gotta, you gotta protect yourself.
Cause I'm not going to try to explain to him the fucking blue green and red lights are definitely planes. Yep. Uh, yeah, I live, you know, uh, when like playing, when flights from the South have to be in a holding pattern before they can land at Logan, they fly like literally right over where I live. So if it's a busy,
Uh, travel day, you just get a shit ton of planes doing circles, like big circles, obviously, but you just see a line of basically like lines of planes waiting to land. And then I, and then there's a regional airport, uh, you know, uh, like municipal airport where like private jets and, uh, helicopters and stuff fly in and out of like literally two

Drone conspiracy theories

towns over. So there's so a shit ton of air traffic here. All the news helicopters take off and land right here. So.
Uh, it's really funny watching people think that there's a bunch of drones, uh, at least here. I'm not saying they're not real in like New Jersey and shit here. Everything everyone's shown me or pointed out to me has definitely just been a plane or a helicopter. New Jersey got some airports too. But then, yeah, so that guy, and then I was like, that was funny. Um, and then I, then I get in. Nothing goes that fast, man. He was like, nothing goes that, it's going literally, it's going fast in a straight line.
green and red blinking lights, which is like, those are plane lights, all planes forever. Since I, for at least the last 20 years, planes at night blink red and green lights. I think I always have. Be a ah big traveling holiday this month too. Yes. Uh, so yeah, he's like the, nothing goes that fast. And it's literally also, I didn't want to point it out to him, but it's like literally flying in the direction of Logan airport. It's making the plane sound like is that
Is that Northeast? Yes. Um, but then I, then I get inside to scan my thing at the, and the front desk is like, did you see the drones out there? no I was like, yeah, man, that's crazy. I saw them above the stop and shop. What's going on? And they were like, yeah, dude, it's been happening all day. And I was like, that's crazy. Cause two nights ago when I was at whole foods and my friend were saying it was happening. It's like, what's going on? And they're like, yeah, I don't know.
And I was like, well, that's crazy. And then I went to the locker room and then like a minute behind me, some guy walks in and then like shows his friend. He's like, look what I recorded and like shows his friend a video of like drones he recorded outside, I guess. So yeah, the fucking gym was just electric with drone sightings. Guy was fucking like getting everybody on the drone pill.
It could have been that. Yeah, it could have been that one guy. right Well, I don't think the guy that I saw at first was going to the gym. No, he's out there. just He was just like drone hunting. Yeah, he was following him around. um Which like, I don't know. I don't know what to make of it. the the The fake Twitter theory about the fucking, they're like so nuclear radiation sniffing drones.
That's the one that's stuck in my head is like, yes, I bet there is, I bet those exist. Like I bet the government has drones that detect radiation for like obvious reasons. Okay. And yeah if, uh, you had reason to believe like some of all fears type scenario, you had reason to believe that like,
radioactive material was smuggled into the country. Like that would be how you detect it. And that would be the only way I could think of that. You'd have like multiple States, senators, the government everywhere, local police, like everyone playing dumb. Everyone being like, Oh, I don't know. Like, yeah, they're there, but like, don't worry about it.
Um, is if ever, if, ah if like, you know, under the table, it was like, Hey, this is like a really fucked up scenario. And if we tell people like, Hey, somewhere on the Eastern seaboard is like nuclear briefcases, 30 bombs. Like, so, you know, that would obviously cause a whole lot of panic. So I would get why they wouldn't tell us.
Get them blow drones. Get them out. We got to also. um I think you and I were talking about this on PUBG, but I also feel like it could be that thing where there's a you know, there's like an earthquake or something, you know, like like a bad earthquake in Haiti or whatever. And then the news covers every fucking earthquake that happens anywhere for the next like not year, next few months. And you're like, holy shit, there's like You'd believe if you only watch the news, you'd be like, holy shit. Like what's going on? There's like hundreds of earthquakes happening now. Like why is there more earthquakes? And it's like, no, actually you just like.
those, that amount of earthquakes were always happening. They just don't cover them unless like a bunch of people die. And then once they do, then they cover all, like all the other ones where people don't die for awhile. So this is one where I'm like, all right, maybe there was some, something fishy going on in New Jersey for like a day. Oh yeah. And then, and now it's just that thing where everyone's like,
like seeing planes and helicopters and shit and being like, that's a drone and just freaking out about it.

Vietnam War draft lottery discussion

That's uh, that's what it is. The radio, the radioactive stuff I, uh,
They're just searching for their search. That's their plan. They're saying yeah, it feels like I would be What they just fly a helicopter with like a skin like a radar scanner over? Yeah, that felt more probable to me If it was like only like if it happened for like a day or two and then it stopped happening but if you're like Listen, they found fucking Luigi Mangione faster if there's a fucking if there's a nuclear bomb out there and we've spent five days like With our dicks in our hands flying drones around, New Jersey Like I got to believe our government's better than I mean tall order but like you got to believe Either that bomb one is gonna go off already Like you like you smuggle a bomb into the United States. You're not gonna like
play around with it for a few days. Like you, you get to the point, like that's going off in Times Square the, you know, the day after it gets off a boat. Uh, so yeah, it was when I read it at first, I was like, Oh shit, that makes a ton of sense. And then every day since then, ah it's felt less and less like it made sense. Yes. I agree. I think there would just be better ways of dealing with it.
And I think you'd, you'd see some shit. I mean, ah like beyond just drones would be some like other shit.
They're, they're putting out, uh, you know, they, they, they publicized the school shooters still. They're definitely going to be like, Hey, yeah, there's some nuclear radioactive shit that we need you guys to look out for.
Then they'll have all their drone hunters like that dude with the ah Arizona iced tea bottle and Planet Fitness parking lot tracking them, tracking it down. a Oh shit. He's got the gallon jug probably on on the hood of his car. Definitely. Yo, you see this? You see this? I'm not bugging, am I? I'm not bugging, right?
Y'all be y'all be in there fucking what the hell's go y'all be in there lifting shit lifting heavy shit and stuff in there You guys pay to do that. First ever heard about a gym. Y'all like, fuck it. Y'all like banging around tools in there and shit. What the hell's going on? Y'all banging every two y'all. That's hilarious. He said, well, y'all pay for that shit.
yeah I see you guys walk in there. You go beep, beep, beep. Everybody beeping in there. Bang around. Crazy tools. The drones out here, bro. Spinnin' our fuckin' nuts.
Oh, ah Jim, what the hell? Y'all be workin' out and shit, y'all be doin' pushups, huh? Y'all be like this, y'all be doin' pushups like this, bang. Doin' pushups like that. Just doin' a side pushup on his cars, actin' it all out for ya.
Did he go into the Panera bread after I had to walk away from him. He started talking to another guy across the parking lot and I, ah and I sneaked away. Of course he was. That's so funny. No. And he didn't have any AirPods in. Uh, not that I could see. Okay. All right.
Yeah. Fucking wild times. Wild, wild times, bro. You know what, um, you know what I saw a video of today that is a pretty crazy thing is when they were doing, uh, when they were drafting people to the war, they had it on TV and they would do it by like birthday. Oh yeah, dude. It was like the worst fucking lottery. Reverse lottery. Yeah.
I didn't get it. It goes in like, is they keep being like, it's in descending order or something like that. I'm like, what the fuck does that mean? if if if If they pull your birthday, does that mean like you ah you automatically go or is it like whoever's birthday, they get pulled first?
How does that work? Uh, how did the draft work? Yeah. With the TV, like they pulled it. All I just saw was just like, oh shit. there's Yeah. It was like the Hunger Games up here. If they called your, if they, if they listed your birthday, you had to, you had to go to like a recruitment center or whatever, man, you were drafted, but they listed like 3000 birthdays. So is it like, then they're like, it's in ascending order. So is that what I mean? That's like the first half goes. And then, uh, no, that many people got drafted because they will one you, that means like you go and like,
I don't know what they call it. You get like the physical tests and everything. And I don't know what percentage of those people actually end up qualifying, but like call it 25% get some kind of deferment. So they cast a wide net and then they like, you know, but it's like, yeah, it was, it was a lot of people.
Okay. So they would do 366 blue plastic capsules containing birthdays placed in a large glass container and drawn by a hand and earlier drawn date signifying a higher likelihood of being drafted. Damn. That sucks. Yeah. So maybe it was like that with like jury duty, where if you have a low number or whatever, yeah like, uh,
If you're an early number, that probably, mean I mean, that means you're like, they have to fill a quota. Probably when they do that, they have to get like 5,000 people. So the early numbers, it's like, if you are good to go, then you're good to go. If you're like a later number and they already got their 5,000 by the time December 18th, birthdays were roll all around and they're like, nah, you're good. You dodged it this time.
Hell yeah. ah that's interesting I was looking for, I was looking for my birthday on there. I don't think it got called luckily. It's like, thank God, holy shit. It's a rare, that's good when you have a rare birthday. Cause there was, they were hitting like, they're hitting some pretty basic birthday numbers. Oh yeah. ah Let's see if the choosers, the Vietnam war.
Uh, random selection. Oh, I need to see that. I need to get the birthday chart out to see how fucked we were, you know?
Let's see. All right. I think I got, I think I got one here. March zero zero. ah It doesn't make sense. There's like 300 numbers. Oh no. Okay. So one, no, that doesn't make sense. I wonder if they retire your number. No, I've seen, seen those. So my birthday, uh, was chosen in the 1969 draft. And then in 1771, it wasn't.
Was that the bad, that those are the bad ones, right? Yeah. That's the one where it's like fucking half the year, yeah maybe more 1969. Also, if you were, if you were born in December,
Uh, only December didn't get called. So if you were in December, Jesus Christ, i would what is that? 80, 82% chance you got drafted. Damn. They were hosing people's fucking months, huh? I wonder what that was about. I guess I don't know. It was a probability. Heavy draw.
Fuck lottery drawing Vietnam era.
Like that'd be nuts. I've got three older brothers. And these fans are like born between 1944 and 1950. Yeah, which like my oldest brother is seven years older than me. So maybe but you could imagine three of us in that range and being like, I didn't get drafted, but my brother did or I got drafted and they didn't like that. It's crazy.
I'm doing everything possible to not go to, if I get drafted to avoid it. Yeah. If I, yeah, you're too old now. No, I know. Luckily, but I'm saying in that case, if I got drafted anytime, I'd be like, fuck this dude. I'm not doing that. No, I'd go. No way. You would. If I got drafted. Yeah. Fuck that. That's the worst way to do that shit. That's your country needs you.
Yeah. Fuck that dude. I mean, I, I agree, but also like you gotta do, it you gotta to do it. here What am I going to do? like how Like, I'm like sitting on the bench and I know I'm going to go into the game. Cut off my toe. Yeah. I'm going to say I'm gay or trans and not going to go to the fucking floor, dude. So you have a shrimp allergy. I'll say anything. I'll break my homie, uh, got rejected from the air force because he's allergic to shellfish. Why? I don't know.
Like gay to get to gay. Yeah. and yeah yeah ah Yeah. It's not a thing. i He was really because he's from a military family is all of his siblings are enlisted. tom So he obviously wasn't psyched about it.
And, um, I didn't ask like, what's the reasoning there? I guess. Cause like, Hey, if you're at war and the Russians can just throw shrimp at you and you die, that's free.
god yeah Let's see. I need to go. When I was drafted.
Also, the most unlucky numerical day. Was the seventh. Interesting. Lucky seven. If you're born on the seventh of any month, you had a 10. What would 1012 be? Five, six.
Five out of six chance of getting drafted. What is 43 and 114, what does that mean?
What do you mean? Month n sixty nine forty three and and and 71, 27. What does that mean? Oh, the letters. I couldn't figure that out. Maybe it was like the first letter, your last name or some shit. 1970 hundred and twenty. No, that doesn't. The order of selection ah from among men born on the same date would be determined by the order in which their first the first letter of their last name. Were drawn.
What? What does that mean? So I guess if there was. Maybe there was like a sub. Whatever to that, if you were born on.
ah December 18th. And then there wasn't then how they determined who of all the people that show up for December 18th to get drafted is like, OK, if you're. Then they drew letters by.
So like J was number one. So if you were a J last name, if you were like a Johnson, Johnson's went first V last names. If you were a Van Winkle, Van Winkle's went last. They really figured this out. They really put some thought into how to make sure people die and die in the fucking jungle.
They didn't fucking just, they weren't able to just make chat GPD do like a random number generator. I guess people didn't have socials back then, right? Obviously. No, they did, right? Didn't they have socials? No. How wouldn't they just go with socials and just do the fucking Vivec Ramaswami system? They should have just got, just went to Mexico and just got all the Mexicans to go for them to war.
um like Subcontracted out like we do now with stuff. ah Maybe not in Vietnam times, but if, I mean, we can't, we don't know if we still do, but we did that during one of the world. They just killed a bunch of Canadians when they sent them somewhere. Well, yeah, that was different. We did that during the war on terror. If you were like, uh,
um applying for citizenship and you basically wanted like expedited because it takes like 12 years to fully become a citizen legally if you were in the waiting line and you were like hey i'll go fight for america in afghanistan then they would make you a citizen when you got back oh shit okay so you i mean it's not a bad idea if we ever like fingers crossed. We don't ever get into a war like that anymore. Like hopefully you don't have to like technology and civilization and stuff is at a level where sending hundreds of thousands of people across the ocean to die is kind of doesn't make sense anymore. But if you did, all those migrants pulling across the border, be terrifying. Yeah. You just get,
that the caravan, but you, you plonk it in Russia or whatever. Shop by a bulky Mexican dude. Just says, yeah, dude, like shit house. They don't give a fuck.
And then they come back and they're like heroes. So it's not like it is now when even you go through all the like work of, uh, Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
and you're like holy shit those mexicans rule
so it sure
Yeah, that sounds right. I don't actually know, but yeah. So what? I know. December. Damn.
Damn, that sucks, dude. I don't know. I guess ah which one was the bad Vietnam? What did we say, the 1971? The 19. Well, I don't know when the war got bad, but the 1969 draw was half the year.
Well, everybody died. ah No, they just drew. I mean, I think they had to like build an army for an invasion. So that was when they needed the most people. 43 Jesus Christ. None of this makes sense to me.
And then we fucking lost hochi men fucking spanked us.
Damn. December. Most popular. That's fuck dude. That's not fair. Yeah. What do you think that's about? It's just bullshit drones. drones probably drones probably drones being making Yeah, ideally the wars of the future will just be fought with drones. Hell like i'll i'll I'll get drafted and remote pilot a drone and if my drone explodes then it's like I'm quote unquote dead. That's fine. That's totally fine.
You burning any incense right now? Fuck you. said It's an honest question. I hear you clicking around a knife, so you're definitely not. Yeah, I was, uh, I put it down. I realized I was doing it, but yeah, I got a, I got a custom bench made fucking nice knife. Any yeah what it's called further discussion about you burning stuff in the house? No, of course not.
Not allowed. I like I said last time, I guarantee you smelled the smoke and thought the house was on fire or something. Rightfully. So you fucking. He's a nervous boy. His mom's apartment caught fire recently.
Good. No, it's not nice. um But no, it never came up again. Did I bring up, uh, how, how crazy of a black guy named LL Bean's full name is? Leon Leonworth Bean. Yeah. You knew that off the top of your head. Of course I did. That's nuts. Everyone in New England knows Leon Leonworth Bean. That dude's got two Leon's in his name. That's insane. Insane. Leon Leonwood, even blacker. Nuts dude. Bean. That's a black class name. They need to bring more beans into the world.
I guess it's probably still family owned, right? Probably the Bean family still owns it. Jamar Jamar Bean. Yeah, literally. like he could be mother's worth being He could be playing for the NFL right now and it would surprise no one. You know, there's a guy in the NFL named Kool-Aid McInistery.
That's like a idiocracy name. Look it up, dude. It's crazy. I have them on my Madden team and I was like, whoa, what the, I fucking forgot this guy was a real, real life human being. Oh, cool. I had McInnistry. He seems pretty cool. How funny is that bro?
Just bringing it upon themselves.
Uh, listen, um there's worse things to be. Honestly, I would take being named Kool-Aid over like this in Vietnam. Well, sure. ah ah But there's this trend of naming right now. Well, it's not new. It's probably been going on for a while, but it hasn't ended yet. And it's like spelling.
Your your kid's name. I'm trying to have to write it out.
It'd be like, oh, my name, my kid's name is fucking. Rebecca, but they would spell it like R Y B Y K.
E-I-G-H-A. Yep. Like they just, way too many Y's where they don't go and like, just a very dumb way of spelling a name. That shit's been going on for a minute and stop doing it.

Modern naming conventions humor

Fellas, if your wife is like, I want to name our daughter Kinsley with an E I G H in it. Oh yeah. They spell it like a fucking like stockba Xbox gamer tag. And like, it's already taken on your first ones. Yeah. Stop that. Like there is, ah there's a correct way you spell fucking, I don't know.
Kimberly one way that you get one way. Yes Just saying Uh, but so so so given the option between being named like Uh, grit Grayson spelled like G R E Y S Y N or Kool-Aid. I think I choose Kool-Aid. Definitely. Next. I don't like the, the, uh, Houston Texans in the next seven years. There's going to be like a defensive end named like big cheesy grits.
Oh man. she like that it's come Big cheesy grits would get a Heisman trophy. Big cheesy grits. Big. That's hilarious. Big pair of pants. Defensive in Utah state. Oh man. That is pretty funny.

Costco and Amazon merger rumors

Man. Oh man.
What else is going on? You know, they're, um, there's a rumor out there that they're going to close all the Costco's and that they're forming a partnership with Amazon. Um, that doesn't make sense. It's merger of two public companies in the United States.
That who knows. I don't think that they would let that happen. If they didn't let jet blue and spirit airlines merge and then spirit airlines just straight up went out of business. Are they gone? Are they, there's no more spirit and they're not gone yet, but they're gone. God, imagine it already being as bad as spirit was. And then now they're bankrupt and people are still flying on that. It's actually insane that you would ever trust your life to spirit airlines. God damn. Um,
Well, what you call it? Oh, if they didn't let that happen, it's hard to imagine letting Costco and Amazon merge. But even if they did, why would you close Costco's? You ever been to a Costco when ah at any time of the day where it's not busy? Boom. You tell me, brother. That's what I'm saying. So at the very least, if they would be if that's time to go.
a weekday, like before lunch. But it doesn't, it I mean, obviously going on a weekend is ah is a disaster. Don't go on a Saturday or Sunday if you can avoid it. And then going after work is also the wrong move. ah But like it doesn't, I feel like because of work from home and stuff, it still kind of sucks.
I mean, it's definitely like if you go on a Tuesday at noon, like it's fine. It's not like you're like fighting for a space, but there's never a time where you're there and you're like, Oh, cool. I'm just like chill in here. There's always like slightly too many people there. and Okay. But it's all right. Is that true? Or did you just make that up? I just totally made that up. I figured.
Yeah, right. You bought right into it, you sucker. You're like, no, no. It'd be fine. You'd be able to do that. It'd be like having when you have a Whole Foods near you and you can just do your Amazon returns at Whole Foods. Amazon returns at fucking Kohl's, dude. Yeah, you can go to Kohl's too. You can go anywhere. They do it anywhere.
They do like literally. They do it at Kohl's Staples. every Anywhere, dude. Was what I said wrong? That's how old you are, you're returning stuff to Amazon. No, I'm just saying you can. Yeah, right. Sometimes it's fucking annoying, dude. Sometimes you get something, I'm like, I gotta package this up again. No, you just bring it to them, you're like, hey, I need to return this, they just don't even care.
That's literally what I'm saying, is you go to Whole Foods with the thing, because you're going to shop for grocers anyway and you're like, yeah I don't want this. And then they fucking take it and they deal with it. Hey, give us that that. We need to put that back on the shelf. Give us this. Give us that stuff. Then what do they do with it after? I don't even fucking care. They probably have sex with it.
oh man dude let's just people just let's just start having sex with dishwashers everybody let's just get it get it going cut to cut to

Exploring unusual subreddits

the chase cut to this we've all been a we've all been dancing around this for a while yeah just fuck your dishwasher and get over get the tension out of the fucking way
You know what I mean? There's the enzymes in the dishwasher and fucking, just fuck it. yeah Go on, go on. That's good for you actually. The enzymes that you get from fucking your dishwasher are good for you.
um Yeah, so Reddit's pretty still gay. like I like ah what do i like ah i so thought I saw funny ah a funny post and it was like a pallet of sardines for like $14. Then it's like, what can I do with this? And I was like, wow, that's hilarious that someone would post this. like as a bit. And then I looked at it was r slash sardines. I was like, come on. I mean, come on. There's a subreddit for this shit. I'm still, I know I'm still two years or three years into the Reddit game, but it still blows my mind. The randomest things every now and then you'll like maybe not so much.
I'm trying to think, maybe not so much a hobby, I feel like every hobby, but sometimes you'll be like, oh, this probably has a subreddit and then you like won't really find one or you'll find one that's got like 14 people and and like no one posts in it. and So that happens every now and then, but more often than not, well, that experience of like, oh, it would be great if there was a functioning subreddit for this topic that I'm interested in and there's not, but then there'll be like a dedicated community of like 80,000 people who collect the fucking plastic tabs off of bread. Yes, dude. And they're like, and they're like, holy shit, I found this extremely rare red like.
two pronged misprint bread tab and people are like, holy shit, like get that shit insured. That's amazing. I can't believe you and so's like it's fake. You fucking cut the notch in it. You fucking piece of shit. That's fake. And there's like, they have like, they all know they're, they're just like, they know all the bread tabs and you're like, what is this? Dude, that's 600 bucks. Enjoy retirement, bro.
Um, get that bread tab graded. Yeah. Or they'll be just communities that are dedicated to like, uh, like taking a picture of like a potato in a weird place. And it'll just be like on R slash unexpected potato. It'll be like and me at the, me at the sauna and then they'll just be a potato in the sauna and you'll be like, Oh, fuck.
yeah yeah
it's ah The first one's always like, take my upvote, then it has a million upvotes on us. I've read it like that. Yep. Well done. Well done, sir. yeah Well

Critiquing relationship advice on Reddit

done. You win the internet today.
Oh man. Our lives have become so gay. I'll see, I'll see myself out. Oh God. Yeah. I mean, I'm into those, uh, those deep, deep Reddit ones as, as people like, did my contract to do a bad job and it's like too, too insanely close, like small.
like millimeter chips and like a full like 20 by fucking 10 deck that they put in for this person. Oh, I definitely feel like, should I assume my contractor? Yeah, dude. Any, there's like every version of that, like people who, that I'm just like, the internet made, actually, do you know what the worst ones are? Any kind of like relationship advice subreddit?
There's one that's, uh, Oh yeah. Am I overreacting? Am I overreacting? And it's just, it's a cesspool of like, i love it of like, uh, like particularly women who just have had way too much therapy and it'll be like the a screenshot of like a text argument between a couple and it'd be like, am I overreacting? Like,
this fight I got in with my boyfriend and it'll be some fucking crazy shit where it she'll be like, why were you out with your friends? And it'd be like, Oh, sorry. I told you I was going to go out with my friends and he was like, why aren't you home right now? And then all the, all the people in the comments are like, not overreacting. No, no one who claims to love you should speak to you like this. And it's just like a million people like reinforcing your worst instincts. Oh my God.
It is so that, or it's fucking, or it's like, am I overreacting? Like I asked, I asked my boyfriend, like what's going on with this? And and we're still, we're still trying to figure it out. And it's like a screenshot of her boyfriend's being like, yeah, yeah, I want to fuck you. Tits, what's up? where today she's like I think, I think he might be cheating on me, not overreacting. You need to cut him loose and sue his ass.
Yeah, David. The OP response. like We're talking it through. I think I misunderstood everything of what this is.
Is he cheating? And it says like all of those things. Yo, I'm outside your house. Oh, that was so crazy last night. Wow. Yo, I'm outside your house. I'm outside your house. It's like, is he cheating? like yeah Yes. Definitely.
You had the the time to post this on this fucking one. Oh my God. And it's like, uh, maybe it's a different one that I've, um, I keep seeing. Is it maybe it's on that one, but it's like update landlord has not, we have not had running water in the house. We're going on day eight. I'm like, do something about this. This is an insane problem. Oh yeah. we There is that one are such bad roommates is pretty is it is that what it's called? I don't think I actually follow it. I think it's bad roommates, but it's like similar level of like like what do I do? And it's like. My roommate left.
ah My roommate left without telling me and it's been gone for like two weeks and they have two cats and the cats are just shitting everywhere and eating and like, and also their room is like full of like half eaten food and shit. Like what do I do? And you're like, yeah, dude, this is a problem that like, this got way out of hand before. Like what are you doing on Reddit right now?
Oh, here's a good one. It's like this. Just this person. Am I overreacting? It's like, why did you add this person on Facebook? This is so funny. Oh my God. I think it's inappropriate to add girls on social media. I think it's inappropriate to add girls in this poor guy's like, Jesus Christ. All right. Everybody's like, no.
Not not in the not not overreacting totally right leave this man Yes. Oh my god, please do please one of you leave I Just found out that my boyfriend didn't delete every picture of his ex-girlfriend from five years ago I was going through his phone and found the pictures and I And it's like, am I overreacting? And they're like, no, he should have deleted all those pictures. He should have broke his fucking phone and moved to another state, not not overreacting. he He said that it was just because the cloud keeps them forever and he doesn't even know how to get into his his Apple account to delete them because they're in the cloud now. But like, that's some bullshit, right?
be so funny as the guy from tonight. If it's a R slash, am I overreacting following two drones eight mile eight? I just, just was outside playing a fitness. Am I overreacting?
Not overreacting.