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Hello Bossman

Dudes "R" Us
149 Plays8 months ago

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Introduction and Humorous Banter

Welcome to Dudes R Us.
Now let's start the show.
I was broke, poppin' for the lit Lime on the bricks, gettin' paid Like no other dog, lime stackin' chips on the road
All about my giddy green, hell with some time. There's some crimes that was petty, see I'm still gettin' mine. All this hatred, I'm hearin' though. You, I ain't fearin', better try to be goin' old man.

Wedding Fashion and Anecdotes

ah thank kid Yeah, I never so I never would call you a gay piece of shit Jared It's fine. Yeah me either. I would never do that to you Now you sound super milky, dude. Yeah, there we go You might need to turn your game a touchdown now
Looking like Freddie Mercury over there. Damn. What the fuck? What the hell? What the fuck's wrong with you, man? Colin, put that colony away. It's mean juice right there. yeah ah That's a compliment, dude. You've got to fucking touch all your stuff in there tomorrow. Thanks, Slade.
That guy's so much of killing him. Dude. Paul, you've like after the more the more I yeah watch it and then what I went from the picture you sent from the wedding that you're at this weekend, you you and Chase from main cabin masters are like the same exact person. Yeah, you like that? But the Crocs on for the wedding. Yeah, he only wears Crocs too. I need to send a picture to to Jeffrey, I mean Jared. And maybe Jeffrey too. I had ah regular like loafers on then my feet. you know I needed to take them off, put on some crocs, let the dogs bark.

Sound Level Mishaps and Fashion Jokes

I'm actually I'm a supporter of the yeah the like reception change. OK. When you can dress down a little bit after the ceremony. I think that's a that's always welcome when when that kind of thing happens. So your levels are skyrocketing still. god damn it Pops, does he sound hot in your mic too? That sounds a little loud, but it's not terrible. Your levels are like moving it away from me. I can't turn the game down any more than it already is. You can't turn the gate out.
of shit
Oh, man. think thank Dink to that.
like more It's a Modelo tank top. Got to represent. It's all good, dude. No, OK. You just clicked that link. Doesn't Paul look like ah Chase from main cabin masters? Oh, yeah. A couple of Andy Rock's crocs all the time. Couple of vaguely insane looking mountain people. He's like, I got a live edge 20 by 40 in my backyard. I'll pull out. I've, uh, I've even got like the little croc gibbets, giblets, whatever they're called. I noticed that in the picture. I was like, okay. Yeah. Those are fucking taking it to another level. Yeah. Just the all blacks too. Just the air one Crocs. Yep. Respect that dude.
I respect the hustle.
That's why I'm in the water at work mostly. I don't really wear, it well, I mean, I wear them to the grocery store and shit after work, but I don't really wear them out and about. I got my new balances for that.

Wedding Recap and Amusing Encounters

How was the, uh, recap of the wedding in total? That was fun. It's not bad. Yeah. i What was the main course for dinner? The buffet style. So they had um nice some cheesy pasta, kind of like a baked ZD type deal with no meat in it. And then they had like a scalloped potato, but it also was had mashed potatoes in it. It's kind of a weird thing, but it was really good. And then chicken and steak. And then they also had some veggies, but the steak was, the steak was wack. It was bad. Should've got the chicken.
there You should never have to say that. I know. far job right It's usually always steak over chicken at that time. 10 times out of 10. That's crazy. Open bar though. The open bar is crucial. If you're therere ah planning a wedding, ah bars crucial like on anything else.
Don't have chairs before you before you don't have an open bar. Truth. Was there any Indian guys there?
Nope. Yeah. Nope. That's a way better wedding. The only thing that felt pretty weird is one of the servers introduced himself to me and told me he'd be there all night. Are you Paul from Dudes R Us? Yeah.
he was He was like an older black guy wearing a fedora. And I was like, hey, can I get one of those hors d'oeuvres you got? And he's like, of course, my friend. Then he then he shook my hand and I'll be here all night. I'll be in the bathroom for the next 15 minutes. No way, dude. He was scheming on all the older women. seeing Got your dancing shoes on, boy. I like that. but so
Oh my God, it's Paul from Dudes R Us. Can you say gay real quick to me?

Wedding Aftermath and Soccer Game Chaos

It was a good time though, we had fun. Did you wake up the next morning and go, what happened last night? who No, no, that was a that was actually a soccer game. Yeah, that was after Jared's birthday. I actually genuinely don't remember getting to your house. Yeah, me either. I woke up on the couch. Woke up on drive and driving. Woke up mid drive. No, I was just a passenger. Who drove? Jared, you drove? No, our friend Matt, who drank the least amount of tequila, draft drove. Nice. where you guys And then you woke up and you're like, whoa, we need we need McDonald's this morning. Well, I mean, I feel bad because, you know, ideally, Pops would have been there, but we dropped Paul off, then went back to my apartment and then drank a third bottle of tequila.
Just you and Matt and ah two other people, the other people we were in. Oh, yeah. We also drank all those beers, dude. It was pretty shitty. Would you guys just fucking dance around? On the third bottle, you're just fucking swaying. So there was a I mean, I think it started in the it started in the parking lot after the game, but Where where I remember everyone being like, OK, we got to go is we just got really like everyone was just punching each other. Yeah, I was going to actually make a joke about that. But you guys actually happened.
um Yeah, somewhere in bottle three, we just kept like a slug in each

True Crime and TV Critique

other. And I was like, all right. I think maybe somebody fell and like I don't know, it was just like we're very, very close to somebody just getting hurt. What was Matt doing in all of this? Dude, Matt's great. Matt was like punching the hardest. Probably, yeah. He's in the fucking car. Get in the fucking car. We're not going to McDonald's.
you was He was fucking, he was moshing hard at the ah Hope conspiracy show on Saturday.
Dude, I watched this. ah You guys should watch that on Netflix, how to rob a bank on on the plane. It was really good. It's a Seattle hippie dude that just fucking. Robs like 2.3 million dollars over five years from mad banks over and over and over. What are you said from a plane? No, no, I was on the plane. I i watched it. Oh, I thought it was gonna be like about DB Cooper. That would have been cool. No, he was just just put on prosthetic like chin and nose makeup and then just robbed a ton of fucking banks and he would just rob like the same bank like three times in like a year, which is pretty fucking hilarious.
And then he would just go on another one, but he got greedy at the end and he got shot by a cop. Well, it's really similar to the boss. Are you describing a place beyond the pines? It was yearly. Well, I think that's maybe where they got their inspiration from because his last one, he was like, I'm going to rob three in the same day and be done. I'm going to rob one and then go to the other and then brought the third one on the way and then fucking get out of there. And yeah, so maybe that's pretty where they got their inspiration from and then got shot by a cop spoiler alert. Oh, he shot himself. He actually got away. He got into, he pulled, they had a tracking pack in one of them. He threw one of them out and then couldn't find the other cause it was such a mess of cash.
and there was him and two other guys in a van then they got into a shootout with the cops and he pulled out a shotgun got out of the van left the other two guys one guy got shot or both of them got shot through the doors of the van the main guy who was robbing all the banks ran away got away until like the next morning and uh same with the boston marathon They called, somebody called and was like, there's like a dude in the my camper out back. And then when the FBI agents walked up to the camper, he just put one right in his fucking brain. That's what the Boston Marathon bomber should have done.
But it's great. He ended up with- What was it called again? How to Rob a Bank on Netflix. How to Rob a Bank on Netflix, sorry. Yeah, he lived in a fucking, he built like a fucking three-story tree fort. that had like plumbing and electric in it. And he would just party there and just take a bunch of drugs. And then he was making, ah he was one one course away from getting his pre-med or something in like, a I don't know what it was, something of not pharmaceuticals, but something that he you would make pharmaceuticals with. that sure And then he just made, before he rest started robbing banks, he was just making like pure meth.
and selling it to the Hells Angels. Fuck yeah. And then that guy, his guy that was the inner between him and the Hells and Angels got killed. So then he was like, fuck it. I'm gonna start robbing banks. Well, his fucking tree house was like 75 feet in the fucking in the air in Olympia, Washington. Olympia. So fucking good. I'm always like, why don't these, why did these guys get so greedy? Why don't you just get like 200K in cash? And you're like, you know what? I'm good. Or you get even 500 or a million. And you're like, you know what? I'm good. And his last one, that one he got killed with, he took a million from the vault. And Yeah. He was like, oh, I'm going to do
three to get two million but then he was like **** it. I can't do three. I'm just going to do one and get 1.3. Yeah. Pretty **** wild. I guess they maybe they got part. The only that ending is similar to the place beyond the pines. Um but yeah, that guy was **** nuts. I totally did a ton of drugs obviously too but uh like uh in seattle in the ninety yeah Yeah. Or in the eighties. It was in the eighties maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Gray fucking Netflix, uh, rare that they're dropping something good like that recently. I feel like yeah dude I was actually thinking about that last night. I was like, uh, I mean, I'm not going to cancel it, but I was like, there's,
Like I'm not going to cancel because eventual because I want to watch reruns of I think you should leave. Yeah. ah But I was like, damn, like they don't have a lot of good stuff on Netflix anymore. Yeah, it sucks.
um Not that good anymore. people Random people are getting specials. Shitty people are getting specials all the time on there. Yeah. Talking to you, that British guy. Who the fuck is that?
You know who I'm talking about. I don't even watch him. I don't even know if I can. That guy Jimmy Jimmy Carr. Jimmy Carr. OK, yeah, hell yeah. He had a special recently.
kind of You look like Jimmy Carr. Okay.
I'd take Freddie Mercury over Jimmy Carr. Neither of them have have a beard. and I don't know. I didn't know Jimmy Carr looked like a fucking toothpaste doll basically or something. It looks crazy as hell.
Wow, he had a secret son. That's crazy. Yeah, this guy's kind of fucked up, huh? He had a secret son. Yeah, I don't know. He just does like British comedy. So he does like, you know, he's like, Oh, maybe not. I don't know. Isn't it weird?
Aren't, aren't Africans the worst?
They have true Africans there. Dude, it's actually crazy.

Immigration Policies in the UK and Europe

ah Right now, Britain or the UK pays like. $30,000 a head, it might even be more than that. I might be an order of magnitude off. It might, three million a head just sounds 300,000, whatever it is. They pay a a shit ton of money, at least 30,000, and it might be like a lot more than that to when like, when like ah you know, illegal immigrants or whatever you want to call them, refugees get there, they just fly them to Rwanda.
Where the fuck is that? It's in Africa. They just fly him back? No, because they're not from Rwanda. They'll take like, you know, like Syrian refugees get there or like whatever people from I don't know who is making it to Britain, but you are like, you know, similar shit that we're dealing with at the southern border, but they'll just put them all on a plane. They have a deal with like the government of Rwanda where they're like, will only they they give Rwanda like, you know, like humanitarian relief. And they're basically like, we'll stop sending humanitarian relief if you don't continue to take these refugees. So it's people who like, you know, came from wherever they came from, the Middle East or or like the Balkans or something, you know, because shit's fucked up there and they want to they want an opportunity in the UK.
And they send them to Rwanda because we're like, that's far enough away where like you're not going to come back.
It's great. It's it's crazy how like how much more I don't know, like like old school racist Europe is. And they just they're they they don't even try to hide it. Yeah. They don't try to hide it at all. That is for sure. That's pretty fucked up. That's just like, that's like if you just shipped a buzz to a different fucking country, basically then. Yeah. Yeah. The three of us are hard working hard at the border, by the way, for all the listeners.

Snacking and Podcasting Insights

on We podcast in the, in the night after our long shift of just pushing them slowly back to the other side with our cars.
yeah I'm just on the reverse camera.
Blocking them as they come in. Like you're trying to double park to save a parking spot. You're just blocking people crossing the border in. They just got to go eight poles down.
I will say, dude, these mini starburst slap are much harder than the regular starburst. I mean, it's really nice to not have to unwrap everything. Oh, yeah. Like just the fact that you've got a whole bag of those and you can just kind of eat them like popcorn and there's not a like an intermission between each one that you have to unwrap something is is pretty sweet. They're very good. Keeping me going right now. Keeping the keeping my my pot hopes alive.
Can you give a recap of the latest on the Karen Reed trial from that video clip you posted on the Reddit?

Karen Reed Trial Deep Dive

Um, R slash dudes are as R slash dudes are us. Uh, I can give like, I can give a recap of that. Cause I only watched that. I mean, I guess I was yesterday, right? What day was that yesterday? Yeah. Yeah. I put the, I put the live stream on. Um, for like a couple hours in the middle of the workday and was listening to it. And that's what I think probably other stuff happened. But yeah, they pulled out or they had.
They had. but but but but They had this guy, Michael Proctor on the stand. He is a police officer. I'm assuming a Canton police officer because he was ah he was the lead now. Yeah, he was he's a Canton police officer and he was in charge of the investigation into ah the murder of John O'Keefe. So he's the one at the department who was in charge of the investigation, you know, all the evidence and shit. So like, you know,
Probably fine to say that, like, in a case where a cop is investigating the murder of a cop, can you be 100% objective and unbiased as a cop? Like, probably not, but, like, that's reality. But basically that whole thing that the video is, like, that was, that was clips from, like, two, not two hours, over an hour of testimony. And I just, like, you know, they just pulled the good parts. The good part's off, but they basically subpoenaed his his cell phone records and- Didn't go too well. Didn't go well. they they had They forced him, not forced him. He was on the stand. They made him basically read his text messages with you know with the homies ah talking about the trial.
um And obviously some of the homies are cops who are either Boston police or Canton police, like either part of the investigation or tangent to the investigation. But yeah, so they I mean, yeah it's a right from the from the defense perspective, this is just like not character assassination, but you're like, we just want to make this guy look like an asshole. So the jury doesn't, you know, doesn't believe anything he says. um Oh, yeah. But yeah, they make this guy read off just being like, yeah, she's a cunt. She's a you know, she's ah she. What do you say? She's got a leaky asshole. Oh, God.
it so like just mean shit. Um, and Connor, Connor, like a psycho and, uh, I dunno, like piece of trash, just like talking shit about her, talking shit about her to other cops and the force, um, other people in the investigation and I think they called her a retard or retarded. Oh, yeah. And then he tried to spell con. He was like C-U c u-N-T. What did you say? He's like, God, said she was hot, but had no ass and a weird fall river accent, which is just fucking hilarious. That's um that's crazy. I mean, I mean, you know, like, you know,
Not what I feel like, you know, certainly in the Northeast, like cops having that kind of conversation is probably happening. But like, dude, to I mean, I guess it's, you know, if if we ever had to other than this podcast, if we ever had to like read our. Oh, my God. You know, our group chat in court and be like. Yeah, Your Honor, i I don't actually find. Yeah, I don't find 9-11 funny. I don't i said that I am aware five thousand people died that day. Yeah. Yeah. This is you talking about how you wish that Indian guy bus with five thousand Indian guys would blow up. Oh, yeah, I didn't think that was funny. It was a it was a really stressful day at work and I just like wasn't thinking when I sent that. um Just looked out my window and was like, you know what? Chinese people are pretty funny. I'm going to call them gay.
ah So anyway, that happened and then it ended with
or that clip anyway ends with him basically talking shit about the about Karen Reed's counsel basically being like, I fucking hate these people. Like in texts being like, I hate these people. They're scumbags, like that kind of shit. And and so to have like hit the lawyers basically being like, who are you referring to in those texts, these people? And he's like, uh, you guys, you.
Um, not a great, not a great show for him. And especially, you know, again, like all the defense has to do in this is introduce doubt is just convince the jury that, that there's enough fishiness. There's enough bias. There's enough and unanswered questions that you can't send a woman to jail. And so to be like, hey, the lead investigator the entire time had already made up his mind that Karen Reed was guilty and was, you know, basically tainting the entire police force. Um, wouldn't, I'm sure, you know, wouldn't have considered any other possibility because he had already decided she was guilty. Well, that's what he texted his wife. She called her a whack job, right? Yeah.
uh so i think even i mean if if the eddie searched her phone looking for nudes that's fucking weird right just like bad stuff to his sergeant to his sergeant or something he was like no nudes yet and then on the stand they asked him about it and he was like yeah i don't know what that really means not what i not what i was looking for though almost uh similar not the same but similar thing happened in the young thug trial you see them His lawyer, his defense lawyer just got put in contempt of court and he has to do 20 days in jail that he's going to serve every weekend for the next 10 weeks. Yeah. Why did he get contempt? Because he wouldn't say how he knew about a private conversation that the judge was having. Oh, Jesus Christ. But the judge was having a conversation where they're basically like trying to, um,
Fuck, I have to actually look it up again. But I think the gist of it was that they were trying to get somebody to say something. They essentially were doing something illegal and the defense heard about it, that he like, they weren't present for the conversation, right? And he brought it up and then the judge was like, who told you that? Oh my God. They want to put Thugger in for Rico, dude. Rico. Yeah, he's fucked. This help fucking ah fox that can police officer guy though. I hope he's embarrassed because his wife definitely now knows about this. Obviously. Yeah. um He's like a professional, probably a dad and he's like older and he's like saying all this shit like he's a fucking college kid. Yeah, he's probably fine.
But, uh, but yeah, I mean, it does suck because you just had to. And the other thing he. The ah the other thing people were saying about him in that, you know, questioning or whatever is like he was still kind of being an asshole. Like you could. You could in that scenario where you're reading off like shitty things you said. Be remorseful.
Yeah, but even like ah like where that clip on the on the Reddit subreddit on the subreddit ends is them being like. You know, making him read a part where he's like, I fucking hate those people, those people are scumbags or whatever talking about her defense team. And then I think the I think the guy, the lawyer asks him, like, what do you think now? Or like, do you stand by that? And he said something about like, yeah, I don't, you know, not too fond of that guy still. Or like, I'd say it again, kind of thing where you're just like, come on, dude. Like, you're not going to come out of this clean, but like you could.
get some sympathy and you're just choosing. to I mean, it's very against like very south shore to just be like, I look like a complete scumbag right now. And the only way out of it in your mind is to just double down on being a scumbag is to just be like lean into it. Yeah. It's just be like, I'm just ah I am whatever piece of shit you thought I was. You don't even know how much of a piece of shit I actually am. So
How much how many more fucking witnesses are they going to call? I don't know. There's probably a list we could look up, like this sounds like 140 or 150 witnesses, like a retarded number. She's definitely going to get a mistrial or acquitted. Yeah, I think I mean, either way, if it's a mistrial, I don't think the. Uh, DA ops to retry. Like, I think they just say like, this is too messy. This is too fucked. And if she's acquitted, obviously, then she's acquitted. So I think either way. Yeah. She's definitely going to get acquitted. I think there's no way you re you fucking can convict her of any of that shit at this point. I mean, that's what I mean. It's like a show. If the testimony two weeks ago from like the friend who was Googling, how do you, how long does it take somebody to, how long to freeze to death?
ah Wasn't bad enough. Then this guy just being a complete piece, the lead investigator being just a total fucking piece of shit. Of that thing, I think I said I don't have a whole lot of information about it, but there was a video they. There was a video that the prosecution had entered into evidence of. Uh, when they were, when they brought her car in to like the police station to be whatever tested, looked at, whatever. And it's like video of the car being driven into the Sally port or whatever they call those things. And.
They like somebody who did video forensics on it after the fact, realize that they reversed the footage so that it obscured like something. I don't really understand. They like just basically just doctored the footage before they submitted it into evidence and like you can't do that. So you've got sketchy friend.
who ghouls, how long does it take somebody to die in the cold that, you know, the night somebody's dying in the cold in her front yard, you've got the lead investigator who's like clearly an extremely biased piece of shit. And then you've got a police department that tampered with evidence. And that's like, They're not even right. If there's hundreds of witness or over, you know, 100 witnesses, they could be calling. This is the this isn't even the first quarter of those. So, yeah, I mean. She didn't do it. She's innocent. She maybe she did, but she's still innocent. yeah She backed into a fucking poll. Maybe she looks pretty. She looks pretty.
looks So she feels pretty good when they when the camera show like oh, yeah goes to her for her reactions in court She's she doesn't look like she thinks she's going to jail. She makes a lot of faces at these guys, right? When yeah the guy with the guy the double down guy You see her just being like Are you serious? Yeah, that's pretty fucking terrifying. If she, I mean, if she hasn't planned on it already, she's definitely going to move somewhere out of the state, I would assume. Yeah, that'd be smart. I mean, probably after she wins a giant lawsuit against the fucking police. Well, we can all agree the turtle boy is a piece of shit. Who's that guy? Is that the guy that's exposing her text messages or something? Remember the, remember that fucking, um,
I guess I won't flame the guy publicly, but remember that reporter who used to run like smear ads on our old yeah business that we all, he's the same as a similar guy. He's just like shit start. And he has his own podcast and shit where he just like, but I don't know, talk shit basically. And I'm actually think he got arrested for, um, uh, no, what's, what's it called? Um, where you try to scare a witness. Witness intimidation. Yeah, it's pretty.
Oh yeah. Yeah. In October 2023, Aidan Kearney was arrested and charged with witness intimidation in the Karen Reed case. Yep. So he did the turd. He has like a fake barstool sports website. but he's, you know, just a turd. So is he, so is he, he means he's part of the free care and read camp. ah So why is he being a, why is he snitching? Yeah. that You don't even need it. Like nobody even needs your help, dude. I don't know how much do you think her legal fucking bills are.
does she have at least like a fucking Goldstein or somebody on there on her fucking at least of one probably ah bur some type of Berg I'm curious she has to or that fucking lady that um that has a spiky blonde hair that got Jack Jones out of that god two guns at Logan Airport case last week. Gloria. Gloria Allred. Yeah, because I remember if you'd ever, if it doesn't follow Bean Shooter on Instagram, guys from Lowell Massie's like a just a complete Boston Lowell guy. And I remember I sent him a picture and he was like, Oh, yeah, dude, Gloria's a beast, bro.
So she is an animal probably. She has a Guy Fieri spiked haircut and she's just the most Boston based person possible. Yeah. She's, uh, she's famous for that. Um, there's probably, you know, there's the main, there's the main lawyers that appear in trial. And then there's all the, you know, the lawyers working on the background, Alan Jackson, No, I don't like that. And ah David Yannetti.
o There's no like wicks wicks or something. I really, yeah, I sort of figured there, there'd have been a, a leave of it's or, uh, some type of wits or licks or something. Um, but that's what I mean is you could be, um, you know you could be they could be on the team doing the the legal investigation and stuff still and okay all right i'll take that some type of stein or something um we've made the point yeah ah or sometimes they just have like yeah just like something like i don't know yeah you gotta go with those guys
the tribe. I don't think there's like Asian lawyers really, right? Um, I mean, it's interesting.

Cultural Stereotypes and Police Brotherhood

I know that like, I know this is generalizing, but it is interesting how like, you know, if it feels like in Indian families either push their kids into, uh, spelling bees or, uh, surgery, like becoming dentists. Yeah. And then like, You know, Asian family, like Chinese in particular families, you're like a doctor. Jewish families, it's a lawyer. Or I guess like a stand up comedian, although it seems like they don't really want that. Yeah. um White families, just king. Yeah, white families. King, king or queen. Fucking whatever. Chefs, kings, queens, chefs.
State worker. ah Dominican families, baseball. Yeah, never neverang aging, baseball. Outside on the block, hanging out somehow. They're just always on the phone. Portuguese families, fishing, masonry. Yeah, jobs that suck. Just jobs that suck that no one else wanted to do. Mason, you have landscape. Kitchens. Shit like that. Kitchens, bathrooms.
All right. All right. Karen, we're definitely innocent. Still definitely going to get the not guilty or acquitted. I guess that's the same thing, right? Yeah. I also don't know how many counts of things she's being charged with. I think there's like three different counts. Yeah, maybe she'll get banged for one thing. I feel like at the point at which you're like, this is totally fucked. It's too fucked. Way too fucked. Jared, that person that we know that's closely associated with the Boston PD, have you asked them about this?
No, no. And I know, uh, I have a, I have a, a state, a friend in the state police and a friend who's a detective in the, jesus christ who's not related to that person. Um, I mean, I feel like I know what the answer is going to be, which is kind of like, My brother's innocent. Yeah, not an answer. You don't even want to know. See, I heard from from, you know, a person who heard from a person that this dude whose party it was, was just like a well-known bad, bad cop. Like firsthand knowledge of like, yeah, I'm also a Boston police officer and I've worked with this guy and I don't like him. Nobody likes him.
you Your source is the cop F. Fenway that is in the bullpen. The BPD guy throws up his hands at the home run.
I think I just don't... I mean whatever. Is that your source? Actually your source? No. I haven't talked to that guy in years. I used to talk to him though.
Just feel like kind of sucks to be a cop on he'd be like, yeah Not really though. It's that guy and the guy that's behind the Celtics bench. They both have the best details over time details of this i'll picture the Red Sox That fucking rules you're like a season ticket holder Yeah, he was that like every game. Yeah ah Yeah, no problem That's a fucking dope contract
Yeah, it's just, you know, it just goes back to like the why are they all protecting this guy? If he's such a piece of shit. The brotherhood, you know, that's true. Yeah, I mean, that that sounds like really convenient or like if you're just trying to kind of. I mean, I can see, I mean, to be fair, if one of you guys killed somebody, I totally pretend like I didn't know anything about it. Well, yeah. Yes. So I guess I guess I can see where they're coming from.
Be like, no, this is a good guy. It's just, you know. Just looks like Freddie Mercury. I don't know. He must have been having a bad day. And he wouldn't hurt a fly. No.
Uh, we have your text message where he said, fuck, fuck, fuck. I killed the guy. He said, I killed him. I need your help. I need your help. Help me. I can't get his body in the trunk by myself. Help me. Fuck, fuck. Just text me fucked up shit all the time. How was I supposed to know that was real? be like be Like officer, will you go further back in our text history?
ah Literally every conversation we've had with each other for the last three years has been bits. So what reason do we have to believe that this isn't also a bit? That's right. Oh, fuck, am I supposed to know? We could get away with that pretty easily. So that's that's absolutely if they made us read the text messages, I'd be like, all this proves is that we're silly and we never say anything serious. Yeah, like and subscribe and and join the join the Patreon for more exclusive of these bits, your honor.
Oh, man. That's actually that's good. Fuck this paid advertising. What if one of us commits a crime? Yes. Like a crime that they'll televise the trial of. And then use that as free advertising for the pod, although I guess. Do they let you pod when you're in holding? I can get. I can get a cell phone. Yeah, just get out on bail. Yeah. First time, you're good. I can't believe you went back to the Bojangles today, dude. Yeah, that was a like I walked right by it. It was right next to my gate. I just saw it stopped and just took a picture. A bunch of African-American people were like, the fuck are you taking a picture for? Because I was just look taking like my pointing my phone directly at them in a Bojangles line.
I guess in hindsight that does seem a little fucked up but shut up it's proof that's what I'm taking this off it's proof all you guys are here last time we were here there was a fight over a chicken sandwich god damn oh yeah dude that's what I'm taking this for it's proof you guys are waiting you guys like that stuff that was insane that was I lived down in infamy it was the worst fucking day of flying I've ever had I beat to all the

Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Choices

odds today. I mean, well, it was like a real sushi bar, but I went to a airport. Sushi got a vegetable roll. It was super safe. Nice. Yeah, it's been good. I'm on week. I think I'm on like week two of eating strictly healthy stuff. Talk to me about eating healthy. Like what is that? Besides the starburst, but that was just cause I needed energy for the podcast. Yeah, that's fine. I had a Coke zero for the same reason. What's uh, And you know, I had, I got, I got, uh, eight waters when I stopped at seven 11, just no, no, literally I have. I had the Indian guys catching me out was like, wow.
looks like yeah yeah christy my friend oh big water You must have seven friends in the car with you. I know they're all for me. Very thirsty. Wow, very thirsty. Yeah, man. Yeah, OK, brother, man. Yes, very good. Yeah, boss, man. OK. OK, boss, man. Yeah,
boss, man. No, no, no. Loosely backward.
yeah boy uh yeah no um you like delta eight my friend yeah oh my god yeah they love they love delta eight as close as they'll get to the fucking any rockets over here but one guy used to get wicked offended when i smelled like weed when i was living in fen way man van waymart down and across the street from church I'd go in and be like, is it fresh? Is it fresh, buddy? Is it fresh? You're like, I don't know what that means. He's like, you smell like weed. Get out of my store. yeah yeah Yeah. They get very uptight about that. And I'd buy an Arnold Palmer for a dollar with a credit card. hell yeah He hated you dude. He got like, he got like four cents out of that. Yeah. He's he's like, but the, I'm losing money every time you do this. And I was like, Oh, Hey man, put a fucking limit on it. Make a credit card minimum and I'll stop doing it. But until then I'm buying these Arnold Palmer's with a credit card. and
I was at the, uh, I was buying a cigar and now obviously all the fucking cigar shops are just like Delta eight warehouses and vapes. Yeah. And it was an Indian guy there. Maybe he was like a 20 year old Indian. He was, and Some lady was like, where's the other guy that's usually here? He's like, oh, he owned his own store now. And then, uh, she was like, he was like, and then I run this and then six to eight months. I run my own store. I was like, holy shit. It's like the fucking, they like, that's literally, he's like the next guy after me. Same thing. I'm like, this is insane. They just like have like a triple a system of running vape shops and selling.
for this. Back at it. on. Is everything sounding normal? Yeah, everything sounds fine. Everything sounds gay. Everything sounds real gay. Real gay, Ken. Whoever's in the hotel room next to you is probably like, God damn it, this fucking dude's podcasting. Dude, this fucking guy sucks so badly. He's fucking farting and podcasting since he's gotten in here. There was a, there was a morning, one of the work trips, uh, this year where, uh, so I woke up early and I have this, I have a bad habit of, of, I can't go a single moment without being yeah entertained in some way. So like all have my, failureo the entire time I'm getting ready in the morning, playing some kind of YouTube video or a podcast or something. Oh yeah. Same here. Filled out. Uh, and that was also.
like I think I was getting over being sick. So like I had a gross fucking like morning God, gross, slimy morning cough. And ah but so I'm warning my like, you know, hour and a half waking up getting ready routine of loudly listening to a podcast while I go. the God. which is fine. I'm in a hotel room. I'm, I'm, you know, whatever your space, your space you're six hundred square feet. I can be whatever I want. Um, you know, fast forward an hour or two. I'm, I'm at breakfast with the, with the team and I'm like, Oh, how's everyone? You know, what's going on? And, and w this girl I work with is like, yeah, dude, I just like, I got woken up so early by the guy in the room next to me. He just was like,
but Listening to TV so loud and we had this disgusting cough. He was coughing so loud. And it woke me up at like 7.30 and then I, that's all I could hear. And then I don't know why I did this. I think cause I just enjoy the like danger of it. But I was like, she, I was like, ah oh, that sucks. What floor are you on? And she was like, I'm on four. And and ah and she was like, What floor are you on? And I was like, Oh, four. Oh, my God. She was like, Oh, yeah she was like oh you you did you hear the guy? And I was like, No, no, no, no. And she's like, OK, I know it's not you because you you don't cough like that. And I was like, Bro, I fucked up in the morning. That's hilarious. Oh, my God, dude, you and your fucking goddamn cough walking around.
wasn't in the fucking Gary Vee at full blast. That's the other crazy thing that I'll realize I'm doing it sometimes where I'll have like, you know, I'll have the podcast or whatever on full volume on my phone and then I'll be like, you know, I'll like turn it to half volume and I'm like, this is fine. I don't know why this need like I had it on full volume. Um, so yeah, that was an, that was a lesson and just like, don't tell your, co-workers what room you're staying in. Tell them that you should have told them a different floor too, dude. Yeah. Well, that was the problem. I was like, I i was like, if I lie, you walk out of the same room by accident at the same time, you're like, Oh, yeah. wemor about that is if you're like Oh, I'm on room too. And then you went up to your room.
and you walked out of the room and she did, she'd think that you were fucking the guy who was coughing all weird. Yes, that's true. That's very true. She'd be like, damn it, god damn it, I knew it. I knew you were the coughing fucker. Maybe fucking, maybe we just, I'd be like, we we're not fucking, we just hang out and cough loud. It's a thing. It's a guy thing you wouldn't get. I guess that's kind of like gay guys. That's just what they do. Make similar voices probably. No, that's that'd be even better we weren't cough wasn't coughing it was fucking yeah, yeah I was grunting. Yeah, we we're fucking just being gay That's hilarious my hotel neighbors probably like blowing his back out not coughing get it right Fucking hell I was hanging out with my friend that his he lives on a lake and we were sitting on his dock last weekend until like I don't know I
9, 9 45, 10 o'clock at night. Shannon, one of our other friends was there too. And you could like, you know, the houses are like this far away from each other. And I could see that the other family was up in their bedroom when the windows open. And I was like, Oh, these people hate us. But we were just having a ah fucking fucked up conversation about something. I was like, these people hate us. He's talking about ISIS. Yeah, I was um coughing in my hotel room, rewatching ISIS videos. My neighbor reported me. I can't just cough and watch those anymore. I can't watch those outside and have your neighbors listening to them. Oh my goodness. Hell yeah, dude. Put another one down, Paul. Don't show up for work tomorrow, dude.
Just a half day tomorrow. We'll be all right. Just call out, dude. There's no honor in that, dude. That is true. It'll make me commit seppuku there. That's fucking hilarious.
Go in and just start yelling at everybody. What do you, uh, what's the date look like tomorrow at the golf course?
Do, of course, set it up in the morning and then, I don't know, we just laid all the sod.

Workplace Dynamics and Hiring Practices

They did a huge project on the, on the clubhouse and we just laid all the, well, I didn't do it, but the minions all laid all the sod today. That's what you call the the Mexican guys. No, no Mexicans. We don't have any of those. we have
that's the most mexican they get that's as lazy of a mexican as you could get no no no no no no no no he's the man listen it's a private club dude they don't want to see the members don't want to see any of that you could slim down your staff by like 90 percent if you just hired two mexican dudes truth we got rid of all the old guys yeah dude just have them powerhouse shit Yeah, we do. We should honestly. i would I mean, that would you'd be like, you don't realize it. You think it's good at first and then Jose does like an entire week's worth of work in one day and it's like fuck 24 seven, dude. It's bad enough already with the young kids the other day. Me and my other coworker were looking at each other im like fuck. I don't have anything else for these kids to do that. We'd whack the entire course in a day, which is just like,
It's a big ass property, so pretty ridiculous. What are they just smoking fucking vapes the whole time and just bouncing around? The one dude does like five, morning are all five things at a time. Oh my oh my God. It's only getting too terribly addicted to the fucking nicotine from those dude, like insanely amounts of fucking nicotine just coursing through their veins. Always. um yeah yeah Which is you are a nicotine company of any kind we support that we'll take Yeah, yeah we'll we'll do Lucy ads Yeah, that's fucking crazy doing like 30 milligrams of nicotine at that age Yeah, I was working with him at the end of the day cuz I helped him lay like the last couple pieces of sod and ah
He had this like just look on his face. oh you You did all yours in earlier, didn't you? And he's like, yup. I was like, you miserable, aren't you? And he's like, yup. Jesus Christ.
It's crazy how that like, I thought, I mean, I don't, you know what I mean? Like I started smoking when I was 13 and I thought that was like pretty cool. Um, but you're like, damn, like not even, not even on the same, on par with like the amount of nicotine 13 year olds consume now. I think the thing that's crazy is I feel like I can use nicotine products as much as I want, but I never feel like I'm not sitting here right now like, God damn, I need a zen. Jealous. ah Part of my part of my brain doesn't work. It does is with other things, but not with nicotine.
Yeah, i like shooting shooting people in the forehead. Yeah, playing video games, I don't know. Slapping magic cards down. Mm. Slapping some decks. Coughing, listening to podcasts. digging Digging coyote holes. Hey, we let the chickens out today and none of them got killed, so. So what and what is the number that you have now left? Eight.
Let's see, we had 12. Two were dead. Two got killed.
The buff got killed. The big bird got killed. So that gets us down to 10. And then we have to kill the two roosters. You're not just going to have a Portuguese guy come pick them up again. I don't know. I was thinking maybe of bringing them to the country club and just releasing them on the product property.
I like that idea. Look at eating by something pretty quick. yeah Oh my God.
just i'll Just bring them to the country club and be like, you guys, can you cook these for me? Oh my God. Bring them up to the chef to make some cocoa Vin. That's why you need the two Mexicans, they would have just handled business for you with the roosters. Well, no, they would have started a clock fighting. yeah Gotta made some money. Would have shown you how to, uh, make them fight in roosters. Uh, they're not that type of breed. They're buff orphaned. They're like the nicest roosters to ever nicest roosters ever. Clearly didn't even give its life fighting off that coyote.
So are you getting a, are you getting some eggs off of them? Just the one big chicken still laying, but the other ones probably won't start laying until like August. How many boiled eggs are you getting a day? Just one. Just one nice egg. Okay, cool. I've been going back to the boiled egg game with bacon, just fucking destroying them with hot sauce are so good. Oh, yeah, we got interrupted. do i mean What is a give me like an example of a healthy meal day? What is a what are you kind of wake up and boiled eggs at all? I'll do two boiled eggs with bacon with two pieces of bacon. OK, then obviously I'll do like a a shot of
Espresso and then I'll once I'm halfway done with the espresso. I'll fill it up with some coffee. I guess this is before I wake up drink some cold water Espresso Halfway done with the double shot of espresso. I pour some coffee in there drink one cup Then I eat the two boiled eggs with two pieces of bacon hot green chalula all over them. Yep. Nice salt pepper, obviously Um, then probably get another cup of coffee and then maybe I'll just do like a shot. I'll just do a shooter of an last half a cup of coffee. And I'll just drink a water or seltzer. And then at lunch, do a salad, banana peppers, uh, sweet cherry bomb tomatoes.
Um, maybe some feta cheese, maybe some avocado. I'm not sure. Usually not avocado. And then I'll do, uh, like, uh, like a black bean diced up burger or something, or like one of those, um, veggie, uh, Buffalo chicken patty things, um, chopped up and thrown into the salad. Okay. Then dinner, maybe just usually another salad or just like. maybe I don't eat or maybe I just eat like chicken and rice or something. And that's it every day. Nice. Two weeks of this? Yeah. Or and then I do um the veggie sushi too. Yeah. Yeah. yeah yeah But yeah, shit's good. Candy and eggs like that. And then I do, maybe if I'm going to have a snack, I do the dark chocolate trail mix or those chomps beef.
But yeah, that's been, that's been it today or, oh yeah. And then I guess if I eat out, I'd do a Chipotle bowl like today, but I bull's fine ah consider that with the rules. Shit's good though, man. I usually just wake up. have a cup of coffee, get to the club, drive out to the snack shack bathroom, have a a violent diarrhea out there.
Leave it. That's hilarious. This morning, dude, this morning, I had to spray fairways and I was like, holy shit, if I have to fucking shit, I'm fucked because like you can't stop once you start. so Had to skip the forego of the morning coffee this morning. Once the chemicals in the tank, you gotta go. Can't let it settle. Damn. Yeah. that's a day That's a day in life today. I i had the boiled eggs. Then I went to the airport. Then I didn't, I only had a protein bar. And then I ate at like six o'clock. I had that Chipotle bowl.
do You know, it's fucking sick about the country club. If you go out and shit in that bathroom, you can just leave the door open in the morning because it's so early in the morning. It's the only one there. It's like you're just having a shit out and out in the fucking beauty, beauty of nature, which you also like to have in the toilet. Those teenagers come and laugh at you. Yeah. Like Phil Marjorie, you.
Look at his pull from dudes are a shitting eyes are boss. Whoa. Take a picture of his tiny dick. The first six zins are just fucking wired up. They're just beating the shit out of you. Did they pressure tested that we were putting down a piece of sod and they started pressure testing the system that they have set up. So they put the heads up and the fucking, with no warning, the head came up and shot me directly in the face. Like absolutely soaked me. And then I couldn't get away from it either. Cause I was so confused as to what was going on. Thought one of my coworkers was spraying me with a hose. And I was like, I'm about to fucking kill this person. And I realized it was just the head took all the fight out of me. Once I realized what was going on, then I just thought it was kind of funny.
Today was a fucked up day, dude. Sucked. We'll get into the fucked up day on the on the Patreon here. We'll wrap this up.

Episode Conclusion and Patreon Plug

Everybody join the Dudezara's Patreon. Link in the description. Leave a nice review. b Be friendly with us. And join our Reddit and Discord where we talk we'll talk to you all day. Like our homey persona. Sorry. I checked the, I checked the discord like every 15 minutes because I hate working. Yes. yous Reason to not focus on spreadsheets. Yeah. If every, if people, enough people join the Patreon or like fuck I, I will probably yeah jump in front of a bus and then videotape, videotape it.
All right, peace out, y'all. Goodbye.