um much that i'm sure Yeah, she was very good because, I mean, I think as I've shared with you, I mean, maybe I'm growing up now as a 42 year old, but in my, I was like, no one on Star Trek has sex as interested in sex. They like beyond that. um And I know she is a beautiful actress and many people consider her beautiful, but she was just like, That's not really how Ike's, you know, she was this leader, I guess, let's put it that way. That was what, she was strong and everything. But, and when she comes in acting as this, how did you put it, Jamie? Fun girl? I can't remember what it was. A colorful lady, I think was my type of person. Yeah. Jenny was the one who called her a prostitute. Who said the what about your favorite leader? But um first first of all, I was like, oh, I'm not buying this, but then she's so good. She's so seductive. She's so convincing. So yeah, I have to agree with you, Jamie. She's very good.