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Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 2.4: The Evil Engine That Killed image

Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 2.4: The Evil Engine That Killed

Roll Players
90 Plays1 year ago

Cutter attempts to teach a fellow cowboy how to read, Ryn flashes people with her new upgrade, and Maverick may have some form of Benjamin Button's disease!


Introduction and Role Play Setup

That's right. Now I think we're ready. Now we're all jazzed up and ready to go for some broadcasting. Justin, final, final offer. Do you want to, do you want to GM this episode? No. I'm, I'll bet you, I'll bet you. I'm stupid. I'm not stupid. I can't breathe. That's it. I am. I'm a low smart of all my skills. Okay. Good morrow. Good afternoon and have a good tug. This is role players. Welcome back to the phony express.

Adventure Recap and Comedic Moments

Justin, what happened with Cutter? What did you guys get up to? We found the bird that was shot and then we had to get some aloe vera leaves from the bird. The bird has a name. I don't care.
and we got the aloe vera from a creepy man who I gave a massage to and then we went to a camp with some fellas there and they turned out they were the ones that saw Ishi or what one guy was but then Rin shot the guy who was telling a story about how the other guy had done it and killed him dead and then I had a little sleepover with the other guy and then Rin threw him over a cliff because he got possessed by the devil or something and I had him I had him swaddled and obsessed by her human side
Yeah, and Rin's humanity took over and she shot him in cold blood and threw the other one over the ravine. And then I think you said you were going to go try to rescue him, right, Carter? Yeah.
And Maverick, I just noticed you said you're in the Zencaster, your name is Mavrdik. Mavrdik. Mavrdik.

Character Dynamics and Humor

Yeah, and Maverick was just like, I want to take a nap and just eat my crackers and beans. They seem to be unbothered by everything that was happening. You guys also met a funny little chicken that I accidentally called a crow when I listened back to it.
And he went a caca de de. I knew that it wasn't the right thing that it was supposed to be saying, so I was like, this isn't right. Yeah, I said crow when I first said it, but then when you guys got out the tent, I was like, it's a chicken. But I didn't realize I said crow until I just edited the episode. I was like, ah, fuck, I call it a crow. Ah, shit. You guys know crows go caca de de. We all know this.
So anyway, it was a chicken that you guys attacked and Maverick and Cutter both like stabbed it and lasted it respectively and turned it into food. It was still the middle of the night, right? Yes. So it was about midnight ish.
Uh, when the gentleman, uh, woke from his slumber to attack you as a demon boy. Um, or as a possessed guy. And then the sky was red and the moon was red. And you said, well, this probably is, has nothing to do with what just happened. And then Maverick said, I'm going back to bed. Um, yeah. So very old man. I really liked that Adrian just settling into Maverick as being an old man now.
And yeah rin was just like I killed that guy and I don't care so I threw that guy in the ravine I don't care so yeah, so it's the middle of the night does the moon is red the night is red and Maverick or a cutter said he was gonna go get his lantern to go find the guy in the ravine And seen and Enter the scene. What do you do? What's happening? Hey America before you go to bed? You got any rope? I got ten feet, but I don't know how far down it fell a road I
Let me see, do I have any rope on me? I do have some rope with me, yeah. Alright, whip that over here. Throw notes. Don't hit me like it's a whip, just whip, throw it. Thanks. Whip it, good. How much length is this here? I can't see with my eyes because it's dark. You got to tell me what it says on your paper. I'm not sure. Paper just says one rope. You got to just make do with that. You know what?
Roll a 2d20s and we'll see how long the rope is. Wow, Maverick has a
42 foot long rope in the back of the wagon. Do you believe it? Dang, man. This is the thing. You almost fell down the cliff and you threw something at me. Damn. You know, if you said it's always me, you'll get much rope in your life as well. Yeah, it's a lot. I mean, Maverick has to tie up a lot of bounties, so he always has a hell of a lot of rope to use. This will do the trick maybe without even mind. I'll take it down as extra, but...
Yeah. And for those of y'all listening, I know I said 2D 20s, but they both rolled 2D 20s for some reason. So I just added their numbers together. I added 29 and 13. I'm relatively certain that's 42. Hey, close enough. All right. Here for climbing down there. I don't want to lose a cutter. Well, I'll try.
I'm going to tie the rope around a tree up here. This stuff's very sturdy. Roll survival to see how well you do it. All right. This week on a survivalist, we're going to tie a rope a fuck. Don't use a Benjamin.
You're going to use a bendy. I got a five now. All right. A five is a much better role. We're going to fuck this. We got a survivalist. I'm flipping the whole station upside down. We're going to fuck in this episode. All right. So you tie it real and nice and snug like and the tree goes, oh, yeah, tighter trees right here. A little kinky. I got to get around these nuts on a tree.
Um, all right. So you're gonna, so the ravine, it's not like a straight down drop. It's not like a cliffside or anything like that, but it does kind of have like a lot of. Like steep declines and such like that, that makes it really uneven terrain and stuff. It's real hard. So you can probably see the guy probably rolled down, probably hit some, some boulders or some trees that are kind of laying sideways, like kind of growing out from the hill. Um, but it is a very steep climb. So having the rope is a very good one. That'll make this a lot easier for you. Tie around my waist.
had around your waist and such. I got my lantern. Oh, you got your lantern? I can see you're holding it up. Unless the red moon is casting a bright enough light that I can see everything bathed in a red glow. I don't know. You know what? UGM, a lot of games, Justin. What does it look like when you hold your lantern up and you look down as you
scale down this ravine.

Maverick's Dream Sequences

What do you see? What does it look like? Scary. Good response. With the red moon, it looks like I'm descending into the bowels of hell. What does the bowels of hell look like?
Scary And red got her can you roll me enough just one athletics roll just one for like you're I got a 10 that shit give me some good shit in a forest so good It's successful, but I would love to be I would like to be a little bit above the Bears minimum success when I'm fighting
Do you want to roll it again just for poops and gigs? Nah. OK, just want to see what you've gotten. OK. All right, so yeah, I mean, you secured the rope on the tree. You're an athletic guy. You got your lantern scaling down into the bowels of hell. And while you're doing that and you guys see Cutter kind of disappear over the side of the hill, Rin, you just chucked a guy over that hill. What are you doing now that you've done that?
She's standing there with her hands on her hips wondering what the hell Cutter's doing saving the guy who killed Ishi or didn't kill Ishi but shot Ishi. And so she like. She pulls out a joint and lights it and she's like thinking for a minute and she's like, Cutter, what are you doing? Why are you trying to save this guy?
What? Why are you trying to save this guy? As she screams down to the ravine, you can hear kind of her echoes down there. Like you're not too super far down there yet that you wouldn't hear her screaming over the hill. Well, I was, I figured I'm, I'm grunting and groaning us. I didn't hear Ryse here saying, what are you doing? Yeah, try that. Yeah, it was really good. Do it again.
uh you didn't deserve to get thrown down a cliff path in a blanket damn yes didn't he try to kill you it takes a while until i like to sometimes reach him i know actually i like it a lot it's been perfect
Now try to climb down this damn thing, quit talking to me. She reaches over with her robot hand and starts pulling on it. Like, get back up here, bro. She's like, she's like yanking on your fucking rope while you're trying to climb down. Yep. You got 29 feet of it. All right. So all that weird tug of war is going on. Maverick, what are you doing? Did you go back to sleep?
Yes, I went into the tent and I closed my eyes. Are you trying to go to sleep? Yes, I mean, you can only do so much as trying. Yeah, it's true. You know, roll a spirit roll to see if you can if you can fall asleep at the ruckus and the moon and the stressors of what just happened at six. Like an old man right away. Like you're like you're like grandpa from any time.
Yeah, you're just like, I am already in my pajamas. We just go right to sleep. No problem. Um, so yeah. All right. Well, Maverick, you're, you're doing just that, my friend. Um, and while you're dreaming and while you're, while you're there in dreamland, you hear the sounds of, sounds like a far off locomotive. So it's like magic.
It is human magic. It really is. You know, we were discussing that earlier, but you know, just think about how any of our modern technology or even anything from the late 1800s show to like a medieval peasant to like, Oh my God. Like it's fucking imagine being able to fly across the ocean to the lands beyond. Yeah. Okay. They're
Chamathocles. Sure, that's going to happen someday. But also, Chamathocles. That's the origin of the name. Timothy is Chamathocles. Oh, I totally want this to be true. Anything is true if you gaslight somebody hard enough. That's also a marriage tree. Put that on a bumper sticker and then get canceled. All right. So Maverick, you kind of hear off in the distance, you hear chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga.
And, um, before you know it, uh, your dream goes, and that's the screen going. And then you're sitting there and you're on a train, you're there. And you see, as you peer out the window, you just see kind of just like a very dull, very bland, um, just scenery of just trees on either side of you. And you're on a train. What do you do? I'm a child in stream.
You want to be a child in this dream? I want to be a child in this dream. All right, you're a little boy. What does little boy Maverick look like? Like he does an old man, but with less beard. He still has an old man face, but he doesn't have a beard. He's Benjamin. He always looked like that. He's going to say, yeah, yeah, he's Benny Button. He's just like, he was born with wrinkles. He's like, here they are. He was born with spectacles on his face.
He was born with a bingo card in his lap. He was born with a rectal dysfunction. Exactly, yes. So I had children. Yeah, I could keep that going all day. So for some reason, your little boy Maverick in this dream.
Now, so what does Little Boy Maverick do on this train? He looks outside of the window and is amazed by the whole outside world and it's moving by so fast. It's moving so quickly. It's crazy how Little Boy Maverick enjoys this. Do you think he would just stare out the window for the entirety of the train ride? No, I think
Ah, like look out there and at some point I need to go to the toilet and then get something to eat. Because that's also very important in life to eat. And then I go up to my parents and say, mommy, daddy, I need to pee again. And then I go to the toilet again because as a little boy at a week, a week later.
Man, I gotta get a record scratch sound effect on here. I have to pee again. And then all you hear is, all you hear is, all right, boy, go and evacuate yourself. Yes, daddy. That was your mom. Yes, mom.
And this is in this in this dream. Yeah. Plunge me, mommy. In this dream, your mom was a very heavy smoker and is practically one of March. I mean, it seems everything can happen. Yeah. He's like, go and evacuate your bowels, young man. I will. I want my balls record. As you go evacuate your bowels, you go to the you go to the bathroom, which is just like.
a hole that shits onto the tracks. I don't know if passenger trains in the 1800s had a place to shit or not. I don't know what that looks like. That's a very good question. I honestly don't know what Wild West trains look like when it comes to their poop situation. Justin, do you know? Did they shit? Did they have poopers on trains, passenger trains? I don't know, but I imagine probably.
yes they had like you remember like the one that we saw in uh seattle with like the chain that you pulled the tank at the top they have this kind on the tree
Uh, neat. That's been shoot back up, right? Right. Yeah. But I don't think they're shot back up on the train. They just shot back up in the houses when the tide came in. Yeah. Look up the history of Seattle, guys. It's fucking crazy. So nuts. Look up the toilet situation. Um, so, um, yeah, so, uh, you go to evacuate your bowels and you
as you open up this little train car that lets you into the place where you can relieve yourself. You can see that there's another child in there waiting and he's kind of pinching his clock. He's like, sorry, I'm not going to make it. What are you doing in there? I need to go to the toilet. You can't be here. I'm trying. My pecker pecker is about to explode. I need to pee.
Just go outside and pee out of the window. You guys, I'd be out the window. I can't hang over the edge yet. How about I lift you up so you can pee out of the window, then I can go to toilet. Okay, good new friends, lift me up. Let's do that. So you're going to lift this kid up? Yes, we could be. All right, roll a strength roll, please.
Let's see what you got. A big old fat 10. You hoist them up with the strength of Atlas. And they kick like flies off the window. And he just pees and just like his pee gets whipped back and like it just goes on the windows of the rest of the carts behind him. And he's like, oh, it started raining. Yeah, like, oh, what the fuck is raining? Yellow, yellow, yellow rain. Yeah. And then the train hits a very
strange bump and it starts to derail. Yeah, you're going to shit your pants if you die. Um, and the train derails and all you can hear is like a very dark, deep laughter. Uh, and the, in the darkness, as you just hear, uh, or rather see explosions and hear fire eruptions around you that you hear no screams.
You hear no cries for help. All you hear is laughter as the train continues to crumble in upon itself. And while you're doing and you never got to poop. Shit. Yeah, it happened after. Cutter, you're down in the ravine. Rin is pulling on your rope as you're trying to go down there to save that guy. What are you doing? And cut that out of there, damn it.
I'm trying to lift that. I'm not trying to die. Damn it. I know. I'm trying to pull you up. Stop. Get back up here. You don't need to save that guy. I'm going to. She keeps pulling him back up. What do you do, cutter?
Uh, what sort of terrain am I on? Can I see them? How far can I see the man and anywhere near further? Yeah. You're kind of on like a rocky hillside with like, there's intermittent, like kind of small trees that are kind of growing out the side. So it's more like kind of dirt and rock with like little patches of little grasses kind of growing in the cracks of the, of the terrain, but it's mostly rocky and dirt. I wasn't going to say I just untied myself. So we're gonna stop fucking with me, but then I don't have a way to get the guy up. So, um,
I mean, you have a really long ass rope. I mean, you can give yourself more slack. You know, you have 42 feet of it. I just on sport, I guess. Yes. So as she's pulling, she's just pulling up the slack. So I'm like, oh, stop reading. Damn it. All right. Hey, fella, are you all right? She's only going to have a few seconds while she's yanking on it. She's going to get that rip up pretty quick. And you yell down to the guy as Rins pulling and then you hear, huh?
Is that, who's there? Who's there? It's Cutter. I'm going to come down there and save you. Hold on. No, don't cut me. No, my name, no, my name is just Cutter. I'm here to save you. Oh my God. I'm just coming down to help you. Come on. I'm stuck. Someone tied me up in this, in this, in this.
As you see behind you, your rope is gradually getting yanked further up the hill.
I she might be strong enough. I'm just gonna go ahead and give you a bear hug there feller Let me actually here I pull my knife out I'm like I know don't get afraid I know I said my name's cutter and you're freaking out but we cut the bottom of that sack you're in there out I can't really untie you I'm gonna get your legs free. All right, hold on still
Alright, roll an agility roll. Or, you know, let's make it survival. Let's make it a survival roll to see if you can do it while Rin's starting to tug on the road. I don't want to frighten you, Phil, but I failed my first one of these two. Shit! I got three. I'm going to use my other Benjamin and re-roll it. I got a five. Alright, that's a five. Yes, you cut it just in time as he, like, is able to wiggle his arms free and kind of grab a hold of you as Rin's, like, just yanking. Rin, would you roll a strength check for me, please? Mm-hmm.
I am going to try and move as well and not just be sucked up. I got a 5. Alright, so Ring got a 5 so she's able to withstand the new weight that's been added to the rope that she's yanking up. What are you doing, Cutter? I'm going to be actively trying to pull the guy up too so it's all unheard of.
Right right and he's kind of struggling a bit like he's him again You're not on a full cliff face So like, you know, he's able to keep his feet like, you know a little bit like as you're pulling him up. Yeah But the whole time was like I don't understand what's going on I feel like something's broken, you know, and you can see like you can't quite hold on to you as well with his right arm. It probably is Miller On account of you might have assumed to be a took a big old dip down this Little rocky face here
Oh, oh, cool. OK, OK. Yeah, a lot of crazy things that run. No, as I tell you, look, look, a view around us, the landscape is red bathed in a horrific glow.
How did you get a heavier cutter? You better not be bringing him back up. I found a cool rock. I found a cool rock. I'm sorry. She says she's going to kick me off of here. She overreacted the fact that you got, the birds you get fellers shot happen to be the bird of our friend up there, the old feller.
as far as I'm concerned, you had no idea. You were just hunting for birds, which a side note though, eagles are majestic creatures. You should not be really shooting them in general, but I think it's time for that. But she's very upset that it was our friend's bird who is very dear to us all. Oh, well, how was I supposed to know that? Man, we were just trying to make some money. Say your breath failure. You're not going to worry about it. I'm with you there, but she's just, you know.
So, Rin, as you're pulling him up, you can see that, yeah, he's got another person kind of dangling off the side of him a bit, trying to walk up the terrain with him. What do you do? You're almost to the top, by the way, Carter. She's going to pull him up. Thank you kindly. She's going to pull out Betsy, and she's going to put her gun to his head.
I'm gonna mash Rin's arm away. She's gonna strong arm cut her out of her way. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him. She's not gonna shoot him.
Wow, you both. It's it's just a struggle. You're both struggling back and forth. It's like when the guy's just like it like in that scene in Ace Ventura with like the guy when he goes to visit Ray Finkel's house and he has the shotgun pointed at him and he's like kind of dodging as the lady's trying to take the gun off him. The guy's kind of doing that there. He's like, oh, oh, dang. OK, wait, no, stop.
Maverick, Maverick, come on, I need your help. She's trying to kill to spell her. What? You better have something good to say because first of all, it's illegal to shoot eagles in this country. And second of all, that was our friend. So you better have something good to say. Who, me? Cutter, was it Taylor? Taylor, I didn't do nothing. No, no, I want to hear from you.
Hear what? We was hunting. We're hunters. We hunt. Come on now. You're not supposed to hunt eagles. You're not supposed to shoot eagles. That's illegal. Well, if it, if it, if it's illegal, it's the first time I heard about it. We just, my friend said one day, Hey, you need to know the rules is all I've got to say. So you better have a better, better excuse. If you are supposedly hunters, you better know the rules. So you better have a better excuse than that.
Well, I didn't know. I was just following his lead. He came out of retirement. He said, Hey, you know what? We haven't been hunting in a, in a, in a raccoon's age. Maybe we should go and get one blast her off. And then we saw that golden eagle flying high in the sky. We thought, Hey, that's a beautiful bird. That'll look nice if we get it stuffed. And then so I was just, I was just following his lead, but you can have the bird bag. If you want that one that we killed was your friend. You killed it.
Remember he held up a dead one before, there were two. They shot one, and then the other one was Ishi that got away. Oh. Yeah. I missed that part. So they have a dead one back at their camp. Cutter? Oh, is this fighting? It's really hard for me to not want to put two bullets in this motherfucker's head right now.
We ain't judge duty executioner Well, let's tie him up and take him back to do dad after we get the aloe to Ishi and we'll just let Sheriff Jeff figure it out then because I Am about to go berserk
That's fair. Double tap into this guy's head. I mean, look, as long as you ain't gonna kill me, I saw what you did to my friend. I don't I honestly, I can't I can't remember if I'm Jed or Stan. So I never even know your name. I just say my name is Stan. Yeah, Jed is dead. Stan is the man. We're going to keep you tied up and you're going to go back to the sheriff because these guys are making me.
So you you're lucky right now, but if I ever hear about this again
Well, I did. Well, I didn't know, man. I was just following his lead. Shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Excuses are like assholes and everybody's got him and everybody uses them, but we are all accountable for our own actions. So get in the fucking wagon and their own assholes. Okay, fine. I'm getting here. You guys, you're like, shuffle them into the wagon. Mavericks, Mavericks having a snooze back there. So am I supposed to, am I supposed to lay next to this guy? I see your prisoner too.
He's not a prisoner. He's just old. He's fine. He's just old prisoner of time. All right. So it's probably pushing like one o'clock at this point in the morning. Mavericks Fest asleep. You put this guy in your wagon.
Uh, what are cutter and Maverick or yeah, Maverick, uh, Renio for the night. There's two of me now. There's two Mavericks. There's Maverick and Maverick. Well, since Maverick's already in the wagon sleeping, I'm going to get up on the wagon and get bitey headed towards Punky's house.

Debate on Justice and Morality

All right. Uh, cutter. Dang, I know you like live off water, but I need to sleep. Get in the wagon.
Uh, but what about that butter? Now she got famous. She can come. She's just keep being, be, be careful with this. Oh, well, this red moon stuff scares me also. I go and stand next to the front of the wagon. And I go, I hold my hand up towards her. I'm like, I know we had disagreement there, but I still, uh, respect you and hope we don't, you know, hard feelings between us on account of all it is bull malarkey.
Of course, it's not your fault. I mean, he's the one that did something wrong, not you. I just, I just want to make sure that, you know, people are held accountable for their actions. And sometimes I get a little crazy. Yeah. Sorry. I understand. It's just, you know, I mean, maybe next time we don't go right to the, you know, killing and throwing, uh, people over cliffs. Why not? It's fun.
Well, you should have tried it. It was it was liberating, man. You just like you should have seen him. It was so funny. It was kind of horrifying. Anyway, it's all right. I'll go get in the back there. I'll try and sleep, I guess, slam jam next to those two back there. OK. All right.
So you're going to scoot in the back of the wagon and try to sleep next to Maverick and around this other feller. I take some time to like consider whether or not to sleep beside the guy or sleep on the other side of Maverick the way the guy doesn't fight me again. But then I think, well, I can't let Maverick get haunted in the middle of the night. So I lay between him.
All right. Um, hopefully you don't dream of trains. Screw over there. It's Jan right in my crest. You can call me whatever you want. Just don't, you know, don't shoot me. You have my friend. He was, he was my mentor.
I really got no excuse for that. I don't know if she went off the rails there a little bit. As you say, off the rails, you hear off in the distance, I need to poop. Never squirm it. He must be having a weird dream or something. I whisper, I'm like, Maverick, you're all right, buddy. We're going to get you back to Ishi. Maverick, roll a vigor roll to see if you shit yourself in your sleep.
Right. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.
I might have to undo the whole top of this thing when I leave it on the breeze. As you open up the flaps, the wind just goes, it just sucks it back up shut. Oh, man. Oh, that one's from the gut. Oh, God, I taste that one. Those are stinky poop farts. I smelled them.
Work for traveling right past the poop in that man's butt. Yeah, man. Yep Those are stinky turd farts if I've ever spent one So you guys are making your way to back to Punky's you said red You guys aren't too far out I think at this juncture because you guys traveled for a little bit so probably like another 45 minutes you guys get back to Punky's house is close to 2 o'clock in the morning at this point
Are you just going to run up to? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I forgot you guys also have a fuck ton of aloe in the back of that wagon. It's real tight back there. It's nice and cozy. Yeah. Nice. Richard gave you like all the aloe. Yeah. So yeah, you guys are rolling it back there. Oh, um, so, uh, you guys get out the punkies. Uh, Stan's just kind of sitting there. He's like, do I get out? Am I, is this where I'm supposed to go to jail or?
Or am I getting? Excuse me. Oh, you're staying there. OK, good. If you can cutters, make sure he can't get loose. So Maverick, do you sleep through the night or do you get up when you get to? I almost said Cotton Eye Joe, but that's not right. Punky's, Punkenstein's.
My fucking brain just like melted for a second. Nobody wakes me up. I'll probably continue sleeping. That was just ripe enough that he can stay outside. You're gonna let Maverick sleep while you deliver the aloe to Pakistan? Yeah.
What about you, Cutter? Do you get out? Or do you stay in? I'll sit on the edge of the wagon with the guy. Give him some water or something. So, Rin, do you take some of the aloe in? I mean, because you have an ass load of aloe in your back of your wagon. Yeah, I'm going to take it in. All of it? Or at least not just some of it for Ishii, at least, because I know she's probably not going to eat all of it. So she's thinking to herself that she could take it to like bowls, bowls, bowls and see if like
You know, they can use it and buy it off of her, maybe. Oh, okay. Yeah. They could, they could make some, uh, some aloe, aloe joints, you know, that the healing properties as well as calming properties. You never know. Um, okay. Yeah. Just dye it out right on that wound when you're done with it and then it'll make it all good. Um, so, uh, yeah. So out there nowadays.
You approach Punkenstein's place and the door opens up immediately. And you see that there is a that there is what would I call him? Google? Google's there at the doorway. Yes, yes. A cat called Google. Yeah, he goes and spies on everyone and collects information from Punkenstein. How you doing?
Where's Punky at? You hear it from the background here. Kitty Google, turn on lights. Wow. And then he like runs off and like you hear it's like getting like the lights come on. And Frankenstein shows up in his little fancy chair says, What do you want? It's late early. What time is it? Who called you? No one called me. Thank you. You're supposed to get the aloe for you. And I got it. And
I also ran into the guys that actually shot Ishii, and so I have to go take him to jail. All right, well I... I don't know a polite way to tell you that I don't care. So I don't care about the guy that shot Ishii. I just want to get the aloe. I don't either. I threw him over a ravine, but Cutter went and saved him, and so now I have to go do the right thing. Did you throw him back over the ravine?
Did you throw him back over the ravine for scientific purposes to test the human body's resistance?
I swear to God, every time I hear something stupid like that, it makes me want to press one of the buttons on my doomsday devices. Right. So, um, hey, also I was thinking about it. Um, do you think we have just a minute to like get like the camera device kind of looked at on my, my chest just to see if maybe we can, you know, put it in your chest.
Yeah, I wanted to make it mobile so that I don't have to carry it around everywhere. So I already- Yeah, but then you'll have to flash everyone when you take a picture. That's fine. You know, they don't care. Plus, look at these. Why wouldn't they?
I know I helped make them perfect. I know. I know. I mean, don't you want people to see your work? I'm just saying. Anyways. Okay. Roll persuasion on me. I've already got it started, you know, and oh, I got a 10. And so I just I really need your help, you know, getting the fine tuning part of it. You know,
All right, fine. I suppose I was in the middle of crafting, uh, you know, something really neat that I can't talk about right now because I don't have a name for it. The naming is everything for Christmas later. No, I mean, no, no, it's not actually, it's a present that I'm, I'm building a clone. Okay. Yes. And I want to be a surprise for earth. You know, cause I'm planning on living forever.
Well, we all know that you're going too funky and that's why you also made me. So, you know, because we could live together forever. Yes, I'm just going to keep making a bunch of you and we're just going to live happily never after. I knew it. Yes. All right. Fine. Bring me the aloe. Let me just give you gizmos there. She hands him the aloe like a big handful of it. All right. And he holds his hand out and then like.
that giraffe turtle whose name I already forgot, uh, comes and takes it in his mouth and starts scurrying back towards where Ishii is and he's like, well, I don't know what to tell you about that. I mean, I don't know if it's going to work, but like she can't leave here. She'll just die. Well, whatever you can do. Also don't stay here until you can fix her. Yeah. Don't tell your friend who's got like the hots for this bird, but I've been kind of doing a little bit of prodding just to kind of see, you know, if there's some sort of extra little gizmos I can put in there.
Yeah, I won't say anything. Don't worry. I know you're brilliant. So, you know, yes. All right. All right. So so while you're doing that role, can you please roll for me one more kind of role? Should it be? What was I having your role before for your camera gizmos and shit? I don't remember. I don't remember either. How about repair or repair or research either one?
Either one of those will be fine just to kind of help assist with his gives nice All right, so I'd say you know the aloe gets taken and and he works on that with you for probably like a good maybe half hour or so just kind of giving you like the proper adjustments and such and You know cutter you see that like this little kind of
this kind of wagon, this auto controlled wagon on like kind of little iron wheels comes like rolling down the hill.

Inventions and Future Plans

And then just like a little like metal arm comes up and starts poking around reaching for the camera and the back of the wagon somewhere. And kind of just starts like pulling it out of the wagon and putting it in itself. I'm like leaning forward back into the side of the wagon.
and like a bunch of aloe gets like displaced and kind of buries maverick in it as it pulls it out to 10. I don't want to die. And then you see the wagon just like runs itself back up or rolls itself I should say back up the hill and into the house and the door shuts.
Um, so cutter, is there any or Maverick? Do you want to keep sleeping? Yeah. Like I'm just sleep talking. Just sleep talking. Okay. In the back or your sir. No, I don't want to die. My shy sir. My shy sir. Yeah. Why is this guy German all of a sudden? Um, cutters, anything you want to talk to Stan about?
Pretty weird, Maverick speaking French all of a sudden. How's your arm feeling? I'm trying not to look at it right now because it feels there's like a lump there that I'm not used to. So I'm starting to think that maybe that's a bone sticking out.
Oh, yeah. Just try not to look at it. Don't let me see that neither guy. I'm trying to keep it, you know, up so the blood can flow back back or something. I don't know. They always say keep things up in the air. Keep it up. Elevation, you know. Yeah, I suppose so. So what's what's what's going to happen to me? And why is why is everything red?
Um, the second one, I don't know, uh, well, I kind of do, but not really fully understanding, uh, main, the first thing I was just, we'll take you to the sheriff over there. And I guess he'll decide, uh, uh, what to do with y'all to kind of shooting the eagle, which I guess is against the law. I just thought it was just not right. Cause they're pretty birds. Uh, but yeah. I ain't never heard of that. Uh, you know, I mean, this guy, Jed was a, was a, was a well-known hunter around our parts, you know, like.
He would know better maybe just bald eagles on account of that's like a national bird But I don't they might just not like any eagle being shot either way. I mean the sheriff back there. He's a good feller You know you're you're pretty what do they call it? regretful maybe they'll give you a little bit of time on the Chain gang for a little while man. I got a got a lady back home I was fixing to propose too soon I
Oh, dang. Well, hey, well, I'll keep track of what's going on with you, feller. And if if you get locked up or anything, I'll let me know where to go, what to do or where to send a letter, I suppose. I'll get you. I'll let you write one down. You got to let you got a lady somewhere, Mr. Cutter. Yeah, there's this lady back in where we're going to do that. I've been sweet on for a while now. Oh, you tell her. What? You tell her you're sweet on her. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We've spent a lot of time together. She helped me read.
Oh, get out. I've been wanting to read a little bit more. I mean, like I can just make out a couple letters, like the one that looks like a snake. I know that one's an S. Oh, well, I mean, I barely know all of them myself, but I got a little book here I've been trying to figure out. You want to look at it together? I'll get the later on. Oh, if you won't mind, you know, if it ain't no bother. That'd be fun. That'd be fun. I ain't never going to share nothing like this with nobody like this. So go ahead.
Okay, so what does it look like inside of your little notebook there, Cutter? Well, it's not a notebook, it's just a little children's book I have that I was trying to read. Okay, do you want to try to read it to him? Yeah, you want to be real smart. Yeah, what is the name of the book?
Um, let's kind of know what the name of the book is. Bathy tells me this is called, uh, the little engine that could, but I can read it. So she told me what them words say, but I can't really quite, I think that looks like N guy. And as far as what she tells me the words and letters make, but that's what she says it sounds like. I mean, I liked the pictures, uh, but yeah, I couldn't tell you what any of them words say little train. Yeah. Oh, dang. That's so cute. Then you hear chicken.
Somewhere off in the distance. I wonder if Matt would like to hear a story about training. I don't want to wake him up. My poop is escaping. My poop is escaping. I want to try and help the feller. Oh, I rolled a pretty pillar. Damn, that's all I rolled. Is something wrong with my thing? All I'm rolling is 1s and 3s or like 5s and 2s. I guess I rolled something else out of that, so it's not something wrong.
Yeah, I mean so just that's okay like I'm gonna do it like a couple of rules for this just to kind of see like if we're Maverick or we're kind of struggles and we're cutter Succeeds so like it's it's stands the reason that you won't be perfect reading a book all the way through by yourself for the first time without bath either This one here is real easy this letter. This is the eye That means first of all, that's just a letter by itself, which is kind of confusing, but it also means like you are
or me when you're talking about you. Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, me and you say it all the time. We know what it means, I guess, you know, you say I, but that's what it looks like on a page when you say like, I need to do this. That's what it looks like. So I means you and I means me, but I mean, if I was saying yes, but if I was saying it, like just now, if I was saying it, yes. But then you say, if, then you say, if you was saying it, if you was saying it, no, no, you like, when you would say, I said this, you would, I said this. Yeah, there you go.
Yeah, there you go. No, don't keep repeating me now. Oh, sorry. Sorry, I got confused on the instructions there. You know, it's a little late or early in the morning. Also, everybody has nothing. That's not really. I'm trying to show you some reading, not like how to speak. We both know how to speak. Roll another.
What did you say? I am. I was definitely going to be fucking off here. Oh, try try rolling again, because I guess I guess smarts is my lowest thing. So that makes sense. OK, there we go. I just want to make sure it's not well, that'll be your third role. So, yeah, so like the first thing I was just trying to change. So I didn't roll another small role in our smarts. Yeah, roll other smarts. That's for six. There we go. All right. I got this here. Read this line here as I then a TH there. That makes a sound. You see that there? Yeah.
And then I, again, this time it's not like, I, it's like, the sound they say make different sound. We obviously, you know, what word is that? Oh, I'm trying. Well, I'm trying to get the end of it here. I'm only on my second roll when I didn't do too well, sir. That's the ink right there. I think, I think, yeah, not think it's the ink.
I'm trying to teach you here, listen. I think. I know you're a little delirious. Let me give you some more water here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to make Maverick pee himself in his sleep. I think, and then there's another, we both know this one again. I think I.
I, um, am I under my third row yet? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Can, can I can a beans, but it's, it's means like can do it. I think, I think I can, I think I can't know you can, can, can, can, I think I can, can anyways, I'll say that back, read that line there. What's it says? I think I can, can you, uh, that's pretty good there.
Yeah. Did I read that? I mean, I don't know because you told me that's what I said, but. That's all. That's all reading is. You just got someone else tells you what it says and you just repeat it. And then you eventually remember what it says. So this is the, this is the lato and
Yeah. I don't know what it says. Delato and God. Fat, fat, fat. It's fat. Fat, fat, cold. I didn't know his book.
It's just there's not really any parts by this thing being cold in here, but I guess The lato in guy fat cold fat cold man, I wait. Oh man before you get like a rain or whatever We gotta show bath the bathy how good I'm doing with teaching. I was back to your sweet. It's back to your sweetie Yeah, that's her name on account of she bats people I Should find out her real name. I think
But then again, my name's a nickname, too. Uh-oh. It's Steph. Can I tell you something? Yeah, what's up, man? I don't think if I did tell her or not. I can't remember because it's been so long. I was going to pretend I didn't. Uh, so, you know, I told you my name's Cutter. That's just sort of the name I go by on account. I'm a little embarrassed of my normal name, which I'm not going to tell you. Sorry. But maybe I was thinking, maybe I'll tell Bathie one, because we're getting pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty close to one or, you know, pretty good relationship we got. I wouldn't be embarrassed to tell her.
Oh, well, hey, that's great. Maybe, maybe she can tell you how she became a bathy or whatever. Yeah. That's nice for Bethany could be, you know, my, my real name ain't Stan. What is it? Um, if you want to tell me that is, I'm sorry. I got curious. No, my name is Stan Lee. Oh, man. That's good. That's smart. Shorten it up too much. Yeah. I just shortened it cause Stan Lee is it's hardest for me to spell when like, I have to write it down.
Yeah, yeah. That's how I know to s the letter s looks like a snake because I have to write it for my name. Yeah, it's one of the scarier letters. Oh, yeah, it's going back to you. Yeah. So while that conversation is going on, let's cut back to Maverick's dream for a minute. Maverick, you're in sleepy town still. You awaken.
with poop in your dream pants. Oh, not again. And you're old maverick now, but way Oh, not again. You're old maverick, 80 something maverick. And you're on a horse and you're riding midnight, which her name ain't silver. It's midnight. I just listened to the episode. Her name's midnight. Not silver. You're riding midnight. Yeah. And you're shooting at bad guys. Yeah. And you're catching them.
I'm putting them in jail. Gotta catch them all. Gotta catch them all. And just the jails are filling up. Ching, ching, ching, ching, ching, ching filled with bad guys you've caught over the years as a bounty hunter and a man. That's where I got all the rope from.
they get all the rope. Every time you put a bad guy away, they gave you like five feet of rope. I didn't take money. I just took rope as a reward. Yeah, they just that's like your reward. It's like a ribbon that you would just hang from something like one day all this rope is going to come in. It's very well known that in in Wild West Montana, you know, when you've turned in a bad guy, they gave you complimentary rope as like an earned down service. And so you got your yeah, rope.
My no rope. Yeah, you're you're the ropes are. Yeah, the ropes, the jails are filling up and just more and more jails keep popping up and extending past their usual towns and they have to demolish other buildings in there just so they can make more room for more jails. And the jails are filling up. Yeah. King, king, king, king. And more and more fellers and ladies are getting tossed in the jail and getting hung by the ropes that they give to you after they get hung. And that's part of the contract that you have.
Um, and before you know it, Mavic, you're standing in a barren wasteland and there's just ropes everywhere on the ground, hanging from trees, um, you know, tie, you know, wrapped like around, like just skeletons laying around you. Um, and all that you can see is a train track and no train. What do you do? Gotta take all of the throw.
and put it on these trees so that I can stop the train from moving, if a train comes. So you're going to try to make like a fucking rope net to get the train? Yes, I'll try to like set two trees and get all the rope I can find and bind it to those two trees so I can make like a net for the train.
All right, let's do a rope tying together montage while you roll while you do some rolls. So how about a survival roll, Maverick, while you're trying to get these ropes all tied up real well? That's a two. That's a two for the first one. Do you want to Benny that or keep it? I do want to use a Benny for that because I haven't done so yet. Okay.
It's a 10. All right. And we just hear what song is playing in the background for this montage as you're tying all your roads. Take me home. I belong. And as you say, I belong, it's what you pull the rope really taught and it's a really long rope and the rope, the rope sings I belong. How about another survival role?
Just to see how that's a five is still pretty good. Um, so we, we, we do that. And before we know it, you have like a big old web of ropes just going across as far as, as far as you can get it to each tree. And you have like probably dozens of ropes stretched across the train tracks. As you hear yourself, my younger self.
You'll sit with your younger self. I'll save my younger self. You'll save your younger self. So you're standing there. Where are you standing as you build this net across the tracks? When I'm building it, I'm climbing up the trees. When I'm done, I stand beside the trees and watch the train do its thing. OK. So you see the train coming around the bend?
And you realize you haven't seen the sunshine since you don't know when. And as it comes, you can see the front of the train and it is like this kind of rusted, kind of gray and brown stained train. And it's got like two big smokestacks coming off the top of it.
And they're kind of curved back like giant horns that are just shooting out black smoke back just blotting out the scenery behind it to the point where you can only really see the front car or two of the train as it just comes barreling towards you. And then it hits your ropes and then just stops.
There's no crash. There's no bang. There's no resistance. It just... Point one for Maverick. It just stops. And then you see a point shows up above your head. So the train has stopped. What do you do, Maverick? I go towards like the... Like where the wagon's on the train, I want to see if there's like any people in there. Yes. So you go around to one of the train cars and
You kind of have to hop up on it. There's no dock to get on. As you hop up in and you go into the train cars, you peek into the first car, and you see Cutter is there, and you see Rin is there, and you see Ishii is there. I have phoney, my friends. I've missed you. You guys can talk to him.
Where have you been? That little train. What? You know, where have you been? Why are you on this train? We've always been on this train. Yeah, we've always been on this train. Maybe like leave me a message next time you guys go on a train. I don't know what you mean by that. Everyone's always been on this train.
Yeah, we've all been on this train together this whole time. You were here. I never been not on this train. I mean, that's fine now that like, I'm also here. So let's go. Yeah, you got on with us. What are you talking about? Sit down. We're about to feed some aloe to your bird. She loves it. So let's go and try and get this train going, right? What?
What are you talking about? What? That's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going. It's always been going.
Can I sleep in your lap cutter? Oh, for sure, Maverick. I am not at all opposed to any sort of close physical contact with you. I want him to sleep in my lap cutter. He's sleeping both on our lap. He'll sleep across us both. We'll make a little bit. Okay, fine. I guess we'll share him. He should lay right in the middle. He should lay down there so Maverick can have you as a fan.
Well, I wanted to have Ishii, like, snuggled up to me too. Well, she's going to be right between us. It's fine. There she is. Look. Aw, so cute. Let's go right to sleep, Maverick. Just stop running all around all the time. You're always running around, Maverick. Yeah. It's all that coffee you drink, I think, Maverick. Maybe you should slow down. Yeah. Stay off that coffee. It's messed with you. All right. I'll just close my eyes. And I, like, reach my arms around, like, color-space.
There you go. That's all red. Just go sleep there. You know, just rest. That's why we got to train in the first place. We didn't have to do nothing. Yeah. It's just rest time. No, I must sleep in my sleep. Yeah. And as you dream in your sleep, in your dream sleep, you wake up and you are in the bar with Sheriff Jeff.
Sheriff Jeff is there, and Rin is there, and Cutter is there, and Ishii is there. And you guys are all sitting around the table having a brewski, shooting a breeze, and then Sheriff Jeff is just like, and that's when he put the dynamite right up his pooper. Oh my God, it was fucking wild. I wish you would let me tell, because I did it, but that's what I told him I did, everybody. Yeah, yeah, that's a story that I like to tell. Actually, I don't like to tell people that story.
It's almost kind of like when you got that whistle taken out of your butt, Kyle, it's hilarious. Allegedly, it's just a joke story she likes to tell everybody. There's never a whistle up my butt. There was a whistle in your butt. The doctor misunderstood a joke we were making. There was never a whistle up there. It was just a joke. It's been so long, I don't even remember. Wow. Vividly I do, and there was not a whistle in my butt. No, I didn't take it wrong. I never swallowed one when I was younger.
Hey, ain't nothing wrong with it, dear. Don't even worry about it, man. I'm just so happy that you're able to even talk about it. And I'm sorry for taking the glory on your story. It's just such a fun story to tell. It's all right. I was just messing around anyway. I don't really care. You can tell it's funny. Y'all remember that time they lost? Yeah, we're going to play some. We'll be playing there, Maverick. Let's play a run of poker. What kind of poker?
the kind with the cards and the symbols and the numbers. I think that's my favorite one. Oh, you deal in there, Mav? Oh, yeah, sure. Go ahead and deal the appropriate amount of cards, everybody. Guys, I have the greatest idea. Andy and Poker, have you ever played it before?
What? You put a card on your forehead and then you have to guess which one's higher and lower. Who poured whiskey in her little water spout again? We only had one bottle each year. Have you been putting your whiskey in your tank again?
I can't reach back there, that's why I have everybody else put water. Who's playing a joke on me? I'm not, I'm drunk. And you see, you see Appany, Appany shows up Maverick behind Rin and is like kind of like giving her a little massage over her tank.
And just kind of like speaking in like a really soft tone into Ryn's ear. And very slowly, Apony reaches around and puts a card on Ryn's head. Yeah, she puts a card on Ryn's head. She looks at Apony with when I open and when I close, she's like, it's higher. I feel that. It's a little warm in here. And then you hear Sheriff Jeff, he goes,
He goes, hey, cutter, don't don't y'all think the Maverick looks like he's a little tired? I'm always telling that feller either. Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Sit first. Yeah. Yeah. Just like a little bed right beside your chair. Just lay down, man. Playing cards right now. Yeah. But you're tired. Look at look at his eyes, man. You're barely keeping your eyes open. But I don't want to sleep.
No, no, you know what? I've been thinking like it might be time for you just to hang up the old badge, you know? Well, I already did that. Right. I mean, you know, just, you know, just, it's time just to rest. Right. Right. Right. Rean, tell your friend, tell your friend to relax and go to bed. It's fine. It's fine. I'll come snuggle with you. Singing Nat Maverick. You want to tuck him in with your little metal arm? Yeah, it's fine.
Tell your friend, tell him why he needs it here. Come on, you get it. We were talking about it. Then you'll play cards with all of me. I want that. No, we're all going to sleep, man. We're going to sleep time. We're sleeping every time. Yeah, one big old bed for all of us right here. All right. We're going to go to bed there, big guy. All just play cards with each other in our sleep. Yeah. Also, what's the card on my head? Which one is it? What's in the... What is it?
Uh, the instruction, the instructions card. Oh, dang it. Oh, I did it again. Shit. Guess which one's on your head, Gunter. Um, two. It's a, it's a deuce. Someone put a deuce on your head. That means poop. Which one did I have? Uh, it was the, it was the, the sword of swords.
This is the card of swords is what I meant to say. The card of swords. Ah. Yeah, that I also then also you have the the the throne of Abaddon on there, too. Throne of the heart of that card. That's a way in, Maverick. Yeah, it's a way in. You win. You automatically win their partner. Yeah, I have on.
Alright, well let's talk more about it in the morning. Rian, you getting in or what? Don't spill your whiskey tank on me. You know I'm in the middle of this turkey sandwich. Let's go.
Yeah. And then Apone comes back and just like holds the turkey sandwich out and lures right over towards the bed. Never. Do you go to sleep? Yes, I have fun. I can sleep. So.
Cutter, you are. Well, actually, real quick, before I do that, we'll go back to Ren in Punky's house. By this point, he's done all the little his little turtles helping him out. Kitty, kitty Googles there, too, for some moral support playing music for you guys. He says, Kitty, Google, play me something upbeat. He goes, wow. And he goes, everything that he did, everything that he did, everything that he had of his little talkie box.

Medical Urgency and Surreal Train Journey

He says, all right, well, I'll keep an eye on the bird and you should be good just to, you know, rip the old chesticle open and take a quick snapshot and I should print out your backside. Sweet. Thanks, Punky. You're the best. She kisses him on the forehead. No, that's fine. That's why I'm making clones of you, young lady again. Yes, indeed. You know, you can't beat the original now. What are you talking about? I'm going to live forever.
Once we get done, you know, with all of our stuff, we're going to live forever. Right. We are going to live forever. That's right. We are. Yeah. 100%. Yes. 1000% even. Yes. Wink. Right. I would wink too, but I took that feature out because it just saves me time. Once we see everything more often. Your goggles are too awesome. It's fine. Yes. Yes. I don't have to blink inside of these things. Yeah. They're awesome. All right.
All right. And don't don't forget to, uh, you know, don't don't don't forget to close the door on the way out. I'm not I'm not trying to heat the outside, at least not yet. You know, that's what I keep telling frickin sucky, but she keeps leaving the frickin door open. I'm like, yo, we're not heating the outside like. Knock it off. You know, she inspired me to she inspired me to create a device that you could suck up dirt in the work.
Oh my God, can I test it out when you're done? I suppose only if you're nice and you bring me back something pretty. Well, you know, I always bring you back something funky shit. Yes. Well, I got to go check on that bird and he has like he has like some strange little like jewels in his hand that he pulls out of out of fucking nowhere. He's like, yes, I got to go see where I can fit these. And he just kind of wheels off into the back and the door slams behind him and you're free to leave.
She walks out just like skipping. Taking pictures of things. Literally everything. So as you come down, you can see that Cutter is sharing his book with Stan in the back of the wagon.
She walks up and takes a picture of him. We're both we're both going. I think I can. I can. I think I think you stop saying can twice. That's good. I got us. I knew I'd get you there. Yeah. You know what? It's just it kind of becomes a rhythm. I like it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's why it's one of the easy books to learn. Oh, hey, Ren. What? You gave me. What are you doing? Lightning. He's a blood in the shit out of me. Oh, well.
No, check it out. Click. And she takes another picture of him. I can take pictures in my chest. She's literally flashing people. I'm literally flashing people. Anyway, how did it go in there with the bird? Well, I got Punky the aloe and he said he's going to do what he can. So I guess we'll see what happens. She like glares at Stan. I I'm trying to read.
shut up what did it ask you anyways i think it can let's get going quit twitching on that stuff like it doesn't need to be any smarter maybe if you have more smarts you won't get in trouble well he needs to be dumb so that he can go do something else i don't make no lick
These are the opinions that I have. I just don't like him okay. Then you hear a mafic singing his sleep. Carter, can I sleep in your lap? No, no, you're already sleeping. Just lay where you are.
And then you see amongst the aloe, Maverick starts to kind of convulse in a pile of aloe, just kind of like his chest is pulsating up and down. He's kind of starting to seize a bit and his body just starts thrashing about. Oh, man, have an episode, Maverick. Well, you, Tim, I don't know anything about medical stuff. I will.
I'll get in the driver's seat and get him to do dad. Yeah, I'll try to wake up. Maverick, wake up. Wake up. I'll take time to wake up. So what do you do as you're trying to wake up Maverick? I just shake him. I get like all your limbs waking up normally. Like Maverick, wake up. Come on. Come down. His body is kind of like as you're grabbing a hold of him, it's very tense.
It's very stiff, almost like Rigor Mortis is starting to set in already. Hey, when he's stiff as a board, you gotta hurry us down a new day. Get that doctor. Okay, I'm going. She hops up and tells Bitey to, hi-yah, with butternut. And Bitey pulls out a board and chops it in half. Hi-yah! Take it easy when he does. Smartass, let's go. Are you going to do that? Are you going to watermelon? What's that place called?
We know there's a doctor there, so we're going there. Let's go to watermelon. Watermelon. Watermelon mushrooms, that's what it is. Watermelon Montana. So yeah, that's a great place. We should go there for sure. That's where Pam's from originally before she went to the mines. She's from Watermelon Montana.
I knew it. Modern Melontana. So you, you start getting bitey to go cha cutter as you're grabbing ahold of Maverick and trying to kind of wake him up. We cut to Mavericks dream one more time, the dream within a dream.
And actually, I guess within a dream because you went to sleep a third time. Yes. And then you you wake up and you're sitting back on a train and you see that it's filled with hundreds of people. Like it's like packed shoulder to shoulder in each seat. And as you like, you look over your shoulder, you see just the cart seems to go on for miles. And this time I'm like 19 years old.
this time you're 19 years old. And you you see a little sign that lights up in front of you. And it says, next stop, hell. That doesn't sound good. My workplace is somewhere different. My workplaces somewhere different. I gotta like ask the like, train people. What's wrong?
What train people like the passengers? No, I mean, like, like, train like anybody who likes to train. Yeah, you see a very, I mean, objectively beautiful woman standing in the aisles just like, just model esque features pixie like, you know, she has like little, little black wings that are kind of like kind of like
hanging off like the center of her back. She has like slicked back horns. She has like some earrings and she looks over and she goes, yes, darling, what can I do for you? I need to go to do that, but this train says it's going to hell. What's that about? Oh, you want to go to do that? Yes. We could probably make a stop to, you know, to do that on the way.
That's good. I need to like go and work there. Oh, good. Okay. Very good. Well, um, and just sit tight and we'll make a pit stop at do dad. Oh, okay. Thanks. Hey, you're welcome. Um, and, um, so 19 year old Mavericks sits in his seat waiting for do dad and the train. Um, and then we cut back to the land of the living where cutter and we're in, are in the wagon with Stan.
Cutter as you're holding on to maverick you you notice that his head just kind of like flops to the side and He just kind of lets out like One like little cold breath that you can kind of see forms in front of you and all you hear is it is done What do you do I'm gonna stop moving he stops moving Maverick maverick you gonna wake up now come on maverick. He doesn't move
I put my head to his chest. Ever. You don't hear anything. I look at Stan. What? I didn't do nothing. I didn't do nothing, man. I promise I've been sitting here being good. I just don't. Ran. You call the front of the wagon to Ren. Ren, do you say anything?
Well, now I could probably hear him. Yeah. Go faster. I don't know. I never came moving no more. He's not moving. I don't hear no heart. All right. I'm hurrying. Go, buddy. Go faster. Go, but or not. Let's go. Do a riding roll, Ren. All right.
Rad and roll. Let's see it. Rad and shooting. That's a fiver. You get the wagon to go as fast as it can go, as butternut's trying to keep up alongside y'all. Going across the terrain, the bumpy, rocky terrain of Montana. And as you're trying to speed towards Doo Dead, as fast as the wagon and bitey can carry you, you hear a sound again. And you see that there is a
where tracks weren't before a train is barreling across the terrain headed towards Doo Dad right where you guys are going. And it kind of cuts you off as you guys are racing and you're racing alongside the train as you both head towards Doo Dad together. What do you do? If I look in the windows, do I see like little Maverick?
As you look up, as you look over to your right, as the train is barreling alongside you, as tracks are seemingly forming on their own, headed towards Dudad, you can see Maverick, a 19-year-old Maverick. You look out the window to your left and you can see a very intense look on the face of your friend Ren. Hey, I'm over here. Turn me on the train.
hey cutter maverick is young on that train huh what's even going on out there in the window I can see him but he's like young and we know like wave at them how can you tell you know I guess put a beard on it look just like him
um did he did he did he pass his life force onto this other man what are you doing on that train all aboard the ghost train
Does it look good already?