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Savage City - The Sound of Science

S1 E8 ยท Roll Players
48 Plays5 months ago

Evan recovers from his near death experience among some scaley dudes while Snow and Stop stoop a train... wait.

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Introduction and Humorous Banter

Oh, fuck. I didn't mean it already. I we was also thinking about the Olaf from Spongebob. There's an Olaf in Spongebob? Yeah, there's like a whole pirate ship, like Spongebob, Patrick on a pirate ship, and everyone on a ship is called Olaf. Like this Olaf and this Olaf.
Oh, that's funny. Yeah, I don't know that one. I never watched that. so Flying Dutchman. It's like Sponge. it's No, it's like Spaceballs. They're like, sorry, that guy's an asshole. I know that. It's like, no, let's send an asshole. Firing assholes. That's my cousin, asshole, yeah asshole. Yeah, that's my cousin Cadet James asshole. I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes. Oh, same. That's a great movie, man. Same. Anyway, everybody, welcome to the show today at Savage City again. We're all assholes here. Speak to yourself,

Karen Moment Story

We all have assholes here. Is that correct? Cass isn't an asshole. She's more of a butt munch. She munch his butts. I'm just a raging bitch. It's fine. You heard it here first, folks. No, there's this guy at work that overheard me on the phone with the people from Geico, and he's like, maybe 250 pounds and he's got tattoos literally all over his face, everything. I got off the phone and he looks at Perry and he goes, man, she scares even me. I wouldn't want to piss her off. Oh, God, you're being a Karen to the Geico people. What are you doing? They were being stupid to me. So, you know. Oh, no. Some people just shouldn't be allowed on the phones with customer service people.

Setting Up Savage Worlds Game

Oh, man. You're in trouble. You're in trouble. Listen, so what are you doing? Listen, we're trying to screw me over. We're breaking up the podcast because we learned that she's a Karen. This is way worse than when Kyle Gash said that shit about Trump. This is way worse than tenacious D. We're breaking up forever.
Anywho, we're playing the Savage City today. Savage Worlds is the game. We're recording a Right now we are sitting in our respective places recording. and We're just talking like you're listening to us just bullshit about stupid stuff. Isn't it great? um What a time to be alive. Anyway. People but don't come here for the story. They come here for the banter.
Yeah, we all know. We know this. We know it. Anyway, see, we're playing the game today. Last time they attacked

Train Heist Chaos

a train for who knows what the fuck. Just somebody from Snowspears Pass came around and said, hey, I got a job for you. And what was his name? Just because I'm trying to facilitate his name was Johnny. I had it written down. Johnny Wang. That's right. Just because I'm trying to facilitate some backstory for Cass's character, because sometimes he's a little quiet about that stuff and doesn't bring it up. So I'm forcing it out of her.
I never create a backstory for my character. I go i play as long as I go. we We know she banged Boss Williams in the past, probably. The Hulkamania looking guy. Anywho, um and they attacked the train and then the train attacked back. Can you believe it? Oh, no. And it attacked really fucking hard.
made that Who could really say who did what wrong, when and where, who maybe we didn't do the mechanic, who everything was done perfectly, I think. But um ah Evan, unfortunately, took many, many bullets to his bodily area. And unfortunately, he, ah it was too much.
And he fell off the train. Flop, flip, blop, blop. He blanged off of there. He flip flopped and he smacked down on the dirty desert floor and left behind as his friends are rocketing away. I don't know what the fuck I was going to try and say that rocketeering, I think.
<unk> Rocket talking in the way. they're They're rocking and walking, clocking and walking out that there on that train track. And Evan's laying there and um they they also got the train. in Jesus, I don't know if you heard that. Somebody's crazy outside. That's us beeping for Evan to get back on the car. What are you doing? There's some drones flying around with guns in the air. There's one more gun turret left on the train top that had killed evan allegedly allegedly i don't know it has it has been convicted in the court yeah um
and casey And they ripped the whole off of the wall of the train so they can get in there and steal the shit they're there to steal from the company Limeware, which makes ah Sound system equipment and also sound based

Evan's Recovery and New Allies

weaponry ah for fun. So I want to get a fart gun that kills people with the sounds of farts Not the smells of farts. We have to so get to get a proctocorp for that. Anyway, shoot proctocorp
and um then we funny anywho Thank you. um So you guys are driving. Actually, let's start with um Evan, almighty. Alrighty. So Evan, you flop down real hard on the ground. The life is is draining from your body. And you you're just as before your eyes close, you can kind of look with like barely opened eyes, all hazy and blurred. You see The train and youre the car are your friends. It's hard to even see the car are your friends because it's on the way up further the train. You see the train disappearing into the distance in the dust of the desert and you sort of
sort of start to fade. Do a, do a, do a vigor roll for me to see how much and how quickly you sort of go. Oh, wow. That's a bad one.

Meeting Solazine

Mine is free because of food. So yeah. Yeah. He's got a two and vigor. He passes out real quick, like a little, um, like a Victorian woman and like an old movie whenever someone says, uh, my damn, uh, To her. Oh, damn. Get that corset on. She can't breathe. Yeah. So, yeah, you're you pass out and some time passes. And I'm going to say you wake up, Evan, and you look around, do a notice roll for me. It's going to be another bad one. Where am I?
Sad. What's Evan? Hell yeah, brother. You rolled really high for having a minus three, Dave. Your eyes snap open, and you like look around. you're kind of like You kind of have a hard time moving because you're pretty beat up. And and you're also like on a little like table kind of thing. And you look over, and you see what looks suspiciously like um your one cybernetic arm laying on a table across like the way from you a little bit. And you kind of look down, and you see that it is, in fact, off of your body. It looks pretty beat up over there. It looks pretty smashed up. But ah ga it's off of you.
evan and um and you hear some clear clattering around and you look over and there's a uh little hunchbacked um saurian man a lizard person he's smaller than most he's like he's like really short for one of them he's like on a little swivel chair um tinkering around and he pushes off he's ah not sitting on a swivel chair by the way since he's so small and short he's like on feet on the chair like he's like hunched on it and he pushes off ah the table he's at and slides over to where your arm is and he's like This thing's a piece of junk. It's never going to work again. Maybe I should just scrap this guy for parts. Maybe this dick will sell good money. Add it to the box of dicks.
um Do you think I would be able to control my arm when it's like

Battle on the Train

off a body? Probably not. Do you have, I don't think you have that. You got the Bluetooth implant for that? I would do like a middle finger to him. yeah Why is his middle finger twitching on this damn thing? He looks over, he's like, ah oh oh, hey, well, oh, welcome back to the world of the living. And he slides over, rolls himself over there. You got pretty beat up there, didn't you, fella? Yes, suddenly feel like it. so His little tongue is licking his lower, across his little scaly lips. So if you don't mind me asking, I have a couple of questions. Ask away.
Um, firstly, why is my arm over there? Well, you see, uh, you kind of landed on it. I guess when you fell off of, uh, whatever you, I guess the train, you were, yeah you were probably on a train and when I guess it shot you to the, what if somebody shot you on the train, huh? Or are you good? Did you get shot and then get run over by the train? I don't know. But yeah, that thing's pretty detective. Yeah. That thing's pretty mangled up over there. Yeah. I just, I was just trying to think of it, see if I could do anything with it. Uh,
And I didn't know if you're going to make it through and I figured either your your scrap or your well, you're indebted to me for saving your life. I looked down at your knife. I fixed your chest up a little bit there. um You can take off two wounds if you don't if you want.
um What was that? You can take off two wounds. Oh, that's nice. But yeah, you're still going to be. I'm certainly very grateful for that. ah Yeah.
Um, and I think we we're talking about Adrian, you were, you were doing an injury stuff. Did you roll for what sort of detriment you have on your chest, on your, on your torso? Not yet, but I need to roll a D six to do that. Yeah, do, do that. Did he do that? and so yeah he want to do that So it's like broken. oh Your agility is is reduced by one. Okay. So remember that if you want to change it for now, we can you can make a note that it's not always going to be that low, but, um,
Yeah, knock that down. So he's a little less agile right now. This poor, poor, whatever your fucking name is, Evan. Um, yeah, yeah just like' broken some ribs or something. Oh yeah. They, they shut you through there real good. Um, any who, uh, my name's, uh, what? So who who are you? I was just going to tell you, my name's, my name's, they call me shepherd. Uh, you have a big ship.
No, um not ship erred. Shep erred. Oh, I have a lot of sheep. Like a guy that used to have sheep back in the day a long time ago when sheep still ah existed. um But yeah, well i welcome. Welcome to my garage. What's your name, little fella? um My name's Evan. um Oh, Evan. Nice to meet you. Yeah, I've been kind of been in an unfortunate situation.
It looks like it. i hate to say It seems like to me, you're no stranger to unfortunate situations. i so I found some interesting

Derailing the Train

codes in all your little bits and bobs there. You were part of that one of those little weird, um what do you want to call them, undercover underground ah people, and when a a cybernetic programs they do to people, right? Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not so good with the but the English words. I'm more of a... Oh, yeah, yeah. But you're on the right track. I've been kidnapped once before.
Mm-hmm. Well, don't worry. I'm not gonna Not really kidnapping you but I would be nice if you like paid back the favor yeah Do you want to meet um my boss? Sure, who's your boss? Fuck I forget the name I gave you guys along do you got anybody remember the name a long time ago when you first got to the desert the leader of I had it in my head before leader of like the sarian Bands that roam around out here That is Rick's sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
and was i was just guess as s that it that' ssparrilla sarsparilla you know there's an r in sarsparilla that's not there's an extra r you know that sarsa parilla Yeah, it's sarsaparilla. There's extra for A too, so sarsaparilla. Is it sarsaparilla? That sounds like a Lollapalooza kind of thing. Anyway, yeah, he's like, you want to meet my you want to meet my boss, Evan? I mean, I'm kind of in your depth, so I guess. OK.
Um, do you mind helping me up? Yeah, let me, uh, uh, let me put the brakes on this thing. He pulls a little like lever on the, on the stool. All right. Uh, yeah. I want to come on here a little fella. Yeah. Your legs are working. Okay. Um, do a, uh, do, uh, what were we saying? Another, do another figure roll to see if you don't like your head, you know, you just how your head does getting back up.
A four. Okay. you're You're kind of like o woozy and shit, but you get up there. Um, and then do, uh, do an athletics role for me as well to see how well your body maneuvers itself. It's a free. Okay. You kind of, you know oh Oh, Jesus. i think i Go off the table and like instantly fall to my feet. Yeah. He's like, I know I said I put the brakes on his stool, but it's like, it's just a shitty stool. It's like a ah guy almost knocked me down. Calm. Easy there, fella. I think I might need a minute before we meet with your boss. Okay. Um,
He jumps down. Let me get you this here. He wheels out like an old like wheelchair that clicks and clanks every time the wheel spins around. cause It's really old and shitty. See if you can climb up into this thing, fella. I'm not going to help you up, because you're like twice the size of me, and it's going to be real hard. just Yeah, it's fine. I think I'll get on it. Drag yourself in there. And I'll let you just kind of do that. I hate you a little while, but you drag yourself in there. Also, do you mind if I get my arm back?
oh Buddy um that might take a little minute. Just just just don't worry about that. I'll work on it um But we got we I just got to you know, introduce you to everybody there. They're dying to see you there. They they were real excited In fact, there there's a couple of guys that even recognized you you memory you met them bows are and and Slidal forth out there but siidal forth i go forth slow um whenever you were apparently you were going out familiar yeah
you're going after some sort of like warehouse or something and like a month or so back yeah ah right yeah going to blow it up but they do like sorry people there Yeah, yeah they brought us they brought me some cool stuff back. Honestly, yeah, there was a guy here to have a leg. Guess what? He's got a leg now. It's great.
that's awesome anyway yeah yeah they'll be happy to see you they were really worried about you they thought they liked you pretty good from that time they met you so and the boss is excited to see you then he thinks you're gonna be a cool guy ah so let's go yeah come on ah and he takes you out of the garage and you just see you're in like a sort of an old like ah Sort of like, I guess, ah I was going to say a trail yeah trailer park. I caused was torn between a trailer park and like an old nice, like, what do you call it, like housing development area. But this is like an old trailer park, ah sort of circular in nature. um And there's like, they got some extra like shit built in, like some more and some newer shit that they like to have been adding, like little buildings and shit and like big vehicles they've put in here and stuff.
um bunch of little saurian people running around people of other types of people being beings to some of them wearing masks. Some of them not all the saurians aren't wearing masks. I think I just I said earlier that they kind of not worry about any sort of contaminated air out here and

Aftermath and Loot Gathering

there's a nice trailer near the back and he says all right back this way and a guy comes running over and he's like oh my god it's you the cyborg guy it's me bozer I forget I'm sorry I forget your name what's your name dude and And I tried to wave him, but I realized I don't, I'm missing my arm. Um, um ah right. Um, my name was Evan. and What was your name again? Bozar. My name is Bozar. I don't know if I told you it was a whole, that was crazy. I, you guys, I thought you were going to blow that place. I was, I was a whole i was pretty cool with that whole thing we get did out there, you guys. Uh, you, uh, but anyway, I'm so glad you're alive, man. He came in here with these three bullet holes in your chest. I was like, holy shit. yes guy I'm really glad I'm alive as well. Yeah, man. Yeah. Um, she was going dark. Oh shit, man. What were you doing out there?
And we were on a job to like steal something from a train. Damn. And there was a piece of shit turret that like had it really out for me. And I didn't really see it coming. Duh, man. Don't you get me started on piece of shit turrets. Those things are pieces of shit. Man, but you guys get you guys do some cool ass shit. Man, you guys are you guys are hardcore.
Yeah, usually get me started on piece of shit turrets. When I get to this tour again, I will destroy every little piece that it has. um man way Oh, man. Well, that's I can't blame you. But ah hey, dude, i just just so you know, I don't know how much what the fuck I named I give this guy a shepherd. I don't know how much shep here has told you, but ah I don't know how willing you are for this kind of thing. But the the boss is kind of hoping since you're here.
he He heard our stories about you guys. And since, you know, shepherds bring you back to life, he's going to he feels like you kind of owe us one. So you might have to help us out with some something here down the line or something, dude, just letting you know, man, as you know, brother to brother here. You mean like Melissa to human right there? I mean, if you want to get racist about it, sure. how ok Wow. Wow. I'm just talking. Yeah, I do feel kind of better to you because um I want to say we'll probably but be dead. So what kind of enough work do you need? Well, I mean, it's always all kind of shit. I don't know what he's going to want you to have help with. Well, I mean, I guess you're going to talk to him now.
and ah and the little guy shepherds like also bozar i'm down here three feet tall pushing this big ass metal half metal dude on this this wheelchair through the rocky ground we got here push him for me asshole oh yeah sorry sorry man uh bozar helps push you back and shepherds like i'm gonna go work on your arm dude uh come back and maybe i'll be able to jack off again i don't know okay sounds great And, uh, Bose was like, sorry about him. He's kind of, uh, kind of a, kind of a little freaky for, for story and standards even. Uh, but, uh, we'll have you talk up here and cast over gave me that name. So I'm just going to make up a name for him. I was in the chat. It's in the chat. I didn't see it. You said it was Mr. i
What is Mr. Hyde? Oh, that was that. and That was the other. That was for the Aquarians. Also, I don't see that in in the chat either way. um All I see is a fucking warehouse. Mr. Hyde drew. Yeah, that was the Aquarians. And why don't you just say that guy got killed and then he got replaced? so all of these These guys are Aquarians.
The only thing that I have down for Savage City is Aquarians. The wizard guy could just be, you know, he got killed and he got erased from history. They hate him. Well, I mean, either way, I guess if someone goes back and listens to them, they won't remember the name. Either way, it doesn't really matter because it's just somebody with the same name doing the same job or different name doing the same job. Either way, we'll take it here. We'll show you. If there's no one over here that can help me check off.
No, no, I don't. Well, I mean, maybe I mean, if you're into, I mean, there's a lot of people around here. I mean, uh, I don't know if you're sorry lizard. No. Um, uh, I don't know if you're into sorry and chicks, but just don't go after he points. So I mean, I'm not going to see, but it's kind of hard with just one arm.
But I get you. Oh, I know. I guess I don't get you. But any points it at a sorry and ladies like just don't go after her, man. That's my girl. All right. OK. OK. And he takes you to like the like trailer at the one end of the little cul-de-sac thing. And um you go into there. He's like, I guess there's there's a little steps up to the little like a little porch on. it He's like, can can you get me able to walk up these steps here? I mean, I'll try to.
All right, cool. Do your best. um do a ah Do another vigor roll for me as you get up off the thing of a jig. That's a two. Oh, you stumble. He kind of catches like, oh, geez, my oh mygary let me let me get get my ah get my arm around you here, kind of grab on there. All right. It's not quite feeling that good yet, to be honest. It's all right, man.
ah if get shot off a train. I mean, I don't know what I'd be doing. I'd probably, I'd probably be like a ah puddle on the floor. Uh, but I mean, I also don't have all kinds of mental on me. So I mean, Hey, anyway, come on in here. Uh, I'll show you the boss and he takes you in thanks ah and there's a nice, it's nice little, um, open concept trailer in there. Uh, there's like a little bar between the kitchen and the living room where there's like a big old leather L shaped couch in the corner. And there's a TV and it's got like, um, some news playing and shit.
There's a few people sitting in there, a few Saurian dudes, and ah like ah a Dwarven guy, I guess, is also sitting in there. He's smoking a a big fat Sigi, not a cigar, I mean, not a Sigi. and and the nine theres Hey, they call me Sigi. Yeah, we like we like him because he sounds just like all of us. yeah But there's ah there's a dude kind of in the center of the couch with like a ah black, like, ah sort of,
a tactical looking vessel like pockets and shit on it and like a sort of padded looking and has like a big sort of stiff collar to it looks like it also has like a little bit of like protection to it and um he's like holy shit That wasn't the main guy supposed to talk, so I thought the same guy. Is this the guy, Solazine? And you were talking about you wanted to meet? Oh my God. And Solazine is the name of the new name of the boss that's in charge of these guys. I've made it up. And he's like, ah, yes, I think this is him. Hello. Evan, was it? a I don't know. yeah I would have known your name i still other guy like to her name. What's your name, buddy? I think you might be able to read thoughts because my name is Evan.
ah He looked like an Evan to me. I've heard that before. So this guy's wearing, we'll say he's wearing a he's wearing a a long purple coat instead, all beat up and old and shit, but a long purple trench coat kind of thing. um So I thought you need to help with something? Oh man, we we but could use help with a lot of things. I don't really know what I'm going to have you do yet for us to, you know, kind of get you. Now I'm not really very helpful, but I'm going to rest, i i be able to like do something for you. Yeah, I don't want to tell you.
one job and have somebody else complete it. But yeah, whatever. I don't know. when There's all kinds of shit that needs done out here. This place is a mess. Everything sucks living out here. But I mean, it's kind of like also paradise. It's kind of nice. Nobody looking over our shoulders and shit. Either way. yeah But, uh, yeah, my name's, my name's Sala Zine. This guy here who I described, who I described a second ago, who was supposed to be me, but I gave him the wrong voice. That's, uh, that's Edgar. And, uh, uh, we're, we're,
happy to have you around here. So is the boss guy and Edgar is the guy that pushed me? No, what? Or is he the other way around? No, Bozar was the guy that pushed you. Edgar is the guy sitting on the chair, um who's wearing like the little tactical little vest kind of thing, and Salazines, yeah, the boss, neither of all them. He's like, ah, but yeah, I mean, it'd be really nice to have a little cyborg man help us out with some stuff. I mean, you always, you can take some, I mean, he almost died, apparently, according to on the old ship, but he pulled through too. So, I mean, ah you can stand up. It's probably like all the metal parts and strolling me. Yeah. And ah if you can believe it, way out here, we don't get a lot of of good internet connections and a lot of good updates for programming and ah hardware and stuff like that. So, I mean, a lot of our computer stuff is pretty outdated and I assume you there,
from what Bose are, and I'm telling too you, were you were doing some stuff on the computer's net. The facility you guys went to. Yeah. Assuming you're a little more up to date on all the... ah You could send a little text there, yeah. oh Oh, that's good. All that mumbo jumbo. That's great. we good That could be helpful for us. But anyway, just wanted to get a look at you. Looks like you're missing an arm. That's pretty fucked up. Oh, yeah. i've I've noticed that too. It's kind of odd to have only one arm. Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah. looks like You need your rest there, fellas. Why don't you... ah Bozar, help him back down to the sea old ship. There's a little place around back at his place. ever but We got some extra places to sleep and lay down and hang out. This place is kind of sort of a communal kind of thing, so you can walk around wherever you want, sit at the fire pit, cook up some squirrel or rat. We kind of all kind of share everything around here, so whatever you need. Yeah, I'm grateful for everything. so don't be cool You don't need to worry about me.
All right, man. Hey, I appreciate it. You're a good guy. I thought I was, little you know, you never know who you're going to drag out of the desert, but ah you're all right. You know, as long as you don't do me any bad, I'm like also fine with you. Hell yeah, brother. Hell yeah. All right. Well, I go back and lay down. hu I will do that. Yeah. All right. Good luck with your recovery and God bless. Now get out of my place. We're going to listen to the news.
She had my place. I'm going to listen to the news. Yeah. And we'll leave you. We'll leave you there, Evan. You're cooperating at this time. You go back to wherever you want to go to in that place. And the rest of you guys are back on the train gang. legitimate um I believe ah there is one gun turra left to two drones left. um You guys just kind of yanked a hole big enough to kind of work some stuff in and out of the ah train car side of the thing.
Uh, what, what do you guys want? Are we, are we still dealing? so You're still in combat, but I'll kind of let him before we get going. I'll let you guys, if you guys there's anything particular you guys want to try and do, if if you want to jump into the thing. Did we see Evan fall off the trade? Yeah. I just give him the finger and then go about what I was doing. Cause he tried to, uh, he tried to, he tried to bounce off the chain and like help you pull the thing off of the body weight, but he just bounced off of it like a, like a. fellow She sees him just get lost and she's just like, sweet free apartment.
and uh what's everybody wins with heaven dead come on now he's all fist pumping yes wow how nice exactly adrian can i ask you a favor yes can you say wow like that one more time wow it's like when you do that i just want that to be my text message tone wow please ah yeah Okay, so we're I still have like the harpoon attached because I chucked it into the side of the train ah Snow is still driving, right? Yep. She's driving um and We have you and we'll be us you and boss for pulling a thing off He's on the harpoon and the other guy John me Wang. He's shooting shotgun at some of the dry. He shot one drone out of this guy That's kind of the long and short. What's been how me Wang has it. What is he shooting with a shotgun? Yep
OK, and there's two turrets still active. One turret on this train car. Where'd the other turret go? Evan killed it. Oh, I don't remember that part. OK, good. That helps. OK. Tell me, what does. um What does the the the wheels to the tracks situation look like? Is it run typically like a standard train? Is it like a one of those kind of hovering looking trains? like um It's pretty, pretty normal train.
OK, because I think I'm thinking about just trying to just fucking tip the train over as opposed to just like trying to rob and you get shot at. OK, so let's try this. um What I would like to try to do is. um I am going to try like I'm going to yank the train, the the the chain loose of like from the the the gun, like can I unravel the chain that's on the harpoon gun?
i Mean poor or just break the gun off and hold on to it and just use it as like my own little grappling hook for a second It's just pretty it's pretty darn big um Can I disassemble it in some way and then fire off with it? I'm trying to like use it as a as a as a hydraulic thing to fire me over to on the other side of the train. Oh um I mean you can just tell maybe tell boss Williams that and he can just shoot you shoot the harpoon into the train and with you fried on it The trains already shot onto it. I just want to take it and like loop it up and see if I can like derail the train with it um You know what? Actually, i I think I'm going to do that. All right. his Boss is the one that's on the gun. Yeah. Boss, you got on loose to grapple hook. I got a better idea. What you thinking, brother? Shoot it underneath the fucking train. And we're just going to try to grapple the goddamn wheels and rip it off the track. Oh, hell yeah, brother.
It's like it's like a little hole in there. Like, you know what? Fuck it. We're getting shot at like we need to do something. And now I'm going to give you guys cars. kind of do this stuff as you go. What do you give it a good that we need good guy? The bad boys get to go first with their little jack of hearts. They've gotten in our dealing or stealer ship of cards. um So there's two drones buzzing around. um One of them is going to kind of fly. It's actually going to fly down off. They get the jack off because they have arms.
but Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. Mr. One Arm, One Arm Bandit over here. Listen, a man, you attack it. you well I've always said this. If you attack a turret, then you lose your jack off arm. This is like what happens. That's how life is, unfortunately. That life is. You can't beat off if you get shot off, you know? Yeah. Now you got your lifelong question answered. ah So anyway, ah you got, what am I fucking saying? Oh yeah, there's a fly around. There's two drones.
And one is going to kind of fly out in front of the thing a little bit and he's going to. It's going to the car. Yeah, the car is going to try to um thank you for helping me figure out what things were. um ah And it's going to fly out in front of the thing, the car, that is, and it's going to try and shoot at you, Snow Spear, as you are the little driver of that vehicle. Let me pull up this is.
I haven't sheet. God damn it. Edit this out. um yeah yeah Put that on a T-shirt to just edit this out. and this out so Oh, it's been around since we started this. It did it. So it's it's. And they never do. It wrote a one. So it shoots a little um laser beam. What is it going to do? Let's say it shoots a laser beam at towards you, but um somehow it bounces off of like the metal of the bar of the window frame.
And it bounces back and it hits itself with it because that's how lasers work. That's how lasers work. And it does, holy shit. It does 10 damage to itself. And weeny boys can only get one damage or one wound, right? One shake, one wound. Yes. Okay. So that's um only a shake. I don't know how drones work, but yeah just make I'm just making it be a weeny boy too.
It's fine, so that one is shaken up. Remember that I'm going to make the other one do its thing without being shaken. So another one flying around and it's mad that. That it's other friend got shot by the guy with a shotgun. John me Wang is going to shoot at John me Wang and it rolled. The inanimate object is mad too. That's how you know we understand it, but really it's AI says. Oh, one of the connections to me died by this guy here. Let's kill that guy with a die, but one of them one of us was, you know, It's AI mad. And it misses with a two on its roll. It shoots a little laser beam and passes and Johnny Wang's like, Oh, you're not going to get me with that shit you son of a bitch. However, I talked. I don't know for sure. My freaking voice modulator.
um And then they whiffed it. And then it's the. Kurt Turret on top is going to try and shoot it. Probably Boss Williams is probably the highest one up on the turret and the gun on the harpoon in the back is going to shoot it. Boss Williams. Oh shit, we're going to lose Boss Williams. I got a four and it's probably like minus two for you guys being on the car and shit. So it misses him too. But it's like so funny if he just got shredded. A few machine gun bullets kind of like whiz pass and like ting into like the side of the car and under the harpoon top or whatever. Ping, ping, ping. But you guys are safe. Everything is fine and dandy. Only Evan is weak against guns.
ah Next I'm a crazy business Stoop with your nine. Oh, I guess I didn't think about your NPC boys either. So let me give them a card. God damn it I can't help him because he's MPC boys go before you there, man. I'm going to put them on Evans thing. Uh, so he's dead to us. We think he's boss. Boss Williams attracts that time. But the good thing is for you, uh, stoop boss Williams. Uh, I know I forgot you weren't going to, you weren't going to get shot. You said you were going to shoot yourself across, but you're not doing that. You're going to shoot the wheels. Just take out the wheels. Okay. So he's going to try and do that. I'm going to have, um, Tommy Wang shoot the drone to try to shoot at him first.
And he only rolls a three and he's also kind of in a car shooting and a flying thing. So that's already even worse either way. So he fucks that up. And he's like, Oh, I got the first one. You guys like guys on somebody else to get the rest of them. And, uh, what's his face is going to shoot in his thing at the, uh, the harpoon at the wheels. And he got only a two. Uh, let's make, let's let boss Williams use an NPC Benny. This is the thing we want to have happen a four and still price shouldn't happen, but it's cool. So I'm going to say it gets down there.
It's wedged in there. It's wedged in there, but it doesn't quite do any effect yet, but it's wedged down underneath the wheel for the moment, um at least to see if we can get something shaken up from that in a moment. But that's their turn. So Stoop, you're up. Can I hold my turn until after snows, but still use part of my turn to ask her to do something so I can get like a support role? Sure, brother.
um All right, so I'm going to like I'm going to like yell over the like the loud engine of the train and the and the the wheels kind of grinding against the stone beneath us and just tell it. All right, Snowy, I'm going to need you to give me a little bit of whiplash. All right. I need you to speed up as fucking fast as you can go. And then just hit the goddamn brakes and fling my ass. Oh, got it. No, no shit.
ah So he has the thing in and then I'm going to yell over and ask if if what's his name can release the chain or release the gun on the harpoon. Because like this isn't going to work if I can't do the thing I want to do. Actually, I guess it could. How long is the chain on the I'm going to ask him to just let out as much chain as he can so I can use it to swing like a fucking Tarzan rope. I don't know that it really works. It's the chain the chain is the thing is now downwards at the wheel.
Yes, I know I want to I'm going to have I want to have snow fling me up over it by so hitting the fucking brakes by speeding up and then flinging me upwards. So if the if the imagine this, the the ah harpoon is hooked on the bottom of the train. I'm going to fly up over the other side of the train, wrapping it around the top of it to see if I can use like that momentum to like rip the wheels up. um You know what I'm saying? Sure, sure, sure. OK.
Yeah, you can tell boss Williams that he's like, oh, yeah, there's a safety to release this petang. All right. I got the petang. So you got the chain in your hand. You're ready. Yeah. So I'm getting ready. Yeah. So I'm ready to just like the moment snow like hits the fucking breaks after she speeds up. I'm going to try to use that momentum to just because I want to still be able to keep up with the trains. I want to get ahead of it. So like.
then ahead of it just enough before the chain runs out and just like fling my ass up over the fucking thing. So I'm going to try to leap at the same time that she's hitting the brakes. Sounds good to me. So in that case, Snow Spear, do some driving rolls as you we don't get a fast and furious this shit. Come on, Snow. You fucking got it. Let's go. um Do two for me to sort of speed up and keep yourself good. Five. That's good. I'll give you i'll give you that shit. And then, you know, your brakes move around three. Ooh.
any for yeah you you you you do the thing with no extra flair and flourish you just get the job done ah you speed up ahead and you're no longer chained to this thing so it's kind of nice and easy for you to do it anyway and then you put your brakes on and ah fall back kind of to where you were before and kind of do a little jerk and jive on the car and stoop you can do an athletics roller to sort of Lean into that and throw yourself with some of the this is really up to you. So like when you do a support role, there's a couple of ways you can do it. You can do like you can give like whatever arbitrary bonus to a role you want. If someone says they're doing a support and with a raise, you get like you get more usually like standards like one or two, depending on what you're asking to do. So like that's what I was looking to do is get support like a support role from her like an assist so I can have a higher chance of doing the thing I want to. Yeah, I'll just let me do two, two roles. I give you two. I'll give you a two for both of those. she She did a good job on both of those.
Okay. Attempts. So no boners, just more rules. Okay. No, I mean a plus two. Oh, I think maybe you'll give me two roles. Sorry. No, no. so Okay. Okay. So I'm going to try to just leap off the side of the car like as she hits the brakes with like what chain I have. I'm going to try to see if I can just rip the wheels up by just using all that momentum.
and See if it'll derail the train. OK. Glo for it at least derail that part of the train and tip it over. and Maybe it'll just release. Or at least as I said, the harpoons down there by the wheel, but he didn't quite shoot it in and good enough. And it's like, fuck me, you might go at least right so that it fucks it. Yeah, yeah. OK, so I'm going to roll. What did you want me to roll? Athletics that you said? Yeah, yeah, brother. OK. That's a seven plus two. That's a nine. That's a four plus a raise.
Damn, it's beautiful. So yeah, the she puts the brakes on, the back of the thing kind of um jukes up and you kick off of it and you fly up and over the thing. and um ah yeah weed pitch like like And we just like sweat like a little dwarven legs kicking in the air. It's like a fly pass one of the ah the drones. You're kicking your little legs. You're like your head's pointing towards the earth. Your legs are up towards the sky. Yeah.
um I'm like upside down. I'm like upside down spider man. And you flip up around over and I'll say that just with the the weight of your body, you kind of jank that harpoon under the wheel a little more.
And you just hear as you go over, you hear a big metal screeching sound. God, we ran over a cat. That was a loud cat, too. You hear it over the train. You hear that, and then you just kind of flop over to the other side. You bang off the side, clang. And you're dangling there. And then you hear that screeching sound. All of a sudden, you kind of, I say, if things start to stop, you get jerked. Oh, I'm going to get hurt. I banked on if this happens, I'm going to get hurt.
You uh, you jerk forward as as the train kind of like the train car kind of like stutters backwards stopping or it gets like slowed down and um You hear ah another horrible wrenching sound is like the little coupling of this car to the other car kind of breaks off and shit and um I'll let you roll another athletics to try and avoid some damn agio Is this i just imagine i'm getting like dragged on the fucking ground behind the trailer? Look at the thing is I'm imagining your chains up and over the things yours on the side of it like Jackie Chan style and I'm like a flag just like like like I'll get relinquished from the chain like bang hitting off the side bang yeah ah yeah na role to see if you can Another seven exact same roll seven and three guys amazing. So yeah, you um, you see the armor is absorbing most of it I'm just like yeah, that's fine. You're just clang out the thing but um, I Uh, as, as the harpoon like derails that you see, like you you feel it starting to tip over as after like the original momentum of you getting of it stopping and you like climbing back to the side of it, you realize what's happening. So you do another, what do you, what do you do to kind of like avoid getting crushed as this thing kind of flips sideways? I was going to say, it's definitely, it's more than likely to flip towards me. Um, I think, um, I would,
ah Gosh, I mean, there's no way I'm going to do this without me getting flung somewhere. um So I think what I'm going to do is just like try to use the momentum of the as it's starting to as it's starting to tip is just try to release like my my friction on like on the side and just try to like let momentum like fling me back up around the way that I just swung and see if it just throws me on the other side of the train. I probably just bounce off the earth that way somewhere.
Um, maybe sprained an ankle, maybe get a concussion. I don't know, but like, I'd rather do that than get crushed. gets my dog That's fine. um Actually, you know what? I lied. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to take my molecular sword out and just try to like cut a fucking like a hole through the middle of it. So like as it tips it, like I won't get crushed. It'll just fall through the hole. Like a like an old timey Western, like the the the big frontage of the building falls down and you're in the window hole. Yeah, you're just standing in the windows, the barn falls and like, fuck okay, that's fine. I like that. You just kind of quickly do a little. tickangnginging And just kind of like just like stab it and just like try to just like like a can opener as fast as I can.
Yeah, yeah, you get a you get a little like it not a huge hole, but one of you can kind of like tuck your feet into as it falls over and you just kind of pop into as it as it slides over. As you said, it's like ah clanging around with whatever the cargo is. Yeah. Yeah. So the harpoon kind of lifts up that wheel on the other side, teeters it over to your side. You do that. You cut a hole as you feel it teetering and all the shit starts to unravel and it slaps on the side and you pop it a little hole triangular whole square or whatever shape hole it is for a dwarf to fit in it's worth Very precise. It's probably just like a really rough looking at like fucking hexagon He's like John. It's looks like it looks like the first time you ever use like an I can opener like that It's all jagged and shit
Yeah, it's like scraping up his arm or is he like wiggles in there? So you pop in there amidst all the crates and stuff that's in there flopping around and the other side. So you see that happening. It flips over so you can. I'm not going to give a roll for you. You can stop the car because ah that train car is now stopped and actually actually no dude actually do do do do a driving roll for me because you do the train cars behind. They're going to start piling up and crunching up and shit and kind of ah so you kind of got to get out of the way of that as you try and stop for the other trained car that you want to get at. So, driving, roll. ah fuck You got another Benny? I do have another Benny. You got to get crushed, y'all. Four is good. you so You swerve out of the way.
um And all those train cars have to pile up and like crunch forward and shit in the front of the car that I think it was two train cars ahead of the one you were at. So they just keep driving off. um And that is that a bunch of train cars. And um as you guys sit there with the dust settling, I'm going to say that maybe like ah let's say there was like just for the sake of not having too many. There was six train cars, and a couple of them got pretty banged up. as Snow, as you're looking at the wreckage, ah you see like from the tops of some of them, a couple like gun turrets pop out, and they're like some of them were whirring around, like clearly like fucked up, just spinning around in circles and like looking all around. some ones One pops up and just starts shooting into like the sand in front of it. just drilling dirt into the air. And, but there's like, and then a couple of drones pop out. One of them kind of flies off and like just wrecks immediately into the ground and explodes a couple more flying to the air and kind of stay hover hovering. So there's four drones in the air now. And at least one or two, that sound effect was perfect. What? I don't remember saying that. and
um But anyway, is there's still some some hazards on the field, but you've at least stopped this whole situation. And ah boss Williams is on the back and he goes, Holy shit, that was insane, brother. I think that dude's dead though.
And super, if you want, you can pop out the other other can of her side. You opened up and be like, I'm all right. Yeah, I'm not dead. I just wish it was. Gosh, I kind of wish she was too. Even though I kind of like him. God damn it, you're brilliant bastard. You see, like, exhaust comes from like like just hot breath comes out of like the holes of his helmet, like like just like a bunch of air and dust kicks out of it.
like you're Like you got to probably have ventilation system for your hot ass inside of there. Yeah. All of my farts crept up into my skull. Oh my God. Okay. So, um, uh, at the, at the risk, I guess we're like 45 minutes in, 45 minutes in. So you guys want to fight these less future, some drones in the air. Uh, there's some wayward gun turrets shooting rampantly until they went to the wilderness. Um,
i Guess we'll give you some more rolls some works more cards here. Give me a second to make all this shit work. The bad guys got a five stoop has an eight ah your NPC buddies have a four and damn so we With a king so you get to go first you're in the car sitting there now um Everything's kind of stationary. where There's four drones buzzing around in the air still looking menacingly What do you want to do with yourself?
ah She's going to pull out her hunting rifle and start plucking the drones out of the air. Nice. Are you going to try and do a multi-action or is she going to shoot one per turn? ah I feel like she'll shoot twice at one.
OK, so you do that. That's a negative to both of the random. Unless otherwise edged. If there's two actions, yeah, it would be a minus two for both shots. OK, all right. Snow spear. Can you do it? Shusting both of those motherfuckers or shooting twice at one moment? Well, even with the mind, OK, hey, no. I missed on the first one. I got a raise on the second one. still And even with your minus two, it's still a raise. Well, it is flying around. So it probably is another like negative two on that.
So no, not a raise, but at least you get to do some. So roll your damage for your rifle on that little fella up in the sky. Well, pretty good. Wow. Yeah. ah That is did that one ever unshake from. I was going to say to you and they didn't have a chance to. Did you want to actually did you want to target the one that large looks like it's a little frazzled from getting hit before? Yeah. OK, that one just ah burst into a million pieces then and showers the desert with more debris um and it is dead. And now there's only three of those little motherfuckers left. um Stoop, you're in the in the hole in the other side of the thing now that you guys originally opened up, standing there and there's drones flying around.
um And you can hear like the, and it'll help like some of the train cars. There's like some, you know, turrets going, i'm sp spinning around, doing stupid shit. Evan. Evan, hack the drones. Evan. Wait, where the fuck is Evan at? No? Hello? Anybody? Boss? It's not my turn, brother.
So there's like not even there. He's like looking around. It's like, yeah, I don't. Where is snow? Is she like I imagine like since the I don't know where she's at in comparison to the train derailing where the car is. I guess all the other two are still in the car. They're probably a little bit just kind of like popped out the window plucking the drones out the side. They're probably a little ahead of you because they kind of avoided like the other cars like kept going kind of forward or crunching up and flying forward. So they're kind of a little bit ahead of further review. Is there um what?
What was what was in the car that I was being jostled around in there with? I was like a bunch of miscellaneous crates of various sizes and shapes. Rectangle. I see any labels. Is there a is there a noise gun in there? um ah Do a do a quick notice roll for me. I will make it count against anything else you can do in return. OK, let's see. fun alice A little notice roll if I can. Hey, that's a four four. All right. Yeah, you see you see a ah one that says um WU8. WU8.
On it. and Okay. WU8. Yeah. bob well but
Oh, this box is telling me to wait. It's telling me to wait. Fuck you. I'm not waiting to get in there. I just like kick, kick, ah kick the fucking lid off or some shit after I pry my my sword in there. yeah like Oh shit. What's it look like in there? um It's just like a big like chunky looking. It looks like a.
Looks, it's kind of like, you know, the whole big boom box people use to carry on their shoulders. It's like a big rectangular thing and has some like speaker shaped vents on the side that are meant to face away from you and has like a sort of a long so sort of rectangular barrel that sticks out. Not really long, it's a stubby little barrel that sticks out the front. This is a kind of a rectangular thing with a little smaller rectangular barrel sticking out the front. So you like hold it on your shoulder like an old school boom box and shoot it like a bazooka. Yeah.
That's pretty cool. Too bad I don't have a shooting role at all. hey And do an unscaled role. It's either that or try and jump in the air and fight some drones there. Yeah. No, I'm just like, what the fuck do I want a radio for? Did we stop this train for radios? You do see there's a trigger at the bottom that the at the actually nots at the top. You kind of hold it to hold it with your hand on top like a boombox it would be. So there's like a little um trigger, a little apparatus and a little handle up there you can hold on to.
All right. You know what? Let's just go for it just to see what happens. If I fail, it'll be funny. oh Yeah, like ah that. Like, all right. This thing wants me to hate you. So get ready to be what I did. Just like stupid drones. Yeah, I'm just going to try to just fire. Just like, is it like an area of effect when I shoot it? What comes out when I blast it? Who knows? All right. I'm just going to I'm just going to pull a trigger on an unskilled role for her brother. Where's unskilled? There it is.
Oh, it's a three. I'm going to Benjamin. I really want to try a seven. Hell yeah, brother. um And that is a hit on one of those. Actually, let's just see. So you you you pull the trigger and it kind of like you kind of hear it like a player had you here.
Kind of build it up as you pull the trigger and then it's just like we must it's like hello and then it goes Instead you would think might you would think by the name and by the joke we're going with here we go it would just go boom boom boom but It goes out but it it just goes boom like a sonic boom kind of blast and I'm I guess you're gonna help how much like soundproofing does your helmet have I I don't know, man, I hadn't really thought about that part. Well, we might need to do something to to see if you can how well you can hear after that. um But it probably rattles the helmet regardless. Yeah. ah Just a big like ah sort of like just wave us down. You can kind of see like ripples through the air and roll back. I'm one of those kind of guns or is it pretty stable? Does it stabilize itself?
We'll see what's fine with either. Is it like a noisy cricket? I'll say since you did a good she's got a good shooting roll That's why you you you're a stock you were standing pretty stocked and locked in the round and it's on this like wherever you're standing that you're fine with that but yeah it's the shit in my pants that's giving me more stability because i'll be I'm heavier roll roll 3d 8s for me 3d of them 3d. We're all 3d 8s.
It's a lot of D's. um I was trying to see if I have anything that I could just do that. I guess I'll just do a 3D of them. OK, here we go. 3D of them. let third None of them. None of them are created. So we have 13. So let's let's see here. Toughness of 5, 13. Definitely you you kill.
more One of them gets blown to bits and another one kind of like gets like jostled in the air. It's like it starts flying around. Oh, you could say it may be shaken perhaps, but it's kind of like wobbly in the air now. Um, and there's one left still unscathed. What'd you say? yeah roller I'm starting to hear narration in my helmet. Roll vigor for me, I guess. Your body and your ocular.
God's talking to me. God said bigger.
That's just the three. OK, so you definitely, definitely have some hearing issues going on right now. Yeah, they're just like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, my whole it sounds like there's like a tiny dance club in my helmet. Yeah, perhaps you didn't meet all the safety requirements for using this gun. Dennis, the weenie boys. I mean, you're weenie NPC boys. So what's his face?
He's going to shoot at the one of the drones again. Let's say she shoots at the one wobbling around because he knows what he knows. He's got a fucking good ass roll eight and he's going to shotgun and he blows that thing of kingdom come deliverance to holy shit. Wish I was there, brother.
ah and Can you guys believe we're going to sequel? Holy shit. Can you believe the kingdom comes twice? I haven't even beat the first one. I haven't even come the first time yet. Anyway, it was such a funny, like if they took a dip from Sekiro, it was like kingdom come, kingdoms come twice.
Deliverance kingdom comes twice. Kingdoms don't come twice, but I do. Kingdoms don't come twice. So boss Williams, since he doesn't have a hard point anymore, he's going to kind of pull out. He just has a pistol where he's going to pull out for me.
shoot at the other drone he got a 10 hole we're rolling high right now geez and uh that is in all the good rolls that's a geez instead of geez just now that's definitely at least one raise he's going to shoot that thing and he gets his bonus damage a niner 49er joholy canole uh unfortunately he only shakes that little drone the other drones like as she shoots through it and it's also flying around all wobbly and knobbly now and then it's the drone's turn so he's he's mad you've been shooting him and his friends he's going to try to shoot the last target that hit him because that's how his drone knowledge of shooting works and he's going to try to shoot at well let me shake this little oh yeah and she got trying to unshake
Oh, you got to shake. You're not going to do it. You're not going to do it. Oh, they did. Damn. Which can't. Can a robot be shaken? Who knows? A four. Damn, man. yeah Oh, damn. me And I'm going to give this one to the drone because boss Williams is now just sitting still on on the highest point in the car. And he's behind the boss. Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to he's she's shooting a laser at him for a seven. Oh, yikes. Boss Williams, he he gets hit by a laser in his leather jacket ah vest. And he's like, Oh brother, that hurt. And he kind of stumbles back into the seat of the harpoon back area. And, um, I don't even care about, uh, rolling cards again. So go ahead and try and shoot that last thing flying around. Well, what if we get a joker? There's only one drone left, bro. NBD, NBD. But there's machine guns firing everywhere. Yeah. But they're all like,
shit Like on weird angles and they can't target you really yeah, so I don't want to make this be too dry atible usually anyway snow shoot At the last unless you want to do something else i Definitely gonna shoot the last one for sure do it roll out shootings shoot at skeet style shoot he says it Yeah, the only way I know shooting five shooting hell yeah brother that thing is um flying up there but it's kind of not doing its best so i'm gonna let you shoot it do your damn doing its best roll 15
Now you're learning the nine. um So again, you shoot through this drone and it's again, it's only shaking. This thing is hanging on. This is the it's like losing pieces and shit, but it's little propellers are still there. I guess it's probably more of advanced during the little shitty problems we have, but it's it's still hanging on and still living. It's clipping along and shooken, but it's not quite dead yet. um Stoop. Anything you want to do with you want to shoot your dangerous web gun again?
ah Do you want to throw a little more gun at it? How far away is it? I thought about just like chucking it. It's like it's staggering now. So it's like probably like five feet above like the train cars and shit in the air. So probably full 10 feet in the air, I would say. But, you know, I mean, how far away is it from me? Because like I fell back and they were kind of ahead. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's I'm not going to be too particular with it. It's kind of like just moving around where it could be closer to you at some point, but just generally like six kind of feet in the air away from you, basically more or less.
Okay, um in any given moment Okay, I'm gonna you says about ten feet in the air From like the ground but like it's kind of hovering lower. It's like six feet above like where you are inside the train but I'm like on the I'm like on the train. So that's why I mean it's closer to you being all right I'm gonna like do a I'm gonna do like some Rey Mysterio shit or some party boy shit and try to like just like run and jump off it and grab that fucking thing Yeah, man point I think back down to earth get down here who told you to be up there who told you to be get it trying I'm just going to try to grab it and just like fucking punch it down to the ground. I'm going to just like put try to put a hand on it and just fly. Huh? Robots are not supposed to fly. Yeah. What are you a fucking bird? Birds of robots. Doing athletics to jump up there and grab a hold of that thing.
He's gonna jump up. my they My brother's nickname used to be Johnny Jump Up, and I don't know why. Anyway, at least four. Four. That's good enough for me. You jump up there, it's shaking anyway. You jump up where you grab a hold of its undercarriage, and you drag it back down to Earth. I'll let you roll a fighting roll to smash it into the ground. I don't give a fuck.
um Actually, I just want to rip off its propeller so it it can't fly anymore. Its propellers, the little things that keep it going up. They're probably like little like little Proportional little engine thingies in that case to maybe do a strength rips rips them suck I want to castrate it so it it feels less like a robot. Yeah Oh, it's a three damn so close. wolf You got any abundance for him? I do, but I don want to use it. Actually, you know what? I'll use it. We're getting we're like almost an hour into the episode. It's the last enemy of four. Hell yeah. You like you just kind of like dig your little metal emits in there from your metal suit. I guess you're wearing probably got metal mitts. And you guys still have to reprogram my laser.
Yeah, I gotta to do that. Oh, yeah, you yank the uh, uh, since you got uh, kind of a bare minimum for you yank one off kind of takes me right you rip it off you yank another one off one of them's kind of fucked up from getting shot but um as you yank the second one off that you yank off it kind of has four probably on each like corner of a slow body the last one left kind of like shoots and and like It like like skittles across the ground like uh waving all across the dirt and shit and kind of like ricks to a rock bar and uh And you hear it going near near near near Just like plucking off the legs of a spider Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then boss Williams says, oh, yeah, let's get this shit all on or off the train and on the road, brothers. Come on. Let's get this. Just be careful. There's still fucking machine guns going apeshit just fired off and into the dirt and into the air. It's loud as fuck over here. That's just making me kind of nervous. i Yeah, I think they're all like we stay behind this train car here. We're all right.
Uh, let's just go in there. Um, so that first, of and I guess, where'd you truck? Where'd you truck that wub wub gun to when you jumped? leaving Probably just like wherever I was. I probably just like left it on the top of the train as I jumped. Uh, yeah. Holy man. This is Dan. This is cool as shit. I mean, they only wanted like a couple of cases, right? Uh, right. Johnny. Yeah. That's right, brother. Um, we were taking some shit for our, so you guys want to swap this wu wu eight gun? This is pretty badass looking. What?
um because I'm taking this thing. Who's talking to me? So they start gathering up shit and they ask for your assistance to carry crates and stuff, a couple crates onto the back of the thing, um to get some of the biggest ones they can get and a couple little ones. I'm sorry, I can't get you a date on the back of the train. I'm sorry, I don't know anybody. Boss has like one of the big crates with like his two hands. He's lifting like the corner, like his end of it up. He's like, he's pointing, he's like, he's like, lift this other end up, brother.
No, I'm not interested in you, brother. I'm sure he's nice. He points at you. He points at the end of the crate and he does like a lifting motion with his hand. He's like... Yeah, I'm sure he likes getting lifted like that, but I'm just not into it right now. He weighs his hand and he's like, fucking... He drops and picks up some small crates. Snow, do you want to do this, guys, brother? Gross. And I imagine Snow, you and... He said, only if there's toast.
Just shut up, brother. Damn. Left there's toast. Do you smell toast? Is something bad happening? Anyway, you guys got the stuff. And once his face is out in the desert somewhere, we'll resolve the rest of that later. All you got to do is go and take the stuff back. And that's no big thing. You defeated the train. You've killed the train. Congratulate. Well, you didn't kill a train, but you chopped most of the train off of its body.
The train head is still out there somewhere being trained. Hey, hey, hey, Snow. Snowy. What? What? I think I think so. I think I think someone shit my pants.
doest look good already