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Savage City 11 - SQLFUX

S1 E11 ยท Roll Players
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While investigating a string of murders, the gang meets someone from Stoop's past before heading to a seedy bar looking for leads! Will they get any closer to finding out who is out there melting people's heads?!

recording is about to start. Oh, shit. Hello. Google, why do you keep talking when I start singing? Shut up. Shut up. Hey, Adam, why don't you start talking yet? You hear it? No, no one can hear what you're fucking. Whatever you're talking about. You're making shit up. and Google, stop. It's in your head. Oh, my God. I want to stop fucking talking.
Oh, my God. Anyway, we're playing Savage City today. We're we're we're got Adam there, who's got voices in his head, ghosts in his house. There's Adrian. He's in. He's in Korea, almost in Germany. He's in Korea. One of the Koreas is different. Don't ask him which one where they were like cowboy hats. He's in the South. He's in South Korea. That's not how it's not. I mean, how can you do like a southern accent?
but Like you say welcome to South Korea Southern Korea and There's Cass who is in her chair and we're all playing Savage City um Today, thanks for joining us. Thanks for bringing your ears to this endeavor um What happened last time you guys? Why don't you tell me? um Adrian? You know, I like to pick something up before that. um Like, I was like just like joining like a second ago and I was like hearing noises and Adam started talking about like voices he hears and then for like maybe it's like on his end and like I just hear over his microphone. But I noticed that my Spotify was playing and I was very confused. Boy, that's that's that's amazing. That's what happened last time. So let's start the episode.
just skip the whole summary. Um, so you guys were in a apartment building, um, and you were looking for clues to a killer who's been on the loose killer ring people, um, making their heads, skin and muscles and meat go, oh, bye-bye from their body and making the bony parts pop out so he can see them.
And making a little statement about their skulls aren't silver, which presumably we can maybe think a stupid thing to think. So he thinks everybody has silver skulls in the city is maybe pointing to him, but he doesn't know because maybe it's somebody else you never know. And you found out.
that the area smelled like dog food and cat piss, but not really cat piss, just ammonia, but that's an essential oil of cat piss, right, guys? Right, yeah. Yes. and you found Oh, and then you found in Cass, not Cass, Snow Spear, who's played by Cass, I didn't say your character's names, you'll figure it out. um You should know by now. She was on the computer. You owe small people.
Yeah, you're all smart people to listen to us you're smart for listening to us she was on the computer she found some old ah articles when she was looking for things related to this killer about some other killer from the past who was also dissolving people's bodies, but mostly the whole body and and who had been found beaten to a pulp five years ago and was sent to prison but then broke out recently to do weird things and maybe the two things are connected and you know who knows who beat the pulp out of the guy maybe it was a silver skulled vigilante man and vigilante man was upstairs talking to some big boob lady
who gave little to no information. And she was also talking very sexy. What I learned a lot about ah Boobs McGee. She learned a lot about Boobs McGee. Yeah, that's right, Boobs McGee. And what's his face? Evan was out in the alleyway looking into the camera feeds. And everybody's seen a little man, dwarven sized, coming. Well, you a manm a man who we don't know what it was. Maybe it was a ah robot even, dwarven sized. I mean, he just said it's a man, so.
Spoiler alert. Boink, sprinkler alert. But yeah, that's some there's some information they found about the killer. Smells like dog food and has ammonia piss cat smells on him. And yeah that's where we left off. You guys were in the security room all chatting away about what you discovered. It was? Yeah. Well, I don't remember that. Because we talked about all the information you discovered and we made jokes about Adrian's junk, I think.
Oh, he was trying to show me his keys or something. Yeah, his keys. Anywho. Oh, and also Snow Spear and Evan are having a little bit of a fight. Oh, right. yeah His Snow Spear was living in Evan's apartment while he was presumed dead.
and She was wrecking the place and he came back alive and rightfully demanded was it rushing yeah I improved it. Okay, she was in his place taking full control and he rightfully came home and said hey I would like to have access to my place and not have it be changed like a bunch and she said no and she ran away a Big fight in the street and a lot of things says silly. She says what can't say. No, and she ran out the window. like I can't say no um And that's what happened pretty much for that point of the episode um yeah Yeah, you guys are there talking and you discussed your information you've discovered. What do you like to do with yourselves now? ah So it's just me and so me and snow are in the dirty rail three you guys everyone came inside too yeah yeah i'd like to Take a bath, it's not gonna like short-circuit your whole entire thing that you got going on. I You know, we do live in the future. It's not like, not old tech. It's like all waterproof and stuff. What do you mean we live in the future? What the fuck does that mean? That means that there has been a past and the past has been like less advanced and then like now. and um And from a perspective of the past, we live in the future now. Wouldn't that mean that anybody who ever lived lived in the future, Evan? Yeah, not wrong about that. Yeah.
You know, for somebody who seems like really futuristic and everything, sometimes you say some pretty fucked up weird shit that's almost borderline stupid. I mean, you know, that's might be why we are team. Yeah, maybe smart people aren't typically friends with me. See, like exceptions. are like I'm a smart one. She gets up and goes back to head to back to her car.
Excellent. I'd like to disagree. Are you saying that Snowy's dumb? A little bit, yeah. Whoa, fucking fight him. Just max him in the face with her tail. I dodge. Yep, you do dodge. That's fine. No need to roll. um ah You guys follow Snow outside? Are you still walking outside, Snow?
yep Okay. You guys going outside with her? At some point you're going to kill each other. But as for now, are you going to go outside together? Yeah. And, uh, Super, are you going to go outside with everybody? Uh, yeah. Is there anything inside of the security room that I can just take? I like how you started to ask that in your character's voice. Right. Yeah, I'm going to take something. Is there anything in here I can take? Ask the world. That looks good.
Um, there's like a computer box beside like just sitting down at the bottom of the computer box. Yeah. It's like a box that the computer was shipped in. No, that you made fun of me for calling it a tower before the word of fuck you call the thing that the computer, all the smart bits are in the monitor. Take the monitor. That's where all the stuff is. That's where the monitor is the screen. Take the monitor and monitor is where the icons are. We all know that's where the computer comes from. Now you mean just the PC itself. There's a computer in there.
Yeah, take the tower. All right. I'm going to take the computer box. It's called a case tower. So why didn't you tell me not want me to call it a tower tower? Sounds cool as shit when you go to the computer box that houses a computer is called the case. But that's not the whole thing is the computer. Yes. Yes. I'm going to take the computer parts and the case and all the cords that come with it. Oh, yeah I'm just going to walk out with a monitor in one hand and a computer. on the wires and You've been you've been screwed over by a genie mouse in his mouth. Yeah.
Yeah, OK, you take yeah you take that thing um that has all the computer bits in it in the computer or the files. um So yeah you've got that as you walk outside. Oh, that explains it. You were confused by Zoolander because they threw the monitor and they said it's in the computer. I see. Anyway, yeah, I just walk out like this little stubby dwarf man with like a computer in his hands and a monitor is like, all right, let's go. Where are we going next? Indeed. What street are we on? um And the land party.
So don't ask. Of course, all my parties are on land, idiot. Don't don't don't ask him that. so So Snow and Evan, you guys get outside first and you see a couple cop cars out there and there is a couple of like normal generic policemen officers, ah policemen and women and all sorts of varieties of thing officers. um You know, cat there's a cat cop. There's a cat cop. And there's a there's a man in sort of a nicer sort of suit. like Is it a man or a woman? Doesn't matter. like what She's going to go up to him and be like, so I love a whatever in uniform. Hey. Hey. That's great sugar.
What's going on over here? Um, I don't know. Why don't you ask the boss over there? Well, I was just kind of hoping it has a conversation with you.
I don't get paid enough for that. Why don't you guys just do it over the end of the time? I'm not trying to bark. Funny enough, bark up another tree.
ah Fine. Call me later. She like slips in her phone number. He like, to the party he tucks it away.
well Then goes to the bus. Okay. So you go over, there's a man in like a more nicer sort of suit outfit going on. Um, and it's an Elfin man, let's say with the like sort of comb back shiny black hair and a nice sort of, uh, shiny, silky looking blue vest in a nice pants. Um,
And he's standing there and stupid you come down outside till you see all this bullshit as I described and so that's where you walk over to this ah Nicely or dressed man. What do you say to his face? Word, why are we talking to a nicely dressed man? yeah um because it is know She's trying to bang a cop and he told her to talk to her boss um well i don't want to go there I just stole a computer monitor. Yeah, you're on the steps. You're fine. She's going over to him though and want to talk to him.
Oh, I thought you asked if I was going to say no. Sorry. No. Sorry. Yeah. So like, what's going on over here?
ah I was going to ask the same thing. I ah and he looks up to steps. He's like, hey, stoop. Yeah, he just kind of averted his helmet. and Busy.
yeah um So yeah, we heard that somebody was kicking down doors um at the recent scene of a ah crime. um We naturally came down to investigate what was going on. and Kicking down doors. That's unfortunate. Well, yeah good to see you. Have a guy's day. She walks away. but but And a couple of cops step out in front of you and like sort of block your way. Hold on, you guys. like got we you know You're not being arrested. What?
Listen, we need to know what's going on stoop. I thought it might be you. when I heard there was some trouble going on outside of this thing. That's much like something ah you were involved with in the past. That's profiling. It certainly wasn't me. I didn't kick any doors down.
That's fair enough there. um it's one if Of three of you I see before me, there's if there's one person I had to guess, kick the door down, it would be the man with the metal feet over there. And Alex, I'm sorry, I don't know if you have metal feet. That's profiling. I don't have metal feet. I did i said I didn't know. um Anyway. um No, he was with me all day. And I don't have to really mention what we were doing. so i mean So I think he's innocent. OK, I didn't introduce myself introduce myself, by the way. Sorry, my name is um Detective Lily Brand and. Oh, let me let me do some that hi. Yes, hello.
um And as as a detective, you can imagine I do once in a while, you know, do some detecting, some detecting, if you will. I mean, so many. Let me think ask you here. You say he's been with you all day. I've just witnessed you walking out of the place in which I.
No, some doors were kicked in. um Trespassings were had. And Stu seems to be carrying something that seems a little bit cumbersome, not the normal um carry on someone carries whilst walking around. um So he's been with you all day. You were just inside there, right? Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Well, see, what happened was was he was carrying that computer for me. And, you know, I just I really needed a break for a minute and I had to use the restroom. So we decided that we were going to use this building because it was really, really bad. I really had to go. And so Stu went in there with me because, you know, he's my bodyguard and he also carries my stuff. And, you know, it's just kind of one of those things where
We got a little distracted in the bathroom if you know what I'm saying. So, but I'm sorry. It just happened. I promise we didn't do it on camera. What color was the bathroom? Don't help the cops. I guess, I guess, um, roll of persuasion. Okay. Hey snow, did you see my mouse? Did you eat it? Cause you're a cat.
for. Um, no, that's my mouse. Remember, silly. You see like stoops, like just like stumbling in the background because there's shitty peripheral vision. He's like trying to wrap his big metal fucking arms around like this shit. He's like, clank, clank, clank, clank. There's fucking like shit following his hands. It's still in his mouth. Yeah. So it's like you think I have something in my mouth. I said it's it's still in your mouth. The mouth. um You think I shoved it in my helmet? Maybe that sounds like there's no no openings that thing there's no openings that thing. Um, uh, the guy, the detective sort of nods as you after after you finished saying what you were saying, there's no, and he's, he looks past you to stupid. and He says, stupid. I talked to you for a second privately.
I fucking guess. And, um, if you would like to roll us, I know you don't have it very well before a roll a smarts roll for me. Me? Yes. You want me to roll smarts? Yes. Or if you would and see if you to see if you remember this man from your from the past or if you if you just want to say your remember this. I guess Stoop is so self involved. You probably wouldn't really remember.
He's also taken a lot of concussions. Yeah. um So, yeah. ah This detective wants to talk to you privately. That's all he is. They just don't really remember anything about him. He's like, all right, you like the new sheriff in town? Is this like another one of your speeches? Oh, I'll keep my eye on you, Steve. Silver skull. Just get it over with. No. and All right. Yeah. Just he walks like towards the like the entry to the alleyway. He's like, just come here. Just like so so just like just like.
What? um What? the Who the fuck are these people? Who? That fucking cat that says you're banging her in the in the bathroom in here or whatever while she's trying to get pissed or whatever. And this this guy who, um I don't know, doesn't really seem to like either of you. You know, I don't know if you remember um You know, I don't know how long you've been on the force there, guy, but, you know, a few years back, there was a really big bust of like all these psychotropic drugs that got into the water. And then some of the people who make like that 2% milk from like the local streams still made the milk. Well, I think kitty cat here is fucked up in psychotropic milk. I don't know what she's on about. Oh, honestly. Yeah, I think she's one of the kitty cats that drank too much of the tainted milk.
i thought they rounded all them up set up to the nitwitz school upstate but they probably did but you know how cats tend to wander ah
Um, anyway, um, listen, listen, stoop. Um, I guess you don't remember me from five years ago. I guess you fall off buildings a lot. Um, your head. Yeah. Yeah. Um, if you're, we kind of had a discussion ah sort of in reverse to this a little bit, um, where this, I'm pretty sure it's probably the same guy. I think we can, uh, I guess, and you're kind of looking into it too. Cause you're doing, I mean, he called you out, I guess it's probably why you're here, but, uh,
Last time I tried keeping you off the off the scent of them and you didn't listen and you went and beat the crap out of them. And, you know, you probably so got us to get them behind bars way faster than we would have trying to get the corrupted wheels of the city to grease up a little bit. So um ah wait a minute. Wait a minute. Hang on. Are you I rule the nine on smarts to see if I remember it when he said we had that conversation. Oh, did you do a ah bunny?
No, I just rolled again just now to see if I can because now he's giving me details about himself. Yeah. um So, hu yeah. Who is he? It's Detective Lea Bald, Lily Buran.
And you you remember him ah from five years ago, as he says, um he was also a detective back then, and not quite as fancily dressed as he is now. um But wait, wait. Are you Detective Little Bald Lily, man? I just literally said my name, Lily Brand, second ago. You know my name. Little Bald Lily, man. Yes. Right. We worked there. We worked there. That's the thing you remember. That's the thing you remember, huh? What was that guy's name that I fucked up?
Is that the guy who's killing people? yeah well They call him the bone maker. The bone maker? They made fun of me for Gone By Silver Skull and this idiot's gone by the bone maker. i mean Oh my God. Your body makes bones, idiot. Hey, in defense of the media though, i I mean, we get like how many murderers. I mean, they're going to run out of good names eventually. You know, but anyways, it's not here or there. So what's this about? I gotta go. I gotta go. Oh, did you want this computer?
What did you get this from in there? Yeah, but they stole it. I was taking it so I could return it to you guys. Who's they? The people that the shady people were running this stupid fucking apartment complex. This computer is way too fucking nice. He points behind you down the alley. And if you turn around, there's a guy in like a black trench coat, like hooked up to the camera. And he's like, so if um if officer. Netto over there, I had to make that up once, but I made up Lily Brand on the spot. You gotta give me some credit. ah I ran out of good names already. Go name, yeah. Officer Netto is not going to tell me that he sees you going in there and hopefully not banging this woman, um but he's not going to see you stealing a computer. First of all, there's no cameras in the security room to show me stealing a computer. And yes, I just told you, I took it from the building because it's stolen.
Okay. Let's run the numbers. Just run the model number. You'll see. I know. I saw you come out of the, but I don't, I don't need to run them. yes I took it from them because it's stolen goods. You know, I'm going to get so defensive. It's okay, buddy. Um, just any key motions for another guy to come over and the officer comes over and I just, just give it to, uh, to Niles here. And I don't care about it. Niles run the fucking numbers on this. You'll see it's stolen. And, uh, the guys find me, I stole it from the thieves.
He doesn't move as heavily like looks at the corner of his eye at the detective and the detective just goes, he just like does a slight nod and the guy goes, oh okay. And he just goes back up in his building. Right. So why don't you just tell me what I need to know? Where's his face at so I can go and chop his dick off? Well, that's the thing. Stoop, as you know, um it's not that easy. Just like last time we weren't really knowing where he is and we don't know where he is now. He's not any of his old places we knew from the last investigation. Um, so I was, uh,
off the, he looks kind of looks around side to side off the record here, Stu. I don't want you to go too crazy. I want you to be careful and I want you to not just with yourself, but with others, please, and the property of others and their bodies. Do your own thing. um We're gonna I'm going to try and look the best as I can the other way. Maybe we can, I mean, just communicate with me and we can, we can do this together. Like, you know, I didn't want to listen to you before. You said you could, when we, when I found you looking at this too, I didn't want to trust you. I thought vigilante, this bullshit is, I hated it. This vigilant, superhuman vigilante bullshit. Not for me, but I mean, you know,
been five years. You kick the crap out of that guy. and We got him in jail and the city sucks still. So I mean, ah yeah, just just just talk to me, man. If you find it what what you're doing, what you find, I mean, I'll send it back your way. So I can say what is the what is what does this guy look like again? um An elfin man with black hair and a nice vest and pants. It's all ensemble. Who else is here with them? What is the what is the makeup of these miscellaneous other just normal cops?
There's no dwarves here, are they? um No. I'm trying to keep an eye out to make sure there ain't no like dickheads that are kind of working in tandem with this fool. And I'm just like, OK, I feed this dude information and he's feeding information to the bad guy. Hmm. I don't trust anybody. You're a dwarf and you suspect that because the killer is a dwarf that all the dwarves would be in league with him. Is that. No, I'm a d dwarf and I know that the guy who or the person who spray painted the thing is short, similar to my size, because it was my eye height when I found it. Yes. So I'm trying to make sure that this guy ain't corrupt and that he ain't hanging out with other shorties that are potentially doing bad. OK, so all short people are the criminal. Oh, short people are on my shit list right now. Anyway, so it is now there's no dwarfs currently on the ah field of visual ahs a sense.
All right. Well, how about this as a show of, uh, as a show of, you know, peace and respect. I gave you a fancy computer. That's clearly stolen. You'll see. its It is clearly stolen. Thank you. It's clearly stolen. Yes. So how about you tell me, you know, if you have access to other security footage and whatnot, just keep an eye out for a, just a dwarven fellow who smells like urine.
pneumonia no ammonia not pneumonia that's a disease ammonia smells like cat piss essentially so you know i'm gonna go shake down some falls down the slums to see if there's anybody who fits that description of short guy who smells like piss and don't you dare say me i smell more like death not like this he kind of scratches his head like exasperated and he's like so i mean i i i This is the first time I'm hearing about you being on this being investigating this, but so I'm hoping maybe this is like you just started with kicking this door down, but you've got all you got you got for me so far is he smells like cat piss. and he' and and he's short And he's short like a dwarf, which we knew because we already saw the video footage at all the crime scenes. Yeah.
And we also found out that he lugged the bodies over there and chucked them down onto the ground for a display. They weren't murdered or melted specifically there. And there's something about the acid. I don't remember what he used because my brain ain't too big. Evan, you know, right? What the fuck is he? Or was that snow? And just as you say, Evan, what's the heat of this guy over here? He goes, Neto, what? Oh, your guy knows. Oh, okay. What? Yeah. Well, you know, you can talk to your Evan.
ah we'll see it let's Let's see what you grab has Evan Evan is it? What do you have to say? Here's my Neto. Neto, go ahead and tell their Neto what you know. Neto. No, no, no, no, Evan. Stu, come on. Jesus, the criminy. Evan, is it? Yes. um What do you know about the smells?
know about the smells that kind of like what stoop told you that they have like a very good smell like kind a cat piss and I don't know that I can't really tell you much about smell oh okay and he he leans into used to be like did he drink the fucked up milk too I know he's just built in a factory and I think he's one of the reject models. I'm kind of like a big brother for him to make sure he doesn't die. Oh, shit. He's an Android. I mean, Neto's an Android, too. See, your Neto is like my Neto. That's cool.
You guys should like interface or something to learn everything the other one knows. All right, Stu. All right, Stu. Come on, come on. He's got his, ah he's got autonomy and he's got, he's got, what is it called? Self-awareness. Don't, don't tell him he should interface with somebody he doesn't want to interface with. I'm not saying he asked you, I'm just saying he should. Okay. I'm just suggesting that out. Either way, we don't go around. I don't see you next to another dwarf and say, hey, you guys should put your genitals together, do I?
Well, if I could learn everything I could about that dwarf by just putting my genitals together, then I would. That's an advantage that Android and cyborgs have that I don't. Okay. Let's get a little off track. Anyway. Yeah. Um, thanks for the smell updates. Um, and the update that he didn't kill the person here. And he looks, he looks back at like, there's a, there's a lady cop beside him. me He's like, but we didn't know that when did did we, uh, officer Jackson,
She's like, no, we didn't know that one. Did we? He's like, oh, I'm sorry. You you don't really know. ah We did. That's the joke, Officer Jackson. But thank you, stoop. Any other smells you've noticed? ah but Didn't one of us learn about the acid? What did you tell me about the acid that was used to melt that guy's skin off? Was that snowy? You told me about it. I don't remember. I just remember smelling dog food and I was thinking that there was like a sick dog like running around here.
Have you guys seen a sick dog running around here somewhere? Sick, sick dog. Sick, no no sick. I didn't I didn't notice any sick dogs. um I guess that's I mean, it's not really a missable in court. But I mean, I guess if you guys want to track this dog food lead down, I guess if he smells like dog food, maybe step to it. Maybe I don't know. That's great, I guess. Yeah, maybe. And I have all the smarts to like see what the essay was about because I can't remember. Sure. Be smart.
I am smart. You guys, seven um yeah you remember that you guys smelled like the and ammonia based thing and somebody said it, that's cat piss has ammonia in it. And that's why you guys got fixated on the cat piss. Or maybe just that snow is a cat and woman and she smelled something I remind her of cat piss. So she got frustrated by that. But yes, you remember that it was like an ammonia based kind of thing that was used to likely used to dissolve the skin and everything off of the skull, ranium of the person. And that's pretty much all that was.
Oh, it was like ammonia based. Now I get it. And the dog food. Mm hmm. And the dog food. And a bird perch. And a bird perch and a dog food perch. OK, OK. Um. I want to let go up to what's name like NATO, NATO, NATO, NATO, NATO. Hey, can I like interface with you? I'm sorry. I.
Don't know how to react to that. i I've gotten that to reaction a couple of times. um No. If like a check in the back of your head where you can like check into. ah Yes, but i I would rather not have that happen. I don't know what you're carrying. Thank you. No. OK, maybe some other of time then. Yeah.
I woke up to Neto. Hey, can my friend in a face with you? No, no. I don't I don't need it. I don't need to test the PD firewall. It's it's it's fine. I'd be really useful to test it, though. There might be some bad people that want to get in there. Yeah. um Pretty, pretty sure it's not right to, um, you know, let a random person, you just meet on the street interface with you, especially when you're part of the police department. Uh, you know, that's big. No, no, I'm not just a random person. I used to be a police officer as well. So I like know my stuff. Oh, did you? Uh, he looks at you. Um, were, were you actually a police officer? No, I'm just like trying to like get into a certain, you see his eyes kind of light up, his eyes light up blue. He's like, you were not a police officer.
How would you know that? Your name is Evan Efron. Yes. ah Oh. And? You're wanted by the... this this Oh man, a lot of stuff involving the... Silicorp, huh? That's interesting. Silicorp. Do you know something about them? um A lot of things, but... Probably just as much as you know.
That's probably, uh, yeah, yeah, that's probably it. Hmm. Anyway. Okay. So like again, in some other time. Thanks. See you later. Neat. He pulls his little cord out of the camera. He walks down the alleyway.
What else you guys want to do with yourselves? Snow is sneaking back to the car. Okay. Uh, Yeah, I don't really know where, how to follow this lead. Both Adam and Stoop are both too dumb to think about. Um, so, um, I think what I would like to do is go to what I, I mean, I would know, but maybe you can tell me where did there there were no reports of anybody like driving any suspicious vehicles around or anything. Right.
No, because like otherwise like I'm led to believe and stupid his Experience would be led to believe that this person did whatever murder Somewhere in the ballpark that we're at and then carried those bodies to put them there for some reason um Because like otherwise he would have had to transport them somehow um If he killed them elsewhere in the city and drove them to that place right so like No one made any reports of like in any of these spots, like because we're what I want Rigby Street. What is it? Rizzler? When was it again? One of them. I think you're on Bill Nye. Bill Nye Street. Right. So.
um I mean, is that something stupid? No. No, I'm asking if we have firstly, if we've heard any reports of that. The other thing I want to ask is a stupid note. Any places around the area that have like we're like goons would hang out that he can go shake them down like people who are like their whole businesses to know shit. So when you say you're asking if we wouldn't know that you mean you three, if you wouldn't know there's any reports of cars and strange because like we heard the stories. Right. So like, you know, well, you know, police informed us of anything.
Um, when all you heard was from Ollie that this was happening so you didn't really hear anything else- Alright, well then I'm gonna call- I'm gonna fuckin' have Rin call, uh, fuckin' Lillypad. Call Lillypad, Rin. He's still standing beside you. Oh. Oh, I thought you left. Sorry, I was in my own little world there. Lillypad. Lillya Bald. What is it? I already forgot, cause you're saying so many different names. What? What? Little Bald Lillypammer. Listen. Yeah. Um.
Do you know if there's been any sighting of any vehicles that you guys are tracking around here? All I heard was that people were getting killed on certain streets and I showed up. Any vehicles that you clocked or any cameras or you know street lighter not street lights, traffic light cams picked up? ah Yeah, we did um catch one vehicle of the same description and kind of appearance.
It happened to have different plates each time, but overall, it looked to be the same one and at least two of the scenes there. So we're thinking that he's using the same car, but he has access to multiple plates or some sort of technology that changes the car. Is it? It was a it was a it was a 200. It was not 200. It was a twenty eight seventy three Buick was able like nine Buick what? Was able X nine was able X nine. What color?
Black. And what is the LaSable? Is that it's a dam? It's a coop. Well, it's a coop. It's only got two doves on it. They both had low fin spoilers and sort of the technology that can track similarities in different images and whatnot. They pinged off the dashboard and the interior that we were able to image.
from the camera angles appeared to be all matching and kind of was ah but ah slightly with a I believe. What was it? Netto? What percentage was the accuracy? um Seventy five. oh Yeah. Seventy five percent percent accuracy that it was the same driver in the car with what we could see from him again in the angles of the camera. Right. We need to find one that has the appropriate accoutrement for a small person to drive it. Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. Maybe those lifted pedals or whatever.
Right. Yeah. All right, thanks, Lee Hammer. And Steve starts walking over towards ah Snowy's car. Cool. Evan, you going in the car too? Yeah, I'm going to the car as well. Going to the car, everybody going to the car, or you guys are all in the car. Evan. So what do you want to do now?
Well, I can tell you what I want to do. You guys don't have to because it's kind of just, I'm not, this isn't like a paid job. So if you guys want to go find paid work, you can go do that. But I just need to make sure that somebody ain't murdering people for no fucking reason, especially if I'm the reason. Well, I guess I'm the reason, huh? I don't want people getting murdered because me as the reason. I mean, I just, I'm just waiting for some data to like finish loading. So I'll have time.
Well, now if you got like any paid jobs you want to try to get done so we can get some money coming in while I go and hunt down. Who the fuck's killing people? No, I'll help you. Hmm. I haven't. I haven't seen you guys eat in a little while, like you guys have enough money to eat. Oh, yeah, I'm fine for now. I think so. So you guys just want to follow me around to go find the serial killer. I mean, sure. What have you better to do? I have a goldfish in my belly. I'm fine.
That's true. I think he likes stoop like taps on it, pokes ah Snow Spears belly. Hello there, little guy. Hope you're doing well in there. But I do wouldn't mind if you could grab some lunch before we like continue this whole thing. All right. How about this? You guys dropped me off down at Donut Beelzebub's bar and, um you know, maybe get some food around the area and I got to go talk to some people down there OK, let's do that. I'll take some bar food. I love bar food. Bar food's the best. All right. Let's go get some bar food. I hear that that Kimmy Butterscotch is bartending tonight. Oh, she's my favorite. Yeah. Yeah. So let's go. I want you guys go talk to Kimmy Butterscotch and I'm going to go talk to some old friends down there.
All right. All right. Vroom. Vroom. That's the car. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Stoop, guys. All right. Vroom your ass, Grandma. Vroom. That's the car sound again. Me too, Grandma. So hit you guys go to Beel's and you say, what did would you call it was? Beel was Beel was above the bar. That's right. um And you get outside of there and it's, I'm guessing it's like kind of getting on lunchtime. So it's kind of a little bit of a,
crab pork a lot It's and it's a it's a seedy place. I should say it's a very seedy place. Like it looks presentable and you know, like during the daytime, some people could probably go get some food, you know, but typically like only seedy people that go there or like people who don't know any better go there. OK. OK. Very good. Yeah. So slow. Yeah.
I want to go in there and I want to find an old contact of mine. Oh, well, he's not really a contact per se. It's just he's like my easiest punching bag. um And he's a guy who ah works in, you know, just. General, he's like one of those kind of squeaky guys. It's like in the know people that like his whole job is like be like Ted from scrubs and just be somewhere and not be noticed for a long time. Oh, yeah.
The only reason he can still he's still alive is because he knows shit and that man makes his money. So when you go in there, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. I don't know. You get the food for a fucking. It's always like somebody is like, get the fuck out of here, silver skull. Nice to see you too, Greg. And he's like, oh, shit. You hear like his tape in the table, Russ. He's like, don't beat me up.
but And ah the other guys, you follow him into the building. Yeah. Yep. Okay. So it seemed like you're pretty popular around here. Uh, yeah. I mean, it would probably help if you guys also got like silver skulls or maybe painted your face to look like a skull. You know, it might like we can be stupid to see what skulls know. That's a hard pass. Um, but it's generally like a skull fox. Yikes. Um, all of us like matching, you'll be skull Fox S I spell skull S Q.
L F U X. Almost. Close enough. So close. Um, so you see the bar on your license plate, snowy, snowy, your license is plate. Uh, so the bar is like, it's darkly lit. Um, there's like a bunch of, there's like, it's sort of got like a, um,
is your episode title what's like a good what's a good What's a good restaurant, I was gonna call it ah stupid as a reason Anyway,
uh, what's what's like a what's like a restaurant that has like a lot of always has like pictures to show on the wall like an Applebee's or something like that shenanigans shenanigans, but not as fun as whole heart, like as warm hearted. It's like it's got a bunch of pictures of like, like, you know, dudes on our chicks. We're going to call it hungry eyes. Kicks on bikes and like with their, with their, with their metal arms, like stretched out with a wrench and they're like, yeah, I'm hot. And I fix this bike. And there's a dude with his chest out and he's got like tattoos all over it on the picture and the the frames are like neon. Uh,
ah around them and there's like a little bar with like a line of like some stools on it and there's various seedings around and it's a little dark and dingy in there. ah You guys see that? You guys see that picture over there of Medusa, except like all of us snakes and cocks. I actually put a guy through the wall behind there and they put that picture up to cover up the hole because they didn't want to fix it. Oh, they did that because of you? Yeah.
And then you hear a voice from the bar says, and tell him why we chose to Medusa with the dicks on her head. Because I'm a dickhead. That, and the only way we can make it as much of a dick as you is that you had six dicks on her head. You're the equivalent of six dicks on her head. Hey, call me all six dicks here. And i the voice you hear is stupid, you know, to be Kimmy Butterscotch, the bartender.
You know, maybe we should go to Applebee's. What? No, we're here with one of the best... Man, we got that guy... Just go talk to Kimmy B, I promise. If you go talk to Kimmy B, I promise. He will set you up. Say he. Sorry, I can't put the bar. Hey guys, how you doing? Hey, I've got some good stuff here. Oh, we got the best food in this house. What do you guys want to eat? Here's a menu. I almost always forget that. Here you go.
Oh, thanks. What's on the menu? It's only what we got. So don't like, don't ash on it or spit on it or anything, OK? How about, owe can you get me some ramen? This fucking guy wants ramen. Can we? Hell, we can get you some ramen. Get this guy. we how which There's two options on there. There's um fresh and fresher.
I'll take the super fresh ones. Oh, this guy's ordering off the secret menu. How about you, kitty cat lips? I'll take a huge tomahawk steak, rare. Oh, we need a bloody bloody meat stack.
Like I call it kitty cat lips. Hey, kitty cat lips. I'm imagining Kimmy Butterscotch is, ah as you said, it's a man, but he's like he's a rotund man with like a dirty old grimy apron on and like a little chef's hat, like a little line cook hat on top of his head. But he has an orange he has a he has an orange cat. and What do they call those cats? Tabby cats? They're just orange cats.
Listen, there's no there's no breed of cats. It's just cat and color. Yeah, it's just or wait for Kimmy to kill you. Yeah. And he has ah he has an orange cat that just like sits up and stares at him harshly from the shelves. He's the brains of the operation. I i was going to say that ah that Kimmy butterscotch is from the lower from below down when he when he turns around to go to the window to the back. He's just got like a little um robotic sort of apparatus. He just wheels around the back of the place with ah no no bottoms.
the bottom so bottoms But Yeah, we'll get your shit for you to me. What about you, skull face? You eating any paste or whatever you suck down through that to be yours? I know I'm about to go chew on some. Yes, I can't think of anything clever, but I'm just going to go to some of these. Where the fuck is that? I said the name of the guy I was looking for, by the way. I don't think you did. If you did, I don't remember. Where the fuck is Slappy Pete?
Oh, well, if you look at what Slappy PA, if you rough them up, just remember, do it over one of the greats. And if you other guys look at the floor, it's all concrete with, like, there's various greats around the place for when people get into fights or spill shit or puke. It just kind of slips back down into the... All right, Ron, I know that you want to use it all. Nothing goes to waste here. Not even waste. I get it. Yeah. Extra bloody on that steak, by the way. Yeah, wait till you see who he's cutting. I mean, what he's cutting it off of. um All right, so do a do a notice roll for me for looking for Slappy Pete.
fact as As you said, he's like, to not nice five okay, you see at the mention of his name, you see he he tries fading back into like the midst of some smoky smoky smokers in the back corner near the bathrooms. But you you see him sort of slithering away.
Adrian, what do you think this Slappy Pete looks like that I'm looking for? What should he look like? You know, I was just imagining him like Ted from Scrops because he was like sad. He's kind of like that. He's just like a flop sweat like guy. And then a lot of fear, just like a bit of it, like he on his side. Yeah, like really shitty clothing.
Oh, actually, then I take it back. It's not sloppy feet. It's sloppy feet. There you are. Or floppy feet. Either one. Floppy. I like, uh, I like, eh, we'll do sloppy. I like sloppy. Floppy feet. All right, I'm gonna go find sloppy feet.
All right, so I walk over there. I see him in his like little stained suit. Well, so you you see as you come past the midst of the smoke, smoky smokers in the back area, um you see that the woman's bathroom door is kind of going quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, as it closes, goes as it settles to a close after it was opened recently. I'm like, hey, no women come here. and I kick the door open.
Stoops in a prime instance no spear said a precedent has been seen in five years yeah you bre You see him at the like the that sinks across the room and he goes and he jumps like towards the bathroom stalls Let's not do this Pete. Come on. Oh Man, come on. I don't need this today. God. You're leaving all sorts of grosses all over the place Make sure that you bought that up and put it in the in the food bucket when you do listen, man. And what kind of what kind of person is is what what race nationality? What what plan is he from? Ask what cast what should what what what race is is sloppy feet?
um Let's go Asian. I i literally saw like.
the games that we were playing with the the guy that had like the, the, Oh my goodness. The guy was the thing we we know. cast I don't know like judge. And then the attorney, it was like that, the, the attorney that was bald or the great ACE attorney was talking about the judge. Yeah.
Yeah, no, I'm not talking about the judge. I'm talking about the attorney guy. I know he was like really annoying. Yeah, the guy that the guy that then made it. That's who I kept seeing in that Japanese brain. um um No, I meant like I meant like should he be like a fantasy race like a cat or a lizard or a or a booger person from playing a booger. Let's go dwarf. Yeah, dwarf. so it is Yeah. All right. pray He's an Asian dwarf guy. Yeah. Yeah.
Sorry, that's all I could see when he kept talking was that dude and the first thing that popped out of my mouth. I know what lawyer guy you're talking about. He's like the kind of old guy with the specs. Yeah. This guy's from dwarf Asia. All right. Yeah. Come on, man. I was just drinking one of the hallucinogenic milks and I spilled in my milk, man.
All right. Well, I know a girl who will look that up and knows that. But listen, she leaps over and just starts licking it off the floor. You followed me into the bathroom. And so I'm getting your food. She spilled it out in the hallway. She spilled it. It's just like it's like out in the hallway. OK. Yeah. You just you're like, like, like, like, like, oh, man, someone's licking it up. I could have put a straw to that and got a little bit of buzz. I could. Come on, stoop. Listen, sloppy.
I need you. This is incredibly important. Okay. I know that you have likely heard about by now that there's somebody out there melting the skin off of people's faces down to the bone. Yeah. Right. Now I'm not, I need you to tell me everything you know about that. More specifically, I need you to tell me who the nearest car dealers are.
And I don't mean, and you know, I don't fucking mean like the, the big ones. I mean, like, you know, the ones that the scum around here use, somebody procured a disabled, whatever the fuck that is. He like, he puts his one hand like inside of his hair and like kind of pulls. He's like, oh, stupid. You know, that's, you're asking me that's, oh my God, how many people are going to piss off? What are you talking about?
yeah i Who do you think they're gonna look to first? Slobby Pete's always slithering around in the underbelly. Who do they think they're gonna think probably sent Silver Skull over to us. They just saw you bash me into the woman's, track me into the woman's bathroom. They know that you followed me in here.
Right, but you're like really easy to just blend in. Nobody ever really finds you. No one hurts you because you got all the information. You should be king of this city, Sloppy. No. People do hurt me, Stoop. You hurt me. All the time. the last What's the last fucking thing? and when it I've never. What are you talking about? Tuesday. Tuesday? Yeah. You didn't even ask me anything. You just punched me in the back of the head.
I probably thought you were someone else. I don't notice you all the time. You said Sloppy Pete, guess what? And you punched me in the back of the head. Well, that does sound like something I do, but I don't remember doing it. That's, yeah, no. Yeah, obviously. How about this? Why don't I buy you a couple rounds? Actually, why doesn't my friend Evan buy you a couple rounds of of of tainted milk as, you know, recompense? And then you tell me about all the people that have dealt any cause lately.
I'm looking for a black two-door Buick with a weird, slow spoiler on it. Whatever the fuck that is. Uh, he gets a sudden all of a sudden his, his sad sack face gets seriously like he's, then he goes, you know, he gets a serious look on his face all of a sudden he goes, stupid. No, I don't work for psychedelic milk. I'm giving things up. I got a, what do you work for? I forget. Um,
Not milk, man. Um, listen, do you want me to hurt you? Do you like it? No, no, man. Listen, I, you know, what's better than money stoop. What's better than psychedelic milk. You might ask me. Yeah. Don't leave me hanging here in suspense. I'm going to kick you through the wall. Um, I want to date with that kitty cat lady you brought in here.
Oh, gee, fucking whiz! ah you You know what? If you just wear a silver skull on your head and then go out there, I'd take mine off, but then... Well, I'm not gonna. But yeah, if you just paint your face like a skull, she's really into that shit lately. She's really into psychedelic milk. She's probably out there laughing that shit up right now. Just go ask her out, man. She fucking loves short people. You make sure I get a date with her or no dice.
I'm going to stab you in the foot. That's what I'm going to do. stupid these la He slumps down over to say he's stupid. You know, if I go out there, even if even if I had your glorious looks, ah one woman's going to look at me and she's going to vomit into my mouth. That's the most I'm ever going to get from her. Hang on. I go. like You know, Snowy like falls into the fucking women's bathroom when I open.
Uh, hello. Blah, right in his mouth. so This feels a bit unethical, but you can take it from here, right? This is the most I've ever got. No stupid pillar. I'm great. cool Hey, hey, Snowy. Look, I know that you're kind of fucked up right now. um and Sorry about that. Yeah. Sorry, man. Is there any chance that you would like, I don't know, hold my friend's hand here if he tells me how to find some criminals I'm looking for? Sure.
ah Look at that. That was fucking easy, wasn't it? what i would stop to He's he hey he like motion free to come over. risk just What? I'm not just holding hands. I want like, you know, sit down dinner, not at like this place, like at a nice place like an Applebee's or something. Oh my God. What's with, you know what? If you're into dudes and robot dudes, I know a guy who won't shut the fuck up about Applebee's. You know me, I'm a furry.
Well, you know, why don't you just start with here and then we'll work our way up. Listen, I'm going to give you one opportunity. This is as much as I can do while she's intoxicated. I can't fucking just promise anything until she sobers up. Okay. Okay. Okay. But look, at least I, you know, I got a contact to a furry, but I need you to give me some information real quick or again, I'm going to kick you through the wall and they're going to have to hang another painting in here. Okay.
um He looks over his shoulder, and he's like, the only thing is, i i don't you know i I don't know this stuff right offhand. i you know i didn't I didn't think, oh, let me just look into the latest beautiful stable sales, and I'll just get him. I want to know it. I don't know yet. I got to find this out for you. and I got to slither around. I got to do what I do. And you know then within then we ah thought I'll let you know what I find. Well, no, I just need you to tell me where the nearest guys are that are still, you know, nicking cars and then selling them off or parting them out and shit.
Oh, I thought you wanted to like specific details of who just gave away a vehicle sable. OK. No, I'm going to go beat the shit that that information out of people. OK, cool. um There's there's Donny Bebo. Donny Bebo still working. Yeah, can you believe it with one arm? I thought I thought with what you say. Well, you know, I mean, you did. you ri You ripped his arm off. There's one right. I was. That's why I'm surprised he's still fucking working. Yeah. Yeah. yeah He's he's got a very rudimentary yeah like upgrade and upgrade, you know, new prosthetic thing, which just got a wrench at the end of it. He just used that to crank like nuts and shit, I guess. That's smart. That's smart. That's good. Yeah, there's him. um There's there's Mona Lisa. And there's. Slizzard Jeff.
see you guys but You guys better be writing these down because I'm not. Yeah, Mona Lisa. So there's a Jeff. Got it. All right. Hey. And the first guy. All right. Well, hey, enjoy holding a little pukey hand. And he reaches out for your hands. There's no so spear. Oh, yeah. She's trying to grab on to both of stoop and slap or sloppy piece. Oh, whoa. Oopsies. I pushed him closer to her and I was just say he like he like jumps in in between you. Anyway, he just puts both his hands up to grab both your hands.
It's like holding hands normally, you're like it like a grapple instead. and He's looking at you like, do you want to, I can buy you another milk?
Sure. she looks Hey, that finger does not belong there, sir. Did you just grab my ass? No, my hands are in your hands. It's like her own tail was like touching her ass. Yep. He's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, oh, that's just your, oh, that's just your tail. It has like a life of its own. Oh, why is your, oh, oh man. Oh, yeah. Your tail's touching your butt. My bad. Sorry. No, it's great. It's great. Yeah. As of mine of its own, when I'm on the milky note, I'm saying it's my tail.
two You know me, if I've had too many cartons, I lose control. Stoop, get the fuck out of here. It's insane. You have no idea. Stoop posts his head back and dirty goes, if any fucking thing untooth, yeah, and untoward or uncouth happens in here, I'm going to rip down this these walls and bury you in them and then shit all over you.
But you better get out of here because things are going to happen. I don't know how I feel about this, but all right. just so I go out and look for Evan. like Evan, what have you been doing this whole time? I've been trying to like chat And you've got your um your super fresh ramen. it's ah She ah once the order comes up, she pulls out like a steaming ah bag and peels it open and pours into a bowl for you. it's And it looks really good, even though it's from a package. So do you get like a lot of information around here like a support and stuff like that? Oh, sugar lips, I get all this stuff. What do you like to know?
About like some human trading like of some cyborgs and stuff like that. Half of these guys in here are trading humans and half of these guys was traded as humans. Some of these guys are trading lizard people or elves. They don't care. That makes it kind of more difficult if all of them do it.
I mean, not all of them do it. Like what scale are you talking? Like you talking like, uh, you know, the people that say they're going to bring somebody in the city on a working thing. And then they extract people for more money. Big scale. Oh, pretty big scale, huh? Yeah. What are you talking about? They're like taking people, make them into site boxes and then make them work for them. Holy shit. You're talking, Mike, you talking about the the secret cyborg army? I think so. Yeah. Then I've read about on tinfoilhat.com.
Probably not. this
Oh, man. No, I mean, um but I believe that shit's happening, man. i There's people a all the time going missing around here to i that, you know, if you look at it, you know, you say, hey, Jeff, did you kidnap this dude? No, I didn't kidnap that dude. Hey, Bobito, did you kidnap that dude? No, I didn't kidnap that dude. Who kidnapped this dude? You know, those those corporations, they're more criminals than half of us in this place are. For sure, yeah. and ma i I believe that stuff, you know.
Mm hmm. So yeah, I'm with you. Well, I don't know nothing about that. Don't get corporate board. Don't court. No court brothers come in here and tell us about their business is mostly just a scumbag idea like that. I wouldn't really know about that. That's unfortunate. Yeah. Sorry, man. I don't let that rama get cold. All right. I should eat that. Yeah.
All right. I like I like watching you eat that shit. So anything else interesting that you heard? I mean, I hear why. I mean, that's a pretty broad thing. I hear all kind of shit all the time. I mean, if you don't really know about the feeling that I'm really interested in, I'm like open to anything really. Oh, all right. ah um I heard that there's, a he looks ke looks kind of around. He's like, I heard that there's a ah big illegal street racing ring going on right now.
And, uh, there's just kind of big prizes and stuff like that. Probably, I think it's pink slips and, uh, and, or big money, money, or like, you know, traded goods and stuff, you know, sometimes probably people. Uh, and, uh, yeah, there's a guy named, uh, Dom, who's a part of it. And there's a guy named, uh, Paul and, uh, some other people who are less important.
So all big family thing. Okay, I could just go there and get that money. They're pretty quick. They're pretty quick and angry. I wouldn't steal from them if that's what you're talking about. I mean, unless you want to race. I could just race. You were racist? Oh, that's amazing. Yeah. I know all about races. Oh, that's guess great. I mean, yeah, it'd be pretty fun. Yeah. I mean, uh, some of them guys come in here. So I mean, I don't know any of the numbers or anything, how to get you in touch with them. But yeah, you can probably meet Dom or ah Paul or, uh, the stone.
be pretty useful here because if money you can do a lot of things. Yeah, that's pretty good. Although here comes that ugly silver scope coming back. I was literally about to say like stoop comes like stumbling over like he trips out the fucking door over towards the bar where where Evan said he's like, Evan, I got I got snowy light. Do you want to get fucked while we're here or what?
I mean, like with like you or what do you mean? ah No, not with me. I'm over you. Your little shenanigans with snowy really turned me off. OK, that's good. Also, I'm not even sure if my pecker still works after that fall out of the window. I mean, I kind of doubt that, to be honest. Yeah, I haven't. I haven't had a pecker for 20 years. yeah and Yeah, yeah, that's said so that's OK.
um ask you what time do you like looking for I'm not looking for anything. I'm asking if you want to get laid while we're here at the bar. I mean, like I said, not for a few. I'm not asking for me. Yeah, but i otherwise I'm fine with that. Who are you asking for? I'm just trying to be a good wing dwarf over here, but apparently. Apparently, you know, just go get your own, I suppose.
But hey listen Evan, why are you watching? He's fine with his ramen. He's a means's a man of simple means and needs, alright? Right, and okay. Uh, hey listen. Um. No. Question for ya. Yes. Evan. Can you do me a solid? You're into the whole like, get into the computer hacking bullshit, right? What must that do? It's being a little quiet.
I said you're into the whole hacking thing, right? Oh yeah, right. I do the whole, I like to hack into things kind of thing, right? That's something I do do, yeah. You said do do. Yes. Ha. Everybody laugh. Um, all right, listen, I kind of need you to maybe find a way to look at some, uh, some traffic cams and some other, you know, databases around the area. and Okay.
got find this car that police dingoorff lillly band said to me yo We got to find this car black Cooper, whatever it was. Right. Are you going to pay me for that? Am I going to pay you? Yes. I'm trying to get you laid. Okay. If I get laid, I could get laid by myself. I don't really need you. Yeah. But I mean, I know a guy.
Yes. Continue. And listen here, he's a fucking shapeshifter. and Okay. He can be whatever you want.
You know, my main goal right now. You're talking about a squig. Yeah, squig. You know, squigs, he's still around here. Yeah, he comes. Oh, I mean, I think it comes every day. That's true. It could be anybody. He could be you. yeah It's not you squig behind the bar, is it?
No, that was just me throwing my voice. This is still a trick. Hey, this is Mr. Ramen boy. You asked me if I could tell you if you guys want to like, I don't know much about hacking and shit, but I'm sure I would hear these guys. You can't just like say, I want to hack into all the computers of all the city and see all the cameras. I can help you now. You asked me, I like this conversation we've been having. You've been a nice guy talking to me. There's a guy I know comes around here. He knows how to get into like the city mainframe and shit through like remote points and stuff.
real, real, real ah without having, you know, go downtown into the main brain of the city or whatever, he could probably help you get access to all whatever cameras you want to see. That's a good idea. I would have just like, i walked in by myself, having an information person would be pretty useful. Yeah, yeah. He usually here on like a Thursday nights about, ah you know, he is sometime around evening, he comes in all the time. So when you stop by and see him, he's around here, his name's ah Platinum Joe, and he's got a giant metal plate on top of his head, so you'll know him right away. And he's got one spiky hair on the other side of today, Thursday. Yes, I'll come by later tonight and I'll be here probably. I would say Friday. I didn't I didn't know.
Yeah, guys. So do that. um Anything else you fuckers want from me? You eating the soup or not? Come on, man. ah Where's my friend's ultra rare steak? I got to go throw it at her while she gets fucked. I'm pretty sure some other guy grabbed it off the table here. I i was trying. so I mean, um I didn't try to stop him because, you know, nobody thinks it's ultra rare. You just got to cut it off and give it to me. Where is it? Another big, big bloody one. Quick, quick and dirty. It doesn't have to. Yeah, definitely. go Here. Oh, my ass.
Alright perfect, alright hang on a second. I'm just gonna throw it in like it's like a lion's den.
Yeah, it's probably what it looks like. You You open the door in your ear, wow! You just like throw the fucking thing in and, like, as the whole room's shaking, I just like hold the door shut like, ah, fuck, it's like, I think I was out of there. And you you hear you hear, I can't remember my, you hear, oh, I'm pooping! Oh, I'm pooping!
I've never had this much experience in my life, whoa! It's coming out at both ends!
but does it look good already
it look good already?