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The Affordables 1.14: Chat...Am I In Love In Terror Town? image

The Affordables 1.14: Chat...Am I In Love In Terror Town?

Roll Players
27 Plays9 days ago

Cass is running the show today! We meet two new nerdy hunters who are sent by Everett on a quest to investigate some "weird" stuff in Terror Town. Yeah that Terror Town!

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Introduction and Game Setup


Setting and Character Introductions

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to all of our friends and listeners. This is Roleplayers, you guys, and yes, this is a different voice because I get to run this game today, and i hope you guys are super duper excited about this. But we've got Adam and we've got David, and they're playing somebody new, but we're still playing the affordables. This going to be a Casiverse.
Um, where these characters are just kind of like, you know, the people that don't usually go out on the missions. Uh, they do like the research and such things or, you know, like they report it or whatever, you know, they're like the sideline guys.
And, um, something weird has happened to like... Jay Proto and Everett and Jack Lazor and the Frenchie guy.
um because I'm not going to try to say his name. Yeah, Robert Delaney. Yes, that one. Something weird has happened and I'm not really sure what's going on But um we will find out here in just a second. So, Adam...
Who is your character and what are you playing? And go ahead and describe all the things. ah Well, I'm still not exactly sure what we're doing, but I am playing a character called Jerry Domato.
um And he's a real scrawny guy, but he has a big old mustache that's probably like 40% of his personality. It grows right into his hairline. um and he's got a lot of weapons he's got an armory he's got like a library and a magical laboratory he's just a big old dork that just loves to learn about monsters but like despite his grizzled vocals and his um and his grizzled experience along with it he does not enjoy fighting so much as he's he's kind of like the Bobby Singer of the group like from Supernatural he's just like I'm going to tell you how to do it I don't really know what I'm doing
Like, I don't know how to use a gun. I have guns, but you can use them. And so, yeah, Jerry Domato is, is ah I believe that is the expert playbook. ah So that's what I am.
Awesome. And David, how about you? I'm playing a guy named Gary. That's all you get to know. Gary and Gary. Awesome. He's just a guy named Gary. He has no last name. He just gets, he works for the dick post.
He's in charge of their YouTube page. And he wants to get clicks. That's all he cares about.

The Call for Help and Journey to Terror Town

And his boss, that's all he cares about too. Because clicks equals money.
That's it. Okay. love it. I think it's great. He also has a gun. Whoa. Sorry about that. Is that the dick post calling? No. We got a hot new story we need you to cover. gary Yes, it was. Yes, it was.
your guys' comms go off. Your phones go off. And um you're not really sure why Everett is calling you guys all of a sudden. Do you answer? don't know.
ah You mean like it's like a Yeah. Yeah. yeah Yeah, I mean, i'm pop in group chat just because, you know, like, i ah I'm a little... I got nothing going on. I'm just reading my books. Okay.
And then my camera's, like, facing the wrong direction, so, like, you can't see me. like Okay. Gary answers, what you got from you, Everett? Oh, hey, guys. um So, me and Blake Danza, we just, like, went and got married together. Shut up, Blake. Get back down there. You're not supposed to tell him.
So... so And ah so, like, he just told me to, like, call you guys because, like, um they have a... Shut up, Blake Dancer. Get back down there. I told you not to move.
um I have, like, something going on that I need you guys' help with. And I'm... He told me that you guys were the best guys to get... Shut up, Blake Dancer. The restraints are too tight.
So, um listen, I have this aunt that ah she is the mayor

Arrival at Terror Town and Diner Discussions

of this town. And um she has like this thing that's going on and she's not really sure what's what to do about it. And she says she needs slates the best research team on the planet. And i figured who else but, you know, Mr. Jerry over there.
And, you know, in investigative things i just figured maybe gary would be perfect for it because you know he's like so super smart and he like always figures out all the crazy stuff so like you know i figured maybe i'd send you guys there because um she i mean she really she really doesn't know what else to do and like there's some crazy shit going on over there so crazy say yeah what kind of crazy shit are we talking about Well, she said that there's, like, there's, like, been something lurking around the town and, like, going through people's yards and, like, messing up the the whole, like, decorations that they got going on in there. And then, like, they've been hearing some weird, like, noises at night and they're really not sure what's going But, um yeah, if...
it If you could just like figure that out for her, that would be like super duper great. They live in like Tavortown and my aunt is a Eusta. Oh, right.
Eusta what? don't know. i don't know where that is Um, her name is used to be Kuda. Are you messing with us? No. Like, my last name is Kuda.
You ever is Kuda. Like, right you guys never knew my last name? This is the first time I think I've had a conversation with you. Let me check my sources and roll 20. Okay.
Hey, Iverick, which side of this is a Which end am I supposed to sit on? ah Shut up, Blake Dancer. You're supposed to be tied up and gagged. i don't like the way the cloth tastes.
Right. I put strawberry on it. Shut up. I fuck, I'm allergic!
So, as a side note for David, Terra Town is a part of a game that I created. And ah used to be is um the mayor of that town.
Yeah. Alright, well, I think Gary's gonna accept. Okay. He says in the third person. was about to say, does he say that? Because i think that's hilarious. Yeah. ah I think Jerry's going to accept too. Does that sound cool? Did I do it?
It's not your thing, Jerry. Ah, fuck. Sorry. i just I was just kind of caught up in the moment. That's right. but

Strange Happenings at the Mayor's Office

Yes, i I accept. I guess I could get out of the house for a couple hours.
yeah Oh, yeah thank you. I mean, i would send the other guys, but like I have no idea what happened to them. they i They just like disappeared out of nowhere, and I'm not really sure what is going on.
sure up, Blake Dancer. They're not supposed to hold know that I'm holding them captive in my basement. Anyways, so I'll send you guys the coordinates to the Tabatown, and then... um allah yeah I'll get you Eustis' phone number so that you can get hold of it.
so Okay. who Roy? Cool. Screen wipe and then we're there? Yeah. Screen wipe. Yep. I'm going to like... I would like to... um I think I have a skill that says... um ah Yes. Dark past. I would like to know...
If like in all of my readings and all of my studies, have I ever heard of such a crazy town called Terror Town before? Because I have a big old magical library and a lore library that has just books from all over the universe and all over the country.
I'm curious if I could potentially learn about it prior to getting there or as we get there, maybe if that would be. No, that's fine. Yeah. Oh, I just read about this. So yeah, that would be a plus weird. It's called dark past. And if you trawl through your memories for something relevant to the case at hand, roll plus weird.
So I'm just going to roll plus weird if that's okay. And then see yeah ah what happens. That is an eight. So on a seven to nine, I can ask one question from the list. um So like, are we there? Do you want to just say that we're there? Is there anything that you want us to do before?
um I would say you probably are just pulling up over the hill, and then that way I can describe the town. for you've already been there, but that way I refresh your memory.
Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and do that, and then I'll um i'll figure out when my question is relevant. Okay. So as you guys are coming up over the hill into Terror you're going to notice that on the left-hand side coming into the town, and like โ€“ It's like ah like a roadside diner that is quite a ways off of the side of the town.
um It's called Nettie Gretty's Diner. and um it's like your old classic 1940s diner. Got the button seats and ah the checkered floors and everything.
um You're going to look off to the right-hand side and you're going to see the rest of the town. And it looks like there's like this weird fog that just kind of hangs over the town. And on the right-hand side of the mountains, would like that you're you're going to see like them all span across like a... ah What do they call that?
Panoramic. Like a panoramic view of it. So on the right side of the mountains, you're going to see a big, huge mansion on the top of the mountain. And as you see it kind of...
off to the left side of the mansion, there's going to be like lava flowing from the mountain. You're not really sure where it's coming from, but it's just kind of there. And then as you began to the left-hand side of the mountains, you're going to see just like a bunch of trees with just a dense, dense fog.
And that looks like a big trailer park city where it's in like a square shaped where it kind of like spirals in on itself and it's all just trailers all different sizes all different kinds some of them are like your double wide some of them are your rvs

Exploring Supernatural Mysteries in Terror Town

um and then in the middle dead center is a large school there's a like a stretch of the road where you can kind of tell that there's like businesses, but you're not really sure what they're made from.
And then at the very end of that street where there's like the little strip of how like businesses is going to be the mayor's capital building, I guess.
And so that's what you see. Cool. um cool Can i ask my question now Yes, you can ask your question now. Um, so, um, what do, what do I know that can help us?
Actually, you know what? I want to save it because I think I should talk to the mayor first and then I'll ask my question as I'm thinking about that question. So I think I'll, I guess, I guess Gary, are you and I just like rolling up in the same vehicle? Have we been road tripping here this whole time? Yeah, I would imagine that, uh.
You know, we sell this, we go, ooh, ah, and then the bus pulls up to a stop and we get off. Oh, we rode the bus up here. Yeah, we took a Greyhound. i love it. Okay. We rode Greyhound here. I'd say they probably stopped in front of Nettie Gritty's. Awesome.
Yeah, they drop us off at like the bus stop that's right outside the the diner. Like, all right. so I take a picture of ah Toothless Joe who dropped us off and was our cool driver the whole time.
What a cool guy. Yeah, you know what? He pretty much like, he was like one of those tour guides that kind of said, oh, off to your right, you see some trees and off to your left, there's also trees. It's quite informative.
so aye Yeah. Aye. So I guess we're supposed to go talk to someone named Used to Be Cute. Yeah, but are you hungry? I could fuck. I could put some food down real quick. What have they got? Let's in the diner.
And I'm taking pictures of the diner the whole time. I'm just recording.

Encounter at Death Cave and Time-Travel Confusion

Just running the camera. but Sure. i'm petnna I'm walking kind of like like somebody who has their cell phone out, but it's just a book instead. And I'm just like nerding into a book, kind of flipping through just like, oh, interesting.
You know, i think I probably got like an almanac of like, like yeah like what do they call those little like... um Like a farmer's almanac? Yeah, like one of those like brochures or something that talks about the local places. I'm just like trying to read like what kind of weird little print they have on it about Terror Town. Oh, okay.
Yeah, sure. They have like a like a big old stand there that has all the different brochures and everything and all it says is like, Terror Town, where terror te seems to happen everywhere you turn. That doesn't sound very hospitable. I was going to say, you know, I often wonder why people stay in places like this, or like New York, you know, since it gets blown up like every day by like superheroes and shit.
Like, why do people stay? Because it's great. It's great for the views. it's great There's ah another one that says, welcome to Terror Town, population 1500 and going down. Look at this. Wait a minute.
Chat, check this out. He said chat. He's streaming now. He's starting to stream. That's fantastic. He's streaming. ah He's live streaming the whole thing.
Yeah, look at this shit. 1500 are going down. This place is fucked. Wait a second. The brochure just, it said 1500 going down. Now it says 1499 and going down.
What the hell? Wow, someone died. Yeah, but this isn't a digital copy, mate. It's just a fucking, it's a piece of paper. Yeah, and? You don't think that's weird? That's that definitely weird.
Yeah, I think the whole place is weird, brother. Right, Chad? Oh, man, no one no wonder my mustache is standing on end right now. Let's go get something to eat from this diner that I'm sure is you know regularly inspected. Oh, yeah. I wonder where they hid their... it a diner? Yeah, you're a diner.
that i yeah you're in a diner Okay. yeah o
okay So as you guys walk in, you're going to see a like a normal, like you're basically going to see like the one in Spaceballs where they've got like the counter along the the middle part. And then like behind that is the kitchen where you get the window.
And then there's like other tables along like the windows and stuff, like two and four seaters. um And there's going to be a woman behind the counter who has like a green smock with a white apron and she is a rather rotund woman with a cigarette hanging out the side of her mouth, and ah she's going to see you guys and go, Oh, good to see you guys. How can I help you? Come on. i Come in and have a seat. What can I do for you? I'm ready.
Wait, they let you smoke in here? Yes, of course. I smoke in here? Of course you can! This place isn't- You can do anything in here. You wanna- Would you like a martini? I have martini glasses over here.
Uh, yeah, I'll take a martini. It's, uh, it's only 11am, but yeah, I'll take a martini. love Gary's reaction so much. Ugh, this place kicks ass! Chant, you seeing this? Look at this lady, she's fucking smoking in here.
She's fucking making a martini at 11am on a Sunday. and Well, I always have it on account of this one lady that's always in here. She's not in here right now. I think she ah passed out in the alley. out but I think she drank too much, but um it's okay.
and Let me guess. Used to be cute. She used to be cute. No, no, no. This one is Vivian. She thinks that she is, um, let's just say, she thinks she is the cream of the crop is all I gotta say, but she's not, okay? She's, um, between you me, she's a fraud.
Can I just say, I don't understand. Why would you put cream on your crop? Does that help it grow? I don't, like, it doesn't rain cream. chaant Get a alert of this guy. Yeah.
Like you see immediately guys a plug out like that he has like a satchel on his on his on his shoulder. He pulls out like another book. He goes, oh, and it's like the pages start to glow a little bit. He goes, all right, show me if cream is good for the crops. And you see it glows and like words start to form on. He goes, hmm, what do you fucking know?
You know, for a lot of that but lot of book learning, you do you're kind of a fucking stupid guy. Hey, every day is a is a day to learn. I'm not embarrassed to not know shit.
That's why I have these. ah Hey, chat. Hey, chat. Did you know cream is good for the crop? chat g ah They're saying they're they're just there're just laughing at you. Oh, good. If I can bring a smile to someone's face, that's a good day, Gary.
That's right. Here. here's um Here's a martini, man. Oh, no, sorry. I don't i don't drink on account of my health. Your health is full. Your health is full. Right.
Right, that's exactly it. I do not want my health to go down. I didn't want to do that, so I'm going to say no. ah Thank you, Hayley. What about you, lady? ah No, I'm not so much of the martini drinker. I just keep that for the one lady here. But, so you know, what can i what can I get you, Mr. Scrawny Nerdy Man?
We're both scrawny nerdy men. you You have to be more specific. The one who I already have not served. I have given him his martini. Now it is your son. That is how this works. i Can I just have a glass of water with no ice in it, please?
Of course, sugar. no no sugar. Just no ice. No sugar either. ah just Just water, please. She just shakes her head and walks away from you. You're going to see the menus are like already on the counter.
all right, yeah chat. Hey, there's a poll. What am I getting for breakfast?
i think and think I think there's like somebody votes like sausage and eggs and somebody votes like that woman. for No, guys, you can't vote for that woman.
She's got moles in places i don't want to see. let ah look at that. It's like a whole constellation on our chinny chin chin. That's neat. oh ah Oh, look, I can see the big dip out of it. It's 11 a.m. m Isn't that fascinating, Getty?
That was pretty funny, huh? Shit. Oh, you think I'm funny? Thanks. you Anyways, what do you have business? Hey, listen, what you say your name was again? Used to be. That's what we're looking for. no yeah. what'll you We're looking for a used to be cute. what's What's the name of the late of the last who's serving us?
I don't remember. If only we had the person here who knew what the name yeah of the lady is. Hey, Cass, what was her name again? For the mayor?
No, the lady who's serving us. Oh, Nettie. Nettie Grady. Nettie. Oh, that is Nettie. I didn't know she had a name tag on her or something. Oh, okay. Right. Nettie. You know, Nettie, could you tell us, do you know if the mayor's home, you know, if she's around? Because we're supposed to go doing some, well, I don't know if were allowed to talk about it, but we're here on work.
So, you know, like it's very important to me that we go and find this lady. Do we just go straight to the ah mayor's office? Do we have to make an appointment? Does she have like a residence around town that we go to instead on personal business?
Well, she should be at the mayor's office if it's 11 a.m., you know, she's probably in a meeting or something, but you never know with that lady these days. She's been really, like, uh, how do I say this, flaky lot lately, so I'm not really sure.
Flaky like a biscuit, just the way I like it. Thanks for the info. You want a biscuit, honey? I can get you a biscuit, yeah. Give me some biscuits and gravy breakfast. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Chester!
Chester, we got a biscuits and gravy order! ah Yeah, you like that, don't you? Yeah! What can I get you, sugar pie? Can I just take a pause and tell you guys that like i i used to work with a woman who named her boobs, biscuit and gravy.
And I'm not even kidding. Oh my God. Gary vomits all over the floor and dies. I can't hear biscuits and gravy without thinking about my girl, Tunisia. Biscuits and gravy since then?
i Like, I love biscuits and gravy, both on her and in the food. Okay. Good looking at least. Oh, she was gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous. And it was just, I didn't find out until like right before the pandemic hit.
We were just having a random conversation because like we were about to close down for lockdown. And I don't know how we got on the topic, but like, I don't know. I think a girl I was seeing at the time, i said that like she named her boobs and I, she thought that was really funny. She goes, Oh, I named mine too. and i was like, no, you fucking didn't.
She goes, yeah, I didn't know biscuits and gravy. i was like, shut up. How did i not know that about you this whole time? Anyway, so never see you again. Wow. yeah and Yeah, and I haven't seen her since.
i miss biscuits and gravy. I do not anyway have names for mine, so fine. I don't have names for mine either, but I did name other things, but I won't tell you what it is.
But ah anyway, back on. and What do i want to eat? ah You know, actually, I caught some bugs in my mouth when I put the window down on the bus, and I think I'm full. All right, Chad. Mm-hmm. it One of the poll dictates what I do with this guy.
yeah Gary, while they're making our food, could I ask you a question? You've already asked me Just ask me. damn it. Right. I would like to ask you another question, please. Go ahead, buddy.
Do you think it's professional of you just to like be showing every you know all these people on camera? like They haven't really signed anything that says, you know, it just seems like an invasion of privacy. mean, if they ask you to stop, I'll stop.
That's very professional of you, Gary. I really appreciate that. we you know I think this is our first mission out officially together. We've only really interact interacted through like you know the the textual chat. So that's nice. It's good to know you're a professional.
ah Yeah, you too, I guess. ah yeah So, certainly you know, what's your what's your propensity for biscuits and gravy? Like, is that just like a... I just want some fucking biscuits and gravy.
Sometimes you just gotta get all gravied up, know what I'm saying? Get gravied up? That's right. That doesn't sound hygienic. It isn't. This place is certainly not hygienic. A huge plate of biscuits and gravy set in front of you. Like, this thing is a massive plate of biscuits and gravy.
Oh, that's... Check this out. Pfft! Here go, honey. Could I get you anything else? Would you like like a glass of milk or anything with that? A cup of coffee? I got coffee. It's like the best in town.
just You gave me two martinis, so I'm going to drink these. Okay. Well, whatever we want, honey. Hey, Miss Nettie, could I ask you um about about the mayor real quick before ah before we dig in here?
Sure, of course. What would you say? um and this is where um I would like to kind of use one of my use my question that I use earlier, um okay ah which is um do I or what do I know that would help us right now?
which So I want to kind of compare what she tells me versus what I know that I've been able to read about this place, which is like I want to ask her about like generally like how this town is run and like what kind of motivates this person. So I'm going to kind of use that as my question and ask her like, okay so so this mayor, could you tell me something about like what would you say is her style of how she runs this place?
Well, you know, she actually is pretty good on most days, but like, you know, lately it's been really weird because it seems like she's got something going on and we're not really sure, you know, there's been a little bit of chatter here and there. Cause you know, I hear everything. I hear all the tea. I hear everything. And you know, um,
They say that she's been up to something, and I really think that it's really happening, and I'm not really sure, okay Because um she seems like on the up and up, she just hired a new like sheriff and everything, and he seems okay, but like his deputy, he's a little like...
um He's a little woof, but um it seems like she's been having a lot of ah secret meetings lately, and we're not really sure why.
She's having secret meetings? is that what you said? Yeah. Gary, what do you know what do you what what do you what do you know about these secret meetings? Do you know anything about how government is run? You ever do any sort of important? What? where What? What?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk to you while you were swarfing down some get or getting, what did you say? Covered in gravy? Getting gravied? Yeah, he's fucking these are fucking fire battles. Thank you. I'll tell Chester he likes his food. He's like one of the bestest chefs on this side of the US. Yeah, so anyways, I don't know shit, Jerry. To be honest with you, I don't know anything about this place. you a bit Have you ever interviewed like ah you know people in power before? like Yeah, all the time.
Really? Like who? Like Barack Obama. you You interviewed the man himself, Barack Obama? Yeah, haven't you? Why would I? No, i like that's not my job. Why would I do that?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's thought you might have had something to do with all your science or your book learning bullshit. you know No, no, I just I do. I do drop shipping for ah magical relics online to make some side cash. But no, I don't.
I don't like go interview people and shit. okay well yeah so i don't know i've interviewed you know barack obama i've even interviewed the mayor of dick you know you interviewed dick's mayor yep damn i hear that she had like some weird goblin shit going on recently oh yeah the goblins were awesome that was that was like a money printer holy shit damn yeah there was like tanks involved and everything that's fucking wild it's insane right and then these like three motherfuckers showed up and just beat it Way worse for a minute. Oh, yeah, that Jack Laser. I've been saying I don't think he's quite the good guy that everybody thinks he is, but what do I know?
How about you watch your fucking scene around me? Oh, don't tell me you're a Jack Laser fan too.
What with this guy? Oh my god. What spell does this man have over everyone that they just love him even though he's a piece of shit? He's not a piece shit. mean, not literally. I know that. He's a human being, I think. um so The jury's still out on that one.
You hear a bell from behind you guys and the door opens and the nitty gritty, she turns around from the window. like She's talking to Chester while you guys are talking and she looks over.
Oh, Shiffer, Shiffer, I'm glad you're here. i um i needed you to take these guys over to the mayor ah to like, you know, because they're asking about it. And, you you know, i think that you would know better since you were her assistants.
Oh, totally, dude. Yeah, I totally got this, man. Like, oh, I came here for her lunch anyway. So like, you know, here I am. That's really convenient. Wow.
Would you look at that? All right, well. Who are you guys? ah I'm Gary. I'm here to investigate whatever the hell's going on in this town. And yeah, that's it. All right.
i don't know what he does, but he does drop shipping. That's not like my I'm not somebody whose job is his whole personality, Gary. I have other hobbies and joys in my life than work. I leave $100 on the account. Oh, thank you, honey. Come back in me I'm Schiffer.
I'm Schiffer Brains.
I've taken the martini with me.
I'm used to be Cuter's assistant. Like, you know, I'm like her top assistant. You know, like, I'm the best. You have her top assistant, so does that mean she has a bottom assistant to do?
Yeah, but we don't talk about her. I mean him. I mean nothing. say them Got it. Okay. is ah Is this person, are these all humans that we've seen so far? Yeah, they're all just humans. So to make sure, i just want to make sure because if there's any sort of hint of any supernatural, Jerry's on top of it. Like his book will start glowing and he'll want to he'll want to investigate.
Okay. Anytime something seems like supernatural. i oh sure. Yeah. i want it like gary Jerry's going to want to know about it. Okay, so Nettie hands Schiffer the bag of lunch that they have prepared for Eusta.
Tell the mayor that she needs to pay her tab soon because it's starting to grow. I'm just saying, Schiffer. All right, ma'am, I'll totally do that. See later, dude.
do you guys want to ride over there? I got my car. Yeah, that'd be dope. yeah You brought dope? Jeez. You can't do dope on the job, Gary. Who's gonna stop me? oh I mean, i don't know what the law is around here, but I mean, it's unprofessional. They let you fucking smoke indoors, man. You gotta chill.
Listen, I'd appreciate a ride over there. Really fucking rad. Alright. How much of a time is she racked up, by the way? Uh, it's pretty bad. Like, it just, uh, yeah, she never pays for her tabs, like, anywhere.
People in power, man. You know, you just can't, you know, I want to believe that some people in power are good, but then they just rack up bills and they don't pay. What? You know, potholes everywhere. and What's going on here? Anyways, get in, guy.
So he goes out to a ye and orange-colored Yugo that has seen better days. We're gonna die.
Oh, it's all right. This is Bessie, man. he shes She's so reliable, man. like You're good, man. You guys get in. You can see like the floor is kind of rusted. Interesting.
ah all thing chair Watch this. And he sticks his foot through the floor like the rusted out bottom. i yeah call that so We call that Scottish air conditioning. I call that the brakes.
it's like some It's like some Flintstone shit going on here.
So he ah throws the car into reverse and like, like in a very fast speed, like takes off from Nitty Gritty's diner.
And you'll see like him go through the spinning, like the take a right turn. And then he's going to take another right turn. And then he's going to take another right turn. and And you're pulling up to the mayor's office. And it's a big white building, you know, that you normally see in ah any sort of like,
you know, town. Like, it's an old brick building. <unk> like, the only nice building in the town. And it's surrounded by trailers. Yeah, surrounded by trailers. Like, Jerry's, like, holding on the but to the seat, just being like, Yabba Dabba, don't drive like that ever again when I'm in this car.
Okay? Wow. That was fucking lame. What is wrong with you? Gary gets out of the car. Yeah. My boots are already worn out from trying to stop the fucking thing. Oh, Jesus. Sorry about that, dudes.
Yeah, whatever. um' Can you just get us in the building, please? Yeah, follow me, man. Let's go. he walks up the main staircases and there's two big white doors that he flings open. And as you guys go in, you're going to see like...
the You're going to see like the portraits along the walls of the like the hallway the main hallway. and it looks like the same woman, but like in different outfits. she iss um The best way I can describe her is you know the little designer lady on the Incredibles page.
Yeah, Edna Moe. So she looks like her. Yes, the one that says no capes. She looks like Dr. Evil's girlfriend from Austin Powers. Yes, but more rotund. Yes.
So um you're just going to see that in like a bunch of different outfits and different poses along the hallway. um That leads to the big office and the doors are closed and Schiffer We'll knock on the door to the office and there's no answer.
Could I bring bad situation while we're while we're get approaching that door? Yeah. I would like to pull out one of my little magical tomes and just like start kind of flipping through allowing it to kind of start turning pages kind of based on like, you know, whatever's going on in his hallway. It's just like, I feel like, I feel like his mustache is extra pointy right now. Like it's curving upward real high. And he's like, kind of, kind of, kind of like it's a doubt, a dowsing rod, like for like something weird. For spooky shit. Yeah. Like, yeah. Can I roll read a bad situation?
While that's going on, Gary is um filming all of the portraits and he's going like, look, chat, the eyes are following me. Look, look. And like moving forth. And they are in fact moving, watching you. Yeah, because they are in fact watching you.
Yeah, I got an 11. I'm in a bad situation. Okay. ok I'm not going to ask all my questions. I just want to ask, are there any dangers we haven't noticed yet? and I'm going to like hold on to the other two for later.
um So I'm going to say it's not a danger, but there's something weird on the other side of that door. like because of like what i've Because of like what I've read about and like kind of the energies in the room and my book kind of going crazy.
like Is there any inclination that like I could get from that? like like So you're going to notice that there's something on the other side of the door in this universe that doesn't belong.
but That doesn't really help me, but that's good to know. like supernatural something doesn't belong in this universe. Hey, maybe shove your phone under there and take some pictures. I don't know if I want to open the door right there. i Get some pictures of that. Hey, what's your name? Shifferbrains?
yeah We're going to go inside, all right? i oh Okay, man. Like, if you want to, but she didn't answer, so well that's that's your head, man.
I don't really care. I didn't try, but I always knock, and if she doesn't answer, man All right, chat, we're going get spooked. You guys ready? We're going to go in there. We're going to get yelled at by an old fucking lady. Everybody ready? All right, here we go. Three, two, one, and he opens the door.
take about like 12 steps backwards so I can kind of see just from a safer distance because like that's not Jerry's style is to go in right away. Yeah.
ah like all right well i'll be i'll be back here if you need anything i take 84 damage so fuck no no that was for me no no that was for me uh so just as you guys open the door you're gonna see like two feet just like jumping out of the window and disappearing Just feet by themselves?
They're not attached to any body or legs? that in the camera? No, they're attached to body, but either all you see is just, like like, you can tell somebody just jumped out the window headfirst to, like, escape.
Holy shit. They jumped out headfirst? Someone clip that. Someone clip that. But Yusta is still sitting at her desk. ah she Her hair is all messed up. i was going to say, is she wearing clothes?
and Yeah, she has she has clothes on, but her hair is all messed up, and it looks like she's trying to shove something under the desk. All right, ah Gary sprints over to the fucking desk fast as possible, because he can literally smell an interesting story.
ah Ma'am, are you used to used to be cute? What are you doing in my office? Get out of my office! Are you having an affair while you're working on the Taxpayer's Line? I love this. It's so good. I don't know what you're talking about.
I was just in here doing major things. My chat just clipped it. Someone dove out the window. I don't know what you're talking about. There was nobody in here. I was in here doing exercises, you know, so I gotta to get my kind of give my my my belly back away from my body. Now, what can can I do for you?
ah Well, chat is spamming LMAO.
and just let all right well uh oh my god well we're here to investigate no i let myself in uh ma'am I love the reporter attitude that you just like shove a camera in her face like, hey, what doing? Hey, hey, hey, hey. I want to see what you look like right now, and I turn it on selfie mode, and I just walk around to her desk and take a selfie with her. I'm like, this is what she looks like.
It's so fucking good. It's got like big zoomer energy.
Will you get that thing out of my face? Who the hell do you think you guys are? Blake Dancer sent us. Who the hell is Blake Dancer? Oh, aye not Blake Dancer, Everett.
Everett? Why did Everett... Everett cuter or whatever her name is. Everett is cuter. Oh, right. Sorry.
Like Jerry like slowly approaches it with like his book open. He's just like letting the pages just flip back and forth. How did accent change? Like four times when she got all worked up. wonder if that's normal. Yeah, yours does too. So.
What are you about? I don't even know what you're talking about. I was just the same person. i don't but What are you? What are you even doing here? I don't even know who you are. Get out of my office.
She sounds just like Everett. Well, they are related, I think. Yeah, that's interesting. interesting i didn't know that ah accents were genetic. yep
Right. i'm also I'm kind of convinced that maybe this is just Everett cosplaying as someone on a rough time. Are you wearing a wig? do you have rainbow hair under there? Let me see. You touch one finger on me and I am going to break every bone in your body, little skinny man, even though you're very attractive.
Anyways, what can I do for you guys? I am the mayor of this town and you cannot just bladge into my office like this. What are you doing here? Well, the taxpayers want to know what you're doing on a Sunday.
I'm trying to figure out what's going on in my town. Thank you very much. There's weird shit going on. Yep, so am I. So is chat. Who's chat? Oh, right. Sorry, I keep thinking that's really hard. is chat?
I'm streaming. This is being live streamed. You're on camera. What's a live stream? like I don't even know what that's- What is that? What even is- What are you even talking about? What are you? Who is this? What are you doing here? play You know what? yeah Look, the way that I understand it is like, imagine um like ah a tiny TV, um you know, good but like people are watching it live. Like, you know, when you watch sports, it's like that, but like you can do it from like a tinier TV.
You know what? The less that they know, the better. Listen, so we're up here investigating a ah mystery as I roll my charm because I can actually get a mystery as I roll my charm.
Oh, that's a cool skill. A cool perk. I like that. That's cool. And I rolled a 13. So I get to say, on I guess. What does 13 even get me? Well, unless you have advanced, it just gives you two questions. Yeah.
We have what questions. And um I want to know what sort of creature that was that dove out the window. Is he a human? Did she say that or did he catch that? i he he clipped it and somehow with his camera, like the way that it was clipped, you could see that it was definitely a human being that jumped out the window. He did it like slow motion replays.
but like We're going to go into like an L.A. Noire style investigation. i love that game. Where time pauses and I get to ask questions and then decide if they're lying. Chris X to doubt. Exactly. um So, Miss Mayor, what are you what are you what are you concealing here as well?
What is being concealed here?
um Don't even think about lying. The taxpayers want to know. Oh, I know. As soon as I say this, Adam's in a no exactly. So um as soon as you like walk around and see what she was shoving into her desk, you're going to see a ah a wrestling mask and a leopard print ah leotard.
yes indeed what's sticking out here i'm gonna grab it um she try write she like it's hanging out of the desk right like a little piece of it I just want to like yeah little piece of it a leopard print leotard hey no it great getty getty now listen whatever would you know we don't judge whatever her kinks might be I give have a fuck what her kinks are we listen we don't judge right yes that's what the kids are saying these days we listen and we don't judge but they do They judge.
They do. Have you read the comments? They totally judge. I was going to say, it's not doing, it should be do as we say, not as we do, because they don't do what they say, you know? It's these days, right, Gary?
Huh? Yeah, I've had a wrestling mess, too. Hey, like I said, I don't judge. It's just, for as long as you ain't hurting anybody, you do your thing. Unless the people you're hurting signed up to be hurt, then okay, still, do your thing.
The taxpayers so. Did the taxpayers pay for this mask, ma'am? No, that was given to me as a gift from somebody. did that somebody just jump out the window? I am not even going to tell you that. That is rude and that's my secret. That is my own personal life.
I'm going to look out the window. So ah roll me a D100.
Ooh, a D100. That's a lot of Ds. e Okay, so you see um like you see like hand and footprints footprint in the like the mud and the dirt outside. oh there It looks like it always constantly rains here, so there's like mud on the outside of the the window, and you'll see like hand and foot tracks. It almost looks like this person was like running on their both hands and feet.
On all fours. Yeah, on all fours. There's handprints down there, lady. What kind of kinky shit are you into? hey That is no me a concern, young man. You stop. We listen. We don't judge.
So it like you can let us know. what did What did she say? that What did Everett say this woman was to her? Her aunt? Her aunt. mar hands Right? Yeah. and yeah Your niece told us that you are in some sort of trouble.
My inclination is that she just doesn't want people investigating the kinky kidnapping shit she's into. I don't get paid for that, so I don't care. But I do care about the supernatural and problem solving. So do you want to maybe tell us what's going on around here? Am I you having all these little secret meetings and closing your doors, not letting people in?
What's going on? You can talk to your friend Gary and Jenny. Well, yeah, I mean, like, there's been weird shit going on at night and, like, there's been some weird noises coming up from, like, the cave up behind them the whole, like, um that one place with the the buildings, you know, and the signs and everything over by the farmers, like, whatever. I'm not really sure what all the people in or whatever. Jerry's book immediately turns to, like, Sasha Rocket. He's like,
and yeah Oh, she was in that movie with that place and that guy. Oh, okay, cool. Very good. I don't know how that's relevant, but okay, cool. You shut the book. you All right, then. I don't know how that helps me book. Maybe try better next time.
um So what do we know? It's over by the farmers, like land over there. There's like a cave and like some weird noises are coming from it. And then like at nighttime, like everybody's land decorations are getting moved.
Like, mr ah Mr. Freaking whatever his name Gus he's like His ornament ah Showed up in um in um Destiny's yard And then next thing I know lake Everybody's Yards are all like messed up And they're all like got all the Gnomes like messing with each other And it's just the weirdest thing I'm not even sure what's going Wait, wait, wait So you're telling me we were sent up here To investigate What is most likely just some guy who is just messing with people?
I mean, I've never seen anybody out there doing it because we set off all sorts of cameras and then we have like motion sensor lights. And even Corn Dog Gunch has been rocking around making sure he's been patrolling at night.
and And he hasn't seen anything either. did Do you see them gnomes and shit move on camera? No, like all of a sudden we all wake up and then they get all that way. And I'm not even kidding you. Like I want to kill you. She said that she was going to kill me because she thinks that KT Baker, Sugar Baker is doing it.
And you know what? I'm just so tired of orally gross, just like up and in my face because her breath stinks and everybody's just all up in my face. I just go grab her laptop.
Yeah. yeah you used that Listen, ah we my friend is just going to do a little poking around and on on your computer here, okay? um Hey, can I also can i ask you something real are quick?
um I think it's pretty important. um and If you had to rate like on a scale of 1 to 10 on like how bad this actually is for your town, like and is it worth our time?
which like with Ted being like what it is i change that there's something out there like it that's like you know trying to threaten my town I'm not even sure what's going on right I mean this place is called terror town right so I'm assuming just right I mean it seems far for the course if I'm being honest Well, you know, those monsters and everything, we've got them, guys, you know, like, I'll figure it out because it was because of, like, the... Yeah, we had, like, a monster maker. Like, it was a monster machine that, like, the... Cerebellum, she was the scientist lady. She, like, created, like, these whole, like, monsters and stuff and, like...
Then somebody broke it and then all the monsters were like all coming out all weird and everything. But like, I'm pretty sure we got that all figured out. But I'm not really sure if we got them all. But you know what I'm saying? Like, I feel like there's something going on that we might not have gotten all the way.
Sure. Okay. I'm starting to notice a pattern with you and Everett. Okay. Got it. Very similar speech patterns. Very similar ways of seeing the world. I see. I see. Okay.
So there's a part of me that's intrigued, but also like, can I ask you, how many drugs have you done today, ma'am? I don't even do drugs. That is bad for you. I agree. Your health bar goes down when you take it.
Yeah. See, Gatti, I told you. What do I find on the computer? I'm like, I'm like, I like plugged, ah like my phone into it and I start, I'm trying to find files and just ripping them up. Oh shit.
So you're just going to see like um what she has saved right now is there. The cameras are catching like the lawn decorations all being one way.
And then the next day, like there's like a it looks like there's like a cut in the camera footage, you know, where it like. something shut them down and then within 20 minutes everybody's yards are all different and it's like it's not in a more gesturely way like the gnomes look like they're fighting each other and like things are eating things and like it looks fucked up like it doesn't look nice Okay, well, we got a little mystery on our hands, boys.
All right. Yep, that's true. We do. What did you see over there? You've been, well, it looks like there's a cut. a And it takes about 20 minutes and they get all rearranged and it's all spooky, scary. I mean, it's like a place is called Terror Town.
Like, right. Everyone's scared when Long Dash races rearrange themselves. But they had a monster factory or something. that um Yeah. Factory. it's a factory And it's like, oh, we have a monster. Like a little bit petty vandalism? Is that a big problem here? Yes.
Anyways, well, we'll set up some cameras and we'll get to the bottom of this. Thanks, lady. and He throws her laptop back on the desk. I gotta tell you, if if we all end up doing this and we just start chasing a goose, a wild goose, I'm going to be very upset. Yeah, what about ah one of those red herrings as well?
Oh, I haven't caught one. I haven't been fishing in a long time, but I swear to God. Wait, what's a herring? That's a fish, right? Yes, it's a fish. like god I knew that.
Okay, I get a load of this guy. Alright, let's go to that cave with that place with the sign or whatever you're talking about. and you look should we go investigate people's yards? You look good in that leotard, by the way. Thanks!
I've been working out with... Nevermind, don't even worry about it. He slams the door. Are you guys going to look for a map? I just assume that we have a map.
right I grabbed a brochure. ah figured it out. I Google Maps. Did the brochures that I grabbed at the diner have a map? Yeah, the brochure does have a map. Yeah, I'm just looking for like places of interest on there.
Yeah, you're going to see like up against where like the mountains have like all the fog and everything. There's going to be a like a marker where it says um Death Cave and it's going to be on Farmer Fred's land.
Was that one of the places that were being vandalized? No, that's where yeah she was hearing all of the the- everybody's hearing all the weird noises. Right. Well, it's like noon right now. Let's go over to Farmer Fred's death cave. Oh, I just- oh, that sounds like so dangerous, though. Like, shouldn't we just call the cops or something?
What? I mean, I want to check it out, but like, I don't- Look, it's gonna be fine. i got what I got this baby right here, and he pulls a Glock out of his fucking pants. I mean, I have a flamethrower.
a fucking phone call it was. What are we afraid of? i don't know I mean, I have lots of weapons. I just don't think I don't. He has like a magical dagger like strapped to his chest um and like a shotgun on his back, like covered up by his coat. it's Like, I don't really know how to use them all that way. I just got to have them. We'll learn how to use it today.
I don't want to. I just want to learn. I want to see the monster so I can write it down in my in my book, but I don't want to fight it. ah If there is one. Where is Farmer Jack's place or whatever?
Is it across the street? right It's on the map, you silly numpty. All right, we're going to go over there. All right, how far away is it? Is it like a couple of miles? Will it take us all day? do we need to get a bus or a bike? No, I would say that there's like those like electronic scooters outside the mayor's office that you can steal. All right, this I can do.
yeah I would rather die than take a bird. me Come on, Kenny. You're following my head, lad. Gary teleports up there.
Okay. All right. so you guys are going to see to the back of you um is the farmhouse with ah all the rows of crops and everything. And then there's a giant tree It's like a big weeping willow tree.
And in front of you is going to be like ah cave. And it says, welcome to death cave. Goodbye. chat. Look at this. Is this cursed or not? press Type one in the chat if it's cursed.
Do I see ones? is this hit Wait. it's go say let me let me um Let me do one of my other roles here so I can find out if it's really cursed. but Okay.
um What was my other ah roles that I could ask? is Investigate a mystery. i know, I'm still reading a bad situation. um What is the biggest threat, I say, as we approach the cave and kind of start look peering in?
um This place is Karst. Is there any? Do I hear anything? Do I see? Do I smell anything? Okay. what's what's but What's the biggest threat? What do I know? I'm thinking on how to describe this.
Describe it with words that make sense to my brain. Shh. there's There's like a figure that's kind of running back and forth um on all fours. Uh-huh.
In the cave. In the darkness of the cave. Holy shit. And all you hear is, the fuck you want? Fuck. I'm going to pull out my thermal camera.
i have I literally have an infrared camera. Chat, we're supposed to turn over to infrared for this. It's kind of dark in here. is say Is this actually a human or is this a dwarven person?
so Oh, so I switch on the infrared and I see a dwarven person in there? yeah Running on all fours? yeah Hey, were you at the mayor's office just now?
you You screamed that into the person running on all fours in there? Yeah, you? are we Are we in the cave or do we see them from like where we're staying? How deep is this cave? Is it a labyrinth or is it just kind of like a hole in the mountain? No, it's not very big. No, it's not very big.
You can see just like like the the outline of the person. It's just big enough to where it's dark still in there, but you can just see like the outline of somebody from the flashlight of the camera.
Oh, I switched over to infrared. I switched over to infrared. So he can see just like the warmth of their body running around in the darkness. Yeah. Yeah. You'll see like a three foot tall driven woman.
This is running back and forth on all fours. Hey, come out here. We just want to talk to you. We got some questions. Like my, my books like going crazy, like flipping back and forth between like different time. You're just trying to find this person. Yeah.
Oh, fuck. What is going on here? Oh, shit. Can I roll manipulate someone to get him to come outside? Gary, this might be the- Sure, go ahead. Jerry takes, like, have two steps back. You're really good.
Because all she can say is, the fuck you want! i got a i got a I got an A. That's an experience point, at least. Good for you. Yeah, good job. Thanks. ah she She just keeps saying, the fuck you want!
right Can you say anything other than, the fuck you want? Because we already told you what you want.
Oh, shit. yeah Because we already told us the fuck we won't.
chat we're going to have to audio only for this. That's hilarious. Get your shotgun out. I, no, no. I, listen, like, I just, like, do you see, like his like, he has, like, three different books out on the ground that he's trying to read through, and the books are just, like, flipping back and forth on their own. He's like, this, I, you know what?
You, you go. I take off my shotgun off my back, and I just, like, kind of skid it across the ground. I'm you take it. um You'll probably use it better than me. um I'm going to be back here with my books. Yeah.
Okay. I'm going in. Okay. He's going in. Roll act under pressure. that's not going to be cool. Oh, shit. That's a 10, though, buddy. Damn, shit.
Gary's cool anyways. So, she basically comes after you, but like she tackles you and then like cuddles you in a bear hug and starts sniffing you. like sniffing you I pet her.
The fuck you up? You pet her? You just want to talk for a bit. I'm going to bring you outside, all right? The fuck you want? The fuck you want. Is that your name? The fuck you want? All right. I'm bringing her out. I'm bringing her out into the light.
Okay. So as you bring her out to the light, you're going to see basically a three foot tall dwarven woman in a wrestling outfit.
Oh, you were definitely at the, you were definitely, definitely at the office. She starts climbing all over you like ah like ah Emma Stone, or not the Emma Stone, the cave lady from the Croods.
She just like starts climbing all over you. She's like, the fuck you won't.
Can try to use... have... i have um a ah a magical library or magical ah laboratory that like I can take things from that I can bring with me on adventures. And I'm curious if I can try to cast maybe like a, like a, like a essentially like a speak with animals, but like speak like, like a translator app, but like through magic to see if maybe like I can try to like decipher what's going on.
I think all the pages finally start to come to a rest. And like, I just kind of pull out from my bag, like maybe like i ah yank like a piece of my mustache off and put it like on the ground. And I, you know, I try to pick like maybe some hairs I found off of this woman that like fell off when they were scuffling and just put it on the ground.
I just start kind of like doing like some incantation. I want to try to cast like a translator spell to talk to her. Okay. So, go ahead. Is that a roll? Yeah, that's a plus weird for use magic. Okay.
Which is what I'm going to try to do to see if I can... Or big magic, I guess. That's really up to you if you if that sounds like it's too big a Either one. Yeah, i'm not I'm not worried about it. That is in... Eight. So ah for use magic and ah it works imperfectly and I have to choose a glitch for it. So I guess like I'll just take one harm. I'll say it hurts me like because like maybe maybe like there's like it's like going to be like broken English. Yeah, like a slight explosion or something. be like hurtful to your brain.
Yeah. Yes, yes, like for a little bit, like like, because her mind is so fucked up that I think maybe I take psychic damage when I first, like, try to talk to her. Like, oh, oh, God. Oh, see, this is why even when I smell alcohol, this woman reeks of it. Holy fuck.
Oh. And she says, um you won I'm Chase's wife. Help me. I'm stuck in this time. Chase's wife? You don't have a name? You're just Chase's wife?
Who's Chase? My husband. Your husband is Chase. Well, what's your name? My name is Chase's wife. Your name is Chase? Is that like a new Zoomer thing, Gary? Like, do people name themselves like so-and-so's wife?
Gary is hearing this lady talk now. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to ask chat. do i know you Anyone know a Chase? Yeah. Anyone know a Chase in this town?
Does anybody you know Chase? Is that like an investigative mystery? I think so. Yeah, I was just going to say, do you want to investigate a mystery? Because I'm not going to give up this information.
Ken, damn. All right. um You will know that ah Chase is not from this time or this town. Is that what someone in chat says? Somebody in chat's like, hey, actually. Hey, just to let you know, like I've seen this lady before and Chase is not from this time or from this town.
I did my book record her. cha Chase is not from this town. Bro, what what's their username? ah Boner Maker. Boner Maker? What, for real right now? Did you say Boner Maker?
Yeah. got the OG Boner Maker? Wow. The Boner Maker. Wow. He got he got he didn't have to put Boner Maker 57. It was just Boner Maker. He got the original name. It's the OG guy. yeah yeah He must have been around for a while then. if he has Like XX Boner Maker XX. He's like the bestest hacker in the world. Damn. He says that she's from Doodad, Montana in 1901.
oh yeah. yeah They used to be shorter back then, I guess. They used to be shorter. Have you ever seen Napoleon? Survival. Tiny, tiny guy.
Like two feet tall. In your pocket. ah absolutely And that's what you guys know. and right As this lady is climbing all over Gary. Well, I'm to have to ask you to get the fuck off me now and Gary's going to try to throw her off.
Okay, we'll kick some ass. She's very strong, Dorbin. It's an A. It's a mixed success. she's still hanging around your ankles. Um...
i can send her to I can send her out of this timeline forever she wants. I mean, you can roll for it. I think that would be right, though. i Well, she's not in the right timeline. Uh-oh. There you just disappeared. Uh-oh.
<unk> up There you go. there you back cool There you're back. Cool. She's a real strong lass, ain't she? Excuse me. why are you Why are you kicking my friend's ass?
Yeah. The fuck you all! Ah, damn it. she's Spell broke. Shit. Damn. It's my first time trying to cast a spell like that. Was it worth the pain? Don't know.
So what did your chat say, Gary? ah She's from Doodad, Montana. 1903 or something. Pages start to go again. Alright, hang on. Hang on. Hang on.
Doodad, Montana. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Oh, wrong book. Yeah. Hang on. Hang on. Yeah, I think I have one more read a bad situation question left. um Okay.
Yeah. I think I'm going to ask. Hmm. I'm just going to pull out the white pages and just dig through those. like I don't know. ah What is the best way to protect the victims?
A.G. this person, Jason's wife. Um, so see. The best way would be to get her back into her portal and send her back home. Right. I think I would know enough about that. Like, I think I know about time traveling. I think I know about portals. like And that's like his whole bag is to learn about the supernatural and like the yeah beyond our universe. And you'll see that your your one book is, i get okay, so the brochure is actually blinking at you.
And there's like a ah like a red circle blinking over the mayor's office um that says portal.
Well, that's handy, isn't it? That's really handy. I guess I'll back to the mayor's office and bring her with us. I'm unsure if we should follow that lead because what if this is all a trap, you know? like but yeah she was just in the mayor's office.
They were hanging out. ah What is Chase's wife's wife wearing, by the way? Her wrestling leotard. Oh, she's wearing wrestling gear. Okay. yeah Yeah, her wrestling leopard leotard. So ah she's wearing exactly what you pulled out of the drawer from Eusta's place.
So either this lady's pretending to be crazy and we're getting duped, or like she was in the office and then she ran away and this lady knows. Gary's already getting into a cab during this conversation.
I didn't know that cabs came out to Death Cave. We could have just done that. Called a Newber. This is actually more expensive than the birds. Yeah, I'm just going to take the scooter back because I don't want to have to help another car of stop.
It seems like very dangerous. you know they He had holes in the floor. I don't know. dead so cart like ah point at the car. What car is it? It's Schiffer brains. No, it's not. come yeah you know what You know what? I grab a hold of... yeah i'm going to pull a page out of David's book.
I grab a hold of Chase's wife and i teleport to the mayor's office. grab him on the last second and we teleport there together. Okay.
Wow, thanks for the ride, Schiff. And wave. but You got there. You repaired it in the time that we... Yeah, okay. Shit, see I'm just like holding on to Chase's wife's hands as she like breaks my fucking hand holding it like, too tight, too tight.
Too tight. Drop it. Drop it. Fuck you all. Drop it. Fuck you all. Ow. Down. Bad. Bad Chase's wife. Bad Chase's wife.
Like we just get kind like, fuck you up. Fuck you up. Fuck you up. Fuck you up.
I was trying so hard to think of how to like bring Terror Town and Chase's wife all together into this. And night I had to. Fuck you Fuck you up.
Like all the way up the stairs, all the way down the hallway. Just, I think like, just because he's in so much pain, ah like it's like Gary's trying to talk her off of his hand. And he's like, fuck you up. Fuck you

Gaelic Argument and Secret Revelations

up. ah Like, just like full on, like Gaelic is coming out. He's like angry. They're just yelling at each other, like hardcore Scottish, like Gaelic shit.
It's very unbecoming of Jerry. He doesn't like that he's doing it.
ah yeah Can I just grab my fucking head? they're Like a fuck you. What? Fuck you. What? but
ah Well, Gary has no idea what's going on, so. Yeah, jar Jerry like holds his breath for a minute, takes a deep breath and goes, Gary, we just need to get this over with.
Yeah, and while he's taking a deep breath, Tiri's already like inside, going upstairs, going into the mayor's office, and we're there. Fuck you, bud! Okay. All right. So, yeah, we walk into Eusta's office with ah ah with Chase's wife.
and Okay. Yeah. She's going to be sitting there just confused like, holy cow. No, no. what What do you mean? Holy cow. We clearly saw this lady jumping out your window earlier.
Why didn't you just tell us this was the problem? Like, it's my girlfriend, okay? Like, I didn't want anyone to know about her and, like, we're in love and like, we're supposed to be getting married, but she's, like, broken and I don't know what's going on with her and all that she can say is the fuck you want and I just, this is not normal for her and I don't know what's wrong with her. She's wife.
She's married. No, she's my girlfriend! I stole her from Chase! right. I have no idea what's going on. So I think โ€“ so my โ€“ could I do a โ€“ I don't know it would be investigate a mystery if it would be read a bad situation. um ah Because what I'm โ€“ you know what? Maybe you can tell me. What I'm trying to figure out, I think like what's going through um Jerry's mind is โ€“ Like, would he know through some sort of like distortion through her traveling here that maybe her wires got crossed when she got

Portal and Time Travel Theories

here? Or would I be able to determine that her wires got crossed afterwards? Like that, like she's fucked up.
I can try to figure out if it's like the travel that messed her up or is it something here that messed her up? Okay. Like how would I, what you think I would need to do to determine that? I would say investigate a mystery.
Okay, then I shall do that. I shall investigate. going to roll the help out. Investigatingly. ah rolled an eight. You rolled an eight. So I rolled an eight. You rolled a four. He's just walking around like, look at this chat. No, look at this chat. I didn't even know anything about time travel. Yeah. You see like kic time travel is like, yeah,
um Yeah, I think i think see what I'm trying โ€“ so my question is what happened here? What happened here? I think โ€“ yeah, I think maybe I'm just kind of reading through like one of my like magical tomes. I know we're in Doodad, Montana now. I think I'm maybe like trying to figure out like was there anything magical about Doodad?
There's a portal here. I know that like somewhere in this room or in this building. So i'm just trying to think like, could I read from the portal energy to what I know about doodad to what I've seen this woman do to what I've seen this fucking town do?
Like I'm trying to to kind of isolate, like what, what is the root cause here? So we know what the problem is or what the solution is. okay Okay. you are going to get like one of your books, like flying out of your bag and it's going to be like pinging, like ping, ping, ping.
And all of a sudden, all this information is going to be showing up like in a very fast rate where you'll see like the portal is all of a sudden disrupted because of the monster machine.
Somebody stole it and tried to fix it. And in doing that, it disrupted the electrical charges from the portal. So As it just so happened, Chase's wife came through the portal as the monster machine um was being destroyed and like the weird monsters were coming out. because like there what What was going on was that there was like a mashup of them, so like evil gnomes were coming out, mashed up with... like
flamingos that were monster evil um and so it would look really weird and then they would have like a werewolf and ah half with half of a fairy or something like it was just all fucked up and so then um as chase's wife was coming through that portal that electrical weirdness came through and it just kind of scrambled our brain gotcha All

Attempting to Reverse Time

right. Well, I hope everybody was paying attention to that because I'm not going to repeat it.
um So, OK, so here's what I'm thinking. Maybe, maybe we just um either way we we we wire her brain.
We we wire the portal or wait, did did I see that? Did you say that the that the monster machine was broken now? Yeah, it's broken now. Like, it's it's been decommissioned. It's in the sheriff's office in Lock and Key.
Hmm. All right. Gary, how do you feel about participating in a time reversal spell? ah Sounds pretty poggers. What does puggers mean? Oh, those are the things that the kids would play with. It's got the slammer and you do the, you flip over the little, they're like little pucks, right?
The puggers. I miss those. Yeah, puggers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was more of a jacksman myself. You ever played Jack's, Gary? No. What about stickball? What about hoopstick?
Definitely hoopstick. What about where you run along a picket fence with a stick and just go tick, tick, Gary just starts the teleportation spell or travel spell. No, no, we're going to do time travel spell. What are you doing?
So he's getting the frogs out or something. You got frogs with you? Because I could really use one. That would really make things easier for me. ah So yeah. So I think... He's going to yell over to you, Stan, but like, listen, I got an idea. I've never done it before, but we could give it a try. But essentially, i would try to do an isolated time reversal and see if we can, you know, shut off the portal before the disruption happens, right?
Yeah. disruption happens right And then we turn it back on, let her come through, and then she's fine. What would be the best way to do that? Or maybe we should make like a reverse it with a time. What you think, Gary? What's the best way to do that so she doesn't get her eggs scrambled?
Can we just reverse time on her head or something? Oh, there we go. now that's thinking but Gary, I always say that those little phones make people dumber, but I'm starting to think you're the exception there, Guy.
Yeah, no, it was an idea from chat. Oh, well, hey, tell chat I said, how do you say thank you in like internet? um ah tell tell Tell him I said. um did You can just say thanks.
Tell him to say, I said, yeah, swiggity swooty. I've heard that one before. I don't say that. Oh, they don't? No. All right. All right. So I think instead I'm going to try to cast a big magic spell, but I'll need everybody to but to participate and try to like maybe do like a time reversal in her head specifically.
um So do you think I could try to do that? Okay. Yeah. Go for it. to Use magic. So yeah, so I'm going to ask... I failed. um I'm going to ask Yusta, all right, can you just kind of, because she's really kind of breaking my hand here, could you like maybe hold on to her? Maybe, you know, just give her some snuggles or something, help her relax and kind of stand in the middle of the room.
Yusta nods and goes to her and just kind of like snuggles her and you'll see like Chase's wife will just like wrap herself around her like a monkey and just snuggles her.
Oh, perfect. Like you see like half of like Gary's or Jerry's hand is like just like broken. He's like, oh dear. All right. All right. ah So like he tries to get the hand back, if the feeling back. All right, Gary, tell your chat to get ready for a good fucking show, mate.
All right, Chet, you heard him. Get ready to smash like that like button. ah um ah So yeah, I'm going to cast big magic. I'm going to pretty much like put every book I own in like a circle around everybody, um have them all turned inward so I can kind of just like gradually walk in like a tiny circle reading from them because they all kind of form like a massive series of sentences in like a big circle.
and it looks like a big kind of like ah what's the word'm looking for like a big rune that they're making but it's just a bunch of english words that he's reading that they all form together to create like a combined magical thing um and He rips off like more hairs from his mustache and starts to sprinkle it on the ground.
um He says, all right, here goes everything, I suppose. And I think this will be fun if I succeed or if I fail. don't know what will happen. Yeah. I rolled a help out and I got five.
is it weird Is it a weird roll to help out? I thought it was a cool roll to help out. was rolling weird because I would have a stat. I thought you i had a roll number stat. Yeah. No, that's your other character that does that, that does the yeah boost rules. Yeah, help out, I think, is a cool rule. Well, if you switch the the modifiers, it's even worse, so... Well, all that means is that you subject yourself to whatever dangers I subject us to, so now we're all in it together. Yep.
All right, here we go. Plus, I want to make sure for big magic, there's nothing else I need to do. I think it's just still weird, but... um Yeah, I think it's Yeah, I just need more people. um Okay, got it. All right, plus weird. Here we go. What's a seven? It's not a total failure. So that's good.
Okay. So that means that like it succeeds, but there is some sort of side effect. ah Choose your effect and choose your glitch. So I'm going to choose my effect, which is... um Well, the effect is I want this spell to work.
Like one thing that is beyond like typical limitations. um But what I think my effect would be is I think just having a problematic side effect is always fun.
So I could just think it's a short duration, but I think it'll be funnier if there's some sort of side effect that we're exposed to. okay So yeah, I'm trying to like essentially reverse the effects in her head time-wise so that way her brain exists differently.
like I don't know, like a few hours behind or days, whenever that was behind when that effect started. like Whatever the books told me when it happened, i want to do it like sure a few minutes.
I want her brain to exist in that timeline before all that stuff happened. um All right. But however that affects us is up

Portal Chaos and Resolution

to you. So I'm just going to say that she ends up getting sent back to her time without Eusta.
And so Eusta is just going to be mad at you. Oh, no, that's not. Did I? Uh-oh. Did I disintegrate her? Shit. Uh-oh. No. Wait. No, there's no ashes.
Fuck. like Like a big white flash happens like and all the hairs disappear and the books kind of fly all over the room. I'm like, is she dead? Shit. What did you do to my girlfriend?
Uh, Gary puts drama on her- out of my office! Get out of my town! Just get out of here! Just Looks like she's pretty pissed off. She starts to burn her office down. I'm going to stop her from doing that by using my ability called What Does That Feel Like.
Oh, shit. What's that do? I can put my camera in her face and they'll automatically break off what they're doing. and they have to steal Oh, yeah, that's a good one. Oh, fuck.
So, ah hey, yeah Jerry, why don't you... a I'll have a little interview with her. don't you get out of here to safety? Well, the fire is kind of spreading already. no no, I stopped you.
I put it out. You know what? um I think while that's happening, i'm going to run over to the portal and try to turn it back on. Okay. yeah You can do that. Come on. Come on. other is is Is it plugged into something?
while he's um i would just say like snap your fingers and you can try. i just clap. like You've got enough magic in you. Yeah, just clap it. yeah Right where you were standing, you just snap your fingers and it just like shows back up.
Why don't I clap enough in my life? This could solve so many problems. it So, Yusta, how are you feeling, Yusta? That must be really tough. I want my girlfriend back, you jerk. Well, hey, it wasn't my fault. It was him. He did the spell.
um But what did what would you have to say to What do you want to say to him? Just yell at him. Get it out. here You're jerk. You're a jerk, jerk. And I want my girlfriend back, and you're a jerk. So, wait, what did he do?
What did he do? He took my girlfriend away from me. I'm just trying to distract her. Right. I just think the interview is great. I just want to hear how that goes. While that's in the background.
Yeah, while you're doing that to try to distract her, I'm like trying to like turn on the... like I get the portal back on. just like... All right. Here we go. Here we go. All right. Doodad Montana 1901 Chase's wife.
um um Shit. um a Chat. um What do I do? ah Appear. Chase's wife. Let's see. Let's see. let's see um Okay. What did I read? It goes, um if you want a happy life, return to us.
Chase's wife. Okay. And see if I can summon her back through the portal, I guess. Yeah, sure. Hit use magic. Okay. 11, baby. All right. You pull her right back through the portal.
Except she's, um, she looks a little like nicer. She looks like she's been washed. Um, she doesn't have her mask on. Weirdly, weirdly like, I hate it more. i'm like, oh. yeah yeah Yeah, she's not very attractive.
I'm like, oh, you know, all that dart was really doing you some favors. Fuck.
Oh, Jesus, wife. You got it back for me. Thank you so much. Freshly laundered. Eustah, my girl. Thank you.
I can't do Chase's wife's voice. What? Thank you, Eustah. All can do is the fucking wall. ah Right. ah All right.
And look at that. We saved the day. It's like, did this solve the whole like vandalism of the yards thing? I don't know. I'm pretty sure it does. Was it Chase's wife that was doing it? Did we save the day? Yeah, I did some data recovery. Yes, I think she was just mad me.
um There wasn't a cut. they It was just the mayor lying. oh clearly knew We clearly saw it look here here at ah five hours into the into this clip. Yeah, you can see this is, and I showed ah show Jerry.
oh so Oh, yeah. we can If you listen really closely, you can hear her say, like, well, let's just cut Dan out. Clip! yeah How did we miss that the first time around, Gary?
Oh, I mean, i just didn't think it was important. I think we all knew it was, so, yeah. I didn't know anything. you guys look, you'll find, like, the cut clip of them running around, giggling, messing up everybody's yards together.

Promotion and Conclusion

Anyways, if you guys want to see this video, make sure you subscribe to the dick post.
Only $2 a month, and you get to see this weird-ass shit that I'm not going do on the stream. Just remember, kids, just remember, chat, there's no post like dick post. That's not our shit. as Whatever. But you guys. Oh, I thought I was just trying to help out with your marketing. Sorry. I just thought that'd be cool. That's all right.
Oh, I got it. I got it. Don't shit post. Dick post. That's a lot better. That's a good one. Anyways, guys. You guys all of a sudden didn't get a phone call.
Do you guys answer? Yeah, of course. There's some season two lesbians kissing in front of me. Who is this?
Oh, hey, guys. I was just checking to make sure that you guys like ah made it okay and everything. I'm definitely not. not hoping that no one escaped my basement I'm just have you heard from anyone like Jay Proto or Chimichanga or um the Frenchie guy or whatever have you heard anything from them while you guys will go on shut up like dancer jay and luke both bust in through the ceiling and they go uh yeah that everett she's pretty cool yep she definitely didn't make us like watch a lost
um she and then they say good rep she made us watch one tree hill yeah high five and then they disappear forever Then you see robert a Pierre Robert Delamere pops into the screen and he puts his hands on his cheeks. He goes, oh, and then disappears.
Nope, ain't seen him. And then I just turn the camera around to the lesbians making out. This is going to get the clicks for sure, Gary. c Oh, yeah. My view counts over 10K right now.
Tug on our beer, Mr. Anyways, guys, I'm going to post the whole story on the post later.
and Don't shitpost. Deckpost, if you know what I mean. That's right. good and the then And then like a new entry in my book ah forms of my magical book that says investigate dickpost. $22.99 a month. And then there's another folder of and NSFW. who Yeah. since This is my private stash for a good day. I blur the screen out. you're gonna get the uncensored version on the dickpost.
Ha ha ha.
Subscribe to his own dicks now. It's the only way I can get paid. You get paid? Oh, fuck. Yeah, bro. Oh, man. All right, that's it, Chad. You right off into the sunset.
No, I'm going to travel back in time to do that 1901 to investigate. and I fucking love that. Come on, Gary. On the next adventure we go, friend.
There's no service in 1901. All right, chat. I'll pull this later to the post. See you later. Bye. because i'm scary
And then we land we land in a we land in a small Wild West prison of a guy drinking some hot ass coffee. He goes, God damn it, not another one. Yes.
I don't get this, but all right.
You will someday. i'll explain later. yeah Oh my God. ah thank you guys so much for playing my mystery with me and my cross the universe and everything. That was really fun.
And fucking dubitably. Good job. Good job. Thank you. And make sure everybody check, our website, and make sure you follow, rate, and review everywhere that you get your podcasts. And we will see you next time.
so Subscribe to the dick post. Dick post.
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