Timejail: Mimejail, Bout To Lose My Mindjail (feat. Dyxon) image

Timejail: Mimejail, Bout To Lose My Mindjail (feat. Dyxon)

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24 Plays7 hours ago

I dunno, gang...

Anyway, good morning, good afternoon, day and good evening, ladies and gentlemen, not binary folks. Welcome back to Time Jail, where we are right now. My mouth went too fast for the words I wanted to say. You will know what I say already. um So we're here for Time Jail because I wanted to, and because we have a very special friend who was like, hey, dog, man, can I fucking like go to jail with you? And I was like, yeah, man, anytime, let's do this.
So here we are. So um I'll explain what time jail is here in a minute. But before we do, let's just introduce at least the friends that are here, but not who they're playing yet, because we'll meet them in a second. um So we've got Justin here. He's our regular role player guy. You know him. You love him most of the time. ah We also got Cass here. She's another role player guy. You know, or you love her sometimes. so um But we also have our time.
Did I say sometimes? I think you said sometimes. I didn't say that. I'm pretty sure you did reverse. I don't know. Gaslight, gaslight, gaslight. um So then we've also have our friend Kimmy. Kimmy is here to play a character that Kimmy loves. ah You know her. You love her most of the time. She helped us out big time and Phony Express as well. And from other projects you've heard her in. And we also have our friend Dixon here. um You may know Dixon.
dig Yeah, you may you may know diction from such shows as that's our cue. um And also just nowhere else. And just a really cool dude who's always in the comment sections and the stream comments and chats of many fun streamers and creators. And we've mentioned them many a time.
And we've mentioned him several times, both as a guy we talk about on T.O. Q. This is our guy. And so he said, I would love to be in an episode of Time Jail. And I said, fuck, dude. He says, maybe like in November or maybe around Thanksgiving time, I'm going to have some extra time off. And I said, how about this weekend, bro? And he's like, what? And I was like, yeah, because that's just the power of social peer pressure. So anyway, so we are in Time Jail, everybody. And for those of you who have Never. um Yes, I said Betts give it a Ohio Riz Riz Riz. No cap on that bus. And so um but was I talking about? Oh, yeah. So we're in time jail. And if you never listened to an episode of time jail before, it's a big white open void. And the only structures that you see
Often the distance are just these winding stone looking structures these walls these labyrinthian walls just kind of go off in all sorts of different directions um and they tower up as far as the eye can see and then some um no one has ever seen the top of them before.
And the only other consistent that you know is that when you're trapped in time jail, you are creatures that are plucked from your respective times and places and universes for reasons unknown to you, but you could surmise as to why. And you're locked in an invisible walled room, probably about 12 by 12. You can't see the walls, but you know where they stopped.
And every so often about a two and a half to three and a half foot tall ah creature, a snail creature wearing a blue backpack and a blue ball cap comes walking by and he feeds you whatever mud mush that he pushes through your invisible wall. They are typically friendly creatures. You know, their names are Marion because he introduced themselves quite a bit when they get new people. And the only other thing that you know,
is actually what you don't know, which is you don't know how long you've been here. ah Time does not move in the same way that it does anywhere else. So you could have been here for only five minutes or for five millennia. You don't know.
um But outside of that, you've all been in this ah case for however long you think you've been here. I don't know if you've spoken before or if maybe this is the first time you've all decided to speak. But let's introduce our characters. ah Justin, since you are you have been with role players the longest. Why don't you tell us who it is? I got tenure, baby. You've got tenure. That's right. I mean, I'm going to teach my classes anymore. I can just fuck around.
um I'm being, I'm playing Frank N. Stein. He is a constructed. Um, he looks like Frankenstein's monster. Um, the AKA, uh, Herman Munster combined with Lurch. Uh, if you want to think of him that way, um, green skin bolts in the neck, uh, flat top of the dusty old suit and, um,
That's that's about that's it. And what is Frank doing at this very moment whilst you guys are in your cage? um Right now, he's laying flat on his back in like some middle, some just general area of the floor. It's like starfish style, kind of. OK, is he saying anything, making any noises, not just by any moment, just for us to he's just vibrationing. OK, that's what vibing, I think, is short for, by the way, is vibrationing.
Um, so, uh, all right. How about you, Cass? Cass, what is your character? Who are you playing and what are they doing?
ah Well, she's got those good vibrations with Rey. It's one of her friends. It's one of her best friends, actually. And I'm playing Daisy, um Daisy Duke. And she is 16 and she has ah long dark black hair.
and brown eyes. And she's got like a business-like attire underneath a tan trench coat that has like different patches from like all different types of different places and things and whatever. You're not really sure what all of them are. And she has a little black cat that she named Sniffles that follows her around. it's It's her little spirit animal. And um She is the, uh, she's one of those people that goes around and, um, she tries to find the thief that likes to steal imaginary friends from people. One of those people. We all, we all been there. also like when you hi that person Are you doing her voice right now too? Cause it's not how you talk normally, right?
Yes, this is this is going to say that's definitely not a cast talking. i know know was that there's There's not enough laughter in between and just random tangents. It's a lot slower than normal. So I had to ask. As to be like, je I went down to the Jersey shore, speaking of shore, Polyshore, if you guys seen bio dome speak in the dome, Frankenstein's monster has a flat head, you know, and then she giggles in between.
Mm hmm. Yeah, it's true. All right. So what is what is ah Daisy the Duke doing right now? She is looking through her trapper keeper. It has a Pegasus on the front of it and she is taking down notes. What is what is she what is she riding? And where is your cat, by the way? your Did your cat get taken with you?
Yes. He, he is just at my feet, sleeping at your feet. Wow. He's, he, he that's how he sn he snores. He goes. Yeah. right That's why I named him sniffles. ra brown exactly he's more He's more, he's more of like nerdy stuffy guys. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
I'll start with a B. um all right so So you're looking at Trapper Keeper, you're taking some notes. Let's talk to our friend Kimmy. Kimmy, who are you playing and what is there your character doing right now? So I am playing Rey and she is the monstrous.
Playbook and so you have this little being. She looks like an eight, nine year old girl. I want you to picture like Punky Brewster. Her like dark auburn hair is in pigtails and she's got on overalls and there's like a long sleeve shirt under the overalls and there's trash sticking out of all of her pockets. It's just the way it is. Like she just collects stuff.
And her shadow is sitting next to her. But the way the light's hitting, the shadow shouldn't be there. So that's weird. And then you have Rey's. It can. But then you have Rey just sitting there and she's digging into her pockets and she pulls out what looks like an already um you know, partially eaten blow pop. And she just starts like, hey, go one, ah two, ah three, yeah four, five, six. What is the face she's making each time she licks it?
It's like kind of like this weird her like mouth is a little skewed, but she's like, I'm going to get to the center. I'm going to figure out the number to like, you know, get to the bubble gum because I really want it. I'm just curious if she's not liking the taste of the lollipop when she goes. No, it's just strawberry. She's just trying to remember it to count. Gotcha. And what number she's on is like. And while she looks like a child, if you look her in the eyes, her eyes look a lot older.
So she is definitely not a child, but she just looks like one. okay She's just sitting there like licking, you know, the blow pop. like yeah Okay. I forgot to count. Does your shadow, your shadow is like sitting beside you, like putting up fingers trying to help you learn? The shadow is making marks. The shadow is trying to like mess up my counting.
Yeah, it's a little rude. he's My shadow is not being my friend right now and I don't like it. No shadow stop. It's being beamed. Why would you say that? No, you don't know what they're like. All right. ah So while you're doing that i account, your tootsie pop, ah let's go to our friend Dixon. Dixon, what is your character? who do What do they look like and what are they doing right now? The camera pans to the side.
The world seems to shift as the art style of everything changes to a semi-cell shaded, borderlands-esque look. Love it. And a two-foot tall portal opens up, and out of it tumbles a tumbleweed. And the camera follows that tumbleweed as it rolls in front of a person who's just a little over three feet tall, keeps rolling by into another portal that conveniently opens on the side so it can exit the scene.
And we start at the bottom of this person. We see their brown cowboy boots. Slowly pan up, see the brown leather duster. Further up, you see the hat tilted down, lovely cowboy hat. And then suddenly, head comes up. The coat is thrown wide open as we go into a traditional splash screen, just as the sheriff. And you see this slightly over three foot tall cowboy That's also a mime. Black pants, white and black stripe shirt with red suspenders, red lipstick and the white face paint. Fingers pointing out his finger guns. Little subtitle that says probably shot the deputy and underneath, he's a mime?
I was really hoping that you would give it like a subtitle after you said it was like a Borderlands kind of like intro title. It's the sheriff also like like like nine toes. He also has three balls. Yes. Love it. All right. So the sheriff, the Miami sheriff. ah What is what is the sheriff doing right now? He's supposed to figure guns around and just kind of staring, maybe testing out his ah his invisible box, making sure he's He's good. How does your character feel about the fact that you have an invisible box and you're also currently in a bigger invisible box? Oh, he's thinking about that. He's thinking very. He's kind of pondering. He checks his own invisible box, goes up to the invisible box that's keeping them in and kind of tests the wall a little bit. Gotcha. All right. So I need everybody right now to roll for me a cool roll.
Every single person in this cell and please announce what you got. Oh my gosh. Everybody's willing so high except for, well, not right. No, I got a six. That's a failure for you. Yes. That's great. You need to get experience points. Look at me. I get experience. Dixon got a 12. Frank Einstein got a 13 and Daisy Duke got a 12. All right.
Frank, a.k.a. Justin, we're in like this liminal space right now. Justin, pick two words that you think would be really great if you guys were all in like say that you guys were all on like a like a DVD cover and there was a title above you. What do you think that title would be?
It doesn't necessarily have to be two words, but you know, if you can condense it to two or three, that'd be great. Time jail. It would just be time jail.
All right. All right. So so you guys see above you um all of a sudden out of nowhere, you see like a like a magical veil drops and you see those like 75 Marians somehow climbing ladders.
And they're just hammering a big series of letters together. And it says, time jail. And then someone says, throw the stretch. And then you hear, chi and then like a bunch of lights light up. And it says, time jail. And the lights start flashing everywhere. And you hear a music start to play. Like, da, da, da, da, da. All right, everybody give it up for the cast of time jail. And like, and you just, I'm, I'm laying string up on it.
That's how they do it on Broadway. So you hear everybody. You just you don't see a crowd anywhere, but you just hear like a ton of laughter and cheering and applause. um Frank, you say that's how they do it on Broadway. Daisy, how do you react to hearing all of this noise go off? Oh, my gosh, you guys have to make so much noise over there. God. And you hear everybody go.
You hear everybody starts laughing at what you say. ha ha And then they'll get really quiet. And like you see all of a sudden, there's a couple of cameras like off on the other side of your walls and they're all just looking at you. There's two cameras. One of them is pointing to your front. One of them is doing profile. And you see ah there's a screen above you right where it says time jail, a big screen. They unveil and you see yourself on camera. What do you do? I see myself on camera.
Yeah, as you look up, you're like looking like you're looking up away from the camera, but you can see yourself on the camera as you look away or on the screen, I should say. Oh, she ah like blushes and like goes back to furiously writing in her it has her hair all cover her part of her face. So it kind of looks like she's not paid. Like it's just you can't really be seen.
You hear everybody go, oh, all right. And then, ah Ray, what are you doing? 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Are you going to share this time? No, I can't share. I'm trying to do Befs here, OK?
like You know, I've always said I'm really smart, and I can count real good. Okay. 17, wait. 18. What number was I at? 23. What? No, my shadow said I've gotta start over. I got about one. I have been writing down the numbers for you every time that you count. You're at 23.
Are you sure? I'm positive. OK. ah 23, 24, 25. The sheriff, the camera cuts over to you as Ray continues to count her licks. And then you hear you hear your ah your fleckos start to ring. Bring, bring, bring, bring. Like, oh, your flecko is how you communicate with people.
All right. When the, uh, when all the commotion started and the everything lit up and the cheering started, went into alert mode, finger guns, pointing everywhere, looking for a target, realized what was going on, held him up, holstered his finger guns. Oh, fool thank God. Looked at the camera. Tilt of the hat with a ah nice little smile. And then he went back to looking at the wall. are that You answer your Flecco.
Do you answer your Flecco, the sheriff? I honestly have no idea what a Flecco is. I need to look it up. Don't look it up because it's something i'm I'm making up right now. It's a little it's a little handheld device that ah think like the echoes from Borderlands, but a Flecco. then Yes, I will.
answer it. You answer your flight at least. yeah you see Yeah. Well, it's a screen, which is great. The screen pops up and you see like a big, um, a big, uh, bushy bearded guy. He's got like huge fucking like veiny muscles and shit. Uh, he's kind of got like a big poofy, like kind of afro looking hair. He said, he says the sheriff, what the fuck are you doing in there?
Yes, that not tilts his head tips the hat again. Well, yeah, I get that you go wherever for you good goddamn please, but we have shit to do. What are you doing? Is that a finger gun again? You're going to shoot your way out of there, you mad man. I love it. And what do you do? You're challenging me with a ver with a with a with a nonverbal character shakes his head and and turns the finger gun into it. No, no, no.
it Wait, you're not gonna shoot your way out of there? No explosions? Shakes the head, no. Then what the fuck are we doing here? Pulls a finger, walks to the invisible wall, and I would like to use magic to do something beyond human limitations. Alright, roll your weird home slice, let's see what happens. Let's see. Yeah, how's your doing out here? Alright, yeah, fuck me, I guess we were done with that conversation.
What did you roll? What did you get? You didn't roll it yet. Hang on a sec. There it went. An eight. All right, that is a mixed success. and mix success and A mixed success for used magic means what? I forget. It works in perfectly, so you get to choose an effect and a glitch. Go ahead and pick it. All right, so we'll probably do the take one harm as the glitch on this one. Okay.
And what he's doing is he reaches his left hand into his coat, ah pulls it out, looking like he's got something that's obviously not there in his hand. Looks like kind of a ball or something. He's going to put it up against the invisible wall, and then he's going to turn it because it's a doorknob. h And he's going to try and pull and pull and pull and pull.
Yeah, like you have to like feed up on the wall. Like, full yeah. And then fall backwards. Hard enough to take a damage. Yeah, get up, wipe his brow, just kind of lean up against it, and it's going to open an invisible door in the invisible wall. Excellent. As you stand up, there's a bunch of invisible birds going tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet around your head, kind of like do the quick dust off, like, yeah, smile and ah nod.
All right. ah So you guys see that this ah sheriff has opened up. ah Open up. a Are you just walking through it? Yeah, I just kind of fell through it almost he stand up and and like holding open the door and kind of waving to everybody. OK, Frank, what do you do? um I sit up. I didn't mention I'm seven feet tall. I sit up right um with my long ass legs still stretched out straight in front of me like a giant child. I look over at the Quiet man. And I nod. And I get up ah very, very agile. So never mind. I'm very agile. Pretty normally, I guess he gets up pretty normally ah for a tall man. And I saunter over that way. Did you make the door high enough or big enough for Frank to walk through, Sheriff? I'm going to see him coming and then be like, hold up a finger saying, hold on.
Move up, kind of put my hand above my head and kind of like push the ah ceiling a little bit further up. Especially since you're like three feet tall. I see that he's he can't reach as high as I need him to go. So I like I put my hand underneath and the rest of the way I move out of his way. and let him go Good teamwork. OK, so you walk out ah Daisy, you see. Well, before we do that, Frank, Daisy, you're on deck. Frank, do you walk out?
ah Yeah, my stopp I still probably deck my eggs. I didn't I didn't push it up high enough. But all right. Now, where what do you do when you walk out? um I look around ah down the up and down the hallways and I turn and see if any of the other weirdos are coming out. The other weirdos, Daisy, are you walking out? Oh, yeah, she's like quickly following. gra She quickly grabs up her cat and just follows behind. Everybody cheers as you guys run out. Yeah. Whoo.
ah You hear the crowd thunderously applause as you make your way out. um well You bow. I raise both arms and cheer. Yeah. ah So Daisy, you walk out. ah Ray, are you also following Daisy and company? Ray's kind of lost in her like blow pop experience right now.
And in there like her shadow is like poking her. And she's like, what? You're making me lose count. Like, come on. Like, what are you doing? And then she sees her shoulder in the moon. Oh, where are we going? Are we having a party? I like parties. Do they have more lollipops? I think I need to start over. I need to find a new one. This one was kind of used when I got it anyways. You know, I found it in a trash can when I was walking.
And I heard that there's going to be like a whole box of them if we follow this guy. So there's a whole box of them. Yeah, let's go. Oh, bob okay. She's going to like scramble. She don't like jump up, but she's like running on all fours. Excellent. Even even though there's and never. if Even though the whole wall is invisible, I'm looking down as if I'm looking through the door that we opened up. The sheriff is just standing there holding the door, motioning ladies up to you. What a what a gentle sheriff. So you guys walk out and then the crowd cheers and then the cameras kind of move along with you on like little rollers and you see those like little marians with their hats on backwards, ah you know, with their little eyeballs kind of crouched down looking through the lens.
um And then you hear ah you see like a Marian dressed in like he has kind of like a big kind of curly brown wig on like a like a and he's wearing kind of like a Hawaiian shirt um and like kind of pants that are just kind of like taped to his lower body. ah And he slides in and goes, wow. Or when he just kind of slides in really weird past you guys and then the crowd fucking like erupts like, oh, Yeah. Oh, he goes, he goes.
Yeah, Hawaiian shirts for the win, right? I'm reading the chat. um And he's like wearing his Hawaiian shirt, he goes, wow, guys, where have you been? Jail. Yeah. Of course, that's the last place I would look for you. And then the crowd goes, but and it's just one guy this time laughing.
um What do you mean you find us there all the time? Another crowd laughs. More people laugh at yours, though. um And then the camera zooms over to to Ray as if it's like expecting like a like a one liner from Ray. I figured that'd be the first place you'd look for me. That seems like the most obvious. And yeah everybody goes, oh, I'm just so cute.
Oh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Everybody says that. It's like you're you got a dude. So so you guys walk out, you're free, you're free of yourself. Where do you guys go? Like you see this Mary in a Hawaiian shirt? That's where you were. Ah, well, where are you going to go now? I heard there's blow pops here. You blow pops. I need to blow pop. I kind of lost count. So I feel like my scientific numbers and assessment isn't going to be that good if I keep going.
so like ty there was so So we got to hurry and get some. I could trade you trash. is She's going to reach in her pockets and then she's going to pull out a handful of trash in which there is like balled up aluminum foil, newspaper, candy wrappers and some bottle caps. Like look at this bottle cap. It's so cool. Keep that in your pockets for now because like.
They said that this was free. I'm just saying. Oh, it's free? Okay. So I don't even need to spend my three-hole button. Like, look at this button. It's got three holes in it. What kind of button has three holes? the sheriff You know, Giselle would be so mad if you did. What did you say, Nixon?
The sheriff is just staring at the button thumbs up like nice buttons. Yeah, this is so worth it. Like this is like a bajillion dollars or whatever they spend here. Like it's so rare. I want to grab the button. Oh, well, that's cool to see if you can grab it. and Well, ah eight, you're over eight. you You get it. like You don't. I don't know if you're planning on making a getaway, but you just grab it, but you're Well, he starts growling and she's like, I'll fucking kill you. She just wants to like charge at him and like dive at him. And then like music, the dramatic music starts to play. ah I stop with it and just for my mouth. No, eat fuck race race charge and she's jumping at you. I got a 12 plus 12 to do what? What are you doing? I want to jump on him because I get to roll weird instead of tough because I have unholy strength. Are you trying to ah you're trying to attack him?
Yeah, she's like, give my fucking button. All right, you do that. How much damage do you do? Oh, since the button falls in your old of 10 plus, so you get to pick an extra effect. So how much damage do you do? I'm going to say like probably none to him since, you know, Frank instead. But she's just like scraping at him, just like him. I'll kill you.
She is something that easily can be picked up and held by the scruff, and she'll just struggle in his arms. OK, she jumps. I drop. You drop what button? Was she tackling me? You dropped her. No, me drop me drop. All right, he drop, he drop, he drop buttons. The sheriff's camera just does that overemphasized mime.
who yeah I don't mean to say I drop it like because you told me to I dropped it when you can tackle me like flew out of my hands It's like this going great. So it's on the ground and then you see um You see a guy runs by he's wearing a leather jacket and like real slick back hair and he's got like a purse wrapped around his arm like he's looking behind him running and he sees the button and he picks it up and he starts sprinting down what now looks like a like this, like just like ah some urban streets down some back alleys. All of a sudden, the battle changed. Now that I understand that that is raised button, I say, I believe you have this is raised button. And I pull out my huge handgun.
yeah This guy's running. He goes, I'm not going back to jail. And he keeps running with this purse and button in his hand down the down the streets of whatever he's magic. I want to trap a specific person, minion or monster.
ah Yeah, so ah so Frank pulls out his gun and you start casting a spell. ah Frank, are you trying to shoot this guy? um I was going to maybe just threaten him at first. day I'll wait till this guy's cast magic. Oh, he probably did it before I would shoot. so that's OK, so you pull out a giant gun, you're kind of like Robocop with his big ass fucking gun, and then ah the sheriff starts conjuring a spell. Go ahead and use. I guess use use magic is what it's called. We'll use magic. That's what I meant to say. Use me another mixed, another mixed successor. Take your glitch in your in your your your effect. That's the word. All right. We'll go with the effect is weakened.
or shortened in duration. OK. And he's going to reach down to his side, plot invisible lasso, start swinging it over his head and throw it and last. He's like, what the fuck? ah I didn't do it. I don't know what this is. And he starts to struggle a little bit. But because the effect is weakened, like you can't really pull him with it. But he's just like stuck in place for a few more moments. and He's like struggling. Bang. Boom. I run over there.
Bang. Boom. Like you shoot him. No, that's my feet. Bang. Boom. I'm big. You run over there and do what he's like. He just feels the ground shake beneath him. He's like, ah, fuck. I use my additional gear. Wrestle one harm intimate hand restraining. I'm sorry. What? I want to fight him. I want to wrestle him. I'm going to wrestle him. You're going to wrestle him. Roll kick some ass, I suppose. Tough. Eight. That's an eight.
Uh, yeah. Uh, what does Russell look like to to him? Um, I just, I just, I just grab him, bear hug him from like this or but the back and start lifting off his feet. You have him just as the spell starts to dissipate from the invisible lasso, he starts to wiggle and then bam, he has like giant constructed arms wrapped around him. He's like, Oh God, it stinks. Oh God, it stinks. Fuck, I hate this. Fuck, I hate this so much. No run.
What do you mean, no run? Why don't you run with me? You seem like a good guy. No, let me learn now. Button for Ray. What if I give you this? What if I give her this nice purse and I keep the button? I turn around with the guy in my arms to face them. Ray, you like purse? Ray, do you like? No, I want my button and she's just going to be like running over on all fours. It's like I would get him. Give him my freaking button, man. That's rude. OK.
The music still picks up. ten da du did da da da da da da du the ten ah So run over there and you see this guy, his feet dangling from the ground from Frank's arms. What do you do, Ray? Uh, Ray's gonna like try like, you know, swing her arms out of it. She's gonna like jump up and try and grab him. And then she's gonna wrap herself around his leg and start like, numbing on his leg. Like, give him my button. i'm Nom, nom, nom, nom. Like blood curdling screams. You see like a big black sensor bar like comes over top of him. As people look just like, he's you just hear like a Marion from the set. He goes, we can't show this. It's too graphic for television.
The guy's like, oh, my God, you didn't say it was going to be for real. Oh, my God.
ah Daisy, what do you do as you see a black bar appears and like just like the black bar starts to get stained crimson. right you like guys like She runs up and grabs Ray by the scruff of her neck and just like starts to hold her back. And in the same time,
reaches her up to Frankenstein to hold her, and then reaches down and grabs the button for or or grabs the button from wherever it was at. All right, yeah, he kind of drops it on the ground and goes, think think you pick it up.
Yeah, it's exactly like that and ah Okay, so he's just kind of hanging there like he passes out from the blood loss is After you give ray like he's like bleeding profusely from his leg. Oh him sleep Yeah Yeah, he'll be all right, though. She like kind of shoves his body over the side. You hear the narrator go sleeping. But in fact, him not sleep, him dead. I pulled a little blanket over him. Oh, he's sleeping. OK, so you guys you guys are not free. What do you do, Daisy? She's going to like look around to see if there's any identifying like signs or like trying to figure out where she's at.
As far as the scene goes, I myself know, but like her she herself. Well, now you are trying to figure out you are unlike these like urban streets, tall buildings everywhere. A guy just like laying on the pavement with a blanket over top of them that Frank Einstein inexplicably just took from somewhere and covered him with.
um And a little a little ray and a little mime and just there's cars driving past. um It's late night. There's some bars that are still open. You're just out in the city. You're not supposed to be in the city. It's no good. Yeah. How did we go from like a cell to like the city? Hmm. I must figure this out.
She looks at Frankenstein, the sheriff, and Ray while Ray is still struggling, and she has like her hands like ah pressed together with like her fingers pressed to her chin, you know like ah some people do, and they're like thinking. you know sure And she says,
First of all, we need to figure out where we are because this is definitely not my home. Second of all, we need to figure out how to get out of here because this is definitely not my home. Any other people down for this plan because I don't like this. Hmm. The narrator chimes in. It is definitely not her home. What quiet man think.
Sheriff just kind of leans back against one of the walls of one of the buildings and just kind of taps his finger against his chin. Are you actually leaning against the wall or are you leaning against the wall? OK. Not watching it. Yeah, but the building closest. I'm watching him intently. Does it fall over or is it just it's actually a building? You want it to fall over? That's up to you. No, that's up to you. This is a collaborative story, my friend. No, no, no. No, no, I insist.
All right, let's take a first time time. Joe, vote. Does the building fall over when the mind is against it? Yes, it does. I say no. yeah But ah fra says it well is there's two one. So we have to get a vote from the sheriff to see if it's tied or if it falls. It falls over. But here's the thing. It's not a cardboard building. The whole building just fucking falls over.
The crowd goes wild. Whoa, Whoa. You have incredible muscles. Sheriff looks at the camera again and does the the mime thing again where it's like, oh, oh. As the building falls, you see there's like there's a guy on his phone taking a shit like the whole building falls around him. He's just sitting on a toilet. and He's like, ah oh, God. Hello.
Oh, hey, hands over his eyes. It peaks through his fingers. the um Just just a second. I'll be right out. um And he starts to pull his full his pants up. He's like, I'm not supposed to be a character in this, so I'm just going to walk offset now. But he's sure waves that you forgot to wash your hands, sir. ah Yeah, I carry a lamb sanitizer in my hand in my pocket.
Not the same. It makes my lambs clean and my hands cleaner. There are no more sink, Daisy. tell him How many more hands? How many more hands? How many more hands? It's right there. You can see it. it's It's clearly right there. All right, fine. I don't like when my hands are wet, okay? I hate the feeling of wet hands. Me understand, too. me know like you notice You notice the guy, ah he has like bluish-green eyes, like spiky brown hair. ah He's wearing a t-shirt that has Donkey Kong on it. and We get it, Adam, him too.
Get out of scene. Now I know who you are. Get out of sync quicker. Yeah, that's how you can think. I like don't like put your fingers in your mouth or like rub your eyes or anything like I use hand sanitizer. OK, because I hate my hands being wet. There you go. Out his finger. Yeah, but that makes your hands wet. Is water wet? No shim away. Water is wet. And don't point those at me, mister. Is water wet or is wet water? I don't know how it goes.
Well, no, I'm wet because I'm still dripping in my pants because a building fell down around me while I was pooping. By the way, I hate diaper. No, diaper. No, I need my laundry.
oh Where's your laundry? It's down in the basement. And then he walks a few feet over and there's a door that leads down to a basement. He says, I'm on the scene now because the big scary green guy doesn't want me here anymore.
Oh, there's no question. He opens the door, walks down, shuts the door behind him. ah OK, but can we get back to the, is water wet? Because I feel like you're wrong, my guy. And leave. Who you talk to? Ola, where'd our new friend go? He left. With the Conkeydong shirt. Which is a good thing. Your shadow goes and sits on the toilet. He's definitely covered in germs. Let's get out of here.
Your shadow is taking a shadow. shareabout Sure. Don't get back here. Come on, shadow. We got to go play. Come shadow. We find Daisy. Right. No, we find Ray Button. Now we find Daisy home. Come, come, come, go um come, come, come. I would just go home. That place probably sucked. I mean, this place is pretty cool. Like it's just been changing and stuff like I'm kind of used to like that. Like, you know, just wake up in different places and I don't know where I am. You you can do that.
Well, yeah, I can't everybody. I don't know. No, no. Oh, OK. No, I like it. Right. No, no, they can't. No, they this is the first time that I've ever woken up somewhere where I did not know where I was at. Well, that's weird. Like that's like my normal daily occurrence. Interesting. We must talk. I have plenty of notes that I would like to take from you. Are we going to do like Skyence together?
Yeah. All the scoyances. Sure. I love science. Moseying. The sheriff is moseying. The sheriff is moseying. Sheriff is moseying, everyone. Ladies, you hear someone off screen yells. Oh, sure. Moseying. Move cameras. Everybody change scene. I scurry on after him. Now, now, now, sheriff, the sheriff, please describe how the sheriff moseys. What does this look like?
Describe the direction, the, you know, the the staged presence of his his his walk. Describe moseying. Describe his moseying. No, I'm serious. Describe his moseying. Okay, it's like sauntering, half sauntering, but in a cowboy manner. Is that does that sound right for Mosey? somebody else Yeah, like one hand in one pocket, like we're not even like it like four fingers in in the pocket and then the thumb through the the belt loop is framing the balls. um Yeah. Yeah. So maybe a little back so that his hands are closer to his finger guns. The sheriff, please roll. ah Plus tough to see if you look tough moseying down the street as a sheriff and a cowboy.
That's important for what's going to happen next. Because if you roll poorly, well, that's a three, ah which is an experience point for the sheriff. um He is not looking remotely as cool as like in his head. He probably looks really cool. The music's playing. The camera pans up. He looks like a badass walking down the street. But he's just kind of stumbling around like a drunk toddler ah down the street.
Uh, and you see a guy, uh, you know what? Let's say, no, I don't want to say it's a guy. It's a, it's, it's a very curvy woman pulls up on a bicycle built for seven and she just goes, well, it's like a, so it's a motorcycle built for seven. There's seven seats following behind her. It's like a stretch limo for bikes. Um, she goes, and she comes up and she goes, get in. If you want to live sugar, what do you do? The sheriff, that's you Dixon.
Um, I kind of look back. Is everyone else there? Did they stay where they were? I think Frank was following you. I don't know about the other two. Oh no. Daisy and Ray were still are you like, like bicker like not really bickering, but just like bantering back and forth. Gotcha. Then I will wave to Frank and to come on and then hop on the bike. Hops on the bike. Frank, you see, uh, the sheriff hops on a really, really, really long bike. What do you do?
um I do my like my last little scurry over there the next few feet and I jump onto it and it probably bows down a lot in the center where I sit. I actually had to hop because I'm only a little over three feet tall, so. Right. ah So you hop on the bike. Daisy, you see it while you're bickering with Ray, you see a long bike pulls up. The bike probably ends maybe a few feet shy of where you guys are um because of how long it is.
and it's revving its engine. but but Sounds like it's laughing while it's revving. What do you do? She's gonna look at Ray and she's gonna be like, actually, I know about your friend and um I'm trying to to keep somebody from stealing it. So should we go with them or should we try to find them?
Wait, who's trying to steal my friend? My friend's kind of a dick sometimes. Like, look at my shadow right now, like, worried about pooping when we could be, like, you know, doing stuff. And I got my button back, but I still need another blow pop. And then, you know, this place, like, why did that building fall down? That just seems like a freaking, like, health hazard. Like, are people actually living here? Like, I don't get how that's, like, safe. And it's like, normally I don't worry about the safe stuff, but you know that just seems kind of dangerous for everyone involved and I don't know how I really feel about that but then there's the part where it's like let's burn it down and then I'm like oh it's probably not the best idea but it could be a kind of fun and I think I'm kind of in for the fun part of it
Daisy's just nodding and nodding and nodding. Oh, yeah. I'm well aware of her. You see my girls across what? As you hear Frank yell across, you see a a familiar little black cat jumps up onto the bike and goes brow.
Ah, I guess we got to go with them. Let's go and we'll find that imaginary friend safe later, OK? OK, there's something. My shadow is not imaginary, though. It's actually like real and like sometimes it's a dick and, you know, I can't help it, but then it's kind of fun. And then, you know, we get to like destroy stuff, but then we fight sometimes. And then like, you know, the shadow tries to beat me up and I try to beat up my shadow. And then sometimes I get hurt and then I might cry, but I don't like to cry.
But, you know, sometimes my shadow, like, learns its place and then backs the fuck off. Can you stop pooping already? God, you're like darkness. I'm screen. Who gave her lines?
It was supposed to be a mute, but then instead we had a different mute who had lines. Did they switch scripts? I specifically said I don't. The sheriff just kind of does one of those over exaggerated shrugs. I don't know. Daisy does like those side to side look and looks back at Ray and points to her, like touches her nose. She's like.
No, no, I know. And point those toes or nose again. And what should we do? Should we go with these guys? Yeah, sure. I mean, it looks like fun. Like what? That's a giant bicycle. That could be pretty fun. And then we could just be like, and then we ride the bike and then we just wind up somewhere. That's usually how I like to spend my days. Just wind it up somewhere because that just sounds fun. You see this woman in like a said three you see this woman in like a skin tight suit with a helmet on walks over and she puts your fingers over top of raised mouth. She goes, that's enough out of you sugar. Just get the fuck out on the bike. OK.
like ah ah but She just like scootches you along she puts her hand on your back and she's like right this way make sure you buckle in okay Yeah, you're super sweet. Thanks for all the help. You're really awesome. I have one of these guys tips you. like I have some trash. Do you want some trash? Trash is really awesome. You can believe the stuff you can find. like see um little She like manifests like 16 blow pops and just like shoves them with the wrappers on in your mouth. Oh, yay. One, two, three. Oh, I got to take the wrapper off. Hold on.
He drives the bike as fast as she can. bring you And then you hear like her narrate over top of the scene as dramatic music starts to play. don't but don do don don brook them And she goes, it was it's been a long time since I've seen the the imaginary friend bandit. And now I got my first lead in years. And I think these are the people that's going to help me finally catch that rat bastard.
um And then like as she like streaks down the across the horizon like into like a more kind of like kind of cyberpunk looking city um with like people with like robotic parts and like neon lights and everything. You see a guy with a silver skull kicking a kid in the trash can as you pass. um And um she's like, it's like, you know, it's been a long time.
And now I got a lead that he hangs out at some dumpy little bar called the Imaginary Friend Hut. Nice name, fuckface. Um, and you guys pull up to the Imaginary Friend Hut. Um, and she gets off and she's like, all right, now that I've explained everything, now you guys know what's at stake. Imaginary friends everywhere are locked up inside this place and we gotta go bust them out. What do you say, Frank? What? Would you listen to my narration that whole time?
It'd make no sense to Frank. All right, look. Okay. Imagine there's a bunch of imaginary people in there. It's not that hard. Oh. Yeah. And they're being held captive by guys with fire. Oh. Fire is nice. Fire make warm. Fire does make warm, but make them too warm. Oh no. I love fire.
so bad Thankfully, they know what it's like. Oh.
And then you see like you see she like turns her head like you hear like tap, tap, tap, and she turns her head and like you see no one. But she gets like slugged right across the face and flies over the bike and lands in the end of the end of the street. Oh, fuck, one of them's here. That's one of the bad ones. Ah, guys, we have to take him down. He's huge.
I'll save you. And Ray will launch herself off the bike. Where? um She's going to launch herself by where the lady is sitting. So I have the move pure drive. Uh-huh. And um I chose to because it it is Ray. So for my emotion, so chaos and anger are what makes me go like full blown, like just insane. OK.
And this seems like chaos, so... Okay, well, what is what does that entail when you tap into this power? um Whenever you have a chance to indulge in that emotion i emotion, you must do so immediately or act under pressure to resist. All right, so you just jump into the fray to where she is? Yeah, the one emotion rules you, and I picked two because it is Rey. So you jumped ah you jump over to where she lands and her helmet's, like, cracked.
um and That's a five. Oh, I'm in it. I'm in it. I'm in it. So you are full on chaotic now. ah Your eyes like light up for a moment and you can see all these imaginary friends are standing around her and they got like eye patches on. There's like a big elephant guy who's like lifting weights with his trunk and he looks like he's going to hit the girl with it. um You see like a big purple. ah quadruple-breasted woman ah who has like who has like a ah a flail in her hands that has four balls on it. um And she's swinging it over and over again. Looks like she's getting rid of crack down on this woman. And you look behind you and you see over by the bike, you see ah what looks like Frankenstein, except it's a it's not Frankenstein, but it's it looks a lot like him with different
And he looks like he's about to just rain hellfire down on Frank and and Daisy and the sheriff. And Frank, your twin brother's right behind you and she's just gonna start like so flailing her arms around. Just doing like windmills with her arm, trying to fight them. And this also means that her shadow is supposedly in control of her actions.
All right. ah You guys start doing like a beautiful like cooperative dance between the two of you as like it like starts to swing you around like a weapon to start battering you into these guys.
um ah So you guys see Ray are is fighting ah something hit over over there. ah Frank date Ray called out that you're about to get attacked by your twin brother. What do you do?
I turn around and just swing my fists through the air. Bro, kick some ass. Ass style. Kick some ass. Yeah, it better be a good one. I got 12. Oh, a fucking 12, bro. Nice. Yeah, brother. What does that look like? I don't know anything. You hear a fuck. And I do two horns, whatever I hit.
um So you punch into this thing. And then the trash can fall over nearby. Yeah. And then it manifests itself when the garbage oozes on top of it. And it looks just like you, but like maybe like a couple inches taller, you know, because it it round it took its flat head and like kind of sculpted it upwards a little bit as more like a faux head skull. Yeah. um And it goes. As it starts to roll over and tries to see your papa did not make you do handstands when you were first born.
And he says, actually, no, he was pretty accepting of whatever I wanted to do with my head style. You know what I mean? No. Oh, well, I'm going to kick your ass anyway, because that fucking hurt, bro. um And he picks up a trash can and starts charging you. And now you all can see him. You all can see this other Frankenstein monster looking dude running down the street with a trash. The trash.
So ah so while that's happening, the sheriff, what are you doing? Well, since that's since we can all see the big guy coming at us, I'm going to jump in front of Frank and ah use, well, start making an invisible box around myself and in front of Frank. Just, you know, the traditional mime thing and basically use combat magic to create a wall. Are you going to create a wall betwixt the two of them? All right. Wall of force in between him. So he's going to, you know, all right. Well, your magic. Use your use magic on eleven.
Fucking that's what you want when you roll numbers in this game. That is a good thing, at least for successes. So it works without issues. What do you want your effect to be? Let's see, as I say, since it's combat magic, so it's basically the same as kick some ass. So you can make it do whatever you want. What's the wall? is As you said, it's an invisible wall of force. It's it's a wall of force. It's one harm to armor. So, you know, let's bump that up to to harm.
All right. He went into it. He goes to throw the trash can at Frank. And if it bounces off that fucking wall that he doesn't know is there. And then because he's weak to garbage, it bounces back and hits him and more trash falls on top of him. And he just lays it goes. Oh, I'm pretty sure this is my death scene. I tell my wife the bride of Frankenstein and her wife, the bride of bride of Frankenstein that I loved him. Oh.
um And then he he dies and then ah he gets up and he brushes himself off and then he walks offset. Daisy, what do you do? Sheriff just waves to him as he goes by.
and ah She's going to snap her fingers and have sniffles jump onto her shoulder and now she is going to have. um So she's got.
ancient magics. So she's going to use that to basically like use sniffles as a conduit to be able to see the imaginary friends that are attacking them. Oh, awesome. That's cool. Okay. Do you have to, do you have to cast for that or is that just something that you have? Use magic. All right. Use that magic. Roll that beautiful bean footage. Let's see if that works. Okay. Roll.
yeah you Do that you do. Wow. So you said that like sniffles acts as kind of like your eyes to see the ah the invisible people. Yeah, I see his eyes kind of like glow like a like a bright green color. And then like her eyes glow at the same time. And she's able to see like all of the imaginary friends. Excellent. And as you do that, you hear sniffle go, wow, let's kick their ass.
Yeah, she goes back into like a karate stance because she knows martial arts. All right. Go martial arts a guy. Who are you going to martial arts? Because you took out the one that was about to jump Frank. There's two over next to Ray as she's getting flailed around by her shadow, ah kicking elephant guy and four breasted purple woman ah to defend the biker woman that you guys had with you. Yeah, she was going to go after the four breasted woman. All right. What do you do? How do you how do you attack? She runs up.
And like, does a judo chop like, uh, fucking Austin powers. All right. Do you say judo chop when you hit him? Yeah. Yeah. We'll kick some ass for judo chop. See how well you do. No, she says Cheeto chop. Oh, Cheeto chop. Got it. Okay. cheto yeah not juto chop Cheeto chop you know chop. I didn't pay attention to the.
and Oh no, Austin Power says judo chop, but I said, Cheeto chop. you No, I know. I think it'd be funny if Daisy doesn't know that that's a reference. That's a four. You want to we go Cheeto chop and you like chop her like right in the ass. And she goes.
um why um and then she kicks you in the fucking chest sending you flying for two harm back on the street and then she starts up she starts approaching you as like she's trying to dodge this these fucking shadow kicks from ray trying to like get out of the way um ray uh what do you do as you're getting flung around with your shadow Ray gets a little distracted by the trash, but she's like, oh, my God, there's so much trash. I'm going to have to go pick it all up when this is done, because there might be some good stuff in there. But she's still like swinging and like trying to like go after the, you know, the elephant guy now because she likes this trunk. She wonders if there's junk in it. Gotcha. And so she's going to go and run and jump up and grab and wrap herself around his trunk.
You're going to wrap yourself around the trunk and then do what? yeah And then she's just going to like try and like gnaw him on his trunk. Oh, God, she's doing more gnawing. All right, roll, kick some ass, I suppose, if that's what you're doing. My unholy strength. My unholy strength. Yes, indeed. Go submit 13. You're rolling 10 plus your three. i Yeah, you start jumping on there. How much harm do you do to this guy? That's three harm.
He's like start fighting the shit out of his trunk. He drops his dumbbell on the floor on the ground as it rolls away. And he goes, he goes, oh, I just work for the guy. I didn't mean to. As you like start like he starts rolling around on the ground like just because he's in so much pain because nobody knows the trunk is the most sensitive part of an imaginary friend ah who has one. Yeah, um exactly. And he's like rolling around the ground. That's like getting hit in the balls. i Yeah.
or in other sensitive areas like between your toes and um yeah and he's just rolling around he drops to the ground immediately once you start biting into his trunk he's like so upset at what you're doing and he just starts rolling around
ah got No! No! Maybe you shouldn't have been mean to my friends, okay? That's a little mean. Maybe you should, like, go apologize and, like, stuff. Like, then what kind of friend are you, okay? That's not being nice! My child abandoned me! Ugh! Um... You can ask for a new child? It's too late! My trunk is ruined!
I think it looks fine look and she's just gonna like you know spit a little bit like out and then like rub against his trunk glue it back together hold on Oh, maybe I still trash in my pockets and she gets her pockets She's gonna like stick one of the blow pops like she'll lick it and stick it to his trunk to like it's a band-aid Oh, well the moment you do that ah two black exes form over his eyes and he dies. Oh Oh, see, oh, he's sleeping, guys. He's just sleeping. It's fine. She's just going to stand up, brush her hands off. Frank runs over a little blanket. Oh, he's sleeping. He helped with my friends go to sleep. Here's somebody yell off screen again. Who keeps giving them blankets? That's not part of the show.
And you see like you see like three Marians like with a blanket in their hand like, I'm sorry, boss, but that that was kind of I thought that was this thing. And they chucked. They they roll one like a burrito and put it in your back pocket. Frank and they scurry off a set thing.
ah So, Frank, what do you do? Aside from put a blanket over that guy was still a woman who just kicked. He just kicked Daisy in the chest. It's purple woman no with the four titties. Yes. The four titties purple woman left. OK.
I guess I run over there and I try to uppercut her in her Whatever. so i All right. That's another kick some ass, I suppose. You don't know you're coming. Ask. She's just obsessed with kicking this woman who could have an ass. She knows. I was going to say, can I try and punch her titty into her face and make her hit herself in her face or her a titty? But that's a mix. So that's maybe not exactly what's going to happen. but I put her in the titty, though. You uppercut her in the titty for how much harm? ah Two's two's of harm. Hey, of course. Well, it says when you punch her with forceful force.
ah It sends her off her feet and then she comes back out and her other titties hit you in the head for two harm. Oh, yeah. And then she goes, why? Why would you do that? You started. Oh, yeah, I sure did. I have a whole other bunch of body to put to punch and you have to punch me in my private area. Well, you're going to stop, Frank. and Right. It's so big right in front of me.
Well, so were my muscles. Look at my muscles. Why punch you in muscle? Muscle hard part body. Yeah. Well, I mean, people only ever notice me for my womanhood and not my my physique that I work so hard on. Oh, people only notice me for my disgusting green skin and horrifying visage. Well, I also just love your beautiful dead eyes. Oh, your muscles are very big and hard. Really? Yeah.
Don't manipulate someone. I'm nice. um I do get ah minus one when I'm trying to rely on social intelligence. Is this social intelligence? I don't know. okay I don't know. Is she a human? she kind of I guess it's human behavior. She's not human. She's more of a freak like me. So I guess. Yeah, she's yeah, she's even annoyed, but she's not a human. Minimial. Minimulate somebody. the Submit nine mixed success.
All right. I try to help out with, ah you know, by making big heart symbols with my hands. Yes, I think that would be great. Roll roll the help out action. It's plus cool to see if you can. ah You know, that's a failure. You make worse, you make worse. Back off, back off. You make you make those little hearts and then just like they put in like a graphic of just like a broken heart splitting between it.
Me got me got Hey, and she goes I I thought we were having a moment. What's your little friend over there? Let me just meet him. Oh You want to meet him like no 80? No me just meet him not long ago. Oh So he's not with you. I Mean we came here together, but I just no no, I don't know him very long. He I don't know confused. I Could tell you all the secrets of the imaginary friend hut. I did I lean it early. I didn't know he was so weird. Okay, sorry
Me thinking you're normal like us. ah Roll another manipulate. My arm falls off. Roll plus cool. Oh, plus cool from it? If you can keep your cool with all this going on. failure um My arm falls off. Oh, that happened all the time. Watch though, it can walk on its own. I make it walk on its fingers. Oh.
That's not all I can do. Do you want to sit down for a cup of brains and just talk about it? Me no eat brain. That's disgusting. Oh, what do you eat? Cabbage. Do you want to go get some cabbage? I know a good place for some holushki. Oh, very nice. Do you want to go get some holushki?
You may not know what is, but if it had cabbage, yes. Yeah, it's much like 90% cabbage. Let's go get some. take Tell them take the other 10% out and eat. Yes, great. I'll eat the other 10% big guy. I look right. You guys okay? No, nobody beat you up no more? so Hey, tell your friends, be not beat up. Not beat up my friends. Okay, when you walk into the imaginary friend hut, just ask for Chuck.
Oh, guys, is that where ah is that where kabushki is? We eat? Yeah, I mean, they have a kitchen in there. We'll go in there to get the hellushki while they go deal with Chuck. Come, come, come, everybody. We get bubushki together. Come. My new lady friend, tell us where bubushki go. What's your name, lady? It's on my name tag here. What do you think? What's it say? Oh, Jessica.
That's my name, Jessica. hello Hello, Jessica. My name Frank. With four C's. yes She's thick with four C's too. yeah And four double D's. yeah I was going to say that. I was going to say it's Jessica with four D's.
Come friends, we follow a big muscly lady who happened to also have four giant boobies, but that's not her whole personality. She also muscly and like cabbage. That's right. ah Do you guys walk into the imaginary friend hut? ah jay Daisy's just standing there with her jaw just agape, just like, but what the fuck just happened? And then still with her mouth open, she's going to just nod and follow as she's still baffled.
You hear your cat just like brow? yeah Yeah. I know, right? Your cat points a paw over at the lady in the laying in the streets. It's like, bao, bao, bao. Yeah, pretty unfortunate, right?
He nods his head furiously.
What do you do something about that? He's going to pick up Frank's arm that fell and she's just going to start waving it around and then she's going to like high five it and be like, this is pretty fun. It does like ah it does like a fist bump back at you and like an exploding. pitch but i Do you know the rocket ship one like ready? Like she just go fist bump it and then point her finger out and be like,
across Across across the way, Frank's like constantly hard looking at you like trying to do it. He's like. they that Yeah, don what we can teach you later, like it's fine. Like we could practice and then oh, my God, can't keep you can't keep Frank. Can I keep your Keep your arm. Maybe just a little bit. We may need to hand for later. It wants to be my friend. OK, give him a busky.
Yeah, I love the word that is. That's a weird word. I don't know what it is, but okay. Do you do you like the babushka? The hand gives you a thumbs up. Are you asking the hand? I'm asking the hand, yeah. That my boy. That my boy. do you want Do you want to go follow them hand? Thumbs up again.
Okay, can I call you Jonathan? I think you look like a Jonathan. It makes like a hand puppet face that nods. All right. Come on, Jonathan. Let's go. She's just going to walk swinging the hand. All right. She's shipping the sheriff. What are you doing? Sheriff looks at the camera again, shrugs, and you just hear a war. He goes after them. You go after them. You guys all walk in completely ignore the lady that was back. Yeah. I was going to say the camera pans over to that lady. She's like, ah.
ah um And she's like, is that it, my dad? And then she gets up, brush yourself up and then walks off camera. um And you guys walk in, Ray, what does the imaginary friend height look like? And there's a picture of the of the guy who stole the person who stole all the imaginary friends on the wall. What's it look like? So we walk in and it looks like an old timey saloon, but there's beaded curtains everywhere.
It's literally it's sparkly and like to be like so like room like divider separators. So there's like little closed off areas. But the main area looks like old timey saloon. It's all wood. It smells like bourbon, you know, and moonshine. And you're not sure what that one stain is on the floor in the corner to the left. Mm hmm. And what does Chuck look like on the on the on the photos of him?
So you have Chuck and you can tell that, you know, he thinks highly of himself, but he looks kind of like Jeff Goldblum sitting very poised and regal. So Ray is going to pull a Sharpie out of her pocket and she's going to go draw a mustache on his picture.
Okay, you do that. And you you walk into there you see this little kind of saloon area. You see like a little dwarven woman with a beard sitting behind the counter. ah She's serving up drinks to a bunch of imaginary friends that are in there. um And you see you see a guy on the piano and he's playing like the classic thing and d dingling ding d and entertaining everybody. ah Daisy, what do you do?
She is got her trepper keeper open and she is taking even more notes, like furiously writing everything down as she's looking around the room. All right. Roll for notes. OK. What do you want me to roll? Roll plus notes.
Uh, sure. Yeah. wrote ah Sure. Roll plus notes. this the youtube Nine. Nine, man. You get so much notes. Your notes are like, so that's like Pulitzer prize winning notes. Um, yeah. And you see a guy with a top hat and a monocle and he's like kind of hovering over you guys. Yes, my lady. Those are quite some fantastical notes you're taking there. That's some Pulitzer prize winning stuff. Has anybody told you that before?
Uh, no, cause I don't ever show anyone my notes. What? Why? They're fantastically written and you have the penmanship of a, well, of a, of a, of a hundred there. That's what we call people who have hundreds of dollars. Cause everything in here is very sensitive and very dangerous information. And we cannot have this out in the world. I don't know what you're talking about young lady. Anyways, do you want a drink? It's a free.
Uh, sure. Give me a sarsaparilla. A sarsaparilla? You don't want something harder? I'm 16, sir.
I don't what man, I had my first drink when I was four. That's like, oh, no, no, run. ah Look at us. We're looking up there. You hear like, God damn it, post office. And you see like fucking like he turns around and like this grizzled looking sheriff fucking just like slugs them on to the ground. He says, she said she wants to fucking sarsaparilla to go fucking get her one. Thank you. And he starts crawling around. He goes, whatever. He turns around and walks back over to his sheriff's desk. That's in the saloon.
The sheriff takes a moment, stares and glares at this other sheriff. You got a fucking problem there, mister. This town ain't big enough for the both of us. Hands down to his finger gun, but. Turns back, knocks twice on the bar and holds up a finger. ah Drink. See a woman comes when he goes, fuck you up. Holds up a finger.
I'm not going to give you a finger and she gives you the she gives you the bird. Next. What, you're fucking talking about what?
What's wrong with you? A lot. I'm fucking busy. You got adjusters to a bottle of whiskey. Right. Use your words. You're an adult handsome little guy that I'll give you.
Seems a little racist to have your face painted all white now. What do you do? Blank stare. The blank mime eyes stare. Knocks on the counter twice and holds up a finger. Points at the bottle and then knocks on the bar again. It's not a door, ain't nobody got a fucking answer. You know what, how about I give you a drink to loosen your lips? And she goes and gets you a bottle for it. She's like, now what do you want?
Takes the drink. Cheers. Doesn't say it. Just lift it up. Cheers. And toss it back. There's something fucking real weird about you, Mike. You want to come wrestle? Chase's head, no. Fuck off, then. And she goes back to um throwing drinks at people, like literally just picking up bottles and throwing them at these. There's like a nine armed spider creature sitting down at the end of the bar. She's just throwing fucking bottles at ah Frank. What are you doing?
I'm following the lady to the bar where she's going to hopefully order us some babushki stelushki. Yeah. What was her name, Jessica? Jessica Jessica takes you up ah the stairs, these creaky ass stairs ah into a little kitchenette area where there's two big bowls of halushki on the table.
Oh, very nice. Just look good. And she she says, all right. In Bon Appetit, as they say. Ha ha, bone. Ha ha, very funny because and me made a bone inside my body. I made a bone too, allegedly. Ha ha ha ha. Yeah, bone. It's an undead humor. Oh, does that mean you're not alive? Yeah, no, me not me not living. me me Well, me live me re-alive.
Me Papa made me back, back to life from pieces of people. Oh, that's hot. I bet you there's a spark enough between us for me to bring you all the way alive. Oh, you like electricity? I love electricity. Oh, very good. That's how me, that's how me live. That's how me live. Oh, fantastic. We have a lot in common. We do have a lot in common.
we do have latin comment Are you going to help your friends take down Chuck by the way? Um, I don't really know. I just want to eat this babushka letter with you. Oh, okay. Roll for a Bushka. Okay. Well, I got, what I got roll. Roll plus weird. Cause this is a weird scene. hey' Pretty freaky weird there, baby. We have a weird, weird six missing mix ahead. Eight mix success. Really fucked that up. I was going to say that that's two P that's two thirds of a snowman. That's an eight. Um,
And you know what? It goes well. um She gives you her phone number, ah which is four. It is four D. Yeah, it's four for each D and four for each C in her name. And she gives it to you and um gives you a kiss on the cheek and says that she can't wait for you to call her and then she skips out of the building.
I watch her leave and I say, I look at the look at the paper, I say, hold on, me can't read.
And I crumple it up and I throw it away and it rolls down the stairs and it throws down the stairs and Ray sees a crumpled piece of paper falling down the stairs. So Ray, what are you doing now that you're in here? Oh, Ray sees the crumpled piece of paper rolling down the stairs and she's gonna run over on all fours and grab it and be like, oh, I got it, I got it. Yeah, I got more trash. And she's just gonna like hold it and like sniff it and be like,
Oh, I love trash. If then you hear you see this kind of really tall, lanky guy ah kind of sitting up because he's he's dressed very hoity toity with good posture and says, hey, ah actually, um yes, since you do, in fact, like trash, um I just want you to know that you should also throw yourself in the trash can there, right? ha Yes. Now go get in the cage like a good little girl.
I don't want to get in a cage, but I'll throw myself in a trash can. Where's the trash? You have good trash in there? Is there like broken toys and stuff? Like one time I found this matchbox car and like it didn't have the hood on it and the windshield was kind of smashed on it. and It was missing three of the wheels. Um, but it's still like, you know, works pretty good. If you count for the fact that, you know, it couldn't like roll anywhere on its own.
And you know, but I've made like from from sounds with it. And when I can't be like, from from from me, this is fun. What are you doing? Hey, hey, hey, got got got. Where are we going? Where are we going? He got you. He puts you in a ah he puts you in another invisible box with a bunch of other imaginary friends that are locked up in there.
Hey guys, what's going on in here? This looks like fun. You guys have a fun in here. Are we having a party? Are we having a party? I don't think I have enough blow pops for all of you. One, two. You see, you see like this. You see this kind of no mush looking guy with like big bifocals on and he says, I wouldn't pay that now you are trapped with us as well. And he says he's going to kill your friend in front of you.
Are my trapped with you or are you trapped with me? Well, I mean, we're probably trapped with you as none of us are violent. Did you appear to be dreadfully violent? No, I just like having fun. It's like sometimes I get a little like out of control, especially like when my friend takes over and then, you know, it's just like hard to like figure out what's up and what's down. And sometimes they seem to be both. And then I don't really know what's going on, but I just kind of go with the flow because it's entertaining.
And then I have to take a bath. And, you know, sometimes I had a flea bath once. And that was kind of weird. I didn't like the smell of the shampoo, though. Like she said she brings her back leg up and starts scratching behind her ear. Right. You know, I like the ah the ah social wherewithal to just let you keep talking. So kindly ah shut the fuck up as you you should really pay attention to what's going on outside the cage. What's going on? My friends are out there.
Yes, we're coming to a party like that's what they said. There is a party. And then I just stopped listening. Yes, I know. off Listening. And you see you see this Jeff Goldblum looking guy has a knife to your shadow who was strapped to a chair outside of the cage. um and He says now ah you see what do he did.
ah Now, as you can now see, um I'm going to shave this thing's head off because I am um i am curious if it can die and how it will affect ah you. So if you could just sit right there and be patient, um I'm just trying to decide ah which looks cooler for the photo op. As you can look over there, there's a gentleman with, it's a one flash bulb, so I have to do this precisely because you can only take the picture once like an hour. So I really want to get this right.
Oh, what's like an hour or so? Well, that seems like a waste of time. Like, hey, what are you doing? Like, you can't shed a shadow. That's just darkness. Like, that doesn't work like that. Do you really not know how to get rid of the shadow? That's so silly. Like, I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet. Like, gosh, you're not really a smarty pants, are you? What? Can I tell you?
I don't know. I'm supposed to keep that a dark secret. Like I'm not supposed to tell anybody. OK. I got to tell you, I'm really having a hard time with this character and understanding what ah you're motivated by. Yeah. um Chaos. That's chaos. Yeah. Feeling strong feelings, you know. Right. ah So ah the more I interact with this character, the the more I regret allowing it on the show. ah So ah so as i ah don't i didn't I don't ah know anything about the show that you come from. ah So ah this is all like a new learning experience for me.
Oh, that's cool. Like, are you, like, one of those, like, method actor people? Like, do you actually have to go and, like, murder people in order so you can get into, like, the murdery vibe and stuff, you know? Oh. Oh. Well, my name's Ray. I don't care. And, you know, like, I like to dig through trash, and I think it's kind of fun, like, looking for all the treasures that people throw away.
And, you know, my shadow is actually like a part of me. And, you know, it does stuff. And sometimes we fight and, you know, but we can't ever like break up because, you know, it's always attached to me because it lives inside me. Uh huh. Yes. ah That's fantastic. Anyways, um let's cut to Frank. Frank, what are you doing?
um He's looking to lash a little bit of shalushki off his fingers. And then he then is, uh, like his, um, I guess his bicep area of his left arm, which is missing the everything from the elbow down. It twitches up and he's like, what, what that boy. And he pulls his a bicep up to his ear, Ray in trouble. And then he jumps from the table and he goes down on all fours. and He runs down the stairs and, uh, and he goes, Sheriff, Daisy, Ray in trouble. Come.
The sheriff, what are you doing when you hear that after getting your drink from this crazy woman? I guess I'll follow him. It's just going to follow him. Hop up, man. Sorry. Do your house upside down and walk down. I was very polite to you. I was going to say, what are the odds that that silly little throwaway thing of her having my arm came back to be a boon in the end to tell me why she was in trouble? Well, Boone, I love boons. What's up, Daisy? What do you do? um She's going to.
Like, uh, yeah, she's definitely going to follow. I was going to say, this sounds like the most confusing episode of the show we've ever done, considering how much we jump around. No one seems to know what to do, including myself. so who's Trying to bring this to some kind of a conclusion. And I got to tell you, nobody's helping me at all. and Nobody's helping me even a little bit. Tried to make this into a cohesive anything. Um,
So, you know, it's just going to be the episode that never ends, guys. It's just going to look back on itself. That's what's going to happen. We'll figure it out. We always do. You know, usually by now I have an idea, but, ah you know, I really thought I was really leaning into the whole Ray thing, but Kimmy ain't helping me for shit. So I feel like I'm just going to really just eliminate that completely. The director is just going to say, you know what? Kimmy doesn't get any story anymore. I no longer care about her imaginary friend guy. And I can do that because it's time, Jill. And that is how it makes sense. Like, you know, well done. You see, you see Jeff Goldblum guy just put his hands up and he goes, ah you know what? um And he lets your shadow out of the chair, goes ah most and sincerest apologies, shadow person. ah I thought that this was going to go a different direction. However, ah the only way that I know how to make this make any sort of sense is if I shift the focus completely away from Kimmy and Ray. So, ah we're going to talk about something else now.
And then he rips he ris off his costume. I gotta say, I've never seen someone out stupid and out weird at him before. You're welcome. That's what Rey's for, okay? Like, Rey is not a person, per se. She's an anchor for the shadows. Rey isn't the force of anything.
We felt you usually have to have Giselle to like rail, like reign her in and like kind of guide her. We found Adam's limit, everybody.
ah Yeah, no, my limit is that we're on an audio podcast and with a character that likes to talk a lot and like, how do I and continue a story without interrupting Kimmy being her character? No, you have to. literally how You literally have to. You cannot let her keep going because she will keep going. No. You have to interrupt her. No, I hear that. No, Adam shows up in time jail. I'm here now.
So I'm sitting there next to Jeff Goldblum's character. um I'm just kind of looking around and i'm I'm very, you know, I look I'm looking over at you, Frank. Frank, I'm sorry. I should have really leaned into more what you were all about. Is that you, Kugler Trout? Get out of here, Kugler Trout. I don't want to hang out. um You know, to be honest, I think Jeff Goldblum would really get along with Ray just, you know, in reality. I think they yeah I think best of friends.
Yeah, I say that to ah the sheriff who is speaking with Dixon's voice. um Yeah. So um listen, now I am. the i but I am the judge. Listen, everyone, I'm the judge. We're in a courtroom now. We're in a courtroom. The scene changes. We're in a fucking courtroom. Finally, my suit makes sense. Yeah, we're in a courtroom now. Gray is in an orange jumpsuit. yeah Raising an orange junk suit with chains all over her. i've got I've got glasses on. My client, you see, is... I like i like i flip flip from paper as it... dropped a thing too. Sorry, I was trying to do some fully work here. I did that banging out. My client is... Guilty? That can't be right. I knew it! Guilty! You're guilty, right? You're It says right here. Guilty being too weird, too crazy.
what heck great We go now to the jury that's comprised of a bunch of mimes. um what are you well With the sheriff being the foreman of of the of the jury. The sheriff stands up with the list of the charges and everything in the jury box, looks at the judge and nods, sits back down.
I don't know what that means, the sheriff. Could you be more clear? Object. You can't object for doing the verdict. I object to the verdict. Ray, what do you have to say for yourself and keep it under a minute? Daisy rips the paper out of his hand and looks at him and goes, it says guilty. Oh.
Ray, ah please. to Do you have any last words that you would like to say to your peers and to the jury? And please keep it under 45 minutes. OK, so this one time I was walking like by the beach and I found this really cool looking seashell and it was like kind of shiny and like sparkly and it glittered in the sun. And then like you think it's going somewhere and I found another one and I picked it up.
And then, you know, I kept walking and I found another one, but it had a little sand on it. So I, you know, you see the Jeff Goldblum character sitting in like a big cushy chair, like a cross and he has his legs crossed, like really high. And he has like his his like his fingers on like a finger tent, like leaning on to his on to his chin. He goes, mm hmm. Yes, quite. Please go on.
Yeah. And then, you know, ah my my socks got wet in the water. And you know how bad wet socks are? Like, nobody likes walking around in wet socks. Like, that's just not fun at all. Like, because then your toes get all, like, weird. And then when the socks dry, they get all, like, crunchy and crusty, especially when they have sanded them. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yes. um And then the one time, beyond you know, I stepped on a seashell. Wait. What did you say, Dixon?
um'm just I'm just gonna make a roll real quick. To do what? Excellent, it's 12. Doing one thing beyond human limitations. The sheriff walks down, reaches into a pocket, slaps a piece of invisible duct tape over Ray's mouth. Okay.
um Thumbs up to the judge. Oh, yes, excellent. You know what? I know exactly where to send her. ah hu So um and then you see a large tentacle comes out of the sky, a big metal tentacle sucks right up into a tube. um And you you hear a voice that says, I got this bitches. um And now you just.
No, no, I do not want put it back outside and put it into space. You damn a ship. um You see, you see a rob robot goes, hmm, I like it. um And then you see a little halfling woman with like reddish hair. ah And Ray, you you see a monkey, a robot and i have a halfling woman.
ah o cru for aclock look ah Oh hey guys! What's up? What's this place? This looks kind of cool. This looks kind of fun. What do you guys do here? My name's Ray. Oh, is that a monkey in a spacesuit? That's freaking awesome! Can you like dance or something? Like, wow. That just looks so cool when you meet my new friend. Just staring at it with his hand on his hips. Very angry looking.
ah I'm not feeding it now y'all get to now all your bunch of bitches get to feel how I feel every day being on this goddamn universe with you how I well you feel I I can't stand hearing you talk you think we'll you we annoy you you annoy me that's it you're all going to the kitty cat planet I wish I had kitty cat ears that would be so cool cuz then I can like twitch them be like but Where the hell is Sasha? It's that tell that tell that tell that little turd it's time to go. She's in the she's in the. She's just hearing from the back room in her dinosaur. Why did you have to leave her back? My God, man, just let her be back there. We fly wherever we go. We'll tell her we're there. It's fine. All right. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Is this my new friends? Oh, yeah. You might even feel like I got some space monkey. I give you a pet.
I'm super fierce. right I yeah love you already. Do you like my dinosaur outfit? It's like my favorite thing to run around. Baxter starts climbing into the escape pod. Do you have any extras? He salutes. It's been fun, you guys.
and and we are i
You're going to say injecting space pod.
Injecting space pod. You fire out and then ah we cut really quickly back to the courtroom where Frank and Daisy and the sheriff still are. um And then you see me, I'm there and I'm like, all right, I don't need to be in the scene anymore. y I'll see you. And then I leave. but Oh.
What do you do? You guys want to go back and get more Shlushki? Why are you still Baxter? I'm not. I'm just talking. Well, I can't help it. I'm talking. I'm just dying. yeah there's a there's a club there's a guys one you but When he ejected you from the space pod, he ejected your mind into something else. You want to go back to get Shlushki, guys?
Of course. That's I mean, though, can we get like a cheeseburger instead? Because like, I'm super hungry. You have whatever you want. Wait, hold on a second. I will get my half my left arm. Arm, come back. You still here? It's it's on the ship with Ray. It starts smacking all over. It's like jumping all over the place, smacking around. Oh, no. Guys, we've got ghost base.
And then ah the sheriff, what are you doing? One of the ah one of the Marians, because they're everywhere. Just kind of taps and just kind of does a thumb like, can we get out of here? Yeah, you want to go back to jail? Jakes his head now. Just out. Oh, OK. Yeah, I can call a guy if you want. Nods and then leans back and starts tapping his foot. Start tapping your foot. Looking at his invisible watch.
as you look at the invisible watch you hear we yeah and then ah as you guys look up in the hole that the giant tentacle left in the ceiling you see Jorgen Memen careening towards the courtroom ah with a little halfling and a crazy monster girl at the helm of Jorgen Memen.
um ah And talking just like now mistakes were made as the ship comes careening towards the courtroom and then exploding everything in sight. Sending you all into a liminal space outside of time jail where you see where you see.
me and Cass Justin Dixon and Kimmy we're all sitting around a campfire indoors so we don't get bitten by bugs and and and and Dixon looks at the camera and says what Dixon looks at the camera leans his head forward and kind of takes off a cowboy hat that he was wearing and just Underneath the hat you see two little eye stalks pop up and kind of shimmers. I'm in. That was pretty good.
well does it look good already
doesn't look good already.