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Karen Read is innocent maybe  image

Karen Read is innocent maybe

E52 · Dudes "R" Us
247 Plays9 months ago

Discussing the big Karen trial from CANTON MA home of the basketball hall of fame, maybe. 

Little sleepy episode


Opening Greetings and Well-Wishes

Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless you. Dutesara saved my life. Hello everyone, it is me. I would like to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day. I hope that everyone here is able to spend the day with those who are important to them.

Political Opinions and Social Commentary

Why does not America look like Dubai in Germany? And why doesn't America look like Russia and Persia? And where is the money go? So I know Trump is innocent. I support Trump against his corrupt two-tiered justices. That's why I'm here to show my support as a black man for Trump. And I wear my shirt niggas for Trump 2024. And I mean that.

Personal Anecdotes and Humor

My buddy told me this is just a micro dose of mushrooms and he was lying. So I'll be honest, I thought I was in waves of glory for most of the time that I was out there until it sort of settled down and then I realized holy f***ing time at the NHL all-star game.
So I know we talked about this yesterday, but with some of the feedback that I get, you know, I feel like I need to do a part two. I just want to let you know, just because your dog is raised in a black household does not make your dog black. Sending positive vibes and good energy to everyone. Let's have a day, people.

Podcasting Challenges and Industry Insights

So even though the podcast is doing really well and the response has been great,
I am going to take a pause on it for now. We are not able to get the type of guests that I'd like on the show like say Jack Harlow or Drake or Post Malone. So anyways in reference to this like part two of the previous video this man tried to claim he thought he thought my ass was too round.
claims that his job has cost him several relationships. Please welcome Robert Faggot. Welcome to Dudes R Us. We are locked in this week and will never be stopped. We are the best dressed yuppies in the podcast industry. Please review us on Spotify and iTunes.
Hey, let's fucking go.

Time Travel Hacks and Florida Experiences

It's terrible. Tell you one hack, though, that I'm doing, which is interesting. I'll let you guys know how it goes, but I'm flying out of part of Florida. That's like an hour. The time zone is different. Oh, sure. Yeah, I used to fly out of that airport. So I'm going to fucking basically time travel in my favor of going to the airport. Yeah.
Cause I don't have to, you basically leave, you get like an hour back. Is a round trip in that airport, or are you going to just cheat time fully? No, I'm going back that way too. So I'll catch it on the back, on the back half. Gotcha. Gotcha. But yeah, I didn't know until, uh,
I drove over there the other day that that whole fucking area is an hour behind. Yeah. Where'd you go? Uh, what's like, um, Mariana or some shit. Oh yeah. Yeah. I was actually wondering that when you moved, if you were far enough West to be in the other times on, cause I don't really know where it's, I know when you're in like Panama city, you are in what was it? Central time.
Yeah. You're like in Texas time. So I wasn't exactly sure where that started. I know Tallahassee's not Tallahassee's regular. Yeah. Yeah. So it must start, I guess, right. Or where you were saying like Mariana or like Chattahoochee, that kind of areas, probably where my brother fucking time traveling. Yeah. It's like 40 minutes time. I went to the UPS store and it was time traveling.
It's pretty fucking dope. Need to see what Alabama's like. Florida BAM going on over there. Stuff. They got stuff going on there.

Media and Entertainment Discussions

Tires. Sorry. What were you going to say?
No, I don't want to talk about mobile. We can talk about tires. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Like maybe the office more so parks and rec after like season two where they don't do the like documentary. Yeah. Okay. It's not that literal, but it's like filmed in that style where you're like, Oh, there's somebody in the room with a camera. It's like Louie, but it doesn't have a filter over it. Yeah. Yeah. It's really good. I don't know. I fucking binged it all in one sitting cause it was just,
had me laugh my ass off. All right. Hell yeah. I'll have to watch the next episode then. Yeah, it's only six, so it's not a huge commitment. But so jazzed up on the Celtics, I can't stop. Yeah, dude. Fucking the C's. Fuck everybody hating on them, dude. Shit's pissing me off. Who's hating on them? Who can hate on them? Who can hate on them this season? Everybody in the media, dude. Everybody in the media. What are they saying? I don't read that shit. Nah, exactly. Me either, brother.
fuck all that shit, dude. Everyone's trying to be like, I don't even know. What would they say? I know what they'd say. They'd be like, how is this different from two years ago? Like, shut the fuck up. You suck. Uh, yeah, I want to hear any of that. Don't want to hear that shit.
I want to hear anything about that Doris Burke. You can shut the fuck up. Oh, my God. She's going to fuck. I'm going to fucking punch her in the fucking chin. I'm fucking not taking any shit. Oh, my God, she's the worst. We might we might watch a game when I'm up there. I'm not sure if there's there might be a game of the day. Maybe it's the day after. What is the week? What is the week? What is it?
Week of the 10th? Yeah. All right, word. 10th, I'm pretty sure, yeah. Yeah, so what is it? Game 1's on the 6th. Game 2's on the 9th. So yeah, there'll probably be one on Tuesday. Tuesday the 11th, probably. Yeah, that's it. That's the 11th. Yeah, and then what? What is the next one? Then that would be the 13th.
I don't think they have it scheduled out that far yet, but yeah, you'd think it'd be. A day or two days apart. All right.

Unusual Challenges and Shopping Adventures

No, wait, what is it? It's the sixth on the. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think they don't have it scheduled past the ninth or whatever it is. Well, I don't know.
What are you going to do the hot dog challenge while we're there? Oh yeah, dude. You still, you still owe us 20 hot dogs. Yeah. We'll put them on the grill. Be a wild boy. You can smoke those things, dude. I'm a wild boy like Steve-O.
Uh, dude, I'll eat a. I'll eat a ghost pepper. If you eat 20 hot dogs. What if I eat four hot dogs? You eat two ghost peppers. I mean, I was going to eat. I was going to eat some fucked up peppers no matter what. But Aiden's got a grown first. Yeah, dude, you got to get the.
I'm not just going for grocery store peppers. It's got to be from, uh, it's got to be fun. You got to go classic. You got to go reaper first. Yeah, I'll go reaper first. That's true. That's going to be gnarly. Peach reaper. Shit. Oh, fuck. Oreo fucking, uh, Oreo shit was so, that's a great ice cream. I'll tell you that. I mean, Oreo ice cream. Yeah, it sounds dope. That shit is fire, dude.
I got some, uh, some boring ass cookies and cream at the, at Brimfield North, but it was still good. That looked good. How was there? How was the time there? Uh, it was good. Got a cool knife. Uh, I mean, I was there with my buddy and his wife and kid and you know, kids three and a half. So, uh, having a lot of fun, but also like not a lot of patience. So we moved
Yeah, we moved fast. There was a lot of meltdowns about toys. But we made it. And I got to I mean, it was actually kind of perfect because I got another buddy that I go to like flea markets and antique stuff with. And he likes to look at like everything like has that like FOMO doesn't want to miss anything kind of thing. So like,
With him, it would have been five hours. And I'll get all start to get like, I don't fucking care, dude, every one of these places has the same shit. So this was kind of the perfect balance of like. Making me be like, oh, I don't really care about whatever that was. So we got through and like maybe like a little over two hours, which was perfect. OK, that's not bad.
Yeah. I mean, it was, it was big and there was stuff that we didn't see. And I definitely could have like, you know, found that hidden gem fucking thing. Probably if I was like, you know, not moving so fast, but I was also fine being like, Oh, who actually, I don't need, I actually don't need shit. Was that the night or so? Yeah. And that was towards the end. Not that I care. Not that I would have been like, Oh, I didn't buy anything, but like I was there and didn't buy anything. And then,
You know, when we were when we knew we were near the point where they were like, yeah, like Tully's like run out of steam. We got to probably think about heading out. Hell yeah. That's when I found the like place that had. Just cheap knives, and there was a couple other ones there that I would have like. It was like a vintage Opinel number eight that I would have gone back and been like, can I see that? That doesn't matter again, it's like.
The kids freaking out and they're like, all right, we're going to, we got to head out. You're like up, up, up, up, up. Hey guys. Can we go back to the very middle of everything? Cause I need to look at an old French knife. Actually they're cool. They would have done it. They would have done it for me, but, uh, no, it was perfect. Actually,
One, so the, there was a table when I was going in that had, this was stupid. You're going to hate when I even tell this part of the story. Uh, when we went in table that just had an enormous pile of, of Harley Davidson teas, they were all 15 bucks. What? Like, I don't know what this guy did.
He must have had some in with somebody in the company, but he just had a pile of dead stock from Chicago, from Vegas, from Atlanta, like all over dope. And I was like, there's so many, like, there's so many t-shirts here. Uh, and I don't want to have to carry a t-shirt around the whole time. We'll get it on the way out. When we get there right at the beginning at like 10 AM, when it opened and we go out the day two and a half hours later, go back to the table is
emptied. Oh my God. And I'm like, Hey man, didn't you have like Harley Davidson t-shirts here? Did you pack them up? Like I'll still buy one. He was like, Oh man, somebody came by earlier and just bought them all. Cause obviously that person knew what he had and was like, Howard, you're, there's no way you're selling these for $15. Like you can flip those easy for double that. Um, he was like, yeah, man, somebody just,
So we just came by and bought, bought the whole thing offered me like, whatever it was, however many hundred for all of them. And I, and I was like, well, I had even looked through them and there was like a, there was an Excel Vegas one that I was, I'm going to come back to that. Nobody's going to find that one. I like buried it and they were all gone. What a G so coming up and being like, I'll give you $150 for all these. And he's like, hell yeah. Yeah. He's like, I'm getting out today.
Fuck, dude. He could have flipped those for 50 bucks a piece, probably. Absolutely. Easy. Yeah, I got two Pawtucket, Rhode Island ones back a while ago, and I was like, damn, this is jackpot. I've wanted a Vegas one, like a, you know, not one that I bought personally in Vegas, but like found, you know, at a thrift store or something forever. So I really should do it.
bought it, but I was so sure I was like, uh, it'll still be here. I'm going to look through some thrift stores out here and find some and come up on it. Hell yeah. Maybe I'll get one of those, uh, deaf tone shirts. Let's see if I could find a Las Vegas one on here for you.
Damn, I can't believe someone sniped all of them, dude. You get in Las Vegas 9-11 Harley Davidson. No, you can't. I know. There's no one who's that in my brain. That would be fucking sick, though. No, this was pretty dope. Las Vegas never forgets.
Damn, maybe that dude burned that other guy, because there's some on eBay that are 17 bucks. They are good shirts, I'll tell you that. Yeah, it's a good shirt. It's also fucking $50. Like, yeah, I get it.
When did Harley Davidson shirts become cool? Who started that? Uh, I think Harley Davidson did. Maybe Elvis. There's some classics on here though for that. Yeah, exactly. Stoads on a Harley Davidson. That's not bad. My, um,
My brother has either the one, let's see. Hold, please. Hold, please. What the fuck is Sandal?
Well, I'm not sure what anniversary it is, but my brother has this big ass buck knife fixed blade. Ooh, Harley Davidson commemorative knife comes in like a little shadow box sits in velvet. Ooh. Hell yeah. I just don't know what year it is. Let that boy cook.
Our grand, well, it's not my grandfather. Our grandmother's ex-husband gave it to him when they were the kids. He also gave my other brother his Marine sword, like his Marine dress sword. And then him and my grandmother got divorced and now he doesn't have his Marine dress sword.
Damn. My brother was like, Yeah, when I was a kid, I just use it used to use it to poke holes and poke holes in boxes. Dude, I mean, fucking scowling, scowling being a

Career Changes and Personal Stories

Uh, what is it? A postman USPS delivery. That would be a sick job. Actually. I had a buddy who, I had a buddy who had that job and should still have it, but he's like, doesn't matter. It doesn't matter why he's got problems. Um, but yeah, dude, that would be, that'd be a dope job.
Yeah. Rule post, postman is what the, what did they offer all the time? Fucking you driving a Jeep too. You don't even have a post, uh, a post, uh, car, like a regular city one. They have, uh, one of those new Jeeps and the wheels on the other side. Yeah, that's sick. That would be dope. And you just get fucking.
Government shit. You're like yeah, that's what i'm looking for engine and shit It's like 30 bucks an hour Yeah, not bad starting out Then you get a fucking government shit. Yeah, that's mostly what it's like, dude How does that work? What's up with the why is the government pension so good? I mean, it's what everything should be
We just pay you for the rest of your life. Kinda. Yeah. I mean, that's how fucking it should be, right? Definitely dude. Not like, uh, like that, you know, that's how the world used to work. You like worked for a company for 30 years and then they took care of you when you were old. And now they're like, we'll give you 10% for the rest after you retire. 10% of what you make.
I'll look that up right now. What is USPS pension? It's probably like shit. They probably changed it. It sucks now. No, cause I think it's probably like union up. So they probably haven't changed that shit. How much is your pension? I wanted to apply for those jobs, but they didn't pay very much up here. It was like $15 an hour or something.
Yeah, I was surprised when I saw the rain, it was like up to like 40 bucks an hour. I was like, what the fuck?
Yeah, all the, all the starting positions around here though, because like you said, it's union. So you got to go stepwise. It was like 15 bucks. If a retiring employee is at 62 and has 20 years of credible service, 1.1% of the high three average multiplied by total credible service. What the fuck does that even mean?
They make this shit so difficult on purpose, huh? That's a job where you just buy yourself fucking hanging out, dude. Yes. You're just listening to fucking podcasts, listening to podcasts, whatever the fuck you want.
Probably only have to actually do like half the work that or they're like giving you half a day's worth of work to do for a full day. Yeah, sounds pretty sweet. So it's a three leg. That's interesting. So you get basically like two grand
Plus your social security plus your TSP, which I don't even know what the fuck that is. That ain't bad. That's what one of my coworkers did. He worked. Oh, might've just fucked up.
Can you guys still hear me? I fucked that up. You're here. I was going to let that bit go. No, I don't hear you anymore. I locked my screen on my computer. Um, one of my coworkers was a prison guard for 20 years and then got his pension and he's still pretty young. 30 years actually. Jesus Christ. He did it for 30 years, retired, got his pension.
Now he works at the club. Yeah, I don't know if I can do the prison guard shit. That shit's crazy. Yeah, he said he said he liked it, but. Don't you work like 30 hours overtime every week? Yeah, I mean, I'm sure it was wild. Oh, I liked it as good. It was awesome.
Every day I'm the worst guy there. It's okay. I know he gets to do what he wants to do. Yeah, that's the life. Work at a golf course. Yeah. Why did he choose that of all things? He's neighbors to my boss. Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah.
Shout out to that dude. Shout out to your boss assembling a team like that. That's right. Just locals, just like he's like picking up a five on five pickup team. Like me, me and four my buddies. I'll hook you guys up. That's how you do it right there. I just don't, why would he, does he need to work though? Or does he just want to work?
Uh, yeah, I'm not sure. What's the update with the water bed guy or the air mattress guy? No, I haven't talked to him, but avoiding. Oh man. Are you now, is this the days where you have to head over and like water and come back? Yeah, this weekend I did.
What do you do? You just go and hit the notch on each hole and then finish out. I go in, I walk each green that I have to water. Well, usually there's only two of us. So we usually split them 10 and 10, uh, walk the green, take some meter readings, figure out where it's dry, how much water it's going to need based on the numbers I'm getting.
I put the hose on it and jump in between groups, dude. Just fucking piss people off. Puddle the green up. Yeah, exactly. Push them back. It's like we have a full membership. So our club is always busy. So it's fucking pain in the ass.
Isn't it fucking nine and nine? Isn't it 18? Or do you guys have like two extra fucking practice greens? Practice green, chipping green. Oh, Jesus Christ. You guys should just skip those. Just let them become a parking lot. Let those guys practice and skip the shit out of that.
Last year we forgot about the chipping green and it turned black. Oh my god. It was bad, dude. How are you guys making out for your summer starting off? Not bad. Everything's going good. We just had a big event. We had a USGA qualifier. Oh, damn. That's awesome. For the senior open.
So that is pretty cool. That's pretty dope. There's a bunch of old guys coming through. Yeah, they are pretty fucking badass. No, they're really good. Although the, uh, like whatever the guy who was worst out for the day was 24 over par. Holy shit.
That's what we said. Just someone out trying to have fun. Say they played in a tournament. Damn, that's pretty nuts. 24. That's like, Jesus dude. I feel like I could get under 24. I think maybe I did earlier.
That's pretty fucking hilarious. The course was really hard. I did the setup for a few of the holes and it was just like fucking, of course, if you did it, dude, it's definitely fucking nearly impossible. Now they came in and, uh, Marked where they wanted all the holes that came and marked them. But even where he marked them were pretty fucking ridiculous, dude. Holy shit. That's fucking hilarious. Our eighth green has a big, um,
like hill on the left side of it and all type thing. And he put it like right next to it. Just a couple of the holes were so hard that when I was watering that morning, I watered a little heavy around where the pin was to try to slow him down. I was like, this is fucking insane. These motherfuckers tried to help the guys out a little bit. Nah.
one of the fucking pins from this weekend that the pro marked for the tournament that we had this weekend. It's like a mini golf. I watched these women hit up to it and they didn't get it close enough to the pen and it just rolled right back. Oh my. So like three times. Yeah, that's the worst dude. Yep. And she's, I don't know.
You think, you know, you would think like people want to just, they would just go out and have fun. Right. If they're bad, if they're bad, they would just go out and they want to keep score and it would just be like a social thing. Right. There's this group that plays and they're always angry and like totally rude to everybody, including the other golfers.
And, uh, I'm waiting for them to get done on the fifth greens that I can do my thing. And then I hear them say what their score was for the holds par five. She either said a seven or an eight. So she either had a double or a triple bogey. Is it even fucking fun at that point?
And I don't think that it was a triple bogey because she was taking like necessarily terrible shots other than a couple of her, her putts were bad, but I think she's just like not strong enough to hit the ball very far. And so very long par five. So I don't know. Just seems like it would not be fun to suck and also keep score. Yeah. So what you're saying is women should stay home.
oh my god yeah country clubs are for men country clubs are for guys sleep on air mattresses back off ladies yep this is our one thing this is our one thing what are they gonna do they're gonna starline all sorts of people in yeah nobody wants that might as well just be a public course this is our fucking thing
You got to give us a quick care and read update, Jared. Oh, fuck. Because now I got the background from it. When is the verdict going to be out?

Karen Reed's Legal Battle

I don't know. What? Shit. I meant to be prepared for this. No, you don't have to. It's better when you're not.
Um, all right. How much do you know? All right. Uh, what we talked about last time. Yeah. We gotta, we gotta do right by the listeners. So if you're not, we'll do a quick care and read trial. It's happening in Massachusetts right now. Here's the deal last like, no, it was probably two years ago, right? 2022 probably. Uh,
Karen Reed was like out at a bar or something with this cop, John O'Keeffe. And then she drove him and then they were going to go to a party, going to a second location at 2 a.m.. There are 12. What time was that at late? Oh, yes. Sometimes sometime in the late, you know, it's Canton, Massachusetts. They weren't in Canton. They were in like Mansfield or some shit. But in any event, you know, last call. Last call at the bar and all likelihood leaving.
going to a second location. Generally don't go to a second location. Just don't, um, house party, you know, house party in your forties. I don't know. Do people, I don't get that part. That's the weirdest part of the whole thing. But any event going to a house party in your forties,
Um, and then Karen Reed, who is the defendant in this whole trial decides she doesn't want to go, but drops the dude off the cop off at the house where this like cop house party forties in your forties, people is happening. Um, and then the crux of the case is Sean O'Keefe dies that night. Uh, prosecution says Karen Reed backed her car up into him.
either knocked him unconscious or something like that and he froze to death. And the defense is floating. Just, I mean, the defense only has to introduce a reasonable doubt, right? So they don't have to have a case per se. They just have to be like, we are contending that she didn't do this. And here are some, here are some things that are weird. Um, are contending that she didn't do it and that there's enough weird shit going on between, uh,
him getting out of her car and what happened, you know, what could have happened with the house party that, you know, there's enough doubt that they shouldn't convict her. By the way, she's being charged with second degree murder, which is crazy. She definitely, it was definitely involuntary manslaughter. A thousand percent. She definitely fucking backed her car into him. Um, but she didn't mean to. So second degree murder now. Um, but in any event,
so homeboy dies and I think she didn't Karen they were like hooking up or whatever they weren't married but I think they were dating um Karen Reed is like
probably texted him in the morning or something like that. And he didn't respond. And she was like, Oh, that's weird. And like went back to the house to check on him. And then that's when they like find that he's like in the yard dead, like frozen to death. And then I think in that hysterics, man, right in that hysterics moment, she was saying stuff like, did I hit him or I hit him or did I do this? Like stuff like that. I think you would understandably say, yeah, that's what the fuck.
Frozen in the driveway. Yeah, you're like panicked and you're like, did I do this? What the fuck? I hit him. Like, I think I hit him, you know, in the end. So the prosecution is is is what would you call it? They're like really grabbing on that detail of like what she said in that moment where she was like, she admitted to it, which is like kind of true, but also I think anyone would be like, this is weird. Yeah.
Um, but then in the meantime, there's a whole bunch of weird shit. Um, so I bet some stuff happened this week that are happened since we talked about the, um, since we talked about it last that I didn't pay attention to yet.
But the lady, yeah, Jen McCabe. So, um, where is this? This isn't a part of Massachusetts. What, what, what, what's the vibe of where they are? So this is in Canton. Canton is outside of Canton would just
would just be considered Greater Boston. Like a map of Greater Boston might include Canton in it, but it's, um, in a, in a definition where like Greater Boston is anything within like 495. Um,
Canton is South Shore-ish. Canton is like one of the most Irish towns like currently still left in America. Um,
So, yeah. And then there, you know, that house party that she was dropping off John O'Keefe at was a bunch of Canton police and a bunch of Boston police, basically. So, yeah, I mean, Canton's a fairly white town, a fairly blue collar town. You know, not going to characterize the Irish, but you paint whatever picture you want. A lot of cops.
A lot of cops. Okay. Um, so why this is all heating up now is I want to say last week slash late the week prior they started, um, doing witness testimony.
Okay. And one of the key witnesses that took the stand is named Jen McCabe. Um, Jen McCabe's deal is, um, fuck.
Pops, what's Jen McCabe's deal? What is, what is her relationship to this? She was, uh, at the house, right? Wasn't. Yeah, she's the pocket dialer. She's definitely the pocket dialer. I know that she witnessed. I can't, I'm trying to remember if she's, I think she's a friend of, I think she's a friend of the, I think she's a friend of the group.
But I think she's like a friend of the homeowners and was at the party that night. So her deal is, um, so I guess basically what the conspiracy theory, if you've heard about this in podcasts, if you've heard about this on the news or whatever, there's this group of people who definitely think that Karen Reed is being framed by the entire Canton police department, potentially the Boston police department.

Conspiracy Theories and Evidence Analysis

There's this big conspiracy to cover up.
that John O'Keefe made it into the house that night, got into some kind of altercation, was killed, and then they left him out in the yard to die, knowing that they could... Actually, I think probably it was agnostic of Karen Reed, but knowing that there are a bunch of cops and they can get away with it.
And potentially also they're all friends, including Karen Reed. And they just know that like, yeah, Karen, you're going to get dragged into mud in this case, but there's going to be enough reasonable doubt that like, no one's going to hang for this because you can't do, there will just be too much of a mess to prove anything. Everyone will be fine. Um, so she took the stand. She's a key witness. Um,
one of the big things that came to light. So her big thing is they have computer records from her of Googling, how long does it take to freeze to death? Literally while he was freezing to death. How the fuck is that not? That's definitely guilty. No one does that if you're not guilty. You know, if somebody pulled up all of my Google searches,
Certainly after our last podcast two weeks ago, did I Google what does a pipe bomb look like? Yes. I've never actually seen one. Have I maybe in my life Googled other things? Sure. Things that seem fine in the privacy of your own home when they're pulled up in court seem much more nefarious. I think there's a whole John Mulaney bit about that.
However, it is a big coincidence to be Googling. How long does it take to freeze? How long to die in cold? While somebody is dying in the cold, not but 100 feet away from you.
So that was pretty sus. And they asked her about that. And she was just like, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't think she denied it. She just was kind of like, yeah, I was just curious. You know how you sometimes Google like, Oh my God, how far can you fall before it's deadly? Like, I don't know. We all have random questions like that in our mind and we Google them. I think that's, I actually think that's reasonable.
As long as one of those things, if it if it was like, how far do you have to fall to be deadly? Perfectly fine question. If you if you Google that in a vacuum, like if I Google that right now, probably fine. If I Google that right now and somebody in my apartment building died from falling off the roof and it looked like a murder.
I think they would be like, Hey man, you Google, you googled this question and then the, this guy died three hours later. Can you explain that? And you call it six times too. Yeah. And then so that's the other piece is that, uh, in the night.
Um, when his whereabouts would have allegedly been unknown after Karen had dropped him off, but presuming he never made it into the house. She called him like 10 times, allegedly, according to her butt dialing, but they have these call records and.
So she made these, all these outgoing calls that were never picked up like 10 in a row. She says she was asleep and it was a butt dial. Um, but she had an Apple watch on and the Apple watch shows that she was never at any point in the night actually asleep. Her like, I don't know how they measure that shit, but also I assume you take your watch off when you go to sleep. Um, and it just showed that she was awake, alert, doing stuff all night.
including calling him and she deleted the like on her phone when you can like go in and delete you know call that you called somebody so obviously they can still see that if they if they subpoena from google or from apple or whatever your call records they can see those actual calls or from the phone company but she went in to her phone and deleted the records of the calls so then they can see because they're comparing your
your phone company's records to what your phone shows and be like, hey, the phone says that you called them 10 times or sorry, the phone company says that you called them 10 times or looking at your phone and and those don't appear there. That means you deleted them. And she was like, oh, I don't know how that happened. Oh, my God. She was like, that's weird.
So that's the big stuff that's happening right now is that, or so I guess there was the piece with Jen McCabe. That was all that. There was all this stuff about that, obviously. Cause she's such a sketchy witness right now with the phone stuff and the Googling stuff and the deleting stuff that she just seems very dirty. Like, right? Not a squeaky clean witness. Um, so she was the big story for the beginning half of the week. And then right before Memorial Day weekend started, um,
There was details that came out about Karen's relationship with O'Keeffe, which was always assumed to be like they were dating and everything was fine. And there was some details that came out about their relationship and being rocky and potentially people saying that
Um, then they went, the night they were out was because John O'Keefe was like dumping her basically or confronting her about cheating or some, you know, there was a bunch of the prosecution basically put out a bunch of theories of what could be going on. Basically they're trying, I mean, to make it second degree murder, they have to establish that it wasn't premeditated, but that something happened. And in the moment she, you know,
Right. Like if he if they were out of the bar and he was like, hey, you know, this isn't working. Let's break up that, you know, when she dropped off the house, she just went into a fit of rage and decided to back her car up into him or whatever. That's how you would establish it. So that's what they're trying to say. And there was some testimony late last week about, you know, that their relationship wasn't in a good place. And I guess like
Karen, or no, John O'Keeffe's, I don't know what it was, like somebody, some family member had died and he had taken custody of his niece and nephew or some shit like that. I don't know. I don't know the details on this one enough, but he had basically gotten custody of someone else, some family members' kids that Karen didn't want to have to take responsibility for. There's some weirdness there. So that's where we're at.
And I think probably some stuff happened today. I'm assuming the trial resumed today, but I don't know what happened today. I think. I think then maybe it was O'Keefe's actual niece and nephew testified in an event. That's where we're at. I didn't televised part of it today because it was kids because it was kids.
There's no way that that lady McCabe didn't know. Oh, yeah. I mean, and that's the other thing is like there's there's other weirdness that I'm sure will that's that's been like hasn't been established in court, but has been brought up by. You know, different conspiracy theorists about like the homeowners of the property where O'Keefe died, sold the house and they replaced all the floors before the house was ever
um inspected by like forensics and they had a dog that they've had for like 10 years and it's a
I don't fucking know a German Shepherd, you know, a cop dog and they've had it for so long and then they've rehomed it right after the guy died and his shoe was missing. And like if you hit somebody with your car, like your shoe doesn't disappear. So there's people saying that like maybe the dog attacked him and the shoe is missing because the shoe has like dog bite marks on it. And I watched a lot of episodes of
Was that ridiculousness? People come out of their shoes all the time, dude. People get hit. Yeah. Come right out their shoes. So it's usually a sign that they got killed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm sure all those details will be established in court through witnesses as this goes on. But there's definitely a lot of weirdness and all the defense has to do is convince a jury that there's enough doubt
which I do kind of think that they will succeed in doing, even if, I mean, it's like a circus right now and all you'd really, like anyone who's lived in New England knows, like you've tried to walk, if you've tried to walk anywhere in the winter in New England, when the sidewalks aren't shoveled and you're basically walking in the road, it's like, you could just be like, I'm pretty sure, like a plow might've hit him.
That actually that happens every winter here plows hit people and kill them at night You don't have to go into all this shit about like a conspiracy with the cops and everything He was walking down the street at 2 a.m. And a plow hit him. That's enough doubt in my mind. I Think it's crazy that
even if they can prove that, you know, there's some doubt and she not, I don't want to say gets away with it, but isn't convicted. Yeah. For the rest of her life. She's fucked for the rest of her life. She's totally recognizable. Like it's been all over broadcast TV. Everybody's going to remember the name for the next at least five years. And she's going to go to try to get a job and they're gonna be like, Oh, are you the woman that killed her husband?
Yeah, I mean, it's definitely that thing where she's a drunk woman. Yeah. Even if, even if you were somehow insulated from this case and like it's obviously big in New England and even when I was in LA people were, there was a couple of people who were asking. It is definitely on the national news. I also think there's, there's probably plenty of people who don't know anything about it or who would just be like, Oh yeah, I heard about that. But like, what was that? But,
for anything, like for any of us, if the, you know, if, if your name, if you were applying for a job and they Googled your name and that's what came up, right? Like, yes, your life is ruined. They'd be like, Oh, you're that Karen read. Maybe she could be like that woman casing Anthony who drowned her kid and just write a book about it. Oh, I mean, this is all right. I'm, I would be shocked if there isn't already like,
a boardroom at Netflix who's like, OK, how do we like because, you know, whatever whatever the outcome of this is, it's going to make good TV. Like if she's found innocent, you're going to be like that supports a theory that there was even if even if nothing else happened, if she's just found not guilty, I should say.
And and then it ends there. There's you're going to be able to do some like aliens kind of conspiracy theorizing about like, you know, what was going on, even if nothing else happens. What was going on with the can police department? What was going on with the police department? You get to tell that narrative forever. Like, well, they found her not guilty because, you know, there was some weird shit going on and no one ever faced any consequences for that weird shit. But you can do some, you know,
History Channel conspiracy theorizing all you want and like that has legs forever and if she's found guilty of anything then you get to continue this narrative about how it's a You know entrenched power structure and the you know, thin blue line closed on, you know Canton Police Department good old boys white Irish Boston cops, you know protecting each other Bullshit and you get to tell that story and those are both great stories
Um, like, you know, that people enjoy hearing, hearing that cliche. So yeah, it'll absolutely be a Netflix documentary and HBO documentary or something. How's the body freeze long? Google search. Literally H Hoss die in cold.
They definitely fucked that dude up by accident, dude. Yeah. Yeah. There was like, I can't remember his name, but there was like a young cop in there who's like in the house at the house party who's like disappeared out the face of the earth or something. And people think they may have gotten and like hated John O'Keefe and they think maybe he got in a fight or. I don't know. But then you said that she was guilty. I mean, at this moment,
It's kind of like what we talked about, whatever it was a week ago or two weeks ago. At this moment, I would still say the most likely explanation, like there is some sketchy stuff in Jen McCabe's testimony. Yes. At this moment, if you had to ask me, like, what is the most likely thing that happened? I'd say that like the two people who drove drunk
Yeah. And it, you know, yeah. And like, uh, in, you know, in New England in the winter, you know, during, you know, when it's snowy out, like, yeah, I could imagine all kinds of scenarios, right? Like he got out of the car and then he was going to do something silly because they're drunk. Like think of all the times he just wanted to do something silly because you were drunk and he was going to like, he was going to like jump on the back of the car and then she just backed up into him and it was an accident. Like that still feels like the most likely
until they show me something crazy, some, some kind of thing where it's like one piece of evidence that he made it to the house, one piece of evidence that, you know, and that could be anything, right? They find his shoe or they, or there's footprints or whatever to show me something to tell me that he didn't, that he didn't just die by the road.
they have to have, man. Yeah, it's going to be great. That being said, if I were on the jury right now, I'm already convinced, like not guilty just on the basis of like reasonable doubt, not necessarily saying you didn't do it, but like, even you've, you've convinced me that there's enough weirdness going on here. Um,
I'd be like, but dialed somebody eight times. Yeah, exactly. And again, in no world was it second degree murder. If they had, if they had charged involuntary manslaughter all day, second degree murder, fuck off with that. But I don't even know if you could get it with a fucking man manslaughter at this point. You don't even know the fuck did it still.
Yeah, but that would be one where I'd be like, yeah, there's some doubt like I'm not convinced, but like where I'm coming from, where I'm like, yeah, but it still feels like the most likely thing that happened is like the drunk lady backed over the guy that she was driving home. That's involuntary manslaughter, and I'd be like, yeah, that feels like that feels like what's right. And there's some consequences to that, but it's not.
ruining your, you know, it's not the end of your life consequences. Whereas I'm like, second of your murders, like murder means you wanted to kill that guy. Yeah, that's true. Which I don't think is what happened. That's a good point. Paul, what would you do? Would you lock her up? Yeah.
Oh shit. Hell yeah. We need to, you know, I could solve crime, right? If you just brought back what they used to do in like the medieval ages, they just take you up to the top of the tower and kick you off of it. You're committing a crime? Yeah. Make a dungeon. You just get thrown in the dungeon forever.
You run, you you get drunk and you run over your boyfriend and kill him. You just have to get thrown off the top of a tall building. It's fucking I don't know, man, that bitch, Jen McCabe, but do some time. I mean, I meant Sapuku. It is it is accurate right now, at least in my opinion, that. There is more evidence that Jen McCabe killed him than Karen Reed at this point.
most definitely. That's also kind of why I think like, I think you brought it up, Pobs. And it was the first time I had considered it, but like, right there kind of establishing it. Like it's this group of people versus Karen Reed, but as long, but for no one to get in trouble, they just have to establish enough doubt that Karen Reed gets found not guilty. And then this all goes away. Like, right. Prosecutors not going to try to do this again with somebody else.
They're going to say there's not sufficient evidence to charge anyone else and we want everyone to get on with their lives. And this was a tragedy. You know, but that's life. OK, OK. And then so you could argue that Karen Reed and Jen McCabe and all the cops are in on it together and they're just like, here's how you get away with it is like.
We, you know, it's an us versus them thing, but really no one gets in trouble in the end. It's like somebody died. So nobody gets away with, you know, squeaky, squeaky clean. Like, yes, forever. You're going to be able to Google Karen Reed's name and, but it's going to come up as not guilty. Say I was acquitted of that or whatever. That wasn't. Yeah, exactly. And then the cops are good and she's good and everyone's good except John O'Keefe.
Oh my God. You just put them in a blender, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Except the guy that's dead, no one knows how he died. Yeah, whatever. Unless he actually just passed out, but that's pretty nuts. I still think Karen hit him. Still think it's pretty cut and dry. But you'd think she
knowingly hit him or accidentally hit him. But why would that lady ask Google that though, unless she knew that some dude was dying out there? Well, my my conspiracy theory is that she wanted to drop him off. Yep. She hit him. Yep.
Realized she hit him, like knew immediately that she hit him. Yeah, took off because she was like, fuck that, I'm drunk, not the only shit. Like most people who are drunk would probably do. 100% would do that, have done that. And then I think that the cops also had beef with this dude and they saw it happen and they just let him die instead of trying to render aid.
That, that part's tough to, tough to buy, but continue. That's just what I think. I think that they all, I think that she accidentally hit him, may have had an accident, took off because she got scared or was just drunk. I don't know. Maybe she didn't even know she had him. Maybe she just fucking ran him over and then drove away and was like, Oh, maybe I hit a mailbox or something. And then, uh,
that these cops didn't like him and they just like watched it happen and let him die. Like something happened at the whatever precinct or wherever they work or maybe he was like fucking saying things that went against the brotherhood of the police. Yeah. All on the thin blue line, you know. Talking about Palestine stuff. All those fucking gay shit that they talk about that doesn't make any sense.
Maybe he didn't want to do the secret handshake, you know, he didn't want to go. He didn't want to go to the, uh, initiation thing where they make you suck some dude's dick and take a video of it. Slight you're forever in their debt. I think that you have to do that to get into the forest, but yes, maybe there's layers. It's like training day. Like it gets worse. There's it's a layer cake.
Yeah. They made them smoke the crack or the PCP actually. PCP bro. So I know you like to get wet. Um, yeah. I think that's a, that, I mean, that kind of is the same shit, right? As you could,
She could, she could have left, fled the scene, just been like, oh fuck and sped off and they saw it happen. Or she could have, she could have ran inside of the house and been like, I just killed him. And they were like, they were like, all right, let's figure out how to clean this up. Like, get the fuck out of here. What are you doing? They were like, you go home and, you know, go to sleep, quote unquote, like turn your phone off.
Don't do it. Go home. Don't do anything. Come back in the morning and like, we're going to deal with it. And then they came up with this plan. Like that's a possibility. Like either way, whether she fled or whether they were colluding kind of the same outcome. And now she turned against them in court.
Um No, because she's not trying like the the process or the defense isn't trying to prove anything like the defense the only thing the defense is trying to prove is Or do is introduce Sufficient doubt that the jury would say You know, the prosecution hasn't proved proven a case like there's enough doubt here that like

Conclusion and Farewell

there's enough things that can't be explained here that we can't say with absolute certainty that she definitely intended to kill him. That's all that they have to do. So she's not accusing anyone of anything. She's just saying, you know, her, her team is just saying like, well, isn't this weird? What about all these deleted phone calls? Isn't that weird? What about that Google search you made? Isn't that weird? But like Jenna is not going to get in trouble. They're not going to, you know, nothing's going to happen there. Okay. Um,
So yeah. If they agreed, if they were like, Hey, we're just going to, I mean, there might be some stuff that comes out that they weren't thinking about, but at the end of the day, it's like, if there's no smoking gun, no one, no one goes to jail. All right. I mean, man. All right. I don't know. I had to keep up with that on that, on that sketchy lady. I don't give a fuck.
I mean, they have, they've only called her and then O'Keeffe's niece and nephew and maybe who also died out as number. So, right. So like, come on. Oh, how, why we're all, I mean, I guess you could argue like, why were all of these people calling him?
But if you're claiming that they're butt dials, that's weirder than being like, Hey, he was supposed to show up and he never did. So we were calling him. Um, that would be normal. And you'd be like, yeah, I was calling him repeatedly because he was supposed to be here and nobody knew where he was. But then you're like establishing a hole. Like we were looking for him. And why did nobody like walk out the door and see him 10 feet away from the house?
Um, or the, yeah, they got into a fight and then he just left and they tried to call him, but they didn't know he was just fucking knocked out outside. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, that's the other thing. There's like 10 plus more witnesses that they're going to call. So this is only going to get weirder. Great.
All right. We'll keep, we'll keep everybody updated on this. Yeah. I'll do a better job of, uh, breaking, breaking case, uh, keeping, keeping up with it for the next whenever. Yeah. Yeah, dude. All right, guys. We'll talk to you next time. Great podcast. Good times. Good time. See you later. See you.
We like to want it. We like to want it. We like to want it. We like to want it.