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The Sky is Blue & Im Gay

Dudes "R" Us
106 Plays7 months ago

Back with another episode of murder she wrote aka ya  mon di gay mon

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Cultural and Religious Observances

Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless you.
One thing about me, I only fucking fluorescent a lighting. And can you do the eagle screech for us? I always do, so no problem. It's black history month, Ed. What do you gotta to tell the people at home? I fucking love you black people, man. They are my fucking love, man. I love you motherfuckers, man. I fucking really love you assholes.

Humor and Morality

The internet has been in the uproar since finding out that Rosa Parks' husband had a car.
That was awesome. We went swimming. We are officially dolphins. Oh, that hit the spot, man. I made my day. I don't care what happens now. Remember that before you're going to jerk off. before you gonna chop that chicken remember that God is watching you know and God don't like fucking lazy people either
Yes sir, dog, we're making some avocados and some little tortillas and some butter dog. Straight up, have a good day, brother. Straight up.

Personal Habits and Self-Improvement

People think you I'm dumb and stupid and crazy, but if you read the Bible, you ain't dumb and stupid crazy. You're smarter than anybody else. You're just known to live the Lord's way. um How come when I have one of these hard beers, I wanna be a girl?
I may have, I may be drinking too much. How do you think you're gonna stop it? Are you gonna go to like rehab like your dad or what do you think? I don't think I'm that bad.
Hey, everybody. Welcome to Dudes R Us. We can't be stopped and we'll do anything for you. Please subscribe and join the Patreon so Jared does not die. President or the. If you let a presidential candidate get shot slash former president, I feel like you kind of got to resign, either get fired or resign, I guess. The next president. President to be, I guess, at nine now.
less Kamala can steal this one.

Political Landscape and Elections

I mean, I honestly think she has a better chance than Joe, but it still seems like an uphill battle for sure. She's going to do it. She's going to pull it out. She's going to shock everybody. Yeah. She's going to cook some pasta for everybody and get the job. Make some jambalaya. Are they going to ever debate? I don't know. I'm sure she would. i Trump had originally said he wouldn't do this the September debate because you know, it's like cheating or whatever.
that Joe is not in the race anymore. But who knows? He he just says shit and then does what he wants. So. We'll see. Maybe ah the white shirt thing where he can't like defeat women or talk to women. i I mean, I do think it's a different right. He he clearly planned everything around, you know, going after Biden and a lot of that stuff doesn't work anymore. And I think the optics of like. You know, being. Being kind of punchy the way he is. Doesn't work as well when when it's when it's her, basically. Like everyone hated Hillary Clinton, so you can just like punch her all you want and everyone's fine with it, but like. You know. A lot of his attack lines won't well, I don't know if they won't work, it just it doesn't seem as like.
I don't know. Sportsman against her. Can't touch your butt, Trump. You can't touch that ass. That's a problem for him. I can look, I can't touch.
Looking is not illegal.
Kamala wins over Hillary just because she's like not white. And she's like, a ah she looks better than Hillary. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, on a lot of things, right? Hillary Hillary just like sucked one, just a fucking trash person. a piece of shit. fucking political dynasty. She was just like, Full of herself, like, just always came off as just super, I don't know, conceited and was just like the most fucking awkward person. So. Yeah, I think she ran in her campaign like she deserved it and this was just like a formality. and And I don't think that I don't think Kamala sees it the same way. I think she knows she's got.
work to do and that it's not going to be easy. So yep. Oh yeah. She rides it. She'll put up a fight and it'll be funny. yeah the The next hundred days will be funny as fuck. If nothing else, that's for sure.

Political Figures and Strategies

The fucking VP pick that Trump made is, is a fucking funny guy. Ohio Vance, JD Vance called him Hitler. It looks like I mean, that part's so fucking funny, you know, like to just go back not even eight years to to that guy calling, you know, just talking shit about Trump. So, you know, he's just a fucking opportunist and he saw this as um you know, his his big step into, you know, being president one day.
But he's also just like he has like the energy of a Reddit incel.
And when they announced him, then people on Twitter started realizing that he's married to like an Indian woman. Ooh. And his kids have like Indian names. His kids are named like Rajesh and Vikram or something. or ah And so they were all freaking out. They were like, wait, no. JD's, JD's one of them. JD's one of those white guys. He lives in Silicon Valley. He's the mayor of Silicon Valley. So I don't really know what they were thinking with that pick. He's just, I mean, I know what they were thinking, but Ohio's not really a swing state anymore.
Like you get, maybe you get like an Ohio guy lock in Ohio is solidly red, but it kind of already is now. So like no one was betting on Ohio swinging. So this seems dumb to me. And I guys just looks like a fucking, somebody painted a baby. Yeah, that's true. So basically like going off, what you said before we started recording is Hillary rides in the front of the limo and Kamala rides in the back. Yeah.
She rides in the back. Saw that video was hilarious on Instagram. I was like, Rosa Parks husband had a car. I was like, oh yeah, that's a stance to take. she wasn' He wasn't driving his woman to work.
I thought today was my 9-11 boys. I had that thought ah when I was making dinner after tonight. I was like, you know what? Today was my 9-11. I'm going to take my licks. Okay. You know, getting stung by a wasp and getting swelled up. I mean, so swollen that you're getting stung on the wrist and then getting so swollen that you you can't hear is like pretty fucked up. I'd be freaked out. Yeah dude, my eyes were like swollen as fuck too. I don't get it. The other two times i got so I got stung on my ear last time, or last month, and then I got stung on my calf four days ago, and I didn't like have that reaction at all, so I'm like, fucking now I'm

Unexpected Encounters with Nature

just a bitch. Now I'm a bitch that's allergic to wasps.
Could have just been a weird reaction this time, but. Yeah. Maybe it's because I was all sweaty and, and, uh, worked, you know, work into the red line, basically. And then there's like, I mean, if you didn't see what stung you. True. You know, the other two could have been yellow jackets and that was like the reaction you had. And then this was like, uh,
mud dauber or a cicada killer or some other fucking more jacked up kind of wasp yeah kind of probably might have been a mud dauber there's a way to kill there's a lady alone dude they still sting though we get them all over the country club and i sent a bunch of kids into to weed whack a stream and like there's a ton of ton of wasps over here and i went over and i was like nah they're just cicada killers they'll be fine those things They can stay. I don't know. I've never been done but one, but most most things. Yeah. Maybe it was a mud dauber. Yeah. Fucking those things look like little fairies floating around and then the yellow jackets are a little bit more distinguishable.
But I picked up a like a trash bag I had with some lawn stuff in it that I was throwing away. I thought I got stabbed by something in the trash bag, but then it ended up being a wasp thing earlier in the week. That sucked. And my calf just got all so fucking swollen and then like purple for like two days. I just waited it out. That's crazy that it's like just been like Three weeks of constantly getting stung by wasps for you. Yeah, I told you. I'm just it's 9 11 for the past three weeks. Did you piss off some gypsy? Dude, I just really like in town last weekend and you and you fucking stole a gypsy's parking spot or something and now and she put a curse on you. I've been spread. Maybe it's because I made fun of that black lady that was on her knees at the airport at the counter.
She could have been, she was just walking on her knees. I think about, I don't know why I think about that at the airport all the time. I always think that I'm going to scorn a gypsy at the airport. I cut mad people in line at this lunch place when I was connecting to, they were like doing a line, like of the side of the counter. And I just fucking walked right to the middle and cut all of them. Listen, if you can like,
Hey, I didn't understand what was happening here. You all, you know, like you can it's fine. Cause after I checked out the dude at the front was like, all right guys, this, the line starts to the side. I was like, well, fuck you guys. That's not my problem. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. And I looked at everybody in line two and I was checking out. It's just like, Hey, I got to figure if karma is a real thing. And you know, Jerry's out on that, that. The karmic punishment for cutting a line at the airport cannot be getting stung by a wasp and then having your ears and eyes swell up. That's like, my God, my whole head is not a balanced punishment. My whole fucking head. dude Getting getting cutting everyone in line at the airport. The karmic punishment for that would be like
When you like bite into a chicken sandwich and you get like a little bit of like tendon in the bite and you're just like, ah you're like, that didn't ruin my day. Uh, that didn't even ruin my meal, but I was just like minorly like, ah could just be because I've been spraying like wasp nests every fucking day for the past like two months. You think they're like mounting a counter offensive? No, they're probably just calmer for that, you know what I mean? Yeah, I guess. It's like, hey, man, I live in the country. Usually they're just left alone to do whatever they do. But man, sometimes they get way too close. It's like, bro, build that nest somewhere else. There's a million. You got a kid and shit. You got to keep the was so I support it. Yeah, I knocked down some tonight, too, even after the attack. I was like, fuck this fucking guy.
Yeah, I was fucking 723 wasp terrorist attack mid hedge clipping and it fucking got me right on the wrist. I was like, fuck. There's a part of me that wishes there was like a ring video footage of that of just of just you going, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I literally did that. I was like, fuck. And I just threw my fucking hedge trimmer and just walked inside.
Oh my god. It was like a fucking 98 degrees out, too. I was just so fucking pissed. Last hedge. I was like, right before, too, I was like, you know what? I was just like, I got a good amount. I'm just going to leave this one. And then I went for the last touch-up, and I fucking got me real good. Fucking motherfuckers. But I'm intruding on their privacy, you know? there They're in the woods. They're just fucking, you know, they have some purpose out here. Yeah, I don't actually know what Yellow Jackets do, but they probably do something. They probably... Might have been a Mud Dogger. Those ones seem to be the ones out front. The ones out back are Yellow Jackets.
I don't know. I didn't fucking think there was a nest in there either, so... I just want to talk. I just want to negotiate with these motherfuckers at some point. Just be like, dude, I am not... I mean, yes, I'm trying to hurt you guys when I spray you, but like, I'm out here just, uh, just regular fucking maintenance. You know what I mean? This is my land. yeah There is a, there is one way that this ends, but you can live on this land under, you know, some conditions. I mean, after what, after like six o'clock, they can't, they just like become paralyzed and can't do anything.
Yeah. Stick to the nest. Whatever, dude. Today it was my 9-11. 2,000 people died basically inside of me today. And then I overcame it with Benadryl. until did That's how they did it on real 9-11 too, you know? Yeah, you could have, that's what they just inserted for Benadryl into the twin towers after they collapsed and then they're all good. Well,
The, that one has planned, but I just mean for the people. Yeah. That was just Benadryl. Oh man. I took such a heavy Benadryl nap after two. It was so nice. It was fucking great. Yeah. That was a great that you'll wake up at, you know, woke up fucked up. Yeah. Wake up in the afternoon feeling like, uh, you just like spoke to your ancestors. Yeah, exactly. Then I just went to Home Depot and bought a new knife after. like yeah yeah This will get me back to normal. What is my name? mean yeah Is this Earth? And then you're like, Oh yeah. All right, cool. I live here in this place.
I am. I am 27. Got a coke and, and, uh, rejuvenated at Chick-fil-A and went to Home Depot. It was a good time. I was the cocoa cure or anything. That's probably, probably did it not even the Benadryl. Yeah. I've been fucking getting a, uh, I guess it's, uh, maybe it's not an oral Palmer with it, but it's unsweetened iced tea and a lemonade mixed together is really good. Well, you can get.

Beverage Preferences and Urban Legends

regular tea down there. Cause if you ask for sweetened tea, you get sweet tea, you which you're like, yeah, and ask for tea flavored syrup. God damn, that shit's so good. That shit's crack. So yeah, that usually, uh, that makes, that makes life a little better. I mean, I was thinking though, it's like with nine 11, if I was in the building, I would probably try to take the stairs over and over again.
You know what I mean? If even if I was above where the plane crashed into, I would think I would try to jump, jump some sets of stairs. Yeah. Yeah. I kind of agree with you. Well, or else you'd burn to death or you'd jump out of the window. Yeah. I didn't want to do either. I wouldn't want to do either of those things. Taking the stairs, you're figuring it out. Or you give me that guy who, who just wrote a piece of debris from from the top to the ground and didn't die allegedly. What? Yeah, just that guy who who just like boogie boarded. We like boogie boarded from like the roof on a piece of debris as it collapsed and just like gently landed. No way he air glided down.
Not glided because it was because he was on, you know, was like dust cloud, but but kind of. Yeah. Is that true? You look at the if you look at the footage of the top part of the one of the towers collapsing and it's just like there's just this wave of like debris shooting out. He's on one of that pieces of debris just. How is making shit up right now? Me? Yeah. This is like one of the nine 11 stores. Everyone talked about how like they found one of the, they found one of the passports, like a few blocks away, just like singed. This is like one of those extremely true stories that they told us after nine 11 about the guy who survived from writing down a wave of debris. There's a guy who survived collapsing 18 stories. Yeah. Maybe it was this guy.
3,000 people. Jesus Christ. It was like, it was like 2800. I'm just rounding up.
Jesus. Yeah, I mean, yeah I guess you could glide down with one of those, but I think I'd still try to throw stuff through the floor, break through the fucking stairs, just jump down the stairs or climb down the stairs as much as I could. Did a man safely surf down from the upper levels of the World Trade Center on 9-11? Rumor holds that a man survived a multi-story fall from the World Trade Center by riding down the explosion like a surfer. Yes. Snopes says, Uh, it's a mixture. What is true? Pasquale Boselli, a survivor who claims to have been on the 22nd floor of the collapsing towers, lived through the fall with only minor injuries. What's false, possibly using a piece of debris as a makeshift boogie board to scare currents of man who fell 80 stories or more. Uh, survived relatively unharmed.
Listen, I'm just saying I was, uh, I was the ripe age of 13. And this was a story that was told absolutely factual. Yeah, bro. I was up there fucking boogie boarded down the on a fucking piece of rebar is crazy. I'm Pasquale on the behalf of he was there. I'm Pasquale. Local 282. I boogie boarded the rebar down the trade center. the everyone has everyone Everyone has a cousin who is the guy that boogie boarded down from the 80th floor.
I was up there and I'd looked at all these fucking fags around me when the building was collapsed. And I said, I'm getting down one way or the other.
That's how you do it. I mean, that's you either in a way you either burned to death, gay. Yeah, you got a client jump. Kind of okay. Or you boogie board down on a piece of debris. Yeah, those Instagramers that climb buildings and stuff like have, how about you fucking add a little difficulty and you put a plane through the middle of it and then you climb it. Yeah. Fucking rookies. And then you get, have to get down. no Nope. No base jumping. They didn't have parachutes figured out. Yeah. And you're in like office shoes and.
pants and shirt. They didn't even have those gay office shoes. Everybody wears that are like sneakers, but like leather now. No, back then you had like hard sold like brogues. You had to wear some fucking Aldo hard ass leather shoes that sucked. Giant pants. Imagine being the dude who just like was like mega hungover. It's like barely made it to work on 9-11. It was like, fuck. This is in the bathroom when it happened. He's like, Jesus fucking Christ. Yeah, youre you barely make it in. You're like, thank God I made it in. Oh, brother. Oh, brother. Should have called out.
You should have called out that day. your me can't even send a text to you had to call a fucking landline. Oh my god back then it was it was the texting where you had to press like then the one button three times to get the letter C. Yeah. And you could only send 140 characters so it was like you could be like gonna be late and that took you minimum 11 minutes. Oh yeah. and So it was always faster to just
Do what you had to do. Absolutely. Man, shout out to Pasquale. That's a fucking real G. yeah As far as I'm concerned, you surf, you boogie boarded down the debris from the 80th floor. I don't care what Snope says. One way or the other, you survived. Which is nuts. And other people did not.
Wonder what they did. Wonder who they cut in line at the airport. Yeah, yeah, exactly, dude. Hey, I survived today, too. They should have had some Benadryl. Probably would have wiped it all out, telling you.
Yep. So, let's up with this BlackRock commercial with this Trump shooter being in it.
Oh, yeah, I saw that. I don't know. does Do you think that means anything? I think it's just a coincidence. It's funny. what was me Well, um I don't know. I think BlackRock had some like school program, which is just weird, which is weird that that's a thing. Yeah. Just in general. Pretty weird. Pennsylvania, too. um But like it's BlackRock summer camp.
Um, and they interviewed or they just like had little talking head moments and, and, ah and then, and then to have like a production company go out to the school and like be like, okay. Yeah, we definitely want to film them like at the lunch table saying like, yay. And we want to film her like holding books and saying something and then like let's get that kid that that has like a weird that has like acne pizza face and and like that has like this goonish like smile. Let's get make sure that we get him on film. Let me look. That's what's weird about it.
Trump shooter BlackRock.
Little do they know who's the most famous in the room. BlackRock pulls the commercial. Oh, geez. Yeah, they pulled it. I mean, the fact that it was filmed like six years ago wasn't the issue. They but like they were still running it, which is pretty funny. I mean, he does have a ah good shooter's name.
He has one of the three that three name names, Thomas, whatever crooks. Oh, yeah. Yeah, this kid is right in the middle of it. Yeah, they got him. It's actually crazy how quickly I guess it's not that crazy now that I don't even want to say this. Well, who cares? There is like pretty good AI search engines now where you can just give it a face. and it will find any time that face appeared on the internet. like i did I did it to myself. god gee and And it pulls like, one, in my opinion, my fit I look different. I've like, look like I look different than I did in 2002.
two But it pulled up not like pictures I didn't know about pictures that I was in the background of, ah picture somebody else took like at a bar or on vacation or something and just caught like this just a little bit of my face like pictures of me at shows stuff where I was just like I don't even like i I was like oh shit that time I was in Portland oh shit that show that I was at um so it's fucked up that exists because I
Um, it's, I mean, it's interesting cause you've definitely had that thought before of like how many pictures that other people have am i in mind the background of, but I was going to say it's fucked up or it's kind of crazy how quickly they found him in that video. Cause like, who is like, Oh, that kid looks familiar. Where did I see him? Oh, it was that black rock commercial. Um, but they probably just ran a, you know, like ah a AI search of his face and it just pulled everything.

Technology and Privacy Concerns

Okay. What's that? What's that? What's that program? They even do that. I want to look at that. Uh, I don't remember what it was called. Just Google like AI fa face face search. They put on like Louis CK pictures of that that popped up with yours somehow and like the brother from everybody loves Raymond. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Really great way to find out if you're, if anyone, you know, has an only fans.
That comes up even to Jesus. Any, any picture with your face that's currently like on the accessible internet, like not the dark web. Dev rules. I mean the dark web is just, that's, I mean, Hey, well, so up on there, it's dangerous. I don't think it was nuts. yeah It was nuts too. It had like 168 results and it was like, Some of my Facebook pictures and Instagram pictures were like most of them, but a good like 40 of them were pictures of me I had never seen before, where I was just in the background of like something that when I was in college, like ah from my college website, like just random shit was very weird, very surreal. you're like Oh, there's like a footprint of me on the Internet that I'm not even aware of.
Oh man. has your face on the website. Oh yeah. so so The one specific Dominoes I'm banned from. ah
Oh man. What are you going to do camping? What's what give us the breakdown? I'm going up to the white mountains.

Leisure Activities and Plans

camping with the homies, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. um Yeah, I don't know. Just normal camp stuff, sleeping in tent, cooking food on a fire, psychedelics. Definitely do some psychedelics, got some shrooms, got some acid, got some ah DMT. We'll see if that makes an appearance. Not the not the pen this time, actual like crystal DMT. So some fucking.
Fucked up stuff, potentially do them all together. Yeah, that could happen. That could happen as a possibility. um Yeah, we usually go like do some I mean, a lot of just fucking hanging out and shooting the shit and getting drunk, but then like we'll do some. Hiking go to like waterfalls or like a beach or something. You can like like Lake Beach you can swim in Yeah I always play some like volleyball or like, you know some kind of like football or something um Fucking but yeah, we'll just get fucked up and I
walk around the woods and eat fucking hot dogs. Yeah. Hell yeah. How many hot dogs do you guys bring up? Usually like a hundred. Yeah. 80, 800 last. Yeah. I don't know. That's a lot of dogs too. I think it's a small group this year. It's probably, I think last year was 14. I think this year's nine. So a little more manageable. You just put the beans on the fire. Some beans on the fire. Bringing myry li or my deep fryer from when I made that turkey. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe do some fries or some ah maybe deep fry a turkey. I don't know. I'm going to go to Costco tomorrow and see what kind of what's like speaking to me. Might do like like a cooler with ice. Yeah. How do you keep the ice going?
You just try not to open the cooler too much. I mean, I'll admit like it's pretty by like Sunday. I mean, you try to cook the things that are the most perishable first. But like there's been times where we've had like Sunday, you've got like raw chicken breast, like floating in in water that barely has any ice left. And you're like, is this is this still food? She's like 20 eggs. Oh, we brought. What is one of those? What is one of those cubes of eggs? Is that 100? Yeah, yeah. 12 by 12 by 12. Oh, yeah. I don't know why somebody got one of those. We probably only made it through like a third of it. But I can just leave those out. Right. So we had. Yeah, we just left them out. We had so many fucking eggs last year. We started just like throwing them at each other. Do you have any ah little creatures come up on you guys with all that food?
No, I've never had that problem on this trip ah because they're like they're like real campsites. So there's always kind of people there. And I think and I think they probably because they're like paid national park campsites, they probably do a little bit of like like the Rangers and stuff, probably do a little bit of stuff around the oh yeah you know area just to discourage like bears and stuff from ranging there yeah i've been camping where like we had to put our shit in bear bags and stuff because we kept having bears in the campsite it's not fun kind of sucks okay oh man
Yeah, should be good. Should be a good trip. Watched another Coen Brothers film last night, which was good. Everybody on Reddit was really high on it. It was made in 2013. It's inside Lewin Davis. It's about some folk singer in the 60s. It's a pretty sad movie, but I guess it was really good. I noticed on the Coen Brothers movies, it's never like a There's never like just like a a ending that ends well or not that. well But sometimes I never saw that movie. But yeah, that's kind of right life sucks forever. Movies over. Inside Lewin Davis. Never seen that. Yeah, people put it as like their top three movie.
well Watched reservoir dogs The night before last night was really good great great great group of actors I would say and that it was weird that Tarantino himself was in it He makes a cameo in all his movies.

Film Analysis and Upcoming Releases

Yeah, so weird. sometimes sometimes Sometimes small. Yeah, sometimes just to lick Salma Hayek's feet. yeah
Reservoir Dogs was good. I didn't get why he said he was a cop at the end. like I don't know why he even mentioned that if you're just going to die anyways.
but I don't know was I was like why is it why is ah what is it mr. white sticking up for him so much he was clearly a cop the whole time but maybe just cuz you liked him I didn't get it but I don't know I thought it was a good movie Steve Buscemi is like really fucking good obviously He's got that one a lot. Fargo is really good. Fargo might have been my favorite so far throughout all these that I keep going through or now. Yeah, maybe it was Fargo is really good. No country is really good, but he was my favorite so far. I got a rewatch eat with a fresh mind. So good. God damn, so fucking good. Yeah, then maybe I'll watch Pulp Fiction tomorrow night. Pulp Fictions like a
Yeah, whole fiction is a good one just to like if you've never seen it. Yeah. That's a, that's a, you know, get the puke bowl out that you also eat popcorn out of and make up some popcorn. Why is it disgusting? No, no, no. I was just, I was just making a joke about how everyone has a, uh, has a bowl that they both. Oh yeah. It's for Halloween candy, popcorn and throw up. Sorry. I I'm too dumb for that joke. No, you're good. It was out of nowhere. No, that's like a bowl of popcorn kind of movie though. It's like a, it's a movie. Oh brother. We're out there really, uh, the really good movie. That was a fantastic movie.
That's a very good one too. That's another one that I like. that's ah That's a good like, sit down and... like i'm watching a movie right now holy shit that was so fucking good burn after reading that was really good as a funny more funny movie but uh... it was good it's interesting how maybe i don't know if tarantino does it but that at least the cohen brothers they use like the same cast of people for at most like the same actors which isn't like they love george cluny they love the uh...
the main lady from Fargo. She's also like the main lady reading. Um, who is it? John Goodman. He loves obviously. Yep. Yeah. Oh, I'd say less, less a Tarantino thing. Although there's definitely some people that Cohen brothers, I think. Right. Yeah. Oh, Cohen brothers for sure. Less a Tarantino. All they're likemather like, there's definitely some people that he's like, he's big on Sam Samuel. Um, But yeah, there's some directors like that who just kind of seem like they vibe with. That's a good move. It's a really good move. Yeah. Yeah. If you got somebody good, you know,
it's ah it's a good call. Miller's Crossing will be next after Pulp Fiction. Then I'll rewatch The Big Lebowski and then what else is on that fucking list? Did you say you have or haven't seen Kill Bill? No, not yet I'll watch that It's a good one to watch. Is volume two worth watching? I think you'll want to, I think you'll want to finish it. Like watch watch the first one. And if you're just like, I didn't vibe with that at all, so be it. But I think you'll want to watch the second one is, uh, what's the brothers who made the matrix? Is that like the Michalski brothers or something? Well, they're not brothers anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Those are the two.
brothers that both trans, right? Yep. That rules so hard. um That's a fucked up household, whatever hell is going on in their mansions. Oh god, don't even want to know. Yeah. Uh, I didn't realize Elon had a, uh, had a kid who transed. Oh, I mean, I'm not surprised. He's the perfect transparent. Yeah. He did some interview the other, uh, maybe yesterday or like a couple of days ago where he talked about how his like, he was like, my son is dead. My son got, my son got taken by the woke mind virus. Oh my God. And I was like, that's, I mean,
That sucks to like, your kid's going to hear this interview and be like, my dad thinks I'm dead. I'm dead to him. Yeah. Dad, what is your problem? Um, however you feel about it, I'm like, don't keep it in in the family. Don't go on fucking national news and be like the woke mind virus destroyed my son. He, he is a, Mentally diseased. Oh my god person now like looks kind of messed up
But, uh, why do you ask? Did you, did you watch the matrix? So do you think his son changed from like Z one K two W to like K one, two, three, four, you know what I mean? The trains that his weird Elon names. Yeah. Yeah. He just changed to like, uh, um, instead of like a U with an Oom loud over it, the C with the little feet on it. Yeah. I'm no longer Umlaut. I am Asterix one period underscore. There's a joke. There's a joke here that we could formulate. What would it be? Trying to think a like making a
Making like a typeface joke about a gender transition. Dad, I am eight zero zero eight S S now.
Exactly. Exactly. Oh my God. yeah Oh, like my kids just weird, you know, trans okay, Elon, that's enough. Thank you. and yeah yeah we the morning We asked about Tesla. We asked about Tesla stocks is that earnings call. I could never chop my dick off.
Um, God, maybe it's fucked up to say, but I mean, you know, at least people's kids, some, some, maybe just the, so far on a small, um, what is it? A small data collection, whatever you would like a small data pool of the people I know and their kids are trans. Not at like, you know, maybe they're like 12 or 14 and they're trans or something like super young. The parents are super fucked up most of the time. And I'm like. There's something else going on in this household that's not not saying trans is ah bad, but you guys as parents are really fucked up enough where your kid is
looking into this instead of like skateboarding or like playing the clarinet you know what i mean they're like ordering weird hormones off of black dark web web websites at like the age of 30 like there's something else going on in this household that's fucked up i mean i do think like It's, it's weird. and And I don't know how you, I mean, I don't think you could ever put the like genie back in the bottle, but it's weird to think about unrestricted,
like the level of unsupervised, unrestricted access to the internet that you had as like a 13 year old. Yes. Like the internet, I mean, the internet was a lot when I was 13, but it wasn't anything like what we have now where it's like, to an extent it was still very much like, oh, AIM, like you can message your friends and there's like everyone, there's like the same eight websites that everyone looks at and you go to school the next day and you're like, did you see the video with the gerbils in it? And everyone saw the video with the gerbils in it because that was the thing that was on the internet that day. Whereas like now it's it's insane. So like, yeah, you can imagine these kids like just,
no parental supervision, no one asking them what they're doing. And they get in these like communities that are like, Hey, yeah, you're, Oh, you feel sad. That's probably because you, uh, are really a man trapped in a girl's body or vice versa. And just like, I don't know. like I agree with you. I mean, there's definitely something there. I also wonder when not just with trans, but you know, like sometimes you see like, I don't know, like there was this kid in my school who was like mega Tourette's. And, uh, when we were in middle school, he like invited everyone to his birthday party. Hell yeah. Um, and I went and when I saw his parents, I was like, Oh, your, this makes perfect sense. Cause his parents were also mega Tourette's and you were kind of also like, this was, this was a foregone conclusion. Like everything that you endured as people.
uh you ensured your kid would have to endure not saying he shouldn't they shouldn't have done that but just like you're just like oh that was you know not necessarily how they were raised but you were like yeah you this is kind of gonna happen no matter what yeah apple doesn't far fall fall far from the tree so so you think about somebody like elon who's like definitely autistic and probably other stuff and then like parent And then like Grimes or whoever where you're like, not necessarily the most normal person either. Yeah, but you can dunk a ball real good, dude. I don't know. I made that up. Um, probably not going to have the most like neurotypical children I'll say. Yeah. They just need to get back on aim with the,
with those automatic buddies that you had on your you your ah log, like Smarter Child. Smarter Child was the original Smarter Child. I'm gonna fuck your face, Smarter Child. she be like i'm sleep I do not like language like that. I will not speak to you for the next 10 minutes. Fuck you. Show me your boobs, Smarter Child. Just listening to Eminem with that blaring. Yeah.
Those are the days. Log out, make a new screen name, hit smarter child get up again. Guess who it is. It's me.

Nostalgia and Digital Interaction

I'm back. I'm going to fuck you.
That's the other thing. Yeah, yeah dude, that was. um Oh, God, man. There's a Kamala Harris commercial on, just now, and she is like, ah she looks, her face, her, like, mouth looks like fucking Voldemort's mouth.
Yeah, it's like when people have, like, those mouth that just, like, smoked a ton of cigarettes, like, are menthol ones specifically, and they get their lips turned black. Yeah. Yeah. She's got that mouth going on. She is that weird Jewish husband. This is great. That that's, that's honestly the yeah. Cause she can't even go after like the black, black rappers groups or anymore. Cause all those guys are like fucking love Trump. Surprise. Yeah, no. And she's not really, she's not really like, like she was a cop. She's not really like cool black. Yeah. She's not big Mike status either. No.
Um, she should do one of those videos where she rolls a blunt. What were you going to say? I don't know. Just, she's like married to like a very normal looking white dude. Like looks like Joe Scarborough yeah has has no kids. And you're like, come on. What is this? Hey, your kids can't trans if you don't have any. Yeah. Oh, that'd be great to come on. and So we're like, You know, because they'll do interviews about that kind of shit and they'll be like, oh, I didn just noticed something. Hey, so sure. Hey, anyway, they'll be like, so talk to me about the choice. Why why did you and.
Your husband, Joe Scarborough, not have Doug Emhoff, not have children. Like, well, we just really didn't want a trans. Yeah. Well, I have a penis and he is a penis. ah possible It's not really how did you learn about biology in school? Yeah. Oh man. I'm Kamala Harris. You could go for RFK Junior, dude. This is me my gang of Ravens. Do you think Kamala Harris just has like a blender full of blood that she just puts on like the ice setting every morning and just looks at it?
Just chopping up, sloshing around in there. And this nice classic black and decker blender. Wow. Then she just walks out of her house in fucking shitty Baltimore, wherever the fuck Maryland. Is that where she lives? Don't they all live in like Maryland or Virginia? Well, I guess, is I guess the vice presidential mansion is, yeah, it's probably in Virginia or something, or maybe Maryland. I i thought she like was from San Francisco. I was thinking San Francisco for some reason. I'm saying just where they live. Yeah. Like those states suck. Those states suck so bad, I feel like. You're in Maryland. You live in Maryland. Great. You live in Virginia. Great. That sucks. yeah Those are the halfway points between the good states.
Yeah, there's not a lot going on there. No. What are you doing in Maryland? ah um Umm... Waiting for Ravens games? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. Sucks, dude. I want to put on a Maryland livestream right now on my TV and fucking put that on in the background for me to just be grateful about. Go kayaking down the Potomac. Baltimore. Is that the Potomac? Baltimore live stream. Isn't the one in Baltimore just like BWI or something? Or is that the airport? That's the airport. Baltimore Washington International. So what the hell is the bridge? Another bridge you're talking about cause I drive over it when I go in between Virginia. Well, the bridge collapsed. The George Washington bridge? No, there's a bridge in Baltimore that I could offer.
Hmm, the Delaware Bridge. educat
Oh, my God. God damn it, there's no live streams in Baltimore. What a fucking joke. The bridge of that boat hit. It's like the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Yeah, I wasn't that one either back when you're going from where to where. ah You know what I'm thinking of when you go from like downtown but Baltimore into Virginia, I believe you go into a tunnel system. You go underwater and the clouds kind of look the big dig.
I don't recall that, but it's been a while since I made that drive. It's been a while.
Gassed out. Well, where'd you go? Where'd everyone go? I'm still here. I just had my camera off. So that we don't catch you sleeping? True. Tired. Did you work it out? Sounds for you. Yuck. Yucky.
Yup. you
you' You're. What is the oh then is I'm thinking of the Delaware Bridge, what's that like fucked up long bridge?
We can't remember. Delaware Bridge, maybe that seems like it. Francis Scott, Delaware Bridge. I don't know. We used to drive from Boston to like the D.C. area like once or twice a year when I was a kid because my mom's family lived outside of D.C. And there was this one bridge on the way there that she would like like pull over and make my dad drive or like my brothers when they were older because she would get like panic attacks crossing this bridge. I don't really must have been the fucking Delaware Bridge. I feel like that's
around where it was in the trip. And it was kind of like unavoidable. And I'm looking at 95 like. Yeah, if you were going to try to go around and avoid this bridge, you're like. You're like going fucking way out of the way. Never going to make it.
Just just like adding, adding a fucking hour and a half just to avoid a bridge, which seems dumb.
This is our big event this week. What is it? It's the four-day member guest tournament, baby. Four-day member guest tournament. Yep. Explain, go into more detail about what that is. It's a four-day tournament. A four-day. Four, I like the number. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Starts on Thursday, goes to Sunday. They play.
I practice around Thursday and then I think Friday they might play 36 holes of golf. That's a lot. And then the Saturday, Sunday, I think both of those are just regular, regular 18ers, but I don't know. It's like the club has ah like a few main events every year. And then based on how well you're doing these events, you might get to be like a champion, a club champion, right? Yep. This is like the big one. This is the one that we worked for all summer to get everything dialed in. um Okay. It's a way for the club to make money too. Cause the members get to bring guests.
So then if somebody has like a really fun time at this, they might want to become a member. Oh, that's smart. Is is there a prize beyond just becoming like a. Mm. Pre whatever you said that was champion member or something. Yeah, there's money in shipping and but allegedly, of course. OK. Off off the books, though. Off the books, yeah. There's not like a $5,000 cash prize for the winner, though. Uh, sometimes we'll stop like par three prizes for holes and ones and stuff like that. Like it'd be like, you know, money towards like new clubs or some shit. Okay. Yeah, that's smart. Give you some pro shop credit. but Yeah. I mean, usually it's like, there's like a big pot that they paid into. Then that's going to get split this week.
So somebody's gonna be walking while he was in Chatter. Hell yeah. Allegedly, of course.
Tontine, illegal tontine. You heard it here. What do you got going? You got Jamaican money saving pot? Yeah, we so we so we're starting a tontine. If you want in, it's 50 bucks. Hell yeah, that's where you're like, fucking, someone gets it every week, right? No, that's where everyone puts in money and then the last person living gets to keep all of it.
Let's do that. I'll just kill both of you guys after. that's why ah Yeah, that's why tontines are illegal. Somebody like they were immediately, they were invented in like the 1300s where somebody was like, Hey, I have an idea. What if we all just like put in like a hundred bucks right now into a bank and then like, when, you know, and then, you know, in 50 years, One of us can have it. When the rest of us pass away, you'll be dead. You won't care. And then immediately they started killing each other. And it was like, Oh yeah, that's why you don't do this. As soon as that thing hit 80 bucks, people were fucking dropping. Oh yeah. and Fucking knocked off their horses.
poisons What are you reading about?
Who? You, dude. Drop some fucking chemistry facts. I don't fucking read. you We've discussed many times how I hate reading. What have you been doing? What do you do? What do you do after ah after a hard day's work? What do I've been playing call of duty again? Um, um
went to the beach on Friday. Yeah. Yeah. Went, went to Salisbury beach. How cold was the water? The water was colder than ice. I don't know how it's physically possible for the water to be that cold. Um, but it's great. Uh, I wish the, we went during low tide. So the way or when the tide was receding, so it wasn't, uh, as the waves weren't as good as I would have

Health and Lifestyle Changes

liked. I like when it's like the water's like kind of beating the shit out of you. Um, but still good. The water was super cold. When I first went in for like 15 minutes, if I had my hands in my like hands actually hurt, damn, you have to condition yourself. It was that cold. Um,
The beach was good. We went to Hampton ah when I was a kid, which is a little bit north in New Hampshire, of Salisbury. Salisbury was always our second. like If Hampton was too crowded or whatever, we would we would like settle for Salisbury. But this was cool. Got some beach pizza. um Talk a lot about, well, not a lot, we've talked about South Shore Bar Pizza, which is undeniably the the superior Massachusetts style pizza. so However, there is a there is a distinctly North Shore slash Merrimack Valley style of pizza called Beach Pizza. That's like a really thin crust pizza. It's made on like a big rectangular sheet pan.
Um, they use like a really sweet tomato sauce. And then they put like just a little bit of fucking cheese on it, like a little sprinkling of cheese. And if you want, they'll throw a slice of provolone on it. Um, again, not, not what you're like imagining when you get pizza, you're not like. I, if somebody, if you were like, Hey, go order pizza. And they came back with like Tripoli's or Christie's beach pizza, you'd be like, what the fuck is this? But have a little bit of nostalgia for it for like times when I was a kid and getting beach pizza. So got a couple of slices of beach pizza. Pretty good. Uh, went to Joe's play land, which is an arcade there that I went to when I was a kid and it's still there. Pretty good.
Got 490 tickets and the lady rounded up to 500 because it was easier for her. And so I got one of those little plastic things you wind up in the teeth with feet and they chatter. i Yeah, classic. One of those and then I had enough left over to get two blow pops. Yeah, I always get some candy. That was sick. Then got German fries.
That was pretty dope. Anytime you can have just like freshly made potato chips basically that you soak in vinegar. Oh damn. Just another, uh, another like childhood memory thing where I'm like, Oh, I haven't had this in probably like 20 years. Dope. And that was that good beach day with the, with the homies. When was the last time you went to McDonald's? Oh, I went to the I went to the doctor and like two weeks ago and got blood work done. take good for you And my cholesterol and triglycerides and glucose were all high. So not like I need to be on statins, but like I. So taking a break from McDonald's, having a McDonald's and probably.
Three weeks. That's wimpy, dude. You got to eat the McDonald's. Yeah, everybody's fucking try cons or high or whatever. I'm not giving up McDonald's, but I got to. I mean, I think I said this to Pops, but I think I could probably you've seen like that when I make dinners and stuff, if I probably just made a normal one person portion. For dinner and ate that instead of eating like the two to three person portion for dinner. That would probably be good enough.
um so So that's been last week or or two weeks I've been like being like, oh, just like, cause I always, my, my big thing is when I earn my biggest like problem was when I go to the grocery store intending to like, I'm going to shop for dinner. I'll keep being like, Ooh, I could do that. Oh, and then I'll do that. Oh, and I could do that. And then I'll end up like having an idea in mind that it's like, I'm going to make a pork loin. And then I'll keep adding things until I've now have this fucking huge complicated meal. So this last week has been like, hey, be keep it simple. You can just have like a protein and like a baked potato or like a protein and some rice or a vegetable. And, you know, just like keep it simple. Two things, keep it small.
And then thinking of ways as to eat less fatty stuff. So I had a lot of fish this week. But I'm not done with McDonald's. Skip all that stuff and just go to McDonald's and they'll give you a protein in the side. Yeah, dude. I don't know. I don't know, dude. Come on, dude. Both my parents and all four of my grandparents either had diabetes or heart disease. I'm not trying to be a bummer. I'm just like, and that shit looks like it sucks and it's not bad right now. So I can just kind of like try to find some balance. Like I said, not done with McDonald's for sure. Either the drive up to camping, probably the drive up to camping because it'll be early.
Um, but not to say that the drive back, I'll definitely get him to griddle on the drive up and would not say no to a double quarter pounder on the drive back. But instead of like, instead of having like yeah again you could solve heart disease, just get a six piece instead of a 10. So be a man and accept your fate. I thought about that, too, where I was like, Oh, I could just I could just get the double quarter pounder. I actually did. I was like, could I just do the double quarter pounder in six piece instead of a double quarter pounder at 10 piece. Mm hmm. Which I could just making small decisions again. Like I said, this is it's been like a week and a half, two weeks, whatever it's been. I'm not done with like burgers and steak and stuff, but just wanted to.
put in a, put in a solid effort and be like to or anything tail tuna and rice, like a dog. Die in your bedroom, but like a man, like everybody else. yeah Boring. Die in your kitchen, dude. Like you're eating last piece of pizza.
had Sunday had a double quarter pound or 10 piece. Well, fuck you. Large frozen Coke.
You got to experience the frozen Coke at least somewhat soon. Yeah, I'll try that. is it It's still good, even though it's not like carbonated. Because I hate the taste of flatter soda. Even better. It tastes like it's carbonated. All right. Yeah, I'll give it a try. Frozen Coke. I crushed that AMC too. Oh, what'd you see? Lion King.
Interesting. Cool thing. They have like a small theater and they just seem like they play classics like once a week in that one. That's smart. That's a good idea. Never saw the Lion King either. So that was a great movie. The animated one, right? Huh? The animated one? Yeah, the original one. Yeah, they did a CGI one. That's why I was asking. No, the original one. God damn.

Entertainment Industry Trends

It's a great movie.
So yeah, I don't know what I'm going to say. AMC fucking rules, though. Going to the movies rocks. Rosie, God damn. Probably won't be this week, but I want to go see Twisters kind of wanted to go Sunday, but then I just didn't feel like it. You're going to AMC to see that. ah There's a showcase right by my house, so probably just go to the showcase. Same shit, though, but yeah, Twisters ah Twisters getting good, pretty good rate for for what I assumed would be. Another who had to be bad because it's a sequel to an object like. A 90s disaster movie.
um It's been getting pretty good reviews. Like a seven. 77 percent on Rotten Tomatoes for like that kind of movie. I don't even look at Rotten Tomatoes. Third, third or fourth biggest opening weekend in 2024, like an 80 million dollar opening weekend. ah
um I'm intrigued. Maybe this is the second coming of disaster films. I mean, du there's like nothing going on at the movies. No, because this is well Marvel. I don't know what happened. Marvel like shit the bed. They were just like, oh, fuck, we forgot how to make movies. Um, and they stopped making good comedies. Like they don't, we've already talked about that. They don't make like funny. They don't make funny shows anymore. Either the bear is, is in the comedy category for like the Emmys, which is like great show, not a comedy, not like a, the office 30 rock community comedy. I just finished season three. What'd you think of it? Very good.
Yeah, I liked it. It was different. It was different from the first two. I guess a spoiler alert for anybody that listens and watches the bear. Yes, spoiler alert. What I kept yelling at the fucking TV was like. If he's not going to reach out to Claire. Yeah. Stop fucking showing the storyline about it. You know what I mean? Yeah. Every episode. Every episode from start to finish had that. It's like, if he's not going to pursue it, then cut that storyline out. Yeah, I agree with you. It was too. Like you that that's what they ended the last season on pretty much.
So you, so they're telling it, or you assume that like there is some kind of resolution to that. Like that wasn't the, that that wasn't the resolution where he was just like, I need to focus on the restaurant. I can't, I can't be with you anymore. And then they break up and that's it. Cause then to your point, it kept reminding us every episode. It was too long like that entire season to go with like nothing, no contact, no apology, no anything to know that like in season four, presumably it'll get resolved in some way, but you're like, um, just feels weird. I agree with you on that one. That was like too dragged out.
Yeah, but it was good.
I'll talk on the Patreon about my other opinions. There we go. On the bear. But join the Patreon, join the Reddit review and subscribe on iTunes and whatever you listen to Spotify.

Podcasting Preferences and Platforms

And yeah, join a Discord. We have more reviews on iTunes and Spotify. I didn't think anyone used iTunes to listen to podcasts. I was wrong. Always. I've always only used iTunes. I'm the weird one who only listens to podcasts on Spotify.
I guess like years ago, I don't even know if Spotify had podcasts on there. They didn't as sort of not, not recent, but like within the last five years, calling four or five years.
All right. We'll talk to you soon. RFK for 2024. Go. 24. Go beavers.