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Delivering Pizza to a Funeral

E29 ยท Dudes "R" Us
57 Plays1 year ago







Opening and Announcements

Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless you. Right after the break, we're going to interview Eric Wyham Mayer, who climbed the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. But he's gay. I mean, he's gay. Excuse me, he's blind.

Social Media Critiques

okay, so cute. Look what I just posted. Eating crap with these sacks of shit. If they died tomorrow, no one would shed a tear. So cute. All right, this is good. Slapping down some pig shit with these fat fucks, and I'm the fattest of them all. Oh yeah, don't get cute with me, pal. I will jam you up so hard, I will jam you from morning until night. You wanna get jammed up? Huh, you like getting jammed up? No. No.
Hello everyone, no fizzy eating for me today. I went to a shop this morning and I bought something and they were offering free item either a chocolate bar or a bottle of water. I chose the bottle of water. Now what I'm going to say, you will understand this for sure. I didn't choose the bottle of water because I thought Alex, I'll tell this to you in the video today. I'm telling this to you in the video.

Emotions and Machismo

So I'm the EP character Tony P and I'm here in D.C. and grew up in Boston, Boston suburbs really.
Yeah. Really? Uh-huh. It's OK for macho men to show every emotion available right there, you know, because I've cried 1,000 times. I'm going to cry some more. But I've soared with the eagles, and I've slithered with the snakes, and I've been everywhere in between. And I'm going to tell you something right now. There's one guarantee in life in that there are no guarantees, yeah. And you enter the future.

Podcast Promotion

Welcome to Dudes R Us, subscribe, download and join the Reddit. We love you, fuck work we are here to save you. Well done Pops. Did you just know that? You were like aware of that song Pops?
No, I just googled skippity bop. Yes. Yes. Yes. Well, that'll do it. Genius. Paul's like a guy. Pops on the case. Super basically Jamie. I mean, Jamie, I did.
I was like, damn, Jamie's got the life. And I'm like, kind of must suck just to hear Joe Rogan just be Joe Rogan all day. Oh, God. All right, man. Relax.

Repetitive Stories in Podcasts

It's way too much of that. I've heard that. I told that story every day this week. Every day, dude.
And he's been around yeah, then you're like not even just like you he's like the times he tells the same story on different pods It's like yeah, like oh, yeah, he's got that long view, too You think anyway this goes away when you're a millionaire probably What do you mean? Jamie's there's like a millionaires. It's like I'm fucking good. Oh, yeah
It's cool to a millionaire and all he does is like make sure the microphones work. Yeah, it's pretty fucking stressful, I guess, but he has it to a science now.

Celebrity and Influencer Gossip

But I always see a ton of these podcasts that even have editors are just like, super fraud flustered when something is edited incorrectly, or it doesn't go up on time.
I feel like that's the right thing to do. Like Taylor Swift makes like $4 billion on her tour, but she, and she pays her like roadies, like 90 K. Dude, they could get paid more than that. They actually could, but she has a lot of them. Taylor Swift's out paying roadies and then Lizzo's just calling them fat. Making them fucking fuck a banana. Stop being fat.
That's a crazy thing for a fat person to say to another fat person. She's not even like low-key fat. She's just like... This was like a bust, dude. Yeah, she's breaking your shoulder if she tackled you. I'm thinking if you hit her with your car, you'd have to total it out. Oh, my God. There's the funniest brand new guy out of Corolla.
uh man i fucking saw the funniest bit on family guy earlier it was so good i gotta send it what was it i'll send it in the uh the chat here i'll probably quit it and put it in the intro it's basically yeah i don't i can't say it at this time i guess
Anyway, I was thinking of bringing it up, but angling it, uh, that will not go well. I remember that episode. Dude.
Tony Peters might be turning into my enemy from my once first love. I fuck my fucking guy man. If I'm being extremely honest, I've always
Uh, gotten strong sailor serial killer vibes from that dude, but it seems like a raper Oh, but uh So he's got the so he was like, oh like he was just doing these things right these these videos I first started sending them to you guys. He was like a thousand likes, you know, that's what I mean like maybe Was like like low-key like oh some like people
that are not my immediate friends are watching this but he's like not doing it
He's still doing his same thing. And now the like, the fame has changed him. And he's like, I'm gonna use my platform for positivity. Fuck off. No one wants that. No, it's not even positivity. He's like, I'm gonna use my platform to sell Subway sandwiches. Or is he like a worker at does he like a

Consulting Industry Skepticism

consultant? Like is his job you think at Subway? Are they based in DC?
He's a business consultant as his job. Maybe government, maybe I just assume that. Alright, consulting just seems fake to me. Yeah, consulting might stress be such a stressful job. Nobody's ever explained it to me in a good way. No. Consulting?
Yeah, I mean, I get it. I understand what you're doing. But it's like, I think about somebody who we know that's a consultant, and how fucking terrible they were at their job, at the job that we had together. And now they're a consultant for other businesses. I think you have to have a crazy fucking ego too. Yeah, I'm not even talking about
our boss. I'm talking about this other dude who worked in compliance. One time I asked him if I could do something and he's like, just whatever you need, dude, just do it. And then like, if it ever comes back, we'll just figure out a way to make it okay. Yeah. I know who you're talking about. I don't know that he's actually working much. He doesn't have too many consultations. Um, but yeah, in general, rock consultants,
And like he was, he was a good dude too. I've got no beef against him. I actually talked to him. He's a good dude, but like, that's just, it's like crazy that you could be bad at your job and then be like, yeah, I'm going to go be a consultant for this. Think about our old boss. He was terrible. He couldn't make a schedule to save his life. And then he was like, yeah, I'm a high level organization consultant.
Yeah. I need to know how many, how much fucking consults or whatever he's doing a year, probably zero. Yeah. I mean, we talked about it last time. Like if you were good at whatever you consult for, you'd be making more money just doing that thing.
I mean, we could even go back. Remember the fucking Canadian guy who would come down and give recommendations? He was terrible. Yeah, that guy was awful. Canadian guy? Who the fuck was that? It was before we all got promoted. He used to hang out with Dan. Who the fuck is a Canadian guy?
He was a Canadian. He was a consultant from Canada that the company was paying. Fuck. What type of name? What was his name? I don't fucking remember that dude. I think you met him when he went to Vegas. I don't know his name. I just remember fucking Dan V telling me all about him. I met Jared in fucking Canada. That's right. He's a Canadian guy. Maybe Jared's Canadian guy.
Was it fucking, it wasn't, um, I guess it was fucking, let me, I'll type his name in here. No, it wasn't that person. That guy's like that person that you just signed isn't actually a good consultant. Yeah. That's Oklahoma guy. Yeah. Canadian. Damn. That's fucking hilarious. I was Canadian dude. Um,
Jared probably had to do something with them when you were running Vegas. They probably were like, Oh, just listen to whatever this fucking Canadian douche says. I don't think that I don't know, because I, I told them all listen to whatever Aiden and Hefei say.
Then they were like, listen to whatever catfish shows, whatever that dude's nickname was. Yeah. Big, big tuna. He reminded me of, uh, uh, fuck one of, uh, Jesse's main home. He's not skinny Pete, the other guy and breaking bad badger badger. Yeah. He's got badger qualities for sure.
Uh, shit, bro. No, no disrespect to catfish, but the interview that he had that you and I did for him was like one of the worst interviews I've ever sat through. Holy shit. If I could try to nurse people a log.
Well, you know, you basically are like, we just want to give you the job. So don't fuck this up. You just not. Can you just not cry during this interview? All we need you to do is get through this interview without crying. God damn it. We can't give him the job. Yeah, you can basically have the job. We all like you. I really need this job. I'm going to fuck it up.
giggling the whole time, acting all weird. Yeah, because he's like super autistic. Give him a break. That's a superpower for most people. Yeah, man. Yeah, he has the kind of autism where he's not really good at one thing that any any giggles and cries. Yeah. He just confused all the time is his autistic power. Yeah.
What's wrong with that? Well, I don't know, but but anyway, for consultants, I mean, unless you're working for like one of those big consultant, like corporate consulting firms that pull it down. Yeah, get to like charge like nine million dollars for a fucking skill trade. It's like, do you go fuck yourself? You got to fucking suffer like the rest of us.
Yeah, can't be can't be hanging around. I don't know that type of job where I'm a consultant. She's like, your money just relies on people wanting you again. So I was like the right like, so we had when I first got to Vegas, they had a contract with a compliance consultant, who was writing SOPs and doing, you know,
monthly inspections and stuff. And they were paying her an equivalent of $225,000 a year. And as soon as I, once I got there, I was like, cool. Like, among my first orders of business were like, as soon as the contractors contract is up, we are not renewing. Like,
I'm more than capable of writing an SOP or the people who are already here. You did not like, you did not need to pay somebody $225,000 a year to write SOPs, you idiots. OpenAI to do it for you. Well, that didn't exist back then, but yes.
And so, you know, she still had like four or five months in her contract, but after that was up and we let her go, then the consultancy firm, cause we were her main client and the consultancy firm that she worked for let her go. She had like just bought a, like a really expensive condo. And so like that kind of like fucked her life up. Cause you kind of expect that you have this income and then suddenly you don't.
Yeah, then you got to go fight for more clients, which is embarrassing sometimes. Yeah, exactly. Because you're looking for places that need their shit to get together, get in order usually. Yeah, come back to the same places at a lower rate. And I'm like, Okay, so you were just you could you would have done this for less. I mean, I don't actually hold a grudge against that. But I was like, No, we don't need you. And that means we don't need you for any amount of money. But
Also, you have no boss at all, really, which is pretty cool. Yeah, I mean, that's true. I don't know what happens if you like. I mean, I guess you're in breach of contract. You can recoup some money or something. I don't know how that shit works. Yeah. But yeah. Consultants kind of a kind of a scam, mostly a scam. Definitely a scam.
And even the good ones often city decisions. You know what consultants make sense to me? Somebody who works for a chemical company that comes to your country club and like helps you decide if you need to spray certain chemicals. So yeah, I would say like that dude's a scientist. That guy's like an actual chemist who comes and he's like, this is my understanding of the,
of the pesticide and this is what I'm seeing that you have and this is how quickly it would take care of it. I think that makes sense to me. If you are a business person and you can define a really narrow need,
that isn't really a full time job or even a part time job where you're like, we need like a HACCP plan for like your restaurant or some shit. We need a HACCP plan. You probably don't need to hire a person like a full time employee to do that. Bring in a consultant who spends like two months writing a HACCP plan and then delivers it to the management and then their job is done. That actually I would probably agree. There's like value there.
And for those people who can do that, like technical work, then, yeah, you just jump around like from different place to different place that always needs that kind of work. It's like companies that hire consultants without like a clear goal where it's like, hey, we just need somebody to come in and like and like help our operations. And they just kind of walk around there like, I don't know, like that. Why do they move that thing from there to there? Couldn't they just not? Couldn't you just move the two places closer together and then they wouldn't have to move and you're like, oh, brilliant. Those people are fucking idiots. Hmm.
Tony P. Not a fucking idiot. No. Isn't he a lawyer? Not a consultant. He's a business consultant. He's a business consultant. And he does the double arm roll. Yeah, that. He's not a lawyer at all.

Odd Influencer Habits

No, he just lives in DC. Maybe he's like a political business person, but I guess they don't do politics. Maybe he does do subway. I just misunderstood the entire nature. He's 24. He's a Bostonian that's relocated to Washington DC. Yeah, dude. He looks like he has he's a lizard underneath his skin.
He's only 24 and he's giving out all he cooks fucking cod every fucking day of the week somehow wild Fucking stop eating so much fish Tony P. Jesus fucking very poisoning Brushing his teeth in a full suit was Wild to me He's like here's my getting ready for work routine and he does all the things and the very last thing he does before he leaves the houses brushes easy, dude
Dude every time I brush my teeth I just fucking there's toothpaste all over the place somehow. Yeah Fuck yeah, Tony P Why did bro? What about he's like this the first time I've ever woken up at 4 a.m. For a first thing flight and I'm like And then he's like in a full fucking soup, bro
on the plane. You gotta fuck you can't be wearing that shit in the airport, dude. You're a fucking lunatic. It's like a 1950s man. Yeah, we're in three layers on the fucking plane. Call you fucking scumbag.
non whatever he is people wearing fucking not suits how about that first date I sent a while ago bro I still can't get a first date she comes over whatever you make scallops for bro chill out dude that's a fumigated house scallops also is like a very try hard first date man small apartment fucking that's wild bro can't do that fucking vibrant masculinity
I never want to be described as vibrant. What else do you hate about him? I don't mind much. He's just sometimes I'm like, all right, Tony, please shut the fuck up. I don't I mean, I'll admit I don't usually watch those videos. Because I kind of just think he's cursed.
Yeah. But what else I hate about him would probably be everything. Oh my god. This weird hairline that looks like a wig. Yes. I would just, then I think about, in the same way that I think about in horror movies, like I don't know if you ever watch like, what is it called, like The Strangers or whatever, or Strangers, the name of that movie. I mean, it's pretty much every horror movie.
The Strangers, yeah. But pretty much any horror movie where like fucking Ghostface pops out of a closet that you didn't know he was in and if you think about it, then it's like, okay, Ghostface had to wait in that closet for seven hours.
or like that creepy thing that's happening while you're in the, you know, you go into the bedroom and they wrote like, you're dead in lipstick on every surface of the, that means they were standing in that room for fucking 10 hours writing you're dead in lipstick all over the walls for that one moment. And anyway, long way to get to, if I were his friend and he was constantly recording everything we were doing for some stupid Instagram, I would not hang out with him anymore. Yeah, me either.
Like, dude, just chill. Very weird. I take way too many pictures and I think it annoys people. And that dude's even worse than I am. This is not that interesting. We're just having pasta. I know. Having cod tonight. I'm going to make I'm going to show you how to make the best cod.
Shut the fuck up. But I think I was more okay with that with that stuff for just the kind of like the weird the weird like morbid curiosity value of like what other people's lives are like. And then again, when you when you started realizing that he had like an actual following,
And then he was like, I'm changing the way society views men. And I'm like, nope. No, you're not. No, you're not. 24, bud. Like, you need to not be wanting to be a 50-year-old so badly. People like that that just think that life is supposed to be some crazy 1940s, like, fucking standard operating procedure of life. Bro, you're going to fucking be so pissed in two years when you're like, god damn it.
I don't know shit about this fucking life. I'm like, don't I don't know. Don't fucking work every day. Don't burden yourself with thinking it's your responsibility to solve everything. You're allowed to just fucking exist for yourself. He's over in Israel right now. Please fucking he's helping out. No comment.
Dude, what the hell? You can't no comment on that. Uh, yeah, I don't know. That's funny. That's funny that he's there. He's mostly consulting. Yeah, he's helping out. He's consulting for the IDF. Bro, it's actually genuine. I know that you probably, well, I don't know. Maybe you guys do use Twitter.

Military and Social Media

It's very weird that like the official Twitter account of like the Israeli government and like the Israeli defense forces and shit like that basically post like, like sad tumblr memes that are like, this would be a picture of a dead baby that Hamas killed, but we're not allowed to show you due to Twitter's policies. And you're like, you're the official account of the Israeli military. What the fuck is wrong with you?
I don't know what Twitter is, but I do know what X is. I refuse to call it that. Yo, fuck Elon Musk. I actually do agree with that. That dude fucking is a loser.
is no one's like oh dude he's so fucking he's the my dude this guy just have a has a bunch of government contracts for no reason the people distill like and when you encounter random folks who are still like he's a brilliant man he's like one of my inspirations he's like uh i'm like i
You were wrong if you thought that like five years ago, but I could see that you're talking about like, you know, Tesla and SpaceX and like him being a kind of a disrupter. You still think that now. Yeah, I know. And the guys like beefing with Wikipedia because they won't like take negative things out of his Wikipedia page like that guy that rules. Wikipedia beef, no beef with Wikipedia.
Um, fucking nonprofit. It's like the most crowd. Yeah. It's the most fucking vanilla. You think there's a Wikipedia CEO? Yeah, there's gotta be. That's such a sick job.
He's the guy that asks you for money every year and that you like totally totally dunked on because Elon's big and strong and has a large following Mariana Mariana is scanned Egyptian born American social entrepreneur and lawyer is the CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation just fucking does nothing all day gets a huge check
No, she writes that one marketing email every year about how to use and you should use it. But this is Mariana net worth. These things are never million dollars never ever accurate. Allegedly, our net worth is $752,000, which is actually pretty fucking sad. Yeah, well, she lived in San Francisco.
Hey, is it, is it wrong if I celebrate, um, Lou faces net worth is 4 million. Is it wrong if I celebrate the day of the dead this year, Jared? I feel like I can, I feel like I can ask you that. So here's the thing that, I mean, I can't speak for all Mexicans, but I'm going to right now, much like Irish people.
Uh, actual Irish people are never upset about like the stereotypes on St. Patrick's day. It's people who aren't Irish who think it's their job to be like white nights for everyone. Paddies. Liprocon stereotypes on St. Patrick's day. Come on guys. And you're like, what are you, you know, like, uh, you know, and they're like, I'm German like, cool. Why, why would we care? Um, Mexicans, I would say in the same vein, love,
Uh, when our, when our culture is, uh, celebrated by other people, I don't care if it's, if you're doing it with sombreros and Serapis and fucking nachos, we're not, we're not like, you're culturally appropriating Mexico kind of people. Unless you're like a liberal arts college student.
Now that there's anything wrong with that. Mexicans don't care. So no, please celebrate our culture. Celebrate to utilize Martos. However, you'd like but you can do it the traditional way by leaving your family's your dead relatives favorite dishes on their graves and stuff or you cannot do that. Now we're gonna set up an altar and we've got some marigolds. They're outside so maybe by the
What is it? The second by the second or the third, they'll be dry enough that we can knock all the pedals off. Yep. Going to get some, uh, bless you. God bless. That was good. Oh yeah, dude. I love that maple syrup on it.
Yeah, put some maple syrup on there. I don't know that that is a substance even known to Mexico, but I really do know we're not really do it wrong people. We are Canadian, but we're not big maple syrup people really do it wrong Mexican statue. Have some Taco Bell, whatever, whatever floats your boat. We we endorse you participating in the culture.

Fast Food Chains Comparison

I like to like Del Taco or do you like Taco Bell?
Del Taco's hot garbage. I've never even had it. Um, Del Taco's like the bottom. I mean, not that there's a lot of options when it comes to fast food, Mexican, but what about the taco bus in Florida that we used to see? Fuck no. I've never, you know, one of those never will.
But Del Taco far worse than, well, no, there's nothing wrong with Taco Bell. Taco Bell is amazing. Del Taco, a sad attempt at being anything like a Taco Bell that fails. Okay. Not worth going to, not worth eating at. I'm trying to think if there's even any other
Had Wingstop on Sunday. It was good. Hell yeah. I had fucking I haven't had fast food in a minute. Had Chinese food, hotel Chinese food today. It was great. Hotel Chinese food? You know how like every hotel has a Chinese food restaurant in it? Or like all the old like suburban hotels have just inexplicably a Chinese food restaurant attached to it. What?
I used to call the one and it's, I think it's called the verb. Now it was a Howard Johnson in Boston. Oh, well that's different. That's fucking Hojoko. What?
Unless it was a different restaurant when it was the Howard Johnson. Yeah, what's been called Hijoko. It was just fucking Chinese food that was attached to the Howard Johnson. Okay, gotcha. Well, that would sell me liquor without any ID. And the guy lit the bar on fire one night because he made us flaming Dr. Peppers. So he should have known that we were underage first of all, because we were ordering flaming Dr. Peppers.
But yeah, he went to slide the 151 on fire, filled to the brim and a shot glass and it spilled out and let the bar on fire. Holy shit. Then he like slapped it with his towel a few times and since it's 151, it just went out pretty quick because it burned out the alcohol. Yeah, that's not the first time he set the bar on fire. But yeah, we used to go there fairly often. You used to fall off your chair. Nah, I dropped my phone.
Um, I went and launched the Super Bowl. We're all the, we're on the lights one out that one year. Oh yeah. Um, that that's Hojoko now. And it's really fucking good cocktail bar slash Japanese restaurant. I feel like it's called Hojoko because it was the hojo. It was the Howard Johnson. And then they just added code to the end of it to make it sound Japanese. I would pretty genius. I would not be surprised. I like, I like that. Uh, that theory.
I think we used to call the old Chinese restaurant the Hojo because you were going to the Howard Johnson. Yeah, that makes sense. Used to be a way shittier restaurant slash hotel. The hotel used to be wicked shitty. Felt weird. Felt like where you would take, you know, your gumar.
Yeah, I mean that area before they kind of fix everything up was very much that vibe. Very dirty. All those weird band practice spaces. Yep.
But now there's

Hotel Horror Stories

a there's a shitty holiday in right near me and there's a Chinese food restaurant attached to it and Chinese food from that restaurant is so fucking good. The hotel is is in a perpetual state of decay. And yet the restaurant is probably the only thing keeping it alive. Yeah, that's one of the most
If a Chinese food spot is a rundown or in any rundown place, it's the best. Yeah. Small Chinese food though. Nah, can do without it.
The most bougie I've ever been in my life when I was moving back here, I got a room at that hotel before I had figured out like, or I think it was because I can't remember why I got a hotel instead of just staying with like my parents or a friend. It must've been like COVID reasons where I wanted to like have a COVID waiting period before I went to my mom's house. Got a room at that hotel for a few weeks.
got to that room and like it was just one of those moments where you're like the Wi-Fi is not working. There's like the room clearly hadn't been cleaned properly. There was like someone else's shit in the refrigerator. Like all that. It was like it was it was that holiday in off of ninety five and route one. You pass by it all the time. It just blends in.
But anyway, like everything about that room was fucked and I had just like finished a long flight and shit. And I was, and I, that was like the first and only probably time in my life where I like went to the front desk and I'm like, I'm not staying here. And they were like, what? And I was like, this place is, and oh, and then it was just like, like the hotel was like partially under construction. So there was just like, uh, trash barrels collecting leak water falling from the ceiling and stuff. It was like,
in a bad state. And I was like, I'm not staying here. I was like, you need to refund me. And they were like, What was not to your liking? I was like, I was like, I don't actually have time to explain it to you. refund me. And it was just was like, like, like bossed up like that on them. And they just did. I was like, I have to find a new place to stay. And it's, you know, like, like, I'm out of here.
Did you find somewhere? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it turns out during COVID, it was really easy to find a last minute hotel for two weeks. That's true. Very true. That place was really nice. Please come and stay. That was like some fucking Marriott in Westwood. It was great.
new construction. That's so that that's the thing I have since learned more from you mentioning it is like, is fine hotels that were built in like the last five, five or six years. Yes, dude. Need that. That hotel was Yeah, it was built like seven years ago, the one that I had originally booked was like 30 years old, maybe more. It's gonna be that place that that girl went missing in LA at
Literally, there probably was a fucking dead Asian woman in the water tank on the roof. That was a movie. Who watched the movie? That was a documentary that you're just talking about. Yeah. Some girl bipolar fucking climbed in the water tank. Allegedly. How do you know that the aliens didn't put her in there?
That's probably true. I think Obama probably put her in there. Yeah, well, I don't know. He was too busy killing a chef. Yeah, his lover. Eli salaam. You guys think that that plane that went down in PA in 2001 got shot down? Didn't they make a movie about how the like passengers? Yeah, they tried to, you know, overcome and
But do you think that like the our like national psyche was too fragile

Conspiracy Theories

at that moment? And they had to invent a story about how the like oh, yeah, I think rally together Yeah, instead of instead. They just shot them down to protect wherever they're going. Yeah, instead of being like yeah We knew this plane was also hijacked and was probably like heading to another target So we shot it down. They're about this probably triple double on the US. They couldn't they're like, we'll give you to Give you Washington in New York
Fucking you hit us with the third on the same day we're gonna be fucked. We're gonna be real pissed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they probably shot a town. We'll probably never learn what really happened. Shot the back tire out. We still don't know what happened to Kennedy. They'll never tell us about that. Paul knows what happened to that.
Um, did that one leave from Boston also? I think so. I think we all did. Oh, man. Yeah, we suck. God damn it, guys. Get it together. I think my favorite conspiracy theory about 9-11 is that it was CGI. That's some fucking big brain dumb shit. I saw this thing there. They had touch screens and cars in 1985.
Wait, what? They had touch screens and cars in 1985. I think I mean, okay. Just think about that. And CGI was good enough in 2001 to knock down two towers and
Well, yeah, all the people that were thinking to be like witnesses and victims, they're all like crisis actors CGI is definitely I mean, think about that. Sixteen years before that, they had touch screens already. They weren't telling four million crisis actors all in on it. They had open AI back then. Or it's like the Mandela effect where people are like, you know, just got collective delusion. People like, oh, yeah, I remember seeing that on the news, but really you never did. It's like you can't prove the no clips of that.
like a whatever was a rocket shot into the Pentagon that was in loose change that like conspiracy theory I don't know what is what it even is a conspiracy theory if you think about it that's true that's just gonna come at that angle it's a theory about a conspiracy
I usually the usually right you put the chickens away. Yeah. Yeah, they go to bed matter. Really? No, they go to bed desk. They just out there still cold. Are they good? I mean, they're probably called in from called out. What's their freezing point? Like what can they go to? They're cold hardy. So they can go through the
They're Rhode Island Reds. They were made in Rhode Island. I've seen them before. I've seen them around the streets. Yeah. So they can go all winter? I did such a good job watching those chickens. Yeah, they didn't die. So I was so sure every time. You smoke any of your weed yet, Paul?
No, it's still hanging. Nice. I don't really know. I've never really understood the snap test. So I'm not really sure when I'm going to stop hanging. I was thinking like seven days is probably enough. Yeah, just a micrometer snap all them fucking bitches whenever you can. Do I have a micrometer? I was making that out.
No. Just go in there tomorrow and start snapping all the branches. Just see if they break or not. Yeah. OK. Don't do like the super small, super small ones will usually break after like three days. You just do like the ones where like you'll trim off of basically. And if it breaks, if it snaps, it's ready to be on high. Yeah. Even if it doesn't like, you're just making sure it doesn't bend. OK.
It's gonna be a fucking long time if you got like a perfect snap. So you just gotta make sure it doesn't bend and it like breaks. I've got them in my shed because I was like, it's a way too stinky to put in the garage. Yeah, you have your backyard probably danks. Yeah, I mean, you drive down the driveway and you can still you can smell them because I was just had them in pots at the end of my driveway. So like my whole neighborhood kind of smelled like weed a little bit. It's awesome.
Or it could have been the skunk that got you. Cold hearted skunks. Now it just smells like weed when you drive down my driveway. Oh, dude. Jerry, get a load of this. Have a have Alina wine mixer. When? Where?
Now that's just something I wrote down. Now it's just a bit he's trying javelina wine mixer javelina. Same thing. It's better. It's better with the hard J. Isn't pronounced javelina.
Um, I don't know how it's correctly pronounced. In my head, I've always pronounced it javelina, heavily, but fuck those things, dude. When would I have heard that word spoken? We should be flying helicopters over and just fucking gun on them down. Oh, yeah, you get fucking that old rock and roll guy that likes to do that. Mm hmm. Whatever the fuck that guy's name is. Vase of pieces. Oh, damn, it's it's javelina. Boom.
Boom roasted God disaster. Never knew how to pronounce that now I do. It's it's Barcelona. That's actually Barcelona Barcelona. Yeah. Pause. Watch out dude. That's why. Gotta say it like you've got a mouthful of marbles.
Please see Tony Hawk Barcelona one of the greatest fucking levels ever. I'm from Valencia I'm from carpe diem. I Watched all like the first four Friday the 13th damn I Gotta watch that fucking movie still
First one's okay. Second one's pretty terrible. The third one is the worst one, I think. Like the original four were like, I think all made by the same studio. The third one is fucking like borderline unwatchable.
The fourth one's okay. It's probably the best out of the four. It's got Corey Feldman in it. Nice. Like a little kid. Two, two, two. And now I've moved on to, I gotta watch, I think there's five, six, seven, eight. And then I think there's Jason 10 where he's in space. Yep. Jason goes to hell. And then I've seen Freddy versus Jason. I saw that when I was like 13 years old when it came out.
But all I had to do was not those lifeguards just had to pay better attention. None of this would have happened. Like the thing with those movies. So like the first one, the ending is like the only like scary part. It's like a good jump scare. And then for the next four movies, they try to recreate that end scene at the end of every single movie.
And then for the first 20 minutes or so of the following three movies after the first one, it gives you about a 20 minute recap of what happened in the last X amount of movies. So the movie is only like an hour and a half long and they spend like probably actually 10 to 15 minutes replaying the last movie. So.
Still funny that everybody remembers the mask, but he doesn't get the mask until the third one. He's just a shitty monster. Freddy verse Jason. No one's all right. It's got the scene where they're smoking the bong and then the blows out the smoke and the smoke turns into Freddy. Freddy Mercury.
Honestly be scarier. Yeah, cuts his hand starts chasing you around. God is the worst type of monster ever. That's very true. Every other monster kills you instantly. He's gonna get you slowly.
Not unless you have, what is it? What do they say in South Park? Magic Johnson grounds up like a million dollars and injects it. Yeah. He preps up with a million dollars every time. You watch No Country for Old Men yet? No, not yet. Gotta watch it. I know. Have you ever seen, speaking of movies and that vein,
What's the one with Daniel Day-Lewis, where he's the oil speculator? There Will Be Blood. Yeah, that is a fucking great movie. Is it he considered one of the best actors of all time? Sure is. That movie definitely shows it, too. That movie is actually scary. Him and Tom Hardy. Do people consider Tom Hardy one of the greatest actors of all time? I think so.
I think so. Like, you know, he wasn't he was Bane and he was in blinders. Yeah, Peaky Blinders. That's the first time I didn't even know he was like that I heard his name a few times. I was in rock and rolla. Well, Peaky Blinders just got fucked up at the end. I'm like, I don't know if I could do if they even come out with another season, I'm going to watch it. I still got to watch that.
just fucking so depressing like three seasons in a row at the end. Why I can't you know, can't do that to myself every fucking time. You know, I like there will be blood so much in the end.
Daniel Day Lewis's character goes to the church guy who's just been like pain in his ass the entire time. And he's like, Oh, you think you got one on under under on me, I actually drilled. And I drilled underneath your claim. And then I sucked all the oil out of your claim. And then he beats the guy to death with a bowling pin. Jesus Christ. Spoiler alert. He's like, Oh, you want to try to flex on me with your fucking gay religion? How about
I drank your milkshake and then I beat you to death with a bowling pin. And then that's the end of the movie. I'm pretty sure it just shows them roll over on the ground. There's just a pool of blood. What is the movie about? He's an oil speculator. And he goes to this like kind of podunk town. And he's just like a bad person. Ruthless.
like his son gets too close to one of the drilling holes and it explodes in his face and it makes his son go deaf. And then he just puts his son on a train and gets rid of them because he's too much of a pain in the ass. What the fuck? It was like 1880. Things are different than Alright, that makes sense. Did you find any oil?
Yeah, he finds a tongue. You fucking wins. Fucking wins the West. So then he just becomes a more piece of shit. There's another scene where he's just pointing at a map and he's like, Why don't I own this area? Yeah, that's kind of how capitalism works. Gotta be you got to be an extreme fucking psychopath to be successful. The movie is long too. So you got to be in it to win it. It's like three and a half hours long, I think. God damn.
Like watching Lord of the Rings. Two hours, 38 minutes. That's still a long ass movie. Never seen Lord of the Rings. Oh, I couldn't commit to that either. Lord of the Rings is so fucking good that. I mean, at this point, I know you're not ever going to, but it is a really good. Just like.
I don't know. Really good movie that makes you feel better about the world, even though it's like a fiction. Obviously, it's like a total fantasy. Maybe I'll watch it. What's he saying? The end of there will be blood. He's like God is a false idol. The hell does he say to the guy? That's pretty badass.
God is a superstition. That's what he says. Screams in his face. Jesus Christ. I am a false prophet. God is a superstition. That's what he says to him. He's like, repeat after me. Then he beats him to death with the balling fin. Jesus Christ. Does he have a gun to him or something?
No, he's just fucking insane. Yeah. You don't need it when you're just in fucking psychopath god mode. Just like
lodging in the store already destroyed man. Yeah, right. Danny day Lewis's character is like the alpha male and then this preacher who's trying to flex on it was just like an actual just like a pussy.

Unexpected Juxtapositions

So just like your standard preacher. I talked to you guys last week about the drum circle.
I don't think so. I don't recall. On Sarasota Beach or Siesta Key Beach rather, there's a drum circle every Sunday. Every Sunday. Like an actual like drum circle. Like dudes just show up and they start playing the drums. There's a bunch of hippies and shit. It tracks a pretty big crowd. There's probably
50 or 60 people standing around watching the drums. And then every single Sunday, maybe like 150, maybe a football field away from the drum circle. There's a preacher that sets up. What the fuck? And then the preacher just sits there and just gives like a fire and brimstone fucking gospel basically. Do they like vibe to it?
Well, the drum circle is, you know, 50 or 60 people having fun. And then the preacher had no one. And all I could think to myself is imagine having such like a shitty life that you get off on going to where people are having fun and you try to make it not fun. Yep, that's fucking Christianity for you. But if I were them, I mean, I guess you probably can't, but like, it would be really funny to like beatbox to his like, dumb sermon or whatever.
I'm sure you could go closer. You just. There's no cops on that beach. Yeah, dude. I mean, it's like that shit. You saw it at Fenway all the time. Those guys who are that one guy that like hands out. You are going to hell. Tracts with the big sign like every game and you're like, get a fucking hobby, man. That's his thing.
I know, just like I feel bad. You got duped. You never realized Santa Claus wasn't real. Got to work for UPS next year. It's actually like not a terrible job to have. I know some folks who work there. That's a crazy fucking job to have. Better.
Yeah, FedEx is chiller. I actually had this conversation on a walk the other day. It's like probably FedEx would be the best one. They're not as busy as USPS or UPS. That's almost better.
And is it a federal contract or it's not you're not federally employed by FedEx? No, no, no, no. It's just called Federal Express. Damn, that's so sick. I was thinking about government work to just for like the, you know, fringe benefits should be a cop. We should just all be Yeah, we should all just be cops. That's a good cop. How about a cop job? Like fucking, it's like hybrid, you know,
like I go on force one day a week or something. Yeah, just like a cop a cop temp. Yeah, fill in. But like the other days, I still like get to not do anything get paid. Yeah, I think that's kind of what being a cop is like. Hey, yeah. Maybe we should all run for sheriff. Oh, then it's like you're a cop, but you're elected. So yeah, more power super big dog. Um,
Yeah, I do think I could get elected to something. Maybe I'll run for sheriff in my town. Let's see if anybody's running against them. See here, what do you even do as the sheriff? You just fucking enforce it. Show up for media.
Sheriff's department. I feel like that job would suck. Does it come with a Stetson cowboy hat and Spurs for your boots? It just comes with a fucking reversible belt. Like listen partner, this town's not big enough for the two of us. Reversible belt and the two iPhones.
Maybe I don't know. I'm thinking maybe the cop angle would be a good one for you Jared. Yeah. Getting the force. I was thinking of going into like international like either assassinations or or like theft of valuable like antiquities and art. Yeah, so be a cop because you could do all of that.
You could I mean, yeah, that's like basically the plot of oceans 12. I think is like what if you worked for the Interpol but also did art heists. Oh, but I feel like it's probably hard to get to that level of Interpol. So you get to that art heist in Boston. That was a great documentary. Oh, yeah. Stuart Gardner.
Gardner Museum. It's crazy because that art is just in some shithead in Dorchester's basement. Have you ever been in that museum? No, it's fucking beautiful. It's a great, really nice, great museum. That's awesome. I look it up. And if your name is Isabella, you get in free on Isabella Stewart Gardner's birthday. That's random. Yeah. It's got some really nice
Just really nice setup rooms. She did it all herself. She set it up by hand, every detail. And just like the endowment keeps it going, which is pretty legit. Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. That was pretty cool. I feel like it's crazy because in college we got free admission to
the mfa yep and isabella damn that's awesome robin the shit and i didn't appreciate it at all i definitely went to the mfa twice like it was a good like i don't know a good date spot good first date spot but all this shit definitely didn't appreciate it has a ton of lead in it probably
these are all built with the lead yep go to that room with the john singer sergeant painting that has the two vases in it that are also the actual vases are in the room too damn this is some old ass shit that shit blows my mind they got like the dutch master paintings in here too yeah they do the original damn that's dope
Yeah, that's pretty sick The whole John Singer Sargent exhibit at the end The one up in Salem is a nice art museum to It is called the Peabody Essex Museum
They had a big Shannon and I went because they had a big art exhibit of that woman who does like Southwestern art. Oh, yeah, her. Yeah, let's see. Try to figure out her name. I believe her name is that bitch. Who does Southwestern art?
Yeah, it's gonna be too hard to figure out. Nope, Georgia O'Keeffe. Oh, yeah. That big old lesbian who paints vagina flowers. Taylor Swift's aunt. Right. Really? It's from Atlanta. Is that a bit? Get the typewriter out, dog. Does anybody actually like Taylor Swift? No, I do not.
I mean, she, she noticeably boosted the US economy by touring. So I feel like some people do, but, um, whether or not their opinions are valid. Follow the money. Yep. I mean, Taylor Swift wraps up her errors tour and then launches that movie and then suddenly Hamas attacks Israel and we're supposed to believe those things aren't related.
Now you're talking, dude. I think we should look into that some more. Yeah, look into that. Look into that, Paul. Show it up. Just pull it up. It's a lot of coincidences we're being asked to overlook, if you ask me. Huh.
Yeah, now you're thinking about it. Now you're thinking about it and it's starting to make a whole lot of sense. Yeah. What do you pull it up?

History's Echoes in Media

Nothing. I'm just looking at my YouTube algorithm and now it's all there will be blood and fucking no country for old men clips. Oh, what the hell?
but I don't think I ever looked up no country for old men clips because I've got no, no point for that. So it's listening. Hmm. Well, you know, there's only like one surviving recording of what Hitler actually sounded like. Um, that's kind of crazy.
Cause he had like his crazy voice that he did when he did speeches, obviously. And like, uh, you know, that's obviously not how he just talked, but he talked like that all the time because he wanted to give off the air of being strong because he was a small little hateful man with a shitty mustache. And he was small in general, but there's like a rare recording of his actual voice and it's relatively hard to find.
You found it. I mean, you just Google it and it comes up. I was just kidding about it being hard to find. I'm sure it would have been hard to find in 1940. What does he sound like? What's his impression? Like a normal person. Look it up. Find it. I'm not gonna look up what did he speak German. I was gonna do some shit to my
Your algorithm I'm gonna end up on some fucking weird All of a sudden Jared's home page is Yeah, dudes are obsessed about that shit, dude That is true World War two dads Love that stuff Yeah, love World War two Me and Shane Gillis's father were one in the same what's your favorite part about World War two?
There's so many good parts. Yeah, but like, it doesn't have to be your favorite. Let's say it's like, what are some top three world war two moments in your mind? Everybody knows that divorce, the number one divorced from like the historical context and the sense of like good and evil in which countries you have allegiances to, but just in terms of like, if you, if, if world war two was a video game. Okay. D-day obviously, hence everybody's favorite. Okay.
Um, probably the fact that Russia absolutely fucked up Germany would just like regular people. Yeah. Just like, uh, like, like farmers, farm peasants. That's pretty hilarious. Like here, take this. We don't have enough guns for you. Here's a pitchfork. It's also crazy that Germany basically did have control of all of Europe. And then was like, you know what we really need is Russia.
fuck around and find out dude. Fucking froze to death. And probably the Pacific theater. Okay, there's the whole Pacific theaters is one thing. Mm hmm. I think you got to get more specific. Mm hmm. Don't say you would jima. Just like the Pacific theater in general. Fucking not
Japanese people weren't fucking around, dude. Yeah, Pearl Harbor was like a game changer, you know, not only that, but it was like the same thing. Like there they were just like absolutely ravenous because they had a feudal history. Yeah, there's that one story about the guy who was like out and didn't know that the war ended and continued killing people until they finally were like, dude, the war ended to like the 70s or some shit. Yeah, that was crazy.
Bro, it's over. We lost. We got nuked twice. This is crazy. Yeah. Also just the fact that we decided to drop a nuclear bomb.

WWII Ethical Debates

Probably could have not done that in the war. Probably would have just ended anyways. But at what cost?
less than a nuclear bomb you think i don't know but to human life true um what i will say is we probably probably didn't need to do it definitely didn't need to do it twice yeah i think the first one probably made the point um yeah second one was uh was kind of like showing off it has to just that was to make sure that the russian peasants knew that
We weren't afraid of their pitchforks. They sent it as an iPhone message and text message by accident. Yeah. Well, you get it. I mean, you get it in the sense of like it was so much more destructive than anyone had ever seen before that you would see that and be like, there's no way that must have been like.
All of the that must have taken all of the money and resources America had, like that's a one and done attack. That's fucking. All they got, and then you do it again and they're like, oh, shit, they could that's easy to do. They can just do that any time they want. Fuck. I might be wrong about this because it might have just been something that somebody told me, but when they were flying the nuclear bomb over
they didn't have it armed. So it was somebody's job to be down in the bomb, like hold and insert the rods into the bomb before they dropped it. And like you're on an airplane, so it's jostling around and everything. And obviously you're like, you've got a pretty unstable thing that you're trying to stick into a metal tube. Yeah. So a lot of things had to go right. Yeah. And then I think they,
We're dropping it over on a cloudy day, so he wasn't even really sure. He had a specific target, and it didn't.
Not only that, think about a bomb in 1945 had like a parachute on it. Oh, my God. Yeah. Well, like, I mean, I mean, there's probably a reason for it. But like, yeah, those, those warheads, like, what is a fat boy and whatever, they look like cartoon bombs. Yeah. And Ville bombs. I'm surprised that Japanese people got over that. I know.
Like you would think that we would have never become their allies. They would think that they would be like, nah, you killed like 250,000 innocent people. We also royally made them dependent on us. Like economically and militarily, like we still to this day, uh, enforce that Japan is not allowed to have a
Military they can only have a self-defense Self-defense right is not the same for Germany I don't think so maybe but like Japan's entirely dependent on the United States for foreign for like You know basically anything besides internal self-defense We kind of kind of force them to be okay with it oh
Yeah, they have no option. These motherfuckers will just drop another one on us. Don't do a Pearl Harbor and this won't be a problem. Yeah, exactly. You guys fucked up first. We thought we were fucking around. Yeah, the rest of the world was like, holy shit. These guys take it way too far. Yeah, every time. When you're like, fucking,
messing around with your like cousins and then somebody gets like actually hurt. That's America. That's America. America is the one who like stabs their cousin.

Historical Warfare Evolution

It's just so fucking crazy that in World War, like World War Two, they were just wearing like suits to fight in. Yeah.
They're like, all right, we just figured out that you don't have to ride on horses anymore. But you still have to wear this fucking uncomfortable suit. You're not allowed to take it off because you have to be formal to get killed. It's important in war that you have a tie. It's important that you look good. Body armor, what the fuck is body armor? Crazy that they just had.
seemingly infinite people. World War One's even crazier, bro. They rode horses at each other with bayonets. Yeah, World War One actually is kind of crazy. I don't know enough about World War One. But yeah, when you're like, Oh, yeah, they're like, Ottoman Empire was involved. That's just wild. And then they're like, you know what we could do? We could mix ammonia and bleach together and dump it on top of a fucking battlefield and kill everyone. And that's, that's the new that's the new tactic.
Yeah. Yeah. Let's just do a phosphine gas. Or when they found out how to make a gallon gun that just spun like wild, wild west. Yep. We'll just bring that in on a train track and all these dumbasses on horses are about to just get mowed down. All because that fucking German guy got killed. German Franz Ferdinand.
Wasn't he? Austro-Hungarian or some shit? It's all the same thing. Austria-Hungarian, if you're right. Yeah, it's all in the same area. Yeah, basically the same thing. Really matter. He did have a pretty good mustache, so it probably was a tragedy that they killed him. He had. He had a very good mustache.
Pretty good, it's a pretty high definition photo of him. This is probably fake. It seems pretty fake. I mean, there's some good conspiracy theories that I don't know off the top of my head good enough to repeat here, but about the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, allegedly. That it was CGI? Yeah.
It's actually the Mandela effect. No one, no one was there. So can't prove. Do you think it was the same people who killed Kennedy? Ooh. So that sounds like the plot of like a fucking like, uh, the Kingsman movie where it's like, there's some like society of assassins that have been like controlling world events throughout history. And they got.
France Ferdinand and JFK and like that former prime minister of Japan and stuff. Well, let's look this up. So the Kingsman have to go get him. When did France Ferdinand get killed? 1914. Yeah. Okay. And when did Kennedy get killed? Uh, 63. Right. Sound really confident. I'm going to say, yeah.
Yeah, 63. So 49 years. Yeah. So the same guy could have killed both of them. Or his son. Yeah. I mean, if he was 20 when he killed Ferdinand, he would only would have been 69 when he killed Kennedy. That seems plausible. I'm going to start that. I'm going to go on Reddit. I'm going to make that. I like that.
Cause people like shit like that. When you realize when you like have those conversations and you're like, just a thought experiment classified, classified. Maybe it was an Italian mob person killed the archduke became the Don got involved with Kennedy, got Kennedy into power.
And then when Kennedy flipped on him, came back to America, killed Kennedy, blamed it on a Russian guy, who then got killed by CIA guy, who then probably had to go back and kill the person who killed Archduke Ferdinand. I don't think Italian mobsters could pull off a presidential assassination. Yeah, I've read about that. Definitely, they're not dating.
Not not that well equipped. Why don't you think that an Italian could do it? The mob. They just botch hits on fucking regular old mechanics. Yeah, right, dude, that fucking like an 18 year old killed the mob boss in New York City not that long ago. Yeah, that guy had like schizophrenic schizophrenia though. Allegedly.
I mean, look at him. Look as like recent article. He's like doing that schizophrenic thing where he's like has like a pentagram drawn on his hand or something. Yeah. Fucking court. Dude, that's already been done. Get a life. Just be normal schizophrenic. Just trying to do Charles Manson or some shit. Be a normal schizophrenic dude.
Do something more creative. Poop your pants. Yeah, like, yeah, piss on the floor or something. Maybe he was part of MK Ultra, dude. You don't know that. They just fed him a bunch of LSD in prison. Did you just say he was 18? Allegedly. MK Ultra, he time traveled. What makes you think it's not still happening? Do you guys think we'll get a GTA VI trailer tomorrow?
Oh shit. Was that a conspiracy theory? They're investor. It's rock stars like investor meeting tomorrow and they usually drop a trailer. Allegedly, sir. One every eight or 13 year investor meetings. Game going great. All right. Let's fucking get ready to release it. With you, man.
I really have milk GTA five. I mean, I was playing that game in fucking college. It was weird to me to think because I only started playing it a few months ago that I was like, Oh, this was available to me when I was 23. So awesome. All right, let's give some shout outs. Shout out Chester Bennington. Rest in peace.
we didn't even talk about how blink 182 released a new album and we're not going to that's great why don't you want to talk about that we can talk about it but it's bad that wasn't very good you're right just would rather not boots boots boots give us some shout out shout out to the guy that killed for Nan and
JFK we know you're still out there somewhere and the Frank and Frank Kelly's killer Yep If you had to guess what his name is just based on context clues, what would you what would you think? What? Just happy that he's a really good name for him. All right, cool I
I've got that one out into the out into the ethos. Maybe our one Hungarian viewer listener can help spread that for us. Dude, we're about to blow up on Hungarian. Okay, what's your shout out? Shout out CVS. Oh, yeah. All right.
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