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We watch "Non Sequitur" (S2 Ep.5) image

We watch "Non Sequitur" (S2 Ep.5)

S2 E5 · Janeway's Children
19 Plays1 year ago

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This week we are watching "Non Sequitur" in which Harry Kim wakes up in San Francisco having never been assigned to Voyager, and which Starfleet now considers lost.

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Hypothetical Mooning Incident

And in answer to your question, your last question to me, Red, just before we started recording, had someone mooned the screen, what would have happened if someone would have turned around and bared their buttocks to the screen? Did you not know what mooning was, Red? No, I know what that means. I don't know what I would have done. Oh, right. Sorry, I totally misinterpreted your question just before the recording started, which was, I thought you were asking what it meant to moon the screen as opposed to asking what you would have done.
had a certain individual who was threatening to moon the screen after being told off you pop. Done so. All I can say is thank goodness I chose the show video record audio setting for this podcast recording. Otherwise you could have been immortalized on the screen. Really? Has someone else mooned the screen before on this podcast recording? Or maybe one of the ones where I was, you know, not on it? There was never a time you would with us, Jamie.

Introduction to Star Trek Discussion

But enough talk of mooning. Why are we here? Jamie? Well, I mean, are we getting deeply philosophical now? Why are we here? The deep questions? I thought we were here to talk about Star Trek. We're here to talk about non-sequiturs. Is that how you say it? Non-sequiturs. I don't know how to pronounce it. What does that actually mean?

Non-Sequiturs and Pop Culture References

Does anyone know? It does not follow. Ah, yes. Oh, good name. Like the Chewbacca defence from South Park.
Again, bring in references of shows that we do not watch. No wonder that I've been brought into this to provide some cultural 360 references to what I like to call Western pop culture.

Star Trek Episode Analysis: Temporal Flows and Gaslighting

To be fair, South Park was huge. And I do have an Empire Records reference a little later on.
Do we still want to do Jamie's one minute? Yes, yes, but I think we have to take a step back and just from what I run, we watch season two, episode five, which is the episode you called, name caught, name changed, not seconded. And Jamie, would you like to give us your one minute? I don't want to say summary. Let's say... No, because it's not a summary. No one understands anything about the plot from what I said. They just get what it is. Let's say a pointillism impression of the episode. Of what?
You know, the Impressionist movement, they just, those little dots, I feel like your wrap up is. I mean, no, no, it's not like that. Not at all. It's an impression of the episode, not a summary. That would imply I was doing an impression of Neelix at times and I'm not doing that. Anyhow, I think this one, um, I would probably summarize, um, with the sort of title I'm used to getting at Victorian ages, but something along the lines of
On the adroit use of temporal flows in the art of gas lighting. I think I need to break that down. So can we take it word by word? Okay. On. Got that one. The. Yes, I know it. Use. Now this is a bigger one. Got it.

Understanding Gaslighting in Star Trek

Next. Of. No, on the adroit use. Adroit, yes. Adroit. How would you define adroit? Deft. Yes, very good.
Having a certain panache, style but also stiffness. Panache, yes. On the adroit use of interspatial temporal flows. Come on, Red, keep up. I will pretend. In support of the art of gaslighting. Ah, yes, I guess in a sense there was some unintentional gaslighting. Unintentional? What the hell?
Well, I don't know. The possible move is not unintentional. Yes, but they didn't intend for it to happen, but then a gas was a gas button when it had happened. Well, exactly. And that gas lighting is intentional, let me tell you. Okay, interesting.

Gaslighting in Modern Context

I mean, not that I know anything about, you know, intentional and unintentional gas lighting. Interesting. Apart from, you know, to get something made for me. Well, that was interesting, Jamie. Thank you. Some might say horrifying.
I had not considered that perspective, but gaslighting is a very popular concept term in our, in 2024. So that was interesting insight, let's see. Jenny, how do you feel about the minute summary?

Intentional vs. Unintentional Gaslighting

Well, I thought the guess, I was just, I was just pondering the difference between intentional and unintentional gaslighting and wondering if unintentional gaslighting would in fact be gaslighting.
Because, for example, Libby in this episode, she doesn't actually guesstimate him, Harry. No. Because she genuinely believes he's crazy.

Character Screen Time in Star Trek

Cosimo, on the other hand. Yes. He knows the truth. He could have stepped in. Is he a cue or something like that? Because, like, cues are the only species I know of who can manipulate space-time like that in that universe at this stage.
maybe keep that on hold for when we get there. But I'm not sure what he is. And I don't think we got a good explanation. And you know, I don't like to criticize. But it was it was a nice mystery, I thought. I mean, they left you wanting more of it. I'm sort of intrigued and amazed by this alien that could manipulate time. But then, well, probably I'm going to be a bit more bit too much detail for that. Oh, no, I like that. Yeah.
I like that perspective. Um, just, I did try to listen to, I suddenly remembered that I used to try to listen to the Delta Flyers podcast pre-recording, uh, and I've, I've let that slip. So I tried to listen to a little bit of the episode, um, when I remembered, but just fun fact for the episode, I guess, is that the actor who plays Lieutenant, uh, oh, I've got his name, he, um, Laska, he is actually very, or he was very good friends with.
the actor who plays Tom Paris at the time. I was like, best friend. So I was like, oh, the thread of friendship runs quite deep in this episode. Even behind the scenes. Yeah. What kept popping up in my moment watching this read was how you'd spoken to me previously about the Delta Flyer. And I think you'd mentioned that they'd had a conversation on it at some point saying how they from their memory, which they admitted wasn't, you know, that good because it's a long time ago when they filmed it that they
didn't feel like they got much airtime. And I was thinking when I was watching this, because it was all Harry, especially when I was doing it for the entire episode. Like it's season two, not even season seven. It's like, dude, you've got a lot of screen time. Yeah. He was good. He was very good. Yep. Jamie, you look like you want to say something before we dive into the kind of walkthrough.
No, no, no, no. I have nothing I want to say to delay this awesome headlong dive into a Neelix free episode of Star Trek Voyager. Ah, yes. A lot of people got the week off, I guess, what to do during this holiday time.

Anti-Neelix Sentiments

A lot of people wish that folk got more than the week off.
There's only so long I can tolerate this anti-Neelix sentiment. I'm just going to be honest. Excellent. I found her at a weak point. I'm just going to keep poking this and poking this and poking this until she applies herself to the programming hand. According to social media, it's actually Ethan's birthday today. So please, refrain. Ethan is... Ethan, I've forgotten his surname now. The actor who plays Neelix. Really?
Let me just check that because I don't know for some reason I will just forget someone's name. I've seen it like a million times. I've said it a million times. It's really a problem. Even Phillips. Yes. Well, I will apply myself to the problem of being positive about his ongoing existence after the crimes against acting.
You can say what you want about the character, but you cannot disparage the actor. That's probably fair. I'll apply myself to the problem of actually accepting that he was quite a good actor of a dreadful character. Stop it. Let's stop it. I mean, I understand the irritating character of Neelix, but I have to agree with Red. To create that much
The other thing I thought about when I was watching this read again to do with you was
Before, when I last watched this episode, I would not have got the reference to Deep Space Nine, but now I've watched Deep Space Nine, so for the first time ever, I realised that they were talking about Deep Space Nine characters.

Deep Space Nine Crossover Appreciation

And the Ferengi and the Shapeshifter as well. I was arrested by a Shapeshifter. An unpleasant Shapeshifter.
Jenny, I had exactly the same reaction because I thought of you and I was like, ah, we get the call. I was like, oh, I get that reference. And I thought of you. We're on the same wavelength. 100%. So taking us into our deep dive, is that a terrible word to use in a non-consulting meeting? I guess we have quite a short teaser, but do you want to take us through it, Jenny?

Harry's Alternate Reality Teaser

Yes, I will. I was wondering whether you're going to give me like a
Jenny, go for it. Or if I should just. Crack on. Straight in, which. Yeah, if you go for it, yeah. OK, so the teaser is that as Harry is sleeping, we can hear the voice of the Captain Janeway in the background. Meanwhile, he's woken up by a woman he seems to recognise as Libby, which was his sort of old girlfriend before Voyager got lost in the Delta Quadrant.
He looks outside his window and he sees a futuristic version of San Francisco. Yes. So I picked up something there because I was like, have we already like heard of Libby before this point? I think we have. Yeah, you're nodding, Jenny. I think he mentioned, sir, you know, in those episodes where they talk about all the people that have left behind that comb. Although now I'm not sure now, so I can guess on myself. No, I think you're right. I think you're right, because otherwise it wouldn't be as impactful. But, um,
Yeah. So there is, uh, I just had that question noted, so you maybe answered that. I did. I didn't have a lot to say about the scene. It's very short, but at the beginning when we hear Janeway, um, speaking in the background, it's like, it's not clear if he's dreaming or if there's something else going

Alternate Reality Tropes in Star Trek

on. And, uh, I guess one clue that he's not on voyage anymore is the lighting actually, because it's more like daylight than the artificial or nighttime that you see on a Voyager. But, um, and the only thing I had to say is
really is when he looks out the window and he sees San Francisco and it's all futuristic. You see a shuttle flying by. I love that. And it reminded me of Fifth Element, which is a movie I did enjoy, but a much more regulated, a highly regulated version of it, because there they had shuttles flying all over the place. What do you guys think about the teaser? I mainly think whenever there's a teaser like this where someone
wakes up or finds themselves in a different reality.
that, clearly, having watched too much Star Trek, in my mind there's an immediate list that I run through. It's either there's an alien who's created a fake surrounding, they're in a parallel reality, they've slipped through some kind of wormhole, they're on a holodeck, there's like these different things that could possibly be all this temporal issues. You're foreshadowing the next scene. The irony is that Harry runs through that very list
Oh, does he really? I don't know. Yeah, he does. He asks Libby, like, and he does go through it. Are you an alien? Is this a holodeck? Is this a dream? You're right, you're right. Good point. I remember that now. I don't know. I love the fact that you have the same list and run through it every single time. Well, this is probably where I got it from. Yeah. That is so funny. Jamie?
No, no, I think it's... I actually sort of react a bit different because I, you know, sort of as a child watching Star Trek like the old ones that I did watch. I really liked Star Trek because it was people in whizzy spaceships and when the start was something like this I was just of that there's going to be far less whizzy spaceship navy type of thing and far more of the sort of
touchy feely, the doctor going off and living Beowulf sort of an episode, which wasn't what I like about, you know, a program about spaceships.

Preference for Traditional Star Trek Adventures

And so I, my child's self has always been like, oh, dear. But actually, I've grown to enjoy them. So, you know. Well, I think that you eluded the problem that I had with the first two seasons of Picard.
But we don't have to get into that now. But yes, it was very much Earth-based, the latest series. And I was like, why is this set on Earth? That is not the point. That's a separate discussion. But interesting to see that that chimes with youthful Jamie. I do agree with both of you. In fact, I think when I was watching this when I was younger, I was always a little bit disappointed when you found out it was going to be one of those episodes.
where it wasn't much about their journey in space. But yeah, as you said, I think I do appreciate it a bit more now. And I have to agree about Picard. I guess people like it because they just love Picard. I mean, when they're lucky, they made it to the third season where they could, in my opinion, have the opportunity to do some proper storytelling and kind of salvage.
the series. I didn't make it that far. It was so much hard work. Eventually I was like, you know what,

Struggles with Early Seasons of Picard

Nami? Just skip some episodes because this is too painful. I think just go straight to season three. Straight to season three. Okay. I actually might do that, you know, because I do love Sean Lee.
Yeah, he's great. There are purists crying as we're talking right now. But purists are cheering. People who don't know Star Trek are like, you guys suck, but it's fine. Okay, that's a bit extreme. I have two glasses of wine, so I'm speaking by truth. My truth. Okay, I'm gonna- Okay, boomer.
Facilitates, move us on, move us on. Great. Excellent. I feel like we've had a little chat only about the teaser. So zooming on to act one. So upon waking, Harry tries to figure out where he is while Libby makes him breakfast.

Harry's Alternate Reality Dilemma

He asks Libby the date and finds out that he is in the present. So still confused, he runs through the various possibilities, which I did too, which annoys Libby. She becomes even more frustrated when he mentions Voyager.
Which I think she becomes even more than frustrated, doesn't she? She actually accuses Harry of talking in bad taste because Voyager was in that temporal flow, lost with all hands, and his best mate Danny Bird died. And she's also a bit frustrated with him for quote unquote
being weird while she makes him breakfast before the biggest meeting of his career. So, you know, I think she shows eminent forbearance in the size of what she must just think of being her fiance having some cold feet ahead of a big meeting. Yeah, I think you've summarised everything you learned in that scene brilliantly, Jamie. And
Sorry, too much. That only other thing I think is that we find out that the memorial for Voyager was two months ago. So it's all still quite fresh. And as I alluded to earlier, I do have an Empire Records reference because at some point.
she says to Libby, says to Harry Cam, what's with you today? Which reminded me of the scene from Emperor Records where Amy says what's with you today to Lucas and Lucas says what's with today today. So I don't know if you guys remember that scene. Have you seen Emperor Records? No, I think this is... No, not me.
I think this is the same thing when you're doing it too now, Red, that Jamie does these references. Well, when I said Empire Records earlier, you both noted, like you knew it. But is it called... No, I was trying to encourage you to tell me the reference. Jenny was pretending she knew it. I don't know what I was putting about. It must have been... Well, they've seen it because it's American, so I don't always assume that you will have seen them.
It's like a niche indie, I don't know if it was an indie movie, but it's kind of like old cult classic while I was in high school. Interesting. What's with today today? Great line. But yeah, and the only, oh yes, the only other thing I think we find out is that the last thing that Harry remembers before he woke up in this San Francisco beautiful apartment, so jealous, is that he was piloting his shuttle back to Voyager.

Adjusting to New Reality Details

So we get a little bit of clue that he has some memory.
Anyway, he leaves his apartment and runs into someone named Cosimo, a barista who gives him his regular coffee, and asks about Harry's big meeting that's apparently coming up late Sunday. Cosimo deals with them very fondly, like almost a sort of favoured adopted son, in a way. We're not carrying on.
I think because we find out Harry's been going there every day for the last eight months and we find out his favorite drink is Vulcan Maka, extra sweet. I don't know what that means. Delicious. Delicious. I do think that character's suspicious right from the start. Yeah, he's so familiar. I'll be going on there. And so into his life. Oh, too much. But yeah, familiarity and, you know. Fantastic British scepticism and suspicious. People are being nice to me. There's something up.
That we were all hugging and kissing. That we were alluding to before we started recording. But the only other thing I think we find out something pretty important here is that Cosper knows that Harry is engaged. Harry doesn't know this. Yeah. It's news to him. Also, like, I have to admit that later on in this this act comes, you know, my personal professional nightmare. Are you going to give us a clue? No.
Harry is interrupted by Lieutenant Lasker who escorts him to the staff beat HQ where they present their design for a new runabout called the Yellowstone to Admiral Stikler. Stikler? No, no. Now is when it happens. One second. But Harry struggles to answer the admiral's key question and feigns illness to escape
because he doesn't have the PowerPoint presentation that his friend was expecting him to come there with. And that is my personal professional nightmare. Oh, I think, yeah, I did enjoy that scene. I think it's partly he's forgotten the specs of the design they're trying to show. And I think his, his Lieutenant Lasker says, Oh, we'll just have to wing it.
And he carries on anyway, but then he, I think either him or the Admiral asks Harry a direct question about this, this design, which he's been working on and he obviously has absolutely nothing about. And, um, and there's just this excellent long pause of this like really awkward, long silence that I find very realistic. And, um, and yeah, I just think, gosh, yeah, I can really imagine the feeling there being stuck in a meeting
where you suddenly realise you've got to present on something that you have absolutely no idea about. Yeah. Feel his panic. Yes, I think we can all empathise where that moment where he doesn't grow panicked. Although I do really appreciate the reaction from the Admiral when the only thing you possibly can say, Ari says, you know, I'm ill. I'm very ill. I can't continue this presentation. I mean, the Admiral was like, well, we'll reschedule in three weeks, and then they all leave.
The other thing that I took away from this, which I think is quite entertaining, is Laskis, you know, before they start presenting, he turns to Harry. He's like, if all goes well, you could walk out of here a lieutenant. And all Harry wants it, and all people talk about when it comes to Harry's character is Star Trek, which is how he didn't get promoted on Voyager.
But if he'd stayed on Earth, he could have been promoted eight months after leaving the Academy. It must be very painful for him to realize that. Great.

Researching Alternate Timeline Differences

Harry goes on to his office in the headquarters and does some research on himself to find out whether there have been any recent temporal anomalies. He also asks the computer for details about Voyager, including the crew manifest.
Yeah. So I liked, uh, he walks into his office and I guess, um, I found it and he, you see, um, the setup and this big, like, I guess schematic in the center and all his certificates. And I just liked this little moment where he says to himself, I guess I'm pretty good because he sees external acknowledgement. Um, and yeah, he finds out a few things about himself. Um,
when he kind of does some research on the computer that he had requested, I guess, duty on Voyager, but he was denied. And there have been no temporal anomalies, but he finds out a couple of other things. Jamie, do you want to cover that off? Well, I mean, he obviously finds out... I'm having a real blank moment. He asked the computer for details about Voyager, including the manifest. He finds out that
He tried to transfer to her, but his transfer was denied. Jamie's doing a thing where he just repeats what the previous person is. Yeah, so I had a zone out moment. Okay, maybe continue, maybe continue. But basically, if we remember in that kind of earlier opening scene with Libby, she gets upset because Voyager went missing and his friend Danny was on board. And then he basically finds out that he didn't get the post, his friend Danny got the post of operations.
Basically this guy Danny took his place on Voyager and now I guess Danny is missing. Can I just ask something like, typically if you and your mate both know that you want a job, don't you both like decide which of you goes for it as opposed to both going for it and nicking it off your mate? I'm not sure how that works in the Army and the Navy. Oh really? Yes, I guess in the, I wasn't going to say the real world, that's not right.
Wow. Ouch. But I guess there's always, people must be going for roles all the time or postings or specific missions. I don't know. Okay. Interesting. It's a bit like, I mean, you don't stop competing for a spot on an eight because your friend is going for a spot on the eight. But then there's eight spots.
Yeah, well, who knows, I'm just being... I'm just quibbling with Harry's morals and that's not fair of me.
Yeah, I mean, I guess I see what you're saying, but that didn't. Yeah. But I think it's different in like a kind of more regimented. Does he also? No. No, I was going to say that he also finds out that Tom Parris is alive. Not yet. Wait, wait. Come on, continue. Dig me out of the hole. But needs Cosimo's help to find his building because he doesn't know where he lives.
Cosimo, this is the bit where you're thinking like, okay, this is pretty suspicious how okay and how normally Cosimo is reacting to Harry suddenly, I mean, where he lives. Like, if someone had forgotten where they live, I'd say you need to go and see a neurologist. Yes, I do find it very hilarious that the gas lighting starts here with Cosimo trying to convince Harry that all of his nervousness
is, oh you're just getting cold feet before you get married, or you're going home early, I would too with a, you know, wife to be like that. It's slightly off-putting. Yes, I know, I know, it's a slight leer to him that adds a certain sinister
nature to his mayan but it is also weird because every time that harry is in one of these moments where he's like is this reality what's going on cosmo seems to try and disrupt it by you know turning up uh i don't know
What's the word for an individual? The gaslighting, turning up the gaslighting. Well, yeah, he does gaslight, but he's very, he's almost overbearingly friendly. Well, he's like very firm in his insistence that everything is going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay. You're just, you know, getting cold feet before you get married and all of these sorts of things being like the things that he is trying to convince Harry of going on in his head.
Yeah, back to Jamie. I was going to say, wait a second, Jamie, are you saying then that actually this like overly affectionate, super familiar, friendly exterior is not to be trusted? And in fact, the British cold stiff upper lip is the thing to trust. Well, no, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that Cosmo is a sleazebag.
I think we know we took the wave of that, Jamie and I, so we're good. I think this is why no one trusts the English. We probably should verify that Jamie is half Spanish, so a little bit of context. Also the English should mean you need to know that as well if you're listening. So Harry finds his way back home.
And then Libby is trying to comfort him by playing along with his role play request. His role play being that, you know, he's from an alternative reality. And so in fact, he's just very discombobulated. He hasn't quite revealed why. And so he asked Libby to pretend that he's just gone home from a very long away mission.
And that, um, he's been away for a long time and he's like, tell me you love me. Like you haven't seen me for like a couple of months and like, which is kind of sweet. It's kind of touching. No, I would say it's touching. Um, you know, I guess, and it seems like things are okay for a while to quite the, um, maybe things would be okay for a while. Isn't that the line from chairs? I don't know. Um, I was gonna say, um, she really, I think she does quite a good job in the scene because she does,
I think kind of towards the end, she's like, do me a favor, don't ever leave me again. Which seemed, she doesn't very convincingly as if he already has been around. So again, she kind of makes you, for me, kind of made me feel like, which is not how it turned out in reality, but that maybe she knows what's actually going on in a sense. But that's not how it turned out. She was so convincing that I was like, maybe she hasn't seen it in a long time.
She does ask him if he went to Ryza on his travels though, which I find quite amusing. I love that. And Jenny, do you know Ryza? Do you want to share, do you want to just quickly explain what Ryza is, anyone who doesn't? I don't know what Ryza is. It is the pleasure planet where Star Trek crew members go for vacation and there's
loads of sex as far as i understand it you know attractive men and women and wearing very little clothing and you go there for a good time yes i think anything is it an intergalactic bordello i think i think it's less being it's less paying money it's more it's more of a singles holiday yeah it's more free spirit than bordello i think and an 1830s holiday or something nice
No, is this the scene when Nabi's in a towel? Or is that later? Yeah, she is in a towel. Yeah. Is that just me that found that the whole setup of the scene just kind of awkward? Well, it's interesting that you say that, Jenny, because the bit of the Delta Flyers podcast that I did manage to listen to cover this scene, and they said they would have directed it very differently. And they found it awkward. And it could have been more playful in the scene. And it's not something I picked up on, but they both were like,
Yeah, they found it awkward, basically. Interesting. Why did you find it awkward? Well, now I'm thinking maybe it's because I listened to that episode and seeped into my, I don't know, I just, it felt unnecessary for her to be in a towel. I'm just feeding too much into it. And I'm not the biggest fan of sex scenes in general. Like I know there's sort of, you know, certain films and programmes and things they
are crucial to the development of the story, but I just feel like that was actually quite, and there's just quite a lot of them that are not remotely helpful to the development of the plot. Yeah, I would happily never see another sex scene again. But I wasn't bothered by the talent, I have to be honest. I think it's probably because he's fully dressed. I don't know something about it, sort of. There's an inner quality in there, isn't there?
Yeah, I'm probably reading way too much into it. It just, it just was a bit, you know. You know, it's interesting to hear that, that perspective. Anywho, before we move on, I think I did, again, just a scenery comment. I like the brief glimpse we got of the Golden Gate Bridge with the kind of futuristic architecture. And then when I, when I first thought we were maybe shooting stars, then I realized those are shuttles probably moving around the bridge. Cool interpretation. I didn't realize that.
probably just interpret that too much because I want to go back to San Francisco. So later Harry cannot sleep so he continues his research. Libby wakes up and questions Harry because she's concerned something serious is going on and Harry finally shares his concern which of course freaks Libby out. Harry moves for Marseille to find Tom Paris who he's learned that you know is
another of the boijuku who is on earth and who is currently in Marseille.

Seeking Tom Paris for Help

And there's a sort of, you know, little, a little play, they had to fill it in somewhere, little play on earth. We'll get there, we'll get there, don't worry. Well, in our comments, we can, we can touch that. Yeah. Oh no, I mean, I was about to, do you want me to, or do you want me to stop it? I don't handle it however you want. Yeah, sorry.
Okay, well, it's the bit where, you know, I've completely lost my train of thought. You guys go, you guys go. No, no, no. Like, so just to finish that up, Harry does leave former stage to find Tom, but when he tracks him down, Tom doesn't recognize him. So I think just to pick up on some moments in that, in those scenes, I did like the moment with his, where Harry comes across his clarinet in his, I think we might have already seen the clarinet in previous episodes.
Yeah, go ahead. No, I was going to say I would quite like to point out the scene in which we finally find out who is tougher after the two of Harry and Tom, and it's Harry. Ah, yes. But I think that's coming a little bit later. But just back to the research, I guess we find out that Tom is, as you say, around. And his backstory ties into what we've already learned about Tom when he was tried for treason, went as penal colony in New Zealand.
I think I just like these tie-ins when it actually matches like previous episodes. I don't know why I kind of enjoy that. But he was last spotted in Marseille, France. And then yes, as you said, like Libby is freaking out and she's the first kind of interpreting Harry's like saying he doesn't belong there as like he's getting called Fiend and he doesn't want to get married anymore. She's like, why don't you just tell me? And he's like, I'm actually from another reality. And then she's like, do free cards because she thinks he needs
Therapy. But yes, Jane, back to you, because I think it's at this point where they have this kind of amusing interaction about and confusion about where he's going. I don't know if you want to cover that. I feel like there's been way too much build up to it now, to be honest. It's a really tiny little passing comment, which I thought was cute. That was it.
Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. But then he's like, you know, I need to leave. And she's like, where are you going? He's like, Massé for us. I've got to see Paris. You know, I did like that. But you just said you're going to Massé, which, yeah. You feel like he's trying to be deliberately confusing at that stage, because you could have just said to see a friend, not to see Paris. Yeah, that's true. That's true.
Yeah, you see what happens when you try and be funny. Bites me in the arse a lot, just the way it did to Harry. Yeah, I thought Marseille looked great again. I just want to travel there, that little, like, very light-strung seaside scape. And we see the bar from the holodeck. Am I right?
Yes. Yes, we do. What's Andrean's model done, I guess. Oh, it's so pretty. It's not okay to me. Although with less prostitutes in this version than the previous version on the holodeck. I was going to say Tom Paris's recreation is pretty faithful, but as you just pointed out, he took some artistic liberties. Yes, he did. Yes, he did. Sorry, Janie, go ahead.
No, no, no. I agree with you. I think it is a faithful interpretation, but I think he was trying to take it back to what it was like originally in the Roaring Twenties, as opposed to, well, the Roaring Twenties in the Star Trek century. Ah, that's a good point. That's a good point. Yeah. Anyhow, I've taken us away from the act. Jenny, go get us a room. The act. Well, I wondered if maybe, Jamie,
Jay, sorry, I'm not using the name sorry, do you want to maybe do a group? Right, so the denouement, act three, on arriving to Belle-Marceia, Kim tries to convince Paris, Tom Paris, that they serve together on Voyager, but Paris tells a different story.
And my coughing wasn't to try and pretend that I didn't believe his story. It was because I had a genuine cough. Harry shares his theory about what might have happened and asks Paris to go with him to HQ to run a simulation. But Paris is not interested, saying that you almost had me until you tried to get me to go to star
to Starfleet HQ. The discussion gets intense and Paris ends up trying to finish it by taking a swing at Harry and Harry overpowers him, leaves him face planted in the table and leaves without on Paris.

Tom Paris's Alternate Reality Backstory

How do we feel about this definitive demonstration of who is the alpha people? Well, before we get there, Jenny, I think you and I both enjoyed this moment because we hear Thomas' version of what's happened to him, I guess, which splits off from what
Harry's version, but at Deep Space Nine. So his encounter with Quark and Odo. And it turns out that Tom got into that bar fight and therefore missed his voyage. I mean, his passage to Voyager. Yes. Yes. This is a bit where he is, that's into a fight with a Ferengi who we know, well, we can guess who that is. And then he's arrested by a, how does he put it, Jay, again?
Oh, an officious shape shifter? Unpleasant shape shifter. Unpleasant shape shifter. Is that a description of Odo? Is he an unpleasant shape shifter? No, he's not. Yeah, I mean, I think he is. He's a stern shape shifter. Yeah, he's quite unfriendly. So I think that's probably accurate.
Interesting. I may have to re-watch it at all. He was arrested by that unpleasant shapeshifter. There's obviously the comparison of tales because Harry
In his reality, Tom Paris didn't start a fight. He stopped Harry from being soul somber, rather random crystals. But after the fight, Harry leaves without Paris, returning home to find Laska and some security personnel with Libby, and that he is under investigation, which he obviously reacts to with disbelief.

Starfleet Suspicion and House Arrest

but has no choice but to return to HQ and explain his predicament to the Admiral who quite sensibly says that he hasn't a shred of evidence and some of our co-hosts are walking around the place. Excellent.
and has just shown me an arcane electronic implement as I go through this tale. Anyway, the discussion gets intense, but eventually Kim realises that Starfleet think he is a marquee spy, or accuses them of thinking he is a marquee spy, and refuses to answer any further questions without legal counsel.
a right to which the admiral says he has. As a result, Kim is placed under house arrest with an ankle tag, which he is told if he tempers with will summon security. So where do we feel this particular brew of plot thickener leaves us my intrepid pair? Well, I only had a few comments, but only a few. I mean, only two actually, about the scene.
I did love Harry's line when he says, why does everyone say relax, where they're about to do something terrible? Always in movies. I really don't know if that happens in real life. Which I think I use way too much, now that you mention it. Yeah, no offense road, but you really do. I agree. My only other takeaway was like, wow, they can move around so quickly in this year four, zero, eight, nine, five, seven, six. More say in bed. More say that morning.
Yeah, he was not in Paris. I want to be very clear about that, unless there's some very weird going on in this one. I apologize. Honestly, it's normally down to me to bring the smart to this podcast. You know, when I was young, I was very dirty-minded. When I was in Paris, I'll bet you were.
Yeah, that that's all those. Hang on. Those thoughts back. First of all, how fast transport is and that when you were young, you had a very dirty mind. Okay, right. Fair enough. Yeah, I don't think that was where we're gonna summarize to this podcast ever. But I'm glad we went there. Possibly quite a dry scene because I only had one very boring thought. It was just occurred to me watching it when he jumps up and said,
If you answer any more questions without legal counsel present, I just thought, well, so a lot has moved on. Law has not. Exactly the same thing they say in all the all the cop movies. Exactly. I was like, in a weird way, I was like, oh, that's so like forward to progressive of them. I was like, wait, that's how it works now. Well, does it work that way for court martial though?
No, I don't know. And was he being court-martialed? Well, I mean, interviewed by an admiral, you'd ask the question. Anyway. You would. I think, you know, I think in the military, don't they have lawyers who are in the military? Yes. Jag? Wasn't that TV show about that very concept? Do you mean Reacher?
I mean, Jag. I'm so confused. But Jag is very old, maybe Richard is more current. But I think you're right, Jenny. Yeah. That was all the quandaries I had. So shall I take over again, Jamie? Yeah, no, no, you do. I think the people want the proper script. You know,
I'm not the proper script viewer. Oh, okay, right, right, all right. Well, Harry returns to his neighbourhood where he runs into Cosmo again.

Alien Revelation of Temporal Accident

And Cosmo finally reveals the truth. So he's basically some kind of weird alien, which I have to say, I can't believe that at no point does Harry ask at least what the name of their race is. Yes. No one's ever going to know anything about this alien. Anyway, Cosmo is an alien and he's basically explaining that
There was some temporal accident and while Harry was in his shuttle, when basically it resulted in some slight changes to reality. And unfortunately, because of an accident, they actually don't know how to undo it. So he tries to convince Harry that he's fired, he's better off in this new reality. Of course, Harry makes the point that yes, although he's got his fiance and he's got his wife and he's a lieutenant,
Um, you know, what about, what about Tom Paris? And what about, um, Daniel Bird? Danny Bird. Danny Bird is now stuck on Voyager for however many years. You could have been in one of those, um, what's that British director called? I feel like Danny Bird could have been in one of those. Danny Bird feels more like the Italian job though. She doesn't have a nickname that sounds ridiculously violent. Sorry, I interrupted.
No, it really does sound like that. Yeah, no. And then basically, Cosmo says he can help by giving him the coordinates of where this, I don't even know what it's called, like a temporal time slip. Time stream, I think is the term. Could I ask, because it seems to me as though Cosmo yields up this information with remarkably little struggle for someone who's in deep cover.
I'm not sure, because as Janice just said, he is trying to convince Harry that he's better off because he has a great job and a woman who loves him. But Harry's like, a lot of other people are suffering as a result, and I think that brings him around. No, no, no. Cosmo admits to being an alien who knows what's going on far too easily. I totally get he tries hard to convince Harry he's better off, but he admits who and what he is rather easily for someone who theoretically is an alien on
the planet which Starfleet originates from as presumably a covert agent in, you know, the capital city of one of the most advanced military powers of the galaxy at that stage. I think you've added a lot of extra layers too. I'm not adding, I'm layering context. I am layering context, people. All he said was that he's part of like people who watched people who've been like accidentally
kind of time jumped. Well, yeah, exactly. Would you give that away? Having been canceling someone for, you know, the last eight months of their life? No, but he does explain. He says, basically, he initially, because they made this accident, and they were just thinking, oh, it might affect Harry, we'll send someone to keep an eye on Harry and make sure he's happy. And then his remit is, Jack, everything's fine.
However, if it's clearly not working, and if Harry is not buying into the new reality, and if he's messing it up like he is, then his remit would become okay. Well, then you've got to just tell him the truth, explain what happened. And then he gets to decide what he does with the information. So kind of... You need to watch the episode on the day every time from now on. Yeah, remember so much to use it now. I really can. Yeah.
Terrible long-term memories, it turns out. Great short-term memory. Right, next. Yeah, I mean, I'm not sure. Again, I'm quite accepting of the storyline that the Star Trek writers feed me, but it's always interesting to hear what bumps up against other people. Yeah. I did like Harry's just basic simple acknowledgement of it's just not supposed to be this way. Like, that's just what it comes down to, I think.
Sorry, back to you, Jenny. Yeah, no, I was just agreeing, thinking it's very selfless isn't me in this one. He's saying, yeah, but how does it, it's not just about my timeline and my reality. How does it affect others? Yeah, because actually, sorry to, I'm just remembering, as the series goes on, we already find out that Harry is the one that's the most desperate to get back as soon as possible.
So in hindsight, he had this opportunity to just stay and pretend like he was supposed to be there. And he was the one that wanted the most. And as you say, he's actually very selfish. Yeah. It really does boil down to that it hasn't worked out so well for Tom Paris line that he throws at Cosmo.
Because, you know, the plot and the scene and the run up to it suggests, you know, he could be happy back with Libby, but his choice not to was based on his loyalty to his friends. It's quite a nice little tie up episode really, isn't it? Because he's sacrificing his could be perfect life, Tom. And later on, Tom does something in return.
get to, yes. So, back in his apartment, Harry is tampering with the ankle bracelet, but is interrupted by Libby, who gets very upset with him. Harry tries to explain why he can't stay, but promises to get back as soon as he can.

Escape from House Arrest

What did you think, Jamie?
I don't know. I just, if I was in Libby's situation, I would really be thinking hardened and violent criminal. And I wouldn't believe for a moment that he would be able to get back or try and get back. So I think Libby from this point on shows considerable faith. I was just thinking about
comment I had on the next bit. I think, yeah, again, he just sums it up with a very simple line. I'm just trying to get back to where I belong. And his, his kind of argument or his justification is to Libby is that, you know, he wants more than anything to stay. And that becomes clear and clear as actually as the seasons in the series goes on. But
if he was going to stay, he wouldn't be true to himself in a sense. And then he wouldn't be the Harry that she fell in love with. So he'd be like a subversion. And as he, I wish I kind of forgot, just because he needs now doesn't mean he's not going to come back because the whole voyager is trying to get back, I guess, which I kind of, I did forget that until he said that. But yeah, I thought it was a nice little moving scene.
And then Harry needs to run as the alarm on the ankle brace that has been triggered by his tampering. So he flees the apartment. And I do find this quite hilarious to see because he's jumping out the window going down the fire escape and the security personnel run after him. Libby shuts the window behind Harry and then stands in front of the window and both, you know, big, male, bulky security personnel.
immediately turn around and find another way. Try and get past this teeny lady. This lady with no weaponry. I thought that was quite bizarre, but accepted it. Well, I wondered if there were some kind of rules in the, I don't know, not manhandling a woman to get her out of the way to get to a fleeing security risk.
I'm surprised that people didn't take out their faces on stun earlier, to be honest. A good point. Tactical lack of plot continuity. I should add. We do not criticize the plot. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, Red. You do. As I said, I just struggle to criticize the plot. You can't criticize the plot. And just to add at the end of this act, so just as Harry is about to be caught by the security
who should turn up to rescue him, but Tom Paris. Yes. The bromance is back, baby. Back with a vengeance. Bromance two. Well, I mean, Tom obviously liked prison food. The only thing I wanted to say about that previous scene, again, I don't have too much, is like it's very creepy that security slash, I don't know, could just materialize in your flat or your apartment. They just beam directly in.
This is a really good point. No warrants, no knocking at the door. I was like, I'm not soaking on that. On a similarly disturbing note, did anyone notice that, was it just me or was at least one of the security officers packing a disturbingly impressive mustache? I didn't know where that sentence was going. Interesting. Okay, are we ready for Act Five?
I'm going to, um, I'm going to speed on to, uh, cause I think we've been taking our time with this one. So while hiding from security, Kim tells Paris that he has a plan to restore the correct reality, but he needs a ship and a good pilot.

Plan to Restore Original Timeline

That be, that could be Tom Paris, what's the ship? Yeah. Which he kind of, uh, he's been building himself and designing. Yeah.
Is there a reference to something? I don't know. Is there anything else at the time called the Yellowstone? I was trying to wonder why they called it Yellowstone, but I think that's just... Maybe just, you know, it leads for freedom. You know it's a national park, right? Yeah. Or is there anything more than just like standard naming convention? I guess I was trying to figure out. National park, freedom, wild outdoors, key to all of that, but clearly not character. Well, no, it might be and we just, I don't know, I'm aware of it.
There's a lot I'm not aware of when I watch Star Trek. I feel like I get some of it and a lot of it is just whoosh. So just to interject here, because I don't have a lot to say about, as I told Jenny, my Netflix kept cutting off at the end. But I think at this point, Harry's plan is to basically, you know, initially he wanted to run a simulation and all that kind of stuff to figure out how he got there. Now he just wants to get to the time stream, recreate the accident and see if he can get back to Voyager. That's his kind of plan. And he's enlisting Tom to help him. But
As that alien told him, they have no idea if that will work because he could just land up completely somewhere else or he could land up back by voyage. Yeah, good point. We missed out on that. The alien kind of explains that he could end up, you know, hundreds of thousands years into the future. He could end up in the past where there is no human life. So very risky. In Harry's office.
Sorry. Go for it. Yep. I'm sure. Okay. We're back in Harry's office. He explains his plan to Tom that his plan is to retrieve the shuttle access codes before they, well, no, no, no, let me start this again. He, in Harry's office, he explains his plan and retrieves the shuttle access codes before they beam onto Yellowstone. They managed to escape on the shuttle, but they are pursued by Starfleet.
I don't think there's much to say. Should I move on? No. For all that, I like the spaceshipy bit. This is... Action, action. Action, action. So Harry tries to recreate his accident as they reach the time stream, but it fails. And he's thinking, what is going on? Why isn't it working? And then he realizes he was in the process of transporting off a shuttle during the original accident, which means they're going to have to try it again. This time, Paris is going to have to beam Harry.
off the shuttle into the middle of space. So if it doesn't work... Paris is a murderer. Yeah, but also, basically, it's also going to mean a dead Paris because they're being pursued by Starfleet. The shuttle is basically about to explode. I can't really remember the specifics of why. Because it's a project type, I think, essentially. Yeah, it's falling apart and they're being shot at by Starfleet. So even if it works,
Paris is, you know, going to explode in the shuttle after. However, Paris does explain that you should just go because actually, my memory is failing me here. Yeah, that's right. Basically, Tom says to Harry, well, if it works for you, then it will restore the timeline and I'll be fine. So two birds, one stern. Perfect. And then I think there's some just there's some sort of resistance from Harry saying no, no, I can't
You know, you're sacrificing yourself and if it doesn't work, you know, you're dead. And Tom basically pushes him into the transfer. Anything to say on that? As I said, I could not rewatch this, but because my legs get very feelings, I've known this. Oh, yes. Good point. Sorry. Go on, Jay.
No, I think you've gotten the nature of it. It points to the fact that regardless of circumstance and a few universes and divergent time, time's in its way.
the chemistry between the characters Harry Kim and Tom Paris is something that would always have been there and they would always have been friends regardless of circumstance. I think it adds a little bit more colour to the scenes that occur over the next few minutes as Harry wakes up in the middle of his accident with Voyager needing to frankly do quite a lot of
jiggery and pokery in order to beam him back on with Bolana needing to reroute teleport power via... what's the word for the screen?
Anyhow, I don't know the technical terms, but needing to reroute power from the teleporter to gain a few more metres of distance. But Voyager managing to beam Harry out just in time.

Return to Original Timeline and Reunion

So the journey fraught with risk and Harry's first question went back is about, is Tom okay?
And likewise, tell someone that explaining that he owes him one, which is going to be an interesting discussion when he actually unpacks it, I feel, and I'd love to have been there for it. Yeah, that would be a crazy story if your friend comes and tells you that he went into a completely different timeline. You both nearly died. Like, I was just here.
steering the ship. And he met the parallel reality you. Yeah. Theoretically, the other parallel reality Paris is dead. No? No. He died in the act of saving him, yes. Oh, no, no, I don't. I don't see it that way. He never existed. That's how I see him. Because they've reset. Correct.
Oh, I like to see it anyway. Yeah, because I think you're right. Because I think Libby's like, Oh, Harry's gone. That would never happen to Harry. Yeah. Yeah. Do you know, I think you mentioned read that I'm definitely doing better on the remembering what happens in this episode. And I and yeah, this is probably because I watched on the same day today rather than the day before a few days before. Actually,
I think it's to do with how much I like an episode a little bit. Yeah. And I, I mean, I love the latest seasons. Um, but I struggle a little bit with the earlier seasons, but this one, um, I got quite engaged with. So I think that's probably, that's just me remembering more details when I liked the details. Yeah. I mean, it might be the sweet spot.
It's like when I always remember what goes on in the doctor's bay. We find it really interesting. Okay, so every time we cut to the sick bear, we can cut to you. So to quickly wrap up, I guess you've already touched a little bit on this, but any themes apart from bromance or including bromance?

Themes of Loyalty and Belonging

Gas slicing.
Oh, do we need them to be positive themes? No, there could just be more than one word. Alright, so bromance, gas lighting, two things that don't necessarily go together. I think Vulcan coffee. I think sacrifice for others in there a little bit, although I feel like that's in every. That's just the Star Trek DNA, isn't it? Again, that's how I thought we were going to grow up. But
Yep, sacrifice, sacrificing the self for the greater good or for others. I think there's a little bit of fate in it. It's talking about there being somewhere for you, like predetermined place that you belong, where you should be. And I don't know how people
feel about that as a concept, but I feel like that is explored a little bit in this episode. Yeah. And loyalty and belonging to a family, I think as well. Because I think Tom, not Tom, but Harry's feelings towards Star Trek, towards Voyager are those of family, aren't they? Yeah, they are as well. But I think, yeah, that's definitely the family and the fit. I mean,
There's something very comforting about the concept of fate, if it was true. I think it's one of these things we can't... But Harry has some internal sense of what his fate is, and he knows it's not what he's experiencing back on Earth, I think. It's funny you talk about fate being comforting, Red, because I actually find it the reverse. I find it quite...
Yes, but you're an upholder and you're a self director. There are a lot of people who would prefer to just be told what to do, or feel like they don't really have the agency to create the life they want and just accept what they have. Yeah, see my fairs more to do with like entrapment. Trapped into a fate that I didn't choose.
I think, I mean, if fate's maybe a very broad topic, but I think lots of people kind of think like, if they think about their partner, they think they met the person they were supposed to be with. They're like, oh, thank goodness we met. But like, oh, we made this relationship. You know, like, that's like a small fate, fate with a small earth. I don't know. I don't think I've experienced fate.
I thought it was fate you guys, you know, won the big one in 2012. I sort of, I was unshakably the opinion it was going to be that that crew and probably in that way, actually. That's interesting. That's a nice thought. I am not a believer in fate, but that doesn't mean I don't behave, you know,
People do say they're not superstitious, but then they'll do things that throw salt behind them, you know, because you do silly things like that, even if intellectually you don't even think.
Well, I think we really, I don't believe in fate, but I think we really had this argument. I believe in inevitable Z. If it happened, it must have been. I really understand this. So on to star player, any nominations?

Debate Over Star Player Recognition

Oh, I hadn't thought about this. It's really funny. It's like, it should be Harry, but I don't really feel like I want to give it to him. It should be like he does.
really other great work in other episodes. That's why I hold off. I, my star player is the head of security, but we never see and never comes on screen. But we find out as a female, and she doesn't put up with people being raped. So stop the nomination to her. Because in the 90s ahead of like, state security was being quite a big deal. Yeah. I sure I'm gonna go
slightly left field for me. I always do style player based on the actual actor or actress. I would do style player based on the character and for that reason give it to Harry Kim.
purely for his reaction in that meeting room when he realizes he is in a nightmare. Many of us has woken up from this nightmare where he's in a meeting and he's supposed to do a presentation and he realizes he hasn't got the presentation and he doesn't know what that is talking about. And he sits there and he's, but he keeps it going. He says, I'm very ill.
And then we'll reschedule the presentation. Everyone leaves in an orderly fashion. There's no drama. And I just think it's all very professional. Yes. I feel like I've learned something. If I ever get into that situation, I have practical steps I can follow. Very good.
Jamie, do you have any new one-your-water nominee? I mean, I think Tom Paris coming through for a friend that he's never ever met. It's quite impressive. Yeah. But as you said, they were almost fated to be friends however they met.
Which reminds me of, sorry, back to the whole relationship thing, but sometimes you meet a couple and you find out they had like multiple opportunities to meet along the way. And then they eventually met and you're like, ah. But I know Jenny doesn't believe that. Well, I mean, I don't, but you could definitely argue that case with Jay and I. Very much. Everyone missed opportunities prior to meeting. Starting at Durham.
Okay, on that note. Oh, brassy. I think what all ended very happily, so it all swells but ends well. Yes. Any final words or thoughts? Just tempt me so much to say something silly. I'm going to cut you off. Goodbye. Thanks. Thank you. Bye.