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Tales from a Hotel Breakfast Buffet

E34 ยท Dudes "R" Us
50 Plays1 year ago

We were traveling on the road during this episode so we apologize for some audio clips having to be mashed up. Still here for you always and will never stop the production of this show. WE WILL GIVE UP EVERYTHING AND STILL CONTINUE.

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Opening and National Prayer Day

Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless you.

Partners and Sleeping Habits

I have had sex, but I have never actually shared a bed with another person. So I am wondering, what do partners do if they have different sleeping habits? Nice. Cold this morning, huh?
Once at five o'clock. I love it! I'm not engaging with this person. Who is this person? What role did you play here? What role did you play in here, sir? What do you mean? He ate my receipt!
Well, I'm tired of this city. I done fell and bust my lip on my bike. So I think I'm gonna try Oklahoma. So I rented this U-Haul and I got all my shit together. So I'm gonna just get the fuck out of this city. Ain't nobody care about me anyway. About to have a nice piece of cake and a cappuccino.
Stanley, did you just come back from burning down a rival nightclub? Lab it up, Albert. I'm in Florida for a month without my family. I'm going to enjoy this. Want to get in? You can work the iPod. Yes. You're a nice guy, Jim, but you have no idea how to vacation. Find some Kenny Loggins. There was all of the criticism. There was advertisers leaving.

Advertising Ethics and Money Blackmail

We talked to Bob Iger today.
You hope, don't advertise. You don't want them to advertise? No. What do you need? If somebody's gonna try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go fuck yourself.
Welcome to Dudes R Us. The first Rush Hour 6 podcast, please excuse the delay in this week's episode and the audio clipping issue we were on the road. We won't let it happen again, please subscribe to the podcast and join the Reddit page.
Yeah, just like the yeah, exactly. Not waste people's time while you're at the like figuring out routes and just kind of boring part of it is what I assume. All right, guys, that's another day. I'll try to get to it tomorrow. Yeah. But yeah, it's got other stuff going on, too. It's going to be on the 50th episode. Yeah. Yeah, that's coming up. 50th 50th episode of guest.
Elevation especially telling you we got to just start calling people and having them beyond the pod without them knowing I think that's a great idea. I Like that idea a lot Paul let's call somebody in your contact.

Podcast Surprise Guest Plan

Let's call. Let's call that guy that got fired from your job I did want to pick up if I call them We need you tomorrow
I don't know why, but his last day I wasn't there. And then the day before he just dipped. So I was like, Oh, I guess I'll never see you again. How he dealt. Yeah, he left early. Kind of I was out doing something. He had a dip. So later, unless you see him at a convention. I'm also just not really working out a fun way. I met so many people. I'm not
Mark Wahlberg dude speaking. Oh, yeah after that you're like fuck everybody else Yeah, every every other encounter is just downhill

Mark and Donnie Wahlberg Encounters

from there. I guess unless it's Donnie Wahlberg, then you got to kick up You could just go to the Wahlbergers and Fenway and run into him probably Doesn't he must he's always courtside at Celtics Donnie. So I assume he's still out there. Yeah
Being serious when the wall burgers and Fenway opened up he was there like all the like not all the time, but fucking pretty regularly You can just pop in and see him. That's pretty sick Doesn't have to worry about shit besides just fucking Now wall burgers you just buy the shit at the fucking grocery store. They're that level now
Fletch Azul. Mm hmm. That should be your new Costco tequila instead. Fletch Azul. Yeah. Mark Wahlberg's. That's crazy. That guy's fucking the best, dude. He's got that shirt company. Um, municipal. It's not just a shirt company. Come on.
Yeah, they do shoes dude. I want I just wanted that was a troll. I wanted you guys to instantly correct me on But it's that's the full apparel brand Honestly get a municipal shirt Great I want a pair of the shoes With clear bottom shoes icy soles
Jared, you got to get something. I'm not going to do that. Beanie or something. No, I'm not going to do that. If you if you if one of you wants to get me one, maybe I'll wear it. But I don't know, dude. Look at you, the state prayed up edition. Oh, I'm honestly going to I honestly was going to get it. Just a municipal shirt. Start rocking it. Doesn't make your KO on old Asian men. Seco up.
Yeah, that attribute is plus nine. If you hit the right stick, you just start fucking going into rage mode. It's like in Zelda, where you get the master sword all of a sudden, just way better at the game. Yeah. Yeah. This cloak gives me 99% more Asian hate.
Jared, since you're traveling, did you do breakfast at all? Yeah. Well, you want to play by play of what I ate this week? Yes. All right. Here it comes. Here we go. Monday.

Logan Airport Food Critique

Airport. The bagel place at Logan Airport that isn't Dunkin Donuts.
I think I know what you're talking about. Yeah, it's in that, it's in that like food court, that like fancy food court. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go, place. There you go, place. Left.
Asiago bagel with chives cream cheese go up to the fucking Kia the kiosk is the most confusing part of that fucking Yeah, you don't talk to a person you just pay on a screen Is it a bruise? It's not a bruise. I can't remember the name. I think it's like literally like called like bagel shop But they make no like there I saw them I was at nighttime too people were still getting bagels, but they had one of those I
Dunkin Donuts things where it's like a million cooked eggs already in a bin. Yeah We've discussed we've discussed and I can't remember if we've discussed it on pod or not So I won't go but we've discussed at Logan Airport Food situation is just worse Genuinely a fucked up airport. It's so fucking bad like not enough stuff
And the only options that are like actually good are Starbucks and Duncan. And so those lines are like 900 people long. And then and so you're like, well, my flight's in 20 minutes. I'm not waiting in this legitimately 40 minute Starbucks line. So then you go to like whatever the weird ass.
like like literally like a fucking sushi place called like Jurg that only has that only has like yogurt. Yeah, there's like in that same food court. There's just like a pastrami place. Like what the fuck? Yeah. So got a bottle of kafir. Yeah. So a lot of hidden Dunkin Donuts in there. If there's a busy Dunkin Donuts, but there's going to be a hidden one. So yeah, there's a random Dunkin Donuts in the Hudson News. Yeah, because.
So anyway, asiago bagel with with chive cream cheese and a coke zero breakfast. Jesus Christ. Those were your pills you found on the ground. That's right. Lunch. An Italian sub from a Cuban restaurant. They did not know how to make an Italian. So it was it was great from the subplace from the subplace at the office.
There's an office up there. The Tampa office. Okay. All right. Nice. They didn't know how to make the wall. So it was on the menu down the Tampa already.
I started there and then drove from Tampa to Panama City. I wasn't joking. This was literally. Holy shit, bro. So I was like, oh, we can't get a direct flight from Boston to Panama City, but we can. But here's one that's where you only have a 45 minute layover in Atlanta. It's always best to get there. It's you land. You have 15 minutes to get to the gate.
Yeah. And, uh, and my, my, uh, my boss was like, I don't want to do a layover. Let's just find a Tampa. Luna Tampa rented a car, drove from Tampa to Panama

Epic Travel Stories: Boston to Florida

city. Six hour drive. Same day. Same day. Damn dude. Landed at noonish.
rental car, eat food, probably on the road by 1 30. Six hour drive. Jesus, you stopped on the way. No, no way. No, we'll stop for ourselves like that. Bro, this was not my obviously I was the one advocating for in the Daytona.
Uh, you could have flown into Tallahassee. I mean, there was there was better ways to do this again. Yeah. Was that was out of my control. Orlando could have flown into Orlando, could have flown into no reason it had to be Florida, could have flown into like legitimately could have flown into like Biloxi. Yeah. And started and started in Pensacola and then worked your way like. There was better ways to do this, not the fight I was going to win doesn't matter.
lunch Italian sub from the Cuban place where they put mustard on it just as a standard not like do you want mustard on it it was an Italian with mustard on it doesn't know how to make an Italian they don't and it wasn't bad but it was funny it was it was a perfectly fine sandwich it wasn't an Italian like North Ender would like
um it would just be funny or no sorry it was just funny for me to be like this is this this is a funny thing to eat coming from the northeast as like a cuban person's interpretation of what an italian sub is anyway that was fine with a bag with a bag of
would like fuck them up for calling that an Italian sub, but it was funny.
That's potato chips. Oh man. Okay. Regular or what? Barbecue? They were salt and vinegar. Is it Uts? Ooh, the salt and vinegar Uts will like destroy your mouth. Paul's butt still. Those things are very vinegary. Yeah, they are. They are. Dinner.
Uh, I got, what the fuck did I get? Ham sandwich. Nope. It was at the hotel restaurant. And we got, Oh, I got meats. Oh, that was, that was fish and chips. I got fish and chips from the hotel restaurant. Jared, I thought that was good. At that hotel restaurant, Paul, that's not, you've known me for a couple of years now, bringing in fish. I need, they'd come in on every Monday.
Come on, bro. We ate some fucked up shit when we were traveling together. I don't think it was fishy fish, you know, fish from the hotel restaurant. No, that's that's that's a that's a me move exclusively. Yeah, that's fucked up. All right. Day two. Tuesday hotel breakfast. Which which I made a waffle because the hotel make your own waffle thing. Mm hmm. Just the best.
Plus, uh, scrambled eggs, sausage, some cheesy grits, all that stuff. No, it was all great. Uh, all right, breakfast. Lunch was Jimmy John's. Oh, fuck. And I got an Italian. Bro, I've went to one Jimmy John's down here with the same group because for lunch and it was, what the fuck am I doing?
I nearly didn't get food, but it was- Yeah. When I walked in there, I was like, damn, I would rather go to Subway. It was a whole thing in any event. Jimmy John's Italian. Jesus Christ. It was fine. Dinner. What day was it? Tuesday. What day is it? Today? Wednesday? Dinner. Flounders in
Pittsburgh in where the fuck was I Pensacola? Flounders in Pensacola and I got 11 different kinds of shrimp. Okay. There's 11 different kinds. It was like a fried seafood platter that coconut shrimp. Did have.
It had coconut shrimp. It had fried deep water shrimp. It had fried e-west shrimp. It had a crab and shrimp stuffed crab shell. Pan fried, deep fried, stir fried, pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp potato, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich.
Uh, many of those things. And then it also just had a big, go to a fucking forest gum themed restaurant. And then, no, we didn't go to Bubba gum shrimp. I told you it was flounders and Pensacola. And then it had a cocktail and then it had a big old fried fish on. Uh, and then we also had bushwhackers, which is like a, some kind of Pensacola drink. I don't know. It's like a mudslide. God damn.
That is diarrhea, dude. Yeah, your stomach has no idea what's going on. No, we're fine. It's been fine. Uh, so that was pretty good. Um, the tartar sauce was good. All the fried things was good. Uh, great. Morning. Breakfast. Pensacola. Tired breakfast. Again. Jesus. Two more waffles.
scrambled eggs, but they the Panama City scrambled at the Panama City hotels scrambled eggs are pretty good. Just powdered eggs. No, these ones weren't you. They had like texture to them. So I knew they had cracked actual eggs. Are you sure because you can tell the difference. You can like, you know, when like it's it's got like like it's got like ribbons and that's like they cracked an actual egg. The Pensacola Hotel eggs were the powdered eggs were just like had the like it was like
Grain, I don't think any no matter what scale hotel is at the if it's a

Hotel Breakfast and Scrambled Eggs Discussion

buffet. I don't think they're cracking eggs I don't know They'd have to crack so many eggs. That's fine. They were I will say they were better They were superior quality hotel eggs if they were powdered eggs and they prepared them in a good way where you've believed that you were eating a
Cracked scrambled eggs that had then been like, you know. So anyway, those are good. Pensacola eggs, bad. But then I also got pork sausage, turkey sausage, grits. Two pancakes. Dope. Lunch.
What did we have for lunch today? It was awful. No, don't. You already had Jimmy John's. Oh, we didn't have lunch today. We stopped at a gas station and just got like beef jerky and candy. That's awful. No, because you had to drive from Pensacola to Tallahassee, which is like three and a half hours. These drives must suck. What are you passing by the whole time? Nothing.
panhandle if you're not on the coast which we weren't then you're driving through military bases and or pine forests where they grow the pine trees that they use to make telephone poles so it's literally air force bases or you're like these these like weird hypnotic pine forests because they're
their forests, but the pine trees are all perfectly straight because they're going to cut them down to make telephone poles. And they're also spaced exactly like 10 feet apart. So it's like, it's like a sensor. It's like a weird, it feels like you're driving through a screen saver. That sucks. And then there's just nothing, there's no like development.
But it's not as thick as like a regular mountain dude. I'm crossing a bridge now. It's just like endless pine forest or military bases still. I could imagine like people must get in accidents just driving home or driving from place to place over you know at night all the time because it's just so boring. Dinner. Whatever that place I texted you that did farm to table.
And I got, well, we loaded up on appetizers. So we got mozzarella sticks, deviled eggs, and some stupid bruschetta appetizers. And then I got chicken stir fry and then ate half of someone's pork. That's, that's, that's my meal recap. You got it.
What are you doing tomorrow? Tomorrow, hotel breakfast and I will eat and I will get any two waffles. I will assess the eggs and decide if I want to eat them. But the waffles, you look like breakfast near me. Why would I not eat the hotel breakfast? If I had so to be clear, when I get a house, I will find
one of those hotel waffle makers just to have. Not like a Hamilton Beach Amazon one that you can get for 30 bucks. I want the ones they have at hotels where you like pour the cup of pancake batter into the thing and then you spin it upside down.
It's not initializing. You're internet not cutting out, right Pops? No. Pretty sure I'm hardwired in. I got it all looped. I'm hardwired in too. Oh, I see Jared's fucking hotel Wi-Fi. I paid for the extra. I paid extra for the high speed wire. We got them all saved. It's not like we're losing them.
No, I still haven't seen Godfather. I know like I've seen like parts of it just because it's on sometimes But not like enough to really put the plot together. It's fucking so good
Uh, what is the runtime? Like three hour movie? It's three and a half. Three and a half. What kind of mental state do I have to be in when I watch it? I don't know. Just like, just fucking. I lied. It's two hours and 55 minutes. Yeah. Shit's good though, man. That's not that bad. Um, no, that's like one I'd watch, I guess. It's like the Breaking Bad. Like you're like, everything has a purpose in here. Yeah. I mean, if I was willing to watch.
uh, killers of the flower moon. Oh, how was that? I didn't watch it. Oh, thanksgiving. I watched the Thanksgiving movie instead. What's that? But I was ready to go in to the killers of the flower man. Uh, it's this, uh, was it Ridley Scott?
Mmm, I'm not sure but I know like I just happen to see a commercial for it. Honestly, oh my no Why did I say Ridley Scott Eli Roth? Why would I get those confused Eli Roth horror movie? He did Hostel. Oh, yeah Cabin fever looks like he owns a crypto company. Okay, definitely does Kevin fever fucking sucked
Um, yeah, that movie sucked. I don't know if you saw green inferno. That's kind of like a more obscure one. I feel like Dude, look at this with the cannibals, you know, that's what the cannibals. Yeah this picture on his twitter makes him look like he fucking Definitely owns a crypto company I was right about the godfather part too. That's three hours and 22 minutes. Yeah, there we go I can't wait to see that I fucking haven't watched it probably like six years
Holds up. But anyway, this was a this was like a campy horror movie based on. Like a like a slasher kind of style film set in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Oh, I know what you're talking about. It was like very like New England heavy. A lot of like memes like they reference like Papa Gino's pizza. So it's just stuff that you would get if you were from Massachusetts.
And it wasn't good, but it wasn't trying to be good. It was just like a, you know, kind of like Papa Gino's. Yeah, exactly. It was a sneak five beers into the movie theater and watch it piss on yourself. Watch it. Yeah. Fourth beer. Just start pissing in your seat. Yeah, exactly. Papa Gino's.
I'm always like, Dan, that seems really interesting, but it might hurt my brain. I'm still going to watch it.
I read the book. It's a pretty good story.

Osage Tribe, Oil Wealth, and History

There's a book about it. Yeah. Historically bound. What's up? What is it? What's the historical event? The Osage Indian tribe, the reservation that they got put on was on oil land. So then they were getting like a very large
Percentage of money from it for it from the government and selling it and everything So like basically all of the people in that tribe were like incredibly wealthy Yeah, and then it's about this guy who wanted to basically steal their money. So He marries one of the women and then there's like a whole conspiracy to kill her family and get all the money And then it led to like the creation of the FBI or was it the CIA
Maybe the FBI makes more sense but because they were trying to like nail the guy because they knew he did it. That was very hard for them to get a conviction. It's good. It's a good book. Very interesting. Seems like it would have been a terrible time to be alive. What all times? That one in particular. Yeah, you can't just fucking
Talk your way out of that situation a little bit. Guys, come on, come on, come on, come on. That's what he did. He was at his trials, and he's like, come on. You know he would do it. That's good. He should have mentioned the movie is really good. It's probably very intense. I could see where you could. Would you say it's like a fire at the circus? Would you say it's like a fire on the mountain?
It's probably like, it's probably like being rectangular and finding a person who's circular. Did you hear about the fire at the circus? It was intense. I feel it in my bones. I am rectangle that one in my back pocket.
Pobs, do you know why the scarecrow won a Nobel Prize? Nope. Because it was outstanding in its field. Damn, bro. Pretty good. Pobs, do you know why the the space shuttle Challenger astronauts didn't take a shower before takeoff? Nope.
Because they knew they could wash up on the beach. Because they all died. You got any pops? You got any good ones, pops? Bob? I don't think so.
Maybe if I really think about it. Do you feel it in your bones? Whatever that guy's doing, it's working because I thought about that so long. Bobs, I have a good knock-knock joke, but I need you to set it up. Cardi B and Meg Thee Stallion made a one-of-one wop record that has fake comment.
Wait, what? It'll make more sense if you see it. I don't know that I want to. It's just like filled with fucking liquid. I don't know. You could fill a record. I don't get it.
think the record must be extra, extra. Like I'd have to have a space in between the two sides, right? I extra deck. I don't know. Hey, yo. What should we message that rectangular guy and get him on the pod? Yeah, I think we should. Come on now. I think you'd come on.
No way. He'd fucking be like, if you want me to be on, you have to buy my stupid rectangular lifestyle book. I'll buy a stupid rectangular lifestyle book. I won't. Well, you don't need to buy three of them. I saw the new Disney movie, Wish, over this past weekend. And I certainly enjoyed it. I definitely think that the company can still know how to do it. They can still make good movies, at least on occasion.
Was that him? No, that's my guy James reviews food. Now that's my dude James Jones, dude. James B. Jones. He's from I think he's from like Oxbridge. He was on love on the spectrum season. America crushes my guy. It's my guy. I've never actually watched that show. You got Netflix now. Yeah, I don't think I probably ever will. I'm sure I would love it. But
I've I don't know how you're supposed to feel watching that show. Probably just celebrate it. You got to celebrate these people. You got to treat them normally. I. But so that's the problem is if I think about it in that way, if I'm like, this is OK, then I'm then I feel like the show, the fact that the show exists is exploitative.

Reality Shows: Ethical or Exploitative?

They're signed up, man. It's either you're supposed to either it's either a joke that they're not in on.
It's either a joke that they're not in on and you're supposed to find it funny, which is fucked up, or it's like, or if you're like, no, this is a celebrated thing, that's like treating them like zoo animals. Then you're like, isn't it like cute how they can have normal relationships too? And that felt fucked up to me.
I haven't had some good scenes in it. I've just seen the meme scenes. You're supposed to not overthink it. I get it. It's like, oh, Virginia, it seems we're both autistic. I am 28. They have conversations that we have for an hour and 40 minutes on this podcast. It's very, very, very relatable.
Yeah. Do you, do you like, do you like wind cycles too? Yes, I do. You gotta respect it when they go on dates and they don't hit it off. They're like, you don't like what I like. We're done. I'm like, hell yeah. Yeah. They got principles. That's how you do it right there.
Mm-hmm. I don't like you I Am 28 I Watched a bunch of episodes when I was Watching your house. I just can't remember anything except for that one episode Damn when I had all of barge shit logged in I should have watched all these fucking shows Dude screwed up his algorithm
There was one episode where like, this one girl, the one I think is maybe faking it a little bit. I think I know what you're talking about. Where she goes on a date and with some guy who's like, not, I didn't think was faking it in there. And within five minutes, they were like, I think that we are like intensely soulmates and we've been waiting our entire lives to meet each other. We're like, hooking up after like,
Five minutes after they met each other. Yeah. This is like there's just something wrong about she's like moaning and groaning while kissing him across the table. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I saw that one and I was like, I don't think I can watch this show. She's a graphic designer, dude. Danny, she's a graphic. You're not a graphic designer. She cut. She did the curb. She cut that guy to the curb. Yeah. Yeah. She had a whole business. I am a graphic. You have to have a master's degree to date me. And you don't.
She played that guy like a fucking fiddle and not even cool. I know. So wrong. I think we could get that guy, the rectangular guy on the podcast if we ask him about some business ventures or something. I think we could too.
just have him promote his fucking song he can definitely he could play the sing the whole song for yes to open and close the park you think we could um sunday and pizzas oh i don't think canada puts their people's addresses out there harder harder to find them yeah
Not impossible. You've piqued my interest on seeing if I can track something like that down. What's his name? He'd be so psyched on it, I think. Sean Sullivan or something? What the fuck is that? Steven's. Is it Sean Stevens? Yeah, it's like an extremely normal name, unfortunately. He's got a whole actual music video for this rectangular song. Sean Stevens.
Oh wow, he's the co-founder of that company. That's why he's still there. No, wait, nevermind. Oh, there's multiple Sean Stevens. Right. Tree frog. What the fuck's that place called? Sean Stevens music. Oh yeah. Sean Stevens, but he spells it with a P.
Redox this guy live on the pod. Fuck it. Wow, this dude's music, bro. Sean Stevens, Canada. Address. On New Market, Ontario. Okay, we're getting closer. Canada address. Okay, at least his company.
Damn, dude, these these guys are so quirky. Oh, my God, this business photo is so awesome. See if I can post it in here in the. Yes, click that photo. Oh, yeah. That's not even St. Patrick's Day. That's just a normal day at the office.
It's just a picture from his company. Yes, it's on the Google. This dude's like a retarded Elon Musk. The guy who was left is my favorite.
What was that dance competition show and had like the Baba Dukes or something? The green Jabbawockeys. Yeah, there you go. Jabbawockeys. What the fuck? They had a residency in Vegas. They still do, I bet. What's up with the dude with the fuck? I like that the guy in the chair just looks miserable.
Oh, the guy the beard guy. Yeah. Yeah, he's like, but then he's wearing wingtip black and white Doc Martin boots. So that guy's got something wrong with him too. Anyways. Do you guys also feel like college in Canada is like fake? Yeah, you go to grade 12, then you go to university.
Are there any like no to notable colleges in Canada? Like do people ever talk about going like, I don't know. Are there like a one that you've heard of in like Vancouver, like Toronto or something? I don't think so. University of Toronto. But is that like a good school? I don't think so. I think Paul just made that up. Like I would believe that that's a real school.
or like, I'm sure there's like a university of Oh, I go to university fuck off. Jared want to university. No, I didn't say like, I go to university. Yeah, that's the fucked up part. Like people on Reddit all the time are like, Oh, I'm in university. Is this good?
No, it's not. Yeah, dude, they fucking don't have the same public records as fucking USA does. Well, I'm gonna dock somebody else then. Oh, I guess McGill. McGill's in Canada. Is that a good school?
never heard of it. Maybe we could send pizza to his office, everybody just be psyched. Yeah, hell yeah. Call them and be like, Hey, did you get the pizzas made you pay for you want to have you want to have an again motherfucker?
Actually, imagine being in that situation though. Like you're the boss, all of a sudden pizzas just show up in your office space and everybody's like, oh sick. Oh yeah, damn. Jared surprised us with pizza and then you're like, ah fuck, I actually have to pay for this. Damn, you're the man, bro. He's like, no everybody, this is a prank, we're sending it back. This is such a dick move. Pizza's pizza's not in the budget this month. Stop celebrating.
Then the office just smells like pizza for the rest of the day. Everybody just smells it all. Damn, I can smell that. Smell of pizza right now. It's so good. Sorry, everybody. Corporate said we kind of keep the pizza. We had to send it back. We had to pay for it still. Oh, shit. Maybe that's a way to get a free pizza party at work, like once a month.
hmm there's other pizza hacks that seems like a good one now i am rectangular i feel it in my bones yeah he does go off like that
We should just start sending letters to these houses. That might be even more terrifying. Letters? Yes. What do you think about that? I like it. What was that movie? The Netflix show? Where that person just kept receiving letters written from a house. Is that what that is? The Watcher.
I take it neither you watched The Watcher. No. Well, the Netflix series. And it's not worth watching. But it was like, I think it's based on a true story. But like, as with all things that are based on a true story, they take a lot of liberties. Like, oh, we used like a real person's name. So it's based on a true story.
But basically like it's an unsolved case, allegedly, uh, with this house in some town that kept getting letters in the mail that were written from the perspective of the house about stuff that was going on in the house. Okay. So it'd be like a letter that was like, Hey, noticed while you were at work, your wife had a friend over.
Nice having people inside my walls. I'm the house. And then they and it was like, but it like knew all these details. So obviously it was somebody in the neighborhood like watching them and they were freaked out by the letters. And they also had like some weird neighbor, some like slow kid that like kept getting into their dumb waiter. He just keeps getting caught in it, spinning around. Yeah. Going up and down. So the show makes you think. And then they have this other like.
neighborhood that like fakes their own death. So it's like, you've got this house with all this creepy stuff happening. And then you've got like four neighbors in the neighborhood who could all be the ones who have some reason to like vendetta against them. Okay. Like they're like rich out of towners who are like trying to renovate the house and one neighbors like pissed off that they're like destroying historical
You know, like molding in the house or something. And then there's the neighbor who's got the kid who keeps wandering on the property and they're pissed. They're like, get your fucking kid out of my yard. And she's like, he's slow. He doesn't know what he's doing. Can't you just be nice? And they're like being assholes about it. And there's like the neighbor that faked his own death and they like called the police. And they're like, why'd you call the police? Like, let me fake my own death if I want to. And so they like sit up with like a bunch of random suspects where you're supposed to be like, ooh, one of them is the one that did it.
And then they just fucking don't even tell you. They just end the show. And they're like, yeah, to this day, letters still show up at that house. And no one knows who did it, who's doing it. They just did the classic fade to black. Yeah, bye. They want the Sopranos direction. Bye. Have a good glad you spent eight hours with us. So now you know all you need to know about that.
How do we get on that topic? I don't even remember. Oh, sending random letters to people's house. Who was your favorite guest, frequent guest on the Colgate Hour? I don't know what that is. How do you not know what that is? Come on, dude. Comedy on the Colgate Hour. Yeah, I don't know what that is.
about would you say that is Roy donk king of the tuk tuk sound tiny boob squiggly shorty which one would you say is like you're leaning towards more last night of bowling Monday on bowling the dude in

Bowling League Quirks and Observations

the lane directly behind me
It was the other league where they actually take it serious. The one guy's name was Rob Rob. He was fucking it up, dude. He was throwing like over a hundred and 115 every round. And then there was this other person in the league who was like clearly the worst. And he looked like Joey Diaz, dude, no bullshit. He was wearing a Mets jacket. He was like the same height as Joey Diaz, same like droopy ass looking face.
I was like, Holy shit, that could be his fucking long lost brother, dude. That's so fucking funny. Then they count faults in their league. So I thought it was just doing terrible. I was like, man, if they counted faults in my league, I would, I probably would have quit. What's a fault? Explain that. Like say a pin is in the gutter and your ball hits that pin and bounces out and hits pins. You don't get any points for that. Oh,
That's bullshit. But I have been I have played in bowling alleys where like the thing that sweeps the pins comes through after each time you like you get whatever like two chances in a frame or whatever.
a big pen, they do that. Yeah, and it'll come through and sweep the pins. So I guess I I mean, I guess I get it because they're just not doing that part. But then like, who's paying attention to that shit? That's just making something that's supposed to be kind of like fun into like, now I have to pay a whole bunch of attention. candle pen, it doesn't sweep, but you can't use any like shots that bounce out of a gutter or something.
But that whole crew was fucked up, dude. There was that guy. And then there was a kid who was probably 20, and he had a rolled up bandana that he was wearing as a headband. But he also had hair that was kind of like a bowl cut. Yeah. Fred, who looked like he was probably 85. No, Rob Rob was probably like 50 and was wearing a Gravelabs t-shirt. OK, Rob. That rules, dude. Yeah.
They also had a home man on their team that was wearing a crazy tie-dye shirt and he carried a towel. And when he would get up, he would pick up his ball, rub it with the towel. Then he'd snap the towel and hold onto it while he was bowling. It was crazy, dude. It's like, if I showed up to my league and it was like that, there's no way I would have stayed in it. You have to hang out with fucking Rob Rob and Joey Diaz.
What kind of pants are these guys wearing? Are they in some denims or something doing all this? No, no, they're all wearing like fucked up track pants. Oh, yeah. Are they eating and drinking anything or are they just right there in a bowl? Just bowling. Just pure dude. They take it serious. Think about it all week. Is it like a season or are they full year round?
Let's go Rob Rob. Um, my coworker had, he owns a bowling lane, can't have been bowling lane. So it was just like a hand me down from him. What the fuck does that mean? I like the size of a bocce ball. Oh, the only way, the only way like two and a half pounds.
Is there a shock clock? I don't think about you guys. God damn dude. What's your setup look maybe a little bit bigger. Grab the grab the ball. Damn it.
start talking shit to everybody on your squad. What the fuck? Like, oh, yeah, we're definitely gonna get married. What? What's your ring size?
Or if you do like, let us know how it went. Hell yeah. You think I could probably get Rob Rob on the podcast. I'll just tell him it's about bowling. Yeah. Start getting into the layup line.
Yeah, it's about two scoots to the right. How old is Rob Rob? Oh, damn. I was a little jealous. I was like, mine just says my name. I don't get a fun nickname.
I'll get a custom golf or golf, custom bowling shirt that says that on it. No way. Jesus from Big Lebowski. No way. Dude, this dude is still fucking mad. Just start licking the ball and shit. Don't fuck with the Jesus.
Holy shit. Yeah, I got a lot of weed will be a little fun. I watched the big Lebowski again the other day probably that honestly. Got a lot of fucking weed get a little platter. He's a pedophile. That's so awesome. He's a pedophile dude. Yeah.
How about Kingpin? You ever seen that? Yeah, it's just outside of the lanes. He's just a normal guy. Inside of the lanes, he's dropping off. That's pretty funny. If you've ever never seen that, it's pretty good. No.
Now it's Woody Harrelson and somebody else. Bill Murray. Oh, is it? It's Duckpin Bowling, right? Yeah. Yeah. Disney Bowling movie. I got to figure this out. That's from the Rectality Cats. Dude, you ever seen that? Great movie. Great movie.
When I lived in Rhode Island, there's dudes like that, but it was regular bowling. They would fucking just spin the shit out of the ball the whole time. All right, man. Fucking relax. The bad that I kind of want to learn how to do. Yeah, I want to learn how to spin it. Spin the shit out of that thing. A full fucking bowling ball, too. Yeah, just get it to like curve in a way where you're like, how is that even possible? Is candle pin a full bowling ball, or is it small bowling ball?
Uh, candle pins?