47. How I stopped drinking alcohol 8 years ago and never think about it, The Power of Identity Work image
It's Happening For Me
47. How I stopped drinking alcohol 8 years ago and never think about it, The Power of Identity Work
47. How I stopped drinking alcohol 8 years ago and never think about it, The Power of Identity Work

Hi babes! I saw something this week that made me reflect on my alcohol-free journey that really started in 2016, so over the past 8 years I have been alcohol free aside from two pivotal events where I drank twice-- once at 2 years sober, and then once again a year later at the same exact work trip, to now being alcohol free since 2020. I don't consider myself starting over on my sobriety journey and both times taught me new lessons that I needed to learn. At this point alcohol is totally neutral for me, I never think about it, it doesn't trigger me and I can live my life co-existing without any struggle and I want that for everyyyyyone who has had a problematic relationship to it! 

I share about:

-Why alcohol impacts people differently from genetics to environment and our childhood

-My relationship to alcohol starting off in 8th grade to my young twenties and how I became super dependent on it towards the end

-What the Akashic Records say about alcohol culture and how it's really used as a distraction

-How our identity is SOOO crucial in actually having lasting change

-Why inner work matters any time we want to change an outdated behavior or pattern that isn't serving us anymore

-How my life is so different from where it was 4,8,10,15 years ago and how I almost don't even recognize that older version of myself, I've had many deaths

-I offer hope and proof that life can be so juicy, and fun and full and even more exciting without alcohol, coming from someone who NEVER could picture living life without alcohol

-Why the word sobriety feels energetically heavy to me and why I prefer alcohol free

-Why I don't resonate with AA, my experience with it and the power behind our words as spells and our belief in our identity

I hope this episode was helpful to you in some way and if you'd like to hear more details on what the Akashic Records say about the spirit of alcohol, DM me on instagram!!!! www.instagram.com/iamellisamae

Join my Piecing Together Your Purpose Through the Gene Keys Masterclass, July 14th 3PM PST: https://calendly.com/byellisamccoy/soul-purpose-blueprint-gene-keys-masterclass 

Work with me 1:1: https://calendly.com/byellisamccoy

If you loved this episode please rate and leave a review, it would mean the world to me!


20 Plays
2 months ago

Hi babes! I saw something this week that made me reflect on my alcohol-free journey that really started in 2016, so over the past 8 years I have been alcohol free aside from two pivotal events where I drank twice-- once at 2 years sober, and then once again a year later at the same exact work trip, to now being alcohol free since 2020. I don't consider myself starting over on my sobriety journey and both times taught me new lessons that I needed to learn. At this point alcohol is totally neutral for me, I never think about it, it doesn't trigger me and I can live my life co-existing without any struggle and I want that for everyyyyyone who has had a problematic relationship to it! 

I share about:

-Why alcohol impacts people differently from genetics to environment and our childhood

-My relationship to alcohol starting off in 8th grade to my young twenties and how I became super dependent on it towards the end

-What the Akashic Records say about alcohol culture and how it's really used as a distraction

-How our identity is SOOO crucial in actually having lasting change

-Why inner work matters any time we want to change an outdated behavior or pattern that isn't serving us anymore

-How my life is so different from where it was 4,8,10,15 years ago and how I almost don't even recognize that older version of myself, I've had many deaths

-I offer hope and proof that life can be so juicy, and fun and full and even more exciting without alcohol, coming from someone who NEVER could picture living life without alcohol

-Why the word sobriety feels energetically heavy to me and why I prefer alcohol free

-Why I don't resonate with AA, my experience with it and the power behind our words as spells and our belief in our identity

I hope this episode was helpful to you in some way and if you'd like to hear more details on what the Akashic Records say about the spirit of alcohol, DM me on instagram!!!! www.instagram.com/iamellisamae

Join my Piecing Together Your Purpose Through the Gene Keys Masterclass, July 14th 3PM PST: https://calendly.com/byellisamccoy/soul-purpose-blueprint-gene-keys-masterclass 

Work with me 1:1: https://calendly.com/byellisamccoy

If you loved this episode please rate and leave a review, it would mean the world to me!

