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55. One Year Podcasting Anniversary + First Negative Review, how to deal with negativity, the shadow of Vanity, Gene Key 12 image

55. One Year Podcasting Anniversary + First Negative Review, how to deal with negativity, the shadow of Vanity, Gene Key 12

It's Happening For Me
17 Plays6 months ago

Welcome babes!

This is the one year anniversary of the pod!!!! 

I noticed that I received my first negative review, and I share all about how I handled it emotionally, and how intimately knowing myself through my Human Design and Gene Keys has allowed me to get over it and only focus on the positive reviews! (haters are going to hate lol)

This week I share all about Gene Key 12 and the shadow of Vanity!

It's super easy to get stuck in the shadow of Vanity when we've had our spiritual awakening and suddenly feel REALLY GOOD. We're thriving, we finally experiencing self love and then we may look around at other people stuck in their victim consciousness and separate ourselves from them... which leads to the shadow of Vanity.

HOWEVER, once we open our hearts and accept that we're all Pure and just different shards of the same crystal, we can shift into the gift of Discrimination.

A lot of spiritual leaders and women on the purpose path are SOOO afraid of the shadow of Vanity and coming across as "self absorbed" or "selfish" they swing in the far opposite direction and DON'T shine their light or share about their personal experiences, which is exactly what your people are waiting to hear!!! 


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Introduction & Podcast Anniversary

Hello, my friend. Welcome to the It's Happening For Me podcast. If you are obsessed with all things spirituality, personal growth and development, and living as your highest self, you are in the right place. I am your host, Alyssa, and I spent the majority of my teenage years and young 20s living totally out of climate. As I started to question my patterns and behaviors and actually got to know myself at the soul level, I realized that everything was happening for me.
Now, as a spiritual life coach and human design guide, I am here to share my voice, personal stories, human design wisdom, and learn from incredible individuals living their purpose. Join me each week as we walk the spiral path of purpose together. I cannot wait to dive in.
for me podcast. I'm so happy that you're here today. And you guys today marks the one year anniversary of this podcast. So I am just so, so, so grateful. So, so proud that I found something that I absolutely love something that just has honestly been so easy for me to commit to. I think a lot of times in the past whenever I start a new project and then I ultimately like don't finish it, it's because I'm not really like it's not really soul aligned and this podcast is something that I've been wanting to start for a very long time. And so just the fact that I get to do this and show up every single week and share with you guys whatever is on my heart
And the things that I'm super excited to teach on has just been so, so awesome. So thank you guys. Thank you guys for the OGs who show up and listen every week. I appreciate i appreciate you guys so much. And yeah, so today you guys, it's kind of funny what I want to share about today.

Handling Criticism and Personal Growth

And I just think this is so important because it really is like very fitting for anytime that we're going to start like a new venture, start something on the purpose path, or even in the spiritual, like honor spiritual soul businesses, we are going to get haters. And so um I was cracking up because I was checking on Apple podcasts. I never really check like my, the ratings and reviews, but something drew me to check it last week and I
saw this like rating and review that I had that was like super rude and I was like wait at first literally my heart dropped but then I'm so like it's just crazy because I can see how much growth I've had because like the refractory period of like how fast it turned like I was able to just like be like wait this is like shit like this is I don't care
was literally like so short. It was probably like 30 seconds or a minute. I was like, okay, wait, like this is not necessarily true. I don't have to take this as um truth. This is this person's truth. And to me, and honestly, it also is kind of true. I'm going to read you the the review right now, but I just started like laughing afterwards and I was like, Oh my God, this actually means that I'm so aligned with my design, with my human design, because I have so much like individual circuitry.
And my purpose is gate 51, the gate of shock. And so I was just like, wait, I think this is actually like, very fitting. And so um I sent a screenshot to my mom and brother and I was like, okay, I almost just cried, but also like, am I famous now that I have a hater? um Okay, so let me read it to you. So a good girl is her username said, yikes, two stars. If you want to listen to a millennial yammer on about herself, you found the spot explanation point. and i was like ah First of all, I was like super, I really was really sad because I don't edit these. like That's something that's
ah allowed me to have a very sustainable time with these podcasts. Like I know myself and I want to make it as easy as possible to show up every week. So like I don't edit them. Um, maybe I'll do like very minimal like editing, but sometimes I do go off on tangents and that's just literally who I am. And I feel like I'm expressing myself and expressing my heart. And yeah, like it is my fucking podcast. Like I'm going to talk about myself and I'm sorry that you like are not looking for that, but Like, to me, it just like blows my mind how somebody, it takes so much effort, you guys, to go Google, look up Apple podcasts, and then like leave a review. Like, even the people who listen all the time, like, and I know you guys, like, enjoy it, you guys aren't leaving reviews, you guys aren't leaving ratings. So I'm like,
why is it that it's the negative people that have it's something that I did or said just sparked something in them that annoyed them so much that they felt the need that they need to go and leave a review and like the only reason that I'm like low key like annoyed is because I did have five stars and now I have 4.4 because I only have like a total of like four or five reviews which is totally fine um but you guys I am going to be um I am going to be announcing like a super special thing at the end of this episode.

Embracing Purpose and Resilience

um So stick around because if you leave a review, I'm going to gift you something very, very special. So anyways, that's just to celebrate like my one year mark. But I just thought that was super funny and I want to share that with you guys because like
it actually took a whole year for me to get a negative comment. And that's pretty crazy. Like, you know, when I, before I started, I'm pretty sure that I had so many like self doubt beliefs and just fears that like people are going to hate me and they're not going to like what I talk about. And like, I'm going to hurt somebody's feelings. Like the amount of times that I've had, um, that I've had like a vulnerability hangover after the episode of being like, Oh my God, like I shouldn't have said that, that like, that was way too personal or Oh my god, like I don't want someone to like perceive me in this way and like hurt their feelings. But I've also gotten so many comments from you guys when a certain episode just hits. like A certain episode you relate to so much and ooh, 5.55 on the clock. And when you guys reach out and let me know that like it really helped you overcome something or like it was really relatable, um those are the comments that I focus on. Those are the comments that keep me going.
And I know that this is really like the long road, right? Like it's been a year, but it's going to continue to be more and more and more and more years. I can't wait until like I have more and more and more years and I'm able to reach more and more people. Um, and yeah, so if you have been on the fence of like wanting to start a podcast or wanting to start something, like I said, on your purpose or spiritual journey of soul business, just know that yes, there are going to be haters that come along, but We literally do like, we've done so much personal growth and development work that well, I can speak for myself that I was able to like bounce back from it literally in 30 seconds and be like, okay.
This is obviously not for you. ah Honestly, I don't even know what the word yamaron means. I guess it means like a yapper, someone who talks a lot. But I was like, i don't even none of my friends have that word in their vocabulary. So this is definitely not the podcast for them. That is not my target audience. So um sorry, but not sorry. And I'm going to talk about myself, you guys. I'm going to talk about my story, literally. That's what this is about. This podcast is about me. It's even in the intro. Me sharing my stories.
sharing tips that have helped me overcome things um yeah on my sole purpose and healing journey. so Anyways, that really brought me to the topic that I want to talk about, which I think is going to really, really help you if you still are having fear of showing up, of um putting yourself out there, of starting something new that's like kind of scary because you're afraid of judgment. um This is really going to help.
so I was, I took Peanut on a walk and then I was walking up the stairs this morning and I saw a praying mantis. And I never, never see praying mantises here. And it was like tannish yellow. It wasn't even green. I've only seen green praying mantises in my lifetime. So that was like pretty special. And so of course I had to look up the gene keys, like meaning, and it's related to the 12th gene key, which is called a pure heart. Oh, it ate, it ate on the clock.
And I thought I was reading it about it right now and I was like, Oh my God, this is literally so perfect because it's so easy to like fall into the trap of thinking that are ah of listening to other people's pur perception of us and thinking that, wait, am I hurting other people by being myself and by sharing what I have to share? Like there really is this like feeling of like censoring ourselves and feeling like we don't want to hurt other people's feelings. We also are like, don't want to rock the boat. We want to make sure that everybody likes us. And when we're on our purpose path and in our soul businesses,
we're not here to be liked. And that's something that I've really, really, really like, I'm still learning the lesson of that. It's like, I want to be liked, but I realize that sometimes we have to just share the message that comes out, even if it is going to ruffle feathers, because we're here to change lives, not necessarily just be liked or even be liked at all. Um, and so that brought me to really like diving into this 12th Jane key. And it's so interesting because I think it's going to really help you, um,
I think it's going to really help you tune into your own voice and be able to share what's on your heart and be able to share your emotions and have the courage to know that, hey, even if this does hurt somebody else, I am not being selfish by sharing but what's on my heart and by you know sharing my experiences, which is literally what this podcast is all about is like me sharing my truths and just having the hurtful comment.
Like even though I got over it within 30 seconds, I still think about it. Like even before I press play right now, I was like, wait, the way that I'm starting this out is like all about me, me, me, me, me, me. And it's like, we, I don't want to be selfish and I don't want to like make it all about myself, but also I do have a lot of that in my design. And so like, I am going to talk about myself and share my experience and I'm not going to dim my light because somebody feels that doesn't even know me, that probably has not even listened to a full episode all the way through feels that like I'm selfish or talk about myself and yep on and on and on about myself. Which I do, like I literally do. So let's dive into the 12th genki, okay? um So the 12th genki, a pure heart. The shadow is vanity, okay? So whether you have the 12th genki or the 12th gate in human design or not, this is something we can all learn from.
And I really felt honestly, really healed from that comment after reading this because I realized that my intentions are true and pure. And I'm not just doing it. I'm not just doing this podcast or speaking about myself for attention. Like literally, that is the last thing I'm doing. I'm doing it to share what's on my heart to help others. And so you should have the courage to be able to share your story, to share your experiences and not let people get in your head of making you believe that you're being in the shadow of vanity. So let's talk about it so we can even know what it means to be in the vanity shadow and then how we can heal it.

Vanity, Self-Love, and Spiritual Growth

And of course there are going to be times that we are in this shadow. Like there's nothing wrong with the shadows. They're not good or bad. It's one, like two sides of the same coin. It's just knowing when we are in this and then knowing how to transmute and alchemize out of it. And I will also say that I did also like take that comment to heart. Like yeah I talked to to my mom brother about it. I talked to George about it. And he was even like, well, is there some truth to it? And I was like, yeah, I honestly, there is a lot of truth to it. I do talk about myself a lot.
And I can take that and really learn how to maybe format these episodes a little bit better to really give you like the the tangible learning teachings in a very direct way, like upfront. So you know what you're getting into and then like always making sure that I'm tying it back to you because I really like, obviously this isn't just like a diary where I'm just like speaking about my life. Like I want you to get something from this and like really also learn through the experiences that I'm sharing because I feel like that's a huge part of my design design so anyways when we are let's talk about the shadow of vanity so also the 12th gene cube and the 12th gate the the gate in human design is in the throat center
and it's reaching down to gate 22 in the emotional solar plexus. So when you have the 12th gene key, you are here and the 12th gait and hymn design, you are here to speak, right? It's in the throat center. You're here to speak and share your emotions and share your feelings. It's connected to that emotional solar plexus. So there are three great mythic trials that test human beings on the road to self-realization. And the Twelfth Shadow of Vanity marks the inner core of the Ring of Trials, which is meant to say that this shadow represents the third and final aspect of this trial trelo trilogy of human tests. Sorry guys, oh my gosh, my brain.
So essentially the gene key says that there are three mythical trials that human beings are going to go on and be tested on, on the, the, the way to self-realization. And this 12th gene key represents the final aspect of that human test. And so vanity like pride, which is a 26 shadow.
follows us to the mountain peaks of consciousness. It is an uncomfortable word for most of us, and in our vanity, we do not usually like to associate ourselves with it at all. Unlike pride, which thrives before an audience, vanity is a far more internal shadow. In one sense, vanity is the very first human vice, and it is also the last shadow to let go of you. So the 12th shadow, vanity, is the love of your own uniqueness.
and It's about learning to love yourself, which is the true definition of vanity. However, vanity only stops being vanity when you realize that to love yourself is to actually love everyone else.
a revelation demanding a quantum leap out of yourself altogether. So when we're first starting out, I think on our spiritual journeys, but right before we have our spiritual awakening, a lot of us have a very dark night of the soul, right? A lot of us have experienced very low self-worth, you know, different traumatic experiences in our lifetime, um probably pretty toxic relationships and just not really knowing who we are, right? Like we are lacking a lot of self-love and then you have like a spiritual awakening and then you start learning things about yourself and you start having um different experiences that allow you to start having boundaries and to really start finding out who you are at the soul level and really having a connection to source. That's really how it happened to me. It was like having this deeper connection with source God universe and like really seeing myself through God's eyes
And I absolutely fell in love with myself. Like I was like, Oh my God, I love how I look. I love how I talk. I love my mannerisms. I love how I move. And it was all through really being able to see myself through God's eyes, which I think is like a very important step on the purpose path on this like spiritual self realization path, right? Like, we're going from totally hating ourselves. And I can speak personally, like, I couldn't even look, I wouldn't even look in the mirror, you guys in public, because I was like, Okay, if someone he sees me looking in the mirror, that's confirming to them that they realize that I realize how ugly I look right now. So I just because I felt, I felt so physically ugly, like I hated how I looked, so I would never look at myself in the mirror.
because I was like, oh, I don't want them to see that I recognize how ugly I actually am, which is like so weird, right? But there's all these little things that I had where I just like truly, like I did not like myself. So I feel like this vanity is like the starting point also to our self-realization because now instead of hating ourselves, we're falling in love with ourselves and we're like, oh my God, like I truly love myself.
And that takes a lot of time. Like if you aren't there yet, just know that that can take years and years and years. Like it took me years to get over all of like the insecurities that I have and obviously I still have insecurities and I still have days where I feel like I don't look pretty.
But I definitely like have really, really came a very far long way. Like before I even used to hate my teeth and my smile and so every time I laughed, my I would cover my mouth with my hand. Every time I was in pictures, taking pictures, I would cover my fate my like chin with my hand because I was breaking out really bad with cystic acne in high school.
So I would always cover my chin with my hands. Anytime I would laugh with somebody in person, I would cover my mouth. And so, because I didn't want them to see my teeth. And so I really have come such a long way of just, first of all, accepting who I am and then falling in love with her. And so if you aren't there yet, just know that it does, it can take a lot of years. um Okay, anyways, so we have vanity, right? So vanity, it it is a shadow. So vanity,
Let's see where I want to go next with this.
Okay, so because it involves the expression of the soul or heart, this gene key is deeply involved with your ability to connect to the power of your own breath and emotions. It is connected to the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and in particular with the human larynx, the prime organ of speech.
It is humanity's vertical larynx that set us apart from the animals. In esoteric lore, it is said that the animals with horizontal larnages operate under a group of spirit, whereas the development of our upright larynx allowed the introduction of the ego. Indeed, it is the twelfth jinkie that allows your thoughts to be translated into language and vibration, giving you the illusion that your words have independent power.
Out of this concept of independence were born two powerful human attributes, vanity and ego. In the ancient yoga systems, there is a profound connection between the larynx, represented by the throat chakra, and the gonads, represented by the sex center. This is also reflected by the rapid growth of the larynx during puberty. The ancients say that long ago, these two centers were in fact one, but that over time they separated and the larynx slowly closed.
In Dutch, the word for the larynx is called shidlker, um sorry that was horrible pronunciation which means shield gland, suggesting that the larynx is a protective mechanism concealing a great secret. Interestingly, the word thyroid derives from the Greek word for shield.
I'm just going to read a little bit more, you guys, because it's super fascinating. So the great secret of the 12th shadow is language. It is said that the garden of Eden, Adam swallowed the apple, which became stuck in his throat and remains there to this day as the Adam's apple and all men. The Adam's apple represents the masculine principle of the mind that becomes identified with your words, thoughts, and actions. And the larynx gives you the illusion of power through language. The 12th shadow is about loving the sound of your own voice,
and as it such is the root of language. However, as we will see at the highest levels of frequency, it is not what you say that matters, but the frequency that lies behind your voice. Vanity can choose the most beautiful of words, but it can never hide the frequency of its tone. It's important to remember here that none of the 64 shadows are inherently bad. If you declare something as bad or evil, you will miss the gift that lies within it.
vanity is simply the lower frequency of the 12th gene key, and after all, vanity is the foundation of the city of purity.
Okay, so super, super juicy. So let's talk about Let's talk about it a little bit. I'm going to read a little, little tiny bit more. And then I want to talk about the two ways that vanity can express itself. So it can express itself in the repressive nature of elitist and it can express itself in the reactive nature of malicious. And I think us on the spiritual path and those that are stepping into our leadership or, you know,
stepping into ah being our highest version of ourselves, being of service to others, I think that we're actually so afraid of being identified in these two natures that we almost go so far into the other spectrum of like not wanting to talk about ourselves and not wanting to appear selfish at all, which I'm going to get into a second, but I think you're going to really get where I'm coming out from. so Anyways, as you refine your frequency, you naturally fall into the illusion that you are somehow different from others and are becoming purer than the rest of the world. You begin to identify more with your higher self, which your lower self takes great delight in. This is the most tricky time in your spiritual evolution because it is so easy for you to remain here at a relatively high frequency. You feel powerful, individuated, wise, and well-meaning. However, you have yet to make the greatest leap there is, the leap into pure
into true purity, the leap into your own death. So oftentimes what can happen is when we first, not even first, but just on the spiritual awakening path, we start to feel really good, right? Like we start to heal ourselves. We start to feel so good. We start to be awakened. We start to like realize like what, what's really going on in the world and how to heal ourselves through whatever ways you have found, whether that's through nutrition and food or like meditation.
yoga, connecting to God, connecting to source, whatever ways you have really found healing, we often start to realize how powerful we are, right? Which is like really exciting, especially to the ego. And we can start to almost like unconsciously separate ourselves from others and just separate ourselves from those who are still suffering and those who are still quote unquote, asleep, which is almost like this elitist nature to even call people asleep.
But when we see people in our lives or just like people in society who are suffering and we and we really see that they're in their victim consciousness, right? Like they're in their victim mentality and they have the opportunity to move out of it if they would just allow themselves to like get out of their own ways, but they're not. And so they're so stuck in it. And there's this thing that happens where we're like, Oh my God, like we almost like separate ourselves from them. And we're like,
because it feels so good to be so high vibrational, to feel like you've really healed a lot in yourself, that you're like, you see yourself as almost like on a hierarchy of like higher than them, which really, and that is not true at all. It's just that everybody's on a different, everybody's just on their own path and waking up at different speeds. like some people this lifetime, they're not going to awaken. Some people are going to stay suffering their whole lives in this lifetime because that is what their soul is here to learn in this lifetime, right? Like this isn't going to be the lifetime for them to like wake up or to like get out of their problems or to like completely heal their lives. And so what we have to really remember is that we've lived many lifetimes. So we've also lived many lifetimes, even this lifetime before, you know, we've, we have,
started to awaken and like heal ourselves, we also lived in the victim mentality. And we also go in and out of it literally every day. So it doesn't make us better than anybody. um And when you are in that frequency, that is when you are still in this vanity frequency, which is a shadow. And you're not fully opening your heart to the other person and to the experience of life to realize that like we're all in this life just on different timelines.
So just wanted to say that. But anyways, let's look at the elitist and the malicious nature. So the repressive nature of vanity is elitist. And so there are essentially two different types of vanity. Chorus vanity and refined vanity. The repressive nature of the 12th shadow is the refined version, which emerges in certain characters of as elitism. I'm sorry, you guys. my i'm like I feel like I'm like not speaking correctly today. anyway Alitism is vanity working undercover.
These characters may agree with you outwardly, but inwardly feel very different from what they say. Often they refrain from making any comments at all, preferring preferring to remain detached. This is the domain of the spiritually evolved. Those few who have done a lot of work on themselves, quote unquote, these people inwardly feel that they are clearer than most around them. They can take a great pride in being different or being beyond any creator system. Such vanity ensures that such a person cannot make the leap out of their inner being most longs for the leap into permanent higher consciousness. This only begins when the awareness of our own vanity fall finally dawns. So again, these are the people who pride themselves on like doing all the work. And, um, yeah, they're just like, they just feel more evolved than everybody else. And like, Oh my God, they, they don't have time for everybody's like low vibration and like complaining and like, Oh my God, you're too toxic. Like get away from me. Like, I don't want to hear that. Where it's like,
Okay, you're not actually leaping into permanent kind ah higher consciousness because you're not aware of your own vanity that you're stuck in of you feeling better than others, right?
um which is a trap that a lot of people can fall in. And then if we move on to the reactive nature, which is malicious, mo malice stems from anger, which in turn stems from fear. The reactive nature of vanity can use the gift of this gene key, the gift of discrimination, as a means of hurting others. Whereas the elitist withdraws into silence out of fear of being seen as weak, these people openly use their so theres substantial vocal gifts to inflict pain on others.
Like all classic victim patterns, such people usually feel put upon in some way and react maliciously without thinking about the damage their words or actions might do. The 12th genki has beneath it real emotional power, and it has a God-given talent for language and communication. These people really know how to push other people's buttons through the power of their voice. They can hurt people like no one else can. Their malice may not be premeditated, but it is usually brutal and ends in disaster for them.
So again, just to recap, the reactive nature of vanity, which again, vanity is very vocal. Vanity is in the throat center. This is, this is you know, words manifesting. People have people with this janky are really good with their words and they're it's very emotionally charged because it's connected down to that emotional solar plexus. So if someone is in the reactive nature of malicious, this is someone who is like using their power to put other people down.
So the elitist is like, I'm too good for this. Like I'm not even going to speak to those peasants, you know, like kind of like that. Like, Oh, I don't have time for them. Like they're beneath me. They're so like, they're so in their victim. Like and I'm not even going to associate with them. So they're like separating themselves, right? They're not even speaking to people. Whereas the malicious people are vocally attacking other people.
and putting them down and you know really seeing them as separate from themselves and they're maliciously like very brutally hurting another person and again this isn't necessarily premeditated but it is just like very reactive like in the moment on their emotions and they're putting other people down because they feel like they are better than someone in some way because they're stuck in vanity. Okay so How do we move through this? So the way to move through vanity is to really move into the gift of discrimination.

Discerning Truth and Authenticity

So discrimination may not sound like much of a gift, but when you truly understand the 12th jinkie, you will see that it has a great power. To discriminate is to inherently know what and who is healthy for you in your life. The energy of vanity is simply self-destructive unless it can be put to good use.
discrimination is exactly that. You take your vanity, the urge to be better than or somehow pure than others, and you turn it into art. The 12th gift is deeply associated with the arts, with music, with language, with dance, with drama, and above all with love.
the love within the 12 gene key is not universal love, it is about falling in love. This is human love with all its ah ah drama, obsession, beauty, and danger. Vanity is about love loving yourself only, whereas discrimination is ultimately about loving the things and people outside of yourself that make you feel good. So whenever someone with this gene key or like you know has this gift of discrimination, um whenever a person is faking or has a concealed agenda with but behind like what they're saying, the person with this gift of discrimination will immediately feel discomfort, like deep discomfort because they can tell that this person is not trustworthy. So this really is like, this this really is a beautiful gift because you can just you can discriminate between like, again, what is good for you, what is not good for you, who is lying, who is telling the truth, what is real, what is fake. And so what I thought was so beautiful,
about this is like discrimination is all about ah really like tuning into the heart. It's really like tuning into the heart and being able to tell like who is really expressing so something from their soul. So these people make really great critics. um They make really great critics. It was talking about in like food and the arts and music because they really have this sense of being able to tell like who is truly speaking from the heart and who has some sort of like hidden agenda. And then when we move into the civic state, which is all about like purity and like, well, it is purity, but this is like the highest frequency of this gene key.
It is purity and it says it's called swallowed by the void. And so the human yearning for true love and is in reality a lower frequency of a permanent state existing at a higher level of consciousness. This state called by many names and many cultures is essentially your pure nature untarnished by human desire and beyond the dualistic mechanism of the mind. Only the higher mind which is another expression of our heart can begin to understand the true purity of the 12th city.
Okay, so you're probably like, what the heck does that even mean? So everything the universe has at its core is the same original purity. We are all shreds of the divine crystal. And as our forms go through this process of polishing, so consciousness begins to remember itself through us. Even the most evil of beings has at its core a shining pure heart, which means that in truth, there is no evil. There are only progressive levels of density.
This is the great secret you come to embody here in the Ring of Secrets. In the ancient alchemical systems, the throat center was seen as the greatest of all initiations. In the Indian chakra system, the throat chakra known as Vishuddha is a clearing house for the higher consciousness.
All the lower chakras, including the heart, are since synthesized and purified in the throat. In this respect, it represents the boundary of the known and the unknown. Likewise, in the Jewish Kabbalah, the throat is symbolized by an invisible sphere known as a death, the abyss. This abyss must be crossed in order for higher consciousness to dawn, and the crossing of death is a symbolic letting go of your hard-earned knowledge. This is the ultimate purification in which you meet your own death and are reborn into a higher sphere.
Okay, so essentially, if we want to just really tie this back into like what I wanted to talk about, about like sharing your truth, knowing who you are, having an open heart is do not be afraid to come across as selfish if you want to share your life experiences and if you want to share your heart with the world. As long as you are tuned into your heart and you are seeing other people as your brothers and sisters and you realize that we're all just different shards of this big crystal, right? Like we're all just different frequencies of this one beautiful crystal and none of us are better than others. None of us are
um Yeah, like none of us are better than or higher above anybody. We all just have our own very unique frequency and we're here to share that and but blast that out and but blast our people with love. Ooh, three, 33, 33 on the clock. Blast our people with love, acceptance, and just true desire to help them change and evolve. Then you should never feel bad about sharing your own personal life experiences. Like it is not coming, like that is not vanity. It is not vanity. And I think,
I could have really taken that review to heart and thought like, Oh, wow, am I being in the shadow of vanity? Am I only talking about myself and like talking down on other people and like making other people feel bad about themselves? It's like, no, absolutely not. I am so relatable. I am so transparent. I share all of my experiences and, you know, personal stories with you guys from a place of like vulnerability and love and truth. And I'm sharing things about myself that a lot of people don't have the courage to share about to the internet, to the abyss, to strangers, like to publicly share. And so I was like, Hey, I'm not in vanity at all. Like I am literally in the gift of discrimination and I am sharing, connecting with others and just like really sharing
something really beautiful, which is like my story and my experiences and the wisdom and knowledge that I learned from human design, Jane Keys, the Akasha to really help other people like evolve and grow in their lifetime.
And so that's something that really, really helped me. And I love that the praying mantis came through to show me the 12 G and key to look it up, to read it right now, to share with you guys, because I feel like this was like literally so perfect because a lot of times we feel, and I know I felt in the past like, Oh my God, am I sharing too much? Am I being too?
selfish But it's like, no, think about all of the people that you really look up to, like all of the podcasts I listen to, they talk about their selves. They talk about their personal lives. I love learning about other people and I love when other people talk about themselves and when other people are in their power and when other people are confident to share their voice and share their unique frequency with the world.
And so, yeah, I just thought it was so cool and like just kind of funny, honestly, to share that, share that review with you guys um at the one year mark, because um when I saw it, I was just like, what the hell? Like, um also, yeah, I am a millennial. So I feel like it was literally like a great review, like spot on. Maybe that will give people that actually want to listen.
a true reason to listen. So yeah, you guys, anytime that you are about to start something, if you're looking to start a podcast, if you're looking to um start a blog, looking for a way to express yourself, start showing up on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, any way that you are like expressing yourself, writing books, public speaking.

Encouraging Self-Expression and New Segments

Just know that as long as you really tune into the gift of discrimination and tune into your heart and see that you are really here to help others and you are not above anybody, but you're are more just like brothers and sisters and like goddesses all connecting, shining our different frequencies, all just like on different timelines, um, then you're doing the right thing and you are in the right spot. And I'm so proud of you and I cannot wait to see you know what you continue to share and you know,
put out into the world like it's honestly a gift and all of us that feel called should share ourselves in whatever way we feel that we want to. So with that I am going to wrap it up thank you guys so much for listening again thank you so much for being here with me over this year-long journey I can't wait to continue to show up for you guys. And so I have two really exciting announcements you guys. So okay, this is the first like juiciest announcement. So I am going to start a new segment called
Um, the psychic hotline. So I have recently been like really, really, really diving more into like my gifts and like doing readings and just feeling like so connected to my intuition and to like my psychic abilities. And so I want to give you guys an opportunity ah to work with me for free and to also have your questions answered on the podcast. So once a month, I'm going to do a episode called um the psychic hotline where you can send in your questions, like a question that you want me to answer. This can be about anything in your life, in your business, on your spiritual journey, um relationships, whatever, whatever you want. um I'm going to have a form that I'm going to put in the show notes. so All you have to do is go fill out the form. I am going to be
you know, this is going to be a podcast episode. So like I'm going to be answering your question on the pod. um You can remain anonymous if you want. So there'll be a spot for you to put your name. Obviously I need to know your name, but there's like a little check ah chuck ah box you can check if you want this to remain anonymous. So nobody will know who you are, but just know that I am going to be like deeply answering your question. You're going to put your birth information. So your birth date, time, and place of birth. This is very important because I'm also going to be looking at your human design and your gene keys.
And then I'm just going to be tapping into the Akashic Records. um So you're going to put your full first, last, middle, and first name, last name, and if you have a middle name, um your birth information, and then whatever question you have without however much detail you want. I am going to be reading the question off to, you know, to the audience. So just know again that you can renewme remain anonymous, but this is going to be public. so you're going to put in your question and then I'm going to um for that episode I'm going to tune in I'm going to open up your records look at your charts and answer the question and so feel free to send in your questions however many you want um I'm going to
I honestly don't know how many I'll get to in an episode. This is something that's so exciting for me, something that's so new and really fun. um So again, I have never done it. I don't know how many I'll get to, but just know that if you submit it and I don't get to yours, I will get it in the next months. So this is something that's going to be permanent i am as long as like you guys participate and want to do it. And I'm so excited. And this will be a way for you to honestly like kind of work with me for free, but also like get a chance to have your questions answered and like in real time on the podcast. um So I'm super, super excited.
So I will put that in the show notes. And I highly recommend participating you guys like it is going to be so fun. um and It'll be such a fun way to connect. I've been so on Instagram on Thursday, I did some free. um I did some free questions to like read people's energies using tarot and oracle cards and the Akashic records and you guys like I the response was insane like I just love everyone who got a free reading and like reached out to me and like we talked about it it was like spot on pretty much and just like it makes me feel really good about like exploring my gifts because I don't really have a way to like explore these psychic gifts like outside of like these situations um and then of course before I make like an actual offering around it
So yeah, I'm just super excited. So look out for that. Again, that's going to be, um it'll for sure be coming out next month. So I'll put the link in the show notes. And then you guys, if you can do me the biggest, its biggest favor, okay, you guys, I am asking you, like, this would mean the world to me, you don't even know. So if you have been an avid listener to the pod, or maybe you've listened a couple times, if you can please go to Apple podcasts and leave a review, again, this can be an anonymous, you can put like whatever random username you want, like you do not have to put your real name, um but please, please, please rate and review, it would mean so much to me.
I was at five stars, but now I'm at 4.4 because of that review that was like a little negative, a little negative Nancy, which is totally fine. She's open to her own opinion. But again,
It would mean so much to me, you guys. i really this This will just help other people see the podcast. right like The more reviews, the more ratings I have, the more people that get to see it. and so If this at all like ever was interesting to you, if you ever got anything from it, if you ever felt like you related to an episode, like share your favorite moment or share how it makes you feel or just say, like Hey, I love it. Whatever you want to say. Like please, please, please. It would, you don't even know. Like it would literally make my day and um I'm going to give you a gift. So once you do that, if you take a screenshot of your review and email it to me, I'm going to put the link below, um, email it to my email. I will send you a form and I will do a free mini reading on you. So the only reason I'm going to send you a form is because
actually no I'm sorry you guys I'm like totally sorry I'm like totally making this up as I go but that doesn't make sense so send me a screenshot in the email I'm gonna put the email below in the show notes everything will be the show notes show notes send me a screenshot of the review that you left and in the email just put a question that you have that you want answered so this could be a question about anything if you just want like a general energy reading just put like general reading um and like your first and last name. That way I know like I have your first and last name to connect, um but I'll use cards. I'm going to use cards and I'm also going to use the Akashic Records and I put your Instagram handle in there as well if you would like me to share it on Instagram because I want to put it on my stories as well. um And I will put it on there. And then I'll also just like email it back to you if we don't have a way to connect on Instagram. So yeah, I'll send you a picture of your reading and it'll be a read in a written little mini reading.
Um, to show you my gratitude of you leaving and a review and reading my podcast, cause I appreciate it so much. And I appreciate you showing up every single week and just supporting me. It means so much to me. Um, yeah. And I, I can't wait to get you nor to get to know you more and just like, see how I can support you. But yeah, anyways, so again, look out for the form. If you want to be entered in on the psychic hotline and then also please, please, please rate and review, send me a screenshot to the email below, which is going to be.
by Alyssa McCoy at gmail um with ah a screenshot of your review and a question or like a little phrase or just say general reading. And I will email you back your mini free reading. Okay. I love you guys so much. Thank you for supporting me. I hope you have the best day and I'll see you next week. Okay. Bye-bye.
Thank you so much for being here and listening beauty. If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to leave a review and share the episode with a friend who you know will love it. We can connect further on Instagram at I am Alyssa Mae. So come say hello, leave a comment of your favorite takeaway on