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56. Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet to your close friends and family? Listen to this for support! Gene Key 46 image

56. Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet to your close friends and family? Listen to this for support! Gene Key 46

It's Happening For Me
15 Plays5 months ago

Hi babes!

If you're in the uncomfortable in between of fully owning your spiritual gifts and sharing them with the world but still hiding part of yourself from your closest friends and family because you're fearing their judgments, listen to this episode!

I speak about how the two biggest fears really are:

1. your relationships changing 

2. being misunderstood by the people you love

I break down both scenarios, either your friends and family NEGATIVELY reacting to your truth OR POSITIVELY reacting, and how to get into the best-case expectancy frequency.

I hope this episode sparks conviction and gratitude in your spiritual gifts and the idea of not being SO serious, and instead being in the energy of ecstasy, joy, and love and just being an example of a high vibrational being...which will impact your friends and fam much more than sitting them down and having a serious/frigid/defensive conversation... which is not necessary!


Let's connect!

Work with me, or submit your question to 1-800 SOUL SUPPORT to have your question answered directly on the pod!!!!!! @byellisamccoy (




Introduction to the Podcast

Hello, my friend. Welcome to the It's Happening For Me podcast. If you're obsessed with all things spirituality, personal growth and development, and living as your highest self, you are in the right place.

Alyssa's Journey to Spiritual Alignment

I am your host, Alyssa, and I spent the majority of my teenage years and young 20s living totally out of climate. As I started to question my patterns and behaviors and actually got to know myself at the soul level, I realized that everything was happening for me.
Now, as a spiritual life coach and human design guide, I am here to share my voice, personal stories, human design wisdom, and learn from incredible individuals living their purpose. Join me each week as we walk the spiral path of purpose together. I cannot wait to dive in.

Coming Out of the 'Spiritual Closet'

Welcome back to the It's Happy for Me podcast. Thank you so much for listening today. And today is a super juicy episode because I want to talk specifically to the person who is like ah right in that very uncomfortable period where they are going to come out of the spiritual closet to their closest friends and family. So that's just like kind of a funny way that we say it, but I'm sure you can relate. Maybe this is something that you've had to overcome in the past, or this is something that's like really, really present for you right now. um But it's this place where, you know, you've had your spiritual awakening, you're so into personal growth and development, you've learned so much about yourself, and you've probably just
have been diving into all of your favorite spiritual practices, you have probably taken certifications and trainings and like you're ready to fully step into your purpose and like share your gifts with the world. But it feels so scary because there's still one like very small step that hasn't been like fully explored yet, which is like sharing your interests and your passions with those that are closest to you. So this can be like even your partner, like sometimes people don't even talk about the side of themselves to their partner for many of reasons, you know, whether they're afraid that they wouldn't be open to it or just like their belief systems are so different. This can also be your parents, your extended family, just the people that are closest to us. And I have seen this
so many times I have dealt with this myself personally and I have this perspective shift that I want to offer you in this episode to make this experience just a better experience for everybody involved because obviously you Obviously, this is a huge part of your life, right? like This is a huge part of your life, especially if you're someone who is a spiritual practitioner and you are wanting to create a business or like even just start sharing your gifts with the world. There's no way that you can hide this from your friends and family forever. And like also, like why would you want to do that, right? like You want to be your fullest expression, and even to the people that you love the most and that

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Spirituality

love you the most. And so I want to break down
what is this fear like really rooted in? And then I want to give you a perspective shift on how to make this like way less serious and more of like just a lighter touch, like a way lighter touch that you feel much better about this. And you realize that like, Oh, this actually isn't this scary. This is why I felt so scared. Okay. I understand that. And now this is how I can move through this to make this just like a better experience for everybody. I'm also going to share personal experiences of like how this has gone well. And then also a personal experience of how this has not gone well so that you can just be really, um,
just so you can see different perspectives and know that even if you do share yourself with the people that you love, they might not be receptive. Like they just might not. That is a truth. But oftentimes we tend to like really overdramatize this in our own minds and just completely shut down and think that like nobody's going to get it and nobody's going to understand this, which is like not true at all.
And then also, of course, I'm going to tie in the jean keys because um this actually came up this week when I was speaking to a beautiful person in the DMs about this, about coming out of a spiritual closet to front, like very close friends and family. And as I was responding, there was literally a ladybug crawling on my window.
And the ladybug is the shadow of the 46 gene key, which is seriousness. And it's just so crazy because it confirmed exactly like literally spirit was like, yes, girl, this is exactly what we're trying to say is like, you don't need to take things so seriously, and right? Like, especially like spirituality is supposed to be There is no supposed to be, but in my opinion, it is very light and like it is very humorous. like There is a lot of humor in spirituality. There's a lot of humor in really realizing who we are at the soul level. and I honestly truly believe that God is funny, that God has a sense of humor, that our guides have a sense of humor, and that it's supposed to be fun.
Like in my opinion, the way I practice, it's going to be fun. And it's not going to be so serious. And there doesn't need to be this energy of needing to convince people to either like also believe your beliefs or to accept your beliefs. Because we're all on completely different timelines. We're all in completely different trajectories. And like the people that are closest to us are not meant necessarily to grow with us in this way right like everybody's on their own timeline so having the expectation that they're going to like fully accept you and then also kind of like be on the similar timeline is just not really realistic but there are so many ways that we can work around this so yay it is 505 on the clock so I'm so excited so let's just get into it so
The first thing I want to say is that, and it's kind of funny to even phrase it of like, oh, coming out of a spiritual closet, but it really is like, we have our beliefs and ah the ways that we view the world were formed from zero to seven. So all of our beliefs and thoughts around the world until we start to really question them are the same exact beliefs and thoughts that our parents or our caretakers have, because that's how all of those programs were installed into our subconscious mind was from zero to seven. So if you grew up very religious, if you grew up in a family, or maybe even an atheist family who doesn't believe at all in anything, you know, a higher power, maybe you grew up with people who thought that
I don't know, like, oh, tarot is like witchcraft is evil, you know, and like just kind of like buying into the society's ideas of like what, who witches are, just all of that, right?
so It makes sense that you also grew up with those thoughts until you left the home, started to have your own awakening, starting to learn things on your own and had your own realizations. And now you have your own set of beliefs and your own view and perspective of reality. Like your reality is now shifted.
and you have learned so much about yourself, so much about the world and you're so excited and you are healing yourself and you're like, Oh my God, I literally know what would heal my friends and family. I literally know that if they just had this perspective shift, if they just received this healing, they would feel better. They could you know, heal their anxiety, their depression, they can heal their illnesses, they can literally change their lives and become the CEO of their life. And you know this because you have done this yourself. And so of course, it's super exciting. And you want to share this with everyone that you love. But also, it's very scary because you know, from growing up, the beliefs that they have around these practices, which may be they might have a negative view of them.
And so what's really happening when we have this idea of like coming out of the spiritual closet is what we're really afraid of is two things. Number one is that the relationships we have will change. We're afraid that if we are our fullest selves, if we are our truest selves, and we share that side of ourselves with our closest friends and families, they will not accept us and our relationships will change. And so there can even be like a very deep seated fear of like, Oh, they will reject me, they will excommunicate me from the family, they wouldn't want to, you know, talk to me anymore, hang out with me, spend time with me. And a lot of these feelings and beliefs can also really be rooted from past lives. So a lot of us, most of us probably for sure, if you're listening to this podcast, I've had past lives of being killed at the stake, you know, burned at the stake for being a witch or
you know, murdered for being a healer. And so it's such a, it's such a ah fear beyond even just like being thrown out and like rejected from the tribe. It's actually a fear of like dying, which is subconsciously, like, you know, you're unconsciously aware of that. And so it is very, very scary.
So the first that's the first the first real fear is the fear of relationships changing. The second biggest fear is being misunderstood. So it's just like being misunderstood and having people that you love, that you've been have been a huge parts of your life for your whole life now looking at you differently and being very confused by you and misunderstood by what you're doing. And like they obviously don't have the same beliefs and they might even go as far as to think that you're crazy or whatever you're believing in is just like insane, right? And so if we look at those two as like being the things that we're most afraid of, then we can ask ourselves, okay,
I know that I am here. I know that my soul incarnated into this lifetime for a reason. I know that I have a purpose in my life. I know that my purpose is to use my spiritual gifts that I have and heal others. I know that I'm here to like raise the in my own special unique way, raise the frequency of the planet because I'm here to heal, change, make the world a better place, spread love and beauty all through my own unique frequency and my unique gifts.

Imagining Positive Outcomes and Family Support

And so am I willing to, now that I've realized that about myself and I have these beautiful gifts, am I willing to say, you know what? My purpose actually isn't that important. I actually think that
I'd rather preserve the relationships that I have in my life, even if these people aren't really aligned with where I'm going, even if these people are aligned with past versions of myself that I no longer align with, even if these people don't really see the highest timeline for me, even if they don't support me fully, I would rather suppress myself, suppress my purpose, completely dim my own light, just stay the same person that I was from what these people know me as,
just so that I can preserve these relationships. And just so that I can continue to be understood from these people, which actually is a complete lie because you're not being understood by these people. These people understand you as the old version of yourself. So if you think of it like that way, if you continue to just hide yourself and like not share who you fully are anymore, you're holding on to this idea of them understanding you, but they're understanding an old version of you that is no longer there. The version of you that they understand about you is a version that
is gone. that That version of you is dead. That version of you has died because you have fully transformed into this new version of yourself and you're going to continue doing that your whole life because you are someone who is on the growth path. You're someone who is a lifelong learner. You're someone who is here for evolution. Your soul is here to learn from lessons and like you know that about yourself. And so why would you want to even hold on and preserve relationships with people that only see you a certain way and that certain way is a past dead version of yourself. And why would you want to hide your gifts and completely just put, you know, put that side of yourself to rest to preserve relationships with people who don't even really know you anymore at that level.
And you guys, this is from us assuming the worst case scenario. This is from us assuming that they are not going to get it, that they are going to judge us, that they are going to want nothing to do with us, and that they're going to completely change their concept of who we are negatively.
now What if we actually looked at the best case scenario? Like what if our friends and family actually really love us? What if they don't care what we do as our passion or as our career? What if they don't care that they have different beliefs than us? What if they actually love us so much that they fully support our fullest expression and that they're actually so proud of us? What if we're actually such a beautiful light in their life and we have been
giving them, like we've been totally not giving them the benefit of the doubt. like We have been downplaying them. We have been assuming the worst of them when actually they want the best for us. They look up to us and we just shining our light and being our fully expressed self is rubbing off on them on ways that like they don't even realize and that they actually really appreciate and that they actually love having someone like that in their life. And that even though they don't have the same beliefs, and maybe they wouldn't necessarily want to be your customer, they're so proud of you. And they're so amazed by how you help others. And they're like, Oh my God, like, go after your dreams, go after your gifts. And they actually talk about you in such a beautiful way to their friends. And they're so proud of you. And they're like, Oh my God, do you know what my daughter is doing now? She's a freaking healer, or like, Oh my God,
Do you know what my cousin does? She's an astrologer. Don't you like astrology? You should book a reading with her. They can literally be your network. They can literally be your own personal network that praises you, that shares about you, that is so excited for all of the things that you do. They might even be the first people on your email list. They might even actually buy your workshops. They might, right? It's like, we are just so worried that we Just because we haven't shown the side of ourselves to someone, we're so worried that they're going to judge us and that it's going to be a negative interaction when it might actually be so beautiful. i When I came out of the spiritual closet at work, I actually realized that like so many other people were so into the same things that I was. And I was so afraid to fully be myself and to even share parts of myself. I actually came closer to people once I realized that they were also into similar things as me.
And so oftentimes we really, really, really are assuming the worst case scenario, but if we could just for a second give our friends and family some grace and realize that, hey, they might actually like super support me, even if they don't get what I'm doing, they can still be so proud and so excited that I am so lit up by what I'm doing. And again, all of us are going to know and have like this like internal, you're going to know, you're going to have this, your your intuition is going to tell you,
all you need to know of like, okay, is this person fully open? Are they fully not? As long as you're really tuning into your intuition and not into your fear based mind, your fear based looping mind looping thoughts are going to convince you that people are not going to get it, that they're going to hate you that they're going to want to turn their backs on you.
But if you can really just like meditate on it and truly think, like how would they actually respond? like How have they responded to me in the past when I've shared parts of myself with them? like Were they really excited for me? And then that's how you kind of can like decipher between each different person is going to be different. right like each Your mom, your dad, your grandma, your grandpa, your aunts, your uncles, your best friend, your coworker, they're all going to have different relationships with you and different, like do you know them,
personally to a certain extent of like what you think they would be able to like understand or accept. And so just like really going into it with the best case scenario of like holding them to their highest part, their higher self, not looking at them for their shadows or their flaws or the way that they've treated you in the past, but holding them to their highest self and know like, Hey, this person might actually really accept me. I'm going to give them the benefit ah of the doubt to just be my fullest self around them. And I'm not going to like pass judgment on them or think that they just like wouldn't get it or they're too close minded for this. Right? But like that's a beautiful shift to have at that level.
right? Like, would you want to do that? Or would it feel more expansive to be like, okay, but I know that my soul is here to evolve continuously, to learn and to grow and to share love and compassion and understanding, and to heal others and to publicly go out and share my gifts with others so that they can heal because there are people they're seeking my unique medicine, my unique frequency.

Authenticity and Living from Gift Frequency

And I know that in order for me to put myself out there and connect with them, I have to fully step into this new version of myself and accept that my personal relationships with my friends and family may change. Like they're going to change either way. Either they're going to accept this new version of myself or they're not going to accept it and the relationship will negatively change.
So it is very scary, right? It is very scary, but it's really up to you to decide who do you want to be? Who are you living here for, right? Like, yes, our friends and family are so important. Like they're obviously so important, but that's why you see that oftentimes people who are on this like spiritual path, often there are relationships that
they do outgrow. like There are going to be relationships where like you just don't have as much in common with those people anymore. Even like your lifestyles may be very different now. Maybe certain behaviors that you used to like partake in and accept, you no longer partake and accept those for yourselves. And so it's like, okay, it's kind of misaligned now.
because you have just a very different lifestyle from the people that you used to once connect with. So it's really up to you to like ask yourself the really hard question of like, okay, am I willing to completely still suppress myself and show up as a fake version of myself? Because that is not the full version of yourself when you are hiding these parts of yourself from people, right? Are you willing to preserve that in order to keep these relationships the same that are not promoting growth that are not promoting truth that are not promoting love because that is not your truth to hide yourself or are you going to take the courageous risk of fully just being yourself and being who you are in every relationship and then allowing the other person which is completely outside of your control to either meet you there and accept you or to fall back and to fall away and that is completely up to that person's choice right it's not like you're
coming out of the spiritual closet and they're like, Oh, I don't fuck with you guys anymore. Like I'm like evolved. I do not fuck with people who are also not on the spiritual path. Sorry, I need to make all new friends and family. Like it's not like it's like that. It's more like you're ah now just being your fully expressed self and you are giving the other people in your life the opportunity to either accept you and meet you where you're at or to fall away on their own terms. Like that's their own choice. You cannot like You cannot control that, right? We can only control ourselves. So wouldn't you want to step into your fullest expression of yourself so that you are being yourself everywhere you go? And it doesn't matter who you're standing in front of, whether it's a coworker, a friend, a family member, a friend.
you are just being your fully expressed self. You're not hiding parts of yourself. You're not putting on a different mask, depending on who you're in front of. You are just being yourself and you're allowing people to either accept you or not. And the more that you learn how to do that, which obviously it does take time, but the more that you learn to do that, you are going to start attracting people who are really here for you, that really fuck with you, that really love your energy, that are your people, that are your fractal line. We each have a fractal line, which is like a group of souls who specifically chose to incarnate in this lifetime to fuck with you, like to learn with you, to be your friend, to teach you lessons. And so if you are constantly hiding yourself and you're hiding away and you're not being your fully expressed self, how do you imagine that those people are going to find you? You're only attracting people that are, your attraction field is only attracting people still through your shadow, right? We each have, this is a side note, but I'm obsessed with this. So in the jean keys, we ah each have an attraction sphere.
And if you are living in your shadow frequency of your attraction sphere, you are constantly calling in friends, coworkers, bosses, managers, guides, healers, coaches, um partners, intimate relationships from the shadow frequency. And you're going to continue looping in those shadow
dramas, dramas and issues and repeating patterns over and over again until you decide and i come like to that step into the gift and now you start attracting people from your gift frequency. And so you're moving from drama to Dharma. And now you're able to fully be in your Dharma and live your purpose. But we can't actually get there and live our purpose until we're fully embodied in our gift attraction sphere of who we are. Right. And so that does take a lot of courage to be our fullest express selves. It does take a lot of courage. So
Really quick, the next part that I wanted to kind of like transition into is I want to give you a reframe. So I used to think this way, and I know a lot of people do. We think that coming out of the spiritual closet, quote unquote, it's like the more that I like dissect it, the more that I actually hate that term.
because it makes it seem, you guys, like we have to sit down somebody and have a very serious conversation, like a very serious, uncomfortable conversation where we're already expecting the other person to reject us, we're expecting the worst, and they are going to feed off that energy. So if you feel like you need to sit down your mom, for example, who is very religious, and you need to come out of the spiritual closet and tell her like that you're no longer This is an example, like, oh, I'm no longer part of the Catholic Church. I don't associate with that religion anymore. Oh, and by the way, mom, I'm also a like certified Reiki practitioner. I heal people through energy healing. I've been doing this for the past like year or a couple, whatever, however many months.
and I am going to actually transition my corporate job into being a full-time Reiki healer practitioner. I just wanted to let you know. like If you sit her down like that and you're like so nervous and you have this like and you have this like really kind of like restrictive energy, you're already expecting her to like reject you, you're making it very serious. like It's a serious, huge, live transition.
How do you expect the other person to receive that, right? Like they are going to feel not good. They're going to feel probably defensive. They're probably going to feel like
shocked if you've never shared shared this part of yourself with them at all. They're probably going to be shocked. They probably don't even really understand what Reiki is or energy healing is. And they're definitely going to be super, super upset that you are like sitting them down in this way and like letting them know that like you're no longer a part of their religion. Like that is huge, right? Like so if you put yourself in their shoes, that is shocking. That is, that is If you put yourself in their shoes, you guys, like really put yourself in your shoes. They truly believe that the only truth in this case would be through the Catholic church. Like that is the only truth. That is the only way to view your relationship with God, with Jesus, like with mother Mary. That is the only, that is the only truth and that is the only reality. Like they truly believe that that is the one reality.
And so if you're coming at them with a different reality that they don't understand or they don't accept, they're not going to just easily be able to understand that and accept that. It's going to be very scary for them is what I'm trying to get at. It's going to be scary because think about yourself.
you know If you also grew up Catholic and you really believed in the Catholic Church because your parents told you that that was the only way and you know you went to church all the time and like that was ingrained into your subconscious mind and then you had your own spiritual awakening and you started to question everything. like Just remember how scary that process was. like I think we can all agree if we grew up religious that it was extremely scary and extremely uncomfortable to confront this new part of ourselves that just didn't align with with those rules and with that with with that structure, right? And there was, for me, I came to speak for myself when i I grew up Christian in the Lutheran church. And so I really, truly believe that like you had to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, or you would not go to heaven, you would go to hell. like I really believe that.

Natural Sharing of Spiritual Beliefs

And so when I had my own spiritual awakening, and I started learning all of these different things, and I studied all the different religions, and I started just having this massive awakening and realized that I did not align with that any anymore. It was at first very scary because a part of you was like, wait, but if I like if I don't believe this anymore, am I going to go to hell? like There's still parts of you that need to be integrated, right? And so imagine now that you're coming to your mom, who maybe for like 60 years has only had this one view of reality, and you're telling her something completely different, she's only going to be scared for you and worried for you. And so it's just not going to be a productive conversation. And so the the guidance that I
always give people and that honestly has helped me so much in my journey is come from this from a place of instead of seriousness of like, Oh, I need to sit down my family member and come out of spiritual closet. Like you don't need to do that. You don't need to have a conversation. There there doesn't need to be any like definitive formal like coming out like, Oh my God, I just have to tell them this or like, you know, like this is the only way it does not have to be 22, 22 on the clock. It doesn't have to be serious.
It doesn't have to be a sit down conversation, a one-time thing of like telling them this like huge change in your life. Literally you guys, all you have to do is start being yourself. Literally start leaning in to delight and joy and ecstasy and the things that make you feel so good. Start inviting them. Start being honest with them. When they ask you what you did over the weekend, tell them the class that you went to. Tell them the,
certification that you're working on. Tell them the whatever like the healing that you did for someone and then they will naturally have questions for you and you guys can talk about it in a really fun way where you're just feeling excited and like you're just sharing something and it's not this like crazy intimate like oh let me sit you down very serious life-changing life-shattering conversation that you have to have because they're also probably going to think something crazy like that something is wrong with you like especially if you've never shared any like anything that you've been doing with them along this whole journey that you've had. If you've never shared with them like oh like I don't know like oh I'm going to like meditation or like I'm going to a yoga class. Oh like I'm going to the crystal store. I don't know just like little little things that are kind of like entry. I don't know like entry level mainstream things that people think are spirituality like that normal people that haven't
got into this, I don't know, this side of life before. Like if you haven't shared anything about yourself and then all of a sudden you want to tell them that, this is a great example because I'll i'll tell ah a personal family member's experience, but all of a sudden you want to tell them that you're like an Akashic Records reader and um And you explain what that is, they might just think that it's crazy, like depending on the person and you know, your own family and friends, like some people are like really open. And so it's not even a big deal whatsoever. We kind of just like build it up in our mind, but some people truly do think that it's insane. so
Another thing that I always say is like your friends and family aren't going to be your customers. They're not going to be the people that need your healing and receiving in this lifetime. Like it's just most likely not. I mean, yeah, there are certain circumstances where like, for example, my mom, which I feel like is an anonomaly anomaly, anomaly, however you say the word, who's into this stuff. So like I get to read for her all the time. I get to practice my gifts on her because she's into it. That does not happen all the time. And so just having this understanding that like, okay,
I want to be my fully expressed self with my friends and family. I don't want to hide any parts of myself. And I'm not going to cling to the fact that I need them to accept me or to fully understand what I'm doing, right? Even when we're sharing our gifts with the world, we don't want to go and like convince anybody of anything. like You're not going to go to a room full of people who have never heard, even like meditated, and try to convince them that they need an energy healing or try to convince energy convince someone that they need a sound healing or convince somebody that they need this like tarot reading because it's going to completely like open up their mind to like their subconscious and like show them what's holding them back like we you guys are not here to convince anybody or to teach them or to open up their eyes to anything because
as you know for yourself, we're all here to do that on our own timeline. Nobody forced you into awakening. Nobody was like, Oh my God, like you need to go get this healing. And like, it's going to completely change your life. Like maybe you had someone that was like really excited that like,
Oh my God, I had this life changing sound healing and like it sparked my awakening or like, Oh my God, I went to a yoga class and like it sparked my awakening. All of those are very positive experiences. Do you hear how I even, oops, do you hear how I even say it in my voice? I'm like, Oh my God, I had this incredible sound healing. I didn't even know what that was. I went it like I'm blocked something in me and now I'm like,
actively going out and like reading books and like trying to learn about things. It's coming from a place of excitement, joy, ecstasy. Those are the times where we're excited to try something new. Never, never, never is it in a convincing energy of like, oh, you need this. You need this to heal. You need to learn about this. Nobody ever is going to listen to that or try to have their beliefs changed. So you're not here to convince anybody of anything. Your friends and family are not going to be the people that you necessarily practice on unless they are like you'll know like you'll 100% know if they're open to it or not.
but don't feel bad if they're not open to it who cares go literally the internet is full of strangers who are ready for your gifts who already know what the akashic records are who already know what tarot is who already know what yoga is or you know at least like they've heard of it and they're excited and they're seeking it out now these are very spiritual gifts and the things that you're here as a spiritual practitioner to share are very nuanced right like they're very niche they're not super well known. Like astrology is pretty well known, right? Like astrology is very well known. I would say even Tarot is pretty well known, but there's still a lot of people that think it's evil, right? There's still a lot of people that are scared of it. And so your job is not to convince those people. Your job is not to get those people on board, to believe in your gifts, to prove what you're doing is healing. No, you're here to serve people who are seeking out your services. You're here
to be the best freaking Akashic Records Practitioner so that when someone is so excited to get a reading for the first time, they go to you. You're here to be the best astrologer so that when someone is like, oh my God, I'm like seeing astrology everywhere. I don't even know what this is, but I just know that like I need this to help me in my business. They're going to come to you for astrology business readings. You're here to be your fully expressed self, so excited in your gifts, so in the ecstasy So in the joy, so in the excitement of just showing up, being this bright light, this beacon of beauty and radiance and so fully invested in your gifts, not questioning, not convincing, not sitting someone down and having a serious conversation. No, who gives a fuck? Like literally just start being yourself.
And I know it's harder to said than done, you guys. If you have to, start a new Instagram. Start an Instagram where you're completely new, you're starting fresh, you have no people from high school on there, no aunts and uncles, no cousins, whatever you need to do to start feeling comfortable to just express yourself, do it. Because I want you to go back to that initial first thing when it that I talked about in the beginning. It was like, okay, one, you're scared that our relationships are gonna change. Two, you're scared that you're gonna be misunderstood. Okay.
very valid. But your purpose, you guys, your spiritual gifts, the fact that you have even been interested in learning these modalities is put on your heart from God for a reason to go and serve people.

Embracing Spiritual Mission Despite Fear

No one's just doing this shit. Like this shit is like so, this is so obscure. No one is just doing this, you guys. No one is just learning human design. No one is just learning how to reprogram the subconscious mind. No one is just doing this for the heck of it.
You're doing this because it was put on your heart from your highest self. Your highest self knows what they're doing. This is part of your soul's mission. This is part of your purpose. This is part of you healing. This is part of you helping others. And so it is there for a reason. So are you going to step into your mission? Are you going to step into your mission and be the boldest, expressed, most beautiful version of yourself so that your fractal line can find you? Or are you going to continue to dim your light Continue to hide your gifts, continue to tiptoe around so that you don't disrupt this relationship that you have with your aunt that you probably haven't even seen in a year. Are you going to continue to dim your light because people from high school 20 years ago might judge you or might talk about you behind your back? Are you going to continue to hide out and dim your light because people just don't understand your modalities and you sound crazy?
You know how powerful they are because it's changed your life, which has made you want to become a practitioner of them, right? You know how healing they are because you've changed your life and you've changed other people's lives and you know how powerful they are. So why are you still stuck in this convincing energy of people who will never give a fuck or even care to learn about what you are here doing? Like truly, like they probably will never understand, but that's okay because they're not your people to understand.
right? And it doesn't mean that you have to like isolate yourself and stop talking to your friends and family or like you don't have to do anything. Literally, you do not have to do anything. you You do not have to do anything, you guys. You don't need to change a thing, except you need to start showing up and just being yourself. Tell the truth. When they ask you what you did this weekend, tell them what you did.
simply if they ask more questions, answer the questions, have fun with it, be excited, be in your energy, post post your afterglow of like you just getting done meditating and feeling so happy and like post the limiting belief that you had about yourself before you sat down to meditate and then share how after 20 minutes you literally shifted that that thought and now you're on this whole other frequency and you're vibing high and you're so fucking happy. Share about how whatever astrology did for you that you just learned about your astrology today. And now your like mind is like blown. You're like, oh my God, I'm showing up this completely different way because I learned this placement about myself. like Share that stuff on your stories, on your Instagram, on your social media. And like the excitement, the ecstasy, the joy, just the complete like transformations is what is going to get people so excited.
And you never have to be in a convincing energy. You never have to try to prove what you're doing is real to someone because those people haven't awakened yet to even wanting to learn these modalities. And the people that have are looking for them. And so I would even say if you're this, I wish someone told me this when I first started out. If you're starting out, don't feel you guys like you need to even teach the basics of what you're learning. For example, when I first started out, I was obsessed with human design.
um not when i Actually, that came later when I started out. But once I learned human design and I studied it and I literally became obsessed, became certified as a human design guide.
I felt like I needed to like teach my current audience like what human design is. So I felt like I needed to like do the basics. like ah like For example, like um what is human design? Human design 101. Teaching people what it is as if like they didn't know. And that is good if it lights you up. So following your your human design, following your strategy and authority, does it feel good to like do the basics, intros of human design?
Or does it feel good to just start fucking talking about human design in whatever way you want to talk about? Like the parts of it that you love, whether that's the gates or whether that's like talking about people's type, whatever it is, right? Like show up and create content of what you're excited to show up and talk about. And don't feel like you need to like start from A to like bring people through to Z because you don't need to teach people what your modality is in order for them to want to work with you. o And again, I will say though, like, for example, I kind of take that back a little bit. I think it is good to like have, have some like intro posts so that when people are scrolling through your stuff, they can understand like what it is. For example, like even for me, I like to talk about like, what are Akashic Records? This is what you can learn from them. I've done posts on like jean keys, like what are the jean keys? This is what you can learn from them.
But then I started talking about it in a way that just like is really exciting and the way that I actually give people transformations. And I don't worry so much about like people not getting it. Once I do those initial posts, just so they can like be on my feed, I just start talking about it in whatever way I want. And I don't feel like I need to be in this like convincing energy of like, oh, this is what they are. Of course, you want to like share what they are and like how they help people, of course. But I'm just saying like, don't feel like you need to try to spend so much time convincing people of the modality.
unless you want to. And instead, just know that like the people that are interested in that will find you and then like they will love your expertise. Does that make sense? I hope that makes sense because that was something that I really, really needed to hear. And that's something that my teachers always taught me. They're like, girl, you don't need to do human design 101 if you don't want to talk about that. Like most people already know, a lot of people already know what human design is. Talk about it in a way that you like to talk about it in your own special frequency. So I just hope that helps.
But yeah, oh my gosh, you guys, I feel like that I got like passionate right there.

Evolving Personal Relationships with Spiritual Growth

I think I'm like very passionate about this. um Yeah, no, I am really, really passionate about this because I know that it held me back for a long time. Oh, and then to just give you guys some like personal context. So obviously my mom and my brother like know everything about this stuff that I do. My mom more, because we talk about it all the time. We have so much similar interests. I practice on her all the time. I do readings for her. I heal her. She does stuff for me.
um my dad doesn't really get this kind of stuff. So like, I'll say what I'm doing. But then like, if he doesn't ask me more questions, I don't go into it. You know, so i'll or I'll just say a basic, I like to say meditation as like, when people don't understand what I'm talking about, like, am I working stuff? I'll just say like, Oh, yeah, like, I'm leading a meditation class. Oh, I'm going to yoga.
I'll just say the basic things that people like really understand, but I'm not going to sit there and tell them im like, Oh, I'm doing a jean keys reading for someone tonight. Or I'm doing an Akashic records reading and then have to explain it to people who don't aren't interested in that. But I'm also not hiding my spiritual gifts. So I will say, Oh, I'm leading like a meditation thing. ah Okay, like they get the general gist of like, she's spiritual, like, or that's meditation, you know, like, but you don't need to explain yourself, you guys is what I'm trying to say. But you can still share yourself with everyone in your life.
My partner, George, me and him have been together for eight years. When I first met him, I had not gone through my spiritual awakening yet. Then I've had my spiritual awakening. I'm into all of these things. I've gone through stages of like feeling like, oh my God, do I need to break up with him because he's not spiritual. And that's a huge thing that people go through. It's like, oh my God, I feel like I need someone who's also awake. And like, oh my God, this is like, i this can't be but then I realized no you guys he's just not interested in the modalities that I'm interested in he's very awake he's very spiritual in his own sense he's very tuned in he's a Pisces son he's very sensitive he is very intuitive he's he intuitively understands energies and what people are actually feeling and doing beyond what they're saying and like he's not going to use the words of like oh
I, he does use the word intuitive, but he's not going to use the word of like, Oh, I'm reading energy. He doesn't know what the fuck that means. He doesn't care. He actually doesn't like when I tried to tell him about astrology, human design. he I would for so for so long, you guys, I made the mistake of like wanting to give him readings or teach him about it. And like he's not interested. And so it would cause fights because he's just not interested in that type of thing. And so I learned to be like, okay, I'm gonna talk to my friends that are interested in this type of thing, which is why having community of like minded women or people is so in like important. Because you're gonna talk about these things with people who actually care.
instead of forcing it on someone who doesn't um i've also learned that i can tell him little things like oh like did you see the moon and like he'll tell me oh the moon looks so beautiful what does that mean and i'll be like oh it's in vergo it means this and then if i go a little too long i'm like okay which i don't care like stop like that's ah that's enough Or if I, I'll try to tell him little things about like his human design and like he knows he's a manifesting generator. and And anytime he does something, I'll be like, Oh, that's because blah, blah, blah. And so he kind of likes that. Like whenever I point out his gifts and I'll be like, Oh my God, that's because you're like this and this. He kind of likes that. But then also it can get annoying to the point where I'll be like, no, bitch. It's just because I did this. It's not because of anything that you're saying. So like he goes back and forth of being a like, letting me talk about it to being like, I don't care.
But it did trigger him ah in the past when I would try to really force it down onto him. He does not care. And so your husband, you guys, doesn't have to know. what the heck the Akashic records are. But you can tell him that you're doing a reading for someone. I just generally say, oh, I'm doing a reading for someone. This is like, I'm so excited. Oh my God, it went so good. Oh my God. Like they're, they feel so healed. Like sharing little things like that is so beautiful, but you don't need to go into the depths and the details of like, what you guys went over. Obviously that's even like client confidentiality, but you can just say little nice things. I'm like, oh, it went so good. Oh, they told me that this was very healing.
okay So you don't need to break up with your husband or your boyfriend or like divorce your husband because he's not spiritual. As long as they're accepting of you, as long as they're like, okay, like that's cool and they're not mean or like putting you down or telling you like you can't do that. i've I've actually known someone who broke up with her boyfriend because he told her that she couldn't do that and that he thought she was crazy and that she was ruining lives from sharing her spiritual gifts. And so she broke up with him, because that was not aligned with where her life was going. So you'll know best, you'll know your people best, right? If you can fully be yourself, fully express yourself, like, you know, you know what to share, you know what not to share, don't even waste your time trying to explain things to people that will never get it. But do they still love you? Do they still accept you?
Do they still want you to be happy? Do they want you to pursue your your goals and your gifts? do they Are they okay with you taking a leap on yourself and creating a business? Do they support you? Those are the important things. It's not so much like if they have the same beliefs as you, it's more like do they support you? and Then just finding the balance of like what you can and can't talk about with them and just knowing like, okay, they're just different. They have different interests. There's other things that we can talk about that are so fun. and I can also tell that they are a spiritual person because they believe in growth and evolution and like they're kind and they're compassionate and they're loving and they're giving and so they're spiritual in their own way. They don't have to like understand the jargon that we understand, right?
Okay, you guys, so I think that is it. i I really, really, really help. I hope that helps you. So again, I just want you to, what you can take away from this is like, don't make it so serious. Like, you don't need to, quote unquote, come out of the spiritual closet. You don't need to sit someone down and have a tough conversation or make this like some crazy life changing thing because they're probably going to get scared for you if you do that. Like they probably will. And it probably will incite fear into them and worry. And like they just want you to be your best self. They want you to They love you. They want what's best for you. They're only viewing you through their

Joy and Lightness in Spirituality

lens of reality. They will never change their beliefs to fit your beliefs. Don't ever expect that. Don't force that.
Don't even expect them to understand or to accept it. So just show up as yourself. Be happy. Be in your joy f frequency. Don't let anyone bring your vibes down. And if you're around people who are super freaking negative and they bring your vibes down and they don't let you be your highest vibe self and love and ecstasy and surprise and delight and they put your gifts down, that's when you can recognize, okay, I need to stop hanging out with this person. I need to spend less time. I need to pull away slowly. It doesn't have to be any like major crazy break of like, oh, I'm never talking to you anymore. Like, doesn't have to be that serious. And that's what the jean keys and spirit god source universe wants you to know. It does not have to be that serious. Let's step into ecstasy, joy, love. And this really is lucky girl syndrome that that you know, it's so funny, you guys have you ever seen that tik tok? The tik tok
trend of Lucky Girl Syndrome. That's literally what the 46th Gen Q is. It's a science of luck. This is Lucky Girl Syndrome. This is everywhere you go. Synchronicities happen because you're so tuned in. You're so trusting in life.
You're not serious. You're just so fricking in your own elements. And it's about you feeling alive, alive in this lifetime, right? Alive, sharing your gifts, having fun, knowing and believing that dreams do come true. And all you have to do is stop being serious. That's all you have to do.
Okay, you guys, that is it for today. if you would I have two announcements. If you would love, love, love for me to answer your question on the podcast, you can go to the link below and submit your question to my forum, which is 1-800-SOL-SUPPORT, a new segment that I'm doing once a month on the podcast where I'm going to open your Akashic Records, open your jean keys and human design charts and analyze them and answer your

Interactive Q&A and Conclusion

question. So it's going to be super fun. It's a so super juicy way for us to connect for me to give back and for you to have your questions answered right on the pod and also to learn from other people. I love listening to other people's questions and seeing like what spirit has for them. So just know that the answers are going to be super individuated per person, because it's all based on your soul codes and your Akashic Records. So
That is free. Just click the link in the show notes and you can ask one. You can fill out a form like one per person. And then I'll like circle around. You can really fill it out as many times as you want, but it's going to go in order of received. So it might just take a few episodes to like get back to like circle around to a second question. And then you guys, if you would like to get a reading, I will put the link below for all the ways to work with me. You can book your Jean Keys, Human Design, or Akashic Records readings.
and then stay on the lookout because I'm creating my signature one-to-one program where I'm going to be working with you, with healers, coaches, lightworkers, spiritual practitioners who are just starting out on their journey or who have been like you know trying to grow their business and they're just looking to have heal visibility wounds, to come out of the spiritual closet, to fully be them themselves, to embrace their confidence and to align everything in their business and in their purpose.
to their soul codes, to their human design, to their gene keys. We're going to be healing things in the Akashic Records. We're going to be doing subconscious reprogramming work to get through all the things holding you back. It's going to be so fun. I cannot wait. So keep an eye out for that. And that is it. I hope you guys have the best week ever. Okay. Bye bye.
Thank you so much for being here and listening beauty. If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to leave a review and share the episode with a friend who you know will love it. We can connect further on Instagram at I am Alyssa Mae. So come say hello, leave a comment of your favorite takeaway on