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57. 1-800 Soul Support Hotline: soul purpose, business alignment, how to have peace on the entrepreneurial journey  image

57. 1-800 Soul Support Hotline: soul purpose, business alignment, how to have peace on the entrepreneurial journey

It's Happening For Me
25 Plays5 months ago

Welcome babes to the 1-800 Soul Support Hotline series!!!!

Where you ask your questions and I answer them on the pod by opening your Akashic Records, getting guidance from your guides and spirit team, and intuitively analyzing your Human Design + Gene Keys!


Let's connect:

Book your Money + Business Gene Keys Prosperity Reading: @byellisamccoy (


This episode answers:

 Rebecca L's question! skip to 14:30

5/2 Mental Projector

Q: Soul business purpose / destination / strengths please & anything on how I should be helping people / gifts


Dana T's question! skip to 1:00:00

5/1 Pure Generator 

Q: How can I find more peace on my entrepreneurial journey? (Shifting into acceptance and out of control was incredibly triggering for a greater portion of this year.)


Some themes in this episode that we can all relate to: 

Undefined emotional solar plexus and emotions, people pleasing tendencies, rest/burnout, support from the unseen from our ancestors and guides, courage to show up as our authentic self, how to identify distraction on the soul purpose and biz path and how to balance enjoying these we really love like foods, television, etc and not having to necessarily totally STOP indulging in these things but instead learn to enjoy them, how to manage our emotional state, etc...

Gene Keys spoken about:

Culture Sphere- Gene Key 8.6

Radiance Sphere- Gene Key 56.2

Attraction Sphere-Gene Key 46.5

Vocation Sphere-Gene Key 6.5

Pearl Sphere- 44.3



Introduction to 'It's Happening For Me' Podcast

Hello, my friend. Welcome to the It's Happening For Me podcast. If you're obsessed with all things spirituality, personal growth and development, and living as your highest self, you are in the right place. I am your host, Alyssa, and I spent the majority of my teenage years and young 20s living totally out of climate. As I started to question my patterns and behaviors and actually got to know myself at the soul level, I realized that everything was happening for me.
Now, as a spiritual life coach and human design guide, I am here to share my voice, personal stories, human design wisdom, and learn from incredible individuals living their purpose. Join me each week as we walk the spiral path of purpose together. I cannot wait to dive in.

New Series Announcement: Purpose and Soul Business Q&A

Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the It's Happening for Me podcast. I am your host, Alyssa, and I am so excited that you're joining me today because you guys, today is our first ever episode of my 1-800 Soul Support Hotline series.
So on this series of the pod, you get to ask me any question you want about your purpose, soul business, or just life in general. And I will actually answer your question on the podcast. So you will see in the show notes, I have a form for you to fill out and you're just going to type out your question and some um information that I need for you, like your birth information. And and then I actually open your Akashic Records and analyze your human design and Jean Keys charts, um kind of like wherever I'm intuitively guided towards. And I create a whole podcast episode answering your guys' questions. So it's so juicy, you guys, because the questions are so super individualized and based like off of your soul codes um and your Akashic records. So like tuning into your guides
And it is just so much fun. I'm so excited. And today is the first episode. And so it's so funny because I honestly had no idea like how the format was going to work or how many people would submit questions. And so for this first
episode, I was just kind of um winging it and like seeing how it goes. And so I had two beautiful babes ask questions. And I honestly thought I was going to have to wait until I got more people's questions because I was like, okay, that's that's going to be super fast. I'm going to answer those so quickly. That won't even be enough to create a full episode. But you guys,
I sat down last night to answer these two babes questions and I literally recorded an episode that was an hour and 20 minutes long.

Deep Dive into Spiritual Guidance

I was like, how the hell did it take this long? But it was just so fun.
and I don't know I personally experienced this whenever I'm in the Akashic Records like it's just like so high vibe and it's literally doing the work that I'm so passionate about and like obsessed with that the time literally flies like it is time is not linear it's like I feel like I am in the quantum field whenever I'm in the Akashic Records and then also like time flies by whenever I'm doing like jean keys and human design work because I just love it so much. So I ended up recording, I mean it's basically like full to full on basically like 45 minute readings which is just so cool and I'm so excited that I got to do this for these beauties.
and so That's what you guys are gonna listen to today. So it's like you guys are literally a fly on the wall, essentially during this reading. So I open up their records um and then I just press record. So i you'll see how it goes, but I essentially just like give my initial insight of like what comes through as soon as I open their records. um For one of them, I pulled some cards. I think for one of them, I just went directly into the gene keys. And then after also sharing like what was coming through from the records and from their guides, um they're both so different.
and so individualized, but honestly you guys, even though this isn't your specific question, it is so relatable. um I'm going to share with you what their questions were and then just some some main um aspects or like key parts that I talked about in their charts so that you can follow along if you have any of these in your charts. and Even if you don't, even if you have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to the Jean Keys, it's just so relatable because these are both two women that are spiritual entrepreneurs in
living their purpose in their soul line businesses. And I just whatever what came through was just like so super special for both of them. um And like really rooted in their gene keys, and I can't wait for them to listen

Linking Human Design with Gene Keys

to it and hear what they think. And so everyone listening today it is going to be so incredible for you to listen to kind of see what it's like. This is honestly kind of what it's like to get a reading, not necessarily. It's a mixture of both. So this isn't just Akashic Records,
or just a Gene Keys reading. So they are different if you actually got a reading because they're going to be kind of like separated to that modality. But you'll see, it's just I think it's really interesting and it was really, really juicy what came through. So just to share with you the questions really fast so you can know what to expect. So I answered Rebecca L. So Rebecca L.
asked um for guidance on her sole business and purpose and destination and any strengths and anything on how she could be helping other people and like any specific gifts that she has. And Rebecca is a 5'2 projector and I looked at her culture sphere. She's an 8.6 in culture. I looked at her radiance sphere, which is 56.2, and I looked at her attraction sphere, which she has 46.5. And for those of you who are new to Jean Keys, Jean Keys really are a beautiful, a beautiful
system that is based off of ancient systems and modern sciences. So it's based off of human design, the Western astrology. It's based off of the Chinese Yiching,
and quantum physics. And what I really like to say is like human design is a map to our energetic body, right? like Human design is a literal user's manual of how our energy works to our physical body through our vehicle. And it highlights our gifts. And it highlights how to best use that energy, how to do to best make decisions that are going to lead us into alignment and really just like live an aligned life. Whereas the gene keys,
It basically takes a look at, it's essentially three paths to human enlighten enlightenment. And it looks at enlightenment through the path of purpose and really stabilizing in and our core purpose. It looks at enlightenment through the path of relationships and learning how to keep our hearts open to love and relationships. And it looks at enlightenment through business, through soul aligned business, being of service to others through the world and creating limitless prosperity from just sharing our gifts with the world in an aligned way.
And then it has little themes. So each sphere represents a theme in our life that we're going to encounter. And the gene key really shows us how that's going to show up in our life. What is our unique frequency? What is the way that this is going to show up in our shadow, in our gift, and in an enlightened cytic frequency? So there's three kind of frequencies to each gene key, right? Which is like the shadow is like victim consciousness. The gift is really like the middle road. That's really what we want to shoot for. That is like us alchemizing the shadow. It's us looking at it, accepting it, not feeling like we have to fix anything, but just accepting that part of ourselves. And then we turn that into the gift
And then the more time that we spend in the gift, we will go in and out of the cytic frequency, which is like a very high frequency. It's very mystical. It's very difficult to explain. um But it's super beautiful. And so yeah, each gene key really tells us like a particular place that we can look in our lives and how that energy is going to express itself. So it's very, very specific. And the ones that I really touched on in this reading for both of them were really part of their pearl sequence, which is all about business, um which you'll see and understand. And again, you don't really have to understand anything about the jean keys to like really follow along and just be interested and um get a lot from this. And um so yeah, so Rebecca,
is I already kind of explained what she is. The second beautiful soul that I did the reading for was Dana. So Dana T. um She is a 5'1 peer generator and I go over her vocation which was 6.5 and her pearl which is 44.3 and I also touched on her life's work line 5 energy and how she can really show up um ah really embracing that line 5 life's work. um Some of the themes that were discussed that are going to be universal and super helpful to all of us um is both of them, which is not surprising because there's always themes whenever I do like multiple readings in a day, but both of them have undefined emotion me both of them have undefined emotional solar plexuses. So we're really looking at like breaking people pleasing tendencies. We talk a lot about rest versus burnout. um
having support from the unseen, our ancestors and guides that are always there really supporting us that we are not even aware of sometimes. um We talk about the courage to show up as our own ah authentic self in business, um how to identify distraction when we are on our sole purpose and business path and how to really balance the things that we really love and enjoy and like how to have fun while still being on the business and purpose path and not feeling like we have to be so serious all of the time.
um And then how to also manage our emotional state.

Submitting Questions Anonymously for Guidance

So those are kind of the themes. And again, I'm answering for both of them all about business. Dana's question was, how can I find more peace on my entrepreneurial journey? Shifting into acceptance and out out of control was incredibly triggering for a greater portion of this year. So I answer that for her. There's more to their questions that you're going to hear in the episode itself. so i I read all of parts of of their question in the episode itself, um but I just like didn't do any editing, so I wanted to give you guys like a a brief introduction of like what you're going to expect in this episode.
and so With that, you guys, um if you would love to submit your questions, oh my gosh, like I i can't promise that the answers will be this long. Again, this was just kind of like divinely aligned because there was only two of them. So I had the time to really dive into this. But obviously with the more people that start submitting, um it'll be ah much more succinct and probably like shorter.
But nonetheless, still so frickin' juicy. And who's to say? Maybe only a couple people a week, a month, every couple of weeks will submit and they can continue to be this long. So we'll really see how it goes. But um go to the link in the show notes below to fill out the 1-800-SOL SUPPORT form. All you have to do is just fill out the questions, it ask like your birth information and then what your question is.
And, um, you can rename anonymous, so you do not have to be like, your name doesn't have to be given. You can rename totally anonymous, totally up to you. Um, and yeah, I can't wait to serve you guys.

Gene Keys Reading: Money and Business Prosperity

And then also you guys, um, I am so excited because this last week I introduced a new reading that I have, which is called a Money and Business Prosperity Jean Keys reading. And it is a yeah incredible, incredible offer that I have, which is a 90 minute reading. So we go over your Pearl sequence in the Jean Keys. It's live via Zoom. And then at the end of the reading, we actually have a mini coaching session to really identify your biggest block in business or in finances. And then I'm going to take that
And I'm going to create a customized hypnosis track for you that I'm going to create and send to you within five days of the reading. That way you can heal whatever that biggest block is and then really upgrade into an abundance mindset to really feel prosperous, visible, excited to show up on socials and really ah call in your dream clients. It's all about really connecting.
um Well, I have you guys here right now. I'm just going to actually pull it up so I can give you the exact,
excuse me. I, my allergies, you guys have been crazy and it's like causing my, I think I've been talking a lot too, causing me throat problems. Anyways, okay, so when you do the Money and Soul Business Gene Keys reading, you are going to literally learn the exact frequencies to help you unlock limitless abundance and prosperity in your soul business by leading with your heart, attracting your soulmate clients, and doing it all in a way that is an energetic alignment. So it will totally erase confusion, inaction, exhaustion, and comparison. and
um After the reading, you'll know exactly who you're speaking to when you create offers and content. You will have endless content ideas. You will know the exact energy that is repelling your dream clients from wanting to work with you. You will have true confidence in your gifts. You will know exactly how to heal your money blocks and get out of poverty consciousness. You will feel confident charging premium prices for your work and you'll become the most magnetic person you know, easily attracting your dream clients because You guys, this is all on frequency. So a little sub like claimer that I put in there is like, this is not your traditional business like read advice. This is not I'm not a business coach. I am a sole coach. So this is all going to be based off of your unique codes.
and teach you exactly how to tune into it so that business can feel really juicy and like really soul aligned. And it's it will make you so magnetic. So I cannot wait. I will put that in the link in the show notes as well. And I'm so excited for you guys to hop into the offer. So without further ado, let's get into the reading. You are going to hear the reading for Rebecca first, and then it'll go right into Dana's reading.
So I cannot wait. Be sure to submit your guys's questions um in the show notes. And I'm so excited to see who's next and see what comes through. I think you guys are going to get a lot from this and I'm so grateful for you. Okay, you guys, I hope you have the best week ever. by- Bye bye.

Reading for Rebecca: Male Protective Energy

Okay, so I just opened the records for you, Rebecca, beautiful Rebecca. And oh my goodness, it has been a journey. So I've actually tried to open your records today. Like maybe this is the third time that was successful. And it was so funny because I kept getting distracted by real life things that kept like popping up that usually like never happens to me. So I was like, why am I getting so distracted and so pulled away? And Then I pulled up your gene keys right now because we're also going to dive into those and I was like, holy shit. The shadow of your radiance is distraction. And so I was just like, oh my God, that's crazy. So.
We're going to get into all of that, but I first just want to start with kind of tapping into like what intuitively came up as I was opening your records. and It was so beautiful, so beautiful. so Immediately, both times, the first time that I opened your records, I had this like feeling of like a male presence, like a male energy that was here to support you. so I wasn't sure if this was a loved one that has passed or if this was like one of your guides or maybe even an ancestor. So that was like so it was like this very protective solid energy that was like here and then
like I got distracted and had to come back to this and so I am here now open up the records again and pulled some cards and again I feel this male energy that is here that is here to like really really support you I And maybe it's not important, but I am not getting a clear answer on if this is a loved one that has passed, like potentially a grandfather, um or if this is just one of your guides, but there's definitely protective energy here. So I drew some cards and it's so crazy. Like I see you in this, I have this intuitive deck, so it's not really like tarot or oracle.
It's just as like images and I see you, so I can see you like in every phase of your life from like a little girl to like teenage years to like now this like blossoming into this like beautiful queen who has like her butterfly wings. And there's always this guardian angel floating above her, which is what this like male presence energy wants me to tell you is that you are super super protected by whoever or whatever this is. It's a very loving energy.
And it's even showing me that there could have potentially been some difficult times in childhood, maybe times of feeling like misunderstood by your family, like by your immediate family, um not necessarily like not like abuse like not darkness in that way but just kind of this feeling of like you kind of feeling like an outsider or like you don't really fit in like there's this beautiful image of this woman on this card like looking away kind of like sad with like her house behind her
And I'm getting the feeling that this energy wants you to know that even when you felt kind of alone as a little girl, like you're always super divinely protected by this like male energy. um And then I drew cards from a different deck as well. And again, it's like the divine physician who's there like healing. And then um I got the three of scrolls.
setting your course and it's like this picture on like this sailboat and this man is like looking with his like um looking with this like telescope i don't know if that's what it's called but you know like where he's looking through yeah i think it's a telescope and it's like beautiful clouds and rainbows and he's like looking ahead setting the course like it's like you've always had these eyes on you just like protecting you and then i got the king of roses which is like such a beautiful protection card as well so yeah i asked if It was a loved one that's passed, like potentially a grandfather, I didn't get a clear answer, but I did get like the word cook. I don't know if that means like Mr. Cook, potentially a last name, grandpa cook. I'm not sure or something that rhymes with that. um
And I do feel more like grandfather energy. So it could have potentially been a grandpa that passed away when you were younger or maybe even before you were born because there really is, unless he was like also, it could be a grandpa that was just like really present in your life um that was able to like see

Rebecca's Soul Business and Purpose

you. It's either like someone was able to like physically see you grow up in all the stages of your life or it was someone who's passed away or even a guide that has just always been there.
that has been like protecting you. And so just a very, very beautiful, loving, unconditional protection energy from like a male figure. So that's what I wanted to come through first. OK, so we are going to answer your questions. So let me just pull up your questions. I just wanted to give you kind of like an initial like download of what was coming through first. So let me just get your questions.
Okay, so the first question that you have is...
Okay, so I asked, what would you like guidance on? And you said, sole business, purpose, destination, strengths, please, anything on how I should be helping other people and what your gifts are. And then what have you already tried that's not working? So you said that you're just wondering what comes through. You have no issues. You have faced some chaos recently, but it has all settled now and you're feeling very intuitive, very grounded and excited for the future.
And when I asked what the best case scenario for you regarding the situation would be, like if I could wave a magic wand and you can have exactly what you wanted, what would that look like? And you said that you're feeling very aligned, very in tune, and you're wondering what the Akashic Records and G&K say about what's meant for you kind of thing, any wisdom or inspiration that comes through on your dream business. So beautiful. Okay.
So I can't wait to get into the distraction thing because right away I was getting even though I was distracted and it was like guiding me towards looking up that gene key for you, I immediately when I opened your records again this time I immediately got this like message from this again energy that's been with you that's always looking over you that they're so proud of you, like they're so proud of you and you have literally been on this like beautiful healing journey and they're so proud of you honestly mastering this shadow of distraction and this is in your radiance sphere which is all about health and like how you're meant to like be glowy and show up and like when you're in the shadow for you which is distraction
it's going to it's going to be what kind of like throws you off track and makes you feel disconnected from people, makes you feel disconnected from yourself, from your sole purpose. And so we're gonna get into exactly what distraction means, but your guides and like this specific energy is really wants to like, really, really, really wants you to know that they are so proud of you and you're honestly living in the gift of enrichment. And so they agree that you are,
Honestly, thriving. Like right now you really are thriving and it's all from the things that you're incorporating into your life, which we're going to get into. And then of course I know you as well. And so I can just see the things that like you're sharing and the energy that you're in and the things that you've been up to like in your lifestyle. And it makes so much sense that you're literally in this beautiful radiance of enrichment. Okay. So let's first tune in.
Okay, so I asked for general guidance on business and who you're really here to help or just like any um guidance that the Koshoke Records have for you. And so first of all, what's coming up is that you are really here to blend the yin and the yang, the feminine, the masculine, the doing, the receiving. You're really here to master how to live in this 3D world and really combine this beautiful spiritual unseen. like It's literally so on brand for you to use the Akashic Records, to use your spiritual gifts, and to also use
like more of the mindset things, more of helping people shift their mindset, their daily habits, the things that are really going to help them create a life that they love. But Spirit really wants you to know to like, don't, I don't know if you feel like you've been wanting to shy away from the spiritual side of things and from Akashic Records, but it's really showing me that like you are this like beautiful, perfect balance of I wish I could I wish I was on video so I can show you the cards it's so like it's so beautiful but okay I'll just do my best to explain it so I have this like beautiful like woman and man like both looking at each other holding hands right below them is like these two birds kissing each other and it's really this like beautiful mesh of like
really like both sides of you coming together to form your higher self. It's also I see like the spiritual side of you, like I really see the woman is like the yin energy, the very receptive, the very tuned in, intuitive, tapped into the unseen, all of your spiritual gifts, holding hands with the masculine, the yang, the very like honoring your routines, honoring the things that you know will make you feel better, like eating properly, you know like doing your exercises. doing I've been seeing all the things you've been doing in your life, like swimming and like all of those beautiful things that make your body

Rebecca: Bridging Spiritual Gifts and Habits

feel really good. And I know i know your personal journey and I know that you've had like a crazy medical
Like awakening where you got really really sick and then healed yourself and so it's like really showing like you stepping into both sides of like the feminine and then also the masculine and like taking care of your body learning how to like really nurture yourself in keeping up with your health.
is what you're really here to do. And then again, the next two cards, it's again, the feminine and then the masculine, like both of them are connected to this goose, which is like so interesting. I'll have to look up what the goose is. That'll be interesting.
um in the gene key And then here the last card is like this beautiful like fairy that is just like standing in a garden There's like birds around her um She's holding like a little animal and she's in nature I know nature is super important to you and she has like her wings and so that is your higher self like really spirit wants you to know like keep literally just keep doing what you're doing like you are so on track you're so on track with taking care of yourself and then also on track with like your spiritual gifts. Also I get here like ancestors loved ones that have passed like you really are a bridge to those who
aren't yet aware of how to like connect their spiritual gifts to this lifetime. like You really are a bridge to help people connect to their ancestors, connect to their loved ones that have passed, and help them learn how to tap into those things for themselves.
in like all stages of life. So it's not even a specific, like if you're ever questioning like the type of person that you're here to help, it's not even like a specific demographic, which is really coming through. It's literally anybody in any stage of their life who is at the point where they're ready to really merge the physical and the spiritual, like the 3D and the unseen. You're really this beautiful guide who can help them master their daily, like master their daily habits and help them connect to the divine because it's so easy for us to fall out of balance, right? Like if we're too much into like meditating and like wanting to just be like, oh, fuck everyone. Like I'm so over like people, like everyone that's not awake is just like so stupid and annoying. It's like so easy to fall into that trap, but you're here to be like, no, I'm here to help you guys
really strengthen your gifts through the Akashic Records, most likely, is like what you're so good at. And like you're literally a genius at teaching people how to read the Akashic Records, which is such a special gift. And then you're also here to really help them like tune into their daily habits. And you can also really access what's good through people through their Akashic Records. So you're really good at that. But people are going to come to you for both, for the mundane and the magic, is really what it's showing.
And then, yeah, again, so then I use a different deck and it's like, yeah, you're here to help people garden their mind. So really, it's like a lot of mindset work. It's really helping people choose better thoughts. It's really helping people open their eyes to like what who they really are at the soul level, which is what you already do. Like you already do a ton of identity work. It's literally everything you're doing, they're confirming is like you're on the right path. Just don't get distracted and don't feel like it's not working because it's exactly what you're supposed to be doing. And they also want you to continue sharing your story because your story is literally going to be the thing that helps draw people to you. um And so they're just, yeah, they're so proud of you. And then again, I draw ah ah from a different deck, a card that's the two worlds. And so it's like this woman,
looking away from like this beautiful monastery on a hill and she was like in her house like looking at the fireplace and then she has like a sewing machine on the ground and all of this gold coins on the table and so it's really like again showing two worlds like in this lifetime we're so lucky to have our spiritual gifts and then also learn how to live in a 3D life and so you're here to help people come out of the spiritual closet you're here to help people figure out what their gifts and their talents are, what their spiritual gifts are, and learn how to combine them so that they can create money and abundance and live a life that they really

Overcoming the Gene Key of Distraction

and really be the bridge between that like spiritual off in the distance, like wanting to completely isolate and like meditate and be alone, and having to work in order to live in this and this life. like So you're really a bridge for those for both of those. And then also I got the Four of Forces, which is like the Spring and Autumn card. And so you're really here to like help people spring, take the gifts that like help them understand what their gifts are and then like be able to like bloom and so and be in this like energy of spring and like just be really like thriving and it's like flowers are blooming, it's like sunny outside and then on the other side there's autumn and so it's like really learning how to balance your own seasons and then helping your clients balance their thursday seasons as well.
Okay. So let's talk about real quick. I want to talk about your radiance sphere and the jean keys, and then I'm going to get into more of like a business thing for you to really answer your question. But first of all, what I was saying about the distraction. So when I was trying to open up your records, I felt super distracted and I was like, why do I feel so distracted? And then even the word distraction came up. And so I took a look at your, um, hollow genetic profile real quick and realized, Oh my God, distraction is literally your radiance sphere.
So when we're talking about radiance, this is what keeps us healthy. This is what keeps us glowy. This is what keeps us stabilized in our purpose. and For you, the shadow that you alchemize in this lifetime and anytime that you feel like you are falling out of alignment or like getting sick or getting overwhelmed or getting overworked and just feeling kind of like run down or like yucky is going to be a distraction. And it's distracting ourselves from what's going on internally. And so it's really being a victim to our like five sensory lives, right?
so ah can show up in two ways. Repressive nature is Solon. And so these people who are these people are really, really collapsing into themselves. So their spirit feels kind of like Solom. It feels kind of numb. um This is someone who is really enslaved to like the tedious everyday of their mundane life and so they're really not like looking out into like the world to like see magic and to feel inspired. It really is just being distracted by their like internal world and their problems and their stress and they're just like so
um Yeah, just like so turned inward that it can lead to this kind of like depressive state or like soul and state. Now the reactive nature is overstimulated. That's the word for it. So this is someone who is overstimulated. So it is distracting themselves from the feelings that are going on by looking outwards to everything, whether that's like food, Netflix, um being really busy. It can also look like this can also happen in spirituality where we're like distracting ourselves with like, Oh my God, the next course and I want to learn this and like read all the books and like,
I want to go on a walk and it's like never allowing yourself to be still for a moment in order to feel the internal landscape of what's going on inside. And so um your guides though wanted me to tell you that you're actually doing an incredible, incredible job of healing this and you're actually super active in your gift. And so the gift of this is enrichment. And so the way that we heal this um distraction, right? The way that we heal this like, oh my god, I'm always either like so busy or oh my god, I'm so like sad that I can't do anything and I just feel kind of numb to the world. The way that you heal that is through enrichment and enrichment is really being able to, it's really
all First of all, this is what life is all about is enrichment. And it says, distraction is fine, but only as long as it enriches us. Those who display the 56th gift have learned the difference between what feeds the human spirit and what saps it. This means they are no longer a victim to distraction, but have learned the art of self-discipline. If you're reading this and think you are not a victim of distraction, there's a very simple test. Is there anything you can think of that you cannot say no to in life?
If there is, no matter what it may be, you remain at some level its victim. Remember, the 56th gift is not about being abstinent from something. It's about having the ability to appropriate life as it enters through your five senses. Okay, so what does this

Focus on Enrichment, Avoiding Distractions

mean? Again, this is not about having willpower. It's about understanding the difference between enjoying something or getting entertainment from it. And so for example, this is the example that you send the book. Say you like see a chocolate cake, a piece of chocolate cake, and you're like, oh my God, that looks so good.
One day, like any random day of the week, like say on a Tuesday, you're like, Oh my God, that looks so good. But I know if I eat that right now, it's not really going to enrich my spirit. it's It's actually going to make me feel kind of sick. And like, actually wouldn't, it wouldn't be better for me to eat that. So I'm not going to eat that today. We're on another day. Say it's a Wednesday random day. You see the chocolate piece of cake. You're like, Oh my God, that looks so good. Honestly, if I ate that right now.
It would be so yummy. I would love it so much and it really would enrich my spirit. So I'm going to eat it today and I'm going to enjoy this. And so it really is having this discernment between the things that could potentially distract you and so knowing when it's okay to indulge in them because you are meant to live this life and an enriched energy.
So again, it's not about being like, okay, I'm going to totally eliminate everything. I'm never going to watch TV. I'm never going to allow myself to like eat sugar. I'm going to completely um stop watching.
like reality TV or something, right? It's like you're going to completely, that is still being in the shadow. That's being a victim to distraction because you are trying to like override it with self will, like with willpower and you're not actually allowing yourself to like enjoy things. Like there's literally nothing wrong with sugar. There's nothing wrong with reality TV. If you're to using it in a way that like allows your mind to shut off and like you're having really fun and it's like a Friday night and you're like, Oh my God, I had such a great week. I'm living my purpose. I feel so lit up by everything I'm doing. I'm going to get my favorite takeout and I'm going to watch my favorite juiciest reality TV show and I'm going to love it and it's going to enrich me and I'm going to feel so fricking happy and go to sleep feeling so good.
Like that is what enrichment is all about. It's having discernment between when is the time to enjoy and indulge in things and when is the time to be like, you know what, this actually wouldn't support me right now. I have other things that I could do or I have other things that I need to tend to my spirit to feel happier, to feel more alive. And so I'm going to prioritize those things. So it really is this and spirits like really like saying like you do not need to villainize certain things in your life or feel like you need to be like super extreme and like completely stop doing them. It's like really finding the middle ground between like, oh, like, when does this feel good for me? And when does this not? So instead of, yeah, so this is coming through super clear. So instead of saying like, I'm never going to do that again, I'm never going to watch that again, I'm never going to eat that again. Instead, just say, okay,
live in the present moment day to day and make the decision. Does this feel good for me right now or not? Would this make my spirit feel better after I indulge in this or not? And then just go off of that.
um because there could be this tendency. They're showing me of being very extreme and feeling like you either have to like cut things out and then you kind of go through this like um oh five five on the clock five five five fifty five. You might go through this like patterns of feeling guilty where you're like okay I'm going to completely cut out x y and z and then you're like oh but like actually I kind of want to do it right now, like a week later and then you partake in it and then maybe you're like, oh my God, like now I just like want to do this all the time again. Or like, why am I doing that? It can also kind of have like hints of like addiction a little bit, but spirits really saying like nothing inherently is good or bad for you. It really is just having this awareness of like, when does this feel good for me? And when does it not? And by you not completely shutting it out of your life or saying like, I'm never going to do this again, it's going to,
ah really help you first of all not feel like when you do it again that you're like spiraling and you're going like 20 steps backwards and like having a lot of guilt and shame it's more like oh like this i just want to do this right now because it's fun for me or like it feels really good or it tastes really good and so yeah just really having that um that discernment and then also it's like enrichment is a gift that is literally what keeps you healthy and happy so like spirit really wants you to know that like living in the moment to moment of deciding like what feels good, what doesn't, what would actually make my spirit feel really great right now and doing those things are going to help you be radiant and to be stable in your purpose instead of kind of spiraling or yeah like just really feeling bad about yourself because you're meant to enjoy things. like You really are meant to enjoy things. and um It's also like being in such a service to the whole because
your frequency has such a potential to influence others. And so it's really knowing like that true enjoyment is rooted inside of you rather than being external. So again, it's also like not externalizing.
feeling better. So okay, that's great. That's actually a great point. So it's like, are you enjoying something because it truly enriches your soul? Or are you grabbing that food or turning on that Netflix because you're trying to distract yourself from your inner world? And so that's where it really comes to the moment to moment like, okay, is this going to make me feel better right now? And like, do you feel really good? Or am I using this as a way to numb, to distract, to not do the things that I know I could be doing right now to help me on my purpose path, to help me in my sole business, and to make me feel a lot better. Okay, so I hope that helps. I hope that wasn't like too much like beating a dead hurt horse or whatever the thing is that they say. But okay, so the next place that I want to take us is
Okay, sorry, actually, before I take us to the next place, I also want to let you know that you are a line two here. So as the line two, the line two is called marriage. And so it doesn't necessarily mean marriage, like a romantic partnership. But it does mean that what is really good for your health is like a one to one relationship. So this could be with a best friend, this could be with a partner, this can be with like your partner, your boyfriend, this can be with an animal, a dog, but what keeps you really healthy is having a very close and dynamic relationship with another person, with a couple. And so just really like leading into that energy, there could be a tendency if you ever feel like you are
like isolating yourself or like you don't have that like strong connection with another person or another animal that could leave you. feeling sick, tired, run down. And so really pouring into that relationship and it can just be one. It doesn't have to be like a ton of one-to-one relationships, but it really is like a dynamic between you and another person or another animal that is going to really feed your soul. This can also be your relationship with the Akashic Records. So I know you open yours daily. And so this is something that is probably, well, not probably, it is really, really, really good for your soul because you have that, like,
relationship, like you have that back and forth with the records. Okay, so the next place I want to take you is your culture. So your culture is all about how you relate to others and attract your dream clients. And so the shadow is going to be the way that you are repelling clients, whereas the gift is going to be like the frequency in which like you're going to attract your dream soulmate clients to you. Another way to look at it too is like the shadow could also be of like what your clients are currently like in
And really, really playing into your gift, which we're going to get into what that is, is going to be a way to like call them forward. So you want to be more in the gift frequency in order to like really call your dream clients to you and not necessarily in the shadow frequency. Because the shadow is going to block your dream clients and it might actually attract the wrong people to you. So let's just talk about the shadow first. so For you, you have GeneKey 8, which is called The Diamond of the Self. And so it's such a beautiful GeneKey. I freaking love this one. and so the And I actually did a whole podcast, or I think TikTok on this. I'm not sure which one, but I definitely talked about this for a second. but
the diamond of the self. So the shadow is mediocrity. So this is really someone who is in their comfort zone. And so when you're when we're really looking at this, it's like, this could be you. This could be you, which I'm sure you've really experienced in the past that you can come in and out of the shadow. um We don't ever fully like heal our shadows. That's not the point of the Jean Keys. It's more of just like recognizing, oh, like when am I in this shadow frequency and how can I easily move into the gift of it because it's all on the same frequency. If you if you think about it like um like a strip.
At the bottom is the shadow, the middle is the gift, the top is the city, which is like the highest f frequency. So it's like we kind of oscillate in between all of these, but you really want to really try to be in the gift of this one um whenever you're creating content, whenever you're creating offers, whenever you're speaking to your audience on your stories, whenever you are creating things, um which I'll talk about in a second, but you do such a great job of this.

Embracing Uniqueness and Creativity

um I personally experienced in your meditations, you do such a great job of this. Okay, so anyways.
The shadow again is called mediocracy. And so this is where it really is this feeling of like being stuck in the comfort zone because it's too scary to like be yourself in the world. It's too scary to be like a rebel. So instead these people really stay inside their comfort zones and they live lives that feel kind of devoid of life force energy.
So the repressive nature is called wooden. And so these people who these are the people who follow like the mainstream path of like being mediocre, and essentially they're devoid of any life force or like true sense of purpose. um These people really lack fire, they lack grit, and they really give up on their own like dreams and really just kind of like try to blend in with the world. So they're very like, yeah, if you think of it again, like wooden, if you think of a person's aura, and if you think of someone's like wooden, it's kind of like frozen. It's kind of like devoid of any like passion and joy, where the reactive nature is called artificial. And so this one is where this person has kind of like collapsed inward at some time. And
it really is someone who's living an artificial life. And so they might pretend like they have everything figured out and like they're living their purpose and they're living their dream life, but really they're still a part of themselves that they are denying because they're scared of being different. They're scared of going against the crowd, they're scared of scared of rebelling. And so they're just living an artificial life. Where this really comes into play like in your business is you are like a spiritual practitioner, right? Like you are a freaking master of the Akashic Records. You do so much healing work, right? Like you help people, you literally help people read and open their own Akashic Records. You help people learn how to read Akashic Records for others. And I know you don't only do Akashic Records in your business, you do a lot of other things, but that is something that is like super rebellious, right? Because that is not normal. Like if we think about the normal population,
A lot of people don't know what the Akashic records are. A lot of people that are not spiritual might think it's crazy. They might not understand channeling. They might not understand guides and like connecting to spirit, connecting to the Akasha. It takes so much bravery, is what I'm trying to say, for you to really be your fullest expression and like share that out into the world.
and In order for you to attract your dream clients, you are going to be living in the gift of style. And so the gift of style is being a freaking rebel. It is being someone who is so creative, who is so like, I don't give a fuck what anybody else thinks about me. I'm going to make things that are weird.
you know, not necessarily weird, but maybe weird to like the general public, but like you are like, you're not looking around and comparing yourself to other people. You're not looking at what other people are doing in their offers. You're not looking at like the way that other people run their social media, like you are truly being your fullest self. And like just being so you like really it is a very rebellious it's style people are so drawn to this because like oh my god like you're so unique you're so different than others and it really is this attitude of like not giving a shit about being judged for being spiritual for being different um
And so when you lean into this gift, it really is like things just start happening for you. like things start Things just honestly start becoming easy. You start knowing exactly who you're talking to. You start being able to take up space.
You start freeing up channels and opportunities that were previously blocked by kind of like being a little afraid to like be different or being afraid to like fully own who you are. And now it's like things are turned on. And then you also start to view other people as being in this like dream like state because you're like oh my god like I can see their potential.
especially as a projector that you are, but you're like, wow, they're just like so like ah afraid to like wake up or to step into their genius. And so you really help people with your style, with your creativity. You really help people unlock this within themselves.
and then
When you get into the civic frequency, which is like really this like, it's called the internal love knot. This is a very like high frequency state that you're going to go in and out of when you are like experiencing living in the gift. It is where you are going to shine like a diamond in the heart of creation, wherever you look.
And wherever you look, you see other diamonds as well in different states of clarity. Each of them is unique. Each one is exquisite and each ones each one is incomparable. So you really get this like confidence about you. And it's not a confidence of like, oh, I'm better than you. It's a confidence of like, oh my God, I fucking love myself. I am so creative. I'm so like just being myself. And wow, I see all of these other diamonds among me that are also just themselves. And they're just like shining on their own unique

Marketing to Aligned Clients

So it's not, so don't be afraid of being, what Spirit's really showing, also telling me right now, is that if there's any part of you that is afraid to be like, if there's any part of you that is afraid to really like flaunt your uniqueness, to really share your gifts, to really be like, oh, I am the shit, this is the time to like eradicate that. Because when you are really living in this beautiful state, high, high frequency,
of exquisiteness, you know that you are so exquisite and so is everyone else. So it's not putting down other people. It's it's literally just realizing how exquisite you are and also singing other people as well. And then if anyone if you feel like anyone is like watching you or if anyone ever made you feel like you need to like dim your light or like stop showing up and stopping so proud of yourself or like whatever I don't know if there's someone in your life that does this I don't know if it's a family member I don't know if it's like old friends or old if there's anyone that you're thinking of right now that used to make you feel like you need to like dim yourself and you're still subconsciously like not fully showing up because of them this is your sign to be like fuck off like me being so vibrant and so full of myself in this beautiful way in the self-love way
is good. It's not bad. It's not being, I don't know if someone ever told you that you were like, What's the word, being arrogant? I don't know why the word arrogant comes up, but if anyone ever told you that, this is like Spirit saying, like, this is your time to drop that because it's not. Like, and there might have been a part of you that's been a little bit afraid to like fully express yourself, but Spirit wants you to know like, that's literally your culture and that's how you're gonna attract people. Like, you're gonna attract your true people by being in that style, that creativity, like, oh, this is me. Like fully expressing who you are, fully talking about this stuff, like,
that you want to share about like being detailed like being very detailed and not trying to like water anything down to to mass speak to the masses because you're not here to speak to the masses you're really here to like help people who are also on that same frequency as you and ah the more that you water yourself down and speak to the masses the more that you're going to be in the shadow of mediocrity and you're going to attract those people, but those people aren't in a place where they want to change yet. so like They're not going to be your customers. They're not going to buy your offers, and they're not going to like they're not going to invest in themselves. People who are stuck in mediocrity, they're not ready to invest in themselves. They're not ready to
step into their boldness. So if you've really been marketing yourself towards people who are still in that like very beginning stages, I feel like spirit is like really telling you like, no, start start speaking directly to the dream person you want to speak to who's already had some realizations of like who the heck they are. And now they just want help like exploring their gifts. They want help exploring more of their genius. And that's what you're here to do. You're not here to like talk to people who are stuck in total scarcity and total mediocrity that are just stuck in their day-to-day shit lives. You're really here to talk to people who know there's more and like they want to hear more about that. They want to hear more about the magic, the magic the excitement.
they're really like drawn to that. So yeah, spirits like really step into your style, step into your exquisiteness. Like I love how you always say like bougie like a word for you that you say a lot on your like brand is like bougie. Yes, like keep saying stuff like that because that is like the what people want to step into. um Another thing here as well that I just want to point out really quickly is do-to- do where is it?
Okay, another thing I wanted to point out too really quickly is your attraction sphere. So attraction is the way that we attract not this isn't business related, but this is everything related. So this is the way that you attract friends, mentors, guides, coaches, partners, lovers, romantic partners, um work partners. This is the way that you attract people into your life. We either attract people into our life through drama, through our shadow, or we attract them into our life through Dharma, to strengthen our Dharma. And this is through our gift. So for you, you have JinQ 46.5. And so the shadow here is seriousness. And so you can't really ask yourself like, okay, am I being stuck in seriousness? Am I taking life too seriously? Am I too stuck in my mind, trying to figure things out? Or how can I really shift into the gift of delight? And so for you, it's delight, the, the, um,
acidic frequency is ecstasy and so really every day there really is a huge theme in your chart of being like how can I lean into the things that make me feel so good and like not take this whole thing so seriously like honestly like life is not meant to be taken seriously like you know this like you know that the spiritual path is funny and that there's like humor and so yeah like spirits really guiding me towards that attraction sphere of like they're first of all they want you to know that you are doing a great job of being in delight and ecstasy and like doing the things that make your body feel good like I recently saw in your stories like swimming like I said and like doing like walking I think you're even like running right now and like eating really yummy foods and like doing all these things that are so good for yourself like spirits like yes yes yes yes like those are the things that you are meant to do and lean into that delight and anytime that you find yourself stuck in seriousness you're just stuck and being a victim of the mind and so really see how like you already have all the tools and ways that you can get out of that for yourself so it's like really getting out of that and then also like
that's also going to be a really strength of yours to help your clients is really getting all that seriousness and being like, okay, how can you just like enjoy life and like literally like delight in it? And so again, if we want to recap really quick for a quick summary, just going back, it really was this like,
you really are here to master the yin and the yang. You are like ah fully embodied, know masculine, feminine, right brain, left brain, the spiritual, the mundane, the really like intuition and the Akasha, and then also like lifestyle, habits, routines. Spirit really is like, how can you combine all of that and you know, continue showing the things that you're showing because that is really what draws your clients to you. And especially when you are in that style, that creativity being like, I don't give a fuck what other people think about me. I'm going to share what I want to share. I'm not overthinking it. And that is what is so empowering and freeing to your clients. Like they freaking love that your dream clients love that. And again, don't try to market or try to be in the, the, um,
ah shadow of mediocrity. Don't even talk to people that are mediocre. Don't even talk about being like devoid of life force and just being like wooden or like artificial. Like don't even talk about that because that is going to keep your dream clients away and also that is going to ah probably attract those type of people who again are not ready to like invest in themselves and to work with you. So if we're really looking at this from like a business point of view, it really is stepping into that style. And again, this doesn't mean like, oh, don't share your own personal life story of like what you're going through. Like that is so helpful. It's so helpful to be vulnerable and authentic. And like they love, Spirit loves when you talk about like your health journey, the things that you're currently overcoming and the way that you overcome them. They freaking love that.
So do that, just know that every message that you direct towards people is like don't direct it towards people who are mediocre, direct it towards people who believe in magic just like you and who have style just like you and who wants to create beauty and who are just need that help to really bridge the mundane and the magic. Okay, beauty, so I hope that helps. Thank you so much for submitting your question and you have to let me know how that goes.
Also, sorry, one more thing that I forgot to mention is I know you kind of asked like about your gifts. um And one thing that really stood out to me is like, okay, when we look at your human design, you only have two um beautiful centers. Oh my gosh, where are you? Okay, so you have two beautiful centers defined. And so this is like the energy that you're giving to your clients. This is like your... magic that your clients are going to come to you for. So you have the throat center and you have the ajana center. yeah This you cannot make this shut up. This is so crazy how this is just like and then also your head center is undefined. So I really see this as being a channel for you to
have the channel come in through your undefined headspace, and then you have your ajna center and your throat center defined. And so you really are here to help people, first of all, learn how to speak and tap into their own voice. You're here to be a voice for others. You're here to help people change their perceptions of the world. And so you really have this like beautiful way. Again, the ajna center is like connected to the third eye chakra. And so you really have this way that you're going to help change people's perceptions of reality. So like you're all about, like again, if we look if we look back to connecting to this, like oh, the spiritual and then like daily habits, you're going to help people be able to like change their daily habits and literally rewire. theyre like it like To me, I get like subconscious rewiring. I get like identity work that you do. It's really like changing the way that people view themselves and the world. um It's going to be a huge gift that they're going to come to you from. And you have such divine guidance from source, from connecting to the Akasha,
um you're You're a true channel. And with that Defined Throat Center, you're really here to manifest things into being. And so you really are here to help people. like structure their ideas, their ideas, process. You really help process the things and the information that they're getting that they can't really put together. That's one of your huge gifts, like especially when we're in the Akashic Records training. So with you, it's like we would say things and then you would help us be like, oh, like this is how you kind of like put it together. like you know In the spirit realm and when we're channeling, it's not linear. There is no like A to Z, this is how you interpret information. This is how you interpret your psychic gifts. There is nothing like that. It's like feminine. It's very like open and wild. And so you have a gift of like helping people perceive that information that they're getting and like put it into a way that makes sense and like and like organize data. And then you're also really good at like speaking, like I said, and really helping people um tune into their own voice.
And some places that I would say that you need to be more kind to yourself is definitely root center. So you're going to have a lot of pressure to like hurry up, have your life figured out, have your business figured out. Just know that like you're putting that pressure on yourselves. No one else is putting that on you. It's a fake made up pressure. So really learn how to have downtime, how to not have to do everything all in one day to know that like your to-do list will still be there tomorrow because there is a lot of pressure for you to like get things done and hurry up but it's all self-imposed pressure and so really learn how to like master that you have an undefined emotional solar plexus so you are a straight up empath feelings are from other people can be very overwhelming and so that is also your superpower and so just learning how to i'm sure you've already learned how to like really master that and like master
shielding yourself, protecting yourself. That's something you can help clients with is like how to protect yourself from other people's emotions, how to separate what your emotions are from someone else. You're going to be a master at that. They can help other people. You're also, you have a completely undefined ego center. And so you're going to be a master at self-worth and you've learned how to not externalize self-worth, but to create it inside yourself. And so you're going to help clients with self-worth and you're going to be such a beautiful gift of helping them learn how to not make promises that they can't fulfill, not overpower, not try to rely on willpower, because willpower is fake and made up, especially if you have an undefined will center, um which is heart center. So really leaning into like, rest, you need a lot of rest, your projector, you need rest, you need to have time throughout the day where you're laying down.
Do not be hard on yourself if you feel like you need rest. There's literally nothing wrong with that. like You need it to be to survive and to feel really good. So learning how to like like you know have boundaries, that's also going to be something that you've mastered that you can help your clients with. So yay, that is it. And I hope that was super helpful, Beauty.
Okay, so now I just opened up

Reading for Dana: Ancestral and Guide Support

Dana. I just opened up your Akashic Records, and this one is for you, my friend. And so, first of all, before I read your questions, I just want to say that, wow, like when I opened up your records, it was this immediate, like powerful force of just energy that is supporting you like it's like it feels ancestral it feels like a lot of supporters um it feels like yeah just like it's i honestly have chills because i've never felt this before but i feel like standing it's almost this feeling of like behind me is like tons i want to say like hundreds
of just like ancestors, family members that have passed, um guides, just all here, like supporting you in your favor. It feels very powerful and it feels like very strong, a very strong sense of connection. And like you are very, very, very supported in the unseen realm. So I just want you to know that. um Super interesting. Okay.
So let's get right into your questions. So another thing that came up, so before I get into your questions, as I was reading your questions, the words that stuck out to me in my prayer were love and truth. And I feel like we're going to get into this too in a second with your jean keys, the one that's right away drew its attention to me. and But I feel like there may have been some, like a huge lesson specifically in this year, because your question was really around this year, around like,
Trust and relationships and people and so I'm really getting this sense of like your spirit telling you that I feel like maybe there was some sort of falling out or maybe some sort of like deceitfulness or something that you found out from someone in your life, whether that was like personal, business related, some sort of like just, and it doesn't have to be dramatic, but just some sort of like falling out where spirit showed that like this person was removed from your life, but it's honestly for the better. And that like, you know that it's for the better, even if it was hard or like,
Yeah, tough to go through the situation. They just want you to know that like you're fully supported and the energy just feels a lot cleaner. It just feels a lot cleaner that this person or people is out of your life. um But it also may be leading to some of like the uncertainty that you're feeling um and you've just been wanting to really tapping and tap into more trust. So let me read your actual questions. So you said,
Okay, so I said, what is your question? What would you like guidance on? And you said, how can I find more peace on my entrepreneurial journey? Shifting into acceptance and out of control was incredibly triggering for a greater portion of this year. And I asked, what have you already tried that is not working? And you said, as always, I've approached this phase in my life logically. I haven't allowed myself to be spiritually led.
And then I asked, what is the best case scenario for you regarding the situation? If you could have a magic wand waved and you could have exactly what you wanted, what would that look like? And you said, satisfaction, fulfillment, dare I say joy, and the peace of divine timing.
So first of all, Dana, I just want to say that it's super juicy because peace, peace, peace kept standing out to me. And of course, when I pull up your jean keys, that is one of your city frequencies. um So for you, peace is your vocation frequency. So I'm going to be talking today about vocation really stood out to me and then also Pearl.
So for me, I really get, you didn't necessarily say this in your question.

Trusting Divine Timing and Karmic Relationships

You didn't say like finances or money, but I really do feel like it's like trust and, and really releasing control. I feel like it's around like finances and your entrepreneurial journey and maybe just like business, like more clients having finances. And again, you said you want to have satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, and peace.
Oh, and the pace, sorry, and the pace of divine timing. Peace was in the other question that you asked. Okay, perfect. So yeah, and the pace of divine timing. So the first thing that I wanted thought i was really drawn to is I wanna talk about, I'm just gonna go first to your pearl. So when we look at your pearl sphere, so the pearl sphere in the jean keys is really like um the last stop And again, we don't just go through this once and then like, oh, we're healed forever. And like, we never look at them again. And like, we're constantly always going through all of the different pathways of the gene keys. But the pearl really is like the treasure. The pearl really is like you have arrived at your pearl and now you get to receive abundance, prosperity from sharing your gifts with the world and from being in alignment and
The pearl really shows us like how our soul is here to like enjoy money and really what the energy is behind finances, prosperity, money, people in our life that are there to help us. And for you, you have JeanQ 44.3.
And this one is so beautiful, and this jinkie is called Karmic Relationships. And so it's crazy because I was immediately drawn to this one. um And again, you didn't necessarily say anything about like finances or money, but I was just like super drawn to this one. And then once I opened up your records, and for some reason, something was really coming through around like people, relationships.
Um, I feel like something where you want like trust and divine timing and like, you know, in God's timing is also really related to like the people in your life. So let's just first talk about the shadow. So the shadow, this jinky is 44 is interference. And so.
what this one talks about is like all of us have fractal lines. So all of us have a certain group of souls that we really are kind of like contracted to interact with in this lifetime. And so you're gonna have people that are here for your healing. You're gonna have people here that are here to trigger you. You're gonna have people that are going to incite heartbreak, fear. You're gonna have people that incite love, joy, like peace. It really is like they're all here for like basically karmic relationships. And once you kind of shift out of the shadow frequency, you start attracting people that are really here to support your drama or sorry your dharma and not necessarily your drama anymore. And so when we look at the shadow of interference, it really talks about how your relationships, when you're really kind of operating out of the shadow,
So when we really are looking at this, either in terms of the shadow or in terms of the gift, which is teamwork, which is so interesting, we're going to get into that. It's all about the frequency that you carry and the frequency that you carry in your body is going to attract these people in your life. And so as you learn from each relationship in your life and over time come to master the lessons, each afforded to you, then the frequency of your entire hologenetic profile heightens in pitch and you begin to attract higher frequency fractals. A higher frequency human fractal brings new people into your life, most of whom are operating out of a far more transcendent awareness.
A sure sign that you are attracting a higher frequency fractal into your life is devotion. Your relationships will begin to carry a quality of devotion within them. If you do not learn the lesson of a certain relationship, even if you leave that relationship, the pattern will come right back into your life through another person. It is through the 44th Gene Key that all relationships are called towards each other and why it is so powerfully linked to the theme of e ancestral karma and incarnation. Okay, so really quickly, when we look at the two ways that this can really show, ah share itself with us, um interference, the way interference really comes up, um are going to be through two frequencies.
So the repressive nature is called distrustful. So the individual repressive nature of the 44th shadow is based upon distrust. This distrust is both an inherited trait and a conditioned one. It is a fear-based response to one's early experience in childhood and it infects all of one's relationships. These are the people who have single disastrous relationship and then shut down out of fear of the same thing happening again. Although they may not show that on their surface, this fear causes them to unconsciously distrust all relationships.
Such people often find themselves working and living together with others, but at a subtle level, they keep them at arm's length. They are haunted by their own past and rigidly defend themselves from ever experiencing love or pain again. So you can, you so you may identify with that or you might identify with the reactive nature, which is called misjudging. And most people tend to be like a little more one or the other, but you can definitely experience both. So the misjudging um ah way that interference shows up is the reactive side of the 44 shadow is the master of misjudgment. These people do not shut down like the repressive side but keep making the same mistakes in their relationships. The 44th gift has a sharp instinct for people but if the basic frequency of your vehicle is operating below optimum your instinct misfires.
Accordingly, individuals with their reactive nature ally themselves with those who don't really respect them, who in turn turn against them or in business, who are a drain on their resources and often just plain incompetent. The classic example is someone who keeps breaking ties with certain people only to to rediscover a similar pattern with the next person. What happens here is that their instinct cannot operate outside of its own fractal, so they make alliances that are fought with difficulties Okay. So what the heck does this mean? and So immediately when I opened up your records, again, like I said, you have
It's like you, I really think it's this year, something happened with someone in your life, whether that was in business, whether it was a group of people, or whether it was in your personal life, where you guys like went separate ways, where you I think you healed this pattern finally, and you it was really, really, really hard to like separate, but you needed to do so because you finally realized your worth in a situation, and you realized that they were just being a drain on your resources.
and it's like really this um I feel like you are healing generational patterns of this like distrust and misjudging and relationships that's why I feel like so many people came people souls like guides loved ones ancestors I feel like came to support you right now in this reading and they're like all standing behind me because they are so proud of you of like whatever decision that you made that was really hard and and whatever decision you made that was really hard is probably what is causing you to be in that energy of like oh my god like I don't I'm i'm really stressed out I'm not really trusting source I'm not really trusting the divine I want to have peace I want to have satisfaction how can I get on spirits timeline and like they're telling you like you're literally on it like you're on it whatever decision you made whether it's like a business decision whatever it is
They're showing me that like you are now carrying those relationships that you're like are having in your life now in this year are carrying that quality of devotion like they're like equal. um You're no longer over giving you are in beautiful relationships that are going to just help hide in your business, hide in your gifts, hide in like your magnetism. um Then we get into the um gift of the 44th Jean Key, which is teamwork and it's called bodies and bloodlines. And so this really is where you, once you kind of like healed the shadow,
um Yeah, so healing that shadow, you've moved into this gift of teamwork. And okay, this is so crazy. So it's so, so interesting. So a huge sense that you have, Dana, is a sense of smell. So people with this gift, with the 44 Jean Key, have an incredible sense of smell that's like literally out of this world. So you can literally size up other people. You can literally read beyond what someone is telling you, how they look, what their ultimate, like true hidden agendas are through smell. And it does have to be in person. So whereas the gift of the 57 Jean Key is auditory, it's like they have this sense of like hearing through people's tone of voice, like what's really going on. They can do this like through the phone. They don't have to be in the same like vicinity of them. They don't have to have like their auras connecting. You do have to be, um you do have to,
be able to smell someone to read their true nature. So it does have to be close personal contact. on But this is far beyond like smelling with the nose. This is like smelling with your entire immune system and through every pore in your skin. So it's very, very interesting. But as you really lean into this gift, you are going to start attracting like your fractal line of people who are really here to, again, support you in your Dharma and not in your drama.
So yeah, it's like it's it's like basically teamwork is really like recognizing who belongs in your life. Okay, so it's breaking those generational patterns, breaking those patterns of repeating again and again of like attracting the same people ah of either misjudging their character and not seeing it or of being distrustful. And so I feel like you' you've been doing that this year and you're in the point where like you haven't yet seen the fruits of your labors you haven't yet seen the fruits of like letting those other people go calling in this perfect fractal line for you the right business partners the right people like you've done that but now you're just in the space where like spirits like you need to be patient now like you need to be patient and know that like
the work that you've done over this year, over the past couple of years, it's not just like all the sudden, it's like, it's basically like something that you've healed is so f freaking huge that it's going to take a moment to see the the benefits of it because this is something like lifetimes generational that you've healed.
which is so beautiful like they're literally so proud of you like spirit guides everyone on your team is so proud of

Dana's Core Wound and Diplomacy Potential

you. Okay, so let's move on to the other place that I was really really drawn to in your gene keys, and that is your vocation. And so it's so interesting because in your one of the things that you want to feel was peace, and you actually have this city, which is like the highest frequency of peace in your vocation, and you have gene key 6.5 here so The vocation sphere is really like your biggest core wound. This is something that from the moment you were born until now, until your whole life, you are going to keep ah encountering this shadow over and over again in different flavors. You have healed this in so many different ways, but it never truly goes away. You just learn how to lean into the gift so much stronger. And so for you, the shadow is conflict.
and What's so beautiful about your vocation is like you are the person who is so beyond um like appointed, anointed, qualified to teach others the gift of your vocation, which is diplomacy.
diplomacy which I'm going to get into a moment. Once you're in the gift of diplomacy long enough, you're going to go in and out of the acidic frequency of peace. So you are literally the embodiment of peace and you are here to teach that, to share that with all of the things that you do and all of your business offerings. There's going to be this little through line of diplomacy and peace in every offering that you do because there's also going to be the through line of you healing conflict for your clients. Okay, so let's get into what that means. So if we pull up the gene key of conflict, again, which is gene key, you have 6.5.
Okay, so this is so interesting. So the sixth gene key is called the path to peace, which is such a beautiful gene key. And the shadow is conflict, and it's called the battle of the sexes. So the sixth shadow can be interpreted individually through relationships, or collectively through communities. At an individual level, this shadow manifests through your emotional state. If you have ever been emotionally repressed through shame or guilt or abuse,
The entire culture within your being has been disturbed. Likewise, if you're utterly ruled by your emotions, there can be no sense of harmony inside of you. It is well known how much your emotional state influences your biological health. If you're stressed emotionally, your body will suffer. Emotional problems are the greatest cause of illness on our planet, and the 36th shadow of turbulence, which is the programming partner of your sixth shadow, reinforces this.
Okay, so what the heck does this mean? So your shadow, the biggest core wound again that you're going to face in relationships, work, finances, and everything is going to be this shadow of conflict. And it really is, it really has to do with our emotions. and so There are two ways that this can show up in human beings. So the first one is the repressive nature called the over-attentive. So the repressive nature of the sick shadow is concerned with maintaining peace between people regardless of the cost. This pattern is based entirely upon fear and it means that these people will totally compromise themselves in order to maintain control of their emotional environment. This is an events pattern of over-attentiveness and these people are people pleasers.
So this shadow, this court core wound that you have really is like the gene key that is represented by people pleasers. The repressive nature will sweep conflict under the carpet carpet by adopting any behavior that will keep it at bay. The problem here is that unless conflict is dealt with transparently, it tends to be eventually lead to exploding.
The over-attentive nature at its core is deeply false, which means that it will invoke unconscious distrust in others. Over-attentive natures also tend to draw tactless natures to them, resulting in some spectacularly dysfunctional relationships and family dynamics. When these people finally develop the courage to face conflict, they realize it has never been as bad as they feared. So again, you may relate to this over attentive. I have a feeling I have a very big feeling that you do relate to this more than the reactive nature was tactless, which we're going to get into in a moment. But again, this is very like people pleasing energy. I relate to this so much. I know so many of us in the spiritual space really do. um You know, we have very big hearts, we want to help others. It's very difficult to um it's very difficult to
ah confront like confrontation until you've learned how to do that. Another thing, Dana, is that you have the um emotional solar plexus undefined. And so this means that you are super, super empathic, and you are going to take in the feelings of others and amplify them. So this makes so much sense. This makes so much sense that this is a huge part of your design because your whole life you've taken in the feelings of others. And it has been so uncomfortable that you will probably literally do anything it takes to not feel that. And so it's really like being over attentive, making sure that everybody is taken care of, putting yourself on the back burner to the point of where you are attracting
And I'm not going to say, you know, I i really think that narcissism is really like a buzzword. So I'm not going to say necessarily attracting narcissists, but it really is ah attracting those tactless.
types of natures to you, because you are so over giving that it just like a moth to the flame, it just attracts those people who take and take and take. Okay, so the reactive nature, which is called tackless is the other way that this shadow can express itself. So the other side of the sixth shadow is unable to contain its emotions at all.
Lack of emotional tact and timing betrays a low frequency nature that inevitably results in backlash. These people are always finding themselves in difficult emotional situations which they make worse by giving bent to their anger as well as projecting it onto others. They're unable to take responsibility for their own volatile feelings. Their most common defense is to lash out and then storm away. The dilemma of the tactless nature is that it is deaf to its own lack of tact.
These people assume that the problem is always the other person, which unfortunately earns them no friends and makes it very difficult for others to get close to them. The only kind of person who will remain such with such a pattern is the over-attentive nature described above. The secret to breaking this pattern is for reactive natures to take full responsibility for their emotions instead of remaining stuck in a teenager mentality.
So you may very well also have a lot a lot of relatability to the tactless. So this might be something that you um display in close relationships. It might be a certain person in your life who triggers this in you.

Vocation and Core Wounds in Diplomacy

A lot of times it can be like our partner or our parents that really bring out the reactive nature in us. um So you definitely probably relate to, again, you might relate to one over the other or both equally, um whichever one it is,
Neither is positive or negative bad or good. It's just that these are shadows. They're very difficult to look at a lot of times, especially because this is your vocation, which is also your biggest core wound. it's going to really sting probably and feel very confronting. um But the good news is that we have the answer. We have the path in how to move into diplomacy and based on like where you are in your life and you know the healing work that you've done and like you're in a conscious, creating your soul line conscious business,
You probably have already transmuted this, not probably you have, 100% transmuted this a thousand times. You know every layer of this in every way that it could show up, which makes you such a boss queen to have this as your vocation because you're here to share the gift of diplomacy, which we're going to get into right now. This is literally your gift.

Gift of Diplomacy and Emotional Stability

so The gift of diplomacy um really is the ability to adjust your own behavior and create harmonious exchanges with others. And so this is really a byproduct of opening your heart to another person. You become clear about your own emotional conditioning and you begin to feel more peaceful. So because this gift is so deeply connected to the pH of your physical body, it also has the effect of stabilizing the emotional aura in your environment. So in other words,
when one is able to see and own their own unconscious projections, they actually rupture the collective shadow patterns wherever they go. And so you're really someone who here who like, is not playing the blame game, like whatever room you're in, when when you're in your gift, which you're often in, you are helping like this, you're helping to literally dissolve the blame game in other people. You're helping to literally have so much control and just like owning your own emotions and you're leading from such a heart centered place that you can just like burst that bubble wherever you are and it like helps heal that in others. So you're really going to like a through line of all of your work is really going to help people who are the over-attentives and who are the tactlessness ones. So you're not afraid of your emotional
outbursts, right? Like you're not afraid of that. That's something that you've dealt with your entire life and you know how to heal it. You know how to like have all of your tools and practices to come to a place where like you are the master of your emotions. And so you're not afraid of people who are still in that victim of techlessness, who still don't know how to control their emotions. You're not afraid of that. You're someone who's here to

Healing Emotional Wounds and Relationship Management

like show them the way of how to come from their hearts and balance their emotions. You're also here to help the over-attentive.
to help the people pleasers of the world who need to step into their own power and start, you know, really coming from an authentic place of like being so okay with their emotions and know that they're not responsible for the emotions of others. You're probably really here as well to not probably I keep saying probably but it's it's very obvious that you're also here to really help like empaths. Because you are so empathic yourself like you are this beautiful gift of like diplomacy where like it's far beyond being able to speak the right words, right? It really is just like a skill where you're really here to like literally bridge connection through true real love, like true deep love. People just feel comforted in your presence. They just feel comforted, they feel held, they feel understood, they feel truly
in a safe space, which is something that you really offer people, which I think is so beautiful. And then the more times that you spend in diplomacy, which is you know really like balancing your own emotions, being a safe space for others and yourself, you go in and out of the aesthetic frequency of peace. And so that's literally how you you you do have peace. And that is from being a master of your own emotions.
So if we were to kind of like tie that all together, a way that you can really start to lean into like divine timing and like divine trust is like knowing that you are healing relationships that have needed to be healed. And I'm getting a sense, because I was drawn to both of those jinkies together, that there was probably a lot of like either the the people that you are healing out of your life, but you know whether you need to like completely, probably remove them out of your life, you are healing the
over attentive so like being over giving and you also are healing the tacklessness so if there was like a partner or someone where they were just bringing out that um the worst in you like bringing out that like emotional reaction that you could just not control that was just creating anger and just creating a lot of distrust in your body because you have removed them like things might not feel like they are moving as fast as you want, but Spirit wants you to know that like, girl, settle into peacefulness because you already have peace in your life just from like changing those relationships. Also, they're showing me that maybe there's still some relationships that need to be managed out of your life. Like any

Understanding Life Lines and Roles

place where you feel like you are
any place where you feel like you are just like stuck in that lower frequency of like stress, it's causing anger, or it's causing you to people, please really look at those relationships because the ones that are your higher fractal line, the ones that are here to like support your dharma and not your drama, they're not going to incite those feelings.
they're they're never going to make you feel like you have to be over attentive or like really to a ah anger reactions like they're going to be people who are like calling the best out of you that make you feel good and like you that like call you and hold you to your highest self and like you do to them as well it's a very like high frequency feelings so spirits showing me that if there are any other relationships in your life that that needs to be managed that's something to look at and again to just have um Yeah, like super trust that like girl, you are healing stuff. Like you are healing stuff. Lean into the places where you can, um they're showing me like anywhere where you can help other people pleasers kind of like heal or overcome.
Because it's really hard, like healing people pleasing is really, really difficult. It does take the tools and the practices that I'm sure you've developed, especially in your coaching to do. So it's really showing like, notice where you are bringing that like diplomacy just that like safe space to other people and just use that as like a little anchor and a little reminder of like, oh my God, like, wow, I know that I just made this person feel so safe or like they feel so good. They feel so understood and use that as a little hint like, oh my God, I'm in the right place. I'm on the right track. I'm doing the right thing.
and take opportunities that allow you to be in that. to be in that you I also want to let you know that you have a Line 5 as your life's work and so you really are like a leader energy, your authority energy. um Don't be afraid to like Be the authority in all of your messaging and all of the things that you do. Your life's work is more than your purpose. It's literally everything that you do. It's your job. It's your relationships and everything. But don't be afraid like in your business to like have the authority role and to be the solution giver. like You're not necessarily here to be the creator. For example, line ones are of the creators. So they're here to completely create something new.
The line ones are the creators. They're here to create something new, to to birth something new into this world. The line twos are the dancers. They're here to be passionate about what they do and to just like kind of glide through life and like really just be lost in the dance of like loving what they do. The line

Spiritual Growth and Generational Healing

three, life's work is the changer. And so they're really here to like live many different life experiences and really change the way that people feel about themselves, they're here to have like many, many experiences. The line four is the server, and they're really like heart centered, they're really here to like, you know, tune into people's heart and to like serve and to just be of service to others. Line five, which is you as the fixer, you are a solution giver, like you are here to like
You're not here to sit down and be like, okay, let's connect. Like, how's your heart feeling today? You're here to give them the solutions. You're here to give the answers. You're here to be like, Hey, this is exactly what you need to do. And this is how you're going to do it. People come to you for that. So really lean into that and don't feel like you need to be any of the other ones. You don't need to create something new. You don't need to have this whole, like, you know, new.
concept that you birth into the world, people want you to fix their problems. So like whatever you're really good at, whatever you're you love to do, whatever you could talk about for days, um that's what you're here to like give people the solutions to. And then also the line six is the teacher. So they're here to like teach and be the role model. But again, lean into the line five, the solution giver, it's authority. it is the most like It's like the manager. It is like the leader.
not the manager, I'm sorry, but it's like very leadership vibes. So the more that you can lean into that, like in all of your offers and like your social media, the people that you're here to talk to, like that's what they come to you for. So don't be afraid to like lean into that. That is going to attract your people to you more and more and more. And yeah, let's see if there's one last message. I'm going to ask for what is one more message that Dana can receive to help her really lean, get out of the logic and lean into her spiritual side of her business.
spiritual side to have peace and know that she's right on time.
ah Okay, so we got ancestral realm, karmic release, healing the lineage boundaries. Literally Dana, that was everything we just discussed, which like, again, I have like your whole ancestry team behind me here that are thanking you. They want to thank you. They want to tell you that they love you. They appreciate the work that you're doing. They know that it's not easy, but you're literally healing generational trauma. You're healing ancestral trauma. You are paving the way for new beginnings.
they're so proud of you, and to just continue on with your boundaries. Continue on with your boundaries, having people in your life that make you feel good, letting go of the people that don't. And they want you to know that like you're never alone. And anytime that you want to step out of your logical brain, all you have to do is just literally close your eyes. And like literally close your eyes, do a short little meditation with the intention of connecting with your ancestors, and they will literally start talking to you. like If you ask

Conclusion and Invitation to Connect

them a question, they'll talk to you. and um Yeah, you're very gifted, you're very tuned in. All you have to do is just create the time for yourself to like tune in and they they're ready. They're ready to talk, they're ready to connect. So yay, that was so beautiful. Okay, thank you so much, my friend. I hope that was helpful.
Thank you so much for being here and listening beauty. If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to leave a review and share the episode with a friend who you know will love it. We can connect further on Instagram at I am Alyssa Mae. So come say hello, leave a comment of your favorite takeaway on