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BONUS EP #01: Embrace being an outsider, your soul's mission is BIG and living a mediocre life is not it image

BONUS EP #01: Embrace being an outsider, your soul's mission is BIG and living a mediocre life is not it

It's Happening For Me
18 Plays6 months ago

Hi babes! This is a mini confidence boost to help you break out of your fear of being different. 

If you're going to live your purpose and help the people you're here to help using the modalities that you love, you risk being labeled as an outsider or a freak or woowoo. 

Who cares! I break down the two ways that people mediocracy expresses itself and trust me, you don't want to live a mediocre life!

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Confidence for Lightworkers: Overcoming Societal Fear

If you identify as a lightworker and you find it really hard to put yourself out there and to share your gifts with the world, I am going to give you like a huge confidence boost in literally like five minutes. The reason that you feel so scared to put yourself out there is because you are living in the shadow of mediocrity. Really being afraid to be different. It is really being afraid to be an individual.
And if we look at society right now, what is like the weirdest thing we could do, right? The weirdest thing we could do to society's normal terms is like to be a witch or to be someone who practices Chinese medicine, to be someone who practice Eastern medicine, to be someone who practices energy healing, to be someone who believes that we can heal ourselves through food and through nutrition, to be somebody who believes in astrology and the power of reading the stars.
Anyone who is like normal in society is going to think that all of these things are pseudoscience or that they're bullshit or that they're stupid or that they're fake.

The Trap of Mediocrity: Fear vs. Individuality

That is why it is so hard for light workers, for healers, for people who are on these like less conventional paths to have the confidence to go after their dreams and to put themselves out there because it is a risk to put yourself against society's ideas of what is normal. And so what does this create? This creates someone who is being mediocre, who is living a mediocre life because they are afraid to be an individual and to go against the beaten path. It is someone who is afraid to be rebellious. Because the truth is, if we want to be an individual, if we want to share our gifts with the world and share our purpose and share the passions that we know can help people heal,
it is going to be rebellious. It is going to be viewed as being an outsider. Now there are two ways that mediocrity can be expressed in a human being. So the first repressive way is called wooden. Look at the people who are devoid of life force energy. They are devoid of passion and grit and they really have succumbed to the responsibilities of their life.
They really are people who have just accepted their place in life and they accepted that this is the cards that they've been dealt and they have so many responsibilities and they are just kind of going through life literally hollow because they are devoid of living their purpose. They are devoid of being passionate about what they're doing.
Now on the other side, the reactive nature of being mediocre and living a in mediocrity is called artificial. So these are people who on the outside, they may seem like they are living their purpose. They may seem like they have everything together and that they are doing what it is that they actually want to do, but you're still a part of them that is being repressed. They're still a part of them that is not truly aligned with their design and they are really underlying like the underlying the facade that they put off into the world. There's anger and there's resentment.
The main difference that you can tell between someone who's repressive and someone who is in the reactive nature is the repressive, hollow person is going to be the person that stays in the relationship for too long. These are the people that are afraid to leave unhappy, unhealthy relationships because they really fear change.

Embracing Authenticity: Breaking Free from Mediocrity

reactive person is going to be somebody who jumps from relationship to relationship because they are living a facade, they are living a false version of themselves, they are presenting something that they are not and so the moment that it like comes to light or like that the the mask comes on there's usually this like uh underlying anger that is like shown to the other person and so they ultimately leave very quickly so they can't really like hold on to relationships.
Luckily there is a very like direct way that we can move out of mediocrity. So whether you identify with this or not, whether you like feel like you might have some sort of like the the hollowness, some sort of the artificialness, the way to move out of the shadow of mediocrity is to move into the gift of style. And so this doesn't mean style and just like a materialistic sense of the word of like how you dress but Style is an act of rebellion. Style is when the individual moves into being themselves so fully, like they don't give a fuck about what society thinks of them, they don't care what what anyone thinks about them, they are going after their dreams, they're going after their passion, they're expressing themselves, and it comes across as this like beautiful like authenticity that cannot be faked, it cannot be replicated. So that is why we're so attracted to people who are living their purpose and that are so authentically themselves.
Another huge part of this you guys is instead of just dreaming the dream, people who are living in style are people who are manifesting the dream. So we can dream about living our purpose, we can dream about starting our spiritual business, we can mastermind about it and have all of these ideas and even create content on Canva and create a website. I know because I've created like five websites and like have sat on all of them before I ever like put anything out into the world.
We can think about these things. We can dream about them. We can dream about starting the podcast. It's not until we actually take the action and manifest these things into real life that we're actually living our purpose and living in style and being like I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks about me. This is what I have to offer. This is my gift to the world. This is who I am and that is when we're really being in this like beautiful fresh energy and like people can just feel it from you because you are being the authority of your life instead of Instead of externalizing your authority like people do when they live in mediocrity when they live in this like web of the comfort zone. Instead when you remember who you, you are the authority, you are the person that creates whatever you want in this lifetime you're the person that makes things happen. It creates a beautiful magnetizing.
energy about you and this is going to draw all of the people that are meant to learn from you in this lifetime. And then we get to the beautiful x exquisiteness of this all which is literally called exquisiteness.

Living Purposefully: The Energy of Authenticity

And so when you are living in this like acidic highest frequency state of living your purpose, being your full self, living in your style, you really go in and out of this ah frequency of exquisiteness. And so it really is like the divine is living through you. Like your channels are opening, you're literally channeling the divine, your creativity is on point, and you have this beautiful glow, this beautiful creative, um just like
lovely magnetizing energy about you and you really are the diamond and you are everywhere you go you see other diamonds who are also shining in their own unique frequency and you being a diamond and shining your light doesn't take away from anyone else being a diamond and shining their light and you know that and they know that and everyone living their purpose who really is truly aligned with their heart is never going to judge you they're never going to try to tear you down they're never going to try to make you be smaller to not allow their light to dim. And so it's really getting around people, other people who are living their purpose, who see the best in you and who recognize that they are a diamond and so are you and so is everyone else.
Oh, I hope that was helpful. My name is Alyssa. I am a spiritual life coach, a drinking keys and human design expert. And I'm really here to help light workers on their sole purpose path, literally activate like life changing confidence so that they can live their purpose and go out there and shine their light. So if that is interesting to you, be sure to follow and I can't wait to meet you.